Enhancing Graph Database Indexing By Suffix Tree StructureEnhancing Graph Database Indexing By...

Enhancing Graph Database Indexing By Suffix Tree Structure V. Bonnici, R. Di Natale, A. Ferro, R. Giugno , M. Mongiovì, G. Pigola, A. Pulvirenti Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Università di Catania D. Shasha Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York University

Transcript of Enhancing Graph Database Indexing By Suffix Tree StructureEnhancing Graph Database Indexing By...

Enhancing Graph Database Indexing By Suffix Tree Structure

V. Bonnici, R. Di Natale, A. Ferro, R. Giugno, M. Mongiovì, G. Pigola, A. Pulvirenti

Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Università di Catania

D. Shasha

Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York University


• Biological Motivations• GraphGrep• GraphGrepSX• Experimental results (GIndex, Gcoding, GraphGrep, Ctree)

Motivations• Many applications in industry, science, and engineering share

the same problem: given a subgraph, find its occurrences in a database of graphs. – Prediction of the functionality of new natural or synthesized compounds – Make a compound Q more active– Find fragment with the same function among different species – Predict protein function, Predict protein interaction

Gene Ontologies


Biological Networks

Graph indexing system

• Graph-to-graph matching algorithms can be used, efficiency considerations suggest the use of specific techniques to reduce the search space and the time complexity.

• In a preprocessing phase, each graph of the database is analyzed in order to extract and store its discriminatory properties, features.

• In the filtering phase, the graph database index is compared with the query index in order to discard graphs of the database not containing some features present in the query graph.



0 321

B CA B g1




1A 2B 3 Cg3

2 354



6 EIndex Construction


Query processing

Candidate Verification

Filtering:find candidate

Load from DB

Indexing is crucial to reduce the search space and make the problem affordable!

Graphs searching is an NP-problem

Shasha D, Wang JL, Giugno R: Algorithmics and Applications of Tree and Graph Searching. Proceeding of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2002, :39{52.

A. Ferro, R. Giugno, M. Mongiovì, A. Pulvirenti, D. Skripin, D. Shasha D. GraphFind: Enhancing Graph Searching by Low Support Data Mining Techniques. BMC Bioinformatics 2008, Vol. 9 (Suppl 4) :S10 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-S4-S10

GraphGrep: Index buildingFor each graph in DB:

• Find all paths of length from 1 to L (4,10)

• Save the paths in a Berkeley DB

• Count how many occurrences of each path in each graph

• Save the occurrences in an hash table indexed by the strings of the paths

GraphGrep: Index building

Run VF

GraphGrep: Filtering and Matching

GraphGrep: Matching VF_lib(Cordella et al. IEEE PAMI 2004,


• Extension of Ullmann matching algorithm ( Journal of the ACM, 1976)

• The process of finding the mapping function can be suitably described by means of a TREE called State Space Representation (SSR)

• Each node is a state s of the partial matching process

• Transition from a generic state s to a successor s’ represents the addition of a pair matched nodes.

• k-look-ahead rules for checking in advance if a consistent state s has no consistent successors after k steps + Semantic rules

GraphGrepSX: IdeaRealize a compact representation of the index by making use of Suffix trees

“Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences” by Dan Gusfield

GraphGrepSX: IdeaRealize a compact representation of the index by making use of Suffix trees

GraphGrepSX: IdeaRealize a compact representation of the index by making use of Suffix trees

Suffix tree


GraphGrepSX: IdeaRealize a compact representation of the index by making use of Suffix trees

Suffix tree


GraphGrepSX: IdeaRealize a compact representation of the index by making use of Suffix trees

Suffix tree


GraphGrepSX: IdeaRealize a compact representation of the index by making use of Suffix trees

Suffix tree



• Preprocessing phase– replaces the hash table index by a suffix tree index

• Filtering phase– Build a query index tree– The candidate set is constructed by matching the query

index tree and the database index

• This results in a more flexible graph indexing system – different ways to build the query index– an efficient technique to reduce redundant checks

GraphGrepSX: Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

Computed by DFS visit, the backtracking allows to find paths with the same suffix

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

Computed by DFS visit, the backtracking allows to find paths with the same suffix

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

Computed by DFS visit, the backtracking allows to find paths with the same suffix

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

GraphGrepSX : Index structure

GraphGrepSX builds the tree index as follows:

Index construction time

Number of graphs






Experimental analysis on molecular dataset

http://dtp.nci.nih.gov/docs/aids/AIDS antiviral screening database

Experimental analysis on molecular dataset

Total index size

Number of graphs



Number of graphs



label-paths table + hashtableIndex fingerprint size

hashtable only

GraphGrepSX: Index structureA path in the index structure is defined as maximal path if:

A path in the index structure is defined as maximal path if:•its length is L

GraphGrepSX: Index structure

A path in the index structure is defined as maximal path if:•its length is L

GraphGrepSX: Index structure

A path in the index structure is defined as maximal path if:•its length is L•the path has length < L but it cannot be extended

