Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra

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  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


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    Unit test

    Name______________________ :

    Grade: 6__/

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    1. Complete the table with the comparatives and superlatives:

    Adjective Comparative Superlative

    long longer than The longestfast faster than

    pretty the prettiest

    beautiful more beautiful than

    ugly uglier than

    thin the thinnest

    fashionable more fashionable than

    2. Write the comparative:

    Eg: a. old ------- older f. good -------

    b. strong ------- g. large-------

    c. happy ---------- h. serious-------

    d. modern------- i. pretty -------

    e. important------- j. bad-------

    3. Complete the sentences with a superlative:

    a. This building is very old. Its the oldest building in the town.

    b. It was a very happy day. It was of my life.

    c. Its a very good film. Its Ive seen.

    d. It was a very bad mistake. It was . in my life.

    e. It was a very cold day. It was of the year.

    Grade 6 2

    Comparatives & Superlative Adjectives

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    f. Shes a popular singer. Shesin the country.

    g. Hes a very boring person. Hes I know.

    h. This house is very big. It is Ive lived in.

    i. My cousin is very tall. He is I have.

    j. Laura is a very pretty girl. She is I know.

    4. Choose the correct answer:

    a. Toms car is (as big as / the biggest) his friends.

    b. Who is (shorter than / the shortest) person in your family?

    c. Who is (more independent than / the most independent) person you know?

    d. These sofas are (more comfortable than / the most comfortable) ours.

    e. My brother is (taller than / the tallest) in the class.

    f. Is Jasons dog (older than / the oldest) yours?

    g. Who is (the best / better than )singer in the world?


    Grade 6 3

    Future tense: Will & going to

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    + Subject+ will (ll)+ infinitive + Subject +Subject + am/is/are + going to +

    infinitive-- Subject+ will not / (wont)+Subject+ will not / (wont)+

    infinitiveinfinitive-- Subject +Subject + am not/isnt/arent + going to+

    infinitive?? Will + subject+ InfinitiveWill + subject+ Infinitive ? Am/is/are + subject + going to + infinitive

    Grade 6


    a) to make predictions based on ourfeelings (what we think will happen-

    with verbs: think, believe, expect, be

    sure) or to make statements of fact

    about the future. I think your cholesterol will go up a

    little bit.

    Obesity will increase in the USA in the

    following years.

    a) to make predictions based on thepresent situation.

    (what we can see it is going to happen) There are many clouds in the sky. Its

    going to rain.

    Decisions and Intentionsb) to express an instant


    (deciding at the time of

    speaking)Its cold. Ill shut the window.

    b) to express plans and intentions.

    ( we have already decided)We are going to have dinner at the restaurant next

    Saturday, because its my mothers birthday.

    c) to express a promise

    I wont tell your secret toanyone.

    d) to express an offerDon worry. Ill help you with your



  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    A . (Will)or (be going to)? Write the correct option:

    1. We made a decision about our holidays. We . (travel) around Europe.

    2. A: Im with a terrible headache.

    B: I. get you an aspirin.

    3. Peter his children to the zoo. He has already the entrance tickets.

    4. Im sure Ali ..(win) the race tomorrow.

    5. Its very cloudy today. It . (rain)

    6. Robots . (do) the housework in the future.

    7. Bill, .(help) me washing the car?

    8. Temperatures . (rise) alot in the future.

    Grade 6 5

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra



    Affirmative Negative Interrogative

    I drink

    You drink

    He drinks

    She drinks

    It drinks

    We drink

    You drink

    They drink

    I don't drink

    You don't drink

    He doesn't drink

    She doesn't drink

    It doesn't drink

    We don't drink

    You don't drink

    They don't drink

    Do I drink?

    Do you drink?

    Does he drink?

    Does she drink?

    Does it drink?

    Do we drink?

    Do you drink?

    Do they drink?

    verbsVerbs ending








    fly fliesstudy studies



    Grade 6 6

    Present Simple

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    1.Choose the correct answer:

    1. It ________ almost every day in Manchester.

    1. rain

    2. rains

    3. Raines

    2. Jassem is so smart that he ________ every exam without even trying.

    1. pass

    2. passies

    3. passes

    3. My life is so boring -- I just ________ TV every night.

    1. watch

    2. watchies

    3. watches

    4. She ________ in Florida.

    1. live

    2. lives

    3. livees

    5. The bank ________ at four o'clock.

    1. close

    2. closies

    3. closes

    6. I ________ in a bank.

    1. work

    2. works

    Grade 6 7

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    3. Works

    7. My mother ________ eggs for breakfast every morning.

    1. fry

    2. frys

    3. fries

    1. Match each subject pronoun with the correct object pronoun.

    Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns

    I him

    you them

    she you

    he me

    it her

    we us

    they it

    2. Choose the correct pronoun:

    I can't see Mona. I can't see ________




    Ali is next to Salem. Ali is next to ________he

    himGrade 6 8

    Object Pronouns

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra



    Can you help Dad and Mom ? Can you help ________?




