ENTER THE TYDOL 18 - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Yonkers NY Herald... · Dr....

umw\\nuiummmm*^***mmmm BH?- m TTl? ?S? PWPIWW^^P^fB,.^.-^ 10 THE HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N. Y., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1938 / WORRIED ABOUT CASH? "SECCRITY'S Loan Rervtce wUI •ttlckly pat »n rod to >onr wairtr*. Juit pick the pUut M>«t «t» your poekefbook beat! One toy eer»1«. No co-maker*—no red tape. LOANS $25 to $300 IN ONE DAY M. L. H1CHELMAN, Man.,.. mmm FINANCE COMPANY, Inc. Suite 302 PROCTOR THEATRE BLDG. 53 South Broadway Tel. Nepperhan 1771-1772 Squire Closes Woman's Death Case Unsolved Unable To Determine If Auto Crash Was Cause ••—Motorist Is Cleared The cause of death of an elderly Yonkers woman remained a mystery j today as County Medical Examiner j Amos O. Squire — admitting he {could not decide whether death j was accidental of "natural"—dis- missed a technical homicide charge against a motorist whose car struck the woman. The victim, Mrs. Elsie M. Erick- son, sixty-three, of 125 Curtis Lane, died in St. Joseph's Hospital on Mar. 24—three weeks after she was involved in the automobile mishap Only when she died, however, did her son. Norman Erickson, twenty- two, notify police that his mother had been in his car when it was struck in the rear by an automo- bile driven by Daniel Devany. thirty-eight, of 271 Hawthorne Ave- nue. Mrs. Erjckson died of "a prob- able pulmonary embolism." Dr Squire found, asserting: "I am not able, however, to de- termine whether or not it was the result of the accident on Mar. 5." Manfred Hauptman Hit By Hastings Auto ENTER THE TYDOL $50,000 Safety Contest TODAY AT VALENTINE AUTO SERVICE 466 RIVEROALE AVENUE Yonkers, X. Y. A Hasttngs-on-Hudson motorist yesterday struck and seriously in- jured Manfrled Hauptman. flve- year-pld son of Bruno Richard Hauptman, who was executed for the kidnaping and slaying of the son of Colonel Charles A. Lind- berg.. The driver. Frederick B. Moser. thirty-seven, of Hastings, said the boy ran from behind a parked car. The child was treated .at Fordham Hospital for facial lacerations and possible fracture of the right leg. ^liiiiiiiaiPitiiiiiiiAj She'll Like These Trait of Loom Aprons 25c Approved by Good Housekeeping for wear aV washing PAIR Sheer silk, ringless chiffon t 4 Zip" closings! White Bags The flattering slimness of their dull crepe, the smartness of the new Spring colors, the smooth full-fashionedfit,the longer wearing quality for the usual low Grant price are the facts that make Tsis so popular! Sizes 8 Vi to 10 Vi. New stylet, smart »hape* in patent and leather grains! Drttrit* Hot* A 3-thre*d theer full fashioned I Initials Free! Quttn of the Garden Hot* Good quality crepe; twitt *rilk. 39* hasterite Hose Ture Silk Chif- fon.*. .First Quality. £:> 4 A"* \ New Springy Sheers* Flock-dot Dresses -£*«r 1.00 Pretty dresses are "the thing" thi* year so Grants has gone feminine for you! Light or dark colors! Colorfastl 14-52. Rayon Crepe Supreme! Panel Slips 1.00 They'reshndow-proof' Sleek, smart slips at the price! Full cut! Well tailored! 32 to 52. Grant quality slips at ..-.59* ,•3^ .