I , I i EP 2B B1 JUST E Address: 218 Lawrence Fawcett Editor: Coventry . Conn. 06238 Subscription: Barry Greenwaca 4 issues - SID ($15 NUMBER 13 NEW SERIES September 1987 (Copyright 1987) EDITORIAL NOTE Due to the length or this issue,CAUS Bulletin will not appear this quarter. As you can see, Just Cause, Sept. 1987, Is the issue in our brief history. We feel it is necessary to voice another side In the I>IJ-12 matter in as much detail as we can. Consequently. our finances will be virtually oblIterated. Controversies like this tend to rage on endlessly and we have spent considerable space over the last two years. Let us hope this will come to a sililft con_ clUSion soon. T HE I>IJ-12 FIASCO we can now report to you that, regreiaDly, the MJ-12 affair appears to be a grand deception and, consequently, a giant black eye on the face of UrOlogy. This conclusion did not come lightly and the r esult of extensive inquiries by CAUS. We did have high hopes that perhaps our initial doubts, as reported in our last issue, would been allayed by additional releases and that a proper explanation wo"ld be found for the problems. It was not to be . The deeper we looked, the worse it became. In dealing with government documents it is vitally that we know where information comes from . OtherwIse, how can one poss_ ibly vouch for it's authenticity. !t is why CAUS regards cover lette:s from agency releases almost as important as the releases themselves . In t he case of MJ-12. M oore, Shandera and Friedman (herein referred to as MSr) have not provided this most bas iC element. The material, save for t he 1954 Cutler memo, was sent to Jaime Shandera anonymous : , on undeveloped 35mm film whiCh was later made into hardcopy. Who is the source? MSF doesn't say. Where did it come from? They don't say that either. This by itself should raise suspicions, but there is more. Why did Shandera receive the film? He is not eKactly a person in UrOlogy. We have a situation where a "government source" finds it important to release very sensitive, still_classified docu;:- , ents on crashed discs, Roswell, and alien bodies, certainly the story of century.! To Ithom does he go? Walter Cronkite? Dan Rather? Carl Sagan? No, he goes to MSf who are clearly in t/'le pro _Roswell camp already a-: need no convincing. And they do have mUCh to gain from these "docur.".er:s " being publiC. It sounds pretty self - serving that someone shov lc ,

Transcript of EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS


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I i

EP 2B B1

JUST E Address: P.O.Bo~ 218

Publ1sh~r: Lawrence Fawcett Editor:

Coventry . Conn. 06238

Subscription: Barry Greenwaca 4 issues - SID ($15 ~orei!ln)

NUMBER 13 NEW SERIES September 1987

(Copyright 1987) EDITORIAL NOTE

Due to the length o r this issue,CAUS Bulletin will not appear this quarter. As you can see, Just Cause, Sept. 1987, Is the larges~ issue in our brief history. We feel it is necessary to voice another side In the I>IJ-12 matter in as much detail as we can. Consequently. our finances will be virtually oblIterated. Controversies like this tend to rage on endlessly and we have spent considerable s pace on -M~-12 over the last two years. Let us hope this will come to a sililft con_ clUSion soon.


we can now report to you that, regreiaDly, the MJ-12 affair appears to be a grand deception and, consequently, a giant black eye on the face of UrOlogy. This conclusion did not come lightly and ~as the r esult of extensive inquiries by CAUS. We did have high hopes that perhaps our initial doubts, as reported in our last issue, would hav~ been allayed by additional releases and that a proper explanation wo"ld be found for the problems. It was not to be . The deeper we looked, the worse it became.

In dealing with government documents it is vitally l~portant that we know where information comes from . OtherwIse, how can one poss_ ibly vouch for it's authenticity. !t is why CAUS regards cover lette:s from agency releases almost as important as the releases themselves .

In t he case of MJ-12. Moore, Shandera and Friedman (herein referred to as MSr) have not provided this most bas i C element. The material, save for t he 1954 Cutler memo, was sent to Jaime Shandera anonymous : , on undeveloped 35mm film whiCh was later made into hardcopy. Who is the source? MSF doesn't say. Where did it come from? They don't say that either. This by itself should raise suspicions, but there is rn ~: ' more.

Why did Shandera receive the film? He is not eKactly a well-k, ~"n person in UrOlogy. We have a situation where a "government source" finds it important to release very sensitive, still_classified docu;:-,ents on crashed discs, Roswell, and alien bodies, certainly the story of tll~ century.! To Ithom does he go? Walter Cronkite? Dan Rather? Carl Sagan? No, he goes to MSf who are clearly in t/'le pro _Roswell camp already a-: need no convincing. And they do have mUCh to gain from these "docur.".er:s " being ~ade publiC. It sounds pretty self - serving that someone shovl c

, •


anony~ously drop pruor of Ro swell l~ to the la ps of only it ' s ch ief suppo rt ers and no one else who may have .ore i nrl uence In uncovering t he "t ruth.~

Why, a t the MUF ON Symposium In June, did Moore decla r e that the burden of proof is on those suggesting a hoax(ln front of a press conrerence) whi l e saying In a Ft . Walton Beach, Flo rida newspaper that he haS found no undeniable proof that the docu.en t i s genu i ne? In a true scientific investigation the burden o f proof is a lwlys on the pro~onent to prove his case, not on the opponent to disprove.

Why did MSF alter the appearance of the MJ- 12 documents in their rirst release of the Focus newsletter without e~planation? Whole sec_ tions were deleted , giving the appeara nc e of government censorship, but actu~ l ly was performed by MSF as they la ter admitted. It smacked of Q sensationalist technique to arouse interest.

Thes e are only Minor quibbles over techni que. The ~aJor problems folio".

The core of MSF·, case lies In t he docu~ents which have been nre leased. " These are what must survive scru tiny if we are to accept HJ_12 as genuine. Since "e have described t hem in our previous iS3ue, we wil l report on our study or the papers without e~tenslve re-Q~~~ing.

__ The MProject Aqu ari us" repo r t - A three-page e~tract of a la rger document wi t h titie page and two pages of text. Source and dat~ ~:~ unknown and no other Infor~Btion is traceable. We direct your att~ ~~!on to the title page (E~hiblt 1).

