Engineers News - June 1950 - OE3...Aug 06, 2017  · •· through such cooperation of la- same num...

., I STATIONARY ENGINEERS lOCAl 39 :, VOl. 8- · No. 6 SAN FRANCISCO, CAlif. Jurue Hi, 19:50 By P. E . V A.NDBi. W ARR .,. A5sista.nt Local Union Manag-er After serious trouble, iil- cluding a strike against two AGC me m b e r contractors, and a lo cko ut against oCtr memb ers by a majority of the AGC contractors, an ·agree- ment was finally consumated. Durin g t!1e interirri of negotia- . tions, when it was apparent that bot h sides were deadlocked, Gov- ernor Lee called a meeting of both management and labo r to attem:;>t to bring abo ut · peace in the con- st ruction in dustry . Go ver nor Le e's · proposals were not acceptable to ei ther managen'ient labor ,. but b oth sid es did agree to go back'into negotiations and . attempt to bring abo ut an acceptable settlement. After two days of honest and sin- ce re discussions and arguments , the was finally agreed to: A THREE YEAR l\'!.ENT to expire ···· on June - 1st, 1953, with a 10c per hour ' in an · classi.El cations effective July 15th, 1950 on both old and new work. 2'hc per hour effec- tive. January 1st, 195i; 5e per hour effective June 1st, 1951, and 10c per hour effective June 1st, 1952. As well as a new pro- VISIOn for underground shift work and pay. scale for new classifications. The Sand and Gravel Agreement has been accepted by the mernbel'- ship involved, providing a 7 lhc per hour increase in all classifications, e ffective May 15, 1950, and an ad- j ustment of 12c to remove in- equ ities existing in the crusher and batch plant operator · classi11- cations. I r r . Lab,or's candidates made one of the best showings in mari. y years in the June 6 California primary, with the result that James Roosevelt, who blasted open the machine hold of incumbent Gov . Earl Warren, will head up the finest set of labor-endorsed candidates that California's ing citizei1s have ever had the opportunity of voting for. Good candidates are still - on the ballot, thanlt s to this showing, in- stead of being lrnockell off in the Big- Business domhJ.a-ted ·. primary; a.s has been th e case re peatedly i1,1 pa. st years . The confusing device of cross - lJNION-BUiLT DAi\' L-Shasta Dam, l•eystone of the Cen- filing, purposely set up to mislead tral Valleys Project bringing water, power and flood control to Cali- thousands of simple but honest f . , . . , . . worlung folk n ear ly succeeded !. as orma s nch miami valley, was offiCially dediCated on June 17. Shown, ,. . ' . . . -•. here in front of the hug-e Shasta spillway are five dam sels in gold-rush Jt has m_ the past. m get-ups for the big celebra. tion in Redding. Left to r ight: good but lt was pushe.d Lawrence, Jeanl1ie-- D(}\,;ns; -Evelyn l'llCReyiiOlds, \\'anda. Jones and aside thls tune, and· the decks were l\Iary Lee Logsdon. Operating Engineers pi1 t a. Jot of -skill and muscle ' cletared _ for an all;out into this dam, and they ·are continuing with it on · other dams; hun - ba.tle 111 the No\'ember fmals, (!reds of miles of big; pumping stations, and many other facilities when many more will vote thE\n t . · · s did in the primary . . Ied 111 With ._;hasta, Friant and the cvy. Raps Use of Anny for Civilian Jobs Take Part AU Safety DESPITE IT, THEY STA '\.'ED Despite _ cross-f iling,, despite the 100 precent backin g of Big Money candidates by the daily press, spite the unlimited money they possessed for · thousands of - bill- , boards, advertisements, and radio I 'Vashington. - The Army and TO ALL HOISTING AND time-advanta ges lh at , h ave re- ATTORNEY GENERAL. - That Navy Journal has sharply criticized PORTABLE AND MIXED peatedl y won for them in the past, 1 is the title that San Francisco's ' the Defense D epar tment for using LOCAL UNIONS stale'_: working p:ople spoke ; pnpula 1 district attorney, Edmund mi lit ary personne l in civilian jobs. Greetings: out clead y and strongly and ! G. "Pat" B::own will be wearing The Journal, w hich enjoys prac- The second annual meeting of pomted the way plaml.l:' for the I aft e :r the general election Nov. 7. tically a quasi -official status among the President 's Conference on . In - of Pat, whn got strong hackln? fro_m the armed forces, even th oue:h it · folks w.lo thmk so and so IS a Eng-ineers thr-ough out Cahforma, is pr i vately -published, supported · · . "' L pulled th e b1g;gest upset m th.e / dusL Ial Safety has been called to I o-ooc:J. man bec·mse it has been . . the compla ints {)f various AFL fecj- meet Jyne 5, G, I, 1950, m Wash- drummed constantly into their Jt,me · .6 pri m ary election by over- * * * era! employe unions that military ington, D. C. All of the forces of I subconscious thinking. whelming incv.mtent :Fred "The W<Orkers of America ad- personn el are being used in civil indus try, labor and management The way is pointed out for all ·on th e liJi em om· at ic t icl{ et and get - he re to volunta. ry institutions in . 't' . . . . . I those who struggle to pay for food t' IJ' th R bli f t I t servJce posJ ·wns. alrke, are partJCipatwg. Smce the and shelter and health care in this mg a Ig vote on e _._ epu can, pre erepce 0 compu sory · sys ems "The fiahtino- efficiency of our fi t f h h enough to p:rnetically assur e his whieh are held to be not only d f "' "' 1 ld i . rs con erence: · progress as richest st.a.te, and . they will turn practical but a mena>ee to t- heir s 10u not Je been made. It JS w1th great pleas- out in November to elect the peo - election. But we wi!l take nothmg rights welfare and libert:r ."- Gom-l paired through ass1gn_ment .m1h- ur e that we cmb1 look to our ac - pie pledged to do more than lip- for g-ranted and will co ntinue to ' tary personnel to duties wh1ch can complishments ut that is not w orl ' fQr dectiu n on Nov . 7. pers. be perforn1ed as "'ell, or· bette_ r, el'OUgll \"Te nltl t c ·· ti. ' service , to Jmman rights and put * -f .- * " - · '' s · 0 ' 1 · nue · property ri ghts in to their secon- by civilians," the Journal declared. Many of the states h ave he ld , dary place in this da.y so-ca.iled "Cutbacks in· military ·strength and others ai:e prepm· ing to hold, ljJ}OC\) ' Q -?; f · have curtailed the · number of sol- conferences on the sta te level. enlightened civilization. '\-Va5hington.-A contr actor vio- lated the l aw by firing a man under terms of a contract 1-vritten diers, sailors and airmen available These conferences are being called MILLION FOR. JAMES, IIELEN· for combat training," it added. I by the sever<\! governors and are Well over a million Californians "Details of enlisted men to noh - known · as the Govern or's· Confer- voted for Roose' velt, because they militar y duties should not be ence on Industrial Safety. know he thinks and acts as his mitted to deplete still further the May I urge upon the officers of famed father taught him to but (Continued on Pa ge 12) your local union to participate in still stands on his own two fe-et, shortly a big expans ion of tl {e work force, th e NLRB ruled un a nim ously June 9. Th e case :1rose in connection with a con:t :.·u c tion job at the Hanfo:·d a ton·,ic p lant. A contract Si\IiLING ROOSEVELT- Wear-- ing' tJ1e tralUtional victory smile, James Roosevelt , eldest son ' mf FDR, is shown after topping Gov. 1 Earl V'iiarren in the California gu- bernatorial Democratic primary. In Novembe1·, he'll oppose Vi 7 arren, who won the Republican prima.ry. , 1t * * these conferences. It is only riever mentioning .FDR. About the L. C. Daves ./ 1\Iyrr el St ewa rt Dewey Joe R-. O st!el' Cl ai'ence Larse11 Albert F. Casali F. L, Sid be ck i\I. R. \ Ve ber !\-I elvin Harnilton •· through such cooperation of la- same number voted for Helen Ga- · bor, management and government hagan Douglas, ·who has one of was sigHed be twee n the contractor and Local 370,. Inti. Union of Op era ling Engi neers (AFLJ w hen i25 workers -. vc; 'e on the job . When the force sv,;e ll cd to - 5,t>OO April 22, April 26, 1950 Ap;·i! 29 , 1950 Iv iny 1, 1950 May 4, 1950 May 10, 1950 , lVIay 12, 1850 May 16, 1950 June 6, 1950 work in g together that the goal of the finest labor- voting records in reduc ed indus tl'ial accidents can 1)e Congress, to be the next Senator achiev· 2cl . I from California . ViTith best 1vishcs, I am The voters did their sh are a.nd Fr: it< rnall y yom·s. , 1 more towards cle::u1ing- house in \Vj'>'l _ E. MALONE Y, Congress, put many new, good Ge neral President. names on the ba.!lot for the -final§ * 'K * (Continued on Pa ge 12) F' f\fHi, ' Uil " · n IJf.ii flflfJ ll '49 plo yees, th e contl·act 1 -v as no long- er su mci ently l'<)presc nt.ative to warrant firin g a man under its terrns, · th e board ruled. I \Ya.shin:;ton .-The to ll of I-13LP ! ! ! CON'I:rl.IBlJTE to the .. for PoHti")al on -the-job acc:dc nts : . · 11 Elhlcatlor. . HELP E LECT the nm1 natio na l- repreGentatives 15,000 k ill ed-equal to the popu- I . have rouT at henrt. You :.· \viH lation of a city as big as Plymouth, acc ept donatio n:S and g ive yo;.! 2n to sign ify ' that 1/Iass. .:rou h3.YC c10n r:. t2 ct 79, 000 permane:1tl y di sab le d- eq ual to a city th e size of Dur- ham , N .C. 1,870,000 total inju ries-a s great as the population of the state of Oregon. TECHNICAL Local N o. 3-E, n oe t·ng wiil be Ji eiZi in th e Uni on at 4.74 , Valenc ia Franclsco, Qll Frida y, June 23rd, at 3 p.m. BLOOD DONATIONS S'I'ILL 1\'EEDED ! ! !

Transcript of Engineers News - June 1950 - OE3...Aug 06, 2017  · •· through such cooperation of la- same num...

  • ., I

    STATIONARY ENGINEERS lOCAl 39:, VOl. 8-· No. 6 SAN FRANCISCO, CAlif. Jurue Hi, 19:50 --------------~~-----------------------------------

    By P. E . V A.NDBi.W ARR .,. A5sista.nt Local Union Manag-er After serious trouble, iil-

    cluding a strike against two AGC me m b e r contractors, and a lockout against oCtr members by a majority of the AGC contractors, an · agree-ment was finally consumated.

