Equatorial and Tropical Physical Geography Realm of the Intertropical Convergence Zone.

Equatorial and Tropical Physical Geography Realm of the Intertropical Convergence Zone

Transcript of Equatorial and Tropical Physical Geography Realm of the Intertropical Convergence Zone.

Page 1: Equatorial and Tropical Physical Geography Realm of the Intertropical Convergence Zone.

Equatorial and Tropical Physical Geography

Realm of the Intertropical Convergence Zone

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A Regional Approach

All elements of physical geography integrated in the ecoregion approach of Robert Bailey, UCLA Geographer, U.S. Forest Service

Bailey, 2002

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Foundation in Scholarship

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Used Extensively



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The question here: what

scale to use in

interpreting physical

geography ?




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Microscale – focused on microclimate and soil control of biography

Useful for helping students understand a field site, but not global patterns

Bailey, 2002 Bailey, 2002

Not microscale

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Classic Considerations for Micro-scale• Precipitation

– The Type they get: Rain, Snow, etc.– How much they get: Yearly, monthly, daily– When they get it: seasonality

• Sunlight– Length of day in different seasons– Affect of topography & other local factors– Important for plant life

• Temperature– Daily, Monthly, Yearly averages

• Soil Type– Rocky, Acidic, Sandy, Fertile, etc.

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Mesoscale – role landforms influences the ecosystem over broad areas (but not globally)

Tropical Limestone

sometimes, mesoscale

Bailey, 2002Oberlander & Muller, 1974

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For a geography perspective, the

macroscale ecoregion scale makes sense

Bailey, 2002

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Regions at macroscale derive from temperature & moisture

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Macroscale – ecoregions based on climatic zones (e.g. Koeppen climate zones)

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Focus in this class is global patterns of ecoregions (occasionally showing

examples from meso- and micro-scales)

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Could organize by biomes, but not connected to the process that

controls the geography

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Could organize by temp & precip, but not connected to the processes

that create the geography

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General circulation perspective

Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) –brings summer rains in equatorial &tropical latitudes

Subtropical High – brings drought,annually or seasonally

Polar Front – brings precipitation in the midlatitudes

Polar Easterlies – the cold landscapes of tundra and ice caps

Organized by basic climate processes controlling precipitation and temperature

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Organization for each section

1st – climate2nd – soils 3rd – landforms& hydrology4th – biogeographywith discussion of geology where defines meso-scale

landform regions and also bringing in HEI (human environment interactions)

Bailey, 2002

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Climate of Tropics: Driven by ITCZ and Trade Winds

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Typical Day

Starts with clear sky, warming the surface.

By the



produces downpours that stop in the evening.

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Little Seasonal Change in Temp

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Typical Year

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Hadley Cell


moist air


& rains


Equatorial & Tropical

Latitudes influenced by


Descendingwarms & driesIn subtropics


Descendingair warms& dries insubtropics

Desert Zone

Trade winds Trade winds

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Global CirculationPatterns

Hadley Cell

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See ITCZ & Subtropical High

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ITCZ Shifts Seasonally

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Monsoon Arrives

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Monsoon (seasonal wind shift) brings Extreme Peak in

Summer Precipitation

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Africa Example

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Rain came because the subtropical high (drought) and the

ITCZ (rain) shifted

Prof. Caylor

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Notice the lag

Effect. It takes

time to heat

up & draw the

ITCZ into

the Sahel

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Further from the ITCZ: Drought during winter from subtropical highproduces “savanna” climate or Aw

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ITCZ & entire

circulation shifts N & Sso seebroad peaks

Polar Front Polar FrontITCZ

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Wet Summer From ITCZ

Dry Winter From Subtropical High

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Also, long periods of drought can occur at the extreme limits of ITCZ


Senegal, Sahel susceptible to long droughts

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Summary Climographs


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Soils of the Tropics

Soils form over tens of thousands of years

Gives you a “map” of the “average” location of rainforests & savanna

Synonym: Oxisol Soils

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Process ofLatosol or Oxisol Soils

