English Slovar


Transcript of English Slovar

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- 2008

681.3 (038)

73 + 81.2 -4 55

. . 55 - - , , : 2- . . 1. , 2008. 652 .

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681.3 (038)

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ISBN 5-7511-1937- 1

.., 2008


- . , , , . , , , . , , : , . , , , , - (. . . ), . . . 1985 . Market House Books Ltd. 1990 . , . , 4000 , . , , , , . - , - (. , . ., . . : . 3- .- : - , 2001; .. : . . 3-, . . - : - , 2004.). ( .. - . : - . -, 2006.), . , - , .

4 , 25000 , . : ; ; . @, (#). . . , , , . , , , . .


adj (adjective) adv (adverb) cj (cojunction) n (noun) num (numeral) pl (plural) predic (predicative) pref (prefix) prp (preposition) pron (pronoun) refl (reflexive) suf (suffix) v (verb)

, , . , .


, 1. . . - ( ). .: . ., 1987. 2. / . . .; . . . . .; . . . . .: , 1990. 3. / . . . . .: - , 1986. 4. . . - . .: . - , 1960. 5. . ., . ., . ., . . . .: , 1969. 6. . ., . . - . 2- ., . . .: . ., 1987. 7. . . . - . .: , 1989. 8. . ., . . : . 3- . : - , 2001. 9. . . : . . 3-, . . - : - , 2004. 10. . . - . : - . -, 2006. .



A*a hardware programming language (AHPL) [e 'ha:dwc 'proulrm 'llw] ( ) abandon [c'bndcn] v. 1. , ; 2. -. abandoned [c'bndcnd] adj. abbreviate [c'bri:vet] v. abbreviation [c/bri:v'ecn] n. 1. ; 2. , abend (abnormal end) , .@ , , . ability [c'blt] n. , able ['ebl] n. A ( 10); adj. ; , .# to be able abnormal [b'n]:mcl] n. ; ; abnormal function [b'n]:mcl 'f7kcn] () abnormal termination [b'n]:mcl tc:m'necn] , . . abend. abnormally [b'n]:mcl] adv. abort [c'b]:t] v. , ; -

.@ . , . abound [c'baund] v. about [c'baut] prep. , ; adv. , , .# to about .# to be about + inf. + ; + ; above [c'b7v] adv. ; ; prp. 1. ; 2. ; adj. .# above all ; .# as stated above .# over and above , ; abrade [c'bred] v. 1. ; 2. abrasion [c'bren] n. , ; abridge [c'br] v. ; ; ; ; ; abridged [c'brd] adj. ; ; abridged multiplication [c'brd /m7ltpl'kecn] abrupt [c'br7pt] adj. 1. ; 2. abrupt distribution [c'br7pt ds'trbju:cn].@ abscissa [b'ssc] n. , absence ['bscns] n. 1. ; ; 2.



absent ['bscnt] adj. .# to be absent absolute ['bsclu:t] adj. ; absolute accuracy ['bsclu:t 'kjurcs] absolute address ['bsclu:t c'dres] 1. .@ . . relative address 2. . . machine address 3. . . physical address absolute addressing ['bsclu:t c'dres] . . . absolute address 1. absolute assembler ['bsclu:t c'semblc] .@ , , . absolute code ['bsclu:t koud] , absolute command ['bsclu:t kc'ma:nd] .@ , . . relative command absolute constant ['bsclu:t 'k]nstcnt] absolute convergence ['bsclu:t kcn'vc:cns] absolute coordinates ['bsclu:t kou'dnts] . @ ,

. . . relative coordinates absolute delay ['bsclu:t d'le] absolute error (AE) ['bsclu:t 'erc] ; . . relative error absolute expression ['bsclu:t ks'precn] . @ , . absolute inequality ['bsclu:t /ni:'kw]lt] () absolute instruction ['bsclu:t n'str7kcn] .@ absolute loader ['bsclu:t 'louc] .@ , . absolute maximum ['bsclu:t 'mksmcm] absolute pathname ['bsclu:t pa:nem] .@ , . . . pathname absolute probability ['bsclu:t /pr]bc'blt] absolute program(ming) ['bsc lu:t 'proulrm()] absolute system ['bsclu:t 'sstm] absolute term ['bsclu:t tc:m] .@ -



, . absolute value (abs) ['bsclu:t 'vlju:] ; absolute vector ['bsclu:t 'vekc] .@ , . . relative vector absolute zero ['bsclu:t 'zcrou] absolutely ['bsclu:tl] adv. absorb [cb's]:b] v. 1. , ; ; 2. (, ) absorption [cb's]:pcn] n. abstract ['bstrkt] n. ; , ; v. , ; adj. . . . logical abstract date type ['bstrkt det tap] .@ , , , . abstract machine ['bstrkt mc'i:n] .@ , . abstract mathematics ['bstrkt /m'mtks] abstract model ['bstrkt 'm]dl] .@ ; ,

, ( ) abstract semantic network ['bstrkt s'mntk netwc:k] abstraction ['bstrkcn] n. .@ . abundant [c'b7ndcnt] adj. 1. , ; 2. academic [/kc'demk] adj. 1. ; ; ; 2. ; ; 2. accelerate ['k/selc'ret] v. (), () accelerating ['k,selc'ret] adj. acceleration ['k/selc'recn] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. acceleration of convergence ['k,selc'recn ov kcn'vc:cns] , acceleration stage ['k/selc'recn ste] acceleration time ['k/selc'recn tam] accelerative ['k/selc'retv] adj. accelerator ['k/selc'retc] n. ; accent ['kscnt] n. , accentuate [k'scntjuet] v. , accept [ck'sept] n. 1. ( ); 2. ( ); v. 1. ; 2. -



; .# generally accepted .# to gain acceptance acceptable [ck'septcbl] adj. acceptable failure rate (AFR) [ck'septcbl 'feljc ret] acceptable quality level (AQL) [ck'septcbl 'kw]lt 'levl] acceptable reliability level (ARL) [ck'septcbl r/lac'blt 'levl] acceptance [ck'septcns] n. ; ; (, ) acceptance sampling [ck'septcns 'sa:mpl] acceptance testing [ck'septcns 'test] acceptor [ck'septc] n. 1. ; 2. access ['kses] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. , .@ , , , , . v. access address ['kses c'dres] , access arm ['kses a:m] .@ , -

. access control ['kses kcn'troul] , .@ , , . access cycle ['kses 'sakl] . @ . access delay ['kses d'le] access isolation mechanism (AIM) ['kses 'asclecn 'mekcnzcm] access matrix ['kses 'metrks] . . authorization matrix access method ['kses 'mecd] .@ 1. , . . 2. , access mode ['kses moud] .@ , . , , , . access path ['kses pa:] .@ , -



. access restriction ['kses rs'trc n] access right ['kses rat] access scan ['kses skn] .@ . access speed ['kses spi:d] access time ['kses tam] .@ . access vector ['kses 'vektc] .@ , () . access-control mechanism ['kses/kcn'troul 'mekcnzcm] accessibility n. ['kses] , accessible [k'sesbl] adj. , accessible region [k'sesbl 'ri:cn] access-oriented method ['kses ']:rctd 'mecd] , .@ , . accessory ['kses] n. 1. ; 2. ; adj. ,

accidental variance [/ks'dentl 'vcrcns] accidentel [/ks'dentl] adj. 1. ; 2. accidentel error [/ks'dentl 'erc] accommodate [c'k]mcdet] v. 1. ; 2. ; 3. accompany [c'k7mpcn] v. 1. , ; 2. accomplish [c'k]mpl] v. 1. , ; 2. accord [c'k]:d] n. ; ; v. 1. ; ; 2. (); (with).# in accord with -..# of one's own accord .# to accord attention accordance [c'k]:dcns] n. ; .# in accordance with -.; -. accordant [c'k]:dnct] adj. 1. ; ; 2. accordant connection [c'k]:dnct kc'nekcn] according [c'k]:d] prp. 1. , (to); ; (to).# according as ; ; accordingly [c'k]:dl] adv. 1. ; 2. account [c'kaunt] n. 1. .@ , .



. . user account; 2. ; ; 3. ; ; ; v. (for); (for); -. (for).# of no account .# on account of -, .# on (his, her) account - (, ).# on no account .# on one's own account ; .# on this account .# to come into account .# to leave (put) out of account , .# to take account of .# to take into account accountable file [c'kauntebl fal] .@ , . accounting [c'kaunt] n. .@ ( , , , ) . . accounting device [c'kaunt d'vas] 1. , ; 2. accounting file [c'kaunt fal] , .@ .

accounting information [c'kaunt nfc'mccn] , accounting machine [c'kaunt mc'i:n] 1. ; 2. accounting system [c'kaunt 'sstm] () , accumulate v. [c/kju:mjulet] , , () accumulated operating time [c'kju:mjuletd ']pcreit tam] 1. ; 2. accumulating factor [c'kju:mjulet 'fktc] accumulation [c'kju:mjulecn] n. accumulation cycle [c'kju:mjulecn 'sakl] accumulative carry [c'kju:mjuletv 'kr] , accumulator (ACC, acc) [c'kju:mjuletc] n. ; .@ , . , ; . . accumulator register [c'kju=:mjuletc restc] ; -



. . accumulator accuracy ['kjurcs] n. 1. ; ; 2. .# to (within) the accuracy of accuracy class ['kjurcs kla:s] accuracy of recording ['kjurcs ]v r'k]:d] accuracy table ['kjurcs 'tebl] accurate ['kjurt] adj. 1. -

, ; 2. , accurately ['kjurtl] adv. ; achieve [c'i:v] v. acknowledge [ck'n]l] v. , . . . acknowledgement acknowledged connectionless operation [ck'n]ld kc'nekcnles /]pc'recn] .@ , . (, ) . . connectionless operation, connection - oriented operation acknowledgement (ACK) [ck'n]lment] n. , . @ ,

. ASCII 6. . NAK acknowledgement [ck'n]lment] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. .@ , , . , . , . ACL (Association for Computer Linguistics) () ACM (Association for Computer Machinery). .@ , , acoustic coupler [c'ku:stk 'k7plc] . . . acoustic modem acoustic delay line [c'ku:stk d'le lan] acoustic modem [c'ku:stk moudcm] .@ , . acoustic storage [c'ku:stk 'st]:r] ()



acoustic(al) [c'ku:stk] adj. acquaint [c'kwent] v. .# to get acquainted with , .# to have acquaintance with acquire [c'kwac] v. 1. ; 2. acquisition [/kw'zcn] n. act [kt] n. 1. ; ; 2. , ; 3. , ; v. 1. , (on, upon); 2. , action ['kcn] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. .# to bring (call) into action (play) , action power ['kcn 'pauc] activate ['kt'vet] v. ; ; , activation ['kt'vecn] n. , ; , activation frame ['kt'vecn frem] .@ , ( ) , . activation record ['kt'vecn r'k]:d] . . activation frame activator ['kt'vetc] n. , active ['ktv] adj. 1. ; 2. ; 3. .@

active bandpass (ABP) ['ktv 'ndpa:s] active component ['ktv kcm'pouncnt] , , active element ['ktv 'elmcnt] active file ['ktv 'fal] .@ , - active job ['ktv ']b] . . active task active region ['ktv 'ri:cn] active star ['ktv sta:] .@ , . . passive star active task ['ktv ta:sk] .@ , . . . task state active value ['ktv 'vlju:] .@ , , . activity [k'tvt] n. 1. , . . transaction 2. .@ , . 3. . 4. ; ; 5. , actual ['ktjucl] adj. , ; ; ;



actual address ['ktjucl c'dres] 1. . . effective address 2. . . absolute address actual argument ['ktjucl 'a:ljumcnt] . . actual parameter actual decimal point ['ktjucl 'desmcl p]nt] , . @ , . . assumed decimal point actual derived date item ['ktjucl d'ravt det 'atcm] .@ , , . . virtual derived date item. . . actual result date item, actual source date item actual instruction ['ktjucl n'str7kcn] actual machine language ['ktjucl mc'i:n 'llw] actual parameter ['ktjucl pc'rmtc] .@ , , actual result date item ['ktjucl r'z7lt det 'atcm] .@ , -

actual source date item ['ktjucl s]:s det atcm] .@ , . actual storage ['ktjucl 'st]:r] . . physical storage actuating transfer function (ATF) ['ktjuet 'trnsfc 'f7kcn] actuator ['ktjuetc] n. , actuator graph ['ktjuetc lrf] () acute [c'kju:t] adj. 1. , ; 2. , acyclic [c'saklik] adj. ; ; ; acyclic graph [c'saklik lrf] .@ ad hoc query [d h]k 'kwcr] adapt [c'dpt] v. 1. (to, for); 2. refr. adaptable [c'dp'tebl] adj. adaptation [/dp'tecn] n. 1. , ; 2. adapter [c'dptc] n. , . . device adapter adaptive [c'dptv] adj.



