Energy Technology Strategy

Energy Technology Strategy Energy Technology Strategy (Technology Strategy Map 2007) (Technology Strategy Map 2007) April 2007 Agency for Natural Resources and Energy

Transcript of Energy Technology Strategy

Energy Technology StrategyEnergy Technology Strategy(Technology Strategy Map 2007)(Technology Strategy Map 2007)

April 2007Agency for Natural Resources and Energy


I. Basic Concept .................................................................................. 1II. Process of Strategy Formulation ...................................................... 2III. Characterization of Technologies ..................................................... 3

Overhead Map of Energy Technologies 5IV. How to Read Technology Map, Technology Roadmap

and Introduction Scenario ................................................................. 7V. Technology Map, Technology Roadmap

and Deployment Scenario for Each Policy Objective ........................ 9(1) Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency ................................... 9

Technology Map 10Technology Roadmap 20Deployment Scenario 32

(2) Diversification of Transport Fuels ................................................ 33Technology Map 34Technology Roadmap 40Deployment Scenario 46

(3) Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction ........... 47Technology Map 48Technology Roadmap 58Deployment Scenario 68

(4) Utilization of Nuclear Energy and Secured Safety as Premises .. 69Technology Map 70Technology Roadmap 73Deployment Scenario 75

(5) Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels ................ 77Technology Map 78Technology Roadmap 89Deployment Scenario 100


I. Basic Concept

Resources-poor Japan must initiate a next-generation energy-using society ahead of other countries through the development, introduction and diffusion of innovative energy technologies in order to develop sustainablysustain its development for the future. But energy technology development requires a large amount of time and investment while remaining uncertain and is difficult for private companies to undertake. If the government gives a direction for future technology development over a long period and shares the direction with the private sector, this may reduce the concern about future uncertainty, with the government and private sectors being allowed to make a persistent effort over a long period.

The New National Energy Strategy and Basic Energy Plan, as developed-earlier, called for the creation of an energy technology strategy. We have now created the Energy Technology Strategy Map 2007 for the long period through 2030, as covered by the New National Energy Strategy, by building on the Energy Technology Vision 2100a very long-term energy technology vision (as prepared in October 2005) and by adding some technologies for consideration to those covered by the Energy Technology Strategy Map 2006 (created in November 2006) and by prioritizing and characterizing specific technologies.


II. Process of Strategy Formulation

The Technology Strategy Map includes technology maps, technologyroadmaps and deployment scenarios. The technology map extracts elemental and other technologies required for implementing policy objectives. The technology roadmap indicates technological development on a time line. The deployment scenario shows both technological development andrelevant measures.

In creating this technology strategy map, first we set five policy objectives -- (1) improvement of overall energy efficiency, (2) diversification of transport fuels, (3) promotion of new energy development and introduction, (4) utilization of nuclear energy, and (5) stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels -- based on policy pillars in the previous New National Energy Strategy and we extracted the major energy technologies contributing to these objectives.

Next, we put extracted technologies in order on a time line to create the roadmap. Then, we wrote the deployment scenario specifying measures for the introduction of technology development achievements in an orderly manner.

(5) Stable supply and efficient (5) Stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuelsclean use of fossil fuels

(1)(1) Improvement of overall Improvement of overall energy efficiencyenergy efficiency

(2) Diversification of (2) Diversification of transport fuelstransport fuels

(3) Promotion of new energy (3) Promotion of new energy development and introductiondevelopment and introduction

(4) Utilization of nuclear energy (4) Utilization of nuclear energy and secured safety as premisesand secured safety as premises


III. Characterization of Technologies

In order to overview the entire energy technology area, we conducted a questionnaire survey among experts and conducted qualitative evaluation of each technology's contributions to the five policy objectives.

Overhead Map of Entire Energy Technologies

Based on the evaluated results, we have created an overhead map covering all of the energy technologies that indicate contributions to the five policy objectives.

Benchmarks regarding policy objectives

DetailsEvaluation point

Technologies for development and efficient utilization of fossilresources, CCT (clean coal technologies) and other technologies for clean utilization of fossil fuels, and technologies securing of energy resources

(5) Stable supply and efficient and clean utilization of fossil fuels

Technologies that contribute to keeping the share of electricitygeneration through nuclear power in a 30-40% or higher range even after 2030, including technologies for load leveling, for promoting nuclear power utilization and for securing safety.

(4) Utilization of nuclear energy and secured safety as premises

Technologies that contribute to promotion of development and introduction of solar, wind and biomass energies. Innovative advanced energy utilization technologies, including new technologies that contribute to diffusion of renewable energies, sharp improvements in energy efficiency and diversification of energy sources.

(3) Promotion of new energy development and introduction

Technologies that contribute to reducing the transport sector's dependence on petroleum, including biomass fuels, GTL (gas to liquid), BTL (biomass to liquid), CTL (coal to liquid) and other new alternative fuels, electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles.

(2) Diversification of transport fuels

Technologies that contribute to improving the index of final energy consumption per GDP, including technologies for improving energyconversion efficiency and manufacturing process efficiency in the industrial sector and for promoting energy conservation in the residential/commercial and transport sectors.

