Enzyme Lab Preparation(1)

Enzyme Lab Preparation: Read the lab. Read the sections of a lab report, below Prepare - typed before class Title (must be descriptive) Introduction references Turn in at end of class: a graph for each experiment - see graphing document for proper format beneath each graph state the hypothesis for the experiment and whether or not the data SUPPORTS the hypothesis. (Note: in science one never says that a hypothesis was proven ). Also include an explanation of what went on at the molecular level and why. This should be no more than 2 sentences. Feel free to cite your textbook or lab book as needed but remember to include them in the reference section. (see ch 8 for help) NOTES ABOUT THIS SPECIFIC LAB do a trial run to make sure you understand what is going on this lab will take everybody in your lab group to be actively doing something be consistent when you measure out your filter paper strips and when you dunk them in the enzyme solution, consistency will help make each trial equivalent to another on page 47 record the exact temperature that you performed the experiment at the experiments on pages 48 and 49 should be done at 37°C make a graph for each experiment, there should be 3 lines on each graph therefore you will need a key for each graph. Under each graph include an explanation of what went on at the molecular level and why. This should be no more than 2 sentences. Feel free to cite your textbook or lab book as needed but remember to include them in the reference section.



Transcript of Enzyme Lab Preparation(1)

Enzyme Lab Preparation:

Read the lab.Read the sections of a lab report, belowPrepare - typed before class Title (must be descriptive) Introduction referencesTurn in at end of class: a graph for each experiment - see graphing document for proper format beneath each graph state the hypothesis for the experiment and whether or not the data SUPPORTS the hypothesis. (Note: in science one never says that a hypothesis was proven). Also include an explanation of what went on at the molecular level and why. This should be no more than 2 sentences. Feel free to cite your textbook or lab book as needed but remember to include them in the reference section. (see ch 8 for help)

NOTES ABOUT THIS SPECIFIC LAB do a trial run to make sure you understand what is going on this lab will take everybody in your lab group to be actively doing something be consistent when you measure out your filter paper strips and when you dunk them in the enzyme solution, consistency will help make each trial equivalent to another on page 47 record the exact temperature that you performed the experiment at the experiments on pages 48 and 49 should be done at 37C make a graph for each experiment, there should be 3 lines on each graph therefore you will need a key for each graph. Under each graph include an explanation of what went on at the molecular level and why. This should be no more than 2 sentences. Feel free to cite your textbook or lab book as needed but remember to include them in the reference section.

The sections I look for in a lab report:Please use section headings, in a paper sometimes people just want to read one section so having them labeled is helpful

Title: must be descriptive not just "Lab 14"Abstract: (I feel no need for an abstract because these papers should be fairly short but other instructors will want this section).IntroductionMethodsDataDiscussion (others may call this Analysis or Conclusion)References

Title: Scientific articles will often have a sentence as their title rather than some catchy phrase. Scientists want to know what has been done explicitly, they are much less concerned with being a New York Times bestseller.

Introduction: brief synopsis of the experiment (this should NOT be a step-by-step methods section) hypothesis (or purpose if the lab was more of a demonstration). A hypothesis is a testable prediction, often in the form of "If .......(we do this) . . . then . . . (this will happen)." Look at the experiment and decide what is being tested, For the enzyme lab there are 3 distinct experiments so your intro should have 3 different hypothesis statements. Use information from lab book, lecture or text to back up your hypothesis. (Needs a reference). For example when testing enzymes at different temperatures one might say "It is predicted that as the temperature increases the rate of the reaction will also increase" - this is the hypothesis statement and it must be backed up with science. To find that science I do not expect a full research paper or review of literature or internet sources, I expect only that you open your text book or listen to my lecture or ask me questions to find out why enzymatic reactions increase with temperature and if there are any instances when this might not be true. explanation of how the experiment will be able to test the hypothesis make paragraphs for each topic. I would rather have 4, two sentence paragraphs than one large 8 sentence paragraph if each paragraph is about a different topic.

ReferencesYes, this is the last section but it must be addressed early as well. I do not accept formal papers without references. You will receive a zero for the paper if it has no references. Every teacher and journal will have a format that they prefer. Always follow instructions, do not whine that you like MLA or that chemistry classes use APA. A paper formatted incorrectly for publication will simply be returned without being read.a. Each bit of information in the body of your paper that you did not personally know already or that you feel would be more authoritative coming from a book than from you should have both an in text citation and a full reference at the end of the paper. In text citations should be in the form of the authors last name and the year of publication in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. For example: The method described in the lab text, experiment 16 Mitosis and Meiosis was used (Peterson and Anderson 2012).b. At the end of the paper there MUST be a reference section. Each name in parentheses in the text must show up at the end of the paper. The citations should be in alphabetical order by the first authors last name. NEVER switch the order of the authors, the lab book will always be: Peterson, C. and Anderson, B. . . . Never put Anderson first. You should have at bare minimum a reference for your lab book and probably your lecture text as well.c. Use the APA format, see www.apastyle.org for help.d. If you have NO references you will receive NO points at all for your paper. (Yes, I am that hung up about it).

Additional Notes:Partners: You will no doubt be working with one or more partners during an experiment. I encourage you to brainstorm with one another but I expect each of you to write your own lab report. Turing in identical papers will result in all of you getting Fs for that write up.

Grammar: It is expected that proper grammar, spelling and general good English is used. Even though YOU did this and it is about YOU, personal pronouns should be kept to a minimum. Write in third person. This can be difficult so I suggest that you write the paper in your normal "voice" then go back and look at each instance of "I, WE, or YOU" and make that sentence impersonal. Instead of "We hypothesize that ..." try "It is hypothesized that . . . ". Or "You can see by the change in color that . . . " changed to "One can see . . . "