English Grammar Assignment - BASE MODEL SCHOOL


Transcript of English Grammar Assignment - BASE MODEL SCHOOL

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Page 2: English Grammar Assignment - BASE MODEL SCHOOL

English Grammar Assignment

Q1.Complete the following sentences by inserting a suitable subject.

1. ………………….sleep on the roof at night.

2. ………………..am in a hurry.

3. .…………… opens at 10 O’clock in the morning.

4.………….. are playing football.

5. ………………….. greeted me with a sweet smile.

Q2. Identify and write the type of sentence for the given sentences.

1. Please let me work.

2. The boys make a noise.

3. Stand up.

4. What a clever girl you are!

5. Where do you live?

Q3. Put appropriate question tag for the following sentences.

1 She's from a small town in China, _______?

2. They aren't on their way already, _________?

3. We're late again,_________?

4. I'm not the person with the tickets, _____?

5. Julie isn't an accountant,_________?

Q4. Transform the following sentences as directed.

1. They are excited to come to my place.( Exclamatory)

2. We should go out. (Imperative)

3. He is in the school. (Interrogative)

4. She sings beautifully.( Exclamatory)

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5. Get out from here.( Assertive)

English Literature Assignment

Q1. Write the meaning of the following words .

1. Affair -

2. Several -

3. Seized -

4. Tease -

5. Straight -

Q2. Answer the following questions.

A. Why was the king advised to go to the magicians?

B. Did the wise men win the reward? If not, why not?

C. Who was the bearded man?Why did he ask for the king’s forgiveness?

D. What is being compared to a gray overcoat?

E. “He liked to tease and play”. Who is teasing whom? How?

Q3. Learn summary of 'Three questions' and 'The Squirrel'.

Q4. Make your own sentences of the following words.

A. Councillor -

B. Wounded -

C. Hermit -

D. Woods -


**Social Studies**

**** Read and learn chapter 1 of History and Geography.

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Q.1). Fill in the blanks:

a). The term Hindustan was first used by_________________.

b). Sir Thomas Roe visited the court of___________________.

c). Gulbadan Begum wrote the___________________.

d). _________________ is the most important gas for living organism.

e). The sphere of air is known as the ___________________.

f). __________________ causes floods.

Q.2). State True or False:

a) Increase in the level of carbon dioxide causes pollution._ ________

b). Water is abiotic element of the physical environment. __________

c). Forests cause global warming. ________________

d) The geography of India has had no effect on its history. _________

e). Paper was used during the mediaeval period. _______________

Q.3). Define keywords:

1) Epigraphy:

2). Sultanate:

3). Manuscript:

4). Biosphere:

5). Habitat:

Q.4). Very type questions:

a) what is environment?

b) who are guards of our mother nature?

c). What do you mean by Jambudvipa ?

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d). Name a famous inscription from the chola reign.

Q.5). Answer the following questions:

a). State the main changes that took place during the mediaeval


b). Why India is called Hindustan?

c). What is the greenhouse effect?

d). How are plants and animals interdependent in an ecosystem?

e). What is the significance of the biosphere?

f). How have coins and inscriptions contributed to our knowledge of

history ?

g). Discuss how India’s geography has had an important role in

shaping it’s history.

h). Why is the hydrosphere important?

** Science ( Assignment)**

Q1. Fill in the blanks

1. ............... gas absorbed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis.

2. ............... element is needed in addition to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen to

make protein.

3. .................... bacteria in the soil can convert atmospheric nitrogen into

soluble compound.

Q: Answer the following questions:

1.How do leaves help a plant make its food?

2. Explain the mechanism of trapping insects in Venus flytrap?

3. What are the different types of heterotrophic nutrition in plants? Give two

examples of each?

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4. All green plants are autotrophs. Is this statement true? Justify your answer?

5. Show with the help of sketch that plants are the ultimate source of food?

6. Where is water from undigested food absorbed in the body?

7. Where is digested food absorbed in the body?

8. Name the type of teeth which are for

A. Chewing and grinding food

B. Piercing and tearing food

C. Biting and cutting food

9. Name the parts of Amoeba which help it in moving and capturing food.

10. What is a gall bladder? What is its role?

11. How is food ingested by Amoeba?

12. What happens to food in stomach?

13. Where is saliva produced? Write about its main functions.

** Computer( Assignment)**

Que -1 State true or false for the following-.

i. 1 multiplied by 1 equals to zero.

ii. Charles babbage introduced the first computer.

iii. In Excel every formulas begins with $(Dollar) sign.

iv. A Range can be used in a formula..

