DELAWARE STATE JOURNAL AND STATESMAN.WILMINGTON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1866, .ly or lii.i om «goornai anU Sfetattamau right of suffrage, into the mies, made doubly ferooious by the ovonts of this wur, and into the custody of your ene also, your position upon the page of hi: and iu the judgment of posterity, will be only less infamous than theirs, i kuow of offer to ourselTes, 1 kuow of offer to this generati use that ohise now about t< ments which ovory d»y giving the right to mon to vote who should never moro have a vote, and says he has no right to givo the blaok man, who loyal and true, the right, we koow it is because of tho latent leaven that is in him, received from slavery aud its associations. If the work is not well done uow it will lisvo ugaiu. I do aver, from personal observation, that (he negroes, except on the large cotton (limitations, remote from qualified to exercise tho right of franchise than the poor class of whites. A largo majority inhabitants are of this poor olasN. a school house, SINGULAR PRESENTIMENT OF DANGER no fllato of Georgia. Wo are of the frag« left. When tho President is FROM THE INDIAN TERRITORY. Wilmingtou Fast Office Mails Close. OOIHO NORTH. EDUCATION for business. Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. TIME TABLE. Commencing Monday, July 21tn, IMS. econstruot a State On Monday afternoon, about six o'clock, as the freight and pusseoger ncoomraodutiou train was going into Hyraouse, an accident occurred which might have heen attended with serious results. The switch was not changed according to tnguals, and the train, which was under good headway, dashed into another train, piling of tho oars over the eugine lu a most dangerous way. Fortuuately, there the eugine aud whistle for brakes, aud tbe menium of the train was speedily checked, further damage might have been done. Tiie engin aud both he and the fireman escaped without injury beyond a few slight bruises. The eugine " No. 260" was, however, badly damaged, tured while the two cats were a total wreck, apieoe of Indians do not SEVERE FIGHTING FOR TWO DAYd. Fa Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Way aud New Yoik Philadelphia and New Y QOIRO SOU oesa Lila, bars unaqunHaJ a^ 8 tlU A. M 11 30 A. M . 3 60 aud 8.00 P. M. uallfy thamrtvlv vantage« for doing eo lay Morning, August 1 Frl Lahmik, July 27 One thousand Ckey tnues, Sioux, Arrapahoes, Blaok Feet, aud a few (.»manches, utiacked Platte Bridge .Station, e the telegraph road, on Tuesday last. The garrisou numbered less than 260, and the fight lasted two days, lesulting in heavy loss to the 1 THUMB : CRITTENDENS that exouse that iu other oouutrieB, I kuow of □einch or Baltimore aud Way, Baltimore aud Washington, Baltimore and Washington, Peninsula Mail Peninsula Mail A. M. 11.30 A. M. Ö 00 P. M. - gjf Single Insertion SO ceule pe ThTJOURNAL°ANDATATESMl > | Friday at »« months l<ate DeP"1 00rn',r BBOAD STROT AND W£**H'NOr°N a Ve.nUK, as folio for n IM1'03 406 A. M, (Mondays excepted,) ror Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Grace, Atardsen, Perryman« and COMMERCIAL COLLEGE AN publl DOLLARS A Iptlous wilt bo 1 no paper itlsoon the option of mankind iu the after having accepted the servie blood of tbe liberty aud of the Uaiuu, wu »K «»«. if. es aud the u in defence of the dug, of with those their uuoiunt oppressors und trample faithful allies in tho dust, that this infamy, reserved for the people of this country. Of all the woes of which wo have drunk through tliesu four years, ol all tho iu- Htauorsof degradation which have b ed up iu tho long minais of mankind, 1 know of whioh will compare with tho dation of a free people, who, having secured their own liberties by tho blood of their fellow- , with baso ingratitude offered their allies to the common euemy, to the enemy of the t$y, of liberty and of mankind. I have thus, gentlemen, attempted to demon strate tho existence of Butticient and constitu- tional power in tbe government to enable ('on be divided gress to hold the people of tbe rebellious dis- tricts under the jurisdiction of the national on tliorlly, while they are excluded from any in tbe public councils, until they frame sHtato governments which are truly republican in form, groes enters largely iuto the discussion. At the and until evidence is furnished that the public request of a number of leading citizens of Boe- HPU*',nent of euch proposed Stute is ho far loyal 0 a n . h i i- i , as to justify tlm expectation that us general , Hon. Ooorgo 8. BoulweU Jeh.eroü ... .<1- policy «01 .'cord with lb.neural policy of II,o dress in Tremont Temple, on tbe eveniog of the country ; and this without claiming to iuterfero, 26th ult., on the recoustruotiou of the rebellious und without interfering witli the insti States, in which he thoroughly discussed the B SftatB' .... , . ,. , .. . , ... , ,' . I have also sought to demonstrate that tho whole matter, and took ground iu favor of con- eroise of thi8 power ifl neces8ary for ,he 80curity furriug the right of suffrage on the negroes as a of the loyal people, the preservation of the pub. of preserving the cxistenoe of the gov- Ho credit, bb it is connected with aud dependent eminent. Wo give below extrnolii from Ilia "P"" « onn.tnnt enbibllion of good fnith, hy lb, . , people and the public authorities. Moreover, ,p.'0b, wbmh will asm to giro our read«* on J,/ f,n bo inti,,.need by tbo plain idea of the views of the leading meu of Massa- statement that, unJer tho Constitution, you chusstts on this all-important subject:must secure the elective franchise to the negro, II ia wall enough oleo for na to coooider tbo or »-rrender year o„n e,)U»l right in Hie gov- lubjcol of roling with ref.reooc to the negro.» »rnmont of the country ; ond Anally, you of tho South. Wo bavo o conotitutionol prori- not iuonsiblo to tbo otd-.gotiom reslmg upon ,ioo in Mosaochusotla Ibot no mon rota you. to «enure to «Ilmen II,« mena of protont- uDles« bo non rood tho Constitution and write ,DB ,hoM r8bls °r P™'" nml pn>P"V. wblolt . A rory proper proriaion, but ro tb° î""!«11' '1 ' coOBider that it wan instituted with rof.reiioe to »apport. Tbio policy furnioboe at oneo fleourity about whoso loyalty tlioriwu» no,meslion: 10 ,I|B oounlry, equality to tho tybitoo of nil but only this queation existed as to whether thoy Motions, justtoo to tbo negro, unlyeroal pun- compotont to judge of tbo ndmiui«lratiou of llie r6bcl", ,bo only elbcioiit mean» of of publio affairs. In tho ordinary course of »tlmulating tho industry and developing tho re- things, it is neocssary thut mm should bo able Houroe9 of the South, and at last adequate and to read and write, in ordor to decide intelligently Pemaneut protection against civil upon questions of public polioy. We do uot to- ,eu^8 nuJ wars in all poni day ask suffrage for the negroes bscause they where the competent to judge of questions or public or policy, but we ask for suffrage for them beoause 1 ha,° sanmed »Iso tDat the instances of j they are in favor of this government, and the Jo» of rebels by the President will be increased, white people of the South aro against it. That aml lhat in Peace we abandon the policy already made up. Parties havo ta- "bich was inaugurated i keu their stand. The whites, by a uisjority, ate <u*aPt0d to a time of war, of confiscating the side, the blacks, unanimously, arc ou the property of rebels who aro not distinguisbed by other. They understand tbnt question, and that ttny speoial oriminality from their associates in is the vital question to us. It is not whether, in ,reaBon- Whether you indict and try persons, South Carolina, judges shall be elected by the '»r confiscate thoir property, tho number of the people, or appointed by tbe governor ; that Ku*l*y >H 90 great, that many necessarily escape, question very likely would be better Bolved by During the war. we seized the property of iudi- ite. But the ques- "v'ual enemies, as a means of tiimiuishiug the concerned is not a question P°*fr of lhofi® in arn,H ngainst of internal polioy, not a question of local or of I no longer, remains,^ and it will probably be State administration, liuttbo question is, Shall «bought wise to modily our legislation so as to this government exist ?" Wo know that tho no relieve the mass of «juthern people from all ap- gro is in favor of i's existence, und, therefore, prehension. Ho, too, we can have for all the purposes of voting, whether he can ,01 •he loyalty of » State, not, he is a sate depositary of of 1,B P°Pula,»°n »ro kuowu iu favor of allowing I |fU8t- Whenever a State it vote, without going into any inquiry Uunu, the loyal seutunent should be sufficiently whether he cuu read ami write, because bis powerful to permit those who h ballot-box is how essential to us , tu exercise tho elective franchi his power in the field with thé I >ou ,,our8h ulienatioD, during tho meauB of citing power. One is by the bayonet, iu tirno ; the other is by tho ballot, in tlmo of peace. Wo bave takeu the bay War, out of tho bauds of Wbat whioh peace,into tbe hands of prive jr- to be done Perryrule, liai Magnolia. DELAWARE (Sunday« «xo| J^7*UAItt T**.1ât 8-16 A- M., (Sunday,, xcepted, for Baltimore, «topping at " J ¥ EXPRESS TRAIN Zt 1 achlD Indians. The io Collins and o ded. Ihe Indians lolroated to the west, tearing Mr. Alvin Pugeley, of this oily, dowu the telegraph poleB and destroylug the pioked up on the battle - w field written by u white prisoner recently cap tho Houth l'latte, whioh says fighting for of their chiefs standing In tbe tight, and that they expected reinforce- ments. Ihe body of Lieutenant Collins was horribly mutilated, his hands and feet being cut off, his throat out nnd his heart pierced by more than Lieutenant killed, and thirty-four to da od until Thé WBRKLY JOURNAL AND STATESMAN pub- II,ti.d every Friday at TWO DOLLARS AND A HALF PEK ANNUM, payable In advance, or THREE DOLLARS VkRTHKMKNTd not en-e Del. Rail Road. A. M. tf.öO P. M IllLADJnLPHlA I ----- ROAD TRAIN at 7.*# A. t.) for Salltbury, MllfOrd and * bet- Thie Uot o»re iiccuplee the whol« upnar portion le Urge double building at the N. B. corner o and SEVENTH 8trwt3. In well lighted ! CHESTNUT and fitted BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND WILMINGTON. July 24, 1805. of the style of elegan es. A P. M. (-anJay« exoepted,) for "topping at Chester, Wlliulag- HS» Ïtf *iiSS2' Newark, Elkton, North-Saat, PerryvllTe, Havre de Grace, Ferryman », Edgewood, Magnolia, and Btemmera Run. _NIGHT EXPRESS at 1115 P. M. for B.lCmore^nd , «topping at Cheater Wilmington, Newark, "err/Tllle, and Havre de Grace. ch Ia he in- Nu ultlmore a id sixty ft* « of the most p t0KXfcpRK8S TRALN a* ono iu a hundred all followed tho lead of tho riob, and Thoy will urguu vihemeutly, in their ignoranoe, for sluvory, though nouo of them e slave. It is not proposed to disfranchise this class, nnd now, in tho name of God, aud for tbs sake of humanity, give tho right of franchise tho black Carefully correetsj with every chanyt. Trains Leave Wilmington At 16 minutes before I oclock, morning. At 8 oclock, moruiug. At 30 minâtes after 9 o'clock, morninz. At 12 oclock. At 2 oclock, afternoon At 4 oclock, after At 27 minutes after 4 o'clook, afterno At 16 minutes before 6 oclock, nfternoou. At 80 minutes after 6 oclock, evening At 27 mioutes before 0 o'clock, night. At 6 minutes before 10 oclock, uight. At 30 minutes after 0 oclock, eveuiDg, Hundays. Trains Lkavr Philadelphia At 6 minutes after 4 o'clock in the morning. At 16 before 8 oclock, morning At 16 minutes after 8 o'clock, morning. At 16 minutes after 10 o'clock, moruiug At 16 minutes after 1 oclock, afternoon. At 2 o'clock, afterooou. At 80 minutes after 3 oclock, afternoon. At 6 minutes before 4 oclock, afternoon. At 6 oclock, afternoou. At 7 oclock, evening. At 10 o'clock, night. At 16 minutes after 11 oolock, night. At 6 minutes after 4 oclock, morning, Hundays. At 10 o'clock, night, Hundays. >»t 16 minutes after 11 oolock, night, Hundays. Trains Lkayb Wilminqton At 10 minutes after 9 oclock, At 26 miuutes before 1 oclock, At 6 minutes before 6 oclock, afternoon. At 26 minateB before 7 oclock, evening. Trains Leave New Castle At 80 minutes after 7 oclock, morning. At 6 minutes after *.* o'clock, morning, At 80 minutes after 1 o'clock, afternoou. At 6 oclock in the evening. nearly «even peace, but of them beiag throwu several feet, aud nar- | all time ; that we had killed ly missing e lime tr Mdl which IU Urge rill he util d deg- .1 a workmen who Philadelphia all »ber of applications : are fo e College for them. The i-ourse of tnalru idi ton include« We learn that on the morning before the dent, Mr. Pugslev had astraugoaml able presenti Elkto andÂ|tUhmd°win0ukïth?ll5*>? M°T?S' Cltj Potnt WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATIOnVraINS Stopping at all «intlon« ---- BOOK-KBEPINO, that he was to be placed iu peril, though he oould scarcely say what , and he lias been several years, with remarkable tue o'clock, A. M., . In Htruction be settled other way basis of equal and exact and tran- to the people of the South, aud tbe s, everywh which taught in all He de His body hundred arrows, slightest disposition the part of the Indians for pence, which only be obtained by severely punishing them. Ono of the Powder River columns i moving to join the force from Platte Bridge, which is following the Indians. It is stated that nil the troops intended for the Indian expedi- tions would have been in the field long ago had the contractors failed to deliver supplies cording to the termB of their contracts ind rappllcattoi Ju«t practiced by RECONSTltUCTlOX. FhUadalphla and WU n th|lade|phla at T.45, 10 16 A, M., 2.00,3.S0,6.00, 7.00 and lO.uiiK M. The3.30 P. M. train connect* with Dél- it intermediate elation« SÏ.ÏÏ justice. In no other way it the Central road option from accident. He mentioned this feeling to hie wife, and said he had rather bad Borne There si- Pei I"- The subject of reconstruction In uow the topic which is engrossing the attention of Amer- Opiuions appear br quility co' turbulent calm. In the tke j««d r j la bo troubled, bo made of tho hundreds of thousands be settled, again disturb the I »t . Milfunl ' i eti go out that day if he ioao State as to the beet mode to adopt e Sh &c d Leave WUmlngto ted in ud customs of business life. e 1 and e.SOA. M.. 2.00, ting at r Pnlladalpnla. s'ain, let this qu take his place ou the engine, of the stations a forlorn little boy asked to reach his home. Mr. Pugsley strangely a coming danger that ho would allow him to ride on ooe of the pas-enger At auother place he met be had restore.the rcbel- the Federal Union. In this tr ot x 6 30 F. 11. i Perryvllle nothing shall and prosperity of this Union. Methought, while walking over the battle fields I oould hear the voices of tho thousands slain, who Iny slum- bering beneath my feet : Oh, let not been sacrificed i Vi- llous States motion, the propriety ot enfranchising the PENMANSHIP. Wilmington w Train» tor N for a free ride : rr l«av« Philadalptila THKUUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE ave Wllmlngtor at 12.00 M., 4.27.8 33 and 0.64 P.M. CHESTER FOR PHILADELPHIA. 