-' BcttcrTnfiri'eji! S'wer styles' Grant* famous quality Rayon UndievS Regular and «^J B^BC extra sizes _»^^W %0 W each The sleekest of lace trimmed or tailored vests, panties, bloomers! Full cut to Grants standard! Fineheavy rayons! Other Grant values at 234 W.T.GRANT CO. wmwwmm Faranda Shelved By Politics On Adult School Job, He Says Brown Corrects Official Announcement of Christo- pher's Promotion, Saying He Will Become Admin- istrative Assistant, Not Director, of W.P.A. Classes i The cry of -politics" In the: W.P.A. School lor Adult Education today brought a "correction" from Leslie E. Brown, regional super- visor, of the announcement that he has been succeeded as director of the Yonkers school by John P. Christopher of 15 Amackassin Ter- race. Although Mr. Brown announced yesterday—through WUliam Burns of his staff— that Mr Christopher was the new school head, taking the post of regional supervisor held since the resignation of Melvtn H. Kempton, Mr. Brown declared to- day that Mr. Christopher merely \ has been promoted to the post of supervisor. Mr. Christopher, an instructor at try? school since 1933. becomes "administrative and subject mat- ter assistant," Mr. Brown said. Faranda Charges Politics The charge that politics was responsible for Mr. Christopher's promotion—with a salary increase from $94 to $120 monthly—was made by Anthony J. Faranda, reg- istrar of the school. Mr. Faranda. a Republican, said he has been acting supervisor for the past three years, with the title of 'subject matter supervisor and registrar. - ' He asserted he was in line for promotion and that he was convinced politics caused him to be sidetracked in favor of Mr. Christopher, a Democrat. "Mr. Christopher shouldn't have been appointed supervisor and shouldn't' have been appointed di- rector," Mr. Faranda said. "If any- body is to get a promotion, I am entitled to it. I have been doing all the pioneering, working to build up the school from a country club into an educational institution. Posters Displayed By Local Students Posters made by students in Yon- kers public, parochial and home schools were placed on display to- day In the County Center at White Plains In a humane poster contest sponsored by the Westchester County Animal Protective League. Humane societies aiding In the program include Central Westches- ter Humane Society, Yonkers S. P. O. A., Ardsley, Irvlnjjton, Dobbs Ferry Humane Society, and Hastings S. P. O. A., according to Mrs. Anna May Peabody, chair- man of the league humane educa- tion committee. Winners will be announced to- morrow night. Awards will be made at a League tea next Thurs- day. GAME SOCIAL TONIGHT The third in a series of game socials sponsored by the First ward Democratic Club is scheduled i tonight at the club rooms, 49 Buena Viata Avenue. " . I Starts FRIDAY IN OLD CHICAGO LUCU RK0 PROCTOR S RK0 PORK HILL -* "When Mr. Kempton left, they pulled a fast one and sent Mr. Brown, the regional supervisor, here. I expected the higher rating bUt J Mr. Brown said I had been rejected by state authorities but he wouldn't give any reason. Per- haps it Is politics." Christopher Denies Politics ' Mr. Christopher confirmed his. promotion and said he had not been named director, as announced, attributing the announcement to a "misunderstanding" in the adult education office. He refused to entertain the idea that his promotion was due to po- litical influence, declarins: "I made no application for the job. I was appointed to it by Mr. Brown." Enter Today! SAFE DRIVING CRUSADE 50,000.00 IN CASH PRIZES Get FREE Entry Blank at PETE KACHMAR Central Ave. ic Boone St. OPPOSITE RACETRACK 97-99 RIVEROALE AVENUE NEPP. 4495 NEPP. 6S92 See Page JJ2 . inneuifltpinSTREET .•^•^JFISH SPECIAL — SAVE LIVES TYDOLI WIN A PRIZE Woman Given $200 % Verdict For Injuries In Theater Accident Mrs. May Ferguson of 7 Yonkers Avenue was awarded $200 and her husband. William. $100. in City Court yesterday for injuries she suffered on Feb. 15. last year, when, she alleged, a seat collapsed in ».juacto^.T>eaiej_op..