esempi di neuralterapia

Chapter 6 / Empiric Demostration Neural Therapy & Self-Organization Clinical unique cases treated and commented by the author Case 1: rheumatoid arthritis linked to tonsillitis in childhood and to the development of third molars A thirty-seven-year-old female consulted for rheumatoid arthritis in both hands, a problem that first appeared when aged twenty. She was treated with corticosteroids and methotrexate. Two facts caught our attention: (a) recurrent episodes of bacterial or viral tonsillitis during childhood and (b) the presence of the four third molars This elements led us to consider the mouth as an interference area. In the first session we performed the Huneke test around all four third molars. As an immediate response, pain relief occurred at the interphalangeal joints associated with greater mobility of the fingers. Then, in the same session, we completed the treatment with a submucosa injection of the tonsils scars that immediately further improved the symptoms for a few days. We suggested the extraction of the third molars. After the extractions the symptoms partially improved. In the second session (ten days after the extractions) we made injections of the scars of the extractions and of the tonsils scars. Fifteen days later (third session) we repeated the treatment in the operated odontones. Finally the patient could stop taking corticosteroids and methotrexate, after a period of gradually reducing the dose. She regained the feeling of well-being, the mobility of her hands and could Page 1 of 11


malattie croniche causate da campi di disturbo elettrici

Transcript of esempi di neuralterapia

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Chapter 6 / Empiric Demostration

Neural Therapy & Self-Organization

Clinical unique cases treated and commented by the author

Case 1: rheumatoid arthritis linked to tonsillitis in childhood and to the development of third molars

A thirty-seven-year-old female consulted for rheumatoid arthritis in both hands, a problem that first appeared when aged twenty. She was treated with corticosteroids and methotrexate. Two facts caught our attention: (a) recurrent episodes of bacterial or viral tonsillitis during childhood and (b) the presence of the four third molars This elements led us to consider the mouth as an interference area. In the first session we performed the Huneke test around all four third molars. As an immediate response, pain relief occurred at the interphalangeal joints associated with greater mobility of the fingers. Then, in the same session, we completed the treatment with a submucosa injection of the tonsils scars that immediately further improved the symptoms for a few days. We suggested the extraction of the third molars. After the extractions the symptoms partially improved. In the second session (ten days after the extractions) we made injections of the scars of the extractions and of the tonsils scars. Fifteen days later (third session) we repeated the treatment in the operated odontones. Finally the patient could stop taking corticosteroids and methotrexate, after a period of gradually reducing the dose. She regained the feeling of well-being, the mobility of her hands and could devote more time to her children. After six months lab results were normal.

Comment: we concluded that the woman's organism (being a girl) generated an interference field in the area of the tonsils as result of a self-organization process and that the emergence of the third molars added irritation to her nervous system and acted as a "second blow" (the fact that the symptoms had appear at her twentieth suggested this assertion). Altered tonic-trophic functions were the cause of pain, of inflammation and of the alterations of the finger joints, and also of the development of antibodies that led to the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. The response observed in this woman showed that the descending antinociceptive tonic function and the renewal and restorative trophic function were

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compromised. Surgical removal of interference fields and the neuraltherapy applied in the different parabiotic areas facilitated the recovery of biologically economic self-organization, and therefore, of natural neural tonic-trophic functions.

