EOC Study Packet EARLY AMERICA - Fort Bend ISD · EOC Study Packet EARLY AMERICA 1. ... 3. Write...

1 EOC Study Packet EARLY AMERICA 1. What was the reason behind writing the Declaration of Independence? 2. Founding Fathers - Write the name of the Founding Father next to the statement that describes them. Benjamin Rush John Hancock John Jay John Witherspoon John Peter Muhlenberg Charles Carroll Jonathan Trumball A. Known as "Father of American Medicine." Signer of the Declaration of Independence. _______________________________ B. American intellectual, inventor, and politician He helped to negotiate French support for the American Revolution. _______________________________ C. Scottish immigrant who was a leading member of the Second Continental Congress. A signer of the Declaration of Independence. _______________________________ D. Only British colonial governor to side with the colonists during the American Revolution. Advisor to George Washington. _______________________________ E. Patriot leader and president of the Second Continental Congress; first person to sign the Declaration of Independence. _______________________________ F. Protestant minister who recruited soldiers and rose to the rank of general. _______________________________ G. One of the wealthiest men in the colonies. He helped finance the Revolution with his own money. _______________________________ 3. Write the meaning of the quotes below in your own words Declaration of Independence Constitution & Bill of Rights Summarize grievances from the Declaration of Independence. How was the grievance from the Declaration of Independence addressed in the Constitution? “He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.” “The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second year by the People.” He has kept among us, in times of peace, “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered

Transcript of EOC Study Packet EARLY AMERICA - Fort Bend ISD · EOC Study Packet EARLY AMERICA 1. ... 3. Write...



1. What was the reason behind writing the Declaration of Independence? 2. Founding Fathers - Write the name of the Founding Father next to the statement that describes them.

Benjamin Rush John Hancock John Jay John Witherspoon John Peter Muhlenberg Charles Carroll Jonathan Trumball

A. Known as "Father of American Medicine." Signer of the Declaration of Independence.


B. American intellectual, inventor, and politician He helped to negotiate French support for the

American Revolution. _______________________________

C. Scottish immigrant who was a leading member of the Second Continental Congress. A signer of

the Declaration of Independence. _______________________________

D. Only British colonial governor to side with the colonists during the American Revolution. Advisor

to George Washington. _______________________________

E. Patriot leader and president of the Second Continental Congress; first person to sign the

Declaration of Independence. _______________________________

F. Protestant minister who recruited soldiers and rose to the rank of general.


G. One of the wealthiest men in the colonies. He helped finance the Revolution with his own

money. _______________________________

3. Write the meaning of the quotes below in your own words

Declaration of Independence

Constitution & Bill of Rights

Summarize grievances from the Declaration of Independence.

How was the grievance from the Declaration of Independence

addressed in the Constitution? “He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.”

“The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second year by the People.”

“He has kept among us, in times of peace, “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered


Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.”

in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.”

“For imposing taxes on us without our consent.”

“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises…”


4. Applying the Principles of the Constitution - Match each statement with the constitutional principle it best


P – popular sovereignty F – federalism S – separation of powers

R – republicanism L – limited government C – checks and balances

_______1. The people elect senators to serve in Washington, D.C.

_______2. The national government conducts foreign policy.

_______3. “We the people…do ordain and establish this Constitution.”

_______4. Congress may impeach judges and the president.

_______5. Government officials are never above the law.

_______6. Government is by the consent of the governed.

_______7. The president appoints federal judges who are then approved by Congress.

_______8. The Legislative Branch makes the laws.

_______9. Congress can override a presidential veto by two-thirds vote in each house.

_______10. Both the federal and state governments can impose taxes.



1. What were causes of the United States becoming an “Industrial Nation” during the late 1800’s?


2. Between 1880 and 1900 why did most immigrants that came to the United States settle in cities?

3. Describe the working conditions in factories in the 1800’s.

8. What types of technology made it possible for skyscrapers to be built?

9. Describe the migration of people to the cities.

10. Why did immigrants coming to the U.S. settle in the cities?

11. What were the negative effects of Urbanization?


12. What were some of the effects of Westward Expansion?

United States as an “Industrial Nation”




