Engine Bearing Catalogue 2011I12 - motorenrevisie · PDF file · 2014-11-211...

Engine Bearing Catalogue 2011I12

Transcript of Engine Bearing Catalogue 2011I12 - motorenrevisie · PDF file · 2014-11-211...

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Innovation in Motion

Engine Bearing Catalogue 2011/12


Bitte beachten Sie die Angaben, Hinweise und Erläuterungen im Vorwort. Preface Please take notice of instructions, references and explanations mentioned in the preface. Préface Veuillez obderver s. v. p. indications, reférénces et explications de la préface. Prologo Signa ud. por favor los datos, indicaciones, y aclaraciones, del prologo.

Inhalt / Table of contens / Table de materies / Contenido C CUMMINS D DAF I IHC IVECO J JOHN DEERE K KHD






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Vorwort Das Streben nach immer leistungsfähigeren Verbren-nungskraftmaschinen hat zu speziellen Entwicklungen der immer höher belasteten Triebwerkslagerungen geführt. Basierend auf permanenter Forschungs- und Entwicklungstätigkeit verbunden mit der geforderten Qualitätskonstanz in der Fertigung werden Miba Gleit-lager den heute gestellten hohen Anforderungen voll gerecht. Viele namhafte Motorenhersteller verwenden daher Miba Gleitlager als bewährte Originalausrüstung. Gleit-lager derselben Qualität bieten wir auch unseren Kun-den im Reparaturmarkt. Dieser Katalog beinhaltet alle von Miba laufend für den Reparaturmarkt hergestellten und zum größten Teil auf Stock befindlichen Gleitlager. Nicht im Katalog enthal-tene Lagertypen bitten wir bei uns anzufragen. Bemerkung Alle in diesem Katalog enthaltenen Angaben und Daten sind den zuverlässigsten und verbindlichsten Unterla-gen entnommen. Keine Gewähr kann jedoch

übernommen werden, falls irgendwelche Angaben un-richtig sein sollten. Wir können daher keinerlei Ersatz-ansprüche auf Grund von Angaben in diesem Katalog übernehmen. Namen, Seriennummern, Beschreibungen von Fahr-zeugen und Fabrikaten sind lediglich zur Bezugnahme und zum Vergleich angeführt. Vergleichslisten Vergleichslisten zur Auffindung der gewünschten Miba-Referenz bei Vorliegen von Referenznummern anderer Gleitlagererzeuger finden Sie im Kataloganhang. Alle Namen, Nummern und Beschreibungen von Produzen-ten wurden zu Referenzzwecken verwendet. Jede Art von Nachdruck bedarf unserer Genehmigung. Irrtümer und Änderungen vorbehalten!

Lager- stelle

Paar, Stück

pro Satz

Miba Referenz-Nr.

Miba Satz-Nr. Unterstufen Zapfendurchmesser

Standard Gehäusebohrung Lager- breite


Wanddicke Standard

DZ DG B W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In 9 Katalogspalten finden Sie folgende Angaben: 1. Lagerstelle Hier finden Sie die Stelle, an der das Lager im Motor eingebaut ist. Dazu haben wir folgende Abkürzungen und Symbole verwendet. Abkürzungen (siehe Grafik) PL = Pleuellager HL = Hauptlager HLB = Hauptlagerbüchse FL = Führungslager (Paßlager) AS = Anlaufscheiben NWB = Nockenwellenbüchse NWL = Nockenwellenlager KBB = Kolbenbolzenbüchse KHB = Kipphebelbüchse AWL = Ausgleichswellenlager 2. Paar beziehungsweise Stück pro Satz Hier ist die im jeweiligen Satz enthaltene Anzahl der einzelnen Lager in Paar (bei geteilten Lagern und

Anlaufscheiben) oder Stück (bei Büchsen) angeführt. 3. Miba-Referenz Nummer Die Einzelnummer besteht aus drei Zahlengruppen, zum Beispiel: 3127 03 0 Ordnungszahl Bauartencode Außendurchmesser Grafische Darstellung der Lagerstellen:

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Bauartencode: Massivlager: 07 Leichtmetall

06 Bleibronze Zweistofflager:

05 14

Stahl - Leichtmetall Stahl - Leichtmetall

01 21

Stahl - Bleibronze Stahl - Bleibronze

12 Stahl - Weißmetall Dreistofflager:

04 16

Stahl - Leichtmetall - galv. Laufschicht Stahl - Leichtmetall - galv. Laufschicht

03 57

Stahl - Bleibronze - galv. Laufschicht Stahl - Bleibronze - galv. Laufschicht


Lagerpaar bestehend aus je einer Lagerhälfte "03" und "14"


Lagerpaar bestehend aus je einer Lagerhälfte "14" und "57"

Rillenlager: 26 Stahl - Leichtmetall - galv. Laufschicht


Lagerpaar bestehend aus je einer Lagerhälfte "16" und "26"

Sputterlager: 37 Stahl - Bleibronze - gesputterte Laufschicht

40 Stahl - Bleibronze - gesputterte Laufschicht

48 Stahl - Bleibronze - gesputterte Laufschicht


Lagerpaar bestehend aus einer Lagerhälfte "03" und "48"


Lagerpaar bestehend aus einer Lagerhälfte "03" und "40"


Lagerpaar bestehend aus einer Lagerhälfte "14" und "37"


Lagerpaar bestehend aus einer Lagerhälfte "03" und "37"

Wichtiger Hinweis zu Miba-Bauarten-Codes 78, 79, 86, 87 und 93 Diese Bauartencodes sind eine Kombination aus zwei verschiedenen Lagerbauarten, die an einer Lagerstelle eingebaut werden. Da man diese Lager äußerlich kaum unterscheiden kann, sind diese auf dem Lagerrücken mit einer Kennzeichnung versehen. Miba 26: Kennzeichnung: "RILLE" Miba 37, 40 und 48: Kennzeichnung: "SPUTTER" Ferner sind diese Lagerschalen auf dem Lagerrücken mit einem "O" (oben) bzw. "U" (unten) gekennzeichnet. Dies bedeutet, dass die betreffende Lagerschale "oben" (Gehäuse) bzw. "unten" (Deckel) eingebaut werden muss. Zur Vermeidung von Lagerschäden ist bei der Montage unbedingt auf den richtigen Einbau dieser mit "O" bzw. "U" gezeichneten Lager zu achten. Außendurchmessercode: 0 = STD (Standard) 1 = +0,25 mm (.010") 2 = +0,50 mm (.020") 3 = +1,00 mm (.040") 4 = +1,50 mm (.060") 5 = +2,00 mm (.080'’) 6 = +0,65 mm (.025") 4. Miba Satz-Nummer Zur Vereinfachung haben wir für Pleuellager, Haupt- lager, Kolbenbolzenbüchsen, Nockenwellenbüchsen oder -Lager und Anlaufscheiben Satznummern einge-führt. Die Satznummer beinhaltet die für einen Motor benötigten Teile, wie in der Spalte "Paar bzw. Stück pro Satz" angegeben Da in den Satznummern kein Bauartencode aufscheint, haben gleiche Sätze in verschiedenen Werkstoffen (auch Unterschied Semi und Dreistofflager) verschie-dene Satznummern. Der Aufbau und die Bedeutung der Satznummern sind wie folgt:

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1761 P 4 0 0.25 1. Ordnungszahl 2. Lagerart 3. Anzahl der enthaltenen Stück 4. Außendurchmessercode 5. Untermaß 5. Standard und Unterstufen In dieser Spalte sind die von Miba hergestellten Stufen angegeben. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass wir auch nicht im Katalog angegebene Stufen auf Wunsch fertigen. Semi-Lager: Semi-Lager sind aufbohrbar auf folgende Stufen bzw. Untermaße: 0,5 SE (0,5 mm Semi) von 0.50 mm (.020") bis STD (Standard) SE 1 (d.h. erste Semi-Stufe) von 0.75 mm (.030") bis STD Falls bei einem Fabrikat nur einbaufertige Un-terstufenlager vorgeschrieben sind, trägt bei der Verwendung von Semi-Lagern das Risiko der Kunde. 6. Zapfendurchmesser Standard 7. Gehäusebohrung Standard 8. Lagerbreite Standard Die hier angegebenen Maße sind Nennmaße. Lagerbreite bei Führungslager: Wenn bei der Kurbelwelle die Kurbelwangen nachge-schliffen werden, müssen die Führungslager breiter als das Standardmaß sein. Sie haben daher ein Breiten-übermaß, damit das richtige Axialspiel der Kurbelwelle wieder hergestellt werden kann. Bei Anlaufscheiben bezieht sich die Unterstufenangabe jeweils auf die Wanddickenzugabe für zwei Scheiben. Z. B.: Unterstufe 0.25 mm - jede Anlaufscheibe ist um 0.125 mm dicker als die Standard-Ausführung. Wichtiger Hinweis Die Verwendung von größeren Untermaßstufen, als vom Motorenhersteller freigegeben, erhöht das Aus-fallsrisiko des Motors (z. B. Wellenbruch). In diesem Fall kann von Miba keine Garantie übernommen wer-den. 9. Lagerwanddicke Standard Die Wanddickenangaben sind Nennmaße.

Darstellung: Lagerschalen und Anlaufscheiben 1 Spreizung 2 Nasenbreite 3 Nasenabstand 4 Nasennut 5 Lagerbreite 6 Sichelnut 7 Freiräumung 8 Lagerdurchmesser 9 Ölbohrung mit Ansenkung 10 Lagerrücken 11 Wanddicke 12 Außenkante 13 Innenkante 14 Nasenhöhe 15 Trennfläche 16 Öltasche 17 Nasenlänge 18 Breite der Anlaufscheibe 19 Lauffläche 20 Anlauffläche 21 Ölnut 22 Haltenocke 23 Lagerbreite 24 Bundabstand 25 Arretierungsloch 26 Freilegung an Bundfläche 27 Freistich 28 Bunddicke 29 Langloch 30 Freilegung an Stirnfläche 31 Ölnut 32 Bunddurchmesser Darstellung: Lagerbüchsen 1 Ölbohrung 2 Öltasche 3 Innendurchmesser 4 Außendurchmesser 5 Breite 6 Trennfuge 7 Verklammerung 8 Ölnut 9 Arretierungskerbe 10 Axialölnut

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Preface The search for high - performance combustion engines has led to special developments in bearing technology. Due to continuous research and development work connected with constant quality of production, Miba engine bearings completely satisfy present - day re-quirements. Thus, many renowned engine manufacturers use Miba engine bearings as a source of proven original equip-ment. We also offer our customers in the spare parts, market bearings of the same quality. This catalogue contains all bearings continuously manufactured by Miba for the spare parts market, which are largely kept in stock. For those bearing types not found in the catalogue we would ask you to contact us. Note

All information and data provided in this catalogue have been obtained from reliable sources. In the event that any of this information is incorrect, Miba can assume no responsibility. Miba will accept no claims based on any information contained in this catalogue. Any names, serial numbers, description of vehicles and manufacturers' names have been included solely or the purpose of reference and comparison. Interchange Lists Interchange lists for Miba and other bearing manufac-turers can be found in the Appendix to this catalogue. All manufacturers' names, numbers and descriptions have been used for reference purposes. No parts of this publication may be reproduced without Miba's consent. Errors and alterations reserved.

Bearing position

Pairs, Pieces per set

Miba Reference-


Miba Set-No. Undersizes Shaft Diameter

Standard Housing Bore Bearing length


Wall thickness Standard

DZ DG B W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The catalogue is made up of nine columns containing the following: 1. Position of Bearing in Engine The following symbols and abbreviations have been used to describe where the bearing is situated in the engine. Abbreviations (see chart) PL = Connecting Rod Bearing HL = Main Bearing HLB = Main Bearing Bush FL = Thrust Bearing AS = Thrust Washer NWB = Camshaft Bush NWL = Camshaft Bearing KBB = Small End Bush KHB = Rocker Bush AWL = Balancer Bearing 2. Pairs / Pieces per Set

shells and pieces in the case of bushes per set is shown. 3. Miba-Part Number The part number is broken down into three groups: 3127 03 0 Stock No. Type Code Outside Diameter Graph of bearing position:

Here the number of pairs in the case of bearing

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Type code: Solidbearing: 07 Aluminium

06 Lead Bronze Bimetalbearing:

05 14

Steel Backed Aluminium Steel Backed Aluminium

01 21

Steel Backed Lead Bronze Steel Backed Lead Bronze

12 Steel Backed White Metall Trimetalbearing

04 16

Steel Backed Aluminium electroplated overlay Steel Backed Aluminium electroplated overlay

03 57

Steel Backed Lead Bronze electroplated overlay Steel Backed Lead Bronze electroplated overlay


One pair of bearings comprising one bearing design "03" and design "14"


One pair of bearings comprising one bearing design "14" and design "57"

Rillenlager: 26 Steel Backed Aluminium electroplated overlay


One pair of bearings comprising one bearing design "16" and design "26"

Sputterlager: 37 Steel Backed Lead Bronze sputtered overlay

40 Steel Backed Lead Bronze sputtered overlay

48 Steel Backed Lead Bronze sputtered overlay


One pair of bearings comprising one bearing design "03" and design "48"


One pair of bearings comprising one bearing design "03" and design "40"


One pair of bearings comprising one bearing design "14" and design "37"


One pair of bearings comprising one bearing design "03" and design "37"

Important note to Miba-Codes 78, 79, 86, 87 and 93 These type codes are a combination of two different types of bearings, installed in a bearing point. As these bearings are virtually identical, there is a marking on the back of the bearing for identification. Miba 26: identifying mark: "RILLE" Miba 37, 40 and 48: identifying mark: "SPUTTER" Furthermore, the bearing shells have been marked on the back with an "O" (top) or "U" (bottom). This means that the respective bearing shell is to be installed either "top" (housing) or "bottom" (cover). In order to avoid damage to bearings it is important that attention is paid to the correct installation of these bear-ings marked with "O" or "U". Outside Diameter Code: 0 = STD (standard) 1 = +0,25 mm (.010") 2 = +0,50 mm (.020") 3 = +1,00 mm (.040") 4 = +1,50 mm (.060") 5 = +2,00 mm (.080'’) 6 = +0,65 mm (.025") 4. Miba Set-Number In order to make things easier, we have introduced set numbers for connecting rod bearings, main bearings, small end bushes, camshaft bushes or bearings and thrust washers. The set number includes parts neces-sary for an engine as provided in the column "Pairs or Pieces per Set". Since the type code is not shown in the set numbers and some sets are made of different materials (there is a material difference between semi and trimetal bear-ings), the sets are given different numbers. The structure and significance of the set numbers is as follows:

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1761 P 4 0 0.25 1. Stock No. 2. Bearing Type 3. Number of Pieces per Set 4. Outside Diameter Code 5. Undersize 5. Standard Sizes and Undersizes The sizes produced by Miba are given in this column. We should like to point out that we can also manufac-ture sizes, which are not shown in the catalogue. Semi Bearings: Semi bearings are resizable to the following sizes/undersizes: 0,5 SE (0,5 mm Semi) from 0.50 mm (.020") to ST (Standard) SE 1 (i.e. First Semi Size) from 0.75 mm (.030") to ST If a manufacturer only specifies assembly-finished undersize bearings, then the custom-er must bear the risk of using semi bearings. 6. Standard Shaft Diameter 7. Standard Housing Bore 8. Standard Bearing Length The dimensions given here are nominal dimensions. Bearing Length of Thrust Bearings: If the fillets of the crankshaft have been regrinded, then the thrust bearings must be wider than the standard. Thus, they have a wide oversize so that the correct axial clearance of the crankshaft can be reproduced. In the case of thrust washers, the undersize information refers to the wall thickness for two washers. For example - undersize 0.25 mm - each thrust washer is 0.125 mm thicker than the standard design. NB Use of larger undersizes as cleared by the engine manufacturer increases the risk of engine breakdown (e.g. broken shaft). In this case Miba does not take any warranty. 9. Standard Bearing Wall Thickness The wall thickness dimensions are nominal values.

Presentation: Bearing Shells and Thrust Washers 1 Free Spread 2 Tang Width 3 Tang Position 4 Tang Relief 5 Bearing Width 6 Partial Oil Groove 7 Parting Line Relief 8 Bearing Diameter 9 Countersunk Oil Hole 10 Bearing back 11 Wall Thickness 12 Outside Edge 13 Inside Edge 14 Tang Protrusion 15 Joint Face 16 Oil Pocket 17 Tang Length 18 Thrust Washer Thickness 19 Running Surface 20 Thrust Face 21 Oil Groove 22 Locating Tang 23 Bearing Length 24 Distance between Flanges 25 Anti Rotation Notch 26 Relief on Thrust Face 27 Undercut 28 Flange Thickness 29 Lubrication Slot 30 Relief at Joint Face 31 Oil Groove 32 Flange Diameter Presentation: Bearing Bushes 1 Oil Drill Hole 2 Oil Pocket 3 Inside Diameter 4 Outside Diameter 5 Length 6 Clinch Butt 7 Clinch Butt 8 Oil Groove 9 Locating Notch 10 Axial Oil Groove

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Préface La tendance à augmenter continuellement la puissance des moteurs à explosion a mené à un développement spécial des coussinets de palier et de bielle toujours plus fortement sollicités. Sur la base de l'activité per-manente de recherche et de développement, combiné avec la valeur constante de qualité exigée dans la pro-duction, les coussinets répondent pleinement aux hautes sollicitations actuelles. Beaucoup de fabricants de moteurs renommés utilisent des coussinets Miba comme équipement d'origine qui a déjà fait ses preuves. Des coussinets de la même qua-lité sont également offerts à nos clients dans le secteur de la réparation. Dans ce catalogue figurent tous les coussinets fabri-qués couramment pour le secteur réparation et qui sont généralement livrables du stock. Pour les types ne figurant pas dans le catalogue, il y a lieu de nous con-sulter. Remarques

Toutes les données figurant dans ce catalogue sont basées sur les sources les plus dignes de confiance mais nous ne pouvons assumer ni responsabilité, ni dommages et intérêts, ni garanties, au cas où des indi-cations données se révèleraient inexactes. Noms, No d'origines, désignations de véhicules et en-gins ont été mentionnés pour faciliter les recherches et comparaisons. Listens de comparaison Pour trouver la correspondante référence Miba, en sachant les numéros de référence d'autres fabricants de coussinets, il y a des listes de comparaison dans l'annexe au catalogue. Tout les noms, numéros et des-criptions des fabricants ne sont utilisés qu'en vue de références. Touts reproduction, même partielle, doit être soumise à notre approbation. Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier tout élément qui serait sujet à des erreurs ou à des changements!

Dans 9 colonnes du catalogue vous trouverez les in-formations suivantes: 1. Position du coussinet Emplacement du coussinet, ci-après les abréviations et symboles: Abréviations (voir diagramme) PL = coussinet de bielle HL = coussinet de palier (ou de ligne d'arbre) HLB = baque de palier FL = coussinet de palier arrière AS = flasques de butée NWB = baque d'arbre à cames NWL = coussinets d'arbre à cames KBB = baque de bielle KHB = baque de culbuteur AWL = butée de compensation 2. Paires, respectivement pièces par jeu

jeu dans le cas de coussinets et de flasques de butée en deux pièces pour les douilles. 3. No de référence Miba Ce no se compose de 3 groupes de chiffres, par exemple: 3127 03 0 no d'ordre code du type de coussinet code du diamètre extérieur Diagramme des coussinets position:

Ici on indique le nombre de paires contenues dans le

Position des Coussinets

Paires, Piéces par jeu

Miba Référence

Miba Jeu No. Cotes Réparation Diamétre Arbre

Standard Alésage Carter Largeur

Coussinet Standard

Epaisseur Paroi

Standard DZ DG B W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Code du Type de Coussinet: Coussinet massif: 07 alliage aluminium

06 bronze au plomb Coussinet bimétal:

05 14

acier - alliage aluminium acier - alliage aluminium

01 21

acier - bronze au plomb acier - bronze au plomb

12 acier - métal blanc Coussinet trimétal

04 16

acier - alliage aluminium ternaire (couche galvanique de rodage)

03 57

acier - bronze au plomb (couche galvanique de rodage)


paire de coussinets composée d'un 1/2 cous-sinet type "03" et d'un 1/2 coussinet type"14"


paire de coussinets composée d'un 1/2 cous-sinet type "14" et d'un 1/2 coussinet type"57"


26 acier - alliage aluminium ternaire (couche galvanique de rodage) avec rainures


paire de coussinets composée d'un 1/2 coussinet type "16" et d'un 1/2 coussinet type"26"

Sputterlager: 37 acier - bronze du plomb - couche de glissement "sputter"

40 acier - bronze du plomb - couche de glissement "sputter"

48 acier - bronze du plomb - couche de glissement "sputter"


paire de coussinets composée d'un 1/2 cous-sinet type "03" et d'un 1/2 coussinet type "48"


paire de coussinets composée d'un 1/2 cous-sinet type "03" et d'un 1/2 coussinet type "40"


paire de coussinets composée d'un 1/2 cous-sinet type "14" et d'un 1/2 coussinet type "37"


paire de coussinets composée d'un 1/2 cous-sinet type "03" et d'un 1/2 coussinet type "37"

Remarques importantes pour Miba Code du Type de Coussinet 78, 79, 86, 87 et 93 Ces codes du type de coussinet sont une combinasion de deux codes du type de coussinets differents, qui sont montés dans une position très precisa. Comme ces coussinets ne se distinguent guère des autres, ils sont marqués au dos. Miba 26: marquage: "RILLE" Miba 37, 40 et 48: marquage: "SPUTTER" En plus, ces coussinets sont marqués au dos d'un "O" (haut), ou d'un "U" (bas). Ceci veut dire que le coussi-net "haut" (carter), ou "bas" (chapeau) sont à monter en conséquence. Pour éviter des dégarts aux coussinets, il est impératif de veiller au montage correct de "O", ou de "U". Code du diamètre extérieur 0 = STD (standard) 1 = +0,25 mm (.010") 2 = +0,50 mm (.020") 3 = +1,00 mm (.040") 4 = +1,50 mm (.060") 5 = +2,00 mm (.080'’) 6 = +0,65 mm (.025") 4. Miba No de Jeu Dans un but de simplification, nous avons introduit des numéros de jeux pour les coussinets de bielle, les coussinets de palier, les coussinets de pied de bielle ou les butées d'arbre. Le numéro du jeu comprend toutes les pièces méchaniques pour un moteur comme indi-qué dans la colonne "Paire ou pièce par jeu". Les no des jeux ne comportant aucune indication du code du type de coussinet, des no de jeux différents ont été donnés pour chaqué matiére ou exécution (éga-lement pour semi et trimetal). La composition et la signification du no de jeu est la suivante:

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1761 P 4 0 0.25 1. no d'ordre 2. genre du coussinet 3. nombre d'unités dans le jeu 4. code pour diamètre extérieur 5. code réparation 5. Standards et cotes intérieures Dans cette colonne sont indiquées les cotes fabriquées par Miba. Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que nous fabriquons sur demande des côtes, même si celles-ci ne sont pas indiquées dans le catalogue. Coussinets semi-usinés: Les coussinets semi-usinés peuvent être alésés aux cotes suivantes: 0,5 SE (0,5 mm semi) de 0.50 mm (.020") jusqu 'au diamètre STD SE 1 (c'est-à-dire 1ère cote semi) de 0.75 mm (.030") jusqu 'au diamètre STD SE Si un fabricant ne préscrit que de cotes réparation finies, le client qui utilise des coussinets semi-usinés en porte le risque. 6. Diamètre de tourillon standard 7. Alésage du logement standard 8. Largeur standard Les dimensions indiquées correspondent aux valeurs nominales. Largeur de coussinets de palierarrière: Si les faces latérales du vilebrequin ont èté rectifiées, les coussinets de paliers arrière doivent être plus larges que la dimension d'origine. De ce fait, ces cous-sinets ont une surlargeur pour que le jeu latéral correct puisse être rétabli. Les indications des cotes réparation pour flasques de butée se réfèrent toujours à la surépaisseur du paroi pour 2 flasques; p.e.: cote 0.25 mm - chaque flasque de butée a 0.125 mm de plus en épaisseur que l'excu-tion STD. Remarques importantes: Nous attirons l'attention sur le fait que l'utilisation de surcotes plus grandes que celles authorisées par le constructeurs de moteurs augmente le risque de pannes des moteurs (p. ex. repture du vilebrequin) 9. Epaisseur de paroi du coussinet standard Les indications de l'épaisseur de paroi sont des cotes nominales.

Diagramme: Coussinets et flasques de butée 1 Extension 2 Largeur d'ergot 3 Eloignement de l'ergot 4 Rainure de l'ergot 5 Largeur du coussinet 6 Gorge en croissant 7 Mortaisage 8 Diamètre du coussinet 9 Trou d'huile avec chanfrein 10 Dos du coussinet 11 Epaisseur au sommet 12 Face extérieur 13 Face intérieur 14 Hauteur de l'ergot 15 Face opposée 16 Poche d'huile 17 Longueur de l'ergot 18 Largeur de la flasque de butée 19 Surface de roulement 20 Potée de collerette 21 Gorge d'huile 22 Ergot extérieur 23 Largereur de coussinet 24 Distance entre collerettes 25 Trou d'arrêt 26 Dégagement à la surface de la collerette 27 Dégagement par rainure 28 Epaisseur de la collerette 29 Trou oblong 30 Mortaisage de collerette 31 Gorge d'huile 32 Diamètre de la collerette Diagramme: Bagues 1 Trou d'huile 2 Poche d'huile 3 Diamètre intérieur 4 Diamètre extéreur 5 Largeur 6 Ligne de joint 7 Cramponnement 8 Gorge d'huile 9 Entaille d'arret 10 Gorge axial

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Prologo La búsqueda permanente de máquinas de combustión que presenten una capacidad y rendimiento cada vez mejores condujo al desarrollo especial de cojinetes motrices capaces de soportar las sobrecargas resultan-tes. Basados sobre actividades permanentes de investigación y desarrollo, ligados a la calidad cons-tante, hacen que los cojinetes Miba sean hoy merece-dores de la completa calidad exigida. Muchos renombrados productores de motores utilizan por esta razón cojinetes Miba como equipamiento ori-ginal de reconocidas virtudes. Cojinetes de la misma calidad son ofrecidos también al mercado de las repa-raciones. Este Catálogo contiene todos los cojinetes que Miba corrientemente envía al mercado y que en gran parte tiene en existencia en Stock. Tipos de cojinetes no contenidos en este Catálogo rogamos tengan a bien ser consultados. Observación

Todos los datos y referencias son tomados de las fuen-tes mas confiables y comprometidas. No asumimos ni damos ninguna garantía en caso que algún dato fuese inexacto o erróneo. Por ello no tomamos en cuenta pretensiones de reposición motivados por datos conte-nidos en este Catálogo. Nombres, Números de serie, descripciones de vehícu-los y fabricaciones son indicados como referencia y para su comparación. Listas de comparación Listas comparativas para encontrar las referencias Miba deseadas, al disponer de números de otros fabri-cantes de cojinetes se encuentran en el anexo de este Catálogo. Otras listas comparativas son envia-das gustosamente a su requerimiento. Todo nombre, número y descripción del productor fueron empleados a efectos de referencia. Todo tipo de reproduccíon requiere nuestra consenti-miento. Errores y modificaciones nos son reservados!

Posición del Cojinete

Pares, Piezas

p. Juego

Miba Referencia

Miba Juego No.

Medidas Reparación

Diámetro del Standard

Diámetro del Alojamiento

Anchura Cojinete Standard

Espesor Pared

Standard DZ DG B W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

En 9 columnas de catalógo Ud. encontrará los siguientes datos: 1. Número de Posición del Cojinete Aquí encuentra Ud. el lugar, en el cual el cojinete está montado dentro del motor. Para ello hemos empleado los siguientes símboles y abreviaturas. Abreviaturas (ver Gráfico) PL = Cojinete de biela HL = Cojinete de bancada HLB = Bujes de bancada FL = Cojinete de guía (coj. de ajuste) AS = Arandelas de tope NWB = Bujes árbol de levas NWL = Cojinetes árbol de levas KBB = Bujes pernos de pistón KHB = Bujes balancín AWL = Cojinete compensador armónico 2. Pares o Piezas por Juego Aquí se indica en cada caso la cantidad de pares (en

3. Número Referencia Miba El número unitario se compone de tres grupos de cifras, por ejemplo: 3127 03 0 Numeral de órden Código de tipo de construcción Diámetro externo Diagrama de las posiciones de los coji-netes:

casquillos o en arandelas partidas) o bien piezas bujes).

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Código de tip de construcción: Cojinete macizo: 07 aleación de aluminio

06 bronce al plomo Cojinete bimetálico:

05 14

acero - aleación de aluminio acero - aleación de aluminio

01 21

acero - bronce al plomo acero - bronce al plomo

12 acero - metal blanco Cojinete trimetálico:

04 16

acero - aleación de aluminio - capa de rodadura galvánica

03 57

acero - bronce al plomo - capa de rodadura galvánica


cojinete formado por un casquillo "03" y otro "14"


cojinete formado por un casquillo "14" y otro "57"

Cojinete "Rille"

26 acero - aleación de aluminio ranurado - capa de rodadura galvánica


clave para un cojinete formado por: un casquillo del tipo "16" y otro del tipo "26"

Sputterlager: 37 acero - bronce al plomo - capa de rodadura sputerizada

40 acero - bronce al plomo - capa de rodadura sputerizada

48 acero - bronce al plomo - capa de rodadura sputerizada


cojinete formado por un casquillo "03" y otro "48”


cojinete formado por un casquillo "03” y otro "40”


cojinete formado por un casquillo "14" y otro "37”


cojinete formado por un casquillo "03” y otro "37”

Indicación importante sobre código de tipo de construcción Miba 78, 79, 86, 87 e 93 Estos codigos de tipo de construcción son una cmbina-ción de dos diversos tipos de construcción de cojinetes que son montados en un sitio para el cojinete. Ya que exteriormente estos cojinetes apenas se diferencian, se les ha impreso al reverso una palabra como distinti-vo. Miba 26: distintivo: "RILLE" Miba 37, 40 e 48: distintivo: "SPUTTER" Además, estás cáscaras de cojinetes tie en la parte posterior del cojinete una "O" (arriba) y "U" (abajo). Esto significa que las cáscaras de cojinetes deben ser montadas "arriba" (caja) y "abajo" (tapa). Para evitar danos en los cojinetes hay que tener pre-sente en el montaje estas indicaciones. Código de diámetro exterior: 0 = STD (standard) 1 = +0,25 mm (.010") 2 = +0,50 mm (.020") 3 = +1,00 mm (.040") 4 = +1,50 mm (.060") 5 = +2,00 mm (.080'’) 6 = +0,65 mm (.025") 4. Número de Juego Miba Para simplificar hemos implantado número de juego para Cojinetes de Biela, Bancada Bujes perno de pis-tón, Bujes eje de levas, o cojinetes y arandelas de em-puje. El número de juego contiene las partes necesa-rias para un motor, tal como se indica en la columna "Pares o piezas por cada juego". Dado que en los números de juegos no se especifican Código de tipo de construcción, tienen iguales juegos en diferentes tipos de material (también diferencia en-tre Semi y tri-metal) código de número de juego distin-to. La disposición y significado de los números de jue-go es como sigue:

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1761 P 4 0 0.25 1. número de órden 2. tipo de cojinete 3. candidat de piezas contenidas 4. código de diámetro exterior 5. inframedida 5. Standard e Infra - Medias En esta columna están indicadas las escalas de termi-nación Miba. Queremos senalar que a pedido también se confeccio-nan escalas no especificadas en el Catálogo. Cojinetes semi-terminados: Cojinetes Semi- son alesables a las siguientes infra-medidas: 0,5 SE (0,5 mm Semi) de 0.50 mm (.020") hasta ST (Standard) SE 1 (quiere decir Escala 1 SEMI) de 0.75 mm (.030") hasta ST Caso que en un Fabricado solo se recomiende el empleo de Cojinetes terminados, en el caso de uso de cojinetes-semi el riesgo debe ser asumido por el Cliente. 6. Diámetro de eje Standard 7. Diámetro de alojamiento Standard 8. Ancho de cojinete Standard Las medídas aquí indicadas son nominales. Ancho de casquillo en cojinetes de guía: Cuando se rectifican en el ciguenal las gualderas, los cojinetes de guía deben tener un ancho superior al de la medida Standard. Tienen por ello una supermedida en el ancho, para que quede establecida otra vez el juego axial correcto en el ciguenal. En arandelas de empuje se refiere la submedida indi-cada en caso al espesor adicionado a paredes de dos arandelas. Por ej. Submedida 0,25 mm cada arandela es 0,125 mm mas gruesa que la ejecución Standard. Indicación importante El uso de medidas inferiores mayores a las sénaladas por los fabricantes de motores aumentan el riesgo de accidente del motor (por ej. quiebre del eje). En este caso Miba no concede ninguna garantia. 9. Espesor de pared Standard Los espesores de pared especificados son medidas nominales.