GraphGrepSX: Index structure

A path in the index structure is defined as maximal path if:•its length is L•the path has length < L but it cannot be extended

GraphGrepSX: Index structure

A path in the index structure is defined as maximal path if:•its length is L•the path has length < L but it cannot be extended

GraphGrepSX: Index structure

GraphGrepSX: Filtering phase-Query tree index structure construction

- Discard graphs from the database which do not match the query by analyzing only the maximal paths

- In the query tree nodes representing these maximal paths are marked

Red nodes representEnd-points of Maximal Paths

GraphGrepSX: Filtering phase-candidates generation

Dataset index Query index

GraphGrepSX: Filtering phase-candidates generation

Dataset index Query index

Trees matching

GraphGrepSX: Filtering phase-candidates generation

Dataset index Query index

Trees matching

GraphGrepSX: Filtering phase-candidates generation

Trees matching

GraphGrepSX: Filtering phase-candidates generation

Trees matching

Occurrences verification

GraphGrepSX: Filtering phase-candidates generation

Trees matching

Occurrences verification

Candidates set:{g1, …}

Experimental analysisMolecular dataset of 42000 graphs

Query Time

Query dimension


ry ti




filtering + matching

Experimental analysisMolecular dataset of 42000 graphs


Query dimension


ber o

f can



Experimental analysisMolecular dataset of 42000 graphs

Filtering time

Query dimension




e (s


Query dimension



g tim

e (s


Matching time

Experimental analysis: CTree, GCoding, GraphGrep, GraphGrepSX

Molecular dataset of 42000 graphs

Index construction time


e (s


Number of graphs

Index size



Number of graphs

Molecular dataset of 42000 graphs

Query time


e (s


Query dimension





Query dimension

Huahai He Ambuj K. Singh, Closure-Tree: An Index Structure for Graph Queries, ICDE '06

Lei Zou, Lei Chen, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Yansheng Lu,  A novel spectral coding in a large graph database, Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Extending database technology, 2008

Experimental analysis: CTree, GCoding, GraphGrep, GraphGrepSX

Molecular dataset of 42000 graphs

Filtering time


e (s


Query dimension

Matching time


e (s


Query dimension

Experimental analysis: CTree, GCoding, GraphGrep, GraphGrepSX

Molecular dataset of 8000 graphs





Query dimension

Index construction time


e (s


Experimental analysis: GraphGrep, GraphGrepSX, GIndex

Yan X, Yu PS, Han J: Graph Indexing Based on Discriminative Frequent Structure Analysis. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 2005, 30(4):960-993.

Molecular dataset of 8000 graphs

Filtering time


e (s


Query dimension

Matching time


e (s


Query dimension

Yan X, Yu PS, Han J: Graph Indexing Based on Discriminative Frequent Structure Analysis. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 2005, 30(4):960-993.

Experimental analysis: GraphGrep, GraphGrepSX, GIndex

What is it coming next?…

Collaboration networksSocial Networks

The increasing size of databases application requires efficient structure searching algorithms.

Biological Networks

Many applications in industry, science, and engineering sharethe same problem: given a subgraph, find its occurrences in a database of graphs or in large networks.


Graph Properties

Query Properties

Network Properties

Run the Algorithm

A. Ferro, R. Giugno, G. Pigola, A. Pulvirenti, D. Skripin, G.D. Bader, D. Shasha. NetMatch: a Cytoscape Plugin for Searching Biological Networks. Bioinformatics. vol. 23, pp. 910-912, 2007 ISSN: 1367-4803. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm032.

NetMatch: Querying and getting Result



NetMatch: Analyze Results

Find Feed-Forward MotifsGraph motifs over-represented in many network types

Milo et al. Science 298, 2002

Feed-forward loop

Gene regulationNeuronsElectronic circuits

Edge Labels1=activator2=repressor3=dual


Find All Feed-Forward Motifs

Statistical Significance?




Summer School 13-20 June, 2009: RNA: Structure, Function and Therapy

http://lipari.cs.unict.it/LipariSchool/SPEAKERSDr. Oliver Hobert, Howard Hughes Medical

Institute Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA

Chris Sander, Computational Biology Center, Sander Research Lab Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA

Peter Stadler, Institut für Informatik, Universität Leipzig Germany

Carlo Croce, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus Ohio

Debora Marks, Systems Biology Department, Harvard Medical School

Boston, MA, USA

GUEST SPEAKERSCharles R. Cantor and Graziano Pesole


Matteo Comin: RNA-protein interaction, University of Padova, Italy       

A. Pulvirenti: Algorithms for Sequence Alignment, University of Catania, Italy

R. Giancarlo: Alignment-free distances, University of Palermo, Italy        

Knut Reinert: SeqAn: An efficient,  generic C++ library for sequnece analysis, Institut für nformatik, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Freie Universität Berlin

Christine Heitsch: RNA structure prediction Berkeley University, School of Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

Doron Betel: Non coding RNAs, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA

Alessandro Laganà: Tools for miRNA genes and target prediction, University of Catania, Italy