adaptive channel allocation [c'dptv 'nl 'lckecn] .@ . adaptive control system [c'dptv kcn'troul 'sstm] () adaptive delta modulation (ADM) [c'dptv 'deltc /m]djulecn] - adaptive dialog(ue) [c'dptv dac'l]l(juc)] .@ , . adaptive differential pulse-code modulation (ADPCM) [c'dptv /dfc'rencl p7ls/koud /m]djulecn] - adaptive logic circuit (ALC) [c'dptv 'l]k 'sc:kt] , adaptive predictive coding (APC) [c'dptv pr'dktv 'koud] adaptive process [c'dptv 'prouses] .@ ,

, . . , . adaptive pulse-code modulation (APCM) [c'dptv p7ls/koud /m]djulecn] - adaptive quadrature [c'dptv kw]'drctc] adaptive routing [c'dptv raut] . . fixed routing add ['d] v. 1. , , , ; ; add gate ['d 'let] add output ['d 'autput] , add time [d 'tam] add(ing) circuit ['d() 'sc:kt] , , add(ing) device ['d() d'vas] addend [c'dend] n. .@ , ; , +. . augent addend digit [c'dend 'dt] 1. ; 2. addend in gate [c'dend n 'let] addend register [c'dend 'restc] addend-partial product register [c'dend'pa:cl 'pr]dckt 'restc]



addendum [c'dendcm] n. , adder ['dc] n. , , adder gate ['dc 'let] adder output bus (AOB) ['dc 'autput b7s] adder with stored (addition) table ['dc w st]:d (cd'cn) tebl] add-in [d'n] , add-in memory [d'n 'memcr] adding ['d] n. adding element ['d 'elmcnt] adding machine ['d mc'i:n] , adding-storage register ['d 'st]:r 'restc] addition [cd'cn] n. 1. , ; 2. .# in addition (to) ; ; , .# in addition to the fact that , addition operator [cd'cn ']pcretc] , .@ , . addition record [cd'cn r'k]:d] .@ , , . additional bit [cd'cnl bt]

additional character [cd'cnl 'krktc] , additional symbol [cd'cnl 'smbcl] additional variable [cd'cnl 'vcrcbl] 1. ; 2. additive ['dtv] adj. additive measure ['dtv 'mec] additive process ['dtv 'prouses] additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) ['dtv 'wat lauzjcn n]z] add-on [d']n] .@ , . addr . address address [c'dres] n. 1. .@ 1. , , , , , ; 2. , ; 3. , . v. address alignment [c'dres c'lainmcnt] .@ : , ; , .



, . address arithmetic [c'dres c'rmctk] . . . address computation address bit [c'dres bt] address bus [c'dres b7s] , .@ , . : , , , . address calculation sorting [c'dres 'klkjulecn 's]:t] .@ , . address code [c'dres koud] address computation [c'dres /kcmpju:'tecn] () address computation [c'dres kcm'pjutccn] .@ , . , , , . address counter [c'dres 'kauntc] ,

address decoder [c'dres 'di:'koudc] address field [c'dres fi:ld] .@ , . address format [c'dres 'f]:mt]

address generation [c'dres 'encrecn] address mark [c'dres ma:k] , .@ , . address modification [c'dres /m]df'kecn] , address register [c'dres 'restc] address relocation [c'dres r'lou'kecn] . . relocation address schemes [c'dres ski:ms] .@ , , . , , , . address space [c'dres 'spes] .@ , . .



. address table sorting [c'dres 'tebl 's]:t] .@ , . addressability [c'dres'cblt] n. .@ . addressable location [c'dres'ebl lou'kecn] .@ , . addressable point [c'dres'ebl p]nt] .@ , . addressable register [c'dres'ebl 'restc] addressed memory [c'drest memcr] .@ , . 2n, n . , . addressed storage [c'drest 'st]:r] addressee [c'dresi:] n. , ( ) addressing (address) mapping [c'dres (c'dres) 'mp] .@ -

, . addressing [c'dres] n. 1. .@ 1. . 2. . 2. . . addressing mode addressing circuit [c'dres 'sc:kt] addressing format [c'dres 'f]:mt] 1. ; 2. addressing system [c'dres 'sstm] , ; , addressing unit [c'dres 'ju:nt] (, , , , , , ) address-relative [c'dres'relctv] .@ , . add-subtract control unit [d/scb'trkt kcn'troul 'ju:nt] add-subtract time [d/scb'trkt tam] - adequacy ['dkws] n. .@ ; , . : . adequate ['dkwt] adj. 1. ; ; 2. -



; ; 3. adequate accuracy ['dkwt 'kjurcs] ()

adhere [cd'hc] v. 1. ; ; 2. . (to) adherence [cd'hcrcns] n. 1. ; ; 2. , ; 3. ( ..).# adherence to specification adhesion [cd'hi:cn] n. 1. ; ; 2. ( ..); 3. adjacency [c'escns] n. ; ( ); ; adjacency list [c'escns lst] ( ).@ . adjacency matrix [c'escns 'metrks] .@ , : mi j = 1 , , i j. . incidence matrix adjacent [c'escnt] adj. , adjoin [c']t] v. adjust [c'7st] v. 1. ; 2. ; 3. adjustable [c'7stcbl] adj. ; ; adjustable array [c'7stcbl c're]

adjustable component [c'7stcbl kcm'pouncnt] , adjustable delay [c'7stcbl d'le] adjustment [c'7stmcnt] n. 1. ; 2. ; ; 3. , , , administer [cd'mnstc] v. 1. ; (); 2. , ; .. admissible [cd'mscbl] adj. ; ; admissible mark [cd'mscbl ma:k] admissible pair [cd'mscbl pc] admission [cd'mcn] n.. 1. , ; 2. (); 3. admit [cd'mt] v. 1. , ; 2. ; 3. (of) admittance [cd'mtcns] n. admittedly [cd'mtdl] adv. 1. ; 2. (); 3. , admix [cd'mks] v. admixture [cd'mksc] v. 1. ; 2. adopt [c'd]pt] v. 1. ; 2. adoption [c'd]pcn] n. ADP equipment ['kwpmcnt] advance [cd'va:ns] v. 1. ; 2. ; ; 3. ; ; 4. ; n. 1. ; 2.



; ; ; 3. , .# in advance ; .# in advance of .# to be far in advance advanced [cd'va:nst] adj. ; ; ; advancement [cd'va:nsmcnt] n. 1. ; 2. advantage [cd'va:nt] n. .# to advantage ; , .# to full advantage .# to the best advantage .# to be of advantage ; .# to gain (get, have) an (the) advantage over (of) , .# to gain advantage .# to take advantage of , advantageous [/dvcn'tecs] adj. ; ; .# it is advantageous advent ['dvcnt] n. , adverse ['dvc:s] adj. ; advice [cd'vz] v. 1. ; ; 2. , advocate ['dvcket] v. , affair [c'fc] n. 1. ; 2. pl. , affect [c'fekt] v. 1. , ; 2. , affected [c'fektd] p.p. 1. , ; 2. -

.# as affected () affinity [c'fnt] n. , ; affirm [c'fc:m] v. 1. ; 2. afford [c'f]:d] v. 1. , ; 2. ( can) AFIPS (American Federation of Information Processing Societies) .@ , ACM, IEEE Computer Society. IFIP. aforementioned [c'f]:mencnd] adj. after ['a:ftcr] prp. 1. , ; 2. , ; 3. ; 4. ; cj. .# after all .# after a while .# after the fasion ; , ; .# after the manner ; , ; .# shortly after ( ).# well after afterglow ['a:ftcrllou] n. after-look journal ['a:ftcr'lu:k 'c:nl] .@ , . . . before-look journal again [c'len] adv. 1. , ; 2. , ; 3. .# again and again ; .# as much again , .# once again ; .#



over and over again , .# time and again against [c'lenst] prp. 1. ; 2. , , , , ; 3. ; , ; 4. ; 5. .# as against .# to be against ; age [e] n. 1. ; 2. ; ; v. 1. ; 2. agency ['ecns] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. , .# through (by) the agency agent ['ecnt] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. , aggravate ['lrcvet] v. ; aggregate ['lrlt] n. 1. .@ , (, ) . 2. ; 3. . . date aggregate v. , . adj aggregate of simple events ['lrlt ]v 'smpl 'i:vents] aggregate type ['lrlt tap] aggregated date ['lrltd deit] .@ , : , aggregation ['lrlcn] n. 1. .@ , . . generalization; 2. -

.@ 1. . 2. . agitate ['tet] v. 1. ; 2. ago [c'lou] adv. .# as long ago as , .# long ago .# not long ago .# a while ago agree [c'lri:] v. 1. ; 2. , ; 3. , agreement [c'lri:mcnt] n. 1. ; 2. , ; 3. ; 4. , ahead [c'hed] adv. ; .# ahead of time (schedule) aid [ed] v. ; ; n. 1. ; 2. () aim [em] n. , ; v. 1. , (at); 2. .# to be aimed at , aiming [em] n. ; ; aiming symbol [em 'smbcl] .@ , , . air [c] n. ; ; agj. ; ; v. , air floating head [c 'flout hed]



air gap [c lp] 1. ; 2. () AKO (A Kind Of) .@ () . . . semantic network alarm [c'la:m] n. 1. ; 2. alarm circuit [c'la:m 'sc:kt] alert [c'lc:t] n. ; adj. alert condition [c'lc:t kcn'dcn] algebra ['lbrc] n. algebra module ['lbrc 'm]dju:l] algebra of classes ['lbrc ]v kla:ss] algebra of logic ['lbrc ]v 'l]k] algebra system ['lbrc 'sstm] .@ , , . algebraic ['l'brek] adj. algebraic adder [l'brek 'dc] algebraic equation [l'brek 'kwecn] algebraic semantics [l'brek s'mntks] .@ ,

, . algebraic sing [l'brek s] algebraic specification [l'brek /spesfi'kecn] .@ , : , . algebraic structure [l'brek 'str7ktc].@ , , . algebraic symbol manipulation language [l'brek 'smbcl mc/npju'lecn 'llw] .@ , , . algorithm ['ll]/rcm] n. 1. ; 2. , algorithm convergence ['ll]/rcm kcn'vc:cns] algorithm validation ['ll]/rcm /vl'decn] , algorithmic ['ll]rmk] adj. algorithmic description ['ll]rmk ds'krpcn]



algorithmic diagram ['ll]rmk 'daclrm] algorithmic process ['ll]rmk 'prouses] algorithmic(al) language ['ll]rmk(cl) 'llw] alias ['els] n. .@ , , aliasing ['els] n. 1. .@ , . 2. , . alien ['elcn] adj. ; align [c'lain] v. 1. -