13. Define Monopoly –

14. Define Nativism –

15. How did the theory of laissez faire economics impact businesses in the 1800s?

16 Describe how the Dawes Act affected the Native Americans?

17 The Homestead Act promoted the development of western lands by which group of people?


Westward Expansion


1. What was the significance of following muckrakers and reform leaders of the Progressive Era?

2. What were the goals of the Progressives?


4. Before Teddy Roosevelt was elected president, the federal government had tended to side with “big business” when there were conflicts between business and labor. Roosevelt offered Americans a “_____________ Deal,” promising to stand up to corporations who didn’t play fairly.

TR earned the reputation as a “_____________ buster” for prosecuting corporations who flagrantly violated the principles of the Sherman Antitrust Act. However, it became apparent that the Sherman Act was not strong enough to rein in monopolies.

4. Identify the following Amendments:

Leaders of the Progressive Era

Significance (importance/consequence) of reformers

Upton Sinclair

Susan B. Anthony

Ida B. Wells

W. E. B. DuBois


______________ ________________ (Pictured) started the

____________ House, a “settlement house” where immigrant

families could go to receive education, job training, and child care,

amongst other things. Settlement houses served as community

centers for immigrants trying to make their way in America.


16th Amendment

17th Amendment

18th Amendment

Repealed by the ______ Amendment

19th Amendment

5. What impact did the Progressive Era have on individuals in the United States?

6. What was the Social Gospel Movement? What was its legacy?

7. Define the following reforms




Secret Ballot

9. What is a philanthropist? How were Carnegie and Rockefeller philanthropists?


1. Motivations for American Imperialism (FILL IN THE BLANK)


Social ________________________ Expansion of ___________________

Europeans and Americans believed that their civilization as superior to those of Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands.

Imperialism opened foreign markets for American agricultural and industrial products, easing economic tensions at home.

Spread ________________________ and Western Civilization

_____________________ Bases

American imperialists had convinced themselves that they had an obligation, referred to as the “White Man’s Burden,” to spread Christianity and elevate subject peoples while exploiting

them economically.

America sought to assert itself as a naval power in the early twentieth century. Imperialism provided the United States with naval bases in

the Caribbean and the Pacific.

2. The Spanish-American War marked TURNING POINT in history due to United States’ emergence as a ___________________ ________________.

3. Causes of the Spanish American War (FILL IN THE BLANK) American sympathy for rebels in _________________ who were fighting against Spain for their independence.

The explosion of the

U.S.S. __________________

in Havana Harbor.

________________ Journalism NYC Newspapers published sensational headlines in order to compete for circulation.

4. AMERICA WINS and inherits what’s left of Spain’s colonial empire: (FILL IN THE BLANK) In the Pacific In the Caribbean

1. _________________________

2. _________________________

3. _________________________

1. ___________________ (Annexed)

2. ___________________ (Controlled)

5. U.S. Imperialism in China

The “__________________ _______________” Policy opened Chinese markets to the U.S. by allowing American businesses to trade alongside European powers.

The _____________________ Rebellion was an anti-imperialist uprising in China that was put down by American and British forces.

6. US Intervention in Latin America

_____________________Amendment: U.S. can intervene in to prevent civil unrest


Teddy ______________________

“___________ ____________”


TR described his foreign policy as being inspired by the West African proverb,

“Speak softly and carry a big stick.”

The Roosevelt Corollary to the _______________________ Doctrine established _____ The United States helped ___________________ gain independence from Colombia in order to gain access rights to construct the Panama ___________________.

7. 1914: World War I Begins (FILL IN THE BLANK)

The Causes: The Igniting Incident:

The _________________________ System

& ___________________________

Archduke Franz ________________________ of Austria was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in 1914. Following the assassination, alliances were invoked, leading to a full-scale war with Britain, France, and allies on one side and Germany and allies on the other.