Representación: Cojinetes y Arandelas de empuje 1 Extensión 2 Anchura de saliente 3 Distanciado del saliente 4 Muesca 5 Ancho del cojinete 6 Muesca acunada 7 Rebaje 8 Diámetro del cojinete 9 Agujero de lubricación facetado 10 Respaldo del cojinete 11 Espesor del cojinete 12 Canto externo 13 Canto interno 14 Altura de cran 15 Superficie separación 16 Bolsa de aceite 17 Longitud de muesca saliente 18 Ancho de arandela de empuje 19 Superficie de marcha 20 Superficie de ataque axial 21 Muesca de aceite 22 Leva de retención 23 Ancho del cojinete 24 Distancia entre pestanas (interna) 25 Agujero para retenedor 26 Despeje en superficie borde 27 Garganta de salida 28 Espesor del collar 29 Agujero alargado 30 Despeje en cara frontal 31 Ranura de aceite 32 Diámetro del reborde Representación: Bujes 1 Aguero de lubricación 2 Bolsa de aceite 3 Diámetro interior 4 Diámetro exterior 5 Ancho 6 Junta separación 7 Brochado 8 Ranura lubricación 9 Muesca fijación 10 Ranura axial

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

KT(A)19(M) 1KT(A)1150 1KTA 600 1KT(A) 450 1K38 2K50 3

Orig. Ref.


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Cummins1 KT (A) 19 (M) 6 Cyl.

KT (A) 1150 Bore x StrokeKTA 600 5 1/8 x 6"KT (A) 450 6 1/4 x 6 1/4"1150 CID (18,8 l) 130.0 x 152.40

158.80 x 158.80

PL 6 4277 03 0 1742 P 6 0 STD, .010, .020, .030" 101,562 / 101,600 107,993 / 108,018 56,000 3,1753,9985 / 4,0000'' 4,2517 / 4,2527'' 2,2047'' 0,1250''

HL 5 4278 03 0 1743 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030" 139,662 / 139,700 148,463 / 148,488 46,000 4,3485,4985 / 5,5000'' 5,8450 / 5,8460'' 1,8110'' 0,1712''

HL 2 4279 03 0 39,7001,5630''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 4280 05 0 1744 A 2 0 STD 152,250 174,250 3,900

5,9941'' 6,8602'' 0,1535''

2 K38 12 Cyl.KT38, KTA38, KTTA38 Bore x Stroke2300 CID (38,0 l) 6 1/4 x 6 1/4"

158.80 x 158.80

PL 12 4179 03 0 1726 P 12 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, 107,912 / 107,950 114,350 / 114,363 52,700 3,155.040" 4,2485 / 4,2500'' 4,5020 / 4,5025'' 2,0748'' 0,1242''

HL 5 4180 03 0 1727 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, 165,062 / 165,100 173,863 / 173,888 55,900 4,336.040" 6,4985 / 6,5000'' 6,8450 / 6,8460'' 2,2008'' 0,1707''

HL 2 4181 03 0 52,7002,0748''

I.D. A.D.AS 1 4182 05 0 STD, .010" 195,500 225,500 4,900

7,6969'' 8,8780'' 0,1929''

Orig. Ref.


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Cummins3 K50 16 Cyl.

KT50, KTA50, KTTA50 Bore x Stroke3068 CID (50,3 l) 6 1/4 x 6 1/4"

158.80 x 158.80

PL 16 4179 03 0 1726 P 12 0 STD, .010, .020, .030" 107,912 / 107,950 114,350 / 114,363 52,700 3,1554,2485 / 4,2500'' 4,5020 / 4,5025'' 2,0748'' 0,1242''

HL 7 4180 03 0 1727 H 9 0 STD, .010, .020, .030" 165,062 / 165,100 173,863 / 173,888 55,900 4,3366,4985 / 6,5000'' 6,8450 / 6,8460'' 2,2008'' 0,1707''

HL 2 4181 03 0 52,7002,0748''

I.D. A.D.AS 1 4182 05 0 STD, .010" 195,500 225,500 4,900

7,6969'' 8,8780'' 0,1929''

Orig. Ref.


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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

DK 1160 1DKA 1160 1DKB 1160 1DKD 1160 1DKL 1DKS 1160 1DKZ 1160 ATJ 1DKCL 1160 1DKDL 1160 1DKFL 1160 1WS 222 1G/LS 1LT 160 / 195 1XE 390 C 2XF 355 3XF 250 3XF 280 3XF 315 3

Orig. Ref.


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DAF1 Engine DKD 1160 6 Cyl.

All modells F 2200 Bore x Stroke11,6 Liter (165 PS) 121 KW 130 x 146Engine DK 1160All modells F 240011,6 Liter (212 PS) 156 KWEngine DKA 1160All modells F 2600, since 196811,6 Liter (230 PS) 169 KWEngine DKDL 1160All modells bus MB 200, since 197011,6 Liter (165 PS) 121 KWEngine DKB 1160All modells F 2600-F 280011,6 Liter (304 PS) 224 KWsince 1971/1972Engine DKS 1160All modells since spring 1973Engine DKCL 116011,6 Liter (211 PS) 155 KWEngine DKFL 116011,6 Liter (260 PS) 191 KWEngine DKZ 1160 ATJ11,6 Liter (373 PS) 274 KWsince 1985Engines DKL / DKSB /DKSE / DKT /DKTD /DKTL / DKV / DKVL / DKX 1160Diesel-Inline-EngineEngines WS 222/225/242/259/268/282/295/315Engines G/LSEngines LT 160/195

PL 6 4504 16 0 1782 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 82,980 / 83,020 86,625 / 86,637 42,700 1,7871.00 mm 3,2669 / 3,2685'' 3,4104 / 3,4109'' 1,6811'' 0,0704''

Lagerschalen mit Ölbohrung / bearing shells with oilhole

PL 6 5067 16 0 1814 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 82,980 / 83,020 86,625 / 86,637 42,700 1,7871.00 mm 3,2669 / 3,2685'' 3,4104 / 3,4109'' 1,6811'' 0,0704''

für Motoren ab März 1994 / for engines from March 1994 Lagerschalen ohne Ölbohrung / bearingshells without oilhole

1. HL 1 4505 16 0 1783 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 97,990 / 98,010 103,072 / 103,098 39,200 2,4961.25 mm 3,8579 / 3,8587'' 4,0580 / 4,0590'' 1,5433'' 0,0983'' HL 4 4506 16 0 32,1001,2638''

4.7. HL 2 4507 16 0 52,2002,0551''

HL 4505 16 0 = 360° Schmiernut HL 4505 16 0 = 360° oil groove HL 4506 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4506 16 0 = 180° oil groove HL 4507 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4507 16 0 = 180° oil groove

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DAF2 Engine XE 390 C 6 Cyl.

Diesel, 12,6 Liter (530 PS) 390 KW Bore x Stroke130 x 158

PL 6 5839 93 0 1969 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 mm 91,980 / 92,020 96,594 / 96,606 33,000 2,2603,6213 / 3,6228'' 3,8029 / 3,8034'' 1,2992'' 0,0890''

1. HL 1 4505 16 0 1783 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 97,990 / 98,010 103,072 / 103,098 39,200 2,4961,25 mm 3,8579 / 3,8587'' 4,0580 / 4,0590'' 1,5433'' 0,0983'' HL 4 4506 16 0 32,1001,2638''

4.7. HL 2 4507 16 0 52,2002,0551''

HL 4505 16 0 = 360° Schmiernut HL 4505 16 0 = 360° oil groove HL 4506 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4506 16 0 = 180° oil groove HL 4507 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4507 16 0 = 180° oil groove

1. HL 1 5785 16 0 1858 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 97,990 / 98,010 103,072 / 103,098 39,200 2,4961,25 mm 3,8579 / 3,8587'' 4,0580 / 4,0590'' 1,5433'' 0,0983'' HL 4 4506 16 0 32,1001,2638''

4.7. HL 2 4507 16 0 52,2002,0551''

HL 5785 16 0 = 0° Schmiernut HL 5785 16 0 = 0° oil groove HL 4506 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4506 16 0 = 180° oil groove HL 4507 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4507 16 0 = 180° oil groove

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DAF3 Engine XF 355 6 Cyl.

Diesel, 12,6 Liter (483 PS) 355 KW Bore x Stroke130 x 158

Engine XF 250 M EURO 2Diesel, 12,6 Liter (340 PS) 250 KW

Engine XF 280 M EURO 2Diesel, 12,6 Liter (381 PS) 280 KW

Engine XF 315 M EURO 2Diesel, 12,6 Liter (428 PS) 315 KW

PL 6 5398 03 0 1855 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 mm 87,980 / 88,020 92,594 / 92,606 39,000 2,2603,4638 / 3,4654'' 3,6454 / 3,6459'' 1,5354'' 0,0890''

1. HL 1 4505 16 0 1783 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 97,990 / 98,010 103,072 / 103,098 39,200 2,4961,25 mm 3,8579 / 3,8587'' 4,0580 / 4,0590'' 1,5433'' 0,0983'' HL 4 4506 16 0 32,1001,2638''

4.7. HL 2 4507 16 0 52,2002,0551''

HL 4505 16 0 = 360° Schmiernut HL 4505 16 0 = 360° oil groove HL 4506 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4506 16 0 = 180° oil groove HL 4507 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4507 16 0 = 180° oil groove

1. HL 1 5785 16 0 1858 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 97,990 / 98,010 103,072 / 103,098 39,200 2,4961,25 mm 3,8579 / 3,8587'' 4,0580 / 4,0590'' 1,5433'' 0,0983'' HL 4 4506 16 0 32,1001,2638''

4.7. HL 2 4507 16 0 52,2002,0551''

HL 5785 16 0 = 0° Schmiernut HL 5785 16 0 = 0° oil groove HL 4506 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4506 16 0 = 180° oil groove HL 4507 16 0 = 180° Schmiernut HL 4507 16 0 = 180° oil groove

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

D 155 1D 179 1D 206 2D 239 2D 246 2D 268 2D 310 3D 358 3DT 358 3D 402 3H 30 B 2

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IHC 1 Engine D 155 3 Cyl.

2,5 l ( 36 - 43 PS),27 - 32 KW Bore x Stroke(1966-) 98.4 x 111.1All Tractors, Type 353, 423, 453 98.4 x 128.5Engine D 1792,9 l

PL 3 3244 03 0 1572 P 3 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 63,971 / 63,990 68,000 / 68,019 32,100 1,975.050, .060" 2,5185 / 2,5193'' 2,6772 / 2,6779'' 1,2638'' 0,0778''

Siehe Zeichnung Pos. Nr. 3 See design pos. no. 3

HL 3 3245 03 0 1571 H 4 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 79,971 / 79,990 86,000 / 86,022 25,800 2,972.050, .060" 3,1485 / 3,1492'' 3,3858 / 3,3867'' 1,0157'' 0,1170''

FL 1 3246 03 0 36,5001,4370''

2 Engine D 206 4 Cyl.Diesel 3,4 l Bore x StrokeEngine D 239, H 30 B 98.4 x 111.1Diesel 3,9 l, 55 - 76,4 PS 98.4 x 128.5(1969-)Payloader 3654Engine D 246, D268Diesel 3,9 l, 64 - 76,4 PS

PL 4 3244 03 0 1572 P 4 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, 63,971 / 63,990 68,000 / 68,019 32,100 1,975.040, .050, .060" 2,5185 / 2,5193'' 2,6772 / 2,6779'' 1,2638'' 0,0778''

Siehe Zeichnung Pos. Nr. 3 See design pos. no. 3

HL 4 3245 03 0 1571 H 5 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, 79,971 / 79,990 86,000 / 86,022 25,800 2,972.040, .050, .060" 3,1485 / 3,1492'' 3,3858 / 3,3867'' 1,0157'' 0,1170''

FL 1 3246 03 0 36,5001,4370''

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IHC 3 Engine D 310 6 Cyl.

Diesel 5,1 l Bore x StrokeEngine D 358, DT 358 98.4 x 111.1Diesel 5,9 l, 82,5 - 137,5 PS 98.4 x 128.5(1971-) 100.0 x 139.7H 60, JH 60, JH65, (Turbocharged)Hydraulicloader 3694, Loadstar truckEngine D 402Diesel 6,6 l, 160 PS

PL 6 3244 03 0 1572 P 6 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 63,971 / 63,990 68,000 / 68,019 32,100 1,975.050, .060" 2,5185 / 2,5193'' 2,6772 / 2,6779'' 1,2638'' 0,0778''

PL 6 3247 03 0 1570 P 6 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 63,971 / 63,990 68,000 / 68,019 32,100 1,975.050, .060" 2,5185 / 2,5193'' 2,6772 / 2,6779'' 1,2638'' 0,0778''

HL 6 3245 03 0 1571 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 79,971 / 79,990 86,000 / 86,022 25,800 2,972.050, .060" 3,1485 / 3,1492'' 3,3858 / 3,3867'' 1,0157'' 0,1170''

FL 1 3246 03 0 36,5001,4370''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

8210.22 1

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IVECO1 8210.22 6 Cyl.

8210.22.800, 8210.22V, 8210.22X Bore x StrokeDiesel, 13.8 l 137 x 156

PL 6 7995 03 0 1925 P 6 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040" 84,713 / 84,735 88,482 / 88,504 41,250 1,8363,3352 / 3,3360'' 3,4835 / 3,4844'' 1,6240'' 0,0723''

1. HL 1 7997 03 0 1926 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040" 102,878 / 102,900 107,975 / 108,000 37,410 2,4904,0503 / 4,0512'' 4,2510 / 4,2520'' 1,4728'' 0,0980'' HL 4 7998 03 0 34,8201,3709''

4. HL 1 7996 03 0 53,9802,1252''

7. HL 1 8011 03 0 37,4101,4728''

KBB 6 7999 21 0 1927 K 6 0 0.5 SE 49,995 / 50,000 54,850 / 54,890 50,4001,9683 / 1,9685'' 2,1594 / 2,1610'' 1,9843''

NWB 1 8000 14 0 1928 N 4 0 STD 62,500 / 62,530 68,515 / 68,550 42,240 2,9602,4606 / 2,4618'' 2,6974 / 2,6988'' 1,6630'' 0,1165''

NWB 1 8002 14 0 62,000 / 62,030 68,015 / 68,050 32,2502,4409 / 2,4421'' 2,6778 / 2,6791'' 1,2697''

NWB 1 8003 14 0 61,500 / 61,530 67,515 / 67,550 32,2502,4213 / 2,4224'' 2,6581 / 2,6594'' 1,2697''

NWB 1 8001 14 0 61,000 / 61,030 67,015 / 67,050 32,2502,4016 / 2,4028'' 2,6384 / 2,6398'' 1,2697''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

135 Gas 4152 6180 5202 5EA 202 D 2276 7303 1329 1414 3

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JOHN - DEERE1 Engine 303, 329 6 Cyl.

Cottonpicker and Stripper, Tractor, Windrowers, Bore x StrokeIndustrial Engines, Combines, 3.86 x 4.33"55 H B 303 G Eng. from S/N 83001, 55 H B 303 L Eng. from S/N 83001, 98.04 x 109.9855 H B 303 D Eng. from 83001, 95 H HC 303 G Eng. from S/N 37501, 4.02 x 4.33"95 H HA 303 D Eng. from S/N 35001, 95 LL HA 303 G Eng. from S/N 35001, 102.10 x 109.9895 LL HA 303 L Eng. from S/N 35001, 95 LL HA 303 D Eng. from S/N 35001, 4.19 x 4.33"4400 329 DN-02 Eng., 4420 329 DH Eng., 6600 HC 329 D Eng., 106.43 x 109.986600 HD 303 G Eng., 6600 HF 329 G Eng., 6600 329 DH-01 Eng.,6600 329 GH-01 Eng., 6600 329 GH-02 Eng.,428 329 DN-03 Eng.,428 329 GN-01 Eng., 428 329 LN-01 Eng.,482 329 DN-03,482 329 GN-01, 482 329 LN-01, 499 NB 329 D Eng.,499 NB 329 G Eng.,499 NB 329 L Eng.,499 329 DN-03 Eng.,499 329 GN-01 Eng.,499 329 NL-01 Eng.,699 NB 329 D Eng.,699 NB 329 G Eng.,699 NB 329 L Eng.,699 329 DN-03 Eng.,699 329 GN-01 Eng.,699 329 LN-01 Eng., 699 NA 303 G Eng. from S/N 101,699 NA 303 L Eng. from S/N 101, 699 NA 303 D Eng. from S/N 101, 9900, 9910,303 D/G/L Series,329 D/G Series,JD 303 Gas,JD 540 Diesel,JD 544 Diesel,JD 570,570 A Diesel,2840 Diesel,2940 Diesel,4030 Diesel,HA 303 D,G,L, HB 303 D/G/L,HC 303 G,HC 329 D,HD 303 G,HF 329 G,HG 303 G,NA 303 D/G/L,NB 329 D/G/L,329 DH-01/-02,329 DN-03,329 GH-01/-02,329 GN-01,329 LN-01,6329 D

PL 6 3604 03 0 1603 P 6 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 69,800 / 69,825 73,660 / 73,685 30,100 1,903.050, .060" 2,7480 / 2,7490'' 2,9000 / 2,9010'' 1,1850'' 0,0749 6 3605 03 0 1604 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 79,325 / 79,350 84,455 / 84,480 29,400 2,5206. HL .050, .060" 3,1230 / 3,1240'' 3,3250 / 3,3260'' 1,1575'' 0,0992''

7. FL 1 3606 03 0 38,8001,5276''

2 Engine EA 202 D 4 Cyl.HA 219 D, HC 219 D, 202 DE-01, 219 DE-01, Bore x Stroke219 DH-01/-02/-03, 219 DN-01, 4219 D 4.19 x 4.33"Combine 3300,4400, 106.42 x 109.98Cotton Picker a. Stripper 499 219 DN-01 3.86 x 4.33"Power Unit 202/219 D Series,4219 D,4239 D 98.04 x 109.98Diesel Tractor JD 400,JD 440,JD 450, 4.02 x 4.33"JD 480,2020,2030,2440,2510,2520, 102.11 x 109.98Windrower 880,2270.2280 4.25 x 4.75"Loaders JD 4018/C,JD 410 107.95 x 120.65

PL 4 3604 03 0 1603 P 4 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 69,800 / 69,825 73,660 / 73,685 30,100 1,903.050, .060" 2,7480 / 2,7490'' 2,9000 / 2,9010'' 1,1850'' 0,0749'' HL 4 3605 03 0 1604 H 5 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 79,325 / 79,350 84,455 / 84,480 29,400 2,520.050, .060" 3,1230 / 3,1240'' 3,3250 / 3,3260'' 1,1575'' 0,0992''

5. FL 1 3606 03 0 38,8001,5276''

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JOHN - DEERE3 Engine 414 6 Cyl.

6414 D, Bore x StrokeDiesel 4.19 x 5"

106.42 x 127.00 6 3605 03 0 1604 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 79,325 / 79,350 84,455 / 84,480 29,400 2,5206. HL .050, .060" 3,1230 / 3,1240'' 3,3250 / 3,3260'' 1,1575'' 0,0992''

7. FL 1 3606 03 0 38,8001,5276''

4 Engine 135 Gas 3 Cyl.300B Gas, 301A Gas, 1020 Gas, Bore x StrokeJD 300 Gas, JD 350 Gas, 3.859 x 3.859"JD 380 Gas 98.01 x 98.01

1.2. HL 2 3605 03 0 1604 H 3 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 79,325 / 79,350 84,455 / 84,480 29,400 2,520.050, .060" 3,1230 / 3,1240'' 3,3250 / 3,3260'' 1,1575'' 0,0992''

3. FL 1 3606 03 0 38,8001,5276''

5 Engine 180, 202 4 Cyl.3300 HB 202 G Eng., 3300 202 GH-01 Eng., 3300 219 GH-01 Eng., Bore x Stroke499 219 GN-01 Eng., 180 G Series, 202 G Series, 219 G Series, 3.859 x 3.859"JD 400Gas, JD 440Gas, 450Gas, 98.01 x 98.01JD 480 Gas, JD 401 B Gas, JD 401 C Gas, JD 410 Gas, 310A Diesel, 3.859 x 4.328"EA 180 G, 98.01 x 109.93HA 180 G, 2020, 2030, 2510, 2520 Gas, 4.020 x 4.330"880 EA 180 G, 880 180 GE-01, HB 202 G, 102.10 x 109.98180 GE-01, 202 GH-01, 219 GH-01, 219 GN-01, 45 HA-1806 4.250 x 4.000"

107.95 x 101.6

1.2. HL 2 3605 03 0 1604 H 3 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 79,325 / 79,350 84,455 / 84,480 29,400 2,520.050, .060" 3,1230 / 3,1240'' 3,3250 / 3,3260'' 1,1575'' 0,0992''

3. FL 1 3606 03 0 38,8001,5276''

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JOHN - DEERE6 Engine 152 3Cyl.

JD 300 Diesel, JD 350 Diesel, JD 544 Gas, 152, 820 Diesel, Bore x Stroke830 Diesel, 1020, 1520, 1530 Diesel, 2040/2240 Diesel, 3.859 x 4.328"JD 302 Gas, JD 302 Diesel, JD 302A Gas, JD 302A Diesel, 98.01 x 109.93300B Diesel, 301A Diesel 4.020 x 4.330"

102.11 x 109.984.190 x 4.330"106.43 x 109.98

PL 3 3604 03 0 1603 P 3 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 69,800 / 69,825 73,660 / 73,685 30,100 1,903.050, .060" 2,7480 / 2,7490'' 2,9000 / 2,9010'' 1,1850'' 0,0749

1.2.3. HL 3 3605 03 0 1604 H 4 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 79,325 / 79,350 84,455 / 84,480 29,400 2,520.050, .060" 3,1230 / 3,1240'' 3,3250 / 3,3260'' 1,1575'' 0,0992''

4. FL 1 3606 03 0 38,8001,5276''

7 Engine 276 4 Cyl.Diesel- Eng., Tractor 2630, 2640, 4276 D Bore x Stroke

4.19 x 5"106.426 x 127.000 HL 4 3605 03 0 1604 H 5 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 79,325 / 79,350 84,455 / 84,480 29,400 2,520.050, .060" 3,1230 / 3,1240'' 3,3250 / 3,3260'' 1,1575'' 0,0992''

5. FL 1 3606 03 0 38,8001,5276''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

BF 6 L 413F 11BF 8 L 413F 12BF 10 L 413F 13BF 12 L 413F 14F 6 L 413V 7BF 6 L 413V 7F 8 L 413V 8BF 8 L 413V 8F 10 L 413V 9BF 10 L 413V 9F 12 L 413V 10BF 12 L 413V 10BF 6 L 513F 11BF 8 L 513F 12BF 10 L 513F 13BF 12 L 513F 14F 3 L 911 1F 4 L 911 2F 6 L 911 4F 3 L 912 1F 4 L 912 2F 5 L 912 3F 6 L 912 4F 3 L 913 1F 4 L 913 2/5BF 4 L 913 5F 6 L 913 4BF 6 L 913 6

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KHD1 F 3 L 911 3 Cyl.

F 3 L 912 Bore x StrokeF 3 L 912 / 912 W 100 x 105F 3 L 913 100 x 120Industrial engine, all models D 4006, D 4006A, D 4506, D 5206, 102 x 125Intrac 2002, Diesel, 2,5 l, 2,8 l, 25 - 60 PS, (1967-)

PL 3 2010 03 0 1032 P 3 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 59,941 / 59,960 64,000 / 64,019 25,000 2,0001.25, 1.50 mm 2,3599 / 2,3606'' 2,5197 / 2,5204'' 0,9843'' 0,0787''

HL 4 2011 03 0 1041 H 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 69,971 / 69,990 74,500 / 74,519 27,000 2,2291.25, 1.50 mm 2,7548 / 2,7555'' 2,9331 / 2,9338'' 1,0630'' 0,0878''

KBB 3 5493 21 0 STD 34,995 / 35,000 38,000 / 38,016 33,800 1,4871,3778 / 1,3780'' 1,4961 / 1,4967'' 1,3307'' 0,0585''

2 F 4 L 911 4 Cyl.F 4 L 912 Bore x StrokeF 4 L 912 / 912 W 100 x 105F 4 L 913 100 x 120Industrial engine, all models M 80, D6, D7, D8, D 6206, 102 x 125D 6806, D7206, Intrac 2003,Diesel, 3.3/3.8/4.1 l, 36 - 87 PS, (1967 - )

PL 4 2010 03 0 1032 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 59,941 / 59,960 64,000 / 64,019 25,000 2,0001.25, 1.50 mm 2,3599 / 2,3606'' 2,5197 / 2,5204'' 0,9843'' 0,0787''

HL 5 2011 03 0 1041 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 69,971 / 69,990 74,500 / 74,519 27,000 2,2291.25, 1.50 mm 2,7548 / 2,7555'' 2,9331 / 2,9338'' 1,0630'' 0,0878''

KBB 4 5493 21 0 STD 34,995 / 35,000 38,000 / 38,016 33,800 1,4871,3778 / 1,3780'' 1,4961 / 1,4967'' 1,3307'' 0,0585''

3 F 5 L 912 / 912 W 5 Cyl.F 5 L 912 F Bore x StrokeIndustrial engine, 100 x 120Diesel, 4.7/5.1 l, 45 - 100 PS, (1967 - ) 102 x 125

PL 5 2010 03 0 1032 P 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 59,941 / 59,960 64,000 / 64,019 25,000 2,0001.00 mm 2,3599 / 2,3606'' 2,5197 / 2,5204'' 0,9843'' 0,0787

HL 6 2011 03 0 1041 H 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,971 / 69,990 74,500 / 74,519 27,000 2,2291.00 mm 2,7548 / 2,7555'' 2,9331 / 2,9338'' 1,0630'' 0,0878''

KBB 5 5493 21 0 STD 34,995 / 35,000 38,000 / 38,016 33,800 1,4871,3778 / 1,3780'' 1,4961 / 1,4967'' 1,3307'' 0,0585''

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KHD4 F 6 L 911 6 Cyl.

F 6 L 912 / 912 W Bore x StrokeF 6 L 913 100 x 105Industrial engine, all models D 8006, D 10006, 100 x 120M 110, M 120, M 130, M120 R80, 102 x 125D7, D8, D9, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, Intrac 2006,Diesel, 4.9/5.6/6.1 l, 54 - 130 PS, (1967 - )

PL 6 2010 03 0 1032 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 59,941 / 59,960 64,000 / 64,019 25,000 2,0001.00 mm 2,3599 / 2,3606'' 2,5197 / 2,5204'' 0,9843'' 0,0787''

HL 7 2011 03 0 1041 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,971 / 69,990 74,500 / 74,519 27,000 2,2291.00 mm 2,7548 / 2,7555'' 2,9331 / 2,9338'' 1,0630'' 0,0878''

KBB 6 5493 21 0 STD 34,995 / 35,000 38,000 / 38,016 33,800 1,4871,3778 / 1,3780'' 1,4961 / 1,4967'' 1,3307'' 0,0585''

5 F 4 L 913 4 Cyl.

BF 4 L 913 Bore x StrokeDiesel, 4.1 l, 64-100 PS 102 x 125

PL 4 3421 03 0 1586 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,971 / 65,990 70,000 / 70,019 25,000 1,9851.00 mm 2,5973 / 2,5980'' 2,7559 / 2,7567'' 0,9843'' 0,0781''

HL 5 3422 03 0 1587 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 79,000 / 79,019 25,000 1,9851.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1102 / 3,1110'' 0,9843'' 0,0781''

KBB 4 7036 21 0 STD 39,995 / 40,000 43,000 / 43,016 33,300 1,4871,5746 / 1,5748'' 1,6929 / 1,6935'' 1,3110'' 0,0585''

6 BF 6 L 913 6 Cyl.Industrial engine, all models , M 160, Bore x StrokeD 11, D 12, D 15, D 16, 102 x 125Diesel, 6.1 l,70 - 200 PS (1972 - )

PL 6 3421 03 0 1586 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,971 / 65,990 70,000 / 70,019 25,000 1,9851.00 mm 2,5973 / 2,5980'' 2,7559 / 2,7567'' 0,9843'' 0,0781

HL 7 3422 03 0 1587 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 79,000 / 79,019 25,000 1,9851.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1102 / 3,1110'' 0,9843'' 0,0781''

KBB 6 7036 21 0 STD 39,995 / 40,000 43,000 / 43,016 33,300 1,4871,5746 / 1,5748'' 1,6929 / 1,6935'' 1,3110'' 0,0585''

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KHD7 F 6 L 413 6 Cyl.

BF 6 L 413 Bore x StrokeV6 120 x 125Diesel, all models M 135, M 170, D 11, D 12, 120 x 130D 14, D 15, D 17, D 19, D 21, D 22, D 155,8.5/8.8 l, 135/170 PS, (1969 - )

PL 6 2701 03 0 1484 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 80,000 / 80,019 27,800 2,4751.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1496 / 3,1504'' 1,0945'' 0,0974''

HL 3 2853 03 0 1485 H 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 89,966 / 89,988 96,000 / 96,022 29,000 2,9703,5420 / 3,5428'' 3,7795 / 3,7804'' 1,1417'' 0,1169''

FL 1 2854 03 0 40,8001,6063''

** HL + FL obere Hälfte mit Langloch ** HL+FL upper halfes with slot

KBB 6 2005 21 0 STD 44,995 / 45,000 48,000 / 48,016 39,600 1,4791,7715 / 1,7717'' 1,8898 / 1,8904'' 1,5591'' 0,0582''

8 F 8 L 413 8 Cyl.BF 8 L 413 Bore x StrokeV8 120 x 125Diesel, all models M 200, M 230, M 232, Intrac 2011, D 14, 120 x 130D 15, D 15.5, D 16, D 19, D20, D 22, D 26, D 30,11.3/11.8 l, 137 - 300 PS

PL 8 2701 03 0 1484 P 8 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 80,000 / 80,019 27,800 2,4751.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1496 / 3,1504'' 1,0945'' 0,0974''

HL 4 2853 03 0 1485 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 89,966 / 89,988 96,000 / 96,022 29,000 2,9703,5420 / 3,5428'' 3,7795 / 3,7804'' 1,1417'' 0,1169''

FL 1 2854 03 0 40,8001,6063''

** HL + FL obere Hälfte mit Langloch ** HL+FL upper halfes with slot

KBB 8 2005 21 0 STD 44,995 / 45,000 48,000 / 48,016 39,600 1,4791,7715 / 1,7717'' 1,8898 / 1,8904'' 1,5591'' 0,0582''

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KHD9 F 10 L 413 10 Cyl.

BF 10 L 413 Bore x StrokeV 10 120 x 125Diesel, all models M 290, D 20, D 22, M 270, D 15.5, D 16 120 x 13014.1 l, 14.7 l, 197 - 375 PS

PL 10 2701 03 0 1484 P 10 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 80,000 / 80,019 27,800 2,4751.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1496 / 3,1504'' 1,0945'' 0,0974''

HL 5 2853 03 0 1485 H 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 89,966 / 89,988 96,000 / 96,022 29,000 2,9703,5420 / 3,5428'' 3,7795 / 3,7804'' 1,1417'' 0,1169''

FL 1 2854 03 0 40,8001,6063''

** HL + FL obere Hälfte mit Langloch ** HL+FL upper halfes with slot

KBB 10 2005 21 0 STD 44,995 / 45,000 48,000 / 48,016 39,600 1,4791,7715 / 1,7717'' 1,8898 / 1,8904'' 1,5591'' 0,0582''

10 F 12 L 413 12 Cyl.BF 12 L 413 Bore x StrokeV 12 120 x 125Diesel, all models M 310, M 340, D 16, D 19, D 22, D 26 120 x 13017/17.6 l, 236 - 480 PS

PL 12 2701 03 0 1484 P 12 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 80,000 / 80,019 27,800 2,4751.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1496 / 3,1504'' 1,0945'' 0,0974''

HL 6 2853 03 0 1485 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 89,966 / 89,988 96,000 / 96,022 29,000 2,9703,5420 / 3,5428'' 3,7795 / 3,7804'' 1,1417'' 0,1169''

FL 1 2854 03 0 40,8001,6063''

** HL + FL obere Hälfte mit Langloch ** HL+FL upper halfes with slot

KBB 12 2005 21 0 STD 44,995 / 45,000 48,000 / 48,016 39,600 1,4791,7715 / 1,7717'' 1,8898 / 1,8904'' 1,5591'' 0,0582''

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KHD11 BF 6 L 413 F 6 Cyl.

