erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of...

c. - now s. or \LTT I 1 en t:Jnr e' '.. .. i . ' .... •'' td. - - LIMI1EO, erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door Sedan 1 cduHlrr, full 6 passenger size. Nova Motors Ltd. udget Reaction Shows Wait - And - See Attitude . ... . . · .. -. ' :; . ... ,:.' _ _.___ . . .. 1 Khrushchev Reds Will Resume Nudear Testing 'Shock In Whitehall' By DOUG MARSHALL Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON ICPI-British ;:ov- 1 Comments Range From Optimism To Sbong Doubt . ernment officials Wednesday I :studied with keen interest tl1e ·Canadian government moves to I depress the value of the C<m;l- • dian dollar. i British press reports. convey- ' ing Whitehall reaction to the ' budget brought down Tuesda)' night by F i n n n c e :\linistcr By The Canadian Press Fleming, spoke of "shock in The facts of lower car prices and a decreased Whitehall" nnrl a "serious trade Does rift" between C;madn and llrit- international value for the Canadian dollar got gen- MOSCOW-Reuters-Prcmier Khrushchev said ain. eral approval in first-day budget reaction, hut many Robert Cun·el. in Tlw who tried to peer into the future found the crystal Wednesday night that Russia will resume nudear Evening Standard. said Pte ball unrevealing-. If U.S. testing if the United States does and declared he will Canadi<u1 II c c i' ions ha1·e sign a 11eace treaty with East Germany at the end of caused "ronside1·abtc rml!ar- l\lemhers of the investment community were par- rassment and alarm" in ticularly inclined to take a "wait-and-see" attitude, ihis year. ernment circics here. and their comments-mostly off-record-ranged from Kllrlls it"llev"s· douhlc-harrclled warnincr was n ·t· 1 , " C.ln·cl sa,·s some n IS 1 r\- Ol>limism lo strong doubt. made at a mass met•ling marking the 20th anniversary perts srr till' ('an<Hiian action' · lnl'cstmcnt <tucstion nwrks o[ Nazi Germany's attack on the Soviet Union. as annlhrr th;il Common- rcl·otve around the tn assist employment. and had Th<' Hussian leader. wealth gnvrrnmcnts ;n·e possibilitils of maintaiuing the asl;cd for depreciation on is.· ,·1 tci·m th<1t aiHJ <'Ill lid •p· 11 ·t "C'Illl001J·c··lll,· .,, " rr,nlt ·trtiCilli'CS IJasc l on a wl'tl-tailorrd drrss uniform of · " ' " ' · ' · Canadian dollar at an appropri- ·' · ' 1 " l I mean "nr;u· thr end nf the of flritain's mo' rs toward closer ate 1 - 11 f 111 . ., 1 ·cn payrolb and f_or sales tax relief 11 \ieulen:n:t · general a< ornrc .. " .. ·" .. with a host of shining siller and year." relations with t-:urn[lf' f markets, :md of achiel'ing lower 1 on extra eqUipment needed for J\hrushche1· s<Ji<l lhr \\'est "lloll' thr,· '"\;· IJr ore 1 ·nt".l'".'···t. 1 .,. 1 tcs·. · wmlcr constructiOn. medals. told the auclicnce: " •·' ;,The moment the l'.S. resumes wanted "to make a lesl of other Empire eountries start Wednesday's del·eiop m r n t s :'liEEDS IXrE:-ITI\'ES on the German qur'· Britain- · The ( anact1an ChamiJei' of nucll'ar tests. the Sol'iet l'nion .. .. .. hacked the finance mimster - i > HSHI'SGTON-Miss Joy Taylor of Washington, D.C., poses here will do so too." tion'· anrl added: "I warn all in their own sclf-dcfrnee?" a drop in the dollar's exehange i Commerce welcomed some lea- d I . . ·those, who like (West German\ · r<Jie and an actl·ancc in govern-! lures of the budget b_ut added l ith with 1everal of the $2.98 toy submarines which Vice A m. Khrushchev saul the_ .·\rlcn,•uer repl•.· to 1 th t t II f th t t t t t 1 t 1 l n ' " ' E I • R' mcnl bond prices, which means i a s 1 ur er mcen 1ves Rickover has charged gave away some of the nation's Polaris Is \1 ) JOrrl y rc,leC el I !Sal! a-. the peace-loving proposals of' xp oston IpS tower yields and poin'S to lower are needed to help mcrease the stthmarine secrets to the Russians. The Admiral said they are men! on Yanlnls and. the Soviet Union by calling for' "enerat interest rates. laggmg growth rate. l.:illldllliiP added that the Husswns 1\CI e' f' . 1. " " Th 1 t 1 and .uthe nti" accurately-scaled models incorporating all the t 11 •·i 11 .,ist on oln' ·a u·m posl 10n. 1 observers fell, howc1..r, that the e go,·crnmen · go appro\'a .. n .. propo·. "\"c do not a, war," L' hth from 'C\'eral quarters fo r .. ; the So\•iet Leader said, "hut if \J , I!O!'ODS TOO IIIGII : frammg from a protecl!omd rletal 'ls of the actual submarine. Miss Taylor is a teacher at and ngain." ' c 1g n.use ·,testing time is still to come. : .. · ' .e- County Holiday Farm School in Silver Spring, Mr. He dec I are d Hussia "nml. they unleash a' war we arc not One investor felt that current. policy. (UPI Photo). pracc-toving states" wilt. of it. un.l,eash il, CLEVELA;.ID I APl-:\ Coast bond prices rather higher. Eric W. Kierans. president of -I sign a peace treaty with It Will the1r smc1de. , ·,Guard ;utter rea_cherl than can be sustained He also. the Montreal stock exchange, : Grrmanv at. the end of th 1 s: In h1s hour - long speech. Rock Lighthouse m Lake Super- saw the possibilitv if the; said the budget clearly rein· h , M k p • d 1 year. · Khrushchev alm said that the ior early Wednesday and found Canadian dollar weak and· forces the "hard-sell" approach · t ' 1 Soviet Union would "feel, fire. wreckage and tlu·ec men the historic pattern' .. ontinues of' of the department of. trade apd an g e a r e . s rov I e ASKS WEST TO Sf(;;\' hound" to increase i\S who bad been strand ell . higher interest rates in Canada : commerce.. By to m- Ile suJ:gested tile West . 10111 in forces if the Western powers lhd sunday night. when an exp\oswn than in the Fnited States an- crease tanffs on a w1de signing a treaty that "would nG\ so. ,·ipped through the lone!)' light- other surge of American buying of goods it had "cffecth·c\:1 infringe the rigllts or the inter-· In another part of his speech, house. : mav come into Cancda. :warned management that B d t R t ests of any of the sides. would Khrushchev offered en cxplana- A fourth , man missing, Some ex- w_il! n?,t be to world t U ge eac ' I0 n not gii'C one state nn adl'antage lion of Russia's pact with \'azi :md Coast Guard officialS at fils- pressed \hill the budget leans competJt.JOn. . . nges . · 01 .er another." Germanv in 1!!:!9. tricl headquarters here "ud that too heari\v on mondarv meas- _ The f anarhan Lahor .. n_ He it was the shameful after two 1la,·s and two nights· ures rathdr th<m 011 fiscal m a statement its secretary· " " , 11 , policies of and France.· thel'C was little chance he st1lt measures :ts tnx adjustments or trcasu:w, Donald rf•sern•s ,sia would sign. tlw. sPpm:atc such as the :\!unich was ati 1·r. s.ud . 1t the . II 1 wm·r treatv 1 nth !·.ast (,cr- with !litter in 1!J:Jn, that eon- :0.1is>ing \I';!S William .\. '.[ax- menl s "belated con1·ersiOn to tit ion of foreign goods chop olf the Can<ulian u : :hr a substantial part of Canada's of nearly $2,000,000,00il to Finanec big international balance of pay· and l\.S. dollars. m go r nwn)· 11 .," · "\' konsle goda." 1ince 1 l Hussia tl1e .\Jlirs 1rrrr well. :H. of Houghton. '.Iic\1.. f<l- H. monetary and fiscal ad- l.itrrallv transtalcli. it nwans "(1\'0-faccll" n1HI ahoul thcr of fi,c. an rngincman first prrsidrnt of lhe t'anadian Con- ,·oc:ttrrl hv the CLC but added: "at end of the year" hul it tlw paet. class. struction .\."ociation. ><lid: "Deficit is l!Ond but. r , nrw budget ments deticil of $1,270,000.000 WOUI,D t:P LI\'J!'OG COSTS :;,;::'" _,,,,lor dropped last year. One result of the dollar dis· ''F ·.,, ·:c in 10 years. 'tr. 24.000 - wont r:ount policy would he tn make '" for the budget speech in the Commons imports more t•xprnsil·e. push- ., :a·Jrt" new pro-. Tuesday night left income ing up living costs. :hr !Iollar's ex- and other tax rates unchanged: i '' 'n " riJst·oHnt thr and a record peacetime: Rut . thl' I :; :,.·\ :h;;t on their budget deficit of $6:iO.OOO.OOO.' pncr 11 11'\tl l'!'eatr. · lr·• \ nrh. the Can a- This would he Canada's fifth increasing exports m11l rtisplac- .' ''m 1n terms of deficit in a ro11' totalling $2.0oli,-.' inl! import s with Canadian ir:l threr t-ents to 500.000. ! goods, will help Cananian pro- Canada Renews Plane t 11 _iure<l seriously in thr cxplo- "\\'r arr npprclwn,il'r lh;tt thP dcfil'it not ennu!!h." >inn. 1 r\iil'h h;HI cut rommunira· \lr. hudget is not Thr st;Mment approved tion; from tlw o-car lo do the ion hf: thinks rral of thP. hudget's n. Daniels. rlrctrician'< it is ;:oing lo do." hut. sHid it contains im· male. Two other men who wrrr l'ier - prc.5i· in securitv, at ,,_wr unin· dent and mnn<tger of no relief for the Pentw•nn Co. Ltd .. ; pa,_·er, n!l measures that · iurrd. h · Coa't (;u;ml;nwn c<tll St;m- :\lontreal, said the ;tssociation 1 woulrl !Uhstanti"l .. in- hard Rol'k lkhl. h11i\t )·ears for sc1·cral ,-ears been pro·; m pttrchasmJ on a rcrf n milrs mot ina wintrrtime construction 1 powe._r_:_· ________ _ Bv ,JOSEI'll MacSWEEN tram;port fur the commission of 'laniton Island. the loneliest ·-·--·----- -- Campaign For Laos Canadian Press Staff Writer hut Green, who followed him, in the world. It was N d E I• Gf;NEVA <CPl-Cunada won countered that twice in May the to. hale been replacrd Jhis ,-ear. e-e I ng n I ' support from the Western hig Polish representative in Laos i w1th an automnt1c !Jghl. 1 , '1111 three Wednesday as it renewed, had joined with India nnd Can-: :rile Coa't Guard hnd no. its campaign for planes and hel·; ada on equipment reports. These I on what .caused the _exr n- hack to Mr. !<'leming plans to \ duccrs sell "many hundreds of: tr,r rto>e of trad- the \'ulue of the dol· 1 millions of worth of ad· . lar by using the exchan::e fund: ditional Canadinn cut their· to buy U.S. dollars, adding to, services." in :mr with the· !rmn' a: of the i':-per-1 E' h . .' m·ise tax. On. I( mann: :r.arket, prices of in- ahead, : . of hig export I newsprint. t Whrat Board . trnL< to the price of ol r:,port wheat to Pictures Himself As , icoptcrs for the international . had said effective machinery nf I sion of gasolme and pl opanr d II control' commission in Laos. I supervision could be set up only' gas. Post- B u ge·t lu E x t e r n a 1 Affairs 1 if equipment inclu_ding helicop-; Howard Green, on the last day tcrs and . hght an·crart were I Canadl'an Do·.11ar I of his second visit to the 14· made avmlable. I nation conference on. Laos, said I British delegate Malcolm Mac- •there is. ample the 1 1 Donald, French delegate ,Jean 1 N t T h • II OTTAWA ICPl - The Com- year. i lhree-natmn commiSSIOn un-' Chauvel and American Amhas-: 0 ec nlca y mons' post·hudget lull was liv- 1\!r. asked 1\Jr. : able to supervise a cease.fn·e m : sador Averell Harriman all sup- ' cned Wednesday by a needling ing whether "there was 1101 a , Laos without air-inspection anu i ported the Canadian view. I d i running exchange between Con- good precedent in the act of the :other equipment. I Deva ue ! servalivcs and Liberals. prime minister in tabling a con- (l'T lllli.J •. •R \',\LUE; .JERUSALEM 'APl - Adolf who headed the Gestapo's ,lew- "This conference cannot ' secret governm!nt re- " It was the fourfr\ ann:rcrsary ·· . develop·· Eichmann pictured himself in ish affairs section used the word evade its responsibility to sup- 1 · longshoremen ;.JEW YORK 1 CP •-Altllough of the •at'd If• " t t' h f l ' I I' "we" mOI'e often than "I" 'tn. plu the nssn.n[I'al equipment,." " :'ltr. Diefenbaker Mr. ·' 1mmrdiate rc- cs 1mony e ore liS srac 1 » , ' ' the l'aluc of the Canadian dollar. -which took office .June 2t, M r · t' was "com· ot \tr Fleming's judges Wednesday as just a: his effnrts to explain away the said Green, noting 1 t 1 hat iUl, k in terms of cl.S. money. pound 1957 _ and the debate was IOn ?r:cr- in line with i !l"M' 10 riew of the 1 fi,r Canadian dol·: Just A Transport Cog lhr dollar to. transport cog in Nazi Third slaughter of 6,000,000 .Jews. I been offered hy le 01 e urged To Bac ; sterling, gold or othel' currency. sprinkled with harhcd refer· )lr. Pickcrsgill, MP for Bon· <IS· T ·t f " h d f 'has dropped apprcdably in the. enccs to it hy ;:lecful refer·· : a1·ista fired back h ,. Reich machinery for killing mil- f . . , . · Slates and France. . lions of .Jews. He said he is still : es 1 ym, In IS own e ence "These offers cannot be ig- : -- surprised at what happened-. the day, Eichmann nored. I suggest that without' - las\ 3'." months, it has not tech- t ences to it by glcefllt Conserva- that !he "precedent was created l h I k d 't 'said Nazi officials, from IIIller further ado the two co-chairmen I Strl'ke nically been "devalued," finan-. lives. 'bv the prime minister on the anc e oo c I . . down to local " 1 't . , . . ci:1l experts said Wednesday. . . i 20th of .January 19j8 in the compe- The bald former I I. nan ct ets, \\eie I should meet with represcnla· Since 1952 the Canadian dol-. The Llhcr«ls hack wJ_th I most outrageous, act per- -- .. _____ :_:_ __________ s. __ co_on_e :driving hard to exterminate. Lives of the three members Bv ARTHUR EVERETT i lar has hecn traded intcmation·. qucstwns. f m.m_ce '!Ims-, formed in this Parliament." eat her h•r C t' I Nfld. Skies "·. · on muing ll'arm. today ;;_ TIIURSDAY, JUNE 22 T rmperahtres !>fin Max Night Day ...... 47 60 ...... 53 64 Sunset today ........ 8:0.1 p.m. Sunrise Moonset to-morrow 4:03 a.m. 1:03 a.m. Full Moon · .. .. . June 28 ....... 57 77 TIDES ...... 49 fi3 51 78 Hlgh 1.28 a.m., 7.45 a.m. 53 76 Low 2.10 p.m., 8.33 p.m. THURSDAY, JUNE 22 Prominent Star brlow the M(lon. VIsible 0 .......... 0. rises .. . ' . . . . . . . . rises o o I o f 0 0 o t 0 t rises . , • • • • • • • • • • . .. 10:27 p.m. 10:10 p.m.·· 10:31 p.m. 2:12 a.m. Jews. 1 the international commission to · · t n1 " feud w1th gover ;.JEW YORK (API-Rallyin• allv in a free market at a float- 1 er CI nb 5 B k. The references were to the SO· ·work out the practical details,· . · · 1 ·f· . d nor Tames F Co\'Jle of the an· The massacre was not in the. , lt' , . 11 " , longshoremen, m a one - day mg rate 11 1t 1 no spcc1 1c an ; . · "' - ·called "hidden report" on the h d r . . ' consu mg o1s necessary Ie no\- ' work stoppage that crippled the ' fo1·mal fixed parity. Can.ula. Canadian economy which , an s o a light little group 1 ernmcnts that have made the I t . . ,. . · . , :port of New York, were urged' The currencies of mos coun·. Parryin:! a barb from Paul' prepared for the Liberal gov· the Gestapo, Eichmann offe1 _!by their lcad{)fS Wednesday to. tries are registered with the ln- 1 former Liberal novcrnment,, ernment and made public later 1mphed, but was the result of a f RlLota an 1 d _Bnt.nn nre con I back the six-day strike of 85,000 '1 ternational Monetary Fund at a' Martin health in the! by the Conservatives. . 1 . . erence co-c 1mrmen. . B - 'd . 'f' ·t F · m Jl the 1 g1gan Ic campa1gn through a\- M 1 f th . . 'amcncan seamen. ul diSSI enl1 spcc1 IC pan Y- 'or cxa l l' ·Prime :\linister Diefenbakcr · most every level of the Nazi or- ar arose from their British pound at_ $2.80, the Ger- ·grinned broadly and said: THE COUJiiTRY PARSON . . e · . ' Wilham V. Bradley, presrdent man mark at 2a cents and the gamznhon. and Commumst •.. and of the International Longshore- Belgian franc at 2 cents. "He seems to ha\'e forgotten Speaking in careful, precise deputy forei_gn mimsler men's Association, told a mass . that he is not on the treasury I' Manan Naszkowski was the t' f 5 000 d k . B t Each 1ts benches any that four German, Eichmann looked as if only other formal speaker at 1 ;g :. ·' oc ers 111 a - currency WJll be held one. years ago today an event took he were learning about the bast- Wednesday's meeting. cry ar · per cent of the panty figure. ; place that he has not yet for-' ness of this campaign· for the SUPPORT "As far as this strike is con- When the parity is officially gotten." 1 first time as he consulted d _ smd he cerned, we are behind it. The changed by governmental order. the proposal of the Sov1et Umon steamship owners bar- it is called a devaluation, re- :O.Ir. I\! arlin, for Es-' ments answered . queshons that the commission get its gain in good faith and long- devaluation or up-valuation. 1 sex East, tried to table as a: ' Pl•t hy his German d.efence coun· transport from the opposing shoremen will not tolcrnte this I 'House document the recent ceo-. sel, Dr. Roher! Servatius. I parties in Laos. a procedure stalling by ship owners." "The Canadwn government Is' nomic statement issued by Mr.: ,. · . , which he said would follow that! However, strike leaders sent not do":n the value to Coyne, who is battling govern-! Eichmann said he learned '!laid down hy the Geneva con-· a telegram lo Bradley,in which ?ny specifiC so. although mcnt demands that he resign as i \ through prosecution documents ference of 1954 which brought. they said without elaboration: m essence this be a de- : I valuation, you really can't calli bank governor. 1, that his boss, SS Gen. Heinrich I' peace to Laos and other parts . . .. , . . . , . , . 1 . . of the former French Indo-! the ship owners arc hegmn- It that, cxplamed f.dwm A., Mr Flemin" protc,ted that' Mueller-whose fate ·Shll IS un- 1 chi'i•a · ing to negotiate and there is no 1 Rcichers. vice-president of the' · 1 ".'!ost folks know 1 ·nslt'nct 1 'vcly , · · ' , · : · d . 1 f : part of the was a " certam - went over Eichmann s, The Polish dele"ale s·lid "ex-· need for the gallant longshore· foreign exchange epa1lmen ° 1 ". 1 h t to say-after they've h d · D Rol G ' · ' · t k 'f' b tl F' t '' 1 Bank of New. confidential commumcat10n ml. I w at no ea to !:IVC eputy [ uen· angerated importance" was he-, men o rna e more sacn1ces y 1c 1rs .,a wna ' . . . . ' 'd . , special QliSignmenls. I i;g attached to the question of· shutting the port down." \'o1·k. I Coyne sent to lum earher this sa I JL .. ! ' "·:· ,<:·. J ••. f I I I I ! I I . ' I i ' ' ; i I I : ! '

Transcript of erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of...

Page 1: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

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• erman eace rea ALL COMPACT

THE DAILY NEWS 4-door Sedan

1cduHlrr, full 6 passenger size.


Nova Motors Ltd.

udget Reaction Shows Wait -And -See Attitude

. ... . . · .. ~·c··.·.·. .#lllfiijfl'~:: -. ' :; .

... ,:.' _ _.___ . . ..

1 Khrushchev

Reds Will Resume Nudear Testing

'Shock In Whitehall'

By DOUG MARSHALL Canadian Press Staff Writer

LONDON ICPI-British ;:ov-

1Comments Range From Optimism To Sbong Doubt

. ernment officials Wednesday I :studied with keen interest tl1e ·Canadian government moves to I depress the value of the C<m;l-• dian dollar. i British press reports. convey-' ing Whitehall reaction to the ' budget brought down Tuesda)' night by F i n n n c e :\linistcr By The Canadian Press Fleming, spoke of "shock in The facts of lower car prices and a decreased Whitehall" nnrl a "serious trade Does rift" between C;madn and llrit- international value for the Canadian dollar got gen-

MOSCOW-Reuters-Prcmier Khrushchev said ain. eral approval in first-day budget reaction, hut many Robert Cun·el. 11Titin~ in Tlw who tried to peer into the future found the crystal

Wednesday night that Russia will resume nudear Evening Standard. said Pte ball unrevealing-.

If U.S. testing if the United States does and declared he will Canadi<u1 II c c i' ions ha1·e sign a 11eace treaty with East Germany at the end of caused "ronside1·abtc rml!ar- l\lemhers of the investment community were par-

rassment and alarm" in ~ol'- ticularly inclined to take a "wait-and-see" attitude, ihis year. ernment circics here. and their comments-mostly off-record-ranged from

Kllrllsit"llev"s· douhlc-harrclled warnincr was n ·t· 1 , " C.ln·cl sa,·s some n IS 1 r\- Ol>limism lo strong doubt. made at a mass met•ling marking the 20th anniversary perts srr till' ('an<Hiian action' · lnl'cstmcnt <tucstion nwrks o[ Nazi Germany's attack on the Soviet Union. as annlhrr si~n th;il Common- rcl·otve p~r\i('ularly around the tn assist employment. and had

Th<' Hussian leader. 11·carin~ wealth gnvrrnmcnts ;n·e driftin~ possibilitils of maintaiuing the asl;cd for hi~hcr depreciation on is.· ,·1 va.~11c tci·m th<1t aiHJ <'Ill lid •p·11·t "C'Illl001J·c··lll,· .,, " rr,nlt ·trtiCilli'CS IJasc l on ,,.I.nlcrti·m~

a wl'tl-tailorrd drrss uniform of · " ' " ' · '· ' · Canadian dollar at an appropri- ·' · ' 1

" l I

mean "nr;u· thr end nf the of flritain's mo' rs toward closer ate r 1·~ 111.c 1-11 f111 . .,1·cn C.'·"hali~e payrolb and f_or sales tax relief 11 \ieulen:n:t · general a< ornrc .. " .. ·" .. with a host of shining siller and year." relations with t-:urn[lf' f markets, :md of achiel'ing lower 1 on extra eqUipment needed for

J\hrushche1· s<Ji<l lhr \\'est "lloll' inn~. thr,· '"\;· IJr ore 1·nt".l'".'···t. 1.,.1tcs·. · wmlcr constructiOn. ~olrl medals. told the auclicnce: " •·' ;,The moment the l'.S. resumes wanted "to make a lesl of other Empire eountries start Wednesday's del·eiop m r n t s :'liEEDS ~lORE IXrE:-ITI\'ES strcn~tl1 on the German qur'· dis.·c1·iminatin~. n~ainst Britain- · The ( anact1an ChamiJei' of nucll'ar tests. the Sol'iet l'nion .. .. .. hacked the finance mimster - i >

HSHI'SGTON-Miss Joy Taylor of Washington, D.C., poses here will do so too." tion'· anrl added: "I warn all in their own sclf-dcfrnee?" a drop in the dollar's exehange i Commerce welcomed some lea-

d I . . ·those, who like (West German\ · r<Jie and an actl·ancc in govern-! lures of the budget b_ut added

lith with 1everal of the $2.98 toy submarines which Vice A m. Khrushchev saul the_ \_~esl- '~hnncellor .·\rlcn,•uer repl•.· to

1 th t t II f th t t t t t 1 t 1 l n ' " ' E I • R' mcnl bond prices, which means i a s

1 ur er a~ mcen 1ves

Rickover has charged gave away some of the nation's Polaris Is \1 ) JOrrl y rc,leC el I !Sal! a-. the peace-loving proposals of' xp oston IpS tower yields and poin'S to lower are needed to help mcrease the stthmarine secrets to the Russians. The Admiral said they are men! on Yanlnls pr~lexts and. the Soviet Union by calling for' "enerat interest rates. ~!am.·: laggmg growth rate.

l.:illldllliiP added that the Husswns 1\CI e' f' .1. " " Th 1 t 1

and .uthenti" accurately-scaled models incorporating all the ~01· 11 ~ t11 •·i11.,ist on oln' ·a u·m posl 10n.


observers fell, howc1..r, that the e go,·crnmen · go appro\'a .. n .. propo·. "\"c do not tllr~.·\ten a, war," L' hth from 'C\'eral quarters fo r

.. ; the So\•iet Leader said, "hut if \J , I!O!'ODS TOO IIIGII : frammg from a protecl!omd rletal

'ls of the actual submarine. Miss Taylor is a teacher at s<~ls a~<lin and ngain." ' c 1g n.use ·,testing time is still to come. : .. · ' ~ .e-

ltnt~omt>ry County Holiday Farm School in Silver Spring, Mr. He dec I are d Hussia "nml. they unleash a' war we arc not One investor felt that current. policy. (UPI Photo). oth~r pracc-toving states" wilt. ~frai_d of it. ~f th~Y. un.l,eash il, CLEVELA;.ID I APl-:\ Coast bond prices ~re rather higher. Eric W. Kierans. president of -I sign a peace treaty with Ea~l: It Will ~:~ the1r smc1de. , ·,Guard ;utter rea_cherl St:mnar~l: than can be sustained He also. the Montreal stock exchange,

: Grrmanv at. the end of th1s: In h1s hour - long speech. Rock Lighthouse m Lake Super- saw the possibilitv if the; said the budget clearly rein·

h , M k p • d 1 year. · Khrushchev alm said that the ior early Wednesday and found Canadian dollar sl~vr. weak and· forces the "hard-sell" approach · t ' 1 Soviet Union would "feel, fire. wreckage and tlu·ec men • the historic pattern' .. ontinues of' of the department of. trade apd

an g e a r e. s rov I e ASKS WEST TO Sf(;;\' hound" to increase i\S fi~hli~~ who bad been strand ell si~ce . higher interest rates in Canada : commerce.. By refUSl~g to m-Ile suJ:gested tile West .10111 in forces if the Western powers lhd sunday night. when an exp\oswn than in the Fnited States an- crease tanffs on a w1de ran~e

signing a treaty that "would nG\ so. ,·ipped through the lone!)' light- other surge of American buying of goods it had "cffecth·c\:1 infringe the rigllts or the inter-· In another part of his speech, house. : mav come into Cancda. :warned management that th~

B d t R t• ests of any of the sides. would Khrushchev offered en cxplana- A fourth , man w_a~ missing, Some dis<~ppointment wa~ ex- 1~oor w_il! n?,t be ~hut to world

t U ge eac' I 0 n not gii'C one state nn adl'antage lion of Russia's pact with \'azi :md Coast Guard officialS at fils- pressed \hill the budget leans competJt.JOn. . .

nges . · 01

.er another." Germanv in 1!!:!9. tricl headquarters here "ud that too heari\v on mondarv meas- _ The f anarhan Lahor ton.~res'

01K1 _'sls1~1·:t1lnshfc0h1_e,1· 1·s1 c rt1x1· 1[1J~-rs,·1.s1· 1 ~ 1o1 I~111i_ .. n_ He s~itl it was the shameful after two 1la,·s and two nights· ures rathdr th<m 011 su~h fiscal m a statement h~· its secretary· " " ,

11 , policies of F:n~l<mrl and France.· thel'C was little chance he st1lt measures :ts tnx adjustments or trcasu:w, Donald ~lacDonald

rf•sern•s ,sia would sign. tlw. sPpm:atc such as the :\!unich :\~rrrment was ati1·r. itH~rntilrS. s.ud . 1t welcom.~d the ~orcrn-. II

1wm·r treatv

1nth !·.ast (,cr- with !litter in 1!J:Jn, that eon- :0.1is>ing \I';!S William .\. '.[ax- menl s "belated con1·ersiOn to

~:xch:mg~ tit ion of foreign goods chop olf the Can<ulian exclwn~r ~·o·. u : :hr stron~test a substantial part of Canada's of nearly $2,000,000,00il ~m···i.' to Finanec big international balance of pay· and l\.S. dollars.

m go r nwn)· 11.," · "\' konsle goda." 1ince1l Hussia tl1e .\Jlirs 1rrrr well. :H. of Houghton. '.Iic\1.. f<l- Hu~h H. \lont~nnwr)·, l'ic~ monetary and fiscal policie.~ ad-

l.itrrallv transtalcli. it nwans "(1\'0-faccll" n1HI hrou~ht ahoul thcr of fi,c. an rngincman first prrsidrnt of lhe t'anadian Con- ,·oc:ttrrl hv the CLC but added: "at th~ end of the year" hul it tlw paet. class. struction .\."ociation. ><lid: "Deficit fin;mcin~ is l!Ond but.

r , nrw budget ments deticil of $1,270,000.000 WOUI,D t:P LI\'J!'OG COSTS :;,;::'" _,,,,lor dropped last year. One result of the dollar dis· ''F ·.,, ·:c in 10 years. 'tr. Flrmin~·s 24.000 - wont r:ount policy would he tn make

'" 11r~ for the ~o1·· budget speech in the Commons imports more t•xprnsil·e. push-., :a·Jrt" 't~ new pro-. Tuesday night left income taxe-~ ing up living costs. ~;;n;nc :hr !Iollar's ex- and other tax rates unchanged: i '' 'n " riJst·oHnt thr and [orccas~ a record peacetime: Rut ~lr. Flemin~ . ~aiel thl' I :; :,.·\ :h;;t on their budget deficit of $6:iO.OOO.OOO.' pncr advant<~gc 11 11'\tl l'!'eatr.

· lr·• \ nrh. the Can a- This would he Canada's fifth increasing exports m11l rtisplac­.' ''m 1n terms of deficit in a ro11' totalling $2.0oli,-.' inl! import s with Canadian

ir:l threr t-ents to 500.000. ! goods, will help Cananian pro-

Canada Renews Plane t

11_iure<l seriously in thr cxplo- "\\'r arr npprclwn,il'r lh;tt thP dcfil'it i~ not hi~ ennu!!h."

>inn. 1r\iil'h h;HI cut rommunira· \lr. Firmin~·, hudget is not Thr st;Mment approved ~~.v­

tion; from tlw Ji~ht. ~~'"' o-car .~oin~ lo do the ion hf: thinks rral of thP. hudget's propos~!• n. Daniels. ~:!. ;~n rlrctrician'< it is ;:oing lo do." hut. sHid it contains "n~ im· male. Two other men who wrrr ~lr. ~!ont~omNy, l'ier - prc.5i· provement~ in ~ocial securitv, at :h~ \i~hthotJSe ,,_wr unin· dent and ~encr<1l mnn<tger of no re~l relief for the sm~ll t:~x·

Pentw•nn Con;lrudi~n Co. Ltd .. ; pa,_·er, ~nrl n!l measures that · iurrd. h · Coa't (;u;ml;nwn c<tll St;m- :\lontreal, said the ;tssociation 1 woulrl ~rndnce !Uhstanti"l .. in-hard Rol'k lkhl. h11i\t 7~ )·ears for sc1·cral ,-ears h;1~ been pro·; cre<t~es m consum~r pttrchasmJ a.~o on a rcrf n milrs snuth~ast' mot ina wintrrtime construction 1 powe._r_:_· ________ _

Bv ,JOSEI'll MacSWEEN tram;port fur the commission of 'laniton Island. the loneliest ·-·--·----- --

Campaign For Laos Canadian Press Staff Writer hut Green, who followed him, li~hthousr in the world. It was N d ~ • E I• Gf;NEVA <CPl-Cunada won countered that twice in May the to. hale been replacrd Jhis ,-ear. e-e I ng n I Yen.·~·

' support from the Western hig Polish representative in Laos i w1th an automnt1c !Jghl. 1 , '1111

three Wednesday as it renewed, had joined with India nnd Can-: :rile Coa't Guard hnd no. ~c-its campaign for planes and hel·; ada on equipment reports. These I t~uls on what .caused the _exr n-

·~rn ~;md hack to Mr. !<'leming plans to low~r \ duccrs sell "many hundreds of: ~, tr,r rto>e of trad- the \'ulue of the Canadi~n dol· 1 millions of doll~rs worth of ad·

. lar by using the exchan::e fund: ditional Canadinn ~onds ~nd ~~~Jf•tturr1s cut their· to buy U.S. dollars, adding to, services."

in :mr with the· !rmn' a: of the i':-per-1 E' h . . ' m·ise tax. On. I( mann: :r.arket, prices of in­~::arr• ~ur~ed ahead, :

. t~o~r of hig export I ~kr newsprint. t

Whrat Board . trnL< to the price of ol r:,port wheat to

Pictures Himself As , icoptcrs for the international . had said effective machinery nf I sion of gasolme and pl opanr d II control' commission in Laos. I supervision could be set up only' gas. Post-B u ge·t lu

E x t e r n a 1 Affairs Minish~r 1

if equipment inclu_ding helicop-; Howard Green, on the last day tcrs and . hght an·crart were I Canadl'an Do·.11ar

I of his second visit to the 14· ~ made avmlable. I nation conference on. Laos, said I British delegate Malcolm Mac-• there is. ample ~v1_denc~ the

11 Donald, French delegate ,Jean

1 N t T h • II OTTAWA ICPl - The Com- year.

i lhree-natmn commiSSIOn I~ un-' Chauvel and American Amhas-: 0 ec nlca y mons' post·hudget lull was liv- 1\!r. ~!arlin asked 1\Jr. Fl~m-: able to supervise a cease.fn·e m : sador Averell Harriman all sup- ' cned Wednesday by a needling ing whether "there was 1101 a , Laos without air-inspection anu i ported the Canadian view. I d i running exchange between Con- good precedent in the act of the :other equipment. I Deva ue ! servalivcs and Liberals. prime minister in tabling a con-

(l'T lllli.J •. •R \',\LUE; .JERUSALEM 'APl - Adolf who headed the Gestapo's ,lew- "This conference cannot ' pfiodret~_t,i,al, secret governm!nt re-" It was the fourfr\ ann:rcrsary ··

!a1~ . mnl'in~ develop·· Eichmann pictured himself in ish affairs section used the word evade its responsibility to sup-1· longshoremen ;.JEW YORK 1 CP •-Altllough of the Dicfenbak~,· ~ovcrnmcnt •at'd

If• " t t' h f l ' I I' "we" mOI'e often than "I" 'tn. plu the nssn.n[I'al equipment,." " :'ltr. Diefenbaker • Mr. ·' ~;,,. 1mmrdiate rc- cs 1mony e ore liS srac 1 » , ' ' the l'aluc of the Canadian dollar. -which took office .June 2t, M r · t' was "com· ot \tr Fleming's judges Wednesday as just a: his effnrts to explain away the said Green, noting

1t1hat iUl, !;a~' k in terms of cl.S. money. pound 1957 _ and the debate was pl:;e:~ ~al~~~7es IOn

?r:cr- in line with i !l"M' 10 riew of the 1

;~ fi,r Canadian dol·: Just A Transport Cog

lhr dollar to. transport cog in Nazi Third slaughter of 6,000,000 .Jews. I been offered hy le 01 e urged To Bac ; sterling, gold or othel' currency. sprinkled with harhcd refer· )lr. Pickcrsgill, MP for Bon· ~c an~e <IS· T ·t f " h d f 'has dropped apprcdably in the. enccs to it hy ;:lecful refer·· : a1·ista • Twillin~ale, fired back ~ h ,. Reich machinery for killing mil- f . . , . · Slates and France. .

lions of .Jews. He said he is still : es 1 ym, In IS own e ence "These offers cannot be ig- : --surprised at what happened-. fo~ the ~econd day, Eichmann nored. I suggest that without' - las\ 3'." months, it has not tech- t ences to it by glcefllt Conserva- that !he "precedent was created

l h I k d 't 'said Nazi officials, from IIIller further ado the two co-chairmen I Strl'ke nically been "devalued," finan-. lives. 'bv the prime minister on the

anc e oo c I . . down to local " 1 't . , . . ci:1l experts said Wednesday. . . i 20th of .January 19j8 in the ~~Hinst compe- The bald former ~ I I. nan ct ets, \\eie I should meet with represcnla· Since 1952 the Canadian dol-. The Llhcr«ls kn~.~e:t hack wJ_th I most outrageous, act ~,·er per---.. _____ :_:_ __________ s. __ co_on_e :driving hard to exterminate. Lives of the three members o£ Bv ARTHUR EVERETT i lar has hecn traded intcmation·. qucstwns. al~mll f m.m_ce '!Ims-, formed in this Parliament."

eat her h•r C t' I Nfld. Skies

"·. · on muing ll'arm. today ;;_ TIIURSDAY, JUNE 22

T rmperahtres

!>fin Max Night Day

...... 47 60

...... 53 64

Sunset today ........ 8:0.1 p.m.

Sunrise to-m~rrow

Moonset to-morrow

4:03 a.m.

1:03 a.m.

Full Moon · .. .. . June 28

....... 57 77 TIDES ...... 49 fi3

51 78 Hlgh 1.28 a.m., 7.45 a.m. 53 76 Low 2.10 p.m., 8.33 p.m.

THURSDAY, JUNE 22 Prominent Star

brlow the M(lon. VIsible Planet~

0 .......... 0.

rises . . . ' . . . . . . . . rises o o I o f 0 0 o t 0 • t

rises . , • • • • • • • • • • . .. 10:27 p.m. 10:10 p.m.·· 10:31 p.m. 2:12 a.m.

Jews. 1 the international commission to · · t ~-1 n1 " feud w1th gover ;.JEW YORK (API-Rallyin• allv in a free market at a float- 1 er CI nb 5 B k. The references were to the SO· ·work out the practical details,· . ~ · · .· 1 ·f· . d nor Tames F Co\'Jle of the an·

The massacre was not in the. , lt' , . 11

" , longshoremen, m a one - day mg rate 11 1t 1 no spcc1 1c an ; . · "' - ·called "hidden report" on the

h d r . . ' consu mg o1s necessary Ie no\- ' work stoppage that crippled the ' fo1·mal fixed parity. o£ Can.ula. Canadian economy which wa~

, an s o a light little group 1 ernmcnts that have made the I • t . . ,. . · . , :port of New York, were urged' The currencies of mos coun·. Parryin:! a barb from Paul' prepared for the Liberal gov· ~Ilhi_n the Gestapo, Eichmann offe1 ~}f eqlllpmen~.. _!by their lcad{)fS Wednesday to. tries are registered with the ln- 1 former Liberal novcrnment,, ernment and made public later 1mphed, but was the result of a f RlLota an

1d _Bnt.nn nre con I back the six-day strike of 85,000 '1 ternational Monetary Fund at a' Martin health mini~ter in the! by the Conservatives.