You see in large print MEXECUTIVE CORRESPONOENCE" and bel~3 in typescript is "E~e cutive Briefing." looks Impressive doesn 't it? :: implies an important presidential paper Idth the bold phrase " EX;;:: ~TI VE CORRESPONDE NCE . " However, there 15 a problem as you dll see rle xt.

E~ hi bit 2 is a re pr Oduc tion of a sample sheet of statIoner; with a clea r, plastiC cover that had accidentally been sent "ith an r DIA release to Robert t Odd In 1979. The cover says MEXECUTIVE CO~~ ­ESPONDENCEn at the top and on the bottom it says MOO NO T WR IT E ON -HIS COVER AS IT IS I NTE NDE D FOR RE-USE. RETURN IT WITH tHE r ILE COPIES TO OR IGINATiNG OFFICE.H it Is a plastic r i le cover used internally by verious agerlcies in tr an s~i ttlng ana filing paperwork. The bo t to~ po rt ion of the cover takes away much of the presidential rlavor o~ the top phrase.

Now note Exh ibit 1 again. While the plastic cover In E~hIbi~ 2 5hO\09 thll top and bottom prlntin!;l a t the very t op and bottom , t n!! ~Qua_ rlus paper shows "EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDE NCE" dropped down about a~ inch or so, re sulting in the bottom pflrase vanishing . loI e belhve that :nls was a delib erat e decepti on to give the paper an appearance of be~~~ presidential by moving the top 'Io rdin'll do • .o116rd to cause t he !!Ion .,un ­dane bo tt om phrasing to disappear o fr t he photocopy.

Th e emblem on the co ver of the Aqua riu s paper hiS more :n~ ~opear ­ance or be ing drawn on ra ther than printe d on the page. A felt-t~~~ec pen could have done j ust as ~el l .

or t he various projects mllnt loned on page 2 of the Aquari us te~t , one , -Pounce~, has appeared in UFO his t ory. It was said t o ·O!! a proposal for investigati ng UFOs by Kirtland ArB, New Me~lco , 3cc=~clng to tne CI A's 1953 Rober t son Panel. No exp l anation of "Pounce" ap;:eus in the Aqua rius paper.

Addition ally, "Project Slgna- in the Aquarius paper (salo to be a~ Air Fo rce effort to co mmunicate with alIens) has been located in the massive, two-volu::!e COOE NA~ !; DIRECTORY by the Oefense ~Iarl<e. -

, ,----------------------------------------------


Ing Services or Creenw lch , Connec t icut , 1986 eOition. It is li s ted as a ~Top Sec r et Ai r FOrCe progras 1nvolvlng Rockwell InternatJona l. M

If the O/olS ~Siglla· i s not the salle as t he AQua ri us ·Slgma," then Aquarius Sig ma Is probably ~rong becaus e duplication or code names In a ciose time frame is not within normal military procedure. Obvious ly , t wo progra~s with the same code name within the same branch of service (A ir Force) wou l d be confus ed. That' s why selection lis t s of code nalles eds l.

If the two projects are the same , wher e Is t he sassive secur i ty for Aquar ius · Slgma - that it appears In a co~merc i a lly available directory?

Project Sno~blrd, in a previous issue or Just Cause, was des _ cribed as a "Join t Army/Ai r Force peacetime military exercise in the sub_arctic reo;llCIn, 1955," according to Cale Research's COOE NAH ES DICTIONARY , 1963. No connection to UFOs is apparent here and certainly no t in the contex t or the Aquarius paper', description, Snowbird was a training exercise for Army and Air Force units under arctic cond itions.

Fi nal ly. our last issue dealt with t he short _lived conrirDat l on of an Air Force ·ProJect Aquarius· by the NSA. The revelation 'luled however when the N5A retracted i t 's confirma ti on based upon a false as sumption .

No other Independent confir mat ion of the Proj ec t Aquarius doc_ ument has been possible.

-- The CIA HMJ _5 · ~emo _ A one - page document (Exhibit 3) on CIA l e t te rhead, but not released th rough FOIA. Sou rce and year of Gemo are unknown . Deletions by MSf . This docUlilent first appeared in Moore ' s ne~sletter FOCUS. It has not appea r ~d in any subsequent discussIon of MJ-12 .

The HJ -5 memo is a real problem. Type style, placement o( security mark i ngs, use of CI A l etter statIone r y instead or internal ro rms and l anguage are a l l atypical or CIA st anda rd s. The executive order number quoted in t he Gemo is non_existant. The deletIon by HSF of the year forbids accurate follow- up and implies an at t empt to cover 8 deception, We ~ere inrormed by HSF in a June phone conversation about various pOints In favor of MJ-12. Wh en discussion focused upon the HJ - 5 memo, we stated our concern ove r the flaws In this paper. A response from the CIA regarding the authenticity of the memo was entirely negative , the CIA labelin~ the memo a Mpoorly ~ade fabri cation.· When inroraed of this, HSF ' s only response was ,"You bel ieve them?" Indeed we do If the stateeent agrees wi th what we can see with ou r own eyes!

It Is notable that MSf have let the ~emo quietly disappear rro~

Jeter presentations of evidence on MJ _l:2, even though, according to MSf's phone con versation, it ca me fr om the same source as the oth er documents. \~hy Is this memo no longer being discussed? Suspicious 15 well Is the slllllari t y of the type style in the HJ-5 memo, writle "'! on CIA l et terhead, and the Aquari us paper, written by the /oIJ-12 ;r:up . I f the NJ-5 memo is no longe r va li d to present as evidence of HJ_ ~ 2. and It came fro. the same source as the ot her docu.ent s, then aha: coes this say about the Aquarius paper, or indeed the re st of the evide~ce ?

__ Th e NJ _12 8rleflng Paper - ~n elght.pag e document with a ~~:le page , int roductor y pa\;le, three pages of te~t , a list of att ac hmen~ s , title page tor Attachment "A- , and .. ttachment "A , " a copy o f a sl;~ed l etter by President Harry TrUGan. Sou r ce 1s unknown.