; 2. alignment [c'lainmcnt] n. 1. , ; 2. ; 3. alignment chart [c'lainmcnta:t]

alignment procedure [c'lain-mcnt prou'si:c] () all []:l] adj. , , , .# after all .# all along ; .# all at once .# all but ; ; , .# (all) in all ; .# all of which .# all over , ; , .# all the better .# all the more .# all the same ; .# all the worse .# all through .# all

too often .# at all , .# at all events .# first of all .# for all that .# in all ; .# not at all , all steps control []:l steps kcn'troul] allege [c'le] v. 1. -.; 2. ( ).# alleged to be due to allegedly [c'ledl] adv. ; allied ['lcked] adj. 1. ; 2. , ; 3. alloc ['lck] . 1. allocation; 2. allocator allocate ['lcket] v. (), (), (to) allocation ['lckecn] n. 1. (); 2. () allocation map ['lckecn mp] .@ , . allocation problem ['lckecn 'pr]blcm] (. ) allocation routine ['lckecn ru:'ti:n] .@ , . allocation scheme ['lckecn ski:m] allocator ['lcketc] n. 1. (); 2. ,



all-or-none data []:l']:'noun 'detc] , allotment [c'l]tmcnt] n. .@ (, ). . . allocation allow ['lau] v. 1. ; 2. ; 3. , , -. (for).# to allow for ; () -..# to allow for the fact , allowance ['laucns] n. , .# to make allowance for , alloy [c'l]] v. 1. ; 2. () alloy ['l]] n. 1. ; 2. all-round ['l]:'raund] adj. , , allude [c'lud] v. 1. ; (to); (to) almost [']:lmoust] adj. alone [c'loun] predic. ; adv. .# let alone along [c'l]] prp. .# all along ; .# along the lines ; ; .# along with , alongside [c'l]'sad] adv. .# alongside with alpha character ['lfc 'krktc] , alpha test ['lfc 'test]

alpha(nu)meric reader ['lfc(nju)'merc 'ri:dc] - alphabet ['lfcbt] n. alphabet indicator ['lfcbt 'ndketc] alphabetic code ['lfcbetk koud] , alphabetic printer ['lfcbetk 'prntc] alphabetic string ['lfcbetk str] 1. .@ , . 2. alphabetic word ['lfcbetk wc:d] alphabetic(al) ['lfcbetk(cl)] adj. , alpha-node ['lfc'noud] , . . . and/or tree alphanumeric ['lfcnju'merc] adj. -; .@ . alphanumeric character ['lfcnju'merc 'krktc] - ; alphanumeric code ['lfcnju'merc koud] - alphanumeric display ['lfcnju'merc ds'ple] . . vector-mode display alphanumeric field ['lfcnju'merc fi:ld] - , alphanumeric indicator ['lfcnju'merc 'ndketc] -



alphanumeric keyboard ['lfcnju'merc ki:'b]:d] - alphanumeric terminal ['lfcnju'merc 'tc:mnl] already []:l'red] adv. also [']:lsou] adv. 1. , ; 2. , alt (alter) .@ , , . alter [']:ltc] v. (); alteration [/]ltc'recn] n. 1. , ; , ; 2. ; alteration switch [/]ltc'recn sw] - altering error [']:ltcr 'erc] , alternate [']:ltc:nt] adj. (); alternate [']:ltcnet] v. () alternate mark inversion (AMI) [']:ltc:net ma:k 'n'vc:cn] , alternate mode [']:ltc:net moud] .@ , . . free-running mode

alternate(ing) series [']ltc:net() 'scri:z] alternately [']:ltc:ntl] adv. alternating [']ltc:net] adj. , alternative [']ltc:netv] n. 1. .@ , ; , , .. - . . 2. ; 3. ( ); adj. ; alternative block [']ltc:netv bl]k] 1. ; 2. alternatively [']ltc:netvl] adv. 1. ; 2. , ; ; 3. .# alternatively to ; alternator [']:ltcnetc] n. although []:l'ou] cj. 1. ; 2. altitude ['lttju:d] n. altogether [/]:ltc'gec] adv. 1. , ; 2. ; 3. , alumin(i)m [/lju'mn(j)cm] n. ambient (amb) [m'bc] n. () ; () ; adj. ambiguity [m'bljut] 1. , ; 2. ambiguity error [m'bljut 'erc]



ambiguous [m'bljucs] adj. 1. ; 2. , ambiguous definition [m'bljucs def'ncn] . . . multiple definition ambiguous grammar [m'bljucs 'lrmc] .@ - , . ambiguous reference [m'bljucs 'refrcns] .@ . ambiguous solution [m'bljucs sc'lu: cn] ambipolar [mb'poulc] adj. , ambition [m'bcn] n. 1. , ; 2. pl. ambitious [m'bcs] adj. ; amenable [c'mi:ncbl] adj. ; ; .# to be amenable -. amend [c'mend] v. 1. ; ; 2. () amendment [c'mendmcnt] n. 1. , ; 2. () amendment record [c'mendmcnt 'rek]:d] amenments file [c'mendmcnts fal] . . change file ammeter ['mtc] n. among (amongst) [c'm7] prp. , .# among other things ;

amount [c'maunt] v. , , -. (to); n. 1. , , ; 2. ampere ['mpc] n. ampersand ['mpcsnd] n. & ample ['mpl] adj. 1. ; ; 2. ; amplification ['mpl/fkecn] n. amplifier (AM) ['mpl/fac] n. amplifier channel ['mpl/fac 'nl] , amplify ['mplfa] v. amplitude (AM) ['mpltju:d] amplitude modulation (AM) ['mpltju:d /m]djulecn] amplitude shift keying (ASK) ['mpltju:d ft ki:] amplitude-frequency characteristic (AFC) ['mpltju:d'fri:kwcns /krktc'rstk] - amplitude-phase control (APC) ['mpltju:d'fez kcn'troul] - amplitude-phase shift keying (APK) ['mpltju:d'fez ft ki:] analog adder ['ncl]l 'dc] analog adder ['ncl]l] n. 1. , ; 2. ; adj.



analog calculation ['ncl]l 'klkjulecn] analog calculator ['ncl]l 'klkjuletc] , () analog channel ['ncl]l 'nl] , () analog circuit ['ncl]l 'sc:kt] , , - analog computation ['ncl]l /kcmpju:'tecn] 1. ; 2. pl. analog computer ['ncl]l kcm'pju:tc] , analog device ['ncl]l d'vas] 1. ; 2. analog divider ['ncl]l d'vadc] analog ground (ANGND) ['ncl]l lraund] analog machine ['ncl]l mc'i:n] analog memory ['ncl]l 'memcr] analog multiplier ['ncl]l 'm7ltplac] 1. , ; 2. analog quantity ['ncl]l 'kw]ntt] analog variable ['ncl]l 'vcrcbl]

analog(ue) data ['ncl]l(juc) 'detc] () analog(ue) method ['ncl]l(juc) 'me-cd] analog(ue) multiplier ['ncl]l(juc) 'm7ltplac] , analog(ue)-to-digital (A-D) ['ncl]l(juc)'tu:'dtl] - analog-digital (AD) converter ['ncl]l 'dtl kcn'vc:tc] analog-digital computer ['ncl]l 'dtl kcm'pju:tc] - analog-operational unit ['ncl]l /]pc'recnl 'ju:nt] analogous [c'nlcgcs] adj. ; analogous circuit [c'nlclcs 'sc:kt] , , - analog-to-binary (AB) converter ['ncl]l'tu:'bancr kcn'vc:tc] analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ['ncl]l'tu:'dtl kcn'vc:tc] - . . digital-to-analog converter analogy [c'nlc] n. ; .# by analogy with .# on the analogy of .# to give analogy to analyse (analyze) [c'nlaz] v. ; analyser (analyzer) [c'nlazc] n.



analyses [c'nlcsi:z] n. analysis analysis [c'nlcss] n. .@ 1. (, , . .). 2. ( ). 3. , 1. ; , , .# in the last analysis analyst [nc'lst] n. .@ . analytic invariant [nc'ltk n'vcrcnt] analytic manifold [nc'ltk 'm-nfould] analytic(al) method [nc'ltk(cl) 'mecd] analytical [nc'ltkcl] adj. , .@ . . numerical analytically [nc'ltkcl] adv. analyzer ['nclazc] n. .@ , . ancestor ['nsstc] n. .@ , ancestral [n'sestrcl] adj. , ancestry ['nsstr] n. 1. ; 2.

ancient ['ecnt] adj. 1. ; ; 2. ancillary [n'slcr] n. ancillary control processor (ACP) [n'slcr kcn'troul 'prousesc] and [nd] cj. , .# and so on .# and so forth AND , , and/or [nd ]:] cj. anew [c'nju:] adv. 1. ; 2. angle ['ll] n. 1. ; 2. angle of lag ['ll ]v ll] ; angle-of-incidence effect ['ll]v 'nsdcns 'fekt] angular ['ljulc] adj. angular acceleration ['ljulc 'k,selc'recn] angular coordinate(s) ['ljulc kou']:dnt(s)] animal ['nmcl] n. animation [n'mecn] n. anisotropic ['nasc'tr]pk] adj. anisotropy ['na's]trcp] n. anneal [c'ni:l] n. , ; v. , annex [c'neks] v. . n. 1. ; ; 2. annex memory [c'neks 'memcr] , .@



- . annotation [/nou'tecn] n. 1. .@ , . 2. annual ['njucl] adj. ; ; n. ().# per annual annular [c'n7lc] adj. annunciation [c/n7ns'ecn] n. , anode ['noud] n. anomalous [c'n]mclcs] adj. , anomaly [c'n]mcl] n. another [c'n7c] adj. ; answer ['a:nsc] n. , ; v. 1. ; 2. ; answerback ['a:nscbk] n. ( ) antecedent [nt's:dcnt] n. 1. , , .@ () . . consequent; 2. .@ , . antecedent interpretation [nt'si:dcnt n'tc:prtccn] , . . belief-invoked interpretation anti- [n't] pref. -, antialiasing [n'tels] n. .@ , , . anticipate [n'tspet] v. 1. ; 2. ; 3.

anticipation [nt'specn] n. anticipation mode [nt'specn moud] .@ , . anticipatory [nt'spetcr] adj. anticipatory control [nt'spetcr kcn'troul] () anticipatory paging [nt'spetcr pe] .@ , , , . anticipatory staging [nt'spetcr 'ste] .@ , . . demand staging anticoincidence ['ntkou'sdcns] n. anticoincidence circuit ['ntkou'sdcns 'sc:kt] , anticoincidence element ['ntkou'sdcns 'elmcnt] , , , antisymmetric ['ntsmetrk] adj. ,



antisymmetric relation ['ntsmetrk r'lecn] antisymmetrical ['nt's'metrkcl] adj. anu ['en] adj., pron. - ( . .); ( . .); ( . .).# anu longer .# anu more .# at anu cost .# at anu rate ; .# if anu (anuthing) (, ..).# in anu case (event) anyhoy ['enhau] adv. anyway ['enwe] adv. , apart [c'pa:t] adv. 1. , ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. .# apart from apart , .# wide apart APL (A Programming Language) ( ) apparatus [/pc'retcs] n. , , , , apparent [c'prcnt] adj. 1. , ; ; 2. apparent power [c'prcnt 'pauc] apparent variable [c'prcnt 'vcrcbl] . . bound variable 2. appeal [c'pi:l] v. 1. ; 2. ; appear [c'pc] v. 1. ; 2. ; 3. .# appear

+ inf. - + inf..# it appears appearance [c'pcrcns] n. 1. ; 2. () , .# to all appearance(s) .# to make appearance append [c'pend] v. ; . . concatenate appendices [c'pendsi:z] pl. appendix appendix [c'pendks] n. appliance [c'placns] n.1. ; ; ; 2. applicability [pl'keblt] n. 1. , ; 2. applicable ['plkcbl] adj. , , (to) applicant ['plkcnt] n. 1. ; 2. , application (layer) protocol [/pl'kecn ('lec) 'proutck]l] , .@ , . . . open systems interconnection application [/pl'kecn] n. 1. . . application program; 2. , , ; ; 3. , ; application call [/pl'kecn k]:l] application domain [/pl'kecn dc'men] , -



.@ , . application package [/pl'kecn 'pk] , .@ . application program [/pl'kecn 'proulrm] .@ 1. , , ; , , . 2. . application programmer [/pl'kecn 'proulrmc] , application system [/pl'kecn 'sstm] application terminal [pl'kecn 'tc:mnl] .@ , . application-oriented [pl'kecn ']:rcntd] - applications software [/pl'kecn 's]ftwc] , .@ , -

