Environmental Paper

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  • 8/3/2019 Environmental Paper


    Arka Das


    Rachel Carsons Silent Spring and Wendell Berrys long legged

    house established the message of environmental conservation in the

    20th century. Berry was a supporter of nature while Carson made

    people aware of the damage that is being done to the food we eat

    every day. These authors ideas were both revolutionary and their

    solutions to the environmental problems plaguing the nations were

    very different. These ideas started a sociopolitical movement of

    protecting Mother Nature in the 1960s and 1970s.

    Berry and Carson both agreed that the threat of big business and

    industry threatened the natural usage of land for farming and

    conservation. Berry believed that humans and the land were

    dependent on one another for survival. He and Carson both believed

    industrialization and urbanization was killing off the natural beauty of

    the country and living in a rural society which depended on traditional

    farming was the best way to cure it. Carson argued that the usage of

    insecticides and pesticides would affect the food chain and kills crops

    and animals and over time would cycle down to humans because we

    are higher up in the food chain and make us really sick. Berry believed

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    that certain places were suited for certain types of plants and animals

    and that the modern world did not care about these ecological

    boundaries and did what they thought could make a quick profit.

    Carson mentions that herbicides are killing all the wildflowers and

    plants on the sides of highways. The problem here is that corporations

    and the government have control over most of the land in the U.S and

    they are doing whatever they want to make a quick profit.

    Strip mining runs West Virginias economy so the company has so

    much power and can displace people from their homes in small towns

    which are absurd. The state or federal government does not enforce

    the rule of clean H20 which gets Berry really angry. (67) The

    development and testing of nuclear weapons went directly against

    what Carson and Berry were arguing for. This experiment polluted the

    environment by releasing toxic gas into the atmosphere. A concept

    that both Berry and Carson supported or definitely would have was a

    green space because it is land that cannot be altered in any way and

    protected by law. This concept is used to put more green areas into

    places like cities and other-heavy traffic areas.

    The Long Legged house tells a story about a professor going back

    home to his roots. Why? Kentucky is his natural home and his fate is

    tied with the land. The area has its own true uniqueness and familiarity

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    for him. As Berry alluded to earlier, certain places are natural habitats

    for plants and animals. His childhood was spent here so it holds key

    memories for him. Berrys resentment toward government is really

    apparent because he mentions their greed and he refers to how

    ineffective they were. Berry mentions I am having a difficult time

    believing that the state or nation will tend to its responsibilities in East

    Kentucky (29). Rachel Carson was pro-government when she worked

    for the Fish and Wildlife Service but her viewpoint rapidly changed

    when she blamed the government for not acting on the harmful effects

    of insecticides and pesticides. Carsons book Silent Spring had political

    ramifications that painted the government in a negative light. Carson

    and Berry are both staunchly against big government even though the

    Environmental Protection Agency has made some progress like

    banning DDT and lowering the damage done by invasive species like

    the Japanese beetle. Carsons political background helped her

    understand how the government deals with these issues. Berry

    mentions that the government is pro-big business. The Kentucky state

    government does not care about an individuals lifestyle. Carson

    reiterates in her book that coal miner s repeatedly suffer from black

    lungs due to all the smoke they breathe in. However, miners are

    replaceable so health is irrelevant. Profits only matter so steady

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    revenue is needed. The laws passed here do not have an enormous

    impact on the individual because no one really takes the laws seriously.

    Carson says the local government and chemical companies deserve

    the most blame because they waste taxpayer funds and quarrel within

    themselves about whats right. Carson and Berry both advocate more

    public knowledge about the harmful effects of pollution in society and

    both mention that public awareness of the issue will help the common

    person be informed. The hierarchy has no right to withhold information

    from the public. Safety is very important when dealing with these

    chemicals yet when DDT was first administered, the local government

    did not mention all the various side effects.

    Berry talks about how the river near the Camp is always brought

    harmed. Fishermen harm it without realizing it and then there are the

    partygoers and people who pass by that dump trash in the river or on

    the shore. The writer feels his native place is being destroyed. It is not

    from ourselves that we learn to be better than we are (51). The river

    is not maintained and it is a shell of its former self. One can live in the

    environment in two ways which is the life of a frontiersman and

    dominate your immediate settings or live like Thoreau. One can be in

    harmony with the environment and learn from it which is what the

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    writer preferred. Carson was very similar because she was a scientist

    and that requires careful observation of plants and animals in their

    natural habitat. Carson also went through the government bureaucracy

    with the US Dept. of Agriculture so she knows how food is processed

    and checked for healthiness. D.C taught Carson how important our

    food was on the governments priority list and she concluded by saying

    it wasnt that high (67). Carsons background makes her opinions

    extremely valid. She goes into saying that insecticides on trees are

    worsening the problem in many areas and causing earthworms as a

    result. Like Berry, her solution to the problem is natural and chemical-

    free. If cities cleared away the diseased trees as soon as possible, then

    it would save them money. If different types of trees were planted,

    then specialization would prevent this tress from getting sick. DDTs

    constant usage has harmed the bid population because they cannot

    reproduce. Carson and Berry have one prevailing thought and that is

    Nature must be respected, but not out of fear but responsibility.