    Drink your apple juice! Drink ________!




    We are going to the cinema. Come with ________!




    These are my bananas. You can't eat ________



    My brother is at school. He can't come with ________




    The cat is under the chair. Can you see __________?




    Sami can't swim. Help ________!



    Grade 6 9

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    It's Mom's birthday today. This is a present for ________




    A- Write the past participle forms of the following verbs

    write break catch

    be drink lose

    carry take driveplay listen eat

    watch arrive wash

    B- Complete sentences with the Present Perfect tense of the verbs in


    - We.. (do) our homework.

    - Mr. Smith.. (cut) his hair.

    - They .. (run) a marathon.

    - I .. (finish) doing the housework.

    - Poor Ali! He .. (break) his leg,

    - He .. (tell) me a very funny joke.

    - Mum .. (tidy) my room.

    She .. (forget) her purse in her office.

    You .. (visit) the museum.

    Grandpa .. (catch) a cold.

    Grade 6 10

    Present Perfect

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    You can help to save our world! Do something now!

    1. Complete the sentences. Use the words should or shouldn't.

    recycle, save, buy, turn off, leave, drop, waste,help,

    ride, stop

    1. I litter.

    2. I paper, glass, plastic and cans.

    3. I the water.

    4. I plastic bags.

    5. I electricity.

    6. I animals in danger.

    7. I the lights when I leave the room.

    8. I the water running when I brush my teeth.

    9. I walk or my bike to school.

    10. I the pollution.

    Grade 6 11

    should / shouldnt

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra



    and: links two ideas that are related,

    "I like tea and coffee"

    but: links a positive and a negative idea,

    "I like swimming, but I don't like dancing"

    so:gives a result,

    "I was very tired so I went to sleep"

    because:gives a reason,

    A Complete these sentences using: and, but, so, because:

    1. She wants to go to the cinema, . I don't like that film.

    2. My wife plays tennis football.

    3. I can't sleep, I'm going to drink a glass of hot milk.

    4. She went to the disco, she didn't dance.Grade 6 12


  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    5. I'm studying English I love languages.

    6. She danced a little talked to her friends.

    7. He doesn't play the guitar, he plays the drum.

    8. He is sad he saw an accident.

    9. She didn't invited me, I didn't go to her birthday party.

    8. She can draw well, she can't cook.

    Grade 6 13

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    Preposition Use Examples

    in in months in July; in Septemberyear in 1985; in 1999

    Grade 6 14

    Prepositions of time

    (at on in)

    Adverbs of manner

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    seasons in summer; in the summer of 69

    part of the dayin the morning; in the afternoon; in the


    duration in a minute; in two weeks


    part of the day at night

    time of day at 6 o'clock; at midnight

    celebrations at the Eid ; at the National Dayfixed phrases at the same time


    days of the week on Sunday; on Friday

    date on the 25th of December*

    special holidays on Good Friday ; on my birthday

    a special part of a day on the morning of September the 11th*

    1- Fill in the correct prepositions.

    1. Peter is playing tennis on Sunday.

    2. My brother's birthday is ______ the 5th of November.

    3. My birthday is ______ May.

    4. We are going to see my parents the weekend.

    5. _____ 1666, a great fire broke out in London.

    6. I don't like walking alone in the streets _______ night.

    7. What are you doing ______ the afternoon?

    Grade 6 15

    Past simple

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    FORM: [ VERB + ed ] or irregular verbs


    1) Action finished in the past

    I visited London last week.

    2) series of completed actions in the past

    First I got up, then I had breakfast

    Signal words

    yesterday, last week, ago, in 2000 .


    Affirmative sentences:

    regular verbs irregular verbs

    I played football. I went to the cinema.

    We visited Alaska last year. We were in Rome yesterday.

    Negative sentences:

    You must not negate a full verb in English. Always use the auxiliary did (Simple Past

    of to do) for negations.


    Use the auxiliary did(Simple Past of to do).

    Did you play football?

    1- Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.

    Grade 6

    I played football.

    I didn't play football.

    He didn't play football.