. . . system software applicative language [pl'ketv 'llw] , . . functional language applied [c'plad] adj. ; applied mathematics [c'plad /m'mtks] applied research [c'plad r'sc:] 1. - ; 2. apply [c'pla] v. 1. .@ N + 1 , , , . 2. ; ; ; 3. (); 4. ( ..); 5. appraisal [c'prezcl] n. appreciable [c'pri:cbl] adj. , ; appreciate [c'pri:ct] v. 1. ; 2. ; ; 3. ; ; (in) approach [c'prou] n. 1. , , ; 2. , ; 3. ; v. ; ; appropriate [c'prouprt] adj.1. , ; 2. , ; 3. ; v. 1. ; 2.



approve [c'pru:v] v. 1. (of); 2. approximate [c'pr]ksmet] v. () approximate [c'pr]ksmt] adj. approximate calculation [c/pr]ks'met 'klkjulecn] approximate equation [c/pr]ks'met 'kwecn] 1. ; 2. approximate solution [c/pr]ks'met sc'lu: cn] approximate theory [c/pr]ks'met 'cr] approximate value [c/pr]ks'met 'vlju:] approximation [c/pr]ks'mecn] n. , , approximation approach [c/pr]ks'mecn c'prou] approximation in the mean [c/pr]ks'mecn n i: mi:n] approximation method [c/pr]ks'mecn 'mecd] , approximation process [c/pr]ks'mecn 'prouses] approximation theory [c/pr]ks'mecn 'cr] approximative [c/pr]ks'metv] adj. ,

apriory ['epra']:ra] apriory probability ['epra']:ra /pr]bc'blt] apt [pt] adj. 1. ; 2. perdic. , ; 3. .# to be apt ; arabic number system ['rcbk 'n7mbc 'sstm] arbitrary ['a:btrcr] adj. 1. ; 2. .# arbitrary sings and symbols arbitrary access ['a:btrcr 'kses] .@ , arbitrary constant ['a:btrcr 'k]nstcnt] arbitrary origin ['a:btrcr ']rn] arbitrary statement ['a:btrcr 'stetmcnt] 1. ; 2. arc [a:k] n. , .@ ; , . arc hyperbolic function [a:k /hapc'b]lk 'f7kcn] arc of a graph [a:k ]v c lrf] arc tangent [a:k 'tncnt] arc trigonometric function [a:k 'trlcnc'metrk 'f7kcn] arcade game [a:'ked lem] .@ -



, , , . architectural desing (high-level desing) ['a:ktekcl d'zan] ( ) architecture ['a:ktekc] n. .@ . archive ['a:kav] n. 1. .@ : , , ; 2. archived file ['a:kavd fal] , arcing ['a:k] n. 1. ; 2. area ['crc] n. 1. , ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. , , areal ['crcl] adj. argon ['a:l ]n] n. argue ['a:lju:] v. 1. ; ; ; 2. argument (arg) ['a:ljumcnt] n. 1. . . actual argument 2. 2. ; 3. ; 4. argument field ['a:ljumcnt fi:ld] .@ ,

argument list ['a:ljumcnt lst] argument passing ['a:ljumcnt 'pa:s] . . parameter passing argument solicitation ['a:ljumcnt sc/ls'tecn] , argument type list ['a:ljumcnt tap lst] () arise [c'raz] v. (arose, arisen) 1. ; 2. (from) arithmetic [c'rmctk] n. 1. , .@ . 2. .@ . arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) [c'rmctk nd 'l]kcl ju:nt] - , , , .@ , . arithmetic calculation [c'rmctk 'klkjulecn] arithmetic check [c'rmctk tek] arithmetic device [c'rmctk d'vas] arithmetic expression [c'rmctk ks'precn] arithmetic function [c'rmctk 'f7kcn] arithmetic operation [c'rmctk /]pc'recn] -



.@ , arithmetic operator [c'rmctk ']pcretc] arithmetic register [c'rmctk 'restc] arithmetic series [c'rmctk 'scri:z] arithmetic shift [c'rmctk ft] .@ , , . . logical shift arithmetic speed [c'rmctk spi:d] arithmetic technique [c'rmctk tek'ni:k] arithmetic unit [c'rmctk ju:nt] , , - , . . arithmetic and logical unit arithmetic(al) [c'rmctk(cl)] adj. arithmetic(al) circuit [c'rmctk(cl) 'sc:kt] arithmetic(al) instruction [c'rmctk(cl) n'str7kcn] arithmetic(al) mean [c'rmctk(cl) mi:n] , arithmetic(al) shift [c'rmctk(cl) ft]

arity [c'rat] n. , , arity of an operator [c'rat ]v cn ]'pcretc] arm [a:m] n. 1. ( ); 2. (); 3. ; 4. pl. ; ; v. ().# arms race .# to be armed with information armature ['a:mctjuc] n. armed interrupt [a:md ntc'r7pt] , . . disabled interrupt around [c'raund] adv. 1. ; 2. , arrange [c'ren] v. 1. , , ; 2. arrangement [c'renmcnt] n. 1. , ; , ; 2. ; 3. array [c're] n. 1. .@ . . 2. , ; 3. ; 4. ; 5. ; 6. array cell [c're si:l] array declaration [c're /deklc'recn] array descriptor [c're ds'krptc] , .@ , ,



. array element [c're 'elmcnt] array element successor function [c're 'elmcnt sck'sesc 'f7kcn] 1. ; 2. array identifier [c're a'dentfac] array list [c're lst] array of cores array [c're ]v k]:s c're] array processor [c're 'prousesc] ; .@ , : . , , . . . SIMD architecture array representation [c're /reprzen'tecn] array segment [c're 'selmcnt] array variable [c're 'vcrcbl] , arrest [c'rest] v. ; ; arrival [c'ravcl] n. ; , arrival rate [c'ravcl ret] (, )

arrive [c'rav] v. 1. (at, in); 2. (at).# to arrive at a conclusion .# to arrive at a decision arrow ['rou] n. arsenide ['a:snad] n. art [a:t] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. , .# state of (the) art ( ..) art strokes [a:t strouks] artefact ['a:tfkt] n. 1. ; 2. , ; 2. article ['a:tkl] n. 1. ; 2. , ; 3. , ; 4. artificial [/a:ti'ficl] adj. artificial intelligence (AI) [/a:ti'ficl n'telcns] artificial language [/a:ti'ficl 'llw] artificial perception [/a:ti'ficl pc'sepcn] . . . pattern recognition artificial system [/a:ti'ficl 'sstm] .@ , . artist ['a:tst] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. artistic median ['a:tstk 'mi:djc] as [z] adv. ; prp. ; . ; cj. 1. ; 2. , ; ; 3.



, ; 4. ; , ( , : strange as it is ); pron. , ; .# as as ; .# as affected ().# as against .# as between .# as compared to (with) .# as a consequence .# as consistent with .# as contrasted to (with) -..# as distinct from .# as early as , .# as (is) evidenced by .# as far as ; ; .# as far as is concerned ; .# as far as it goes , .# as far back as , .# as following from .# as follows ; .# as for , .# as from .# as good as , ; .# as granted .# as judged by (from) .# as if , .# as though , .# as inferring that , ; , .# as is also .# as it is (as they are) , .# as it does (as they do) , .# as it stands .# as it were ; .# as late as .# as long as ; .# as long ago as , .# as a conservative estimate .# as a matter of convenience .# as a matter of course

.# as a matter of engineering judgement ; .# as a matter of experience .# as a matter of fact , .# as a matter of record .# as it were , .# as many (much) .# as much as ( . as high as, as large as, as little as, as low as) ( ); , .# as of (2000) (2000 .).# as often as not .# as on .# as opposed to , .# as per .# as regards , .# as relating to .# as soon as .# as such ; ; .# as time goes on .# as to ; ; .# as well ; .# as well as (); ().# as a whole .# as yet ; , .# in as much as ; , .# so as + inf. , + inf..# (in) so far as .# (in) so far as is concerned ; ; ascend [c'send] v. ascender [c'sendc] n. (). . descender ascending sort [c'send s]:t] .@ , . . descending sort



ascertain [sc'ten] v. , ascribe [cs'krab] v. (, ), aside [c'sad] adv. ; .# aside from , .# to put aside .# to set aside ASII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) .@ , . . . extended ASII ASII format ['f]mt] .@ ASII ASII keyboard ['ki:b]:d] , ASII ASII terminal ['tc:mnl] (ASII) ask [a:sk] v. 1. , ; 2. (for) askable [a:sk'ebl] adj. .@ , aspect ['spekt] n. 1. , ; 2. ; 3. aspect ratio ['spekt 'reou] 1. .@ . 2. .

assay [c'se] n. 1. ; ; ; 2. assemblage [c'sembl] n. 1. , ; 2. , assemble [c'sembl] v. 1. ( ); 2. (); 3. assembler (asm) [c'semblc] n. 1. , ( ); 2. . . . assembly language assembler directive [c'semblc d'rektv] . . . compiler directive assembler language [c'semblc 'llw] assembling [c'sembl] n. , assembly [c'sembl] n. 1. ( ), ; 2. , , ; 3. , ; 4. , assembly language [c'sembl 'llw] , assembly language listing [c'sembl 'llw lst] assembly list [c'sembl lst] assembly method [c'sembl 'mecd] 1. ; 2. assembly phase [c'sembl 'fez] ()



assembly program [c'sembl 'proulrm] assembly routine [c'sembl ru:'ti:n] , - assembly system [c'sembl 'sstm] , assert [c'sc:t] v. 1. , . . . assertion 1. 2. , .@ . 3. ( ..) assert statement [c'sc:t 'stetmcnt] .@ , , . , . assertion [c'sc:cn] n. 1. , .@ , . 2. . . assert statement assertion checker [c'sc:cn 'tekc] , .@ , , , , . assertion operator [c'sc:cn ]'pcretc] . . assert statement

assess [c'scs] v. , asset ['set] v. ; assign (asg, asgn) [c'sa] v.1. ; 2. , . . . assignment; 3. assignable object [c'saebl ]'bkt ] .@ , , , . . . ivalue assigned frequency (AF) [c'sad 'fri:kwcns] assignment [c'samcnt] n. 1. .@ , , , . 2. .@ , . 3. assignment problem [c'samcnt 'pr]blcm] 1. (. ); 2. assignment statement [c'samcnt 'stetmcnt] assignment symbol [c'samcnt 'smbcl] assignment-free language [c'samcnt'fri: 'llw] . . . functional language assist [c'sst] v.



assistance [c'sstcns] n. , assisted panel [c'sstd 'pnl] , .@ , . associate [c'souet] v. 1. , ; ; 2. .# associated disciplines associate [c'sout] n. 1. , ; 2. ; 3. - association [c/sous'ecn] n. 1. ; ; ; ; 2. association factor [c/sous'ecn 'fktc] association list [c/sous'ecn lst] .@ ( , ). associative [c/sous'etv] adj. , associative addressing [c/sous'etv c'dres] .@ , , , . associative computer [c/sous'etv kcm'pju:tc] associative interrogation register [c/sous'etv n'terclecn 'restc] associative law [c/sous'etv l]:]

associative memory (AM) [c/sous'etv memcr] .@ , . . associative operation [c/sous'etv /]pc'recn] .@ , . associative storage [c/sous'etv 'st]:r] associativity [c/sous'etvt] n. , associativity relation [c/sous'etvt r'lecn] assume [c'sju:m] v. 1. , ; 2. , (, . .) assumed decimal point [c'sju:md 'desmcl pont] .@ , . , . . actual decimal point assumed function [c'sju:md 'f7kcn] assumption [c's7mpcn] n. , .# on the assumption assure [c'uc] v. 1. ; 2.



