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Asyoucanseefromthis 310JBackhoeapplication,this retrofitisengineeredto fit underthehood.




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Itfl '


"TIERuP"YOUREQUIPMENTTODAYNowavailableon thesemodels:

Loaders: BackhoeLoaders: Graders:644H,744H,644J, 210LJ,310J,410J, 7700,7720,8700,724J,744J,824J, 710G,and710J and8720 I544K,624K,644K, Excavators: CrawlerDozers:724K,744K,824K, 330CandZX330 700Jand750Jand844K



Nothin' but Nett

Theseexclusiveretrofitfiltersweredevelopedinconjunctionwith Nett

Technologies,a leadingenvironmentalcompanyspecializingindiesel-exhaust-pollutioncontrol.Thesefilters lowerParticulateMatter(PM)

emissionsonTier2 and3 enginesto near-Tier4 levels,andfit rigidCaliforniaregulationslikea BeachBoys'gearheadtune.Yes,thesekitscarrytheARB-verifiedlevel3warrantyof fiveyears/4,200hours.

A cleandesignthat clearsthe airYoumayhaveseensomeretrofitfiltersthatlooklikesomethingWileE.CoyoteorderedfromtheACMECorporation.Infact,manyretrofit

solutionsarelacking- thefinalproductmayperformthedesiredtask,but itsconvoluteddesigncanextendoutof theenginecompartment

andintoyouroperator'slineof sight.Withtheseretrofitfilters' cleandesign,you'llgeta filterdesignedto fit safelyandreliablyunderthehoodof yourmachine.


WhileJohnDeereretrofitfiltersdon'tcomecheap,theycostsignificantlylessthananewengine- letalonetheprojectedlistpricesforupcomingTier4equipment.Besidesastate-of-the-artdesignbuiltspecificallyforyourequipment,youalsogetprofessionalinstallationbyacertifiedtechnician.Andthat'snotall...

Thesefiltersareguaranteedto performWithanARB-verifiedlevel3warrantyoffiveyears/4,200hours,JohnDeereretrofitfilterswillcontinuetoreduceemissionsformanyproductivejobs..

-- -~~ d

- FuelLines- PressureLine- Data/PowerCables

Here'sa sampleschematicfor a

750J CrawlerDozer.

August 2010 I 4-5










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Withexceent pay oad-to-weight ratio and fuelefficiency, Deere ADTs

hau more for less,

r~ n______-





John Deere D-SeriesIIADTsboast superb payload-to-weightratios. That meansbetter fuel efficiency and faster cycletimes to makeyour dollar go further. By allowing you to move

more material at an extremely low cost per ton, DeereADTsgiveyou the competitive edge.

Nolightweightswhenit comesto performanceOther trucks are made_ofheavycast iron. Not Deere.

To achieve their excellent payload-to-weight ratio, DeereADTsare manufactured with high-strength, yet lightweight materials.Eachtruck is made using welded-alloy steel chassisand compo-nents, so they weigh severalthousand pounds less.But makeno mistake -lightweight doesn't mean light duty.

When you pull up to be loaded, for example, simply put the truckin neutral and the park brake will be applied. After loading iscomplete, all you needto do is put the truck in drive and step onthe throttle - the park brake releasesautomatically and awayyou go.

The driveline-assist feature further helps improve cycle times byautomating the dump process, saving time by performing severalseparate functions that the operator would have to performmanually on other trucks. When the operator is in position todump the load, he simply pushes the dump-body raise control.The truck automatically shifts to neutral. sets the park brake,revs the engine, and raisesthe body to full height.

"DeereADTstake more time to manufacture, becausethere is a lot

of fabricating involved," saysK.C.Clarendon,John Deereproductconsultant, ADTs."But the added strength and light weight are ahuge advantage.Weight is an enemyof off-road trucks."

Deeretrucks are no lightweights when it comesto performanceeither. Theselight, yet powerful trucks give Deerea number ofkey advantages.

"Number one is off-road ability," saysClarendon.The low weighttranslates into low ground pressureand excellent flotation-important becauseADTsrun in someof the toughest conditionsimaginable.

"If you can't haul it on land with a DeereADT,your next best betis a helicopter," jokes Clarendon. "Rough terrain, steep grades,mud - you name it. Deeretrucks thrive in areaswhere mosttrucks get stuck in the muck."