Numerous Inquirie s have revealed that there has been no con . fi rlllation of this document In any library or archive. The one sour~!



_ost certa in t o have in for ma tion on t he Briefi ng Pepe r is the Eisen_ ho.er lIbrary in Abi l ene, Kansas. Th~Jx response is Exh i bi t ~.

Page 2 o f t he Br le ring Paper r efer:; to t he ror_at l on o f HJ - 12 -by special classi f Ied e xecu t l~e or der o f Pres Ident Tr u_an on 2~ Sept­ember, 1947 ... " We ha ve checked the Tr uman Librar y's listing of exec _ utive orders and found that no order s were issu ed on 9/24. Executive order numbe rs 9891 - 9896 were issued r espectIvely on 9/ 15, two on 9/20 , 9/23, 9/30 and 10/2/47, none ev en close ly resembling the HJ_12 subject. The re I s no gap in the number se quence f or thes e dates so none afe miss i ng. Further, the nUl!1be r quoted in Attachlllent "A" of t he Brillrt1l9 Paper , l092Ul (ExhIbit 5Al, is not an e><ecu ti ve o rder num­be r but t he da t e of Pres ide nt Truman ' s memo , 9 /2 4 / 4 7 ! E><ecutive o rder s e fe not numbered by date but a r e nUlibe red sequentially, and at the ti me the numbers Ne re only fou r digi ts.

Truman ' s "EO~ (E xhIbi t 58 ) Nas sen t to the Tr uean Libr ary for authentication. Th eir anSNer is Exhibit 6. None of the other attach_ ments are availa ble for e>:aminati on.

We als o fin d peculiar the atypical use of "0" prefi><es in fr ont of numbers (07 July, 06 Oecember, 092447).

In th e t e Kt Itself, two thi n<;jS require co~m ~ nt . Page) of the Bri ef i ng tates, "The wreckage of t he craft Nas a l so removed to se ve ral locations . - We quest ion the wi sdom of th is pra c-tlce, if hlppened at ell. One of t he first procedu re s in

Inv es t i ga tions I s to recons t ruct t he vehicl e f roQ of t he wre cka ge. We saw this in the Chal l enger dis_

", ;; ~the pieces in one pllce and reassellble el ther : ~ of the accident, or in this

Apparently s uch was not done s forbids reconstructi on and

variou s places. Immediate 15 eKotic , unkno~n vehic le.

to E>< hibi t 7, a r eport on a 1950 UFO c r ash e><t racted the Br ief i ng Paper , pa<;je 5. According to a repo rt by Je ro~e Clar k In t he Februa ry 19BO, Saga UFO Report , a UFO crash took piace 1~_20 miles Into He><ico rro~ the Laredo , fe~a s area. I t is most likely the same story re ferred t o In the Briefing Pape r as Ne f ind no othe r dif fe rent 1950 c rashed UF O r eports in that area. The s t o ry 15 based on the of Lt. Col. Robe rt Willingham, an ey ewit ness.

Another , in Leonard Str ingfield' s THE uro CRA5H/RETRIE _ ~AL SYNDRO~E, REPORT 2 (Case 8- 7) discusses the s ame s t ory and gives t he of th e crash as 30 mile!s NW or Del Rio , TeKas , as

pinpoints t he - El Indio-Gue rrero" Rio posi t i on and 70 miles NW of the

dlsagree~ent between eyewitness rega r ding loca ti on. Nere a spaceship (the Brie f ing Paper

only sa ys orlginft to the Roswell c r ash) , isn't it getting Briefing Paper? After all, foIJ- 12 was suppose d to formed to st udy such Inciden ts. Thi s case Is said t o be only second c rashed UFO in history and yet it gets only sl1ght ly over 7 l ines In the Briefing Paper ! Visibl y , there i$ no evidence that HJ -1 2 had ~uch infor~ation on t he 19 SO -crash," despite the fac t that it had a l l110st ho yea rs to g.ther details. I s what is described in the Brie fi ng Paper on the 1950 incident terri bly diffe r ent frOIll a lIeteor i te i llpa c t? Read i t again !

Hsr hav e sta t ed that t hey have found no t hing wrong In the Brlef_ Pape r; that they fI nd agreer.oent with Nhat they have discovered and



reported in theIr various papers and THE ROSWELL INCIDENT. We agree! But that Is the problem - there is little that conflicts with what Has aiready on the recol"d for a numbel" .of year~. Enough is in print on the Roswell incident to concoct a pretty good - but False - scenario. This must be considered as an equa lly plaUSible explanation for the documents at present unless some compelling new infor~ation comes along.

MSF have cited a December 8, 1950, FBI cable as evidence in favor of the 1950 Texas crash. The cable states that the FBI field office in Richmond, Virg i nia was advised that Army Intelligence was placed on "Immediate High Alert" for any information on "flyi ng saucers." Anything at all on the topic was to be phoned to Air Force Intelligence. While intriguing , caution is advised in linking this firmly to the Texas inCident. First - The cable is not classified, though it states that the alert was "strictly confidential." Second _ The cable says nothing about Texas, crashed discs , MJ _12, or reiated . Third -It is not clear why the Richmond FBI field office Army Intelligence would be put on alert relative to for "a ny information whatsoever " on flying saucers. we re a top security matter, why involve the fBI, a agency?

__ The 1954 Cutler memo - A one -pag e me~o on carbon copy paper from Robert Cutler, Special Assistant to President Eisenhower, to General Nathan TwInIng . Source Is the AIr force IntelUgence file group at the National Archives in ~ashiflgton, D.C. The Cutler memo is the key document to MSf's case because it is t he sole piece of MJ-12 evidence that could be traced to an official source. If this is genuine, then there was an MJ -12.

As mentioned in our last Just Cause, problems arose early. In telephone conversa tions with Ednard Reese of t he Military Reference Sranch of the National Archives, CAUS learned that while the memo was found in an Air Force I ntelligence file box,several things were peculiar.

1) The security marking appeared in an unusual pOSition, under the date instead of on the top and bottom of the page.