^.uthL Broad- way. The verdict is against the R.K.O. Proctor Company and the Yonkers Theaters Corporation, owners and operators of the theater. Mrs. Ferguson was represented by Jos- eph Mika in trial before City Judge Fay. Samuel I. Osofsky appeared for the defendant companies. Settlement of a suit by five Yon- kers residents for minor injuries they suffered Aug. 25 last year when their car was struck by one owned by the Sonotone Corporation New York Resident Purchases Two Lots At Foreclosure Sale Katherine Stewart of 2166 Broad- way, New York City, paid the lull amount outstanding against two lots on Ritchie Place this week at a tax lien foreclosure sale held in City Hall under supervision of the Bureau of Tax Lien Liquidation. The bid was $321.47 for Bernard Cavanagh's property at 52 arid 54 Ritchie Place, having an assessed valuation of $500. Robert J. Meyer was referee. In several other sales, the city bid In the properties. The city's purchases follow: Minnie Bracey's property at. 112 and 114 Rockne Road, valued at $1,575 and with $2,121.70 in hens. subsequent taxes and costs out- of Elmsford, makers of hearing implements, was disclosed yesterljstanding. Bruce A. Hood,was ref day in City Court. The plaintiffs were Mrs. Grace Nelson, owner of the car involved. Patrolman Richard H. Denike of the Eastchester Police, who was driv- ing, Mrs. Sarah Denike, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McLoughlln, passengers. The Denikes and Mc- Loughlins reside at 343 Tuckahoe Road. A suit by the Sonotone Corpora- tion and its driver, John R. Richardson, against Mrs. Nelson and Patrolman Denike Is pending in County Court at White Plains. Immigrant Girl, 18, Missing From Home Police today were aiding in a search for an eighteen-year-old domestic who has been in this country only seven months, speaks little, Enzlish and has been missing from home since April 29. The young woman is described in police alarms as Anna Csiznar of 137 Webster Avenue. Her aunt. Mrs. Anna Balischuk of that address, told police her niece was last seen at an employment agency on South Broadway. eree. Property at 63 Westminster Drive j owned by Ferguson Asbestos. Inc.. and valued at $850, with $383 93 outstanding against it. Edward Lauterbach was referee. George Mascara's property at 36 Mulberry Street valued at $5,000. with $6,567.33 outstanding, and lots owned by Mascara at the rear of 433, 435. 439 and 441 Prescott Street, valued at $2,500 with $3.- 182.45 outstanding. Warner Pyne was referee. Ruth Jordan's property at 67 to 75 Ridge Road valued at 51.600. with $699.19 outstanding; property at 10 to 18 Spring Road valued at $2,000, with $873.54 outstanding; property at 68 to 72 Ridee Road valued at $1,600 with $65165 out- standing and property at 64 :o 72 Rumsey Road valued at $4,500. with $1,889.10 outstanding. Daniel J. Cashin was referee. BIGGER-BETTER Lennox Testimonial To Be Held Tuesday Arthur J. McGregor, deputy as- sessor and president of the Yon- kers Civil Service Employes As- sociation. Is chairman of a com- mittee of Yonkers Council 300. Catholic Benevolent Legion, which Is arranging a . testimonial dinner dance for Joseph J. Lennox, deputy tax commissioner, at Hillside Farm on Tuesday night. Other committee members are Deputy Public Works Commissioner Thomas J. Cooney. Edmund Xavirr. Assistant Cor par a t ion-Counsel Charles L Curry. John Nemec. Justice of the Peace Eustace ,;. Farley, Malcolm C. Wilson. John J. Kennedy. Thomas, M. Donahue. Dennis J. Kelly, Michael Twomey, Jr., Ocrard Oranel. Daniel