ERMS Consultant Guide

ERMS How To Guide for Consultants John Burton Product Manager mySAP CRM Interaction Center Version 2.1 July 5, 2006

Transcript of ERMS Consultant Guide

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ERMS How To Guide for Consul t ant s

John BurtonProduct ManagermySAP CRM Interaction Center

Version 2.1July 5, 2006

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ERMS Conf igurat ion Guide and Ot her In form at ion

Read t he fo l low ing doc um ent s before beg inning an ERMS c onf igurat ion pro jec t :

OSS Not es� 940882 – ERMS FAQ Note

� 455140 – Configuration of SMTP for E-Mail

� 882653 – Set up and configure IC WebClient Agent Inbox� 896921 – ERMS documentation for CRM 4.0 SIE� 896925 – Set up and configure ERMS for CRM 4.0 SIE� 940883 – Important ERMS correction notes for CRM 4.0 SIE� 925554 – ERMS documentation for CRM 5.0

� 940884 – Important ERMS correction notes for CRM 5.0

Onl ine Help & Release Not es�Http://�Http://

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K ey ERMS Set up Task s

ERMS Set up� Configure SMTP and SAPconnect� Create RFC system user and receiving e-mail addresses for ERMS� Define receiving e-mail addresses (transaction CRMC_IC_AUIADDR)

� Map receiving e-mail address to ERMS workflow (transaction SO28)� Assign agent for e-mail handling (transaction CRM_ERMS_WF_CUST)� Activate event linking (transaction CRM_ERMS_WF_CUST)

� Maintain sender e-mail addresses (transaction CRM_ERMS_OUTG_EMAIL)� Enhance ERMS Repository (optional)� Configure ERMS Service Manager profile (optional, but very good idea)

� Create Categories (optional, good idea)� Create ERMS Policies and Rules (extremely, utterly & completely mandatory)

In t ransac t ion PFCG add your IC Manager user-ID t o ro le :� SAP_PCC_ERMS_ADMIN for CRM 4.0� SAP_PCC_IC_MANAGER for CRM 5.0

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SAPc onnec t & SMTP Plug-In Conf igura t ion

�SAPconnect provides a direct connection to the Internet through the SMTP plug-in of the SAP Web Application Server. As of SAP Web Application Server 6.10, the SAP system’s kernel supports SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) directly without the need for the SAP Exchange Connector.

�The SMTP plug-in, part of the Internet Communication Manager (ICM), is a dynamic library located in the execution directory of the SAP Web Application Server instance.

�Quick Guide to SMTP Configuration

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SAPc onnec t Adm in / SMTP Mai l Server

�Transaction SCOT calls the admin interface of SAPconnect (with roles SAP_BC_SRV_COM_ADMIN and SAP_BC_SRV_GBT_ADMIN).

�SAPconnect settings must be made in each client. There is one SMTP node in each client that is created by the SAP system and cannot be deleted.

�SAPconnect Administration

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SICF / SMTP Server

�In transaction SICF, there should be one SMTP server (called SAPconnect) supplied in every SAP system. Create an additional SMTP server for each additional client.

�Create a service for every client in which messages are to be received using the SMTP plug-in.

�Creating services for SMTP plug-in

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RFC Syst em User for Inbound E-Mai ls

�Create a system user to process the inbound mails in each SAP client. Use transaction SU01 to create a user of the type System and assign the profile S_A.SCON to it.

�Creating an RFC user

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Def ine Rec eiv ing E-Mai l Addresses v ia SAP Menu

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Inbound Dis t r ibut ion (Transac t ion SO28)

�Inbound Distribution enables you to start a Workflow from an incoming e-mail. The business object has to have implemented the method RECEIVE of the interface IFRECEIVE. The method can trigger an event or start a workflow directly.

�In SO28 an entry is created for each ERMS-managed e-mail address that links the e-mail address to the BOR object ERMS Support 2 (ERMSSUPRT2). The BOR object ERMSSUPRT2 implements a special interface IFRECEIVE that is called by SAPconnect when new e-mails arrives.

For non-ERMS Inbox e-m ai ls , SAPc onnec t forw ards t he e-m ai l t o t he BOR objec t ICAUISUPP (AUI: Suppor t ob jec t ), w hose m et hod IFRECEIVE is respons ib le for proc ess ing.

