Englsh Expressions

Remidi of midterm report Group members : Amalina Tri Setya B. X-4 / 04 Putri Ajeng P. X-4 / 28 Rida Adila X-4 / 31 Salsabila Nur A. X-4 /



Transcript of Englsh Expressions

Page 1: Englsh Expressions

Remidi of midterm report

Group members :Amalina Tri Setya B. X-4 / 04Putri Ajeng P. X-4 / 28Rida Adila X-4 / 31Salsabila Nur A. X-4 /

Page 2: Englsh Expressions


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Table of Contain

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English Expressions

I. SYMPATHY Definition

Sympathy is an expressions or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition.

By this expression, we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people’s condition.

Some expressions of “Sympathy” Giving Sympathy Responding of Sympathy

You have my deepest sympathy

I do sympathise I’m sorry to hear that I know how it feels I know you feeling Oh that’s awful! That’s a pity You must be very upset etc...

Thank you very much Thank you for your

sympathy Thanks etc...

Examples of “Sympathy”

a. Mrs. Tina : “Bayu, You said you would visit Aunt Ima in Solo. Why are you still at

home?”Bayu : “Oh, I mised the bus again, Mom”Mrs. Tina : “Poor you. Next time, please go to the bus

stop earlier. Buses usually run until late afternoon”Bayu : “I see. Thank’s mom”

b. I’m sorry to hear that you lost in the Inter-Student Tennis Championship 2014.

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Sympathy is A written or spoken information telling someone what you want them to do or how something should be done .

Some expressions of “Suggestion” 1. Giving Suggestion

How about (+Ving)...? I think you’d better ... If I were you,I’d ..... Why don’t you ......? Let me suggest that .... I advice you to ......

2. Using “SHOULD” Using “should” when we say what we think is a

good thing to do.Examples

a. Should we go to the party? b. You should take a medicine Using “should” when we say what we think is not a

good thing to do.Examples

a. You shouldn’t playing a game b. You shouldn’t eat too much c. You shouldn’t lie down for a while Using “should” when we give advice .

Examplesa. You should learn Greek before you go to Greek b. I think you should accept the job immediately Using “should” when we ask or give opinion .

Examplesa. You should take a rest now b. I think you should accept the job immediately c. I don’t think you should phone them now d. Lala should do something about this problem

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Using “should” when we say that “you should be doing something”, you mean that it is the best thing to do at this moment.Examplesa. You should have told him the truth b. I should be studying for my exam tomorrow c. You should have checked your answers

thoroughly before you handed in your exam d. You shouldn’t have been wathching TV all night

yesterday, that’s why you feel so tired Using “should” when we say that “you should have

been doing something”, you mean that iw was the best thing to do at a certain time in the past.Examplesa. She have been studying hard for the test, so she

should pass b. She shouldn’t have left work yet. I’ll call her office

3. Asking for suggestion/ advice Do you have any ideas of how...? Do you think I ought to... Can you recommend .... Can you give me some advices? If you were me, what would you...?

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Condolence is an expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of a death

Some expressions of “Condolences”

Examples of “Condolence”

Offering condolence Responding condolesce I am sorry to hear that Let me offer my

condolence Let me tell you how

sorry I am to hear about..

It must pretty hard on you

I know how it feels

Thank you That’s very kind of you There’s nothing that

can be done about it It’s god will, I suppose God gives and God

takes away

I’m extremely sorry to hear that

Thanks for your sympathy

Please accept my condolence

Thank you so much. They are so lovely

You must be very upset You are truly good friendsI know how it feels It was very nice of you to

think of me in this time of sadness

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Expressions can be learned through many ways. Each of them has different benefits

1. Reading In reading passages, there must be a lot of expressions. Some of them function as to make the expressions more polite and some others will help the readers to understand the contents of the texts

2. Watching movies Ezpressins can also be found in films. If people know the expressions, they will certainly learn the language so they can understand what the actors/actresses say. Besides, they can also learn yhe culture, like gestures and body language

3. Making dialogues In making dialogues, expressions are often used. If people don’t understand the meaning of the expressions, the will of course misunderstand. Besides, they wil be able to communicate naturally and respond accordingly.