LaBlane. Gordon R. French, William Mackay, Michael Twomey, fer... James V. Twomey. Arthur X. Nash Joseph" Droh&n, Frank Saunders. Bryan Sweeney, Thomas Powers. Stephen F. Conlan. Peter F. Walsh Frank A. Crowley. Augustine Cou- ntry, Raymond S. Conlan. Stephen Mulrooney. Louis Del Campio and William Fitzgerald. WORTH A DIME Hood And Dr. Sayre To Debate Tonight City manager government will be the topic, of a debate tonight in the Elks' Club. South Broadway, be- tween Bruce A. Hood. Bryn Mawr attorney, who sought last year to bar the manager referendum, and Dr. Wallace 8 Sayr<v New York i City Civil Service Commissioner. Ifte debate will be sponsored bv the Westchetter Chapter of the New York State Professional En- gineers and will be open to the public Dr. Seyre will speak in favor i of manajrr, government and Mr Hood A7Ain.«t it Joseph A. Brady ol White PlAins. chapter president, will conduct a meeting. John Avery' of this city is arrangements chairman. f Fresh Cut HADDOCK FILET 18 C lb A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH SEA FOOD •TELEPHONES* YONKERS ^25742575 2576*2577 ELECTRIC GRILLETTE * Fries bacon, eggs, ham, etc. • Fast, com- pact, efficient. Operates on AC or DC ?."' 98« I4THR00M SCALE • Accur *••• sturdy compact Attractive design New |.89 Only I Electric HAIR DRYER ' Steady flow of dry warm air. • Safe, time- Ugqtri't - •>•!* GRAPE JUICE • Made from selected grapes. • Nourishing, cooling. KOLYNOS 26 TOOTH PAJSTB •" V Sl.Oft 8U« »l.U» 91H ••§ ^V-. KREML 59 2 IK 37c SKYLINE ALARM CLOCK • A strikingly designed dock in attractive metal case. • Worbmade by Ingraham. • 3 0 h o u ' guara nU*d movement. 1.39 Cat to I INTRODUCTORY OFFER A D t\ I I {% DOUBLE-E0GEC Wr W L l a W WAFER THIN RAZOR BLADES • Made with micrometer precision of ribbon-thin, tmeit Swedish steel Super-honed to a micro- scopic edge tor a smooth, satisfying, effortless shave. 10 BLADES 12' 5 BLADES 2 3 c Mc«t «tftctiv« for < limited lim« only- siMWrr. CHOCOLATES • High quality assorted candy, packed in .« spun aluminum gift box_— with a gay ribbon and bow. Pownd loz .50 REXALL. THEATRICAL COLD CREAM • Deep pore cleansing. • Softens and beautifies. Fow*4 Tin 75« Stock up now! RtX 71 • A long etrry, tough covtr ecnttr bell. Mtd* to givt rounds of service. liquid |c Ea. 3 for SI.)? T.KV 1 CewMaatlM Oferl ftextll MILK OF MAGNESIA «**' Maef 12 Portrait ASPIRIN • Pure, mildly Untiv* Mill of Mtgncii*. Quick acting, MANNING CHOCOLATES • Delicious nut, cream and car* emel centers — covered with pure tasty chocolate. • Each piece a treat. 50 c SPECIAL OFFER! i et. Stag HAIR OIL •*4 l«*V* er Men't DRESSING COMB Tb« ptrftct combination far tfc« w#l|.gr»omtd p»non Non- sticky, K«ir ail — Itrgt, good qu«! ity comb. ' V" W CB LP HAIIURN • Long lift C0v»r, trMf rg 0 . btr cort. HALLS/35 X c ta. 3 for $1.00 STAG • A goad cht«p bill. 21cF» Oat. tor 12.34 JOHNSONS ftABY POWDER » S«oth«t ch«f»d, ;-•;- • «t»d Skin Frtv'n«« h»«t *»ih and ch»p P »-j. Tin *9t ODESS ffAtHfUWIIftHT SANITAHY MAHlHt So light, you're not conscious of it. * So comfortable, <ny activity is possible •with esse. * So absorbent that you never need worry Iff certain, safe. BOX *m Of 12 aZU C " £ T0r el!fC DRENE No* oil Nertoop SHAMPOO • Cleansing, stimulating sham- poo that enhances each bit of beauty in the hair No leapt or alVali to dry the hair Just dirt rotnoving dandruff dissolving shampoo • Regalor -— for natural oily hair SpOClel—for dry hair Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of ENTER THE TYDOL 18 - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Yonkers NY Herald... · Dr....