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Map Rec eiv ing Address t o ERMS Work f low v ia SAP Menu opt ion Maint a in Rec ip ient Dis t r ibut ion

Choose ERMS support 2

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Ass ign Agent for E-Mai l Hand l ing v ia SAP Menu

In t ransac t ion CRM_ERMS_WF_CUST under ERMS 1 w ork f low , e i t her use a genera l t ask for ‘ERMS dec is ion ’ in order t o a l low rout ing t o a l l agent s (dependent on Rule Modeler ru les), or a l t ernat ive ly spec i fy ind iv idual agent s or agent groups w ho w i l lbe e l ig ib le for e-m ai l rout ing (dependent on Rule Modeler ru les).

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Ac t ivat e Event L ink ing in CRM_ERMS_WF_CUST

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Maint a in Sender E-Mai l Addresses v ia SAP Menu

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Bus iness Work f low

�E-mails coming from SAPconnect are internally carried by workflow work items with a SAPoffice document representing the e-mail itself. The work items are assigned to the Interaction Center Agent Inbox of the responsible owner.

�For each inbound ERMS e-mail an instance of an workflow is created, which remains alive until an IC agent processes the e-mail. At this point a CRM business document is created (Service Ticket or Interaction Record) and the SAPoffice document is saved with business document. The workflow instance that carried the ERMS process to this stage is terminated and the business document takes over.

�Screenshot on the next page shows workitem selection of task type TS00207914 in transaction SWI1.

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Bus iness Work f low

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Moni t or ing E-Mai l and Bus iness Work f low

�In order to monitor whether incoming e-mail has reached SAPconnect use transaction SOST. E-mail can be released from SAPconnect via batch job or manually via the SAPconnect administration transaction SCOT.

�In order to monitor the e-mail work items once they have left SAPconnect, use transaction SWI1. Select task type TS00207914 (dialog step) to display the work item container of the e-mail including actions and factbase. Non ERMS Inbox e-m ai ls use t ask t ype TS0014008030. Select task type TS00207915 (background) to view, via the workflow log, the list of agents for routing.

�Transaction CRM_ERMS_LOGGING (Check Automatic Processing Details) can be used to display a detailed log of a selected ERMS work items (using the work item ID from SWI1) including complete rule execution results.

�See the attachment FAQInbox of OSS note 882653 for detailed information on how e-mails arrive into the Interaction Center Agent Inbox via SAPconnect.

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Moni t or ing E-Mai l in Bus iness Work f low (t ask TS00207914)

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Moni t or ing E-Mai l in Bus iness Work f low (t ask TS00207915)

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CRM_ERMS_LOGGING Chec k Aut om at ic Proc ess ing Det a i ls

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BCI (Bus iness Com m unic at ion In t er fac e)

�Inbound e-mails come through the SAPconnect BCI (Business Communication Interface) layer. In transaction SO28 (Inbound Distribution), SAPconnect can be configured so that received e-mails are processed by BOR object ERMSSUPRT2 via interface IFRECEIVE.

�A BOR object of type SOFM (e-mail document) is created for each newly arrived e-mail, and the RECEIVE method of ERMSSUPRT2 is called with the e-mail document as a parameter. The RECEIVE method calls function module CRM_ERMS_RECEIVE_DOCUMENT to handle tasks such as raising the event MailReceived, which is the starting event for the workflow ERMS1 (WS00200001). Non-ERMS Inbox e-m ai ls use t he w ork f low is WS14000164.

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Ro le of BOR Objec t ERMSSUPRT2 in ERMS

Trigger ERMS1 workflow for each e-mail if event linking active

Receives SAPconnect e-mail

Invoked by SO28 to create SAP office document and BOR SOFM representation of e-mail

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BOR Objec t ERMSSUPRT2 Event Mai lRec eived

Event l ink ing m ust be ac t ivat ed.

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ERMSUPRT2 Event Mai lRec eived Tr iggers Work f low Tem plat e ERMS1

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Work f low Tem plat e ERMS1 – Cont a iner

This w ork f low is used as t he c ont a iner for t he e-m ai l , and i t c ont a ins in form at ion about t he s t at us of t he e-m ai l , and w ho is t he respons ib le for reading/resolv ing i t .

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Work f low ERMS1 (WS00200001)

BOR objec t ERMSSUPRT2 event Mai lRec eived c reat es inst anc e of ERMS w ork f low WS00200001 for eac h SAPc onnec t e-m ai l .

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Task TS00207915 – Invok e ERMS Serv ic e Manager

�Workflow ERMS1 task TS00207915 (type background), which refers to method RULEEXECUTION of BOR object ERMSSUPRT2, is where the rule engine’s Service Manager profile is invoked, and where the rules are applied to the incoming e-mail.

In vers ion CRM 5.0 t here is a separat e c ust om izing v iew for dynam ic prof i le det erm inat ion as show n r ight .

