ES6 with Babel.js


Transcript of ES6 with Babel.js

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1. Why & How

2. ES6 features

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Why & How


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gulp.src('src/static/js/**/*.js') .pipe(babel()) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/static/js/'))

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ES6 features


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• Function shorthand• Syntax: =>• Lexical this

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var odds = => v + 1);//=>var odds = { return v + 1;});

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Arrows: Lexical this

var bob = { _name: "Bob", _friends: [], printFriends: function() { this._friends.forEach(f => console.log(this._name, f)); }}

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Enhanced Object LiteralsFeature

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Enhanced Object Literals

var obj = { handler, toString() { return "d " + super.toString(); }}

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• Just syntactic sugar• Still a prototypal system• Compiles to:• IIFE• c.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype);•, x, y);

• Functions added to the prototype• etc.

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class SkinnedMesh extends THREE.Mesh { constructor(geometry, materials) { super(geometry, materials); this.idMatrix = SkinnedMesh.matrix(); } update(camera) { super.update(); }}

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Template StringsFeature

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Template Strings

// Multiline strings`In ES6 this is now legal.`

// String interpolationvar name = "Bob", time = "today";`Hello ${name}, how are you ${time}?`

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Destructuring: List matching

var [m, d, y] = [3, 14, 1977];//=>var m = 3, d = 14, y = 1977;

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Destructuring: Object matchingvar {op, lhs, rhs} = getASTNode();//=>var _ast = getASTNode();var op = _ast.op, lhs = _ast.lhs, rhs = _ast.rhs;

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Destructuring: Parameter positionfunction g({name: x}) { console.log(x); //=> 5}

g({name: 5})

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Default, Rest, SpreadFeature

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Default parameter values

function f(x, y=12) { return x + y;}

f(3) //=> 15

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Rest: Trailing parameters

function f(x, ...y) { return x * y.length;}

f(3, "hello", true) //=> 6

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Spread array values

function f(x, y, z) { return x + y + z;}

f(...[1,2,3]) //=> 6

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Let & ConstFeature

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let is the new var

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Block scoping

{ let x = 2; x; //=> 2}x; //=> undefined

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Block scoping

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { console.log(i * 10);}i; //=> undefined

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pi + 2; //=> Not defined errorconst pi = 3.14;pi = 3.15; //=> Silent fail

const obj = { 'a': 'b' };obj = 3; //=> Silent failobj.a = 'c'; //=> Works!

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Symbols: Private data

var MyModule = (function() { var myKey = Symbol(); function MyModule(private) { this[myKey] = private; } return MyModule;})();

var c = new MyModule("hello");

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Iterators & For..OfFeature

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• An object that has a method with key:Symbol.iterator

• That method returns an object with a next() method

• The next() method keeps returning the next item

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Iterator: example

Counter[Symbol.iterator] = function() {

let step = 0;

return {

next() {

return {value: step+1, done: false};




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Iterator: Array

let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

let iter = arr[Symbol.iterator](); //=> { value: 'a', done: false } //=> { value: 'b', done: false } //=> { value: 'c', done: false }

//=> { value: undefined, done: true }

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• A way of iterating an iterator• But nothing else!

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let arr = [3, 5, 7]; = "hello";

for (let i in arr) { console.log(i); //=> 0, 1, 2, "foo"}

for (let i of arr) { console.log(i); //=> 3, 5, 7}

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• An Iterator factory• A function that can be paused and

resumed• Syntax: function* myFn() {}• Syntax: yield• Returns an Iterator internally

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function* idMaker() { var index = 0; while(true) yield index++;}

var gen = idMaker(); //=> //=> //=> 2

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Looks sync, is async

co(function* () {

let [croftStr, bondStr] = yield Promise.all([




let croftJson = JSON.parse(croftStr);

let bondJson = JSON.parse(bondStr);


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// lib/math.js

export function sum(x, y) {

return x + y;


export var pi = 3.141593;

// app.js

import * as m from "lib/math";

alert("2π = " + m.sum(m.pi, m.pi));

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Module LoaderFeature

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Module Loader

System .import('lib/math') .then(function(m) { alert("2π = " + m.sum(m.pi, m.pi)); });