    During t!1e interirri of negotia- . tions, when it was apparent that both sides were deadlocked, Gov-ernor Lee called a meeting of both management and labor to attem:;>t t o bring about · peace in the con-struction industry. Governor Lee's

    · proposals were not acceptable to either managen'ient 01~ labor,. but both sides did agree to go back'into negotiations and . attempt to bring about an acceptable settlement. After two days of honest and sin-cere discussions and arguments, the foll~wing was finally agreed to:

    A THREE YEAR AGI{-EE~ l\'!.ENT to expire ···· on June -1st, 1953, with a 10c per hour ' 1~ais•~ in an· classi.El cations effective July 15th, 1950 on both old and new work. 2'hc per hour effec-tive. January 1st, 195i; 5e per hour effective June 1st, 1951, and 10c per hour effective June 1st, 1952. As well as a new pro-VISIOn for underground shift work and pay. scale for new classifications. The Sand and Gravel Agreement

    has been accepted by the mernbel'-ship involved, providing a 7 lhc per hour increase in all classifications, e ffective May 15, 1950, and an ad-j ustment of 12c to remove in-equ ities existing in the crusher and batch plant operator · classi11-cations.

    I r

    r . Lab,or's candidates made one of the best showings in mari.y

    years in the June 6 California primary, with the result that James Roosevelt, who blasted open the machine strangle~ hold of incumbent Gov. Earl Warren, will head up the finest set of labor-endorsed candidates that California's wage-earn~ ing citizei1s have ever had the opportunity of voting for.

    Good candidates are still -on the

    ballot, thanlts to this showing, in-

    stead of being lrnockell off in the

    Big-Business domhJ.a-ted ·.primary;

    a.s has been the case r epeatedly i1,1 years.

    The confusing device of cross-lJNION-BUiLT DAi\'L-Shasta Dam, l•eystone of the 5oo~mile Cen- filing, purposely set up to mislead

    tral Valleys Project bringing water, power and flood control to Cali- thousands of simple but honest f . , . . , . . worlung folk n early succeeded !. as orma s nch miami valley, was offiCially dediCated on June 17. Shown, ,. . ' . . . -• . here in front of the hug-e Shasta spillway are five damsels in gold-rush Jt has m_ the past. m get-ups for the big celebra.tion in Redding. Left to r ight: Joanne - ~ good ca~1dJdates, but lt was pushe.d Lawrence, Jeanl1ie-- D(}\,;ns; -Evelyn l'llCReyiiOlds, \\'anda. Jones and aside thls tune, and· the decks were l\Iary Lee Logsdon. Operating Engineers pi1 t a. Jot of -skill and muscle ' cletared _for an all;out man-to~man into this dam, and they ·are continuing with it on · other dams; hun- ba.tle 111 the No\'ember fmals, (!reds of miles of big; pumping stations, and many other facilities when many more will vote thE\n t . · · s did in the primary . . Ied 111 With ._;hasta, Friant and the cvy.

    Raps Use of Anny for Civilian Jobs

    Take Part ~n AU Safety t~eetings

    DESPITE IT, THEY STA '\.'ED Despite _ cross-f il ing, , despite the

    100 precent backing of Big Money candidates by the daily press, de~ spite the unlimited money they possessed for ·thousands of -bill- , boards, advertisements, and radio I

    'Vashington. - The Army and TO ALL HOISTING AND time-advantages lhat, h ave re- ATTORNEY GENERAL. - That Navy Journal has sharply criticized PORTABLE AND MIXED peatedly won for them in the past, 1 is the title that San Francisco's 'the Defense Department for using LOCAL UNIONS - ~ the stale'_: working p:ople spoke ; pnpula1• district attorney, Edmund m ilitary personnel in civilian jobs. Greetings: out cleady and strongly and ! G. "Pat" B::own will be wearing

    The Journal, which enjoys prac- The second annual meeting of pomted the way plaml.l:' for the I afte:r the general election Nov. 7. tically a quasi-official status among the President's Conference on. In- tho~lsan~s of mu~dle~ 1111~dle-~lass Pat, whn got strong hackln? fro_m the armed forces, even thoue:h it ,· · folks w.lo thmk so and so IS a Eng-ineers thr-oughout Cahforma, is privately -published, supported ~ · · . "' L pulled the b1g;gest upset m th.e


    ~ dusL Ial Safety has been called to I o-ooc:J. man bec·mse it has been . . the complaints {)f various AFL fecj- meet Jyne 5, G, I, 1950, m Wash- drummed constantly into their Jt,me· .6 prim ary election by over-* * * era! employe unions that military ington, D. C. All of the forces of I subconscious thinking. whelming incv.mtent :Fred Howsel~

    "The Wee to t-heir ar~11e o:ce~ s 10u not Je - 1~- been made. It JS w1th great pleas- out in November to elect the peo- election. But we wi!l take nothmg rights welfare and libert:r."- Gom-l paired through ass1gn_ment ~f .m1h- ure that we cmb1 look to our ac- pie pledged to do more than lip- for g-ranted and will continue to

    ' • tary personnel to duties wh1ch can complishments ut that is not worl' fQr Iii ~; dectiun on Nov. 7. pers. be perforn1ed as "'ell, or· bette_r, el'OUgll \"Te nltl t c ·· ti. ' service, to Jmman rights and put * -f.- * " - · '' s · 0'1 · nue · property rights into their secon-

    by civilians," the Journal declared. Many of the states have held, dary place in this da.y ~f so-ca.iled "Cutbacks in· military ·strength and others ai:e prepm·ing to hold,

    ~' ~ ~ ljJ}OC\) ~ ~''"~' ' Q -?; f ~~...,m» ~~h¥,JE~ee~- ~~m.rt~ ·have curtailed the · number of sol- conferences on the state level.

    enlightened civilization. '\-Va5hington.-A contractor vio-

    lated the law by firing a man under terms of a contract 1-vritten

    diers, sailors and airmen available These conferences are being called MILLION FOR. JAMES, IIELEN· for combat training," it added. I by the sever


    ·c I R I r- - . . . . . - r· i a~ l, ·u~s o~1 1 T rav.el ~1me

    ., COMl\riENT

    . ~~·- . .. - ~ I .

    \ RepQrt ~f la~-t me-eting The me~ting was called to g~·der at 8:05 _ p.In., , presict~Jnt Clancy

    pre!!iding . . Roll call showed Treas.urer Va~ulewark absent by rElason .of beii~g a·way on busine-ss. of the U;nion. '

    (State Council Release ) A synopsis .of ~he Regular iVIeeting i.\Iinutes of May 6 read and by A most significant ruling to the motion approved as read.

    effect that the state depHrtments A synopsis of the Executive Board Minutes of -JHay 1-7 and of May

    B J employing contruction \~orkers are 31 read and the acts and recommendations of the Board were by mo-. Y ~~mes. RQ.~seve~t . reouired to pay travel time ai1d t' 1 C l'f · ' lf d · - 1011 approv,e< as 1·ead.

    a l orma S we ·are epends on establishment of long- subsistence has just been received Ca-rds of thank·s were received from Construction and General La-range, coordinated programs vigorously enforced by an alert by Frank A. Lawrence, General borers' Local Union No. 261; -Joe Call and family; Mrs. J . Cramer and administration. The critical problems which our state now

    1 President of the State Building family; F rances :Larsen and Carol. Received and filed.

    faces. cannot be solved on a piece-meal basis. and ~or!st~·uctiun Trades Council The follo wing Resolution was read as th e first reading:

    But California has no coordinat-of Cahforma. The rulmg was ren- RESOLUTION

    ed plan for thei r setti~ment. NEED RENT CONTROL derecl by Attorney General How- RESOLVED: That Operating Engmeers, Loca-l Union No. 3 :;tpplies

    Basic_ yardstick of a state's pros-perity is its number of unemployed a_nd its inclustnes. California shows lack of any effective program to cope with these most vital ques-tjons.

    _ We need standby state rent con- ser, fo llow,ing a mee_ting held by for aml b~come a m ymber of the C.E.L.&T. Assoclation, Inc., President Lawrence and fifty other BE I'f JrlfRTH])::R R~SOLVED: That the officers of thi-s Union be

    trol to prevent gouging. In con- r epresentatives of building trades and they are hereby authorized to make, execute a-n,d deliver

    trast, we now have incr easing de- ,unions in Sacramento on May 18. ai}Y, _~nd aJl do(}Um l'\nts necessary to obtain said meinbership,

    control of our r en ts, sponsored by The Director of National Re- BE l:r' : Fl!~~~R ~ESOLVED : That the Union agrees to ·be bound

    a state administration at t he ex- sources submitted the question to by th_t111 ad U taxes going into the state treasury Cincinnati.-Members of Local 3 to help offset the cost of the public Intl. Tyographical Union (AFLl works program. But a start has t o on the Taft family's Times-Star are be made somewhere. doing their part to retire one of

    There are, of course, other ne- their bosses-Sen. Robert A. Taft cessities in each of these fields . In -from political life. 1946 the present governor told the The 180 members in the T-S Legislature that "the most critical shop contributed $266 to Labor's problem facing California is hous- League for Political Education, an ing." Yet in ali the years since average of $1.47 a member. The then not one significant bit of Enquirer shop, the only other housing· legislation has come out of newspaper on which LLPE collec-·sacramento. - tions are completed, averaged the

    Dividends Rise. fa~m Pay Drops

    The Department of Commerce reports that di;.cidend and interest payments to owners of securities rose $300 million in March over February to a yearly rate of $17.9 billion.

    On the other hand, the Depart-ment reports farm income dropped by $400 million to an annual r ate of $16 billion.

    *--it * In the first quarter of 1950 in-

    dustrial production dropped 4% below the similar 1949 period. Un-employment rose 37%.

    ENGINEERS' NEWS Managing Editor, V. S. SWANSON

    Published Each Month by Local Uuion No. 3 ol the International Union of

    Operating Engineers Northern California , Northern Nevada,

    State of Utah Office 474 Valencia Street

    I-n housing we should provide same-$1.47. San Francisco 3, California state loans at low interest rates to Sen. Taft owns 5 percent of the Subscription Prlee: $2.50 enable the average workingman to Times-Star s to ck, a brother, per year o\vn his own home •. -The taxes that Charles P. Taft, owns the same Ma:ll all new,. items In to editor not these homes would eventua lly amount, and two relatives, the In- later !han !he Sth of each month. Entered as Second C1gss M a lter Sepo

    .bring into the state would offset galls sisters, own 80 percent jointly.. !ember 9, 1943, at .the Postolfice at -San the initial expense of the loans. ,-The other 10 percent is held by Fr,c;mcisco, California, l!Q!;ier the - Act of August 24, '1'912. Again, we must start somewhere. miscellaneous persons.

    "A 'Great Show-- l" ' - .