7 45, 8 43. and 10.14 A. M., 12.36, 2A0, 7.45 and Ult on pu engine, but procured Wilmington a pi il-!' O I COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, in. Reconstruct intimate friend whom in many years, but after changing a few words, Mr. Pugsley besought him pressed a wish that the fireman Bbould leave ; but this Hindu and Lom, s taught in it» sho the basis of Then will God smile happy all who li «Stars aud Stripes. Then will the angels reach s they take you by the up higher.' I nnd exact justice Hfeoifio for New Y'ork Rowdyiim. The Chief ui Police of New Y'ork telegraphed some time yesterday to tho Mayor of Worcester, that a large crowd of roughs from that city and Al- bany were about leaving for Worcester, to assist in the base ball match to-day and the regatta to-morrow. The Mayor immediately telegraphed to Mayor Briggs, of this city, for one thousand ball oartridges, whioh were promptly forwarded from tbe armory to WorceBtor this morning Mayor Briggs enolosed a with the cartridges, saying that he considered them one of the most effectual inventions of modern times for tbe preservation of law and order when used according to direotions. We hope there will be no occasion to use them, but thing is certain, if they attempt tho Hud- g&mn in Worcester, a far smaller number of the rowdies will return than came.Springfield (Man.) Union, July 28. Frurn^BMjTIMORB^T 1.»»ve Baltimore gp- d bless, and make 1er tbe broad folds of tbe PHILADELPHIA. ind Dbtsotiro Cock. . .10 P. M., Ex . 0,86 P. M., Express, OJU take a feit NotFa, are included In . He irw. 4.26 P. M., Way Tr P. M. Express. TELEGRAPHING per Is taught by knowledge down, saying to you, hand, * Brothers, TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. impracticable. Fortunately hurt, but bad either his friend or the little boy been with him on the engine, it would bave all of them had been killed. Tbe coincidence of the acoideut with the Btrange presentiment felt by Mr. Pugs- ley, is a subject of curious iutereBt.Kocheiter Union, July 28. Leave Cheater a t 8.64 A. M., 1.50and 11.60 P. M. ton at 6.13, 0.86 A. M., 2.26,6.02 and e of the U-. iporU do - Lewrllyn. 12.26 P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.06 A. M„ for Baltimore aud Hu'nSÎ?8tîîl!2K,,i? WHmlegton, PerryvlUa, Havre de Grace, Aberdeeu, Perryman’« and Magnolia NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.16 P. M„ fr Baltlmora and Washington, stopping at Chester, (ror Baltimore and Wa^yJon^seaitar«,) WllmiagtOB, Newark, Elktoa, Nortn-uat, 1 erryville and Havre de Grace, md Wa?SUtl ms10N THAIN 10 P'M' fop Wilmington, . been almost a miracle if nt has been onened for the reception of «traction iu this branch. The great aad Married of ladiea of tbe members of tho 103d United States Colored Troops ntly to a blooming colored tbe urrango- nearly completed Fort lulaski, and leave with it. » to his espoused, informing her that ho good a soldier to stay behind, therefore a postponement Shortly after ho se fort, »■I to Mayor Ball I -I lied damsel of Savannah, b ments for tho nuptials his regiment the exps give t «.parxtely, thoa partloular branc a usually riKiulrtid for t am^ tight , c°mPl8 to twal dally da Counting- Kmiuration to Bbaxil.The New Orleans Picayune says the talk of emigrating to Brazil continues in that part of the country, the emigrants being discontented Southern families. The country to whioh the proposed emigrants propose to go ia the upper valley of the Tecautius River, vjhose chief seaport is Para. It is a oouutry similar to that watered by the AmazoD. The Picayune is of the opinion that the will not amount to muoh ; home ties strong for any considerable emigrati take plaoe. The Texaos way. We conclusions. We bear the those who have lived s orderoi bridegroom had DALTIMORE FOB PHILADELPHIA. Lun Baltimore at 0.26 P. M„ stODDlnx at rryvllle and Wlimin New Castle. rniug. im He .. stopping at Havre da a--Al*t0P" *t JClktaa u or Baltlmere,) 'and Chaster to more or Washington. 8.80 P. M. im I -i. I ington. Also atop« at era for Philadelphia aa d that unavoidable, another letter from the stating ibat it would probably be a long before be could attend personally matrimonial affair, and that, Instructed iff«, r nalnlng terms, Ac., L.' obtained «r££caiTTPl| Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 8 BNNBY, So I on Boox- ■»Mndent. PENINSULAR R. R. LINE! Change of Hours. O N and after MONDAY, JULY 24th, 1886, Traîne fbr untîuurthe™nouée10,>MMntJ,r* wl,J rua fellows, ; ! MERLE DAUBIGNE ON THE DEATH OF MR. LINCOLN. Wilminqton. 8. H. CRITTENDEN & CO., (he whole, Hie preparations might not keop aud should be wasted, lie would delegato bis groomsman represent him ia himself Ihe right »V6 to Mr. Henry A. Smythe, President of the Cen- tral National Bank of New Y'ork, has received from George 0. Fogg, laud, a letter of condolence addressed to Mr. Fogg by the author of the History of the Re- formation.Mr. Fogg eays : •* Of tbe many letters letters and science, I have thought that you and other of rested it formation, Dr. Merle dAubigue, of Geneva—a whioh is a household word in America. moro thau seventy years of talking the is oorreot iu its tale here from the 8outh during tbe , aud a pioneer party will leave this city early in August, to report upon the opportunities presented for emigration.N. Y. Expre»». ceremony, reserving to claim her as his wife when d to Havaunab. The wedding he suggested.Savannah Herald. id Bi rial NEWARK ACADEMY. Prof- Edward D. Portai-, Principal. SESSIONS1865. b««n placed iu coi the Pioay of tho country nearly equal in numbers Minister to Switzer- be LKAVH a. M. LEAVE Philadelphia, Baltlmora, Wilmington, NewCastle, il A.M. P.M. 7.46 3.80 P.M. •AS 1.10 A.M. STEAMBOAT ARIEL. Leaves Wilmington at 30 minutes after ti, morn- Laa 11.1 : II in&. A LIFE-LONG FEUD. from the most eminent |.i.. Leaves Philadelpni 30 minutes alter 2, after- Tbo Memphis Aryus Bays that two boys iu De Soto county, Mississippi, had a quarrel, which thoy kept alive until they meantime having several fights, i 11.46 adapted for th »tudy, Canno jlde it boys, as in Coli. •ton and MO of friends in America would be inte- from the great historian of the lle- P.M. DEADLY STRIFE BETWEEN RETURNED UNION AND REBEL SOLDIERS. 6.36 Bridge Greenl 12 6 12. 6 . Pleasant, 10.10 of whioh h materially hurt. Finally, through of friends, the hatchet aunt, which certainly has uctiou Is thorough and practical, Save Saving Bank is located at the oflice of William MoCauliey, Esq., No. 606 Market street, Wil. mington, Dei., and is opened every day to ceive deposits. All amounts received from . interest paid Monet.Remember the Delaware Milford, best *■ k|l (' i'r" 16.30 6.20 10.40 8 30 10.(0 2.86 11.00 8.46 The MemphiB Argus of the 19th ult. has account of a very serious difficulty which occurred at a plaoe called Rocky Springe, twelve miles southeast of Lexington, Tennessee, the evening of the 8th instant. By this un- fortunate affair three Dr. dAubigne age, but still retains muoh'of tbe vigor aud all the industry of his younger days. No buiied. The her Thif 6.46 12.00 A.M. P.M. 12.60 he Blackbird,' Smyrna, Branford, allty of th« Board of TruafeM, the A Harrington, Falten, Canterbury, Willow Grova, - id with a llei'tlons of ia United St i complete I ! eto bet- tban he hAS the right to assigu Mr. Lincolns plaoe in tbe pantheon of history." Tbo following is the letter : - M . ophlcal aapa- tactllllas for 11.16 UI derstanding wus acoepted was strictly adhered Brown tiual, and until Borne three months Payno riding past bis «even others when it is supposed that the old demou them, it is feared, such au extent that he seized bis lheir wounds. The difficulty Beems behind a fence shot nt the passer- originated in the following manner : The people fortunately, howover, missing of Henderson were very much divided during d Payne, putting spurs to his horse, was the war, and when the Uuion forces entered mg distanoe. At last tbe day Teuuessee many of the youug mon of the country d Hint ou a country holi- joined several regiments for the Uniou army a all persons for miles around had 1 whioh were being raised. Among them ther to spend the day mid festive several youDg men from the neighborhood of At this barlmcuo the enemies met, Kooky Spring. Recently these young iglit took up their arms for fight. Payne beeu mustered ed with n double barreled shot gun, and to their th a revolver. Payne tired tho first Secession cause have also returned. On the them, with as little delay as possible, shot and missed, when Brown fired, his shot 8th the people of the neighborhood concluded to all the personal, civil nnd political rights which ] missing it« mark ami taking effect in the bosom have a reunlou and bury the hatchet. * j I they enjoyed previous to the rebellion. With of Miss Gollius, a young lady standing by. 8he, such no exhibition of magnanimity towards I poor victim, dropped dead in her footsteps, those who have been our enemies, not even they ' Again he fired, this time wounding dangerously justly complain erbeu we demand tho elec- ; in the greiu Charles McCluie, another guest; franchise lor those who have beeu our j yet auother time, and a brother of Payno fell friends. Thus does this policy appear to bo j with a broken arm aud shot in the shoulder, any iufatuatiou w80 an'' eo»ser»ntive ns a national polioy; thus Meanwhile, Payne was not idle, but was loading who have it >a necessary to ourselves ; .thus it is just to and filing, and seldom missing, for Brown friends ; thus is it magnanimous to our on- dreadfully shot in the face und body, and bis wife, who clung to him, endeavoring to shield 'I with her own body, fell, her collar- bone liaviug been brokeu by a hall. At last end to (his bloody dollar upwards, and five per the earns from the lay of deposit. Wm. MoCaclley, President. ordlng 11.20 7X0 lost their lives, and iously injured, much acquiring tlou far sc who could read and tion in which 1M Ci 5 1.1 Camdén, 11.66 T.M . Tho 10: ug I Dover ! b N hi. John P. Rutit. Seo’v. recover from Willow Grova, 12.00 7A0 P.M. 12.06 7.46 12.16 7.66 re the pr [Translation.] Geneva, April 27, I860. Monsieur lr Ministre : At the moment when our hearts were exeited at tho greut deli- verance which God has accorded for your people at tbe moment wheu thanksgiving to Him for putting noblo country, to the two greatest evils with which humanity oau be afflicted, war and slave- rya terrible into the deepest mourning. "The blow which has struck Mr. Lincoln strikes all the friends of justioe, order, liberty, and religion. He has been the instrument of j God for the accomplishment of one of the great- , perhaps Hie very greatest, which will illustrate our centurytho definitive abolition of slavery throughout Christendom, fie is only the iustrumert, but the viotim. While venturing to compare this with the great aaori- fice of Golgotha, which gave liberty to the cap- tives, is it not just iu this hour to recall tbe word of au Apostle (1 John iii., 16), Lathis have knowu love, iu that Christ has laid his life for ub ; and therefore ought also to lay down our lives for our brethren.' Who oau say that the President did not lay down duty1?- Tho1name of Lincoln will remain tbe greatest that history baa to inscribe on its annals. Parrioidal bauds, in striking dowu the chief of your people, have thought to be able thereby the great work he had commenced, pass away, God remains. God, , will crown the 8myr his car«. Ter lEDWABD D. PORTA«, Newark, Del ted f D Canterbury, Felton, Harrington Ar. Milford, Ear.Prof. J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocu- list aud Aorist, formerly at Leyden, Holland, is permanently located r. tras R'd. ackblrd, 7.86 2 30 by several ti security il a clear majority by of restored to the 0.16 : M-6 - No. 611 Pine Street, Philadelphia, where persons afflicted with dis- of the Eye and Ear will be scientifically treated and cured if curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without paiu. N. B.—The Medical faculty is invited, secrets in his mode of treatment, jul7 ly ■'1,1.11. , .V. U Ml. l'leasxnt, St. Georges, re Farmington, rldgevllle) bo of SIMMSVEGETABLE LIVES PILLS. .in I rendering 1.0 of reckoning «? day, power ; aud therefore I 8JJ5 8. end, in your ! 1| pain atten e only pilla that or tear r offered Seaford, Broad Creek 10.66 6.10 Laurel, P.M. P.M- Deimar, 2.06 1.10 8.26 Williams Biding, 2.10 Ar.atBallabury, 2.20 NEW GASTLB ACCOMMODATION. Leave New Castle for Wilmington aud Philadelphia ad Leave Philadelphia New Castle, 0.06 4-16 Ar. Wilmington. 9.26 4 36 Ar. Phllad's, Ar. Balttmor , N heen disloynl I come o wit ho e bowel. t griping d arethe*UTtPUïe, ève ; t llit-rwi of service and have returned homes. Those who t»£ power just exactly bayonet ohango 1.46 joy III icourago the ole- 1 "KnT, »nsively ae M. P. ments of r policy be liber mis ' was Re- Bro essential country there with the . In ! k J*« tl "I .1. : THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPE- ?hs Is M. I SI I INVALID. ,^MD.,fAp 0, 1844. 6 month« ■•f pionic got up and tho whole population turned For a whilo everything went smooth, both duet dance. Toward ning, however, a very slight oircumstanoe ooourred, marring uot only . Birr* A Son Str:- 110.16 A. M. j* 6.35 P. M, Baltimore ( P. M., Wll- Pubil.lied fo YOUNG MKNs btllty, Permatu 111 and as a CAUTION Liver sr. •w Cat Jibe vous be- lied serious, 1 thought pticn. I suffi with . , _ thrnwgh at Wilmington as heretofore. and Salisbury aud^spetid night K. «. BKW/Ä*' Superintendent Del. S. B. rebel enemies.invited to do '! To put Ibo ballot, tbe instrument of p ood, Ac., snpplj lp-Corb^ By^ o nth const - In my £ 3ygwbo : parties joining in a the 11 bac of I tralc f ery. liy en I, single fa .ly. r.'t' enemies, und de- | friends ot the privilege of exercising that power. Was there equal to this? If these four inilli beeu loyal to the flag and Germans iu the South, instead of negroes, would have raised the question whether ! loyal Germans, upon the occasion, bat terminating fatally to three of the uumber. A young the 6th Tenn young indy tc ^'ÂtHANHtL*MAYFAIR, In loave Baltin times and «ned'to t b'r xppll« look a ought uamed White, formerly a member of Cavalry (Uuion), asked a join In the dance. The young lady, who had lost two brothers la tbe Rebel vice, refused, accompanying the refusal by very unladylike ami disparaging remark. To ibia White took relatives aud friends took tbe matter up, while the friends of Whito gathered arouud him. Thus parties which ended iu a regular pitched battle, i which pistols severely wounded through the ohest by a pistol shot. Mr. WistOD, of the Rebel party, through tho head, aud expired almost instautly. Mr. Markham, of the Union party, killed by a pistol shot through Mr. Waylin, killed, having beeu I whlc light I I bought on« STEAMER ARIEL. the Uni had beeu ll greatly emiCH. giddy, pain her hush gthvned Spring: and Summer Arrangement. « die of tho government, Bhouhl bo allowed to vote. Every , with have said, They, of course, arc ouly question remaining is, whether the rebels i who have been i be permitted tc , my friends, how fi drawn aside from tbe that, enoient prejudice, and which has beeu fostered, embittered, aud { red ul&y. The ipread by tho influence of slavery throughout I with cotton year after year, and the sy this oouutry. You ure uot williDg to allow to a tillage by slave labor has so impoveris patriot uuder a blaok skin that which you would soil thut the crop is scarce over rémunéra readily concede to n patriot under a white skin. I The planters say that slave labor has never paid. Are tbe people of this country more disposed to I All the profit they ever derived from tho system put power iuto the hands of tbe rebels because was in the increase, which they sold every year they are white, than into the hands of patriots to the uegro traders, to bo transferred to the Who happen to ba blaok Î richer cottou aud sugar fields further South, w * 6 * * * * ! 