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Laterization soil development

Oberlander & Muller, 1984

Soil Name

OxisolLatosol(synonyms indifferentclassifications)

Clay type(kaolinite)Not holdnutrients

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Oxisol Profiles

• Little organic matter

• Red from iron oxides

• Loose & friable texture

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Paradox: Poor soils because few nutrients, yet great rainforests

Why? Natural nutrient recycling

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With Deforestation

• organic matter leached• nutrients lost• Gradual loss of fertility

British Honduras, Maize Yield (lb./acre)Virgin soil 1500-2000Second year 1200Third year 800

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With deforestation• soil structure hardened by desiccation and

compaction into laterite

• Can make “laterite” by drying out the soil

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Deforestation has always occurred: traditional swidden (slash and burn)

agriculture – burn to release nutrients and move to another plot

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Problem is AcceleratingIndustrial farming in Brazil

Expansion around Towns,Mambasa, Congo

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Tierras Bajas

Population Growth

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No chance for recovery, as in slash and burn



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Deforestation impacts Global Warming through CO2 release

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Positive spin: invest in rainforests

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Net Effect

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Eco-friendly efforts exist, butsmall in aerial extent

Shade-grown coffeeEcotourism

Brazil Nut

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Landscapes of the Tropics

1. Laterite duricrusts & bornhardts

2. Waterfalls are common

3. Feral relief

4. Tropical Karst

5. Deep weathering - susceptible to erosion after deforestation

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Just as bricks made, when soil

dried – dry season can turn soil into a laterite “duricrust”

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Laterite duricrusts & bornhardtsseen in savanna landscapes

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Bornhardts emerge

Step 1: graniteweathered insubsurface

Step 2: oncegranite exposeddomes “grow” oremerge abovelaterite

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A savanna landscape

Spizkoppe, Namibia

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Bornhardts keep

“growing” until they get so large, latent fractures open up and create kopjes

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Waterfalls are common

General explanation: rivers need hard “tools” in the bedload to erode resistant rock.

Weathering so intense that rivers load is mostly sand, silt and clay, not hard cobbles or boulders

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Angel Falls Venezuela, 979 mIguazu Falls, Argentina

Sipi Falls, Uganda Victoria Falls,


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Feral relief

Steep landscapes

made by landsliding

from intense rains

in places like Hawaii

Andes where a lot

of relief exists

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Steep slopes made possible by vegetation holding soil to steep faces

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Intense rains saturates slopes and landslides rush down slopes

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Flat valleys eroded by torrential floods

Landslides strip


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Net effect is relief gone wild (feral)


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Mt Rotui, Moorea

Rarotonga, Cook Islands

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Tropical KarstKarst occurs in

all climates from



but tropical karst

has special forms

due to

abundant water


organic acids

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Cockpit Karst

Jamaica, Cockpit Country

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ESRI/GIS helps to see the joints (fractures) that intersect to set the pattern

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Stone ForestYunnan, China





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Tower Karst (with relief)

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Guilin, China Malaysia

Halong Bay, Vietnam Nearby Restaurant

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Deep weathering – creates susceptibility to erosion after








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With deforestation

Overland flow of water produces gullying

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Deforestation leads to landsliding

Banana, Brazil

Costa Rica

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Biogeography of the Tropics

Tropical Rainforest – no or minor dry season

Tropical Savannas – major dry season

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Tropical Rainforest

• Contain as many species of plants and animals as all other types of ecosystems combined

• 4 mi2 area - 750 species of trees, 1500 species of flowering plants

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The Tropical & Equatorial Rain Forest

The world’s most biologically-diverse biome

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Great Variety in Forest Types

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Biogeography Generalizations

