Enhancing Warfighter Performance! Advance slides manually using arrow keys or page up/down.

Enhancing Warfighter Performance! Advance slides manually using arrow keys or page up/down.

Transcript of Enhancing Warfighter Performance! Advance slides manually using arrow keys or page up/down.

Enhancing Warfighter Performance!

Advance slides manually using arrow keys or page up/down.

Advance slides manually using arrow keys or page up/down.

Motion Sickness:When Might You Get It?

• Air travel• Sea travel

• Vehicle travel

Anyone Can Get Motion SicknessIf the Stimulus Gets Bad Enough

• Physiological Response

• Operational Considerations

• Unpredictable environmental conditions

• Once you get sick, it’s too late

What Causes It?

• Sensory Conflict/Neural Mismatch• Eyes and ears disagree• Anticipation of orientation key

Motion Sickness Progression



Stomach awareness



Cold sweat




First you worry you’ll die…then you worry you won't!

• WWI troop transportation• Invasion of Normandy• Raid on Entebbe

Operational Impact

Non-Pharmacological StrategiesTo Improve Your Odds

• Be rested• Food in stomach• Avoid greasy, spicy, acidic food• Stay hydrated

These will improve your odds, but may not be good enough!

Operational AvoidanceStrategies

• Find open air• Look at the horizon• Center of boat calmest• Don’t lay down• Stay cool• Avoid fumes• Avoid others getting sick

Again..these may not be enough!

Pharmacological Prevention

• Scopolamine Transdermal Patch• Antihistamines

• Meclizine (Dramamine)• Diphenhyrdramine (Benadryl)

• Promethazine (Phenergan)• Drowsy• Add caffeine

Pharmacological Treatment

• Phenergan (50mg IM) + stimulant

• Zofran for vomiting


• Be Proactive: Mission planning should consider motion sickness.

• Consider treatment before the mission.

• Once you are sick, it may be too late!

• Don’t let your teammate suffer for days!

For More Information