2) It was a carbon copy; unsigned and not the original. 3) It lacked the usual stamping, initials; etc. found on old

documents. 4) It originally lacked a Top Secret register number, by which

the document could be filed in a proper folder. Implication was that it 11as not part of the original fi le gro up released by the Air f orce.

More on 14. Reese said he received several requests for the Cutler memo, probably as a resuit of an article by Bruce Maccabee in the November/December 1986 issue of the International UFO Reporte:. The article by Maccabee was the earliest mention of the existence ~ ~

the Cutler memo, presumably given to him by r~oore. Reese was unable to locate the docu"ent until one of t he ree_ests

(Reese couldn't remember "ho) inCluded the Top Secret register n"""~er of the file which contained the memo. Apparently sometime before, someone had gone through the box with the Cutler memo, recorded c ~ e register number of the file, then later submitted the request us i n; the register number {T4-1846}. Reese, finding the memo in the file, was puzzled that it lacked the number so Bssigned the file nu~ber : ~ the dOCUment himself to allow it's re-Iocation.

Maore and Shandera said they were t .'le first individuals to :.-­spect the boxes in 1985. In fact, the rel!!ase authorIty at the Arc ~ ­ives, identified by the written notation on later copies (NNO 65 70' 3) ,



indicates the year Of declassificatIon ( 1965) and the case number (7013) for the entire file group, not Just file T4 - 1646. Vet, Hoare's copy of the me~o indicates that it was released on 1/12/67.

Questi ons ar isel If the memo wa s found by Moore and Shandera in 1985 , why do they present a copy re leased two years i ater? Did they not get a copy when it was found on site? How did the unknown phone call er know the register number unle s s he went through the fIle and why didn't he ~ake a copy While there? Where is a copy o( the .emo wIth a dated release of 19i5? The i.p l icat i on of t his Is t ha t someone pl anted the .emo be fore 1987 and se t i t up to be "offIc­ially" discovered and "officially· released by Archives personnel. Why no mention of It by MS. before this year when, as evidenced by our art icl e in the December 1965 Just Cause , the topic was already public news and needed to be verified at that point? Why didn ' t MSF confi de in us a t that poInt when we would have helped?

Reese also saId that an Archive s visitor , not Hoore or fri ed_an, insisted that the memo be stamped with the official National Ar Chives stamp on the front, contrary to Archives polIcy of stampIng th e backs o f docu_ents. Th is was certaInly to guarantee the appearance of "off_ icial ity" when the _e_o Is reproduced. Hoore' s fIrst release of the memo Is the front-stamped copy (Exhibit 8).

In the file T4 _1 646 along with the Cutle r memo Is a withdraw} card for an "Air Intelligence Estimate 1/54." Th e orig1nal documen t was c lassifI ed and dealt with So~iet aircraft. Question: Why would t he Cutler _eMO be filed i n the same Folder with a document on a completely unrelated topi C?

Upon ~isiti ng the Nat ion ai Archive s on June 25th , this edItor had a chance to examine the Cutle r memo original. It was in Box 169, Records Group 341, En try 267. The box wa s virtually empty except for a few folders containing a s •• ll nu.be r Of non-uro documents and fo lders with withdrawJ ca rds. The box had been care full y scanned before declassification and _ost of the flIes were re_oved and r e­placed with the cards. QuestIon: How did the "Top Secret Restricted" Cutler memo escape the obvieuil l y care ful sanitizing of the bOX, though MJ-12 was supposed to be of extreme sensitivIty?

The memo I t sel f was on delIcate carbon cop~, rice-type paper with the typ ing i n blue carbon impression and a red slash through the security marking. The meme was remarkably clean looking wi th little sIgn of JJ years of wear and hand li ng, e xcept rOr a ~ery slight age browning a round the tour edges. A wat er mark , "DICTATION ONION SK IN:' could be read and in sma ll er , less distinct lette rs a word l ooking li ke "fOx," perhaps the manufacturer. Other _a r king was evident but entIrel y unreadable.

Reese was in a quandry because , despite his suspicions about lne memo, he had to treat it as genuine. He exp re ssed to thi s editor his opin i on that it wasn't genuine bu~ In l ieu of a forger coming forward, it would be e xtremely dif fi cult t o prove. I suggested that t he docum~nt be gIven an in-heuse anal ysiS. The controversy was sure to Incr~ase and an analysis might answer some questions. Reese thought it was a good idea so with that I thanked him and left.

While YOU a r~ digesting th i s assau lt on you r brain cells, ExhIbi t 9, cOlillng f rom the Assistant Di rector of the EIsenhower Lib­rary, give tha t institute's conclusions on the Cu t ler _elllo and HJ- 12.

'inally, a "c eup, de grace" for the Cutler mello came from the ArChives. Exhibit 10 I s a disclaimer now being sent to requesters of the memo. It gives a 10-point list of r easons why they feel the Cutler lIIemo ~poses problems.- The disclai.er Is signed by t he same individual whe was quoted in MS"s press re l ease ot June 11th as initially believ-



ing that the melaO was genuine , based on t he simple fact t hat it was round a t t he Arch Iv es.


Pr o-MJ-12 peop le have c lallaed t hat secur i ty Is SUCh a t the Na t i onal ArChi ves t hat a hoax could no t be perpe tra ted. Thi s editor vi s ited t he Archive s on June 25th wIth two tile fOld ers full Of ~erox ed gove rnment documents, this to aid in my r esearch Into other _atte r s. I s igned In a t the desk , obtained a r esearche r's card and wa l ked on In wi thout anyone so ~uch as peeking at my fo l ders. I spent b5 minutes .lth Hr. Reese .hlle t here , ch at ting abou t HJ _1 2 and UFOs. Our ing that t l_e I had ampl e opport uni t y to pl an t or s t eal documen t s .hile Reese wa s f ie lding ph one calls.

After our discussion 1 l eft with a manil a enve lope th at Reese kindly provided for ~y f ol der s f ull of doc uments . I went down t o the desk a t ground l evel , signed out and left. Again not so much as a l ook a t my envelope. So muCh (or mas s i ve s ecurity! I t . ould have been easy , had I be en so inc l Ined, to plant a singl e page hidden on gy pers on in t o a fol der . Th e l ast I heard the Nationa l Archi ves was no t doing a s trip search of every patron !