    Philadelphia.-That caption line could be used by- Comedian B~b Hop~ for the great AFL Union 'Industries Show or by AFL Vt~e~President Matthew Woll, show director, and AFL President \Y lll~am Green for Hope's great program broadcast from the show st_te m Co.nvention Hall. Hope's appearance w'as sponsored in a · mag-mficent display ,of management-labor cooperation by Lever Bros: and

    _ _the_ -,AFI. -Chezmcal Workers. __ _

  • June 15, 1950 ENGINEERS'-.NEWS Three

    "B "·· W -L ., AI -k. B d. Redding-.- · . San Francisco . Pe~~an; ~~;t~~~Y ;rse:·B~~; SHASTA ROAD frisco Could Now Use a Few

    · . ::.~j~:i:ff.?:~~!~:s JOBS GETTING Cat inners .and Blade en Th p r . d h ' "b I. , M F . l . UNDERWAY By PAT CLANCY and RUSSELL SWANSON;

    e e lean an )S · ess; rs. oss, are ·p annmg a - . . · · ' ' . ' -' . · .. . . Business Representatives, Local 3 trip through Alaska, ,stading -about the mi.ddle of June . . . By E. A. HESTER-, but the "little bug" }n :fir§tand as this goes to press the B.usiness Represerita~i~e. Local-3 . f--t long last, after a lc:ing and .. ha~d ,;;_,inter., San Francisco "old goat" is . hi~ihome, 158 Greenfield A'i'enue, Fredrickson and Watson. can report that the out of \yOrkllst 1s becommg shorter and San Rafael, with virus· . Construction C 873 SlSt shorter.· We haye pi·actically no cat or blade men at the.\vl.~it·

    C L C ·· b l.t. · - · ·1· - · · · ' o., ing of this article,· howev_er, there are a few oilers around, a ' ; ·_ · •·· ase 0 , 1s, · r~Ie~~n3/ :·· •: · _ - · I Ave., Oakland, California :was • Hejrlie, ~ ~n.d •. "~~i_~:e:; n;ust: bel~~'~ J~ill ~orde sa~s "l~oking for a dull awarded the contract for short list of mechanics, but as usual there are plenty. of com~

    to _ the Boy Scouts· as ' he ' was :bl!SY.:·'P,epcrl and st1ll plcl{ off the con- · pressor and hoist men, As can be . · -.. ·- ' . t t , · h f g h W a_y improvements in seen; San Francisco .is finally 'send-

    "hauliiig"- on ' Pdrnar;Y ' D'ay : .. : .. -.- : rae s . . . Shasta County, betwe~n And.: ing-some men to WOI'k. · tile effect of ' this_' ·good dee_ ·d .~. w~s 011 the Lee J. Immel paving job .

    -Dinwiddie at Metropolitan job

    are still employing quite a fe w of , erson ana' Redding abo.ut 10. mt'les There · has been very lr'ttle n·e\v vei;y appar_.e. rit _. _iri .Mar. in; Cciunty>is 011 Bo.dega Avenue, Petaluma, · . . ·

    · in length, to• be graded and 'sm- work, but there· are a Jot of_ bi·'tl th- our brothehs and there ·is still a lot Rci&er. Kerit made: the ' Democr-atiC:' Brother "' Roy Ferdig is foreman f . . . . . .·

    "' . . . . . ·"·: . • . . . . d R . h ld aced With plant miX surfacmg on ers working on various jobs around of work before the' completion of noil).iriation for :: .. Cong'ressman; . . Ist' ·and Brothers Lrvely an eiC 0 . . . . .· t'O\Vn. D. f · t . . - '> · - 'on screen and Brother ·Gus Paul- cement treated base. And budges this project. P a t Ruane put a few

    r1s ,nc ·· . - "-:· '' .- . · ·. ~~n o!1- the rollet : . . material for lasross Spring Creek, Clear Creek, M. & K. Corp. are stiii in-a- rut hoist men ·to_ work on small ho.ists.

    NOV:ATO DAl\I_ .. ··-·


    h By AL pLEM. T. D. BRYSON, F. A. LAVJRENCE, L. C. SOLARI, Business Representatives

    In checking the results of the recent primaries, we are busy on the Leslie Salt Company Wh h inclined to feel that, while we didn't-do too badly, we certainly job in the south bay and the Asso- . at t ·e didn't do well enough to sit back on our heels and expect to ciated Dredging Company is keep- B h A

    June 15, 1950

    A ve~age price for a new ·single· family dwelling in 1948 was $9,800. By March 1950 the price was up to a new high of $11,500.

    '* * ~ coast through the November election. Labor candidates did ing two of their small dredges go- rOt erS · re reasonably well, but it is going to take concentrated effort on ing most of the time. Indications the part of each ot us to ~e~ t~e desi~ed. l~esults in the. main I are that there will be considerable Doing . AUTO· tUNJS event. In the final analysiS 1t lS the md1v1dual who Wlll put dre·dging work coming up in the Low Mileage-Unnecessarily fast . · Brother James T. Oliphant came this thing across, and it is up to each one of us to throw our near future. However, the open- in to bid us goodbye before leav- acceleration of your car can be strength into the fight. Nothing can kill our chances faster ing date for bids on , the deep ing for Lebanon on a job for Wil- one of the primary causes of low than a lackadaisical ''let John do it" attitude! We must keep .water channel at Rio Vista has Iiams Brothers Overseas Co!'llpany, gasoline mileage. Pumping the ac-our eyes and minds open, obs~rve what's going on and make been postponed from June 6th to of Tulsa. This latest in a series of celerator pedal after starting · the

    every e ort to state a or s cause w1enever possl e. June 20th. We . are hopmg that fro~ home till January of 1952. ff L b , l 'bl · . I manv trips will keep him away engine also wastes fuel.

    d there will be a satisfactory bid , Previously he has been to t h e Total installment credit, incltid-

    Gett. i ng Arou n ployed on the 9ro Lorna Sanitary submitted so that this job can get I Philippines, Okinawa and Alaska ing credit for buying autos, was Sewer job in Hayward and a,re_ underway and put some of. the ' and his last trip in 1949 was to over $11 billion ,in March 1950, an

    the jo. bs just starting a storm S€wer job dredgermen to work while the Venezuela for this sam€ concern increase of nearly .$2.7 billion in a

    Work has picked up consider-ably during the past mont h in the East Bay. Blade, tractor and trencher men have been going out very well, and the oiling list is not too long, but we are still having trouble trying to place crane and compressor operators. Mechanical work, practically at a standstill for so long has been showing some signs of life and it looks hopeful that ther€ will be a few more jobs coming' in from time to time.

    on Bancroft Avenue for the City weather is good. We · have learned This is his first trip to the Medi-of San Leandro. In Antioch, work . year. that the job at Walnut Grove on terranean area, hovvever, and he IS ..---------------, is approximately 2 percent com- the Central Valley Delta Cross looking forward to it with a great plete on an $80,000 storm sewer Channel has been sublet by the ·deal of interest. · which is furnishing employment to

    George Pollock Company to a 1 B, tl , A R Lo d 1 to k a 5 of the Brothers, and they are firm in Los Angeles. So far we I r o 1er · . Y '. w 1o ~ just getting started on a sub con- h b bl L t transfer, loaded up h1s belongmgs tract for Gallagher and :Surke on . afve e~.n una ~t LOTfe ~n[./110~-e and left for Hungry Horse some 19th Avenue. This· is also a storm 111 orn:a

    10n on I · 1e a I orma months ago, is back home again sewer job and there are three Dr~dgmg Compa~y se_ems to keep He says it is a good job and con-engineers on this work. They also then· clamshell ng gOl~g and. they ditions are not bad, but he just have a job in Walnut Creek, started on a three shift basiS on decided he'd rather take his

    C . June 12th. This is-good news as it chances in California!

    where ' the Telephone o., is m- affords employment for a few stalling duct line~. more dred12:ermen.

    ~ Tuesday, June 6th, might have t We are sorry to report that a been just another election day to

    P. & J . Artukovich have ap- serious accident occurred on the some, but it was a lot mon~ to E.B.M.U.D.'s sewage disposal pro- proximately 8 members working Sacramento deep water channel on Brother Bill Barr. On that parti-gram is progressinba very well on in their Port Chicago Yard, where Thursday, May 25th. Th€ San · cular Tuesday he became a grand-the south interceptor. Healey- Tib- they are busy overhauling equip- Francisco Brid12:e Company was ~ pa for the ffrst time, and while bets have 15 members working on ment for shipment to jobs at Lake s?unding on shore near the june- l~e hasn't had time to get ·thor-Sec. No. One, near 62nd Ave. and Tahoe, Idaho Falls, and Los Ang- bon of Cas~ Slough and the Sac- oughly used to it . yet, thinks it's Stolt€, Early and Harrelson have eles. They also have a water line ramento River, and, apparently rroinrr to be a wonderful feeling. 2 shifts operating on their tunnel "job ~n Thornhill Drive in Oakland none of the crew noticed a high b b - - -

    work in connection with this proj- which will keep a few ·of the tension power line direc_tl_Y over-~ Brother Oscar Crossland who ect. The outfall sewer is coming Brothers· busy for most of the head. As they wer€ ra1smg the has been working around San Jose

    along but Healey-Tibbets have summ€r. tools they c~me in contact with lfor some time is back in the Oak-

    been slowed down considerably on the power lme. Brother Johnny land area again. He is working

    their part of the operation, as they Many construction developments Turner was the only ·one holding · for Frederickson and Watson on

    hav€ overtaken the ditch work. have come out of. the shop of the pipe at the moment and he their new job out of Livermore, Peterson Tractor and Equipment received the full jolt of 11,000 volts, which runs from the west end of

    General Contract!)rs

    "Builders of East Bay's Better Homes"

    Oakland, Calif. ..TEmplebar 6~0116

    J. R. FEENEY & A. SCOPEl

    Vi'ire - Rope ' Splicing and Socketing

    Agents for Roeblings Blue Center

    All Work Made 'to Order Guaranteed and ·rnsured

    . 600 Addison Street Berkeley, Calif.

    Telephone Ashberry 3-3236 On June first, the second por- Company. One of the most recent killing him instantly. I Harms and Ball's job to Hopyard tion of the Oakland Freeway, ex- is their new Siamese D-8, a giant J We also regret to report the road. · tending from Oak Street to gsth earth moving machine, which of- passing of Rudy Lamb, who ______ .:....__,_ ___________________ ~

    ficials of the firm claim is th€ dropped dead following a heart WESTERN CRA~~:£ SERVICE Avenue, was opened to traffic. ~ · · · · answer to the demand for ·bigger attack while working as captain . · E\ · • • · - ;;;, • ·• While the trip used to take about · three quarters of an hour it is an and better tractors. on the dredge Neptune at the .FRITZ A WALT 'l "'

    d In the machine,. two Cat D-8's PG&E power plant ar Antioch.

    easy matter now to drive own- M""'"l'~"nAM~ I!'}~C:MT"!.~ a,_·e '!sed, wi'th the iJ.lsi'de track and Rudy was well known by' most of ...., 1 vvn 1-.s; AJi;;i'l M ., town safely in about fifteen min- "

    utes. Amateur racers seem to be final drive assembly removed from the old time dredge men and many developing at a great rate, how- each. . The machines are then I will regret his unt imely death. We ever, and the broad, smooth road· bolted together at the final drive wish . to extend our .s.incere sym-~ seems to bring out the heavy housings with a special hard bar. pathies to the families of both

    footed instincts in the boys. Sev- The rig can be handled by one I men. era! of the Brothers have indulged man, but controls for each unit is in "freeway flings" and to hear


    oper.ated separately with the ex-them tell it they do everything ceptwn of the master clutch, but fly. The Oakland Police De- which is controlled by one lever. partment has warned motorists · This separate engine opei·ation is that it isn't a speedway and urges an added advantage, allowing rna-people to take precaution in driv- neuverability not found in con-ing. The traffic laws have teeth ventional machines. The dozer in them and in the interest of mo- blade, -6 feet wid€ and 5 feet high, torists as a whole, rigid clamp- can fill a 30 yard scraper without d_owns are being enforced on this pusher assistance, .and in tecent section of road. So r€member, fel~ tests R. A. Peterson, one of the lows, take it easy-enjoy the road, designers, demonstrated that the and take it light . on the throttle. rig has more than double th€· pow-

    er of a single machine, testing at over 270 drawbar horsepower. The company predicts increasing inter-est in the Twin-Eight where big earth moving jobs demand in-creasing speed and capacity in eai;th moving equipment.

