Eposter ass 2. play automatically

Classrooms Without Borders EPOSTER GIRRAWEEN PUBLIC SCHOOL Jayne Solomon, Amanda Klish, Chris Powys 17352912 1 6530687 17352303

Transcript of Eposter ass 2. play automatically

  • 1. The Context of our Placemento The Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundationo Placed at Girraween Public Schoolo Leant new skills and tasks to assist in real teachingo Put the Classrooms Without Borders content intocontext through the placement

2. Girraween Public Schoolo 700 studentso Focuses on English assecond language andstudents who havespecial needso Has a high proportion ofrefugee students 3. Our Roles & Responsibilitieso Provided ongoing mentoring to specific Refugeestudents within each classroomo Taught unique lessons that branched upon ourown experienceso Engaged in a mixture of curriculum activities 4. Our LearningRelated to Teachingo The Girraween placement provided the link fromthe University subject to the real classroomo Exposed us to a variety of experiences andcultures that are present in Western Sydneyo Connected the social and cultural aspects ofteaching 5. Diversityo We actively participated indiverse environmentso ESL, disadvantaged andminority groupso Created greaterunderstanding anddeveloped our culturalcompetency 6. Needs of IndigenousLearnerso The British colonization ofAustraliao Discrimination and inequityo We learnt of many teachingstrategies that are effective forIndigenous students 7. English as an additionallanguageEnglish Translation Wiradjuri Languagefirewiinydog garingalikoala barrandhangpossumgidyaywillie wagtaildyirridyirrinestngurrangkookaburragugubarrafroggulaanggafishguya 8. Key Learnings &Mentoringo Effective Communicationis the key to success whenteachingo One to-one mentoring isan effective teachingstrategy 9. Minority Groupso During the placement we were given theopportunity to work alongside minority groupssuch as:-o Refugees Action Support (RAS)o Asylum Seekerso Migrant experiences/ English as a SecondLanguage (ESL) 10. Working with people of low SESo Witnessed firsthand at GirraweenPubic Schoolo Hunger issueso Importance of matching classcontent to socioeconomic statuso Student stationary and otherequipment provided by the school 11. What issues did we face?o Communication Barrierso Multilingual, spiritual and cultural diversity/sensitivity issueso Acceptable behaviour and body languagebetween students 12. Skills developed via our Placemento Strengthened our perspective andunderstanding of minority groups within societyand Western Sydneyo Developed cultural competence incommunication styles and skillso Teamwork, working cooperatively with otherteachers, sharing resources knowledge andskills 13. Conclusiono An extremely valuableexperienceo It will positively shapeour practice now andinto the future