And with their low weight, Deeretrucks accelerate quickly whentraversing slopes. "ADTsare well-suited to running up and downhills," explains Clarendon. "We sacrificed a little bit of top speedfor better acceleration, and the result is fast cycle times."

The standard auto-park brake feature speedscycle times by auto-matically setting the park brake whenever the truck is stopped.

Tominimizetheriskof roll-




chassisexceedsa predeter-


To pull away, the operator simply hits drive and steps on theaccelerator - the park brake automatically releasesand thetruck is ready to go. To lower the dump body, a simple tap of thedump-body-Iower button will bring the body down instead ofhaving to hold the lever. While other trucks are stuck in firstgear until the body is all the way down, DeereADTsallow youto upshift all the way to third gear while the dump body islowering. This savesa lot of time.

Saveonfuel, tires,brakes

Their light weight also makes Deeretrucks extremely fuel effi-cient. "Our trucks don't carry around a lot of extra weight, sothey don't need to put out as much power or burn as much fuelto move at the samespeed as heavier machines," explainsClarendon.

Lower ground pressure also greatly reduces tire wear. And withthe high price of replacement tires these days, tires are a hugeoperating expensefor construction equipment owners.

Evenhalf a psi of ground pressure has a substantial impact ontire wear over the life of the tire. Becauseof the truck's lightweight, tires on Deeretrucks have four to eight lessground-pressure psi when fully loaded, substantially decreasing tirewearandoperatingexpense.> > >

August 2010 6-7

DeereADTs arestrong,yetlightweight,whichmeansmoreofyourfueldollarsarespentmovingthemate-rial,notthemachine-decreasingyourcostperyard.Theygothroughfewertires,too,savingsubstantialoperatingcosts.

Horsepower,kW (hp)

Operatingweight empty, kg [lb.]

Operatingweight loaded,kg [lb.]

Heapedcapacity,m3[cu. yd.]

Ratedpayload,kg [lb.]

Plusthe standard integrated tire-pressure-monitoring systemsendsa warning to the operator if a tire's pressure is low. Andwith JDLinkTM,you can also check pressuresvia the Internet. Ifa tire falls 10 percent below its set point, the operator will bewarned in the cab,while an email alert can be sent to you viaJDLink. Bytaking care of problems right away,you'll maximizetire life and fuel efficiency.

DeereADTsalso feature an automatic retarding system, whichslows the truck when the operator backsoff the acceleratorpedal. This increasesoperator confidence on steep grades whileextending brake life.

Onesmart truck

D-SeriesIIADTsalso boast numerous industry-exclusive featuresto help you be more productive at lower cost. The onboardweighing system helps you to keep tabs on the productivity ofyour ADT.By monitoring the number of loads carried and thetonnage via JDLink, project supervisors and estimators can seehow things are coming along.

8-9 August 2010


Dump-body rollover protection helps protect your investment- and your operator - by preventing the dump body fromraising if the rear chassisexceedsa predetermined side-to-sideslope angle. The auto-horn feature also improves safety byhonking the horn after the truck is started up. A three-seconddelay before the engine fires up allows people to clear the area.The horn also sounds when drive is engaged and honks twicewhen the truck is put into reverse, so everyone has plenty ofwarning.

As we all know, turbochargers are very costly to replace.Thestandard turbo cooldown timer extends turbocharger life andincreases uptime by extending idle time up to two minutes aftershutdown, depending on how hard you are riding the machine.

Faster cycle times. Substantially lower operating costs due toreduced fuel usage and tire and brake wear. Productivity-boosting, industry-exclusive features.

When you add it all up, Deeretrucks make sensewhen it comesto haulingmoredollarsandcentsto yourbottom line..

- -.- - - - ...'"