1 ilia they grumble most about. Their slaves have I free, aud they ure deprived of selling them at d cattle. Tho laud is of the North plow cur fields, is a standard morticed iu a beam, aud ou th« iu ground ia fastened a tliree- f steel, about four or five ihe heel. This ia drawu by Front Georgia. oyh d health, They HUBBELS BOLDEN BITTERS, !.. full, thus putting pti e lady. "I acclaim, would The Agriculture uj the StaleThe Cum and Col- Cropw-The Slave System of TillageThe Soil ImpoverishedNeed of Aorlhe priseReconstructionlion A Purely Vegetable Tonic INVIOORATINU AND STRENGTHENING. Fortifies tlie systemagainst thee late. Your humble serrant, FRANCIS M. HAWKINS, of Baltimore Circuit, of the M. P Church SIMMS A SON. l'hyaiciat ind King Street«, Wi erPllu"and'taXeno Booth , Mllfor 0 April 3d, tbe steamer MONDAY . TI.. THE REBELLIONTHE LOCALITY WHERE ITS LAST GASP WAS GIVEN. /. divided, uud a bitter dispute Bote Leave I A. M. I/o against Ibis government tbe couutry Iibb beeu questiou iginating in slavery, ! should be li»ue. Druggie ""SSBSS A rebel stall' officer who accompanied Jeff. Davis aud his Cabiuet iu their flight from Rioh- ishes tho New York Herald with the heart ot Georgia, emerged, et its final collapse. Speaking of Washington, Georgia, and what occurred there, the officer says : it is the quietest aud snuggest midland town you can think of. All is in prime, promising condition around it. Vineyards, small but rioh -fields, oats, barley, aud wheat, nnd large fields of swt el potatoes encircle it for miles. Tiie town itself is thoroughly sylvan, of the Southern villsgo order, with a lew very fine bouses. The rebels bad numerous stores there, and a good deni of ammunition, all destroyed. >nr this little towu, and where I party, tbnt the cavaliy of Duke aud Wheeler npproprintiug ns much as they could of tho Mexican dollars which formed the bulk of the Davis Treasury. It was here that Mr. Mallory, going right through the Federal soldiers, left hiB President, horses, and baggage, and boldly took tho buck trackain tho ne arrival* hero he had \ by Dr «rally « 7.46 « ueo-J freely. Mr. White fonce N. Y. Tribune.1 FARE INCLUDING DBLAWABRITAT! TAX. n and Philadelphia, 60 HoDk and fblikd.1 adelphta fSpecial Correspoii Debility k Bold by Fei 1 Lodge, Claym generally. But if whose minister Lincoln work of peace, order, and liberty, whioh has cost this generous weep with you, my dear sir ; but with you ; and May God himself assuage the wounds of your people. May tho wgis of His Gospel restore to them union, harmony, peace, and prosperity. Among the legaoics which Lincoln leaves us, precious his spi- rit of equity, of moderation, and of peace, cording to which he will still preside, if I may the restoration of your great na- il, fi Macon, July 8, 1866. half of Georgia i fields have h by ! I .1-« ! 1. o! tho jouvuey i the rebel Governmeut Os Co., The soil of the nortbe lelpbin , *__ Chaste «T Freight receiv, pkta. It2 P.M cU. ver Complaint. whent : I*' healthy appetite, ns of digestion a breast, and of the youug ladys friends, through the abdomeu, ches>, shoulder aud neck. Several mortally wounded. Tho wounded, with exceptions, are Mr. White, George Chapin, Win. Finerty, Charles Simmons and Thomas Harrold. The feeling in the neighborhood wan very much exoited, and it is feared other deedB of violence . Such scenes are much to be it has a tendency to keep sooiety a life preoious. We hope also be deoeived. «•I Will ln» FOR RENT. moderately W. S. HILLES. HOBT. H. BARB. H. C. JONES. ROBERT II* BARR & CO., il the f the rl fa snug LITTLE FARM ol 4< Ired, suitable for a T bargain. . «Z mil. L w°f. UndVW,th «°04 dW /V?,îîe 0fWlLni'p*t0n. Yery produotiva, a Milk or Truck Farm. No. 3.-3 or 4 good 3 story Brick Houses between Lombard and Pine. No. 4.Several cheap Fr N.'» hopes shall f the «yate and four k Farm would be sold ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, THE BEST TONIC BITTERS Iu tbe Worlil. A FAIR TRIAL IS EARNESTLY SOLICITED. wouuded ; several âf them we wlti prom shall all regard e Houses at BparksvlU. W. MoCAULLBY, 600 Market 8t- GEO. C. I1EBBEE & CO.. PROPRIETORS, HUDSON, NEW YORK. Central Depot, American Express Building. 66 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK. **■ For sale by Druggist«, Grocers, Ac. For sale In Wilmington by GBO. B. THOMPSON and ALEX. SaVILLB. By the Emancipation Proclamation taken the initiatory steps toward tho freedom of | sell sheep the negro ; but bow are liberties seourod ? Aro | there laboring men here to-night? What rlty have they for tbe integrity of their fnmiliee? I poiut going in What security havo they for the benefit of tho cornered pieco writ of habeas corpus ? What eeourity have they wido at for the educatiou of their ohildrou at the pub'.io and just scratches the ground about expense ? Wbat soourity have ihey that their j deep. This system of tillage has exhausted the testimony shall be takon iu a court of justioe ? soil, nnd when dry weather comes, which is pre- Their security is in the ballot. We say that valent here, tho crop is dried up. If the land possess oertain natural, essential and un- was plowed and turned over six to eight inclus those rights to be deep, aud subsoiled six by the they woulJ grow largo crops to protect themselves not affect it. else tho timber would Nearly ull of the old cotton lamia half of whioh will speak, plowed AUCTION SALES. Their plow regretted, uusettied. if I dare avail myself of tbe liber- otber occasioos to Excuse ty you have given correspond with you, in order receive, io these painful circumstances, tbe pression of my condolence and of my profound respect. It G reat sale of government horseb AND MULES. pray you to AND athlBgton Chronicle. THE WHOLE TRUTH CONFESSED AT LAST. During tbe progress of the late elections iu England, Mr. Roebuck, who has ebowu himself ies, delivered himself, Sheffield, of the following frank opinions: Reoolleot that the United States of America extend over a territory so large and so beautifully fertile, that by-aml-by wheu it is filled, will be filled, with the great Auglo-Suxou that peoplemark my words, our ohildrcn may learn to believe them(Aa? people will govern the world. [Hear, hear.] My feeling was, and iB, that they have manifested so arrogant a disposition, aud they have insulted England whenever she oould be insulted, that I said : / will, in breaking up that powerful union in communities that will be less powerful.Well and truly said Mr. Roebuok ; aud when you said if, injudicious as it may have been, you as well and truly represented the real opinions of the governing classes of England. Those opinions bave held Bway in Downing for four years, uuder the vory thinnest of neutralitydisguises. Those opinions hastened tbe proclamation of belligerent rights they built Alabamas and Floridas, whioh issued fully manned and equipped to destroy tbe commerce of the ouly groat rival of England ; they pro- duced swarms of blockade-ruouers, which alone protracted our war months by the aid they gave the South ; they caused tho Confederate bondsfor many months to Btand higher in the market than our own. But in spite of these opiuious and iu spite of every possible aid aud comfort short ot open hostilities, we havo gloriously triumphed over both our domestio and ueutral'foes. And Mr. Roebuck may furtbar be assured that we shall make good his prediction that '•this people will govern the world /By the foroe ot our example aloue we shall .overturn and destroy ibo aristocracies that, like Englands , thrive best when the great masses kept most iguorunt and degraded. In twenty years we shall havo revolutionized England by a peaceable, bloodless (if her aristocracy be wiser than ours), though sweeping revolution. Id the meantime, Mr. Roebuck ia entitled (o thanks for the candor and fraukness with which he admits facts that every thinking could not but see during tbe first six mouths of great trial. ule ,000 ANIMALS TO BE BOLD DURING THE MONTS OP AUGUST, ®n.ytv f Columbia. Sllli-BUILDERS, H. R. Bbinohusht, Druggist Apothe- tbe corner of Fourth stu-ethas just received and offers for sale, a large variety of fancy articles, drugs, medicines, chemicals, Patent medicines aud perfumery. Having lately purchased ih New Laziness.H. W. Beecher, io ad Philadelphia at low prices, a large of hie recent lecture-room talks, remarked osBortmeot of hair brushes and tooth brushes, that even prayer is often made an argument" oornbs, fancy extracts, oologne of lszineas. For instance, a person fiaJs that soaps, hair preparatious, &c., he is prepared to liis temper is a souroe of great trouble to bin j sell them at tho original New Y'ork aud Philadel- and if you divest his prayer of its reverential phia retail prices. He keeps constantly on band character, it amounts to about this : ft larße stock of the most popular and most relia- Lord, my temper gives mo a vast deal of bio Pateot me'i'ciueB, all of which ho guarantees inconvenience, and it would be a great task *o bo tho tiu.y genuine, and wnrrants them correot it ; and wilt tboq be pleased lresh and unadulterated. Ayer's Sarsaparilla to correct it for me, that I may get along ea- ! 8ntI Cherry Pectoral, Jayne's Expcctoraut, flier Î" I JaynesAlterative, Carminative, Vemifuge, And if prayer was answered under such oir- and Sanative Pills ; Browns Essence of Ginger, oumstauoes, independent of the action of natural Husbands Magnesia,Browub Bronchial Troches, law, it would be paying a premium on indo> | Radways Ready Relief, Tobias' Horse Liuimenr, lence. If, therefore, a thing is accessible to a Roberts Horse Powder, Hunts Liniment, Wolfs personif by proper exertions or inquiry ho I Schnapps and Drakes Plantation Bitters, compass it himselfit ie not supposed that ranted genuine and soldat reduced prices. aside from the natural laws by We would also call particular attention i family medioiugs, among which the following used for many years, for their safe and effica- s Briughursts Cough «Syrup, for of tho best I.. e State« of New Y Delaware, Marjl , 317 MarketMrrle dAubignb. To the Hon. Georg« G. Fogg, Minister Resi- dent of the United States of America in Swit-, Ohio, Indiana, Cor. Churoh and Ninth Streets, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. aion during tho bitterest of in for Lagrange. Up to tbe left the side of Mr. QtMBTCBlUSTfg GlMIXAL'a Orvici, SOTOS, D o., July 24, 188«. ction, to the highest bidder, inches deeper, alienable rights.How defended ? Either by tbe bayonot ballot. If tbe negroeH in their rights, it iB for the country to givo them the means by giving them tbe ballot. Aud it is not less in iavor of the South than of tho whole couutry that of Massachusetts remember the difficulties in Rhode Island, less than a quarter of a tury ago, when the political power of tho State iu their recognizi Now tho Fédérais , and flankand there <1 drouth would Will be sold at public he time and places nsc all aroundin front, of a navy ; ho iic .Secretary accompanied Louis Wigfull, and run his risks amid the foe," rather than where the foe was peeking him nnd bis party. Ho left Wigfall iu Atauta, where the TexaB Senator a spree for a lew hours, and somehow to evade danger. It wiih at Washington that the cabinet of Mr. Davis ceased to bnve tbo shadow of an existence, it was lb»'Ie that Benjamin stole himself away, and ended the State Department, as Mallory had the Navy. Reaguu, as Postmaster General and TreuHiiry Secretary, was still ou hand, but here he resigned both functionc. So wus Breckinridge ; friend nnd companion in flight, as Sccreiary of War. It wns near there that Mr. DaviB received the information of danger to Ins wife, which precipitated, if it did uot lead 111 land is nut naturally poor, I Eugine«, 8te B Ua , Propellers, of Engines, YORK Hoi«« J«°ch tyTue,J#y *ud Frld*7 ®f clty,Wedne«(Uy oftech week. 200 Moles M* Tag Suiting Vesse I : weak, WO , toilet achlnery. Julyll.Oxn planted with to uuytbiug, and the other half will not average five bushels to au aorc. No other crop is grow- 1 have traveled 000 miles in the S nowhere havo 1 pluco planted with cotton, only hero and there a small patch. Two small fields I saw where wheat had grown. The sheaves were standing iu the field, three or four ill a bunch, at long distances apart, and the straw not moro thau foot in length. 1 should say that five bushels ore thau would lie obtained. The agriculture of the Slate of Georgia is certainly at a very low ebb Many [jlahter's arc preparing uway. They say that cotton will »over I to any extent, now that 'their goue. And ah to hiriog them," said , do you think 1 will hire my » d*y. ndvooate negro suffrage. We COMMERCIAL RECORD. Elmira, Turiday Albany, Friday Buffalo, We , aud . 600 Mulaa. »«day, Alignai 30, (00 Mate«. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 200 HorSMMeh Philadelphia, W 0 Mules each day. Plttiburgb, Thu WILMINGTON MARKET. Corrected by 0. Chandler * Son Thursday, Augu til. Il 1 ! 1866.^ ...$1010 : I kandB exclusively, refused rights of other blood, equally qualified with themselves, uutil extorted from them by Wheat Flour, per bbl K5rlbl" concerned, aid and assist far as 1 odneeday aud Saturday ay of each weak, 160 Mutes etch , the same ot (lie Rye " « Corn Meal, pei uehel U) the concession juiiou ; and do you expect that the white of the Booth, if you allow them { overnmeuts with political power in'their own auds, exclusively, will ever ooucede it to the usgroes, until the negroes e*tort it from them at the point of tbe bayonet ? These negroes four million to-day. They will inoreaBe through centuries until they D 21 ottavllle. Tu SA* Si »y. N , F per sxs; NawTtlle,Thursday, A Reading, Friday, Aug Dhippauabnrgh, Wedn Erie. - bhlppe O old.! but igust 0, 100 Harses. '-,n ,n7 Mulaa. Cl..». ' •he!" 2 5, 100 Hors««. I Mat««. Timothy u f. •11 God will which he has made provision for the supply of to give It to the mau in a speoial be grown again slaves it-1 i "I >preparatious have b aud can be relied Coughs, Coide and Asthma, is remedies kuowu for diseases of the Lungs. Briughursts Dyspeptic Pills, au excellent dy for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, &c. Bring hursts Auti-Bilious Pills, a popular aud desi- " Iu »hört, it rebel Goverun Were rather sttuok Washington the died the death. Somo of with ibo circumstance. It is ■Voo his very fi decades twenty million, and if you do fight ofsuffrage or their posterity will demand i by force. Instead, therefore, of being the BtnieB of the tioutb, when we demand negro suf- eight, ten, give them the some future time they 1 seouro it niggers ?hundred acres being cleared, with u log house offered me for 60 anner. tu.