8. What events lead the United States to enter World War I?

1. CRUISE SHIP Sinking of the _______________________ (1915)

2. TELEGRAM The ____________________ Note (Germany to ________________)

3. SUBMARINE _____________________ Submarine Warfare

9. What technological advances made World War I different from other wars?

10. What is the significance of the Battle of Argonne Forest?

11. What were the economic effects on the home front (US)?


12. The _________________ & ________________ Acts (1917-1918) banned Americans from undermining the war effort by speaking out against the war and doing anything else (discouraging the purchase of war bonds, opposing the draft, etc.) that could undermine the war effort.

13. WILSON’S ______________________ POINTS:

1. Freedom of the ______________________

2. Reduction of ______________________

3. Open _________________ Negotiations

4. ____________-_________________ of Peoples

5. ____________________ of _____________________

14. List the peace terms that ended WWI through the Treaty of Versailles.

15. Why did the US Senate reject the League of Nations?

16. America retreats into ___________________ after World War I

17. Significant people involved in America’s emergence as a world power:

A. His assassination sparked the start of WWI _________________________ B. President during WWI. Issued the Fourteen Points and supported the League of Nations.

_________________________ C. Commanded American Expeditionary Force during WWI _________________________ D. U.S. Senator who led the fight against joining the League of Nations

_________________________ E. U.S. Admiral and imperialist who encouraged the U.S. to strengthen its naval power to

become a world power. _________________________


1. What did Warren Harding mean when he called for a “return to normalcy?”


2. What factors sparked the prosperity of the 1920s?

13. In what ways did the 1920s witness a conflict in values?

Events of the 1920s:

Causes Explanation Effects 3. Red Scare

5. Scopes Monkey Trial

6. Eugenics

7. New Restrictions on Immigration

8. Changing Role of Women

9. Teapot Dome Scandal

10. What impact did the Harlem Renaissance have on the African American community in America?

Popular Heroes

11. Charles Lindberg’s accomplishments -


12. Amelia Earhart’s accomplishments -

13. How did the accomplishments of these heroes impact society during the 1920s?

14. Prohibition

ORIGINS: _______________ Movement (Antebellum Period)

Prohibition gained traction during WWI due to anti-German sentiment and the wartime push to conserve grain (the primary ingredient in beer and liquor).

__th Amendment Banned the sale and consumption of “intoxicating liquors”

ENFORCEMENT UNSUCCESSFUL __st Amendment REPEALED the 18th Amendment (1933)


Illegal alcohol sellers (e.g., Al Capone)

_____________________ Private clubs where alcohol

was illegally consumed

15. Production & Consumer Culture

Henry Ford’s _________________ Line made production more efficient but cut out the need for skilled laborers. Automobiles became prevalent during the 1920s because of Ford’s assembly line.

New electric appliances, such as the vacuum cleaner, iron, and washing machine made it easier than ever for housewives to do household chores.

Americans who couldn’t afford the new appliances purchased them on the _________________ plan.

Advertisements encouraged people to … “BUY _____________ Pay _____________!”

RESULT: _________________


Causes of the Great Depression


1. Factors Contributing to Consumer Debt:

The __________ _________’s

“Easy Money” Policies Overconsumption Stock Market


During the 1920s, the Federal Reserve kept interest rates low, which encouraged borrowing. After the stock market crash, the Fed suddenly TIGHTENED the money supply.

Consumers borrowed money to pay for new appliances and other consumer goods, purchasing these items on the _____________ plan.

SPECULATION: Buying on the ______________

(Borrowing $$$ to buy stocks)

2. By the late 1920s, consumers had so much debt that they could no longer pay for expensive consumer goods, which lowered demand. This resulted in overproduction, resulting in decreased profits for companies.