AST routine [ru:'ti:n] astable ['tebl] astable blocking oscillator (ABO) ['tebl bl]k /]s'letc] - asterisk ['stcrsk] *; asymmetric relation [/s'metrk r'lecn] asymmetry [/s'metr] n. asymptotic(al) ['smpt]tk(cl)] adj. asymptotic(al) distribution ['smpt]tk(cl) ds'trbju:cn] asymptotic(al) formula ['smpt]tk(cl) 'f]:mjulc] asymptotic(al) mean ['smpt]tk(cl) mi:n] asymptotic(al) path ['smpt]tk(cl) pa:] asynchronous [e'skrcncs] ().@ , , . asynchronous circuit [e'skrcncs 'sc:kt] asynchronous communication [e'skrcncs kc/mjun'kecn] ,

asynchronous communications interfase adapter (ACIA) asynchronous system trap (AST) [e'skrcncs 'sstm trp] .@ , : , (, , ). . synchronous system trap asynchronous time division multiplexing (ATDM) [e'skrcncs tam d'vcn 'm7ltipleks] , asynchronous transmission [e'skrcncs trnz'mcn] . synchronous transmission A-test [e'test] atmosphere ['tmcsfc] n. atmospheric [/tmcs'ferk] adj. ATNgrammar ['lrmc] ATN.@ , . atom ['tcm] n. atomic [c't]mk] adj. attach [c'tt] v. 1. .@ . , . 2. , -



; 3. ( .. to) attached procedure [c'ttt prc'si:c] . @ , . attached task [c'ttt ta:sk] attachment [c'ttment] n. 1. ; 2. attack [c'tk] v. 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; n. 1. , ; 2. attackable [c'tkcbl] adj. ; 2. attain [c'ten] v. , attainable [c'tencbl] adj. attainable accuracy [c'tencbl 'kjurcs] attainment [c'tenment] n. attempt [c'tempt] v. , ; ; n. attend [c'tend] v. 1. ( , ..); 2. ; ; 3. .# to attend to -.; -., -., -. attendant [c'tendcnd] adj. attended time [c'tendd tam] attention [c'tencn] n. .# to attract (draw. call) attention

to .# to give attention to .# to pay attention to attention device (AD) [c'tencn d'vas] , attenuate [c'tenjut] v. 1. ; ; 2. attenuation [c'tenjucn] n. .@ , . . attenuator [c'tenjutc] n. , attitude ['ttju:d] n. , attract [c'trkt] v. 1. ; ; 2. , attraction [c'trkcn] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. attraction mode [c'trkcn moud] .@ ( ), . attractive [c'trktv] n. ; adj. attribute (attributive) grammar ['trbju:t ('trbju:tv) 'lrmc] () .@ - ,



. . attribute ['trbju:t] n. 1. , .@ , . 2. .@ 1. , . . . data element 2. , , , , . 3. ; , ; v. -.; -. (to).# to be attributable to -.; -., -. attribute-value list ['trbju:t'vlju: lst] .@ , . attribute-value table ['tribju:t'vlju: 'tebl] . . attribute-value list audible [']:dcbl] adj. ; audio [']:dou] n. : adj. audio frequency (AF) [']:dou 'fri:kwcns] audio response unit (ARU) [']:dou ris'p]ns ju:nt] audio-frequency shift keying (AFSK) [']:dou'fri:kwcns ft ki:] audit [']:dt] n. ,

audit log [']:dt l]l] . . audit trail audit trail [']:dt trel] .@ , . augend [']:lcnd] n. , .@ , . . addend augment []:l'ment] n. 1. , .@ , . v. (), () augmented []:l'mentd] , . . extensible addressing augmented addressing (augmenting) []:l'mentd c'dres] ().@ ( ) ( ) . augmented matrix []:l'mentd 'metrks] () augmented transition network (ATN) []:l'mentd trn'scn 'ntwc:k] .@ , , . authentification []:'entfkecn] n. .@



, () . . ; , , , . authentification code []:'entfkecn koud] 1. . @ , . 2. authentification of message []:'entfkecn ]v 'mesi] .@ . , . authentification of user []:'entfkecn ]v 'ju:zc] .@ . . authorization [/]:cra'zecn] n. 1. , ; 2.

authorization matrix [/]:'cra'zecn 'metrks] .@ , , ; . authorized [']:crazd] adj. 1. ; 2. , .@ , . authorized access [']:crazd 'kses] authorized user [']:crazd 'ju:zc] 1. ; 2. autocode [/]:tou'koud] n. .@ ( ). autocorrelation function ( ACF) [/]:tou'k]r'lecn 'f7kcn] autodecremental addressing [/]:tou'dekrmcntcl c'dres] .@ , ; ( ) . . autoincremental addressing autodump [/]:tou'd7mp] n. .@ .



autoincremental addressing [/]:tou'nkrmcntcl c'dres] .@ , ; ( ) . . autodecremental addressing autoload [/]:tou'loud] n. .@ 1. . 2. . automat []:'tcmt] n. automata []:'tcmtc] pl. automation automata theory []:'tcmtc 'cr] automated classification and interface adapter (ACID) []:'tcmtid /klsf'kecn nd /ntc'fes c'dptc] automated copmputing equipment (ACE) []:'tcmtid kcm'pju:t 'kwpmcnt] -

automated data processing (ADP) []:'tcmtid 'detc 'prouses] , automatic (aut) [/]:'tcmtk] adj. automatic abstracting [/]:'tcmtk 'bstrkt] .@ .

automatic binary data link (ABDL) [/]:'tcmtk 'bancr 'detc lk] automatic calculation [/]:'tcmtk 'klkjulecn] automatic calculator [/]:'tcmtk 'klkjuletc] automatic calling unit [/]:'tcmtk 'k]:l 'ju:nt] .@ , . automatic character generation [/]:'tcmtk 'krktc 'encrecn] .@ automatic check [/]:'tcmtk tek] automatic chrominance control (ACC) [/]:'tcmtk 'kroumncns kcntroul] automatic circuit restoration (ACR) [/]:'tcmtk 'sc:kt rs't]:recn] automatic code translation (ACT) [/]:'tcmtk koud trns'lecn] automatic coding language [/]:'tcmtk 'koud 'llw] automatic coding system [/]:'tcmtk koud 'sstm]



automatic color control (ACC) [/]:'tcmtk 'k7lc kcn'troul] automatic computer [/]:'tcmtk kcm'pju:tc] automatic computer-controlled electronic scanning system (ACCESS) [/]:'tcmtk kcm'pju:tc'kcn'troult /lek'tr]nk 'skn 'sstm] automatic control [/]:'tcmtk kcn'troul] 1. (); 2. automatic control system [/]:'tcmtk kcn'troul 'sstm] 1. (); 2. automatic data conversion [/]:'tcmtk 'detc kcn'vc:cn] .@ . automatic data link (ADL) [/]:'tcmtk 'detc lnk] () automatic data processing [/]:'tcmtk 'detc 'prouses] automatic data processing equipment (ADPE) [/]:'tcmtk 'detc 'prouses 'kwpmcnt] automatic data processing system (ADPS) [/]:'tcmtk 'detc 'prouses 'sstm]

automatic diagnosis [/]:'tcmtk /dacl'nouss] automatic digital encoding system (ADES) [/]:'tcmtk 'dtl n'koud 'sstm] automatic digital-data error recorder (ADDER) [/]:'tcmtk 'dtl'detc 'erc 'rek]:dc] automatic error detection [/]:'tcmtk 'erc d'tekcn] automatic exchange [/]:'tcmtk ks'en] 1. ; 2. ; 3. automatic frequency control (AFC) [/]:'tcmtk 'fri:kwcns kcn'troul] () automatic gain control (AGC) [/]:'tcmtk len kcn'troul] automatic intercept system (AIS) [/]:'tcmtk /ntc'sept 'sstm] automatic interrupt [/]:'tcmtk /intc'r7pt] 1. ; 2. automatic machine [/]:'tcmtk mc'i:n] .@ , . -



. automatic manual switch [/]:'tcmtk 'mnjucl sw] .@ automatic message exchange [/]:'tcmtk 'mesi ks'en] 1. ; 2. automatic modulation limiting (AML) [/]:'tcmtk /m]djulecn 'lmt] automatic network analyzer (ANA) [/]:'tcmtk 'netwc:k 'nclazc] automatic noise limiter (ANL) [/]:'tcmtk n]z 'lmtc] automatic overload control (AOC) [/]:'tcmtk /ouvc'loud kcn'troul] automatic phase control (APC) [/]:'tcmtk 'fez kcn'troul] automatic plotter (AUTOPLOT) [/]:'tcmtk 'pl]tc] automatic polarity indication (AUTOPOL) [/]:'tcmtk 'poulcrt 'ndkecn] automatic power control (APC) [/]:'tcmtk 'pauc kcn'troul] automatic program search system (APSS) [/]:'tcmtk 'proulrm

sc:t 'sstm] automatic programmable logic array synthesis system (APLAS) [/]:'tcmtk 'proulrmebl 'l]k c're sn'ess 'sstm] automatic programming [/]:'tcmtk 'proulrm] .@ . , , . automatic remote control (ARC) [/]:'tcmtk r'mout kcn'troul] automatic request (ARQ) [/]:'tcmtk r'kwest] automatic selective control (ASC) [/]:'tcmtk s'lektv kcn'troul] automatic sensitive control (ASC) [/]:'tcmtk s'lektv kcn'troul] automatic sequence [/]:'tcmtk 'si:kwcns] automatic stabilization and control system (ASCS) [/]:'tcmtk /stebl'zecn nd kcn'troul 'sstm]



automatic storage allocation [/]:'tcmtk 'st]:r 'lckecn] automatic switch center (ASC) [/]:'tcmtk sw 'sentc] automatic test equipment (ATE) [/]:'tcmtk test 'kwpmcnt] () ( ) automatic threshold variation (ATV) [/]:'tcmtk 'rehould 'vcri'ecn] automatic translation (AT) [/]:'tcmtk trns'lecn] automatic variable [/]:'tcmtk 'vcrcbl] automatic voltage control (AVC) [/]:'tcmtk 'voult kcn'troul] automatic zero set (AZS) [/]:'tcmtk 'zcrou set] automatical cognition [/]:'tcmtkcl k]l'ncn] automatical data processing (ADP) [/]:'tcmtkcl 'detc 'prouses] automatically [/]:'tcmtkcl] adv. automatically taught system [/]:'tcmtkcl t]:t 'sstm] automation [/]:tc'mecn] n. 1. .@

(, , . .). 2. ; 3. ; 4. .@ , . autonomous system []:'t]ncmcs 'sstm] autothread [/]:tc'red] n. . . autoload auxiliary (AUX, aux) []:l'zljcr].@ , . adj. auxiliary accumulator []:l'zljcr c'kju:mjuletc] , auxiliary device []:l'zljcr d'vas] auxiliary ground equipment (AGE) []:l'zljcr lraund 'kwpmcnt]

auxiliary information []:l'zljcr /nfc'mecn] () auxiliary key []:l'zljcr ki:] . . secondary key auxiliary memory (AM) []:l'zljcr 'memcr] , . . backing storage auxiliary power unit (APU) []:l'zljcr 'ju:nt]



auxiliary quantity []:l'zljcr 'kw]ntt] auxiliary routine []:l'zljcr ru:'ti:n] auxiliary storage []:l'zljcr 'st]:r] , . . backing storage avail [c'vel] v. , .# of no avail .# to avail (oneself) of -..# to be of avail availability [c/velc'blt] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. availability ratio [c/velc'blt 'reou] . @ available (free) list [c/velc'bl (fri:) lst] () .@ . available [c/velc'bl] adj. 1. ; ; 2. ; 3. .# to be available .# to become available .# to make available ; available accuracy [c/velc'bl 'kjurcs] available gain (AG) [c/velc'bl len] available time [c/velc'bl tam] .@ , .

avalanche ['vcla:n] n. 1. ; 2. avalanche multiplication ['vcla:n /m7ltpl'kecn] avenue ['vnju:] n. 1. ; ; 2. ; average ['vcr] adj. ; ; v. 1. (), ; 2. ; (.); n. ; .# on the average average calculating operation ['vcr 'klkjulet /]pc'recn] , average counting device ['vcr 'kaunt d'vas] average efficiency ['vcr 'fcns] average speed ['vcr spi:d] , average-case analysis ['vcr'kes c'nlcsz] averaging ['vcr] n. averaging operator ['vcr ']pcretc] Averican National Standarts Institute (ANSI) AVL tree (Adelson-Velsky and Landis tree) [e'vi:'el tri:] AVL, ( ) .@ , , . -



. . . balanced tree avoid [c'v]d] v. awake [c'wek] v. (awoke; awoke, awaked) 1. ; ( . .); 2. ; awaken [c'wekcn] v. 1. ( . .) 2. award [c'w]:d] v. -., -. aware [c'wc] adj. .# to be aware of , away [c'we] adv. 1. ; 2. .# far away ; , awkward [']wcd] adj. , ; axes ['kss] pl. axial ['kscl] adj. axiom ['kscm] n. axiom of infinity ['kscm n'fnt] axiom scheme ['kscm ski:m] axiomatic semantics [/ksc'mtk si'mntiks] . @ , , , , . axiomatic(al) ['ksc'mtik(cl)] adj. , ,

axiomatic(al) method ['ksc'mtik(cl) 'mecd] axiomatic(al) set theory ['ksc'mtik(cl) set 'cr] axiomatic(al) system ['ksc'mtik(cl) 'sstm] , axiomatics ['ksc'mtiks] n. axis ['kss] n. 1. ; 2. azimuth ['zmc] n. azimuthal ['zmccl] adj. utomorphism [/]:tc'm]:fzm] n. .@ () .