    Erick.son Philiips and Weisl;>erg have approximately 15 men WOl'k-ing on concrete· work at the Sene-ca RP.servoir abov€ 98th Avenue United Concrete Pipe have holed through on the connecting tunnel ·a nd have started concreting. The trench work in connection with the project is going very slow with deep cuts holding up t h e progress considerably. •

    Ransome Company has approx-imately . . 8 Enginee1's engaged on track removal for the Key Sys-tem. The current job extends from 40th to 53rd Street on Telegraph Avenue, and, according to George Volpe, will take . approximately two weeks to ·complete. This out-fit recently completed removal of

    . tracks on Broadway . between 26th Street and MacArthur· Boulevard, The Lee J. Immel Company has moved in. to do the paving on this section of road, and has five engi-neers working under the supervi-sion of Brother Ray Ferdig.

    Crane work in the area seems to have hit the doldrums. During the past weeks we have had sev-eral local crews registering in for work; but it is hoped that things will pick up soon again.

    At the present time we have 62 members working in Peterson's San Leandro shop. Aside from their research and dev€lopment work this outfit is always engaged in repairing machinery and right now have 47 R. D. 7's in for com-plete overhauls.

    Fluor's have put on a swing shift in the Union Oil Plant in Oleum. There are 28 members working out there now and the possibilities are good that a few rriore will be added soon.


    The Rock, Sand and Gravel busi-ness seems to be booming with all the plants running at full capacity. Now, if the state would get busy and let a few highway j o b s i t would relieve t h e unemployment situation for Engineers to a con-siderable extent.



    For Sale or Rent

    LAndscape 5-2190 3254 Eastshere Highway




    With or With~out Operators

    Licensed Sub-Contractor

    In the Shop or on the Job Calls Given Prompt Attention

    Wilson Welding Service 325-7th Street, Oakland, Calif.

    Phone GLencourt 1-6828

    CASEY & CASE FOUNDATION CO. [)rinhu] Cc~tr©Jdor

    23 Years' Experience

    H@les for Aray fPMir~@se 10" to fV Diam. x 200' Deep

    1230 6th St., Berkeley · LAndscape 5-4760

    GALLAG·~E.R & BURKe· lrmc. Geiiiercd Cordtractors ·

    344 HIGH STREE·r OAKLA1ID, CALIF. Office: ANdover 1-0466 --Quarry: TRinidad 2-:HGIJ

    3432 Miras.ol Ave. ·Oakland 5, Calif. SWeetwood 8"8068 P. O;·Box 111, Ceres, Calif. Phone Modesto 5-J-6


    Tradors n Rculer-s • BuUdoxers • Air ComDressors Power Shovels. Scrape~s ~:md Graders . OAKLAl\TD

    Cypress at 24th Phone: TWinoaks. 3·5824

    STOCKTON 1247 So. Wilson Way

    Phone: Stockton· 2-8742

    0 0 ~ 0 . ... ~ ~ •••• 0 ••• ¢ •• '!l' ••• 0 e> ... ..... . . -~~

  • p ·

    '_J~ne - 15, 1950 ENGINEERS.' NEws·

    JECT$ ARE IStAND JOBS ~q~ t-~:~lf'~N· ~rcofl ~u- i~\:~. oqn,~·y ffiV' ~R\.~, . r~ ~"l! 1l ~[- ~ K\. r~ ~ \ r C'YU~ ~ o ·rL M U 'l V =~ , \J,J ~J ~.J · ~;,', ,.J ~

    By OTTO E. NEVER T It~ ARY Business Representative, Local~3 , · -

    Activity is the by-word in the F.edwood District with a By J~ K. WAIW AIO:LE variety of sizeable jobs getting underway as -good weather B'iiSin'es§ Representative

    · • Intervention by the Gover-sets m. · . · ' F 11 Employment Com-

    N. M. Ball and Sons are making goo? progress on 'the1r . 11~~ s - u f h' _h th writer J'ob at Smith River. Brother sc·ottv Jenkms drove the fence ~Ictee (ob ~ 1.c. ;. _ . . b J, . · · - · 1s a mem · er, m seeKmg ~o j · posts on the new nght of way ---- • . h · _ 1 · d '\-vith a Rube Goldberg attachment Baldwin & Stl' aub have started ?penmgsJor t e ~~~mb~~F

    l H d la"·l.-l1'g· - pi'J~'' a2:ain 011 the city water m Hawan throug" - e on ai1 Internationa . · "e rove ap- J , - ~ _ Far East Command has material-proximately 10 miles .in 14 days; job, . and also bid in the water ized' to Hawaii's bel1efit. ti-iis is some kind of a record. At treatment plant at around $400,000. Skilled maintenance employees _any rate, Seotty's · rec~rd never These boys always go along with are being recruited · in Hawaii by runs down. W . T. Spencer is su- Local No. 3 and it is a pleasure to · the 20th Air Force for work in perintendent of the Ball job. He deal with· them. Okinawa. They are ·seeking pet-came up from the company's job Sya-r and Goodenough are mak- son-nel for about 150 · semi-profes-on the Hollywood Freeway. W. A. ing--goo'd time·· on the city reservoir. siomil and · highly skilled work.' .Johnson -is timekeeper. Some of _They are · working six days, nine It is assum'etl that this recruiting the brothers may remember him hours. ' , campaign may be' th'\ forerunner -from the -job at Vina last year. As Atlas Pipe Co. of Oaklmrd ·were of more requests for 'island labor usual, we enjoy the very best of low bidders on the city sewer job. under the ne\v policy of · the Far ' relations with this company. The Bid was ' about $91,000. East Comman'd which gives Ha'-br.idge on this job was sub-let to Th'e dred-ge Jupiter is working waii second preference in 'pi·ov.iding· · J. R. Tout of Fresno. with' Brother Red Faison at the workei:s.

    Brother Marlin Tryon at Ft. Dick levers ·and , Brother John Reabe In the present list of openings will undoubted(y supply the rock making coffee, an·d it is weak cof- there are jobs for engineers, quali· for the Ball job. This brother is fee 'at that. · fied stenographers; diesel plant op-· enjoying an excellent business, a!'- GARBERNILLE AIRPORT erators and telephone operators. thnugh he started less than a year Brothers -Bosch & Cummings are Applicants must be 21, citizens and ago. -· Brother Roy Tryon is oper- a good job in putting in a must not be m'artied · to persons ating the dragline feeding tte drying- yard · at Fortun·a . already employed on Okinawa. No plant. , Tyson & ·watters are making family quarters are prov.ided 'the1'e.

    Burman Bros. (Papa John Bur- good time on the Garberville Air- Ef{PRESS IDGHWAY ,._ . man sold out to the boys) have a port and should be done in 30 I New plans' for a mauka artenal Phihid~lphia. - Miss Cecelia

    · -d d C11.i:n'panes, native Philadelphian; contract to furnish a few thousan days. in Honolulu were annou_nce


    - 126' lbs,·, 5· ft. 7 inches tall; was yards of rock to .- the-' State· in Del , Brother Pat Tandy was in this Thursday at a meeting of the City chosen by Local 89 of the National Norte Cou.nty. They also have the, office a short time ago telling us Planning' Commission and there is· Federation of Post-Office Clerks as bridge across Redwood - Creek on abblit his Sport Fishet;man's Dock 1 complete harmony between that "ivifss Postmark of' 1950.'' Hhe the old road to Hoopa. We under-! at King Salmon Resort at Fields group- and the Territorial Highway she b'uys Samu·el Gompers stand that they may sub the br,idge· Landing.' Vve went down and look- Department on the - subJect: First memorative .stamps from .

    ·1 President Max Zipin at the and do the approach work them- it over and, brothers, it's the best step in the 'lengthy project Wl ~ be Union Industries Sho,v' morlel post-se_lves. . _ . _ there is. Brother Pat has every- the construction of a · six-lane high- office. Are . y'ou· buying Gor,pel's CRESCENT -CITY JETTY- thi1~g· you need, including outbo;ud way along Vineyard Street. stamps?

    Maceo - M & K have finally got motors and fishi~g gear to rent. If Best estimate of when this might * .. * *' a limited okay to go ahead -o.n the yoti warif to enjoy yourself and I commence vvas "within. the next __ -jetty job in Crescen~City. A_bot~t : land· a sahnnn, sto'p - in and see two years." · . _ . . ·c . · ·.- - ~~~; -~ 81n·;· $750,000 was ,approp~l~t~d for thiS Pat Tandy. You won't regret it. The express h ighway throug~ I,- ·o· m·· sn~r~ r!Oil year's w9rk bu~ there lS no know!- Brother Bob Bishop is credit\ town· would then be' deferred until , 1 t.;;\;r • • • !

