ERROR 404: Democracy not Found

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  • 8/3/2019 ERROR 404: Democracy not Found


    ERROR 404 Democracyot Found

    Today is taking place the second hearing in Greek Parliament of the new austerity package that

    will reduce by 12% the average salary in Greece. The troika implies that we need a Freedman

    like shocks to create a competitive Economy and internal devaluation in order to survive inside

    Eurozone. While the salaries have already been reduced by 1/3 in average (750 euros is theofficial minimum but high unemployment -20% official instead of 9% before IMF arrive- force

    people to work with much lower salaries and most of the case in a part time bases that lead tosalary around 550-660 euros.

    At the same time 1 lt of milk cost 1,4euros, half kilo of bread 1 euro, Unleaded Gasoline

    1.7euros/ltlife become unbearable

    IMF and ECB/Eurozone offered loan (and not free of charge economic assistance) to Greece

    with an interest rate at 4.5%. Furthermore our borrowers have constituted a mechanism thatcontrols the function of Hellenic Democracy. At the same time rumors want Mr. Stark to become

    our new unelected super-minister of finance, for whole of Europe.

    The people in Greece are protesting, because there is a real need, the salaries have wiped off by

    austerity hurricane and at the same time Europe refused to Hellenes what easily offered to

    any financial intuition, a relief and a time to adjust the economy into a viable and sustainable


    At the time that Germany own Greece 158Bilios euros from the Nazis' forced loan of 1941 and

    300 billion as war companion, Mrs. Merkel ask for the devolution the democracy in Hellas(Greece). Europe asks from Hellenes (Greeks) to delete Hellenic Constitution, to forget the right

    to dignity, the right to take decision on their lives. This Europe is far away for our shared vision

    about Europe that we forged when we joined EU in 1981; this is a Friedman's club. Thegovernment in Greece has not the legitimacy to take this decision since only 15% (according to

    Gallops are for the governmental decisions). People say We can afford more Don't pushGreece further... at the very end Germany and France will remain alone, into Eurozone to deal

    with China/USA.

    For Greece and other nations there is life exist after death... Of course the payoff is huge, but

    nobody should ignore the power of social dynamics and the primary need for preservation

    of a minimum of national self-respect. A mundus vivendi is a necessity in order to rescue euro,rescue Europe, rescue our democratic ideology, any different approach may occurs tyranny and

    social destructionand that matters not only in Greece...

  • 8/3/2019 ERROR 404: Democracy not Found