  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    1. go ____________

    2. come _____________

    3. buy ______________

    4. have ________________

    2- Complete the table in simple past.

    positive negative question

    Jane was tired.

    Sean did not work.

    Did I have a cat?

    Mary did not sing.

    Did she see us?

    3- Put the sentences into simple past.

    1. We open the door. We opened the door.

    2. You write poems.

    3. Sami plays in the garden.

    4. Kerry does not speak English.

    5. Do you see the bird?

    4- Write sentences in simple past.

    1. you / cards / play

    2. I / a car / want

    3. we / the game / lose

    Grade 6 17

    Present Perfect

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    Form of Present Perfect

    Positive Negative Question

    I / you / we / they I have spoken. I have not spoken. Have I spoken?

    he / she / it He has spoken. He has not spoken. Has he spoken?

    1- F ill in the blanks with the Haveor Has:


    the five years, John had fifteen different jobs.

    2.He worked in banking sector.

    3.Teddy been a teacher since 2004.

    4.I been on holiday for six days.

    5.I and Kate started our own company this year.

    6.your mother learned how to drive.

    7.They never been to Madrid.

    8 .you ever met anyone famous?

    9.We been married for two years.

    2.Write the past participle of these verbs.

    1sleep_________________________ :

    2-study_________________________ :

    3-read_________________________ :

    4-finish_________________________ :

    5-change________________________ :

    6-drive_________________________ :

    3.Complete the sentences with the present perfect tense

    Grade 6 18

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    1. Jack _________________ (live) in London for 15 years.

    2. He ________________ (drive) his new car since 2000.

    3. She _________________ (watch) this movie before.

    4. The children ______________ (drink) all the orange juice! We'll need to get

    some more.

    4. Choose verbs from the given ones to complete the sentences with the

    present perfect tense.

    burn - finish - study - cut - give - read - change

    1. John ________________________ doing his exam.

    2. I __________________________ this story before. It's so interesting.

    3. Sally is going to a party.

    Look, she _________________ her clothes.

    4. Jane knows all the answers in the exam.

    It seems she ________________________ well.

    4. Ali ___________________________ his hand. He is in hospital now.

    Grade 6 19Present Continuous

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra



    [am /is /are + Verb+ing ]


    Youare watchingTV.


    Youare not watchingTV.


    A- Complete what are they doing:

    1. I...a sandwich now. (to eat)

    2. Mum a car now. (to drive)

    3. Dad a delicious meal. (to cook)

    4. We .because we have a test tomorrow. (tostudy)

    5. The cat ...after the mouse. (to



    Grade 6 20

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    Use the Past Continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted. The

    interruption is usually a shorter action in the Simple Past. Remember this can be a real

    interruption or just an interruption in time.


    [ was / were + Verb+ing ]

    The Past Continuous is often used when one action in progress is interrupted by another action in

    the past. We usually use "when" to link these two actions. Sentences usually have this form:

    [ Sentence in Past Continuous ] + WHEN + [Sentence in Past Simple ]

    WHEN + [ Sentence in Past Continuous ] + [Sentence in Past Simple ]

    [ Sentence in Past Simple ] + WHEN + [ Sentence in Past Continuous)


    I was watching TV when she called.

    When the phone rang, she was writing a letter

    A- Complete the table in past progressive.

    positive negative question

    It was raining.

    They were not playing.

    Was I listening?

    Caron was not eating.

    You were singing.

    Grade 6 21

    Interrupted past Continuous

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra


    Use of Passive

    Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not

    known; however, who or what is performing the action.

    Example: My bike was stolen.In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not

    know, however, who did it.

    Form of Passive

    Subject + finite form of to be+ Past Participle

    When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:

    the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive


    the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)

    the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive

    sentence (or is dropped).

    ************************************************************************Examples of PassiveTense Subject Verb Object



    Active: Ali writes a letter.

    Passive: A letter is written by Ali.



    Active: Ali wrote a letter.

    Passive: A letter was written by Ali



    Active: Ali has written a letter.

    Passive: A letter has been written by Ali.

    A-Write passive sentences in Simple Past. See the Example:

    1. the documents / print:

    The documents were printed.

    2. the window open:

    Grade 6 23

  • 7/30/2019 Enrichment Booklet Gr6 Cluster 2 Extra



    3. the shoes / buy


    4. the car / wash


    5. the litter / throw away

    6. the book / read / not


    B- Write passive sentences in Simple Past.

    1- the test / write= The test was written

    2- the table / set


    3- the cat / feed


    4- the lights / switch on