250D 300D 350D 400D

197.6 [265J 2125 [285J 2833 [380] 308 [413J

8298 [40,340] 19500 [42,990] 28 000 [62,160] 29919 [65, 960]

41 499 [91,490J 46802 [103,180] 60501 [133,810] 66919 [147,530]

137 [180J 166 [217] 20.1 [263] 224 [294]

23 200 [51,150] 27 300 [60,190] 32 500 [71,650J 37000 [81,570J



"I think this machine fiUnto OttF I

company very wellbeca~e we'~cOncerned about exhaust gases.I've.had

several other (manufacturel'$) trying toget informationon it orto lookat the ,

machine, so you knoWDeere's come uP

with something that's really;specialt- Johf1HouyMaitieEnergy



........ . --''"\

A tough environment 24nRolling StockMechanicRaymondVoisineappreciatestheimportanceofa reliablepieceofmachinery."We'rea 24-hourfacility,and I'm only hereeighthoursa day,so it'svery importantto haveequipmentthat

is durableandreliable- so far,our newJohnDeere744KLoaderhasbeenworkingout well for us." Sohow do yourloadersearntheir keep,Ray?

"Oneofourloadersgrabsabucketfullofhouseholdtrashandspreadsit outsopickerscangothroughitandtakeanymaterialoutthatcanharmthemill- concrete,propanetanks,andpiecesof iron.Then,the744Kstackstrashintoapiletomakeroomforthetruckstobringinmoretrash."

"I mean, I've never seen anything likethis out of a diesel"Rayseemsparticularlyimpressedwiththe744K'sIT4-certifiedengine."TheInterimTier4engineisprettyimpressive.It doesn'tputoutanysooty,blackexhaust- theregenerationsystembumsit.Typically,if youwouldtouchtheinsideoftheexhauststackonaloader,yourfingerwouldbeallblackandsooty.Thisisclean.I mean,I'veneverseenanythinglikethisoutofadiesel.It'sprettymuchthesameasourcar'semis-sions,whichisreallyunheardof.

"Deerehasdonewellwiththis.Thehorsepowerisstillthere,andthat'sagreatthing.Theregenerationsystemisfullyautomatic,too.Youdon'thaveto regeneratethesystemmanually,sothere'snohumanerrorinvolved.Weworkinanenclosedarea,soa low-emissionmachineisveryimportanttous."

GeneralManagerKenRobbinsspokewithusaboutMaineEnergy'sandparentcompanyCasellaWasteSystems'dedicationtotheenvironment."CasellaWasteSystemsreallybelievesinthehierarchyofwastedisposal- reduce,reuse,recycle.Everymeetingbeginswithadiscussionaboutsafetyissues,environmentalissuesaresecond,andthenwetalkaboutproduction.Welivebythat.

"OneofthethingsthatimpressesmeistheeffortthatJohnDeerehasgonethroughto testtheirmachinesin real-worldenvironments- especiallyonethistough."Ken'sright,Deerehasgoneto"allcorners"to testthefirstIT4-certifiediron.Checkoutthesidebararticleonpage11formoreonthat.

CasellaVicePresidentofFleetManagementGarySimmonsappreciatesDeerebeingfirsttomarketwithanIT4-certifiedloader."They'vereallytakena leadershiprole,andthey'remakingapositiveimpactontheenvironment.I'mverysatisfiedwiththeperformanceofJohnDeereanditsengineersonthisCustomer


Asfortheplant'soperators,KenRobbinsknowsthatscorefirsthand."Ouroperators- andsomeofthemcanbeprettypickyabouttheirmachines- haveonlygoodthingstosayaboutit."What?Operatorswhoareparticular?This,wegottasee.

Outof theblueandintothetrash


Thatwaswhenthesmellhitus.Notthearomaof ripegarbage,butratherthechokingblackdieselemissionscomingfromacompetingbrand'sstack.Lookingovertoourheromachine,the744K'sstackshowednovisual- orsmell-able- emissions.

Clearingtheair"Tome,it feelslikethenew744KhasgainedpoweroverourDeereJ-SeriesLoader,"Cyrtellsuslater."I'mimpressedwiththepower.Andthequicknessofthehydraulics,that'sexcellent.Theemissionssystemalsoworksexcellent.Evenwhenyou'reinsidethisfacility,yousmellnoodorcomingoutoftheexhaust.Nosmoke.Youdon'tsmelldiesel.It'sallcleanair."