B*back ['bk] adv. 1. , ; 2. ; adj. ; v. .# back and forth , .# as far back as , back action ['bk 'kcn] , , back bias ['bk 'bacs] back face ['bk fes] .@ , , . . . hidden surface back face removal ['bk fes r'mu:vcl] -



. . hidden surface removal back out ['bk aut] (); ( ) back space [bk spes] back wave [bk wev] backbone ['bkbound] n. 1. ; 2. ; ; ; adj. backbone network ['bkboun 'netwc:k] .@ , . back-end ['bk/end] ; .@ , . . front-end back-end interface ['bk/end /ntc'fes] .@ (, , , ). . front-end interface back-end processor ['bk/end 'prousesc] 1. , ( ); 2. background ['bklraund] n. 1. . . program background 2. , ; 3. .@ , , , . . foreground. 4. ; 5. ; 6. , ; ; 7. ;

; adj. .# background of experience .# historical background background color ['bklraund 'k7lc] background job ['bklraund ]b] background printing ['bklraund 'prnt] .@ . background process ['bklraund 'prouses] .@ , , . . foreground process background processing ['bklraund 'prouses] , . @ () , . background program ['bklraund 'proulrm] background queue ['bklraund kju:] background region ['bklraund 'ri:cn] .@ (), . background task ['bklraund ta:sk] , backgrounding ['bklraund] n. , . . background processing backing storage ['bk 'st]:r] , -



.@ , ; . . main storage backplan ['bkplen] () backslant ['bksla:nt] n. backslash ['bksl] n. \; backspace (BS) ['bkspes] n. 1. .@ , . ASII 8. 2. ( ) backspace ['bkspes] v. () back-to-back (BB, bb) [bk'tu:'bk] backtrace ['bktres] n. .@ , . backtracking ['bktrk] n. .@ (, ), . backup (BAK) ['bk'7p] n. 1. , ; ; 2. ; v. ; adj. backup copy ['bk'7p k]p] ,

backup file ['bk'7p fal] , backup version ['bk'7p 'vc:cn] Backus normal form (BNF) [n]:mcl f]:m] , .@ Backus notation [nou'tecn] . . Backus normal form (BNF) Backus-Naur form [f]:m] . . Backus normal form (BNF) backward ['bkwcd] adj. backward diode (Bd, bd) ['bkwcd 'daoud] backward error analysis ['bkwcd 'erc c'nlcsz] backward error correction (backward correction) ['bkwcd 'erc kc'rekcn] .@ , . backward read ['bkwcd ri:d] .@ . backward reference ['bkwcd 'refrcns] .@ , . . forward reference



backward-chaining ['bkwcd'te] .@ , , ; , , . . forward- chaining. . . goal-invoked interpretation badge reader [b 'ri:dc] badly ['bdl] adv. 1. ; 2. bag (multiset) [bl (/m7lt'set)] n. ( ).@ 1. , . . set; 2. . , () , . balance ['blcns] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. ; 5. ; 6. ; 7. ; v. 1. ; 2. .# on (upon) balance , balanced ['blcnst] adj. ,

balanced multiway search tree ['blcnst 'm7twe sc:t tri:] -, -. . B-tree balanced sample ['blcnst 'sa:mpl] balanced tree ['blcnst tri:] .@ , 1. . . . AVL-tree, B-tree balancing ['blcns] n. , ball [d]:l] n. , band (Bd, bd) [bnd] n. 1. .@ , , . . 2. ; 3. ; v. 1. ; 2. () band limited channel [bnd 'lmtd 'nl] .@ . band matrix [bnd 'metrks] .@ , , band printer [bnd 'prntc] .@ - . bandgap ['bnd/lp] n.



bandpass ['nd/pa:s] n. bandpass filter (BPF) ['bnd/pa:s 'filtc] . @ , , . bandpass limiter (BPM) ['bnd/pa:s 'lmtc] band-stop (-reject) filter ['bnd/st]p(r'ekt) 'filtc] .@ , , () () . bandwidth (BW, bw) ['bnd/wd] .@ . bank [bk] n. bank switching [bk 'sw] .@ , () , . , . banner page ['bnc pe] .@ , , . banner ['bnc] n. .@ ,

. bar [ba:] n. 1. ; ; ; 2. (. ); 3. , ; v. 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; ; 4. ; bar chart [ba: a:t] bar code [ba: koud] .@ , . bar code scanner [ba: koud 'sknc] bar graph [ba: lrf] , ( ) bar printer [ba: 'prntc] barcode wizard ['ba:'koud 'wzcd] - bare [bc] adj. bare board [bc b]:d] , , bare machine [bc mc'i:n] .@ . barely ['bcl] adv. 1. ; 2. , barrel printer ['brcl 'prntc] .@ - . barrier layer ['brc 'lec] ,



basal ['besl] adj. , base [bes] n. 1. , ; 2. , ; 3. , ; v. 1. , ; 2. base address [bes c'dres] .@ , . , . base addressing [bes c'dres] .@ , , . base and displacement [bes nd ds'plesmcnt] .@ ; . . . segment and offset base integer [bes 'ntc] 1. .@ . 2. .@ , (, 1917 1999 0 82). base page [bes pe] .@ , -

, . base register [bes 'restc] .@ , . base terminal [bes 'tc:mnl] base type [bes tap] .@ , baseband (BB, bb) ['besbnd] baseband LAN ['besbnd] . @ , , . . broadband LAN baseband networking ['besbnd net'wc:k] () .@ , , . . . base-bound registers ['besbaund 'restcs] .@ , , . base-limit registers ['bes'lmt 'restcs] . base-bound registers base-line ['bes'lan] 1. , .@ . 2. ( ) base-of stack register ['bes/]v stk 'restc] ()



basic ['besk] adj. 1. ; 2. ; 3. basic access method [besk 'kses 'mecd] . @ IBM , . . queued access method basic automatic checkout equipment (BACE) ['besk /]:'tcmtk 'tekaut 'kwpmcnt] basic circuit ['besk 'sc:kt] () basic concept ['besk 'k]nsept] basic direct access method (BDAM) ['besk d'rekt 'kses 'mecd] .@ , . basic disk operating system (BDOS) ['besk dsk ']pcreit 'sstm] , .@ - , , , - . . . BIOS basic indexed sequential access method (BISAM) ['besk 'ndekst s'kwencl 'kses 'mecd] - .@ , , . -

, . basic instruction ['besk n'str7kcn] basic order circuit ['besk ]:'dc 'sc:kt] basic partitioned access method (BPAM) ['besk pa:'ticnd 'kses 'mecd] .@ , . basic processing unit (BPU) ['besk 'prouses 'ju:nt] basic research ['besk r'sc:] basic sequential access method (BSAM) ['besk s'kwencl 'kses 'mecd] .@ , . basic symbol ['besk 'smbcl] basic telecommunication access method (BTAM) ['besk 'telkc/mju:n'kecn 'kses 'mecd] .@ , . basically ['beskcl] adv. , basis ['bess] n. (pl. bases ) 1. , ; 2. ; 3. .# on a weight basis .# on this basis basis circuit ['bess 'sc:kt] ()



batch [bt] n. 1. .@ , ; , . 2. , ; ; adj. batch control [bt kcn'troul] .@ , , . batch design [bt d'zan] batch entry [bt 'entr] () batch file (BAT) [bt fal] . . command file batch header [bt 'hedc] .@ , . batch job [bt ]b] .@ , . batch mode [bt moud] , . . . batch processing batch processing [bt 'prouses] .@ , . batch production [bt 'pr]dckcn] batch trailer [bt 'trelc] .@ , .

batching ['bt] n. 1. ; 2. batch-oriented ['bt']:rcntd] , -.@ . batchwise['btwaz] adv. battery ['btcr] n. 1. ; , (); 2. () baud [b]:d] n. .@ , ( ) . 1 = 1 ; . baud rate [b]:d ret] Baudot code [baud]t koud] , be [bi:] v. (sing. was, pl. vere; been) 1. , ; 2. , .# to be + inf. + .; + .; + .; , + ..# to be about + ..# to be going + ..# to be of inportance (value) .# to be of interest .# to be of no help ; beam [bi:m] n. , beam forming (BF) [bi:m 'f]:m] ()



beam-forming network (BFN) [bi:m'f]:m 'netwc:k] beam-of-light transistor (BOLT) [bi:m']v'lat trn'zstc] beam-switching tube (BST) [bi:m'sw tju:b] - bear [bc] v. (bore, born) 1. ; 2. ; ; 3. ; 4. ; 5. , (on, upon); 7. .# to bear in mind ; .# to bear a relation(ship) to .# to bear a similarity .# to have a bearing on (upon) ; bearer holder [bcr 'houldc] beat oscillator (BO) [bi:t ']sletc] beat-frequency oscillator (BFO) [bi:t'fri:kwcns ']sletc] because [b'k]:z] cj. ; .# because of -, .# because of momentum ; bed in [bed n] before [b'f]:] prp. 1. ; 2. ; cj. ; ; adv. 1. ; 2. , .# before long , .# long before ( ).# shortly before ( ).# well before ( ) beforehand [b'f]:hnd] adv. ; before-look journal [b'f]:/luk 'c:nl] .@ ,

. . . after-look journal begin [b'ln] v. (began, begun) ().# to begin with , - beginning-(of)-file label [b'ln (]v)'fal 'lebl] ; . . . file label beginning-of-information marker (BIM) [b'ln']v/nfc'mecn 'ma:kc] . @ , . beginning-of-tape marker [b'ln']v'tep 'ma:kc] . . beginning-of-information marker beginning-of-transmition marker (BOT) [b'ln']v/trnz'mcn 'ma:kc] beginning-of-volume label [b'ln']v'v]ljum 'lebl] .@ , . behalf [b'ha:f] n. : .# in behalf of .# on behalf of .# on my behalf behave [b'hev] v. , behaviour [b'hevjc] n. 1. ; 2. () BEL (bell) , .@ , . ASII 7.



belief [b'li:f] n. 1. , .@ . 2. ; (in); 3. () belief-invoked interpretation [b'li:f/n'voukt n/tc:pr'tecn] , .@ , . . goal-invoked interpretation believe [b'li:v] v. 1. ; 2. , bell [bel] n. 1. ; ; 2. Bell Laboratories (Bell labs).@ ( AT&T), , . belong [b'l]] v. 1. (to); 2. (to) below [b'lou] prp. , ; adv. , belt [belt] n. , belt printer [belt 'prntc] . . band printer benchmark ['bentma:k] n. . . . benchmarking benchmark package ['bentma:k 'pk] benchmark problem ['bentma:k 'pr]blcm] benchmark program ['bentma:k 'proulrm] .@ , -

. benchmark test ['bentma:k test] . . . benchmarking benchmarking ['bentma:k] n. .@ ( ) . bench-replacement assembly (BRA) ['bent/r'plesmcnt c'sembl] ; bend [bend] n. ; ; v. , bending [bend] n. ; beneficial [ben'fcl] adj. benefit ['benft] n. , ; v. 1. , -. (by); 2. ; .# for the benefit of , .# to the benefit of .# without the benefit of benign [b'nan] adj. 1. ; 2. ; 3. beset [b'set] v. beside [b'sad] prp. ; besides [b'sadz] prp. ; adv. Besier curve [kc:v] .@ . , .