Page 1: ENTER THE TYDOL 18 - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Yonkers NY Herald... · Dr. Wallace 8 Sayr

umw\\nuiummmm*^***mmmm BH?-

m TTl?

?S? P W P I W W ^ ^ P ^ f B , . ^ . - ^


WORRIED ABOUT CASH? "SECCRITY'S Loan Rervtce wUI •ttlckly pat »n rod to >onr wairtr*. Juit pick the pUut M>«t «t» your poekefbook beat! One toy eer»1«. No co-maker*—no red tape.

LOANS $25 to $300

IN ONE DAY M. L. H1CHELMAN, Man.,.. mmm



Tel. Nepperhan 1771-1772

Squi re Closes Woman's Death Case Unsolved Unable To Determine If

Auto Crash Was Cause ••—Motorist Is Cleared

The cause of death of an elderly Yonkers woman remained a mystery

j today as County Medical Examiner j Amos O. Squire — admitting he {could not decide whether death j was accidental of "natural"—dis­missed a technical homicide charge against a motorist whose car struck the woman.

The victim, Mrs. Elsie M. Erick-son, sixty-three, of 125 Curtis Lane, died in St. Joseph's Hospital on

Mar. 24—three weeks after she was involved in the automobile mishap Only when she died, however, did her son. Norman Erickson, twenty-two, notify police that his mother had been in his car when it was struck in the rear by an automo­bile driven by Daniel Devany. thirty-eight, of 271 Hawthorne Ave­nue.

Mrs. Erjckson died of "a prob­able pulmonary embolism." Dr Squire found, asserting:

"I am not able, however, to de­termine whether or not it was the result of the accident on Mar. 5."

Manfred Hauptman Hit By Hastings Auto

ENTER THE TYDOL $50,000 Safety Contest



A Hasttngs-on-Hudson motorist yesterday struck and seriously in­jured Manfrled Hauptman. flve-year-pld son of Bruno Richard Hauptman, who was executed for the kidnaping and slaying of the son of Colonel Charles A. Lind-berg..

The driver. Frederick B. Moser. thirty-seven, of Hastings, said the boy ran from behind a parked car. The child was treated .at Fordham Hospital for facial lacerations and possible fracture of the right leg.


She'll Like These Trait of Loom


25c Approved by Good Housekeeping for wear aV washing PAIR

Sheer silk, ringless chiffon t

4Zip" closings!

White Bags

T h e flattering slimness of their dull crepe, the smartness of

the new Spring colors, the smooth full-fashioned fit, the

longer wearing quality for the usual low Grant price are the

facts that make Tsis so popular! Sizes 8 Vi to 10 Vi.

New stylet , smart »hape* in patent and leather grains!

D r t t r i t * H o t *

A 3-thre*d theer full fash ioned

I Initials Free!

Q u t t n of the Garden H o t * Good quality crepe; twitt *rilk. 39*

hasterite Hose

Ture Silk Chif­fon.*.

.F irs t Quality.




New Springy Sheers*

Flock-dot Dresses


1.00 Pre t ty dresses are "the thing" thi* year so Gran ts has gone feminine for you! Light or dark colors! Colorfastl 14-52.

Rayon Crepe Supreme!

Panel Slips

1.00 They'reshndow-proof' Sleek, smart slips at the price! Full cut! Well tailored! 32 to 52.

Grant quality slips at . .- .59*

, • 3 ^ .-' BcttcrTnfiri'eji! S'wer styles'

G r a n t * f a m o u s q u a l i t y

Rayon UndievS Regular and « ^ J B ^ B C extra sizes _ » ^ ^ W

%0 W each The sleekest of lace trimmed or t a i l o r ed ves t s , p a n t i e s , bloomers! Full cut to Grants standard! Fineheavy rayons!