In CRM 4.0 SIE t he serv ic e m anager pro f i le t o be ex ec ut ed is passed v ia w ork f low dat a b ind ing (defau l t va lue is DEFAULT) as show n on nex t s l ide.

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Task TS00207915 – Invok e ERMS Serv ic e Manager CRM 4.0

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Task TS00207915 – Invok e ERMS Serv ic e Manager and Rule Ex ec ut ion

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ERMS Serv ic e Manager Prof i le

The ERMS Serv ic e Manager prof i le c ont ro ls t he order o f ex ec ut ionof d i rec t ly and ind i rec t ly c a l led serv ic es suc h as:

� Fact gathering services (e.g. content analysis, email, webform, service ticket, business partner, etc.)

� Rule execution service

� E-Mail routing service

� Utility Services

Serv ic es are ex ec ut ed in t he order t hey are def ined in t he c onf igurat ion. You should c arefu l ly dec ided w hic h fac t gat her ingserv ic es t o c a l l d i rec t ly before ru le ex ec ut ion and w hic h t o le t be c a l led ind i rec t ly v ia ru le a t t r ibut es us ing e.g. t he 80/20 ru le .Di rec t ly c a l l t hose serv ic es you w i l l need m ost o f t en in ru le evaluat ion. For less f requent ly ac c essed ru les , le t t he serv ic e be c a l led ind i rec t ly f rom t he ru le (no spec ia l ac t ion is requi red ot her t han inc lud ing t he c hosen at t r ibut e in a ru le).

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ERMS Serv ic e Manager Prof i le Conf igurat ion

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Creat e ERMS Pol ic ies in Ru le Modeler

Default Policy

Invoked Policy A

Invoked Policy C

Policy B

Policy D

The Serv ic e Manager Prof i le c a l ls an ERMS Pol ic y w hic h begins ex ec ut ing i t s ru les, w hic h c ould inc lude invok ing anot her po l ic y. I f anot her po l ic y is invok ed, t he Invok e Pol ic y ac t ion is ex ec ut ed by t he serv ic e m anager a f t er t he c urrent po l ic y is c om plet e ly proc essed; I t is not ex ec ut ed im m ediat e ly .

In CRM 4.0 ru les are ex ec ut ed af t er eac h pol ic y is eva luat ed. I f m ul t ip le oc c urrenc es of t he sam e ru le ar ise, t he behavior depends on t he ru le (f i rs t ‘de le t e ’ w ins, last rout e w ins, a l l aut o ac k now ledges oc c ur , e t c .). In CRM 5.0 a form al Conf l ic t Resolut ion m ec hanism is in t roduc ed.

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Creat e ERMS Rules in Ru le Modeler

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ERMS Condi t ion At t r ibut es

�Sender’s First Name�Sender’s Last Name�Sender’s Country�Sender’s Language�Calendar: Today’s Date�Calendar: Day of the Week�Calendar: Remaining Days of the Month�Calendar: Time�Calendar: Week of the Year�Case Category�Case Close Date�Case Original Creator�Case Planned End Date�Case Escalation Reason�Case GUID�Case ID�Case Priority�Case Processor�Case Responsible Supervisor�Case Status�Case Type�ERMS: Content Analysis Accuracy�ERMS: All Matching Categories�ERMS: Number of Matching Categories

�ERMS: Best Minus Next Best Score�ERMS: Number of Top Categories�ERMS: Best Category Score�ERMS: Top Scoring Category�E-Mail Language�Is Bounce�E-Mail Content�E-Mail Original Recipient�E-Mail Sender�E-Mail Subject�Service Ticket Category�Service Ticket Number�Service Ticket Priority�Service Ticket Responsible�Service Ticket Status�Web Form Account�Web Form ID�Web Form Sender E-Mail Address�Sample Web Form: Country�Sample Web Form: Description�Sample Web Form: Priority�Sample Web Form: Problem�Contact SAP: Email�Contact SAP: Gender

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Repos i t ory – Easi ly Ex pandable

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ERMS Condi t ion Operat ors













Tips and Tr ic k s

Operat ors w ork m at hem at ic a l ly , t hough not nec essar i ly in t u i t ive ly . The ex press ion “ i f SAP is great er t han Orac le” w ould o f c ourse be eva luat ed t o t rue by ERMS. How ever , t he ra t iona le is t hat t he f i rs t c harac t er o f t he t ex t s t r ing SAP is an S w hic h as a le t t er c om es la t er in t he a lphabet t han O, t he f i rs t c harac t er in Orac le ; S is t herefore “ great er” t han O.

Al t hough at t r ibut es and ac t ions c an be easi ly added or rem oved f rom t he ERMS Reposi t ory v ia c onf igurat ion, operat ors are m ore d i f f ic u l t t o c hange and requi re m odi f ic a t ion.