-ast vis, 100 Ho .8.60 Cbauibsrsbarab, Milton. Chrllsl«, Weite be bought for a very low price. On Macon—7 ,"r. not alwnys thut a coincidence is a thing of pure uccidcut. Providence of exhibiting His purposes. Could tboro have been anything lying four niileB Confissions or Infidklity.I seem," says Hume, affrighted and confounded with tbe solitude in which I am plaoed by my philosophy. When 1 look abroad, ou every-side I see dispute, contradiction and distraotion. When I turn my eyes inward, I flud nothing but doubt and igno- Wbere am I ? or wbat am IT From wbat do I derive my existence T To wbat dition shall I return T lam confouuded with questions. I begin to fancy myself in a very deplorable condition, environed with durkocas every side." . Voltaire sayB : The world abounds with wonders, also with victims. In wretchedness thau iu all other animals put getber." How did he judge of it T By his < heart. He adds: •* Man loves life, yet he koo he must die ; spends his existence iu diffusing the miseries he has aufieredcutting the throats of his fellow oreatures for paycheating and being cheated. The bulk of mankind are nothing than a crowd of wretches, equally crimi- nal, equally unfertuuate. I wish l had been boro.Hear wbat St. Paul says ; I have fought a good fight, I have finished my oouree, 1 have kept the faith : Henceforth there is laid up for a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, that CarUala, Tbarsdajr, August 31 OHIO. inscrutable ways pe e. This, 17. Columbiana, Tuesd Balem, Wednesday, Alliance. Tbuudaj 11.100 Horaaa. of the ordiunry path of incidence in this fact? We each attaching a criterion, but ny quantity perhaps, is bo bought for $2 slaverywicked, demoralizing, iuhuniuu slavery. sed the people. its real friends, because this early day, that frage, seourity in their behalf, hereafter they shall be saved from intsstiuo motion, from civil aud social Perversion aud misrepresentation less, and argument thus far bas not been heard, id behalf of tho monBtrous proposition tbnt >ho North ehould consent to such a reconstruction of this government as will guarautce perpetual- ly to two white men in tbe 8outh tbe political power-that is accorded to three white the North. Who ure they and what if they exist at all within the limits of the loyal States, who are prepared to maintain the doo- trine that Virginie, Houth Carolina, Florida aud Texas have tbe b)o right ot representation as Is enjoyed by New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and California? That they bave not this right is oonoeded by all,* or by nearly all among us. No one is prepared to aocept Bouth Caroliua with her old constitu- tion. The veriest stickler for State rights de- mands some alteration- This demand, however ■light it may seem in its practical application, is the equivalent in principle of the demand I make. Bouth Carolina is iu tbe Uuion with her a political orgsniza- in tho Union at a State, per . This comes of common naked ourselves the questiou, sc it than others. ■■ ÏJ HorsM. P ' hi for Bilious Fev«rs, Jaundice, Costive- , Houd-Achts, Ac. Uriugburst's Blackberry invaluablo remedy for Cholic, Hay. lÄiöi'ifooc importance their bosom, staked their all I it has They hugged it upon it, fought for itand have lost. Their cup of iniquity was full. Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." Bitterly do they feel the scourge of war. Towus uud burned, railroads destroyed, field-* laid destitute of almost ail things winch make life coiufurtaMe or desirable. But the war , and tbo Bouth have had enough of it. Thoy will uever appeal to the sword again. How to nstructthat is the only oue way to do it rightly. Give the Southern people universal amneaty, aud make them ugiee tj universal suffrage. Iu uo other way work ho effectually and well doun. The people all rcbeliiyet. The spirit that seceded, that got up the Rebellion, that held slaves, that wants to bold them now, is nil alivo yet. Allow this spirit to rule, without oheck, aud wo know what result will tte The President Has he th it 3, 1,000 MuUs. it )6,^20u Hors««. I UonM, 4. 1.000 Malta. Massillon, Tuesday, j Crestline, Thursday, Compouud, Cholera Morbus, Diarehoic, Griping Pains, and Hummer CompaintB in children. Bringhursts Kings Mixture, a speedy and efficacious appli- cation for Pains, Bruises, Rheumatism, Chil- blains, Frosted Feet, Ac., and also Bringhuret's Essence ot Jamaica Ginger, tho popular medi- cine for Disordered Htomaehs, Indigestion, aud Diarrhö». This preparation of Ginger, unlike those disagreeable and useless nostrums sold under the genuine bleached Jamaica Ginger. Hassons Compound Syrup of Tor, for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, 8ore Throat, and all the affections of the Throat and Lungs, sold for 26 oent per bottle. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE. powor- IN&ANA. Fort Wayoo, Thursday, August DELAWARE. Wilmington. Tuesday of «ach vwk, 200 Horses eaeh A Gang For six months pi Discoverbd in Norfolk. the citizens' of Norfolk differing seriously from tbe depreda- st persistent gang of burglars, in thut city has suffered from Rou TASKER & CLARK 01« MANURES, which uv« gtv«n b«qE g«ne- Stlll cunt 9 Of a '■ Wilmington, Friday of A If« week. Males ery h anders. Not a week passed without a o. The househreikers seemingly plolt of Freeaian Detective placed upon their track, and ho hns unearthed the robbers ch of their booty. Nearly all the gold d silver stolen from the Messrs. Freeman has recovered, and where it also fnuud goods taken from other to tho defied detection. Their last nefari tho robbery of the jewelry & Hons of $2,600 worth of goods. thoy, JKUSKT. Trenton, Thursday, August to, ZOO Tranten, lhuraday, August 24, MakYLa.v Super PhoNphate ol Lluie, from Ouely ground Bo ^ngredie Meat and Bone Compost, refuse Meat, Bone a ' Il M U - Peruvian Guano and te of $65 I Fertllt , is prepared only from the more, Wedo each w k the e iter Zm. Hor«»w!ih°t W*dad*y ef eac wee t *' **v^aîsIJINGTON^D. C**' Racb we*k day, zuO Mules. GIEMIOKO. D. O. immediate and iudisputa- John Kinlnok, of Old Point, I he «y, 2CO Horaea. uparlor elaaa of aadil value, le Each wee An oppor Slaughter fi •HF' iclecf BONE DUST, at market TASKER k CLARK, Eighth and Washlngio: Phila 11-,,' , V< I r I I. . Tbe very extensive, nnd embraces a number them^are sound and servie». ■lphia. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh net euM-eu. by Dr. J. ISAACS îerly of Leyden, lphia. Testtmoc he City aud Com ■hie, tn. gang (,r femak9. Nearly all its members are oM oboal tu ipnorn gmiui I..... . ,, Detective Kinloclr Bbl, Beoonded bE, I , ir a Bay wbo shall no tu hls diecover tbe robber» by Captain ', ' LIT. % the right to any olmebal j„|,„ the Chief of the Milit.îy rSlloe. ÎKLrÎÎJf!LTà?riMÎ f, °I!' vote ? Certain classes are, by proclamation au<l Th nooniH 0f Norfolk own a debt of aoW8 lhal tlhorrible atrocities committed by . of Conftreea, exolodedYom o v.ioo io tho ^ti,"To Government. Thie close, b, the by, » very Jan- brotl8 (ccti otl, ,h, pMliM tha, Buigowtere Amy of North»» IVyton,, s,p. , ore tat becoming parllonoJ, ooj have preted upon them ao long. IBS'* Lieutenant Colonel John 8. all tho rights of citizenship, it tho I J l ft Moseby, Commanding, &c.Colonel: Your re- foremost in gettiug up the Re- ---------------- *•#*-------------- port of the operations of your oommaud from bellion who have fought persistently for four Deck Scrapers.An orticle upon the iron- the 1st of March to tho 11th of September is re- long years, are to bo allowed tho right of trau- clad Dictator, in tbe Army amt Navy Journal of oeived. ohise io the reconstructed Government, then I last week, says that tbeEoglish ooogralulate I ammuoh gratified by the activity and skill say give the loyal men, those who through all themselves tbnt theDictator can be taken by you havedisplayed, aud dosire the dark years were always loyal, the right also, boarders. A trifling experience with her three President Johnson Bays he has uot the right to Meck-scrapers,oi- decide that question. Io he jjot doci'liog it every speedily dispel ti day by giving back the rights which ehould be scrupers forever forfeitedDoes ho not hold tho State the deck from below, W iuch percussion shells, of Georgia to-day by the military power ? Is which there any civil governmeut ? Is there any mu- sweeping off everything within their reach, chinery pertaining to a Btate organization .It They havo beeu tested aboard the Dictator by has all to be made anew. Arc any cf tho laws covoriug her deck with wooden men, and explod- and statutes to be observed that were passed in* a shell with oae of tha deck-sorapers. 8uch I restrain his efforts to wheu a Btate uuder the Confederate Govern- was tho force of the explosion that everything the couuties iu which you meut? Does not the President appoint the pre- was swept from the deck into the sea, and the close copy of a tetter writtensometime since, ----------------- sent Governor of Georgia, and is he not pledged chain cable cut in two by a fragment of tbe 1 in case the original shouldnot have reached Tub Street Railway at Darlington has to do his bidding? If be does not, then he will shell. It is no secret now that our rhonitoro in I you, and call your attentionto theinstructions proved a commercial failure, aud the ehare- appolat another. I admit that the Presidents Southern waters were provided with these deck- it contains. holders have authorised tbs directors to take up has do right to come into the State of New York scrapers, to defend them against night attaoka Very regpectfully, your obedient servant, ' the rails and timber forthwith, and realize the and determia* »hall have the right of fran. | from boarders.” | R. E. Lib, General. 1 value of the varioue properties of the company. army, and moat of the I ullst a 610 FINE Stroft, Fhil xtin.i. .... ght in th« beginning of tea .od ar. thoroughly bnk.'Z, t^rd^a ■Idi*r«d fro*>»teg ao lung II. S. FISHERS IMPROVED tbs the righteous Judge, ehall give dayoffice. The wedl sd by tty PRESERVING CAN! company their patlenis^a« he b Ile«. AKTIFC1AL EYES, liutm t han:« made for eaamlnatlou. constitution of i860, tion kuown as a State she i all ; and if the iB not in the Union her application for admission may bo rejeoted until ehe appears with a frame or government in Babstantial harmony with the polioy of tbe tion. You must be juet to tho negro. Wheu you Invited him to assume the uniform of the army of the republic, when you put the musket into bis hand, when you ask him to jeopard, and if need be, to sacrifice hiB life in defence ot the country, you did, in faot, if not in terms, agree that if the causehis cause aB well your ownwas successful, he should havo the same part in the government as yourselveB, therefore you cannot, without the basest ingrat- itude, now reject him. I am compelled to de- clare to you, my friends, in ail sincerity, heinous of those Southern men, infa- >iu ' août palt. N fob101 y 10 A. M. 8UU« currency. JAM.« j PATBNTBD Uni Tub Human Hair.To number tbe hairs of the head bas been in all ages accounted oount the sand of the shore. Tho astounding labor has, however, been gone through by a German professor, who thus tabulâmes the result of hls examination of four heads of hair : Blonde (number of hairs) Drown Blaok •• Red The heads of hair iu weight, and the deficiency in the number of hairs in the black, broivu, aud red oolors, fully counterbalanced by a corresponding in- crease of bulk in the individual fibres. The average weight of a womans head of hair is about fourteen ounces. , andMarcb 22J, 84. Nov. 12tb, 61 -, Aug This CAN ha* b««u perfectly A. SKIN, gerous restored who Un Now for the Rush to Cheap John'sAnother New List of Prices. Boots and Shoes 30 per »ther store in Delaware. Dry Goods 15 per store in Wilmington. Crockery- any other Notions of all kinds from 18 to 26 per cent, less than any other person dare attempt to Spool Cotton, Cloaking Cloths, Fiauuels, l«ot Stuns, Undershirts and Drawer«, Window Cur- tains, Coal Oil Lamps, Glassware, Knives and Forks, Pocket Books, Brushes of all kinds from 10 to 20 per the United States. Open from 6 A. M. M. Agent for Mtehlers Herb Ritters. No. 606 Market Street. Wilmington, Del "ou.d fo ind lob« rev. Brig. Gau. In charg» tel Dlv. Q M. <f 0 July28-' ratMght* » I irit AUCTION SALES. . less than an; . which ta u NITED STATES MILITARY RAIL- ROADS. less than any other : ha »ut, by hooking or un- it «press tny ihapkg to yourself aud tho brave offioers of your oommaud for their valuable servioe the country. The smalluess of your los9 i 140,400. IÜ9.44U 102.962 26 to 30 per in this city. Own I or Amt. Qi annmiuxTn, iaeron. D. C., Jaty z6, l«M. t. less than slu I, by . J. MsMUKTRIK,' '•- '-iladalpbm, W. H. VaN- jughoutth* called, would nia delusion. These dook- machines for passing up through I lie y AUCTION SALR BOLLING STOCK, ■old at PUBLIC AUCTION, WILLI a A CO. N'-war 1. W. TURNER, 88,740 Will b. th» highMi sell. I comparison with tbe damage inflicted upoa the enemy is creditablo to your own judgement aud teiligenco and courage uf those who executed your çrdors. i hope you will continue to harass the enemy's troops as much blddtr, th« found to be nearly equal }Z1 th» Portland Oo.'n IcC Mx (6) Locomott.» EngtoM. über 2i, at liinkly k William,» oar (d-) Loeymouv. gn,lB -)n TUEi'LaT, t OnTHUKSLAY, On MONDAY*, 8ept« elpbla, Ptnn and a ha ploded by a simple contrivance, tbe in- i Pasture and Hay for Sale. and twenty-ttx tons of Hay WM. MeCAULLEY k CO.. Fifteen u............ >r aal«. Apply to nngt in . le*s than any other possible, and exercise civil authority iu operating. \ tbe ori as they will be upon tho page of history that if the people of tbe North, have acquired liberty for themselves, they have secured the restoration of tbe UnioD by the services and sacrifices of the negro, in çpmmpn yrith their ■acrifioes should surrender him, bound hand foot, m ho will bt, if bt doos not enjoy tho We' 9 P. 606 Mar K8DAY, Ueptem Bft7t8v#(a4> B°* Fr*,l8hTb» eugln « t cyllnd rr, lr« foot gaug«. I th« very b»m quality. 8«ug«, trv foot driver», and Th.y c* changed that they , E. GARRETT, DAGUERREOTYPIST a tolling «xp«ns». ne» at 1QA. M. iu GovaiBrnant fundi Br»r»t C rhnaibrr, an Evaay of Rl ntiiK The Brldi ng M«npublished by tha Uow t fr«a of charge In «ealed ante n Houghton. Howard services and their No. 218 Market Street, WILMINGTON. Tarai: Cash julj28-lGt lope». Addresa, Dr.J «edition. Philadelphia, Fa. L. ROBINSON, until and A. a M. fob10-1y . . Ss