best [best] adj. (. good) ; adv. .# best value .# at best .# to the best of our knowledge .# to do one's best .# to make the best -. best fit [best ft] .@ , , . . first fit beta-node ['btc'noud] -, . . . and/or tree beta-test ['btc'test] ; between [b'twi:n] prp. .# as between .# few and far between beyond [b'j]nd] prp. 1. ; ; 2. , ; 3. ; adv. ; .# beyond the reach .# to be (go) beyond (outside) the scope -. bias ['bacs] n. 1. , , ; 2. , ; 3. ; v. bias wire ['bacs wac] , biased ['bacst] adj. , biased data ['bacst 'detc] - , .@ ,

. biased exponent ['bacst eks'pouncnt] , .@ , , . biased sample ['bacst 'sa:mpl] .@ , . biased sampling ['bacst 'sa:mpl] biconditional [b'kcndcnl] adj. biconditional implication [b'kcndcnl /mpl'kecn] , biconditional operation [b'kcndcnl /]pc'recn] bidirectional printer [b'drekcnl 'prntc] .@ , , , . bidirectional switch [b'drekcnl sw] bidirectional triod thyristor [b'drekcnl 'traoud 'arstc] bifurcation [/bafc:ke'cn] 1. .@ -



. 2. .@ . bijection [bi:'ckcn] ( ) bilateral [ba'ltcrcl] adj. billion ['bljcn] n. 1. ( ); 2. ( ) binary (bin) ['bancr] .@ 1. ; . 2. . binary accumulator ['bancr c'kju:mjuletc] c binary add(ing) circuit ['bancr 'd 'sc:kt] binary adder ['bancr 'dc] binary adder ['bancr 'dc] binary arithmetic ['bancr c'rmctk] 1. ; 2. binary asymmetric channel (BAC) ['bancr /s'metrk 'nl] binary card ['bancr ka:d] .@ binary carry ['bancr 'kr]

binary cell ['bancr si:l] , binary chop ['bancr t]p] , . . binary search binary code ['bancr koud] 1. .@ . 2. .@ , . binary coded decimal (BCD) arithmetic ['bancr 'koudd 'desmcl c'rmctk] - binary coded information (BCI) ['bancr 'koudd /nfc'mecn] - binary computer ['bancr kcm'pju:tc] binary counter ['bancr 'kauntc] binary data ['bancr 'detc] binary decade counter ['bancr 'dked 'kauntc] , - binary decoder ['bancr 'di:'koudc] binary digit ['bancr 'dt] 1. , ; 2. binary divider ['bancr d'vadc] binary dump ['bancr d7mp] .@ .



binary encoding ['bancr n'koud] binary format ['bancr 'f]:mt] .@ . binary fraction ['bancr 'frkcn] binary image ['bancr 'm] 1. .@ . 2. binary incremental representation ['bancr 'nkrmcntcl /reprzen'tecn] , - binary information ['bancr /nfc'mecn] binary internal number base ['bancr n'tc:nl 'n7mbc bes] binary keyboard ['bancr 'ki:b]:d] binary loader ['bancr 'loudc] . . absolute loader binary logic ['bancr 'l]k] .@ , . . fuzzy logic, ternary logic binary message ['bancr 'mes] binary multiplication ['bancr /m7ltpl'kecn] ( )

binary multiplier ['bancr 'm7ltplac] ( ) binary notation ['bancr nou'tecn] .@ 1. . 2. . binary number ['bancr 'n7mbc] .@ , . binary number system ['bancr 'n7mbc 'sstm] binary numeral ['bancr 'nju:mcrcl] 1. ; 2. . . binary number binary operation ['bancr /]pc'recn] 1. .@ . 2. .@ . binary output ['bancr 'autput] 1. ; 2. binary pair ['bancr pc] binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) ['bancr 'fez'ft ki:] binary point ['bancr p]nt] binary quadratic form ['bancr kwc'drtk f]:m] binary relation ['bancr r'lecn] .@ .



binary representation ['bancr /reprzen'tecn] binary scale (BS) ['bancr 'skel] binary scaler ['bancr 'skelc] 1. ; 2. , binary search ['bancr sc:t] , .@ , . binary search tree ['bancr sc:t tri:] ().@ , , , . binary semaphore ['bancr 'semcf]:] .@ , 0 1. , , 1, . binary sequence ['bancr 'si:kwcns] .@ . , , ,

. binary signal ['bancr 'slncl] binary stage counter ['bancr ste 'kauntc] binary storage device ['bancr 'st]:r d'vas] binary subtraction ['bancr scb'trkcn] .@ binary switch ['bancr sw] binary symmetric channel (BSC) ['bancr 'smetrk 'nl] .@ , , . , . binary symmetric dependent channel (BSDC) ['bancr 'smetrk d'pendcnt 'nl] binary symmetric independent channel (BSIC) ['bancr 'smetrk n/d'pendcnt 'nl] binary synchronous communication (BSC, bisync) ['bancr 'skrcncs kc'mju:n'kecn] () .@ IBM, .



binary system ['bancr 'sstm] binary transfer scheme ['bancr 'trnsfc ski:m] binary transversal filter (BTF) ['bancr 'trnsvcrsl 'filtc] binary tree ['bancr tri:] .@ , . binary tree representation ['bancr tri: /reprzen'tecn] binary variable ['bancr 'vcrcbl] binary-coded decimal digit (BCD) ['bancr'koudd 'desmcl 'dt] - .@ , . binary-coded decimal notation ['bancr'koudd 'desmcl nou'tecn] 1. - . . . BCD; 2. - , - binary-coded decimal representation ['bancr'koudd 'desmcl /reprzen'tecn] , - binary-coded decimal system ['bancr'koudd 'desmcl 'sstm] - , -

binary-coded frequency-shift keying (BCFSK) ['bancr'koudd 'fri:kwcns'ft ki:] binary-coded octal ['bancr'koudd ']ktcl] - binary-coded output ['bancr'koudd 'autput] - binary-coded representation ['bancr'koudd /reprzen'tecn] , binary-image processor (BIP) ['bancr'm 'prousesc] binary-to-analog (BA) converter ['bancr'tu:'ncl]l kcn'vc:tc] binary-to-decimal (Bd, bd) ['bancr'tu:'desmcl] () binary-to-decimal conversion ['bancr'tu:'desmcl kcn'vc:cn] () bind [band] v. (bound) 1. .@ . 2. , . . link 1. 3. .# to be bound , (to); (for).# to be bound up with -., -. binder ['bandc] n. 1. ; 2. binding ['band] adj. 1. ; ; 2. , ; 3. ; . n. 1. ;



2. ; ; ; 3. () binding of modules ['band ]v 'm]dju:ls] .@ . binding of names ['band ]v nems] .@ . binding of variable ['band ]v 'vcrcbl] .@ . binomial [ba'noumjcl] n. , binomial distribution [ba'noumjcl ds'trbju:cn] .@ , . binomial series [ba'noumjcl 'scri:z] bionic computer [ba']nk kcm'pju:tc] BIOS (Basic Input Output System) -. . . BDOS bipartite [ba'pa:tat] adj. 1. ; 2. bipartite graph [ba'pa:tat lrf] bipolar [ba'poulc] adj. , bipolar insulated-gate fieldeffect transistor (BIGFET) [ba'poulc 'nsjuletd'let fi:ld/'fekt trn'zstc]

bipolar integrated circuit [ba'poulc 'ntlretd 'sc:kt] bipolar junction transistor (BJT) [ba'poulc '7kcn trn'zstc] bipolar metal-oxide-semoconductor] (BIMOS, bi-MOS) [ba'poulc 'metl']ksad'semkcn'd7ktc] 1. -; 2. () - bipolar signal [ba'poulc 'slncl] bipolar-junction field-effect transistor (BIFET, bi-FET) [ba'poulc'7kcn fi:ld/'fekt trn'zstc] 1. ; 2. () bipphase modulation (BPM) [bp'fez /m]djulecn] biquinary [ba'kwanr] -.@ , - : 0 0000, 1 0001, 2 0010, 3 0011, 4 0100, 5 1001, 6 1001, 7 1010, 8 1011, 0 1100. biquinary code [ba'kwanr koud] - biquinary notation [ba'kwanr nou'tecn] - , - biquinary representation [ba'kwanr /reprzen'tecn]



bisection [ba'sekcn] n. bisection algorithm [ba'sekcn 'll]/rcm] . . . binary search bistable circuit ['bstebl 'sc:kt] bistable magnetic core (BIMAC) ['bstebl ml'netk k]:] bistable multivibrator (BSMV) ['bste7bl 'm7lt/va'bretc] bistable trigger circuit ['bstebl 'trlc 'sc:kt] , , bit (binary digit) [bt ('bancr 'dt)] n. , bit cell [bt si:l] bit density [bt 'denst] .@ , . bit flipping [bt 'flp] 1. , ; 2. .@ . bit handling [bt 'hndl] , bit image [bt 'm] , .@ . bit loss [bt l]s] ()

bit manipulation [bt mc/npju'lecn] , . bit map [bt mp] 1. ; .@ ( ), ( ) , , , , , . 2. . . frame buffer bit maping [bt 'mp] .@ , . bit matrix [bt 'metrks] .@ , . bit pattern [bt 'ptcn] ; , bit plane [bt plen] bit rate [bt ret] bit slot [bt sl]t] , bit string [bt str] .@ , . bit stuffing [bt 'st7f] ,



bit time [bt tam] , bit-BLT (bit block transfer) [bt bl]k 'trnsfc]) .@ . bit-by-bit [bt'ba'bt] bit-interleaved [bt/ntc'li:vt] .@ , . . byte-interleaved bit-interleaving [bt/ntc'li:v] bitmap color mask ['btmp 'k7lc ma:sk] bitmap extrude ['btmp eks'tru:d] bit-map(ped) display [bt'mp(t) ds'ple] () , .@ , ; , . bit-map(ped) graphics [btmp(t) l'rfks] . . . bit-map, bit-map(ped) display bit-organized memory [bt']:lcnaizd 'memcr]

bitpad ['btpd] .@ bits per inch (BPI, bpi) [bts pc: nt] .@ . bits per second (BPS, bps) [bts pc: 'sekcnd] , / bit-serial [bt'scrcl] .@ , . bit-slice architecture [bt'slas 'a:ktekc] - bit-slice processor [bt'slas 'prousesc] , - , bit-timing recovery (BTR) [bt'tam r'k7vcr] bitwise addition [bt'waz c'dcn] .@ , 2 . bitwise operation [bt'waz /]pc'recn] bivariate distribution [/ba'vcret ds'trbju:cn] bivariate interpolation [/ba'vcret n/tc:pc'lecn] black-and-white display (BWdisplay) [blk'nd'wat ds'ple]] - ;



blackboard [blk'b]:d] n. .@ , , , . black(-)box [blk b]ks] black(-)box(-)model [blk b]ks 'm]dl] .@ , , . , X Y (X , Y ); F, (Y = F(X)), , blacken [blkcn] v. bladder [bldc] n. 1. ; 2. blank [blk] n. 1. , ; 2. ; 3. , , , ; v. .# blank run blank common [blk 'k]mcn] . . . common block blank diskette [blk 'dskct] ; blank instruction [blk n'str7kcn] , blank medium [blk 'mi:djcm] () blankcharacter [blk'krktc]

blanking ['blk] n. .@ . blast [bla:st] v. 1. . @ . 2. , blaster ['bla:stc] n. . . . PROM burner bleach ['bli:t] v. blend [blend] v. 1. (); 2. ( ); 3. , ; 4. ; 5. blender ['blendc] n. blending function ['blend 'f7kcn] .@ , . blind keyboard [bland 'ki:b]:d] .@ , . blink(ing) [blk()] .@ . block buffer [bl]k 'b7fc] .@ - . block cancel character [bl]k 'knscl 'krktc] .@ , -



, . block multiplexer channel [bl]k 'm7ltipleksc 'nl] - .@ . block [bl]k] n. 1. .@ 1. , . 2. . 3. , . 4. , , . v. .@ 1. . 2. , . block address [bl]k c'dres] block chaining [bl]k 'te] .@ . . block check [bl]k tek] block check character (BCC) [bl]k tek 'krktc] .@ , . block code [bl]k koud] .@ ,

(, k) , , (, n). (n, k)-, . . k n. block constant [bl]k 'k]nstcnt] () block design [bl]k d'zan] block diagram [bl]k 'daclrm] -, .@ , , . block diagram symbol [bl]k 'daclrm 'smbcl] ( ) - block encryption [bl]k n'krpcn] .@ , . block gap [bl]k lp] .@ ( ) . block head [bl]k hed] , .@ block length [bl]k le] .@ ( ) . block number [bl]k 'n7mbc] .@ , ( ) . ( ).



