English Test VII Chapter 11


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Kurikulum 2013

Transcript of English Test VII Chapter 11

A. Read the conversation and answer the questions.Edo:Excuse me, Dayu.

Dayu:Yes, Edo. Whats up?

Edo:Do you have an idol teacher?

Dayu:Yes, I do. A male teacher. He is young.Edo:Who is he? Whats his name?

Dayu:His name is Mr. Rudi. He is 25 years old.Edo:What does he teach?

Dayu:He teaches us Art.Edo:Why do you like him?

Dayu:He is kind, patient, creative. He also explains the lesson clearly.Edo:Lucky you.Dayu:Thank you.1.What is Mr. Rudi?2.What does he teach?3.How is he?4.When was Mr. Rudi born?B. Read the text and complete the sentences.MY CUTE HAMSTER, SUNDAEHi, my name is Julie. I have a hamster. Its name is Sundae. Sundae is a six month regular hamster. It is an adorable hamster. It has white fur with orange stripes. I like to pat it because its fur feels soft. Every morning, I give Sundae sunflower seeds. I also change its water. Sundae doesnt like dirty place so I clean its cage twice a week. Sundae is an active animal. It likes to run around the cage. When it feels tired or sleepy, Sundae will sleep in the corner of its cage.Julie has a (5) Its name is (6) It is a (7) It is an (8) animal. It has (9) and (10) fur.

It eats (11) and drink (12) it is very (13) and likes to (14) around the cage. It usually sleeps in the (15) of its cage.

Answers :

C. Read the text and answer the questionsI am Josh. I live in Malang. My house is at 56 Jl. Raya Merdeka. It not a big house. It is small. Its painted blue sky. I like it anyway. It has a small garden and a star fruit tree in front of the house. It looks green and nice.

My house has three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a garage. Each of it has its own furniture and equipment. We can do many activities there.

My sisters bedroom is in the front part of the house, next to the living room. My parents room is in the middle part of the house next to the bathroom. The kitchen and the other bathroom are at the back part of the house.

On the weekend, we always clean our house. We sweep and mop the floor, clean the windows and take care of the garden. We love our house very much. Home sweet home.16.Where does Josh live?17.How is Joshs house?18.How many rooms are there in Joshs house?19.Where is the living room?20.What does the family do on the weekend?Answers :