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ERMS Ac t ions

�Route to

�Route to Service Ticket Responsible

�Route to Case Processor



�Send Auto Acknowledge

�Auto Respond

�Auto Prepare

�Create interaction record

�Add Attribute Value

�Set Attribute Value

�Invoke Policy

�Stop Further Processing

�Create Service Order (new with 5.0)

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Inser t ing t rac k ing ID of serv ic e t ic k et in t o e-m ai l

In order t o enable t he aut om at ic inser t ion of serv ic e t ic k et t rac k ing ID in t o em ai ls :� Create a mail form in transaction CRM_ERMS_MAILFORMS.� Insert tracking ID object/attribute SERVICE_ORDER_TRACKING_TEXT into the

mail form text.

� Optionally add attributes specifying that the SERVICE TICKET NO should not equal to null, to prevent the tracking text ID from being inserted into e-mails when there is no service ticket.

� Add mail form in the e-mail profile and enable tracking of text on reply.

� Set up a rule in the Rule Modeler to route emails to the service ticket processor.

¾ Aft er c reat ing a serv ic e t ic k et and t hen c reat ing a new e-m ai l (or rep ly ing t o an ex is t ing e-m ai l ) t he serv ic e t ic k et t rac k ing ID w i l l be aut om at ic a l ly inser t ed in t o t he e-m ai l .

¾ When a c ust om er rep l ies t o t he e-m ai l c ont a in ing t he t rac k ing t ex t , t he e-m ai l w i l l be rout ed t o t he Agent Inbox of t he em ployee respons ib le for t he t ic k et . In CRM 5.0, t he em ai l w ould a lso be l ink ed t o t he bus iness c ont ex t o f t he t ic k et .

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Inser t ing t rac k ing ID for serv ic e t ic k et in t o e-m ai l

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Inser t ing serv ic e t ic k et t rac k ing ID in t o e-m ai l prof i le (c onf igurat ion opt ions v ia XML or ABAP view s)

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Creat e a ru le in t he Rule Modeler t o rout e e-m ai ls t o t he serv ic e t ic k et proc essor

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Task TS00207914 – ERMS Rout ing Dec is ions

�Task TS00207914 (type Dialog) is created as a wrapper for the e-mail so that the e-mail can be handled in the Interaction Center.

�If neither DeleteFlag nor StopProcessingFlag is set, the workflow will create a workitem with task id TS00207914 (Route). This work item is bound to workflow rule 00200136 (ERMS routing), which is associated with function module CRM_ERMS_AGENT_DETERM1. This function module is ultimately responsible for returning the list of organizational objects (in our case users) who will be processors of the work item.

�Default routing can be maintained in the Service Manager in case rule-based routing cannot be determined.

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Task TS00207914 – ERMS Rout ing Dec is ions

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In t erac t ion Cent er Agent Inbox Conf igurat ion

�Define Item Types: �Inbox SAP Office Item (Inbox Item: SAP Office – Outbound E-Mail)

�Inbox Workitem (Inbox Workitem –Inbound E-Mail, Fax, Letter)

�Define Item Categories for Searches�Inbox SAP Office Item (SOFM)

�Inbox Workitem (E-Mail)

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In t erac t ion Cent er – Agent Inbox

�The e-mail work items have status Open until selected by an agent (e.g. via Interact or Process and Record). After the email is selected and a business document is created, the workflow is deleted and the status of the work item is set to complete.

�Agents can also manually set a work item to complete in the event that e.g. a telephone call rather than an e-mail was placed to the business partner.

�Additionally, own customer statuses may be created in the IMG. Agents can then set the custom status rather than setting the item to complete.

�Agents can also manually delete e-mails form the Inbox e.g. in the case of SPAM.

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In t erac t ion Cent er Agent Inbox

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Resourc es

OSS Notes� 940882 – ERMS FAQ Note� 455140 – Configuration of SMTP for E-Mail� 882653 – Set up and configure IC WebClient Agent Inbox� 896921 – ERMS documentation for CRM 4.0 SIE

� 896925 – Set up and configure ERMS for CRM 4.0 SIE� 940883 – Important ERMS correction notes for CRM 4.0 SIE� 925554 – ERMS documentation for CRM 5.0� 940884 – Important ERMS correction notes for CRM 5.0

SAP Library, SAP Help, and Online Knowledge Warehouse Documentation� SMTP Configuration Guide� SAPconnect� External Sending in SAP System via Business Workplace� ERMS Online Documentation

SDN Weblogs & Other Resources� Sending E-Mail from ABAP� Strategic Data Solutions

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