Que - 2 Choose the correct answer from the given options.

i. A ............................. Converts the decimal format into its binary


a. Digital computer b. Cell phones c. Abacus

ii. .......... ........., a German mathematician is credited with the invention of

the modern Binary number system.

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a. Aryabhatta b. Gottfried Leibniz c. Charles


iii. ............... Introduced the concept of zero.

a. Ada Lovelace b. Aryabhatta c. Charles


iv. Which function finds the smallest number in the range?

a. Average. b. Min. . c. Max

Que - 3 Fill in the blanks-.

i. Formulas are used to perform..............................

ii. The base of Hexadecimal number system is ............................

iii. In Binary addition , 1 + 1= .........................

iv. ......................... Number system uses 2 digits, i.e 0, 1.

Que -4 Solve the following-.

a. 11111+01011. b. 1101 101

c. Convert from binary to decimal - (1101)2

d. Convert from octal to decimal - (456)8

e. 1110001-1000111. f. 11011 ÷ 11

g. Convert from decimal to binary (79)10

** G.K. ( Assignment)**

Que -1 State true or false for the following-.

i. Vitamin B1 to B12 and C are Fat soluble Vitamins.

ii. Ramesh Pokhriyal is the education minister of India.

iii. Mercury is the largest planet in our solar system.

iv. Area of Haryana is 44,212 sq. km.

Que - 2 Choose the correct answer from the given options.

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i. Indian National Song was composed in Sanskrit


A) Ravindranath Tagore

B) Bankimchandra Chatterjee

C) Pingali Venkayya

D) Raja Gopala Chari

ii. When the National Flag of India was adopted by the Constitution


A) July 22, 1947

B) August 16, 1947

C) January 26, 1952

D) December 31, 1947

iii. Who was the first Vice President of India

A)Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

B) Bhagat Singh

C) Sardar Patel

D)Tilak babu

iv. In case the President wishes to resign, to whom is he to address his

resignation letter?

A) Chief Justice of India

B) Secretary of Lok Sabha

C) Vice President

D) Prime Minister

Que - 3 Fill in the blanks-.

i. .................................. is the official residence of the Prime Minister of


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ii. ........................ are water soluble vitamins

iii. There are ...................................... Districts in Haryana.

iv. ..................... Is the longest serving prime minister of India.

Que -4 Do the given questions-.

i. Who was the first president of India.

ii. Name the deficiency disease of vitamin K.

iii. Write down the home minister name of India.

iv. Which planet is the called evening/morning star?.

v. Which is the leading cause of blindness in children worldwide?

** Sanskrit ( Assignment)**

प्रश्न -1 ननम्नलिखित शब्दों के अर्थ लिखिए-

क) तपलि- ङ) बहुरत्ना-

ि) पथृर्व्ाां- च) विस्म्ः-

ग) धनधान््प्र्ोगेषु - छ) िुभावषतम-्

घ) रत्निांज्ञा- ज) तपते -

प्रश्न-2 ननम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के एक शब्द में उत्तर दीजजए-

क) पथृर्व्ाां कनत रत्नानन िजन्त ?

ि) िोके िशीकृनत का ?

प्रश्न-3 ननम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के पूरे िाक्् में उत्तर दीजजए-

क) त््क्तिज्जः कुत्र िुिी भिेत ्?

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ि) पथृर्व्ाां त्रीखि रत्नानन कानन ?

प्रश्न-4 रेिाांककत पदों को हटाकर प्रश्न ननमाथि कीजजए -

क) ित््ेन िानत िा्ु: ।

ि) ििुांधरा बहुरत्ना भिनत ।

प्रश्न-5 ननम्नलिखित श्िोक का हहांदी में अनुिाद कीजजए-

दाने तपलि शौ् ेच विज्ञाने विन् ेन्े ।

विस्म्ो न हह कतथव्ो बहुरत्ना ििुांधरा ।।

प्रश्न:6 कोई एक कां ठस्र् श्िोक लिखिए ।

प्रश्न:7 उथचत लमिान कीजजए -

क) ित््ेन धा्थते पथृ्िी 1) रत्निांज्ञा विधी्ते

ि) पथृर्व्ाां त्रीिी रत्नानन 2) ित््ेनतपते रवि:

