Engineering Intelligent Content · New video giving the data Reassemble on the fly ... Contextual...

Engineering Intelligent Content Investor Presentation - November 2017 ASX:LNU

Transcript of Engineering Intelligent Content · New video giving the data Reassemble on the fly ... Contextual...

Engineering Intelligent Content

Investor Presentation - November 2017




This presentation has been prepared by Linius Technologies Ltd (“LNU”). The information contained in this presentation is for information purposes only and has been prepared for use in conjunction with a verbal presentation and should be read in that context.

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By 2021, the world’s internet traffic will exceed278 billion gigabytes per month.

More than 82% of internet traffic is video.

Cisco, 2017

Empowering The World of Internet Video

Linius is set to transform it, with our first commercial win in the books, a strong team, and great partners.


Corporate Overview

Linius Technologies Ltd. (ASX:LNU) is an Australian technology company that enables clients to index, extract, tag,splice, manage and control raw data within video through its Video Virtualization Engine (VVE); therefore,monetizing artificial intelligence by managing the data within files at the source.

4 Linius Divisions

1. Enhance Video Search

2. Reduce Video Piracy

3. Accelerate Intelligence for Security & Defense

4. Provide Personalized Advertising

Virtualization of data is nothing new in the software world, big data depends on it…

but it has never been achieved in the biggest data of all….Video. Until now!


Our Technology Is Globally Patented

• Linius Video Virtualization Engine™ (VVE)

• Core patent is fully granted in:

• US, EU, Canada, S. Korea, PRC, Hong

Kong, Singapore, and Australia.

• Linius continues to file new patents in line

with our commercialisation strategy

• 2 continuation patents granted in US

• 2 patents pending

• additional patents in process

6Our Tech — Virtualizing VideoStep 1: Extract data from video to create a virtual video

Virtual videoOriginal video

Flexible data of Audio & Video

Inflexible, impenetrable video file








Linius removes the video containers and enables access to video and audio data blocks.

This process is called ”virtualization”. Data blocks that make up the video are exposed.

Now that the data is exposed intelligent business rules and applications are applied.

7Our Tech — Virtualizing VideoStep 2: Enhance the data to give it meaning and value


Virtual video

Flexible data of Audio & Video

Linius Genome Intelligent video

Treat data with enhancements

New video giving the data meaning and value

Meta data enhancement

Dynamic ad enhancement


8Our Tech — Virtualizing Video Step 3: Reassemble the video depending on the user

Intelligent video Assembly and Playout

Reassemble on the flyNew video giving the data meaning and security

Once the intelligent video is created the playout is delivered to the needs of the user:

Search – finding specific segments of video

Contextual ads – frame level content is used to match ads

Secure content – Playout only happens with the right authentication


Linius’ Technology Is Publicly Proven

Our VVE product is complete, validated by third parties, globally patented, and transforms the world of video without interrupting existing workflows:

Our Achievements:

November, 2016: Linius and Digisoft publicly demonstrated personalized advertisements on commodity cable TV hardware - something never before possible.

December, 2016: Village Roadshow conducted independent tests, verifying the core capability of video virtualization

March, 2017: Linius virtualized Instagram and provided a public playground where people can interact with virtual video

June, 2017: Linius announce partnership with IBM to deliver global solutions


A World-Class Video Commercial Team

Chris is an accomplished internet videoexecutive with more than 20 years ofexperience leading tech companies inthe US, Europe and Asia. Since 2010 hasheld GM level roles in public andprivate video technology companiesglobally, after spending 10 years inSilicon Valley leading productmanagement for VC funded startups.


Executive Director and CEO


Kevin has worked in the digital space for

almost 20 years, building advertising

businesses across the globe. Most recently, he

drove the growth of Listlgobally, a global real

estate advertising site in over 50 countries.

Prior to that, he spent 10 years at Yahoo. His

tenure there saw him participate in the

building of Yahoo’s search platform, lead the

turnaround of it’s European division, implement

a strategic partnership with Microsoft. Prior to

Yahoo Kevin held various marketing and

business development roles for digital economy


Ken has scaled both start-up and largemedia companies, with rich experience invideo, digital media, and AI; most recentlyas Chief Innovation Officer for Kodak.Previous roles include Head of WirelessMTV, VP Global Digital Jim Henson,Global New Products for Turner, and GMof Content for Virgin Mobile. Ken alsowas on the founding team of successfulstart ups Oberon Media ($800 milvaluation,) Flash Networks, cPulse andHemisphere Interactive.

KEN RUCKEVP, Personalized Ads

Peter has been a senior media andentertainment executive in multi-platformcontent production, programming anddistribution. He has worked as VPSales/Marketing at HBO, SVP DistributionCNN International, SVP MuchMusic USA, Sr.EVP Content/Digital Billboardlive, and SVPProgramming at MTV/The Box MusicNetwork. Most recently he was Head ofBusiness Development for ExperienceProximity, a leading mobile AR/VR companyin Los Angeles.