Missouri Botanical Garden

1. Smooth bark to inhibit other plants

2. Lianas (vines)

3. Leaves have Drip Tips

4. Buttress

roots to

support giant


5. Prop & Stilt

roots to allow

growth in wet soils

6. Epiphytes

grow on trees


7. Bromeliads

are epiphytes

with a plant

structure that

can cup water

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Drip Tip

Epiphyte (Orchid) Stilt Roots (Mangroves)



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Epiphytes, Lianas common

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Source: http://www.world-builders.org/lessons/less/biomes/rainforest/tropi_rain/tropgifs

Tropical Rain Forest Vegetation

Layers in the Tropical Rain Forest Canopy 

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Canopy Layer

•Continuous layer (about 45 m)

•Most have buttressed trunks

•Especially high diversity of plants and animals

•Same tree found once or twice per square kilometre

•Lianas (vines) connect trees

•Epiphytic vegetation common -28,000 species (eg. mosses, bromeliads, ferns, orchids)

•Abundant fauna (eg. monkeys, sloths, bats, treefrogs, ants, beetles, parrots, hummingbirds and snakes)

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Understorey Layer

•Receives 2-5% of incident light (blocked by canopy)

•Understorey plants photosynthesize most efficiently under low light (low respiration rates)

•Layer consists of small trees (eg. dwarf palms) and seedlings of taller trees

•Low wind: insect pollination, strong smelling and conspicuous flowers often on trunks

•Abundant fauna (eg. insects, snakes, frogs, parakeets, leopards, jaguars etc.) 

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Forest Floor•Approximately 1% of light incident upon the canopy

•100% relative humidity, less temperature variation

•Rapidly-decomposing organic matter

•Few flowering plants

•Fungi thrive on decomposing organic matter

•Large mammals forage for roots and tubers (eg. tapirs)•Many insects (eg. termites, cockroaches, beetles, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions and earthworms)

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Helps supportlarge tree biomass, weight of water andepiphytes

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Massive changes in water height(100 cm = 1m, 2000 cm = 20 m)

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Amazon Forests associated with flooding different• Igapò: swamp forest, flooded by typically blackwater

rivers for extended periods (4-10 months).• Vàrzea: flooded forest, covers at least 60,000 square

miles (154,400 sq. km) of the Amazon, flooded seasonally by whitewater rivers and has richer soils than igapò and correspondingly, is good for agriculture.

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Adaptation to Amazon’s Pulses

• Floating Meadows- always have access to sunlight and can readily use the nutrients of whitewater rivers..

• Inundated Tree species adapt -- Some species show continuous production of new leaves, other species defoliate completely or do not show any change in leaf production during the year at all.

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Amazing Specializations

Anteater, El SalvadorFruit bat & roll in seed dispersal

of trees

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Few limits on moisture or tempfor animals

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3-toed Sloth Antbird

Fruit Bat Howler Monkey

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Caiman Emerald Tree Boa

Piranha Scarlet Macaw

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Online Resources

Video Clips from

Planet Earth

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More online videos


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Tropical SavannasAt fringe of the ITCZ, intensewet season of varying length

• East African savannas (e.g. Serengeti Plains)

• Llanos of Venezuela

• Cerrado of Brazil

• Pine savannas of Belize

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• Perennial grasses (tall, 1-2 m at maturity)

• Open canopy of trees can form

(a) when soils are poor (e.g. laterite)

(b) with regular burning

(c) with regular grazing (e.g. clearing by large mammals like elephants that open woodlands to grass grazing.

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Thick Perennial Grass

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Typically distinguished by dominant tree-type (e.g. Acacia savanna)

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Termite Mounds Common

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Classic Baobob Tree

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Trees in low, wetter areas

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Role of Elephants in Clearing Scrub

Courtesy of K. Caylor

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Fire turns trees to grasslands

West Africa


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Savanna AnimalsGiraffe

Water holes in dry season

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Gemsbok (Oryx gazella)Example of how survive long drought

• Eats succulents like tsama melons and cucumbers

• Digs 1m to eat roots & tubers

• Raise body temp to 113 F to avoid sweating