BF 6 L 513 F / FW / FR Bore x StrokeV 6 125 x 130Diesel, 9.6/10 l, 105 - 186 PS 128 x 130

PL 6 2701 03 0 1484 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 80,000 / 80,019 27,800 2,4751.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1496 / 3,1504'' 1,0945'' 0,0974''

HL 3 2570 03 0 1609 H 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 94,966 / 94,988 101,000 / 101,022 29,000 2,9701.00 mm 3,7388 / 3,7397'' 3,9764 / 3,9772'' 1,1417'' 0,1169''

FL 1 2571 03 0 40,8001,6063''

KBB 6 2005 21 0 STD 44,995 / 45,000 48,000 / 48,016 39,600 1,4791,7715 / 1,7717'' 1,8898 / 1,8904'' 1,5591'' 0,0582''

12 BF 8 L 413F 8 Cyl.BF 8 L 513 F / FW / FR Bore x StrokeV 8 125 x 130

125 x 140Diesel, 12.8/13.4 l, 125 - 373PS 128 x 130

128 x 140

PL 8 2701 03 0 1484 P 8 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 80,000 / 80,019 27,800 2,4751.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1496 / 3,1504'' 1,0945'' 0,0974''

HL 4 2570 03 0 1609 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 94,966 / 94,988 101,000 / 101,022 29,000 2,9701.00 mm 3,7388 / 3,7397'' 3,9764 / 3,9772'' 1,1417'' 0,1169''

FL 1 2571 03 0 40,8001,6063''

KBB 8 2005 21 0 STD 44,995 / 45,000 48,000 / 48,016 39,600 1,4791,7715 / 1,7717'' 1,8898 / 1,8904'' 1,5591'' 0,0582''

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KHD13 BF 10 L 413 F 10 Cyl.

BF 10 L 513 F / FW / FR Bore x StrokeV 10 125 x 130Diesel, 15.9/16.7 l, 156 - 415 PS 128 x 130

PL 10 2701 03 0 1484 P 10 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 80,000 / 80,019 27,800 2,4751.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1496 / 3,1504'' 1,0945'' 0,0974''

HL 5 2570 03 0 1609 H 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 94,966 / 94,988 101,000 / 101,022 29,000 2,9701.00 mm 3,7388 / 3,7397'' 3,9764 / 3,9772'' 1,1417'' 0,1169''

FL 1 2571 03 0 40,8001,6063''

KBB 10 2005 21 0 STD 44,995 / 45,000 48,000 / 48,016 39,600 1,4791,7715 / 1,7717'' 1,8898 / 1,8904'' 1,5591'' 0,0582''

14 BF 12 L 413 F 12 Cyl.BF 12 L 513 F / FW / FR Bore x StrokeV 12 125 x 130Diesel, 19.1/20.1 l, 188 - 551 PS 128 x 130

PL 12 2701 03 0 1484 P 12 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 80,000 / 80,019 27,800 2,4751.00 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1496 / 3,1504'' 1,0945'' 0,0974''

HL 6 2570 03 0 1609 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 94,966 / 94,988 101,000 / 101,022 29,000 2,9701.00 mm 3,7388 / 3,7397'' 3,9764 / 3,9772'' 1,1417'' 0,1169''

FL 1 2571 03 0 40,8001,6063''

KBB 12 2005 21 0 STD 44,995 / 45,000 48,000 / 48,016 39,600 1,4791,7715 / 1,7717'' 1,8898 / 1,8904'' 1,5591'' 0,0582''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

4D 95 46D 95 5S6D 95 54D 105 74D 105-5 6S4D 105-5 66D 125 34D 155 1S4D 155 1S6D 155 2SA6D 155 2

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KOMATSU1 4D 155 4 Cyl.

S4D 155 Bore x StrokeDiesel 12.8 l 155 x 170

PL 4 7524 03 0 1889 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 101,938 / 101,963 109,009 / 109,034 61,000 3,4901.00 mm 4,0133 / 4,0143'' 4,2917 / 4,2927'' 2,4016'' 0,1374'' 4 7525 03 0 1890 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 124,950 / - 132,000 / - 48,000 3,480HL 1.00 mm 4,9193'' / 5,1969'' / 1,8898'' 0,1370''

3. HL 1 7526 03 0 74,0002,9134''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 7527 07 0 1891 A 2 0 STD 126,500 156,000 5,430

4,9803'' 6,1417'' 0,2138''

2 S6D 155 6 Cyl.SA6D 155 Bore x StrokeDiesel 19.3 l 155 x 170

PL 6 7524 03 0 1889 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 101,938 / 101,963 109,009 / 109,034 61,000 3,4901.00 mm 4,0133 / 4,0143'' 4,2917 / 4,2927'' 2,4016'' 0,1374'' 5 7525 03 0 1890 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 124,950 / - 132,000 / - 48,000 3,480HL 1.00 mm 4,9193'' / 5,1969'' / 1,8898'' 0,1370''

3.5. HL 2 7526 03 0 74,0002,9134''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 7527 07 0 1891 A 2 0 STD 126,500 156,000 5,430

4,9803'' 6,1417'' 0,2138''

3 6D 125 6 Cyl.Diesel 11 l Bore x Stroke

125 x 150

PL 6 7570 03 0 1892 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 79,928 / 79,950 85,000 / 85,022 40,100 2,5051.00 mm 3,1468 / 3,1476'' 3,3465 / 3,3473'' 1,5787'' 0,0986''

HL 7 7571 03 0 1893 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 109,928 / 109,950 116,000 / 116,022 34,100 2,9951.00 mm 4,3279 / 4,3287'' 4,5669 / 4,5678'' 1,3425'' 0,1179''

AS 3 7572 01 0 1894 A 3 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 122,000 / 122,250 138,750 / 139,000 3,9301.00 mm 4,8031 / 4,8130'' 5,4626 / 5,4724'' 0,1547''

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KOMATSU4 4D 95 4 Cyl.

Diesel 3,26 l Bore x Stroke(1984-) 95 x 115

PL 4 7573 03 0 1895 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,015 / - 61,000 / 61,019 25,000 1,9811.00 mm 2,2447'' / 2,4016 / 2,4023'' 0,9843'' 0,0780''

HL 5 7574 03 0 1896 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 70,015 / - 74,000 / 74,019 25,000 1,9711.00 mm 2,7565'' / 2,9134 / 2,9141'' 0,9843'' 0,0776''

I.D. A.D.AS 3 7575 01 0 1897 A 3 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 77,300 94,000 3,120

1.00 mm 3,0433'' 3,7008'' 0,1228''

5 6D 95 6 Cyl.S6D 95 Bore x StrokeDiesel 4,9 l 95 x 115(1986-)

PL 6 7573 03 0 1895 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,015 / - 61,000 / 61,019 25,000 1,9811.00 mm 2,2447'' / 2,4016 / 2,4023'' 0,9843'' 0,0780''

HL 7 7574 03 0 1896 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 70,015 / - 74,000 / 74,019 25,000 1,9711.00 mm 2,7565'' / 2,9134 / 2,9141'' 0,9843'' 0,0776''

I.D. A.D.AS 3 7575 01 0 1897 A 3 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 77,300 94,000 3,120

1.00 mm 3,0433'' 3,7008'' 0,1228''

6 4D 105- 5 4 Cyl.S4D 105- 5 Bore x StrokeDiesel 4,3 l 105 x 125(1986-)

PL 4 7944 03 0 1903 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,950 / - 70,000 / - 33,100 2,0051.00 mm 2,5965'' / 2,7559'' / 1,3031'' 0,0789''

HL 5 7945 03 0 1904 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 84,950 / - 91,000 / - 30,100 2,9951.00 mm 3,3445'' / 3,5827'' / 1,1850'' 0,1179''

I.D. A.D.AS 3 7962 01 0 1905 A 3 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 95,250 116,000 2,430

1.00 mm 3,7500'' 4,5669'' 0,0957''

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KOMATSU7 4D 105 4 Cyl.

Diesel 3,98 l Bore x Stroke(1972- 73) 105 x 115

PL 4 7946 03 0 1906 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,950 / - 70,000 / - 37,100 2,0051.00 mm 2,5965'' / 2,7559" / 1,4606'' 0,0789''

1.2.4 HL 3 7947 03 0 1907 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 81,950 / - 88,000 / - 26,600 2,9951.00 mm 3,2264'' / 3,4646" / 1,0472'' 0,1179''

3.5 HL 2 7948 03 0 32,1001,2638''

I.D. A.D.AS 4 7963 01 0 1908 A 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 92,250 108,000 2,430

1.00 mm 3,6319'' 4,2520'' 0,0957''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

D 0824 1D 0826 2D 0834 3D 0836 4D 0846 7D 2066 5D 2156 HM 6D 2356 6D 2530 12D 2538 11D 2540 12D 2542 13D 2548 11D 2555 8D 2556 9D 2565 8D 2566 9D 2840 12D 2842 13E 2842 13D 2848 11D 2858 11D 2865 8D 2866 9E 2866 9G 2866 9D 2876 10

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MAN1 D0824 4 Cyl.

GF/L/LF/LFL/LOH/LF Euro1, Bore x StrokeLFL/LOH Euro2 108 x 1254,6 l, (102 – 160 PS) 75 – 118 KW

Diesel – Inline - Engine

PL 4 6138 03 0 1851 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 64,981 / 65,000 69,000 / 69,019 31,000 1,9871.00 mm 2,5583 / 2,5591'' 2,7165 / 2,7173'' 1,2205'' 0,0782" 4 6139 03 0 1852 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 76,981 / 77,000 82,000 / 82,022 26,000 2,480HL 1.00 mm 3,0307 / 3,0315'' 3,2283 / 3,2292'' 1,0236'' 0,0976''

5. FL 1 6140 03 0 33,8501,3327''

Für Motoren ab 1990 For engines starting from 1990

NWB 4 7304 01 0 1875 N 4 0 STD 51,000 55,000 / 55,030 25,000 2,0002,0079'' 2,1654 / 2,1665'' 0,9843'' 0,0787''

2 D0826 6 Cyl.GF/L/LF/LFL/LOH/LUH, FL/LF/LOH/LUH Euro2 Bore x Stroke6.9 l, (146 – 280 PS) 107 – 206 KW 108 x 125

Diesel – Inline - Engine

PL 6 6138 03 0 1851 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 64,981 / 65,000 69,000 / 69,019 31,000 1,9871.00 mm 2,5583 / 2,5591'' 2,7165 / 2,7173'' 1,2205'' 0,0782'' 6 6139 03 0 1852 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 76,981 / 77,000 82,000 / 82,022 26,000 2,4805.6. HL 1.00 mm 3,0307 / 3,0315'' 3,2283 / 3,2292'' 1,0236'' 0,0976''

7. FL 1 6140 03 0 33,8501,3327''

Für Motoren ab 1990 For engines starting from 1990

NWB 6 7304 01 0 1875 N 6 0 STD 51,000 55,000 / 55,030 25,000 2,0002,0079'' 2,1654 / 2,1665'' 0,9843'' 0,0787''

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MAN3 D0834 Euro 3 4 Cyl.

4,6 l, (140 – 180 PS) 103 – 132 KW Bore x Stroke108 x 125

Diesel – Inline - Engine

PL 4 5827 03 0 1880 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,981 / 70,000 74,000 / 74,019 27,000 1,9871.00 mm 2,7552 / 2,7559'' 2,9134 / 2,9141'' 1,0630'' 0,0782''

PL 4 5827 93 0 1877 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,981 / 70,000 74,000 / 74,019 27,000 1,987(Sputter) 1.00 mm 2,7552 / 2,7559'' 2,9134 / 2,9141'' 1,0630'' 0,0782''

HL 5 6139 03 0 1878 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 76,981 / 77,000 82,000 / 82,022 26,000 2,4801.00 mm 3,0307 / 3,0315'' 3,2283 / 3,2292'' 1,0236'' 0,0976''

HL 5 6139 93 0 1879 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 76,981 / 77,000 82,000 / 82,022 26,000 2,480(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,0307 / 3,0315'' 3,2283 / 3,2292'' 1,0236'' 0,0976''

NWB 4 7313 01 0 1876 N 5 0 STD 54,910 / 54,940 59,000 / 59,030 25,000 2,0002,1618 / 2,1630'' 2,3228 / 2,3240'' 0,9843'' 0,0787''

NWB 1 7314 01 0

4 D0836 Euro 3 6 Cyl.6.9 l, (220 – 280 PS) 162 – 206 KW Bore x Stroke

108 x 125Diesel – Inline - Engine

PL 6 5827 03 0 1880 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,981 / 70,000 74,000 / 74,019 27,000 1,9871.00 mm 2,7552 / 2,7559'' 2,9134 / 2,9141'' 1,0630'' 0,0782''

PL 6 5827 93 0 1877 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,981 / 70,000 74,000 / 74,019 27,000 1,987(Sputter) 1.00 mm 2,7552 / 2,7559'' 2,9134 / 2,9141'' 1,0630'' 0,0782''

HL 7 6139 03 0 1878 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 76,981 / 77,000 82,000 / 82,022 26,000 2,4801.00 mm 3,0307 / 3,0315'' 3,2283 / 3,2292'' 1,0236'' 0,0976''

HL 7 6139 93 0 1879 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 76,981 / 77,000 82,000 / 82,022 26,000 2,480(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,0307 / 3,0315'' 3,2283 / 3,2292'' 1,0236'' 0,0976''

NWB 6 7313 01 0 1876 N 7 0 STD 54,910 / 54,940 59,000 / 59,030 25,000 2,0002,1618 / 2,1630'' 2,3228 / 2,3240'' 0,9843'' 0,0787''

NWB 1 7314 01 0

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MAN5 Motor D 2066 Euro 3 6 Cyl.

10.5 l, (310 - 430 PS) 228 - 316 KW, Bore x Stroke120 x 155

Diesel – Inline – Engine

PL 6 8225 93 0 1947 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

obere & untere Hälfte - Positioniernocke eckig -upper & lower shell positioning notch angular

HL 7 5948 03 0 1859 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,4781.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

AS 2 7091 14 0 1873 A 2 0 STD 114,400 / 114,750 137,650 / 138,000 3,4004,5039 / 4,5177'' 5,4193 / 5,4331'' 0,1339''

Motor D 2066 Euro 4/5 6 Cyl.10.5 l, (270 - 480 PS) 199 - 353 KW, Bore x Stroke

120 x 155126 x 166

Motor D 2676 Euro 4/512.4 l, (460 - 480 PS) 338 - 353 KW,12.4 l, (440 - 540 PS) 324 - 397 KW,

Diesel – Inline – Engine

PL 6 6655 93 0 1930 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

obere Hälfte - Positioniernocke rund -upper shell positioning notch round

HL 7 5948 03 0 1859 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,4781.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

AS 2 7091 14 0 1873 A 2 0 STD 114,400 / 114,750 137,650 / 138,000 3,4004,5039 / 4,5177'' 5,4193 / 5,4331'' 0,1339''

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MAN6 D 2156 HM 3, HM 5-6 6 Cyl.

Type 9.192, 9.215, 10.215, 12.192, Bore x Stroke12.215, 13.215, 13.256, 14.215, 15.215, 16.192, 16.215, 19.215, 121 x 15019.256, 21.192, 21.215, 22.215, 22.256, 26.192, 26.215, 30.192, 123 x 15030.215, 30.256, Bus 750.890,Diesel, 10.35 l, (192/215/256 PS) 141/158/188 KW, (1966 - )D 2356Type 9.230, 10.230, 13.230 F,13.230 H, 13.230 SF, 13.230 HS,13.230 HSA, 13.230 FK, 13.230 HK, 13.230 HKA, 14.230, 16.230,19.230, 22.230, 26.230, 30.230, Bus Sü 230,Diesel, 10.7 l, (230 PS) 169 KW

PL 6 1508 03 0 0950 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 82,966 / 82,988 89,000 / 89,022 32,000 2,9841.00 mm 3,2664 / 3,2672'' 3,5039 / 3,5048'' 1,2598'' 0,1175'' 6 1509 03 0 0951 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 95,966 / 95,988 102,000 / 102,022 35,000 2,9606. HL 1.00 mm 3,7782 / 3,7791'' 4,0157 / 4,0166'' 1,3780'' 0,1165''

7. FL 1 3184 03 0 48,900 2,9561,9252'' 0,1164''

NWB 4 2694 05 0 1580 N 4 0 STD 59,860 / 59,880 65,000 / 65,030 30,000 2,5242,3567 / 2,3575'' 2,5591 / 2,5602'' 1,1811'' 0,0994''

7 D 0846 M-HM, HMN 6 Cyl.All models 450, 8.156, 9.156, 8.160, 9.160, 7.168, 8.168, Bore x Stroke9.168, 11.168, 13. 168, 15.168, 16.168, 18.168, 20.168, 108 x 132All Buses 750 HO, 750 SL,Diesel,7.2 l, (156/160/168 PS) 115/118/124 KW, (1967 - )

PL 6 1910 03 0 1036 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 70,971 / 70,990 76,000 / 76,019 31,000 2,4801.00 mm 2,7941 / 2,7949'' 2,9921 / 2,9929'' 1,2205'' 0,0976'' 6 1911 03 0 1037 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 83,966 / 83,988 90,000 / 90,022 33,000 2,9837. HL 1.00 mm 3,3057 / 3,3066'' 3,5433 / 3,5442'' 1,2992'' 0,1174''

4. FL 1 1912 03 0 42,900 2,9861,6890'' 0,1176''

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MAN8 Motor D 2555 5 Cyl.

9,2 l, (103 - 192 PS) 74 - 141 KW Bore x Stroke(1972- ), all models 11.168, 13.168, 13.192, 15.168, 15.192, 125 x 15016.168, 16.192, 19.168, 19.192, 20.192, 24.192 125 x 155Motor D 2565 128 x 1559.5 l, (114 - 192 PS) 84 - 141 KW(1977 -), all models 13.192, 14.192, 15.192, 16.192,19.192, 20.192, 22.192, 24.192Motor D 286510.0 l, (269 - 340 PS) 198 - 250 KW,all models 14.262, 19.262, 24.262, 26.262, 32.262, 33.262, 41.262

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 5 2428 03 0 1304 P 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,4781.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

PL 5 2428 93 0 1824 P 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976

In Verwendung für Motor D 2865 In use for engine D 2865

obere & untere Hälfte -upper & lower shell

HL 5 5948 03 0 1305 H 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,4781.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

FL 1 4618 03 0 Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished 45,810 darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. for assembly and it is not allowed to 1,8035''

resize it.

KBB 5 4232 21 0 1738 K 5 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

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1. NWB 1 2431 05 0 1307 N 6 0 STD, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,5052,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986''

2.-5. NWB 4 2432 05 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4982,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0983''

6. NWB 1 2868 01 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,0002,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

2868 01 0

Serienmäßig werden die Nockenwellenbuchsen In the O.E. application, the camshaft bushings are nach dem Einpressen fertigbearbeitet, um Spiel, finished in position to optimize clearance, tension Verzug und Flucht zu optimieren. Deshalb empfehlen wir and alignment. We are therefore recommending to die gleiche Vorgehensweise und Verwendung der follow the same procedure and to use semi- bushing seriengleichen SEMI- Buchsen. acc. to the original execution.

1. NWB 1 2431 12 0 1950 N 6 0 STD, 0.5 SE, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,5052,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986''

2.-5. NWB 4 2432 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4982,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0983''

6. NWB 1 2868 01 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,0002,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

1. NWB 1 2431 05 0 1865 N 6 0 STD 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,5052,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986''

2.-5. NWB 4 2432 05 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4982,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0983''

6. NWB 1 6017 37 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,0002,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

6017 37 0(Sputter)

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MAN9 Motor D 2556 6 Cyl.

Industrie – Motoren 11 l, (184 - 260 PS), 135 - 191 KW Bore x Stroke(1972 - ) all models 15.200, 15.240, 16.200, 16.240, 19.200, 125 x 15019.240, 22.240, 25.240, 26.240, 30.240, 125 x 155Bus SD/SL 200, Bus SÜ/SR 240 128 x 155Motor D 2566Industrie – Motoren 11,4 l, (150 - 340 PS), 110 - 250 KW(1977 -) all models 14.220, 15.220, 15.240, 16.220, 16.240,19.240, 19.280, 19.321, 20.280, 22.240, 22.280, 22.321, 26.240, 26.280,26.321, 30.240, 30.280, 30.321, 32.240, 32.280, 32.321, 48.321, SD 202 F,SL 202, SG 240 H, SR 240, RÜ 240, SÜ 240, SG 242 H, SG 280, SR 280, SR 321Motor D 286612 l, (166 - 600 PS), 122 - 441 KWall models 16.240, 16.290, 16.360, 19.292, 19.332, 19.363, 22.330, 22.360,23.362, 24.242, 24.292, 24.332, 24.362, 26.242, 26.292, 26.322, 26.362, 32.292,32.332, 32.362, 33.242, 33.292, 33.332, 33.362, 35.292, 35.332, 35.362, 41.292,41.332, 41.362, SL 202, RÜ 240, SG 242, SÜ 242,SG 292 H, SÜ 292, 292 R,FR,FRHMotor E 286612 l, (166 – 468PS) 122 – 344 KWMotor G 286612 l, (166 – 468PS) 122 – 344 KW

Diesel/Gas - Inline – Engine

PL 6 2428 03 0 1304 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,4781.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

PL 6 2428 93 0 1824 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976

siehe Zeichnung Pos. 7 See design pos. 7 Für Motor D 2866 ab (340 PS) 250 KW For engine D 2866 starting with (340 PS) 250 KW und alle Gas und Marine Motore and all gas and marine engines

HL 6 5948 03 0 1305 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,47801.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

FL 1 4618 03 0 Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished 45,810 darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. for assembly and it is not allowed to 1,8035''

resize it.

KBB 6 4232 21 0 1738 K 6 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

1. NWB 1 2431 05 0 1307 N 7 0 STD, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,5052,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986''

2.-6. NWB 5 2432 05 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4982,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0983''

7. NWB 1 2868 01 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,0002,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

Skizze zu 2868 siehe Pos. 8 See Design pos. 8 for type 2868

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1. NWB 1 2431 12 0 1950 N 7 0 STD, 0.5 SE, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,5052,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986''

2.-6. NWB 5 2432 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4982,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0983''

7. NWB 1 2868 01 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,0002,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

Skizze zu 2868 siehe Pos. 8 See Design pos. 8 for type 2868

1. NWB 1 2431 05 0 1865 N 7 0 STD 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,5052,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986''

2.-6. NWB 5 2432 05 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4982,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0983''

7. NWB 1 6017 37 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,000(Sputter) 2,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

Skizze zu 6017 siehe Pos. 8 See Design pos. 8 for type 6017

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MAN10 Motor D 2876 LF/LOH/LUH Euro 2 / Euro 3 6 Cyl.

12.8 l, (400 - 460 PS) 294 - 338 KW, Bore x Stroke128 x 166

Diesel – Inline – Engine

PL 6 4802 93 0 1831 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

obere Hälfte - upper shell untere Hälfte - lower shell 4802 37 0 2428 03 0

HL 6 5948 03 0 1305 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,4781.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

FL 1 4618 03 0 45,8101,8035''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. for assembly and it is not allowed to

resize it.

HL 7 5948 03 0 1859 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,4781.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

AS 2 7091 14 0 1873 A 2 0 STD 114,400 / 114,750 137,650 / 138,000 3,4004,5039 / 4,5177'' 5,4193 / 5,4331'' 0,1339''

KBB 6 7264 21 0 1874 K 6 0 0.5 SE 50,000 54,000 / 54,030 38,700 2,3001,9685'' 2,1260 / 2,1272'' 1,5236'' 0,0906''

Die Büchse muss nach dem Einbau The bushing must be adjusted in Trapezform umgearbeitet werden. in trapezoid shape once fitted.

1. NWB 1 2431 05 0 1307 N 7 0 STD, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,5052,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986''

2.-6. NWB 5 2432 05 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4982,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0983''

7. NWB 1 2868 01 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,0002,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

Skizze zu 2868 siehe Pos. 8 See Design pos. 8 for type 2868

1. NWB 1 2431 12 0 1950 N 7 0 STD, 0.5 SE, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,5052,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986''

2.-6. NWB 5 2432 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4982,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0983''

7. NWB 1 2868 01 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,0002,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

Skizze zu 2868 siehe Pos. 8 See Design pos. 8 for type 2868

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MAN11 Motor D 2538/2548 8 Cyl.

12.8 l, 13,9 l, (256 - 360 PS) 188 - 264 KW, Bore x Stroke(1972 - ) all models 125 x 13015.256, 16.256, 16.320, 19.256, 19.320, 125 x 14225.256, 26.256, 26.320, 30.256. 30.320 128 x 142Motor D 2848 128 x 15014,6 l, (280 - 820 PS), 206 – 603 KWall modelsMotor D 285815,4 l, (300 - 340 PS), 221 – 340 KW(1969-) all models

Diesel - V – Engine

PL 8 3127 03 0 1761 P 8 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,4731.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

PL 8 3127 93 0 1793 P 8 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,473(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

Für alle Motore ab (381 PS) 280 KW For all engines starting with (381 PS) 280 KW und alle Gas und Marine Motore and all gas and marine engines HL 4 3128 03 0 1763 H 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 30,500 3,4721.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,2008'' 0,1367''

5. FL 1 4172 03 0 37,8101,4886''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. for assembly and it is not allowed to

resize it.

KBB 8 4232 21 0 1738 K 8 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

1. NWB 1 2867 01 0 1277 N 5 0 STD, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 35,000 3,0122,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,3780'' 0,1186'' 4 2438 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,492NWB 2,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0981''

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MAN12 Motor D 2530 / 2540 10 Cyl.

15.9 l (320 / 400 PS) 235 / 294 KW Bore x Strokeall models 16.320, 19.320, 20.320, 22.320, 25.320, 125 x 13026.320, 30.320, 40.320, 40.400 125 x 142Motor D 2530 128 x 142Industrie - Motoren15.9 l, (180 - 430 PS), 133 - 316 KWMotor D 254017,4 l, (390/440 PS), 287 - 324 KWall models 19.390, 40.440Motor D 284018,3 l, (365 - 820 PS), 268 - 603 KW

Diesel - V - Engine

PL 10 3127 03 0 1761 P 10 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,4731.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

PL 10 3127 93 0 1793 P 10 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,473(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

Für alle Motore ab (470 PS) 346 KW For all engines starting with (470 PS) 346 KW und alle Gas und Marine Motore and all gas and marine engines 5 3128 03 0 1763 H 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 30,500 3,4725. HL 1.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,2008'' 0,1367''

6. FL 1 4172 03 0 37,8101,4886''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. for assembly and it is not allowed to

resize it.

KBB 10 4232 21 0 1738 K 10 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

1. NWB 1 2867 01 0 1277 N 6 0 STD, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 35,000 3,0122,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,3780'' 0,1186''

2.-6. NWB 5 2438 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4922,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0981''

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MAN13 Motor D 2542 12 Cyl.

20.9 l, (233 - 550 PS) 172 - 405 KW, (1974 - ) Bore x StrokeMotor D 2842 125 x 14221,9 l, (311 - 1200 PS) 229 - 882 KW 128 x 142Motor E 284221,9 l, Gas (194 - 465 PS) 143 - 342 KW

Diesel/Gas - V - Engine

PL 12 3127 03 0 1761 P 12 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,4731.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

PL 12 3127 93 0 1793 P 12 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,473(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

Für alle Motore ab (571 PS) 420 KW For all engines starting with (571 PS) 420 KW und alle Gas und Marine Motore and all gas and marine engines 6 3128 03 0 1763 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 30,500 3,4726. HL 1.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,2008'' 0,1367''

7. FL 1 4172 03 0 37,8101,4886''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. for assembly and it is not allowed to

resize it.

KBB 12 4232 21 0 1738 K 12 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

1. NWB 1 2867 01 0 1277 N 7 0 STD, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 35,000 3,0122,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,3780'' 0,1186''

2.-7. NWB 6 2438 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4922,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0981''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No. EngineMoteur Poste No. MoteurMotor Posicion No. Motor

M 102 9, 10 OM 447 23M 103 11 OM 460 26M 104 11 OM 457 25OM 314 12 OM 501 LA 27OM 352 13 OM 502 LA 28OM 353 13 OM 501 LA 4/5 29OM 355 16, 17 OM 502 LA 4/5 30OM 357 15 OM 601 3OM 360 18 OM 602 4OM 362 LA 13 OM 603 5OM 364 14 OM 605 4OM 366 15 OM 606 5OM 401 19 OM 611 6OM 402 20 OM 612 7OM 403 21 OM 613 8OM 404 22 OM 615 1OM 407 23 OM 616 1OM 409 24 OM 617 2OM 421 19 OM 904 LA 31OM 422 20 OM 906 LA 32OM 423 21 OM 904 LA 4/5 33OM 424 22 OM 906 LA 4/5 34OM 427 23 OM 924 LA 31OM 441 19 OM 926 LA 32OM 442 20 OM 924 LA 4/5 33OM 443 21 OM 926 LA 4/5 34OM 444 22

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Poste No.Item No.

Posicion No.


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OM 615.913 / 915 / 940 / 943 / 944 Bore x StrokeDiesel, 2 l, (55 - 60 PS), 40 - 44 KW 87 x 83.6(1969 -) 87 x 92.4Type 200 D, L 206 D, L 306 D 90.9 x 92.4

OM 615.910 – 912 / 914 / 916 - 919 / 941Diesel, 2.2 l, (50 - 60 PS), 37 - 44 KW(1968 - )Type L 206 D, 220 D, L 306 D, L 406 D, O 309 D

OM 616OM 616.910 – 914 / 916 – 919 / 930 / 934 / 936 – 940Diesel, 2.4 l, (65 - 72 PS), 48 - 53 KW(Sept. 1969-)Type 240 D, O 309 D, L 207 D, L 307 D

PL 4 2866 14 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 51,955 / 51,965 55,600 / 55,619 26,000 1,8051.00 mm 2,0455 / 2,0459'' 2,1890 / 2,1897'' 1,0236'' 0,0711''

Für OM 615 / 2.2 l, Jän. 1986 - Dez. 1971, Schmierloch bohren.