.ly or lii.i om«goornai anU Sfetattamau right of suffrage, into the mies, made doubly ferooious by the ovonts of this wur, and into the custody of your ene also, your position upon the page of hi: and iu the judgment of posterity, will be only less infamous than theirs, i kuow of

offer to ourselTes, 1 kuow of offer to this generati

use that

ohisenow about t< ments whichovory d»y giving the right to mon to vote who should never moro have a vote, and says he has no right to givo the blaok man, who loyal and true, the right, we koow it is because of tho latent leaven that is in him, received from slavery aud its associations.

If the work is not well done uow it will lisvo ugaiu. I do aver, from personal

observation, that (he negroes, except on the large cotton (limitations, remote from

qualified to exercise tho right of franchise than the poor class of whites. A largo majority

inhabitants are of this poor olasN. a school house,

SINGULAR PRESENTIMENT OF DANGERno fllato of Georgia. Wo are of the frag«

left. When tho President is

FROM THE INDIAN TERRITORY. Wilmingtou Fast Office Mails Close.OOIHO NORTH.

EDUCATION for business. Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad.

TIME TABLE. Commencing Monday, July 21tn, IMS.

econstruot a StateOn Monday afternoon, about six o'clock, as

the freight and pusseoger ncoomraodutiou train was going into Hyraouse, an accident occurred which might have heen attended with serious results. The switch was not changed according to tnguals, and the train, which was under good headway, dashed into another train, piling of tho oars over the eugine lu a most dangerous way. Fortuuately, there the eugine aud whistle for brakes, aud tbe menium of the train was speedily checked, further damage might have been done. Tiie enginaud both he and the fireman escaped without injury beyond a few slight bruises. The eugine " No. 260" was, however, badly damaged, tured while the two cats were a total wreck, apieoe of Indians do not



Philadelphia, Pa.Philadelphia, Way aud New Yoik Philadelphia and New Y


oesa Lila, bars unaqunHaJ a^8 tlU A. M 11 30 A. M

. 3 60 aud 8.00 P. M.

uallfy thamrtvlv vantage« for doing eo

lay Morning, August 1Frl

Lahmik, July 27 — One thousand Ckey tnues, Sioux, Arrapahoes, Blaok Feet, aud a few (.‘»manches, utiacked Platte Bridge .Station,

e the telegraph road, on Tuesday last. The garrisou numbered less than 260, and the fight lasted two days, lesulting in heavy loss to the 1

THUMB : CRITTENDEN’Sthatexouse that

iu other oouutrieB, I kuow of

□einch or Baltimore aud Way, Baltimore aud Washington, Baltimore and Washington,

Peninsula Mail Peninsula Mail

A. M. 11.30 A. M. Ö 00 P. M.

-gjf Single Insertion SO ceule peThT JOURNA L°A N DATATES Ml >

| Friday at

»« months

l<ate DeP"1 00rn',r BBOAD STROT ANDW£**H'NOr°N a Ve.nUK, as folio for n IM1'03 406 A. M, (Mondays excepted,)ror Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington,

Grace, Atardsen, Perryman’« and


Iptlous wilt bo 1 no paper itlsoon

the option of

mankind iu the after having accepted the servie blood of tbeliberty aud of the Uaiuu, wu

»K “«»«. if. es aud the

u in defence of the dug, of

with those their uuoiunt oppressors und trample faithful allies in tho dust,

that this infamy, reserved for the people of this country. Of all the woes of which wo have drunk through tliesu four years, ol all tho iu- Htauorsof degradation which have b ed up iu tho long minais of mankind, 1 know of

whioh will compare with tho dation of a free people, who, having secured

their own liberties by tho blood of their fellow- , with baso ingratitude offered their allies to

the common euemy, to the enemy of the t$y, of liberty and of mankind.

I have thus, gentlemen, attempted to demon strate tho existence of Butticient and constitu­tional power in tbe government to enable ('on

be divided gress to hold the people of tbe rebellious dis­tricts under the jurisdiction of the national on tliorlly, while they are excluded from any in tbe public councils, until they frame sHtato governments which are truly republican in form,

groes enters largely iuto the discussion. At the and until evidence is furnished that the public request of a number of leading citizens of Boe- HPU*',nent of euch proposed Stute is ho far loyal

„ 0 a n . h i i- i , as to justify tlm expectation that us general, Hon. Ooorgo 8. BoulweU Jeh.eroü ... .<1- policy «01 .'cord with lb.neural policy of II,o

dress in Tremont Temple, on tbe eveniog of the country ; and this without claiming to iuterfero, 26th ult., on the recoustruotiou of the rebellious und without interfering witli the insti States, in which he thoroughly discussed the B SftatB' .... , . ,. , ..

. , ... , ,' . I have also sought to demonstrate that thowhole matter, and took ground iu favor of con- eroise of thi8 power ifl neces8ary for ,he 80curityfurriug the right of suffrage on the negroes as a of the loyal people, the preservation of the pub.

of preserving the cxistenoe of the gov- Ho credit, bb it is connected with aud dependent eminent. Wo give below extrnolii from Ilia "P"" « onn.tnnt enbibllion of good fnith, hy lb,

. , people and the public authorities. Moreover,,p.'0b, wbmh will asm to giro our read«* on J,/ f,n bo inti,,.need by tbo plain

idea of the views of the leading meu of Massa- statement that, unJer tho Constitution, you chusstts on this all-important subject:— must secure the elective franchise to the negro,

II ia wall enough oleo for na to coooider tbo or »-‘rrender year o„n e,)U»l right in Hie gov- lubjcol of roling with ref.reooc to the negro.» »rnmont of the country ; ond Anally, you of tho South. Wo bavo o conotitutionol prori- not iuonsiblo to tbo otd-.gotiom reslmg upon ,ioo in Mosaochusotla Ibot no mon rota you. to «enure to «Ilmen II,« mena of protont- uDles« bo non rood tho Constitution and write ,DB ,hoM r‘8bls °r P“™'’" nml pn>P"V. wblolt

. A rory proper proriaion, but “ro tb° î""!«11' ““'1 'coOBider that it wan instituted with rof.reiioe to »apport. Tbio policy furnioboe at oneo fleourity

about whoso loyalty tlioriwu» no,meslion: 10 ,I|B oounlry, equality to tho tybitoo of nil but only this queation existed as to whether thoy Motions, justtoo to tbo negro, unlyeroal pun-

compotont to judge of tbo ndmiui«lratiou of llie r6bcl", ,bo only elbcioiit mean» ofof publio affairs. In tho ordinary course of »tlmulating tho industry and developing tho re- things, it is neocssary thut mm should bo able Houroe9 of the South, and at last adequate and to read and write, in ordor to decide intelligently Pemaneut protection against civil upon questions of public polioy. We do uot to- ,eu^8 nuJ wars in all poni day ask suffrage for the negroes bscause they where the

competent to judge of questions or public or policy, but we ask for suffrage for them beoause 1 ha,° “sanmed »Iso tDat the instances of j they are in favor of this government, and the Jo» of rebels by the President will be increased, white people of the South aro against it. That aml lhat in Peace we abandon the policy

already made up. Parties havo ta- "bich was inaugurated i keu their stand. The whites, by a uisjority, ate <u*aPt0d to a time of war, of confiscating the

side, the blacks, unanimously, arc ou the property of rebels who aro not distinguisbed by other. They understand tbnt question, and that ttny speoial oriminality from their associates in is the vital question to us. It is not whether, in ,reaBon- Whether you indict and try persons, South Carolina, judges shall be elected by the '»r confiscate thoir property, tho number of the people, or appointed by tbe governor ; that Ku*l*y >H 90 great, that many necessarily escape, question very likely would be better Bolved by During the war. we seized the property of iudi-

ite. But the ques- "v“'ual enemies, as a means of tiimiuishiug the concerned is not a question P°*fr of lhofi® in arn,H ngainst

of internal polioy, not a question of local or of I no longer, remains,^ and it will probably be State administration, liuttbo question is, “Shall «bought wise to modily our legislation so as to this government exist ?" Wo know that tho no relieve the mass of «juthern people from all ap- gro is in favor of i's existence, und, therefore, prehension. Ho, too, we can have for all the purposes of voting, whether he can ,01 •he loyalty of » State,

not, he is a sate depositary of of 1,B P°Pula,»°n »ro kuowu iu favor of allowing I |fU8t- Whenever a State it

vote, without going into any inquiry Uunu, the loyal seutunent should be sufficiently whether he cuu read ami write, because bis powerful to permit those who h

ballot-box is how essential to us , tu exercise tho elective franchi his power in the field with thé I >’ou ,,our‘8h ulienatioD,

during thomeauB of

citing power. One is by the bayonet, iu tirno ; the other is by tho ballot, in tlmo of

peace. Wo bave takeu the bay War, out of tho bauds of Wbat whiohpeace,into tbe hands of prive

jr-to be done Perry rule, liai


(Sunday« «xo|

J^7*UAItt T**.1“ ât 8-16 A- M., (Sunday,, xcepted, for Baltimore, «topping at " J ¥


Indians. The io Collins and o

ded.Ihe Indians lolroated to the west, tearing

Mr. Alvin Pugeley, of this oily, dowu the telegraph poleB and destroylug the pioked up on the battle -

w field written by u white prisoner recently cap tho Houth l'latte, whioh says

fighting for of their chiefs

standing In tbe tight, and that they expected reinforce­ments.

Ihe body of Lieutenant Collins was horribly mutilated, his hands and feet being cut off, his throat out nnd his heart

pierced by more than

Lieutenant killed, and thirty-four

to daod until

Thé WBRKLY JOURNAL AND STATESMAN I« pub- II,ti.d every Friday at TWO DOLLARS AND A HALF PEK ANNUM, payable In advance, or THREE DOLLARS‘‘aüVkRTHKMKNTd not en-e

Del. Rail Road. A. M. tf.öO P. M

’IllLADJnLPHlA I----- ROAD TRAIN at 7.*# A.t.) for Salltbury, MllfOrd and ’ *bet-

Thie Uot o»re iiccuplee the whol« upnar portion le Urge double building at the N. B. corner o

and SEVENTH 8trwt3. In well lighted!CHESTNUT


of the style of eleganes. A P. M. (-anJay« exoepted,) for "topping at Chester, Wlliulag-

HS» Ïtf *iiSS2'Newark, Elkton, North-Saat, PerryvllTe, Havre de Grace, Ferryman », Edgewood, Magnolia, and Btemmer’a Run. _NIGHT EXPRESS at 1115 P. M. for B.lCmore^nd

, «topping at Cheater Wilmington, Newark, "err/Tllle, and Havre de Grace.

ch Iahe in- Nu ultlmore aid sixty ft* « of the most p t0KXfcpRK8S TRALN a*ono iu a hundredall followed tho lead of tho riob, and Thoy will urguu vihemeutly, in their ignoranoe, for sluvory, though nouo of them e slave. It is not proposed to disfranchise this class, nnd now, in tho name of God, aud for tbs sake of humanity, give tho right of franchise tho black

Carefully correetsj with every chanyt.

Trains Leave Wilmington At 16 minutes before I o’clock, morning.At 8 o’clock, moruiug.At 30 minâtes after 9 o'clock, morninz.At 12 o’clock.At 2 o’clock, afternoon At 4 o’clock, after At 27 minutes after 4 o'clook, afterno At 16 minutes before 6 o’clock, nfternoou.At 80 minutes after 6 o’clock, evening At 27 mioutes before 0 o'clock, night.At 6 minutes before 10 o’clock, uight.At 30 minutes after 0 o’clock, eveuiDg, Hundays.

Trains Lkavr Philadelphia At 6 minutes after 4 o'clock in the morning.At 16 before 8 o’clock, morning At 16 minutes after 8 o'clock, morning.At 16 minutes after 10 o'clock, moruiug At 16 minutes after 1 o’clock, afternoon.At 2 o'clock, afterooou.At 80 minutes after 3 o’clock, afternoon.At 6 minutes before 4 o’clock, afternoon.At 6 o’clock, afternoou.At 7 o’clock, evening.At 10 o'clock, night.At 16 minutes after 11 o’olock, night.At 6 minutes after 4 o’clock, morning, Hundays. At 10 o'clock, night, Hundays.>»t 16 minutes after 11 o’olock, night, Hundays.

Trains Lkayb Wilminqton

At 10 minutes after 9 o’clock,At 26 miuutes before 1 o’clock,At 6 minutes before 6 o’clock, afternoon.At 26 minateB before 7 o’clock, evening.

Trains Leave New Castle

At 80 minutes after 7 o’clock, morning.At 6 minutes after *.* o'clock, morning,At 80 minutes after 1 o'clock, afternoou.At 6 o’clock in the evening.

nearly «evenpeace, butof them beiag throwu several feet, aud nar- | all time ; that we had killed ly missing

e limetr Mdl which IU Urge

rill he util d deg- .1 a workmen who Philadelphia all »ber of applications :are fo e College for them. The i-ourse of tnalru

iditon include«We learn that on the morning before the

dent, Mr. Pugslev had astraugoaml able presenti

Elk toandÂ|tUhm”d°win0ukïth?ll5*>? M°T?S' Cltj Potnt

WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATIOnVraINS Stopping at all «intlon« ----

BOOK-KBEPINO,that he was to be placed iu

peril, though he oould scarcely say what , and he lias been

several years, with remarkable

tue o'clock, A. M.,. In

Htruction be settledother way

basis of equal and exact and tran-

to the people of the South, aud tbe s, every wh

which I« taught in all He deHis body hundred arrows,

slightest disposition the part of the Indians for pence, which

only be obtained by severely punishing them.Ono of the Powder River columns i

moving to join the force from Platte Bridge, which is following the Indians. It is stated that nil the troops intended for the Indian expedi­tions would have been in the field long ago had

the contractors failed to deliver supplies cording to the termB of their contracts

ind rappllcattoiJu«t practiced byRECONSTltUCTlOX. FhUadalphla and WU

n t’h|lade|phla at T.45, 10 16 A, M., 2.00,3.S0,6.00,7.00 and lO.uiiK M. The3.30 P. M. train connect* with Dél­

it intermediate elation«

SÏ.ÏÏjustice. In no other way it the Central road option from

accident. He mentioned this feeling to hie wife, and said he had rather bad Borne

There si-Pei I"-The subject of reconstruction In uow the topic which is engrossing the attention of Amer-

Opiuions appear

brquility co' turbulent calm. In the

■ tke j««drj la botroubled, bo made of tho hundreds of thousands

be settled, again disturb the

I »t . Milfunl' i etigo out that day if heioao State as to the beet mode to adopt

e Sh &c d I« Leave WUmlngtoted in ud customs of business life.

e 1 and e.SOA. M.. 2.00,

ting atr Pnlladalpnla.

s'ain, let this qu take his place ou the engine, of the stations a forlorn little boy asked

to reach his home. Mr. Pugsley strangely a coming danger that ho would

allow him to ride onooe of the pas-enger

At auother place he met be had

restore .the rcbel- the Federal Union. In this

tr ot x 6 30 F. 11. i Perryvlllenothing shall

and prosperity of this Union. Methought, while walking over the battle fields I oould hear the voices of tho thousands slain, who Iny slum­bering beneath my feet : “ Oh, let not

been sacrificed i

Vi­llous Statesmotion, the propriety ot enfranchising the

PENMANSHIP. Wilmington w Train» tor N

for a free ride: rr l«av« Philadalptila

THKUUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE ave Wllmlngtor at 12.00 M., 4.27.8 33 and 0.64 P.M.