Case 2: rheumatoid arthritis linked to abortion

A thirty-nine-year-old female gave a three-year history of rheumatoid arthritis. At the time of consultation, she had pain in various joints and persistent irritation (sand sensation) in the left eye that greatly hampered her vision. Not acceptance of the prescription of inflammatory and corticosteroid drugs suggested by a rheumatologist was her own choice. What caught our attention regarding her life history was: (a) uterus curettage undergone eleven years earlier, the memory of which was overwhelming her because she could not get pregnant after that procedure, (b) electrical burn scar on the left thumb acquired in childhood, (c) recurrent pharyngitis and (d) some episode of otitis in childhood. Because of the way she described the episode of abortion, the first session was an injection of the gynecological area suprapubically. During the next tewnty-four hours joint pains disappeared and the conjunctival irritation partially improved. Furthermore, some manifestations appeared that we interpreted as field jumps: (a) sore throat, (b) right ear ache, and (c) an indefinable discomfort in the right hand (the burn was in the left thumb). The improvement observed indicated convincingly that the treated area was an interference field, but the fact that the relief was short-lived led us to consider the concomitant activity of other interference fields. Symptoms in the pharynx and right ear pointed the interference fields to be treated. We interpreted the discomfort in the right hand as a possible effect of the scar of the left hand (mirror phenomenon). In the second session, two weeks later, we re-treated the gynecological area and we also made injections of the pharynx, of the right mastoid apophysis (ear), and of the burn scar. The discomfort in her right hand disappeared instantly and completely. Her joint pains disappeared again as well as the feeling of sand in her left eye. As a result of the treatment an erythematous and edematous reaction appeared on the burned finger that disappeared within forty-eight hours and that confirmed its irritant action on the system. The symptoms disappeared for about a month, during that time she began to feel internal changes and could externalize her grief and distress related to the abortion that finally resulted in a deep sense of well-being. The symptoms reappeared but with very slight intensity associated with discomfort when swallowing. In the third session an injection of the pharynx was made. She was evaluated two years after ending this treatment and she was free of joint and ocular symptoms.

Comment: in this case the curettage with its physical and emotional irritation effect altered biologically economic self-organization circuits transforming the gynecological area into an interference field. That field interacted (as a second blow) with other interference fields established in childhood. The persistent

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irritation of those interference fields acted on tonic-trophic natural functions that finally manifested themself with a picture of rheumatoid arthritis.

Note 1: As we can see from Cases 1 and 2, although the patients had signs and symptoms that fit a specific diagnosis of Classical Medicine, for Neural Therapy the patient's life history is much more important.

Note 2: The vegetative innervation of the bladder and sexual organs runs through the plexus of Lee-Frankehauser. This plexus is formed by branches from the aortic plexus, superior mesenteric plexus, hypogastric plexus, as well as by somatic sacral roots branches that form an extensive regional network that is very well accessed suprapubically. The pre-sacral injection could be a good complementary treatment.

Case 10: urinary symptoms linked to dental trauma and extractions

A forty-three-year-old female consulted us because of dysuria, hematuria and intense pelvic pain. Seven days before this condition appeared she sustained gingival inflammation of the lower incisor area and intolerance to the metal structure denture replacing the teeth lost because a trauma she suffered five years earlier. When she arrived to our clinic she was on antibiotics without any relief of her urinary symptoms. We paid attention to the history of dental trauma, dental extractions and gum inflammation. In the first session we made the injection of the mandibular incisors gingival fold. Neural Therapy constantly surprises us and we never cease to be amazed. Immediately the pelvic symptoms that had distressed the patient for three weeks, subsided to a considerable degree. We suggested the patient not to use the metal prosthesis. She had already stopped taking antibiotics. That night the patient was able to sleep and the relief remained. Forty-eight hours later, only some discomfort persisted in the suprapubic region. One week after the first session and because of persistence of that discomfort we made a second injection of the gums and a suprapubic injection. We know that the patient, who remained in contact was definitively cured.

Comment: inflammation and subsequent prosthesis intolerance alerted us to a possible active interference field in the lower incisor gum. The treatment response confirmed that suspicion. Neural irritation because of dental trauma and extractions caused dystonic-dystrophic changes that after five years manifested themselves in the bladder. The irritation caused by the metal prosthesis was the trigger

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factor. Treatment of the interference field changed self-organization circuits that allowed the organism to regain its tonic-trophic abilities. The suspicion of parabiotic changes in the regional plexus because of so many days of inflammation and infection justified the decision of treating the vesico-genital area. Failure of antibiotic treatment indicated that bacterial infection was not the primary cause, and that makes sense because infection, from Neural Therapy standpoint, is just an expression of dystonia-dystrophy.