For OM 615 / 2.2 l, Jan. 1986 - Dec. 1971, bore lubricating hole. 4 1022 14 0 1590 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,955 / 69,965 74,500 / 74,519 27,000 2,2551.00 mm 2,7541 / 2,7545'' 2,9331 / 2,9338'' 1,0630'' 0,0888''

3.FL 1 2238 14 0 33,9001,3346''

Motoren ab Jänner 1979 sind mit From January, 1979 onwards motors are 1606 H 5 0 und 1607 A 2 0 ausgerüstet. equipped with 1606 H 5 0 and 1607 A 2 0. 4 1022 14 0 1606 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,955 / 69,965 74,500 / 74,519 27,000 2,2551.00 mm 2,7541 / 2,7545'' 2,9331 / 2,9338'' 1,0630'' 0,0888''

3.HL 1 3123 14 0

I.D A.D.AS 2 3209 05 0 1607 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 78,000 91,500 2,200

0.50 mm 3,0709'' 3,6024'' 0,0866''

KBB 4 3913 21 0 SE 26,000 29,000 / 29,021 31,8001,0236'' 1,1417 / 1,1426'' 1,2520''

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OM 617.910 / 912 / 913 / 919 / 931 / 932 Bore x StrokeDiesel 3 l, (80 - 88 PS), 59 - 65 KW 90.9 x 92.4(Juli 1974-)Type 209D, 240D, 300D, 309D, 409D

PL 5 2866 14 0 1483 P 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 51,955 / 51,965 55,600 / 55,619 26,000 1,8051.00 mm 2,0455 / 2,0459'' 2,1890 / 2,1897'' 1,0236'' 0,0711'' 5 1022 14 0 1590 H 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 69,955 / 69,965 74,500 / 74,519 27,000 2,255HL 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,7541 / 2,7545'' 2,9331 / 2,9338'' 1,0630'' 0,0888''

3. FL 1 2238 14 0 33,9001,3346''

Motoren ab Jänner 1979 sind mit From January, 1979 onwards motors are 1606 H 6 0 und 1607 A 2 0 ausgerüstet. equipped with 1606 H 6 0 and 1607 A 2 0. 5 1022 14 0 1606 H 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,955 / 69,965 74,500 / 74,519 27,000 2,255HL 1.00 mm 2,7541 / 2,7545'' 2,9331 / 2,9338'' 1,0630'' 0,0888''

3. HL 1 3123 14 0

I.D A.D.AS 2 3209 05 0 1607 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 78,000 91,500 2,200

0.50 mm 3,0709'' 3,6024'' 0,0866''

KBB 5 3913 21 0 SE 26,000 29,000 / 29,021 31,8001,0236'' 1,1417 / 1,1426'' 1,2520''

3 OM 601 4 Cyl.OM 601.911 / 912 / 913 / 921 Bore x Stroke

87 x 83.2(1983 -) 87 x 84

89 x 92.4OM 601.900 / 940 – 943 / 970Diesel, 2.3 l, (79 - 98 PS), 58 - 72KW(1989 -)Type 108D, 110D, 207D, 208D, 307D, 308D, 407D, 408D, 507D, 508D

PL 4 3901 14 0 1730 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,8121.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0713''

PL 4 5073 87 0 1850 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,812(Sputter) 1.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0713''

Für Motoren OM 601.970 For engines OM 601.970

HL 5 3902 14 0 1731 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,9500 / 57,9650 62,500 / 62,519 17,500 2,2611.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,6890'' 0,0890''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 65,800 81,000 2,200

0.50 mm 2,5906'' 3,1890'' 0,0866''

Diesel, 2 l, (72 - 75 PS), 53 - 55 KW

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OM 602.911 / 912 / 930 / 931 / 938 / 939 / Bore x Stroke961 / 962 / 970 87 x 84Diesel, 2.5 l, (84 - 126 PS), 62 - 93 KW 89 x 92.4(1985 - 1993)Type 190D, 200D

OM 602.980 / 982 / 993Diesel, 2.9 l, (95 - 126 PS), 70 -93 KW(1995 -)Type Sprinter, Unimog, Vario

OM 605OM 605.960Diesel, 2.5 l, (150 PS), 110 KW(1995 -)Type C250TD

PL 5 3901 14 0 1730 P 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,8121.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0713''

PL 5 5073 87 0 1850 P 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,812(Sputter) 1.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0713''

Für Motoren OM 602.961 / 962 / 980 / 982 / 993 For engines OM 602.961 / 962 / 980 / 982 / 993und OM 605.960 und OM 605.960

HL 6 3902 14 0 1731 H 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,9500 / 57,9650 62,500 / 62,519 17,500 2,2611.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,6890'' 0,0890''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 65,800 81,000 2,200

0.50 mm 2,5906'' 3,1890'' 0,0866''

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OM 603.912 / 913 / 931 / 950 / 960 / 963 Bore x StrokeDiesel, 3 l, (109 - 150 PS), 80 - 110 KW 87 x 84(1985 -) 89 x 92.4Type 300D, 300GD, 300SD, 300TD, 350SD

OM 603.970 / 971 / 972Diesel, 3.5 l, (136 PS), 100 KW(1990 -)Type 350GD

OM 606OM 606.961 / 962 / 964Diesel, 3 l, (136 - 177 PS), 100 - 130 KW(1993 -)Type 300TD, E300D

PL 6 3901 14 0 1730 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,8121.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0713''

PL 6 5073 87 0 1850 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,812(Sputter) 1.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0713''

Für Motoren OM 603.950 / 960 / 970 / 971 / 972 For engines OM 603.950 / 960 / 970 / 971 / 972und OM 606.961 / 962 / 964 und OM 606.961 / 962 / 964

HL 7 3902 14 0 1731 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,950 / 57,9650 62,500 / 62,519 17,500 2,2611.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,6890'' 0,0890''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 65,800 81,000 2,200

0.50 mm 2,5906'' 3,1890'' 0,0866''

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Diesel, 2.2 l, (102 - 125 PS), 75 - 92 KW Bore x Stroke(1998 -) 88 x 88.4Type C200, E220, Vito

PL 4 5915 87 0 1860 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,812(Sputter) 1.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0713''

HL 5 5986 87 0 1861 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,950 / 57,965 62,500 / 62,519 17,500 2,261(Sputter) 1.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,6890'' 0,0890''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 65,800 81,000 2,200

0.50 mm 2,5906'' 3,1890'' 0,0866''

7 OM 612 5 Cyl.Diesel, 2.7 l, (129 PS), 95 KW Bore x Stroke(1999 -) 88 x 88.3Type E290

PL 5 5915 87 0 1860 P 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,812(Sputter) 1.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0713''

HL 6 5986 87 0 1861 H 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,950 / 57,965 62,500 / 62,519 17,500 2,261(Sputter) 1.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,6890'' 0,0890''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 65,800 81,000 2,200

0.50 mm 2,5906'' 3,1890'' 0,0866''

8 OM 613 6 Cyl.Diesel, 3.2 l, (177 PS), 130 KW Bore x Stroke(1999 -) 88 x 88.3Type E300

PL 6 5915 87 0 1860 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,812(Sputter) 1.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0713''

HL 7 5986 87 0 1861 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,950 / 57,965 62,500 / 62,519 17,500 2,261(Sputter) 1.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,6890'' 0,0890''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 65,800 81,000 2,200

0.50 mm 2,5906'' 3,1890'' 0,0866''

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M 102.910 / 918 / 919 Bore x StrokeOtto-engine, 1.8 l-(105 - 109 PS) 77 - 80 KW 89 x 72.2(1990 -) 89 x 80.25Type 190 E 95.5 x 80.25

M 102.919 - 922 / 924 / 938 / 939 / 942 /943 / 945 / 946 / 961 - 965Otto-engine 2.0 l (90 - 122 PS) 66 - 90 KW(1980 -)Type 190, 190E, 200, 200E

M 102.958 / 959 / 961 / 979 - 982 / 985 / 987 - 989 / 996 - 998Otto-engine 2.3 l (90 - 185 PS) 66 - 136 KW(1980 -)Type 190E2.3, 208, 210, 230E, 308, 309, 310, 408, 409, 410, 510

PL 4 3939 03 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,8141.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0714''

Für Motoren ab 1984 For engines starting from 1984

HL 5 3765 14 0 1628 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,950 / 57,965 62,500 / 62,519 21,400 2,2611.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,8425'' 0,0890''

Für Motoren ab 1986 For engines starting from 1986

HL 5 3902 14 0 1731 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,9500 / 57,9650 62,500 / 62,519 17,500 2,2611.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,6890'' 0,0890''

Für Motoren ab 1986 For engines starting from 1986

I.D. A.D.AS 2 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 65,800 81,000 2,200

0.50 mm 2,5906'' 3,1890'' 0,0866''

10 M 102 4 Cyl.M 102.983 Bore x StrokeOtto engine, 2.3 l-(170 - 185 PS) 125 - 136 KW 95.5 x 80.25(1980 -) 95.5 x 87.2Type 190E 2.3, 230E

M 102.990Otto engine 2.5 l (195 PS) 136 KW(1988 -)Type 190E 2.5 16V

PL 4 3939 03 0 1733 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,8141.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0714''

Für Motoren ab 1984 For engines starting from 1984

HL 2 3765 14 0 1628 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,950 / 57,965 62,500 / 62,519 21,400 2,2611.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,8425'' 0,0890''

I.D. A.D.AS 5 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 65,800 81,000 2,200

0.50 mm 2,5906'' 3,1890'' 0,0866''

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MERCEDES-BENZ11 M 103 6 Cyl.

M 103.940 - 943 Bore x StrokeOtto-engine, 2,6 l (160 - 170 PS) 118 - 125 KW 82.9 x 80.25(1985 -) 88.5 x 80.25Type 190E 89.9 x 73.5

89.9 x 84M 103.980 – 985 / 987Otto-engine, 3 l (177 - 190 PS) 130 - 140 KW(1985 -)Type 300E

M 104M 104.980 / 981Otto-engine, 2.96 l, (220 - 231 PS), 162 - 170 KW(1989 - 1993)Type 300E, 300CE, 300SL, 300TE

M 104.941 - 945Otto-engine, 2.8 l, (193 - 204 PS), 142 - 150 KW(1992 - )Type C280, S280, SL280, E280 T24

M 104.990 – 992 / 994 - 996Otto-engine, 3.2 l, (210 - 231 PS), 155 - 170 KW(1992 -)Type 300SE, E320, G320, S320, SL320

PL 6 3939 03 0 1733 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 47,950 / 47,965 51,600 / 51,619 21,800 1,8141.00 mm 1,8878 / 1,8884'' 2,0315 / 2,0322'' 0,8583'' 0,0714''

HL 7 3902 14 0 1731 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,950 / 57,965 62,500 / 62,519 17,500 2,2611.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2821'' 2,4606 / 2,4614'' 0,6890'' 0,0890''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 STD, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 65,800 81,000 2,200

0.50 mm 2,5906'' 3,1890'' 0,0866''

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MERCEDES-BENZ12 OM 314, OM 314 A 4 Cyl.

OM 314.900 / 910 / 914 / 915 / 918 / 919 / 940 – 951 / 954 Bore x StrokeDiesel 3.8 l, (72 - 85 PS) 53 - 63 KW 97 x 128(1966 - )

PL 4 3877 03 0 1702 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 59,990 / 60,015 65,000 / 65,019 29,400 2,4721.25, 1.50 mm 2,3618 / 2,3628'' 2,5591 / 2,5598'' 1,1575'' 0,0973'' HL 4 3265 03 0 0884 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 87,990 / 88,010 93,000 / 93,022 24,100 2,4771.25, 1.50 mm 3,4642 / 3,4650'' 3,6614 / 3,6623'' 0,9488'' 0,0975''

2. FL 1 1504 03 0 31,8001,2520''

3265 03 0

1504 03 0

1. NWB 1 1357 N 3 0 STD, SE 55,691 / 55,710 60,000 / 60,030 26,0002,1926 / 2,1933'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236''

2. NWB 1 55,441 / 55,460 60,000 / 60,030 26,0002,1827 / 2,1835'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236''

3. NWB 1 55,191 / 55,210 60,000 / 60,030 26,0002,1729 / 2,1736'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236''

1. NWB 1 1819 N 3 0* STD, SE 55,691 / 55,710 60,000 / 60,030 26,0002,1926 / 2,1933'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236''

2. NWB 1 55,441 / 55,460 60,000 / 60,030 26,0002,1827 / 2,1835'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236''

3. NWB 1 55,191 / 55,210 60,000 / 60,030 26,0002,1729 / 2,1736'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236''

*1. NWB in Stahl - Bleibronze *1. NWB steel backed lead bronze

KBB 4 4036 21 0 1736 K 4 0 SE 36,000 39,000 / 39,025 34,5001,4173'' 1,5354 / 1,5364'' 1,3583''

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MERCEDES-BENZ13 OM 352 / OM 352 A 6 Cyl.

OM 352.901 / 904 – 918 / 930 – 932 / 934- 939 / 942 – 946 / Bore x Stroke948 / 950 / 953 – 976 / 978 – 983 / 985 – 994 / 996 - 999 97 x 128Diesel, 5.7 l, (94 - 156 PS) 69 - 114 KW

OM 353 / OM 353 AOM 352.900 – 905 / 907 / 909 – 917 / 940 – 946 / 949 – 954 /958 – 978 / 980 – 984 / 989 / 991 / 995 / 997Diesel, 5.7 l, (94 - 156 PS) 69 - 114 KW

OM 362 LAOM 362.900 / 906 / 910Diesel, 5.7 l, (192 PS), 141 KW

PL 6 3877 03 0 1702 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 59,990 / 60,015 65,000 / 65,019 29,400 2,4721.25, 1.50 mm 2,3618 / 2,3628'' 2,5591 / 2,5598'' 1,1575'' 0,0973'' 6 3265 03 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 87,990 / 88,010 93,000 / 93,022 24,100 2,4777.HL 1.25, 1.50 mm 3,4642 / 3,4650'' 3,6614 / 3,6623'' 0,9488'' 0,0975''

4. FL 1 1504 03 0 31,8001,2520''

Siehe Zeichnung Pos. 12 See design pos. No. 12

1. NWB 1 1356 N 4 0 STD, SE 55,941 / 55,960 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,0122,2024 / 2,2031'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,079

2. NWB 1 55,691 / 55,710 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,1372,1926 / 2,1933'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,084

3. NWB 1 55,441 / 55,460 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,2622,1827 / 2,1835'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,089

4. NWB 1 55,191 / 55,210 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,3872,1729 / 2,1736'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,094

1. NWB 1 1820 N 4 0 STD, SE 55,941 / 55,960 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,0122,2024 / 2,2031'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,079

2. NWB 1 55,691 / 55,710 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,1372,1926 / 2,1933'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,084

3. NWB 1 55,441 / 55,460 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,2622,1827 / 2,1835'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,089

4. NWB 1 55,191 / 55,210 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,3872,1729 / 2,1736'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,094

* 1. NWB in Stahl - Bleibronze *1. NWB steel backed lead bronze

KBB 6 4036 21 0 1736 K 6 0 SE 36,000 39,000 / 39,025 34,5001,4173'' 1,5354 / 1,5364'' 1,3583''

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MERCEDES-BENZ14 OM 364, OM 364 A, OM 364 LA, Euro1, Euro2 4 Cyl.

OM 364.900 – 903 / 906 – 907 / 911 – 913 / 918 – 925 / Bore x Stroke950 – 959 / 980 – 983 / 985 – 987 / 989 97.5 x 133Diesel, 4.0 l, (90 - 140 PS) 66 - 103 KW(1984 -)

PL 4 3877 03 0 1702 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 59,990 / 60,015 65,000 / 65,019 29,400 2,4721.25, 1.50 mm 2,3618 / 2,3628'' 2,5591 / 2,5598'' 1,1575'' 0,0973'' HL 4 4737 03 0 1840 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 87,990 / 88,010 93,000 / 93,022 24,100 2,4771.00 mm 3,4642 / 3,4650'' 3,6614 / 3,6623'' 0,9488'' 0,0975''

2. FL 1 4055 03 0 31,8001,2520''

4737 03 0

4055 03 0

1. NWB 1 1819 N 3 0 STD, SE 55,691 / 55,710 60,000 / 60,030 26,0002,1926 / 2,1933'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236''

2. NWB 1 55,441 / 55,460 60,000 / 60,030 26,0002,1827 / 2,1835'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236''

3. NWB 1 55,191 / 55,210 60,000 / 60,030 26,0002,1729 / 2,1736'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236''

* 1.NWB in Stahl - Bleibronze *1.NWB steel backed lead bronze

KBB 4 4036 21 0 1736 K 4 0 SE 36,000 39,000 / 39,025 34,5001,4173'' 1,5354 / 1,5364'' 1,3583''

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MERCEDES-BENZ15 OM 366, OM 366 A, OM 366 LA, Euro1, Euro2 6 Cyl.

OM 366.905/906/907/908/910/914/951/952/953/983 Bore x StrokeDiesel, 6.0 l (129 - 240 PS) 95 - 177 KW 97.5 x 133

OM 357 Euro2OM 357.912 – 913 / 924 / 945Diesel, 6.0 l (136 - 240 PS) 100 - 177 KW

PL 6 3877 03 0 1702 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 59,990 / 60,015 65,000 / 65,019 29,400 2,4721.25, 1.50 mm 2,3618 / 2,3628'' 2,5591 / 2,5598'' 1,1575'' 0,0973'' 6 4737 03 0 1840 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 87,990 / 88,010 93,000 / 93,022 24,100 2,4777.HL 1.00 mm 3,4642 / 3,4650'' 3,6614 / 3,6623'' 0,9488'' 0,0975''

4.FL 1 4055 03 0 31,8001,2520''

Siehe Zeichnung Pos. 14 See design pos. no. 14

1.NWB 1 1820 N 4 0 STD, SE 55,941 / 55,960 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,0122,2024 / 2,2031'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,079

2.NWB 1 55,691 / 55,710 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,1372,1926 / 2,1933'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,084

3.NWB 1 55,441 / 55,460 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,2622,1827 / 2,1835'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,089

4.NWB 1 55,191 / 55,210 60,000 / 60,030 26,000 2,3872,1729 / 2,1736'' 2,3622 / 2,3634'' 1,0236'' 0,094

*1. NWB in Stahl - Bleibronze *1. NWB steel backed lead bronze

KBB 6 4036 21 0 1736 K 6 0 SE 36,000 39,000 / 39,025 34,5001,4173'' 1,5354 / 1,5364'' 1,3583''

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Diesel, 9.7 l Bore x Stroke128 x 150

PL 5 1576 03 0 0971 P 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 77,980 / 78,000 83,000 / 83,022 41,800 2,4681.25, 1.50 mm 3,0701 / 3,0709'' 3,2677 / 3,2686'' 1,6457'' 0,0972'' HL 4 1577 03 0 1061 H 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 94,980 / 95,000 100,000 / 100,022 35,200 2,4701.25, 1.50 mm 3,7394 / 3,7402'' 3,9370 / 3,9379'' 1,3858'' 0,0972''

4. FL 1 2231 03 0 102,000 / 102,022 64,800 3,4704,0157 / 4,0166'' 2,5512'' 0,1366''

6. HL 1 1579 03 0 100,000 / 100,022 52,200 2,4703,9370 / 3,9379'' 2,0551'' 0,0972''

KBB 5 4327 21 0 1818 K 5 0 SE 47,993 / 48,000 52,000 / 52,030 45,0001,8895 / 1,8898'' 2,0472 / 2,0484'' 1,7717''

17 OM 355 6 Cyl.Diesel, 11.6l , (230 - 240 PS) 169 - 177 KW Bore x Stroke

128 x 150OM 355 A 128 x 154.1OM 355.960 - 970 / 972 - 984Diesel, 11.9l , (280 PS) 207 KW

PL 6 1576 03 0 0971 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 77,980 / 78,000 83,000 / 83,022 41,800 2,4681.25, 1.50 mm 3,0701 / 3,0709'' 3,2677 / 3,2686'' 1,6457'' 0,0972''

Hauptlager für Motoren ab Mitte 1969. Main bearings for engines starting from mid 1969. HL 5 1577 03 0 1061 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 94,980 / 95,000 100,000 / 100,022 35,200 2,4701.25, 1.50 mm 3,7394 / 3,7402'' 3,9370 / 3,9379'' 1,3858'' 0,0972''

4. FL 1 2231 03 0 102,000 / 102,022 64,800 3,4704,0157 / 4,0166'' 2,5512'' 0,1366''

6. HL 1 1579 03 0 100,000 / 100,022 52,200 2,4703,9370 / 3,9379'' 2,0551'' 0,0972''

KBB 6 4327 21 0 1818 K 6 0 SE 47,993 / 48,000 52,000 / 52,030 45,0001,8895 / 1,8898'' 2,0472 / 2,0484'' 1,7717''

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OM 360.910 – 912 / 914 / 916 / 918 / 930 / 931 / Bore x Stroke933 – 938 / 940 – 944 / 946 – 952 / 954 – 956 / 115 x 140959 – 975 / 976 – 981 / 982 / 983Diesel, 8.7 l, (170 - 192 PS), 125 - 141 KW

PL 6 2641 03 0 1278 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 71,980 / 72,000 77,000 / 77,019 35,100 2,4761.25, 1.50 mm 2,8339 / 2,8346'' 3,0315 / 3,0322'' 1,3819'' 0,0975''

HL 6 1506 03 0 1279 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 97,980 / 98,000 104,000 / 104,022 28,500 2,9751.25, 1.50 mm 3,8575 / 3,8583'' 4,0945 / 4,0954'' 1,1220'' 0,1171''

FL 1 2643 03 0 41,8001,6457''

1506 03 0

2643 03 0

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MERCEDES-BENZ19 OM 401 / OM 401 A / OM 401 LA Euro1 6 Cyl.

9.6 l, (72 - 314 PS) 53 - 231 KW Bore x Stroke125 x 130

OM 421 / OM 421 A / OM 421 LA 128 x 14211 l, (95-250 PS) 70-184 KW 130 x 142

OM 441 / OM 441 Euro1 / OM 441 A / OM 441 LA /OM 441 LA Euro1 / OM 441 LA Euro211.3l, (204 – 340PS), 150 – 250 KW

Diesel - V - Engine

PL 6 3127 03 0 1761 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,4731.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

PL 6 3127 93 0 1793 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,473(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

Nur für OM 421A / OM421LA Only for OM 421A / OM421LA

PL 6 4650 93 0 1794 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 26,700 2,4731.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,0512'' 0,0974''

Nur für OM 401LA Euro1 / OM 441A / OM 441LA Only for OM 401LA Euro1 / OM 441A / OM 441LA OM 441LA Euro1 / OM 441LA Euro2 OM 441LA Euro1 / OM 441LA Euro2

1.2.3HL 3 3128 03 0 1763 H 4 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 30,500 3,4721.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,2008'' 0,1367''

4.FL 1 4172 03 0 37,8101,4886''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it.

KBB 6 4232 21 0 1738 K 6 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

KBB 6 6601 21 0 1862 K 6 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 24,9001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 0,9803''


Trapezpleuelbüchse Trapezoid shaped conrod bush

1.NWB 1 2867 01 0 1277 N 4 0 STD, SE1 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 35,000 3,0122,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,3780'' 0,1186''

2.3.4.NWB 3 2438 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4922,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0981''

Serienmäßig werden die In the O.E. application, the camshaft Nockenwellenbuchsen nach dem bushings are finished in position to Einpressen fertigbearbeitet, um Spiel, optimize clearance, tension and Verzug und Flucht zu optimieren. alignment. We are therefore Deshalb empfehlen wir die gleiche recommending to follow the same Vorgehensweise und Verwendung der procedure and to use semi-bushing acc. seriengleichen SEMI-Buchsen. to the original execution.

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MERCEDES-BENZ20 OM 402 / OM 402 A / OM 402 LA Euro1 8 Cyl.

12.7 l, (235 - 381 PS) 173 - 280 KW Bore x Stroke125 x 130

OM 422 / OM 422 A / OM 422 LA 128 x 14214.6 l, (250 - 375 PS) 184 - 276 KW 130 x 142

OM 442 / OM 442 A / OM 442 Euro1 / OM 442 LA / OM 442 LA Euro1 / OM 442 LA Euro214.6l, (340 – 551 PS), 250 – 405 KW

OM 442 Euro115.1 l, (260 - 296 PS) 191 - 218 KW

Diesel - V - Engine

PL 8 3127 03 0 1761 P 8 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,4731.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

Nur für OM 402 / OM 402A / OM 422 / OM 442 Euro1 Only for OM 402 / OM 402A / OM422 / OM 442 Euro1

PL 8 3127 93 0 1793 P 8 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,473(Sputter) 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974'' HL 4 3128 03 0 1763 H 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 30,500 3,4721.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,2008'' 0,1367''

5. FL 1 4172 03 0 37,8101,4886''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it. HL 4 5092 78 0 1828 H 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 30,500 3,472(Sputter) 1.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,2008'' 0,1367''


5. FL 1 4172 03 0 37,8101,4886''

Hauptlagersatz 1828 H 5 0 nur für Main bearing set 1828 H 5 0 for engines OM 442 LA ab (492 PS) 362 KW. OM 442 LA from (492 PS) 362 KW. Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it.

obere Hälfte- 5092 78 0 untere Hälfte-upper shell lower shell

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KBB 8 4232 21 0 1738 K 8 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

KBB 8 6601 21 0 1862 K 8 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 24,9001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 0,9803''


Trapezpleuelbüchse Trapezoid shaped conrod bush

1. NWB 1 2867 01 0 1277 N 5 0 STD, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 35,000 3,01202,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,3780'' 0,1186'' 4 2438 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4920NWB 2,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0981''

Serienmäßig werden die In the O.E. application, the camshaft Nockenwellenbuchsen nach dem bushings are finished in position to Einpressen fertigbearbeitet, um Spiel, optimize clearance, tension and Verzug und Flucht zu optimieren. alignment. We are therefore Deshalb empfehlen wir die gleiche recommending to follow the same Vorgehensweise und Verwendung der procedure and to use semi-bushing acc. seriengleichen SEMI-Buchsen. to the original execution.

Orig. Ref.


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MERCEDES-BENZ21 OM 403 10 Cyl.

15.9 l, (120 - 355 PS) 89 - 261 KW Bore x Stroke125 x 130

OM 423 / OM 423 A / OM 423 LA 128 x 14218.3 l, (355 - 500 PS) 261 - 368 KW 130 x 142

OM 44318.8 l, (360 PS) 265 KW

OM 443A / OM 443LA / OM 443LA Euro118.3 l, (369 – 560PS), 271 – 412 KW

Diesel - V - Engine

PL 10 3127 03 0 1761 P 10 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,4731.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

Nur für OM 403 / OM 423 / OM 443 Only for OM 403 / OM 423 / OM 443

PL 10 3127 93 0 1793 P 10 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,473(Sputter) 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974'' 5 3128 03 0 1763 H 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 30,500 3,4725.HL 1.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,2008'' 0,1367''

6.FL 1 4172 03 0 37,8101,4886''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it.

KBB 10 4232 21 0 1738 K 10 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

KBB 10 6601 21 0 1862 K 10 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 24,9001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 0,9803''


Trapezpleuelbüchse Trapezoid shaped conrod bush

1.NWB 1 2867 01 0 1277 N 4 0 STD, SE1 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 35,000 3,01202,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,3780'' 0,1186''

2.-6.NWB 5 2438 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,49202,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0981''

Serienmäßig werden die In the O.E. application, the camshaft Nockenwellenbuchsen nach dem bushings are finished in position to Einpressen fertigbearbeitet, um Spiel, optimize clearance, tension and Verzug und Flucht zu optimieren. alignment. We are therefore Deshalb empfehlen wir die gleiche recommending to follow the same Vorgehensweise und Verwendung der procedure and to use semi-bushing acc. seriengleichen SEMI-Buchsen. to the original execution.

Orig. Ref.


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MERCEDES-BENZ22 OM 404 / OM 404A 12 Cyl.

20.9 l, (195 - 525 PS) 143 - 386 KW Bore x Stroke125 x 142

OM 424 / OM 424 A / OM 424 LA 128 x 14221.9 l, (254 - 600 PS) 187 - 441 KW 130 x 142

OM 44422.6 l

OM 444A / OM 444LA 21.9 l, (552 – 832 PS), 402 – 612 KW

Diesel - V - Engine

PL 12 3127 03 0 1761 P 12 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,4731.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974''

Nur für OM 404 / OM 404A / OM 424 / OM 444 Only for OM 404 / OM 404A / OM 424 / OM 444

PL 12 3127 93 0 1793 P 12 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 31,000 2,473(Sputter) 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,2205'' 0,0974'' 6 3128 03 0 1763 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 30,500 3,4726. HL 1.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,2008'' 0,1367''

7. FL 1 4172 03 0 37,8101,4886''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it. 6 5092 78 0 1828 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 30,500 3,4726. HL (Sputter) 1.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,2008'' 0,1367''


7. FL 1 4172 03 0 37,8101,4886''

Hauptlagersatz 1828 H 7 0 nur für Motoren Main bearing set 1828 H 7 0 for engines OM 444A / OM 444LA. OM 444A / OM 444LA. Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it.

Siehe Pos. 20 See pos. 20

KBB 12 4232 21 0 1738 K 12 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

KBB 12 6601 21 0 1862 K 12 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 24,9001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 0,9803''


Trapezpleuelbüchse Trapezoid shaped conrod bush

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1. NWB 1 2867 01 0 1277 N 7 0 STD, SE1 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 35,000 3,01202,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,3780'' 0,1186''

2.-7. NWB 6 2438 12 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,49202,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0981''

Serienmäßig werden die In the O.E. application, the camshaft Nockenwellenbuchsen nach dem bushings are finished in position to Einpressen fertigbearbeitet, um Spiel, optimize clearance, tension and Verzug und Flucht zu optimieren. alignment. We are therefore Deshalb empfehlen wir die gleiche recommending to follow the same Vorgehensweise und Verwendung der procedure and to use semi-bushing acc. seriengleichen SEMI-Buchsen. to the original execution.

Orig. Ref.


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MERCEDES-BENZ23 OM 407 / OM 407 H / OM 407 HA / 6 Cyl.

OM 407 A / 407 LA Bore x Stroke11.4 l, (180 - 280 PS) 132 - 206 KW 125 x 150

125 x 155OM 427 / OM 427 H / OM 427 HA / 128 x 155OM 427 A / OM 427 LA12 l, (204 - 280 PS) 150 - 206 KW

OM 447 / OM 447 H / OM 447 H Euro1 / OM 447 HA / OM 447 HA Euro1 / OM 447 A /OM 447 LA / OM 447 HLA Euro112 l, (200 – 300PS), 147 – 220 KW

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 2428 03 0 1304 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,4781.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

PL 6 2428 93 0 1824 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

Für alle Gas- und Marinemotoren For all gas and marine engines

HL 6 5948 03 0 1305 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,4781.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

FL 1 4618 03 0 45,8101,8035''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it.

KBB 6 4232 21 0 1738 K 6 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

KBB 6 6601 21 0 1862 K 6 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 24,9001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 0,9803''


Trapezpleuelbüchse Trapezoid shaped conrod bush

1.NWB 1 2431 05 0 1307 N 7 0 STD, SE1 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,50502,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986'' 5 2432 05 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4920NWB 2,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0981''

7.NWB 1 2868 01 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,00002,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

Serienmäßig werden die In the O.E. application, the camshaft Nockenwellenbuchsen nach dem bushings are finished in position to Einpressen fertigbearbeitet, um Spiel, optimize clearance, tension and Verzug und Flucht zu optimieren. alignment. We are therefore Deshalb empfehlen wir die gleiche recommending to follow the same Vorgehensweise und Verwendung der procedure and to use semi-bushing acc. seriengleichen SEMI-Buchsen. to the original execution.

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9.2 l, (185 - 192 PS) 137 - 141 KW Bore x Stroke125 x 150

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 5 2428 03 0 1304 P 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,4781.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

HL 5 5948 03 0 1305 H 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,4781.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

FL 1 4618 03 0 45,8101,8035''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it.

KBB 5 4232 21 0 1738 K 5 0 0.5 SE 45,995 / 46,000 50,600 / 50,630 38,7001,8108 / 1,8110'' 1,9921 / 1,9933'' 1,5236''

1.NWB 1 2431 05 0 1307 N 6 0 STD, SE 1 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 36,000 2,50502,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,4173'' 0,0986'' 4 2432 05 0 69,910 / 69,940 75,000 / 75,030 28,000 2,4980NWB 2,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9528 / 2,9539'' 1,1024'' 0,0983''

6.NWB 1 2868 01 0 69,910 / 69,940 76,000 / 76,030 39,000 3,00002,7524 / 2,7535'' 2,9921 / 2,9933'' 1,5354'' 0,1181''

Serienmäßig werden die In the O.E. application, the camshaft Nockenwellenbuchsen nach dem bushings are finished in position to Einpressen fertigbearbeitet, um Spiel, optimize clearance, tension and Verzug und Flucht zu optimieren. alignment. We are therefore Deshalb empfehlen wir die gleiche recommending to follow the same Vorgehensweise und Verwendung der procedure and to use semi-bushing acc. seriengleichen SEMI-Buchsen. to the original execution.

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12 l, (360 - 428 PS) 265 - 315 KW Bore x Stroke128 x 155

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 5473 03 0 1964 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,4781.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

PL 6 5473 93 0 1863 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,980 / 90,000 95,000 / 95,022 36,200 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,5425 / 3,5433'' 3,7402 / 3,7410'' 1,4252'' 0,0976''

HL 6 5475 03 0 1965 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,4781.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

FL 1 5476 03 0 45,8101,8035''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it.

HL 6 5475 93 0 1864 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

FL 1 5476 79 0 45,810(Sputter) 1,8035''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it.