CHESTER FOR PHILADELPHIA.7 45, 8 43. and 10.14 A. M., 12.36, 2A0,

7.45 andUlt on puengine, but procured Wilmington

a pi il-!' O I COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC,in. Reconstruct intimate friend whom

in many years, but after changing a few words, Mr. Pugsley besought himpressed a wish that the fireman Bbould leave ; but this

Hindu and Lom, s taught in it» shothe basis of

Then will God smile happy all who li «Stars aud Stripes. Then will the angels reach

s they take you by the up higher.”'

Innd exact justice Hfeoifio for New Y'ork Rowdyiim. — The Chief ui Police of New Y'ork telegraphed some time yesterday to tho Mayor of Worcester, that a large crowd of roughs from that city and Al­bany were about leaving for Worcester, to assist in the base ball match to-day and the regatta to-morrow. The Mayor immediately telegraphed to Mayor Briggs, of this city, for one thousand ball oartridges, whioh were promptly forwarded from tbe armory to WorceBtor this morning — Mayor Briggs enolosed a with the cartridges, saying that he considered them one of the most effectual inventions of modern times for tbe preservation of law and order when used according to direotions. We hope there will be no occasion to use them, but

thing is certain, if they attempt tho Hud- g&mn in Worcester, a far smaller number of

the rowdies will return than came.—Springfield (Man.) Union, July 28.

Frurn^B MjTIMO RB^T 1.»»ve Baltimore

gp-d bless, and make

1er tbe broad folds of tbePHILADELPHIA.ind Dbtsotiro Cock• . . .10 P. M., Ex

. 0,86 P. M., Express, OJUtake a feit Not Fa, are included In. He irw. 4.26 P. M., Way Tr P. M. Express.TELEGRAPHING

per Is taught by


down, saying to you, hand, * Brothers,

TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE.impracticable. Fortunately hurt, but bad either his friend or the little

boy been with him on the engine, it would bave all of them had

been killed. Tbe coincidence of the acoideut with the Btrange presentiment felt by Mr. Pugs­ley, is a subject of curious iutereBt.—Kocheiter Union, July 28.

Leave Cheater a t 8.64 A. M., 1.50and 11.60 P. M. ton at 6.13, 0.86 A. M., 2.26,6.02 and

e of the U-.’7ÄiporU do -Lewrllyn. 12.26 P. M.

SUNDAY TRAINS.EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.06 A. M„ for Baltimore aud

Hu'nSÎ?8tîîl‘!2K,,i? “ WHmlegton, PerryvlUa, Havre de Grace, Aberdeeu, Perryman’« and Magnolia NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.16 P. M„ f“r Baltlmora and Washington, stopping at Chester, (ror Baltimore and Wa^yJon^seaitar«,) WllmiagtOB, Newark, Elktoa, Nortn-uat, 1 erryville and Havre de Grace, md Wa?SUtl ms10N THAIN 10 P'M' fop Wilmington,

.been almost a miracle ifnt has been onened for the reception of «traction iu this branch. The great aadMarried of ladieaof tbe members of

tho 103d United States Colored Troopsntly to a blooming colored

tbe urrango- nearly completed Fort l’ulaski, and

leave with it. » to his espoused, informing her that ho good a soldier to stay behind,

therefore a postponement Shortly after ho se fort,

»■ItoMayor BallI -I lied

damsel of Savannah, b ments for tho nuptials his regiment the exps

give t «.parxtely,thoa partloular branc

a usually riKiulrtid for t am^ tight

, c°mPl8 to twal

dally da

Counting-Kmiuration to Bbaxil.—The New Orleans Picayune says the talk of emigrating to Brazil continues in that part of the country, the emigrants being discontented Southern families. The country to whioh the proposed emigrants propose to go ia the upper valley of the Tecautius River, vjhose chief seaport is Para. It is a oouutry similar to that watered by the AmazoD. The Picayune is of the opinion that the

will not amount to muoh ; home ties strong for any considerable emigrati

take plaoe. The Texaos way. Weconclusions. We bear the those who have lived

s orderoi bridegroom had DALTIMORE FOB PHILADELPHIA.

Lun Baltimore at 0.26 P. M„ stODDlnx at rryvllle and Wlimin

’ •New Castle. ■He .. stopping at Havre da

a--Al*° *t0P" *t JClktaa

u or Baltlmere,) 'and Chaster to more or Washington.

8.80 P. M.

im I -i. I ington. Also atop« at era for Philadelphia aad that

unavoidable, another letter from the

stating ibat it would probably be a long before be could attend personally

matrimonial affair, and that,

Instructed iff”«,r nalnlng terms, Ac.,L.' obtained

«r££caiTTPl| Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 8 BNNBY, SoI on Boox- ■»Mndent.


Change of Hours.

ON and after MONDAY, JULY 24th, 1886, Traîne fbr untîuurthe™ nouée10“ ,>MMntJ,r* wl,J rua “ fellows,


MR. LINCOLN.Wilminqton.

8. H. CRITTENDEN & CO.,(he whole,

Hie preparations might not keop aud should be wasted, lie would delegato bis groomsman represent him ia himself Ihe right

»V6toMr. Henry A. Smythe, President of the Cen­

tral National Bank of New Y'ork, has received from George 0. Fogg, laud, a letter of condolence addressed to Mr. Fogg by the author of the “ History of the Re­formation.’’ Mr. Fogg eays : •* Of tbe many lettersletters and science, I have thought that you and other of rested itformation, Dr. Merle d’Aubigue, of Geneva—a

whioh is a household word in America.moro thau seventy years of

talking the is oorreot iu its

tale here from the 8outh during tbe

, aud a pioneer party will leave this city early in August, to report upon the opportunities presented for emigration.—N. Y. Expre»».

ceremony, reserving to claim her as his wife when

d to Havaunab. The wedding he suggested.—Savannah Herald.

id Bi rial NEWARK ACADEMY. Prof- Edward D. Portai-, Principal.

SESSIONS—1865.V» b««n placed iu coi

the Pioayof tho country

nearly equal in numbersMinister to Switzer-be

LKAVH a. M. LEAVEPhiladelphia,


Wilmington, New Castle,

il A.M. P.M.7.46 3.80

P.M.•AS 1.10


STEAMBOAT ARIEL.Leaves Wilmington at 30 minutes after ti, morn-

Laa 11.1: IIin&.A LIFE-LONG FEUD. from the most eminent |.i..Leaves Philadelpni 30 minutes alter 2, after-Tbo Memphis Ary us Bays that two boys iu De Soto county, Mississippi, had a quarrel, which thoy kept alive until they meantime having several fights, i

11.46adapted for th

»tudy,Cannojlde it boys, as in Coli.

•ton and —MOof friends in America would be inte-

from the great historian of the lle-P.M.DEADLY STRIFE BETWEEN RETURNED


Greenl12 612. 6 . Pleasant, 10.10of whioh

h materially hurt. Finally, through of friends, the hatchet aunt, which certainly has

uctiou Is thorough and practical,SaveSaving Bank is located at the oflice of William MoCauliey, Esq., No. 606 Market street, Wil. mington, Dei., and is opened every day to ceive deposits. All amounts received from

. interest paid

Monet.—Remember the Delaware


best *■ ■ k|l(' i'r" 16.30 6.20 10.40 8 30 10.(0 2.86 11.00 8.46

The MemphiB Argus of the 19th ult. has account of a very serious difficulty which occurred at a plaoe called Rocky Springe, twelve miles southeast of Lexington, Tennessee,

the evening of the 8th instant. By this un­fortunate affair three

■Dr. d’Aubigne age, but still retains muoh'of tbe vigor aud all the industry of his younger days. No

buiied. The■ herThif

6.46 12.00 A.M. P.M. 12.60

he Blackbird,'


allty of th« Board of TruafeM, the AHarrington, Falten, Canterbury, Willow Grova,

- id with a llei'tlons of ia United St i complete

I ! eto■bet-tban he hAS the right to assigu Mr. Lincoln’s

plaoe in tbe pantheon of history."Tbo following is the letter :

- M .ophlcal aapa- tactllllas for

11.16 UIderstanding wus acoepted was strictly adhered


tiual, and until Borne three months

Payno riding past bis «even others when it is supposed that the old demou them, it is feared,

such au extent that he seized bis lheir wounds. The difficulty Beems behind a fence shot nt the passer- originated in the following manner : The people

fortunately, howover, missing of Henderson were very much divided during d Payne, putting spurs to his horse, was the war, and when the Uuion forces entered

mg distanoe. At last tbe day Teuuessee many of the youug mon of the country d Hint ou a country holi- joined several regiments for the Uniou army

a all persons for miles around had 1 whioh were being raised. Among them ther to spend the day “mid festive several youDg men from the neighborhood of

At this barlmcuo the enemies met, Kooky Spring. Recently these young iglit took up their arms for fight. Payne beeu mustered ed with n double barreled shot gun, and to their

th a revolver. Payne tired tho first Secession cause have also returned. On the them, with as little delay as possible, shot and missed, when Brown fired, his shot 8th the people of the neighborhood concluded to

all the personal, civil nnd political rights which ] missing it« mark ami taking effect in the bosom have a reunlou and bury the hatchet.* j I they enjoyed previous to the rebellion. With of Miss Gollius, a young lady standing by. 8he,

such no exhibition of magnanimity towards I poor victim, dropped dead in her footsteps,those who have been our enemies, not even they ' Again he fired, this time wounding dangerously

justly complain erbeu we demand tho elec- ; in the greiu Charles McCluie, another guest; franchise lor those who have beeu our j yet auother time, and a brother of Payno fell

friends. Thus does this policy appear to bo j with a broken arm aud shot in the shoulder, any iufatuatiou w‘80 an'' eo»ser»ntive ns a national polioy; thus Meanwhile, Payne was not idle, but was loading

who have it >a necessary to ourselves ; .thus it is just to and filing, and seldom missing, for Brownfriends ; thus is it magnanimous to our on- dreadfully shot in the face und body, and bis

wife, who clung to him, endeavoring to shield 'I with her own body, fell, her collar­

bone liaviug been brokeu by a hall. At last end to (his bloody

dollar upwards, and five perthe earns from the lay of deposit.

Wm. MoCaclley, President.

ordlng 11.20 7X0lost their lives, and

iously injured, much

acquiring tlou far sc

who could read and tion in which

1MCi 5 1.1 Camdén, 11.66 T.M. Tho 10: ug ■ I Dover! b Nhi. John P. Rutit. Seo’v.recover from Willow Grova, 12.00 7A0 P.M.12.06 7.46 12.16 7.66

re the pr[Translation.]“Geneva, April 27, I860.

“ Monsieur lr Ministre : At the moment when our hearts were exeited at tho greut deli­verance which God has accorded for your people —at tbe moment wheu thanksgiving to Him for putting noblo country, to the two greatest evils with which humanity oau be afflicted, war and slave­ry—a terrible into the deepest mourning.

"The blow which has struck Mr. Lincoln strikes all the friends of justioe, order, liberty, and religion. He has been the instrument of j God for the accomplishment of one of the great-

, perhaps Hie very greatest, which will illustrate our century—tho definitive abolition of slavery throughout Christendom, fie is only the iustrumert, but the viotim. While venturing to compare this with the great aaori- fice of Golgotha, which gave liberty to the cap­tives, is it not just iu this hour to recall tbe word of au Apostle (1 John iii., 16), ‘Lathis

have knowu love, iu that Christ has laid his life for ub ; and therefore ought

also to lay down our lives for our brethren.' Who oau say that the President did not lay down duty1?- Tho1 name of Lincoln will remain

tbe greatest that history baa to inscribe on its annals.

“ Parrioidal bauds, in striking dowu the chief of your people, have thought to be able thereby

the great work he had commenced, pass away, God remains. God,

, will crown the

8myrhis car«. TerlEDWABD D. PORTA«,

Newark, Del

tedfD Canterbury,

Felton, Harrington A r. Milford,

Ear.—Prof. J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocu- list aud Aorist, formerly at Leyden, Holland, is permanently located

r. tras R'd. ackblrd,

7.86 2 30by several tisecurity il a clear majority

by of restored to the

0.16: M-6 -No. 611 Pine Street,

Philadelphia, where persons afflicted with dis- of the Eye and Ear will be scientifically

treated and cured if curable. Artificial Eyes inserted without paiu.

N. B.—The Medical faculty is invited,secrets in his mode of treatment, jul7 ly

■'1,1.11. , .V. UMl. l'leasxnt, St. Georges,

re Farmington, rldgevllle)


■ .in I rendering 1.0of reckoning «? day,

power ; aud therefore I 8JJ5 8.end, in your! 1|

pain atten e only pilla that or tear r offered

Seaford,Broad Creek

10.66 6.10 Laurel,P.M. P.M- Deimar, 2.061.10 8.26 Williams Biding, 2.10


Leave New Castle for Wilmington aud Philadelphia ad

Leave Philadelphia

New Castle, 0.06 4-16 Ar. Wilmington. 9.26 4 36 Ar. Phllad's,

Ar. Balttmor

, Nheen disloynl I come o wit ho e bowel.

t griping d arethe*UTtPUïe,ève; t llit-rwiof service and have returned

homes. Those who

tȣpowerjust exactly bayonet

ohango 1.46joyIIIicourago the ole- 1 "KnT,»nsively

ae M. P.ments of r policy

be libermis ' was Re- Bro

essential country there

with the. In ! kJ*«tl "I .1.: THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPE- ?hs Is M. ISI

I INVALID. ,^MD.,fAp 0, 1844.6 month«■•f pionic

got up and tho whole population turned For a whilo everything went smooth, both

duet dance. Toward ning, however, a very slight oircumstanoe

ooourred, marring uot only

. Birr* A Son —Str:- 110.16 A. M. j* 6.35 P. M, Baltimore (

P. M., Wll-Pubil.lied fo YOUNG MKNs btllty, Permatu

111 and as a CAUTION Liversr. •w CatJibe vous be­ lied serious, 1 thought pticn. I suffi

with. , _ thrnwgh

at Wilmington as heretofore.and Salisbury

aud^spetid night

K. «. BKW/Ä*'

Superintendent Del. S. B.

rebel enemies.— invited to do '! To put Ibo ballot,

tbe instrument of p

ood, Ac., snpplj lp-Corb^ By^ o nth const

- In my £3ygwbo

’ :parties joining in a the ■ 11 bacof I tralcfery. liy en I, single fa .ly.r.'t'enemies, und de- | friends ot the privilege of exercising

that power. Was there equal to this? If these four inilli beeu loyal to the flag and Germans iu the South, instead of negroes,

would have raised the question whether ! loyal Germans, upon the

occasion, bat terminating fatally to three of the uumber. A youngthe 6th Tenn young indy tc

^'ÂtHA N HtL*M AY FAIR, In loave Baltintimes and “«ned'to tb'r xppll« look a

oughtuamed White, formerly a member of

Cavalry (Uuion), asked a join In the dance. The young

lady, who had lost two brothers la tbe Rebel vice, refused, accompanying the refusal by

very unladylike ami disparaging remark. To ibia White took

relatives aud friends took tbe matter up, while the friends of Whito gathered arouud him. Thus partieswhich ended iu a regular pitched battle, i which pistols severely wounded through the ohest by a pistol shot. Mr. WistOD, of the Rebel party, through tho head, aud expired almost instautly. Mr. Markham, of the Union party, killed by a pistol shot through Mr. Waylin,

killed, having beeu

I whlc

light I I bought on« STEAMER ARIEL.the Uni had beeu ll greatlyemiCH. giddy,

painher hush gthvnedSpring: and Summer Arrangement.« die

of thogovernment, Bhouhl bo allowed to vote. Every

, withhave said, “They, of course, arc ouly question remaining is, whether the rebels i who have been i

be permitted tc , my friends, how fi

drawn aside from tbe that, enoient prejudice,and which has beeu fostered, embittered, aud { red ul&y. Theipread by tho influence of slavery throughout I with cotton year after year, and the sy this oouutry. You ure uot williDg to allow to a tillage by slave labor has so impoveris patriot uuder a blaok skin that which you would soil thut the crop is scarce over rémunéra readily concede to n patriot under a white skin. I The planters say that slave labor has never paid. Are tbe people of this country more disposed to I All the profit they ever derived from tho system put power iuto the hands of tbe rebels because was in the increase, which they sold every year they are white, than into the hands of patriots to the uegro traders, to bo transferred to the Who happen to ba blaok Î richer cottou aud sugar fields further South,

w * 6 * * * * ! 1 ilia they grumble most about. Their slaveshave I free, aud they ure deprived of selling them at

d cattle. Tho laud is of the North plow cur fields,

is a standard morticed iu a beam, aud ou th« iu ground ia fastened a tliree- f steel, about four or five

ihe heel. This ia drawu by

Front Georgia. oyh d health, They ■ ■HUB BEL’S BOLDEN BITTERS,!.. full, thus putting pti ■

e lady. "Iacclaim, would The Agriculture uj the Stale—The Cum and Col- • Cropw-The Slave System of Tillage—The

Soil Impoverished—Need of Aorlhe prise—Reconstruction—lion


Fortifies tlie sy stem against thee

late. Your humble serrant,FRANCIS M. HAWKINS,

of Baltimore Circuit, of the M. P Church SIMMS A SON. l'hyaiciat

ind King Street«, WierPllu"and'taXeno

Booth , Mllfor

0 April 3d, tbe steamerMONDAY. TI.. THE REBELLION—THE LOCALITY WHERE ITS LAST GASP WAS GIVEN./. divided, uud a bitter dispute Bote Leave I A. M.I/oagainst Ibis government

tbe couutry Iibb beeu questiouiginating in slavery, !

should be li»ue. Druggie""SSBSSA rebel stall' officer who accompanied Jeff.