Reese had admitted that there was no way t o preven t some " seedingM or the f t s , t hat th ey jus t didn ' t have tha t kI nd of securi ty . A r ecen t news story revealed the the ft of hist or Ic documents from the Archiv as by an ar t hIstoria n, so.ething Reese t ol d me abou t well be_ tore I t ev er becaMe ne.s .

MSF's pre s s r elease of June 11th makes seve ral interesting co~· men ts. Ackno.ledging that they are not in 8 po s it io n to endo r se th e aut hentiCi ty of the documents, MSF say , neverthel es s , t hat th ey to be gehui ne and t hlt "nothing has surfaced during the Cou r ~ e r esearCh .h i eh . ould s eem to suggest ot her.1se. " They al so state a "detailed and e~ haustiv e study M ha s been underway since December !9 8b.

!n t hat two. year study how Is it that MSF managed to aV Oi d the n~gati~e comment s of va rio us agencies and librari es relati ve tc the authent i c ity of MJ- 12? The fr uman and Ei senhower li br ar ies .ou l~ he among the fi r st sou r ces to con tact s ince t he key documen ts ca~e (ron those admInistrations. Either NSF contac t ed t hose source s, : ecei~ec positive replie s, and for some s tra nge r eason are withholdi ng r esult s that would help pr ove the ir case , or MSF received negative re~l ies and, as such , ar e misi nforming the publiC in their press r eleas e t~ a t no t hing was found casting doubt on the atfai r. Or Msr did not cont act them at Ill, l aying .as te to th eir cl a i m o f 8 deta i led and eX~iustive study over t.o years.

~ c tually 8 MMa j est l c" pr oject .as found at t he Arehiv u ~u t WH nothl r'! ; mor e tha n an em ergency wa r plan draft ed in 1952 . No c c ~nec~io· to ~ J · ; 2 is at al l evident .

~sr's sale su pport ( rom an expert I t the Nat iona l Ar ch : . es .1as a Quot e In the London Observer b ~ archivist Jo Ann Wi l l iamson =n May ~I . 1987 (MS. Press Re le ase , June I I, 1987 , pg.J), .hen t"le s:==y was forced Int o t he spotlight by Timothy Good ' s ne. book ABOV~ fO? SECRET. Tnis support dId not dev e lop du r Ing t ne t.o_year $t u~ , but only a f te r it hit the pre ss. And, a s s lim a5 i t was , it .as ce - o:l~h !;!D Oy \~!ll!amson he rse lf I n the Jul y 22, 1981 , Nati onal Ar chive. ),\';_\2 Disc laimer .

I t .. auld no. be a good I dea ( or NSF to publish a ll the e,· ! c:e- ;~ of the e~haustive,t.o-yea r st udy, .hieh t hey c la i m t ot ally suppor rs MJ . 12 , very soon as the s t or y Is under consid er able assault. ,


It Is also time to see the additional portion of MSF's in_ formation; the things that they have publicly stated as having in hand relative Lo MJ -12. This information Is, by their wonis, far more sensational than what has already been released. MSF wants a scientific investigation into MJ - 12, but have yet to open the book fully on "hat broadcast er Paul Harvey calls the "rest of the story ." Where' are those photographs and video tape? Why haven't recent press releases by MSF discussed the "MJ-5" memo and the Aquarius report? Where is the President Carter briefing paper? Let us hear a little more about "E8Es" and the "Highs?" We know MSF have this information and it certainly would be a revelation if "hat we hear about these things turns out to be true. Why are MSF playing "Project 8lue Book" and not releasing the meat?


Now that we know t he MJ_12 story is severely flawed, what is the source of this information? Since MSF aren ' t talking about their sources, we've dIscovered several things which we thInk point In the right direction.

1) I n 1984 , Linda Moulton Howe, who produced the wel l _known cattle m"utllation film STRANGE HARVEST, was contacted by a government source to aid in producing a UfO documentary, essentially providing an ans"er to UfOs. She "as invited by the source, briefed on the story, then sworn to secrecy about It until the fIlm's eventual release. The deal was never completed. Details of the story given to her match the MJ_12 tale, along with much extra detail about contacts with "E8Es" (see MJ-12 Briefing Paper), Nordi c_type allens called "Highs" and conflicting allen factions.

2) In March 1986, UFO l ecturer and researcher Robert Hastings visited with Dr. Paul 8ennewitz of the Kirtland 1960 sight­ings (see CLEAR INTENT , Epilog) at his home In Albuquerque, Ne~ Mexico, very close to Kirtland AFB. During the inter­view Hastings reported that 8ennew i tz used the phrase "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities" t o describe the aliens in his UfO activities. The phrase is Identical to the MJ-12 8riefing Paper's description of aliens and came a full year before the public release of the MSf papers. How did Benn ­ewitz know this phrase "lthout having been told by someone?

) CAUS Director, Peter Gersten, i n a visit with a military intelligence source at Kir t land Af8 in 1983, was informed of a wide range of bizarre UfO stories. Included wer e com­ments on a briefing pape r on UFOs for President Carter, the Cash/Landrum uro being a government exploitation of UfO tech ­nology (something Bennewitz has claimed as well), Bill Moo re being "right. on" with Roswell, and an ac::lmisslon that the original Project Aquarius cable (see CAU5 8ulletin, December 1985) on 8ennewltz and his UfO photos "as "retyped" and not an original cable. This cable was the first mention anywhere of MJ _ 12 and Project Aquarius.

~hat links these three incidents together? Linda Howe's source was AIr force 051 Special Agent Ric ha rd Daty.

_ Peter Gersten's interview was wIth 051 Special Agent Richard Doly.