. 1. . erence co-c 1mrmen. • . B - 'd . 'f' ·t F · m Jl the 1 • g1gan Ic campa1gn through a\- M

1 f th . . 'amcncan seamen. ul diSSI enl1 spcc1 IC pan Y- 'or cxa l l' ·Prime :\linister Diefenbakcr ·

most every level of the Nazi or- ar c~~~!: 0chair~a~om~~~~~: voic~s- arose from their r~nks. British pound at_ $2.80, the Ger- ·grinned broadly and said: THE COUJiiTRY PARSON . . e · . ' Wilham V. Bradley, presrdent man mark at 2a cents and the

gamznhon. and Commumst ~oland •.. and of the International Longshore- Belgian franc at 2 cents. "He seems to ha\'e forgotten Speaking in careful, precise Pol!~h deputy forei_gn mimsler men's Association, told a mass . that he is not on the treasury I' Manan Naszkowski was the t' f 5 000 d k . B t Each CO\~nlry guara~tccs 1ts benches any lon~er, that four

German, Eichmann looked as if only other formal speaker at ~ee 1;g :. ·' oc ers 111 a - currency WJll be held _w!llu~ one. years ago today an event took he were learning about the bast- Wednesday's meeting. cry ar · per cent of the panty figure. ; place that he has not yet for-' ness of this campaign· for the SUPPORT ~US~IA "As far as this strike is con- When the parity is officially gotten."


first time as he consulted d _ N~s1.kowsk1 smd he ~uppor~ed cerned, we are behind it. The changed by governmental order. ~cu the proposal of the Sov1et Umon steamship owners bar- it is called a devaluation, re- :O.Ir. I\! arlin, ~lrmher for Es-' ments ~nd answered . queshons that the commission get its gain in good faith and long- devaluation or up-valuation. 1 sex East, tried to table as a:

' Pl•t hy his German d.efence coun· transport from the opposing shoremen will not tolcrnte this I • • 'House document the recent ceo-. sel, Dr. Roher! Servatius. I parties in Laos. a procedure stalling by ship owners." "The Canadwn government Is' nomic statement issued by Mr.:

,. · . , which he said would follow that! However, strike leaders sent not pulti~~ do":n the value to Coyne, who is battling govern-! Eichmann said he learned '!laid down hy the Geneva con-· a telegram lo Bradley,in which ?ny specifiC ~rice. so. although mcnt demands that he resign as i \

through prosecution documents ference of 1954 which brought. they said without elaboration: m essence this mu~ht be a de- : I

valuation, you really can't calli bank governor. 1,

that his boss, SS Gen. Heinrich I' peace to Laos and other parts . . .. , . . . , . , . 1 . . of the former French Indo-! the ship owners arc hegmn- It that, cxplamed f.dwm A., Mr Flemin" protc,ted that' ~":'._ Mueller-whose fate ·Shll IS un-

1 chi'i•a · ing to negotiate and there is no 1 Rcichers. vice-president of the' · ~ 1 ".'!ost folks know 1·nslt'nct1'vcly , · · ' , · : · d . 1 f : part of the do•~umen was a "

certam - went over Eichmann s, The Polish dele" ale s·lid "ex-· need for the gallant longshore· foreign exchange epa1lmen ° 1

• • • • ".

1 h t to say-after they've

h d · D Rol G ' · ~ ' · t k 'f' b tl F' t '' 1· 1 Bank of New. confidential commumcat10n ml. I w at no

ea to !:IVC eputy [ uen· angerated importance" was he-, men o rna e more sacn1ces y 1c 1rs .,a wna ' . . . . ' 'd . , t~er special QliSignmenls. I i;g attached to the question of· shutting the port down." \'o1·k. I Coyne sent to lum earher this sa I JL

.. !' "·:·


J ••.



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i ' '

; i I

I : !


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I f' Ji .. '

THF. DAILY NEWS. ST. lORN'S. Nl'I.D . ' 1961











I .

r "lf''"·". ....... !< .. - ... .. ~ ·- . . . . . '· .. ·-·--· •.- . ·.-· "" '

M.echanic and Body Partners In New Automotive Repair Operation


Specializing in all types of motor jobs, paint jobs, body work and ser· vicing, the CABOT GARAGE makes its official opening this Saturday.

Situated about one and one half miles from the Kcnmount-Thorhurn Road junction. the garage is excellently sited on the Kcnmount Hi;(hway where out of town motorists. travellers, and hnJi. day·crs can find quick and rca1ly service.

The garage is under the new man;,ge. mcnt of George Arns. who has had sc,·en yr:~rs in the hody work businc>.s. and Bill Squires who ha' six :·cars experience as a nwchanie.

Everythin!: from a complrtp .inh. to a minor adjustnwnt ean be done at lhc "CABOT", and facilities arc al'<iilahle for aect~·lcnc and elcctrit·al 'wldin;:.

When we visited the CABOT fiAfL\liE recently, the worbhop was occupied by several cars that were undergoing expert treatment, for motor .iobs, hody repairs and for rc-paintin~. The gara~e intends to t'xpand its prcmisc.s, and thus he

enabled to take care of the increasing number of orders pouring in. However, thNe is no slow·up experienced by the many satisfied customers.

To be completely equippcrl like any other modern. fully catering garage, the "CAROl"' will sometime in the ncar future include a car.wash section, and this being one of the few in or around St. .John's, it should really please all motorists.

\\'!TH GOLDEN EAGLE ~asoline in ils pumps, the station has the latest that any rar ran want, and with a staff of three, things are kept hoppin~.

:-o:ot only will the CABOT GARAGE c1 (•ntually expand ils services and de· ,·clop new motor departments, but the 'taff too is e"pected to he increased. to rfficien!ly keep up with the ~rowing de· mand on lhe new business.

Remember, a short drive from the .iunclion, out on the Kenmount Highway, is the newly operating CABOT GARAGE, where any motorist. no matter what his car needs, will find "TJP.TOP" Service.


Congratulations TO











() ,. It

It ,, rt

Cabot Garage carries full stocks of Goodrich tires, tubes, fan belts, radiator hose, battery cables ond tire repair materials.


Cabot Garage carries all types-Guaranteed to satisfy by 13. F. Goodridge.

ALSO, see Cabot Garage for:--












-The above products distributed by-



ilease/ '-DIAL 7178 • JOB ST •• ST. J~N'S_.

-------·~ ---~-·~·~-------------·~·


rest I ontrol

The ,forest fir the j\rgentia Road 'fhiS fire . had cro~~ of five mtles by or

Two Mmes a: J11Cl1 and thir ~y U .:

Ot endangenng a' n ~r b'l ') . At "'o 1 e -·' been burned up to ·t .Mobile was out es d . pond an entennv

J11CI1 are working ( power Compan~·.

The Hore 8;; Is 110w bur~1ing iP

The ftre at L y;!ll be helclunl:~ timber and hall I;

There \\·as 1;1

lie\' eel to be sti II l

The fire at late report on i l I.

The Counc


And At the Council Ill~(·\ I''

the quc•,t:• in::: and tal;i ·.

\'IDI LAKt: ''·

On thi.; b(JWP\ •

itor ha!' ~:iid : ~. does hanl t!•e r-. regulation~ tPn·

lak~ ... in tact. :h•

o:-."J.Y nu; n Council wi>hed : the fact that th•

are not only : of regatta anrl ol

it is for the "' li1·ing nearh;·

. The lake. ~>. >' the City. E:-.'FORCE:\1 E~"l

The necessary ;trp< the proper mr

, will be made.

There has been so1n1· Windsor Lake. 1'\. informer! th;J' pm., on thr !lith. that the lakr I'll\\'!

of two rw~1r

three j u ':('nil • up after ah.

boat. and the HC' in. The Cound action will he 1

. was reportc~ h;· • tnspcdor, and 1 h· agreed to reconun the huildin:;s he

building al'l

James ~l• . William Dru~~r

Page 3: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door




I ~

cks ·its, :nd



'· F.



rest Fires Still Out ofw_. J_. Ke~ough trol In Many Areasl Outdoor Fires

Talk On

Halifax-NBWW May Be Dissolved And Members Be Asked To

T!:L' inre~t fire situation remained grave last night. The blaze on . , .\: c:<'nt ia Road was out of control after having burned 4,100 acres. · _ · ,, had erosscd the road in one place and extended a distance .· .. ,. :~1 ile~ b~· one and a quarter miles in depth. · ·;·.,._,, :\line~ and Resources crews with four pumps, twenty local

, .. ,;:·.i thtrt~· U.S. Naval men were fighting the blaze. The fire was •. c: .:.,,~~erin~ an~' setlement.

· .\: :\Iobile ~!.100 acres of small timber, bo~ and barren land had . ,·.:::1C'cl up to earl\' afternoon yesterday. The fire in the area near­

;··::,.<,· \I' as out. but was burning at the west end of Mobile First · . . : Pntering inland. The settlement was out of danger. Thirty

• ,. "''rkin!; on thi~ fire including a crew from the Nfld. Light &

,. I L1re Ba~· fire was out of control near Traverse Brook and · .::·11int; inland. There are seventy men fi~hting this blaze. : li!'l' at Big Falls, Upper Humber, was well under control and ,:,i unless the \\'inc! gets stronger. lt has burned 700 acres, half . ·,! half bogland. , .c \\'~Is no late report from the Dead Brook fire, but it is be­

,,. >I ill out of control. ·, ! .re at Fn;.:o was under control yesterday, but there was no

: Ptl it l<lst night.

Are Prohibited lion. W. J. Keough, Minister of Mines, Agri­

culture and Resources, made the following state­ment from Gander yesterday morning:-

. "I am very much concerned that, notwithstand­ing continuous \Varnings over many years, appar­ently no more care is being taken with fire in the woods.

"In view of the twelve fires now burning I have no ot•hcr choice than to prohibit all outdoor fires except those at approved picnic sites and for or­ganized youth grou'ps.

"I am also quite convinced now that I should recommend to the Government, for submission to the next session of the Legislature, the imposition of a jail sentence without option of a fine for all per­sons causing forest fires through negligence."

HMCS Terra Nova

St. John's

Ferry The CN!l is presently nego. '

liating with an unnamed ship-. pin~ ronccrn with a view to

haring them p1·ovide a vear round ferry service bet1~cen Halifax and St. John's.

The C:"<R now operates the ferry William Carson between ~orlh Sydney and Port aux

, Basques but there has bern many representations made to Yarious agendes conccrnin~

provision of what has bern termrcl an ''mst coast ferry" sen·ice.

Join Carpenters' Union The DAILY NEWS learned last night from a

fairly reliable source that the Nfld. Brotherhood of Wood Workers may be dissolved. The members of the new union would seek membership in the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, this source said.

Sterling Thomas, President of the NBWW, would not discuss the issue and would not say if the dissolution· of the union had been discussed. He is expected to arrive in St. John's in a day or two in connection with his union's business ..

The 1\V A •lcccrtii£cd just over two years ago following riotin:: and bloodshed. is back again seek­ing members and recertification.

'l'he loggers may he asked to participate in another plebiscite to sec if they arc willing to join the International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. , Details of the Ci\R negotia­

i lions were not releasee! imme· i rllalcly hut further information

lll\ay he arailahle soon, i FisherrrJen Protest T Ct Trap Fishery

Trouble; '~~~s~~~:~~~~;' ~i:~'~::~~ ~:,~~'~:: ;~.:;,; .. ~~:~~:~~~::~~:: 1 Smith, CD. llC:'-1, anti having of cittzens will take ach·antage Lawn, Burm and nearby areas,

The Councl


Feder a~ Government On Anti-Trawl legislation The following rrsr·lutions w•~rc

p:.,scd rt a mcetin~ of fisher­men held in Rcne'l's on June 18: And Other M ! on board ](('ar Aclmir~'l .!\.·. L. of the opportunity to visit the, are poor, according to recent

tt I Dyer, DSC, CD, HCN, Fb~ Of· ship, which is named after the' report~. a ·e rs · ficer Atlantic Coast ancl the Terra Nova River in l'iewfound ~!;my traps ha1·c been set but 1 ' Deputy Chaplain· of tlw-I'Iect land. . they ha•:e not been taking ani' WHEREAS the hand line fbh-

, ( Pro\c•stant), Rrl'. II. Plough- To perpetuate the ship's as-· sizeable amounts of cod. · ermcn of Renews han enjoyed -. . ;· .. ;! m••ctl!l~ hrld CHESfE:'\T TIIE.\THE THREE HOUSES , man. Rl':'-1, will nTI'il'e in St. sociation with Newfoundland protection from the use of

: .,. qu,•,tion nl Ncwlwok and ~!organ En· .John's at n.:l:l a.m. on Sattirday, the Government has ir.diealcd · The draggers operating from trawls in their arc;~ for genera-

,\ mcetmg of fishermen will lw held at 9.30 tonight at fer­ryland. lt has been called by t hr mcm bcr of the district. lion. ~lyles P. :llurra!'. Fishermen wtll he attending from Petty Harbour. Renews and other parts of the district.

~~nd tal~iw; o f 1 Lcttrrs wen• n•ad concern· gim•c•ring Limited Iws awlicu .July ht. and will hrrth 't the its desire to present a sill'er fish plants in the area. how- lions. which protec·ion was con-, ·, : .. \1\1-: '"'" dis-· l!lg tlw cl!lapiclalc!cl <'onclilinn to City l'ouncil for pennifsiou U.S. Army \\'harf for n three- modd of n Caribou to H~ICS CI'Cr. report continuing good firmed by statute in 1895 and

ul this uld Theatre on Water to construct three hOll>Cs on day l'isit. TERRA NOVA as a gift from catches. rcconlirmcd in 1913: ., . .,,. lll<icll' nt Stn·pl, and some of tlw pro· .land the property of ~lount . ~Irs. D~w will <~rril'l' _h~· TCA the people nf 1\ewfoundl;md. A/I.'D WHEREAS by Regula-

' hat ~rtAc pu,als tor it. It 'is knoll'll to carson Development Limited, 111 t~1e aftemoon to JOIII the This presentation will take lions made in :llay. 1960. this '· !·,·Ill~ .... L he beyond 75'... dcprcda\ecl, and locntcd on the north side' Adnmal. and !lOth ll'lll be place a\ 3:30 p.m. on l\londay. Preml"er Speaks protection was takf'll from them

!•lTl'l'lilL'ill nf hut the front part ean be rc· of the Topsail Highway, six guests of His Honour the Lbt· July 3rd., when His Honour the without prior notice and con-frl'l' or :Ill' built. The Enginc•er has sug- miles from St. John's. This re- lenant-Gm·ernor and C.lrs. ~lac· Lieutenant-Governor. the lion· 1 sultation with them; .,;~·vl<'r. the .~<'.<\I'll that the pnrty interest- quest has been referred to the phcrson at Gol'ernmcnt !louse. om·able Campbell :llacpherson,' i A:-ID WIIERE.-\:i this will • HI th;~t tilt• ,.,1 in tht• work on the theatre, commission on Town Planning. Prr trnnel from IDICS OBE. and the Acting Pre.mier, 1 In Qntari"Q I hal'e the effect of ruining the

. , fi,,. n.~ht to •·an he ~l\'l'll a pPrmit to 1·c· TE!li\A 1\0VA. as IVI'Il as a the Honourable L. R. Cnrtis, , hand line fishery in the area. ""'"·"mi•1>: huil<i till• front sN·tion. hut' POO!t AVENUE funrlecn picec band whidt the ().C. will go on hoard TE!tllA' on which the pr05 pcrity of Re-

I I · 1 1 · "0\' \ f 1 'I Premier .1. H. Smallwood will : .• c·t. I H' (0\111· that tlw rear part should he A resident of Pear(•e Avr•mte s 11p ws on lOard for t111s l'isit. " ' or t w ceremon)·. ·'em- news has depended for ccn-'ll 1 · 1 f tl bl' · 1 · t he a\t('IHiing the banquet in ,.,.,.,~Jl.ll'•l h)' de;lro) Pel. A resolution con· has writtrn complaining of the II' I la •e part 111 a paraclt• to H·rs o te pu tc WI' ung o . . tnries; • 1 t;o,·c·rn· ct•l'lling this will he hrou):(ht in dilapidated cottclt'tiott ol tll·"l St. Thomas' An;.(lican Church l'icw the proceedings arc cor-. llrocknl!c, OntariO this week; BE IT THFI'FFORE RF-·• · 11 · · l t h nf the So1·erc1"11 ('rand Lod"r ~ ' ~ ' ~

at next ll'epk's Cunneil meet- Al'enue, During the ]last l.'em·, at 10.00 a.m. on Snndny, .July ella Y nl\'ltcl o e present on, f . .' , ·" ' ' . ~ · ~OL\'ED that tim merlin" of Jll

.. l,·.\'1"1'.\ · 2 1 ·] . ·1 ·1 .· 1. tl , \\'1 rf · o Bn!1sh :\or\h America. lie . . . . " 111g. ~·the letter said, residents were 111 ·· 11 lrlC a 11 ll I' enstgn 1om' le Ia · : .. 1 1 . 'ftshermcn m Renews DO stroll"·

I I I t[ • 'fl'I"'A Nll\' \ ··11 I 1 !!'IC 0 "'l•'J>DA NOV·\ '1s till' 111 I ac dress the mectmg. I . . . ~ .,., ,, ter to rna><' asked to move their front fen· te '. '" 1 1 II I lC c e- . ·' " .' ~ "' . 1 • • · · : !y protest against t111s actwn

.. Police Make 9 Arrests

Eight arrests were made by city police yesterday .

Six men were arrested for drunkenness. one for malicious dam a ~e and one was gh·en in ehargc for bring drunk and dis· orclt•rly in the home.

HD!P arre>!ed one man, charged with impaired dri•·,ng.

·:~ :.··: :hat tlll'sr rt·s· , cr' and make way for street d;cnted prcsPntecl to the ship detailed th1s yea~ to take Afterwards )lr. Smallwood: and demand that their ancient • . ' :.r· "•t only for the• CO:'IOCRETE SIDEWALKS · widening, "To date," it con· <. hurl'h. 'I he ~erqres at St. lhs Honour :he Lleutcna~t-1 will 1·isit Ottawa hut no out-' rights be restored. at least in

~: H· •• .':" ami other nc· Storrs in the Churchill Park tinued, "'fhe street has been Thomas' Churl'h will comm(•nee Governor on hls annual cnHse: line of his plans were released.: part. and that an area he resen·- , Firemen Get Three Calls :· > fnr the safet~· of area ha1·e applied for the con· untouched.''


at 10.:10 a .. m. Dunng thr scr .. 1

to var~ous ports, around the 1 After Ottawa ~lr. Smallwood, cd for them, from the First of 1

h< ;:•_ ncarhy at all struction o! concrete sidcw<llks The Engmcer has hren ask· VIce the_ I• lag Officer Atlantu:' s.outh 'oast or. Newfoundland.' will take a trip to the United : July to the end of October. 1 Tcr ·,,!,r. L'. aftrr all IJe .. ~rc their prcmisos. 'fhe ' ed to look into this and make Coast Will r;;ul the lrsson and 1• rom St. Johns the slup sal I~· Kingdom but. again, his plans' large enough to permit them to · :~r' :·:. cst•matcd cost of constructing· a report for a subsequent meet· Dept·ty Chapl<ttn-of-thc-Flccl at 11:30 p.m. on .~londay, Jul, i were not disdoscd. :carry onr the hand line fishery J:\l'OlllDU:~·r sidewalks from Pine Bud along ing. I (Pl w11l nss!Sl at the sen•1ce. 3rd,_ and .wtll VISit :llarystown,. , . . . 1 without interference from long -rrr" ·.:T ~te11~ to rn· the frontn~c of these businesses From the Church the parade Burm, St. I.awrcnce, Lawn,. 1' ollowmg tlus tnp. the Pre- line trawls:

'" prr usr of the i., S2,950.00. The following .Jl'IJGES Wll,\ltF will mol'e off to the Sergeants' Lamaline. Fortune. Grand Bank, Inter w1ll join other delc~atcs . A:\'D BE IT rTRT!IER RE-,, .,,dr. stores hal'c applied; ~lacy's The Regatta commitlee has 'lrmorial. Quc·rn's Ro:td. where Garnish, Bay L'Argent, Ter· from Kcwfoundland to attend SOLVED that R copy of thc>c


Three ca lis wrrr rcceind IJy cit.v firemen yesterday.

At 1.15 p.m. thr.1· wer~ ~allrrl to a house on S• .. Clare Al'enue where a wire under a l'erar,dah harl caught fire. There wa1 no damage.

Limited, General rilms, Hunt's expressed thanks for the Cuun· it will he juined by a parade of rcncel'ille, English Harbour special ceremonies at Beaumont Resolutions bP. sent to thr Hon. \'aricty. Camera craft Limited, ril's prompt attention in the TEHRA :-JOVA'S personnel who East, Hencontre East, Pool's Hamel. France, where a mem- w. J. Browne. ~lemher for St.

ha· ,,., n some tronhle l'ook's Groccrtcria and Heid's building of a new judges wharf will be atl('JHling spn·icrs at l'ol'c. Belleoram, Harbour lire· onal to ?\ewfoundlnnd's War .John's \\'est. and to the Hon. i c:;r·r l.:tkc·. Tht• '1 II'· Sture. This has all been defer· nn the North Bank of Quidi the Basi lien. The whole group ton, Hermitage, Gaultois. St. Dead will he um·cilcd. i Angus 'lac Lean. ~linister of "' :!:~ .. :·m·d th:tt around n•d for dc•cision later. ~ Vidi Lake will then p:tradl' lo the War Alhan·~. ~lilltown, Pushthrough, 1 :Fisheries for Canada.

Otlwr calls wrre re~ardinl: a drfcctil'e oil burner on Hamil· ton Al'enue and a small fire in hrush hrhind a home on the S3 me street. · ·.·::: 1 .f· .;d-:e rowho:1t \\''lc;

·· :~." :·· muoring:o;. \\':th ··.: (•: ! ·'- n nt·.u·hy rp-;j.

Ill\ t·nih·s \\.'t'rt'

··t· .:!lt·r ;~h:uutunin~ : ;: .:·.: ·!,.. Hc'~ll' w•·n·

· T: .• · ' ••\\neil has slat · · '"·"" .,. ,\J he• lit ken.

;~r ·~:·"(' hou~r~ in t11r ·.-Jnretion in tlw

>" --~~ 1. ;11~'1 tlwn· \\(•rf' -- •rd for th!'m.

· '"'' hy lhr build ''"I t hr r .. u•tf'il rl' 1 n!HIIlt'IHiations

.. , ' •···'·'·~' hr rrmnl'ecl. · ... - "rr <;crald

··f'. · 1 ·1 '1W~ 'h·Cormal'k . , •· .. : ;.·:1 llt·ug~rtt. Tlwsr

'If:·,, ~\innNi of th{' : ''''>lrurtion hdnn•

~ "'•1 __] .... : r~t·. :-.1on.



---- -- -· ' ;\lemorial, King's llPach, to Francnis, Hamca, BUJ·geo, Hose· I ,,1t!'tal the ~1<-morinl Dav SPr· l\lanehc, Port aux Basques, Charged


Of Building $627,170.00

1 ic-es. A wre~1th !rom the· Hoyal l'hannrl and l'ornrr Brook. His 'Canadian N;lVI' will he• laid hv Honour will disemllark at Cor- • • ! Sod Tlllrnl"ng I Admiral lh'el' ·assisted hv Con;. ncr Brook ancl TEllHA "'OVA i w h s i mandt•r w: B;·emnc•r, CD·. HC:-1. will sail from there for Halifax It ettlng . F N ' I' Canadian Naval Commanc(pr on Sunday, 1Gth. July. . ' or L1rses Newfoundland. Admiral and ~Irs. Dyer w1ll

Struck By C~1r I G'n Sullllay from 2:~0 Jl m. to return to Halifax by RCAF air- F t F. i Home & School Two girls. aged three and len, I ~~0- p.m. JI~ICS TEHHA NOVA~~aft_ Oil ~ues~ay._July_!_llt.___ (!Ires Ire i m ~r~~~k~~est~~~~~'i)\~~re c~: a~~

There were eight applications Avenue; The Cookie Jar. Duck-~' 81 and 79 Kelly Street: II. I has received permission to build . . 1 On Friday ,June 23rd at 2 30 Cashin Avenue 'at 6.45 p.m. ht'fore the City Council yester- worth Street; Hayes Confcc· Clarke Limited. Lot s:1 Kerry 1 a basement apartment: the Bank , A reSident of Corner Brook. r 111 the Pr~miet· will iur 1 th yesterday. Thry were brought day for the installation or ercc· tionery Store, 114 Crahnillar Strrrt· II V·1rdv Tot 4 At'"l'le ·of l\ol''l Scotia on Howan St 1 u,·de Baker was conneted in f: 1. d th 't f 1

1 e to the General I'ocp 1'tal •n·' ' , 0 •• I • ' • ' -' h. t • ' ! ' •• ! • ' • . • ' Irs so on c .)J e 0 t 1€ new ~ ,;) n u

lion of >i~ns on local stores and A\enue; 0. G. Small Store, 34' street, ancl fr•r Wollace Oates, , w1Il make an cxlcns1on to 1ts coul t "1 Cornrr Brook Tncsda) Nurses' Home and Train in~ treated for minor cuts and husinrs,cs. Cashin Al',cnue; and also a ~i"n I Lot 2 Hnchc Street. building; _.J. B. Hunt of. Howan °.n a charge _of ~etltng ~ forest Schooi at the r;rncral Hospital. bruises.

C.lost nf tlwsr were for plas· for Vok~y s Store, 5R N~w Gow·l EXTE;'\SIONS A Nil Street, wtll undertake mtcrtor fl~c, on llospttal.· Hill ncar the, lion. ,J. n. Chalhr. C.linistcr of' A fi,·e-yeilr-old hn,, !ilting lit• type acll'crtisiug si~ns. and, cr Street. I ALTEfii\1'10NS alterations anrl renova\Jons; C. \lc .. tcrn :llrmollal Ho<pltaL , Public Works '''ill he Master in a parker! truck on !1\al'or II'Prr permitted for the follow- NEW BUN(iAI,OWS ~lr. William Pike of 42 I.e- \\'. Kcllow<~y, 41 Spencer Street. An ROIP P<~tl·ol saw the man f c · ·' · ' · Arenue at 3.30 ,·estcrdal' ~flrr-in~: F'' 1· [' ' throw a lit m<~lcl · l b h t 0 cremonles · · · · ' . tve app tea tons were re- ~ Marchont Road has rcccil'ed per- will huild a second storey rear · . ' 1 111 0 rus a 1 The ccremo1;,, will h attend- noon, apparently released thP

The lmperial Tobacco Co .. ~ctved for permtsston _to con· mission to .make alteration~ 'extension, and Carnell's Funcr- the roads1dc and a fire startc.d. ed by Cabinet C.linis~ers ;mel hrakcs on the car 1o:hich wrnt llarncs and Military Roads; struct bungalows w1thm . the i and renovattons; R. Baker of nl Home, Cochrane Street, wtll: The man was arrester! and rcprcsentalires of Health Ser- down ~ferrymrctinl! Road . ,\oscworthy's Store, Cookstown ctty, There were allowct~ to i Ron;n·enture Al'cnue and Jlhl· butld mortuary rooms. . . , char~cd. , 1-ices anrl all Departments of :truck another car, and erashed :mel Pennywell Roads; Ronaynes' go ahead, and are for, Davtd : hank Street II'IIl make an ex· The only other plan W!tlun , Gol'crnmcnt. rnto a fence. The lad ~scaped

, ~:~~:;.!la~~~~i,ng~ ~~r~~:; ~~~~~:: Sparkes, on Lot 77 Kerry Street; 1· tension and alterations; Lester the city, that was permitted, I He was fined $50 for the of-1 The public are cordially in· ' without anv injurie8 'rherc ______________ G_a_r_la_n_d_C_l_ar_k_e_L_i_m_H_ed, Lots Sturge of 5 Kitchencr Avenue wa~ for Harvey Steamships Lld. fense. 1vited to attend. I wa5 some d~maae to th . ~ - · -- ----- -- to mstall a gas pump and ~tor- . " e rar.

'·'·''J';~.·r···-.-~~;YC!'FV age tank, under the recommen· <lations of the Fire Commis· i sioner.

!trq s · ·l'~i~m~rr School at I will he a forerunner of many live and field workers suhjects In photo, front row, left to

.. ~~st.ty c?ncludes I Summer Schools In future to inchtd~d economics, sociol~y, ri~hl: - I~. H. Compton, G. the ~5 con· I help othe~ groups,. even the cducatton and other subjects. Chtlrch, w. ~Ia her, Professor

anrt xtcnst~n De- churches, m extensiOn activity. These will add to the know· S. ,J. Colman, Miss Elizabeth covers a s1x·weck The head of the Extension ledge of the seventeen students M G th I coop t' f' · c ra , P. ,, Soper, A. Par-

ins e · era tve teld Department, . Professor S. J. participating in the first school sons, c. Leclwell. Second row: or ~"~~~rs o~ the De, Colman, told the Dally News and help make them more pro· C. P. Peckford, H. ~·reake, E.

· · s, esources the 'chool was the first of Its ficienl In their varied under- LeGrow, v. Hynes, Miss Edna

Point of view of the and also of the

b the experimental il b een highly success·

Oped that this IChool

kind ever held here. It has no takings. Baird, M. F. O'Brien. Third connection with ·the Summer row: W. G. Dawe, l\1. Ryan, School in tducation which has Teh cost of the school was E. J. Evans, B. Toms, c. Graff-been ~held annually £or over a underwritten by the Govern· under, H. Parsons, and A. Toms. quarter of a century. ment and the classes were open·

In the 1chool for co-opera· ed by Premier J. R. Smallwood, (Royal Photo Service).

The estimated value of all the I above buildings which received j

permits, is figured at $627,- 1 180.00. .

PLANS REFERRED ; An application from the Can· 1

adian Liquid Air Company, on 1 Cashin Avenue, to build a pri- ' l'ate ~arage, was referred to the ' Fire Commissioner.

The City Planning nffir~r Will : inspect pl~n;; to build an rxtrn- , sion from the ~1remisrs of c;eorge r.. R. Parsons Ltd., on Eliwheth Avenue.

Thr Engi nrrr did not rrl'nm­mchd a planned extension by the Royal Aerated Limitccl, on ' Barter's Hill. Since the exten­sion would he into a prohibited area, the permission was not advised. However, some of the Councillors felt that an estab· lished business should be allow· ed to expand, and the City Solicitor will be asked to re­view the situation before any decision.

!\lore discussion will be held on a proposed extension and al­teration by the Theatre Phar­macy Limited on Queen's Road. The Engineer has not recom­mended this, because o! build­ing regulations.


Mrs. William Gosse of the Topsail Road has been granted ! a p~rmit for a rear extension ' to her house. The estimated value of the work is $5,ooo:oo.



1 SHIRTS • Fit 2-6. ' % sleeves ··············· ·· 4 9c


BOXER LONGS 97c Fit 2-6. Elt:~stic waist.

Colors red, brown, green 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 t 0 t ~ 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0



Page 4: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

' Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper


Canads ..................... $12.00 per annum

l:ruted Kingdom and all foreign countries $14.00 p~r annum

AuthoriZed as second clan mall, Post Offire Dt!partment, Ottawa.

The DAIU NEWS is a moml111 paper establtshed In 1894, and pubUshed at :ha News Building, 355-359 Duckwortb Street, St. John's, Newfoundland, b7 Rubinson & Company, Limited.


The Canadian Press II exclus!ve!J entitled to the use for republicatiOn of 111 news despatches In this paper credit· ed to It or tq the Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news publish· ed therem.

All Press Services and featurt> articles In !Ius paper are cop)'rlihted and their reproduction Is prohibited.

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The Budget ... Uninspired And Uninspiring Perhap~ the most frustrating

thin~ that has happened to Mr. Donald Fleming is that Mr. Co~·ne rele:m'cl three da~·s ago the plan that he had submitted for the cure of Canada's present fiscal :mel economic ills. For it is clear that the Finance !l'linister has drawn heavih· on the Coyne proposals for 11!:; o\\'11 submissions for "the creation of more trade. more pro­dudion and more jobs."

The one thin.~ that is certain is that thts IS not an election budget. Except for the rcmo\·al of the floor unrler medical expense dcduetions for income tax and the prospect of a ~omc\\'hat lower price on motor car,. there is little in it that the a\'cra~e citizen is likely to undcr­~tand. In all other respects it is ambiguou~. \'ague. uninspired and uninspiring.

The mo't important feature is the <iccision to control the exchange r<Jtc of the Canadian dollar by those arbitrar\· and artificial means to which :>.Ir. Fleming expressed \'1 o!ent nppo:.;i t ion a few years ago. In the onr \'Oice. the Finance ~linisler has r!eplored an~·thing that would smaL·k of economic national­i'm <lllcl ~Hloptecl a pol it:~· that would ha\'e the effect of imposing a tariff o•t c\·cr~·tbing that Canada buys abroad. :\ cheaper dollar may help exports which is a good thing. But it \\'ill increase the cost of imports. man\· of which arc indispensable, and thereb~· raise the cost o[ living which is the equi\'alent of increas­inL: general taxation. And while Mr. Fleming was viewing with alarm the possibilit~· of Britain joining the European Common Market, he was abo preparing to slap a ten per cent tariff on imports of British cars.

~'lr. Fleming has said that this is an unusual budget. He is right. He lias c<tllcd it an economic budget \\'hich. to a large degree, it is. Whether. however. the economics of the budget arc sound is another matter. 1L is certainly a whopping deficit budget and it will take a re\·olutwnary acceleration of Can-

adian economic recovery to prevent the estimated deficit of $650 million from reaching a much larger amount.

The economic plan is to give an impetus to Canadian production by reducing imports by direct or in­direct tariff control, by a vague promise to lower interest rates, by small sops to business through larger capital depreciation allow· ances in restricted circumstances, b~· encouraging provinces and municipalities to borrow more capital by keeping the federal gov­ernment out of the long-term bond market, and by broadening the base and volume of Industrial Develop­ment Bank loans.

The cost of this must be reflected in a rise in prices which will itself become a brake on purchasing power and it may be reflected also in retaliatory action by some of Canada's customers. The opinion may be held that the decision to give a tax allowance of S300 to volunteer firemen was an t i­climatic. Unhappily, it is nothing of the sort. It is too much in time with the general tone of the Budget. That is the tragedy of the thing. G rea t expectations had been aroused. They have not been ful­filled. The usually taciturn F'inance Minister took three hours to present a budget which, in his own terms. is not an ordinary budget. One critic, perhaps politically m incled. has called it a "Coyne and water'' budget. It is a good part Coyne. It is, in its effect. completely unsatis­factory and sadly inadequate, all the more the latter because of Mr. Fleming's failure to spell out in de­tail what he means to do about the dollar and interest rates and a number of other things.

It might be thought that the sources of counsel available to Mr. Fleming could have provided a better remedy for Canada's in~­mediate problems. But perhaps the Finance Minister did not go to the right sources. At any rate, it is impossible to consider this budget as anything less than a sad exercise in mediocrity.

High Commissioner's Visit Sir SaYille Gamer, United King­

dom High Commissioner to Canada, is pa~·ing his farewell visit to New­foundland, a province to whfch he is no stranger.

Sir Sa\'ille, wlto is soon to be succeeded by Lord Amory, has been in his present office since 1956

· and before that he was Senior Sec­retary and Deputy High Commis­sioner from 1943 to 1948. But his first visit to Newfoundland was made in 1941 when he accompanied Sir Geoffrey Shakespeare to St. John's. In the following year, Sir Saville came again, this time as

·private secretary to Mr. (now Lord) Attlee who was then Dominions Secretary.

Before his last appointment to . Ottawa. Sir Saville was Deputy : Under Secretary in the Common-

wealth Relations department in which he has served since 1930. He had an opportunity, therefore, to become well acquainted with this island's problems at the time of the appointment of the Amulree Commission and after the estab­lishment of Commission Govern. ment.

He has served with great distinc­tion as High Commissioner in Ot­tawa where he is held in very high esteem and he has always displayed a sincere interest in Newfoundland, a land he knew in the period of its worst misfortune and whose pro­gress he has been able to follow to the undreamed of prosperity it en­joys today. It is a much happier Newfoundland than he knew in 1934 or 1941 that offers him a cordial welcome today. ·

------------------Gander's New Hoief

• Private enterprise has achieved ! what the Department of Transport : was unwilling to do and Gander : has acquired a new, comfortable : and well-equipped hotel which is : already enjoying total occupancy. 1 Before it was opened, visitors to · Gander had to make the best of the

converted barracks, known as ; Jupiter and Saturn, which stood : actoss the street from the rear of : the old terminal and if not the

,, j u~ost in modern hotel comfort, ,. :serVed reasonably well for many

: years. However, what convenience ; they offered was rapidly dissipated ; when the new terminal was built ~ 10me miles away. From that time ' forward, a new hotel, reasonably cJose to the terminal, became an Uifltnt need. · it has now been supplied and

,...OU&ge up to now hu more than


justified its construction.

yv'hat has been achieved by pnvate enterprise at Gander should be undertaken also in many other communities across the the island. Apart from the demands of tourists, there must be a steady demand for accommodation from people travel­ling for business reasons. And the more comfortable hotel and motel rooms there are, the more also we shall have to offer visitors.

There is talk of an hotel at Port aux Basques but there is need of modern accommcJdation at all main road junction and resort communi­ties right across the island. It is more than probable that local tourists, anxious to see more of their own province, will be suf­ficient in number to make them remunerative investment..


'!'he Canadian taxpayer, his brow fm. rowed and his mind confused hy all t.lw esoteric matters that formed the chief content of Donuld Fleming's fifth budget, may think he is getting off better than he might hal'c hoped so far as individual taxation is concerned. But he may be living in a dream world. There is to be no change in income and corporation taxes. That is some· thing the taxpayer may find comforting. But then, he docs not !mow t•nough ahoul the implications of such thiw•s as a discounted dollar ;tnd tariffs on un· ported cars and textiles to realize thut these arc things that may have the effect of hoisting the ('ost of li 1:ing which is one way of itHTCilsinr: taxation. lie may get some st>lacc out of the fact that hr can now dedud from Ins ta~:ablt•

income every dollar he spends on m~tli· \ cal exp~nses but hr is cc1 tainly not going to be exhilarated ahoul such complex things as Ollilw:t's withdrawal from the lon:::·tcrm money markrt. :1

promise to reduce mlcrcst rates. the inercasc within a limited ran~c of the first yc;Jr's dt,predation on n~w business enterprises. and an utHiert:'l;in~ to dis· cuss portable pc~oions v:ith the proY· mrcs.