Case 11: orofacial pain linked to homolateral surgery

A fifty-one-year-old female began to experience ten years earlier a right side persistent orofacial pain after a non-traumatic 4.8 molar extraction. It was evaluated by different specialists and diagnosed as trigeminal neuralgia and so she was treated. First she received carbamazepine plus amitriptyline, but as the pain persisted she was treated by a Gasser ganglion thermolesion that also proved ineffective as did the surgical decompression of the trigeminal root due to supposed neurovascular compression. When we inquired into her life history we were particularly interested in the amount of problems she had had in the right side of her body, that included: (a) appendectomy at age 8; (b) right saphenectomy; (c) lumpectomy in the right breast;(d) arthroscopy for right knee meniscal rupture; and (e) the 4.8 molar extraction. Also she had had two pregnancies, two births, and then hysterectomy for myomatosis. Digital pressure on the arthroscopy scars caused her some discomfort, so we chose this site as the starting point for treatment. Immediately a striking reaction occurred consisting of a sensation of anesthesia and partial relief in the mouth and face painful area. In the same session we decided to infiltrate the scars of the saphenectomy, of the lumpectomy, of the appendectomy and of the molar 4.8 extraction. Following this treatment, the woman did not needed to take their usual medications, slept well, could speak without pain and improved her mood. The relief was sustained for several days. We repeated the treatment when relief began to fade. In total we made three sessions. The pain disappeared definitively.

Comment: from the standpoint of Neural Therapy, we ask ourselves why a non-traumatic extraction can cause persistent pain? And the answer usually is: the previous condition of the organism. The extraction per se is a neural irritation. In this case, the organism was not virgin of previous irritations, therefore the extraction, despite not having been traumatic, acted as a "second blow" and triggered the pain symptoms in the trigeminal area.

Linear analysis led to the diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia and to increasingly aggressive treatments. The pain, in fact, was due to the impaired tonic function of the descendent modulator antinociceptive system as a consequence of the interaction of different neural irritations.

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Case 12: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) linked to a first pregnancy loss and other interference fields

A sixty-five-year-old female gave an eleven-year history of persistent diarrhea that had affected her general condition and her social life. Her prominent symptoms were eight to twelve daily diarrheal defecations, abdominal pain, sometimes severe, back pain and insomnia. The diagnosis was IBS and consequently she was treated with antispasmodics, antidiarrheal drugs, sedatives and psychotherapy, with only limited success. Symptoms started gradually without any striking element that would establish a direct relationship. She had been operated on for:

(a) tonsils and adenoids when aged six;

(b) cecal appendix when aged fifteen;

(c) two caesarean sections (three pregnancies, one abortion); and

(d) hemorrhoids when aged thirty.

The remarkable fact about her life history was the loss of her first pregnancy that resulted in a state of grief and anguish that lasted many years. Based upon her history the first session was a suprapubic injection and an injection of the scarring of the caesarean sections. The result was fewer daily bowel movements and lesser abdominal pain, improved sleep and improved lumbar pain. A week later she developed a cold and sore throat which was interpreted as field jumps. Therefore, in the second session (fifteen days after the first session) we repeated the gynecological injection and we made an injection of the pharynx and adenoids. A few days later she eliminated abundant mucus by the nasal way that was associated with further improvement of bowel movements and abdominal pain. Abdominal pain was still present and on examination we found at the abdominal muscular wall (rectus abdominis) signs of neuromuscular dysfunction (trigger points), and so in the third session (four weeks after the first session), we treat those muscles by neuromuscular modulation. As a result of this intervention, the abdominal pain further improved but discomfort in the area of the anus appeared (field jump). Based on this response, in the fourth session we made an injection of the hemorrhoids surgery scar. For the next month she did not have diarrhea but three months after the first session, she had an episode of explosive diarrhea with bleeding. According to the evolution of symptoms and overall improvement experienced by the patient, we interpreted this reactivation as an indication to retreat the gynecological area. So in the fifth session we repeated the suprapubic and caesarean section scar treatments. During the following month she showed manifest improvement in all aspects including her mood (she started again to enjoy her life), with isolated and of small magnitude diarrheal episodes. The patient was controlled for six years.