    · .edge of how much is left over from rrial1ager at "'the· Fed·eral Outfitting later, at which ' tin1e··its need courd last · year.·· The plans at present Company. Brother Bob will wel- be more accurately . determin-ed. call · for raising the outer 2,000 feet ·come any of the brothers w!;lo w,ill The two rou'tes - together will .cost of the· jetty five feet with concre~e come_in to see him, and he will! an Testin::~ted $11,271,0~0. · . • and ' some rock. The company , lS treat you right, believe me. . Hawau s slum clearance proJeCc

    Is there real eompetitfon in ·a,:Vaiting word· as to 'the possibility Brother Bill Kuchel, who lost I picked up speed Thursday with the . . I · 2 ooo· · F d. oil industry'? of opening_ a new qu·arry at e1t 1er part of his foot a short time ago, announcement that $47 , m e -

    Endert's Beach or Outer Rock If is up and around again but won't •eral funds had been earmarked for Giis prices have just been· r~~;ised no o1my is received shortly, tr:e· be able to work for some time. · the un·dertaking. in· the-East and the· Silntheast; The job '0'ill be curtaiJed and th~ pres- Work· in the wo·octs has levelled The ·area on which the work will ent crew will be the only ones off now and there is not much start its that bou·nded by Nuuanu

    ·employed this year. tm'nover. There shouid11•t be. Lum- Ave., School, Emma and Vineyard

    "The price rise w:is initiated ' by

    New ¥ orl' ':rimes repm·ts:

    the· Socon;r-Vacuum Oil Co. Inc., 'WHA; HAPPEN? . ber is at ,its · highest peak and ev- Street's. · . c·. M. Syar's job at Klamath is eryone· is· rushing their timber in The City Planning Commission, which en lHondar increased prices

    well under way. · Curly Williams is before' if drops in pric'e. however, says that Honolulu is ... This was followed on ·vvednes-superintendent . . I_ understan'd h_is Brother Hap Hoi·ton was in a eligible to ask up to $_50,00Q,OOO

    ·timekeeper quit last week. She sa1d short time ago and we appeared for slum clearahce. · she quit because Curly · '"' as · so for hi:m in· his ·Industrial Accident While the com'mission has been bow-legged· sh-e kept falling through case. Looks like Hap is going appointed arid furictions, it has no

    day by ·the Es§o Standard Oil Co. . . . "Other companies came into iine and by the week-end th'e higher prices · were in · effect thr·ough_out the East and South-


    B ' H. E. "CURLY" SPENCE; y ' . . ·Business-Representative. ·Local 3

    The Silver State · Construe-tion Company, better- known as Andy Drumm, is putting

    ( . ' '· tne· finishing touches on the Hazen to · Fernley High'Yvay job and is weli along- on the Fernley job. There is some work yet on the Fernley overpass.- The: Drumm' hfghway job at Verdi'; Nevada, is almost · finished. Drumm is moving his hot ·plant and his hot phint crew out to his Ely; Nevada,_ high\Vay job. The· Drumm job from Lovelock to the· Lovelock, air: port is · almost finished, except for-the bridge. i1ost of Drumm's dirt moving equipment and his dirt m·ovirrg crevi is o~t at the Oasis highway job. That's where most of the real w·ork is going on with the Drmnm outfit.

    Dodge· Construction Company, Inc., is putting finishing touches on· their Sod House and Gerlach: Hio·h-,'liay jobs and · the crews are in;ving back ~outh to the Goldfield job. The Dodge o'utfit ·seems to like the south. :Maybe it's the nice, warhr we·ather down there that keeps them in good spirits. I hate to see them go back down there for they are a nice social bunch of ·engineers, especially while they ,are up here around their home port. 4-LANE IDGHW:AY

    Isbell Construction Company has most of the hot stuff laid on the fh'st section of the four-lane hig~way, from Reno to Carson City, · Nevada, and they are well along with th'e second job of the fotit;~ lane highway to Carson City:; They need a few more culverts and · pipes and then the g.::avel. Th.eir job on Kietzke Lane is.- well along-almosfready for the black:. top. Arnold · :Biair and part of. the Isbell crew has moved back to the Tuscarora Nevada, -high~vay. jo1:L

    John B: Power Company has quite a job gradin·g and landscap~ ing the site for the new million dolla-r hot-sl. Do\.vner and Eckley IS subbing some of the dirt on the job. The hotel will be one cf the finest hotels in the great st«te of Nevada when it is finished.

    Harmes Brothers are well along \vith their highway job at lVIyet's, California with ·the follo~ving bl'others ~n the job: R. C. McFar-land, Richard Stone, Howard Jones, H. E. Dutcher, John Vail Darn, and 'William H . Gutridge.

    P. and J. Artukovich is well

    h'is lap and hitting ·the floor. Syar throu·gh more surgery for his right staff as such. With the grant of furnishea some blacktop 'for Cres- index · finget. · Federal funds; it' expects to start ceht _City's street departm·ent. The Things are going good at pres- full-time operations immediately.

    ·State- job calls for cement treated ent but 'I'd st!ggest that you broth- Because of conflicts between an base and Curly is getting that dnwn ers keep in mind the tough winter independent union - of Teamsters as fast as possible. we just werit through and save ai1d their A. F . of L. counterpart,

    east." Competition?

    tl-iitll> ?_:_(LLPE) VVhat · d 0 y 011 along with their s·ewer - job at

    King's -Beach, California, along the shnres of Lake Tahoe. The cleat

    Brother ·Lotiie Connor is working your dough for th'e next one. we have somewhat been injected -three rigs on the polly Varden road Our · next · meeting will be June into this fight because the remain-at - Redwood Summit to Redwood 24th·. Be sure to be - there. There ing A. F. of L . Teamsters; Local' Creek He· has Brothers Flick, Day will · be ' refreshments as usual. 996, headed by 'Arthur Rutledge, an'd Langford on the job. ,-- Meeting will be in Hall No. 1 at I has asked us to intervene by assist-

    Mercer Fraser Co. is working on the Lahar TemiJle, 840 E sti·eet, · ing him w.ith 'the organizing of the both of their J·obs near -Orick t ·s J Honolulu· Constru'ction and Draying' a· p.m. Brother Morris Johnson is running * * * Co. since their former Busine_ss crushing .plant ,assisted ·by Brother I Agent, who bolted and formed the Bob Hall. Brother Elmer Dale is ~~~-£' - . ~\ ·P.f· f. Independent group, did not renev'v lo'ading out with · the -Bay City J~W-~;;J)- M \.J the conti·act there.

    .truck crane. Brother Roy · Bush is ,. - An NLRB hearing has been : set holdi~g . down the . front end. Th~s mn~~~lf~~~~: P~~!Jl'·s for June 5. company's hot plant at E'ssex- 1s

    1 tl ~ " i'JI~ll f:l:Hl~~~~.;~ . ~~U ENIWETOK JOBS

    -'quite busy. Brothet 'George H_en- 1 (State Fed. Release) The Independent Union, however, -derson is running the show there. I The big reason the American is very confident · of · vvinning -the

    brothers · are vacationing along er requisitions from Eniwetok. with their worl,, after working Byrne Organization has been given more work on Kwajale!n, especially on housing, and is calling for a few men from this - office which· will gradually be erilarged· until the full ' complement of personnel is employed.

    On the local front, no job of any iarge m·agnitude to -assist Operat-ing Engineers. This office has in the past week sLfpplied a few weld-ers and qualified rigge-1' s f rom the B Local for tvro projects where pTessu·re piping · is bei11g installed.

    hours, of course. ·wells Cargo, Inc., has all the

    dirt moved on their highway joh at Battle Mountain, Nevada, and part of the gravel d,own. Brother Ira Cox is on the blade for VI ells.

    I; 9ists -. Compr?ssors \Vire Rope - Eng-ines

    1-. --'-7-2_4_R_TI_;. ,-'A-N_N _ _- _A_N:...T_s_ .. T'-. -_R_E_>_~-1'----' SAN FRANCISCO .

    - -

    135 So: Pari;: San Francisco EXbrook 2-6639

    · Brother Denny ConwaY,,- w h o Medical Association CAMA) and election at the Honolulu Construe-works in the Mercer ~ Fraser Co. state medical societies oppose na- tioi1 and Company be-shop, fell while on a fishing trip tiodal health insurance .is the fact' cause · it vv-as this particplar group Memorial Day and broke his wrist that they won't be able to control/ that voted to bolt from the Team-.and hand .in several places. Not it by tlw mselves: Here's further sters .organization. In' my visits to· ·only that, but he got too chummy pf oof that medical brass hats want this particular quarry and in my ·with some poison oak and has put 1 to dictate the terms of all health talks with men in our J-urisdiction· - .. · ·

    ' fa[g]~~[gj~~l}fj:g}:~~~·~~;gj~~[g][g][g;fl!)[g)[gj[g][gj[g;[gj~i?i~igjigj:g]~~~[g)(g](g)[gj~;gj~~~~:gj~ ·· in a ·lot of time sci·atching. linsuraiice programs-w_hether they they all state that the reason for 1)(1 ~~- -- - ,;;

    ' ~ · Mercer Fraser Co. also have sev- be compulsory or voluntary: their oolting was because of a raw ~- iW ~ral · other jobs goil'ig . around Eu- In 22 states, the state medical deal by _ Rutle.dge. They have told1

    ;1 . ~-f~:·!~L~~;· ·:_ !!r, ~ reka ,and are quite busy. BrotheTs societies ha-v-e induced their legis- me that they will stick together in 1ru ft f1' I ..,.. L ~ GeDe Brown and Jim Hill aTe shif:- 11atures to enact laws which would the· Independent movement since lllJ ~ ing on · the jobs~around town. pre:Vent anyci1ie but physiciahs from they have worked quite hard in' ~ _ R~ptesenfii!g ~

    Piombo's job at Freshwater :Ls.- -forming medical insurance plans. bi1ilding conditions, for them there. ~ - Bay City' Shovels, Cranes a!'1.d Drag Lines ~ goon is making good time and The 'states are; Alabama, Cali- This office is stili trying, 'however, ~ .. "' iW Brother Phil Dunn, the superin-~ fornia, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kan~ an'd will definitely intervene if abie iii Lima ·s:hovels, Cranes and Drag Lines. ~ ten dent tells me he will~ be -done sas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, to obtain signed affidavits for rep-' jgl - Industrial ; Bro\vnhoist . Cranes iW

    e iW by Juiy 15th. · - Massachusetts, Michigan: Minneso- resentation. · ~ _ Plymouth Locomotives ~ Brother Tom Hull is pretty well ta .-Mcinlai1a, New Hampshire, New For the forward areas, .it is quite . jgi · . i§ll

    caught · up on his · jobs at present, I Je'rsey, Nevi Mext,co, North Dakota, heartening since Holmes & Narver ~- .. Li'dgerwoo·d ' Hoists [g! 1232 H · t B1 ,i · San ·Francisc·o 3 SUtter l-1036 ~ _but has a few bid~ out ~nd will no Ohio, Pennsylvan.ia, Rhode Island,, asked ~or _ a few m~re men for I!!!! eat~s Lag. _ ~

    doubt catch a bndge JOb short1y. 1 South Carolina and Tennessee. - ! processmg_m _preparatwn for furth- ffi'[g]jgjill]ill]jg![g]~(gjill][g;rg:ig]il1J~ illiillijgljgl(g]jgljgli1lJ[g]§jgl§[g]§§§[g]§§;jgl§(g]~'BJ§!ll'lll:lli!;g;;;I~,;:;;;;llillJ

  • .r




    ':Chere is considerable activity in construction work in this · area. A!'thur Siri Construction Co. Iric.; of Santa Rosa has several jobs ur:der way in this area. On the :Masonite Plant and haul road t h ey have approximately 20


    tui·n f ro rn ·r.·Icsco' ... v, \vhere he sa\v 11

    June 15, 195(9



    4llaW. Fifth St. Los Aiil9eies, Ccl!if

    0. C. JON rES & SONS · G~N~RAl CON'l'RACTO~'S

    Member A. G. C.

    Cedar and 4th St. BERKELEY LAndscape 6-3424

    ~o~~i:E~G ~s .....

  • ~




    ,· .. - ...

    June 15, 19_~,0 ENGINEERS' ~~WS

    Pe~iJ,·ir~f~J(.?~-:: .. ~

    SlATE· By E. P. PARR and H . . S. CLARK Busi'ness Repr-esentatives, 3 ~ _..