• • • The t!·uly importam aspect of this

bud~et is in the deci>ion to tamper with the value of the dollar. t\f:cr years of arbitrary cnntrol. the dolJar was ol'l rrec to find ils o\•n Icv,•l. And hccaW\' of the great demand for Canar!ian dol· lnrs ercatcd by the oizc of Americun investment, the l'aluc of the dollar rose rapidly to the detriment of exporters and the hcncht of importers. It would mal•c hc:tcr sctt;e totl:ty lo eshhltsh parity helwcen the American and Can· adian dolh!t's. That would inject a measure of stability into the country's external trading operaltons. Dut a lluctualin~ dollar, ehangin~ in value in response to ~ovcrnmcnt JHtlic)', can hal'c its dangers. It wtll inject an l':\lra cle· ment of tmcertainty into the pconomy. A discounted dollar could lwlp e':port trade. On the olh~r hand, it must in· c1·itably cnuse a rise in pricPs that mi~ht destroy that arl·.-::nlc:,t· to ex· porters and cause an increase in lhc general cost of lil'in''·

• • • If lhl' oprrations of l!Ie exchanr.c fund

were to IH' directed towards parity he· tween the American and l'anart:an dol-


Iars, and if taxes wet·e lo !Jc reduced to permit greater consumer spending and large industrial inl'eslmcnt out of tax savings, far more might be aehicvctl for the good of the Canadian economy. It might have het•n a bold and even daring cxpcriml'nl. But if it brought about a sharp rise in the production of goods :md scrvires. the net result might wdl have bern a gain rather than a loss in revenue. This is not, however, a dar· ing budget ami it cannot be regarded as an irna~inati\'l' budget. It seems to fall far short of meeting l he challenge of the tim~s.

In lh!' Coynr·Ficming conflict. it would appc:tr that lilt·. Fleming has come out on the looing end. 1lr. Coyne pullhe Finance :llinisler right <Jcross the barrel by mal<ing known whal his own ide~s on economic policy had been in February. He had presented his plan lo ~tr. Flem· in;: who failed either to acknowledge or diseu~s it. Yet he has not failed to borrow some su~geslions that appealed to him. The Coyne plan, particularly the proposal of a general tariff imrcasc and higher taxes. was highly conlrol'crsial. Hut it was al least an p!.1n. :\tr. Firmin~ has taken some of the parts and united tlwm with ideas nbtainl'd from other snurcrs tn produce a horlgc. podge of unccrtaint,t•s.

• • • Sc1·rn per r·Pnl of lhe Canadtan labour

force is now Ull!'lllployed in spite of the fact that the nation has cnt('rcd the season of maximum produtlil'ity. Soon the labour force will he incrcascrl very substantially hy thousands who have completed their education so far as they arc willin;.: or able to go. !'or few of tlwm is there much comfort to he discn\·ered in ~lr. Fleming's pre· scription for the healing of Canada's cC'onomic ailments. 00otlting was said by the FinancL' ~Iinister nhoul the problems of regional de' r.lnpment and the im· portanc<' of tnereastng employment aero" the n:ttwn hy aiding in the de­l'clopment of the resources of the under· dcl'eloprd prm·iners. :\othin~ of come· qucncp was said that might huild en· Ctustasm and hope. The one eertain thin~ about this butkcl is that il had no t•lcction o1·crtonrs. Pcrhap,; ~lr. Flrnllng is con~rr\'ing his rcsourers :ts best he can in a time of ddicit linaneing so that hr can rcall)' offer a f, .. w car· mts in tlw budget that wil: prrcedc the nc;.;! general ekctinn.

It's Tougl1 Sutnmer Ahead On The Negotiation Front

W.' <;;!' ~·r.TC!\' -I 1\" F:A )-Thr Ken· ucdy administra:.u.l ~~~·~s a long. hot summer of tough intcn~;,~ional nr-:"clia· ling. This is the first result of the Krnncdy·Khrushclwl' talks in Vienna

'!'he Communists' d0fiant l'ontinu ance of hostilities in Laos afl\·r Khrush· che1· had agreed will! Kt•nncdy on th!' nc~·d [or a more effi·~tive cca<l'·fin• was a sinister. cynical drYdo•llnl'nt in peace tall::; at (;encva. It s';o•.•:s clearly lhe worthlcosncss of any Communist ag.-e2· men t.

H the Ruosians again I'ITC'_']( lhr other (;encn conference with American and British experts on the nuclear wc3p<1ns test ban. a> now seems imminent. the nrxt negotiating with th~ Hussiath doc1 not look promisin;::.

This will be a continuation of talks earlier this year between u.S. Am!Jassa dor Adlai Stevenson and U.S.S.H. For· eign ~linister Andrei Gromyl:o, which ~ol nowhere. The subject will again bt: the composition of another disarm<tmcnt conference. but the participants may be changed. '!'he new conference is srhed· uled to open July 31, but the place has not been selected.

'!'he last 10-nation conference - five free world representatives and fi1•e Com· munisls-brokc up in Gcne1·a June 27, 1960, when Russia's deputy foreign mim· sler, Valerian A. Zorin, led the Commie delcr,alcs in a walkout.

'!'hat conrcrcnce was a Russian idea. But now they want a 15-nation meeting, with five neutrals added. The United Stales is satisfied with the lO·nalion meeting, but would he willing to adrt two neutral, nonvoting observers, to mediate.

There will be a new head U.S. nego­ialor for the Juply conference in John .T. McCloy, the President's disa·rmamcnt adviser. But this conference - assum· ing it will be held and the Commies don't walk out-will most certainly go on through the convening of the U,N. General Assembly in mid·Scplembcr.

About all lt can produce is another round of what went on in the last ses­sion. The Russians will again try to drive Secretary General Dag Hammarsk· jold out of office and set up in his place a three·man-neutral, free-world, Com· munist-commission to run things with a built-In Russian veto.

Myth of the Communist countries' rights to a third of the representation on any International group or commission has never been effectively challenged, but It should be. There are nbout 10 Communist countries in the 99 United Nations members. This should entitle them to no more than 10 per cent mem· bcrship in any U.N. body.

In this connection, one of the Amer· ican 'weaknesses In United Nations nego­tiations under the Kennedy admiistra­tion has been a cause for increased con· cern in the Ulted States.

This ia the tendency of U.N. Am bas.

,~dot· Ste\'ensnn :!1\d olh~r C.S. spokes mPn to >aY that the worlrt is chan~ing

and that the I..:nited Slates cannot con· ltnue to win all debates, all \'Utes.

Titif is supposed In prepare the country for pos>iblc setback;, such as the recent vole in the -10 per eenl l1 S supported C.:'l. Special Fund to gtve Communist Cuba S3 million in aid.

In the light of Khrushchev's hard line at the Vienna meeting \\'tlh Ken· nrd.1·, it is nnw felt tl1.1l ooftnec.i anti .;wcct rea.,onab!Pne.'s will gPt the I..:nil· ed ~latcs 1;0\rhcre.

For the immediate future. lite polic· ics witir'h l'rc,idcnt Kennedy has an· notmcc!l to meet the challenge include reorganizatiOn of C.S. ground forces anrl au inrrcn~c in foreign nid prc.~rrtms.

The lallrr is intended lo build up !he undcrrlevclopcrl free world coun tt·ies to such strength that they will be :.blc lo defeat communism internally

;.Jtrength 7'or S'odaq By EARL L. OOUGLAI


Field :Marshall Viscount ~lonlgomery has written: "We must learn that we gain far more satisfaction from doing something which benefits others than something which only benefits our· selves . . . Remember what you have hecn taught about right and wrong and stick to what is right when you are templed to do what is wrong ... Seck happiness through achievement which results from hard work. Be adventur­ous in spirit. These are guideposts for all men and women of character."

Former military associates have some· times disagreed with "Monty" when he held for~h on how battles should or should not have been fought. But everyone admires him as one of the out­standing moral characters of the world. He is one of those persons who early discovered what life was all about and with resolute determination pressed on toward certain goals. In his years of retirement he has not hesitated to speak out as to what Is right and wrong. He takes sides and he takes them hard. He may or may not be right in a certain military judgments, but he undoubtedly is right in his moral judgments.

Why can we not stand up and be counted? Why are we so afraid Jest someone consider us prudish, sanctimon· ious, or high hat? There is no thrill like the thrill of achivemenl, no achi· evement like achievement in the field of moral character.

When we take a firm stand for right, we win more than we ever lose.

--------~----·- --•- • ·• •- • .>.~ '~ ,._. L _.,_, ............... ~ ~ ' ~-·

TIH!RSDAY, JliXE .Jry ~-----~-------------- ~~.

1'lf You Do All Right on That Ma b · · We'll Launch the Rest.:' Y e

To The Editor FISIIEHY. OUl I;':E.\TEST


Editor Daily :\ews, Dear ~ir.-\\'!11 you please pttblish

lhts letlrr that I think 11'111 hl' ol mtrrc>t to }Olll' re<Hltrs:

:\ow, lhe lUll!' ha.' con:r· around agatn for our fislterm!'n to .~et hack in their fishin~ boats :Jnd htH·l<ir· down to bu.'!· tw~..:. Thrre i" P\'PI'.\' 111dieation of :~

proftlable lis!Jin~ sPa,on ahead. In ,pitt· tJf all lill' grPat ,l'(hat·k, we !tad tn the spring of lnril. :\s I t J'led tlu> lrttcr. "Our <;reatr,t lnd•.t>tr.'·" our fdun~

ht~:-~ill(';,.-; wa~ our ma111 itH'ollH' ior tllf'

fishermen an'! thou-;,nd.- ot other pt•oplr. drri\"rd a ;:!ond li\ Ill~ f\1'\ or thr fr:--hjng


11' \1'1' h:td till' !'XPt'l'tl'lll'Cd ml'n in chan.::r of our dP]Jarlnwnts who would really luw\1· tht• hdp lh; t onr li,Jwrmrn nt•Pd and do tlH' ri~ltt things for the flfht•nnt·n by putting tJ·p monP)' in the ri:.,!ht place~. Tht~ gol's lor our nwmhcr.~ wllll rcprr,Pnl u:; both in the FPder;d ;md Prm·inl'ial Governments, both in the Public Work> department anrl all connrctions with the ft,hin~ indu.'I!'Y who .'lre holdin~ do·,•:n ;~ood payin'l johs and sitting around in ·t eiaf>y offier, thumbing their fingl'r' and doin~ notl1· in;; to help tltt• b!wrm 'll. Our roat!s to the fishin~ :-:Jt£·~ ;n·C' a li:.;~~l':l{'P to :'\c\r· foundland. and th:tt ts puttin~ it mildly.

It \\·ould he a reall' ~·ood thing for o;tr nuthoritie:. to conH· down atHI havP a look .11 the road> alon~ til<' ~hort's of Torha,·. 11hit·h arr not:tin~ but it'd~r·s

and ml'ks and too dat·~t'row p\'Pn for tlw publk to walk on. Tlwrr is a brirl~e lradmg out of Tappl'r·, l'o,·c \\'tth tltr old rolling rl:mk> bro';cn of tn it and it is a hazard to pui·Jic s.tfrty. 'I'h•· children eros:; oi'Cr this brokrn old bridge and in my opinton the authoril!r' shmtld rio sonwthing ,,bout it or if an acrirlcnl should oeenr the f•'cderal IJe. parlmenl should he hl:!med for it. llun· r!reds of childrcr. pn~·; up and down hrrc cal'h week, al>o the general puhltr. Along the cli[fs all ft nccs arc brokrn down and it is 1·ery d~ngerous to cattle and also, the people. This is really a case of neglect by our go,·ernmcnt. who are wasting so much money on dream houses that arc of no use to the fisher· men, so callrd community stages, also bait depots. '!'he fislll'rmen need good roads. breakwaters and landing faeili· ties. These would enrohle them to get better safely for their fishing proper· lies and to better rrsults from the industry. The Newfoundland Safety Council should hal'e a good look at these dangerous, impassable roads anrt bridges along the waterfront of 'l'orha~·· to avoid serious accidents to the chtl· dren and the passing public and have somcthin~ done about it. Say yes if our fishing i;dustry was really built up in the proper way many of our unemployed would he bark to work in our greatest industry-'!'he Fishing lndc~~:ry.


St. John's East.


Dear Sir,-! came ac·ross your famous ' name and address in your newspaper of your country that you are the best editor in your country. I therefore, take this opportunity to forward you this letter to publish my name and address in your newspaper of your country to get pen pals. I am 17 years of age. At· lending high school.

Sir, I shall be grateful if you can publish my name and address in your newspaper as quickly as you can: I shall be looking forward to receiving letter of pen pals through the medium

'""':-·. ......

""t.,. .... --

Auld Lang 1 From I hi' Flit-., v( :J.,. lh:lr

June 22. I9:JI:

O.'i 'IIIf. 1.0.\\' Conl'el'ning thC' \1"1. ~~. n~~11;md

l'rf•micr Squtrr< II"'·' •n \Inntreal that arran~t'llll'nt, •re l'LHI~ with ~~ ndit:.ltP of ('an;rdtdtl ~~ttnks to t•;tn_l of thr intl'ft'"t ,11.1: .~:n: ... ini du(' !lie Pnd of .futw.

S.\ Y F.\ HE\\ 1:-:1.1. On Frid:t~·. lhP llk!ld:~:< of .

Sired \\'.:\ . . ca!ltt'rf·d :1: :i:• churth hid Ltrc\vrll to \Jr.'. 1··, ~rlt. wife l'.t-lor Hl'\' 1·: (' l··r, ,,, 11 ·.,ho w,!l k:l\ in;.: :-:oon fnr ( I!Jt;1r·n ('fltJ,d~

Cro~;hi{'. \\' ,\ Pr. ,;r"J 1 •

1.ttton. . . . FOI: \I I D!J,\f;

The £'1l11rr l'n;•':< \\ ,,1 •• ,'JH

t•d Sainrda~· to m;tl.;e ," 'I' 1·! n~ tat ion to \It·. 1\'ilfrt d ·:: . . t,·:r·:,r,1. Wils l'rtt•nllv marrtt'd !Jcpu:y ·, Harris anri :\Jr. ('lt11•·, : .. · ntfmd ~ratulations. while \1.. !:l:h• made pre>entat ion.

• • • ROY.\!. \'!(TORI.\

\Jr. B:lrt'Ctl Hl'O\\'IHi~.~. hJ-· rrr:1!l!!y his fourth yrar f'\,t~llll~ ~~:r,J~' at and has pntrred lh>' , .. :' ot tht \'ietoria lliisptl:ll. \:""'. •·.,'.

.June 2·!. I!l1ti: POLl. liLt t. dtUI

Soon lhr \\ hoh• l"P •1d1 1• 1 :iltl

t'onY<'nLon will hr ~ I'• ., '1. a< the I. . IJ

ha\e hepn dcrlarr:! 1· •'" 't•tnc. · r ·ro,hir Iran> tn S! .: •nn' WP!I, Hi!!~ins in thr Ea<,;' ; n•i F. !r•xlernl ir. the I·:~;·

!'WEEflt \ ,t,fl r Principal Parltwr. Tk·. Dr !lurn•.

:'llr. H. X. Burt. Iil't n':',. wert

the. dislin~uishrd ~n··-·" who Hollowav School >Pl',·t·l; t:i~ht. Thl entation of t11e pri7·" •.,·;>

·1 1 b· '1'1 ' t" Pratt. prem et o1·er ; .• ' · · . . ' 'i• fONFEDJ:H ·, rttl. ·

The latest is,nc ~~ licLe~n'l zinc contains an arw!t> '\\';\!

land join Canada:" h" Ewart. . D .1 ,. . .o;~fl 11T:t11 one-tmte at y .:d.~\\!' .,, ,.

now editor of "Atbnti~ Guardian.

--Gems Of Thought A man cannot lea1·e l better legacY

the world than a wcll·1dl1Ciild --1homll --VITAL TR:\D~; JSSUIC

Vancoul'er Pro\'inre \\' c Canadians must a>k ,

. . 1 pmuces whether restnchi'C trat e d' esl

rea tn do us as much good .u 3 . · li!Oil !R meet our tradmg compe k

. '\' must•' or price and quality. ' t ·b'l selves whether it i~ rcall~ P.011

' '

I j · which. do otherwise in a wor · .m the Minister 1\lacmillan remtnds us, de practices of production and 113

creaking and groanin~.

Do we believe in '·free trad~ · free world" or do we cling to 1

· walls we can build protecltl'e d till our small domestic m<rkct an 5 ·n

. . f 1. products 1 vast quanhttes o ou . rd' great market of the outside 110 ~

'!'his could be one of the mo . C da todal'. porlant Issues m an~ ·

· h )'OU of your paper real soon. I wts life and prosperity.

Yours faithfullY. Rafiu Owolabi Oyekan. c/o 1\lr. Y. B. Ikawol!olaso, 168 Dunmagbomarina. Lagos, Nigeria .


oAIL y NEWS, -



donation made I·

cause will he gra' and used to he! children help

~~rlY morning :1n,, teltphonc to fir.d : or 10 hear sonwonr or trying to play toy piano is enm:

down the curses o: demons on the i::

other end. i! indeed the wor

. mind and a per:'<· sense of I

drais a numhcr on 1 ,. o'clock in the n

to get someone ha,·e heard of " which could 1:

a' funny c'. en stretches of lh·

. lt is too had th del'ice is not .

at the exchang,. lr· made at such hot would the guilty

ca~ght and dealt W!

tlt~l would ma~ the folly of their mt

wonder if th~ pr; II work in Harbot:

BA ~.;._ Gosse are r on the t

and in the

William T. Bar terminated

CGS Acadia an

infant son nf ' Gordon Pike wa~ d Sundav at Hoi\· B

b)· Re1·. E.· \\' named Lester Con

were Miss i\!ild Harry Pike and

Murray Slrat of Gander ar,

with l\!r. and

-·and Mrs. A. R. , their weddin Wednesday,

greetings !rot and the children

Hal and the We add our congr

-Blanche Collit arrived last r her summer

her grandparent lfarry Gosse. -· IIazel Cross is

Florida, on a Parents, Mr

II. Roberts. again for her

citiun o Cohn

With hi lhl: Plat few

~b'!!l arrive fot . 1• on Thun'

Page 5: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door


. trade :~ to the \l'al:s

, _ nd ~till ' .I •

oduct! 18

,de w~rd? :he most tnd3Y·


p\ft\' N-EWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1961

Conception Bay N3ws · n For ~d

,·:·•::.\\' Til:fir't' . •\.,. \t.C:.f'('l;)\1\)ll

. :- ( 1 .... h:·m·! 1

:· : . 1::!\· c!Hl i · ... i~ t\:(• im·

.. : ~ \\ ;'l'k.

\ •"\' : ... I!H' ('lD·

•• 1 ,· 1 :·nd ~he is !

. ·.·::II tilr rc·l :- : -~- \!ll a :-iin.~lc

. · ·'' :.·d fn1Tnd nn I .. ·,J:n~: in fal'l. •'.t' Wa!' ;lllXi:l\IS

i" h·ln. l'~ll· .. '.'':lh [('\\' l'X· I , r ~:t'nt'r:t;ly (ll'l' 1 ·"i··n:iJdi)'. nnd 1 ~-:···:l:•n . ..; mr~y not ~ .-:~._-,_i'.ll':l..:inl:! to ·,\ ··~· ~('C'tn tn un­

;•r:dlklll w;t h ...... : ::11n for the

:· .. • , ,! l'l!ildrc•n is ' ... ... I I

:nadc• to this ... ,. · h,· ~ratrfn1ly

ST. CLAR'S GRADUATION-Last nig•ht at St. Patrick's Auditorium St. Clarc·s Mercy Hospital held their Annual Graduation. Shown in photo receiving her diploma from His Grace the Archbishop, P. J. Skin· ncr, C.J .M., is Miss Aileen Marie Carrull of Clarke's Beach. Also shown 1s His Honour the Lieutenant· Governor, Campbell Macpherson, O.B.E.-(Royal Photo Service).

St. Clare's Graduation:

Doctor Horan Is Guest


of $25.00 donated by a Reverend Friend for highest marks in Surgicnl Nursing, Also a prize

, of $.10.00 for second place in the 1 t;raduating Class donated by

Sppaker· · v,.ry Rev. J. w. !ITcGettigan, '-' • • 1'.1'. .

, :l. ~!iss Carol Kirby-prize of ., .: Ill lll'IP lc» hrlp lhrm· • Last night in St. Patrick's , Look to this r!ay ('\' J!e·1rt's Contrnt· Patrici·1' S:iO.OO donated by His Grace,

1 Hall Auditorium, the ~:radua· : For il is Life, the very Life of A.n.n ;,\~ck~)·, Carhon'car; Shi1:. · 1lost Rev. Patrick J. Skinner in i tion look place of the 19ol i J.ifc ]ey Ann ~lahcr, st. .fohn's; 1 nwmory of the late ~lost Rev.

nursing class of St. Clare's : In its hrid cOIIl'or lir all the C;1therinc Ann ~!anning, st. ' E. P. Iloche,. for 1st place _in Hospital. \'critics and Hcalilirs of .John's: Emma Lorraire ~Jartin, I :\ledJcal Ethics. Also a prize

The special spenhr for thr ! your Existcntt• Port au Port; Bcrn 1ce :\laric I of S25.00 donated by t?e Ass.o· ceremonies was Dr. Patrick The nliss of Growth J!ilkr, Pia('Clllia; jlargucritc, r1atwn of Rcgtstcred f\urses m T. Horan. M.D., C.~I.. who ' The Clnry of Al'lion jlary Jlorri,cy. St. .John's; El'a :\cwfoundla~d, for 1st place in

:·.\Y ·~· SIIW~. L !JII;J6": .. f~,:.L... . ..:·~;;.....,,.,;;:...t,~~1i..•.li~.JIIi&U delved back into the distant The Srlrndor oJ lll'aut.1· Ilridgct :\ash. St .. loLn's; .Joan Oh.,tcncal :-;umng. SPAl\'IARD'S BAY-Here are David Littlejohn and past and told a concise and Yor Yesterday is hut;, lli'cam. :llonica O'Reill,·. Frcs!n1·;1ter.l 4. ~!iss Shirley i\lahcr-prize

, .. ·•• "1 :-t11:1r pro· p~a:.!lll'd hy 1

·:~~J:r "alb. 1n . .. "an he vrry :

-;~~- J;,tt• ni~ilt

complete hisiory of the hon· And Tomorrow only a \'ision · P.fl., jJargarct ;\lary Reid, Bell, o_f :;>2v.OO donated by a Rcl'erc~d Oli\'C Bad cock, the King and Queen of this year's orab!e profession-nursing. · But Today well Lil'cd makes Island; ,Tulia Hochc. st. John's; 1 I· ncn_c! for highest mark~ 111

graduating class of Bay Roberts Amalgamated School, The valedictorian was )!iss ; c,·cry Yesterday a Dream Alice )larie !logers. Corner 1 Tieltgwn. . . standing before an illuminated plaque which convey Shirley Ann Maher, student : d Happiness Brook: Patritia Alexandra! 5 . .\l1ss Emma )larlm-pme the sentiments of the other high school grades, all from St. John's Aml every Tomorrow a Vi,ion. Hyan, st. .John's; Kathleen .Jean\ of S50.00 for the great.est al'er-

. l ld · l An orchestra was in attend· · of Hope Shea. <;ambo: Jo;:n ;.Iarie Sui· 1 age merease 111 theoretical stud-l1art of the procedings of a £!ala affair 1e 111 t 1c · 1 · tl tl " ence at the graduation, and . Look well therefor to this Da?' lil'an, St. .John's; l'alt·icia :\larv ·. Jcs < urmg lC 1rce years, school on the evening of Ju~1e. 2. __ ... _. ___ . --· _______ . ---·- several selections, including, the: Sud1 is the Saluation o[ the Thoma,;, St. .John's; \'ir~inia A.· doJ~atcd hy ~lr. Raphael

· .. pl;.y a tunc - -- --.. - .. · - -- -.. ··--·- ·------ processional march "Romaine," , Dawn. \\'arldleton St. John·,. Florence 1 0':\cill . . ' " l'J:illlgh to Memorl·a I Serv•·ce: Here And There . the Graduates' !\larch. and the : Good night. Cod Bless and :.Iarl' WaJ~ll. Corne;. Brook: I 6 . .\lis.> Sally Diamond-prize

'.::,:·, on ump· • "Syncopated Clock" were ren· ; long may your hig jih draw." · Shi;ley ~laric 1\'al.,h. St. La\\'·: of S25.00 donated by Hi5 Ex· ::1,. imbecile 0 J 1 2 · dered.

1 The following is the list of: renee; ~laric Williams, St. 1 cc!lcncy, )lost Rev. ,T. M.

n U Y The conferring of diplomas nurses that last night recci\·cil John's; .Joyce :lfari'' '\'ells,' 0':\'cill .. for Operating Room ·:' liNk of a SI'A:\!AH!l'S HAY- The all· I c·t PI . R t I was performed by His Grace. :their diplomas; llumlwrmouth. : lechlllqlle.

. : ·' Pt•r>oll with nual :;en·icc of Hemembrance. I y anntng epor s I the Archbishop, the :\lost RC\'.. Simler .\lac Adams. St. l'HIZE ,\'1:\':'\!·:ns I 7. :\lbs Catherine Gmnherg-" · ·•· .. r humour will he hl'ld at the \\'ar Illc·; P. C. Skinner, C.J . .\1., D. D. ! .John's; Irene Teresa Brake. • The pmc. 1\'illlWrs a.t th_c ·prize of s2~_ 00 for highest marks

: .. ·r ~>n pmpose moria! in Spaniard's Bay on i In speaking directly concern· I South Brandt: .\ladcline Anne . Graduating Cla» ol St. Clar(' s in .\ledical !l:ursin~. donated bl' . · .. : :hr morning SmHlay, .July 2. beginning at: '!'he City Planning Offker 1 not conform with building re· ing the new graduatins: class, :Byrne, Gr;md Falls; Aileen · :llcrcy Jlo,;pital, School of :\urs- 1 Dr. H . .J. Simms. " ·

. · ···"''"lie out of 2.:JO in the afternoon. and will has submitted rt'ports \:t the: gulalions. the guest speaker, Dr. !loran. : l\larie Carroll, Clark's Beach; ing were: '·"''d 1d >omc in· he under the auspici(•s of the Council conceming proposed 1 E1UPinE AVI,NUE said, "I[ you as pro[essionall 'Iary Uric! Costello, Ferryland;: l. :lliss El'a Lre--prize of .. : ·.1:ct not be spaniard's Bay branch of the buil<~ing or ch•velopmcnt l.Jolh 'i In view o[ the pussi~le ~~~- 1 nurses ar_e, to meet y~ur new : ~!ary lllagdal~n Curran, Gamho; 'SlOO.OO donated by !!~> Grace. : ·' ,., rn h) the Canadwn J.c~wn. Wltllln the Ctly and tn the turc reahgnment . o[. Emptre responsJhth!Ies, you Will need ' Sally Ann Dwmond, St. .John's; 1 ~lost RPI'. l'atr!(•k .!. Skmncr.

.... 11f the nna~· 1 War dead of the three com· ':\lctropolitan area. Al'enue, and consHlcrmg that in addition to the basic course 1 Syll'ia ~Tary Doucette. Deer for lsl place m the c;raduatin~ · ·•.HI th:1t some i muniliPs of Sp;miard's Bay, Bis· · VALLEY Rll. KILJIIt!()E . this particular properly has not · behind you a continuing active Lake; llclcn Frances Dug~an. · Class. ,\!."' a prize nf S2:i.Oil ALWAYS


· ,, not Ill nper·i hop's Covl' and Tilton will he :llr. Winston Stanle,l' has n·· been dc\'eloped for residential i interest. ahead, study and oh- Bell Island; .loan :llaric Dug-' donated hy Jlrs. A. 'Y. l'ulicoff. . ·::~n~t· to rcc11rd' remembered. It is in onlcr for quested pcrn1ission to llc\'p[op purposes. l\lr. Peter Myus has ·1 serve so that you can keep· gan, Bell Island; Linda :llary I in memory of the !at~ Dr. A\\'.

·. ··:. <~h lu.>ur:. fnr 1 \'arious organizations. in these· one .lot in !~is area, hut it is, [)(•en rcfu~cd permission to de· abreast of the fns~ con-· Edwards, ~t. Lawrence; , Jean: l'oliroff for the highest al'cragc . •· .ui[t~. parl!rs. towns and the puhhc 111 ~:enera! remmded htm that adequate vrlop a lot on th~ Thomas Es· temporary scene Ill wlllCh you ~larcclla I lcnnng, All;m s Is· 1 m thr srl'ond year. · . ·~··:dt wtlh 111 a: tn lny wreaths, as well as it is tnl'lling space should be pro· 1 tate. must function." , land; Anne C.laric Flynn. Brtll 2. ~liS> 1\nn<' ~lad l'l'·--sprl'ial · ·, ·:Jld make thrm I [(Jr the next of kin to do ~o. vidrcl. Permission was granted l'AIIKJN(; SITE In conclusion of hi> enlighten·, Island; Catherine Theresa GHth·: pri7e of .%0.011 dona:rr! hv Hr-.·

.. : _···.: ;rir mischirf. I It is hoped that thrre will be i[ buil<ling regulations arc con· • Ayres Sup~n~1arl,ct h~s re·\ ing and ~ncouraging words Dr. : rrall, Tor's Cove; Patr~c~a :llary · C. S. E~gcm. in mcr10ry ~f th.· · . the prank;'trrs. the usual large attendance. A 1 sHirred. . quested penmsswn to ha1c 1_norc I Horan satd: · !lawen. Holyrood; Patneia )Jary Eagan 1-am:l)', lor ;-r•nt'ral JlTI•·

: "·, ." _llarhour Gr~re 1 pnnt(){! programme of the ser·l IN .KII.BJI(()E parkin;: space,. on, Bam~lton i "Ha,·ing attained y~ur lm·: llcaley,. Corner Brook; ll!ar· ficicmy in \'ur.,inr. Al>o ''

· · · · (''' that thc.'e ·\'ICC wtll be dtslnbuted so that 1 Mr. W1lhnm Duggan pr?· i\l'enue. The Ctty I l~nmn~ ad· m~diatc goal. and arnvcd. at i .torw KennedY:. Ilumhermouth; pme f!fS~5.-oo r:•r hdtc>t marl;-.· an automatic all who dcs1re may take part. posrs to develop one lot Ill K1l· l'!scd thnt lob nero.,s st1eets th1s long anticipated rlay 1l IS i Anne ;,lane KJrlcy. Holyrood;! 111 l'edwtl'lc :\llr,ing donated

'··· : ... :::r. bride, nnd pcrmhsion was given. from pr?miscs •. a:e da~gcrous, P_Crhaps fitting to rc~all these I Caro~ El~zahrlh I\irby, St. I' hy ~Irs. Hoskins in memory of ------ Persona Is for th1s s1tc by the Department 1 and mmc d1seusswn \I Ill he lines from the sansknt: .Johns; J•lora Lambe, Marys· the late .John Ilcbklns. A prize Persona Is of Municipal A££ airs, in 195~. 1 hrou~ht in on this before de· 1 Approval was recommcnde<ll cision.

•·· -- HARBOUR GRACE-Mrs. H. I and granted. ; TOWN PLANNING ·.'·.\T::O~ ll:\ ;:... .. ~[r. and , H. Archibald who had spent the


1 lUIDDLE tOVE ltOAIJ I When the. Commission on .. '·.·--c: nrc presently winter l'isiting rclatil'cs in Bos· This proposed building Jot: Town l'lannmg met on Ilion-. · il(· Canac!Jan : ton. ~lass., returned home on development by Thomas Water· 1 day, June 19th, they came up

;·: ": n the l'nitcd 1 Sundar. 1 man, constitutes infilling of I with the followi.ng_ decisions: 1lanc!. Approval in due course I lmpenal Oil Lnnited. propos-

.. Amon~: l'isitors to Harbour I is l'ct•ommcnded prol'ided · cd service station on Water St., · • :n I Barrell has : Grace were :llr. and Mrs. S. i ownership is shown, and drain· . this has been dt'ferred for fur·

· ·. c.::.n:!lrd his work · :lloriarl)' and sons, :\Irs. F. Coeh·: age is properly cared for. llll'l' information. 1

·' ' ;,ri::J ancl Is now rane. ~!iss Mary Hartley ~nd i TORBAY !WAll l\ledical ~rts Building, pro· ~lr. Alf llisrock. 1 Unauthom.ed development 1 posed bmldmg on Bonaventure

was started here hy :1-IJ'. Pal 1 A\'enuc and Mayor Avenue. The • · 'n of ~lr and l\lr. and Mrs. L. ~!cNamara I Casey, anrl iL conoists ol con· matter will be further discuss·

: ..... - !' ·' 11 a· ( hnslcnrd 1 paid a brief visit to St. John's I version of a garage to provide cd, and more reports are ex· . · "·· ,. li~>lv Redeemer I CJn )!ondal'. I an additional dwc!lin!l. The peeled.

: · l:· ·.. E. Willis ~nrl 1 · -- slruct~rc will not met buidin;l .• John F. CahilL lhi~ ~pplica·l ·, .. :.· ,', er <•<)rdon. God· !llr. c. E. Wiseman, assistant I reguahons •. and the whole mal· lion _lo de~c!op a bmldmg lot ., ... · '/' ." jiJJdrcd Pt~r·l at the Customs Department at I tcr. ~onfhets Wilh all Ctty frontmg Ehwbeth Ave~ue, has,

·· · • f,( anr! ~!r. '1 ed , Harbour Grace with his wife Blllldtng regulations. It has he cause of a change m plans

I, and family took up residence ! therefore been re[used. be:cn rcfcrred.u.ntil the full situ· ,. . here this week and arc living • NEAR AIRPORT UOAD atwn be clanhed .

. ··· ·''''' Stratton and : at the west end of the town. Application to creel a dwell· CNR Workshops, the City ,,r •,;,nrlcr are here on I ing on land on the Torbay Planning Officer will discuss

· ':c \lr. and ~Irs. Alf Shl.ppl•ng Road, was recommended for ap- this proposal for workshops on

. ·.;,: •:days are wished :•:·.:: '•'.n~: D~phne Gosse

• .. 1-.inr :10; :llrs. Jos· .'·'fY • n Thursday, June ''::. r,,,,.Y and Raymond .. 1''· Saturda,· June 24· \' • ' I

.. ~~rrn on Sunday, June

1' 1 \tr, A. R. Gosse will ·:~ !b{·Jr W(·dding anniyrr· .l: \l'!·dnesday, June 21.

Hl·l·!mgs from Clarice 1:.: lhl' t'hildrcn and fro~ !lit and the children

" ·ct . · • rt our con~ratulations,

---. B:,nt"hr Collins of Tor· l:r:rl'd last Friday to . ,:;tr summer holidays ·.:· ~randparents, Mr. and :urry (;(,~sr. -Hazel Cross is here from

F!orida. on a brief visit :~r Parents, :'llr. and Mrs.

H. Roherts. She will I" ,'i10 for her home on


-ISLAND, CStaffl-The llr!. !';athan Cohen oe-

11 Boston over the week· htr 75th year. Mrs.

tent to that U. S. city a ago for surglc•l

She is survived by 3 so111 1nd one

citizen of this com· Cohen resided in

With her husband Put few years. The

1rrive for burial at on Th lll'lcily.

1 proval, and the Council agreed. the Southside, with the CNR. HARBOUR GRACE - The This application came from The Royal Grocery, on Bolds-

Faroese fishing boat, .Magnusa Mr. Wm. Crowley. This develop- worth Street, had proposed ex· Gorduana, was in port this week ment is to be subjected to tension and the original plan for bait and fishing supplies. satisfactory location of septic ' has been refused. The expan-

The Norwegian freighter tank and well. i sion, they felt, should take Bysunz unloaded salt at the J. HEFFERNAN 1 place !awards George Street. premises of North Eastern Fish· Application has been made to An application by Brendan cries. ·develop one building !ol on the ··,--lry. since it has come up

The Volstad, Capt. E. Volstad South Side of the Topsail Hoar!, before the Town Planning, has Norwegian fishing boat, berthed facing MacDonald's Fruit Store. been approved by the Council here to take on supplies. This is however, only half the after some further considcra­

Thc Norwegian fishing boat, areas required, and has thert•· lion. Ytampcn, Capt. Hareide, was fore been refusCd n permit. Supermarket, Roche Street, in port for fishing supplies. UOUS'E, SHOW ltOOI\I this has been under observation ,

The Swedish freighter Ska- The site proposed for a dwrl!- by the City Planning Officer, I

gerack landed •alt at Munn and ing and a show room on the " and he has made suggrstions Co.'s premises. Topsail Road, West of Soper's,

Th A I d I d d I b ( by Mr. Ronald His'cock, is not concerning this proposal, the e a esn an c sa t ee Town Planning has agreed, and

and general supplies at North satisfactory, as it leaves the .1 · t b d 'd d b d f . 1 1 now rcmams o c ec1 e y

Eastern Fisheries wharf. planne areas or commercia C .1 Many small craft called at development. Mr. Hiscock will ouncl ·

Harbour Grace during the last be assisted in finding a more ~ --------week. These included the Marie commercia site if he wishes. I Stone which took salt for Horse • KENMOUNT ROAD / Island, the Linda May, salt for Permission has been given to Battle Harbour, the Mark Mr. Michael Kavanagh to ex· Samuel Johnston salt !or Lour- tend his residence on the Ken· burn. mount Road. The City Planning

The Kadi was also in port to Officer has suggested a plan take a load of fuel oil. The of smaller dimensions than Blue Trader was at Munn and were first drawn up. Co.'s premises for a load of NEAR PARADISE cod oll for Gloucester, Mass. Application has been made

The L!lla Boutilier took a by Mr. Joseph Drover of Top­general cargo from here for sail Road, near Paradise Road, Battle Harbour. to extend his workshop. Sub­

The Sea Transport brought ject to the requirements of tbe a cargo of guo line for B.A. Co. Building Inspector, this will be here. granted.

SALISBURY CAP) - Violence broke out at a special meeting of the National Democratic CAl· rican nationalist) party Satur· day. It was denouncing new con­stitutional proposals for South· em · Rhoduia as giving lnsufli. cient voting rights and parlla· mentary representation to the black majority.


BLACKMARSH ROAD Mr. Ronald Cook has made

application to l>uild a dweliing here. Approval will be given, subject to septic tank, well and building inspector regulations.

DEVELOP LOT Mr. Hush P. Fitzgerald, who

applied to develop a lot 711 feet frontage and 242 feet rearage, hu been refused aa this does

Barbour In District

Ross Barbour (L·Bonavista South} is in his district this week visiting a number of com· munities, their town councils and his constituents in general.

Mr. Barbour makes tours of his riding fairly often and 1 in this trip he will include Happy Adventure, · Sandy Cove and Eastport.

It is expected that the mem­ber will be returning to St. John's at the end of this week.

The average vacation will amount .to two weeks off, fol· lowed by two off weeks.

• • • Horses and the father of a

month-old son can sleep while standing up.

• •


The Bride said yes ... ~nd we

heartily ~gree ...

for the Best Cooking

and the best Buy ..•


OIL RANGE from John t~louston Ltd. Brin•l<: Conkinrr case to vm1r kitchen ,...., ,..., ,

\\'ilh these EXCITI.\G FEATURES • Aulolllatic clock controlled oven ..

"set and forget''.

• Tempered glass background, framed in cltromc.

• Oil control on hackguard, where the control should he.

• ComLiuation electric clock, minute mindt>r and interval timer.

• Full iength fluorescent lamp in back­ground.

• Exdnsive Fawcett Smco-:\[atic Draft Control-saves liP to ·26% in fuel dol­lars.

