ENGLISH Translation Transcript of Ibn Taymiyyah Media Release :: And the Series of Injustices...


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Fursaan Al-Balaagh :: ENGLISH Translation Transcript of Ibn Taymiyyah Media Release :: And the Series of Injustices Continues :: Al-Muhandis Abu Al-Muhtasib Al-Maqdisi

Transcript of ENGLISH Translation Transcript of Ibn Taymiyyah Media Release :: And the Series of Injustices...

Page 1: ENGLISH Translation Transcript of Ibn Taymiyyah Media Release :: And the Series of Injustices Continues

[And the oppression continues] | 1

اهلل الرمحن الرحيمبسم

Page 2: ENGLISH Translation Transcript of Ibn Taymiyyah Media Release :: And the Series of Injustices Continues

March 2013\Rabi' al-thani 1434 H | [Fursan Al-Balagh Media]

And the oppression continues |2

هللا الرحمن الرحيمبسم

Fursan Al-Balagh Media Translation Section Presents

The English Translation of the video


Engineer brother / Abu Al-Muhtasib Al-Maqdisi

– May Allah preserve him –

Entitled: "And the oppression continues"

Rabi' al-thani 1434 H March 2013

Page 3: ENGLISH Translation Transcript of Ibn Taymiyyah Media Release :: And the Series of Injustices Continues

March 2013\Rabi' al-thani 1434 H | [Fursan Al-Balagh Media]

And the oppression continues |3

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

(Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech unless (it be) by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing) 148 Surah An-Nisa

الحمد هلل مالك الملك المتنزه عن الجور و المتكبر عن الظلم السامع لكل شكوى والدافع لكل بلوى، والصالة

والسالم على من بعث بالدالئل الواضحة و الحجج القاطعة بشيراً ونذيراً و داعياً إلى هللا بإذنه وسراجاً منيرا،

:أما بعد

Four months have passed since the departure of the two sheikhs Abu Al-Walid and Abu Al-Bara – rahimahumallah – after they were assassinated by the evil treacherous Jewish hand, and from that day we observed calmness in the pursuit and recession in the detentions conducted by the Hamas government against the Salafi mujahidin in the Gaza Strip. And we thought that those people have returned to their sense, and acknowledged their mistake regarding their war against the sons of the Tawhid methodology which proved its sincerity by the sacrifices of its soldiers in the confrontation with the Jews, and the blood of its best sons and even its leaders from the mujahidin for the sake of Allah, after what they suffered from oppression, harm, distortion and pursuit. But the course of events in the few past days proves that the situation didn’t change: the policy of detention, pursuit, kidnapping, raiding homes returned, then captivity and torture in prisons of the so called the “Internal Security Service”. As we are speaking there are brothers in the hateful Ansar prison, being questioned and tortured with very despicable methods, the limbs of some brothers were broken due to the severe torture, all that is done under flimsy pretexts and false arguments: either by claiming they are trying to get this poor slave or the ammunition of the brothers and their arms which is being prepared for fighting the Jews - Hasbunallahu Wa Ni'mal Wakeel -. But this campaign comes under serious political and security facts, when the arrests and pursuit of the Salafi mujahidin in Gaza coincided with intense and continuous meetings between the Egyptian intelligence and the Israeli government on one side and the Hamas government on the other side, with leaks of the direct talks between the two sides that haven’t been proved yet. What concerns us is that these actions are accompanied by systematic operations of destroying the tunnels between Egypt and Gaza, without Hamas showing any concern which is unusual for it! When it used to scream out loud when one tunnel was destroyed previously, and all that is culminated by new information about the Egyptian preparations to launch a military campaign targeting the mujahidin on the land of Sinai. And the above proves that there is something plotted in secret, and that there is cunning which its signs are looming in the horizon – which is being confirmed by what have been said last week by Ismail Al-Ashqar – head of the security council in the legislative council -, that the Egyptian intelligence demanded them to hand

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March 2013\Rabi' al-thani 1434 H | [Fursan Al-Balagh Media]

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over this poor slave for his involvement in Jihadi activities against the Jews from the Egyptian lands – according to them -, but they devised plans and Allah too had arranged a plan; and Allah is the best of planners. Accordingly it is worthy for us remind all of important matters: Firstly: All the methods of pressure, harassment, pursuit and detention against the Salafiya Jihadiya mujahidin have been used and there have been not even one case of retreat or relapse, rather the work has increased and developed in more secrecy and better and more accurate arrangement with the grace of Allah. Sheikh Abu Al-Waleed Al-Maqdisi – rahimahullah - was imprisoned for almost two years and some claimed that they have debated and discussed with him, but he came out hard and tough and didn’t compromise even one letter from what he said, and that is the tradition of Dawahs throughout history. And we still remember the results of the Authority crimes against Hamas in 1996, it didn’t end Hamas or dismantle or obliterate it, and if using of force then had fruit we wouldn’t have seen Hamas ascending to power in Gaza today. Secondly: Let the wise men know that the practices of the security services, was and is still a pickaxe that demolish every system that opens space for its security services to wreak oppression and injustice among the peaceful as well as the mujahidin. The former Preventive Security Service crimes were from the most important factors for the people to reject Fatah Authority , and seeking to get rid of them at any cost, and also the Egyptian State Security, and the intelligence of Gadhafi, and the thugs of Ben Ali, since their crimes against their peoples were from most important factors for the people to rise against that horrible oppression. And today the Internal Security Service is repeating the same role against the mujahidin without any consideration for the consequences of that oppression, and I quote to prove their oppression and fabrication what I heard with my own ears from Dr. Abdurrahman Al-Jammal – member of the legislative council and the leader in the Hamas movement – who said: “The security service is the reason for all this tension between us and you, and they sometimes call me – referring to the Internal Security – before dawn and say to me: “Do not go out to pray in the mosque, because the Salafis will target you”, and he added: “I know that they are not telling the truth, but this is the reality”. End of his words. Thirdly: The Salafiya Jihadiya mujahidin have proved throughout the past years in general and in the recent months in particular that they are the safety valve to preserve the land of the Muslims, and conservation of their blood and sanctities, and they aren’t a detonation fuse as some like to claim to portray them as a scarecrow of threat, worry and destruction, and there is no better proof than for that from the behavior of the Salafiya Jihadiya mujahidin during the recent ceasefire, when they became another success factor despite they weren’t part of it, and they weren’t consulted or discussed its items, so they preferred tranquility not to acknowledge the legality of the ceasefire, but to miss the opportunity for those who claim that the Salafis are only disrupting Hamas, brining calamities to