ग) मूढै पाषाििण्डषेु 3) जिमन्नां िुभावषतम ्

* ननम्नलिखित श्िोक को ्ाद कीजजए िह प्रनतहदन िुबह उठकर अपन ेहार्ों के दशथन करते

हुए बोलिए -

कराग्रे िित ेिक्ष्मी करमध्् ेिरस्िनत:

करमूिे तु गोवि ांदः ,

प्रभाते कर दशथनम ्

* अव्् शब्द (21 िे 40) लिखिए ि ्ाद कीजजए ।

प्रश्न:1 ननम्नलिखित शब्दों के अर्थ लिखिए:-

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क) प्रनतििनत स्म - ि) धीिरा: -

ग) अििोक््- घ) दबुुथद्थध: -

ङ) धार्ताम-् च) भस्म-

प्रश्न:2 ननम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के एक शब्द में उत्तर दीजजए -

क) िरस्तीरे के आगच्छन ् ?

ि) कूमथस्् ककम ्नाम आिीत ् ?

ग)फुल्िोत्पिनाम िरः कुत्र अजस्त ?

प्रश्न:3 ननम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के पूरे िाक्् में उत्तर दीजजए -

क) कच्छपः ककम ्उपा्ां िदनत ?

ि) कच्छपः कुत्र गन्तुम ्इच्छनत ?

प्रश्न:4 उथचत कि्ा शब्द ि ेिाक्् पूरे कीजजए -

क) हांिाभ्ाां िह कूमो अवप ------------------ ।

ि) ि्ां गहृां नीत्िा कूमं --------------------- ।

ग)अहम ्आकाशमागेि अन््त्र गन्तुम ् ---------------- ।

प्रश्न:5 नीचे लििे िाक्् 'ककिने' ,'ककिको' कहे लिखिए -

कः कर््नत कां प्रनत कर््नत

क) ककम ्अहम ्मिूथः? --------------- --------------------

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ि) अत्र कः उपा्: ? --------------- -----------‐---------

प्रश्न:6 लिखित पांजक्त्ों का हहांदी में अनुिाद कीजजए -

एिां काष्ठदण्डे िम्बमानम ्कूमं पौरा: अपश््न ्।पश्चाद् अधािन ्अिदन ्च- ''हांहो!

महदाश्च्थम ्। हांिाभ्ाां िह कूमोअवप उड्डी्ते ।''

प्रश्न:7 ्हद आप कछुए की जगह होते तो क््ा करते ? दो पांजक्त्ों में लिखिए ।

** Maths ( Assignment)**

1.Simplify 65÷(-13)+(-72)÷(-8).

2.Using suitable property evaluate :



3. Subtract:

(a)(-66) from (-36)

(b)(-75) from 0

(c)(-153) from (-240)

4.Given that a=-10, b=7 and c=-3,verify that addition is commutative

and associative.

5.Product of two integer is -437.If one integer is 23,find the other.

6.Write a positive and negative integer whose sum is -4.

7.Verify a-(-b)=a+b if a=25,b=12

8.Find the value of (-22)-[(-23)-(-16)]

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9.The temperature of a city is 4°c.Next day the temperature falls by

5°c.What is the temperature of city next day.

10.Find -36÷_____= -9.

11.Simplify 3+4/7.

12.Arrange in ascending order:


13.An elevator descends into a mine shaft at the rate of 6m/min.If the

descend starts from 10 m above the ground level ,how long will it take

to reach -350m.

14.Fill in the blanks:


b)40÷ (-5)=___

c)35÷ -7=____

15.Seema solved 2/7 part of an exercise while Sejal solved 4/5 of it .

Who solved lesser part and how much.

16. Find the perimeter of triangle of sides 11/4cm,5/2 cm, and 18/5cm.

17. Simplify8/5-4/3.

18 A plane is flying at the height of 3000 m above the sea level .

It is exactly above a submarine floating 1500m belowe the sea level.

What is the vertical distace between them.

19.Simplify 39+(-34)+13

20.In a quize ,team A scored 20,-30 and 0 marks.Team B scored -

30,0,10 in three successive rounds.Which team score more?