• ":\Iirror-hright" polished cooking top, intcdo~-ked to prevent odors escaping .

• Lighted oven with with Perma-Vue non-log window.

• ~on-tip, four position oven racks. • "Floating-in-flame" oven allows perfect

roasting and baking with even "all­round" heat

• Roomy storage drawer ... opens silent­ly on nylon bearings.

• Large, roomy oven height 15", depth 19''.

.. width 2.0" ,




i i

. !

I . '


' . . ' . '


I ..

Page 6: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

e TTl E D:\ Tf.Y \E\\'S, ST. JOTI\"S, \'FLD.. Tl Il"J\SD.W, [l'\r: ~.1 ---·-------· . ~~. 1%1


S<lcial-Personal t:<llumn

For Thursday, June 22

Pre>ant-For You and

~ HOSPIT t\1. and happy to know that the The lillie friends of Shane operation on her eye, tlllder·

Downs, 159 Casey Street. will gone recent!)' at St. Clare'J be sorr,· to l~arn he has entered Mercy Hospital, has been sue· St. Cla.rc's Mercy Hospital for cessful. a tonsilcctom,·. which will be I done today, Thursday, 1 HAPPY RIRTHDAY

i\lany happy returns of the Jl'1l,PPY BIRTHD.\ Y day to Herder Noel, Noreen

Birthday greetings to ,Jill Anne O'Keefe, Jimmy Peddi· Mc:o\amara. daughter of 1\lr. and 1 grew. Gail Parsons and Roger l(rs. Joe :'llc:-iamara, 56 Poplar Billard, who celebrate their • Avenue, who celebrated her hirlhdays today, Thursday, June Because water is more resistant lOth birthday )·esterday, Wed· 22nd. than air, aquatic exercises nrc

Yetman - Cluney Wedding . l

ours ... Seck personality improvement through reading, as•ociating wi!h inspiring per­wns, or registering for summer term in self-improvement course. Put your best "face" Co!Ward wllen meeting others as first impr~o;sions arc lasting. Work: goes smoothly, but requires con· centration as euors may crop up late in day.

Past ... Theodor lcschctizky, Poli~h pia Jist, was born on June 22, 183C. Among his many famous pupils, perhaps the best· known was Padcrcwski, who eventually hecame a ~realer mastor than the teacher.

The Day Under Your Sign Desday, .June 21st. Grectin~s: easier and more beneficial than rome from :'llommy and Daddy, 1 \\'EIH>ING ANNtv•:RSARY landluhbing types. To flatten and from brother Paul. I Con~ratulations an best wish· 1 your tumm)·, float and grasp I cs to Constable and :-.Irs. H. L. 1 the edge of the pool, keeping E~G.\(;ED ' Noseworthv, 3 Pleasant Avenue, 1 your hands just about leYel

Mr. anti ~Irs. \l'illis Spurrcll I :'llount Pc~rl. who celebrated • with your chin. Jiang there, Newtown Road. annount·c the their 16th WPdding anniversary · feet down, then lift legs to the rnga~cmenl of thc1.r younger yesterday, Wednesday, .June surlace and lower them again. dau:;htt•r Laura Eliz:lbcth, to 21st. They were married at I Do this very slowly, with your Gerald Boyde :'\t'l';man. sou of' Port Elizabeth, Placentia Bay, le::s together and knees stiff. )lr. t;cor;:e and the late )lr,. hy the Rc,·. Thomas R. !llills I about 1\ minute m· two eaeh' :r\ewman. Lc~larl'ilant Road. 111 tn45. ~Irs. Noseworthy is ; day. 1

• • •• Wedthn~ tn take plat·c at St. lht• former Lexie Belle Darby 1 1

Thoma>' ,\n~L,·an L'hurrh. July ' of Port Elizabeth. ; Here's a quick first-aid for short 29th. at !UO am. I hair. Set hair drv, sprav rol-

1 lllll'fllllr\ Y PARTY : Jm with hair sei. ~·or' Jon::· TO .\Tn:~ll GR.\Ill'.\TIO:'Ii · ~li>S Joy Noseworthy. daugh- I cr hair. use spra)' on the brush

)Jr. ant! ;\Irs. J. 1'. Rogers of Iter of ~lr. and Mrs. Wm. G. I as you brush the set out.


ARIES (B.,.n March 21 to Apcil 19) Lop.l Jri"ntb :r;t:J.nd br you in }'O'H tim" ,,f n~fd, ~how tiH·m ynur apprl'~iation.

TAUP.US (AP';t 20 to May 20) 1J,,n 't try In dn tvt'f)'ll1inK in on~ d:lJ .lit lh~ rx:p,.n~,. of "our wrll-b!'inK.

GEMINI (May 21 to Juno 21) Don't try for any ref'or,h. Ju~t clo your lu·~l ~nd b,. h:1Pl•Y :ab(jttt It,

CAr-r-ER I June 22 to July 2 Jl h:frp idr.1:s IH.lctical. .fllp:hl., of f.omcr arl!' J 1 n-- lmt brio~ in no u.,h.

LEO (July 22 to Aug. 21] ~ou~r··mc ym1 tm<.ttd mJy lrt yotl rf~wn, but the lc:s~on you learn will be T.llhS· :JiJlf!.

VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sopl. 22) Cvrr,. ·l•r:ludenc~ ri("m.ln!l! all,.nlinn­po~ttit\li.uly p.:.ymcnt of Ol'C:rclu.: bill!.

20 St. Clair Awnue. Corner : :-..·oseworthy, Winsor Heights, Brook. arc pre>rntly in the city • had a birthday party on Saltlr· w attend the graduation cxet'· ; day, to celebrate her 8th birth· cises of St. Cl;lre's ~lcrcy !los- day. ;\!any of her school friends pita\ School o! :\uriing. Tlll'ir attended, and a wonderful time dau~htcl'. Alice ~larie. is one was had by all.

One of the most important beaut)' aids. espe<·i~Jly during w r. r m weather, is a good deodorant and anti-perspirant. l'sc il ei'CI'y morning, with a touch­up during the day if nccrssar)'.

Mary Brooks Picken On Sewing

of the numhrr graduatin;:. \ 'h I . I o:-· \'IS. 11' \ il>t in t 1c t·.ty t ll'Y are ·• i gue>l' of ~lr>. Rogrr; par<•nt~. . ~lirhael J. Murphy, gg Whlte· 1

:'llr. and ~lr-'. G. 'f. \'allis, 51! way Street, l~ft )'eslerday by I Roche Street. · TCA for Pembroke. Ontario, to

I' 1·isil his brother, Gdsm. R. E.

WEUili~G A~;lll\"ERS.\R\' ~lurphy, 2nd. Batt. Canadian Con~ratulatiolb to )!r. and i Guards.

~!r,. Alh~rl, 4 Billard ; • -\Hillll'. )lount Pearl. who celc· 1 SO-Jo:() bratc thr1r 4th wrdthng anni,·rr· ' The So-Ed Club of the Y~ICA ~an· toda,·. TIHJr;dal', .June will m~ct tonight at the Y'~ :21;<1 Th~,. wrr1• m:;rrirrl at ~Jen'5 Cluh, Henry Street, This Gror:r st;wt L'nitr<l Church will be the final meeting at the :-.Jan.:, .. hy n,,, .. ,I. ,\. ~ld\im. club for this season. Outdoor in 19~,7 actil'itics will begin next week.

I~ IIOSPIT.\L ;~iEW BABY Congratulations to l\lr. and

)Irs. Robert Brodowski of New York. to whom a son was born yesterday, (a brother for Donna l. The mother is the former Rona Soper of 63 New­town Road.

The man~ I l'lrnd; of ~Jr. Paul ~kDonald. j Allandale Road. will he sorry to learn hr 1s a patient at the D.\'.A.

. Ward <~I the Gcnt•ral Hospital. :where h(· is rt•t·cil'ing mcdiral treatment. Rest wishes arc sent for a quick re:nHry.

' IS JIOSI'IT AI. , TO BE ~1:\RIUED The many friends of Mr. Rob·

The marriage of Bt•rnicc Ann. · ert Noseworthy, 6 Kimberly daughter of Leo and the late Row, City, will be sorry to learn G!adl's Carew. to Kc!l'in, son of he is a patient at the General R1rh;rrl and )lonira Grant. will I Hospital where he is scheduled take place Saturday. July 1st. i to undergo surgery. Best wishes at 9.30 a.m. with ;l:uplial ~lass ' are sent for a full and speedy at the Basilica of St. John the ' recovery. Bapti>t. Reeeption will he at 1 \he Crl'stal Palace. 1 BABY GIRL

• I Congratulation~ are extended SUCCESSH'l, OPERATION i to lllr. and lllrs. Da1•id Warren Th~ many frienrls of :\Irs.

1 (nee .Jill Whitmec) on the birth

Wilham \\"ilco.\ will br pleasctl of a hcautiful girl (Sherry Let)



Here's top qualitv and lowest prices in foot­\\'ear for boYs and girls that's designed to take lots of harcl wear.

CHlLDRE~'S E:\C:LISH CREPE SOLE SA:"\DALS T-strap stYle. Red aml hrown ealf.

Sizes 4 to 6 $1.65

Sizes 7 to 10 $2.00

Sizes 11 to 1 $2.20


Black with white trim.

Little gents- 6 to 8 $1.18 Youths-9 to 13 ......... $1.28

' Bo\"s-1 to 5 ........... $1.48

' Cents-6 to 11 ......... $1.68



\\'hite, Red, Brown, Navv '

and Red Plaid.

Sizes 4 to 2. ........... 89c.

Clll LDHE;\J'S SADDLE OXl'ORDS Campus and patch styles. Sizes 8 to 12 .... $1.78 Sizes 13 to 3 .... $1.98




Adjustable ball bear·

ing construction. i ·10XFORDS I ,.

.•Heavv-dutv soles. ' '

.Red or Green. .. , :sizes 11 to 2 ... $1.29

Sizes 8 to 2

$2.98, $4.95


i Kitnono Sleeves Fla I ll)· ~lAitY JlHIHIKS l'lfKE:-; bodice and ,:rPr~

Daily Recipe JEU.IEO CONSO~I:\IE


2 cups chicken broth 2 cups hecf bouillon 2 cups tomato juice 1 onion, sliced I cup sliced, p;n·ed. l'ill'l'ol

I stalk celcr\', diced 2 whole cloi'.CS 3 peppercorns I tsp. salt I tsp. sugar I ~m·!!lope gelatin

Combine chicken broth. Bouillon and Jl; cups tomnto J u 1 e e. Add onion, carrots. celen· and seasonings. Col'cr and · 1 e t simmer on!!·lwlf hour. Soften grlatin in remaining tom:1to juice and add to strained mix­ture. Chill until ~ct. hreak up with fork and serl'e in soup cups. Yield: Six sen·ings.

' '.

-f .;~······· + '

'· i .

\\'ilhin a week [ had 5 question' a> f,, llu• \H'comingnc's of a . l;imr,no slce1·e for larger fig- · urc~·

;\h· ;1:1~·.r;pr to :~11 i". ''\'c~." . Ki11101~o-cut drc.'<cs, · jackets . \ eoat-;, all h;lnng a ,gusset, are ~

I ideal for lar;;cr women if ::ou 1

rln not huy too lar~e a pat-' tern to hc~in with. Rcmrmhcr )·our incrcn,cd ~ize

i' in your body, not vour ~houl-drr.'. ·

llu1· ., p:~!lrrn size th:~t v.· a~ rd:l wlwn vou were al ,. our hL''I. fiQurc.ll'i.,e-pcrhaps size 1:1 •lr a :lli. If )'our husl no11· llh':o>urrs 40. then sh'h the 'izt·1fi patl<•rn up from l h c ·.~:ll;llinr-holh front :md h:~ek

pit•·''"'· :md :-rpar:1te it r-nouuh \\ h•'n ~·011 pl:1ee it on yo t~ r

•:: ~ Lit.rit· to ~i1 l' you thr needed •\ . 1 11 io'lh in bust and hip.

. . . . j St·pa,·ation would me:~;;urr l-inch ' > • ··~ al point of hnsl. •· ·.·· .. ~~ This 1ray ,·ou rlo not disturb the ' "!"5"$f)~i.'· : all-imporl:~nt ~nsset line. i

born June 17th, 1961. at the! (;USSET FAfTS Grace Maternity Hospital, Bali- 'fl · 1 . 1 1 • . .\bout ~usseb: rlo not he afrairl fax, Nova Scotia. 1 lC mamage w_a5 so emmw 'Y the Rev. T. F. Honry~olrl on \1 ednt•stb)·, April !Dth. nt thJ· nf them. Read the pattern in-: _ I Church of St. ~!!Chari and All Angl'ls of BJrbara .Jrnn. eldest daughlf'r of ~lr. and ~lr>. ·,rm. slnelion cardnllv. ARRIVES IN CITY Cluney, 16 Blaich Ave., to Noel Clifford, eldest son of ~!r. and \lr,. \\"aliPI' \"dawn. 27 .\lb;ur. !Lm· a!l notches ~eel el'cnh-:

PI ;\J' J ]' d II 'd · h;tle gu"cl lo place. rlip thr Mr. and Mrs. Phil Comtan-1

ace.· ISS can ,an _c was ma1 of honour. \li:,srs Hosalind Yetman. Dapilnr Clnnrl.·, Ina B II d " El J sr:rms, press well, and gusset~ ·

tine, of VancoU\'er, B.C., ar- i onne nn ·"rs. ' amc ones were bridcsmairb .. \Jr. G••orge Frrcnwn 1\':Js br.'t man Rrir[e,111,,., c;m :ook as thounh thev're · rived in St. John's by TCA on i were ~Jr. !''red Davis, \!r. Bruce Wiseman. \lr. Calvin Taylor and .llr. Bill .JonPs. Cshrrs ,.,.,.;.,. done by R profcs~ional. · If Tuesd~y, Ju~c 20th._ to spend a 1 \\'ayne_ Yetman anrl \larl'in Cluncy. The flower ~iris \\'Pre sisters of :he flrirlr. liP:olhl'r. c·lm' \'O!I'rp usin~ a set-in slre1·P. months holidays w!th ;\lr. and ,and )J,mlyn: The receplwn was held at Top,ail Parish Hall. \lr. and \lr'. Y"lnwn spent tho· .1nd hnl'e smaller shoulders Jllrs. P. ,J. Constant me, :'llullock I honeymoon tn Grand Falls and Slcphrn~ille and arc now i'csiding at s:: Crai~millar ,\\'c. tb:·n In" I. then hu1· as for a Street. kiuono st,·Jc. hut add the extr:~

,.·i.Jth at the underarm of hotl• ---------- ------- -- --~ ------------------TO UNUERGO SURGERY

:llliss Patricia Pelle)', dau~h-~ ter of lllr. and l\lrs. ~1. C. l'ellcy, llarbourl, Trinity North, Pn- ·

Fashion Tips tered the Grace Hospital on : . ·.-O-

Thursday, where she is sehe-~ :\ nunk stole. 1s prelt)· :111!1 he-: duled to undergo minor sur- conung to tls \\'rarer on I , : gery. Her many friends send I when it's ll'l'rn properly, Don't best wishes for a speedy re- drape il about your neck as if :

it were a hath towel. It should ' be crossed over and held at !

the !ronl in order to look ri~ht.J


TO JOE BATTS ARM Mrs. Dore Russell and her

son Kelly, leave . St .• John's on Saturday by C.N.R. for Joe Batts Arm and vicinity, to attend !he wedding or her rlau~htcr, Betty Ann, to George 1\!iller, which takes place July 4th. While there, 1\!rs. Russell will visit old friends and relatives al


The sirlr slit heach coat is ajl· pearing as a resort fashion this )'Car. It should appc:n· on hcachcs more and more dur· ing the summer.


Change Islands, and will return 'fhe han~llo1g that ~:ocs w i t h home in two weeks. Betty el'erything is yet to be Cash-Betty Russell is a teacher at ioned. Remember that a hand-the Anglican Central High ha~ is a costume accessory as School at Joe Batts Arm. 1 well as a necessity.

Whips Fast­Stays Whipped !

With 30% butterfat, fDM can depend on AVOSET

to whip quickly and to stay whipped

for hours. It's made from

real cream, then sterilized to keep sweet

for months. Top your best desserts

with safe, healthful, delicious A VOSF.T.

AVOSET sterilized



' . ,,

O'Brien - 11iscocl<

. ':';..--

. , .

. / .. . <'

· ... ';


4· .\'\

Ruth, daughter of ;llr. and ~lrs. William Hiscock 49 'l'orbay Hoad was united in Holy matrimony to Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Brien at St. Patrick's Church ~!ay 30, 7.30 p.m. The bride wore a floor length gown of peau de soie with chapel train trimming with pearls and lace. Atending the bride were Mis Patricia Healey and sisters of the bride Miss Patricia Healey and Mrs. Harold Hollett who wore identical gowns of white trimmed with turquoise. The groom was attended by George O'Brien, ;\lichacl O'Brien anrl ,John Graham. A reception for 70 guests was held at Park-Le. Mr. and O'Brien are now residing at Corner Brook.

ltlmono slemr. DO'S \\D OOST'J

. \ r~\1' do's anr don'll for I


Tht•r lw~r. :.1 ., "~t·n ~rt tl1n;u~h i ~w t • .op~ .1\o:d lapping o:· :!c, .~.·t·~~:f:t':t-C h•t:l ~- t 110'~ bulk.

!."{'<111. I'rc ~:1··; !ar:~ art fitting \'.-•' .: ·•L' · ... ten ed to fit \"/1'::· .:::r:n~nt lo rounded );.,:. Opcr. dart< and rrr" them •

Olll' n~n·:t. [V•·,··

t;;:kirt, ,,,r ! .:h' :r. holt otn.

lJ,· c:Jrri 1 1\ · .. lnok'' 111 :,·

it. it'.t. "n:t": ··

Dear ~Irs. f':, '.•"• hcautifui ~·.T·rk~.1:1 ~,~ra~f~. nothin2 :n ·., r·,,· :1 'A·i1'1 I

' rt· a• wca:- Ort."'~·f·~. ~:-il ~ ·

wai,lline 1 "P ' '

What can I dr>:-D \1'.

Dear D.\1'.: lhnu;e a · near in color a~ you ,-our c:.roli~3n nr · hnsic ro:or n~~-' wi!l go it.

Cl10ose a simrlP style nre~s. it the slcc,·r·'· m3ke a,_ the ctress tint lrill lO'·' ll'ilh thr c,,nl'c''" nec',d dre..;:-;r-. lrd~~· ar~ ~(\ m;llrhin::. • ;<rr!1:;111 " -v

Ynq t·~n n•rr ~fl'- 11 .~ ~' 1 '" "

I · r 11,,1 . O\rll rn~r·r ~.r- .nn a' thnll:h lhr l\\0 r:rrl' m:Jrlr tn ~n ln:rli"'





.~.t:FifJinf . ~~~~'Ill/ ,. n1



{tiE DAiLY NE' ~

elp 1 c


po you have a :

y0u don't? The parents. sut perhaps yc

or a friend of knoW the heal

they go, for , they will a: to look after

and lo\·in~ •111

not telling ynu 1 don't alreadr kno·,•.

~ears the pli~hl • ·children of N•

has been well pt their causr champ

an wi10 has ma1l to sec that

reecil'e the he jon insofar ~s t1

.~ ...... --.. j

llrs. Vera Perlin i in 1954, with on retarder! chilrl1

provirlerl in . Church Orphana~r

y·~rs later, than ort, the Vrr

for Retarded opened on Palri•

i now teaches 50 the opening

these children and given no OJ or impro,·e thE

lllb·ilities. Under tho care rJf wo

and kinr blosomed. T

to do many usc: many useful

A few years ago : made when the School for Reta was opened 1

and this past one of further new branches ,

ha1•e been Roberts. , D

~·•h•nvitla and s with the Dnl····- and So

in operatino . A. M. Fuller.

Training Centre' ~tnshir·e Countv C

brought from 1 the operation:

Associ ways and

the whole been here !

a brief interl'iell reecntly, she

has a program the rearded pe

endle to the gra ,., accept retard

the age of 18 n them under

Page 7: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

•· '~I

. ·~·:'

- .• : t'


,1 ~~e 8

"'II lor~ :~1!1 nrrk. "'~ ·~ld


\. j . t.

·~ !H.iLY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLU., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1961 7 ··---------------~---------------------------------- -~=-

~elp The Retarded Children


~ • '- ,•u ha\'e a retarded child in your home?

,·,::don't? Then you are one of our more fortun-.. . . .-:)""'

~.~ t .• ' •.

,. "

Sautee F~esh Carrots

GAYNOR MADDOX New carrots, golden yel!qw, <:re

packed with vitamin A ar.d minerals. They are loaclcrl with eating pleasure, too. So let's enjoy them raw. boiled; or in delicious combinations with other foods.


CYield: 6 servings) 2 large cooking apples 12 medium fresh carrots 3 tablespoons butter or mar­


~ .. : l'erhaps ~·ou ha\'e a relat.ive with a retarded .' .·: :1 friend of ~·ours is the parent of one. If so, .;· ,, the heartbreak and the worry through . :.-,., .. ~o. for while the bodies of these children

.. , · :·e1· will alwa~·s ha\'e the minds of children, . ,. · · ·,,0k after or l'are for themselves. They need

. .• : ~1d lo,·in~ eare from the cradle to the grave. Sandwich Short Stacks

1 teaspoon sugar ''• teaspoon salt

Core unpeeled apples and cut into '<-inch crosswise slices . Wash and scrape carrots and cut into thin crosswise sliceS. Melt butter or margarine in.· a large skillet. Add apple slices and brown on one side. Turn . add carrots and sprinkle with sugar and sal>. Co1·er and cook until tender.

·.:1m~ yuu nnything until thry nie. :\lany adulls earn .. ; ·,wlv know. for in: pockrt money through the skills ' , .. :hr pli~ht of thr n•·. tht'l' lrnrn at the Centres. The

.. ,,,,.,~ of )';rwfounrl· : ~rrlou~lv retarded who cannot . . · ..• :: wrl\ puhlimrd. ! particip;1te in family life. are

. ··:•r rhampionrd h~· 'loo!;rcl after in institutions and · · h~; mane it hrr , rarrrl for in the kinMst way. .. ,. t11::t tht•y too : ~!iss Fullrr sa1·~ she can't · ,. lhr l•enefit, of ; speak too highly ~f the job be-

. · L•r os tllrir r:lJ·· 1 ing clonr in the school in St. I John's She has travelled on ' : :·c mainland and in the United ~·::-t~s. and sh~ hasn't seen any worl; 1 hat comes up to the <i:ll1<1ar·d of the work in this province.

Wilh such hir.hly fa\'ourable rrnorts roming out of the school in St. John's, hopeful par­ents hr,;ic;:e thf Asociation with appe:~ls to accept their retarded <'hild. Unfortunately, the school t> much too small, the facilities too limitrrl to cope with the rll'maml. The only solution is to huild a larpw ~chool, one that cnn ac!'ommodate at least 100 children.

With this object in view. the A~soeintion has mana~erl over the ~·ears. to put aside a modest amount to start this pro.iect. A site has hfen proYided by the 5t. .I ohn 's ~~ unicipa! Council ann plans hal'f be~n finalize!!

: for huihlin~. All that is need· : etl, is the money to finish the

Prrlin bc1!an :wr ,. t . pro. rc . , · · ''4. w1th one cla>s rf l'nforhmatrly, the cam11all!n ·· · -,- '··r! rh1ldrrn. in a which has been ro!llng since . · •· ~:· '' :Mrl in the. Fnit· Junf tst, has not, ~o far, reach·

.' 1 'rh:ma~r htnld1n~ ! ed thr amount collected at this

· .. :t'rr. thank~ to pub- :time last year. · · :hr \'rra P1•rlm 1 . . • • : i:rtardrd Chil!lrrn I If lh1s 1s tncl1lference on the

•• · •. 1 ,, 11 Patrick Strr~·t .. part of the people, we should .. : ... , ·,•]r~rs 50 children. , all remember that lt can ". -~.· np~ning of thi~ . to any of us. A retarded chrld

· ..... , r'ulr!rrn wrre ig- 'can he horn ~o the most normal ,: ;·~ ,::\en no opportunitv , of parents. ]';ow ts the lime to

: ::1:;·row their limiteil I pare the ro~d for these future .. ·_, • r~der thr guidance 1 retarded ch1ldren.

•. c.l~e of women, lono I The Nl!d. A~sociatlon for the · r".o£• :~nd kindness. th; i lle!ll of Retarded Children II

:.:·,- :.:.-.,,nwd. Ther learn- I the only association In New- : · · ''~:ill~· us,~ful things, I

.• · • '"' usrful skills . . :• :<•~s ago a big step • .,, •·!:en the Wonder­.;.· for Retarded Chil·

· .. ''!'<'ned in Corner :' , .. ' : ~i> past year has ~ .. , •: further progress. : ., ·' or:.nrhrs of the As-

:·'' r• hrrn informed, ;, :;, .. ., ::, .. Drrr Lake

Yield: 8 servlng8 ~ hard rolls 1 minutes. 2 can~ (12 ounces each l pork 1 Combine cheese, chopped olives, 1 HOME RUS SASDWICIIES

and beef luncheon meat and Worccstershire sauce. Yield: 4 sandwiehes-'i cup 'h cup blue cheese Split rolls and spread each : spread y, cup chopped pimlento-stuf. half with blue cheese mixture, 1~ ounce can pork and heel

fed green olives reserving 2 tablespoonfuls. 1 luncheon meat 6 pimiento-stuffed olives sliced 1 Slice each loaf of luncheon '' cup butter or margarine \4 teaspoon Worcesters hire meat into fi pieces. Place a· 1 , teaspoon celery salt

1 tablespoon vinegar , ~ slices hrend ·Cream butter. Blend butter, eel·

cry salt and paprika. Add Worcestershire sauce and

'egg yolk. Beat thoroughly. Slowlv add lemon juice and vinc£nr while beating. Spread

c····. :.:HI Stephenville • · ·: • : :J lhe 'rhools at · : ·,:·, ""d Stephenville

•'i'·t·r;ll i 110.

__ s_at_lc_e slice on top of each half roll. 1 '" teaspoon paprika r h t 1 1 Top each luncheon meat slice 1 1 ; teaspoon Worce::tershir~ · ron opes 0 1 eve op a Senior I wr'lh a hnlf teaspoor1 of cl1eece. s c

program with workshop train- . ' · '"1 e

mixture on all slices of bread. Cut. luncheon me a t into 8 slices. and place 2 on each of ·l slices of bread. Top with re-

!-• \ \I Fullrr. Oq~anizer • ~- · . ; • ···nln·s in :lion­

:-·.:- '"unty Council, has .. ·.:.·, from England to

;••·rations of the ·· ·: :·! .-\'Socia lion and

'·~·~·· .~;1.\~ and rn~ans ot whole pm;;ram here 5incc early

I::·· . :ten·ie11· with i~lss

maining bread. ' -~-- -------- I

ing, and to the establishment of I spread and olil·e slices. Broil ; I egg yolk a Social Club for Senior Stu- • until cheese bubbles, 4 lo .1 1 1 tablespoon lemon .iuic~ dents and other Young Adult! ·-·----- -----·---- ..... _ .. ___ ---- -. ··--·- ...

Retardates who have not had· H L p d . manners ~~;.advantages of school train- er ove: TO UCing

As the program expands, it '

· ;::i~le:;::i~:~~~t·;:::~1~~~;; Off ... Broadw· ay Playys i

Perlin l, aiming. ~IISS A. M. FULLER · This is the goal for which Mrs. ' I

:;,, ·:.'. she says En~- , If she and others are willing BY DICK KLEINER j youngest and best-lookin~ pro-~ :<• ' ::·,,::ram that looks ·found land presently concerned to devote all this time and I ~EW YORK-I NEAl-A tall, ex- ducer operating in :\'ew York. .. , '' .:drrl per;on from with this tremendous undertak· energies for God's most help· otic, 22-year-old brunette hap- She put on her first ~how off. •' · · ::r gra1·e. Training ing, They are making step·by- les children, we can show our pily rushed in where "angels" Broadway this season, the I " ·:: retarded children step progres, This year they admiration in the most practical fear to. tread. The angels are moderately well-recci1·erl "Call

> !:• ·•f 18 months and want to take a giant step. way by mailing our contribution theatrical ones and the brun- l\le by lllv Rightful :\'ame." · superl'ision Looking ahead, the Associa· to P.O. Box E-5149, St. oJhn's.. ette is Judy Rutherford, the It has wh~tted her appetite for I You put others in an

------------------------------- more. J position when you insist In the fall, she'll be co-prorluc· • running yourself down.

ing for a company that will -;;orl!l.

Here's 11 food th11t's elweys in good teste, end it's just right for spur-of the-moment desserts.

/; ' I


stage works by previously un· "Some people in the company," tired American playwrigllts. she says, "were good friends But how will she exist through of mine-and still are. And the summer? Her own show I we'd go out for dinner and it can't last much longer, so 1 would be very friendly. I'd she'll simply have to get a I come back to the theater ~nd ioh. Producing off-Broadway • find that, just before we went isn't as rewarding a~ on- i out, they'd been hysterical and Broadway, called Equity (the actors un-

Miss Rutherford is a Worcesler, ionl or their agents to complain Mass., girl who first became about something minor - like 1

aware of the lure of the singe a dressing room. 1

at 12. At that point, she "At first this hurt me. Then I overhead someone say to her 1 realized It was just their tern· older sister, who was good all perament. I learned they don't telling stories, "You should he rcallv mean an ·thing b 't an actress." So Judy wonder- But it•s somethi~~ I had:.! e~: · ed about what acresses were. peeled." " I

At 15, she was one. She wrangl- I Since "Call Me by My Riohtful · ed her way Into a summer Name" opened in Gree~wich ~~ock com?a.~y. And, she says, Village, she's had offers from . I hated 11. End of her act- uptown producers to w o r k mg career-but not of ~ e r with them. love of the stage. ~he swrtch· "'fhe rumor has gotten around," ed to stage .managmg.. I she says, "that I'm good at

At 19, she realized that grrls had raisin~: money. It's a rumor no luture as st~ge ?wnagers. I'm not about to squelch. They But she felt th~J e rorght be a think, too, because I went to future for a g1rl as producer. v~ssar and f th ·8 A d b 'd "I . 1 • ' my a er 1 a

11 , es1 es, , \1 as a wn;, s company president that I have good at math. lois of money, I haven't."

She worked for several scnsons Eventually, she hopes to operate ns company manager and then uptown. on . Broadway. But launched herself_ as a ful!-fleclg- she realizes she still has much I e~ producer this year. Hap· to learn. For one thing, her p1ly, sh~ had some help from father frequently finds mis-her famrly. takes in the books.

"Every week or so," she says, "my father comes down to go over my books. He's president of a gas company. And my mother came down for the op­ening night and made sand· wlches."

Life for Judy as a producer has been normal-except for the role she takes as "a buffer" between the actors-"they have lumps of temperament" -and the director, the director and the writer, the actors and the


CYiPid: 5 to 6 servings) l'i cups mashed cooked car­

rots 21: cups unseasoned mashed


1' \ cuos shredded sharp Ched· dar cheese

1'2 teaspoons minced onion 2•:. teaspoon~ salt ·~ teaspoon ground dill seed 14 teaspoon ground ~rhite pep·

per One-sixteenth teaspoon ground

cayenne pepper Comhine mashed carrots and

potatoes. Add 1 cup shredded cheese. minced onion and seasonings. Turn into 11 1· quart casserole. Sprinkle rr.· maining "• cup cheese O\'Cr the top. Place in a preheat· ed moderate oven (350 degrees F. 1 to melt cheese and brown the top. about 30 minute•. Serve at once.

1 Household Hint ! Potatoes will bake in half the '1 usual time if you pop them in

hoilinq water for t:; minut~s first.

I S<>~~in~ hem, or a hem tl1at is too short or too long, sroils the effect of the smartest out­fit.


rhe most 10 Dry Cleaning HCCIIES-\IAY~ARD

CLEA:'<iSERS LTD. Phone 92186·7-5241

"Burgers /I with a difference! Looking- for a new wa~· to :-cn·e g-roHml beef'? ·fl't-!1, here':; the answer: "Bmger-wichcs"-the burger:~ n:ith a difference. First of all, there is a s11rpri~e jilliag inside earh one. And second, "Burger-wiches" stay moist and iuicv from haking to eating becam;e a small can ~f c;ll'nation Evaporated Milk is itsed in the meat mixture. Onli­narv milk won't do! It take~ Carnation, the e\·apo­raterl milk that tastes most like fresh cream, to keep ground beef juicy right through cooking.


(Makes 4 to 6 servings)

2,3 cup (small can) CARNATION

1'/z pounds ground beef 213 cup fine cracker crumbs 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons prepared

horseradish 1¥2 teaspoons sa It 1(4 teaspoon pepper Combine ingredients, Divide mixture into 12 part.,. Press out 12 patties between pieces of waxed paper to about 4 to -1',2 inches. Place one of the filling mixtures given here, on 6 patties. Place another patty on top. Press edges together. Place on broiling rack on broil· er pan. Place pan in a moderate oven (350'F.) Bake 20 to 25 minutes. Do not turn patties. Serve at once.

* * * FILLINGS For Tomato burgers: Spreacl 6

pRttic> with mustard. Place a thin onion and tomato slice on eneh.

For Beanburgers: Mash one g • ounce can baked beans, add% cup finely chopped onion and 2 tca~roons molns~es. ::\lix \\'ell. Spread 0 patties with catsup or mustard. Place about 2 tablespoons bean mixture on each.

For Pickleburgers: Spread 6 patties with mustard. Place slices of dill pickle on each.

For Relishburgers: Combine ~~ eup pickle relish, :J table­spoons chopped pimiento and :> tablespoon> prepared mus­tard. u,c 2 tablespoons on each patty.

SPAGHETTI LOVERS, please note. You'll find the above basic meat mixture excellent for makin~ meat balls to serve with spal!'hetti or other Italian cli>hes. Simply form ~ro•Jnd beef mixture into small balls nnd browr, in hot fa\. Add. to your favourite tomato sat~ce and cook over low heat fol' 15 minutes.

SPECIAL OFFER! New Improved can opener punches holes in tans ot Carnation, fruit juice, or any liquid more quickly and easily than over before! Send 10~, your name lnd address to: Dept. CN, Cornotlon Company Ltd., Aylmer, Ont.

• looks like cream


• pours like cream

• tastes most like fresh cream

"from Contented Cowa"

Sales Agent~: NEWFOUNDLAND BROKERAGE LIM11'ED fit. John's, Corner Brook, and Grand Falls :

I ...

I>" I i

I .. I ' I


: I.


l I


! . (

I : ' . : I

I· " ~ : ' .


; I


' ' d .~· •'.

\~: ; .

Page 8: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

1 ~ . ' ,.

... I

·' THE DA1L Y ~EWS, ST. JOrl'\'~. \FLD.,

.... .. ~. !I Cougress Votes The Money ..•

Here's How We'll Get To The Moon I capit?l-\ For Sky Masterson·

Now Playmg . t

... If Everything Goes All Right KIRK DOUGI.i\S IN "STRANGl\RS WHEN WE ~IEET" Tony Martin Will Sta

Ry JA!\U:S BACON ·time since making rnum·y. stuck. .. 1., ,, olkn dreamed _of what_; .. "H _I. get . ~til~c fri,ht.'

would have happened 1f I hat · Sd)'S. [II JU>t tell the ,

.. · .. · ~··

I The alw:1ys-absorbing theme HOLLYWOOD lAP! Tony 1 of martial-infidcnity is explored Marlin is going to fllllill a i with startling honesty a~d some . dream this summer - even , explosive plain speakm~ 111 thou•h it will cost him S7:i,!Xl0. I "Strangers When W ~ A teet." A "decade or more ago, the : which opens tomorrow at the producers of a then forthcoming , Capitol Theatre. This new Co- ·Broadway musical offered Tony : Jumbia picture in CincmaScopc the starring role. and Eastman Color stars Kirk Tony, newly married to Cyd Douglas and Kim Novak in roles Charisst~. turnNI it doll'n.

II d "Cvcl was untler ~ontr;ld lo which, according to Ho ywoo . ~IG,·f." he savs. "It would 11:1\'e arc remarkably realistic, and meant that 1\:e would he li>:in~

: they ~ivc performances which 3 continent :~part. So I ~unwd : possess an impart and an ex· it down :-tnd hfl,·e \\'a~lNl my ; citcmcnt that place the film • high in thr cinemat:c ·•musl· : se::-" t·ate~ory.

r-;rnic Konc> and Barbaro Hush a:.-o arc starred in the

, new flil'hard Quine production. i Ko1·acs as a philandering noYcl· : ist who commisEions architect

RliSSTIIX \VMI\'1\'1;

' Al'POLLO approaches from the left for moon Iandin~. [Douglas to build him a ''<lre:m·: PART Of' APOLl.O \'thicle that lands on n10nn is lert behind 1 house; ~J 1 ss Rush as llou"las

LO:'oiDO:'>J IRcutcrs'-~lar,lt;'' l\iril 1Ioskalcnko, supreme ron,. mandr.t· of Soviet mi ~:sile f,J:Tt':-i

warned Satttrdav !hat Ru~:;i:: has rockets capi1hlc of delinT· ing a "of lrr:mcnrln!l< power" to <my noint of the '-''or!d and wipin~ out an ag~rr.ssor. lfr 1

said the so,·irt l'nion h8c mr:.ns: of warfarP such a~ no ntllrr 1 arm,· o! the \\'Orld rYrr rt•S· .

'IJilrn blast-off fnr return trip to earth lakes place. I wif .. who sc<'s their marriage

8~ .. 11-:RIIY BJ;NNETl' . launchin~. that can be guided men\. On thcsr mi,sions, AJlollo of each ean he asscsst~d. one ' f~lin!! apart and unr:;pectedl~· WASHI1'>GTON. (NEAl _ 1 and steered toward the .moon, will be boosted by Saturn will be selected for final de- learns why.