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March 2013\Rabi' al-thani 1434 H | [Fursan Al-Balagh Media]

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the Muslims. And as usual the Jews didn’t adhere to the ceasefire, and the share of the Salafis from it was detention, pursuit and torture. Fourthly: How could you justify your pursuit for this poor slave and summoning of his family and detaining of his brothers and torturing of his companions?! And what is strange is that you always repeat that I have no relation to any internal action, and you know that I’m wanted by the Jews while you issue mass exemptions for the criminals of the runaway criminals of Fatah movement, and allow them to return to Gaza without any punishment, despite that they exaggerated in your blood, violated your sanctities, and harmed you the most severe arm. Then, I ask you by Allah, how are the secularists of Fatah and the communists of the Popular front and the Takfiris of the Tkafir wa Hijrah are free throughout the land?! While the Salafiya Jihadiya mujahidin only find under rule pursuit, prions and torture – Subhanallah ,y Lord this is a great fabrication, but rather this is a horrible oppression, and I really pity you from the consequences of your injustice, and warn you of the consequences of the deeds of your torturers and will be darkness for you in the Dunya and hereafter. (Arabic poetry) My Lord prescribed that oppression kills its people and that the bad outcome will be for the oppressor Fifthly: To make matters obvious and clear, let me mention the efforts of mediation that happened in the previous period to end the case of the security agencies pursuit of this poor slave, the facts have proven that you absolutely weren’t serious regarding that, sometimes you question my father and threaten that I could be killed in any moment, then they return to claim that they have issued an amnesty for me on the second day of the recent war, and called me to return home, despite their knowledge of the danger of that, then one of their officials interfere and offer to end the case on the basis of arresting me for three months in their cells, and another one saying three days then he recedes and says two weeks. The suddenly they raid the homes and summon the relatives and kidnap the mujahidin, and torture and break their limbs unjustifiably, so are these practices from someone who claims to seek a solution quietly, and you have been informed then that we have no problem in any just and reasonable solution the ensures the end of the oppression and stop the pursuit, since the burdens of the oppression and pursuit from you and the pursuit of the Jews in the same time aren’t simple or easy, but they are much easier than accepting your oppression and submission to humility and disgrace under the mercy your jailers who would not pay regard in the believers to ties of relationship, nor those of covenant. And I repeat to you that the prisons of the Internal Security that you claim are prepared for the agents and the suspects are a place for solving the disputes with the mujahidin and those wanted by the enemies of Allah the Jews! And I remind you that the case of this poor slave have extended from being the case of a person chased by oppressive security services of Hamas government, and

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March 2013\Rabi' al-thani 1434 H | [Fursan Al-Balagh Media]

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it became a case of a wanted mujahid who is on the Jews assassinations list, who many have preceded him on it from the brothers who perished and those who are still waiting. So fear Allah in us O’ leadership of Hamas, O’ officials of the Internal Security, it will be a disgrace for you that the case of the martyrdom of sheikh “Ashraf Sabah” on the hands of the Jews in the same time when you were chasing him be repeated, and it is shameful that you resemble in your practices what was being done by the treacherous services of the Authority in pursuing the mujahidin and detaining those wanted in the West Bank. (Our Lord! decide between us and our people with truth; and Thou art the best of deciders) 89 Surah Al-Araf. (and Allah is the master of His affair, but most people do not know) 21 Surah Yusuf {some of the statements of the Jews regarding the issue of the mujahid brother Abu Al-Muhtasib}

“That organization was established by Hisham Al-Saedini, who was arrested by Hamas government since the mid of 2010, and he was released a few days ago, and that has happened by a certain agreement – apparently – with Al-Saedini and another person called “Abdullah Al- Ashqar” who is a Palestinian, they are the ones who head this terrorist organization”.

“This group that conducted this operation is called “Majlis Shura Al-Jihad fi Al-Quds”, and this group consist of Salafi Bedouin elements, and is considered the branch of Al-Qaeda in Palestine, it is led by Abdullah Al- Ashqar a Palestinian, as well as Abdulkarim (Hisham) Al-Saedini an Egyptian, who was recently released from the prisons of Hamas in Gaza”.

Published by Ibn Taymiyyah Media Center Rabī’ Al-Thānī 1434 A.H.||February 2013

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March 2013\Rabi' al-thani 1434 H | [Fursan Al-Balagh Media]

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