. . . block parity [bl]k 'prt] block representation [bl]k /reprzen'tecn] - block retrieval [bl]k r'tri:vcl] ( -) block sort [bl]k s]:t] .@ , , . block transfer [bl]k 'trnsfc] 1. ; 2. , blocked process [bl]kt 'prouses] .@ , , - . blocking factor [bl]k 'fktc] 1. .@ . 2. blocking order ['bl]k ]:'dc] blocking oscillator (BO) ['bl]k /]s'letc] - blockmark ['bl]kma:k] n. , -.@ , .

block-oriented device [bl]k']:rcntd d'vas] - , .@ , (, ). . record-oriented device, stream-oriented device block-structured language [bl]k 'str7ktct 'llw] .@ , (, ). blow [blou] v. , blurred image ['blc:d 'm] () blurring ['blc:r] n. board (Bd, bd) [b]:d] n. ; ; ; bodilly ['b]dl] adv. 1. ; 2. ; body ['b]d] n. 1. .@ , . . header. 2. , , ; 3. , ; 4. ; ; ; ; 5. -.; 6. ; boilerplate ['b]lcpleit] . @ . bold [bould] n. ()



bolometer [bou'l]mtc] n. bond [b]nd] n. , , , ; v. , bonding [b]nd] n. , , bookmark ['bu:kma:k] n. .@ , . bookmark manager ['bu:kma:k 'mnc] Boolean [Bu:lin] Boolean algebra system of notation [Bu:lin 'lbrc 'sstm ]v nou'tecn] Boolean calculation [Bu:lin 'klkjulecn] Boolean expression [Bu:lin ks'precn] () Boolean function [Bu:lin 'f7kcn] Boolean matrix [Bu:lin 'metrks] Boolean operation [Bu:lin /]pc'recn] () Boolean operator [Bu:lin ']pcretc] () Boolean tree [Bu:lin tri:] Boolean value [Bu:lin 'vlju:] () Boolean variable [Bu:lin 'vcrcbl] ()

boost ['bu:stc] n. 1. ; 2. boost [bu:st] adj. boot [bu:t] n. . . bootstrap. v. (), () bootstrap ['bu:t/strp] n. 1. .@ , , . 2. .@ , , . . v. 1. , ; 2. bootstrap block ['bu:t/strp bl]k] .@ , . bootstrap loader ['bu:t/strp 'loudc] , ( ) bootstrap loading ['bu:t/strp 'loud] . . . bootstrap 1. bootstrap memory ['bu:t/strp 'memcr] .@ , . borrow ['b]rou] n. , . . carry (endaround borrow); v. 1. ; 2.



Bose Chaudhuri Hocquenghem codes ( ).@ . , . . . both [bou] pron. .# both and ; both-way circuit [bou'we 'sc:kt] . . duplex circuit bottle ['b]tl] n. , .# bottle-neck bottom ['b]tcm] n. 1. , , -.; 2. ; bottom of stack ['b]tcm ]v stk] , . . top of stack bottom of stack pointer ['b]tcm ]v stk 'p]ntc] . . top of stack pointer bottom view ['b]tcm vju:] bottom-up analysis ['b]tcm'7p c'nlcsz] . . bottom-up parsing bottom-up design ['b]tcm'7p d'zan] . . . bottom-up development bottom-up development ['b]tcm'7p d'velcpmcnt] , . @

, , . . topdown development bottom-up parsing ['b]tcm'7p 'pa:z] .@ , , . . top-up parsing bottom-up reasoning ['b]tcm'7p 'ri:zn] () ; bound of the error ['baund ]v i: 'erc] bound (boundary) value problem [baund ('baundcr) 'vlju: 'pr]blcm] bound ['baund] n. 1. , ; 2. . pl. ; v. .# to put (set) bounds to -. bound check [baund tek] , . . range check bound variable [baund 'vcrcbl] .@ 1. , . . unbound variable; 2. , . . free variable boundary ['baundcr] n. , , , ; adj. ; boundary alignment ['baundcr c'lainmcnt] . . address alignment boundary condition ['baundcr kcn'dcn]



boundary fill ['baundcr fil] . . fill 2. boundary layer ['baundcr 'lec] boundary of a system ['baundcr ]v c'sstm] .@ 1. , ,- () , .. . 2. , . boundary protection ['baundcr prc'tekcn] .@ , . boundary register ['baundcr 'restc] . . . base-bound register bounded-context grammar [baundd'k]ntekst 'lrmc] .@ - , . bounds register [baunds 'restc] .@ , , . . base-bound registers bounds violation [baunds /vac'lecn] () , bouyancy ['b]cns] . buoyancy

box [b]ks] n. 1. , .@ -, . 2. ; 3. , , braces ['bress] n. bracket ['brkt] n. 1. ; 2. ; ; v. 1. ; 2. () brackets ['brkts] n. 1. ; 2. . . parentheses brain [bren] n. 1. ; 2. pl. ; brainpower ['bren'pauc] n. ; brain-storning ['bren'st]:n] n. .@ , ; : ; ; , . brake [brek] v. 1. ; 2. branch (BR, br) [bra:nt] n. 1. (, ); 2. , ; v. 1. , ; 2. branch and bound algorithm [bra:nt nd baund 'll]/rcm] .@ . branch instruction [bra:nt n'str7kcn]



branch operation [bra:nt /]pc'recn] , branch(ing) instruction ['bra:nt() n'str7kcn] , branch(ing) point ['bra:nt() p]nt] branching ['bra:nt] n. , branchpoint ['bra:ntp]nt] n. .@ , . brass [bra:s] n. breadboard (BB, bb) ['bredb]:d] n. , breadth ['bred] n. breadth-first search ['bred'fc:st sc:t] , .@ , , . . depth-first search break [brek] v. (broke; broken) 1. (), (); () (doun); 2. (out); 3. () (through); n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. break key [brek ki:] .@ , . break point [brek p]nt] 1. (); 2. break storage cycle [brek 'st]:r 'sakl] breakdown ['brekdaun] n. 1. ; 2. ; ;

; ; 3. ; ; 4. ; ; ( ) breakeven ['breki:vcn] n. ( . .) breakpoint ['brekp]nt] n. 1. .@ , . 2. .@ , . . breakpoint instruction ['brekp]nt n'str7kcn] breakthrough ['brek'ru:] n. 1. ; 2. ; brevity code ['brevt koud] brick [brk] n. ; adj. bridge [br] n. 1. ; . @ , . , . 2. (BR, br) ; ; 3. , bridgeware ['brwc] n. .@ . brief [bri:f] adj. brightness ['bratns] n. brilliant ['brljcnt] adj. 1. , ; 2. ,



brilliant image ['brljcnt 'm] ( ) bring [br] v. (brought) 1. ; ; 2. , (about); 3. , (about); 4. (out); 5. (down); 6. (to); 7. (up).# to bring (call) into action (play) , .# to bring (call) into being , .# to bring forward (forth) .# to bring home -.; .# to bring to notice .# to bring to correspond brittle ['brtl] adj. , brittle program ['brtl 'proulrm] ; - . . . machine-dependent broad [br]:d] adj. , .# broadly speaking broadband (BB, bb) ['br]:dbnd] broadband coaxial systems ['br]:dbnd 'kou'ksjcl 'sstms] .@ , . . broadband LAN ['br]:dbnd] , .@ , -

. . baseband LAN broadband networking ['br]:dbnd net'wc:k] .@ , . broadcast ['br]dka:st] v. ( , , , ); adj. broadcast address ['br]dka:st c'dres] .@ , , . broadcast network ['br]dka:st 'netwc:k] . @ ( ), , , . broadcasting ['br]dka:st] .@ , . broaden ['br]dn] v. 1. (); 2. broadening ['br]dn] n. broken line graph ['broukcn lan lrf] brother node ['br7c noud].@ ,



, . browse [brauz] v. . . . browser browser ['brauzc] n. 1. ; 2. .@ , . browsing ['brauz] n. .@ , . brush [br7] n. 1. .@ , , . . . paintbrush program. 2. (BR, br) brush reader [br7 'ri:dc] brushless ['br7les] adj. B-test [bi:'test] B-tree [bi:'tri:] n. -, .@ , : , N, N , -; D. ,

. . . balanced tree bubble sort ['b7bl s]:t] , .@ , . buck ['b7k] v. bucket ['b7kt] n. 1. , .@ , . 2. - bucket sort ['b7kt s]:t] .@ , , . buddy system ['b7d 'sstm] .@ , , 2; buffer ['b7fc] n. 1. .@ ; 2. , ; 3. buffer action ['b7fc 'kcn] , , , buffer function ['b7fc 'f7kcn] buffer pool ['b7fc pu:l] , .@ , .



buffer register (BR, br) ['b7fc 'restc] .@ , . buffer storage ['b7fc 'st]:r] buffer thrashing ['b7fc 'r] .@ , -. buffer unit ['b7fc 'ju:nt] buffer write-through ['b7fc rat'ru:] . buffered input-output ['b7fcd 'nput'autput] - buffering ['b7fcr] n. , .@ , , . bug [b7l] n. ( ) bug patch [b7l pt] . . . patch building ['bld] n. 1. ; 2. building block principle ['bld bl]k 'prnspcl] build-up ['bld'7p] n. 1. -

; ; ; 2. ; 3. ; ; 4. ; 4. ; v. 1. , ; 2. ,

built-in ['blt'n] 1. , .@ , . 2. .@ . built-in check ['blt'n tek] 1. , .@ , . 2. .@ . built-in function ['blt'n 'f7kcn] 1. ; 2. (. ) built-in logic block observer (BILBO) ['blt'n 'l]k bl]k cb'sc:vc] built-in macro instruction ['blt'n 'mkrou n'str7kcn] .@ , . built-in pulser (BIP) ['blt'n 'p7lsc] built-in storage ['blt'n 'st]:r] built-in type ['blt'n tap] , . @ , (, , , ). built-up ['blt'7p] adj.



bulb [b7lb] n. 1. ; 2. ; 3. bulge [b7l] n. 1. ; 2. ; v. ; bulk [b7lk] n. 1. , -.; 2. , .# in bulk ; bulk charge-coupled device (BCCD) [b7lk a:c'k7pld d'vas] bulk resistance (BR, br) [b7lk r'zstcns] bulk sampling [b7lk 'sa:mpl] bulk storage [b7lk 'st]:r] 1. , . . . backing storage 2. . . . mass storage bulky [b7lk] adj. ; ; bunch [b7n] n. bundied attributes ['b7ndcd 'trbju:ts] .@ , . bundied software ['b7ndcd 's]ftwc] .@ , . bundies table ['b7ndcs 'tebl] , .@ , .

buoyancy ['b]cns] n. 1. ; 2. burn [bc:n] v. , .@ , , . . . PROM burner. n. burst [bc:st] n. 1. . . . burst mode; 2. ; 3. ; v. .@ . burst error (error burst) [bc:st 'erc] .@ , , ( ), . burst mode [bc:st moud] , .@ , (). burst performance [bc:st pc'f]mcns] ( ) bury ['ber] v. 1. ; 2. bus [b7s] n. , .@ , .



bus arbitrator [b7s 'a:btretc] bus architecture [b7s 'a:ktekc] 1. .@ , ; . 2. . . . bus topology bus extender [b7s ks'tendc] .@ . bus request (BREQ) [b7s r'kwest] bus state analyzer (BSA) [b7s stet 'nclazc] bus terminator [b7s /tc:m'netc] ( ).@ , , , , , , . bus topology [b7s tc'p]l]] , .@ , . busbar ['b7sba:] .@ , . busbar bus. business data ['bzns 'detc]

business graphics ['bzns l'rfks] .@ , . business oriented language ['bzns ']:rcntd 'llw] () business