Whether Uncle Sam puts a man : that can land gently on the rockets'fhnows· tundecr 1 de~ethlop- velopmcnt :nd • ut~lization. I In "StraiJgcrs \\'hrn We Oli-~thc moon by 1967 depends i moon and then be laun~hed men!. e a urn · ' WI 3 1 I ·• D "I d ~lis· 7\o oir how successful scientists are : from the moon and be gu1ded thrust of 1.5 million pounds, • At the same time additional : ~leet. 011) asl an ' "i ~ ' . . OPPOSE THAfTOit IlEAl. l·n •cttl'n• ,;\polio off the clral"·l back toward a ~ale re-entry is scheduled for tests this sum· I millions will be spent on Ull· .I ''ak are sn mr Jan nlcl~ I om(' r;JIICAGO <':\P •-An lndi<ula·

.. ~ ' manned machines nn the mnon. , whu move from ca~na cncoun · · b d d · 1 I 1d reco1•ery 11n Parth " k 1 t b Jlulis law,.·cr Satnrda" asked th~ IIIJ: oar an m o space. . a1 • • • · • • • They be equipped with 1 ers-in a super-mar ·_c , a a_ us '

h It d U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to: ·Apollo is t e space era on' j mer. tele;·J·, 1·on cameras and other stop-to secret, 1mpass10nc . . 1 s 1 11 t I alize Apollo as " hall the tractors-for-pmoncrs, which American scientists are 1 • c en s 5 v su . . · As for the missile powerful equ1·pment to SLnd to earth 1·n· meetings.. _Their _romance pro·, b II t h d 1ghmg 150 000 · exchan~e with Cuba's Prime pinning their lunar hopes. So 1 u e s ape ·.we ' enough to boost the 150,000 format1·0 n needed for a safe gresses m mtensltY .• and so_ do ,

· h' b t' t • 1ncl and b1g enouah to hold Minister Fidel Castro. George 1 far. it IS not 111~ ut ar IS s ' P01 s " pound Apollo for the moon manned landing, their problems. In time, a neigh-concepts and math~matical 1 three men. It will·b~ bo~sted J.'Y landing, scientists believe the Edgar M. Cortright, Assist- hour discovers their secret and ' Rose head of a newJ\·.former\1 romputations. j a missile from wluch. It Will answer lies in an enormous ant Director of NASA's Lunar they suddenly must face the · !i!r~11~or~allt:d ~~~:~~~~s 1\~edB!~~~ I Scientists l'iew President K!'n· separate . hefore Ian~! mg. The space vehicle called Nova which and Plalietary Pro~ratns, ex- fo, ct tltat two families, two

If t d pul wn ystem •. " suit which argued that the law nedy's request for se1·en to nine J se -con ame pr~ s 5 · , is also in the plannin• stage. plai·ns.· !tomes an<l Do~wlas' own future f 1 · · (I t 11 t to the moon " • OJ' lids pnl'ale U.S. citizens In billion dollars more for space 1a WI powoc 1 NASA Cht'ef James E. Webb as an ·,1t·"]•·t all are headed

I th t . 'II b sed c c deal with a foreign power. ra~e projects over the riext five after e separa Jon WI e u describes it: "Project Prospector will be for burn in" in their own private ''ears as a vital ~hot in the arm for the takeoff back. Develop- "The 01,erall height of Nova capable of landing thousands flame. b

for converting d.ta into a 25,000 I mcnt rosts are expected to total will be some 360 feet-flO feet of pounds of useful payload at 1 mph reality. :about Sl30 million. The Martin taller than a football field is a predetermined location on the' "Strangers When We Meet''

But the money is just part nf 1 Co., Con~alr_ and General ~lot· long. The diameter of the first lunar surface. Before the land· marks Douglas' first modern the so~u~ion. Sa~·s George l\1.; or~. are h1ddmg for the _proje:t. stnge will be some 50 feet and ing of man we will be a~le to drc>s role in some time: he ha> I.nw. Ch1ef of Manned Spaee . I he first 11100? landmg Will the upper stages some 25 feet. establish a small depot ot sup- most recently been seen m such 1-'li~ht for the :->at10nal Arro-llw preceded by two other Apollo I "In one version the first stage plies nnd equipment, possibly a film> as "Spa.rtacus". "Tht· nautlcs and SpacP Adnunis· nusswns. • • • will consist of eight clustered jeep for surface transportation Vikiugs" and "The Del'il's Di> lrat10n .. . , f·l engines, each developing a and small rockets to return sc- 1 ciple". !lis prc,cnt Is that ol

''Suth a I'Cnturc will require .'·.trst ~he ~~acf Cl'aft1 Will ~e \thrust of 1.5 million pounds, lee! surface samples to earth.'' .


a man enmeshed in marital in trchnological ad\'ancrmrnts for oliHted aruun \ 1e ea~t ~In :he; using l'Oll\'entional rocket fueL! · fidelity. ~lis> '\ov<~k. too. IS sa11l 111 rxccss of tho"c nrcded for , same ma~lner P anne 1 °~ t e 1 fn cluster, the engines will pro· 1 to be superbly cast. Projcd )lcreury. It will require '. une-man • crcury capsu e. ,a .er 1 duce a total thrust o! about 12 1 Gil ·\!'~TED \SYLU~I ' · , the del'elopmenl of an adYanced , a three-man astronaut crew 11111 .11 . d Tl .5 , r . 11 1 : • • f Walkr ~Iallhau lops the 11'

' l · b' d th m1 1011 poun 5, 11. IC SlO I PARIS <Rcutersl - RlHiol ' . l mannrd ~pace~raft that tan be s 1ot mto or 1t aroun e 1 , 11 1 . d d th' d i · , ui co-star>. as a conscience t'> withstand the high loads of 1moon and then guide themselves 3

1 5~ ca f~el~~ s~~i~~ 1~;nid ~rY· Nu.erycv, 23·.):cn~old ,5.~adr Kd:m:' husband who also :;trays, to til

;.~=;;.;:;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;.;;;.;;;;;;;;;,I back to earth. Eacb of these sa es . . . ' " CCI ol Russia s enmnld no\ bitter ,e}ief of his own wifr


fhe most m Dry Cleaning Phone 92186·7-5241


1 missions will be completed three dr;gen.dan~ h~ud 0~~ ~en. ~Jail~~ w~o :~~s ~r~~te~ Virgina Brme returns to th· I times before a moon landing al· res! en enne y s new 111 Fl a nee h tda). So~lm day 1\ as . "St . . WI \ t · t . 1 space budget calls for $48.5 reported to be hiding with scree~. 111 r,mge1 s. wn cmp 15 mac c. million to start work on a friends her e. The intcrna· ~!eel. Kent_ Smith 15 .~ccn

The earlier missions will give liquid-fueled Nova. Another $62 tionally . known ballet master Douglas' lmsmess associate '. astronauts the chance to prac· millian has been earmarked to Serge Lifar described :'\ureyev Broadway stage star Helen < · lice !lying the craft and to test perfect solid fuels for Nova. As as "the No. 1 dancer in the So.llagher makes her f1lm how "

I its highly sophisticated equip· soon as the technical promise Union.'' ~!allau's embittered wife. ===~~=~::.....:



.. When you can see only tho nek of the vehicle ahead o! you. t means :1o11 are !ollowin;( too !losely. Allow one car length for ""cry 10 miles per hour.

Alf,tatt ln.. Co. So.fety Cnt.,_,.

As Of The Start Of Business June 21st

,, '" ,, 11 >'.1·. :'\ow, I'm goin~ 1to sw1tch to Bc~in the Be•u· lo ''" : "''1.. at le~st partly." I S7~;000 DIN:-.FEHE:>OCE ' lne.

The show was Guys and Dolls . f ony c.'! I males the Tonv was offered the rnlc of , in pay between Sky· ~!asterson. played by floh-

1 and eancellerl ni~ht .

crl Alda. , gn~cml'nls \n:l c·rbt him LOSE ~IO'."IF. PART .. ":\nd it'~ wortl~ it. I'

L3ter. ·.\·hen Sam r;n\d\\ ,.n: :-:m;..!cr and a ~tlllliJI•r 0 In · ' ·" · rce made ;t into a 1110\'ir. the I'CI· i ~llsl me >Uill!i :0 ·.1al'· ·

et·nn produ(·et· (Jtre~·ed t 1Jr p:n·t the Sand" lluiC': r- 1 ...,j~10'. I • -< • • 11'1 to Ton.\·. : '. C:.!<.ls 111 huy ll Ill".' ~pi.Jr·~r ,,

.. Thi~ time I \':.:t~ read::. ·.·:ill-;. Onee. 1111rin:..: !\a' \\;: 1~ l~e in;..: ;HHI a1d('. 'l ~11:11 .Inc )j:q·,;:~~-; Jm u:\~'d in :1 :w1 ~'.Jn \rict w~is hin\l to direct He fa. ~<JD1l: ;_:1 .1 :J 1 ~,q• ,;· i:: otcr \r,rcrl ;m ~lclrJr mrr a :-l:l:J.c~- Lillll!) :1~ •:1c [. :·:; ~. -o tlw p;n·~ ·.•.-rnt !o ~~Tarh;J1 ".ltq> ,,·;:~·r :- : tL _,._':'ri l3r;mdn." none oi • .. ~ lw .. crl

Ton~·. ~~·ho h;l' lir\ r·r \\"(l!'i\ul ~tanH:.' :~I·

\l'e lc:itiJ,late .~:~1:..:P \.f''or;·. ·.•. :nl shou:d n1:• 1,{ iin:llly pl:r~ tbr rr,lco in ~UlJlll;i'r ',for ~'1rnl/cr· 'S\'



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~rJpfll.\ ·d llo.'I"J.-11·!·· .. ··:.,

1 r\l)ilf?E.::.:.S .••••••.•.•.•..........•• , I I .. , . , , . , .. •. • • • • •'. • '.,,, .... , "" I

L .............................. ..

rltr 27:5 \\.\TEH s· !'ASTERN TRUSI ST. .JOI!\S

c''"'f'""Y Branches Across Canada

The Price Of All Our PONTIAC-BUICK and· VAUXHALL CARS Were REDUCED By The Amount Of Excise Tax, Removed By The Federal Government The Previous Evening. We Are Are Pleased To Pass This S,avings On To The Public.





e Ph

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. -mink-rlra:



Ar Warning Squ


into re< of mass warf:

g on ihe wall at the Intcr1

Amsterdan Iceland. TJ·

North A was Cartwrigh se!ected by thE

after a re it's representati>

sent to Cartwr to studl' tl

inspect the harl for its suitabilit,·. the 22nd of ,J ;u steamships "Ali service ship

'(ISoline, mechan and officer! ar

This advanc preparat

an drefu

Page 9: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

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••• . . 1·1


• i131

CTION 11 The Daily New~ ST. JOHN'S, NFLD .. THL'HSDAY, Jl'NE 22, 1961

Menu For Cheesecake: 2

Plain Janes Didn't Sell Tickets

sr.:u .. \ sn:n:~s

~ ·. .

.. !

......... _ ........................ _., ........ l. j KAMALA DEVI CIIRISTINA GAUI1Mi\N SALOME JENS

inlrm:~tionally the "movie 't•rs. 1 rated Grrek star of ''!\'cl'rr On CJUern" - the srx kitten - re· ~ • • • 'Sund~y." fHsl'd to go nwa)'. She returned , So the lnrmula today is wo- : Sow headed for the screen to the U.S. from foreign soil . men a rrrl·bloodrt! mnle can are a bevy of others including: in the delightful forms of wolf whistle at. !Is Oriental


Yoko Tani, a French-.lapa Ilnly's Gina Lollohri~ida and ; dolls with slnnt-cyed w,tlks, ncse man trap featured with ~~phia Loren and France's Bri· i sultry and voluptuous Italians, ' Shirley ~_lac.~aine . and.. Yvc_s ,1tte Bardo!. . 1 a leggy Tnhitian charmer and 1 :Yiontaml m My Ge1sha, a U.S.

Today, producers mak1ng an assortment of others with :movie filmed in Japan. mo\•ics for a world-wide audi- 1 eye appeal. , Claudia Cardinale, 22. Rl­ence are facing the cold fact. : The look of pre-TV movie 1


ready hailed in Italy as "the As one of them told me: ; queens also is returning to U.S. new Gina Lollobri!lida." Her

, ,' lh•rr lli, 11 alt'hes) rei hut >hr wa.-. , "The Plain .Janes who could dolls winning top roles in Hoi·, first starring mo1•ie to be >hown ,,,:\; .ltlfl:">;SO:">; World \\'ar 11. tl'lrl'ision, the act didn't sl'll lickcls: We're :!)·wood mo\'ies these (lays. /in the U.S. will be "Girl With

\F.\ -- ~:xeept ('old war and a rhan~ing way of· gomg back to dolls With sex Somr of them a1·e Stella Slev- I a SUitcase." , , \lan\yn ~!on· l'.S. life contl'ibutrrl to her de-. appeal and persnt~nli~Y- If they: ens. ,Joyce Taylor, SalomP Jcns,: Italy's Ro,anna Schiaffino .

. ,.. , ::,.Ill "moYie mi>e. She was an expcnsiV(', rx- can act, too-that s fme - but ·Sue Lvon !who v;i\1 br eon in who plays twir. sislt·rs in "The ··.'.: ".1r, In~ not prndnhll' product of Hollywood, tht• public doesn't demanrl act- tlw (•,;ntrnver>ial "Lolila'l and r.\linot:.ur"; Chr::~ina Kaufman . - .· ·' ,,ht>iirtl-antl which r·ould no longrr afford mg." t'arroll (Baby Doll) Baker. of Austria. ft•aturcd with Kirk

, : ·•tht•r Yan- hrr whrn TV rnrled the U.S. Today's mol'ie makt•rs say whtlsr cnrl'CI' is on the nptum. Dnuglas in "!own Without mtll'il•-going habit. they han• anothct' ~nod rrason But the ilcc~nt 1, morr on Pity"; Tarita, thr Tahitian

.. , , , ,,1wd word; Tv couldn't afford her rith- for belling again on glamor till' forei.~n t'harmrr co-starring charmer with Marlon Brando •-'"' ,,I ·Jt" amt rr. Shr was too sexy for thr and sex as boxnf!ice lure,. The with ''nanw" l'.S. playrr> ·--'in "~1uliny On the Bounty."

, . , ... ••·pi in thr FLT an1J all !hose spon•ors sell· world-wide audience, they con half . t'hinrse. half . English Spain's Carmen Sevilla. who .• , 111Juptlltlll.<. ing homr prnrim·ts to lwusr· tend, is weary of a flood o[ Nanl'l' Kwan with Bill Holden piny~ ~lary :\lagdalene in ''King

win•s. movit•s about heroic mnles. U.S, in "'l:hr \\'nrlll of Suzie Wong"; o! King's" and 1\amala De1·; ot 1111 n~ dra~ging In her ptat·r. Hollywood and audiences a~·e bored with TV ltalvs J.rtiei:1 Ronmn. who Bomhay. India, en-starring with

, , r\·llll,banrls trirl'isiOn installed the 'meth· cowboys, pnvale eyes, fathers wn1;nd up in J~lvi> Prcslry's l'hut'h Connors in "(;eronimo." otl" actress aml "the girl just :who know hrsl and hanrl chrsl- arms in "(;. L. llhH•s". and 1!\EXT: Facrs- anti money-

' , . ., lw hrlll'l'- like tht• !!irl nrxl door." But ·rei underw~trr ox)'~rn brr.tlh- ~ll'lina ~INcouri. thr Pari~-e!1u- across lllr ~eal.

Years Ago Balbo's Italian Armada Flew To Cartwright

Paramount Tomorrow



T. l.ohrador - : harbour when word arrived by u~c by the aviators on their ar- , mooring buiys. The crews were , Two of the enlertalnmcnl r~ Ihr 922nd Aircraft : wireless signalling the approach rival. A banquet \Vas planned to ! taken ashore to the mission and worlds funniest people, Bob

•= \\ :•rnin:.: Squadron of !he Air Armada. celebrate !he occasion and case 1 the welcoming committee. 1.-.t!Jrador. ha\'~ ' 1\lr. '"l'llt'am s .. ~loores, the f f . 1 .• 1 D Hope and Lucille Ball are star-' " " a tcr case o wme was un oaued 1 orothy Reeves. now l\lrs. red in the forthcoming comedy.

present officer-in-charge of the from the ship. This wns some- · Bernard Fequel, who with her "The Facts of Ufe" a United Deparlmt>nl of Transport radio I thing else new to the matron : husband operates merchandise Artists release, which oprns at , station in Cartwright. was offi- · of the mission who reludantly i stores at Cartwri~ht. Paradise the Paramount Theatre tornor- ·

mto realizing cer-in-charge of the marine ' allowed the llalians to place the 1 and Packs Harbour, Labrador, row, r.i ~1:"~ warfare by radio ~tation established there wine in the m1sswn erllar ' and Noel Gro.1•es who now works Produced and uirrcted by the

· ''n lht• wall of the by the Canadian ~tarconi Com- :which had. pri01· to then, never fm· the Hudson Bay Company famous team of Norman Panama · 'c a: :h1· lmernation- 1 pany. !lis problem began with held anything stronger than · Sltn·e at Northwest Hirer near and ~lel\·in Hussey, the pcture : .\'"''',ation :.lission, fire Italian newspaper reporters . soft drinks. i Goose Air F'orce Base were also stars Ruth Htlssey, Don De

KENNEDY 0~ CIWTCIIES \V:\Silll\GTOi\. D.C.: Pre~idcnt .John F. 1\.cnncdY lcaYeo the Slwrcarn H(lte! here .. June lfi. after addressin,~ a lunchc:Jn mcctin;:: of the \;ttioital Cunlcrencc on International Economic and Social Dc·:c!opmcnl. t\t nc;lll is .James Hu\-,·lc\. Chief of the While House Secret Scn·icc. The Chief E:;ccuL1-c ll"<dked to the podium on crutches and spoke fwm a.oittin:; position.


A Short Short Story = ' ,.... .. SUSPENSETTE



'Fer~us lea,·c Charlottctuwu .June 2:l. lea1'e Pictou. N.S. .June 2-1. arri1·c St. John', .June 26, leave s:1mc day.

·Fer~ us lea1 c Charlottetown .June :!0. l"ave Pictou. :\.S .. July J. arrive St. ,fohn's .July :l. leaiT .... nne day.

f(•rgus k;Hr <'harlot lelnwn .July 7. leal e 1'1ctou. :\.S .. July 8, nrril'c St. .John's .hil)' 10. lca\'c same day.

· Hdn;:cratw11 Fl'BNESS RE!l CROSS I.IXE

~1.\'. Cor.II Trader Jell :\cw ~· ~'"''"<If from this who accompanied lh~ "Alke". ' c:urious Children 1 the dressed up "Italian" l'hild· Fo1·c and Lous ;o.;ye. Chat·Jcs , 'J~~~~~~' ~: 1 ::\,i::r. arr signs All fil·e rcporlt•rs will arrh·e The teachers of the mi,sion rt•n who greeted General Balbo Lang, .lr. handled the cameras '

· h:1·.n and left at at his station bright and early : were not without their problems :and gave him symbolic ~ifts for and the mu5cal seore was pen· i York .June ith, leavmg llalJfax . . , ll'r r the famous e\'ery morning, each wanting his I for aeross the bay on I he vii· I the momentous occasion. ned by Leigh Harline. A special , ~~~~~~~~~~ :-.;.s., June lOth. arrivm~ St.

.\r11 ,.d" under Gen- story to take priority over the , large side of the harbour. the i In the dining room of the Iitle tur.e written by songsmith I John'' .June 13th. lea,·in~ June E;!~ .. rrluded there · others. They spoke little or no 1 Italians had unloaded the parts , mission where the banquet was Johnny Mercer is sung by Eydie ' 15th for Corner Brook and "ew

:~ m" English and Mr. Moores didn't 1 of a small airplane and were 1 to be held that evening, the Gorme and Steve Lawrence. : York. Leaving ="ew York June ~.:·' ~.-·lr·cl "' a good speak Italian but he somehow )1 assembling it in a large shed 1 Italians had placed an enor- "The Facts of Life" is a hilari- , 2Uth. !caring Halifax. :'I:.S .. June

~. 1' ; .. made for po- :managed to keep them appeased. of the Hudson Bay Company. 1 mous portrait of Mussolini and ous film with serious undertones ' 2!llh. arril'ing St. John's July ;:,;a~"•·l• purposes to , He made them take turns at : lllost of the children could not . General Balbo on the wall op· about life in suburbia with l'lllss Ella was breaking her dirt and her physician was 1st, !caring July 4th. for Corner ·~· '·'"r!rt, and par- 'getting their stories out first. I remember having seen more posite to one containing a special emphasis on the possi· her guest. Brook and l\'ew York.

: ~~! l_l::ll'd Sta. tes. with 'They handeu him typewrillen :, than one airplane in their life, modest photograph of Sir Wil- bilities of an extra-marital rela· M.V. Coral Trader leal'ing n: lhr rr)u,·enated copy and Moores, using a tete- if any at all, and here was one fred Grenfell, famed founder tionship between •·neighbors" of DINNER FOR TWO : a~ain't doetor'~ ord•'r,_" New York .June 20th. Halifax ur.tit'r the dictator- graph key, tapped the stories in being built practically under of the Mission. The Italians the commuters' set. Bob and By RAY GISE 1 ''I explained it... .June 2:lrd. arriving St. John's

~lus,olini. The morse code to Battle Harbour their noses. What better excuse assured the mission authorities .Lucy are married (but not to They dined at one of those "And still he insi.,ted that .June 26th, lra\'ing .June 27th for out from Orhe· 117 miles away. The Battle Har· for skipping school and what that they had heard o! Sir Gren- each other) have offsprinjl, a intimate little cafes where foorl you break your dirt:'' Corner llrooK and New Yorlc

· lo thr l'nited States hour operator, in turn, relayed could the teachers say to their fell and knew that "he was a respective wife and husband : is excellent and the waiters '·He claimed your a(l\ ire ll'as S,S_ Beech more loading cargo .\mstrrdam. and the stories to Fogo, Newfound· children laking advantage of great man too." who lake them for granted, .a~e I treat the patrons like wealthy phon)'-thal I dicln'l need the at London, England, for Corner

lu·!antl, The first, land, still some 194 miles furt· such a situation? The plane Boisterous Party thrown together more than 1s 1 rel,,tives who are drawing up diet in the first place,'' she llrook and inland rail points :··1 \_.,rth . American [her southward. From Fogo they was assembled so a pilot could The banquet. was chaos for good for them, and soon develop :wills said. "!larry <'1\inwd you were with transshipment at Corner · ''~ < :~rtwnght which 1 were relayed by landline then fly out to meet the Armada and the workers of the mission who ?n affection for each o~her that Dr: Godfrcv dressed for the trying to reduce his weight h1· Brook, \'cs~el lea..-ing London '1 ~erletl h)' the Italian ! telephone and cable to Italy escort it to the harbour. The never before had been called IS not good for them either. occasion and. ~!iss Ella had putting m·; on a diet. Yo;1 June 22nd.

. •flrr a r~port by : and other parts of the world. children were equally intrigued upon to provide such entertain- As one can readily see, such k d . ' !mew we were running around NFLn. CASAD.\ STE:\~1--! rrpn•,entath·es who ·Later on, Mr. Moores was •lap· by the weather balloons which men!. The Italian speaking a set up can be rife with hilari- never loo e more ch~rmmg. together." SI!!PS LDIITED.

'1"' lo Cartwright the ! ping stories out on his wireless the Italians sent aloft and the cooks from the "Alice" were ous situations, but also with an It wa_s 3 celchratwn _mdeed. The doctor laughed. "~lcrli- ~I.S. Bedford II sailing from · tu IUdl' II t 1. t f b t 10 ddT f 1 1 b 11 ld I · 11 f d 1"1 · underlying serious theme. PAn· 1 for MI~s Ella was . 1~rcakmg her cine hy indut·lian·: Thats ·a Halifax June 20th. d11e St. . • . 1e wea ·

1 appara us or a ou a 1 10n- 1 act I 1at !lese a oons cou prepanng 1e oo w n e m•s- ama and Franks •creenp!ay ct1et ann her phys1c1an was her ~

· · lht• harbour and al reporters who came to Cart- 1 tell "what the weather was , s1on wa1tresses and other volun· • new wrinkle." .fohn's .June 22nd. >.ntability. wright from Canadian and Unit· ~ going to be." I leers rushed wildly around try- gives both elements their place. ~guest. ''You didn't, did ::ou~·· ~LS. Bedford II sailing from , "ll"s like living again," she 1 •• nd of .June. the cd Stales newspapers. · 1 Relics of the Flight I, ing to ket•p up with the ever · k Godfrc~· shook his head. Halifax June 27th, due St.

'AI. " ' d I d said. ' ,. I Tl J 29th · 1ce an , Greete by Ch 1 ren I Meanwhile, the crew ol the mounting flow of dirty dishes ·' 0 • my (car. 1e diet was John's unc . Dr Godfrey laughed. "Sure-ship loaded John Hamel, who is presently I "Alice", along with hired vii- and utensils. REPRESENTS POPE ly ii wasn't as difficult as ior YOLL Ilarry didn't have to ~I.S. Grebe from !llonlrcal

· mrchanics, re- ' employed by the 922nd. as a lagers, began to unload gasoline As the boisterous party came ' · ' ' follow it. I ha1·e .1o mice in · .June 29th. due St. John's .July . offltrr . d t h . I I , f h h d t 1 d 1 . DUBLIN <APl - Artillery. that," he said. 'And if it did his Jler,ona! hahils. he"allSe !Je d , . , s am,·e a : eavy equ1pmen opera or, was · rom t e s ip an pile it up on . o a c ose an t 1e a\'Jators went crashed out in salute and jet 1 call for self-discipline. don't c 3r . · Th1s advanced party , just a young boy going to the I the mission docks. This caused . to bed, the crew o! the "Alice" fighters screamed oHr Dublin : you feel better because you didn't come to me for 3dl·iee." ~t.S. Bedford 11 sailing from . Prrparations for : mission school and he had his 1 grave concern and sleepless land completely inexperienced Saturday in a massive welcome , followed my orders?" "But you are good friends'!" Halifax .July 4th. due St. John's ·, an rirefucling of i problems. Not only w. as he di·

1 nights to many because fire was \'ilagers, hired to help, went to "We're better than a1u3gc .lul.1· 6th. from the Pope's special repre·' "Oh, I do. Yes indeed," she

. ! reeled by the school authoritie~ I greatly feared and would be work precariously refueling the t t" · 1 B -1 , h f 1 acquaintances." said Dr. God- ~I.V. Fauvctte sailin;: from 10 Hlrt ,\lJ Boah .1 to help sp\1't wood to keep fires d1"sastrous to the m1··. s1'on. The planes by lantern )J'ghl, for sen a IVe to festil'itics honoring' saJC · " ut 1 wasn 1 1 e ooc frc1· "B t II· t · II 't ·' the 1,5001h anniversary of St. :I missed so much as all my m · ·fr u t k1'1 ~\OUr n slop Halifax July 4th, due St. John's

' 1 mmrdiatel~·. the \'il· , going for the comfort of the, gasoline was contained in 4 gal- flashlights were not available. Patrick Crowds estimated at. frien('s Doctor you almost e om . a ·mg lis gtrl away .July <ilh. themsel\'e~ beset I Italians, he was. chos'en to greet Ion tins crated. up in wooden By morning the planes, mirac- · · · I '· • ' • from hun 1f I had 1 he chance •· NFLn. GREAT LA!U:s

h 100,000 persons at Dubhn A1r- , ma~le me a recluse. I was· Tl 1 . .1 · f ..

T e !tal· General Balbo on the general's boxes. These later were to be ulously· without mi.•hap, had port cheered Gregory Peter Car- J lonely." 1 111 ~e~~ ~1 111 sh1 cnee or ~-mo. STEAMSHIP ~TD. ,

hire every avail· 1 arrival at Cartwright. General welcome bits when the Italians been refueled and y.'ere ready din.1l Agagianian on his arrival I "Lonely? I don't under- , _r~ e ore. 5 e spoke. You Gowne atTJI'e St. Johns motorboat to help ' Balbo had two children, a boy left them behind. The tins to go. from Rome. Nine cardinals and , stand" , h.ll e the ch.mce, doctor. Harry ' .June 23, leave same day.

B • operation. The and a girl so one of the Italian made ideal little camp and 'fhe Armada departed Cart- scores of archbishops \\-ill take I Sh~ smiled again. "I had to an~! .1 are no longer-f~iends." : *Gulfport leave lllontreal h IJ Company Store liaison men concocted the idea cooking stoves and were used wright that morning, followed part in celebrations extending j decline so many invitations," : Abain sh~ paused wlul~ the i .June 20, arrive St. John's June ad been instructed to or having a Cartwright boy and for years by the villagers who by· departure of the "Alice", through nine days h 1 · d "Y d" t ·doctor saJd nothlllg. F•nallv; 25 leave June 27

·. Jlosstble assistance girl or the ages of General had never seen tins of that other ships and planes carrying · 5 e 1e~ptatihnet '1 oludr •t 1e wast, she added: "Why did you pr~- '1 inohJiner leav~ Hamiiton Th so s r1c a cou n go ou ·b th d' t'' 1 · "

e first diffi· Balbo's children greet the gen· particular aize before. The reporters, all leaving behind cried out for more bases to for fear 1 would offend my sc~I het ,, c •e · wasn t 01·er- ' June 19, arrive St. John's Jt!ll<

lh w~ the fact that eral on his arrival. The liaison wooden crates had many uses them, the residue of that gi- keep an Atlantic Air Fleet for hosts and hostesses." 1 weig · 28, leave June 30. , ! aircraft was ex- officer had brought popular and even today, one can find gantie operation. protection of North America. Dr. Godfrey shrugged. "It "You came to me nervous *Dundee leaVL Hanultor1

the salmon fish· fuclst type children's uniforms shelves in some Cartwright The Armada flew on to the Today the 922nd Aircraft surely didn't make you unpop- and overwrought;• said Dr. June 26. leave Toronto .Tunc 27. f hold the boats In with him for the occasion. The houses made from those erates. United Stales via Shediae and Control and Warning Squadron ular. As r remember there was Godft•ey. "You asked me to arrive St. John's July 3. leave or the air armada children picked were promised The guest book at the Gren- Montreal. It visited the Cen- \"ht'c hi's located on a h•'ll over- · 1 k' help you and the diet seemed July 5 ,,._1 th ,, a mce oo mg young man, a l'k th 1 1 1 , ·

"th"' 1_ e vlllagen 111 airplane ride u reward. fell Mission hospital lists Gen- tury of Progress Exhibition at looking the harbour where this very persistent young man who 1 e e ,odg,hca ansh·wer. I wa?n t •Nonport lea1c Montrc;rl

. e Ish on whleh John's problem wu whether be eral •Balbo and his flight arriv- Chicago then visited Washing- historic flight first landed on 1 t r d " ' sure you ave I e determma- June 30 arrive St John's Julv ~~f their illeome lhould stay ~or the celebration ing on July 12, 1933. Twenty. ton and New York, before re- this side of the Atlantic is one a :?~~rrym~~~P~ ·:~e ~~uionger ! tdi_on tbo stay 0~ such a strict 5, Jea1·e' St. John'; July 6. .

..,.. diet. depend· or ri&htfully go to his summer four of the original ·twenty. turning to Rome by way of of many radar stations con- friends" sh 'd 'He · · t d : tel, ut you dJd. Now look at "Gulfport leave Montreal the .Hudaoa :a., home to· help his faml\y for the ,five. planes arrived at Cart- Newfoundland, the Azores and stantly watching the skies over t k•. e 531

1' !~SIS e 1 1 you. You positively glow with July 5 arrive St John's July obhpted to ban flshlne aeason. His feeling of wright in a ·mass ·formation of Lisbon, Spain. the Atlantic for any possible on a tmg ,m: ~ace~ w k ere


health. I've never seen you 10 lca~e July 11. · .__lllmea eolleeted responsibility to hls family fin- three ship elements or flights. The operation had cost over · · ~as .. emp e 0 rea my looking better." ·' · ,.r th a1r attack. The 922nd. command- d1ed. Sh -1 d k - .1 ' tlllnery boat ally overrode the desire for the The crew of the "Alice" and a million dollars. Twenty-three ed by Major Floyd J. Hoen- Th "t d and c srru e • a. ~owmg smJ e. lo the Volla1e every more frivolous experience and villagers had set out buoys to of the twenty-five planes fin- selaar of Ladysmith, Wisconsin, ~ t~al er D apde~~e "d

mana&er finally he left to help his parents. mark ihe harbour and for moor· ished the 12,0()0 mile trip with is a part of the Goose Air De· serv~ e~. r. 0 rey s~I 'You knew all the time that 1 tthemt where- Officers or the "Alice" went ing, the planes. The planes sat a loss of two ,Jives and several ~othmg unh1 the man had fm- it wasn't my eatin~ habits that

.... ..._ .__ h d fence Sector, commanded by 1shed the task and moved on , were wrong,'• she -;aid. "It was .. .,. el a1 te ·the Grenfell Misalon to lr· down in the har~our t~ree at a other casualties. The world had CoL Victor Milner .Jr. of again. . . ,,

"-~t to eall the ran1e for renting the dorm!- .time at ·two mmute mtervals been awakened to the threat of Hollywood Calif all a part of /1 "You should have explained ' Ilally. -." Cartlt'riJht tories ud the dlninl room for and taxied. directly to their global warfare and newspapers the Pinetree Lin~. to Harry that you couldn't go I (TilE END)



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J. . i

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Page 10: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

,. '

Bases On Balls Big Factorl As Defeat Jays 9-5

P~erson Wins Fifth Ce~ Pierson, tht big brush·

rut rigi1thander, threw another JIIUI~rrul five hitter and col· 1~\ed a two run single in the fO\ll:th inning last night to pace dl~:Accs to a 9-5 win over the Ji'is in senior softball at the B4n11erman Park diamond. :::fbc win for Pierson, his lifth

Ia: six decisions, was made easy by his teammates as they scored three runs in the first, fourth ,.

If his five hits. ·

perfected performance defcn­cively in taking the win, while Jays made four errors in suf· fering their third loss in six outings. I Jays: AB R H E i J. Qlinlan, 3b 4 1 1 1 , R. Dilh>n, 2b 3 0 0 1 '

• I

Tom Conwa)', 1 b 4 1 1 0 G. Fleming, cf 1 1 1 0 ! H. Lacey, rf 3 0 0 1 i V. Wit hers, c 3 o 1 1 1

E. Bailey, If 1 1 0 0 B. Barron, ss 3 0 1 0 ' S. Owens, p 2 1 0 0 [

Total 24 5 5 4 •

and fifth innings, while Pierson allov•cd all four Ares runs in $e· sixth when he gave up four J

· J rrry Owens, an unexpectt'd I Aces: atar~er for the Jays, was rhnr~· B. Haynes, ss 5 1 0 0

I h · d D. Hollett, 3b 2 1 0 0 , @<! ll'i: h the oss, 1s seron , a~:ainst one win. Owens allowed 0. Hong, 2b 1 I 1 0 1

nine runs on on\)' four hits hut . R. Withers, rf 2 I I 0 i issued 13 bases on balls while. G. Crewe, cf 2 0 0 0

0 I

strik!n~ out only three. Pierson J. Wiseman. If 2 1 0 nn the other hnnd walked only · Cec Pierson .T. Quinlan, e 2 I 0 0 f . 1 C. Fleming 4 2 1 0 our 11 Jiks. roared back with five runs tn ; C p· 3 1 1 0 'rim~ bases on hall>. a single the sixth. Two walks, a hit ·To:~rson 23 9 4 by Roy Withers and an infield b.attcr and a sa~rtftce ~Ius TONIGHT'S GAME 0 I out p:-o1·ided thr A('t'S wilh smgle by Jnrk Qtunlan, 1om thr1r t:1rrr run lrarl in the first. Conway, \'ince Withers and Bill First place RCAF with a 5·0 whil~ Ed Firmin~ doubled. Ccr Barron ga1·e them their live record will meet Hawks with Pierson ~inglrd. an error, a runs. I a 3·2 record in tonight's senior waH: ;,nd two more infield outs Ray Withers and Cec Pierson softball action at the Banner­gaw t :~em a 6-0 lrad in thr were the two big RBI men for man Park diamond. Krash fourth the winners wilh two apiece. Krauser 4-0 will start for the

Ace, took a 9·f• lead in the while Vince Withers had two 1 RCAF squad, while Basil Earles fifth on fil'c walks. a sacrifice ' runs driven in for the losers.


1.0 will be on the mound for fly an an error. hefore Jays : Aces came up with another the Hawks. ------ ~~--- --

Succor Game Toni::ht's senior soccer ac·

~on will ser Holy Cross mert·: irlg St. Ron's at 7.15 at the King &('(lrgr V ~!rmorial Field. .

Holy Cross will br out for 4ileir first l'ictor~· a~ they lost l!heir opening ~arne to fcildians i-1.

·------· ----·--

Dodgers Win Two Games

CHICAGO (AP)-Willie Da· l'is' sensational one handed stab of Billy Williams' liner before crashing into the centre field w~ll climaxed Larry Sherry's

Multiple Pesticides

During these hot summer months insects and plant dis· eases are widespread. 1\losl of us are stumped in identifying them for proper treatment. This is no longer a problem.

The home gardner can now obtain products that kill the


··. <· _.·· .... '

:-:; ,_; ... '::_, ... ( l·j •• ::': ,:·:: .. :·· ...... .

... ,. -·.· ••

St. Bon's will he Jonking for second successful reliel job ~ first place tie with the Feild·. Wednesday as Los Angeles IJI~s as they :'·on ~h~ir opener: swept a double-header, 4-1 and ~~~ defc~tml( l.mted -·1 4-2, from Chicago Cubs.

The St. Bon s lineup hns not lleen releaserl but the Holy --· O'!'os lineup is as follows: flilrr' ·.

;~~~e c~~d~;all ,,~;~~~cis"~~~- Scorers H "'id II t• tain a good 1un .. , 1!.· ""'' ;:; · 1: (;.:~ . IYlSe' ·1rtg zineb and insecticides surh as DDT and rotenone. These ehemi-1 The St. .John's baseball sror-

The Crusaders will go with Fftt'· ;'·' ·

aewcomer Foss Furlong in goal , . · with Hobin Short ~nd Frank ' O'Keefe a~ fullhacks. Boo': ~'oods iwll be at ce11tre·half: with vrteran Harry Ennis and , Jack Philpott franking him.l J.ookie Roger :\launder willl work from center with bi1: hro· tiler Barn·, and "~1ouse" Mol·' loy as hi; inside men. Speed· · Iter Gerry Gulliver and Tom :McGrath will be the outside .. en.

cals are not very toxic and can 1 Also proposed at the oathcr­be safely used in the home gar.! crs held their preliminary an- ing was that the SC'orers"woulrl den in the form of a spray or: nual meeting at the Canndn Life he selwduled to col'er. certain as a dust. I offices last night. . President teams for the 1·arious rounds

If the results are not accord-! Bren Fnfan was cha1rman for 1 hut would change to another

ing to the expectations, the . the cvem~~· . ! team m the second round. fault lies usually in the method I Prccerdmg the meetmg, the, The selwrlule for the various




:Old Guys Come Throug When Co·ast Heat Is 0

By HARRY GRAYSON Sports Editor

Newspaper Enterprise Assn. NEW YORK-(NEA) -Some

one at Yankee Stadium told Fred Haney that the Angels could win some early games on

1 hilling strength, and before the Los Angeles heat got to the old -guys.

Eddie Yost is 34, Bob Ccrv , and Nell Garver are 35, Ted I Klu<zewski :16 and Del Rice 38.

I •. '

I Gcenral :\fanager Haney wink- ' ed at Bill Skiff, chief of Yan· · kee scouts.