Davis aud his Cabiuet iu their flight from Rioh- ishes tho New York Herald with

the heart ot Georgia, emerged,

et its final collapse. Speaking of Washington, Georgia, and what occurred there, the officer says :

it is the quietest aud snuggest midland town you can think of. All is in prime, promising condition around it. Vineyards, small but rioh

-fields, oats, barley, aud wheat, nnd large fields of swt el potatoes encircle it for miles. Tiie town itself is thoroughly sylvan, of the Southern villsgo order, with a lew very fine bouses. The rebels bad numerous stores there, and a good deni of ammunition, all destroyed.

>nr this little towu, and where I party, tbnt the cavaliy of Duke aud Wheeler

npproprintiug ns much as they could of tho Mexican dollars which formed the bulk of the Davis Treasury.

It was here that Mr. Mallory, going right through the Federal soldiers, left hiB President, horses, and baggage, and boldly took tho “buck track’’ain tho ne arrival* hero he had

\ by Dr «rally « 7.46 «ueo-J freely. Mr. Whitefonce N. Y. Tribune. 1 FARE INCLUDING D BL A W ABRITAT! TAX.

n and Philadelphia, 60 HoDk and fblikd.1


fSpecial Correspoii■ Debility k Bold by Fei C«

1 Lodge, Clay m generally.

But ifwhose minister Lincoln work of peace, order, and liberty, whioh has cost this generous weep with you, my dear sir ; but with you ; and May God himself assuage the wounds of your people. May tho wgis of His Gospel restore to them union, harmony, peace, and prosperity. Among the legaoics which Lincoln leaves us,

precious his spi­rit of equity, of moderation, and of peace, cording to which he will still preside, if I may

the restoration of your great na­

il, fiMacon, July 8, 1866.half of Georgia i

fields have h

by ■ ! I.1-« ! • 1. •o! tho jouvuey i

the rebel GovernmeutOs Co.,The soil of the nortbe lelpbin , *__ Chaste

«T Freight receiv, pkta.It2 P.M

cU.ver Complaint.whent:I*' healthy appetite, ns of digestion abreast, and

of the youug lady’s friends, through

the abdomeu, ches>, shoulder aud neck. Several

mortally wounded. Tho wounded, with exceptions, are Mr. White, George Chapin, Win. Finerty, Charles Simmons and Thomas Harrold. The feeling in the neighborhood wan very much exoited, and it is feared other deedB of violence

. Such scenes are much to be it has a tendency to keep sooiety

a life preoious. We hope also

be deoeived.

«•I Will ln» FOR RENT.moderatelyW. S. HILLES. HOBT. H. BARB. H. C. JONES.


il the f the rl fa snug LITTLE FARM ol 4<Ired, suitable for a T bargain.

. «Z mil. L wTÎ °f. UndVW,th “ «°04 dW/V?,îîe 0f„WlLni'p*t0n. Yery produotiva,

■ a Milk or Truck Farm.No. 3.-3 or 4 good 3 story Brick Houses

between Lombard and Pine.No. 4.—Several cheap Fr

N.'»hopes shall f the «yate andfour k Farmwould be sold





wouuded ; several âf them we wltiprom

shall all regard ■e Houses at BparksvlU.

W. MoCAULLBY, 600 Market 8t-


HUDSON, NEW YORK. Central Depot, American Express Building.66 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK.**■ For sale by Druggist«, Grocers, Ac.For sale In Wilmington by GBO. B. THOMPSON and


By the Emancipation Proclamation taken the initiatory steps toward tho freedom of | sell sheep the negro ; but bow are liberties seourod ? Aro | there laboring men here to-night? Whatrlty have they for tbe integrity of their fnmiliee? I poiut going in What security havo they for the benefit of tho cornered pieco writ of habeas corpus ? What eeourity have they wido atfor the educatiou of their ohildrou at the pub'.io and just scratches the ground about expense ? Wbat soourity have ihey that their j deep. This system of tillage has exhausted the testimony shall be takon iu a court of justioe ? soil, nnd when dry weather comes, which is pre- Their security is in the ballot. We say that valent here, tho crop is dried up. If the land

possess oertain “natural, essential and un- was plowed and turned over six to eight inclus those rights to be deep, aud subsoiled six

by the they woulJ grow largo crops to protect themselves not affect it.

else tho timber would Nearly ull of the old cotton lamia

half of whioh will

speak,plowedAUCTION SALES.Their plow regretted,

uusettied.if I dare avail myself of tbe liber-

otber occasioos toExcuse

ty you have given correspond with you, in order receive, io these painful circumstances, tbe pression of my condolence and of my profound respect.


Great sale of government horsebAND MULES.pray you to


During tbe progress of the late elections iu England, Mr. Roebuck, who has

ebowu himself ies, delivered himself,

Sheffield, of the following frank opinions:Reoolleot that the United States of America

extend over a territory so large and so beautifully fertile, that by-aml-by wheu it is filled, will be filled, with the great Auglo-Suxou that people—mark my words, our ohildrcn may learn to believe them—(Aa? people will govern the world. [Hear, hear.] My feeling was, and iB, that they have manifested so arrogant a disposition, aud they have insulted England whenever she oould be insulted, that I said : “/ will,in breaking up that powerful union in communities that will be less powerful.”

Well and truly said Mr. Roebuok ; aud when you said if, injudicious as it may have been, you as well and truly represented the real opinions of the governing classes of England. Those opinions bave held Bway in Downing

for four years, uuder the vory thinnest of “neutrality’’ disguises. Those opinions hastened tbe proclamation of “belligerent rights they built Alabamas and Floridas, whioh issued fully manned and equipped to destroy tbe commerce of the ouly groat rival of England ; they pro­duced swarms of blockade-ruouers, which alone protracted our war months by the aid they gave the South ; they caused tho “Confederate bonds” for many months to Btand higher in the market than our own. But in spite of these opiuious and iu spite of every possible aid aud comfort short ot open hostilities, we havo gloriously triumphed over both our domestio and “ueutral'’ foes. And Mr. Roebuck may furtbar be assured that we shall make good his prediction that '•this people will govern the world /’’ By the foroe ot our example aloue we shall .overturn and destroy ibo aristocracies that, like England’s

, thrive best when the great masses kept most iguorunt and degraded. In

twenty years we shall havo revolutionized England by a peaceable, bloodless (if her aristocracy be wiser than ours), though sweeping revolution.

Id the meantime, Mr. Roebuck ia entitled (o thanks for the candor and fraukness with

which he admits facts that every thinking could not but see during tbe first six mouths of

great trial.


OP AUGUST,®n.ytv

f Columbia.

Sllli’-BUILDERS,H. R. Bbinohusht, Druggist Apothe- tbe corner of

Fourth stu-et—has just received and offers for sale, a large variety of fancy articles, drugs, medicines, chemicals, Patent medicines aud perfumery. Having lately purchased ih New

Laziness.—H. W. Beecher, io a“d Philadelphia at low prices, a largeof hie recent lecture-room talks, remarked osBortmeot of hair brushes and tooth brushes,

that even prayer is often made “ an argument" oornbs, fancy extracts, oologne of lszineas. For instance, a person fiaJs that soaps, hair preparatious, &c., he is prepared to liis temper is a souroe of great trouble to bin j sell them at tho original New Y'ork aud Philadel- and if you divest his prayer of its reverential phia retail prices. He keeps constantly on band character, it amounts to about this : ft larße stock of the most popular and most relia-

“ Lord, my temper gives mo a vast deal of bio Pateot me'i'ciueB, all of which ho guarantees inconvenience, and it would be a great task *o bo tho tiu.y genuine, and wnrrants them

correot it ; and wilt tboq be pleased lresh and unadulterated. Ayer's Sarsaparilla to correct it for me, that I may get along ea- ! 8ntI Cherry Pectoral, Jayne's Expcctoraut, flier Î" I Jaynes’ Alterative, Carminative, Vemifuge,

And if prayer was answered under such oir- and Sanative Pills ; Brown’s Essence of Ginger, oumstauoes, independent of the action of natural Husband’s Magnesia,Browu’b Bronchial Troches, law, it would be paying a premium on indo> | Radway’s Ready Relief, Tobias' Horse Liuimenr, lence. If, therefore, a thing is accessible to a Roberts Horse Powder, Hunt’s Liniment, Wolfs person—if by proper exertions or inquiry ho I Schnapps and Drake’s Plantation Bitters,

compass it himself—it ie not supposed that ranted genuine and soldat reduced prices.aside from the natural laws by We would also call particular attention i

family medioiugs, among which the following used for many years,

for their safe and effica- s Briughurst’s Cough «Syrup, for

of tho best

I.. e State« of New Y Delaware, Marjl

, 317 Market—“ Mrrle d’Aubignb.‘ To the Hon. Georg« G. Fogg, Minister Resi­

dent of the United States of America in Swit­zerland.”

la, Ohio, Indiana,

Cor. Churoh and Ninth Streets,


aion during tho bitterest

ofin for Lagrange. Up to tbe left the side of Mr. QtMBTCBlUSTfg GlMIXAL'a Orvici,

SOTOS, D o., July 24, 188«. ction, to the highest bidder,

inches deeper,alienable rights.” How defended ? Either by tbe bayonot ballot. If tbe negroeH in their rights, it iB for the country to givo them the means by giving them tbe ballot. Aud it is not less in iavor of the South than of tho whole couutry that of Massachusetts remember the difficulties in Rhode Island, less than a quarter of a tury ago, whenthe political power of tho State iu their


Now tho Fédérais , and flank—and there

<1 drouth would Will be sold at public he time and places nscall around—in front,

of a navy ;ho iic .Secretary accompanied Louis Wigfull, and run his risks “amid the foe," rather than where the foe was peeking him nnd bis party. Ho left Wigfall iu At’auta, where the TexaB Senator

a spree for a lew hours, and somehow to evade danger.

It wiih at Washington that the cabinet of Mr. Davis ceased to bnve tbo shadow of an existence, it was lb»'Ie that Benjamin stole himself away, and ended the State Department, as Mallory had the Navy. Reaguu, as Postmaster General and TreuHiiry Secretary, was still ou hand, but here he resigned both functionc. So wus Breckinridge ;

friend nnd companion in flight, as Sccreiary of War. It wns near there that Mr. DaviB received the information of danger to Ins wife, which precipitated, if it did uot lead

111land is nut naturally poor,I Eugine«, 8te B Ua , Propellers, of Engines, YORK

Hoi«« J«°ch d»ty’Tue,J#y *ud Frld*7 ®f

clty,Wedne«(Uy of tech week. 200 Moles M*

Tag Suiting VesseI : weak, WO, toilet achlnery. Julyll.Oxnplanted

withto uuytbiug, and the other half will not average five bushels to au aorc. No other crop is grow-

1 have traveled 000 miles in the S nowhere havo 1 pluco planted with cotton, only hero and there a small patch. Two small fields I saw where wheat had grown. The sheaves were standing iu the field, three or four ill a bunch, at long distances apart, and the straw not moro thau

foot in length. 1 should say that five bushels ore thau would lie obtained. The

agriculture of the Slate of Georgia is certainly at a very low ebb Many [jlahter's arc preparing

uway. They say that cotton will »over I to any extent, now that 'their

goue. “And ah to hiriog them," said , “ do you think 1 will hire my

»d*y.ndvooate negro suffrage. We COMMERCIAL RECORD.

Elmira, Turiday Albany, Friday Buffalo, We

, aud . 600 Mulaa.»«day, Alignai 30, (00 Mate«.

PENNSYLVANIA.Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 200 HorSM Meh

Philadelphia, W 0 Mules each day.Plttiburgb, Thu

WILMINGTON MARKET. Corrected by 0. Chandler * Son

Thursday, Augu

■til. Il1 !

1866. ^ ...$1010: IkandB exclusively, refused

rights of other blood, equally qualified with themselves, uutil

extorted from them by

Wheat Flour, per bblK5rlbl"concerned, aid and assistfar as 1 odneeday aud Saturday

ay of each weak, 160 Mutes etch, the sameot (lie

Rye " «Corn Meal, pei


U)the concession juiiou ; and do you expect that the white of the Booth, if you allow them

{overnmeuts with political power in'their own auds, exclusively, will ever ooucede it to the

usgroes, until the negroes e*tort it from them at the point of tbe bayonet ? These negroes four million to-day. They will inoreaBe through

centuries until they

D 21 ottavllle. Tu SA*Si »y.N ■ , Fper sxs;

NawTtlle,Thursday, A Reading, Friday, Aug Dhippauabnrgh, Wedn Erie. - bhlppe

O old.!but igust 0, 100 Harses.

'-,n ,n7 Mulaa.Cl..».'


5, 100 Hors««.

I Mat««.