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Comment: the diagnosis pointed straight to the bowels. In contrast, the life history highlighted the general reaction that happened after the loss of her first pregnancy. After treating the gynecological area, other interference fields emerged. In this patient, neuromuscular junction dysfunction of abdominal wall muscles had acquired interference ability. Its treatment allowed the "field jump" to the hemorrhoid scar interference field.

Case 15: headache and cervical rectification linked to retained third molars

A thirty-eight-year-old male gave the history of many years of recurrent headache. His cervical spinal x-ray showed signs of cervical rectification, then he received the diagnosis of "cervicogenic headache". He received different drug treatments: muscle relaxants, analgesics and antimigraine pills and also physiotherapy, without satisfactory results. The initial physical examination revealed widespread contraction of the neck muscles due to dysfunction of neuromuscular junctions (trigger points). The cervical spine x-ray showed a retained third molar (in the panoramic x-ray it was found that both 3.8 and 4.8 dental pieces were retained). The extraction of both wisdom teeth and the subsequent neural treatment of the soft tissue around the extractions led to the definitive resolution of the muscle contracture, cervical rectification and headaches.

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Figure 6-2: Cervical spinal x-ray. The (X) on vertebral bodies show the rectified column. We have outlined the two teeth to highlight the unevenness. The third molar is retained and is below the gum level.

The dashed line marks the inferior alveolar nerve canal that is in close relationship with the roots of the third molar.

Comment: in this case, impacted third molars were irritant for the nervous system. This persistent irritation (over years) caused tonic-trophic changes in the system that manifested themselves with neuromuscular junction dysfunction in the neck muscles. This dysfunction resulted in cervical rectification and recurrent headache. Surgical removal of the irritative factors and the complementary neural treatment of the dental supporting tissue allowed the restoration of biologically economic circuits and recovery of normal tone.

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Case 16: hyperprolactinemia, hemi-body muscle and joint pain linked to ipsilateral gunshot wound and surgery in the hand

A forty-five-year old female tennis teacher gave a seven-month history of joint and muscle pain predominantly in her left hemi-body. Before developing symptoms she was in full physical activity and participated in sports competitions. Symptoms began after initiating treatment with bromocriptine. She received this drug for her amenorrhea associated with hyperprolactinemia.

Seven years earlier she suffered a gunshot wound in her left hand (she was treated with a skin graft obtained from the ipsilateral arm). Given the unilateral nature of symptoms in the first session we performed the injection of the scar of the bullet wound (following its line with the needle), and the injection of the area of the skin graft and of the graft donor site. The response was immediate: disappearance of pain, recovery of joint motion and a sense of well-being. Two days after the injection she resumed her physical activity at the same level as before the onset of the symptoms. We suggested stopping the bromocriptine intake. Five weeks later her serum prolactin levels were normalized and her menstruations had regularized. It was not necessary to retreat the injured area.

Comment: we interpreted hyperprolactinemia as the consequence of a tonic-trophic alteration of the nervous system-pituitary axis. And this alteration as a result of the irritation caused by the gunshot wound and the subsequent surgery. The linear, vademecum oriented, classic medical criteria considered that amenorrhea plus hyperprolactinemia should be treated with bromocriptine, but this thinking led to a progressive vicariation, i.e. further disease. Muscle or joint pains are not recognized side effects of bromocriptine, however the patient did make this link. The gunshot and subsequent surgery irritations altered the hormonal axis function and the descending antinociceptive modulation system function.

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