"Not that the Angels arc 'locked entirely with spavincrl veteran.,," he said, "but don't

, you know that the Pacific Coast Lra~ue through the years was l!lltcd as an o!rl men's bonw'! Famous players thrived out ,

... .. ,.~.{ ·.,,.,. i.-.. -~·¢";· 1

- ....... ,J'~.-~~- ·A

tbrrr after completing major ·; J

'';i~:.;":.;;;:; "" """'"-lAI~ r Cap D11lon, Wade l\lllrfcr. \\a ~ r ' Pop Van Haltrcn, n~~e Crandall. ~ I hoo Sam Crawford ~nd Cactll< ,. : ~~,·~ , . - . } CJ'}'~:~:~h.\'rars." Hnnr'· ree;d1rd 1

r, ~ .!: /~': .-. ., . '·th1• Lo~ Angeles ~luh, with Cr;mford, Ki!lefN. Ruhe E!li~. : KEN HUNT

''Could stand out'' I Art ftrig·;.!S. Tom Hughrs and ! I others, was referred to as the · old ~entlemen !rom the south." fi1·r Y"ars ancl was hratrn for

Haney, who played third hasc nnothrr on the final day whi<"h for Tv Cobb in Detroit, is him· would have set a league rerorcl. self ~n examrle. Fred spent 'And who do you suppose he!Jwd his first thrrc vcars in the Paci- most: Old guvs with their 'na·

11 fie Coast Leagtie, returned there , jo rlec~ur car~ers behind them after ma,1or league :;tops. • -.Jo .Jo \\'hite. Earl Al'erill,

I "There's something in lhr · Spenct·r llarl'is, SyJ\·<·,ter John· far western climate that puts ·son and others.

! new life in old players." point- ; "\\'by, Babe Herman wa' still ' crt out Skiff, the long-time · thumpm~ the ball in the Coast ~catcher. "This goes all up anrl Leagu•~ to such an extent that , down the coast. I managed ·Branch lUckey hrouJhl him : Seattle from 1941 throu;;h 46. , back 'o Brooklyn as a pineh· ~nd the only time we were hotlt· . hiller."

: ercrl hy heat was in Sacramento. Han2y isn't concernPd about . There rarely i' extreme heat the elderly blokes in lhi< hast· i on the coast e1·en in Los An· 1ly thrown together Los An· ' geles, where vou almost invari· geles party. He's more intf'l'· i ably sleep u~der a blanket at · ested in the future and yuun~-1 night. 'er combatants such as pitch· ; "I won two pennants an<l · crs Eli GrbH, .Jerry Ca;ale and · thrre Shau~hnessy Pla)·o!fs in Ted Bowsfidd; infi<'lrlt-rs like

so~·i~;i ic·n ·.\ ~~: 1 of Chi\·o h·: :!

\!(' \u:il! r •. •· Ti~!er .... toJ'i·.~:·:·

F<}rn:md(•t :~ . ~ :~~en . Oil 11n in :ur~''i ·,,·.: r!r.1

\\'(!:-; ~it!P\in~··i ::1 t'·:f la:-.t :-;!l!Hb::· .. ~;1r~·.1'

\k\uiill•·. '' .:G~ ·.riih lh·::·,, in (i!~ht ~<IPV··

\a;.;t ;.;C;i ... Uil

OI'I'OSE Tl:.\1 TOR I'IIW\I;IJ ·.\I -,In

puli' l:m·~·c·!' ~Ci''::·d;n· r_· S. t'irctJ! ~·~1;.::·. r1: . halt :tw cxdwn:..:c '.\ ,:;.. \lini'!t•r Fii/•· Ho.'r ilf'~d ·•: '

suit -,•:h:c~l ;!;·~:il ·~ :rat forbid.' pri\·:1~~· :· S de:1l \\·!:h ;1




Probable Pitchers

, or time of application. Diseases League execullve met at the scorers Will hr puhilshrrl every are caused by fungi which live Ball Park and. rl1w1ssed the ~londay •n. bot!l the Telegram as parasites on the host plant. problm of ventilatiOn for the and the nmly l'icws. 1\Jso base­Although belonging to the plant vanous scorers and brondcast. hall rule books and schedules . kingdom, these fungi have no booths. . ! will be pass<•d along to the vari- ; green chlorophyll and there· !wo new applicants ~vere rc· ous hasehall o[fl<'lals. . fore cannot make their own pro·[ ce1v~d for the scorers of the. The annual mcetmg ha.s been tel·ns st•rch . d h r eommg season. :\Irs. Peg i'!'"r· scheduled for :\lon<lay mghl at

' • es ~n o mones, II l J' I I . . l th C· I . . . necessary for their growth. Be· re , w w, app 1er as! yem .. ,nr ; c~ ,ma(a L1fe offices st:ut111 g , . cause of the close relationship R~lph \\ells were the two ap·!~l. L30, w1th the new applicants


.,. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ~~:v Probable pitchers lor Imlay's , i ·

JUior league games, won and II · lost records in parentheses: · ·

American Lea~ur I : ,' Detroit •Regan 7-21 at \\'ash- •

hlgton IHobau~h 4·3• !Nl, 1

~ew York lford 11·21 at Kan-1 •• Cit1· IBass 4-o\ I!'Jl. I' .

Baltimore 'Parpas 2-31 at - ,._. --WIIUe Davfl ;II'.,

Minnrsota IKaat 2-fll Boston tCisco l·l\ al Lo~ An· Davis held onto the ball for

Je)e~ , Bows!ield .1-21 IN'. the third out in the sixth in· ning after he fell flat on his Satlonal Lugue . .

St. Louis !,Jackson J.fl\ at Cin· back at the 400 foot stgn. •.n einnati <Purkey 8-31 1 ~ 1. : stra1ght-away c.entre. W1lhe • Pittsburgh I Friend 7.71 at. walked off the fteld, but he was Philadelphia •Roberts 1·81 I:"Jl.; repla.ced when the Do?ge:s took

Los Angeles (craig 3-41 at : the ftcld m the next mnmg.

Chi!: ago 1 Droll 0-2 1 . ! Sherry, making his 26th and an . Francisco 1 ~lar:chal. 4·31 1 27th appearances this season,

at ~llh1aukee IBuhl 3-ol 1:'>•. 1 fanned Ed Bouchee, a pinch TO!\IGHTS FOOTBALL .... I bJtter. and Jerry Kindall to

Ed d W• save starter Stan Williams, tri-War S tnS umph in the opener.

Veteran lefty Johnny Podres ,CARDIF~. W~les 1 API . -1 started and pitched into the

lle.lsh m1ddlewe1ght champton 1 sixth inning of the second match

P~1l Edwards ~created Neall before Sherry showed up a sec· Rt~·ers .of Las \egas,. Nel'., on ond time. pomts m a IO·round f1ghl Wed· nesday night. 1 Davis's great catch got Larry

Few heavy blows were landed over the first hurdle, and he In the mauling bout and the . one·hit the Cubs the rest of the Wtlsh boxer always looked a 1 way to save Podres' first win dear if unimpressive winner. 1 as a starter since 1\lay lOth.

Ri1·ers weighed 162 pounds · and Edwards 160. · : Gordy Windhorn, 17-year·old · I outfielder making his first start

REPRESENTS POPE for the Dodgers, used his first

it is practically impossible to phcants. . . IJOimn~: the meeting at 8.00 . kl.ll 1 fung h . The scorers scckmg to tm·l Alll·one who would like to us w en growmg as 1 . . · a P·ar 't th h t 1 t • prove t 1e1r scormg system pro· apply for membership in the as1 e on e os p an 1 d .. , . . · without severely injuring the pose that the off1cwl scorrr Scorers Assocwtwn are re- . host plant itself. be1!1g the one o~ the board,· quested to ~ct in touch with

wh1le the man dmng the book the Sccretar,·.'freasurer Charlie All agricultural dL~eaRe con. woulrl act as his assistant. I Field at 3897.

trol is based on application of . a protective eoating of the I chemical fungicide on the leaves of plants so that the fune:u' spores are killed when they fall on the leaves. This is before any disease symptoms em: be noticed. The chemicals which will kill these sports (seed~ of the fungus) are of a much mild· er type than the chemicals re· · quired to kill a growing fungus. All fungicide recommendations call !or early application to give the protective coating and to be repeated at 7 to 10 day inter­vals in order to cover new . growth developed in the mean- · time. Once the symptoms of a ~ disease are noticed dusting or · spraying can only protect the ' healthy foliage but will not cure leaves with mildew or leaf · spotl.

Insects are a different mat­ter, they can be killed when they are noticed, but it should 1

be realized that they are then · already causing damage to ' plants. Early and repeated in- · sect control is therefore Jm. portant. ·

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DUBLIN <APl - Artillery! !llajor league hit-a. base-clean· erashed out in salute and jet ' mg double-to provide Los An­fighters screamed over Dublin geles' winning wallop In the Saturday in a massive welcome first game.

Many insects and disease LIMA, Peru-Unidentiifed student is half dr d i 1

sports attack the plant from h If . d h . agge ' : I IICross c t II 3 p . t r· G tee I

a carrie t rough the streets m the fourth day of I oun !l'Y - Oln are uaran the underside of the foliage and demonst~ations between pro-Communist and anti- II '••••••••••••••••••-••••••••••• ..

from the Pope's special repre- -----·-----­sentali\'1~ to festivities honoring the 1,500th anniversary of St. Patrick. Crowds estimated at 100,000 per10ns at Dublin Air· port cheered Gregory Peter Car· eliDa! Afagianian on his arrival from Rome. Nine cardinals and

when spraying or dustinr an Co~umst students here June 19th. The demon- :Ill rf t h ld be d to strabons started when U.S. Ambassador to the UN . •

'Wit Ill

scores of archbishops will lake part in celebrations extending through nine days.

e or s ou rna e cover • d h · · · · arrive ere June 16th on h1s good-will tour o[ Latin both surfaces of the leavtt. American countries.-(UPI Photo).



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ite SoJ rounce I~

Tl !API - R! ""''''""' had trouble in

and last innings ' as, aided by !

he pitched the Wg~e lea?ing Cinci1 to a 9·2 VIctOry 0\'CI

cardinals. . 22.year·old Hunt. '''lr

ei2hth victory as _ag. defeats, gave up m~c

f. . o! them came m J\C , . nd ninth mnm!(s.~

\truck out s1x. w: and hit one hatter.

heroes lor the · GtiS Bell and Frank

had a home ·n•lcs and a sacrific· st " . I dro1·e m t 1re~ nn.1' n1rec. It was Bell '

hOrncr in the third th: Reds out of the ~nn•

He also ha~ a ~mg!. ·in two runs.

,\ltKEE I AP l Braves came !ro,

twice to defeat San Giants :;.3 \\'cdr

as Lew Burdette ' · after a shaky sl <Jrt I·

!i~th dctory .

Bardettc. a 3~-year·n~ . surrend~!·ed or.

but was in trouhle " (ound his usual : alter Willie '.tJ:

home run in the ga1·e San Fr~r

3·2 lead with a line dril'c

the 360-!ool m. atop the ble;H


also sin~lr· in the >CCOI;O

up with ninr ~l'cnin: ~nd fi'

o!ficial trip~ . .Juan Pi1.arro"·

hits in th~ fin;. . nokhed his thir• . defeat sincr 1 Sox st~rting

10. Pizarro· s , by Bubb

with two o

Page 11: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

ard urer




ite Sox Remain Hot nee Indians Twice

.,,IT! •API- Rookie: . ,. ·· "' trouble in only . ; • l.~>t innings Wed·

Patterson To Defend Title

ton lap '-Flo)'! I Paltcr-m.iunr~l BOSTON IAI'i -Floyd Patter·

son is expeded to defend hi.' world heavyweight boxing title

·Me United Bl~1nk Chaytor Scene;;,

· :.,. ·''· aidrd h~· ~omc . ~ '1r r111'hcd the Na·

against unbeaten Tom Me:'-iee- · The ~I. C. l'nilcd senior font

. : ,. :e:ulin~ C'incinnati · ·· : 'ictory OIW St.

· ley indoors either Sept. 2:1 or hall team pullrd an up~;ct 1 1 . :Sept. 2a, it was learned II' ell· . tory last night at the Ki! 1 nrsday. r, \' , 1 · : The news came after an ap· .corgc , . lenwria held I;

. , , .... ~d Hunt. winning ·· .• · 't ~M;-.· as a,::;1inst · . ·. ::ll"r up nine hits

···,·m (•ame in the . · ·.. umin~s. ~

, ''"t six. walked · ~~nr h0tt rr.

.. _., fc•r I he Heds ... :md Fr;mk Bob-

1-! a lwmr n111.

defeating the highly rated :: p I i c at i on hy Championship , Sports Incorpor;•lcd of :lla.'s<r· !'at"s lc:nn l-0. Tht• Irish ,.,; I chusctts to the state hoxin.~ couldn't srcm to get sl:rrt.· commission for a licence to con· were beaten to the hail hv tJ. duct the title bout. lively Unilrd team and ·.,,

, Commission chairman Her·' result ;n·c in a three wa,· t:· man Greenher~ s;1id that hrolh· for scwnd plarc. .

· crs Tom and AI Bo!an, top of· Charlie Chaytor, who i,

• ·•. 1 a S:llTifire fi>· '

: ficials of the one-day-old sl;rtc known to many as a dan~crow 'cm·poration, hal"e an option on man around lilt' oppormts net. , the indoor fight either Saturday,' scored the only goal of the 'Sept. 23, on counlry-widc tcle· game . , \'ision or ~londay, Sept. z;;, on The pmc started off wit I: ., Jhrr~ runs and

1' II ilS fll'Ji'S tii"O· :'w third tlwt put ,,: the Cardinal>' 'l.HI a ,inglc and .Ill ..

' \P 1 - ~Iii-

, ' came from he· .a·fr1t ~~1n Fran·

.i.;\ 1\"cdnrsda>· H u rd~t t r sr:t l<•d ,,h_r ~~art hJ po~.

, :r ~4-year·old ri~hl· · ... \'~tdL•:·ed only fil"c . . . :n t roubl~ often un·

!~:; u>ual pin-point .. , · ll"il11e ~lays belted

: ·::·c run in the sixth. :.:·. t' S,m Fr~nciseo a

: ., ... '·" Jcarl with his 14th · :inc drire which : r :1<;0-foot mark and · ;• the hleachers in

':.· ,.,. who had picked • ·· ;c,, m the ltfth on a

· rol:ir .Toe Torre's . c c·· added two more

<n ~o in front to


\.:~.: q "'

I' ... ·. ·~.4_ •.. '-"

1·. ·,· . . ............ .

. closed-circuit theatre T\'. the Cnitcd tl'am mol"ing ill!' · Greenberg said the commis· hall to the St. Pat's cightt•c" I sion wi!l announce its decision y~rd line an<! at the lour min· next Tuesday. · utc mark Charlie Chaytor in·

, ·•· > 1 llnwe\'er, the bout is consicl·. lrrccpted a St. Pat's pa>sin;: ~ ' Cl'e(l a l'irtual ccrtaintv. It was play and nflcr rounding a full-

''""'~ ~~ !learned that the Boians dis-' back, he heat John Bro~>ne on . • , , ·cussed such details as tickets a waist high shot.

SAFE AT HOME-.Tnn Lanchs of the Clnca~o Wlutc with the commission and that: After the goo! the play start· Sox is safe at the plate on Roy Sievers' hit to ri~ht ~n agreement was made for n rd to get ragged, with both field at Baltimore Memorial Stadium. A relay- :>ton \OJ~ for r!ngside seals. . : teams slogging the ball :rn•l

l\1 . k '1 tl · J 1 • B dt t M 8 d' t G . T ·. 1 In i'iew 'l or k, Patterson s. dmng very httle p;,ssrng. The tc ey •• an e , . ac ue ran o arv re tng 0 diS rt.~tH 0;~- manage,· Cus d'Amatn ~aiel: "I! l:nited !Joys, looking for their

\ ;rnkrl's for hurler Art !Jitmar IS too late. Note ball bobbled by catcher. Btll l\111· they gel a licence in Roston. first win. were quick to recei 1·r and outfielder D~ron .lohnson, ' nmnon is umpire. Minnie Minoso watches. the fight will be in Boston. If the kickouts from both of the ~an- up nine hits, struck out six' ·····-··---------·· ---··---·- -·- .. -·- they gel a ~iccncein son_1e otl1cr drfrnsil·e squ:~ds.

and w:1lkPd two. 0 1 H . slate, the f1ght w11J he 1n ~omc The seconi half opened with LOS .\:'\(;[':LES 1:\Pi - Los , n y .. otners . olhcr slate. possibly against a players from hoth squads play·

:\n~l'lrs .\n~rls shattered the :different oPPonent. I would ing the m<~n instead of the hall. >ix· . game· winning streaks of· : agree to \lc:"'eeley as no oppon- tempers started to flare and it llo,!on Red Sox and their rookie • ent if thnl is the man the pro- became a rou;;h contest, al-ri~ht . handPr, Don Schwall, For Mart· s 'motcrs propose to get. though there weren't ar.y pUn· Tm•><lay night b~· trimming the che., thrown. The p'l:<y w:~s

so, :i·l. I AH' L Adopts 70 lllO\"ed hack and forth the lield with the forwards from hoth

'' · KA~S.\S CITY I :\Pi -Roger 1 squa,-:-- missing some great <The Red . Necked' ::.laris, an G s h d 1 ·scoring opportunities, especially angry man from 'way bad\, ame c e u e Ste\·e Angel when he took a

. must despise sin~lcs. It's either shot from his outside position ·a home run OL' nothin" for the and hit the post and then hit

~ Bt.:FFALO IAPI-The Amer-green. eyed New York Yankee the side of the net on the re· ican Hockey League Wednesday h d • p k " h • sluggc1·. , . • nun . ' or ·y C urchill miss-

In his team's last tl'n !(ames. . adopted tis ' 0 • game schedule ed on open goal when he W<ls

, Maris has collected a dozen hits for the 1961'62 sea~on and 5?1 ·unmarked at the ei~hteen vard i and eight have gone for the dis· · new rules for orerhme play m line. c •

1 H , t 1 . post · season actwn. Ch• 11. Cl t d , lance. e s cut' r en y on a, 1 The league, increased to eight. ..r e 1a~· or was anger· ·homer-a-day diet. ha,·ing hit 1 teams by the addition of Pitts- ous arouml the Irish net ail 1 one in each of the last four . through the game, to be top.,

· burgh, will open its season Oct. 1 games. 11 d 1 d 1 1 for th-; United, while fullbJck I ::.laris walloped one Tuesday 1 an cone u e eaguc Pay' Ern Cluett and !lop Rollings , night in Yankees' 6·2 triumph at [ ii~-~~lio~sit will be split into two kept their forwards well fed ' Kansas City. As was the case 1 in a majority of his ~ames, it Each team will play 3;; ~ames

at home and an equal number · was his only hit. but it was his on the road .

. 26th four-bagger in 6~ games­In Calder Cup playoff action. including one tie game .

: That put him nine games the divisional winners will meet I ahead of Babe Ruth's pace in a best • of • seven series. when the Bambino was on his The second- and third • place :

t d 6 h Ro"er •, •aria · teams in each division will ' way o a recor 0 omc runs ., "' 1 meet in a best • of • three ser-1 in 1927. The Babe did not ;:et 1

• ies and the winners then will , his 26th home run until his 73rd · "T don't el"en thmk about, compete in a best • of • fil·e i

In the process, they broke a game. :Ruth's rcco.rd," he snapped.' elimination. The finals will he' streak of their own lor Ken ll!c· D~;JK:ss QU~Sd'T~~N. d •1: "I'm just gomg to ~0 on lnttm~ I a b('sl • of· seven <~flair 1

Bride. \\'hen Ted Kluszcwski l"k et ·byear-ok ct' arhtstl oesth1 the hall. llcsides. I don't think I The league altered o1·~rtime I . . f h 1 1 ·e o e as ·e w c 1er c . · rroi 1• to break Ruth's ' · d 1 C 1 ' ut h1s lith 1_101~er o t e year, thinks he can break Ruth's rec-, an~ on: IS.~.!.~ • :perm s or . a der Cup play. In, Ill thl' ftflh mnmg, tt was the, ord , home1. m.1r~. ewnt of a lie, mstea(\ of R 10·. first run the Angels had scored! · i ~tans'. h 1 g g e s I hurdle. of minute period and R 20 • min-fc•r their youn~: right-hander in ·-·----- : CO\Irsc, 1s that month of S~ptcm· ute sudden • death second m·er· .

Willie Davis


i ~r. innings. 1· p • ( • her. w~ich has prol"rd to he the·. time period the teams will play ;,eltm~ across I; . racbce Orner I stumhhng block of such re·' 20 minutes S\lflden . death. elim- .

:· ::':l~rrs-induding ~ig\11 ~lcBnde, who had lost three 1 . nown~l slug~ers of the past as: ina ling the 10 • minute pcriOfl. ' i

.. . .. , <'r blasts by Roy s\rmght, pro~nptly drove . m_ a , , , . . Hank Greenhcrl! .. Jimm>: Foxx, f .Joining Pittsburgh in the · '~ ~ f<,ur on a hrace h~· · run h1m<elf m the same mnm" I The St. Bon s sentor baseball Ralph Kiner Johnnv 1\hze and' 1 · \" l d. · · -11

• • • ' 1:) • 1 '11 h ld · t t ' · • . 1 c 1 etuzue s les ern 1\'JSJon w1 ·~ - thumped Clcl'eland With a smrrle [ cam \\1 o an 1mpor an ll·•ck '\'1"lson The Setllcmher b 11 h 1 B r 1 1 1 i · " · · b 1 v ' · · • . c oc cs cr, u a o an1

Wednesday night. . Schwall struck out eight An· : workout tomght at the al ·.jinx also hit :\Iickc,· ~lnnlle' Clevclancl. The Eastern dh·ision !

~~Is in his six-inning stint but: park. ~\11 players are asked to hack in Jn;;r. when :\l;rris' slug. ·will be made up of Sprin~firld. ! walked se\'cn and commttted a I be thrtr at 6.30 sharp. , gin~ partner ou the Yankees Providmee, Hershey and Que- : balk that cost hun a run. 1 slammed !i2 his cai'N'r high. hec. ·

, Guards senior baseballers nuth had 4:1 homers when the, . --- ·--·-- ·-~-- -· -· ----. ~li;<;:-ll·::\I'OI.IS 1 API - Bal· I will practice tonight at the month of Au~ust endrd. Then he Cup cl1ampion Toronto St. :\li·.

'llmore ~tagc,l a .s~\'en ~ run, I Upper Pitch of the Ayre Ath· smashed 17 home runs in Sep· · chacl's ~lajors has been signed. mnth • mmng upnsmg V.ednes' letic Grounds, 5tarting at 7.00 temhcr, a final month figure: by Toronto ~!aplc Leafs of the day night en route to a 11-5 P m . 1 f · ht d ff e\'"1'.\" h 1 ,. t" 1 11 k L ·t rain-soaked victory Ol"er Jilin·: · · __ t 1at ng ene o c· c a· ,,a 10na oc ·ey eague, 1 was

1 Ienger. announced Wednesday . . ncwta 1\~ins. The game took 11 Anyone Interested in seeking · Punch Imlach, coach and ~en· total of ftl'e hours to play. 1 a berth on the Patrician rOW· era! manager o[ the Leafs, said

ing crews are asked ·to he at LeafS S1"gn in making the announcement the boat house at '7.30 tonight. , ; that the 20-v~ar-old Keenan i'

! "the greatest kirt hockey player

l T

Lha,~ l11r

wilh the ball .. Joe llrownr ll'ili a busy center half ;,nd hnlidh:d his jol> well while Daw ltran prclormed well at his fullb~'ck position .. John Bro'.l'lle in tlw lrbh nr\:1 made ,r;.omr (TI.•wd

pleasin~ ':li"CS on many l"nitnd shots to he the other top per former for St. Pat";,,

Davr \\"hitr. m:rk;r1~ hi, fir.'\ start ol the year, c:,mc up wilh the se:rcon's second ,Jnrt<nrt. ~, he handled all the lrLsh dmcs 1\tlh ea.1c.

REF'EHEE: Pal l'm<N.

.Joe Brown

Tickets For 3~d Uc~ns&s .\l:)t{J!'J::l ~ who ha\'(1 not yP.I

tJi)\anwd thc1r 1901 fll·irf'rs ~i ern•·c, and !ll"rnec plates. al'f ,.ulnrcl to a lickrt.

.'.Jrdn:::lrl l;r.;t nr~ht was tl1• final dc;!Cilinr-<~ftel' two pre 'Jr'u" r·\tcn~Iolh -for obtain in~ :lu• required plates and cctliii

Line,men: llill .ht·k.,on. (;:t, ca:rs 1111' !it·enrr<l dr11·er5.



Tltrre arc >till a number ol um-c~cstrrt·d 1 chicle; and own rr; or,• adri,<'d to obtain their pcrmrl; as soon as po,ihle to

ST. PXI"S - Go:.!: .John ao.nid a fmc. Browne; Fulls: Dare R:::~n, Hubrrt En~lr,h: Hail·r': f'al 'Iarshall. .Inc Browne. Frrd White; Forward>: llcrnir \lar· shall. Ilrrnie IlrnnC:t. [Jou~ Phrl<•n. Dick .\Ialone;;. Ste1·c Angel.

~l.l'. l'XlTED - Goal: Dare \\"hitc, Fulls: Lrs l'i:•ri:r, Ern Cluett; Hal\"Cs: Don llonp:·y. !lop llollings. Don A;h: For· wards: Doug Yettn,m. Uraril~ Chaytor, Porky Churc· dl, \\'all·•

Barnes. Lloyd Hollnway. •

:\.DIED Cli.\IJDJ.\:-1 OTT.\\\'.\ < CP 1-t;cr·ald \\'

Baldwin. rr·.rcace Ri1w Tu,;s: d:ty w.1, n:<rncd chairman of the l'ommons .'pcci;!l committee· ~n the \1-~r "ra,•ures Act. .The committre i.i to study the act w:th lhc purpose of pr~serl"ing it ar.; tt mra;;Hre ~i\·in':! the fcrl­·~ra! ~m·crnmrnt \\'1d~~prcad ')1/Wrr:" m wartime C'lllCr~cnc\' lrul to inject ai;o some p~ote~­tion of hum;m ri;;;;hls.

The ;,r.c. United junior and . senior football teams will hold ; a workout tonight at the lilac· :

Left Wl"nger ·in canada.·· . Terms of the contrart were ,

: pherson school grounds start· 1

TORO:'-ITO ICPl-Left win~cr · not disclosed, hut it is hclie1·ed



he signed for approximately $20,000 for two seasons.

ANOTHER OUT-Tom Conway (ri~ht) first basrman for the .Ja~·s Scni:rr Soft team, lakes a throw for the final out of the fourth innin~ fur la,;l ni~ht's ~ame.

George Crewe was the runner out. The ,\ces went on to rlrfeal the .T'1~·s ~-.;,

Roy Sievers

entering the first 1 : '' ;. pinch-hitte-r, blasted 1

:::~ ,·.,~lmcr and a thr~e· I :·.:r.<·. in the opener a111l ' ;;·,, homer in the second :

\!. n n i ~ Minoso also three-rur1 homl.'r in I

ronsecutil'e two-run rn the final as the

· ~'!\ ;w~pt to their fifth <trai~ht triumphs and

;,1 \.ith \'ictories in 14

Ho)'t Wllbella

·: , .. "'·" sinclcrl acro~s a hi;:·he Orioles climaxed an np· 1 •. •;,r ccconrl ~~me and hattie against hoth the I

~ Twins and constant showers I ·~ wcth nine RBI'~ for when relief p i I c h <'I' Chuck 1

' ,~,,~ anrl fi\ e hits in S!ohhshil a hattrr and walked '""·::,: I rip:;. annlhrr with the h:~ses loaded.~ I'·'" l'l7arrosca scattered · ~ . . The Orioles then pounded two 1

• ,, '" the fin<~! ,am; . ,,s other Minnesota pitchers for an· ···:t';rd his t_hird ?ec1~1on ·other five runs.

•lrfrat smce Ius first, · '"' <l:•rtin~ assi)lnmcnt 1

·~ Pizarro's shutout was' STANDINGS

h , B 11 h h a Phillips' I By tm; ASSOCI A TEO PRESS . , ith two ottl in the I National J.eague

W J, Pet. GBL · .. :~1 with the opening vie·

1 Cincinnati· 40 24 .625 -

las rrlie\·er Don Larsen., Lo~ Angeles 40 26 .606 1 · · · \S f'IT\' 1 AP 1-Mickey San Francisco 36 26 .581 3 ':' > · , two skyrocketing: Pi_ttsburgh 31 27 ,534 6

. dro•r in all New York's I !lhlwau~ee 28 30 .483 9 ~r<lnrsdav ni•ht as the St. Louts 2R 32 .467 10

heat ~nsa~ City Ath·l· Chicago 22 39 .3f.J 16~1 . Philadelrhla 18 39 .316 18\2

· ! 's four • masl~r in the :nnin~ drove in Tony Ku· 11d 1\ozer Maris. His sev-

American League

shot drove in Marls, Detroit tripled off loser Bob New York

Cleveland Daley made his first Boston

· his former mates Baltimore until Kansas City's Chicago

Sullivan whacked R Washington home ron with •I Kansas City

1 hoar d. The knuckle- Mlnnesnla •·ho was traded to lbe Los Angeles

W L Pel. GBL 41 23 .641-40 24 .62.5 1 40 27 .597 21h 33 31 .!H7 8 33 33 .500 9 ~2 34 .485 10 30 35 .462 11% 21 35 .435 n 25 40 , 385 IIi'. 2 24 43 .3M 18lh

ing at 7 p.m. sharp. : Larry Keenan of the ;l!emorial (.\lax ~Jerter Phnto l.



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Page 12: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door


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rh~ most In llry l'lramng Phonr !12186 'i·:i2H

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Market 'I'OU'LL TAKE­'fHAT PARRO'f BACK At-.10 G!'\IE: ME: :1\ii~,OR 'L'LL CALL '\HE:

.1 \\':ute ,},\('llhll~

.1;'\'r E\pl ,loln1rl(e .J nllc I .Jon!lmlth ,IOW•t•\ 1\•·n~ 1lle KNr .\d:1. i\irk ~1111 l\1tk Tm\11 Lith 'lin 1. Shore

I. l.amnqu., f.III\';IS

J.alln Am Lf'l!('ll Lt•n{'ourt L f. l.ilt' Lt1r.uln

I·\do w ~li\fcl.S!il

69~50 ~m H 45 ; ) Macfle 10000 3\i "11 !1.> 8j00 50 41 45 -l MacLeod 2100 ID2 100 100 6099 liD 103 ID~ +I Madsen tno 240 !!20 ~40 ; 26 2~01 $%7 26\1 27 + ~ Malarlle !00 72 72 7~ -1 1

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Build Prod 100 SJ5 lS :H - 1;1 I Holhn;:tr C<ln Ccm 75~, $27 263~ :Ill,,

1. Kerr .\lid

Can Cern pr 28 S27t,~ :m i 27 1 l Lob Co f.. U l'nclr,v Jj(l SHJ 1 ~ lfP• 19 1.a. Loh Co H CSJ. 75 SJH1,~ !i81 'l 51\ I;, 1 :'.1ndilrcn ' CSL pr IOD $12~\ 12:1~ l~ 1 .t. ~'' :'110 PnJll'r c A\lation 7~1(} $22 1 ~ 2Jl-:~ :.m:. j Moor" fl3 Dr{'w 3~9 ~1<11• 47 11 ~B 1 ~ +l ! 0Uf' Tf>] 5-'t c nrnnu ~) S19 lfl 1'1 I nu~sr\1

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:jO lGil lf>O lfirt 11~' szo~t 201~ 20,,.

en. :uo!' Sll~c 14~~ 1 p, ~ 1 , wco~t \ t\' CI Pow 6:.!10 $12 lJil 12 + 1:.~

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::!R 28 "It 1 1 Pt('rh~"5 JOM 12 12 t2 \IHO 77 73 :;4 : 1 Pick Crow )1(120 fiO ~7 til 1i~~~ s7~~~ 741, 4 741,, _ 1,~ I Placer 50:\ S2n1• ~a :,~n ltf•:l 120 113 t~O +S I Pros A\r ~00 84 M 84

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'Col ('{'1\ :100 $51 1 :;14 .:;1" + ~~ Comh Ent too ~12 12 12

·~ ~Montreal . ' Con :\IS 1300 ~27 2fi14 2fl:t4 + 1 4

J;illi1 it{;!) 135 lftO + s I Que Asrot 41100 R 8 R urul til fin 60 -2 Que Chth 2900 18 HI lS -1

:it:!~g :!g ~i ~~ -~ ~~~~Jt~~b 24~~ 1~ 1~ 1~ _. 2 '10X'fta:.\J, CLOSI~G STOCKS 7 13 - I Qucmont 475 MO 880 eso - 10 ny Thr Canat11an l'rrn

, C Cln.s~ z!)jJ $23 23 2:1 Crmwtinn 11Ji $201 1 ::!0 ~0 01"1 SNIR L!.'iO ~101. J~t) ;vn~ ... R~

:ni~~ i{ 1 ~ 11 +S Radlore JROO 61 o () -1 I \h1tlbi -l::! Foundation

:::)797 26 22 26 -+ 3 ::~~~~k ~;g {J ~ ~ ; ~ I :~~:1t,·st1~~ :\~::~ ri;a-:l~~lkrs ~000 lml i~ ;~ -t Renable 3!KIO 160 1.:;3 Hir'l +~n 1 Bnque c !'.'at 63 Hud fia)' M!n 1:\1){} 2i · 7 + Jl.l Rcx~JII'r 500 ]61,~ 161 1 Jf,V,:- ~ Dnnk ~1unt ft0 1 ~ Imp Oil ~~~ ~IJj ~ ~~ .._ 65 Rio Rup ~J1 51 2 ~~J ~·.~ Dank !'\S T.2"·.., lnt .\ltek

' 70 _ 2 Rocht 1000 I'll, 11111 B!l ... lh BnqUf' PC 41 Int Pap 4 ~ 1 ! 69 6 ~ Ci~ Rockwln lJ~OO 16 1.1 Hi .._ 1 I Bathurst II. -47h Mass.Frr ~mon 8 8 R + ~~ Ryanor ::!i()O 11 11 tl _. IL 1 B:tthurst lJ .!M~ Norand:t. DOH !2~ 2Jl~ 2J3.j, + 14 " · ' 33~ 34 ~ + 20 San Ant .5300 hi7 Wl 161 ~ 9 1 Hell 55 Paudash JOlt ·1 ~.'i 3J~ _ 5 Satellltr 5000 :w zo 20 - •,~ Drnzil 5 Pncr-IJO :rn l~~ Sht!el' Cr ::!025 J~S 125 12.5 I Rid~: Prod J:> Que Pow

Hllir:l ~I ,.3 43 - 1

1 Slte-rrltt ~SS 430 41.5 420 .-10 C Ctmcnt ::"G~i fl<J}.1l D.1nk :?',J!Il i7 .J 55 + I Sll I ' · 4 • )fl Itr finO :~·~•-:~ 3.i1'.: 351".1 -2 c Cement pr 271"4 Royi\litr-

1=~~~ 1~~; 14~ 15~ ~ 1h j ~:~~~~k 10~;~ ~;; ~~ ig :~o ~ ~:~~~m~1~p C J,~;\~ 1 s~h~w~orp fllil•l 190 lEI~ 1ft) Starratt :woo 5 ~ 5 1 1, 2 t'dn 1\rcw 43 1 " Slrf'l

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I Walle Am 1410 1545 1535 1535 +5 NEW 1'0\11( CLOSING STOCKS W•11ma0' SOD 60 fl9 69 -1 Uy The Caa3dlan l'rns Werner 18500 19~\ 18 19 - ~~ , Beth Steel 43~, Kennecott W\llrcy 23tl80 1~7 ]~1 1.51 +l Borg \\'arntr 4Bt. :-.1cnty W WUtnJ 5000 II B ll C and 0 6ZH X'\' Ctnt Wr Hart $11: 19 16 89 -f 1 Con11 Edl"on 7BVt Radio Corp

12,~ 0 1\rulg-r 701 $1~1~~ 1'1 lt'l - 14 NEW YORK CI.0~1:\'G '"TOf'KS ~4 0 Cni\1 (lr 10 :!~0 2~0 2·,11 Uy Thf' ,,s~ndatrd Prt''!l '!0 0 Glac;s p 100 $1~ 1.~ l.'i :'\f'w York Stock Exclt:ul~t·- Ja11(' 21 5t1 0 Storrs 7:'0 ~7~ 1 ~ 7~\~ 741~ + 1~ I 'ttl -· Jo:x-dividtml, :xr - Ex-m,!IJt .. 4fi Dom Tnr fl5'i0 S1!"P, EH~ 19 + ,ll, XI\- F:x-~nrranls. :\~t rhi!.n~, ~~ from i\ 1 _ Dom Tar pr zlfl5 $2.2 .21 21 pre\ lou~ doy's cl01i" J J2 1 ~ D Tl·xt xd 47~.i sn~, 1311 n~lo. -~ ·~ " ... ' 13'. Donohue 1625 $20• 2 :w 201':! ' l ~tofk P~nlt!l Ht~il J.o~~o ('lo~r l'h'~r 4; 1 1 1 Du Pnnt J')fl ~201~ 2H 1 ~ 20 1 :.~- 1, Att tnd ~\fO :i1"11 ·,;,~ -~•·~ ~ ••

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Imp tnv A fi50 $19 l91l HI + 8 4 Bor,ll War JIJIIII 21, :!H:.~ -11~~·- It [ lnv 614 p r:!5 Sn :22 :Zl Brn"~k 2GWJ ~E'~ ii'1 :iii; t 1 Imp 0\1 20A!l $4G 1 ~ 4f! 4fi + &11 nu('y ErJt !1(,0 21)~ .. :n~" 20' ~ I~

limp Tob 5GO Sl.'P, l.i 1 ~ 1!ilt -t- 1., Hudd Co lhOf) 111~ 1-1'• g1J '• 1 Imp Toh Jlr 425 !fi fi fi 1 Rurl It111 7(;0t) tR·~ 1!11. p~, 1 ~

l int! Acctp 1115 SG11l 6!'llj f'iOt~- 1 ~ Durq:;:h~ -4'l00 :2~P:< 2:1', 2>1~~ 1,

1 lnl=iud C p zjO $1B 18 1R 1 Calumf't ltir~l 201 ~ !!)··~ 1 r'J" 11 -- • •

I lnt :'iic1:cl 13i0 ~731 '.1 7_. 1 ~ 741'., ' Can Dry 9!10 21i~~ :?it'~ ::•11• • 1 4

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17 1 ~:~ i lnt('r PL -430 S7~ 1"~ 73 7-11,'.& 11~4. C,tl{'f Tr 11100 3111 4 3?'j' 19 ~8 1 Jamnlca PS 1~:'1 S3-11l 34 3~ Ctlant~P. {;f,I)Q J!PR 19 :l)l,_ · ..

New York


Yale l.e1d 2000 12 12 12 -1 F.l Auto El tiPl. Sou Pac Yk Bear 2560 95 93 95 +5 Gen Elf'C 1.2.'' Sttl Oil ~J Rounr HG 8200 41~ 40 40 + Hl , Good~·l!ar 4Hf. Uttl Aircraft Zenm11 2000 18 In; 171tii- 1,~ 1 Gt Nor Ry 4.43• Vanadium NOW PLAYING

L Sl L :!l!"1ll SlO 391 ~ 40 -1 ~4 Chantl" \' 1~0 352'• •,2 ;21-. . J 1

~JB and PR 8115$1711 17 17L" i ~, Cht!l Ohio 2700 ft2 1 1'1 'il~i h2"• .. '~ • ~filrltime Tel 20l $1!1"" 19;~ 19:1.~- 1 ~ 1 Chrv'>]£'r ;!HiM ~h'• .;.r, -11l -- ~~ I ~~il~!l F 21n:; SlJ'I'l 13 1, D1 ~ + 1• Ctll£.s s,·c :l9un ;;z:~" 5~1":: il'~ ~ 1 ~

C0L.U"-4BIA P1CTU~ES _,.,. .. ,.