Timothy “ • u f.•11God will

which he has made provision for the supply of to give It to the mau in a speoial

be grown again slaves it-1 i "I > —

preparatious have b aud can be relied

Coughs, Coide and Asthma, is remedies kuowu for diseases of the Lungs. Briughurst’s Dyspeptic Pills, au excellent dy for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, &c. Bring hurst’s Auti-Bilious Pills, a popular aud desi-

"Iu »hört, it rebel Goverun Were rather sttuok

Washington the died the death. Somo of with ibo circumstance. It is

■Voohis veryfidecadestwenty million, and if you do fight of’suffrageor their posterity will demand i by force. Instead, therefore, of being the BtnieB of the tioutb, when we demand negro suf-

eight, ten, give them the

some future time they 1 seouro it

niggers ?”

hundredacres being cleared, with u log house

offered me for 60

anner. tu.-ast vis, 100 Ho.8.60Cbauibsrsbarab, Milton.Chrllsl«, Weite

be bought for a very low price. OnMacon—7 ,"r.not alwnys thut a coincidence is a thing of pure

uccidcut. Providence of exhibiting His purposes. Could tboro have been anything

lying four niileB Confissions or Infidklity.— “ I seem," says Hume, “affrighted and confounded with tbe solitude in which I am plaoed by my philosophy. When 1 look abroad, ou every-side I see dispute, contradiction and distraotion. When I turn my eyes inward, I flud nothing but doubt and igno-

Wbere am I ? or wbat am IT From wbat do I derive my existence T To wbat dition shall I return T lam confouuded with questions. I begin to fancy myself in a very deplorable condition, environed with durkocas

every side." .Voltaire sayB : “The world abounds with

wonders, also with victims. In wretchedness thau iu all other animals put getber." How did he judge of it T By his < heart. He adds: •* Man loves life, yet he koo he must die ; spends his existence iu diffusing the miseries he has aufiered—cutting the throats of his fellow oreatures for pay—cheating and being cheated. The bulk of mankind are nothing

than a crowd of wretches, equally crimi­nal, equally unfertuuate. I wish l had been boro.”

Hear wbat St. Paul says ; “ I have fought a good fight, I have finished my oouree, 1 have kept the faith : Henceforth there is laid up for

a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, that

CarUala, Tbarsdajr, August 31 OHIO.

inscrutable ways pee. This, 17.

Columbiana, Tuesd Balem, Wednesday, Alliance. Tbuudaj

11.100 Horaaa.of the ordiunry path of incidence in this fact? We each


■a criterion, but ny quantityperhaps, isbo bought for $2

slavery—wicked, demoralizing, iuhuniuu slavery.sed the people.

its real friends, becausethis early day, that

frage,seourity in their behalf, hereafter they shall be saved from intsstiuo motion, from civil aud social

Perversion aud misrepresentation less, and argument thus far bas not been heard, id behalf of tho monBtrous proposition tbnt >ho North ehould consent to such a reconstruction of this government as will guarautce perpetual­ly to two white men in tbe 8outh tbe political power-that is accorded to three white the North. Who ure they and what if they exist at all within the limits of the loyal States, who are prepared to maintain the doo- trine that Virginie, Houth Carolina, Florida aud Texas have tbe b)o right ot representation as Is enjoyed by New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and California? That they bave not this right is oonoeded by all,* or by nearly all among us. No one is prepared to aocept Bouth Caroliua with her old constitu­tion. The veriest stickler for State rights de­mands some alteration- This demand, however ■light it may seem in its practical application, is the equivalent in principle of the demand I make. Bouth Carolina is iu tbe Uuion with her

a political orgsniza- in tho Union at

a State,

per. This comes of commonnaked ourselves the questiou, sc

it than others.

■■ ÏJ HorsM.P ' hifor Bilious Fev«rs, Jaundice, Costive- , Houd-Achts, Ac. Uriugburst's Blackberry

invaluablo remedy for Cholic,

Hay. lÄiöi'ifoocimportance

their bosom, staked their allIit has

They hugged it upon it, fought for it—and have lost. Their cup of iniquity was full. “ Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." Bitterly do they feel the scourge of war. Towus uud burned, railroads destroyed, field-* laid destitute of almost ail things winch make life coiufurtaMe or desirable. But the war

, and tbo Bouth have had enough of it. Thoy will uever appeal to the sword again. How to

nstruct—that is the only oue way to do it rightly. Give the Southern people universal amneaty, aud make them ugiee tj universal suffrage. Iu uo other way work ho effectually and well doun. The people

all rcbeliiyet. The spirit that seceded, that got up the Rebellion, that held slaves, that wants to bold them now, is nil alivo yet. Allow this spirit to rule, without oheck, aud wo know what

result will tte The President

Has he

th it 3, 1,000 MuUs. it )6,^20u Hors««.

I UonM,

4. 1.000 Malta.

Massillon, Tuesday, j Crestline, Thursday,Compouud,

Cholera Morbus, Diarehoic, Griping Pains, and Hummer CompaintB in children. Bringhurst’s King’s Mixture, a speedy and efficacious appli­cation for Pains, Bruises, Rheumatism, Chil­blains, Frosted Feet, Ac., and also Bringhuret's Essence ot Jamaica Ginger, tho popular medi­cine for Disordered Htomaehs, Indigestion, aud Diarrhö». This preparation of Ginger, unlike those disagreeable and useless nostrums sold under thegenuine bleached Jamaica Ginger.

Hasson’s Compound Syrup of Tor, for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, 8ore Throat, and all the affections of the Throat and Lungs, sold for 26 oent per bottle.


Fort Wayoo, Thursday, August DELAWARE.

Wilmington. Tuesday of «ach vwk, 200 Horses eaeh

A Gang — For six months pi

Discoverbd in Norfolk. the citizens' of Norfolk

differing seriously from tbe depreda- st persistent gang of burglars,

in thut city has suffered from


01« MANURES, which uv« gtv«n b«qE g«ne-

Stlll cunt9 Of a '■

Wilmington, Friday ofA If« week. Malesery handers. Not a week passed without a

o. The househreikers seemingly plolt

of Freeaian Detective

placed upon their track, and ho hns unearthed the robbers

ch of their booty. Nearly all the gold d silver stolen from the Messrs. Freeman has

recovered, and where it also fnuud goods taken from other

to tho

defied detection. Their last nefari tho robbery of the jewelry

& Hons of $2,600 worth of goods.

thoy, JKUSKT. Trenton, Thursday, August to, ZOO Tranten, lhuraday, August 24,


Super PhoNphate ol Lluie,from Ouely ground Bo


Meat and Bone Compost,refuse Meat, Bone a

' IlM U -Peruvian Guano and

te of $65IFertllt, is prepared only from the more, Wedoeach w k the e iter Zm. Hor«»w!ih°t W*da“d*y efeac wee t *' * * v^aîsIJ INGTON^D. C**'

Racb we*k day, zuO Mules.GIEMIOKO. D. O.

immediate and iudisputa- John Kinlnok, of Old Point,

I he«y, 2CO Horaea. uparlor elaaa of aadil •

value, le

Each wee An oppor

Slaughter fi•HF'iclecf BONE DUST, at market

TASKER k CLARK, Eighth and Washlngio:

Phil a

11-,,' , V < I r II.. Tbe

very extensive, nnd embraces a numberthem^are sound and servie».

■lphia.Deafness, Blindness and Catarrhnet euM-eu. by Dr. J. ISAACS îerly of Leyden, lphia. Testtmoc he City aud Com

■hie, tn.gang(,r femak‘9. Nearly all its members are oM oboal tu ipnorn gmiui I.....

. ,, Detective Kinloclr w« Bbl, Beoonded bE„“ , I ‘ , ir a ““Bay wbo shall no tu hls diecover tbe robber» by Captain '“, ' LIT. %the right to any olmebal j„|,„ the Chief of the Milit.îy rSlloe. ÎKL“’rÎÎJf!LTà?riMÎ f, °I!'

vote ? Certain classes are, by proclamation au<l Th nooniH 0f Norfolk own a debt of “aoW8 lhal tl*» horrible atrocities committed by. of Conftreea, exolodedYom o v.ioo io tho ^ti,“ "T” ’• o

Government. Thie close, b, the by, » very Jan- brotl8 (c„cti otl, ,h, pMliM tha, Buigowtere Amy of North»» IVyton,, s,p., ore tat becoming parllonoJ, ooj have preted upon them ao long. IBS'* — Lieutenant Colonel John 8.all tho rights of citizenship, it tho I J l ft Moseby, Commanding, &c.—Colonel: Your re-

foremost in gettiug up the Re- ---------------- *•#*—-------------- port of the operations of your oommaud frombellion who have fought persistently for four “Deck Scrapers.”—An orticle upon the iron- the 1st of March to tho 11th of September is re- long years, are to bo allowed tho right of trau- clad Dictator, in tbe Army amt Navy Journal of oeived.ohise io the reconstructed Government, then I last week, says that “tbe Eoglish ooogralulate I am muoh gratified by the activity and skillsay give the loyal men, those who through all themselves tbnt the Dictator can be taken by you have displayed, aud dosirethe dark years were always loyal, the right also, boarders. A trifling experience with her three President Johnson Bays he has uot the right to Meck-scrapers,’ oi-decide that question. Io he jjot doci'liog it every speedily dispel tiday by giving back the rights which ehould be scrupersforever forfeited’ Does ho not hold tho State the deck from below, W iuch percussion shells,of Georgia to-day by the military power ? Is whichthere any civil governmeut ? Is there any mu- sweeping off everything within their reach,chinery pertaining to a Btate organization .’ It They havo beeu tested aboard the Dictator byhas all to be made anew. Arc any cf tho laws covoriug her deck with wooden men, and explod-and statutes to be observed that were passed in* a shell with oae of tha deck-sorapers. 8uch I restrain his efforts towheu a Btate uuder the Confederate Govern- was tho force of the explosion that everything the couuties iu which youmeut? Does not the President appoint the pre- was swept from the deck into the sea, and the close copy of a tetter written some time since, -----------------sent Governor of Georgia, and is he not pledged chain cable cut in two by a fragment of tbe 1 in case the original should not have reached Tub Street Railway at Darlington hasto do his bidding? If be does not, then he will shell. It is no secret now that our rhonitoro in I you, and call your attention to the instructions proved a commercial failure, aud the ehare-appolat another. I admit that the Presidents Southern waters were provided with these deck- it contains. holders have authorised tbs directors to take uphas do right to come into the State of New York scrapers, to defend them against night attaoka Very regpectfully, your obedient servant, ' the rails and timber forthwith, and realize the and determia* »hall have the right of fran. | from boarders.” | R. E. Lib, General. 1 value of the varioue properties of the company.

• army, and moatof the Iullst a

610 FINE Stroft, Fhilxtin.i. .... ght in th« beginning of tea

.od ar. thoroughly bnk.'Z, t^rd^a ■Idi*r«d fro™ *>»teg ao lung


the righteous Judge, ehall give day”

office. The wedl sd bytty PRESERVING CAN!company their patlenis^a« he b Ile«. AKTIFC1AL EYES, liutm t han:« made for eaamlnatlou.

constitution of i860, tion kuown as a State she i all ; and if the iB not in the Union her application for admission may bo rejeoted until ehe appears with a frame or government in Babstantial harmony with the polioy of tbe tion. You must be juet to tho negro. Wheu you Invited him to assume the uniform of the army of the republic, when you put the musket into bis hand, when you ask him to jeopard, and if need be, to sacrifice hiB life in defence ot the country, you did, in faot, if not in terms, agree that if the cause—his cause aB well your own—was successful, he should havo the same part in the government as yourselveB, therefore you cannot, without the basest ingrat­itude, now reject him. I am compelled to de­clare to you, my friends, in ail sincerity, heinous

of those Southern men, infa-

>iu 'août palt. N fob101 y 10 A. M.

8UU« currency. JAM.« j

PATBNTBD UniTub Human Hair.—To number tbe hairs of the head bas been in all ages accounted

oount the sand of the shore. Tho astounding labor has, however, been gone through by a German professor, who thus tabulâmes the result of hls examination of four heads of hair :

Blonde (number of hairs)Drown “ “Blaok ••Red “

The heads of hair iu weight, and the deficiency in the number of hairs in the black, broivu, aud red oolors, fully counterbalanced by a corresponding in­crease of bulk in the individual fibres. The average weight of a woman’s head of hair is about fourteen ounces.

, and’Marcb 22J, 84.Nov. 12tb, 61 -, Aug This CAN ha* b««u ■


A. SKIN,gerous restored


Un Now for the Rush to Cheap John's— Another New List of Prices.

Boots and Shoes 30 per »ther store in Delaware.

Dry Goods 15 per store in Wilmington.

Crockery- any other

Notions of all kinds from 18 to 26 per cent, less than any other person dare attempt to

Spool Cotton, Cloaking Cloths, Fiauuels, l’«ot Stuns, Undershirts and Drawer«, Window Cur­tains, Coal Oil Lamps, Glassware, Knives and Forks, Pocket Books, Brushes of all kinds from 10 to 20 perthe United States. Open from 6 A. M.M. Agent for Mtehler’s Herb Ritters. No. 606 Market Street. Wilmington, Del

"ou.“’ d fo ind lob« rev. Brig. Gau. In charg» tel Dlv. Q M. <f 0July28-'ratMght* » I irit■ AUCTION SALES.. less than an; . which ta


less than any other : ha»ut, by hooking or un­it«press tny

ihapkg to yourself aud tho brave offioersof your oommaud for their valuable servioe

the country.The smalluess of your los9 i


26 to 30 per in this city.

Own I or Amt. Qi annmiuxTn, iaeron. D. C., Jaty z6, l«M.

t. less than slu I, by. J. MsMUKTRIK,''—•- '“-iladalpbm,

W. H. VaN-


called, would nia delusion. These dook-

machines for passing up through


■old at PUBLIC AUCTION,WILLI a A CO. N'-war 1. W. TURNER,88,740 Will b. th» high Misell. I Dïcomparison

with tbe damage inflicted upoa the enemy is creditablo to your own judgement aud teiligenco and courage uf those who executed your çrdors. i hope you will continue to harass the enemy's troops as much

blddtr, th«found to be nearly equal}“• Z1 th» Portland Oo.'n

IcC Mx (6) Locomott.» EngtoM. über 2i, at liinkly k William,» oar (d-) Loeymouv. gn,lB

-)n TUEi'LaT, t


elpbla, Ptnnand a ha

ploded by a simple contrivance, tbe in-

iPasture and Hay for Sale.and twenty-ttx tons of Hay

WM. MeCAULLEY k CO..Fifteen u............

>r aal«. Apply to nngt

in. le*s than any otherpossible, and exercise civil authority iu

operating. \

tbe orias they will be upon tho page of history

that if the people of tbe North, have acquired liberty for themselves, they have secured the restoration of tbe UnioD by the services and sacrifices of the negro, in çpmmpn yrith their ■acrifioes should surrender him, bound hand

foot, m ho will bt, if bt doos not enjoy tho

We'9 P. 606 Mar K8DAY, UeptemBft7t8v#(a4> B°* Fr*,l8h‘

Tb» eugln « t cyllnd

rr, lr« foot gaug«.I th« very b»m quality.

8«ug«, trv foot driver», and Th.y c* 6« changed

that they , E. GARRETT,

DAGUERREOTYPIST a tolling «xp«ns».ne» at 1QA. M. iu GovaiBrnant fundi

Br»r»t C

rhnaibrr, an Evaay of Rl ntiiKThe Brlding M«n—published by tha Uow t fr«a of charge In «ealed ante

n Houghton. Howardservices and their No. 218 Market Street,


Tarai: Cash


lope». Addresa, Dr.J «edition. Philadelphia, Fa.

L. ROBINSON, until and A. a M.fob 10-1 y


. Ss