Andwiththat,Ronniepointsoutthefutureofdiesel-poweredmachin-ery- afuture,it shouldbenoted,thatbeginswithJohnDeereandtheIT4-certified744KLoader.8


t' "FromwhatI'mhearingfromouroperatorsof thi$machine,besidestheloweremissions,they$ayitrun$justbeautifuUy.Andwe'regoingtohaves'uperioremissionsaswellasgoodfueleconomy,whichtranslatesintoimportantenvironmentalbenefits,"~ KenRobbins,Generalmanager




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~ftirfl1t'i_1IiJ .July,testingwasheatingup,coolingdown,andclimbing

~1!t!mmI=mTimnL'jF.Ti~.~!W~liUu[.1I.Jn'l;Uf:IIIIrm1~jF.T5F.1iTiIllI['~~ r:li~I' [;J.'tII.a'.'JiF.f1!

~lill'[ltij[l]I!;1 __I'dh""ia'l:l(~III(:!."tRTiTiF.lmmma -If ourIT4 machinescanoperateunderthese


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August 20.,10 I 10-1,1


IT4 changeseverything,includingoilandcoofantsAnnouncing Plus-50TMII and Cool-GardTMII - advancedengine oil and coolant for the next generation of equipment

With Interim Tier 4 (IT4) engines coming down the pike and onto your worksites, John Deerehas been hard at work developing the latest word in oils and coolants that protect while keep-ing those low daily operating expenses you expect from Deere. Wespoke with Product LineManager for John Deere Merchandising Sheri Barta about the two-plus-year effort to bring thisnew generation of IT4-friendlyfluids to market.

"Plus-50IIhas been extensively tested in heavy-duty off-road applications and surpasses ourmost extreme engine dyno test for high-temperature oxidation in the industry," Barta adds."It provides the highest level of performance under a wide range of operating conditions fora wide range of equipment."

Protects up to 500 hoursDeere customers appreciate keeping their operating costs down via extended oil-change inter-vals - as long as twice the oil life of some competing brands. How does Plus-50IIhold up inthis respect, Sheri? "Our customers want 500-hourchange intervals, and that's just what we'regivingthem with Plus-50II.Keeping daily operating costs low is a key brand promise at JohnDeere, and maintaining the 500-hour change intervals was one of our main goals, along withmaking the product compatible with older diesel engines."

Cooler heads prevailGenerally,IT4engines tend to have hotter operating temperatures, so we asked her aboutdevelopments on the cooling front. "Weare recommending John Deere Cool-GardIIcoolant.Likeour new IT4-compliantoil, this coolant is formulated to excel in higher-heat applicationsand has a wear life of six years or 6,000hours. And, like Plus-50IIoil, it is safe for coolingsystems in older equipment."

Embracing the inevitableAs environmental standards continue to evolve, John Deere maintains its whole-machinestance - not only mechanically, but also with the vital fluids, coolants, and lubricants thatmake up the lifeblood of your equipment. .

12-13 August 2010

PresentingnewPius-SOilengineoilTheonlyailprovento last500hoursinyourJohnDeereequipment

Formore than 20 yearsJohnDeereengineershavebeenconstantlyimprovingPlus-50to be without questionthebestengineoil you can put inyourJobnDeereequipment.Now,with Plus-50II,we'vetakenengineoil to the next level.

Plus-50IIlastsup to 500 hoursinyourJohn Deereequipment,providingsuperiorprotection in hardworkingengines.Imaginethe savingsand peaceof mind that comewith oil that laststwice as longasstandardoil


SIZE 15W-40 lOW-3D QTY.



Viscosityat 40'C

Viscosity at 1DOT

Viscosity index

HTHS viscosity at 150T

Pour point

Flash pointTotal base number

Sulfated ash

86.6 cSt12.1 cSt13336 cP-40'C223'C

lO.5 mg KOH/g

1.0 mass%

128.0 cSt15.6 cSt12743 cP-36'C225'C

lO.5 mg KOH/g1.0 mass%


- -


SIZE .. 15W-40 lOW-3D QTY.