Other Grant values at 234

W.T.GRANT CO.wmwwmm

Faranda Shelved By Politics On Adult School Job, He Says

Brown Corrects Official Announcement of Christo­pher's Promotion, Saying He Will Become Admin­

istrative Assistant, Not Director, of W.P.A. Classes i

The cry of -politics" In the: W.P.A. School lor Adult Education today brought a "correction" from Leslie E. Brown, regional super­visor, of the announcement that he has been succeeded as director of the Yonkers school by John P. Christopher of 15 Amackassin Ter­race.

Although Mr. Brown announced yesterday—through WUliam Burns of his staff— that Mr Christopher was the new school head, taking the post of regional supervisor held since the resignation of Melvtn H. Kempton, Mr. Brown declared to­day that Mr. Christopher merely \ has been promoted to the post of supervisor.

Mr. Christopher, an instructor a t try? school since 1933. becomes "administrative and subject mat­ter assistant," Mr. Brown said.

Faranda Charges Politics The charge that politics was

responsible for Mr. Christopher's promotion—with a salary increase from $94 to $120 monthly—was made by Anthony J. Faranda, reg­istrar of the school.

Mr. Faranda. a Republican, said he has been acting supervisor for the past three years, with the title of 'subject matter supervisor and registrar.-' He asserted he was in line for promotion and that he was convinced politics caused him to be sidetracked in favor of Mr. Christopher, a Democrat.

"Mr. Christopher shouldn't have been appointed supervisor a n d shouldn't' have been appointed di­rector," Mr. Faranda said. "If any­body is to get a promotion, I am entitled to it. I have been doing all the pioneering, working to build up the school from a country club into an educational institution.

Posters Displayed By Local Students

Posters made by students in Yon­kers public, parochial and home schools were placed on display to­day In the County Center at White Plains In a humane poster contest sponsored by the Westchester County Animal Protective League.

Humane societies aiding In the program include Central Westches­ter Humane Society, Yonkers S. P. O. A., Ardsley, Irvlnjjton, Dobbs

Ferry Humane S o c i e t y , and Hastings S. P . O. A., according to Mrs. Anna May Peabody, chair­man of the league humane educa­tion committee.

Winners will be announced to­morrow night. Awards will be made a t a League tea next Thurs­day.

GAME SOCIAL TONIGHT The third in a series of game

socials sponsored by the First ward Democratic Club is scheduled i tonight at the club rooms, 49 Buena Viata Avenue. " . I

Star ts




- *

"When Mr. Kempton left, they pulled a fast one and sent Mr. Brown, t h e regional supervisor, here. I expected the higher rating bUt JMr. Brown said I had been rejected by state authorities but he wouldn't give any reason. Per­haps it Is politics."

Christopher Denies Politics ' • Mr. Christopher confirmed his.

promotion and said he had not been named director, as announced, attributing the announcement to a "misunderstanding" in the adult education office.

He refused to entertain the idea that his promotion was due to po­litical influence, declarins:

" I made no application for the job. I was appointed to it by Mr. Brown."

Enter Today!


50,000.00 IN CASH PRIZES

Get FREE Entry Blank at

PETE KACHMAR Central Ave. ic Boone St.


See Page JJ2

. inneuifltpinSTREET . • ^ •^JFISH SPECIAL —



Woman Given $200 %

Verdict For Injuries In Theater Accident Mrs. May Ferguson of 7 Yonkers

Avenue was awarded $200 and her husband. William. $100. in City Court yesterday for injuries she suffered on Feb. 15. last year, when, she alleged, a seat collapsed in ».juacto^.T>eaiej_op..^.uthL Broad-

way. The verdict is against the R.K.O.