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Map, SetWeakMap, WeakSetFeature

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• Associative Collection• Keys can be any variable type• Iterable• Unordered

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Map: example

let map = new Map(); map.set('foo', 123);

map.size //=> 1map.get('foo') //=> 123map.has('foo') //=> truemap.delete('foo') //=> truemap.has('foo') //=> false

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• Associative Collection• Keys must be objects• Keys not prevented from garbage-

collection• Same API as Map• Not an Iterable• Unordered

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• Collection of uniques• No keys, just values• Iterable• Unordered

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Set: example

let set = new Set(['red', 'green', 'blue']);

set //=> Set {'red', 'green', 'blue'}

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• Collection of uniques• No keys, just values• Keys not prevented from garbage-

collection• Same API as Set• Not an Iterable• Unordered

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Proxying an object

var target = {};

var handler = {

get: function(receiver, name) {

return `Hello, ${name}!`;



var p = new Proxy(target, handler); === 'Hello, world!';

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Proxying a function

var target = function() { return 'target'; };

var handler = {

apply: function(receiver, ...args) {

return 'proxy';



var p = new Proxy(target, handler);

p() === 'proxy';

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Subclassable Built-insFeature

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Array, Date, Element, etc.

class MyArray extends Array { constructor(...args) { super(...args); }}

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Standard libraryFeatures

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Stdlib: Number

Number.EPSILONNumber.isInteger(Infinity) //=> falseNumber.isNaN("NaN") //=> false

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Stdlib: String

"abcde".includes("cd") //=> true"abc".repeat(3) //=> "abcabcabc"

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Stdlib: Math

Math.acosh(3) //=> 1.762747174039086Math.hypot(3, 4) //=> 5Math.imul(16, 16) //=> 256

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Stdlib: Array

Array.from(nodeList) //=> […]

Array.of(1, 2, 3) //=> [1, 2, 3]

[0, 0, 0].fill(7, 1) //=> [0, 7, 7]

[1, 2, 3].find(x => x == 3) //=> 3

[1, 2, 3].findIndex(x => x == 2) //=> 1

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].copyWithin(3, 0) //=> [1, 2, 3, 1, 2]

["a", "b", "c"].entries() //=> iterator [0, "a"], …

["a", "b", "c"].keys() //=> iterator 0, 1, 2

["a", "b", "c"].values() //=> iterator "a", "b", "c"

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Binary & Octal LiteralsFeature

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Binary & Octal Literals

0b111110111 === 503 //=> true0o767 === 503 //=> true

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function timeout(duration = 0) {

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

setTimeout(resolve, duration);




.then(() => {

return timeout(2000);


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Reflect APIFeature

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Reflect API

Reflect.get(target, name, [receiver])

Reflect.set(target, name, value, [receiver])

Reflect.has(target, name) //=> first class `name in obj`

Reflect.apply(target, receiver, args)

Reflect.construct(target, args) //=> apply on constructor

Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name)

Reflect.defineProperty(target, name, desc) //=> return vs. throw


Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, newProto)

Reflect.deleteProperty(target, name) //=> first class `delete o[n]`





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Tail CallsFeature

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function factorial(n, acc = 1) { if (n <= 1) return acc; return factorial(n - 1, n * acc);}

factorial(6) //=> 720

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factorial(6) // allocate memory and save state

6 * factorial(5) // allocate memory and save state

6 * (5 * factorial(4)) // allocate mem...

6 * (5 * (4 * factorial(3))) // allocate mem...

6 * (5 * (4 * (3 * factorial(2)))) // allocate mem...

6 * (5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * factorial(1))))) // allocate mem...

6 * (5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * (1 * factorial(0)))))) // allocate mem... (max depth)

6 * (5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * (1 * 1)))))

6 * (5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * 1))))

6 * (5 * (4 * (3 * 2)))

6 * (5 * (4 * 6))

6 * (5 * 24)

6 * 120


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Tail Calls

function factorial(n, acc = 1) { if (n <= 1) return acc; return factorial(n - 1, n * acc);}


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Have fun!