26 OM 460 (MBE 4000) 6 Cyl.12.8 l, (350 - 450 PS) 257 - 330 KW Bore x Stroke

128 x 166Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 5381 93 0 1845 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 93,980 / 94,000 99,000 / 99,022 35,000 2,473(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,7000 / 3,7008'' 3,8976 / 3,8985'' 1,3780'' 0,0974''

HL 6 5475 93 0 1864 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 103,980 / 104,000 111,000 / 111,022 36,000 3,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 4,0937 / 4,0945'' 4,3701 / 4,3709'' 1,4173'' 0,1369''

FL 1 5476 79 0 45,810(Sputter) 1,8035''

Die Paßlagerbreite ist einbaufertig und The width of the thrust bearing is finished for darf nicht nachgearbeitet werden. assembly and it is not allowed to resize it.

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11.95 l, (313 - 476 PS) 230 - 350 KW Bore x Stroke130 x 150

Diesel - V - Engine

PL 6 5380 93 0 1842 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 93,980 / 94,000 99,000 / 99,022 28,600 2,473(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,7000 / 3,7008'' 3,8976 / 3,8985'' 1,1260'' 0,0974''

HL 4 6611 03 0 1843 H 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 107,980 / 108,000 115,000 / 115,022 33,500 3,4721.00 mm 4,2512 / 4,2520'' 4,5276 / 4,5284'' 1,3189'' 0,1367''

HL 4 6611 93 0 1846 H 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 107,980 / 108,000 115,000 / 115,022 33,500 3,472(Sputter) 1.00 mm 4,2512 / 4,2520'' 4,5276 / 4,5284'' 1,3189'' 0,1367''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 4989 07 0 STD, 0.50, 1.00 mm 117,000 139,000 5,425

4,6063'' 5,4724'' 0,2136''

28 OM 502 LA 8 Cyl. 15.9 l, (510 - 598 PS) 375 - 440 KW Bore x Stroke

130 x 150Diesel - V - Engine

PL 8 5381 93 0 1845 P 8 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 93,980 / 94,000 99,000 / 99,022 35,000 2,473(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,7000 / 3,7008'' 3,8976 / 3,8985'' 1,3780'' 0,0974''

HL 5 6611 93 0 1846 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 107,980 / 108,000 115,000 / 115,022 33,500 3,472(Sputter) 1.00 mm 4,2512 / 4,2520'' 4,5276 / 4,5284'' 1,3189'' 0,1367''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 4989 07 0 1844 A 2 0 STD, 0.50, 1.00 mm 117,000 139,000 5,425

4,6063'' 5,4724'' 0,2136''

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MERCEDES-BENZ29 OM 501 LA Euro 4/5 6 Cyl.

11.95 l, (320 - 456 PS) 235 - 335 KW Bore x Stroke130 x 150

Diesel - V - Engine

PL 6 7402 77 0 1966 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 93,980 / 94,000 99,000 / 99,022 28,600 2,473(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,7000 / 3,7008'' 3,8976 / 3,8985'' 1,1260'' 0,0974''

- Nicht im Katalog enthaltene Lagertypen bitten wir bei uns anzufragen.- For those bearing types not found in the catalogue we would ask you to contact us.- Pour les types ne figurant pas dans le catalogue, il y a lieu de nous consulter.- Tipos de cojinetes no contenidos en este Catálogo rogamos tengan a bien ser consultados.

30 OM 502 LA Euro 4/5 8 Cyl. 15.9 l, (503 - 578 PS) 370 - 425 KW Bore x Stroke

130 x 150Diesel - V - Engine

PL 8 7403 77 0 1967 P 8 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 93,980 / 94,000 99,000 / 99,022 34,400 2,473(Sputter) 1.00 mm 3,7000 / 3,7008'' 3,8976 / 3,8985'' 1,3543'' 0,0974''

- Nicht im Katalog enthaltene Lagertypen bitten wir bei uns anzufragen.- For those bearing types not found in the catalogue we would ask you to contact us.- Pour les types ne figurant pas dans le catalogue, il y a lieu de nous consulter.- Tipos de cojinetes no contenidos en este Catálogo rogamos tengan a bien ser consultados.

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4.25 l, (129 - 177 PS) 95 - 130 KW Bore x Stroke102 x 130

OM 924 LA 106 x 1364.8 l, (218 PS) 160 KW

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 4 5250 87 0 1847 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,995 / 70,015 75,000 / 75,022 28,300 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 2,7557 / 2,7565'' 2,9528 / 2,9536'' 1,1142'' 0,0976''

HL 5 5251 03 0 1848 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 85,990 / 86,010 91,000 / 91,022 23,300 2,4751.00 mm 3,3854 / 3,3862'' 3,5827 / 3,5835'' 0,9173'' 0,0974''

32 OM 906 LA 6 Cyl. 6.4 l, (230 - 310 PS) 170 - 228 KW Bore x Stroke

102 x 130OM 926 LA 106 x 1367.2 l, (326 PS) 240 KW

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 5250 87 0 1847 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,995 / 70,015 75,000 / 75,022 28,300 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 2,7557 / 2,7565'' 2,9528 / 2,9536'' 1,1142'' 0,0976''

HL 7 5251 03 0 1848 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 85,990 / 86,010 91,000 / 91,022 23,300 2,4751.00 mm 3,3854 / 3,3862'' 3,5827 / 3,5835'' 0,9173'' 0,0974''

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MERCEDES-BENZ33 OM 904 LA Euro 4/5 4 Cyl.

4.25 l, (129 - 177 PS) 95 - 130 KW Bore x Stroke102 x 130

OM 924 LA Euro 4/5 106 x 1364.8 l, (218 PS) 160 KW

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 4 6747 76 0 1968 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,995 / 70,015 75,000 / 75,022 26,300 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 2,7557 / 2,7565'' 2,9528 / 2,9536'' 1,0354'' 0,0976''

- Nicht im Katalog enthaltene Lagertypen bitten wir bei uns anzufragen.- For those bearing types not found in the catalogue we would ask you to contact us.- Pour les types ne figurant pas dans le catalogue, il y a lieu de nous consulter.- Tipos de cojinetes no contenidos en este Catálogo rogamos tengan a bien ser consultados.

34 OM 906 LA Euro 4/5 6 Cyl. 6.4 l, (231 - 279 PS) 170 - 205 KW Bore x Stroke

102 x 130OM 926 LA Euro 4/5 106 x 1367.2 l, (326 PS) 240 KW

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 6747 76 0 1968 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,995 / 70,015 75,000 / 75,022 26,300 2,478(Sputter) 1.00 mm 2,7557 / 2,7565'' 2,9528 / 2,9536'' 1,0354'' 0,0976''

- Nicht im Katalog enthaltene Lagertypen bitten wir bei uns anzufragen.- For those bearing types not found in the catalogue we would ask you to contact us.- Pour les types ne figurant pas dans le catalogue, il y a lieu de nous consulter.- Tipos de cojinetes no contenidos en este Catálogo rogamos tengan a bien ser consultados.

Orig. Ref.


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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

AKD 110.5 1,2,3,4D 202-2 1D 208-2 1D 208-3 2D 208-4 3TD 208-4 3D 208-6 4TD 208-6 4D 225-2 1D 225-3 2D 225-4 3D 225-6 4D 226-2 1D 226-3 2D 226-4 3TD 226-4 7D 226-6 4TD 226-6 8D 226-2.2 5D 226-3.2 6D 226-4.2 7D 226-6.2 8D227-4 3TD 228-4 7D 228-6 8TD 228-6 8D 302-2 1D 308-2 1D 308-3 2D 308-4 3D 308-6 4D 325 2D 325-2 1D 325-3 2D 325-4 3D 325-6 4D 327-2 1D 327-3 2D 327-4 3D 327-6 4D 916-2 1D 916-3 2D 916-4 3D 916-6 4D 917-2 1D 917-3 2D 917-4 3D 917-6 4

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MWM1 AKD 110.5 Z, KD 110.5 Z 2 Cyl.

Diesel, 1.34 l, (12 - 26 PS) 9 - 19 KW Bore x StrokeAKD 110.5 Z, KD 110.5 Z 90 x 105Diesel 1.49 l, (13.5 - 30 PS) 10 - 22 KW 95 x 120D 208-2, D 308-2 95 x 105Diesel, 1.49 l, (16 - 33 PS) 12 - 23 KW 100 x 120D 202-2, D 302-2 105 x 120Diesel, 1.49 l, (15-30 PS) 11-22 KWD 226-2, D 916-2Diesel, 2.1 l, (22 - 41 PS) 16 - 30 KWD 225-2, D 325-2,Diesel, 1.7 l, (17-33PS) 12 - 24 KWD 327-2, D 917-2Diesel,1.9 l, (20 - 36 PS) 15 - 27 KW

PL 2 1932 03 0 1027 P 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,951 / 57,970 62,000 / 62,019 27,000 1,9941.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2823'' 2,4409 / 2,4417'' 1,0630'' 0,0785

HL 2 1933 03 0 1028 H 3 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 64,951 / 64,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,9871.00 mm 2,5571 / 2,5579'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,1176''

FL 1 1934 03 0 35,9001,4134''

Führungslager 1934 03 0 Flange bearing 1934 03 0 Untermaßstufen 0.25 - 1.00 mm undersizes 0.25 - 1.00 mm haben eine Lagerbreite (einbaufertig) bearing widths (finished for assembly) von 36.9/1.452" und sind abdrehbar bis STD. are 36.9/1.452" and resizeable to STD.

2 AKD 110.5 D, KD 110.5 D 3 Cyl.Diesel, 2 l, (18 - 38 PS) 13 - 28 KW Bore x StrokeAKD 110.5 D, KD 110.5 D 90 x 105Diesel, 2.23 l, (19 - 45 PS) 14 - 33 KW 95 x 105D 208-3, D 308-3 95 x 120Diesel, 2.23 l, (25 - 47 PS) 18 - 34 KW 100 x 120D 225-3, D 325-3 105 x 120Diesel, 2.55 l, (26 - 50 PS) 19 - 37 KWD 327-3, D 917-3Diesel 2.8 l (30.5 - 55 PS) 22 - 40 KWD 226-3, D 916-3Diesel, 3.1 l, (33 - 62 PS) 24 - 46 KW

PL 3 1932 03 0 1027 P 3 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,951 / 57,970 62,000 / 62,019 27,000 1,9941.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2823'' 2,4409 / 2,4417'' 1,0630'' 0,0785

HL 3 1933 03 0 1028 H 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 64,951 / 64,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,9871.00 mm 2,5571 / 2,5579'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,1176''

FL 1 1934 03 0 35,9001,4134''

Siehe Pos. 1 See pos. 1

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MWM3 AKD 110.5-V, KD 110.5-V 4 Cyl.

Diesel, 2.67 l, (24 - 51 PS) 18 - 38 KW Bore x StrokeAKD 110.5-V, KD 110.5-V 90 x 105Diesel, 2.98 l, (26 - 60 PS) 19 - 44 KW 95 x 105TKD 110.5-V 95 x 120Diesel, 2.98 l, (35 - 77 PS) 26 - 57 KW 100 x 120D 208-4, D 308-4 105 x 120Diesel, 2.98 l, (32 - 62 PS) 24 - 46 KWTD 208-4Diesel, 2.98 l, (42 - 80 PS) 31 - 59 KWD 225-4, D 325-4Diesel, 3.4 l, (35 - 68 PS) 26 - 50 KWD 227-4, D 327-4, D917-4Diesel, 3.8 l, (41 - 74 PS) 30 - 54 KWD 226-4, D 916-4,Diesel, 4.2 l, (44 - 83 PS) 32 - 61 KW

PL 4 1932 03 0 1027 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,951 / 57,970 62,000 / 62,019 27,000 1,9941.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2823'' 2,4409 / 2,4417'' 1,0630'' 0,0785

HL 4 1933 03 0 1028 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 64,951 / 64,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,9871.00 mm 2,5571 / 2,5579'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,1176''

FL 1 1934 03 0 35,9001,4134''

Siehe Pos. 1 See pos. 1

4 AKD 110.5 S, KD 110.5 S 6 Cyl.Diesel, 4 l, (36 - 76.5 PS) 26 - 56 KW Bore x StrokeAKD 110.5 S, KD 110.5 S D227-4 90 x 105Diesel, 4.46 l, (39 - 90 PS) 29 - 66 KW 95 x 105TKD 110.5 S 95 x 120Diesel, 4.46 l, (52 - 115 PS) 38 - 85 KW 100 x 120D 208-6, D 308-6 105 x 120Diesel, 4.46 l, (48 - 93 PS) 35 - 68 KWTD 208-6Diesel, 4.46 l, (62 - 120 PS) 46 - 88 KWD 225-6, D 325-6Diesel, 5.1 l, (52.5 - 102 PS) 39 - 75 KWD 327-6, D 917-6Diesel, 5.6 l, (61 - 112 PS) 45 - 82 KWD 226-6, D 916-6Diesel, 6.2 l, (66 - 125 PS) 49 - 92 KW

PL 6 1932 03 0 1027 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 57,951 / 57,970 62,000 / 62,019 27,000 1,9941.00 mm 2,2815 / 2,2823'' 2,4409 / 2,4417'' 1,0630'' 0,0785

HL 6 1933 03 0 1028 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 64,951 / 64,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,9871.00 mm 2,5571 / 2,5579'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,1176''

FL 1 1934 03 0 35,9001,4134''

Siehe Pos. 1 See pos. 1

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MWM5 Engine D 226-2.2 2 Cyl.

Einheitstriebwerk, (Sept. 1977 - ), Bore x StrokeDiesel, 2.1 l, (40 PS) 29 KW 105 x 120

PL 2 2532 03 0 1591 P 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 62,950 / 62,970 67,000 / 67,019 27,100 2,0051.00 mm 2,4783 / 2,4791'' 2,6378 / 2,6385'' 1,0669'' 0,0789

HL 3 2533 03 0 1592 H 3 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,951 / 69,970 75,000 / 75,019 28,000 2,4851.00 mm 2,7540 / 2,7547'' 2,9528 / 2,9535'' 1,1024'' 0,0978''

6 Engine D 226-3.2, 3 Cyl.Einheitstriebwerk, (Sept. 1977 - ), Bore x StrokeDiesel, 3.1l, (60 PS) 44 KW 105 x 120

PL 3 2532 03 0 1591 P 3 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 62,950 / 62,970 67,000 / 67,019 27,100 2,0051.00 mm 2,4783 / 2,4791'' 2,6378 / 2,6385'' 1,0669'' 0,0789

HL 4 2533 03 0 1592 H 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,951 / 69,970 75,000 / 75,019 28,000 2,4851.00 mm 2,7540 / 2,7547'' 2,9528 / 2,9535'' 1,1024'' 0,0978''

7 Engine D 226-4.2, TD 226-4 , TD 228-4 4 Cyl.Einheitstriebwerk, (Sept. 1977 - ), Bore x StrokeDiesel, 4.2 l, (80, 100, 110 PS) 59, 74, 81 KW 105 x 120

PL 4 2532 03 0 1591 P 4 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 62,950 / 62,970 67,000 / 67,019 27,100 2,005D227-4 2,4783 / 2,4791'' 2,6378 / 2,6385'' 1,0669'' 0,0789

HL 5 2533 03 0 1592 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,951 / 69,970 75,000 / 75,019 28,000 2,4851.00 mm 2,7540 / 2,7547'' 2,9528 / 2,9535'' 1,1024'' 0,0978''

8 Engine D 226-6.2 6 Cyl.Diesel, 6,2 l, (120 PS) 88 KW Bore x StrokeEngine TD 226-6, D 228-6, TD 228-6 105 x 120Diesel, 6,2 l, (165 PS) 121 KWEinheitstriebwerk, (Sept. 1977 - )

PL 6 2532 03 0 1591 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 62,950 / 62,970 67,000 / 67,019 27,100 2,0051.00 mm 2,4783 / 2,4791'' 2,6378 / 2,6385'' 1,0669'' 0,0789

HL 7 2533 03 0 1592 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 69,951 / 69,970 75,000 / 75,019 28,000 2,4851.00 mm 2,7540 / 2,7547'' 2,9528 / 2,9535'' 1,1024'' 0,0978''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

MIDR 06.20.45 1MIDR 06.35.40 2

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RENAULT (RVI)1 MIDR 06.20.45 6 Cyl.

9.8 l, (207-360 PS) 152 - 265 KW Bore x Stroke120 x 145

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 7976 03 0 1919 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 76,960 / 76,980 82,000 / 82,022 40,900 2,4851.00 mm 3,0299 / 3,0307'' 3,2283 / 3,2292'' 1,6102'' 0,0978''

HL 7 7977 03 0 1920 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 95,966 / 95,988 102,000 / 102,022 34,000 2,9601.00 mm 3,7782 / 3,7791'' 4,0157 / 4,0166'' 1,3386'' 0,1165''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 7978 01 0 1921 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 108,000 132,000 4,450

1.00 mm 4,2520'' 5,1969'' 0,1752''

2 MIDR 06.35.40 6 Cyl.12 l, (306 PS), 235 KW Bore x Stroke

135 x 140Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 7600 03 0 1898 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 83,960 / 83,980 90,000 / 90,020 45,000 2,9751.00 mm 3,3055 / 3,3063'' 3,5433 / 3,5441'' 1,7717'' 0,1171'' HL 4 7601 03 0 1899 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,940 / 89,960 96,000 / 96,027 40,250 2,9751.00 mm 3,5409 / 3,5417'' 3,7795 / 3,7806'' 1,5846'' 0,1171''

1.4.7 HL 3 7602 03 0 63,5002,5000''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 7603 01 0 1900 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 100,500 122,000 2,940

1.00 mm 3,9567'' 4,8031'' 0,1157''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

D9 1D10 2D11 2D12 3D14 4

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SCANIA1 D9 6 Cyl.

DC9, DI9, DN9, DS9, DSC9 Bore x Stroke8.5 l, (184 - 483 PS), 134 - 355 KW 115 x 136

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 8278 03 0 1951 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 79,978 / 80,000 84,230 / 84,252 42,250 2,0903,1487 / 3,1496'' 3,3161 / 3,3170'' 1,6634'' 0,0823''

HL 7 8279 03 0 1952 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 89,978 / 90,000 94,200 / 94,222 35,500 2,0703,5424 / 3,5433'' 3,7087 / 3,7095'' 1,3976'' 0,0815''

I.D. A.D.AS 4 8280 01 0 1953 A 4 0 STD 100,650 125,500 3,510

3,9626'' 4,9409'' 0,1382''

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SCANIA2 D10, DS10 6 Cyl.

10.3 l, (220 PS), 162 KW Bore x Stroke127 x 135

D11 127 x 145DN11, DS11, DSC11, DSI1111 l, (203 - 500 PS), 149 - 368 KW

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 1063 03 0 0539 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 84,234 / 84,255 88,483 / 88,505 48,000 2,0901.25, 1.50 mm 3,3163 / 3,3171'' 3,4836 / 3,4844'' 1,8898'' 0,0823'' 6 1064 03 0 0541 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 101,597 / 101,620 106,261 / 106,286 35,900 2,2926.7. HL 1.25, 1.50 mm 3,9999 / 4,0008'' 4,1835 / 4,1845'' 1,4134'' 0,0902''

4. HL 1 1065 03 0 44,0001,7323''

I.D. A.D.AS 4 7971 01 0 1916 A 4 0 STD, .005, .010, .020" 112,640 132,890 3,430

4,4346'' 5,2319'' 0,1350''

KBB 6 6925 21 0 1868 K 6 0 0.5 SE, 1SE 49,995 / 50,000 53,800 / 53,830 49,3001,9683 / 1,9685'' 2,1181 / 2,1193'' 1,9409''

NWB 1 6921 12 0 1867 N 4 0 0.5 SE, 1SE 68,136 / 68,155 71,438 / 71,488 35,310 1,9002,6825 / 2,6833'' 2,8125 / 2,8145'' 1,3902'' 0,0748''

NWB 2 6922 12 0 68,051 / 68,070 71,438 / 71,488 30,400 1,9002,6792 / 2,6799'' 2,8125 / 2,8145'' 1,1969'' 0,0748'' 67,951 / 67,970 71,438 / 71,488 30,400 1,9002,6752 / 2,6760'' 2,8125 / 2,8145'' 1,1969'' 0,0748''

NWB 1 6923 12 0 59,951 / 59,970 63,475 / 63,525 30,400 1,9002,3603 / 2,3610'' 2,4990 / 2,5010'' 1,1969'' 0,0748''

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SCANIA3 D12 6 Cyl.

DH12, DI12, DSC12, DSI12 Bore x Stroke11.7 l, (332 - 675 PS), 244 - 496 KW 127 x 154

Diesel - Inline - Engine

PL 6 7955 03 0 1909 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 86,978 / 87,000 91,230 / 91,252 45,200 2,0801.00 mm 3,4243 / 3,4252'' 3,5917 / 3,5926'' 1,7795'' 0,0819''

HL 7 7954 03 0 1910 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 107,978 / 108,000 112,200 / 112,222 34,500 2,0701.00 mm 4,2511 / 4,2520'' 4,4173 / 4,4182'' 1,3583'' 0,0815''

I.D. A.D.AS 4 7956 01 0 1911 A 4 0 STD 118,650 144,100 3,430

4,6713'' 5,6732'' 0,1350''

KBB 6 7979 21 0 1912 K 6 0 0.5 SE 53,995 / 54,000 57,800 / 57,830 48,3002,1258 / 2,1260'' 2,2756 / 2,2768'' 1,9016''

NWB 7 7969 01 0 1913 N 7 0 STD 84,930 / 84,950 89,000 / 89,035 35,000 2,0003,3437 / 3,3445'' 3,5039 / 3,5053'' 1,3780'' 0,0787''

4 D14 8 Cyl.DI14, DS14, DSC14, DSI14 Bore x Stroke14.2 l, (405 - 800 PS), 298 - 588 KW 127 x 140

Diesel - V - Engine

PL 8 4161 03 0 1914 P 8 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,978 / 90,000 94,000 / 94,021 41,250 1,9751.00 mm 3,5424 / 3,5433'' 3,7008 / 3,7016'' 1,6240'' 0,0778''

HL 5 4162 03 0 1915 H 5 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 101,575 / 101,620 106,261 / 106,284 40,000 2,2901.00 mm 3,9990 / 4,0008'' 4,1835 / 4,1844'' 1,5748'' 0,0902''

I.D. A.D.AS 4 7971 01 0 1916 A 4 0 STD, .005, .010, .020" 112,640 132,890 3,430

4,4346'' 5,2319'' 0,1350''

KBB 8 7972 21 0 1917 K 8 0 0.5 SE 49,995 / 50,000 53,800 / 53,830 49,0001,9683 / 1,9685'' 2,1181 / 2,1193'' 1,9291''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

WD 306 3WD 307 3WD 308 3WD 311.40 - 44 5WD 406 4WD 407 4WD 408 4WD 410 1WD 411.41 - 86 6WD 412 1WD 609 2WD 610 2WD 611.40 - 85 7WD 612 8WD 612 (Turbo) 9WD 614 10WD 615 11WD 615.60 - 98 12WD 815 13WD 815.60 - 97 14

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STEYR1 Engine WD 410, WD 412 4 Cyl.

WD 410.40, WD 412.40, Models 870, 870 a, 980, 980 a, Bore x StrokePlus-Series Steyr 70, 80, Diesel-Tractor, 3.98, 4.39 l, 105 x 115(70, 77, 80 PS) 51, 57, 59 KW 108 x 120

PL 4 1251 16 0 1656 P 4 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,951 / 65,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,4901.00 mm 2,5965 / 2,5972'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,0980

HL 5 1488 14 0 0755 H 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,951 / 74,970 82,000 / 82,035 30,500 3,4851.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,9508 / 2,9516'' 3,2283 / 3,2297'' 1,2008'' 0,1372''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 0955 05 0 0853 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 85,700 101,700 2,300

3,3740'' 4,0039'' 0,0906''

2 Engine WD 609, WD 610 6 Cyl.WD 609 b, WD 609 f, WD 609 h, WD 609.06, WD 609.07, Bore x StrokeWD 609.08, WD 609.14, WD 609 n, WD 610.04, WD 610.42, 610.16, 105 x 115Truck 586, 680, 690, 780, Tractors 1090, 1090 a, 1400 a, 108 x 120Engine for Saurer truck and bus S 4, Diesel, 5.98 - 6.59 l,(100, 108, 120, 132 PS) 74,79,88,97 KW

PL 6 1251 16 0 1656 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,951 / 65,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,4901.00 mm 2,5965 / 2,5972'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,0980''

HL 7 1488 14 0 0755 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,951 / 74,970 82,000 / 82,035 30,500 3,4851.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,9508 / 2,9516'' 3,2283 / 3,2297'' 1,2008'' 0,1372''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 0955 05 0 0853 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 85,700 101,700 2,300

3,3740'' 4,0039'' 0,0906''

3 Engine WD 306, WD 307, WD 308 3 Cyl.WD 306 a, WD 306.01, WD 307 c, WD 308.41, Models 190, 540, Bore x Stroke540 a, 540 s, 545, 545 a, Plus-Series Steyr 40, Diesel-Tractor, 98 x 1002.26 l, 2.36 l, (30,38,44,45,50 PS) 22,28,32,33,37 KW, (1964 - ) 100 x 100

PL 3 1226 14 0 0703 P 3 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 59,971 / 59,990 65,000 / 65,019 25,000 2,4841.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,3611 / 2,3618'' 2,5591 / 2,5598'' 0,9843'' 0,0978

HL 4 4178 14 0 1735 H 4 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 64,971 / 64,990 71,000 / 71,030 27,500 2,9801.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,5579 / 2,5587'' 2,7953 / 2,7965'' 1,0827'' 0,1173''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 1228 05 0 0854 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 75,700 92,700 2,300

2,9803'' 3,6496'' 0,0906''

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STEYR4 Engine WD 406, WD 407, WD 408 4 Cyl.

WD 408.40, WD 408.41, Models 288, 650, 650 a, 760, 760 a, 768, Bore x StrokePlus-Series Steyr 50, 60, 92 x 100Diesel-Tractor, 2.66, 3.02, 3.14 l, 98 x 100(45,50,52,57,60,66 PS) 33,37,38,42,44,49 KW 100 x 100

PL 4 1226 14 0 0703 P 4 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 59,971 / 59,990 65,000 / 65,019 25,000 2,4841.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,3611 / 2,3618'' 2,5591 / 2,5598'' 0,9843'' 0,0978''

HL 5 4178 14 0 1735 H 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 64,971 / 64,990 71,000 / 71,030 27,500 2,9801.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,5579 / 2,5587'' 2,7953 / 2,7965'' 1,0827'' 0,1173''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 1228 05 0 0854 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 75,700 92,700 2,300

2,9803'' 3,6496'' 0,0906''

5 Engine WD 311.40, B 311.41, 311.44 3 Cyl.Tractors 8055, 8055 a, 8060, 8060a, Diesel, 2.6 l, (48 PS) 35 KW Bore x Stroke

100 x 110

PL 3 1251 16 0 1656 P 3 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,951 / 65,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,4901.00, mm 2,5965 / 2,5972'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,0980''

HL 4 2992 14 0 1652 H 4 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 81,000 / 81,035 26,500 2,9701.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1890 / 3,1904'' 1,0433'' 0,1169''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 0955 05 0 0853 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 85,700 101,700 2,300

3,3740'' 4,0039'' 0,0906''

6 Engine WD 411.41, 411.42, 411.85, 411.86 4 Cyl.Tractors 8070, 8070 a, 8080, 8080 a, Bore x StrokeDiesel, 3.46 l, (58 PS) 43 KW, (70 PS) 51 KW 100 x 110

PL 4 1251 16 0 1656 P 4 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,951 / 65,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,4901.00, mm 2,5965 / 2,5972'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,0980''

HL 5 2992 14 0 1652 H 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 81,000 / 81,035 26,500 2,9701.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1890 / 3,1904'' 1,0433'' 0,1169''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 0955 05 0 0853 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 85,700 101,700 2,300

3,3740'' 4,0039'' 0,0906''

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STEYR7 Engine WD 611.40, 611.85, 6 Cyl.

Tractors 8100, 8100 a, 8120, 8120 a, 5.18 l, Bore x Stroke(85 PS) 62.5 KW, (100 PS) 73.5 KW 100 x 110

PL 6 1251 16 0 1656 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,951 / 65,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,4901.00 mm 2,5965 / 2,5972'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,0980''

HL 7 2992 14 0 1652 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 74,971 / 74,990 81,000 / 81,035 26,500 2,9701.00, 1.25, 1.50 mm 2,9516 / 2,9524'' 3,1890 / 3,1904'' 1,0433'' 0,1169''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 0955 05 0 0853 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 85,700 101,700 2,300

3,3740'' 4,0039'' 0,0906''

8 Engine WD 612 6 Cyl.WD 612.00, 612.01, 612.02, 612.04, 612.20, 612.24, 612.40, 612.85 Bore x StrokeTruck 591, 592, 691, 692, 791, 791 4x4, 108 x 120Tractor 8140, 8150Diesel, 6.6 l, (136 - 145 PS) 100 - 107 KW

PL 6 1251 16 0 1656 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,951 / 65,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,4901.00 mm 2,5965 / 2,5972'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,0980''

HL 7 2870 14 0 1618 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 79,951 / 79,970 87,000 / 87,022 29,500 3,4771.00 mm 3,1477 / 3,1484'' 3,4252 / 3,4261'' 1,1614'' 0,1369''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 2871 05 0 1619 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 90,300 106,700 2,300

3,5551'' 4,2008'' 0,0906''

9 Engine WD 612 (Turbo) 6 Cyl.Turbocharged-Engine Bore x StrokeWD 612.60, 612.61, 612.63, 612.67, 612.68, 612.70, 612.72, 612.73, 108 x 120612.74, 612.77, 612.85, 612.86, 612.90, 612.91, 612.92Truck 8160Truck 790, 791, 791 4x4, 891,9 S 14, 9 S 18, 10 S 14, 10 S 18, 12 S 14,12 S 18, 13 S 14, 13 S 18, 14 S 14, 14 S 18,15 S 18, 16 S 18Diesel 6.6 l, (136 - 195 PS), 100 - 143,5 KWTurbo and charge-cooling-engineWD 612.65, 612.69, 612.75, 612.76, 612.78, 612.79, 612.93, 612.99 TractorTruck 692, 792, 89212 S 21, 13 S 21, 15 S 21, 15 S 23, 16 S 21Diesel 6.6 l, (180 - 225 PS), 132 - 165 KW

PL 6 1251 86 0 1784 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 65,951 / 65,970 71,000 / 71,019 28,000 2,4901.00 mm 2,5965 / 2,5972'' 2,7953 / 2,7960'' 1,1024'' 0,0980''

HL 7 2870 14 0 1618 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 79,951 / 79,970 87,000 / 87,022 29,500 3,4771.00 mm 3,1477 / 3,1484'' 3,4252 / 3,4261'' 1,1614'' 0,1369''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 2871 05 0 1619 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 90,300 106,700 2,300

3,5551'' 4,2008'' 0,0906''

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STEYR10 Engine WD 614 6 Cyl.

WD 614.01, WD 614.60, Models 880, 880 f, 880 k, 990, Diesel Trucks, Bore x Stroke8.1 l, (155 - 240 PS) 114 - 176 KW, 120 x 120

PL 6 1727 04 0 1132 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 81,978 / 82,000 88,000 / 88,022 35,000 2,9791.00 mm 3,2275 / 3,2283'' 3,4646 / 3,4654'' 1,3780'' 0,1173''

HL 7 1728 14 0 1133 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 89,978 / 90,000 98,000 / 98,022 37,000 3,9811.00 mm 3,5424 / 3,5433'' 3,8583 / 3,8591'' 1,4567'' 0,1567''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 1729 05 0 1134 A 2 0 STD 103,000 119,200 2,300

4,0551'' 4,6929'' 0,0906''

NWB 7 3690 05 0 1653 N 7 0 STD 59,940 / 59,970 65,000 / 65,030 25,000 2,5002,3598 / 2,3610'' 2,5591 / 2,5602'' 0,9843'' 0,0984''

11 Engine WD 615 6 Cyl.

WD 615.00, WD 615.20, Bore x StrokeTruck 991, 991 / 4 x 4 126 x 130Diesel 9.7 l, (201 PS), 148 KW

PL 6 1727 04 0 1132 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 81,978 / 82,000 88,000 / 88,022 35,000 2,9791.00 mm 3,2275 / 3,2283'' 3,4646 / 3,4654'' 1,3780'' 0,1173''

PL 6 3340 16 0 1654 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 81,978 / 82,000 88,000 / 88,022 35,000 2,9861.00 mm 3,2275 / 3,2283'' 3,4646 / 3,4654'' 1,3780'' 0,1176''

HL 7 2281 04 0 1293 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 99,978 / 100,000 108,000 / 108,022 35,000 3,9801.00 mm 3,9361 / 3,9370'' 4,2520 / 4,2528'' 1,3780'' 0,1567''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 2282 05 0 1294 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 113,000 129,000 2,300

4,4488'' 5,0787'' 0,0906''

NWB 7 3690 05 0 1653 N 7 0 STD 59,940 / 59,970 65,000 / 65,030 25,000 2,5002,3598 / 2,3610'' 2,5591 / 2,5602'' 0,9843'' 0,0984''

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STEYR12 Engine WD 615 6 Cyl.