A World-Class Video Commercial Team

Tristan PlaceCountry Manager ANZ

Tristan Place is a digital technology salesexecutive with 15+ years experience inestablished, startup, and early-stagesoftware, professional services andapplications companies focused on video.His broad IT knowledge across enterprisesoftware, SaaS and bespoke applications forOTT IPTV, ViOD, TVE and related 2nd Screenservices has earned him recognition as abusiness model and technology SubjectMatter Expert. Tristan has worked withTelstra, Foxtel, Network Ten, Skyracing,News Corp and many others in deliveringtransformational video technologies to theirbusinesses.

Audrey KuChief Solutions Architect

Audrey has vast experience in the DigitalMedia Entertainment space, worked forbroadcasters, telco and start-up on videotechnology and its digital strategy forsuccessful transformation into the digital worldof Entertainment. During her Foxtel times, sheleads the content factory transformation,architected 2012 London Olympic Games, 2010Vancouver Winter Games, Foxtel on XBOXand Foxtel hybrid STB, Most recently withTelstra, architected globally renownedintegrated OTT platforms including TelstraBigpond Movies in Australia, StarHub Go inSingapore, Tonton in Malaysia, Blink TV inPhillipines and Mediaset in Spain.

Ivan BenkoChief Solutions Architect

Ivan has been involved in the digital mediaspace for over a decade. He is equipped withrare hybrid skills, both technical as well asbusiness, enabling him to deliver highlycomplex projects. He was one of the keypeople who helped to establish the mostsuccessful Australian based software house,Atlassian back in 2009. Since then he hasspent time in consulting at Thoughtworks andacross the digital media agency scene,assisted various startups and gainedinvaluable knowledge at Akamai. Example ofprojects include, Yahoo!7, Channel7,9,10, Skyracing.

Gerard BongiornoChairman

Gerard is Principal and Co-CEO of SapientCapital Partners, a merchant bankingoperation and has over 25 years ofprofessional experience in capital raisingsand corporate advisory.


$22 billion PA of box office revenue lost to piracy

Linius has an end to end solution

$21 bn


Four Multi-Billion Dollar Markets

$193 bn

Worlds first to deliver personalised ads to Cable TV

Personalized advertising average of 2.7 x the revenue perad vs. non-targeted


Currently, 80% of the world’s Internet traffic is video.

Linius can search the content on a granular level never before dreamed of

$82 bn

SearchSecurity &Defense

Security and Defence

Linius could potentially cut the time to take action on a threat from hours or days to minutes

$22 bn


Strategic Partner: IBM & Linius

Linius can sell established IBM Bluemix products integrated with VVE to speed delivery time for customers

IBM can sell Linius VVE, enabling new revenue opportunities across all four target verticals

The IBM partnership provides:

• a market model that matches our clients needs: cloud, private, hybrid-cloud• proven Bluemix applications• over 300,000 employees to help go to market in the large enterprise• an existing client base that includes the “who’s who” of Linius’ prospects• IBM is a world leader in blockchain technology - Linius’ technology makes what

IBM has even better• IBM Watson is a world-leading cognitive AI. Linius monetizes this intelligence to

create hyper-personalized video experiences in search, personalized advertising and security and defense applications.


Linius Division 1: Video Search

Video Search is ineffective. Search results are essentially lists of videos.

Linius turns video into data exposing the entirety of the video content library to the users down to the individual

frame. This gives users limitless opportunities to find the content they are looking for.

• Linius can search within videos and present specific relevant pieces of videos as search returns

• Hyper-personalized search results represent huge value creation

• Billions are being invested in Cognitive AI tools such as Watson and DeepMind - These tools analyze and

learn about video

• Linius can use this analysis to create personalized videos on the fly

• Users are able to stitch together elements of videos that meet their search criteria providing a rich search

experience. Better search experience means greater monetization.

Revenue Model: Cost/search Revenue on AI / 3rd party margins


Linius Division 2: Anti-Piracy (End-to-End Solution)

The Linius Video Virtualization Engine (VVE) will prevent piracy by:

• Protect against industrial espionage and hacking during production/post-production processes

• Making “sniffing the stream” impossible

• Controlling copying and redistributing of the file subject to each specific clients’ business rules/needs

• Facilitating screen scraping management that allows forensic traceability to the exact origin

Revenue Model: Price/View


Linius Division 2: Anti Piracy Client – Roadshow Films

• Village Roadshow Pictures is an Australian co-producer and co-financier of major

Hollywood motion pictures and has co-productions with Warner Brothers, The Great Gatsby,

The Matrix trilogy, the Sherlock Holmes franchise, I Am Legend, the Ocean’s series and

many more. Linius is working with Roadshow Films, a division of Village Roadshow Pictures.