APIservicecategories:0-4, CI-4PLUS,CI-4,CH-4,CG-4,SM,SL,SJ

ACEA(Europe)oil sequences:E9, E7

JASO(Japan)oil standards: DH-2

Major dieselengine manufacturers'requirementsJohn Deere JDQ.78XMack EO-OPremiumPlus07

Cummins CES 20081,77. 76 (15W-40J,75Caterpillar ECF-3,ECF-2,ECF-1-a,TO-2MercedesBenz 22831

DetroitDiesel 93K218(15W-40).93K214(15W-40)Volvo VDS-4,VDS-3,VDS-2

Renau~ RLD,RXD,RDMan M3275

MTU Type2.1


946 mL(1 qt.) TY26674 TY26669 12

378 L (1gaL) TY26673 TY26668 6

9.46 L (25 gaL) TY26675 2

18.9 L (5gaL) TY26679 TY26671 1

113 L (30gaL) TY26677 1

208 L (55 gaL) TY26678 TY26670 1

832 L (220 gaL) TY26676 - 1

946 mL(1 qt.) TY26674 12

378 L (1gaL) TY26658 TY26652 4

9.46 L (25 gaL) TY26675 - 2

18.9 L (5gaL) TY26679 TY26671 1

125 L (33 gaL) TY26644 - 1

205 L (541 gaL) TY26656 TY26650 1

1200L(317gaL) TY26654 - 1


coO Gc c.o


,..-\0 ",OCl0\ J °0

'0 C '- 0 0 c 0.~ "(j 0 c: 0 ~CI 0 0 - 0

" 00 C '- ,0a 0 0 COO 0 G.()-o - 0,0

0 60°,-\ 0 - c 0

(J°t:/. 0-"(; -0 0



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How to fightmoisturecontam ination


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Moisture contamination in lubricating oils and yourhydraulic system can cause damage to the system andcomponents such as motors and pumps, becomingan even bigger threat than its more obvious big brother,particle contamination.

There are several ways that contaminants can find their way into your equipment, includingpoor oil top-up and sampling methods, poor seals, and improper handling methods.

Here's what happens in moisture contamination. Individual water molecules that get dis-persed through oil are considered "dissolved." Allindustrial fluids have a very small levelof dissolved water which can typically be handled at levels between 200and 600 parts permillion (ppm). The fluid's temperature does playa key role in its ability to keep water in adissolved state. Newer motor oils can handle three times these amounts before contami-nation is noticeable.

But at some point, individual water molecules saturate the oil and the water begins tocoalesce. Some signs of this would be a cloudy appearance or the creation of micro-droplets.

Finally,after the emulsified water increases, it settles to the bottomof tanks and sumps as a layer of free water.

Settlement isn't your only problem. Once water mixes with oil, chemicalreactions occur. These reactions, called hydrolysis, involve not only thewater and base oil, but also various additives, including extreme pressure-and wear-resistance agents, rust and oxidation inhibitors, and viscosityimprovers.

The result? Oil's aging can accelerate tenfold. And you'll experience sludge,varnish, various acids, surface deposits (rust), and polymerization. What'smore, a mere one-percent contamination can reduce component life by upto 90 percent.

What can you do?One way to combat moisture contamination is through the use of desiccantbreather filters.

Finding the right breather will help the systems in your equipment lastlonger and prevent unnecessary downtime and oil replacement. Desiccantbreathers are especially useful in environments that contain high dust and

humidity levels.

Desiccant breathers are comprised of a silica gel that attracts and retains up to40 percent of its weight in water. Together with a synthetic filter media, they prevent

moisture and particle contamination from getting into your reservoirs as pressure fluctuationsoccur through thermal expansion and contraction of the fluid and the level changes producedby the fillingand emptying of the reservoirs.

When carbon is added to the silica gel, the breathers can capture oil mist and evenly disperseincoming air so that the synthetic filter and silica gel combination works more effectively.The more the air passes through both, the cleaner it becomes.

Ifa breather is designed with more vent holes to allowvariable airflow patterns, it increasesthe filtration media and desiccant drying capabilities. .TalktoyournearestJohnDeeredealertolearnmoreaboutdesiccantbreatherfiltersandhowtheycanhelpyoufightmoisture.