    Engineers · Architects

    D'raftsme_w By _:AL ROAP;i::pill'tiAN, ~usiness ,Represent~tive


    The B~y Are-a ·ci;il Engineers and Land Surveyors · As-sociation !{ave yet to meet \.vith your union representative. As ust;1aJ, th~y ~re using the delaying tactics that . so become them. In the past, our dealings with these people ha-ve proven them to be unresponsive, uncooperative, and full of · deceit and ,delay. .

    The V

    Another 30- days should. see t he rrient;_ 24.-hour service anywl1e1'e. While visiting the job your repre-- .completion . ·of'-the M; W. Brown & Phone GI 3-7361. sentative contacted Bl'othe-rs Flat-

    Brennan job on the Foresthill Bob Hunt, grading, pavil1g, de- er, · Butler, H.eath - and others. Road. Some of the "cats" have composed granite, top soil, fiil dirt. Brother Holderman, Master Me-been shipped- to anotl:1er job · over Phone HI 9-4703. chanic . for the firm along with in Lake County. -The (Jrew l1as A. L. Seymour, · F ordson, gvading, Brother Ken Williams and one or been · pared down with· Brothers plowing, . leveling, weed .sptayirig. 'two other heavy-duty repairmen "Humpy" Jordan, George Tarleton Phone. IV .9-2629. from Local No. 3, have left for Ernest Remington, _ Bill Donaldson, Elmer Self, Fordsons for rent, Texas ·where the· firm has pur-George Neufeld, Gus. Lindsay, Irv- Bear cat tractor with . disc-also chased 40 heavy-duty trucks and ing Jordan, Whitey Adams and Bill does lev.eling, plowing and_ soil . ptil~ ~are convoying this equipment to Carrol· still on the \PayrolL verizin-g. He also has a shop \rvhere • 'the yard to be overhauled and re-. C:lyde w ·oods has moved .in at he sharpens' tools, lawnmowers, conditioned. This will supply addic

    Mosquito Ridge. Brothers Jack etc. Pone IV 9-4445. tional employment for members of Drone, Fred Lewis, Carter Jensen George . Scott, Ben Ali Garage::- this -union. · and L;otrry Swenor are th'e :first Auto repair's, heav;y duty tr.uck and The L. , c_ Sn1ith .,Company of ~ngineers to be cleareq for the job. tra!"tor work. W_elding and trailers San Mateo have sfart-ed operating

    The Thomas _Constr)lction Cci. is made to order. Phone-Hr 9-0778: · two new subdivision . jobs during getting started on their bridge job Pete I

    T~is. · t~h'lrreisor.- W(;ts ·· a te ReF- lUx. Air _ C~mpre~sor v.

  • ,.~


    San Jose-


    By M. G. ''MICREY" MURPHY and JOE RILEY Business Representatives, Local 3

    Well) brothers, we are quite happy to be able to say that • we have placed a great number of men on jobs during the past 30 days. We still have a few members on the out-of-work list, ·but this is to be expected. In most cases, vvhen one job starts, ·another is finishing up. --. ·----

    Brother Dick Denson on one and Then, too, we must understand Ernie Gressot on the other.

    .and realize that the job to be filled Brother Alexander, the super, has -must come within the scope of asked this oflice to inform the the· individuals' ability. For ex- brothers contemplating going to ample: A "Pioneer" Dozer job work on this project, that the cannot be filled by one who has POISON OAK IS TERRIFIC. ,A.s I .only had training as a compressor mentioned before, this job is just operator. We do not say this in a getting under way at this writing

    ·critical sense. Some engineers are and we cannot give you a great -unfortunate in that they have not deal of information other than it's ·had experience on too many types going to be a tough one. It went of equipment. (When possible, we for $1,330,000 and there are over like to give these brothers the nee- 1,000,000 yards of material to be essary experience, but not at the moved. Completion date is for risk of their lives or the equipment August, 1951. of the contractor.) The BOLSA ROAD, between

    This more or less explains why GILROY and HOLLISTER is an~ ·some of the boys are in and out so other job to get under way in a often and perhaps wonder why few days (and won't be so tough).


    ENGINEERS' NEWS June 15, 1950



    H. T. PETERSEN and LYNN MOORE, Business Representatives, Local 3

    The Guy F. Atkinson Company. were low bidders on six and one-half miles of Highw,e.y 99 in Merced County, also a stretch of three and one~half miles in Madera County, North of Berenda. These two jobs should help to take up some of the slack for the boys living around Merced and Chowchilla . .

    Griffith Company have set up

    their hot plant on their Mineral throughout the summer and should King Highway job, east of Visalia. be . completed some time in Oc-George France, Inc., are furnishing tober: . the aggregate for this job. FRIANT-KERN CANAL

    Gene Richards Paving Company On the Friant-Kern Canal, Miller have a stretch of secondary high- & Henkle have finished 10 miles of way under construction from Ker- resurfacing on the access roads. man north, approximately 7 miles Ted Baun have the next contract in length. Some of his crew will and will be starting soon. be kept busy here. Further on south the Colton Con-

    .westbrook & Pope. at Kettleman crete Company and Pollard Bros. C1t~ s~ould have fimshed most. of


    are well started on the first section then· 1mport borrow and gettmg of the Lindmore Distribution Sys-sub-grade ready for furce material. tern.

    R. A. Heintz Company on High- Colton Concrete Conduit Com-way 180 are continuing to make pany were low bidders on 63 miles good progress in some pretty heavy of the Lindmore Distribution Sys~ going. This job will continue tem.

    they are not called or placed on Fredrickson & Watson were the BELLE OF BALL-Did you ever certain jobs. After all, the safety low bidders at a figure of $419,- see such an attractive ball player? also double-time for Admission Day of the men is one of our greatest 199.65. It consists of grading and She's Katy Turner, playing around and Armistice Day IF YOU WORK. concerns. We . would much rather surfacing of 9.4 miles of highway. on the smooth Daytona Beach, The Kaiser Company is also set-have an engineer on our out-of- At this writing the contract has Fla., saud. 'You can have Joe Di- ting up a Welfare Plan for you

    Peter Wjewit Company with sub-contractor, Dragline Rentals, are still cleaning up on their Porter-ville canal contract. Many of our fellows working for this company have transferred w Local No. 12 work list stay for a few days long- not been officially awarded but Maggio. which will cost the company in the

    er-than have hi'm dead, and we from past experience, we are a!- neighborhood of $6.50 per month are sure his family feels the same most certain it will go to the low Lloyd is boss'n the paving gang, per man. The committees from way. bidder. (The Granite Company was namely, Otis Mosely, paver opera- each side .are now studying the dif-

    and are now working in Kern County.

    Gunnert & Zimmerman h ave moved in to Porterville and at the Well, as to what's doing in and only a few hundred dollars over tor; Dick Stinson, screen operator; ferent plans and should have some-

    around these 6640 square miles (in this bid-around six or seven hun- c. E. Morris, roller and last, but thing definite in the near future. present time are erecting a batch these four counties,) we can say dred.) As we have said 'before, the not least, the "Great" Walter Me- No doubt when a decision is reach- plant and pipe-making plant on. with no fear of contradiction, there Fredrickson & Watson Company Guffey, blade operator. Otis Me- ed, they will call a special meeting their l>Upply contract with the Bu-is plenty of act ivity. It keeps two are very busy on their two jobs Donald is in charge of the hot to explain the particulars. reau of Reclamation. of us on the hop most all the time. on 101 between Gilroy and Sar- plant. Roy O'Kelley is firing; Ellis NEWS ABOUT BROTHERS j SAN LUIS WASTEWAY Along with this activity, we have gent. If they are awarded the new Lacy, oiling and Al Friend is the The results of our recent request, The Bureau is calling for bids several jobs which you might term job, no doubt they will just move boxman. George Nickolson is the that the members please notify us for the final section of the Friant-"Separation Centers" (army terms) across the field half a mile and cat k. · s mner. either by postcard or telephone if Kern Canal, also for construction. where novices and masters (or in start or)erations on the new r)rOJ·- Fr·an Bell 1·s boss'n for· Gr·anr'te f h s L · w th th t 1 1 1 o t e an ms asteway on e plain English- boys and men) are ect. ~ ey go o wor c e sew 1ere, are

    Construction on the State Prison very gratifying. This month our Delta-Mendota Canal. This job calls separated. The SAN JUAN job on which 1) · t J L T J · rojec . . . ravers, r., IS op- thanks go to the following mem- for excavating over three million PIPELINES Granite was low bidder the other erating the cat loader and dozer d 1 f 1· ·

    \ixr t'll h l t f th' t d . th . b h' 1 b bers, also to any of the brothers yar s of dirt, p acing o mmg, 'v e s ·1 ave P en Y o IS ype ay IS a no · er JO w rc 1 may e and Paul Ralph is doing the con- , . . structure and certain diversion of work going on in this territory "ain't so toue-h." Thev are usine: c t b t 1 . F 1 . th whom "e may have m1ssed. Broth-~ " - re ·e a ·c 1111g. ran c auns · at work and is located near Los Banos. -adding sewer lines, storm sewers mostly jeeps on this job-about 5 fiv mil s f , d ·ll b b iJ · ers T . M. Rathman, John Matus,

    e e o . roa WI e u. t m w. J . Lowell "Wimpey" Myers Also on the West Side the Western lines and water lines. (We claim and have about 75,000 yards to connectwn w1t h then· contract and . • · . •

    R 11 S E t E L , H Constructors are now working on

    E Bl d R b t M N d structures for the San Luis \Vaste-vich Bros., who have approximate- subbing the dirt from Granite on regular crew. M. & K . still have van . oo , o er. · 1 or een, about $6,000,000 worth). Artuko- haul. Patterson & Kenworthy are this work will be done with the1·1, I usse · a on, · · arrls,

    50 000 I H L K J M ta d B th way as well as excavation work in

    ly $4, 0, in the Retch f etchy, this job and Brother Johnny Skir) Paulsen and Har) Cromwell . . mg, · us · m .. an ro er J 1 H t f S t this district. are making good progress to date. Owens is the "shifter." This job is operating· their Northwest shovel om ar man o acramen o.

    I · · h th t Morrison-Knudsen & Hasler at They are now out of the Palo in the process of getting lined up and truck crane. F. B. King and t IS w1t deep regret a , we A)to hills and are down in the now and by the time this comes Bruce Cromwell are their oilers. report the death of Brother Al- Los Banos are busy on lining oper-

    F 1 M t d B h lV,r t d ations and are well ahead of sched-:fiat country near Moffett ie d off the press, the boys will really Clyde Bailey is operating the· fonse on ron . rot .er "on ron and rolling fast ... Ted Bares of be rolling. "cherry picker" crane. John Mur-· _was killed when a bank gave way Oakland, is ripping up everything So, with Leo Piazza working on ray is the "nut buster." H. G. Mor- on the Austrian Dam.

    ule on canal excavation on their Delta-Mendota Canal job.

