eReceipt Verification Manual 2.0

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Transcript of eReceipt Verification Manual 2.0

Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Manual for e-Receipt Verification


Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Table of Content System Requirement...................................................................... 3Operating System........................................................................................................ 3 Adobe Reader.............................................................................................................. 3 Internet Explorer ......................................................................................................... 3

Validity Unknown Issue ................................................................ 4 For Adobe Reader 6.0.................................................................... 5Import issuer certificates to Add into Trust. ................................................................... 5 Verify Signature.............................................................................................................. 9 Valid Signature ............................................................................................................. 10

For Adobe Reader 7.0.................................................................. 11See Certificate and Add Trust....................................................................................... 11 Add trust identity to CCA India, Safescrypt RCAI Class3 and RCAI Class Consumer CA certificate ................................................................................................................ 13 Verify Signature............................................................................................................ 19 Valid Signature ............................................................................................................. 20

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. System Requirement Operating System Windows 2000 Professional with SP4 and Above Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Adobe Reader Adobe Reader 6.0 and above.

Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 and above with 128 bit Cipher Strength

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Validity Unknown IssueThe screenshot shown below shows a Digitally Signed e-Receipt. If it shows validity is unknown, it means that the respective Root Certificates are not trusted locally. To build this Trust, please refer the onetime settings required for the respective versions of Acrobat Reader.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

For Adobe Reader 6.0Import issuer certificates to Build Trust. Tobuild trust in Acrobat Reader6.0, Right Click on Signature inside the PDF document Click on Properties

Click on Trust Identity.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

The following screen will appear with the message. Trusting Certificates directly from a document is usually unwise. Are you sure you want to do this? Click on OK to add explicit trust to the issuer.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Click on the checkboxes below for the certificate shown inside the Certificates Textbox .To import, click on import.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

Page 7 of 21

Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Once, the Issuer Certificates are imported successfully, Click on OK

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Verify Signature Now to Validate, click on Verify Signature.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

Page 9 of 21

Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Valid Signature On the status being Signature is Valid, it means that the Signature is Verified Successfully.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

Page 10 of 21

Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

For Adobe Reader 7.0See Certificate and Build Trust Open the Signed PDF document to add trust in Acrobat PDF Reader7.0 Right Click on Signature Properties

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Click on Show Certificate, Click on Show all certification paths found and Select Trust Tab.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

Page 12 of 21

Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Add trust identity to CCA India, Safescrypt RCAI Class3 and RCAI Class Consumer CA certificate Click on Add to Trusted Identities if not adde. The red cross shows that trust is not built.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Click on OK to build trust.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Select Checkboxes below. Click on OK

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Trust is added successfully for Root certificate CCA India here. Similarly, select both SafeScrypt sub-CA certificates below CCA India in the certification paths found and add those to trusted Identities.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

SafeScrypt India RCAI-Class3 CA is successfully added into trust.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

SafeScrypt India RCAI-Class3 Consumer CA is successfully added into trust.

Click on OK

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Verify Signature Click on Verify Signature Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Valid Signature After the Verification process, Validation details will appear in the window.

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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Document Name: LIC Of India / Manual for e-Receipt Verification Safescrypt Ltd. Document version: 2.0 Date: 22/12/2005

Note that Signature is Valid now in the Digitally signed e-Receipt

Author: Mangesh Kurkut

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