ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership...

ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update

Transcript of ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership...

Page 1: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.

ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update

Page 2: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.


Implementing Organizations:

in partnership with the

NPAC and other key stakeholders

World Bank



Page 3: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.

• MOE and Stakeholders Support for FLEG

• Good Cooperation among Implementing Partners

• Positive Approach from the side of NGOs, Scientific Institutions

and Private Sector

• Institutional Set-up Instability

Overall Country Context

Page 4: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.


Work Plan covers:

• Technical / Analytical Research

• State Institutions / Private Companies Capacity Building

• Awareness Raising / Strengthening of Communication and Public Involvement

• Regional / Cross-Country Activities

Page 5: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.

Analytical Reports

• Recommendations on Improvement of Legislation and System related to

Wood Source Verification (WWF)

• Study on Current Forest Management Standards and Practices in Georgia


• Study on Economic and Social Impact of Illegal Logging and

Unsustainable Forest Practices on Rural Population of Georgia (IUCN)

• Review of the Current and Proposed Institutional Changes in Georgia’s

Forestry Sector (WB)

Page 6: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.

State Institutions / Private Companies Capacity Building

• Communications Strategy for the Forest Agency (IUCN)

• Training of Forest Inventory Specialists in measuring Wood Volumes (WWF)

• Forest Harvesting Guideline (IUCN)

• Training in Environmental Civil Journalism (IUCN)

• Training in Environmental Investigative Journalism (IUCN)

• Pilot Projects for Improvement of Aternative Livelihood of Local

Communities (IUCN)

Page 7: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.

• ENPI FLEG Electronic Quarterly Newsletter / Bilingual Leaftets (IUCN)

• National Website -- www.enpi-fleg.ge (IUCN)

• Media Monitoring Report (IUCN)

• Environmental Journalists’ Database (IUCN)

Strengthening of Communication and Public Involvement / Awareness Raising

Page 8: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.

• Workshop on Transboundary Timber Flow (WWF)

• Experts Review Meeting for Comparative Study on Economic and Social

Impact of Illegal Logging and Unsustainable Forest Practices on Rural

Population (IUCN)

• Joint trainings for Journalists and Regional Media Contests (IUCN)

Regional Activities

Page 9: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.

• Regional workshop on voluntary forest certification (WWF)

•Elaboration of Recommendations on Function Zoning and Ecosystem-based

Management (WWF)

• Development of Indicators and

Methodology for Assessment of

Illegal Logging and Forest Crime



Page 10: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.

• Public Campaign to promote Responsible Purchasing Approach (IUCN);

• Study Tour of Forestry Agency Staff to Latvia (WB)

• Incorporation of FLEG-related Issues at University (IUCN)

• FLEG Stakeholder Conference in Georgia (IUCN)

• GIS Training (WB)

• Regional Forestry Staff Training (WB)

• Provision of GIS Software (WWF)


Page 11: ENPI/FLEG Georgia – Program Update. ENPI/FLEG Georgia Implementing Organizations: in partnership with the NPAC and other key stakeholders World Bank IUCN.

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