    United Concrete Pipe and Vin-nell Company were successful bid-ders on two sections of the Newman

    in San Jose on his $400,000 job and this end of 101 and Granite with rison is operating Herrick Iron Brother Fred Stockdale just re-where his crew detours, A. J. Pet- two jobs on the same route (San Work's crane and C. J. Daigh is turned from Arabia after about ers and his gang will come in on Juan and one South of Salinas helping him out. Doyle Milbanks six months and, believe it or not, their $410,000 job. Then Jet's go and Spence underpass) and Fred- is on Pedersons' payroll as scoop- he brought with him~a hundred Wasteway and have five rigs work·-out to Meridian and Moorepark rickson & Watson (with their two mobile operator. Pederson's con- while elephants. Ask him w show ing on the Firebaugh section of the where we have C. J . Dorfman do - at Gilroy and Sargent) and then tract is just getting under way them to you sometime. . . . Our canal. ing a $200,000 line and expect to Rice Bros. (who have a resurfacing / and includes quite a few buildi11gs best wishes to Benney Franks, who United Concrete P.ipe Company be occupied for some time. Last, job South of Chular and Gonzales, , -$600,000 worth. is in the Redwood Sanitarium, for have decided to build a pipe manu-but not least, is Pisano Bros: They, which is just finishing up,) the Granite Construction Company's a speedy recovery .... Sorry to facturing plant just south >Of Tulare-too, are in the same locality with GAS TAX PAYERS will see where underpass and road project at report that Brother Walter Mid- on Highway 99. This plant will. about $168,000 worth. These boys some of their money is going. Spence is getting under way and dleton recently received a crushed take care of the manufacturing of also have another one on East When these jobs are complet~. 101 now has a few of our members foot while employed at the Central large pipe for the San Joaquin. Alum Rock Ave., for about $100, - will have a nice strip of . "double employed. L. R. Moulster is on the Supply yard at Watsonville. Broth- Utility Distr.ict contract as well as 000. So, boys, we do have a lot of track" from San Jose-about 70 dozer. Lewis "Irish" Levine is on er· Middleton will be incapacitated a:ny other jobs the company might underground work (and we are miles South. the roller. Ray Delaney is the blade for some time. get in this area. getting lots of men to do it, too.) MOSS LANDING operator and the shovel crew con- Brother Bob Speed, an ex-mem- JOB PROSPECT GOOD Most all the local contractors are Things are taking shape on the sists of Oroville Smith, operator her of Local 635, Honolulu, and an Conditions generally in the area."' busy on SOME type of work. How- ·huge $51,000,000 P. G. & E . plant and R. L. Switzer, oiler. Almost old fr.iend of Brother Waiwaiole, are improving and for the amount ever, limited space does not per- with one of the three units .in op- forgot to menti?n Wm. Rabbe was in the office the other day to of work in sight the future sh.oulcl mit us to mention the different eration. In the very early Spring H.D.R_. . .. McGmre & Hest~r a:e pay his quarterly dues. He wishes be fairly good for the summer. jobs. of 1951 (possibly February), Stone slow 111 startmg thea· ptpel_me ~n , to say "hello" to all the boys in however, we still have some of the ANDERSON, AUSTRIAN DAMS ' & Webster expect to have the other Car~el ... John Mehren IS st1~l Honolulu. Brother Speed is now brothers out of worlvel an a· you may e a e ·o ·urn _1err f d 1 · 1 setting up camp for their road job Ostrom, Matus and Davidson are equals one horsepower (you fig- trucks a couple o ays ago w uc 1 way.

    ·1 ' · " " I 1 · · h t t h k 11 at Rock Creek. Have brought in.. in supervision on this project. ure) 322,500x100 equals 32,250,000 will maintain a sm1 e on •

  • June 15, 195.0 Eleven

    rt o-f - ~---~f··· ~ ' ' I - . . (Co.mpiled .bY P. E. Va11dewarlrl betw. N. 1st St. and Guadalupe Road, ESMERALDA CO. A. C, · pav., lay 4-in. house sewer sewers.

    River; SANTA CLARA CO. · SACRAIIIIENTO: Contracts award- later?-ls, . etc., in Richards Ave:, OAKI,AND: Contract , a:war.ded 1\'IAY 11, 1950 · SAN FRANCISCO: C o·n tract ed as- follows: BUTTE CO. : (111- betw. Hicks . and W . terminus. to Lee J. Immel, P. 0. Box 175,.

    SACRAMENTO : Contract award- awarded to Harms . Bros., 5261 But~S7-A)-to . M. J. Ruddy &Son, (B) P... I. No . . 8636--to Leo F. Pi- Sari Pablo, $115;806 for _widen. ed to .A. G. Raisch Co., P. o: Box Stock.ton J?lvd., Sacramento, $148, - 992 J St., Modesto, $123,143 for 8.2 azza Pav. Co., 175_ $o. Montgomery Broadway and por. intersect. sts .. 458, San Rafael, $108,414 for 9.2 801 for 5.018 mi. grade, surf., etc. mL pltmx. surf. o nexist. pave. and St., San Jose, $28,657 for grade, betw. 25th St. and MacArthmc, mi. pltmx. surf., betw. 2 mi. E. of Placerville1Lake Tahoe Rd., EL untr. rock base, and canst. borders, cone: curb, gtr., walk, A. C. pac. Blvd. Chico and Paradise, BUTT:E CO. DORADO CO. betw. 0.7 mi. N. of Yuba Co. line and vitr. lat. sewe;·s and C. I. lat. ISLETON : Contrc.ct a'Narded to .. SAN FRANCISCO: Con t r a ·c t REDWOOD CITY: C 0 n tract and Union School. . GLENN CO. sewer in 21st St., l:;etw. Washing- H. E,arl Parker, 12t h and F Sts., awarded to L. H. Leonardi Elec. awarded to Edwards, Foulk & (111-Gle-45-C) - to Baker Truck- ton and Taylor. Marysville, $140_,259 for canst. Canst. Co., 717 Francisco Blvd ., Dana, 580 ·Avenue Del Ora, Red- ing Co., P. 0 . Box 124, Hamiltd11 SP..:N JOSE.: Contr o.ct a\·l ~arded levee at Tyler Island, a!oJ1g Gear-San Rafael, $7,042 f.or canst. traf. wood . City, $7,855 for const. water City, ~6,550 for restore por. of .Sac- _to Leo F . Piazza Pav. Co., ·175. So. gianna · Slough, from S. F. R. R. signal and hwy. light sys., intersec. distrib. mains and . i\oimove exist. rp.mento . River levee and !ft. stone Montgomery St., -:;>an Jose, ._$8,158 briqge upstream 4.25 mi ., near Is1e-S,an ~ablo Ave. with Fairmom}t fac1·1s. at San· Mateo Cou11ty Rel1'ef ripraD placed, at Butte C1'ty F e1·1··y f d ' lk · s CRAMENTO co _ , ·or gra e, cone. cur_o, gtr., wa .. .. ,

    1 ton, . h. . . • .

    Ave. and Potrero,... Ave., in El Cer- Home. · I Crossing. - A c · A c 1 . . pac., . . . c nveVv:ay, ramp 1 GRASS VALLEY: Contr act ri,to, CONTRA COSTA CO. . MERCED: Contract awarded .to REDDING: Contract awarded to resurf. and cone. monolit h. curb aw ar;ded to Tyson & Watters, F . 0 .

    . SAN JOSE: Contract . mvai:·ded Dahs l'tOJS- amson and Cott,on- M' · St Sn F. · «33 ?31 SAN FRANCISCO: Contra c t Pine St., San Francisco, $172,964 surf. Laurel St. , l)etw. Jefferson d A-·• . C ·-t 1 V l]n · p . JSS!On ., cd1 ranc1sco, "' ,- · a\~arded to J. H!;!nry !{arris, . 2f5? for canst. second unit trickling fil- and Napa Freeway; a gas tax job. woo - . ! cOIS, eu ra a! cy roJ ,, I for canst. sanit. sewers at Occi-9th St., Ber keley, $47;331 for censt. ters, sedimentati~n tanks and ap-·. SAN FRANCISCO: . Contra c .t Joe. betw. Cottonwood and Madi- de11tal , in SONOMA CO.

    / · d d F I son, Ca)if. SAN ERAN. CISt'O.· ·C 0 .11 t I' a ct p~ayground improv. and fieldhouc- purts., South Sewer Plant. . ~war e to ay mprov. Co., Phe- -at .. B.ichmond Playground, 18th and SAN RAFAEL: Contracts award- Ian · Bldg., S. F.;- $51,950 for ·widen. REDDING : Contract awarded to awarded - to Erbentraut & Si.Jm-

    . w d E & ;R Canst. Co. , 110 Market s(, 606 p ' . A s· F 19th Aves., . betw. California and ·ed as follows: (Al Grade, surf. , oo side Ave. , ·betw. Portola and mers, " ennsy,vama .... ve., . . , Lake Sts. · etc. in Ida St. Bids: (1). j as. T. Idora. San Francisco, $'156,606 for const. $264,633 for canst. radiological lab:

    SAN FRANCISCO: Contra ct Thornton, 329 San Francisco ·Blvd ., SAN FRANCISCO: Contrac t gym and swim. pool fo r the Dist. bldg. at Univ. of Calif. Medical 1:ecoinm:ended to Harms Bros., 5:261 San Anselmo, $2,610; (B) awarded to M. J . Lynch, 2251 Re- SACRAMENTO: Conti'act .award- Center. -Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, $148,- ~ D St. , betw. 4th and Antoinette: vere, S. F., $25,240 for canst. 7th ed to Modern Bldg. Co., 116 · W. OAKLAND : Contract a:warded 801 f 5 018 (1) B El C 6 St t · t Ch · S 12th St., Chico, $16,492 for canst. to Elmer· J. Freeth", 143? Kea· I'J1ey . or . mi. grade, drain and rown~ y o., 73 0 Schmidt . sewer ex ens. a annel t., " -surf. Placdville-Lake Tahoe road, Lane, El Cerrito, $58,363. . S. F. two met al b)dgs . . at Sus:mville and St.,- El Cerrito, :$52,611 for co.nst~ El Dorado Nati. Forest, EL DO- REDWOOD CITY: Contr act Quincy .Mainl. Staticm, .P LUMAS Peralta Resvr., under L. S. No. 484.

    lHAY 19, 1950 ' CO. SACRAMENTO: Contract avvard-RADO CO. awarded to Hedahl Martin Co., 501 SACRAMENTO: Contract award- ST]NNYVALE: Contract award- d t A T. h & 8 -SACRAMENTO: Contract award- Standish St., Redwood City, · $76,- .e o . tee ert Son, Inc ., 1 46 ed to Edward Keeble, Rt. 4, Box 501 for canst. swimming pooi at ed . to Harms Bros., 5261 Stockton ed to L. C. Smith,. 1st and Rail 37th St., Sacto., $2,355 for cone. 361, Tully Road, San Jose, $48,483 Recreation Center. Blvd., Sacramento, $53,387 for 9.3 road, San Mateo, $44,982 for pave, pave alley betw. H and I, 21st and f " 3 d f SAN RAFAEL C t

    1 · d mi. gr. and rdmx. surf., Rt. 23 to · const. curbs, -~~utters ancl walks in 22nd "t~ ..

