Engagement, essential to learning

Engagement An essential part of learning Andrew Weiler AFMLTA July 2015

Transcript of Engagement, essential to learning


An essential part of learning

Andrew Weiler AFMLTA July 2015

*There is already a recognition of its importance

*Relatively poor outcomes in terms of learning and retention in language classes

*Occurs in every area where we learn skills

*Bike, video games, dancing, driving

Why Engagement?

What is Engagement?

*We need to better understand, as it lies at the heart of all learning

*Sense of awareness is heightened

*At the level of energy – we feel engaged

*We pay attention, we focus, we apply when we are engaged

*Feeling has us attracted or “turned off”

*We can be attentive for long periods of time when what we are doing is engaging

The Cycle Of EngagementStudents want to pay attention

to what is going on from their

own volition

Through that, their awareness about ….. Gets aroused, expands or deepens

This new/expanded awareness has them want to grow that awareness and apply what they have come to

Through application, their understanding and their skills improve (this needs to be their perception)

From this, their confidence grows

As their confidence grows, they want to engage more in the process

And so the cycle starts again

Why Lack Of Engagement?

*Learners are not pulled in at step one

*No challenge at level of where they are at and who they are

*Knowledge is the main medium, rather than awareness & skill

* Knowledge – grammar, vocabulary

*Drills, Rote learning exercises

*Memorisation is main way of learning

*Little skill improvement is the result

Results Of No Engagement

*Learners are forced or force themselves to learn

*Memorisation used

*Little or no skill improvement

*Confidence in abilities does not grow

*De-sensitized and distanced from needs and learning capacities

*Question own abilities

*Learners give up

Pay More Attention To

*Designing input that works on skills created from awarenesses reached

*Observing the skills and what students are aware of

*Providing feedback at level of skill and awareness

*Students energy levels and involvement

*Skill improvement

Empowerment and confidence are key markers

Encourage Engagement By


*input that is challenging

*input at level of awareness

*input that matches their skill level

*input that is one step up from where they are at

*only input that is necessary

*Not providing what can be worked out from what is known

*Not providing knowledge. Instead encouraging them to work out what they need to know for themselves


dab cab jab lab nab

rad mad had fad bad cad

pack mack sack black lack

wall tall call fall hall ball

tar car far parwar warm warp

bag rag sag hag flag slagmal pal gal hal

sam pam dam ram flam

was wasp wash whatpass

gas has tas mass lass bass

rat hat slat cat fat flat

Your turn….

*Choose another sound in English - ∧*What do students need so they can learn to

spell it and read it?

* Sound

* Generate and recognise words that conform to sound requirements

*What needs to be done by….

*Check to see if words conform

*Organise the words they generate

*Work out the patterns

Your turn….

*Select a pronunciation problem that is typical for English learners of the language you teach.

*What is the problem?

*When does it occur? ( all phonemic environments?)

*Why do you think it occurs?

*What awareness needs to be triggered for students to master it?


*Working at levels of skill & awareness

*Real live action

*Did they say what was required?

*Was it understood by the interlocuter – in terms of action

*Was the behaviour appropriate to the words used

*Was the timing of all that appropriate

*Action – imperatives, personal, question forms, negatives, cause and effect, description, time, condition

Andrew Weiler

*Website/Blog: http://StrategiesInLanguageLearning.com 

* Email: [email protected]

* Linked In: https://au.linkedin.com/in/andrewweilersill                                

* Twitter: @Andrew_Weiler

* YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/LearnLanguageCoach

* Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Language.Coach.Andrew.Weiler

*Books: http://LanguageLearningUnlocked.com 


Email me your name and email address (school/personal) if you wish to be informed about or involved in trialing of spelling APP development that conforms to the ideas I

have been talking about.