• Work Program:

• Term: 12 Month Term (Oct 2017 – Oct 2018)

• Linius is deploying its VVE anti-piracy solution for Roadshow Films’ premium video content.

The initial deployment will be for a 6-part TV mini-series. This deployment will run in parallel

to traditional distribution methodologies in order to clearly demonstrate the enhanced

content security.

• Material revenue from this deployment is expected to be earned as distribution of the virtual

files moves beyond production to end users. Actual revenue will be dependent on the number

of retail channels and end users, and the resulting API calls, video “assets”, storage and

watermarking requirements (none of which are determinable at this point in time).

• Current Status: Application of the VVE Anti-Piracy solution has begun in studio production,

and will be expanded to distribution to the retail platform, expected in Q4, 2017.

“Securing and protecting our film

and TV assets as they move

through the content creation

stage and onwards to our trading

partners’ technology platforms

are crucial steps in eliminating

the threat of piracy in the early

stages of the distribution


— Robert Kirby AOCo-Executive Chairman &

Co-CEO of Village











w V






• Over 17,000 new titles were released in 2016.• Linius’ revenue model is price per view.• Even modest market penetration represents exceptional revenue.

Anti-Piracy Market Opportunity


Linius Division 3: Security & Defense

Dramatically improved Speed to Actionable Intelligence

• Proactive surveillance that can help identify threats to be stopped before they happen

• Immediate distribution of high value video surveillance content among disparate agencies and actors

• Better enable agencies and authorities to identify and avert threats

• Turns video analysis into actionable intelligence in minutes instead of days

Municipal, State, and Federal governments, defense and intelligence agencies can finally begin to use the petabytes of data they’re creating, from satellites to body-cams

Revenue Model: License + cost/search


Linius Division 4: Personalized Advertising Proposition

No two streams ever need be the same again:

• Internet style, data driven, individually targeted advertisements in all forms of TV

• No limitation on timeslots – run a personalized ad in a contextually relevant slot

• No limitation on format – integrate advertising into the content

• No Ad blockers in OTT – there is no channel change

• Own the data – disrupts current monitoring industry

Revenue Model: License + cost/ad servedRevenue share on ad revenue



• The video value chain comprises several multi-billion dollar markets and is growing strongly

• It is bloated with costs and inflexibility through the eight steps from recording to audience playout

• Linius has an impact at every stage and fits within current revenue models in each case


Near term goals

Linius short-term goals for commercialization drive revenue in the anti-piracy division, secure the first commercial wins in search and personalized advertising, and lay the strategic foundation for future business growth:

ü Deliver the integration of VVE with at least one world leading Over The Top (OTT*) platformü Deliver the integration of VVE into IBM’s BlueMix Cloudü Engage with a global movie studio to develop Proof of Value (POV) in anti-piracyq Q4 2017: Deliver the integration of VVE into Microsoft Azureq Q4 2017: Deliver the integration of VVE with Major OTT ad serversq Q4 2017: Engage with a global movie studio to develop a mass content distribution POVq Q4 2017: Deliver an end to end piracy solution with a movie studioq Q4 2017: Deliver the integration of VVE with at least one cognitive AI providerq Dec 2017: Deliver blockchain strategy and solution designq Q1 2018: Deliver POC of Search in a global cloud environmentq Q1 2018: Convert initial deal flow with IBM

* OTT – a broadcaster that broadcasts over the public internet


Share Metrics

• Listed on ASX May 2016• Raised A$3.5m (5 cents/share) in March 2016• Raised A$0.5m (5 cents/share) in Sept 2016

through placement to key industry player• Raised A$1.5m (5 cents/share) with strategic

Investment from Village Roadshow in July 2017• Raised A$4.5m (5 cents/share) Oct 2017 in

placement to sophisticated investors

Linius Technologies Ltd (ASX: LNU)Share Price (as of 7th Nov 2017) A$0.046Market Cap A$34mListed shares 409mUnlisted Options 115.5m

(61.5m A$0.05 Exp Mar 2019, 11.5m A$0.045 Exp Nov 2019,42.5m A$0.075 Exp May 2019)

Total shares on issue 794.2m% Ownership of Management 5.2%

Capital Markets Highlights

52-Week Price Chart (A$0.04-0.07)


Linius Investor Highlights

• Patented Technology independently validated to global scale.

• Started commercialisation in 4 multi-billion dollar markets and announced first deal in October 2017 (Village Roadshow)

• Recently announced further investment by Village Roadshow at 5 cents

• IBM building practice around taking Linius to market globally

• Near term goals will demonstrate traction in our target markets

Contact Info

Christopher Richardson, CEO

[email protected]

+61 3 9607 8234

[email protected]

[email protected] and Media