  • Twelve ENGINEERS' NEWS June 15, 1950

    AWARDS ROOSEVElT TO HEAD C 0 i\1 T R A C T tt~o~J.; ~ n 1\ !l)ft~ 'll" ~r5¥fT · (Continued from Page 11 ) Jl 0 !!'a E'!\lJ !!,}~. ~\Yn ~ ~~~\ t,

    a warded to H . L. Peterson, 733


    Fra ncisco, SAN FRANCISCO CO. (Con tinued from Page 1)

    T l·eat Ave., s. F ., $326,384 fo r Chi- E:UR.EK~ : Cont r act awa1·ded to and set back some of the Big-

    nese Recreation Center at S.\V . . Kenneth \Vhited, 581.6 Mendocino Business-supported incumbents. s ~ t~ cor. Mason and V!ashington Sts. Ave ., Oakland, $l3,350 for canst. Labor lost its effort to nomi~ate c«'l!i" ~~

    JUNE 2, 195& R. C. culv. and cattlepass, and 0·2 Senator Geo. Mille r, Jr., as 11eu- ~ · ~ 11: ' ' t mi. detours, Whitehall Creek and 'f' I ~· ~ rn ""' FRESNO : Contract awaru~Ct ·o tenant go\·ernor, under a tern IC

    52·-1 H St Burger cattlepass, near Boonville, · · Bv RENNY nuuR.n.UGH~ C R V t.l.N li'!T'Jf'IO.TKLE vVm. Lyles Co., ~ arvey ., barrage of· expensive campa1gnmg J ~ ~ n n u .::J, , • n 1i'V' JU."' • Fresno, $9,580 for const. san. swrs. MENDOCINO CO. for the v:ea!thy, incumbent, and MEJtL!N F. BOWI't:IAN

    SAN MATEO : Contract award-in Homestead Tract and California Knight, and it lost out on several Business Representatives, Local 3

    19 eel to Ed1:vin J. Tobin, 1000 Carle-· Heights, under 11 Act. minor candidates, but on the whole Settlement of trouble with the Utah AGC group has been

    WALNUT CREEK : Contract ton St., Berkeley, S37•610 for const . it a good showing, one that " · ·

    a warded to Kevy Const., Inc., and I pressure mam outfall sewer from the heavier-vote fii1als is expected reached, according to word received as we go to press. Agree-Martin Bros., 655 Peralta St., San pump house to ?lty Disposal P~ant. , to top off with the first big house- ment was not reached, however, before a strike situation· had Leandro, $136,817 for const. san. PALO ALTO . Cont.ract recom-1 cleaning California has w itnessed developed against two member contractors and a lockout v.1a-s Se-ver 1.11 Loc Impr·ov Dt'st No 9 mended to L. C. Stmth, 1st and·~· d de . f AGC b . t L 1 3

    ' - · • • · ' 111 many eca s. - then called by a majonty o mem ers agams oca ·

    S.E. of Walnut Creek, under 1911 1 Railroad, San Mateo, $4•832 f~r LABOR i\IEN, CLEAN SWEEP Act. grade and asp h. cone. pave m Bart- Labor candidates we r ·e swept On page one of this issue. you

    11 with Local 3. H; acted as a busi-CORTE . MADERA: Contract ley Tract, under cash contract. I back into office in many big~city will see a complete last-mmute ness representative of both locals

    awarded to A. G. Raisch, Box 458, JU:N'E s; 1950 I contests. San Francisco, for in- report on the ,s,tuatwn, as sent 111 for a total of 11 years. • San Rafael, $3,884 for const. sewer FRESNO: Contract awarded to stance, re-elected six LLPE-en- by Bro. Vanaewark, who, along Brother Clark is survived by

    on Redwood Ave., betw. Corte Ma- Stewart & Nuss, Inc., 410 Thorne . dorsed assemblymen, knocked out with Bro. Sv.;anson and other offi- his wife, Mary, and his son. Mel-

    dera Ave. and Edison Ave. Ave., Fresno, $9,379 for resurf.l all opposition in the primap;, and ers of Local 3, helped us tre- vin. · J d sl during thi difficult

    CARSON CITY, NEV.: Contract Jensen Ave., betw. Orange and did the same for Congressman men ou Y s Officers and members of Local 3

    awarded to F. E. Young, 599 Co California Aves. (portions)· I John F. Shelley and nearly the period. extend their· heartfelt sympathies. FRESNO C t d ' t - We found our rates in some 41 . lusa Ave., Berkeley, $279,744 for · 1 : on ract a war .ea ·o


    same for Congressman Franck < . . · " ·a. a . 11 6

    to Mrs. Clark and to Melvm.

    2.74 mi. grade, drain, etc. Glen- Kovick Bros. Const. Co ., P . 0. Box Hav·enner. clavslficatwn., an avd a"'e of : . CLARENCE A. LARSEN

    brook,' Tioyabe National Forest, 1383, Fresno, $209,831 (Unit _1),[' Of the California delegation in cents lower than the aver~ge m It i with deep sadness ·that we l B c I 1· 28 five surroundmg states, and It was s th f t 1 .d t t DOUGLAS CO. anc to osko onst., nc., 1 Congress, first week's voting re- . . . · announce e ·a a acc1 en · o·

    CARSON CITY, NEV.: Contract Greenwood Ave., Montebeilo, $57,- turns showed that LLPE men our smcere belie~ that ~ur rates Brother Clarence A. Larsen at

    awarded to Silver State Const. Co., 826 (Unit 2) for const. 30-in. and I fared something like thi~: six shou ld be equa!Jzed Wlch those I Fallen, Nev., ' while employed by

    Fallon, Nev., $351,233 for 12.367, 42-in. interceptor sev.;er in \Vest were re-elected; nine are still on around us. Idaho and Colorado re- the. Kaiser Silver State Construe-

    mi. grade and pltmx. surf. betw. 1[ Ave ., .Fresno. the ballot; three are doubtful. and cently gained new increases. tion Co. Brother Larsen, who was

    mi. W. of Oasis and Si!Yer Zone~· SAN FRANCISCO: Contract four were knocked off the ballot. We have felt all along that many 52 at the time of the accident, was .Overpass. .awarded to s. J. Amoroso Co., 2100 * * * contractors in Utah do not favor well known to many of our mem-

    JUNE 5, 1950 Oakdale . Ave., s . F., $1,062,742 for . ·- the type of "no negotiation" lock- bers in the Provo-Springville

    SACRAMENTO: Contract award- const . John A. O'Donnell Voca- RAP USE ()f ARMY out tactics employed by some area, having been employed foe ed to Westbrook & Pope, 2331 Fair tlonal School & Techmcal Inst1- . . ,.. members of the AGC, and we want years by J. w. Sumsion. O~ks Blvd., Sacto., $196,183 for 1.3 tute, at ;21st St. and Harrison I f{)R CIVIliAN J{)B§ to thank them for this attitude Brother Larsen is survived by ml. grade and pltmx. surf. on imp. (general). C t' d f p 1) and for backing it up by continuing two sons, Roderick Paul and Mark

    base matl., betw. 1 mi. S. of Lobitos JUI'Io'E 9, 1950 ' ~ on mu.e rom uge . to operate and support the stand E. Larsen; two daughters, Miss and \.\, mi. N. of Lobitos SAN REDDING: Contract awarded to I fightmg efficiency of the s~~vtc~s. of the Operating Engineers for a Phyllis Larsen and Miss Carolyn MATEO CO: ' Fredrickson-""& Watson Const. Co., . :·u IS .f~l~e economy to ISmiSS decent' living and friendly coopera- Larsen, Springville; two grand-

    SACRAMENTO: Contract award- 873 . 81st Ave., Oakland, $249,6341 s~~l~eg ctvtl!BJ~S t an_d ~e~lace th~~ tion for the good Of the industry. children; four brothers . and eight ed to George Pollock Co., Forum for grade, pave roads, const. curbs, WI. personne rame or co~ The slart of the fiscal year, July sisters. The officers and members

    Bldg., Sacto., $79,465 for const. gutters and walks, etc., at Shasta umts. Both are needed for deLe~e first will see some good projects of Local 3 extend to Brother Lar-pile foundatio ns for Educ. Bldg., Dam and Power Plant , near Red- and both should be kept · on e i open in the fields o£ highway con- sen's family their heartfelt sym-

    Capitol Hall, Sacto. ding. duties for which they . were struction and defense area develop- pathy in this, their hour of griev-

    PEAVINE: Contract awarded to. SALT LAKE CITY : Contract trained." ment. Utah is becoming an indus- ous loss.

    A. Joy, Portola, $33,564 for const.' awarded to Wheelwright Canst. The most strenuous protests have trial area also and both the Filtrol

    employee housing, Peavine Quar- Co., Ogden, Utah, $131,300 for been filed by the AFL Building clay plant and the new Cobalt re-

    antine Station, SIERRA CO. 0.966 mi. const. 3-in. rdmx. bitum. Trades, Metal Trades and govern- finery plant should develop ad.di-

    SACRAMENTO : Contracts award- surf. and cone. bridge over 20-ft. ment employe unions against this tiona] work in the Salt Lake area.

    eel as follows: (1) Q St., betw. 51st span on Sect. U. S. No. 40, in My- practice which harms both the In the south there is considerable

    and 52nd Sts.- to J. R. Reeves, ton, DUCHESNE CO. · fighting and worldng forces of the indication of airplane plant devel-

    P. 0. Box 1072, Sacto., $1,273 for SAN RAFAEL: Contract award- nation. opment. We speak vaguely of these

    grade, pave, etc. (2) Lisetta Ave., ed to Associated Dredging Co., Box • projects because no contracts have

    betw. Loddick and 138 ft. E.-to 470, Pittsburg, $7,800 for 13,000 cy. and on untr. rock base over exist. been officially let as yet, but there

    E. F. Hilliard, 1355 43rd St., Sacto., dredg. in Muni. Yacht Harbor. pave., Const. reinf. cone. slab brdg. is a fine potential of construction

    S625 for grade, pave, etc. (3) Al- LOS BANOS: Contracts official- across Dutchrr:an Creek and cone. work in the area once the imme-

    ley A and Broadway, 24th to 25th ly a>varded to Ted Falasco, 958 J I culv. at Deadman Creek, betw. diate problems of the industry are -to H. A. Anderson, 4600 Free- St., Los Banos, $51,178 (Improv. Dutchman Creek and Lingard. solved.

    raan Way, Sacw., $2,355 for grade, Dist. No. 1); W. M. Lyles Co., • (2J MADERA CO. (IV-Mad-4-B-C) THOl\1AS LEONARD CLARK

    pave, etc. P. 0. Box 495, Avenal, $81,255,-to Guy F. Atkinson Co., 10 W.

    SAN LEANDRO: . Con t t' act