- Bennewit z wa s the subject of DSl Specia l Agent Ri chard Doty ' s in~est1Qat1on at the 1980 Kir tland AtB, N,M .,UtD slg htings and t he tw o ~aint ai ned cont act thereaft er,

• Cons ider also that Wi l liam Hoare has been associated with Doty

rro~ t he time at ter th e origi nal Ki rtland si ghti ng5 in 1980. Dot y's home base, Kir t l and , i s noted se~e ral ti mes in the var ious MSF papers. Doty knew detaIls of HJ- 12 bef ore t he December 1984 re ceipt by MSf o r the newly_publi cized paper s , as evidenced above. Ooty wes t he OSI agen t on dut y at El lswort h ArB, Sou th Dako t a du ri ng the period of the Nov embe r 1911, Ellsworth hoaxed Incident Repo rt In whi ch UfO al iens were said to engage i n a gun battle wIth El lswo r th securIty guards. Thi s from Doty himself to Pete r Ge rs ten in 1983.

Ques t i on : Is RIchar d Doty Hoore' s sou rce ror .. uch at the inform _ ation we are now seeing? We think I t i s a vi r tual cer t ai nty l

We are also convinced of Doty's i nvo l vement In t he notorlus "C ra i g weitz e l" hoax l etter, wh iCh we can discuss sometim e in the tuture.

As a r esult of all this, we are now forced to re assesl the cred­Ibi U f"i of t he now- F.-ous OS I report on the 1980 Kir tl and UFO si<;lhtlngs, authored i n part by Daty. We had reproduced t his as a la t e entry I n CLEAR INTENT (Epilog). .


'" this csse comlllents article are to the HJ- 12

documents and associated events of tile list years. We are ma ki ng no comment Of conc l us i on on t he Ros~ell inc i dent itsel f. SomethIng crashed t here in July 1967. we don' t know wha t. We we r en' t the re ! But ill any a rgUlllent about the i ncident, it must be co nclusi ve ly proven thaI. a "spaceship " with alien s , or ~. 1atever , came do .. n.

Therefore, we do not rega rd tne MSF documents as convincing proof of tile MJ_12 group Dr t he Ros~e ll c raSh . There a re t oo many n;:: quest i ons whi Ch haven ' t been anSwere~ ~f fectl vely and HSf' s explan_ ations , or in some cases ex cuses, are nowhere near being decisive. f r iedman has us ed the phrase, "Absence of evidence is not e~ldence of absence !" In his defense of HJ-12. aut ne it her Is it proo f of ex istence !

To us, IoI J_12 i s a case of, ftYou've got to be lieve I t to see i: ! ft

The Ed! tor

Postscript: Acknowledgements go to Pe:er Ce r s t en, Robert Todd, RObe:: Ha stings , .. tlilam St etnlllan , John Lea!, Jim Mel esci uc , Peter Gere" I" Dr. David Jacobs and Marge Chrlsten ~~~ for valuabl e comments and ass l s tence .


Page 10: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS


(~: - '; .:~ 'VI , l;:: !(P!U(;

• U U A ~ IUS (T'S)






jl , , I , , j , , . • , I

, "' ::,"y,ult •• 7 • _, .. _. 12 ._-- - -. -I , ,. "

Page 11: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS


,," ' .r i "





Page 12: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS


-. [x.cutive Bri,ring <re_o}

Yesterday ~~ requested he wanted upda ted Info ,inro .UIS not avd t~!! info o r

'" ' .atter.

Project ~.~ . In particular , r'J:> advised that

Hhit. • r.ou.st.~

r .... u.sts custody 1;1 f tt>e

,Don't allow .F to little too .uch .

evaluate I lItNY info. ,(OfD-;> can IIS'S1st to

!lOllY op.n ..,tent . "' .

r' J ~.



Page 13: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS

r.~) Dwi hI D Eisenhower libra , . '~ -~

Auqust 1, 1981

Me. Barry Greenwood CAUS!MASS . MUroN P.O. Box 116 Stoneh.aJII, MA 02180

Dear Mr. Greenwood:

.~H<',,,'. """"'" r.7.J/fJ

This is in response to yau.e letter of July 26. The st.aff of tho Eisenhower Library has been Wl8ble to locate any record in our holdin9s of the briefing document dated November 18, 1952 or of t he Majestic or HJ- 12 operation. We have not located any documents with the HAJIC code word on them nor have we seen any evidence that II "Hajestic-12 clearance level" ever existed during the Eisenhower Administration . Since the document was drawn up by the Truman Administration, rather than the Eisenhower, we really do not have the z;oesourca8 at hand to fully research. and ana lyze this paper .

If you are interested in personally checking the national security I!latel"ials in our manuscript collectionl for infortnation on this alleged project , please let us know, and we will be happy to provide you with a resl!I llrch application and additional information on our facility.


~-z::. ;t....t' ~<%-< :; HARTIN H. TEASLEY Assistant Director


Page 14: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS


•••••••••••••• •

EXH I BI T 5A ••••••••••••• • • -

." t'l'Ae!Dflll!'


••••••••••• Spectal elRaattted ~~cutlve order f01}244 7. (TS/ro)

EXtHB l t 5B · , " " U' 6 lL i


Septefllber 24, 1947.


Dear .:iecretary For~8tal,

AI per our reCent conveMlation on t "his lllatter. you are hereby authort~ed to proceed with all due speed and caution upon your undertaking. Hereafter thla III&tter ahal1 be t:eterred: to o~ all Operation "'ajeetic TWelve. "

It continuea to be .,. t.eUnS that any tuture conllideratlorlll relatlve to the ulti-.te diaposit1on ot thh matter 8"'ould r-eat 801.l.y with the Ottice ot the president tollowlnS appropriate disCUS8ion8 with yourselt, Dr. Buah UId the Director ot Central Intelligence.

Page 15: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS

Hanys. TrnmanLibrary

EXH I Bl T 6

August 4, 1987

Mr. Barry Greenwood P. O. Box 176 Stoneh.a, Ma •• achusetts 02 180

Dear Hr. Greenwood:

Thank you fo r your letter of July 26, 1987 with enc l osur es.

