English abstract azupa (6) (1)


Transcript of English abstract azupa (6) (1)

Page 1: English abstract azupa (6) (1)


Page 2: English abstract azupa (6) (1)

INTRODUCTIONThe sun is a giant nuclear reactor, a large area with a mass gas thousand times the Earth consists of helium, hydrogen and most carbon. The permanently radiating energy of the sun reaches 3 parts atmosphere as terrestrial solar radiation, the remaining 2/3 part is absorbed by the different atmospheric layers around the globe the rest hits the surface of the earth.

Page 3: English abstract azupa (6) (1)

JUSTIFICATIONFrom the ground environment of the institution research on the environmental impacts starts, concluding that hydropower is a source of high pollution, which is to be replaced by a kind of renewable natural energy to help economically and environmentally recognizing that a solar panel is a justifiable business idea can be a good form of investment and savings.

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DESCRIPTIONInstalling a solar panel seeks to reduce costs and generate awareness about the importance of implementing solar energy through this investigating new forms of renewable energy through research it was learned that a panel already exists, you want to change by innovating new prototypes for new technologies.

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IMPACTWith the solar panel is to develop a basis for creating a company that would impact positively on society, reducing costs and helping the environment. In Colombia there is a little implementation of solar panels and we want to change its design and offer innovative products to be in marketing.

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Kevin ÁlzateLuisa HerreraSebastian GómezCamila JarabaEder Villamil


SCORE: 4.0