English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)

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  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    English for Translation7th Class : 21th of October 2012

    Irene Margaret

    Universitas Terbuka

    Korea Selatan

    [email protected]


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    Course Outline

    Text book : English for Translation, Karnedi, Universitas Terbuka2011 (2 different books as tutorial module and self-learning)

    Tutorial module consists of 9 parts but will be cover in 8 classes. Class 1 : Translatting Letters

    Class 2 : Translating Proses, Novels and Narratives (Module 2 &3)

    Class 3 : Translating Examination Report

    Class 4 : Translating Process Report

    Class 5 : Translating Guides

    Class 6 : Translating Conversations

    Class 7 : Translating History

    Class 8 : Translating News1st

    Tutorial method: Online and In class

    Grading Components Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 (Due Oct28)


    Final Exam

    Course material can be found at Google Plus and Facebook Group


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    CLASS 7:


    Several things to keep in mind when translating:

    1. Meanings are not restricted by the source language patterns

    2. Meaning should be conveyed accurately with no misinterpretation or

    misleading language3. Be aware of the notion register!

    4. Ensure to not losing certainty of meaning in the source text

    5. No free translation

    6. Do not use everyday language

    7. Do not look at the model answer unless you have completed each


    8. Consult your dictionaries when you find problems


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)



    Translating Texts on the History of Navigation


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    Task 1

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 1 (p 8.4)

    During the second world war, In fact, half those missing in

    action in the war were people who had trouble getting home and

    had to pretend theyd always intended to resettle in Swindon

    Language point : To get Get angry : menjadi marah

    Get hard : menjadi sulit

    Get in touch : berhubungan

    Get married : akan menikah


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    Task 2

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 2 (p 8.5); 3 (p 8.6); 4 (p 8.7)

    Language point:


    Unless :jika tidak, kecuali

    1. Unless it stops raining, I will go. (saya akan pergi jika hujan berhenti turun)


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    Task 3

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 5 (p 8.8); 6 & 7 (p 8.10)

    Language point:

    Indefinite article : a/an


    Set (sekumpulan) a set + of + object (plurals)

    A set oftoys

    A set ofcrayons

    A set ofunimpeachable human virtues


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    5-minutes break Share Task 3 & discussion of 2nd task


    Masak sendiri mi goreng kesukaanmu

    Diantara menu masakan Indonesia, satu yang dikenal luas adalah mi

    goreng. Berbeda dari jenis/tipe mi lainnya, mi goreng tidak dikonsumsi

    dengan kuah dan pembuatannya relatif mudah. Mi goreng juga tersedia

    dalam kemasan praktis namun banyak yang memilih untukbereksperimen dengan variasi bahan baku sesuai selera individu.

    Mi goreng siap saji

    Mi goreng tipe ini hadir dengan kemasan satuan termasuk bumbu dasar

    seperti bawang putih, kecap, saos sambal dan minyak sayur. Yang perlu

    anda lakukan adalah merebus mi selama 5 menit (cukup merebus

    dengan air berukuran gelas kecil atau 500ml) agar mi matang dan saring

    hingga tidak ada air yang tersisa. Setelah itu aduk semua bumbu dan miinstant siap disajikan. Sebagai variasi, Anda bisa tambahkan telur mata

    sapi dan irisan bakso.

    Mi goreng ayam pedas

    Sekarang saya akan memperkenalkan resep pribadi saya.

    Bahan baku yang perlu disiapkan:

    1.Mi. Mi goreng instan (siap saji) dapat digunakan namun mi biasa tanpabumbu lebih baik

    2.Bawang putih



    5.Ayam (sekitar 50gram untuk 500gram mi)

    6.Minya sayur atau minyak jagung

    7.Kecap kedelai

    8.Cabai iris atau tumbuk

    9.Bawang goreng (sebagai hiasan)

  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)



    Translating Texts on the History of Language


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    Task 1

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 1 (p 8.27)

    The struggle between the two races (i.e. Englishmen and

    Normans) is reflected in the history of the language, and

    there is no reason to suppose that without the coming of the

    Normans this process would have come to a standstill. Language point :


    There to be + no + noun (tidak ada.)

    1. There is no hope

    2. There is no food

    3. There is no argument (tidak ada argumen/debat argumen sebagai benda)

    There to be + no + V(I)ing

    1. There is no arguing (tidak ada perdebatan situasi orang saling berdebat)


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    Task 2 Lets read together!

    Paragraph 2 (p 8.28) But the introduction of Norman French hastened the process,

    and besides its influence.., so that not only the higher

    classes but also considerable portions of the middle classes

    spoke two languages.

    Language Point : link words1. however : namun

    2. In contrast : sebaliknya

    3. For instance: contohnya, misalnya

    4. Otherwise : kalau tidak, jika tidak

    5. while: sementara itu6. thus: dengan demikian

    7. therefore: oleh karena itu

    8. Hence : sehingga, oleh karena itu

    9. Not only . but also: tidak hanya XXX tetapi juga XXX Not only he is good looking, but also smart. (He is good looking + He is smart) 11

  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    Task 3 Lets read together!

    Paragraph 3 (p 8.30) Literary. There were even born Englishmen who wrote.

    Language Point : Nouns

    Man Men

    Woman Women Child Children


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class7 Module8 (20121021)


    Task 4 Lets read together!

    Paragraph 4 (p 8.31); 5&6 (p 8.32); 7 (p 8.33); 8 (p 8.34) By the middle of the 14thcentury.., had absorbed numerous

    romance words (about one third of the total number).

    Language Point : by (padanamun tidak tepat/akurat)

    I will be home by midnight The meeting will start by 10 AM

    meeting will start 9.55 AM or 10.05 AM

    The meeting will start at 10 AM

    meeting will start exactly 10.00 AM