    Humans share a symbiotic relationship with the Earth. Berry comments

    on the power and volume of the river and how it looks weak after he

    returns from New York compared to how he left it before. (99) Berry

    says that something must be simplified in order to fully grasp it.

    Carson alludes to the fact that corporate/federal interests are the same

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    as state interests which is if it makes a profit, and then its fine

    regardless of the environmental and food damage that occurs. Carson

    was so rogue in fact that the book made many headlines when it was

    going to get published. The chemical companies found out about the

    content of the book and threatened Oxford Press, which dropped the

    book. Carsons scientific background trumps any discrediting

    information against her especially sexuality.

    Carson refers to the Love Canal incident where toxic waste was

    dumped in a semi-completed canal and the atmosphere became toxic

    around the town. The chemical seeped into the public water system

    and into peoples houses. This resulted in several cases of leukemia

    directly connected with the toxins in the water.

    Carson also attacks companies for handing out pamphlets and

    ads that say insecticides and pesticides will have no effect on their

    health. Berry also refers to negative change around Currans camp

    when he goes back after a couple of years. The forest and the river

    have shrunk considerably. Berry uses imagery to paint us a picture of

    what happened. Berry mentions repeatedly that the place resonates

    with him since childhood and he could not forget it. Berry reiterates

    several times that there must be a message sent throughout the

    country or rather a movement that tells people how important this

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    world is to us. People must do their part to help the environment or at

    least not damage it further. Berry mentions We belong to the world, it

    will survive us but it is our obligation (146). Future generations will

    pay the price for how we have treated the planet. Futility living for the

    future (168). You have to experience nature for yourself and then you

    can grasp the writers message. Berry reiterates that our abundance is

    abusing the Earths resources. Americans live expensive lives so we

    cannot begin to realize how the other half lives in the world. People

    should stand up and demand what they want. Berry and Carson both

    agree that expressing your interests by protesting against the affluent

    corporate society is helpful. The example of Occupy Pittsburgh is a

    great way to do it and it spreads the message throughout the country

    with regional movements.

    Rachel Carson had innovative plans to stop politicians from

    selling people a bill of goods that was not true. Carsons viewpoints are

    intriguing because she has been on both sides of the argument so she

    knows why things arent getting done. The bureaucracy is friends with

    big business. Carsons objective is safety for the general population

    from chemical-infested crops. Carson had a bone to pick with

    politicians because they were using the same biased propaganda the

    industry was using and were probably getting paid for it. This is

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    reiterated when she says For the 1st time in history, every human

    being is subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals, from the

    moment of conception until death (78). The solutions that have been

    tried are useless and have wasted the taxpayers money. Carson

    proposed several solutions to the problem such as control over grants

    for research that would be released by the FDA and the USDA.

    Carson illuminates the dangers of chemical infested crops saying

    it goes up the food chain and increases its dosage through each

    animal. This is called bio magnification. Pesticides also contain atomic

    radiation that affects crops for an extended period of time. Berrys

    approach toward nature is that it will take care of itself. Nature will fix

    itself over time. If the world improves, then that will aid humans. The

    relationship between man and nature is a fragile one that should be

    respected at all times. Berry was a spiritual man who was very

    religious and believed that there was a movement of consciousness

    through knowledge. Berry also said that the human population that led

    to wars such as Vietnam led to the moral decay of society. Berry

    mentions Nothing I value can withstand them (200). Carson went

    into detail about how the groundwater was being polluted by the toxins

    being put in the water during spraying. The concentration is higher

    where freshwater meets the oceans.

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    This runoff also affects the soil content of farmlands and seeps into

    those as well. Carson notes that public officials are overconfident and

    do not want to admit that they have made mistakes dealing with the

    issue of contaminated groundwater that does not contain the essential

    nutrients needed in water. Failure to notify the public about these

    cancer-causing substances is harmful to their health and is illegal. The

    side effect of widespread DDT spraying is that it has reduced the eagle

    population to virtually extinct. It has also because the bug population

    to develop antibodies and resistance against them just like humans do

    to certain diseases and bacteria.

    Carsons proposed solutions include natural pest control without

    chemicals like nets and traps. Nature does take care of its own

    problems after a certain period of time so you can just let nature run

    its course. An interesting solution would be to use chemicals released

    from the insects themselves. One can also use bacterial insecticides

    which could react quickly as a killer for these insects. A natural

    predator of bugs introduced into the environment is by far the best

    option because it aids the ecosystem and is a natural fit in the food


    Wendell Berry and Rachel Carson were both the top minds of

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    their field. However, the way they went about on their approach is very

    different because Berrys approach is much more spiritual and being

    one with nature while Carsons approach is much more scientific. They

    both tried to get the government to care less about profits and more

    about the relationship between nature and humans. Their common

    goal was to reduce pollution and to maintain natures wonders.