Turbocharged Engine Bore x StrokeWD 615.60, 615.61, 615.64, 615.70, 615.71, 615.74, 615.92 126 x 130Truck 1291, 1491, 2891, 1291 / 4x 4, 1491 / 6 x 6, 19 S 24Diesel, 9.7 l, (238, 260, 272 PS), 175, 191, 200 KWTurbocharged and charge -cooling-engineTurbocharged and charge -cooling-engineWD 615.63, 615.65, 615.66, 615.67, 615.68, 615.69, 615.72, 615.75,615.77, 615.78, 615.79, 615.93, 615.96, 615.98Truck 1291, 1491, 1891, 289119 S 28, 19 S 31, 22 S 31, 26 S 31, 32 S 31, 33 S 31Diesel, 9.7 l, (238, 260, 277, 280, 307 PS), 175, 191, 204, 206, 226 KW

PL 6 1727 04 0 1132 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 81,978 / 82,000 88,000 / 88,022 35,000 2,9791.00 mm 3,2275 / 3,2283'' 3,4646 / 3,4654'' 1,3780'' 0,1173''

Siehe Pos. 11 See pos. 11

PL 6 3340 86 0 1785 P 6 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 81,978 / 82,000 88,000 / 88,022 35,000 2,9861.00 mm 3,2275 / 3,2283'' 3,4646 / 3,4654'' 1,3780'' 0,1176''

Siehe Pos. 11 See pos. 11

HL 7 2281 04 0 1293 H 7 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 99,978 / 100,000 108,000 / 108,022 35,000 3,9801.00 mm 3,9361 / 3,9370'' 4,2520 / 4,2528'' 1,3780'' 0,1567''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 2282 05 0 1294 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 113,000 129,000 2,300

4,4488'' 5,0787'' 0,0906''

NWB 7 3690 05 0 1653 N 7 0 STD 59,940 / 59,970 65,000 / 65,030 25,000 2,5002,3598 / 2,3610'' 2,5591 / 2,5602'' 0,9843'' 0,0984''

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STEYR13 Engine WD 815.00 8 Cyl.

WD 815.01, 815.20, 815.21 Bore x StrokeTruck 1290, 1291, 1490, 1491 126 x 130Diesel, 12.0 l, (270 PS), 199 KW

PL 8 1727 04 0 1132 P 8 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 81,978 / 82,000 88,000 / 88,022 35,000 2,9791.00 mm 3,2275 / 3,2283'' 3,4646 / 3,4654'' 1,3780'' 0,1173''

HL 5 2281 04 0 1293 H 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 99,978 / 100,000 108,000 / 108,022 35,000 3,9801.00 mm 3,9361 / 3,9370'' 4,2520 / 4,2528'' 1,3780'' 0,1567''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 2282 05 0 1294 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 113,000 129,000 2,300

4,4488'' 5,0787'' 0,0906''

14 Engine WD 815.60 8 Cyl.Turbocharged Engine Bore x StrokeWD 815.61, 815.62, 815.63, 815.64, 815.70, 815.71, 815.74, 815.95 126 x 130Truck 1290, 1291, 1291 / 4x4, 1490, 1491, 1491 / 4x4, 1891, 289119 S 34, 22 S 34, 26 S 34, 32 S 34Diesel, 12 l, (320, 326 PS), 236, 240 KWTurbocharged and charge -cooling-engineWD 815.65, 815.66, 815.67, 815.68, 815.69, 815.77, 815.79, 815.96, 815.97,Truck 1291, 1491, 1891, 289119 S 34, 19 S 37, 22 S 34, 26 S 34,32 S 34, 22 S 37,26 S 37, 32 S 37, 33 S 31, 33 S 34Diesel, 12 l, (326, 340, 360, 367 PS), 240, 250, 265, 270 KW

PL 8 1727 04 0 1132 P 8 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 81,978 / 82,000 88,000 / 88,022 35,000 2,9791.00 mm 3,2275 / 3,2283'' 3,4646 / 3,4654'' 1,3780'' 0,1173''

Siehe Pos. 11 See pos. 11

PL 8 3340 86 0 1785 P 8 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 81,978 / 82,000 88,000 / 88,022 35,000 2,9861.00 mm 3,2275 / 3,2283'' 3,4646 / 3,4654'' 1,3780'' 0,1176''

Siehe Pos. 11 See pos. 11

HL 5 2281 04 0 1293 H 5 0 STD, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 99,978 / 100,000 108,000 / 108,022 35,000 3,9801.00 mm 3,9361 / 3,9370'' 4,2520 / 4,2528'' 1,3780'' 0,1567''

I.D. A.D.AS 2 2282 05 0 1294 A 2 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50 mm 113,000 129,000 2,300

4,4488'' 5,0787'' 0,0906''

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Index / Indice / Table des matieres

Motor Positions Nr. Engine Item No.Moteur Poste No.Motor Posicion No.

D 12 1D 16 2TD 61 3TD 63 3D 70 4TD 70 4TD 71 4TD 73 4D 100 5MD 100 5TD 100 5THD 100 5TMD 100 5TD 101 5THD 101 5TD 102 5THD 102 5TD 103 5THD 103 5TMD 103 5TWD 103 5TD 120 6TAMD 120 6TD 121 6TD 122 6TD 123 6TWD 123 6TD 162 2TID 162 2TD 163 2TID 163 2

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VOLVO1 D12 EURO 2 A 6 Cyl.

Diesel 12,1 l (340 - 420 PS), 250 - 309 KW Bore x Stroke131 x 150

D12 EURO 3 C,DDiesel 12,1 l (340 - 500 PS), 250 - 368 KW

PL 6 7481 03 0 1881 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 91,978 / 92,000 96,835 / 96,850 49,100 2,3951.00 mm 3,6212 / 3,6220'' 3,8124 / 3,8130'' 1,9331'' 0,0943"

HL 7 7482 03 0 1882 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 107,987 / 108,000 113,040 / 113,065 37,700 2,4971.00 mm 4,2515 / 4,2520'' 4,4504 / 4,4514'' 1,4843'' 0,0983''

I.D. A.D.AS 4 7975 01 0 1918 A 4 0 STD 116,660 139,930 3,213

4,5929'' 5,5091'' 0,1265''

2 D16 6 Cyl.TD162, TID162 Bore x StrokeTD163, TID163 144 x 165Diesel 16,1 l (340 - 520 PS), 250 - 382 KW

PL 6 7483 03 0 1883 P 6 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 99,988 / 100,000 104,792 / 104,807 46,550 2,3621.00 mm 3,9365 / 3,9370'' 4,1257 / 4,1263'' 1,8327'' 0,0930''

HL 7 7484 03 0 1884 H 7 0 STD, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 117,978 / 118,000 123,110 / 123,135 38,600 2,5151.00 mm 4,6448 / 4,6457'' 4,8469 / 4,8478'' 1,5197'' 0,0990''

3 TD61 6 Cyl.TD63 Bore x StrokeDiesel 5,5 l (120 - 210 PS), 163 - 286 KW 98.42 x 120

PL 6 7485 03 0 1885 P 6 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 63,449 / 63,462 67,323 / 67,336 34,000 1,902.050" 2,4980 / 2,4985'' 2,6505 / 2,6510'' 1,3386'' 0,0749''

HL 7 7486 03 0 1886 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 76,149 / 76,162 81,051 / 81,076 26,500 2,413.050" 2,9980 / 2,9985'' 3,1910 / 3,1920'' 1,0433'' 0,0950''

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VOLVO4 D70, TD70 6 Cyl.

TD71 Bore x StrokeTD73 104.77 x 130Diesel 6,7 l (144 - 245 PS), 106 - 180 KW

PL 6 7487 03 0 1887 P 6 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 69,837 / 69,850 73,740 / 73,753 37,100 1,912.050" 2,7495 / 2,7500'' 2,9031 / 2,9037'' 1,4606'' 0,0753''

HL 7 7488 03 0 1888 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 82,535 / 82,550 88,483 / 88,508 30,600 2,935.050" 3,2494 / 3,2500'' 3,4836 / 3,4846'' 1,2047'' 0,1156''

5 D100, MD100, TD 100, THD100, TMD 100 6 Cyl.TD101, THD101 Bore x StrokeTD102, THD102 120.65 x 140TD103, THD103, TMD103, TWD103 120.40 x 140Diesel, 9.6 l (144 - 320 PS), 106 - 235 KW, (1965-)

PL 6 4075 03 0 1703 P 6 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 86,001 / 86,017 90,914 / 90,940 45,700 2,417.050" 3,3859 / 3,3865'' 3,5793 / 3,5803'' 1,7992'' 0,0952''

Für Motoren ab 1983. Haltenocke rechts For engines from 1983. Locating nick right.

HL 7 2949 03 0 1492 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, 99,977 / 100,000 104,978 / 105,003 37,300 2,451.040" 3,9361 / 3,9370'' 4,1330 / 4,1340'' 1,4685'' 0,0965''

KBB 6 6720 21 0 1870 K 6 0 0,5 SE 52,000 / 52,004 57,300 / 57,346 45,850 2,7702,0472 / 2,0474'' 2,2559 / 2,2577'' 1,8051'' 0,1091''

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VOLVO6 TD120, TAMD120 6 Cyl.

TD121 Bore x StrokeTD122 130.17 x 149.59TD123, TWD123 130.17 x 149.97Diesel, 12 l (230 - 420 PS), 169 - 309 KW, (1970-) 130.17 x 150.11

130.17 x 150.30130.20 x 149.59130.20 x 150.30

PL 6 4076 03 0 1704 P 6 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 92,028 / 92,043 96,835 / 96,850 46,200 2,362.050" 3,6231 / 3,6237'' 3,8124 / 3,8130'' 1,8189'' 0,0930''

Für Motoren ab 1984. Haltenocke rechts For engines from 1984. Locating nick right.

HL 7 2865 03 0 1487 H 7 0 STD, .010, .020, .030, .040, 107,915 / 107,937 113,040 / 113,065 37,100 2,515.050, .060" 4,2486 / 4,2495'' 4,4504 / 4,4514'' 1,4606'' 0,0990''

I.D. A.D.AS 4 7975 01 0 1918 A 4 0 STD 116,660 139,930 3,213

4,5929'' 5,5091'' 0,1265''

KBB 6 6721 21 0 1871 K 6 0 0,5 SE 55,000 60,300 / 60,340 47,600 2,7702,1654" 2,3740 / 2,3756'' 1,8740'' 0,1091''

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Lager Nr. Fabrikat Lager Nr. FabrikatBearing No. Make Bearing No. MakeCoussinet No. Produit Coussinet No. ProduitCojinete No. Producto Cojinete No. Producto

CB-599 P 3691 03 0 MACK CBS/6-1045 P 1036 P 6 0 MANCB-759 AL 3604 03 0 John Deere CBS/5-1046 P 1304 P 5 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzCB-1357 P 4277 03 0 Cummins CBS/6-1046 P 1304 P 6 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzCB-1618 P 7524 03 0 Komatsu CBS/6-1052 P 0950 P 6 0 MANCB-1619 P 4179 03 0 Cummins CBS/1-1053 P 2010 03 0 KHDCBS/6-795 P 0539 P 6 0 Scania CBS/2-1053 P 1032 P 2 0 KHDCBS/6-904 P 0971 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz CBS/3-1053 P 1032 P 3 0 KHDCBS/1-945 P 2701 16 0 KHD CBS/4-1053 P 1032 P 4 0 KHDCBS/6-945 P 1484 P 6 0 KHD CBS/6-1053 P 1032 P 6 0 KHDCBS/8-945 P 1484 P 8 0 KHD CBS/4-1177 P 1702 P 4 0 Mercedes-BenzCBS/10-945 P 1484 P 10 0 KHD CBS/6-1177 P 1702 P 6 0 Mercedes-BenzCBS/12-945 P 1484 P 12 0 KHD CBS/1-1193 P 3244 03 0 IHCCBS/4-1026 AL 1483 P 4 0 Mercedes-Benz CBS/6-1193 P 1570 P 6 0 IHCCBS/5-1026 AL 1483 P 5 0 Mercedes-Benz CBS/4-1299 P 1733 P 4 0 Mercedes-BenzCBS/6-1027 P 1281 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz CBS/6-1299 P 1733 P 6 0 Mercedes-BenzCBS/6-1030 P 1278 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz CBS/4-1300 AL 1730 P 4 0 Mercedes-BenzCBS/6-1032 P 1761 P 6 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz CBS/5-1300 AL 1730 P 5 0 Mercedes-BenzCBS/8-1032 P 1761 P 8 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz CBS/6-1300 AL 1730 P 6 0 Mercedes-BenzCBS/10-1032 P 1761 P 10 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz CBS/4-1301 P 1586 P 4 0 KHDCBS/12-1032 P 1761 P 12 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz CBS/6-1301 P 1586 P 6 0 KHDCBS/1-1044 P 3247 03 0 IHC

B-829 S 1872 K 7 0 MACK MB-2977 W 4280 05 0 CumminsMB- 198 P 2011 03 0 KHD MB-3449 P 7525 03 0 KomatsuMB-1594 P 3693 03 0 MACK MB-3449 W 7527 01 0 KomatsuMB-2045 P 3692 03 0 MACK MB-3450 P 7526 03 0 KomatsuMB-2520 P 3694 03 0 MACK MB-3452 P 4180 03 0 CumminsMB-2521 P 3695 03 0 MACK MB-3453 P 4181 03 0 CumminsMB-2976 P 4279 03 0 Cummins MB-3453 W 4182 05 0 CumminsMB-2977 P 4280 03 0 Cummins


Pleuellager / Conrod bearing / Coussinet de bielle / Cojinete biela

Hauptlager, Anlaufscheiben, Büchsen / Main bearings, Thrust washers, Bushes Coussinets de paliers, Flasques de butee,




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Lager Nr. Fabrikat Lager Nr. FabrikatBearing No. Make Bearing No. MakeCoussinet No. Produit Coussinet No. ProduitCojinete No. Producto Cojinete No. Producto

MBS/5-17 AL 1590 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz MBS/7-1589 P 1609 H 7 0 KHDMBS/4-66 P 1041 H 4 0 KHD MBS/7-1597 P 1587 H 7 0 KHDMBS/5-67 P 1041 H 5 0 KHD MBS/5-1607 AL 1731 H 5 0 Mercedes-BenzMBS/7-68 P 1041 H 7 0 KHD MBS/6-1608 AL 1731 H 6 0 Mercedes-BenzMBS/4-69 P 1317 H 4 0 KHD MBS/7-1609 AL 1731 H 7 0 Mercedes-BenzMBS/5-239 P 0884 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz MS-873 AL 1604 H 3 0 John DeereMBS/7-240 P 0884 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz MS-874 AL 1604 H 4 0 John DeereMBS/7-920 P 0541 H 7 0 Scania MS-875 AL 1604 H 5 0 John DeereMBS/4-1072 P 1485 H 4 0 KHD MS-954 P 1622 H 7 0 MACKMBS/5-1073 P 1485 H 5 0 KHD MS-1459 AL 1604 H 7 0 John DeereMBS/6-1074 P 1485 H 6 0 KHD MS-1625 P 1743 H 7 0 CumminsMBS/7-1075 P 1485 H 7 0 KHD +1744 A 2 0MBS/7-1151 P 1492 H 7 0 Volvo MS-2001 P 1890 H 7 0 KomatsuMBS/7-1170 P 1279 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz MS-2018 P 1727 H 7 0 CumminsMBS/5-1171 P 1763 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz +4182 05 0MBS/6-1172 P 1763 H 6 0 Mercedes-Benz MS-2019 P 1727 H 9 0 CumminsMBS/4-1197 P 1571 H 4 0 IHC +4182 05 0MBS/5-1198 P 1571 H 5 0 IHC MS-2055 P 1890 H 5 0 KomatsuMBS/7-1199 P 1571 H 7 0 IHC SH-357 7040 12 0 MACKMBS/7-1202 P 1037 H 7 0 MAN SH-560 7041 21 0 MACKMBS/6-1203 P 1305 H 6 0 MAN SH-676 7042 21 0 MACKMBS/7-1216 P 0951 H 7 0 MAN SH-693 7043 21 0 MACKMBS/7-1217 P 1305 H 7 0 MAN SH-693 S 1869 N 7 0 MACKMBS/7-1221 P 1061 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz SH-1216 C 4232 21 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzMBS/4-1358 P 1763 H 4 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz SHS/7-75 S 1641 N 7 0 Mercedes-BenzMBS/7-1359 P 1763 H 7 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz SHS/7-90 S 1645 N 7 0 Mercedes-BenzMBS/6-1391 AL 1590 H 6 0 Mercedes-Benz SHS/3-123 B SEMI 1357 N 3 0 SEMI Mercedes-BenzMBS/5-1537 AL 1606 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz SHS/3-123 B STD 1787 N 3 0 STD Mercedes-BenzMBS/6-1538 AL 1606 H 6 0 Mercedes-Benz SHS/4-606 B 1356 N 4 0 Mercedes-BenzMBS/5-1546 AL 1628 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz SHS/5-798 B 1277 N 5 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzMBS/4-1586 P 1609 H 4 0 KHD SHS/6-799 B 1277 N 6 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzMBS/5-1587 P 1609 H 5 0 KHD TW-584 S 1891 A 2 0 KomatsuMBS/6-1588 P 1609 H 6 0 KHD TWS/4-341 S 1607 A 2 0 Mercedes-Benz




Hauptlager, Anlaufscheiben, Büchsen / Main bearings, Thrust washers, Bushes Coussinets de paliers, Flasques de butee, bagues / Cojinete bancada, Anillos laterales, Bujes


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Lager Nr. Fabrikat Lager Nr. FabrikatBearing No. Make Bearing No. MakeCoussinet No. Produit Coussinet No. ProduitCojinete No. Producto Cojinete No. Producto

1275 CP 4076 03 0 Volvo 4362 CP 4278 03 0 Cummins1475 CP 7487 03 0 Volvo 4745 P 4149 03 0 Cummins1476 CP 7488 03 0 Volvo 4746 P 4180 03 0 Cummins1755 C PA 3691 03 0 MACK 4747 P 4181 03 0 Cummins2975 CP 7600 03 0 Renault (RVI) 4748 W 4182 03 0 Cummins2977 CP 7601 03 0 Renault (RVI) 60185 CP 4075 03 0 Volvo3325 AP 3604 03 0 John Deere 66730 7600 03 0 Renault (RVI)4100 CP 7483 03 0 Volvo 66731 CP 7602 03 0 Renault (RVI)4101 CP 7484 03 0 Volvo 66745 CP 1063 03 0 Scania4360 CP 4277 03 0 Cummins 66754 Y 6925 21 0 Scania4361 CP 4279 03 0 Cummins

2977 BF 7603 01 0 Renault (RVI) 6616 M 0541 H 7 0 Scania6- 4100CP 1883 P 6 0 Volvo 6582 M 1487 H 7 0 Volvo

4368 M 1492 H 7 0 Volvo 6587 M 1899 H 7 0 Renault (RVI)4418 BF 1744 P 6 0 Cummins 7032 M 1888 H 7 0 Volvo4669 M 1604 H 3 0 John Deere 7143 M 1884 H 7 0 Volvo4670 M 1604 H 4 0 John Deere 7258 M 1743 H 7 0 Cummins4921 M 1604 H 5 0 John Deere 7357 M 1727 H 9 0 Cummins4944 M 1622 H 7 0 MACK 7358 M 1727 H 7 0 Cummins4983 M 1604 H 7 0 John Deere


Lagerpaare / Bearing Pairs / Paires Coussinets / Pares Cojinetes

Lagersätze / Bearing groups / jeux Coussinets / juegos Cojinetes




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Lager Nr. Fabrikat Lager Nr. FabrikatBearing No. Make Bearing No. MakeCoussinet No. Produit Coussinet No. ProduitCojinete No. Producto Cojinete No. Producto

01-2800 2010 03 0 KHD 71-3572 3877 03 0 Mercedes-Benz01-3040 2866 14 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3601 4075 03 0 Volvo01-3584 3901 14 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3605 3939 03 0 Mercedes-Benz01-3771 3901 87 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3613 4076 03 0 Volvo02-2228 2011 03 0 KHD 71-3623 7487 03 0 Volvo02-3435 3123 14 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3631 4504 16 0 DAF02-3513 3765 14 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3637 2428 93 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz02-3585 3902 14 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3638 3127 93 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz04-3838 4989 07 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3645 5073 87 0 Mercedes-Benz11-3438 4225 07 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3653 3127 26 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz13-1864 1482 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3660 6138 03 0 MAN13-1865 2696 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3674 2428 26 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz13-1866 2697 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3693 4650 93 0 Mercedes-Benz13-1867 1486 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3695 7485 03 0 Volvo13-2415 3839 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3791 5067 16 0 DAF13-2416 3487 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3812 4802 93 0 MAN13-2417 3840 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3817 3939 03 0 Mercedes-Benz13-2418 3841 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3835 5380 93 0 Mercedes-Benz13-2553 3809 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3850 5250 87 0 Mercedes-Benz13-2554 3810 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3866 5398 03 0 DAF13-2555 3811 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3868 5381 93 0 Mercedes-Benz13-2556 3812 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3876 5915 93 0 Mercedes-Benz13-2557 3813 12 0 Mercedes-Benz 71-3893 5473 93 0 Mercedes-Benz13-2861 2438 05 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 71-3923 7481 03 0 Volvo13-3102 2431 05 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 71-3938 5827 03 0 MAN13-3103 2432 05 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 71-3939 5827 93 0 MAN53-2806 2694 01 0 MAN 71-4239 7600 03 0 Renault (RVI)53-3098 2867 01 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 71-4290 8009 03 0 Renault (RVI)53-3104 2868 01 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 71-4295 7976 03 0 Renault (RVI)53-3944 7313 21 0 MAN 72-2082 1488 14 0 Steyr53-3945 7314 21 0 MAN 72-2204 4178 14 0 Steyr55-2532 3913 21 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-2230 2179 03 0 KHD55-2535 4036 21 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-2260 1933 03 0 MWM55-2538 4327 21 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-2261 1934 03 0 MWM55-2640 2005 21 0 KHD 72-2439 3245 03 0 IHC55-2650 5493 21 0 KHD 72-2440 3246 03 0 IHC55-3170 7036 21 0 KHD 72-2444 3265 03 0 Mercedes-Benz55-3328 4232 21 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 72-2445 1504 03 0 Mercedes-Benz55-3610 6720 21 0 Volvo 72-2451 1509 03 0 MAN55-3813 7264 21 0 MAN 72-2452 3184 03 0 MAN55-3925 6721 21 0 Volvo 72-2550 1577 03 0 Mercedes-Benz55-3997 6601 21 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-2552 1579 03 0 Mercedes-Benz71-2132 1932 03 0 MWM 72-2753 2330 04 0 Mercedes-Benz71-2203 1226 14 0 Steyr 72-2812 2643 03 0 Mercedes-Benz71-2413 1506 03 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-2835 2853 03 0 KHD71-2438 3244 03 0 IHC 72-2836 2854 03 0 KHD71-2450 1508 03 0 MAN 72-2838 2231 03 0 Mercedes-Benz71-2549 1576 03 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-2858 3128 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz71-2811 2641 03 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-2859 4172 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz71-2834 2701 03 0 KHD 72-2914 1911 03 0 MAN71-2913 1910 03 0 MAN 72-2915 1912 03 0 MAN71-2948 1063 03 0 Scania 72-2953 7488 03 0 Volvo71-2949 1064 03 0 Scania 72-2962 2949 03 0 Volvo71-2950 1065 03 0 Scania 72-3100 5948 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz71-2995 2609 03 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-3168 3422 03 0 KHD71-3009 3127 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 72-3294 2853 03 0 KHD71-3167 3421 03 0 KHD 72-3295 2854 03 0 KHD71-3324 3127 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 72-3313 2570 03 0 KHD71-3447 2532 03 0 MWM 72-3314 2571 03 0 KHD71-3448 2533 03 0 MWM 72-3489 7486 03 0 Volvo71-3520 3247 03 0 IHC 72-3553 1728 14 0 Steyr71-3535 1251 16 0 Steyr 72-3554 2281 04 0 Steyr71-3552 1727 04 0 Steyr 72-3562 5948 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz71-3561 2428 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 72-3563 4618 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz71-3564 3128 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 72-3565 4172 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz


Einzelpaare / Bearing Pairs / Paires Coussinets / Pares Cojinetes




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Lager Nr. Fabrikat Lager Nr. FabrikatBearing No. Make Bearing No. MakeCoussinet No. Produit Coussinet No. ProduitCojinete No. Producto Cojinete No. Producto

72-3602 4055 03 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-3836 6611 03 0 Mercedes-Benz72-3632 4505 16 0 DAF 72-3837 6611 93 0 Mercedes-Benz72-3633 4506 16 0 DAF 72-3851 5251 03 0 Mercedes-Benz72-3634 4507 16 0 DAF 72-3856 5986 93 0 Mercedes-Benz72-3654 3128 86 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 72-3894 5475 93 0 Mercedes-Benz72-3655 4172 86 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz 72-3894 H 5476 93 0 Mercedes-Benz72-3768 4737 03 0 Mercedes-Benz 72-3941 6139 93 0 MAN72-3772 6139 03 0 MAN 72-3963 5785 16 0 DAF72-3773 H 6140 03 0 MAN 72-4020 7482 03 0 Volvo72-3782 5092 93 0 Mercedes-Benz

H 005/ 7 1783 H 7 0 DAF H 818/ 7 1061 H 7 0 Mercedes-BenzH 012/ 4 1764 H 4 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz H 821/ 4 1763 H 4 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 012/ 5 1764 H 5 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz H 821/ 5 1763 H 5 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 012/ 6 1764 H 6 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz H 821/ 6 1763 H 6 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 012/ 7 1764 H 7 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz H 821/ 7 1763 H 7 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 014/ 6 1305 H 6 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz H 828/ 7 1037 H 7 0 MANH 014/ 7 1305 H 7 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz H 840/ 7 0541 H 7 0 ScaniaH 048/ 5 1840 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz H 841/ 7 1888 H 7 0 VolvoH 048/ 7 1840 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz H 842/ 7 1492 H 7 0 VolvoH 049/ 5 1852 H 5 0 MAN H 881/ 6 1305 H 6 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 049/ 7 1852 H 7 0 MAN H 881/ 7 1305 H 7 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 051/ 5 1828 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz H 892/ 7 1587 H 7 0 KHDH 051/ 7 1828 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz H 913/ 7 1487 H 7 0 VolvoH 063/ 4 1843 H 4 0 Mercedes-Benz H 914/ 5 1590 H 5 0 Mercedes-BenzH 064/ 5 1846 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz H 914/ 6 1590 H 6 0 Mercedes-BenzH 067/ 5 1848 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz H 918/ 7 1487 H 7 0 VolvoH 067/ 7 1848 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz H 925/ 4 1485 H 4 0 KHDH 068/ 5 1861 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz H 925/ 5 1485 H 5 0 KHDH 068/ 6 1861 H 6 0 Mercedes-Benz H 925/ 6 1485 H 6 0 KHDH 068/ 7 1861 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz H 925/ 7 1485 H 7 0 KHDH 075/ 7 1864 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz H 931/ 4 1609 H 4 0 KHDH 081/ 5 1778 H 5 0 MAN H 931/ 5 1609 H 5 0 KHDH 081/ 7 1778 H 7 0 MAN H 931/ 6 1609 H 6 0 KHDH 082/ 5 1879 H 5 0 MAN H 931/ 7 1609 H 7 0 KHDH 082/ 7 1879 H 7 0 MAN H 951/ 5 1606 H 5 0 Mercedes-BenzH 083/ 7 1859 H 7 0 MAN H 951/ 6 1606 H 6 0 Mercedes-BenzH 089/ 7 1858 H 7 0 DAF H 957/ 3 1592 H 3 0 MWMH 503/ 4 1041 H 4 0 KHD H 957/ 4 1592 H 4 0 MWMH 503/ 5 1041 H 5 0 KHD H 957/ 5 1592 H 5 0 MWMH 623/ 3 0755 H 3 0 Steyr H 957/ 7 1592 H 7 0 MWMH 623/ 7 0755 H 7 0 Steyr H 969/ 7 1886 H 7 0 VolvoH 642/ 3 1028 H 3 0 MWM H 977/ 5 1628 H 5 0 Mercedes-BenzH 642/ 4 1028 H 4 0 MWM H 989/ 7 1133 H 7 0 SteyrH 642/ 5 1028 H 5 0 MWM H 990/ 5 1293 H 5 0 SteyrH 642/ 7 1028 H 7 0 MWM H 990/ 7 1293 H 7 0 SteyrH 651/ 4 1735 H 4 0 Steyr H 992/ 6 1305 H 6 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 651/ 5 1735 H 5 0 Steyr H 992/ 7 1305 H 7 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 712/ 5 0884 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz H 993/ 5 1763 H 5 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 712/ 7 0884 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz H 993/ 6 1763 H 6 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 714/ 7 0951 H 7 0 MAN H 993/ 7 1763 H 7 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzH 720/ 4 1571 H 4 0 IHC H 997/ 5 1731 H 5 0 Mercedes-BenzH 720/ 5 1571 H 5 0 IHC H 997/ 6 1731 H 6 0 Mercedes-BenzH 720/ 7 1571 H 7 0 IHC H 997/ 7 1731 H 7 0 Mercedes-BenzH 806/ 3 1033 H 3 0 KHD H 999/ 5 1807 H 5 0 Mercedes-BenzH 809/ 7 1279 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz H 999/ 7 1807 H 7 0 Mercedes-BenzH 814/ 4 1485 H 4 0 KHD H 1006/ 7 1882 H 7 0 VolvoH 814/ 5 1485 H 5 0 KHD H 1019/ 7 1910 H 7 0 ScaniaH 814/ 6 1485 H 6 0 KHD H 1053/ 7 1487 H 7 0 VolvoH 814/ 7 1485 H 7 0 KHD H 1059/ 7 0541 H 7 0 ScaniaH 818/ 6 1061 H 6 0 Mercedes-Benz H 1060/ 5 1915 H 5 0 Scania

Hauptlagersätze / Main bearing set / Jeu de paliers principaux / Juego de cojinetes principales


Einzelpaare / Bearing Pairs / Paires Coussinets / Pares Cojinetes




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Lager Nr. Fabrikat Lager Nr. FabrikatBearing No. Make Bearing No. MakeCoussinet No. Produit Coussinet No. ProduitCojinete No. Producto Cojinete No. Producto

A 75/ 4 0853 A 2 0 Steyr A 150/ 4 1844 A 2 0 Mercedes-BenzA 76/ 4 0854 A 2 0 Steyr A 159/ 4 1873 A 2 0 Mercedes-BenzA 113/ 4 1607 A 2 0 Mercedes-Benz A 216/ 4 1916 A 4 0 ScaniaA 129/ 4 1732 A 2 0 Mercedes-Benz

N 49/ 4 1356 N 4 0 Mercedes-Benz N 110/ 6 1277 N 6 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzN 75/ 7 1645 N 7 0 Mercedes-Benz N 110/ 7 1277 N 7 0 MAN/Merc.-BenzN 82/ 6 1641 N 6 0 Mercedes-Benz N 122/ 3 SEMI 1357 N 3 0 Mercedes-BenzN 82/ 7 1641 N 7 0 Mercedes-Benz N 125/ 4 1875 N 4 0 MANN 91/ 4 1580 N 4 0 MAN N 125/ 6 1875 N 6 0 MANN 109/ 6 1307 N 6 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz N 127/ 3 1819 N 3 0 Mercedes-BenzN 109/ 7 1307 N 7 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz N 128/ 4 1820 N 4 0 Mercedes-BenzN 110/ 4 1277 N 4 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz N 150/ 5 1876 N 5 0 MANN 110/ 5 1277 N 5 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz N 150/ 7 1876 N 7 0 MAN

Nockenwellenbüchsen- Sätze / Camshaft bush set / Jeu de douilles pour arbre à came / Juego de bujes de àrbol de levas