Proctor Company and the Yonkers Theaters Corporation, owners and operators of the theater. Mrs. Ferguson was represented by Jos­eph Mika in trial before City Judge Fay. Samuel I. Osofsky appeared for the defendant companies.

Settlement of a suit by five Yon­kers residents for minor injuries they suffered Aug. 25 last year when their car was struck by one owned by the Sonotone Corporation

New York Resident Purchases Two Lots At Foreclosure Sale

Katherine Stewart of 2166 Broad­way, New York City, paid the lull amount outstanding against two lots on Ritchie Place this week at a tax lien foreclosure sale held in City Hall under supervision of the Bureau of Tax Lien Liquidation.

The bid was $321.47 for Bernard Cavanagh's property at 52 arid 54 Ritchie Place, having an assessed valuation of $500. Robert J. Meyer was referee.

In several other sales, the city bid In the properties. The city's purchases follow:

Minnie Bracey's property at. 112 and 114 Rockne Road, valued at $1,575 and with $2,121.70 in hens. subsequent taxes and costs out-of Elmsford, makers of hearing

implements, was disclosed yesterljstanding. Bruce A. Hood,was ref day in City Court.

The plaintiffs were Mrs. Grace Nelson, owner of the car involved. Patrolman Richard H. Denike of the Eastchester Police, who was driv­ing, Mrs. Sarah Denike, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McLoughlln, passengers. The Denikes and Mc-Loughlins reside at 343 Tuckahoe Road.

A suit by the Sonotone Corpora­tion and its driver, John R. Richardson, against Mrs. Nelson and Patrolman Denike Is pending in County Court at White Plains.

Immigrant Girl, 18, Missing From Home Police today were aiding in a

search for an eighteen-year-old domestic who has been in this country only seven months, speaks little, Enzlish and has been missing from home since April 29.

The young woman is described in police alarms as Anna Csiznar of 137 Webster Avenue. Her aunt. Mrs. Anna Balischuk of that address, told police her niece was last seen at an employment agency on South Broadway.

eree. Property at 63 Westminster Drive j

owned by Ferguson Asbestos. Inc.. and valued at $850, with $383 93 outstanding against it. Edward Lauterbach was referee.

George Mascara's property at 36 Mulberry Street valued at $5,000. with $6,567.33 outstanding, and lots owned by Mascara at the rear of 433, 435. 439 a n d 441 Prescott Street, valued at $2,500 with $3.-182.45 outstanding. Warner Pyne was referee.

Ruth Jordan's property at 67 to 75 Ridge Road valued at 51.600. with $699.19 outstanding; property at 10 to 18 Spring Road valued at $2,000, with $873.54 outstanding; property at 68 to 72 Ridee Road valued at $1,600 with $65165 out­standing and property at 64 :o 72 Rumsey Road valued at $4,500. with $1,889.10 outstanding. Daniel J. Cashin was referee.


Lennox Testimonial To Be Held Tuesday

Arthur J. McGregor, deputy as­sessor and president of the Yon­kers Civil Service Employes As­sociation. Is chairman of a com­mittee of Yonkers Council 300. Catholic Benevolent Legion, which Is arranging a . testimonial dinner dance for Joseph J. Lennox, deputy tax commissioner, at Hillside Farm on Tuesday night.

Other committee members are Deputy Public Works Commissioner Thomas J. Cooney. Edmund Xavirr. Assistant C o r p a r a t ion-Counsel Charles L Curry. John Nemec. Justice of the Peace Eustace ,;. Farley, Malcolm C. Wilson. John J. Kennedy. Thomas, M. Donahue. Dennis J. Kelly, Michael Twomey, Jr., Ocrard Oranel. Daniel LaBlane. Gordon R. French, W i l l i a m Mackay, Michael Twomey, fer... James V. Twomey. Arthur X. Nash Joseph" Droh&n, Frank Saunders. Bryan Sweeney, Thomas Powers. Stephen F. Conlan. Peter F. Walsh Frank A. Crowley. Augustine Cou­ntry, Raymond S. Conlan. Stephen Mulrooney. Louis Del Campio and William Fitzgerald.