161111: DouaLA& ·KIM NovAK ·-··lfiVACi, ........ -strangers

ZUIIPI 1000 24 24 21 + 11 lnt T T 52'• Wc•tno)5 Cur~

Bulolo Ptnd On

Acmt Gu All Rox Almlncx Am Leduc Anchor Bolle~ SA B•U ~''l'r Bat a

I 110 1520 620 620 150 225 225 m

OILS 50\) 12 12 12 + 11

10011 3l l5 ~5 +I 200 110 lftn 1111 +5

1200 8\> ~ ! - ,, 1500 7 7 7 -1 1015 730 120 no + 15

::tSO $22~• 22'i 22~~ 1

ltork lo.IOO 6\1 ~ ~ - 1\

Toronto , MOST ACTIVE STOCK~ 8J The CPnttdfan Prrs,

S1ln Hlah J.ow Clou Cb're !NRUSTRIALS

I ~!au-F Sl,~ p £.iS1DH lOS lOB 1 Clr\Jfe 1400 fiBl~ ~~ tiPt'4, • 1 ~h·t Store!! 5~)1"1 Si! 1 ~ 8 nt.~ +~I Coca Cola 2100 1\r,l~ P.GI~ 8\il, ::\1d Store p 125 f21l';a 21 1~ 2n1- ·~ 1 ens 1'>0o J;,, :Jil~ Ji1z- 1~ :"11olson A :J5i $.27 2fi:l• 27 + 1 ~ Com\ ~of,. 71(10 :J-.!1 ~ .1P11 32• ~ • 1'.

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!'iorandi\ 12£0 $~81( 4P4 -17 1:l. tl Cranf' co HOO G:;~t tiJ,, ~.,,\ NS LP :tl35 SJi:!t 17~• 11:11 1 Cr Zell ~200 s.·,• ... ~l1 1 .i-, \ O,::ih'it :'l:-i"1 S5~'\'a ~-1'iol :i4:t\ +}It,._ I Curti~' 3100 ~:l li~,_ 11~~ - II.~ Ont Stff'i fiZ~ ~19 18 1 ~ 19 --1- ~'l • ------ -- --------

i Pac Pttr :ISO $12',i 12',• 111};~ T all

g.~~.~~~hem ~~;~ ~~~; ~~~~ ~~~: ~ 1 :! Stockholder nu Pont :Pr.H :!16 2H1 a21P~-- 1


~~~ 1 ~~ut~u[ -~1~ ~;~: ~~~~~ ~r~ ~ :: In Halliwell El ra~o J,jO 2/jl\!, :?J,I~ ..!li'~ l'lr('~tn ;ar~ 4jl~! 13 1'11 ~ • ,,,. Foni ,£1•0 B7 1-'; Q/ ., ~;;:1,. ~ Frul·h Tm '•fiOO :!.11:'1'1 21,'~ ~6 1 '.!- 1 11 . E\\' YORK rep, Gcn Dyn l ,jOO Jlli }1 ' ~ .rr >I j..

1 ~ tal Copper and StnnJ Gen Eire ~tiflfl 6!'~ G:?l" t;!,J- ,_ '-'-Grn I-'d~ 1c,nn 821'"l fW" E2, J 1 a leading jndepe:'dent Grn :O.hll., :~Ml .1.\ 31 , ~ ~H t ,,, of copper \~ire an1t "· h' G\tC :.oJJon 151•J 45 ~ 45 1 ~- ~~ 1 •1. 1 ... :t .e Grn Tire 2"'"' i.\'• 14'' P< . '• nounecr IIese ay that it :

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WheriWe.Meet Brito Ito 100 250 250 2!0 + 13 MB PJI 2119117 S17~. li•~ 171h + 1 f. 1 Pa;:e Hl'rs 93~ S23•4 227 11 221'11 1 - . . . ~ .

I(IT'I :. 'LI ''"lOI'fltot• Co-t•do:~ll• fUT._.. CCLOI


E\'E\1\G SHOWS: i O'CLOCK- 9.00 ~1:\Tli\EE: 2 P.M.





FA Cis 0/::

UFE CIHimr Oi'ICiollr Pl14ut It IUTitHUSSEY. DON DE FORE ·lOUISNYE. Ntt.YIIIfRANK. NORMNIPANAMA Ja.....,., .. lo'-1 tiN







Col F.d Camerlna

1780 117% 17% 1711 + l.>om T.u JBo 195 m 191 -4 Ablllb•

191,'.& + '"' Pcnmans lflfl S291J 297 11 297 "' + V.j 421 11 + Pa !t'lacer !JR~ $HP4 19~~ 1()14- h 1

2:1462 $19;1 191' 18078 S~3 4H"J.

C Oil L w CS Pete

1000 7 7 7 -3 Burn& I092o 1t2•• tm 12~1 + l'l4, Premium 500 260 260 2fi0 OILS Prlce Rr 1506.1 S~o~~ 41J 491 '~ +:1:\!t

C ChloF!II C Dtlhl

l7l 215 !1112 :112 -It 700 71 7~ 76 -2

1875 m ~15 120 -~ 1100 m ltn 410

Po moll Sapphlrt

116229 59 48'1 !\7 +t Price pr n Ml M 1114 11:1 + 4 Q:-4 Ga~ wt WO ~75 27~l 27~ -lO i 2\500 ~:J 79

Cdn DeY C Ex Ga1 C Hllh Cr C Homrotd Cent Dol

W Decalt1 Piau

140(10 !ol ~~ Rfi QN Ga~ pr 12fi ~~~ -44 44 +4 ' 700 172 170 170

25"" 27 27 27 11700 44 .f2 42 -Jl-1 Que pnw :'LJO $31'~ :"81~ 3R''i + 1 ~

~ - 1'.1 tlu~ Phone ~10 '"'~ 45 o4.'i - ' ' I

Uet'd A Exd o!:Otlfi $6~~ IP~ <'i~i 1 Bat a 1Wl0 r,>.\ 6

C Dr110n C Mlc Moe

1 Dev·Pol Dome Pel..l Dynamic Dynamic r l<~lfJO Fr Polo p Gr Plolno Homo A Home B HB Oil a Jupller Lon1 Point Majtrano Medal Nat Pete

IN Davin Northcal NC Oilo NCO wto

I Northld

675 110 1114 tin H ~UNES

207~ 630 tr.IO 8~0 ~ ~ NlhJalt 14570( 73 ~,

2SOO 131,1 1J 1:\~".J- 1~ C Sannorm 740()11 • 8 smo 4.~·~ 11

1100 61 61 61 -2 Marlin M8on 11 l' Ill 2J5 235 %3.1 I C Halll

750 800 775 100 + 15


Gull Lfld moo g 6\>

117 -fi !1,1 +2

4!i 'T ~ :W', ~1 1 .'.1

8 +2 7000 II &2 <3 -3 ------

37100 .... v, ,. 318 !30 3:!0 330 +I~

:1!00. 420 410 415 + IO ~ 11]1. 11 li•J-110 lm SI0'4 9110 I All + ', Mutual Funds 648 95o 110 "n + 20 , :IS! 114 13 1 ~ 14 + 1~

15!Hl 355 245 355 +20


1\UJTt:AL }'UNIHi Jl7 Thr Canadian Prts" <500 40 39 39 -1

30002 2 2 2605 %052 199 %05 All Cdn Com 1600 2953 211n 290 + 15 All Cdn Dlv 500 t I 9 American Grnwth •t! MO 7 7 7 -1 Beaubran SSO 225 225 225 -10 canadian Investment 340 to to 00 Canorund

MOO 20 20 2.0 Champion Mulu11 3702 112\1 12'A. 121;l + 1,~ C()mmonwealth lnt~r.

Bid A1k 8.51 9.28 ~.JR 6.94 8.86 ~.63

!1.72 34 ~4 9.91 10.38 ,~.19 44.30 l.q7 6.56 R.a.; 9 70


Pac Pete Pac: Pete PamoU Permo pr Peruv Oll1 Petrol PhiiiiPt

w 1350 840 82.' PAO + 40 commonwtnlth Levera_.e 316.229 59 48~' '1 + 9 Corporah! Inve,;tors

7.'37 R.7:'l

Plac .. Pnndrr Provo Ga1 Sapphlro Sarcee 1 Secur Jo"ree Soulh U Spooner Tldol Triad Oil Un Olio Un Reef P Wa:rne Weapae WCOG w W1t1te1 W Decalto WindFall

3700 58 5'1 5$1 -2 Dlver~llled series P 1000 '19 79 7!1 + 1 Dh•ldend Sharu 8200 6! <Iii 6R -1 Dominion Equl!y 132.1 47 43 43 +I Federated Growth

11700 44 42 42 -lwl Firs! 011 •n· r.u 500 47 47 47 Fond• Colloctlr A

4300 213 205 2D~ -1 Fond• Collectll II 24:100 13 79 Bl H Fond• Collcctu C

750 82 82 111 -2 I Group Inc. 100 3115 380 380 -5 I GoupC'd Income Acrum.

1000 10 10 10 Growih Oil and Ga. 600 JO!h 10~~ 101:2 + 1,~ Jnveslor!ll Growth fund

1800 66 65 66 -2 Inveaton 1\tutual 5800 100 176 teo -1 Keystone 4SOO l37 133 133 Mutual Aceumulattng fund ·4.o1~ :l!l 38 38 Mutual Income fund 7000 10 9YJ 9Jh +1 N. Amf'rlcan fund of Can. 600 11 11 11 Radl~!mn 700 65 64 65 Reae11t rund 412 140 m 140 -II Save and of Co23rla

HOOO !6 8l M Supervi•ed AmC'r, fund xd 1786 11 11 11 Super\'i!ed J<:xec ~!'!

-------·--- --- - - Supervl!ltd Exec Mi Supervlstd Exec 57

9 !1<1 1~.81 4.:15 •US :1.67

16.!1<1 17.21 S 17'i 4.H 4.!5 l.n9 Mt

I 40 5.71 IU,!J 7OS Ul 409 :i.IJJ fi.$R R.03 RA4 6,!10 7.49

12 65 13.75 lli.65 lB.OI

8.85 9.67 l.5G 6.08

10 28 11.2.1 •4,67 5.1:1 4 92 5.37 ;; 89 fi.43 7.i2 7.80

43.96 3f, 07

6.111 6 ~2 B!

Butler buildings Supcrvl.sed r;xec 58 Supervised ctrowth fund Superv111ed lnc:ome fund xd x-TV El~ctronl

UlO 1.92 4 Jli -4.40


Get into ouslness fast. Butler Buildinp 110 up fast. Save time and money, yet eet quality eon· struction. Call or write


Springdale Street

Tlmtd ln\•estmtnt fund Untted ~ccumul•tlve x-U.S. fun<hl.

e.e2 6.1~ 6.64

17.74 19 39


By The C1aadl1n Pru• Montreal Stock Ex.ebnnae-June 21 Complete tabulation t~f KP%( ~.j,

TreucUon1 .. Quotation• ln r:ent• unlet• morked $. I-Odd lol, xd-Exodlvldend, xr-Bl·rlt:hta. sw-Ex • warrants. Net chlnft II from previous d1y'a eloae

8l0<k Abitibi AbiL pr Aca4 ALl ALioma Alumlnl

Nd 8aln Hl1b Luw Clo111 Ch'1e

to9ot um 411'.1 u +2 110 $211<\ 24Y• 24\4 + !4 l25 $8Jio ell 8'> + ,.

1385 142')) 41!> ~1'1 + ~ ~68 '31;1. 351'1 36 + l~

IJO ~'h 46'h 46')) Alum 2 pr Ant G ~90 ArJUs

p >l $!214 52;1. 52;1.

Ar~ 250 pr Aobt~tos AUao Steel Bonk MOD\

·Bonk NS . Buq CN Buq PC Balli P A Bath P 8 Bell Pbo ..


lllowa\er Bow Mer p Brnil RAm e .. k BA on BCE I'll pr BCE 5\!1 ' Be Foru\

665 $43 12 42~ +I 73 ~I 51 51 + '!1.

1110 no;~. 29~ aw. +l\1• U1 $31\i! JOJio 30Jio + Iii

1127 lfll\4 16 861\ + '"' 115 U2l'o 72~ 72% + Iii 93 183 13 63

50 Ul 41 41 ~ $47'), 471'.! ~11'1

220 $281!1 28\\ 281'• + 1;1. mo Ill 54% 55 . + 11

50 lt9')J 49'h 49'-' 100 tav. 81<1 w. + ,.. •15 S51\!\ 511'.1 51'h 390 sm 514 5» + 1\ %5 154 54 51

l171 133 32'1> 3274- 14 125 19! 93 93

10 SS:!ltl ~21,1 S:.HI - % 225 $131'. 13\1 131> + \!!

i Reitman 200 Sli•l 17 17 - ,. I RoE" A\' C 42:, f.G:t. 61 ~ fi 1 '- + 1 ~

Rolland A 211~ S9l.-' 91'2 !P-'1 + 1.k Uolland R 100 $12 1:.! 12 Holhman~ 145~ $1S lF8 lS + '1.11, 1

Royal BMk 14:i~~ ~n1~ 77 i71) 1- 1 "'

Ro)'alltf' 200 StOVa tO\~ 10~8 -+· 1''-' I .st L Cnrr 7.ifi ~221~ 221 ~ 221 f. -71 ~ \

i Salada S '400 $1!'1 1 1. B 1 4 1~14 \ ' Shawln 4!19~ $2fi 1" 26 1a ::!61~ + \~ I S!tdW 4 f'lf 2B5 S12 1 ~ 42.14 ~21~ + 1~

S1carrt 4fiO $7 fi1 8 7 ... 1 \o 1

: Simp"ont 2fi5[) $2:)% 29 'l9tl + ,.._ I ss Stt('l t7'i $9 ~ ~

Steel Call 1002 SJ.Pi 74 1'4 74!iJ- ''~~ Stcmb,:: A 3620 $11'" 29~. 301, + •• Sieinbl ,r 25 $1021 \1021)) 102\\ + 11 Texato C:Jn ~0 S6fi fi.6 M - 1).z Tor nom ~5 $€tll 64>,1 Ml'l + •• Steel rl~ 9jD :17~ 3&5 370 -.5 Tr Can PT 525 $2~!;, 22~~ 22!1 + '~ Triad ~011 IR5 i85 1!5 -! UN Strel 125 $6''1 fil,, fi~~ \'tau 100 $H 14 14 - 14, Walk GW 5110 $.51~4 5111 !H~ ~ 'f.: [ We1lnn A 110 StRI. J8~'4 HI~(- 1~

CANADIAN I 1 l.J!Itf'd : Al!cope lMO 1\ II e ' I -'"K Pip 25 ~10 40 40 + 1 l1\ng Nfld 1fl7:'l3 1!111 1!111 ~~~ + t,;.

AtiUJ Tel 311~50 78 73 7~ -1 AUJnJ~tUJ MOO 37 Jfi :'17 + l Avalnn tiO~ SS~~ ll~- g'i.~ Rall.'man 1000 9 ~ 9 TieliC('has 61{)0 271~ 251~ 271~ -f 11).,: Dell Ch 2000 4 4 4 nonny\·l 17.'iOO 11 10 101-'., nornlte 2t~oo to 10 10 Ca1 F.d :WO SJ71l.z 171~ 171'z + '-" c Kodiak 7900 J~;') 150 155 c Stllca 2200 9~ 90 qo -! Canoram 109.50 J2 .:10 l2 earlier Q 11100 ~~l 9'-l !JI':. Chtma11oy 4J15 3 to 33~ ~n.~ Chi~ Cop 5000 13 12 12 Coprand 601) 1 HI 11~ lUI -10 Cop.slrtam Mf\0 :!:! ~~ 2:! Dtnault 100 !JO~f. to~f. 10~4 Denault wt ::!30 400 :li.'i -4QO J,. 1/o~. Oetl~:'ln 1500 7 7 7 - 1 l

D Eng J'if) SHi 16 HI D Leur 3000 77 75 75 --S. D otklt1Lh .~nn $2:! 22 n ~ 2 Ernp Oil :\000 41,'J_ 41 ~ 41,.1: Jo"ab 11000 n l1!1 13 +1 Falcon 270 '571:4 ~7 571,( +-1 }'utunty 1.100 12 22 ~2 ll.,llnlo 4~00 37 81 85 -1 Jlorntr A 1~1fl SJO~, 30:-~4 303 ~ + 1 ~ Jlubb A ,90 $22 22 22 Jubilee 460 490 ~85 4M -10 I.abrador ~25 S2l 21 24 J.ahlbt A 100 $141-i 14~ 141h- '1.f. Lith Crop 1000 211 2R 2H Mauval 750 20 2.0 20 +1 Mcintyre :!00 $33~1 :JJ34 :13'4 1- 1,4 Mtr Chip 7.'100 lH 75 79 -18 Mid Chlb 5000 17 17 17 -2 Monprc 1500 6'.\ 61}, 61> - 1,7 Mt Pleunt 3900 13 60 60 -! Nlld Light SO 162 82 62 NW Amu · 2391 35 30')) 35 +4 TA Rare llOO 33 33 33 -3 Opem Expl 45011 12 Ill'& 12 +3 Opemlska 500 725 72~ 725 +2.1 Pauduh 10011 13 13 ll Porcupine 5000 13 121-' 13 Pow CP I 'r P.OO $45 45 15 Qu• Cobalt 900 310 300 lift St L Co1um £90 565 560 ssn Saucon Dev 2850 215 %10 210 -! Sbop Save Z42.1 $7\1, 7\~ 71> - \1 S Dufault 8000 lOY, 10 10 Spartan 10200 220 210 215 Sparton wt 1800 50 45 45 SuiUvan 300 150 156 156 +I T&che 1000 e 6 6 TariD 2500 7 7 7 Tlb EXPIO 6000 7 6 7 +II'.! Tllan 600 13 13 13 -IV. Tr . c co., 655 $61 59 10;\ + l~l Trebor 3000 3')) 3\o 31\ - 'h U Asbeslos 1100 595 585 595 +lO U Prln 21100 130 12D 120 -5 U Towno E1 300 l3'h 131'.1 13Y, + 41 Weedon :!COO 3 l J


c Dom Sue Cdn Dt-v C Paper

Unllstd 5;o $12'h llll 121'1 +l'i

2611 $20~~ 20itt 2.01r4 - ~~ JOO m m m +5 j

4232 um 11 11 + n;

TilE Ql'.\LITY-TIIE 1,0\\' Pl\I<Y~··llll:

SJ·],FCTIO\-U!\11'\In: .\\ll l'h( lilT SEE e e e ')\ TIIESE

1959 CHEV.


1959 ~IETEOR

1959 IIUDSO~ R. W.

1960 i\lETEOR AUTO~!:\ TIC


1960 i\IETEOR R. \\'.

19.57 :\IETEOR

19.56 FORD


I i'

J.D.'J3 \.A\'GL':\HD

Hl59 E~SIG\' HJRO ~IERCU\Y \!Riil

Dump. Excellcul ccn,dJIJoll

1%.5 CIIE\' .. Lon<e; \\. fl. Stake Dump.'

HJ.'Ji CIIE\'. 2 Ton P1111il'

HJ.5fi ~IERCCRY 2 '(',,,1

C. & Chas. 1960 .\IEHCl.'HY I,, l•'il

Pick-up. 19.5.3 DODGE 1 ~ Ton l'ick·IIP·



-----------~.,.,-a.. .. ,_.,''""''"''"· ?~.I.M __ .......... =-0, .. _._ .... _,.., ___ "\ .. 'lWI!Wild ...... 'et'"""'"'"'""''""',Dt,,"~~ ... !Wil!lil;·-~~~~---··············

T·Y• R



Korm·r and Sport~

Forcea>t Lewts Show a Minute and \\'eat her

IC for :\[lllions Time

Willis Forcca:.t

Wigg1ns Shr Gray Show in a Mmul~

Corner Hot

News Wigguts Ho1 Chotec Highhghts Wiggins Hot

wives Choice Right to Ilap


and Count r~ Highlights Lewis Town


Baker's :\old Highlight'

Gookin' Wiggins M: Highlights

Nolan's We: Jamt oree

Highlights -~•ant:h Party

News Party Party Htghiights

Forecast Board News

4 Perfu ointm

5Swon 6Dine 71mmc 8 Cede• 9 Brrd'1

10 J'>iauti 11 Ivan 19 Land 21 Relal1 24Ri 25 si&w 26 Set st 27 Lease 28 Great 29 Cross 30 Han!• 32 Selin

Latvia 1 egp



Page 13: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door



ll'f. CJON fH -:\1''' \Y . .Juur 2bt. ...

. ~ .~ . · : \l't•Jtlter ..... - . , ~ ~how

. · ~.. .: \\'rather lit : ·· - ~lww

!'• -.(ia -. . , ',, ~how

~- . ;,~;;;, " :. ·''' :,;how r~

-.. -. ~how .: Weather

. . ·' :, ~how ;-::. -; :·:~dwn 1\t'port

6.:10-Dare :Uuntlft'w Club 93 7.00-:>:ews Highlights 7.01-Club 93 7.:JO-l'\. ,I'S

8 00-1.ell'> in n Minute 8 01-llcst from the West 8.:ltl-i\a\10na! :\ell'S 8 31-Bt·st from the \Ve~l 0.00-:\ rws II igh!ight5 9.01-Big Six l'rogrammr. !U5-!'>fld Soil'rL'. !l.4ll-Salt Lake Choir 9.45-i\cws

IO.Otl-:\cws lligh!tghts 0.0 1-Dr;una.

10.30-::\a\Jonal :\ews 10..15-Sports 10.55-l.elters and ~lcssagcs 1 1.00-::\cws llibhlighl~ ll.lll-l'aul !lcr;lwn's Mus1c in

lhr Ntght 1~.00-:\ews llighlighls !~.Ol-~lu~1r in the Night 1~.30-:\t'WS

,. ~~ L

: ~ (! .

~ : :.\ -r::- Show .-.. . ! ... :. _ ~ ._, t\l':'nt·r ;_\._,.,,:::\purl~

12.:l3-~luslr 111 the Night 1.00-:\cws in a minute 1.01-Si~n Off.


• ~- 1 ~ F;Jrrca:-t · · . ~ ·,\ ::-:; ~how

:, ".!; r. t: t r . :· :! \\'rat hrr :. ~ \lillwns

-- .. :o:r _: .·:· \1:1115 ; •. ,::·,: h•rrt·aq ;-- ··::· 1\:i:."ms Sho" i-I·: ·,~.l~- Sho\\.'

· :: a \!mute ::· ·.' Corner ·:· . . '.\::ms House·

, • · • 1 :~1 ': re ··· -. \rws ·;· ~ l-,-~l)km'

·,• : -~ms House. .• t1l'C

~ 1 :· ;, hfr!' X C\\'!1

: -~,·:~;;tns House--


THU\Sil:\ \', .June 22nd. 2.0tJ-llr. lhristian. 2.30-ChrL Helene. 2A5-~ursery S1·hnol Time. 3.00-Thc \'L•rdict is Youn. 3.30-~lorie ~Iatlnee. 4.30-)Iusic iu l\liniature. 5.00-Junior Roundup. 6.00-Popeye Theatre. 6.30-World o{ S11ort. 6.40-I.ocal !llews. 7 .00-Alfred llitchock

Presents. 7 .30-Festil'al o( Stars. 8.00-Be!ieve it or ~ot 8,05-Dayton Allen Show.

' · '' c :Joice 8.15-National News. ,.,, 1!1;hhghts

8.30-Wyatt Earp. 11·,~g,ns House. 9,00-Tight Rope

~ ·!·.,' :;otrr . 9.30--Live a 8orrowe1l LUe, · ., '·:~.H to llapptness 1 lU.UO-Chcrkmate ' ·'' ! • •

~ Q·.;:L •· ;.-:<1 CountrY

' H.~h!Jghts · · · :, wts Town and - .. '~ .--

a::·l Country r•:~i c Forecast


: 11.00-Sumer Ctrcmt. i 11.30-Wresti!M. ' 1:!.30-Sports Calendar · 12.35-News Headline~ anti


1 12.4!'>--Sign Ofr

CBC .:•m" •on's Editnrial I

. ·' THURSUAY, June 22nd. R; •• ,r·s :-<ott!book i _...--...;;.;.;.~-------

. ,. il•gh!i~hts 1 ,.M. :.;t' <.'ookin' 7.30-CBC News. · · · II 1g~ms Matinee 7.35-Top o[ the .Morning.

><s ilt~hlights 8.00-CBC News and Weather. . ''' \•dan's Western 8.15-Musical Clock. ·•::-: orre 9.00-Morning Devotions.

l!•;hlighls 9.15-Program Preview. · h Party 9.20-Piano Playtime.

<::1,::1.1 :"'ews il.30-CBC News and Direct . Party Reports.

':ct Party J 9.45-Hecnrds at Randnm. · ·" II1;h!ights 10.00-Archers. •:::< r Forecast · 10.15--Doris J~nes. · :1" Board 1 10.25--For Consumers

\"ew5 '10.30-Caught In The Act. • 10.45-:l!usic in The Morning. i 11.00-Morning Pope.

. --- -··----------~ -------

4 Perfumed ointmPDI$

5 s~·ord 6 Dille

· in:~ct 71mmortality B Cede. 9 B~rd's home

10 l'>aullat term 11 !von 19 Land puce! 2l Relative ~· Ri ~ss,& .. orm 26 Stt stndard 2iLeue 28 Great Lake ~9Crog 30 Hardeu 32 Seqnolry

I [I ~ 3




r,. ~ 121 1'1

114 fiT

1'1 1'1 I" ~






35 Heraldic embettlshment

38 Withdrawt 44 Dllmounted 38 Well-1111nnered .fB Comfort 3t Sborl·napped 47 CeremoliJ

fabric 48 Couter 41 Sea skeleton 51 Girl's name

II 11 II II I'" 'II

~3 I'• 11 I"

II n .

D ~ IIU ~

I" I'' I" --.. I"

'" [II

I" 1'1 _II

See them at

The (~eat Eastern Oil Co., Ltd ..


11.15-Kecp in Touch 1 1.30-Stories and Rhymes. 11.45-Sacrerl Heart Program. 12.00-BBC News. 12.10-Announccrs Choice. 12.30-Farm Broadcast. 12.45-1\lid Day Serenade.


UlO-Doyle Bulletin 1.1!">-Musical Program. 1.30-CBC News and Wrather. ·


1.45-Tommy Hunter Show. In n recent duplicate ~irs. 2.1()-1\lusical Rendezvous. .Tacob\' and I were the only 2.29-Dominion Obs. Time pair io reach six spades on the

Signal North-South cards. The Jacoby· 2.30-l\lusical Rendcz\'ous. I Smith three no-trump made it 2.45-BBC VRriety. , possible. The slam was a lay-3.15-,John Drainie Tells a i down with the ace of diamonds

Story. I in the West hand, but it fig-3.30-CUC News nnd Trans I ure1! to be there since West .

Canada ~latinec I had overcalled in that suit. \ 4.30-Halifax Theatre. J ~ly thre~ no-trump bid was I 5.00-Music in the Air a slight vtolatwn of our sys-1

I I l 11 ' ' 5.30-Fisherlts Broadcast 1 tem since I on y 1e 1 mne : 6.00-CllC News high card points, but my king I 6 0• I t . of diamonds loohd awfully . ,,_ n ermczzo. 6.25-l'rogram l're\'iew. : good, and I l1eld orerwhehning , 6.30-Supper Guest. · trump strength. . I 6.45-La:ht Mus1c. · ~lrs. Jacoby was able to lml 7.00-CBC News and Weather. four hearts, because 'f we want 7. L'i-Song Recital. . to make one mild slam try ', .:!0-Tops Today. 7.45-Doylc Bulletin . 8. 15-Pariiamcntary Report. 8.10-Rovin:: Rt'[lortcr. 8.25-Hawhidc . 8.40-~lines and nesotll'crs

Progrmn .

alter the artificial three no-. trun.1p response we show our I ; lnwPsl ace. Hence, her four heart hid denied first round;


AKQI08fi4 '.I 6 4 3 + KR7 ol> ;"\iOIIC


8 55- Weather for Mariners 9.00-\\'orth Repeating. 9.30-Variety Showcase .

10.:!0-Sdcnce Rcvirw. I Wf.ST EAST

111.00-Night Spot. J~;o :~ 10985 ~ LUO-Clll' ~atwnal ~cws, 1 • \ Q J 6 • ~ + 10 3

Rot ndup and Talk. 1 or.;\ 11 j;" ~ olo s 7 53 12.00-Sign Off. 0 Canada. The sOtiTII

Queen. •AJ975

VOCM 1'1IURSilA Y, June 22m1.

6.:>U-S1gn on and News 6.35--Brcakfast Club 6.55- i: CIVS

7.00-Urcak(ast Club 7. 15-S£lOrtscast 7.30-News and 'fra\·clguidc 7.45-Sportscast 7.55-Ncws 8.00-Torbay Weather 8.05-News 8.10-Brcak(ast Club 8.15-Sportscast 8.25-News 8.30-Hil Tune of the Day 8.35-Sportscast 8.40-Breakfast Club 8.55-News 9.00-Kitchen Corner

10.00-News 10.05-Stork Club 10.10-Homemakcrs News 10.15-VOCM Coffee Break

Special 10.55-Ncws 11.00-$1000 Cluh . 11.15--Juke Box Jamboree. 11.30-Wcstern Jamboree 11.55-News 12.00- -Money Barrel. 12.05-Raml\lin' with Records 12.30-News 12.35-Ramblin' with Records 12.45-Jo'isherman:s ~'orecast 12.60-Ramblin' with Records 12.55-News 1.00-Ramblin' with Records 1.111-Sportscast 1.30-News 1.45-So the Story Goes 2.00-Prizes and Problem5 2.55-News 3.00-l\lakc Believe Ballroom 3.55-News 4.00-Bob's Bandwagon 5.00-Supper Serenade 5.50-Fisherman's Forecast 5.55-News 6.00-Bulletin Board 6.15-Sportscast and Travel·

guide 7.00-Shillelagh Showtime. 8.00-Crcam of the Crop 9.45-Ncws

10.00-VOCM Gold Record Show

10.45-Sportscast 10.55-News 11.00-Torbay Weather ll.OZ-Big Top Ten 11.30-Cl J 590 12.00-News 12.0S....:.Ciub 590 1.00-Closedown

SALISBURY <APl - Violence broke out at a special meeting of the National Democratic <Af· rican nationallsll party Satur­day. It was denouncing new con­stitutional proposals for South· ern Rhodesia as giving instiffl. clent voting rights and parlia· :mentary representation to the black majority.




'A .otH ol> K 10 9 6 ~

Both vulnerable North East South Pass Pa•s 1• :1 !11.'1'. Pa5< 4 ¥ ::; ol> Pass 5 • 6 • Pas~ Pa.s

Openinr lead-+ A I

Wesl z+ Pass Pas~


1 control or rither cluhs or clia-1

munds. i Of course, her bid was very ·

a!(~ressive anyway. She only I helrl 12 high card points and I ha1l passed ori~inally.

Then, 1 suppose my jump to six spades was even more ag­gressive, I still had the same I nine points I was dealth, hut I dirl know that she was show­in~ slam interest without very goorl trumps or either minor suit ace.

At other tables the three no-trump . response was nnt available. North invariably jumped to four •pades 1111d

i South could nol afford to jcop-1 ardizc game hy any further 1 hie!.

CARD SENSE Q--Thc hidding has been:

North J:ast l'onth West I ¥ Pass 2 + Pass ~ + !'ass 4 + !'ass 4 • !'ass 1h

You, South, hold. .G 5 ¥K4 +A Q 10 6 2

,f.K .T 7 4 Wlla t rlo you do~ A-Bid either six diamonds

directly or four nn·trump to.,. · check for aces. Your partner is ! making some sort of slam try I . and with the kings of both clubs and hearts you should 1


Your partner's rebid over I I your two diamnnds is two no· 1

, trump. What do you do? i Answer Tomorrow I

--··-·-·-··-~~-.. -·-··-··· • BARBS •

-·-··-··-·-·-··-·-··-··-·-By HAL COCHRAN

The average vacation will amnunt to two weeks off, fol­lowed by two off weeks.

• • • Horses and the father of a

mnnth-old son can sleep while standing up.

• • •

When the auto ran the horse out it should have done the same to the nag,

• • • ll's getting quite a problem

for the man who uflnts to marry, to get a girl who will help with the dishes.


f· .-.,------ 1"'--r",-,--:---"-.,.........,..,.,..,.-.---.-----, I

I'* 1~" ~~ •:rJ. "'e. l". ~··«· L'.q. fa~ l)'f,


"I thought yo'J said Sweetie Pie was upstaira taking her nap!"

SHORT RTBS ·-~: -·-·----.---,


By FJL\XK O'~EAL . ---- --~- ___ ,,_

t~""'·)) ·~' .. ". r.,. ro·~ .1t. Cf~ I


COllE.,'.\'!: CnW<. ON YOU ATTHE


AS m;; O~:L'/ TOURIST~ 1\;;;<;;, Wt:'LL IIA'I!; THt= V/~.OLJ; I rif"""""~;:v,;:D.~.-:'::'2.( ISLA!JD TO OUf!.SWir:Sf WfiA7 COULD Bt= /lORE PtiRF!iGT?



·' 'OHTY ~ fT7f.'J.' I T·~

BUGS Rl l~'-1NY



Dlat: I fJUi.U.I.




. '

I . I ..

I I i I I !

' I



I . ! : ' . !

' . i

I ' I ' ' i

I· i

' I

Page 14: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

. ; I )


2141 OR C.\LL AT OUR



Wanted To Rent \laua~rr of local firm

desires to rrnl :1 Bedroom • -\parhncnl or Home, in Churchill Park, Pnrtn~al Co\'e area, ll\" J nlv 31. Appl~· to - ·

Where To Stay Bal!iam Hotel


Situated w the Heart llf the City.

I TO LF.T-A modern, heat!ld,

furnished Apartment, con­sisting of kitchenellc. livin~

1 room, bathroom and bed-room. Kitchenette equip­ped with electric range and refrigerator. Quiet couple need only apply. Rent $90.


Quiet. Comfortable Atmos· , Dial 93483 between the ElECTRICITY hours of 6 and 7 p.m.


For RPscrvalions and mfurmation:

Dial6336 ~IRS JOHN FACEY. Rrsldcnl ~tanagerru




Gil'c us a call. Our materials the fint•st.

Our rates the lowest.


LL\HTED General Contractors

P.O. Box H159 St. John~

Dial 94868


CO., LTD. Radio, Television, Washers, Refrigeratorb, Deep Freezers.

Elcctr'c Ranges, Floor Polis.•era,

Gramophones Public Address Systvl!ll.

Tape Recorders


DIAL 3001 to 3005

i -----------~--

1 FOR RIINT-Thrce Rooms is CHEAP in I Furnished on first flat in "I let him fix up the rumpus !

furnace healed homr. $70. ST. J Q H N'S room to suit himself-and now . per month. Light and heat I always know where to find

, included. 'Phone 42193. ~- him!''

I AVAILABU; - (;entleman LIGHf C. PORI Very rons:de;ale• of you lady. retired desires office work, {a " • • " v • • M • • • I -hut C\'ery 111,1 n should haYc : collecting or any clerical . work. Had considerable ex- ; I Cheap ii:eliable Electricit} I soml' say about . the rumpm

· p t f 11 t" 1 ; A d St J h ., room. Also should come Jn pcrlence. ar or u lme , n an • roun . o n. and ask our :nh·ir'e on the ma- ' acceptable. Rrfcrcnce and , terials to use and how to plan apply to Box 200 c/o Daily 1 ----------News. 1 it. Before you build or remodel

GENTU:~tAN requires room and board in Cit~· home.

1 Apply Box 777, Daily News.

FOR SALE-One 1957 Volks­wagen Window Van, with three scats. Licenced for 1961. Price $950.00. Dial 2686. jn2' ,22,23,24


, RANGt:TTES, Washing Il-Ia· ! chines, Sewing Machines, ! Electrical Kettles, Irons, I Polishers etc., repaired at

reasonable rates. Ron Chafe 116 Bond Street, Tel. 49073. jnS,lmth

Accountancy and Auditing Service-Anyone reqmring assistance in preparing in· come tax returns can have l'Xpert help. Dial 4908-H for appointment. mar29,{1m)

1'RE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP-We are now uperat. log 10 chairs, you can be assured of prompt, effici· ent, sallitary service No waiting problem. 24 New Gower Street opposite Ade­laide Motors, Ltd.

CASH PAID FOR: Slightly used footwear of all kinds, comics, magazines, pocket novels. John D. Snow, 9 New Gower Street. ja5,l .th

~ FOR SALE-Cotton~. plain i colors, 4 yards $1.00. Print­' ed 3 yards Sl.OO. Kiddies i runnin~ shoes 69c .. Adults

$Ui9. Send $1.00. Balance C.O.D. Schaefer, Drummond· \'ille, Que. .. n16,22


21lll - 5 LIN.ES


· . GAHO£R G. &OSSHO 1 • . .. . ··~ .

GRAND fAtit. · , NflU. BREW£RY 2547 . · ·


Listen to our Ad On The VOCM

Road Show Sundav Afternoon

t'or a Spcc.ial Announcement


The most in Dry Cleaning B.A. Service Station

sec ns.


LUMBER· Co., Ltd.


I PHONE 30ll ----

!AUTO PARTS (Whole) ·


Armature Works

38 Bambrick

Street Dial 7191-2



for all your Building RequirementS call 80161 - 91171 ----------ELECTRICAL



Agency Department 243 Water St. Dial 2102


HEAP & PARTNERS (NFLD.) Ltd . Wiring ~latcriJls, \\'ire and

Cables, ~lotors, Starters, Lamps. Switches, I,Ightmg

Fixtures, ~tc


I . .



l\rd Vri<..:i1l,tirc Rdr!gPra~o:·

l';rrl Iluotherm Spaq, lfe:rkr ,,. Bloll"er

l'sc·rl IJuotherm Oil llan~r

l."serl lluolhrrm Oil II:Ju:;e \ ·.,erl l)u:.::l'r llr,,ter

l."srrl Esl:<lt' ~par·r Healer . L"serl Angel Oil Ran~c

W/rr:-:t'n·oir 2 Fall"crll Oil Han~es

L'serl Fawerll Oil IL>n,c II"/ llot \\"aler Exln.

l'srd Enterprise Oi I Ran.~e

Led Dard"f Oil 1\:m~r

l"sl'd Ilarrl\l"lek Oi! IL<tlCC LinHit-rl Quanlit,· \l'uu<l ·

and Coal H"n~cs

Ori~inat l'l"itc

~~~.fWl 8 .\().()() :ti.IJO I ()0

,, 4;)1)1) l_',l(' l 10. <'i.oo I 00.00



ion 110

1):) 00

"77 .50


,sn.oo .)<J.OO .).). ()()


! nn.oo ~JlJ.OO lBH.OO cad 1 mJ ()() llin.fJO lRn oo \ 8~.00 .



& up

89.00 ~!9. ()() mu)(J /0.00

:ti. ()()

Emest Clouston UMJTEiO

1lfi \\ .. \TEH STH.EET


TEl •. -1183

Admitting Supervisor General Hospital


I h'III:tlf'l lor :\orthcrn

:\r•11 ltHII1rlla11d. Apph- lo

Boom :202. Crosbie Hotel

IH'tl\ l?('ll tile hums of :"2.00

p.111. and.).()() p.m.


