

Transcript of Equipment

Page 1: Equipment


Page 2: Equipment

Canon 550d:

Cost: range from about £250 - £350. This is the camera that I used to capture my photos for

my magazine. It is fairly light weight making it easier to hold and take images with. It is not too big (128.8x97.3x62mm) which again, made it easy to hold.

Inevitably the camera is the most important piece of equipment that I will use for taking my pictures. It is an SLR camera that produces quite high quality images.

It will take the pictures and then store the images on a memory card, which I am then able to transfer onto a drive and access them through the computer.

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18-55 f3.5-5.6 zoom lens (studio shoots):

Cost: range from £60 - £100. This is the lens that attaches to the camera,

it is specifically used for indoor, studio shoots, hence why I plan on using it for my shoot were taken indoors.

The lens is also quite light weight making it easy to hold, and move about with.

It is great for focusing images and producing high quality and professional looking photographs.

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Interfit Stellar X studio Flash Lights:

Cost: around £120. These are the lights that will illuminate and help

create a better quality photo, for my shoot. These are used for indoor photo-shoots and the

voltage of the lights can be adjusted and the lights can be tilted up or down to change the lighting and make certain parts brighter than others.

The lights are very easy to operate and change depending on what you want your photo to look like.

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White Screen:

Cost: £10 - £30 (depending on size). This is such a useful piece of equipment for

taking indoor, studio photos. It means that every photo will have a white background.

It makes the photos look very bright, professional and clean.

It is also very useful as it makes removing the background easy if you want to once the photos are taken.

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Black Screen

Cost: £10 - £30 (depending on size). Similarly to a white screen, this is useful

for taking indoor photos and it means that every image will have a black background.

It means the photo will look, dark, moody and mysterious and provide a nice variety/contrast from the white background photos.

Low lighting is usually used with a black screen.

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Neewer RT16 Wireless Flash Trigger:

Cost: £7 - £12. This is the device that connects the

camera to the lights so that every time you take a picture, the lights flash.

It is very important to use when taking high quality photos as it means the flash lights the images correctly.

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Adobe InDeisgn CS6:

The software is a professional page layout application that gives you pixel control over design and typography.

I have been using it to create my magazine and it is such a useful software to use. It provides you with many tools that help you edit and construct your magazine. It helps me to create pages and place images and text on the page in a neat and professional way.

It is easy to use once you understand the software and all the tools and how they work. It has been the most important and most used piece of equipment in creating my magazine.

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Adobe Photoshop CS6:

This software is used to edit images once they are taken. It can manipulate photos to look however you want them to look.

I will use it to edit and touch up my images e.g make them brighter, more contrasted, remove the background etc.

If I need to fix anything to my model, maybe giving a more ‘air brushed’ effect I can use tools such as the patchwork or magic wand tool. These are just some of the many tools that Photoshop offers.

Similarly to InDesign, it is easy to use once you understand the software and all the tools and just generally how to operate it.