Environmentalpsycology powerpoint

Environmental Psycology Group 1: Joshua Sollenberger Joasia Halka Henry Carballo Kaila Gant Jacob Angel Danielle Palumbo Alex Khudin

Transcript of Environmentalpsycology powerpoint

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Environmental Psycology

Group 1:

Joshua Sollenberger

Joasia Halka

Henry Carballo

Kaila Gant

Jacob Angel

Danielle Palumbo

Alex Khudin

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What is Environmental


- It’s an interdisciplinary science that

focuses on the interplay between human

beings and their surrounding environment.

- It’s basically the study of how we affect

the environment, and vice versa.

- There are 2 Groups: Macro and Micro.

- We’ll be focusing on the Macro part to

understand what’s happening to the Earth.

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Key to Environmental Psycology:

We affect and are affected by our


We will be discussing the role we play in

how we’ve been handling the earth so far.

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Water Pollution:

Water covers over 70% of the Earth’s


Water pollution affects drinking water,

rivers, lakes and oceans all over the


Harmful to humans, animals, and their


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What Causes Water Pollution? Industry is a huge source of water pollution

Many industrial facilities use freshwater to carry away waste from the plant and into rivers, lakes and oceans.

Humans buy things manufactured in factories that may not

be very environment friendly.

Oceans are polluted from oil spills, routine shipping, run-offs

and dumping.

Oil spills make up about 12% of the oil that enters the ocean.

The rest come from shipping travel, drains and dumping.

We drive SUV's and cars that aren't very ecofriendly.

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40% of America's rivers are too polluted for fishing,

swimming, or aquatic life.

Even worse are America's lakes—46% are too polluted

for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life.

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More Facts:

Two-thirds of US estuaries and bays are either moderately or severely degraded from eutrophication (nitrogen and phosphorus pollution).

The Mississippi River—which drains nearly 40% of the continental United States, including its central farm lands—carries an estimated 1.5 million metric tons of nitrogen pollution into the Gulf of Mexico each year. The resulting hypoxic coastal dead zone in the Gulf each summer is about the size of Massachusetts.

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In one week, a typical cruise

ship generates:

210,000 gallons of sewage;

1,000,000 gallons of "gray water" from showers, sinks, dishwashers and clothes washers;

37,000 gallons of oily bilge water;

More than eight tons of solid waste; and

Toxic wastes from onboard operations like dry cleaners and photo processing laboratories.

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Deforestation is clearing Earth's forests on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the land.

Forests still cover about 30 percent of the world’s land area, but swaths the size of Panama are lost each and every year.

The world’s rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation.

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Why Deforestate?

Forests are cut down for many reasons, but

most of them are related to money or to

people’s need to provide for their families.

Agriculture is the biggest reason for


Often many small farmers will each clear a

few acres to feed their families by cutting

down trees and burning them in a process.

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Why Deforestate? Loggers, some of them acting illegally, also

build roads to access more and more remote forests—which leads to further deforestation.

Forests are also cut as a result of growing urban sprawl.

The net loss of the world’s forests is estimated at 7.3 million hectares (18 million acres) per year (Forestry Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).

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Fast Facts about Deforestation

. Every hour, at least 4,500 acres of forest fall to chain saws, machetes, flames, or bulldozers

More than half of the world's timber and 72% of paper is consumed by 22% of the world's population (the United States, Europe, and Japan

. The United States has less than 5% of the world's population yet consumes more than 30% of the world's paper (Rainforestweb.org).

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How to Stop:

The quickest solution to deforestation

would be to simply stop cutting down


Though deforestation rates have slowed a

bit in recent years, financial realities make

this unlikely to occur.

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Better Solution?

A more workable solution is to carefully

manage forest resources by eliminating

clear-cutting to make sure that forest

environments remain intact.

The cutting that does occur should be

balanced by the planting of enough

young trees to replace the older ones

felled in any given forest.

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Many Different Ways to



Use Recycled Items

(If Farmer) Try rotating your crops

Cut only mature trees, not baby ones.

Join Environmental Awareness groups

Don’t use firewood, use coals

Support the laws and programs that help

protect forests

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Man Made Disasters:

Big type of man made disaster: War.

War causes damage to landscape and

promises to be more destructive as we

develop more weapons.

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Negative Views of Human Nature

Another ideology that increases the

likelihood of going to war is the bleak

―realism‖ of philosophers such as

Machiavelli and Hobbes, which holds that

people act to fulfill their own selfish

desires and that they do not care what

happens to others in the process.

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Other Types of Manmade


Oil Spills

Chemical Spills

Nuclear Meltdowns

Toxic Dumping

Different types of contamination

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Over Population:World Population closing in on 7 Billion


After reaching the 1 billion mark in 1805,

the world's population has exploded in

the past two centuries.

The population reached 2 billion people

in 1927 and then doubled to 4 billion just

47 years later in 1974.

Now only 12 years after the United Nations

announced 6 billion on Oct. 12, 1999, the

world has reached the 7 billion milestone.

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The Price We Pay:

Population = Demand

Most biologists agree we’re in the midst of the

Earth’s sixth mass extinction event; species are

disappearing about 1,000 times faster than is

typical of the planet’s history, due to unstable

human growth.

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If the planet

saw a net

gain of


people a day, we’ll be on

course to

reach 8 billion

by 2020 and 9

billion by


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Growth As the human population

grows and rich countries continue to consume resources at voracious rates, we are crowding out, poisoning and eating all other species into extinction.

The Center for Biological Diversity has released a list of the top 10 plants and animals in the United States facing extinction from pressure caused by overpopulation.

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We have to have

a change in


Educate the


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Global Warming:

Global Warming – Rise in Earth’s air and

surface temperature.

Polar Ice Caps melting, ocean

temperature rising.

We cause greenhouse gases to trap heat.

Result – Ruined Ecosystem

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Call those litterer’s out! THE WORLD IS NOT

YOUR TRASHCAN. Think of the implications

of throwing that McDonalds cup out your


Personalize Faults

Accept the fact the the Earth won’t last


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All of OUR

problems are

all of OUR


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SOURCES: http://environmentpsychology.com/environmental_psychology.htm