Anlaufringsätze / Thrust washer set / Jeu d`anneaux de poussée / Juego de anillos de arranque


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Lager Nr. Fabrikat Lager Nr. FabrikatBearing No. Make Bearing No. MakeCoussinet No. Produit Coussinet No. ProduitCojinete No. Producto Cojinete No. Producto

BB 10033 2005 21 0 KHD BB 10332 6601 21 0 Mercedes-BenzPL 10198 2010 03 0 KHD BB 10337 4327 21 0 Mercedes-BenzHL 10199 2011 03 0 KHD PL 10360 4650 93 0 Mercedes-BenzHL 10226 2570 03 0 KHD PL 18204 5073 87 0 Mercedes-BenzFL 10227 2571 03 0 KHD HL 18335 3265 03 0 Mercedes-BenzPL 10236 2701 03 0 KHD AL 18742 3209 05 0 Mercedes-BenzHL 10237 2853 03 0 KHD BB 19423 4232 21 0 Mercedes-BenzFL 10238 2854 03 0 KHD PL 19619 5380 93 0 Mercedes-BenzBB 18730 5493 21 0 KHD HL 19620 6611 03 0 Mercedes-BenzPL 10219 2428 93 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz AL 19622 4989 07 0 Mercedes-BenzHL 10220 5948 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz PL 19628 5381 93 0 Mercedes-BenzFL 10358 4618 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz HL 19790 5251 03 0 Mercedes-BenzPL 18097 2428 03 0 MAN/Merc.-Benz PL 19799 5250 87 0 Mercedes-BenzHL 10117 1022 14 0 Mercedes-Benz FL 19809 5476 79 0 Mercedes-BenzFL 10167 1504 03 0 Mercedes-Benz HL 19810 5475 93 0 Mercedes-BenzHL 10169 1506 03 0 Mercedes-Benz PL 19811 5473 93 0 Mercedes-BenzPL 10177 1576 03 0 Mercedes-Benz PL 10195 1932 03 0 MWMHL 10178 1577 03 0 Mercedes-Benz HL 10197 1933 03 0 MWMFL 10179 2231 03 0 Mercedes-Benz FL 10196 1934 03 0 MWMHL 10206 1579 03 0 Mercedes-Benz PL 18396 2532 03 0 MWMFL 10209 2238 14 0 Mercedes-Benz HL 18607 2533 03 0 MWMPL 10230 2641 03 0 Mercedes-Benz HL 10010 1064 03 0 ScaniaFL 10231 2643 03 0 Mercedes-Benz PL 10011 1063 03 0 ScaniaPL 10244 2866 14 0 Mercedes-Benz HL 10095 1065 03 0 ScaniaHL 10263 3123 14 0 Mercedes-Benz BB 18074 6925 21 0 ScaniaPL 10264 3127 03 0 Mercedes-Benz HL 10243 2865 03 0 VOLVOPL 10266 3127 93 0 Mercedes-Benz PL 10255 4075 03 0 VOLVOHL 10267 3128 03 0 Mercedes-Benz HL 10256 2949 03 0 VOLVOHL 10269 3128 93 0 Mercedes-Benz PL 10324 4076 03 0 VOLVOPL 10304 3877 03 0 Mercedes-Benz PL 18054 7487 03 0 VOLVOPL 10305 3901 14 0 Mercedes-Benz HL 18056 7488 03 0 VOLVOHL 10306 3902 14 0 Mercedes-Benz BB 18088 6721 21 0 VOLVOBB 10320 4036 21 0 Mercedes-Benz BB 18147 6720 21 0 VOLVOFL 10322 4055 03 0 Mercedes-Benz HL 19913 7482 03 0 VOLVOFL 10328 4172 03 0 Mercedes-Benz PL 19914 7481 03 0 VOLVO

PS 10000 1702 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz PS 10737 1761 P 6 0 Mercedes-BenzHS 10001 0884 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz HS 10743 1763 H 4 0 Mercedes-BenzPS 10002 1761 P 8 0 Mercedes-Benz HS 10746 1763 H 7 0 Mercedes-BenzHS 10003 1763 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz HS 10767 1840 H 5 0 Mercedes-BenzPS 10004 0971 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz HS 10768 1840 H 7 0 Mercedes-BenzHS 10005 1061 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz BS 10779 1818 K 6 0 Mercedes-BenzPS 10006 1761 P 10 0 Mercedes-Benz NS 10780 1357 N 3 0 Mercedes-BenzHS 10007 1763 H 6 0 Mercedes-Benz NS 10782 1356 N 4 0 Mercedes-BenzPS 10098 1850 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz PS 18203 1850 P 5 0 Mercedes-BenzHS 10471 0884 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz AS 18744 1607 A 2 0 Mercedes-BenzPS 10548 1278 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz AS 18750 1732 A 2 0 Mercedes-BenzHS 10549 1279 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz HS 19621 1843 H 4 0 Mercedes-BenzPS 10578 1483 P 4 0 Mercedes-Benz AS 19623 1844 A 2 0 Mercedes-BenzHS 10618 1590 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz HS 10008 0541 H 7 0 ScaniaHS 10643 1606 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz PS 10009 0539 P 6 0 ScaniaPS 10680 1702 P 4 0 Mercedes-Benz NS 18073 1867 N 4 0 ScaniaPS 10701 1730 P 4 0 Mercedes-Benz BS 18075 1868 K 60 ScaniaPS 10702 1730 P 5 0 Mercedes-Benz HS 10589 1487 H 7 0 VOLVOPS 10703 1730 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz PS 10595 1703 P 6 0 VOLVOHS 10704 1731 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz HS 10596 1492 H 7 0 VOLVOHS 10705 1731 H 6 0 Mercedes-Benz PS 10683 1704 P 6 0 VOLVOHS 10706 1731 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz PS 18055 1887 P 6 0 VOLVOBS 10713 1736 K 4 0 Mercedes-Benz HS 18057 1888 H 7 0 VOLVOBS 10714 1736 K 6 0 Mercedes-Benz BS 18089 1871 K 6 0 VOLVOPS 10736 1761 P 12 0 Mercedes-Benz BS 18148 1870 K 6 0 VOLVO

Lagersätze / Bearing groups / jeux Coussinets / juegos Cojinetes


Einzelpaare / Bearing Pairs / Paires Coussinets / Pares Cojinetes




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Lager Nr. Fabrikat Lager Nr. FabrikatBearing No. Make Bearing No. MakeCoussinet No. Produit Coussinet No. ProduitCojinete No. Producto Cojinete No. Producto

VPR91467 2010 03 0 KHD VPM92184 4172 03 0 Mercedes-BenzVPR92207 2701 03 0 KHD VPS96480 4232 21 0 Mercedes-BenzVPM92356 2853 03 0 KHD VPS96482 3913 21 0 Mercedes-BenzVPM92357 2854 03 0 KHD VPS96483 4036 21 0 Mercedes-BenzVPM92509 2011 03 0 KHD VPR91664LC 7670 03 0 Renault (RVI)VPR92181 3127 03 0 Mercedes-Benz VPS96518 6721 21 0 VolvoVPM92183 3128 03 0 Mercedes-Benz

VPC965 1356 N 4 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM92474 1279 H 7 0 Mercedes-BenzVPR91403 1702 P 4 0 Mercedes-Benz VPR92477 1733 P 4 0 Mercedes-BenzVPM91405 0884 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz VPC94098 1820 N 4 0 Mercedes-BenzVPR91406 1702 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz VPW95145A 1732 A 2 0 Mercedes-BenzVPR91414 0971 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz VPW95221A 1607 A 2 0 Mercedes-BenzVPM91416A 1061 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM91126 1889 H 7 0 Renault (RVI)VPR91435 1486 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz VPW95262 1900 A 2 0 Renault (RVI)VPM91436 1487 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz VPR747 0539 P 6 0 ScaniaVPR91552A 1483 P 5 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM748 0541 H 7 0 ScaniaVPM92124 0884 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz VPR266 1491 P 6 0 VolvoVPM92156A 1628 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz VPR6020 1883 P 6 0 VolvoVPR92167 1702 P 4 0 Mercedes-Benz VPR6038 1881 P 6 0 VolvoVPR92168 1702 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM7014 1884 H 7 0 VolvoVPM92173 1840 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM7019 1882 H 7 0 VolvoVPM92175 1840 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM91283 1492 H 7 0 VolvoVPR92177 1278 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM91292 1888 H 7 0 VolvoVPM92322A 1731 H 5 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM91293 1492 H 7 0 VolvoVPM92323A 1731 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM91436 1487 H 7 0 VolvoVPM92324A 1731 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz VPR91769 1887 P 6 0 VolvoVPR92325A 1730 P 4 0 Mercedes-Benz VPM91862 1886 H 7 0 VolvoVPR92326A 1730 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz VPR91901 1703 P 6 0 VolvoVPR92327A 1730 P 6 0 Mercedes-Benz VPR91902 1704 P 6 0 VolvoVPM92458A 1606 H 6 0 Mercedes-Benz VPR92098 1885 P 6 0 VolvoVPM92472 1061 H 7 0 Mercedes-Benz VPS96387 1870 K 6 0 Volvo

Lagersätze / Bearing groups / jeux Coussinets / juegos Cojinetes


Einzelpaare / Bearing Pairs / Paires Coussinets / Pares Cojinetes




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Ref. Nr. Fabrikat Ref. Nr. FabrikatRef. No. Make Ref. No. MakeRef. No. Produit Ref. No. ProduitRef. No. Producto Ref. No. Producto

1063 03 0 71-2948 Scania 3245 03 0 72-2439 IHC1064 03 0 71-2949 Scania 3246 03 0 72-2440 IHC1065 03 0 71-2950 Scania 3247 03 0 71-3520 IHC1226 14 0 71-2203 Steyr 3265 03 0 72-2444 Mercedes-Benz1251 16 0 71-3535 Steyr 3421 03 0 71-3167 KHD1482 12 0 13-1864 Mercedes-Benz 3422 03 0 72-3168 KHD1486 12 0 13-1867 Mercedes-Benz 3487 12 0 13-2416 Mercedes-Benz1488 14 0 72-2082 Steyr 3765 14 0 02-3513 Mercedes-Benz1504 03 0 72-2445 Mercedes-Benz 3809 12 0 13-2553 Mercedes-Benz1506 03 0 71-2413 Mercedes-Benz 3810 12 0 13-2554 Mercedes-Benz1508 03 0 71-2450 MAN 3811 12 0 13-2555 Mercedes-Benz1509 03 0 72-2451 MAN 3812 12 0 13-2556 Mercedes-Benz1576 03 0 71-2549 Mercedes-Benz 3813 12 0 13-2557 Mercedes-Benz1577 03 0 72-2550 Mercedes-Benz 3839 12 0 13-2415 Mercedes-Benz1579 03 0 72-2552 Mercedes-Benz 3840 12 0 13-2417 Mercedes-Benz1727 04 0 71-3552 Steyr 3841 12 0 13-2418 Mercedes-Benz1728 14 0 72-3553 Steyr 3877 03 0 71-3572 Mercedes-Benz1910 03 0 71-2913 MAN 3901 14 0 01-3584 Mercedes-Benz1911 03 0 72-2914 MAN 3901 87 0 01-3771 Mercedes-Benz1912 03 0 72-2915 MAN 3902 14 0 02-3585 Mercedes-Benz1932 03 0 71-2132 MWM 3913 21 0 55-2532 Mercedes-Benz1933 03 0 72-2260 MWM 3939 03 0 71-3605 Mercedes-Benz1934 03 0 72-2261 MWM 3939 03 0 71-3817 Mercedes-Benz2005 21 0 55-2640 KHD 4036 21 0 55-2535 Mercedes-Benz2010 03 0 01-2800 KHD 4055 03 0 72-3602 Mercedes-Benz2011 03 0 02-2228 KHD 4075 03 0 71-3601 Volvo2179 03 0 72-2230 KHD 4076 03 0 71-3613 Volvo2231 03 0 72-2838 Mercedes-Benz 4172 03 0 72-2859 MAN/Merc.-Benz2281 04 0 72-3554 Steyr 4172 03 0 72-3565 MAN/Merc.-Benz2330 04 0 72-2753 Mercedes-Benz 4172 86 0 72-3655 MAN/Merc.-Benz2428 03 0 71-3561 MAN/Merc.-Benz 4178 14 0 72-2204 Steyr2428 26 0 71-3674 MAN/Merc.-Benz 4225 07 0 11-3438 Mercedes-Benz2428 93 0 71-3637 MAN/Merc.-Benz 4232 21 0 55-3328 MAN/Merc.-Benz2431 05 0 13-3102 MAN/Merc.-Benz 4327 21 0 55-2538 Mercedes-Benz2432 05 0 13-3103 MAN/Merc.-Benz 4504 16 0 71-3631 DAF2438 05 0 13-2861 MAN/Merc.-Benz 4505 16 0 72-3632 DAF2532 03 0 71-3447 MWM 4506 16 0 72-3633 DAF2533 03 0 71-3448 MWM 4507 16 0 72-3634 DAF2570 03 0 72-3313 KHD 4618 03 0 72-3563 MAN/Merc.-Benz2571 03 0 72-3314 KHD 4650 93 0 71-3693 Mercedes-Benz2609 03 0 71-2995 Mercedes-Benz 4737 03 0 72-3768 Mercedes-Benz2641 03 0 71-2811 Mercedes-Benz 4802 93 0 71-3812 MAN2643 03 0 72-2812 Mercedes-Benz 4989 07 0 04-3838 Mercedes-Benz2694 01 0 53-2806 MAN 5067 16 0 71-3791 DAF2696 12 0 13-1865 Mercedes-Benz 5073 87 0 71-3645 Mercedes-Benz2697 12 0 13-1866 Mercedes-Benz 5092 93 0 72-3782 Mercedes-Benz2701 03 0 71-2834 KHD 5250 87 0 71-3850 Mercedes-Benz2853 03 0 72-2835 KHD 5251 03 0 72-3851 Mercedes-Benz2853 03 0 72-3294 KHD 5380 93 0 71-3835 Mercedes-Benz2854 03 0 72-3295 KHD 5381 93 0 71-3868 Mercedes-Benz2854 03 0 72-2836 KHD 5398 03 0 71-3866 DAF2866 14 0 01-3040 Mercedes-Benz 5473 93 0 71-3893 Mercedes-Benz2867 01 0 53-3098 MAN/Merc.-Benz 5475 93 0 72-3894 Mercedes-Benz2868 01 0 53-3104 MAN/Merc.-Benz 5476 93 0 72-3894 H Mercedes-Benz2949 03 0 72-2962 Volvo 5493 21 0 55-2650 KHD3123 14 0 02-3435 Mercedes-Benz 5785 16 0 72-3963 DAF3127 03 0 71-3009 MAN/Merc.-Benz 5827 03 0 71-3938 MAN3127 03 0 71-3324 MAN/Merc.-Benz 5827 93 0 71-3939 MAN3127 26 0 71-3653 MAN/Merc.-Benz 5915 93 0 71-3876 Mercedes-Benz3127 93 0 71-3638 MAN/Merc.-Benz 5948 03 0 72-3100 MAN/Merc.-Benz3128 03 0 71-3564 MAN/Merc.-Benz 5948 03 0 72-3562 MAN/Merc.-Benz3128 03 0 72-2858 MAN/Merc.-Benz 5986 93 0 72-3856 Mercedes-Benz3128 86 0 72-3654 MAN/Merc.-Benz 6138 03 0 71-3660 MAN3184 03 0 72-2452 MAN 6139 03 0 72-3772 MAN3244 03 0 71-2438 IHC 6139 93 0 72-3941 MAN


Einzelpaare / Bearing Pairs / Paires Coussinets / Pares Cojinetes




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Ref. Nr. Fabrikat Ref. Nr. FabrikatRef. No. Make Ref. No. MakeRef. No. Produit Ref. No. ProduitRef. No. Producto Ref. No. Producto

6140 03 0 72-3773 H MAN 7481 03 0 71-3923 Volvo6601 21 0 55-3997 Mercedes-Benz 7482 03 0 72-4020 Volvo6611 03 0 72-3836 Mercedes-Benz 7485 03 0 71-3695 Volvo6611 93 0 72-3837 Mercedes-Benz 7486 03 0 72-3489 Volvo6720 21 0 55-3610 Volvo 7487 03 0 71-3623 Volvo6721 21 0 55-3925 Volvo 7488 03 0 72-2953 Volvo7036 21 0 55-3170 KHD 7600 03 0 71-4239 Renault (RVI)7264 21 0 55-3813 MAN 7976 03 0 71-4295 Renault (RVI)7313 21 0 53-3944 MAN 8009 03 0 71-4290 Renault (RVI)7314 21 0 53-3945 MAN

0541 H 7 0 H 840/ 7 Scania 1606 H 6 0 H 951/ 6 Mercedes-Benz0541 H 7 0 H 1059/ 7 Scania 1609 H 4 0 H 931/ 4 KHD0755 H 3 0 H 623/ 3 Steyr 1609 H 5 0 H 931/ 5 KHD0755 H 7 0 H 623/ 7 Steyr 1609 H 6 0 H 931/ 6 KHD0884 H 5 0 H 712/ 5 Mercedes-Benz 1609 H 7 0 H 931/ 7 KHD0884 H 7 0 H 712/ 7 Mercedes-Benz 1628 H 5 0 H 977/ 5 Mercedes-Benz0951 H 7 0 H 714/ 7 MAN 1731 H 5 0 H 997/ 5 Mercedes-Benz1028 H 3 0 H 642/ 3 MWM 1731 H 6 0 H 997/ 6 Mercedes-Benz1028 H 4 0 H 642/ 4 MWM 1731 H 7 0 H 997/ 7 Mercedes-Benz1028 H 5 0 H 642/ 5 MWM 1735 H 4 0 H 651/ 4 Steyr1028 H 7 0 H 642/ 7 MWM 1735 H 5 0 H 651/ 5 Steyr1033 H 3 0 H 806/ 3 KHD 1763 H 4 0 H 821/ 4 MAN/Merc.-Benz1037 H 7 0 H 828/ 7 MAN 1763 H 5 0 H 821/ 5 MAN/Merc.-Benz1041 H 4 0 H 503/ 4 KHD 1763 H 5 0 H 993/ 5 MAN/Merc.-Benz1041 H 5 0 H 503/ 5 KHD 1763 H 6 0 H 821/ 6 MAN/Merc.-Benz1061 H 6 0 H 818/ 6 Mercedes-Benz 1763 H 6 0 H 993/ 6 MAN/Merc.-Benz1061 H 7 0 H 818/ 7 Mercedes-Benz 1763 H 7 0 H 993/ 7 MAN/Merc.-Benz1133 H 7 0 H 989/ 7 Steyr 1763 H 7 0 H 821/ 7 MAN/Merc.-Benz1279 H 7 0 H 809/ 7 Mercedes-Benz 1764 H 4 0 H 012/ 4 MAN/Merc.-Benz1293 H 5 0 H 990/ 5 Steyr 1764 H 5 0 H 012/ 5 MAN/Merc.-Benz1293 H 7 0 H 990/ 7 Steyr 1764 H 6 0 H 012/ 6 MAN/Merc.-Benz1305 H 6 0 H 881/ 6 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1764 H 7 0 H 012/ 7 MAN/Merc.-Benz1305 H 6 0 H 014/ 6 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1778 H 5 0 H 081/ 5 MAN1305 H 6 0 H 992/ 6 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1778 H 7 0 H 081/ 7 MAN1305 H 7 0 H 881/ 7 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1783 H 7 0 H 005/ 7 DAF1305 H 7 0 H 992/ 7 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1807 H 5 0 H 999/ 5 Mercedes-Benz1305 H 7 0 H 014/ 7 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1807 H 7 0 H 999/ 7 Mercedes-Benz1485 H 4 0 H 814/ 4 KHD 1828 H 5 0 H 051/ 5 Mercedes-Benz1485 H 4 0 H 925/ 4 KHD 1828 H 7 0 H 051/ 7 Mercedes-Benz1485 H 5 0 H 814/ 5 KHD 1840 H 5 0 H 048/ 5 Mercedes-Benz1485 H 5 0 H 925/ 5 KHD 1840 H 7 0 H 048/ 7 Mercedes-Benz1485 H 6 0 H 814/ 6 KHD 1843 H 4 0 H 063/ 4 Mercedes-Benz1485 H 6 0 H 925/ 6 KHD 1846 H 5 0 H 064/ 5 Mercedes-Benz1485 H 7 0 H 814/ 7 KHD 1848 H 5 0 H 067/ 5 Mercedes-Benz1485 H 7 0 H 925/ 7 KHD 1848 H 7 0 H 067/ 7 Mercedes-Benz1487 H 7 0 H 913/ 7 Volvo 1852 H 5 0 H 049/ 5 MAN1487 H 7 0 H 918/ 7 Volvo 1852 H 7 0 H 049/ 7 MAN1487 H 7 0 H 1053/ 7 Volvo 1858 H 7 0 H 089/ 7 DAF1492 H 7 0 H 842/ 7 Volvo 1859 H 7 0 H 083/ 7 MAN1571 H 4 0 H 720/ 4 IHC 1861 H 5 0 H 068/ 5 Mercedes-Benz1571 H 5 0 H 720/ 5 IHC 1861 H 6 0 H 068/ 6 Mercedes-Benz1571 H 7 0 H 720/ 7 IHC 1861 H 7 0 H 068/ 7 Mercedes-Benz1587 H 7 0 H 892/ 7 KHD 1864 H 7 0 H 075/ 7 Mercedes-Benz1590 H 5 0 H 914/ 5 Mercedes-Benz 1879 H 5 0 H 082/ 5 MAN1590 H 6 0 H 914/ 6 Mercedes-Benz 1879 H 7 0 H 082/ 7 MAN1592 H 3 0 H 957/ 3 MWM 1882 H 7 0 H 1006/ 7 Volvo1592 H 4 0 H 957/ 4 MWM 1886 H 7 0 H 969/ 7 Volvo1592 H 5 0 H 957/ 5 MWM 1888 H 7 0 H 841/ 7 Volvo1592 H 7 0 H 957/ 7 MWM 1910 H 7 0 H 1019/ 7 Scania1606 H 5 0 H 951/ 5 Mercedes-Benz 1915 H 5 0 H 1060/ 5 Scania

Hauptlagersätze / Main bearing set / Jeu de paliers principaux / Juego de cojinetes principales


Einzelpaare / Bearing Pairs / Paires Coussinets / Pares Cojinetes




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Ref. Nr. Fabrikat Ref. Nr. FabrikatRef. No. Make Ref. No. MakeRef. No. Produit Ref. No. ProduitRef. No. Producto Ref. No. Producto

0853 A 2 0 A 75/ 4 Steyr 1732 A 2 0 A 129/ 4 Mercedes-Benz1916 A 4 0 A 216/ 4 Scania 1844 A 2 0 A 150/ 4 Mercedes-Benz0854 A 2 0 A 76/ 4 Steyr 1873 A 2 0 A 159/ 4 Mercedes-Benz1607 A 2 0 A 113/ 4 Mercedes-Benz

1277 N 4 0 N 110/ 4 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1641 N 6 0 N 82/ 6 Mercedes-Benz1277 N 5 0 N 110/ 5 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1641 N 7 0 N 82/ 7 Mercedes-Benz1277 N 6 0 N 110/ 6 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1645 N 7 0 N 75/ 7 Mercedes-Benz1277 N 7 0 N 110/ 7 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1819 N 3 0 N 127/ 3 Mercedes-Benz1307 N 6 0 N 109/ 6 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1820 N 4 0 N 128/ 4 Mercedes-Benz1307 N 7 0 N 109/ 7 MAN/Merc.-Benz 1875 N 4 0 N 125/ 4 MAN1356 N 4 0 N 49/ 4 Mercedes-Benz 1875 N 6 0 N 125/ 6 MAN1357 N 3 0 N 122/ 3 SEMI Mercedes-Benz 1876 N 5 0 N 150/ 5 MAN1580 N 4 0 N 91/ 4 MAN 1876 N 7 0 N 150/ 7 MAN

Nockenwellenbüchsen- Sätze / Camshaft bush set / Jeu de douilles pour arbre à came / Juego de bujes de àrbol de levas




Anlaufringsätze / Thrust washer set / Jeu d`anneaux de poussée / Juego de anillos de arranque


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Ref. Nr. Satz Nr. Fabrikat Ref. Nr. Satz Nr. FabrikatRef. No. Set No. Make Ref. No. Set No. MakeRef. No. Jeu No. Produit Ref. No. Jeu No. ProduitRef. No. Juego No. Producto Ref. No. Juego No. Producto

0955 05 0 0853 A 2 0 Steyr 2179 03 0 1033 H 3 0 KHD1022 14 0 1590 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz 2231 03 0 1061 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz

1590 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz 1061 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz1606 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz 2238 14 0 1590 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1606 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz 1590 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz

1063 03 0 0539 P 6 0 Scania 2281 04 0 1293 H 5 0 Steyr1064 03 0 0541 H 7 0 Scania 1293 H 7 0 Steyr1065 03 0 0541 H 7 0 Scania 2282 05 0 1294 A 2 0 Steyr1226 14 0 0703 P 3 0 Steyr 2330 04 0 1246 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz

0703 P 4 0 Steyr 2428 03 0 1304 P 5 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1228 05 0 0854 A 2 0 Steyr 1304 P 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1251 16 0 1656 P 3 0 Steyr 2428 93 0 1824 P 5 0 MAN

1656 P 4 0 Steyr 1824 P 6 0 MAN1656 P 6 0 Steyr 2431 05 0 1307 N 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.

1251 86 0 1784 P 6 0 Steyr 1307 N 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1390 03 0 0682 H 3 0 KHD 1644 N 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.

0682 H 4 0 KHD 1644 N 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B.0682 H 5 0 KHD 2432 05 0 1307 N 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.0682 H 7 0 KHD 1307 N 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B.

1482 12 0 1356 N 4 0 Merc. - Benz 1644 N 6 0 MAN1357 N 3 0 Merc. - Benz 1644 N 7 0 MAN1787 N 3 0 Merc. - Benz 2438 12 0 1277 N 4 0 MAN / Merc.-B.

1486 12 0 1356 N 4 0 Merc. - Benz 1277 N 5 0 MAN / Merc. B.1357 N 30 Merc. - Benz 1277 N 6 0 MAN / Merc. B.1787 N 3 0 Merc. - Benz 1277 N 7 0 MAN / Merc. B.

1488 14 0 0755 H 3 0 Steyr 2532 03 0 1591 P 2 0 MWM0755 H 5 0 Steyr 1591 P 3 0 MWM0755 H 7 0 Steyr 1591 P 4 0 MWM

1504 03 0 0884 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz 1591 P 6 0 MWM0884 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz 2533 03 0 1592 H 3 0 MWM

1504 03 9 0884 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz 1592 H 4 0 MWM0884 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz 1592 H 5 0 MWM

1506 03 0 1279 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz 1592 H 7 0 MWM1508 03 0 0950 P 6 0 MAN 2570 03 0 1609 H 4 0 KHD1509 03 0 0951 H 7 0 MAN 1609 H 5 0 KHD1576 03 0 0971 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz 1609 H 6 0 KHD1577 03 0 1061 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz 1609 H 7 0 KHD

1061 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz 2571 03 0 1609 H 4 0 KHD1579 03 0 1061 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz 1609 H 5 0 KHD

1061 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz 1609 H 6 0 KHD1727 04 0 1132 P 6 0 Steyr 1609 H 7 0 KHD

1132 P 8 0 Steyr 2609 03 0 1281 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz1728 14 0 1133 H 7 0 Steyr 1281 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz1729 05 0 1134 A 2 0 Steyr 2641 03 0 1278 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz1910 03 0 1036 P 6 0 MAN 2643 03 0 1279 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz1911 03 0 1037 H 7 0 MAN 2694 01 0 1580 N 4 0 MAN1912 03 0 1037 H 7 0 MAN 2696 12 0 1787 N 3 0 Merc. - Benz1932 03 0 1027 P 2 0 MWM 1356 N 4 0 Merc. - Benz

1027 P 3 0 MWM 2697 12 0 1357 N 30 Merc. - Benz1027 P 4 0 MWM 1356 N 4 0 Merc. - Benz1027 P 6 0 MWM 2701 03 0 1484 P 6 0 KHD

1933 03 0 1028 H 3 0 MWM 1484 P 6 0 KHD1028 H 4 0 MWM 1484 P 8 0 KHD1028 H 5 0 MWM 1484 P10 0 KHD1028 H 7 0 MWM 1484 P12 0 KHD

1934 03 0 1028 H 3 0 MWM 2853 03 0 1485 H 4 0 KHD1028 H 4 0 MWM 1485 H 5 0 KHD1028 H 5 0 MWM 1485 H 6 0 KHD1028 H 7 0 MWM 1485 H 7 0 KHD

2010 03 0 1032 P 2 0 KHD 2854 03 0 1485 H 4 0 KHD1032 P 3 0 KHD 1485 H 5 0 KHD1032 P 4 0 KHD 1485 H 6 0 KHD1032 P 6 0 KHD 1485 H 7 0 KHD

2011 03 0 1033 H 3 0 KHD 2865 03 0 1487 H 7 0 Volvo1041 H 4 0 KHD 2866 14 0 1483 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz1041 H 5 0 KHD 1483 P 5 0 Merc. - Benz1041 H 7 0 KHD



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Ref. Nr. Satz Nr. Fabrikat Ref. Nr. Satz Nr. FabrikatRef. No. Set No. Make Ref. No. Set No. MakeRef. No. Jeu No. Produit Ref. No. Jeu No. ProduitRef. No. Juego No. Producto Ref. No. Juego No. Producto

2867 01 0 1277 N 4 0 MAN / Merc. B. 1604 H 5 0 John-Deere1277 N 5 0 MAN / Merc. B. 1604 H 7 0 John-Deere1277 N 6 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3606 03 0 1604 H 3 0 John-Deere1277 N 7 0 MAN / Merc. B. 1604 H 4 0 John-Deere

2868 01 0 1307 N 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 1604 H 5 0 John-Deere1307 N 7 0 MAN / Merc. B. 1604 H 7 0 John-Deere

2870 14 0 1618 H 7 0 Steyr 3690 05 0 1653 N 7 0 Steyr2871 05 0 1619 A 2 0 Steyr 3691 03 0 1621 P 6 0 MACK2949 03 0 1492 H 7 0 Volvo 3692 03 0 1622 H 7 0 MACK2992 14 0 1652 H 4 0 Steyr 3693 03 0 1622 H 7 0 MACK

1652 H 5 0 Steyr 3694 03 0 1622 H 7 0 MACK1652 H 7 0 Steyr 3695 03 0 1622 H 7 0 MACK

3123 14 0 1606 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz 3765 14 0 1628 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1606 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz 3766 05 0 1629 A 2 0 Merc. - Benz

3127 03 0 1761 P 6 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3795 03 0 1644 N 6 0 MAN1761 P 8 0 MAN / Merc. B. 1644 N 7 0 MAN1761 P10 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3809 12 0 1641 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz1761 P12 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3810 12 0 1641 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz

3127 26 0 1762 P 6 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3811 12 0 1641 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz1762 P 8 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3812 12 0 1641 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz1762 P10 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3813 12 0 1641 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz1762 P12 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3839 12 0 1645 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz

3127 93 0 1793 P 6 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3840 12 0 1645 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz1793 P 8 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 3841 12 0 1645 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz1793 P10 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 3877 03 0 1702 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz1793 P12 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 1702 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz

3128 03 0 1763 H 4 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3901 14 0 1730 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz1763 H 5 0 MAN / Merc. B. 1730 P 5 0 Merc. - Benz1763 H 6 0 MAN / Merc. B. 1730 P 6 0 Merc. – Benz1763 H 7 0 MAN / Merc. B. 3902 14 0 1731 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz

3128 86 0 1764 H 4 0 MAN / Merc. B. 1731 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz1764 H 5 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 1731 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz1764 H 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 3903 14 0 1732 A 2 0 Merc. - Benz1764 H 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 3939 03 0 1733 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz

3184 03 0 0951 H 7 0 MAN / Merc. B. 1733 P 6 0 Merc. – Benz3209 05 0 1607 A 2 0 Merc. - Benz 3913 21 0 Merc. – Benz3244 03 0 1572 P 3 0 IHC 4036 21 0 1736 K 4 0 Merc. - Benz

1572 P 4 0 IHC 1736 K 6 0 Merc. - Benz1572 P 6 0 IHC 4036 21 1 1736 K 4 1 Merc. - Benz

3245 03 0 1571 H 4 0 IHC 1736 K 6 1 Merc. - Benz1571 H 5 0 IHC 4036 21 2 1736 K 4 2 Merc. - Benz1571 H 7 0 IHC 1736 K 6 2 Merc. - Benz

3246 03 0 1571 H 4 0 IHC 4055 03 0 1840 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1571 H 5 0 IHC 1840 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz1571 H 7 0 IHC 4075 03 0 1703 P 6 0 Volvo

3247 03 0 1570 P 3 0 IHC 4076 03 0 1704 P 6 0 Volvo1570 P 4 0 IHC 4161 03 0 1914 P 8 0 Scania1570 P 6 0 IHC 4162 03 0 1915 H 5 0 Scania

3265 03 0 0884 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz 4172 03 0 1763 H 4 0 MAN / Merc.-B.0884 H 5 9 Merc. - Benz 1763 H 5 0 MAN / Merc.-B.0884 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz 1763 H 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.0884 H 7 9 Merc. - Benz 1763 H 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1807 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz 1828 H 5 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1807 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz 1828 H 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B.