P'h1]s~rerEq uipment Com.panyIntegrated Grade COintrol

Fundah1entalsIntegrated Grade ControlGrade control technologies have the ability to make you more productive and more profitable. These systemsuse an electronically controlled hydraulic valve, a hydraulic controller, and inputs from the grade controlequipment to move the working tool to the designed grade. Currently these grade control systems are usedmainly on crawlers and motor graders. There are some areas where excavators, backhoes, landscape loaders,and scrapers are being used with these systems to ensure accurate grade and slope. Grade control systems arenot a new technology and are becoming more popular due to increased concern about productivity, reducedlabor, ease of use, grading accuracy, and more affordable technology. Right now about 10 percent of themachines being manufactured are being used in a grade control application. In the future this market isexpected to grow to 20 percent. By using a grade control system your machine can be more productive. Youare able to do the same work you have been doing for years, but now you can do the job faster, with fewerpasses, and greater accuracy. By completing the task sooner you will be able to move on to another job faster.Also by being more accurate fewer materials are needed. An example would be preparing for a cement slab. Bystarting with a flat level surface, the slab will be stronger and use less material. By eliminating unnecessary andunproductive passes with your machines your operators will be increasing their machine uptime. Additionallythe machine would not be sitting idle, while the operator checks their grade. You can also lower your dailyoperating costs, eliminatingthe needfor surveyors and grade checkers. The operator can remain in the cab,being productive and making money since they do not need to continually enter and exit the cab to checkgrade.

Tvpes of most popular Grade Control Systems:> Laser Grade Control System (two dimensional work)

> The laser control system is good for flat or single slope work with a consistent gradientslope. A base station is installed at the customer's jobsite and will send a signal to thereceiver mounted on the machine. The machine needs to be in line of sight of the basestation for this system to work.> There are two main types of laser grade control systems commonly being used in

today's industry. The first has a laser receiver mounted on the machine, which sendssignals to a display indicating working tool position relative to grade. The operator isrequired to make manual hydraulic adjustments. The second type is a laser receivermounted on the machine which sends signals to a controller and electronically makeshydraulic adjustments.

> GPS Grade Control System (three dimensional work)> The GPS grade control system is good for flat or compound slope work or for more

complex work such as golf courses, and highways. The receiver mounted on the machinereceives a signal from multiple satellites for position. A base station is at a known position onthe jobsite and is also required at the customer's jobsite and sends continuously updatedinformation by radio signal to the receiver mounted on the machine to correct for any errors inthe satellite signal. Since the base station communicates by radio signal it does not need to bewithin the line of sight of the machine to work properly, but does have limited ranges such as a2 mile (3.2 km) radius.

> GPS/Laser Grade Control System (three dimensional work)> The GPS/Laser Grade Control System provides many of the features of the GPS only

system. The benefit is greater accuracy of vertical blade position when compared to GPS alone.

John Deere and Plasterer Equipment are proud to announce the Open Architecture Integrated Grade Control(IGC) option on various machine families. The design is called open architecture because the machine isadaptable to multiple aftermarket grade control suppliers. This approach gives our customer the opportunity tochoose the grade control supplier and system that best meet their needs. Both Trimble and Topcon haveworked extensively with Deere to integrate their product so they will 'plug and play' with our factorycomponents.

For More information on Topcon or Trimble System's and to download a Cost/Benefit Analysis(excel), visit our website at

"We boughtour lasttwo backhoesfrom Plastererand theirknowledge,professionalism,and the way they care about

theircustomersis the reasonwe keep comingback."

L to R: Brent Allebach, Forman, Phil Landis, Assistant Foreman, Arcky DiRocco Public Works Director

Established in 1754, Lower Salford Township located in MontgomeryCounty recently purchased a Deere 410J backhoe from

Plasterer Equipment. Accordingto the Public Works DirectorArcky DiRocco, "The Public Works Department is responsible for

road work, pipe drainage systems, and maintenance of parks. John Deere has been the backhoe of choice since 1970. In the

past, we looked at various manufactures, but we keep coming back to Deere. The Deere machines have a reputation to perform

and outlastthe competition.The PublicWorksDepartmentworkshardand caresaboutit's communityand I can say the same

about Plasterer. We bought our last two backhoes from Plasterer and their knowledge, professionalism, and the way they care

about their customers is the reason we keep coming back."

Experience for yourself the Plasterer way of doing business,

When you purchase a machine, we deliver our company

Lebanon: 2550 E. Cumberland Street

400 Stoke Park Road


3215 State Road

640 Lowther Road

(717) 273-2616 or (800) 225-4001

(610) 867-4657 or (800) 587-9790

(215) 258-5700 or (800) 523-2209

(717) 938-6568 or (866) 787-0001