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** ह िंदी साह त्य**नियत कायय

प्रश्ि -1 ) निम्िलिखित शब्दों के अर्य लिखिए :-

बलि ारी , र्य , उपत्यकाएँ , श्रिंििा, क्षिनतर्, िाक रगड़िा, म ामारी ,

लसवाि , अतुि

प्रश्ि -2 ) िघुत्तरात्मक प्रश्ि :-

क) दादी मािंँँ ककस वर् से सबकी आदरणीय र्ी?

ि) िेिक के सम्मुि दादी का चित्र कब सर्ीव ो उठा ?

ग) पिी क ािंँँ का र्ि पीिा पसिंद करते ैं ?

घ) पिी कैसा र्ीवि र्ीिा िा ते ैं ?

ड़) िेिक ककस िदी के ककिारे र्ाकर बैठ गया?

ि) िेिक को िहदयािंँँ ककस भाँनत प्रतीत ोती ैं ?

प्रश्ि -3 ) निम्िलिखित प्रश्िों के उत्तर दीजर्ए :-

क) पिी उन्मुक्त र कर अपिी कौि-कौि सी इच्छाएँ पूरी करिा िा ते ैं ?

ि) क्या आपिे या आपकी र्ािकारी में ककसी िे कभी कोई पिी पािा ै ?

उसकी देिरेि ककस प्रकार की र्ाती ोगी , लिखिए ।

ग़) दादी माँ के स्वभाव का कौि - सा पि आपको सबसे अच्छा िगता ै और क्यों ?

घ) इस क ािी में कई बार ऋण िेिे की बात आपिे पढी। बताइए कक ककि - ककि पाररवाररक पररजस्र्नतयों

में गािंँँव के िोगों को ऋण िेिा पड़ता ोगा और य उन् ें क ािंँँ से लमिता ोगा?

ड़) भाव स्पष्ट कीजर्ए -

स्वणय श्रिंििा के बिंधि में ,

अपिी गनत उड़ाि सब भूिे ।

बस सपिों में देि र े ैं ,

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तरु फुगिी पर के झूिे ।

ि) गनतववचध - दादी से सिंबिंचधत एक कववता याद करें।

नन्त का्थ ( हहांदी व्ाकरि)

प्रश्न -1) ररक्त स्र्ानों की पूनतथ उथचत शब्दों िे कीजजए :-

क) ............. का उच्चारि नाक िे होता है । (अनुस्िार / अनुनालिक)

ि) िज्जा, पक्का ............. व्ांजन हैं । (िां्ुक्त / द्वित्ि व्ांजन)

ग़) श, ष ,ि , ह ............... व्ांजन हैं। ( स्पशथ व्ांजन / उष्म व्ांजन )

घ) 14 लितांबर , 1949 को ............... भारत के िांविधान में राजभाषा बनी।

( हहांदी भाषा , अिलम्ा )

ड़) भाषा के क्षेत्रीी् रुप को ............कहा जाता है । (भाषा / बोिी)

च) भारत की प्राचीनतम लिवप का नाम ............ है । (ब्राह्मी / देिनागरी)

प्रश्न - 2) िही लमिान कीजजए-

क ि

1) आ,ए,औ िां्कु्त व्ांजन

2)अां , अ: स्पशथ व्ांजन

3) क , च , त दीघथ स्िर

4) ििथ अनुस्िार

5) क्ष, त्र ,ज्ञ , श्र भाषा का मूि आधार

प्रश्न- 3) ननम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजजए :-

क) लिखित तर्ा मौखिक भाषा में अांतर बताइए ।

ि) बोिी तर्ा भाषा में कोई दो अांतर बताइए।

ग़) अनुस्िार ककिे कहते हैं ?

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घ) दीघथ स्िर ककिे कहते हैं ?

प्रश्न- 4) ििथ विच्छेद कीजजए :-

क) िांिाद -

ि) िांथध -

ग़) पक्का -

घ) विज्ञान -

हहांदी िाहहत्् - पाठ (1 िे 3 ) अभ्ाि िहहत ्ाद करें ।

हहांदी व्ाकरि - पाठ ( 1 िे 3 ) अभ्ाि िहहत ्ाद करें।

अनुच्छेद – विद््ार्ी जीिन , मेरे िपनों का भारत , फुटबॉि मैच