The docu~ent you enclosed. a l1e9~lt II memorandua trom Pre sident Trullan to Secretary o f Datenae Forre.tal dated s~pte.ber 24. 194? i. not in our files. We have ~onllll ult.d wlth t he Modern M1L itsey Records Divi s ion in the Nat i o nal Archiv •• and the Bi •• nhower Library reqarding a ll of theae alleged - Maj.st i c 12- documents and have taken II common positi on wi th thea that we cannot authenticate any c opies of documents, whe n we do not have the originals in our c U8tod Alao, there ia appare nt.ly no decla .a ification stamp On thi~ ' ~ocu.ent 8a r equired by law and Government regulat i ons 1f it

8 8ctU~1~y a copy of an original doc::u.,,"nt that wa. • dech •• sl fl ed.

We hope thi s in f o r.ation i. he lpful to you.



¥ft0 1& head or the pro~~t.

• -On 06 Dec •• ber, 11}'50, a aecond obJect, probabl,. or a1a11&r or1n", lapou:tad the .arth at him a",ad in the V.l IndiO -Cu.err.ro IU'e& ot the 'exaa _ .. e:dean boder att ... r t o llov1r\1t a 10M traJectol'1 throu.th the IltwMpb.ere. BJ' the ti.e a .earch te .. U"!'i.ed, wat h -tned or the ob~ect: had been alaoat tot:al17 iaoillerated.. Such _tarlal .. oould be raco.,red wa.­traneported to tb. A.S.C. taclU,," at Sandia, W_ Muieo, tor atu4J'.

ta"l1eaUOM tor the )faUonal See\ll'iQ' are or eontin1l1n,; 1&-__ _ __ __ ,, _ ~ .. _ .. ~ .. _ _ ~ , _ __ " ._~". __ "_"-_" __ "''''_. ,, ~ t ...... 1111

Page 16: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS


• •

EXH I S ll 8

o J3.1iiiC":', :~. C/I-:.1-12 $pccial. St1;Jc!l.s Projoctt

41M1ded tbat tM M1 ... 1~ SSP bri.t1nc ~. all" 247 SCt-..-d'lll.ed iI11t. 1kT...; ..

::~~l~r~:! Uti" hllovl."1I it u pr.nously a:n-nn(tncts '01111 btl II%pla1n..t to Pl0a80 ute' JQal' pln.tUI eowJdln£ll'.

rcnu- ooneurrance in the .boq ebnn&o or arran!"~cr.t!l 1B •• Slnc4.0


ROBER! ctmJm Sped31 A.s.rill'~t to th. Prest<!ent

Page 17: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS

Dwight D Eisenhower Library


July 13, 1987

Mr, Robart G. Todd 2528 8elllxmt Avenue Ardmore, PA 19003

Dear MJ::. Todd,

llbiknr, KI:mSQl 674/0

Thi. is in response to your letter ot June 30 . Our rea.ons for questioning the authentieity of the July 14. 1954 memorandWil frolll Robert Cutl er to General Twining oU'e as follows:

l. Preside nt Eisenhower'. Appointment Boo);. contain no entry for .. special meeting on July 16, 1954 which might have included a briefing on MJ- 12. Even when the President had ·Off the Record- meetings, the Appointment Book. contain entries indicating the times of the llleetinqa and the participants.

2. The classification marking on this memorandum i. one we have never seen on an Eisenhowe r Administration docu.ent. -Top Secret- and -Restricted- are two different levels ot c l assification. Thera neither is. nor eve~ was, a classi fication level known as -Top Sec~et Restricted.- The use ot ·Re9tr~cted- as a classification ~rkin9 was discontinued in November 1953 .

l. The Declassitication Office of the National Security Council has informed us that it has no record of any declassification action having been taken on this memorandum o~ on any other doeuments on this alleged project.

4. No additional docUmentation on MJ-12 has been located at eithe~ the National Archives or the Eisenhower Library.

5. Finally, Robert Cutler, at the direction ot President Eisenhower , was visiting overseas ~litary installations on the day he supposedly


Page 18: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS

Hr . Robert G. Todd July 13, 1987 Page 2

issued this ..... morandum--July 14 , 1954 . The Administration Series in Eisenhower's Papers a. President contains Cutler ' s lI\E!!J!()randwn and report to the President upon his return from the trip. The memorandum is dated July 20, 1954 and refers to Cutl er ' s visit. to installation. in Europe and North Africa between July 3 and July 15. l'urther!J!()re, Cutler 's name does not appear on the roster for the regular NSC meeting of July 15. Also , within t he NSC Staff Papers is a memorandum dated July J, 1954 from Cutler to his two subordinates, James S . Lay and J. Patrick Coyne, explaining how they should handle NSC administrative matters during his absence; one would assume that if the me!J!()rand~ t o Twining were genuine. Lay or Coyne would have signed it.

We are enclosing, free of charge. copies of the July 14. 1954 purported melDOrandum feom Cutler to Twining. the July J, 1954 InelDOrandum from Cutler to Lay and Coyne , and the July 20, 1954 memorandum trom Cutler to the President.

If we can be of further assistance , please let us know.


" -

?n.::c:. r-< / __ ...... -< MARTIN M. TEASLEY A--" Assistant Oirector ~



Page 19: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS


- Bennewit z wa s the subject of DSl Specia l Agent Ri chard Doty ' s in~est1Qat1on at the 1980 Kir tland AtB, N,M .,UtD slg htings and t he tw o ~aint ai ned cont act thereaft er,

• Cons ider also that Wi l liam Hoare has been associated with Doty

rro~ t he time at ter th e origi nal Ki rtland si ghti ng5 in 1980. Dot y's home base, Kir t l and , i s noted se~e ral ti mes in the var ious MSF papers. Doty knew detaIls of HJ- 12 bef ore t he December 1984 re ceipt by MSf o r the newly_publi cized paper s , as evidenced above. Ooty wes t he OSI agen t on dut y at El lswort h ArB, Sou th Dako t a du ri ng the period of the Nov embe r 1911, Ellsworth hoaxed Incident Repo rt In whi ch UfO al iens were said to engage i n a gun battle wIth El lswo r th securIty guards. Thi s from Doty himself to Pete r Ge rs ten in 1983.

Ques t i on : Is RIchar d Doty Hoore' s sou rce ror .. uch at the inform _ ation we are now seeing? We think I t i s a vi r tual cer t ai nty l

We are also convinced of Doty's i nvo l vement In t he notorlus "C ra i g weitz e l" hoax l etter, wh iCh we can discuss sometim e in the tuture.