3340 16 0 1654 P 6 0 Steyr 4172 86 0 1764 H 4 0 MAN / Merc.-B.3340 86 0 1785 P 6 0 Steyr 1764 H 5 0 MAN / Merc.-B.

1785 P 8 0 Steyr 1764 H 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.3421 03 0 1586 P 4 0 KHD 1764 H 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B.

1586 P 6 0 KHD 4178 14 0 1735 H 4 0 Steyr3422 03 0 1587 H 5 0 KHD 1735 H 5 0 Steyr

1587 H 7 0 KHD 4179 03 0 1726 P 12 0 Cummins3487 12 0 1645 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz 1726 P 16 0 Cummins3604 03 0 1603 P 3 0 John-Deere 4180 03 0 1727 H 7 0 Cummins

1603 P 4 0 John-Deere 1727 H 9 0 Cummins1603 P 6 0 John-Deere 4181 03 0 1727 H 7 0 Cummins

3605 03 0 1604 H 3 0 John-Deere 1727 H 9 0 Cummins1604 H 4 0 John-Deere 4182 03 0 Cummins



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Ref. Nr. Satz Nr. Fabrikat Ref. Nr. Satz Nr. FabrikatRef. No. Set No. Make Ref. No. Set No. MakeRef. No. Jeu No. Produit Ref. No. Jeu No. ProduitRef. No. Juego No. Producto Ref. No. Juego No. Producto

4232 21 0 1738 K 5 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 6923 12 0 1867 N 4 0 Scania1738 K 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 6925 21 0 1868 K 6 0 Scania1738 K 8 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 7040 12 0 1869 N 7 0 MACK1738 K10 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 7041 21 0 1869 N 7 0 MACK1738 K12 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 7042 21 0 1869 N 7 0 MACK

4277 03 0 1742 P 6 0 Cummins 7043 21 0 1869 N 7 0 MACK4278 03 0 1743 H 7 0 Cummins 7057 21 0 1872 K 6 0 MACK4279 03 0 1743 H 7 0 Cummins 7091 14 0 1873 A 2 0 Merc.-Benz4280 05 0 1744 A 2 0 Cummins 7264 21 0 1874 K 6 0 MAN4504 16 0 1782 P 6 0 DAF 7304 01 0 1875 N 4 0 MAN4505 16 0 1783 H 7 0 DAF 1875 N 6 0 MAN4506 16 0 1783 H 7 0 DAF 7313 01 0 1876 N 5 0 MAN

1858 H 7 0 DAF 1876 N 7 0 MAN4507 16 0 1783 H 7 0 DAF 7314 01 0 1876 N 5 0 MAN

1858 H 7 0 DAF 1876 N 7 0 MAN4618 03 0 1305 H 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 7481 03 0 1881 P 6 0 Volvo

1305 H 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 7482 03 0 1882 H 7 0 Volvo4650 93 0 1794 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz 7483 03 0 1883 P 6 0 Volvo4737 03 0 1840 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz 7484 03 0 1884 H 7 0 Volvo

1840 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz 7485 03 0 1885 P 6 0 Volvo5067 16 0 1814 P 6 0 DAF 7486 03 0 1886 H 7 0 Volvo5092 78 0 1828 H 5 0 Merc.-Benz 7487 03 0 1887 P 6 0 Volvo

1828 H 7 0 Merc.-Benz 7488 03 0 1888 H 7 0 Volvo5250 87 0 1847 P 4 0 Merc.-Benz 7524 03 0 1889 P 4 0 Komatsu

1847 P 6 0 Merc.-Benz 1889 P 6 0 Komatsu5251 03 0 1848 H 5 0 Merc.-Benz 7525 03 0 1890 H 5 0 Komatsu

1848 H 7 0 Merc.-Benz 1890 H 7 0 Komatsu5473 93 0 1863 P 6 0 Merc.-Benz 7526 03 0 1890 H 5 0 Komatsu5475 93 0 1864 H 7 0 Merc.-Benz 1890 H 7 0 Komatsu5476 79 0 1864 H 7 0 Merc.-Benz 7527 01 0 1891 A 2 0 Komatsu5493 21 0 KHD 7570 03 0 1892 P 6 0 Komatsu5785 16 0 1858 H 7 0 DAF 7571 03 0 1893 H 7 0 Komatsu5827 03 0 1880 P 6 0 MAN 7572 01 0 1894 A 3 0 Komatsu5827 93 0 1877 P 6 0 MAN 7573 03 0 1895 P 4 0 Komatsu5915 93 0 1860 P 4 0 Merc.-Benz 1895 P 6 0 Komatsu

1860 P 5 0 Merc.-Benz 7574 03 0 1896 H 5 0 Komatsu1860 P 6 0 Merc.-Benz 1896 H 7 0 Komatsu

5948 03 0 1859 H 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 7575 01 0 1897 A 3 0 Komatsu1305 H 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 7600 03 0 1898 P 6 0 Renault (RVI)1305 H 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B. 7601 03 0 1899 H 7 0 Renault (RVI)

5986 93 0 1861 H 5 0 Merc.-Benz 7602 03 0 1899 H 7 0 Renault (RVI)1861 H 6 0 Merc.-Benz 7603 01 0 1900 A 2 0 Renault (RVI)1861 H 7 0 Merc.-Benz 7944 03 0 1903 P 4 0 Komatsu

6004 12 0 1357 N 3 0 Merc.-Benz 7945 03 0 1904 H 5 0 Komatsu6005 01 0 1819 N 3 0 Merc.-Benz 7946 03 0 1906 P 4 0 Komatsu6017 37 0 1865 N 6 0 MAN 7947 03 0 1907 H 5 0 Komatsu6138 03 0 1851 P 4 0 MAN 7948 03 0 1907 H 5 0 Komatsu

1851 P 6 0 MAN 7954 03 0 1910 H 7 0 Scania6139 03 0 1852 H 5 0 MAN 7955 03 0 1909 P 6 0 Scania

1852 H 7 0 MAN 7956 01 0 1911 A 4 0 Scania1878 H 5 0 MAN 7962 01 0 1905 A 3 0 Komatsu1878 H 7 0 MAN 7963 01 0 1908 A 4 0 Komatsu

6139 93 0 1879 H 5 0 MAN 7969 01 0 1913 N 7 0 Scania1879 H 7 0 MAN 7971 01 0 1916 A 4 0 Scania

6140 03 0 1852 H 5 0 MAN 7972 21 0 1917 K 8 0 Scania1852 H 7 0 MAN 7975 03 0 1918 A 4 0 Volvo

6601 21 0 1862 K 6 0 Merc.-Benz 7976 03 0 1919 P 6 0 Renault (RVI)1862 K 8 0 Merc.-Benz 7977 03 0 1920 H 7 0 Renault (RVI)1862 K 10 0 Merc.-Benz 7978 01 0 1921 A 2 0 Renault (RVI)1862 K 12 0 Merc.-Benz 7979 21 0 1912 K 6 0 Scania

6611 03 0 1843 H 4 0 Merc.-Benz6611 93 0 1846 H 4 0 Merc.-Benz

1846 H 5 0 Merc.-Benz6720 21 0 1870 K 6 0 Volvo6721 21 0 1871 K 6 0 Volvo6921 12 0 1867 N 4 0 Scania6922 12 0 1867 N 4 0 Scania



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Satz Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. FabrikatSet No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. MakeJeu No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. ProduitJuego No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. Producto

0539 P 6 0 Scania0541 H 7 0 Scania0703 P 3 0 Steyr0703 P 4 0 Steyr0755 H 3 0 Steyr0755 H 5 0 Steyr0755 H 7 0 Steyr0853 A 2 0 Steyr0854 A 2 0 Steyr0884 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz0884 H 5 9 Merc. – Benz0884 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz0884 H 7 9 Merc. - Benz0950 P 6 0 MAN0951 H 7 0 MAN0971 P 5 0 Merc. - Benz0971 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz1027 P 2 0 MWM1027 P 3 0 MWM1027 P 4 0 MWM1027 P 6 0 MWM1028 H 3 0 MWM1028 H 4 0 MWM1028 H 5 0 MWM1028 H 7 0 MWM1032 P 2 0 KHD1032 P 3 0 KHD1032 P 4 0 KHD1032 P 6 0 KHD1033 H 3 0 KHD1036 P 6 0 MAN1037 H 7 0 MAN1041 H 4 0 KHD1041 H 5 0 KHD1041 H 7 0 KHD1061 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz1061 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz1132 P 6 0 Steyr1132 P 8 0 Steyr1133 H 7 0 Steyr1134 A 2 0 Steyr1277 N 4 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1277 N 5 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1277 N 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1277 N 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1278 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz1279 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz1281 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz1281 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz1293 H 5 0 Steyr1293 H 7 0 Steyr1294 A 2 0 Steyr1304 P 5 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1304 P 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1305 H 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1305 H 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1307 N 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1307 N 7 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1356 N 4 0 Merc. - Benz1357 N 3 0 SE Merc. - Benz1357 N 3 0 STD Merc. - Benz1483 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz1483 P 5 0 Merc. - Benz1484 P 6 0 KHD1484 P 8 0 KHD1484 P10 0 KHD1484 P12 0 KHD


6 - 1576 03 05 - 1576 03 06 - 1509 03 06 - 1508 03 06 - 3265 03 06 - 3265 03 04 - 3265 03 04 - 3265 03 02 - 1228 05 02 - 0955 05 07 - 1488 14 05 - 1488 14 03 - 1488 14 04 - 1226 14 03 - 1226 14 06 - 1064 03 06 - 1063 03 0

6 - 1933 03 04 - 1933 03 03 - 1933 03 02 - 1933 03 06 - 1932 03 04 - 1932 03 03 - 1932 03 02 - 1932 03 0

5 - 1577 03 04 - 1577 03 07 - 2011 03 05 - 2011 03 04 - 2011 03 06 - 1911 03 06 - 1910 03 01 - 2011 03 06 - 2010 03 04 - 2010 03 03 - 2010 03 02 - 2010 03 0

1 - 2431 05 01 - 2431 05 06 - 5948 03 05 - 5948 03 06 - 2428 03 05 - 2428 03 02 - 2282 05 07 - 2281 04 05 - 2281 04 06 - 2609 03 04 - 2609 03 06 - 1506 03 06 - 2641 03 06 - 2438 12 05 - 2438 12 04 - 2438 12 03 - 2438 12 02 - 1729 05 07 - 1728 14 08 - 1727 04 06 - 1727 04 0

12- 2701 03 010- 2701 03 08 - 2701 03 06 - 2701 03 05 - 2866 14 04 - 2866 14 01 - 6004 12 0 STD1 - 1482 12 0 SE1 - 1482 12 0

1 - 1934 03 0

1 - 1934 03 01 - 1934 03 01 - 1934 03 0

1 - 3184 03 0

1 - 1504 03 91 - 1504 03 01 - 1504 03 91 - 1504 03 0

6 - 1065 03 0

1 - 1912 03 0

2 - 2179 03 0

1 - 2643 16 0

1 - 2867 01 01 - 2867 01 01 - 2867 01 01 - 2867 01 0

1 - 1579 03 01 - 1579 03 0

1 - 1486 12 0 STD1 - 1486 12 0 SE1 - 1486 12 05 - 2432 05 04 - 2432 05 01 - 4618 03 01 - 4618 03 0

1 - 2231 03 01 - 2231 03 0

1 - 2868 01 01 - 2868 01 01 - 2696 12 01 - 2697 12 0 SE1 - 2697 12 0 STD

1 - 2697 12 0


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Satz Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. FabrikatSet No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. MakeJeu No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. ProduitJuego No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. Producto

1485 H 4 0 KHD1485 H 5 0 KHD1485 H 6 0 KHD1485 H 7 0 KHD1487 H 7 0 Volvo1492 H 7 0 Volvo1570 P 3 0 IHC1570 P 4 0 IHC1570 P 6 0 IHC1571 H 4 0 IHC1571 H 5 0 IHC1571 H 7 0 IHC1572 P 3 0 IHC1572 P 4 0 IHC1572 P 6 0 IHC1580 N 4 0 MAN1586 P 4 0 KHD1586 P 6 0 KHD1587 H 5 0 KHD1587 H 7 0 KHD1590 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1590 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz1591 P 2 0 MWM1591 P 3 0 MWM1591 P 4 0 MWM1591 P 6 0 MWM1592 H 3 0 MWM1592 H 4 0 MWM1592 H 5 0 MWM1592 H 7 0 MWM1603 P 3 0 John-Deere1603 P 4 0 John-Deere1603 P 6 0 John-Deere1604 H 3 0 John-Deere1604 H 4 0 John-Deere1604 H 5 0 John-Deere1604 H 7 0 John-Deere1606 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1606 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz1607 A 2 0 Merc. - Benz1609 H 4 0 KHD1609 H 5 0 KHD1609 H 6 0 KHD1609 H 7 0 KHD1618 H 7 0 Steyr1619 A 2 0 Steyr1621 P 6 0 MACK1622 H 7 0 MACK1628 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1641 N 6 0 Merc. - Benz1641 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz

1644 N 6 0 MAN1644 N 7 0 MAN1645 N 7 0 Merc. - Benz1652 H 4 0 Steyr1652 H 5 0 Steyr1652 H 7 0 Steyr1653 N 7 0 Steyr1654 P 6 0 Steyr1656 P 3 0 Steyr1656 P 4 0 Steyr1656 P 6 0 Steyr1702 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz1702 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz1703 P 6 0 Volvo1704 P 6 0 Volvo


4 - 3421 03 04 - 2694 01 06 - 3244 03 04 - 3244 03 03 - 3244 03 06 - 3245 03 04 - 3245 03 03 - 3245 03 06 - 3247 03 04 - 3247 03 03 - 3247 03 07 - 2949 03 07 - 2865 03 06 - 2853 03 05 - 2853 03 04 - 2853 03 03 - 2853 03 0

4 - 2532 03 03 - 2532 03 02 - 2532 03 05 - 1022 14 04 - 1022 14 07 - 3422 03 05 - 3422 03 06 - 3421 03 0

6 - 3605 03 04 - 3605 03 03 - 3605 03 02 - 3605 03 06 - 3604 03 04 - 3604 03 03 - 3604 03 07 - 2533 03 05 - 2533 03 04 - 2533 03 03 - 2533 03 06 - 2532 03 0

7 - 2992 14 05 - 2992 14 04 - 2992 14 01 - 3839 12 01 - 2431 05 01 - 2431 05 01 - 3813 12 01 - 3809 12 01 - 3809 12 05 - 3765 14 01 - 3693 03 06 - 3691 03 02 - 2871 05 07 - 2870 14 06 - 2570 16 05 - 2570 03 04 - 2570 03 03 - 2570 03 02 - 3209 05 05 - 1022 14 04 - 1022 14 0

6 - 4076 03 06 - 4075 03 06 - 3877 03 04 - 3877 03 06 - 1251 16 04 - 1251 16 03 - 1251 16 06 - 3340 16 07 - 3690 05 0

1 - 2238 14 01 - 2238 14 0

1 - 3246 03 01 - 3246 03 01 - 3246 03 0

1 - 2854 03 01 - 2854 03 01 - 2854 03 01 - 2854 03 0

1 - 2571 16 01 - 2571 16 01 - 2571 16 01 - 2571 16 0

1 - 3123 14 01 - 3123 14 01 - 3606 03 01 - 3606 03 01 - 3606 03 01 - 3606 03 0

4 - 3487 12 05 - 2432 05 04 - 2432 05 0

3 - 3810 12 02 - 3810 12 0

4 - 3692 03 0 1 - 3694 03 0

1 - 3812 12 01 - 3812 12 01 - 3811 12 0

1 - 3695 03 0

1 - 3840 12 01 - 3795 03 01 - 3795 03 0

1 - 3811 12 0

1 - 3841 12 0


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Satz Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. FabrikatSet No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. MakeJeu No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. ProduitJuego No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. Producto

1726 P 12 0 Cummins1726 P 16 0 Cummins1727 H 7 0 Cummins1727 H 9 0 Cummins1730 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz1730 P 5 0 Merc. - Benz1730 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz1731 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1731 H 6 0 Merc. - Benz1731 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz1732 A 2 0 Merc. - Benz1733 P 4 0 Merc. - Benz1733 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz1735 H 4 0 Steyr1735 H 5 0 Steyr1736 K 4 0 Merc. - Benz1736 K 6 0 Merc. - Benz1738 K 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1738 K 8 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1738 K10 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1738 K12 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1742 P 6 0 6 - 4277 03 0 Cummins1743 H 7 0 5 - 4278 03 0 2 - 4279 03 0 Cummins1744 A 2 0 2 - 4280 05 0 Cummins1761 P 6 0 6 - 3127 03 0 Merc.-B./MAN1761 P 8 0 8 - 3127 03 0 Merc.-B./MAN1761 P10 0 10- 3127 03 0 Merc.-B./MAN1761 P12 0 12- 3127 03 0 Merc.-B./MAN1762 P 6 0 6 - 3127 26 0 Merc.-B./MAN1762 P 8 0 8 - 3127 26 0 Merc.-B./MAN1762 P10 0 10- 3127 26 0 Merc.-B./MAN1762 P12 0 12- 3127 26 0 Merc.-B./MAN1763 H 4 0 3 - 3128 03 0 1 - 4172 03 0 Merc.-B./MAN1763 H 5 0 4 - 3128 03 0 1 - 4172 03 0 Merc.-B./MAN1763 H 6 0 5 - 3128 03 0 1 - 4172 03 0 Merc.-B./MAN1763 H 7 0 6 - 3128 03 0 1 - 4172 03 0 Merc.-B./MAN1764 H 4 0 3 - 3128 86 0 1 - 4172 86 0 Merc.-B./MAN1764 H 5 0 4 - 3128 86 0 1 - 4172 86 0 Merc.-B./MAN1764 H 6 0 5 - 3128 86 0 1 - 4172 86 0 Merc.-B./MAN1764 H 7 0 6 - 3128 86 0 1 - 4172 86 0 Merc.-B./MAN1782 P 6 0 6 - 4504 16 0 DAF1783 H 7 0 1 - 4505 16 0 4 - 4506 16 0 2 - 4507 16 0 DAF1785 P 6 0 6 - 3340 86 0 Steyr1785 P 8 0 8 - 3340 86 0 Steyr1793 P 6 0 6 - 3127 93 0 Merc.-B./MAN1793 P 8 0 8 - 3127 93 0 Merc.-B./MAN1793 P10 0 Merc.-B./MAN1793 P12 0 Merc.-B./MAN1794 P 6 0 Merc. - Benz1807 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1807 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz1814 P 6 0 DAF1818 K 5 0 Merc. - Benz1818 K 6 0 Merc. - Benz1819 N 3 0 Merc. - Benz1819 N 3 0 STD Merc. - Benz1820 N 4 0 Merc. - Benz1824 P 5 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1824 P 6 0 MAN / Merc.-B.1828 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1828 H 7 0 Merc. - Benz1831 P 6 0 MAN1840 H 5 0 Merc. - Benz1840 H 7 0 Merc. – Benz1842 P 6 0 Merc. – Benz1843 H 4 0 Merc. – Benz1844 A 2 0 Merc. – Benz


6 - 4036 21 04 - 4036 21 05 - 4178 14 04 - 4178 14 06 - 3939 03 04 - 3939 03 02 - 3903 14 0

12- 4232 21 010- 4232 21 0

7 - 3902 14 06 - 3902 14 05 - 3902 14 06 - 3901 14 0

8 - 4232 21 06 - 4232 21 0

7 - 4180 03 05 - 4180 03 016 - 4179 03 012 - 4179 03 0

5 - 3901 14 04 - 3901 14 0

12- 3127 93 010- 3127 93 0

5 - 2428 93 01 - 5232 01 01 - 6005 01 0 STD1 - 5232 01 0 SE6 - 4327 21 05 - 4327 21 0

6 - 4802 93 06 - 5092 78 0

6 - 5067 16 06 - 3265 03 04 - 3265 03 06 - 4650 93 0

4 - 5092 78 06 - 2428 93 0

2 - 4989 07 04 - 6611 03 06 - 5380 93 04 - 4737 036 - 4737 03

2 - 4181 03 02 - 4181 03 0

1 - 4172 03

1 - 4055 031 - 4055 03

1 - 4172 03

1 - 2696 12 01 - 2697 12 0 STD1 - 2697 12 0 SE

1 - 4055 03 01 - 4055 03 0

1 - 2697 12 01 - 1486 12 0 STD1 - 1486 12 0 SE

1 - 1486 12 0


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Satz Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. FabrikatSet No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. MakeJeu No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. ProduitJuego No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. Producto

1845 P 8 0 Merc. – Benz1846 H 4 0 Merc. – Benz1846 H 5 0 Merc. – Benz1847 P 4 0 Merc. – Benz1847 P 6 0 Merc. – Benz1848 H 5 0 Merc. – Benz1848 H 7 0 Merc. – Benz1850 P 5 0 Merc. – Benz1850 P 6 0 Merc. – Benz1851 P 4 0 MAN1851 P 6 0 MAN1852 H 5 0 MAN1852 H 7 0 MAN1855 P 6 0 DAF1858 H 7 0 1 - 5785 16 0 4 – 4506 16 0 2 - 4507 16 0 DAF1859 H 7 0 7 - 5948 03 0 MAN1860 P 4 0 4 - 5915 93 0 Merc. – Benz1860 P 5 0 5 - 5915 93 0 Merc. – Benz1860 P 6 0 6 - 5915 93 0 Merc. – Benz1861 H 5 0 5 - 5986 93 0 Merc. – Benz1861 H 6 0 6 - 5986 93 0 Merc. – Benz1861 H 7 0 7 - 5986 93 0 Merc. – Benz1862 K 6 0 Merc. – Benz1862 K 8 0 Merc. – Benz1862 K 10 0 Merc. – Benz1862 K 12 0 Merc. – Benz1863 P 6 0 Merc. – Benz1864 H 7 0 Merc. – Benz1865 N 6 0 MAN1865 N 7 0 MAN1867 N 4 0 Scania1868 K 6 0 Scania1869 N 7 0 MACK1870 K 6 0 Volvo1871 K 6 0 Volvo1872 K 6 0 MACK1873 A 2 0 MAN1874 K 6 0 MAN1875 N 4 0 MAN1875 N 6 0 MAN1876 N 5 0 MAN1876 N 7 0 MAN1877 P 4 0 MAN1877 P 6 0 MAN1878 H 5 0 MAN1878 H 7 0 MAN1879 H 5 0 MAN1879 H 7 0 MAN1880 P 6 0 MAN1881 P 6 0 Volvo1882 H 7 0 Volvo1883 P 6 0 Volvo1884 H 7 0 Volvo1885 P 6 0 Volvo1886 H 7 0 Volvo1887 P 6 0 Volvo1888 H 7 0 Volvo1889 P 4 0 Komatsu1889 P 6 0 Komatsu1890 H 5 0 Komatsu1890 H 7 0 Komatsu1891 A 2 0 Komatsu1892 P 6 0 Komatsu1893 H 7 0 Komatsu1894 A 3 0 Komatsu1895 P 4 0 Komatsu1895 P 6 0 Komatsu

6 - 5398 03 06 - 6139 03 04 - 6139 03 06 - 6138 03 0

6 - 5073 87 05 - 5073 87 07 - 5151 03 05 - 5251 03 06 - 5250 87 0


1 - 6921 12 01 - 2431 05 0

4 - 5250 87 05 - 6611 93 04 - 6611 93 08 - 5381 93 0

10 - 6601 21 08 - 6601 21 06 - 6601 21 0

4 - 6138 03 0

2 - 7091 14 06 - 7057 21 06 - 6721 21 06 - 6720 21 01 - 7040 12 06 - 6925 21 0

1 - 2431 05 06 - 5475 93 06 - 5473 93 012 - 6601 21 0

4 - 7524 03 07 - 7488 03 06 - 7487 03 07 - 7486 03 06 - 7485 03 07 - 7484 03 0

6 - 5827 93 04 - 5827 93 06 - 7313 01 04 - 7313 01 0

6 - 7483 03 07 - 7482 03 06 - 7481 03 06 - 5827 03 07 - 6139 93 05 - 6139 93 0

6 - 7264 21 0

6 - 7573 03 04 - 7573 03 03 - 7572 01 07 - 7571 03 06 - 7570 03 02 - 7527 01 05 - 7525 03 0

7 - 6139 03 05 - 6139 03 0

1 - 6140 03 0

4 - 7525 03 06 - 7524 03 0

6 - 7304 01 04 - 7304 01 0

1 - 6140 03 0

2 - 6922 12 01 - 6017 37 01 - 6017 37 01 - 5476 79 0

1 - 7314 01 01 - 7314 01 0

1 - 7041 21 0

2 - 7526 03 01 - 7526 03 0

3 - 7042 21 0

1 - 6923 12 05 - 2432 05 04 – 2432 05 0

2 - 7043 21 0


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Satz Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. Menge Ref. Nr. FabrikatSet No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. Qty. Ref. No. MakeJeu No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. Qute Ref. No. ProduitJuego No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. C`dad Ref. No. Producto

1896 H 5 0 Komatsu1896 H 7 0 Komatsu1897 A 3 0 Komatsu1898 P 6 0 Renault (RVI)1899 H 7 0 Renault (RVI)1900 A 2 0 Renault (RVI)1903 P 4 0 Komatsu1904 H 5 0 Komatsu1905 A 3 0 Komatsu1906 P 4 0 Komatsu1907 H 5 0 Komatsu1908 A 4 0 Komatsu1909 P 6 0 Scania1910 H 7 0 Scania1911 A 4 0 Scania1912 K 6 0 Scania1913 N 7 0 Scania1914 P 8 0 Scania1915 H 5 0 Scania1916 A 4 0 Scania1917 K 8 0 Scania1918 A 4 0 Volvo1919 P 6 0 Renault (RVI)1920 H 7 0 Renault (RVI)1921 A 2 0 Renault (RVI)


7 - 7969 01 06 - 7979 21 04 - 7956 01 07 - 7954 03 06 - 7955 03 04 - 7963 01 03 - 7947 03 04 - 7946 03 03 - 7962 01 05 - 7945 03 04 - 7944 03 02 - 7603 01 04 - 7601 03 0 6 - 7600 03 03 - 7575 01 0 7 - 7574 03 05 - 7574 03 0

2 - 7978 01 07 - 7977 03 06 - 7976 03 04 - 7975 03 08 - 7972 21 04 - 7971 01 05 - 4162 03 08 - 4161 03 0

2 - 7948 03 0

3 x 7602 03 0


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Führende Motorenhersteller in der ganzen Welt These top quality Miba engine bearings are usedverwenden Gleitlager höchster Qualität - von Miba. by these top quality engine builders.

Belgien/Belgium Finnland/FinlandAnglo Belgian Cooperation N.V. Wärtsilä Finland OYGent Vasa-Factory

Brasilien/Brasil Frankreich/France

Mercedes-Benz do Brasil S.A. Iveco Fiat France SASao Paulo Boubon-Lancy

China Moteurs Baudouin SACassis Cedex

Dloco Dalian LocomotiveDalian Renault Vehicules Industriels (RVI)

Venissieux (Rhone)Weichai Power Co., LtdShandong M.A.N. Diesel SA

Saint NazaireWuxi Diesel Engine Works, FawJiangsu Wärtsilä France SA


Indien/IndiaM.A.N. Diesel A/SFrederikshaven Indian Railways-Diesel

Locomotive WorksM.A.N. Diesel A/S VaranasiCopenhagen

Kirloskar Oil Engines LTDDeutschland/Germany Poona

Italien/ItalyWärtsilä Italy S.p.A.

Deutz AG TriestKöln, Ulm

Isotta Fraschini Motori S.p.A.M.A.N. Nutzfahrzeuge AG BariNürnberg, München

JapanM.A.N. Diesel SEAugsburg Daihatsu Diesel MFG. Co. LTD

OsakaDaimler AGStuttgard- Untertürkheim, Mannheim, Hitachi ZosenGermesheim Osaka

Motorenfabrik Hatz Mitsubishi Heavy Industries LTDRuhstorf/Rott Yokohama

MWM-Motoren-Werke AG Niigata Engineering Co. LTDMannheim Ohta City

MTU-Friedrichshafen GmbH NKKFriedrichshafen Yokohama

Yanmar Diesel Engine Co. LTDSKL Motor GmbH TokyoMagdeburg

Kanada/CanadaEngland/Great Britain Pratt&Whitney Canada Corp.

Longueuil, QuebecCummins Engine CompanyDaventry Kroatien/CroatiaM.A.N. Diesel LTD Adria DieselStockport Karlovac

M.A.N. Paxman Diesels LTD Brodosplit-Shipyard LTDColchester Split

M.A.N. Ruston Diesels LTD UljanikNewton-Le-Willows Pula


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Les meilleurs constructeurs de moteurs exigent Cojinetes Miba: Ia mejor calidad requerido yles coussinets de qualite superieure: Miba. empleado por las fabricas de motores que mar-

can rumbos.

Niederlande/Netherlands Spanien/Spain

DAF Trucks N.V. Astilleros Espanoles S.A.Eindhoven Lizenz Sulzer Bilbao, Madrid

GEA Grenco B.V. Guascor S.A.Hertogenbosch Zumaia

Wärtsilä Nederland B.V. Echevarria S.A.Zwolle Bermeo

Norwegen/Norway Iveco-Pegaso S.A.Madrid

Saab Motor A.S.Bergen Navantia S.A.

CartagenaSperre Industri A.S.Ellingsoy Südkorea/South-KoreaRolls-Royce Marine AS Daewoo Heavy Industries LTDBergen Incheon

Österreich/Austria STX Enpaco LTDChangwon

AVL List GmbHAnstalt f. Verbrennugnsmotoren Doosan Engine Co. LTDProf. List, Graz Changwon

GE Jenbacher AG Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. LTDJenbach Ulsan

MAN Steyr AG Tschech. Rep./Czech Rep.Steyr

Tedom s.r.oPolen/Poland Trebic

H. Cegielski-Poznan S.A. Ungarn/HungaryPoznan

Raba Automotive Holding Plc.Zgoda S.A. Technical Equipment Works GyörSwietochlowice

Rumänien/Romania USAFaur S.A.Bukarest

Master S.A. Cooper Energy ServiceBukarest Mount Vernon, Springfield, Grove City

Fairbanks Morse EngineBeloit, WI

Schweden/SwedenDetroit DieselDetroit, MI

Wärtsilä Sweden ABGöteborg Dresser-Rand Company Ltd.

Painted Post, NYSchweiz/Switzerland

General ElectricTransportation Systems, Erie, PA

Liebherr Machines Bulle S.A.Bulle Electro-Motive Div. Of General Motors

LaGrange, IL

Mack TrucksSulzer Burckhardt Hagerstown, MDBasel, Winterthur

Solar Turbines Inc.San Diego, CA

Wärtsilä Switzerland A.G. Waukesha Engine DivisionWinterthur Waukesha, WI


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AustriaMiba Bearing Group / Headquarters:Miba Gleitlager GmbH, Dr.-Mitterbauer-Straße 3, A-4663 LaakirchenTel.: +43/7613/2541, Fax:+43/7613/4257, E-Mail: [email protected]

USAMiba Bearings US LLC, 5037 North State Route 60, McConnelsville, OH 43756, USATel.: +1/740/962/4242, Fax: +1/740/962/5399, E-Mail: [email protected]
