ePortfolios to Build, Demonstrate and Maintain Professional Competence

ePortfolios to Build, Demonstrate and Maintain Professional Competence Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference June 19, 2012 Don Presant


Produced for the Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference June 19, 2012

Transcript of ePortfolios to Build, Demonstrate and Maintain Professional Competence

Page 1: ePortfolios to Build, Demonstrate and Maintain Professional Competence

ePortfolios to Build, Demonstrate and

Maintain Professional Competence

Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference

June 19, 2012

Don Presant

Page 2: ePortfolios to Build, Demonstrate and Maintain Professional Competence

The Burning Platform Outcomes Based Learning by 2014

CEAB Graduate Attributes 1. A knowledge base for engineering 2. Problem Analysis 3. Investigation 4. Design 5. Use of engineering tools 6. Individual and team work 7. Communication skills 8. Professionalism 9. Impact of engineering on society & the environment 10. Ethics and equity 11. Economics and project management 12. Life-long learning

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Issues to Resolve

• Perception of graduates • Reality of graduates • Changing world, changing needs • The Internet, Web 2.0 (“read/write web”)

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The Global Engineer Engineers Without Borders

A. Understanding of the big picture context B. Field specific and interdisciplinary expertise C. Creative problem solving D. Collaboration E. Communication F. Understanding of

sustainability G. Awareness of current

world issues and trends H. Social responsibility and

ethics I. Entrepreneurial adaptability http://www.cden2009.org/Docs/All-CDEN-C2E2-papers.pdf

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What is ePortfolio?


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Video ePortfolio at LaGuardia

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ePortfolios & Engineering Points of Convergence

• Program admission • Undergraduate

– Course specific/program wide – Work experience, internships

• Capstone – Preparedness Portfolios

• Professional admission • Continuing Professional Development • Personal Learning Environment

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Selected Examples See others at bit.ly/ep4engineering

• Rebecca Samuelson – Virginia Tech

• Michael Kopera – Warwick University, UK

• Michelle Fuhrman – Notre Dame - Google site, well organized - PDFs

• Noah's Humanitarian Engineering ePortfolio – Penn State graduate

• Engineer Edgar – Curtin University fictional exemplar - incomplete

• Rommuel Paragas – Career Portfolio Manitoba - fictional exemplar

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• Supports undergraduate learning – Embedded learning activities

• Holistic view of the graduate – Diverse evidence aligned to graduate outcomes – Interdisciplinary, lifewide

• Supports professional identity development – Scaffolded reflection

• Ongoing professional development tool – Personal Learning Environment

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But do it right… Recent tales from the trenches

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Success Factors Student perspective

• Watch the frame of reference – Emphasize “internal” (personal values & interests) over “external”

(expectations of employers & recruiters)

• Focus on learning, not just assessment – PLE, lifelong companion – Private, shared and public space

• Start early and monitor progress • Emphasize content over technology • Opportunities for peer interaction

– Peer review, brainstorming, portfolio buddies, presenting portfolios

• Take small steps with lots of scaffolding – Simple tasks to begin, provide examples – Provide technical and content support and feedback

• Eat your own dog food (i.e. build your own eportfolio)

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Success Factors Organizational perspective

• Burning platform – Program outcomes, impact on accreditation

• Principles of change management – Accelerating vs. accepting the maxim: “change

happens one retirement at a time”

• Faculty portfolios (“eportfolio is good for you”) – Graduate portfolios – Hiring Portfolios – Continuing Professional Development

• Department portfolio to support accreditation

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Don Presant [email protected]


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