As a r esult of all this, we are now forced to re assesl the cred­Ibi U f"i of t he now- F.-ous OS I report on the 1980 Kir tl and UFO si<;lhtlngs, authored i n part by Daty. We had reproduced t his as a la t e entry I n CLEAR INTENT (Epilog). .


'" this csse comlllents article are to the HJ- 12

documents and associated events of tile list years. We are ma ki ng no comment Of conc l us i on on t he Ros~ell inc i dent itsel f. SomethIng crashed t here in July 1967. we don' t know wha t. We we r en' t the re ! But ill any a rgUlllent about the i ncident, it must be co nclusi ve ly proven thaI. a "spaceship " with alien s , or ~. 1atever , came do .. n.

Therefore, we do not rega rd tne MSF documents as convincing proof of tile MJ_12 group Dr t he Ros~e ll c raSh . There a re t oo many n;:: quest i ons whi Ch haven ' t been anSwere~ ~f fectl vely and HSf' s explan_ ations , or in some cases ex cuses, are nowhere near being decisive. f r iedman has us ed the phrase, "Absence of evidence is not e~ldence of absence !" In his defense of HJ-12. aut ne it her Is it proo f of ex istence !

To us, IoI J_12 i s a case of, ftYou've got to be lieve I t to see i: ! ft

The Ed! tor

Postscript: Acknowledgements go to Pe:er Ce r s t en, Robert Todd, RObe:: Ha stings , .. tlilam St etnlllan , John Lea!, Jim Mel esci uc , Peter Gere" I" Dr. David Jacobs and Marge Chrlsten ~~~ for valuabl e comments and ass l s tence .


Page 20: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS


, speeialist ("lacy Rit~e"th31~c) examined t~. peper and deter­

lIIined it was a ribbon copy prepared On "dictation anionakin".

The Eieenhower Library haa examined ita collection of the Cutler

papera. A1.1 documents cr .... ted by Mr. Cutler \lhile he served On

the Nse ateff have an eagle vatermark in the onionskin carbon

paper. Moat docu",enta sent out by the Nse were prepared on White

Houee letterhead paper. Por the brief period vhen Mr. Cutler

left the NSe. hi" ca"bon eopiea lIere prepal."ed on "prelltige on10n­

"kin" •

7 . The Judicial. Fiscal. and Social Branch searched the

OffiCial Meeting Minute Files of the Nation,,1 Secuc!ty Council

and found no reco rd of A. NSC lIeeting On July 16. 1954. A 3earch

of all NSC Keeting P1inute" fOIr July 1954 found nO mention of

MJ-12 nor Majestic.

B. The Judicial, Fiscal. and Social Branch (Mary Ronan)

searched the indicies of the NSC records and found no listing

for: MJ-12. Majestic, unidentified flying objects. UFO, flying

:.aurers. or !!.ying c!.i.scs_

9. The Judicial, Fiscal, and Social Branch (Mary Ronan)

1'0und a llIemO in a folder titled ·Spec,ial fleeting July 16, 1954"

whiCh indicated that NSC .elllbers would be called to a civil

defense e~ercise on July 16, 1954.

10. The Eisenhower Library states, in a letter to NNMR.

dated July ~6, 1987:

·President Eisenhower's Appointment Books contain no entry

for a special meeting on July 16, 1954 which might have included

a briefing on MJ-12. Even when the President had -'off the ["ecol'd'

meeting.s, the AppointllIent Books contain entries indicating

the time of the meeting and the participants •••

The Declassification Office of the National Secu["ity Council

has info["med us that it haa no recol'd of any declas.sification

action having been taken on this memorandum 0[" any othel' documents

On this alleged project •••

Robert Cutler. at the direction of Pl'esident Eisenhower. was

visitinq ove["seas militacy installations on the day he supposedly

Page 21: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS

iss!,led thill lIe.Ol'8nd~1II --- .July 14 , 1954. The Adllinistrat ion

Series in Eisenhower's Papers .s President contains Cu tler ' s

lIellor.ndulI .nd e-eport to the President upon his return froll the

trig . The lIellorendum is d.ted July 20. 1954 lind e-efers to

Cutler's visit. to installation" in Eu.:ope and No.:th Africa

betveen July 3 and 15. Also, \lith!n the NSC Stsff Pspers is II

lIe .. o.:anduBl dated July 3, 1954, froll Cutler to his tvo subordi­

nates, JalleS S. Lay and J. Pate-ict Coyne. eltp111inin9 hO\l they

should h~ndlo NSC IIdlliniste-lItive .. tte.:s durin9 his absence;

one vould auau .. e that if the .. ello e-andu", to Tvininq ve.:e genu ine.

t.~v oe- Coyne would have siilned it.·

~.a > ~~ .... ,. ~~ _-./

' JO ANN WILLI~SON Chief, Ill1itarv Reference eranch llilita':Y Ae-chiYe" Diyision

2 '

Page 22: EP 2B B1 JUST E - NOUFORS


uFo r.conls faked, investigator reports

- . 'AO, r ~'.l,:rI~~('. Y, i~:ef;.{)Y WiI'

Nl:W 'fOIt( ~t ",,"-,,"",,"Y. JIJNf • • us. liFO

& DATA: BOOK booI< -"bel .... Top Secn!t Tho w .... kIw"\d< UFO c..---Op,' 10 be PUI> " , ' . 'IA JIlIy. u.. ).(J.l2 .,.,mn\U..., wu .. , up by - ..., "n"wnan 10 cllodl ' ..... 11 '" omldcnIllIed ....."...n .t._ Inlho u.s.

,"aUowin, a ~porr f .... m a ,,,.,.1 I •• mor. ,he <"!II mln." I . ..... hcd ... ....,h I .... . er"- UFO I .... ~. mot. atea or He .. M ... • 100In lit1. ",.~ l ound Ihe bodl ••

01 four hu"' • ....,;d ""' • • to Gaod"s I ....... Good •• leI.

" LI ______ • _____ ~~_. __ ~~ ________________ __