STOCK MARKET ________________________ (1929)

Dust Bowl

3. Causes of the Dust Bowl –

During the Dust Bowl, many people who left their farms in the 1930s migrated to—

The Dust Bowl had the greatest impact on living in the

4. President Herbert __________________ tried unsuccessfully to help: 1. Tax ____________________

2. ___________-____________ Tariff (Second Highest in US History)

5. Hoover REJECTED the idea of ________________ RELIEF to the poor.

“_________________” became a symbol of most Americans’ lack of confidence in Hoover’s leadership.

6. The New Deal

Franklin D. __________ (FDR) (Elected 1932)

The “Three R’s” of the New Deal:


PANIC: “The only thing we have to fear is _____________, itself.” – Inaugural Address

FDR used “_____________ chats,” radio addresses that he used to explain his plans to the people in plain language.

7. FDR’s Alphabet Soup (New Deal Agencies created by the FDR administration)

Name: ____________________________________________ (FDIC) Purpose:


Name: Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Purpose:

Name: National Recovery Administration (NRA) Purpose:


Name: ____________________________________________ (SEC) Purpose:

Name: ____________________________________________ (TVA) Purpose:


Name: Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Purpose:

SSA Social Security Administration NLRB National Labor

Relations Board

R_________________ R_________________ R_________________


8. Describe New Deal opponents’ criticisms of New Deal Policies

9. The Supreme Court and the New Deal

In Schechter v. United States (1935), the Supreme Court declared the National Recovery Act

__________________________. This is an example of judicial _________________, a principle

established by John Marshall in ________________ v. _________________.

In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, FDR presented a plan to

Congress to __________________ the Supreme Court, which would have

allowed the president to appoint more justices to the Court. This plan

undermined the system of _________________ and ________________

that are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. Congress rejected the “court

packing” plan, handing FDR his first major legislative defeat.


In the boxes below, describe the developments that led to the outbreak of World War II.


Events - Explain the significance of the following events:

• Battle of Midway

• Pacific “Island Hopping”

• Bataan Death March

• Invasion of Normandy

• Battle of the Bulge

• Dropping of the Atomic Bomb

Explain why the President signed the Executive Order 9066 and describe what it did.


Explain how World War II helped end the Great Depression.

During World War II, how were secret messages transmitted to US forces during combat? List the six major American commanders of World War II and their description and location of combat.

American Commander

Description Combat Location

Why did the US government ration many goods and foods during World War II?

Describe the Neutrality Acts.

Describe why Lend-Lease replaced Neutrality Acts.


What role did women play in America during World War II?

What is propaganda? How did the government get involved with propaganda?


Shortly after World War II, the cold war developed mainly as a result of the—


What country was the enemy of the US during the Cold War? What type of government did they have?

The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan represented attempts by the United States to deal with the—

During the Cold War the US policy was to ________________ the spread of Communism. Why was NATO formed?

During the 1950s President Eisenhower believed in the Domino Theory, which stated—

What US Senator falsely accused many Americans of being disloyal and communist? The successful launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957 signaled the beginning of—

How did the Korean War begin? What was the end result? What was the closest the US and Soviet Union ever came to a Nuclear War? Why was the western hemisphere in danger? How did JFK get the Soviets to back down? Explain why the US became involved in the Vietnam War. What was the end result?


How did the War Powers Act limit the ability of the president to deploy the military?

In the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, congress gave President Johnson—

Explain the purpose of the 26th Amendment. How did the Vietnam War lead to the passage of this amendment?

Why were some people taking part in the Anti-draft movement during the Vietnam War?

Describe the following events & their significance:

TET Offensive

Fall of Saigon

What were the causes of the massive economic boom of the 1950s?

Describe the following


• Baby Boom:

• Sunbelt Migration:

• Interstate Highway Act 1956:


What Supreme Court case did the Board of Educations of Topeka, Kansas case overturn?


What was the significance of sending federal troops to protect African-American students in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957?

