erotimatologio english internal audit

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  • 8/7/2019 erotimatologio english internal audit


    In order to ensure that the HACCP plan remains relevant to the operation, the HACCP plan must bereassessed at least annually. The reassessment should look to identify any alterations from the

    original plan in terms of potential hazards, process steps, changed control measures, critical limits,monitoring, corrective action, etc.

    Any changes to the HACCP plan must be validated (i.e. the removal of any Critical Control Points,the addition of any Critical Control Points or any changed Critical Limits would need to bevalidated).

    The USDA also require that the HACCP plan is reassessed at least annually and more frequently

    when changes are made.

    Part 2 of the MSQA guide and the Australian Standard Guide for the implementation of HACCP aresources of information on what is required to develop good HACCP plans


    Establishment management shall:

    . Reassess the HACCP plan at least once per year or more frequently when there havebeen alterations to the process, or where the HACCP plan has failed. Some examplesof the alterations are identified below but are not limited to:

    - potential new hazards are identified (including changes in scientific knowledge)- new ingredients are added or the ingredient supplier changes, including changes to the

    type of livestock sourced (eg. cull beef cow to grain feed beef)

    - a change in the process steps or procedures- the introduction of new or different processing equipment.- significant production volume changes (e.g. is refrigeration capacity exceeded).- the end point consumer for the product or the distribution system changes.- changes in product use.- Some examples of failures are as follows but not limited to:- detection of a residue above MRL in finished product,- maximum permissible levels of food-borne micro-organisms are exceeded,- an outbreak of food poisoning caused by product.

    Some examples of reasons for failures are as follows but not limited to:- changes in control measures

    i i h ff i f l

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    . For plants with a quality system, the support programs could be reassessed as part of thenormal internal audit regime. Plants without a quality system will need to formally

    reassess these programs through a similar process to internal audit.. Any changes identified from the above process will require modification to the HACCP

    plan through the complete application of the 7 principles of HACCP. The changes to thenew plan will require validation.

    . Maintain full records of the reassessment and any necessary validation.

    . At a minimum if no changes are made the records should show that no new hazards were

    identified; the end use, intended consumer, and distribution are still the same; and theprocess has not changed.

    - A revised Hazard Audit Table with the reassessment date should be printed.- Historical records should be archived so that they can be readily accessed for audit


    . include annual HACCP reassessment as a verification in the Hazard Audit Table

    . it may also be useful to use an independent expert during the reassessment process.Someone who is not too close to the HACCP plan being reassessed.

    In order to assist companies in reassessing their HACCP plans the checklist that AQISauditors will be using to verify that the HACCP plan has been developed andimplemented correctly is attached.

    The AQIS on Plant Veterinarian shall ensure that:

    . the reassessment occurs at least once per year or more frequently as necessary

    . assess the adequacy of the HACCP plan and any reassessment using the attachedchecklist and action any problems through the National Plant Monitoring System(NPMS).

    ATMs shall

    . assess the adequacy of the adequacy of the HACCP plan, and any reassessments usingthe attached checklist and ensure that any deficiencies are reported in the NPMS Form6

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    The Verification Unit shall

    . assess the adequacy of the HACCP plan and the reassessment process during theMSQA audit and at other times when required.

    John DorianMeat Program ManagerMeat Inspection and Food Services

    ReferencesA Guide for the Preparation of the Meat Safety Quality Assurance (2 nd Edition)A Guide to the implementation and auditing of HACCP (SCARM)

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    Est No Est Name Page . of .

    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    P reliminary Steps

    1 Has a HACCP coordinator beenappointed?

    2 Has a HACCP team been selected?

    3 What are the skills and experience of theteam and are they appropriate?

    At least on person must havequalifications in HACCP

    4 Are external resources being used toaugment knowledge of skills?

    5 Has a product description/ productspecification been prepared for eachproduct?

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N







    packaging (inner/ outer)

    method of preservation, distributionconditions, storage (shelf life)

    6 Has the intended use been specified?

    consumers (general/specific)

    sensitive populations(aged, children, sick, allergenic)

    7 Has a flow diagram been prepared foreach product?

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    8 Is the flow diagram complete?

    all unit operations included(from stock arrival to load-out)

    major inputs identified (all sidechains)(stock, packaging, chemicals, water)

    Major outputs (all side chains)(carcases, cartons, pet food, condemnetc)

    9 Has the flow diagram been verified?

    Are the CCPs identified on the flowchart?

    Walk the process and confirm allsteps including delays have beenincluded

    10 When was the flow diagram verified?

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    P 1 Hazard Analysis

    11 Have all reasonable biological, chemicalor physical hazards been identified ateach step?

    Has every step in the process flowchart been analysed for hazards

    12 Have the hazards been assessed forsignificance?

    Is the assessment process/decisionjustification adequate

    13 Have the control measures beendeveloped and implemented for thecontrol of those hazards?

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    P 2 Critical Control P oints

    14 Have the Critical Control Points for eachsignificant hazard been identified andtransferred to the Hazard Audit table?

    15 Are they essential for the control of thenominated hazard?

    16 Have work instructions been completedfor each critical control point?.Does the work instruction adequatelyaddress all Control Measures identified inthe Hazard analysis

    Are all work instruction being carriedout in accordance with thedocumentation

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    P 3 Critical Limits

    17 Have critical limits been established foreach control measure?

    18 Is the relationship between the hazardand the critical limit correct

    19 How were the limits determined?

    experimental evidence

    published results

    Is the above evidence/resultsdocumented and available

    Is the documented evidence/resultsrelevant to the CCP and supportive of the limits set

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    P4 Monitoring P rocedures

    20 Do the monitoring procedures specifywhat, when, how, where and who?

    21 Is the frequency of monitoring sufficient

    to provide a high level of assurance thatthe process is under control?

    22 Are the monitoring records kept andreviewed by the appropriate personnel?

    23 Have examples of monitoring forms beenprovided in the manual?

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    P 5 Corrective Action

    24 Have corrective actions been developedfor each critical control point?

    25 Do the corrective actions ensure that theCCP is brought under control?

    26 Do the corrective actions cover product,process and prevention of recurrence?

    Product - since last clear check?

    Process - immediate and long term

    P 6 Verification procedures

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    27 Have verification procedures been put inplace to demonstrate that the HACCPprogram is effective?

    28 Have the critical limits been validated?

    29 Do the verification activities demonstratethat the CCP's are under control?

    30 Do verification activities demonstratethat the HACCP program is effective?

    P 7 Record Keeping

    31 Have records been maintained for allmonitoring procedures?

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    32 Have all critical limits been adhered to?

    33 Have all records been maintained for allcorrective actions?

    34 Have all records been maintained


    49 Are there records of training?

    50 Are training needs reviewed on a regularbasis?

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    51 Is there a training plan to provideidentified training needs?


    52 Has the calibration status of measuringequipment been identified?

    53 Are there documented procedures forcalibration?

    54 Are there procedures for reviewingmaterial produced while equipment was

    out of calibration?P roduct Identification

    55 Have procedures for productidentification been developed anddocumented?

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    Item Requirements CompliesY/N


    56 Is 'non-conforming' product identified?
