ENGLISH - TWO REVIEWS: Yes Man and Uomini e Donne

YES MAN Yes Man is a comedy movie starring Jim Carrey. He plays as Carl Allen, a very depressed man who used to say no to everything. He constantly avoids friends and he lives his life in the shadows until something happens. It’s a very pretty good film. Carl Allen’s life is presented as very boring and his friends are so worried about him and try to get him out away from his dull routine, but it’s a losing battle. His life continues to be useless until an old friend shows him the way, informing Carl of a seminar. It is the new hope for people like himself, a chance to start saying “Yes!”. This boring bank employee is soon saying yes to everything, and suddenly… his life begins to change for the better. So much so, that he takes a major risk and ends up meeting a girl, with whom he’s going to fall in love. For the first part of Yes Man, I felt like I was waiting for something. For the entire time that Carl says no, I felt like the set up was too long and much too obvious. We all know where this is going, and it takes a little too much time getting there. During the first half hour or so, the laughs are minimal and predictable, but after the first part the film starts to be appreciate well. Jim Carrey plays brilliantly his role and so the rest of the cast do, but this story is a comedic love one that suffers from an obvious and blatant end and a nod to the audience. So in the end, Yes Man isn’t exactly the best film I’ve ever seen, it’s just good for a night among friends…! Uomini e Donne The programme I’m going to talk you about is “Uomini e Donne”, on the air on Canale 5 of Italian TV from _ to _ from Mondays to Fridays. The main purpose of it is to make participating people find his or her own soul mate. I think it is just an excuse for people who wants to appear on TV and so become famous, as a matter of fact nobody is really interested to love. The programme is divided in various phases: courting, dates and final choice of the partner. By the way, I think so, this programme doesn’t achieve at all its main purpose, as matter of fact it’s very little believable that true love could be born this little natural and so controlled way. So it’s just one of a lot of stupid programmes circulating on Italian TV, which are always built on moral values by this time nonexistent. So, I won’t recommend it to anybody.

Transcript of ENGLISH - TWO REVIEWS: Yes Man and Uomini e Donne

YES MANYes Man is a comedy movie starring Jim Carrey. He plays as Carl Allen, a very depressed man who used to say no to everything. He constantly avoids friends and he lives his life in the shadows until something happens.It’s a very pretty good film.

Carl Allen’s life is presented as very boring and his friends are so worried about him and try to get him out away from his dull routine, but it’s a losing battle. His life continues to be useless until an old friend shows him the way, informing Carl of a seminar. It is the new hope for people like himself, a chance to start saying “Yes!”. This boring bank employee is soon saying yes to everything, and suddenly… his life begins to change for the better. So much so, that he takes a major risk and ends up meeting a girl, with whom he’s going to fall in love.For the first part of Yes Man, I felt like I was waiting for something. For the entire time that Carl says no, I felt like the set up was too long and much too obvious. We all know where this is going, and it takes a little too much time getting there. During the first half hour or so, the laughs are minimal and predictable, but after the first part the film starts to be appreciate well.

Jim Carrey plays brilliantly his role and so the rest of the cast do, but this story is a comedic love one that suffers from an obvious and blatant end and a nod to the audience.

So in the end, Yes Man isn’t exactly the best film I’ve ever seen, it’s just good for a night among friends…!

Uomini e DonneThe programme I’m going to talk you about is “Uomini e Donne”, on the air on Canale 5 of Italian TV from _ to _ from Mondays to Fridays. The main purpose of it is to make participating people find his or her own soul mate.I think it is just an excuse for people who wants to appear on TV and so become famous, as a matter of fact nobody is really interested to love.

The programme is divided in various phases: courting, dates and final choice of the partner.By the way, I think so, this programme doesn’t achieve at all its main purpose, as matter of fact it’s very little believable that true love could be born this little natural and so controlled way.

So it’s just one of a lot of stupid programmes circulating on Italian TV, which are always built on moral values by this time nonexistent.So, I won’t recommend it to anybody.