Envy photography


Transcript of Envy photography

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• I researched the internet to find out more about the seven deadly sin I was assigned to which was envy. I then found the image of envy from the seven deadly sins website and examined it, for ideas I could use for my photo shoot on envy.

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This photo shows the mainCharacter with a screwed Up face and the eyes Looking very narrow and Straight forward(angry).In my photo shoot I willmake my model portray this face in order to showenvy.

The colour in theBackground of my photo,Will be green as it is a strongDeep colour, that can beSeen to have a deeper meaning.

I will only have one person (model: Faye Wheeler-Diploma Student)in my photo, I believe this will be enough to portraythe final image.

I will need a fake snake as aprop for my photo, to showthat the person is devious, evil and is envying someone orSomething, this will be the Perfect Prop as the snake is looked upon as poisonous, evil and bad.

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• Model (Faye)walks on stage, hands flowing, looking distressed *Pictures will be taken as she walks*, she will have a green snake like prop on her shoulders draping down her arms as she walks.

• She will then pose and look to the left hand-side, *photographs will be taken*, model (Faye) must look devious and serious, Looking towards the camera, eyes straight with a fixed face Then (Sharna) will walk in slowly looking innocent and caring whilst Faye looks at her enviously.