Hood And Dr. Sayre To Debate Tonight

City manager government will be the topic, of a debate tonight in the Elks' Club. South Broadway, be­tween Bruce A. Hood. Bryn Mawr attorney, who sought last year to bar the manager referendum, and Dr. Wallace 8 Sayr<v New York

i City Civil Service Commissioner. Ifte debate will be sponsored bv

the Westchetter Chapter of the New York State Professional En­gineers and will be open to the public Dr. Seyre will speak in favor

i of manajrr , government and Mr Hood A7Ain.«t it

Joseph A. Brady ol White PlAins. chapter president, will conduct a meeting. John Avery' of this city is arrangements chairman.






• T E L E P H O N E S * Y O N K E R S

^25742575 2576*2577

ELECTRIC GRILLETTE * Fries bacon, eggs, ham, etc.

• Fast, com­pact, efficient. Operates on A C or DC

?."' 98« I4THR00M

S C A L E • A c c u r * • • • sturdy compact • A t t rac t i ve design New | . 8 9 Only I

Electric HAIR DRYER ' Steady flow of

dry warm air. • Safe, time-

Ugqtri't - •>•!*


• Made from selected grapes.

• Nourishing, cooling.

KOLYNOS 26 TOOTH PAJSTB • " V Sl.Oft 8U« »l.U» 91H • • § ^ V - .


2 IK 37c


ALARM CLOCK • A strikingly designed dock

in attractive metal case. • Worbmade by Ingraham. • 3 0 h o u ' guara nU*d movement.



RAZOR BLADES • Made with micrometer precision of ribbon-thin,

tmeit Swedish steel • Super-honed to a micro­scopic edge tor a smooth, satisfying, effortless shave.

10 BLADES 12' 5 BLADES 2 3 c

Mc« t «tftctiv« for < l imited lim« only-

siMWrr. CHOCOLATES • High quality assorted candy,

packed in .« spun aluminum gift box_— with a gay ribbon

and bow.

Pownd loz



CREAM • Deep pore cleansing. • Softens and beautifies.

Fow*4 Tin


Stock up now! RtX 71

• A long etrry, tough covtr ecnttr bell.

• M t d * to givt rounds of service.


| c Ea. 3 for SI.)?

T . K V 1

CewMaatlM Oferl ftextll

MILK OF MAGNESIA «**' Maef 12 Portrait

A S P I R I N • Pure, mildly Unt iv* Mill

of Mtgncii* . Quick acting,

MANNING CHOCOLATES • Delicious nut, cream and car*

emel centers — covered with pure tasty chocolate.

• Each piece a treat.



i et. Stag HAIR OIL •*4 l«*V* er Men't

DRESSING COMB Tb« ptrftct combination

far tfc« w#l|.gr»omtd p»non • Non-sticky, K«ir ail — Itrgt, good qu«! ity comb.

' V" W CB


• L o n g l i f t C0v»r, trMf rg 0 . btr cort .


X c t a .

3 for $1.00

STAG • A g o a d cht«p bill.

21cF» Oat. tor 12.34

JOHNSONS ftABY POWDER » S«oth«t ch«f»d, ;-•;-• «t»d Skin • Frtv'n««

h»«t *»ih and ch»pP»-j.

Tin * 9 t


SANITAHY MAHlHt So light, you're not conscious of it.

* So comfortable, <ny activity is possible •with esse.

* So absorbent that you never need worry • I f f certain, safe.

BOX *m Of 12 a Z U C " £ T0r el!fC

DRENE No* oil — Nertoop

SHAMPOO • Cleansing, stimulating sham-

poo that enhances each bit of beauty in the hair • No leapt or alVali to dry the hair • Just dirt rotnoving dandruff dissolving shampoo

• Regalor -— for natural oily hair • SpOClel—for dry hair

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