(@lor fR 12 p .\1. - 1 :\,\1.


\\'LLcrnn: CATE!t!~;(i Tr1 P,\nTI

Diniu~-Da11<:i t~ .

\10\ it·s Sl!ttd:11 s 9: \Vumcr of lh•· ('-,. CR.\. ~.l .. l:ll \·.•, :Jfq 1;\IJ . 1%1


Bid:- a:T :J:·. !' -~ f'·r tr.e ply of <l q11;1Ci':, nj Ca:t P1pc 111 C1ccrfn~.:~-~ r· ·.q:h cations r~raibh~f· -1: the of the City L:~::tr~'rr

Bid:-: in _;.:p,~ kri rn·. \'~lipp~ he del1nrrrl '' :ite the liJHicr:-i;:n,·rt nnt later 9.00 a.m ll"trl!i<-'Ja-.. 1961. markrd ·"1"1 nd;r fo: Iron Pipr ..

The ln\·-:p~: rq ;;:~·-: nccr.~:-arily (lr;·(·:·~~-rl ·

L R.



lTR\IPS q "O 1·' r sa k .,_,_ .e . c

POT.-\ TOES S1.fi0 per sack

W. HiJ!Iiday


P.O. Box 385 or Phone • WATER STREET 7118, hefore 5 p.m. 1 i?.n26,ly

Phone 92186·1·5241 Waldegmve and George Sts 1 PIIO~E 6291


DIAL 5085

,\ppli<·.llioir> arr in1·it•:d from Hcgblrrcd :\t•r,e; for the po>i­

: lion of Su[H'l"li>or of thl' Ad­ST., lllitlin•: lll'partnwnt of lht• t:en·

t•ral lfo;pil:il .St. .John·,. · The S.S. ""r<il•·c•1

jne22.23 CLEANSERS l.TD. jn9,1mth

~ . • j .. f ~; r .. f: '



• • •

econontical 1nore stylish:

tnore practical .. .



Fawcett brightens your kitchen with tlwse


• Full length, fluorescent lighted backgnard

• "Picture frame" chrome backguard of modern styling with frosted glass light diffuser.

Exclusive Fawcett Svno-:\fatic Draft control .. saves up to 26% in. fuel dollars.

• Temperature rnn!rolled oven, with "fingertip" control on hackguard.

• "Mirror-bright" polished cooking top, inter-lock­ed to prevent odors escaping.

. ·, Lighted oven with non-fog window.

·· Combination "Time-of-Day" electric clock and four hour timer.

. .

SERVICE WHA~ WE SELL • Non-tip, four position chrome oven rack.

- • "Floating-in-Flame" oven allows perfect roasting and baking with an "all-round" heat.

0 D·own Payme·n· ,t· .. Roomy storage drawer •• ' opens silently on nylon bearings.


*PHONE 4041

FIRE INSURANCE i . CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. I Agr•nh for



Sal:n·y i:- nn lht~ :-~·:tiL' o[ .s:::tm 100 :;(i.J.I Pl·r :uJIILnn. ln­lt'n·;lvd partlt·; ,hoold ,·olnnil applir~lliun . ..; tnltllllin~ qn;t]ifiea­

: tin11~ and {'\Pt·rit·ncc. or t'3n . oh1ain furtbcr information from:­

Thc Sl!pPrintrndent, !:cnrr;~J llo;l>il:ll, St .. John's, U:OS.\RD mLLEit, ~I.Tl.,


thl• St. .J1,hll'~ ~·~)rrwr : Yiee will !"~Ill t:·nm tht : Coa~lal Wh;Jr! \",IIi 1

Friday. Jwu.' ~.\r,:

Train '"Tht· ' .;r;l\{)u" · St. John'~ 1::'1; p m. .June 22nrl, ,,.,1: make lion at Pori ill"·

~LV. Bonann. rn ~Quth

HARD'WARE STORES i Drputy ~lini,lcr of Health. ClOks t female) are 11rgently ________ .;....;;..;;_ : jnl7 3i,cod rrqnired for the Cottage llospit-


<.:oss~::nw-. rue BAY SERYJ( 1 TOOL RENTAL i ---- - ---· · -------· • <Jis of Grand Bank and Burin.

I Rl".\ I l"lliJJ.\\' Electric ~abre Saws. Portable Sanders and

Skill Saws. Reasonable Rates

BARRIS & HISCOCK LTD. General Hardware Sporting Goods.



DIAL 4183 ~16 WATER ST.

GROCERS (Retail)

L.HEALEY Cross Roads and Water Street

DIAL 3026


Prompt Delivery On • STOVE OIL • FURNACE OIL • liARD COAL • SOFT COAL • lllO~- ~IHE"AN




Water Street

__ ni_A-L2 _6_.r;s __ u_z_3 _ I REG. T. MORGAN INSURANCE Ltd . Temple Bldg,, P.O. ·-ox 168,

3U Duckworth St. DIAL 80370 or 1156


M. CONNORS Ltd. Prescriptions Pickup and

delivery service. PHONE 2206


H~JI1d&! At~dJJ DEALE"


PHONE 6127

SJiary is Sl!B.33 per month. ' from which S35.42 is deductible Regular B:cli >.rn. train

ing St. .John.< Frida~. ' for board and lod~ing. Uniform 23 d "II . "~t1on I · · r w1 m;l,.;,· 'i':nli ...... : anc laundry serv1ccs are pro· , ' . . 1 ,1 • Vt~!l

· 1 1 "rgent1a w11 , .•. n.or -VH "' • I . B • t

Applications stating age, ex· p acenlla /:: ,,er\"lc · perience, etc., should. be ad- ' bmed Run. drc ;sed to:-':\urse in Charge :

i of Cottage Hospital, Grand ) CO,\ST SERI"ICE 1 Bank or l\'ur:e in C~Iarge of : . Regular 2: .lll a !.ll ~r~:n ~ i Cottage Hospital, Burtn. 111g St. .Johns 1 nda), i I.EO:o\ARil :\IlLLER, :I-I.D., 23rd will m 1kP con'1""'"" 1 Deputy )Jinister of Health. Arg~ntia wit 1 ~ s. Bar I jnl7,3i,eoll ............................... 1 on South c001 ;t Scnict


I ST. JOII:\'S . "

I Train "Th·~ i"anbou , 1St. John's l::lO p.m. I Three weeks after date here- 'June 23rd. w.ll make i of the unrlersigned ~:ives notice at Lewisporle w11h .II ' that it will make application to passey on Lrwis;onrtc-St .

the Boarrl o[ Liquor Control for : SerricP. permission to sell spirils, hecrs · CON:'\F('T!O\' and winrs in its cluh situated : ' ' ·1\.\1\ ~F.H

• at ll2 1l!il1lary Hnarl, St. .Tohn'~. ! T · ' .. 1-11 " f"mhmr"" ' 1 I 1':\lJl r

' Till·; f'IJNSEit\'ATIVE Cl.l)JI. :St. .John's J::lll r m. : jn!5,22.26 :.rune 2:lrrl, \ltll make V j--~· 1 at Lcwispnrlr lltlk ~L. I dale on L,:wi;pnrlr-:'>atn

OVERHEAD DOORS vice-callin> ~t thP. I ports: Twill!n~al~, Sl.


Battle Harbour. Goose Bay, North 1\'est Rigolet, Sm)keY~ EmilY bour Cape Harnson, ·

• d l 03111 Postvilb, Hope a c, let, Nain .


Train The caribOU

Electrical Operators Residential and Commercial


St. John's 1:30 tnmn~~~~ day, June ~:3rd: Will with nection at Le11"15P0rle Springdale for ports to Brook.



APPL[ • '\l('''S ~ "- m\"23 lmth "· .<. ·~¥.~~ ........................................... \ -·-· _. --------'


KIN 80)

Newspa Ser

B I 8 4

14 5 s 6

19 21 23


20 consolatit

Help Kin




You probably Is you

Do you have I

We will glad] gram with ' Why not call

J. K. L~


1 Third flot


able for ol

with wash

~culars pi Jne20,22.24

Y( Requi

For employ1

firm. Fin c

an employe\

mum Grade

by letter to


liP Alii


Page 15: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

. ···;,

~ ') '• I .. /


• ... ~ ( 1 .... t.

ron ·; ~-"l k

IIi day h T\nad ,~,.iq

'"\ lll HT

~.:r<0r \'"!~•

~C:'\ :C't.

I ;' m. ... .1.~r r£'1

,: ·,·1 h ~~ \' n•tr :"'~ 1 " .~r .

;>\ thP ;,tr, St.

... ·'·



Newspaper BINGO Series No. 48

I N G 0 19 3.'5 46 63 21 45 51 64 23 41 60 67

5 17 49 7.'5

39 68

61 10

~0 cnn;;olation prizes for the letter "L"

Help Kin - Help Kiddies

Expert Watch Repairs


(HECK YOUR INSURANCE Y.•u p1nhablv need ADDITIONAL fire insur­t~ce. ls \'~ur AUTO Insurance adequate ?

D" 1nn ha\'e BURGLARY/THEFT insurance?

1\"r will gladly talk over your insurance pro­r:am \\ ith you. No obligation of course.

\lbr not call us to-day.

S. FIDELITY & GUARANTY Co. J. K. LACEY, Resident Manager, &

J. LACEY INS. Ltd. (Associate Agency)


TO LET Th:: ,J floor of Royal Bank of Canada

bllilcling. 445 Water Street West. Suit­

al1le fnr offices, Club rooms, etc. Heated,

11 ilh \\'ashroom facilities. For further par­

ticnlars please dial 90312. me20.22.24

YOUNG MAN Required Immediately

For rmplorment in office of wholesale plumblnl

ftrm. Fi,·e day week, excellent working eondltloDI,

all employee beneflta. Pennanenl. Must have mini­

mum Grade XI, and between 18 · 2:1 yean. App]y

b:r letter to Box 109 care this paper.

----,., •••••• IIIII -

Annature Works Ltd.



1-0il & Electric Range Reg.

with High Shelf ... $345.00

1-0il Range with Back Guard & Minute Minder $250.50 $199·50

5- Space Heaters (Small)$ 89.95 $ 65·00

4-0il Space Heaters (Large) .............. $139.95 $112·50

4-0il Floor Furnaces $2,19.50 $17 5·00

2-Used reconditioned Gun type Burners (Less Controls .................. each $25.00

1-Used Hot Water Furnace (As Is) ...................... $75.00

1-0il Range with \Vater Reservoir and 'Minute Minder $295.50 $225.00



189 WATER STREET PHO~E 6077 ----·------ -------·-------"··-----



2177-8-9 .----::-:--



Offer Good Fridn.y and Saturday




T E Nl'S by

L E c·K IE 9 x 9 Tourist ............................ $35.00 9 x 9 Tourist Deluxe ............... $37.811 9 x 12 Deluxe "Bustleback" .. $55.35 Cottagalre ............... '?5.919 and $91.10 (All above with Steel Poles and Pegsl Hikers' Tents from ....................... $6.~ Air Mattre1se1 ............................... $5.!15 Sleeping Bags from ................... $8.95

We Jacketl, Kapok and Foam {All Government Approved)





I GARDEN PARTY St. Kevin's Parish


Sunday August 6th


Bids are inviled hy the Corporation fm work upon the following:-

Installation of water and sewer mains and the construction of streets in the area rnnning west of Thorhurn Hoad and parallel to the Trans Canada I lighway (Kenmount Hoad).

IJlans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the St. John's Housing Cor­

. poration, Confederation Building, where all enquiries regardirtg this work should be directed.

A deposit of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) is required for the plans and specifications, which will h'! refunded to umuccessful bidders upon the return of the said plans and specifi­cations.

Tenders will close at uoon, Thursday, June 29th, 1961, and should be addressed to The Comptroller, St. John's Housing Corpora­tion, Confederation Building, St. John's, and the envelope marked "Tender for Interior Road Kenmount Area".

The Corporation reserves the right to re­fuse all or any hids.


~ -~ - -·---··~~~· -· ----

Lodge St. Andrew No. 1139 S.C. A.F. A:-\D :UI.

An Emergency Meeting vVILL BE HELD


BUSI.l\ESS: E.A. DEGHEE. G. THO~IAS, Secretary .




For SIX P.:t\1. TO ONE A.:\f. duties. Five nights a week. Free taxi home after duty. Three weeks paid vacation. Proficiency increases every six months. Full pay dur­ing training. Phone 3030 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for details.

STORE HOURS Effective July 1st., our store will be open

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and

Saturday 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

and Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.




jne 17,20,22,2.4 .

To mark

THE · GOLDEN JUBILEE of his Ordination to the Priesthood

Rev. Canon H. W. and Mrs. Facey

will be at home from 3 to 6 p.m. and 7.30 to 10.30 p.m.

THURSDAY, June 22nd at the residence of his son,

H. Gerald Facey, 29 Empire Ave. (Just west Carpasian Road)




Hurry Hurry Hurry

This is your Last Chance to get vour tickets iu the

~ JOHN'S !:!2,:~ CLUB ~IAM~lOTH


To be giwn awav Frida\ uighL June 23rd: ..


1 !>61 Meteor to the $ltJOO Cash to the · · buyer. buyer.

$1000 Cash to the sel­ler.

8500 Cash to the sel- · ler. · . :

Tickets will be sold 011 \\'atcr Street up nntil : 8 p.m.-Drawing to take place at 9 p.m. So ~et vour tickets now ancli!ELP THE LIO\'S PAY :. OFF THE POOL.

It has been brought to the attention of the :· Committee that a nnmher of ticket<> haw been · sold without names ou thr stubs. These stubs · will he in the draw and cligihle for prizes. So hole! vottr tickets, c1·es down and looking. -. jnc20.21

WANTED Junior Office Clerk


Presenting neat appearance. Grade XI education. Apply

P.O. BOX 1417


is now hc:ated at the Gow~rnment Sen·ices Building, Han·cy Road, 2nd Floor, East Wing, a ncl will open to the public on :\londa,·, June 26th. 1961. Telephone "8"Jf.· -·(·1- ..,_3,.. P o· 1) H "4-:. :.o, I l ,), I.), I. . . JOX -- •).

LEO\'AlUJ MILLER, Deputy :\finister of Health.




STEWARDESSES For its Newfoundland-Labrador Air

Services. Interesting work with an ex·

panding Company. Complete Training

Course starting July l. Applicants mmt

possess the following qualifications:

Age . 20 to 27

Education .............. Grade 11 C·~rtificate

Height .................. . ... . . 5' 2 ' to 5' 7"

Weight ................. 102-13.5 in proportion

~larita I Status . Single

r. lary . . . . . .. . . . .. $:250 per month with 6 months prohationary

Training . . . ... .. . .... . . .Two week training. period at Gander at

Cor pany expense


C/o Box No. 201, Daily News.

r I

' .

I .

I I . I . !

I ./

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Page 16: erman eace rea c. - Memorial University of · 2014-08-04 · • erman eace rea ALL COMPACT THE DAILY NEWS 4-door

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. I

I l I l

"Blarney" FRUIT CAKE ll,4 Pound Tins

"Bia~ ' WHISKEY CAKE 13~ Pound Tins



l's al\(1 '~·s

;c------~ ~ "Ingersoll" CH~EESE

SPR·EAD l's and %'s



SHADE TREES Crimson Kin!( Maple

Svcamorc ~laplc Norway ~laple Rubruia Maple

(Brilliant scarlet foliage in fall l

Horse Chestnut Hawthome and Lime

Flowering Shrubs Quince

Forsythia Flowering Crab Golden Alder

Bush Honevsuckle Hybrid Lilacs

Spirt>a Snowball, etc., etc.

Privet Hedge Plants

Green Leaf and Purple Leaf Barberry

Fruit Trees and Raspberry Canes

SEED CO., LTD., 410 W .\'l't:R S'l'ltEET, Phone !32~. St. ,John'1



: OLTH. DISCONTENT Juhu Steinbeck ... $4.95 ·


Edwin O'Coniwr 5.50 intE KOHLER STH.lKE

Svlvcstcr Petro 3.95 · FOi\EIGN OFFICE • CONFIDENTIAL

G. ;\I. Kind and ;\1, Bird


Janet Gille-spie TilE JWT\'S AHE I\' IIAB I TED

\I ttricl Bcadlr C:HEC'S CIIOICE

(; rcl!;orv Clark TilE i\.t\G OF :\TIIELNEY




A lfrl'd Duggan 4.23 D'liCKWORTH STREET DIAL 5101 ST. JOHN'S - --- FIC!lTL\'G AmiTRAL

~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I. Saving The capt. ]) ' ;\I ac! Ill yre 3' i5 ED\\'1\'A

1 :Unborn Child ~toL'i\THATTE:'>i ScRtts Pt.,\\' 8" rRr Th B d p h• Coutttcss Brcknock .)..j() 'ROll£ I.\P·-ltalian morir: ose e us Ing Or The Mother? :\\'CEL OF

-producer Din11 d~ Laur!'nti5 an· • Ell Ry GEtlitGF; w. COH:-1 ' ' ' II T' I)S'O\' BAy n()unctd Saturday that Chri~lop-~ AI' Religion Writt•r l ·


TilE D.\TLY :'\'EWS, ST. JOI·J:\'S, i\FLD., TI!L'HSD:\Y, )l':\E 22. HJB[





KODAK hPr Fry, Briti~h playwright and c NEW \'OHK IAI'•-Slwuld ~n \\'. S. A11dcrson roct. ha~ ~~reed to write the i' ontests! ll1',1'(11'n 'lnl',•tttl's life he satriliced .,. Ills· Is· '['I· I''· final scrl't'npla~· for his $25,000,- u I - L ------· ----------1100 production The Bible. Fry. to save the mother'! Is il proper .1101 Y LA.\:D T aaid hP Wa5 "I'Nv enthusiastic to usc tr;mquthzers even though • , l Sl ·t g- y Bl d F Th ' about this assignment." LONDON iCP) - Canadian expedition, said the g r 0 II p they alter ;m indi\'idual's na- :\lsgr. I· II ton ' wen .... ) oung 00 or e Gries

·----· ---- uni1•ersity students who strained "wanted to do something un- : tural prr~onaltty 7 , I. & ( L d ' their hacks last year in bed· usual to celebrate national· "Yes," in both cases, .. ~:ty OIC!tS 0. t , · Sub Trade pushing contests will have to re- youth hostels wl't'k. We are very most of a group of Amellcat: • 1 I llv Tmt A. crLI.EN double their efforts to keep up pleased we succeeded." :theologians, ~loclors and olhr_l I rhe Hooksellers LONilO;\, I :-.lEA )-0111 Eng-Tenders \\'lth the Br1'tish. The bunk, decorated with hos- · scholars quemct. m a IICI\. olml).·

I t t I 1 1 91 l;md has its :\'rw Fron\lersmen, I Twenty youth hostelers from tel signs and the Ul\ion Jack,. ln such ques IOns 01 ao ·. lO ~:. s,>in 4·t2;''i or 2008 or 31. iOO. _-. -- . . :Derby recently took 212 hours was borrowed from R nearby, ever. mural and mcdtca1 f,lclots Tit c)' might not ha

1·e been Trnd~r5

\1.111 be rcrrl\ed up to heave a double-deck bunk :vouth hostel. Between the sheets often an! mterworcn. . . ELIIdBLE FOR LOW RATES I 5 ,. da J me 30th r· 1 t 1 tl k , up front whe11 the pictures 11

· p.m. crt Y •. 1 _'. motlntAd on pr'ln \\'heels up on the top deck was Pauline To try tug. ct I 1e. 1e,;, tm ·m.l_. 0'1''1':\.\\':\ ICP•. - The gorcrn. · 1""'1 f h I d I t < u h 1 11 were taken during Prc,;ident "" or mer ant!a. an <' ee : 900-foot Thorpe Cloud. one of the Blaze~·. 17 • year - old factory on these PI ohlc~Js, l ~ . ' 11 1 ~ 1 ment Saturday mtroduced a htll neal suh rontra,rt~ '". connec- 'hil!hest hills in England's Peak! worker. She fell out only once .. \cadcmy fur Scholarshql lws.·; which would mnkc t•ape,;ccd eli- Krnltedy's l'ioit hec;tu,;e Prime I th th "fld C 11 { " 1 t 1 •th1 p :llinistt•r :llacmillan·s genera-ton WI r ''· · 0 r~c 11 I district.

1 obtained . answ!•rs o en~ . : gihle for the low l'1·ow,;ncst ass

Trade\ and T~chnology, Plans The Ol'~anizei'S c I RImed a. A stunt planned by London's qlll'Sttonalres from 400 tloc!OJ '· ~rain·C:II'I')'in~ rates. Hnppsccd. tioll still holds the top spots and ~pcrlfu·attons ma)' he \'ICI\'· . Wl>rld record for pushing beds Bob Platten will he e\'en more clergymen, profe,ors an~l oth· an t•.wandin~ oii->P<·d,; crop on hpn•. But thpy· «1'1' n•r)· much -~ t tl ''fld B t f T I · 1 L tl "It ·ch · 1 in p\·idence in lhe batkground "'' a _ IP ·' _ · oar< 0 ra! .c. · IIJl mountains although !heir bed 1 difficult to match. He intends to er.s ol . t te ll tcr;m L 111 • , thr l'r:~irie,;. h:~d pre1 I OIL',. 1"7 \1 St t St 1 h I I 'I 1 1 1 f of the Consrrralhr Party. :' ater • r~c · ' · • 0 , n s, fell apart halfway up the ~lopr :cross the I•:ngli~h channel in his ''. t.<~o_un ·'''IIIII ·• hPPn dt'l'l;lreil b1·. a 1n:m . o :\fld .. ~nd nbtatnrd frnm Nfld. I and had to bP hauled I he rest grandmother's old hmss bed- USbf Ul. DRUI. . . tran,pnr~ romlllJSSIOlll'rs rlll111g proddiug the Tories to kerp f;n;;tnrrrm_~ and . Co~struct1on: of the way by rope~. 1 stead mo[mted on empt)' oil Uerc is the ma.torlt)· eonsr·n~ not to he a ~r; 1 i 1_1 for the pur- up with the times. to .. Ltrl.. St. .Johns. :\f!d. : .John D'At-cy, 25 leader of the 1 tanks. ;us on some of the ltouhlmh poses ot lite low t 1·ow,;nesl Pil:is TIH'Y are krw\\'n ~s the B!ll\'

Trndcrs shall be addrel'sed to 1 i issues: ~rain rat"' fixed b)· statute. , (;roup of Couservati\'e,;. so-!\fld. En~inrerinl: and Construe- 1 : Tranquilizers, e ,. c n tlun1~h · eallrd becatbc ihey han~ adopl-tion ro .. Ltd .. Woolworth Build· ' Approve B ... eath Surveyors I they change personalities to a Pd ilS their cmhll'lll the no"-in;:, \\'atrr Street, St. John's, greater or lesser degree, arc . how. whil'h "shoots straight and !>Ocwfnundland. useful and should he contimtcd, hils the hulls-eye e\·cry time.''

The lowest or an~· tender not Tests On Move but under medical guidance. Founded 10 years ago, the llet•rssarily arreptcd. A therapeutic ,1hortion is jus- · gruup has 873 members. A

SFI.D. ENGINEI-;RJNG & tifiablc when contimwnce of the dozt•n arc ~!embers of Parlia-fONSTRUfTION CO., LTD. ~10:-ITREAL (CPl-The ('ana- OTTAWA fCPI-Somc 1.000 p r c g nancy would "harm, menl. Best known is Chris

1 jn\4,1~.21.22 dian Medical Association Wed-! sun•eyors in 82 field parties i shorten or terminate the life of Chatawa)', the runner who nesdav gave official approval 'ha1•e fanned across Canada to 1 the mother." pacrd Hoger Bannister when for th~ first time to breath-tests map the· country's land a1·ens: But an abortion is not iusti- Bannister ran the first under-for alcohol and recommended and chart its lakes, ri\·ers and. fiablc bcc<lll<e of clear el'idencr 1 four-minute mile. Chat away is the Criminal Code be amended coasts. that the offspring is going to be now a back beneher in the to make such tests standard in The mines and technical sur- mentally o1· physieally dcfectil'e House of Commons. drunk-driving cases. • \'C,Vs department said Wedncs- or hot!;. . But the Bow r;roup's in

Approval of the breath test :day the crews, touchin~ areas lf a p:lliPnl is incurniM nnd flut'ncc far outwci~hls ils num was given at the CMA's annual I in just al)[)ut ever,v section of nearing death, he should he told 1 1oueh'' in British politics. The

IIEI.PI\'G 11:\:\f): Bowman (' hatawav gel~ ~o111~ )H•Ip from the boss, Prime )lin istcr :namtillnn.

. . Jrr.,, meeting after a report from the 1 the country, will work on pro.J- the truth. c ,. en though lw Jo'ormer \'ice PresidPnt Ril'h· l'on.<crqtiw party is inl'lined association's t r a { f I c accident i e~ls ranging from ~ontrol map- doesn't ask it. and eren though l9.i II.UIILTO:\ ,\\'E. ani :\ixon \\'ils so impre:;;erl :o talu' \'Oimg voters for ~rant-committee. • pmg of the terntoncs to chart-. relali\'t';; obit'ct. . __ after a risit with the Bow c;r011 p t'd. sa,·;· a n'cen! editorial in

The committee also set down 1

ing sea routes. Artificial inst'min:lllon to ob- IIIR'I'IIS !hal he said the Rcpnblic;nt Cros'l;c,r. the group's pnhli-its rt>commendations for judging I, Working from land, sea and lain pre.~nancy in n woman is Party t·ould do with ~neh a en ion. :\othing would s<·arr the rrsults of the tests-which 1 air, they wil.l operate thr?ugh ·wrong if the semen comes from ~roup. youth ,,way quicker. the erli-.

nJecled b\' thr Zl•' c:·:l:"rn'­;are rPlat.ion~. n. ,_.,: ::~1 i1ra1<· aid for the ~trt::. prr.·ll Tt'inr:.: more spenrlin,r n 1 flri~.lraltr.;,

APPEAL R I· I fTIED measllre the blood alcollol level ·the summer m e1•er.v prol'lnce, • ·,1 tlonor. l>ttl Pl'opet· 1f the srmen \!Of!(;.\\' - Born to Roher! ·· 11 1 l 1 · 1 , " ' tori a! a< 1 s. t tan n "J'e apse tn o RO~JL~ 1 :\1' . __ '.n J:a:ior. ;: of an ind1'v1'dua!. bl'inglng Canada's maps up to. comc.s from the hushnnrl. A <liHI .loan ~lor~an I nee Gill<'lt l

1 r.

:\lthou~h the al'cra~c a~c o[ hum J]edom. . 11rals conrl I'( je._:co S't:rd·· '' . date and surveying some areas sll·on!! minuritv felt it is proper. at the (;race .\latemit,· J!os· · · · 1 1 1

th ·1 It f f I · ' ' 1 pre,cnt Bowmen is only 27. ";\otnmg cott ' ·' reng en 1 an appeal b,\' thr >t.,lr . 15 unsa e or m?s pe~sons never b€fore covered. ·in either case. pita! on .runr ~I st. a rlan.~ ller. so mueh as a dosr of the radical

1 1

to dnve a moto1· \•eh1cle "'Jth a The,v will also survey sites for Euthanasia, the inducin~ of an c;rrta .lanr. 8 lbs. 6 m. Si>tc;· thrir ranks undouhtPrlly indudr 1

. ,_. .11

h' 1

p . to1· a~<tinsl annt.!n:r:: e. 1 1



bl d I hI 1 1 f 0 05 flit lirA llrt'!t',·ll C"hl'lt"l lllt.llt.'lt·r· Jl am-srea,;m;: WI 1 w IC 1 rest- .'lt"'t·c,•n pt'O'.··y· n·,-,,-1'1'·-"e O• · oo ,, a co 0 ev.e 0 •· per I airports, schools, radio stations, cas_v death for incurable pa- for Karen. " ·' ·" ' " ·'· ~ h ·' ' ·• ·' "

t th It d '1'1 "r• liP h'l" hnctt c•llccl den! K.·nnecll.· >ecms to e per· ~~··1cl flel'2tnart •, n<'· r..o<-.. r:l~ p.· .. cen · e commt ee 581 • and residential and othe1· tlcvcl- ticttls in ~reHl pain, is wron~. 10 n 1 '' ' " ., · · " t · th ~ ih l 1 .. 11 EANS ONI y SQL?llll:S- ~Jr. illtrl \Irs. \\'111. the "left wing of the Tor)· suadinp llH• American people sc\lini. Tlw Swc:l:-" n!m •'.'

Chairman Dr .. Wallace Troup opmen ~ m, 7 . 01 we;; an! , ORDINARY I' '.. ' . . . Squires .. Jr .. I nee Hosalie Learn- t•arty," "lhr a !fluent reform- to lak;. a fresh. hopeful look and the llali:m c:•ector •<'• of Ottawa explained this would Yukon Terntones. In a hopelessly d''tnf ~lallcnti ir.~. H.:-1. ). are ph'ascct to an- ers," "\lat·millaH's window-tires- <~l thpir future.'' married in ~lcxil'•' I' 'ear~ 1:

HOSTESS he the equivalent of three pinl~ ordinary mean,; shoulc e usel , 1 1 ·. 1 f 1 ·. 1 "h · .. 1 ,. · · 1 (;coflre.\' Howe, 34·)'l'ar.old ,•fiAt' a temr".'''··r"' o·,e ~if:l:· f I th 11L d · k to sustain life and rdieve sufler- • noume I 1r >Ill 1 o t tell <au~ - ,;mg. n rca 1ty, 1\ 1:; a rcsearl' 1 .. , , o >eer or. ree .z ounce rm s . . . d' .. , 'ter on .June 2bl, at I he Grace organizatioll operating within law\'l'r and editor of Crossbow. ,\n Ilali~n conn ::rY"'o the, .

. of hard hquor for an average The hangbag that goes wIth, mg, bul exllaor 1 ~1 •11 ~ means- . . . , · f k ,;a\·~ thr •·r011 p is impressed hy nttlltJAnt on ,111110

:o 1~.111. F \''t'll Knock at your Door 150·""tlnd man. everythin" is yet to be lash- •. such as heart stmmlalor> and ~Ialerntl) Il•" thP Con>er\'altl'e ramcwor -. - ,_ c

'"' " p 1 ·1 ld bet he d the taliber or the men in the prosecutor appe .. :C· '"' rit:: b l'onftd. Rememl>er tltat a hand- · ox;.•gen-should not he usrd. _________ cnaps I eou s c-Wit . Gifts and Greetin<Ys < f I tl ------- ; S<'rihpd a> a "ginger group." a Kennerly administration.

,., bn~: is a costume accessory as Transplants o eyes am o tcr: DEATHS . . . . .· "Such a collection of expert< ftoin Friendly Business TO PUBLISH "EGUI.ATIO~'... well as a necessit,·. m·gans from the tlead lo the - - ------- --- - · ---- pccultar Bnt1sh cxprcsston for· 11 1

. _11

. B .t n ,~ ' ll t 1 II b f won ! lC tmposst 1 c Ill n -N, · hb d y living is proper. c· 0 (' \" 1, .. , 1 . a group 1a >lll 1 s on 1rcs

e1g ours an OUr O'ITAWA <CPl - Transport . . . . . . tl ~A I " " - am1 peace- 'tllller tlw stodgy ain." Howe claimed. "Here the Cl'vtc'. ·and Soct"a) Groups Minister Balcer said Saturday ~¥0~1 Stenhzahon IS proper 111 • te full\' awm· at tlw (;cneral Hos-' ' .. · · · ' ~o\'crnmcnt has to choose its 'S HONEY Of A :case of a mentally defccltve • .1 ·1 ·1 ?J 1 1 2 1 I he Bow Groups most not- .. ::>n the · f in the Commons that regula· IT A 1 . . 1- l · pt a on · uuc - s . a p.m ... bl 1 ·b 1· 1 1 t h ministc·rs from Parliament. and · occaston o · i. person to 1 eprn·e morons 11 111 s ·

1 , • 1 f , 1. 1 1 c 1. a e con n u wn o <a e as

.. ·.: ' • lions governing federal subsi- LOA. f 11 and imbeciles of the ahi.lity to I _.,gncs.SI w11

P o 1-• 1e WI' -

1a< 1· been the launching of World. it is ~I most impossible to at-New Comer to the Ctty, d1'e.• for fl"sht'ng vessels w1'll be I · . . . "nn. . w rans o mourn nts- · t 1 1 'ttr"smcn attd aca ' · s i procreate. But IS IS wron.~ m I ob 1. f'. . , 1. 1. ,1 p 1 1 Hefugee Year, wh1ch was taken rar HIS I ·'· '-

The Birtb of a Baby. published • within 10 day~. He OUR OWN BREAD • the cnse of parents to hall child- .. a1k11 •0

1\P·l "c'~151 ·, ·'. 1e t.SI'lt: 1

a:: up by the Briti.:h gorernmrnt. dt·mic men to the higher ranks



GUARANTEED WORK PHONE 964273 90943 was replymg to J · W P1ckers- . r· . 11 rtc an11 . .o •, , cp wn, 1 1 t 11 d 1 1 1 tl f tt11 ct·\· 1·1 onr\·1·ce · · ', · · · · · BEST BY TEST ; I b1rtbs for manctal Ol' u lei' , ' 1 nJ 1 , .. '!· ,0 , 't 111 ._ an< even ua y a op e1 >y 1e o • ·'- . ·. d ' lg1\l fL- Bonav1sta. Twllhn· . I\IO !au.,ttls ..•• nharl a1 !11

.1 1 N 1. 'TI' .

1 tl

1 tl

3582 . -:t'1! . * :t.:Jn-.n~· reasons. ·~I.. AI, \J· r. . 11 . • .111 e1 a wns. · n; IS one o tc ar •·a1 - PHONE . au gatel. '

8 *"* *~ · Most of the scholars said they 1


1;". \~ 1.n 1· .. n:1. 1~~~\ ,. 111 ~ i •· • • : ogl's t•f the American spoils


•PINE POLES (classes from l 1to 6). PENTA TREATED POLES Lengths to 60 feet. · ·

•pJLJNG (classes A, B and C). TIMBERS,· Hemlock and • ; ' Treited and untreated in lengths to B.C. Fir, in sizes· 3. by 3 i

· · ~ .. ·· inches to 16 by 16 inches. 60 feet L h 40 f _ , . engt s to eet.

A1pnateria1s to C.S.A. and Treatments to A.W.P.A. Specifications

il/1111 11/JIJ·IJHIJ· IIIJII . - '( ~SION _e,~ .. .. :--,

,....c.- --- . - ....

) : ;. . . l . ' . . ' -. .,._



bt>licl'e in "faith healing," hut' sts etsB··' _1s.' ·t~':'. \'t !1'11.1 ~; 'I Thr grou11 was founded by a ;;ystem." he oddrd. "It makes· not in "faith healers." 1 L1°h1'Y -~-,~· 1'

11H tt' '·\·11" tel ·r· ' handful of Oxford and Cam-· for a turno\'('r in gn\'Cl'llmr·nl C fl . t' 'th. R C 1 t' rn ° .on• a ' 1 lCI', O· ' 1 ·•1 • • -' 1 t · I ll · f · f bl I " on •c mg wt oman .a- . t 0 t . 1 . ll · 1,. 1 n·tuge unn·erstly grautwtcs. m , ant tc ~~~ uston o npw ont.

tl I. 1. tl h II ll l ·ron o n . one 11 o lCr, ,, - . . . .1

B (' . 10 1c _teac.ung, tey e 1 ta : . k D .. j .,,. Bal' Funrral 1l has broadened out to tnclude • ~lPai~Wht e. the ow ,roup 1s

crcmahon 1s proper. 1nc >CJ, '0

M· :j · L men under 36 from busmcss, i domg 1ls bps[ to ft\1 tl11s gap The majority consider homo- 1 from her lalt' _rest! enre, o~y law journalism, advt>rtising and by supplying expert knowledge n d I h r I Bay With Rcqutcm \lass at St. i ' ._ . • ' . I

sexua 1 y an a co o 1sm as , : · . Ch h 0 l C , 1 1 tclcvtsJOn regardless of un1ver- , as well as new 1< cas to the .\lac-sicknesses. 1 !·~~nets S u~c ·1

11 er o\c, a :sit\· background. i millan go,·ernmcnt. ln dtoosing They felt· that a rerson who . 9· a.m. a un ay. The Bowmen t•onscious i research projects, it is apt to

com~ its suicide is ment~\ly ill, : FEAVER _ Passed away at : of the need for ''Kennedy 1 pick subjects overlooked or nc-but Is. re~ponstblc _for bts act. Barton's Nursing Home, Goulds, I ---and sms tn comm1ttmg 1!. :Sarah Harding l'ea\'rr, widow :

, 1 of the I ale Charles .E. Feaver, 1

1 -o-:- , St. .Tohn's. She leaves to mourn t


CentrE! Ltd. 90 CAMPBEll AVE.

hou~ 'PHONE 73l3

1 Crushed ~arpct p1le. can be re- 'two sisters, Elizabeth l ~Irs 1 stored w1th a h~t Iron OHI' a i Leonard Parsons), ~lay (Mrs.

damp cloth, careful. not Sandv Parsons) The fo'ront, Bell to prcs5 too hard on the tron. Island; one sister-in-law, i.\1rs.

Lawrence Reid, Macklin Place, St. John's; three nephews, Bert and Ted Parsons, Hubert Chur­chill, Bell Island; three nieces,



R•:CEIVING 01-'FICE, I AD~~I.r\IDE :-.'TRJ-:IO:t

Dial 5181 · Z · a

I Muriel (Mrs. Oliver White), Bell Island, Nellie Churchill, Portugal Cove, Maude (Mrs.

· J. A. Kennedy), 41 West Street, ·Corner Brook. The funeral . :will take place at 11 a.m. to-j 1 day from Carnt>ll's Funeral i Home, 28 Cochrane Street, to 1 the Anglican Cemetery.


COHEN-The funeral of the late Mrs. Nathan Cohen will lake place at 3 p.m. to-day from her late residence. 112 Portn· gal Cove Road, to the Black : marsh Hoad Cemetery. (No '

i flowers by rcqucsl) .

We have ample stocks of

FISHERY SALT for immediate delivery in St. Anthony and Lewisporte.

Further supplies due to arrive in a few days at St. Anthony. -l H. MURRAY & Co., Ud.



6 Cdinder, full t I $26!

erra Nova 68. No. 144


Flemir Forma

By i\L. Canadian

OTTAWA-CP­that he isn't

parliament< governor fi

The bank issued after the gow

plan tn ~r

There were no ' t~rms of the bill ""

public until it is probably today. it was clear th;

will carry out ti· intention ann

14 by 1\Ir. Flem­Parliament apprm·

of the 50-year-ol· who rejected a ) bv the go1·ernnH

resignation. Jllr. ' appointment < would normo

Dec. 31. STORY


Join( ICPl-Briti:

urged the go,· to join the r ~larket.

Association of of Commercr

Prime Jl!inister Britain ~houl

Market "s•

said the der to make a > of the Canadi

its economi<

Weath. Sunny, Continui1:

lliglJ tOday 75.



······· ....... ........

••••• 0