What views or beliefs did Governors Orval Faubus (Arkansas), Lester Maddox (Georgia), and George Wallace (Alabama) have in common during the 1950s and 1960s?

Civil Rights Leaders:

Describe their contributions to the Civil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King


Malcolm X

Cesar Chavez

Hector Garcia

Betty Friedan

What was the original purpose of affirmative action programs?

What law changed voting participation amongst minorities in the South?


Explain the impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Explain the relationship between the Brown vs. Board decision and the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision.


What did it do?

13th Amendment

14th Amendment

15th Amendment

24th Amendment

26th Amendment

The Battle for Racial Equality in the Courts (Describe the decision of the Supreme Court in the cases below)

o Mendez v. Westminster School District:

o Sweatt v. Painter (1950):


o Hernandez v. Texas (1954):

o Delgado v. Bastrop ISD (1948):

o White v. Regester (1973):

o Edgewood ISD v. Kirby (1984):

1970s-Present The era from the 1970’s to the present, for our purposes, will be identi-

fied as Modern America. In this era, United States foreign policy shifts to more open relationships with communist China and the Soviet Union. As

the Cold War ends our focus turns to combating terrorism. On the domestic front, this period ushers in a conservative movement to address

the growth in federal power.

Frisco ISD Social Studies Department - https://sites.google.com/a/friscoisd.org/fisd-us-history-1877-present/ 1

Typewritten Text
Name ________________________________________Social Studies Teacher: ___________________ _
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Complete the questions contained in this packet. You may use the Information sheet in the back of the packet for assistance
Typewritten Text

1. Describe significant societal issues from the 1970s– 1990s in each of the following areas.

2. What 3rd party was involved in the presidential election of 1992 and what impact did

it have? 3. What was historically significant about the presidential election in 2008? 4. Explain the solvency of long-term entitlement programs such as Social Security and


Political Issues

Economic Issues

Social Issues





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Explain the political, economic, and social factors involved in the U.S. role in the world in regards to the following events:

Political Economic Social

Richard M. Nixon’s normalization of

relations with China

Policy of détente


Ronald Reagan’s “Peace Through


Support for Israel

Camp David Accords

Iran-Contra Affair

Marines in Lebanon

Iran Hostage Crisis










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Explain the political, economic, and social factors involved in the U.S. role in the world in regards to the following events:

How did each of these impact the U.S. free enterprise system?

Political Economic Social

End of the Cold War

Persian Gulf War

Balkans Crisis






OPEC –Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

GATT—General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade

NAFTA—North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement


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Explain the political, economic, and social factors involved in the U.S. role in the world in regards to the following events:

Political Economic Social

Conservative Resurgence of the 80s

and 90s

Phyllis Schlafly

Contract with America

Heritage Foundation

Moral Majority

National Rifle Association (NRA)


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1. How did Bill Clinton’s impeachment affect the view of U.S. citizens concerning trust in the federal government and its leaders? 2. What constitutional issues were raised in the aftermath of 9/11? 3. How did the following contemporary legislation affect the public and private sectors?

4. What are the pros and cons of U.S. participation in international organizations and


Community Reinvestment Act of 1977

USA PATRIOT Act of 2001

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009






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1. How did defense spending from 1945 to 1990’s impact the U.S. economy? 2. How did the following American entrepreneurs achieve the American dream?

3. Identify the impact of international events, multinational corporations, govern-

ment policies, and individuals on the 21st century economy. 4. How did energy impact the American way of life between 1970-1990?


Bill Gates

Sam Walton

Estee Lauder

Robert Johnson

Lionel Sosa




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1. How did each of the following help to mange the environment?

2. What were the contributions of the following individuals?

3. What effect did the case of Wisconsin v Yoder have on American society? 4. How did the presidential election of 2000 impact the relationship between the

three branches of government? 5. What was significant about the election of 2008?

Environmental Protection Agency

Endangered Species Act

Billy Graham

Barry Goldwater

Sandra Day O’Connor

Hillary Clinton






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