(1) Improvement of overall energy efficiency

Overhead Map of Energy TechnologiesHigh efficiency lighting▽High efficiency fluorescent lamp▼High efficiency LED lighting▼Organic EL lighting▽Next-generation lighting

Energy-conserving housing/building▼Advanced insulation housing/building▼Advanced airtight housing/building

(1) Improvement of overall energy efficiency

(4) Utilization of nuclearenergy and secured safety as premises

(5) Stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels

(2) Diversificationof transport fuels

(3) Promotion of new energy development and introduction

Energy-conserving display▽Low power consumption PDP▽Low power consumption LCD▽LED display▽Organic EL display

High efficiency kitchen equipment▽High efficiency gas burner cooking equipments▽High efficiency induction heating (IH) cooker

High efficiency air-conditioning▽High efficiency absorption chiller-heater▼High efficiency heat pump▼Ultra-high performance heat pump

High efficiency water heater▼High efficiency heat pump water heater▽High efficiency water heater▽Latent heat recovery water heater

▽High efficiency air-heater

▼Energy-conserving information equipments

Energy-conserving electric home appliances▽Energy-conserving refrigerators▽Reduction of standby power


Energy-conserving network communication▽High-capacity high-speed network

/ optical network communication

High performance power electronics▼High efficiency inverter

High performance devices▽Si devices▼SiC devices▽Nitride devices (GaN, AlN)▽Diamond devices▽CNT transistor▽Energy-conserving LSI systems

Energy management▼HEMS▼BEMS

Energy management▼☆Local energy management

High-efficiency power transmission/transformation▼Energy conservation transformer

Energy-conserving industrial processes▼◆Next-generation coke production methods▼◆Iron and steel process▽◇New reductive melting iron making processes▼◆Petroleum refining process▼◇Petrochemical process▽◇Cement process▽◇Paper manufacturing▽◇Nonferrous metals process▼◇Process of chemical raw materials▽◇Glass production process▽◇Processing and assembling▽◇Ceramic manufacturing process

Energy-conservingindustrial process▽LSI production


High-efficiency generator▽Superconducting generator

Light water reactor■Advanced utilization of light water reactor■Decommissioning■Next-generation light water reactor

Smooth shift from light water reactor cycle to fast reactor cycle■High-decontamination process prior to

conversion of reprocessed uranium

Light water reactor fuel cycle■Centrifuge uranium enrichment■MOX fuel fabrication

Fast reactor cycle■Fast reactor■Fuel cycle

Other innovative reactors□Supercritical-water-cooled reactor,

medium and small reactors

Disposal of radioactive wastes■Shallow land disposal■Disposal at intermediate depth

enough for general underground use■Geological disposal Power system control

☆Power control☆Frequency control☆Load flow control★Power system stabilization★Wide area monitoring and control☆Restoration

PV power generation★Crystalline silicon solar cell★Thin-film silicon solar cell★Compound-crystalline solar cell★Thin-film CIS-based solar cell★Dye-sensitized solar cell

Utilization of solar thermal energy☆Solar thermal power generation☆Hot-water supply by using solar thermal energy☆Air-conditioning by using solar thermal energy

Wind power generation★Onshore wind power generation★Offshore wind power generation★Micro wind power generation

Geothermal powergeneration☆Geothermal binary

power generation☆Hot dry rock power

generation ☆Micro geothermal

power generationUtilization of ocean energy☆Wave power generation ☆Tidal and current power generation ☆Ocean thermal energy conversion

Hydraulic power☆Small and medium

hydraulic power generation

Production of biofues★Development of solid biofuels

Utilization of biomass and waste energy☆RDF/RPF☆Sewage sludge carbonization ☆Direct combustion of biomass and wastes ★Biomass/waste gasification power generation

Coal mining◆Advanced technology for

mining and cleaning of coal◇Underground coal gasification

Coal-fired power generation◇Reduction of trace substances emission

Coal Utilization◇Combustion of low-grade coal◇Next-generation technology

for pulverizing coal◇Advanced utilization of coal ash◆Coal de-ashing technology◆Low-rank coal upgrading◇Hot coke oven gas reforming

without catalyst◇Effective use of coke oven gas◇Efficient coal conversion

Coal Utilization○☆◇Hydrothermal

cracking of coal

Development of fossil resources◆Exploration of oil and gas reservoirs◆Drilling and developing oil and natural gas◇Drilling and developing fossil resources in frontiers◆EOR/EGR◆Eco-friendly oil and gas development

Development of unconventional fossil fuel resources◆Enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) recovery◆Production and reforming of oil sand and other heavy oils◆Improved development, production and recovery of unconventional gas◆Development of methane hydrate (MH) resource

Gas supply◇Gas transportation◇Gas storage

Natural gas utilization◇Producing, transporting

and utilizing NGHNatural gas utilization●◆Gas to liquids (GTL)○◇Next generation technology for

producing hydrogen from natural gas○◇Synthesizing LP gas from natural gas, etc.

Upgrading ultra-heavy oil and utilizing upgraded oil◆Upgrading oil extracted from oil sands◆Thermal cracking of bitumen from oil sands

by using supercritical water, etc.◆Utilizing bitumen from oil sands

CO2 capture◆Pre-combustion CO2 capture◆Post-combustion CO2 capture◇Oxy-fuel combustion CO2 capture

CO2 storage◆Geological storage of CO2◆Ocean storage of CO2

Petroleum refining◇Zero-emission petroleum

refinery process

Utilization of heavy crude oil◆High severity fluid catalytic

cracking and other advancedtechnologies for heavy oilprocessing

Utilization of heavy crude oil○◇Production of high-octane gasoline from low-quality oil○◇Production of hydrogen from petroleum pitch and cokes○◆Production of synthesized diesel fuel form asphalt (ATL)

Electric power storage▽□Variable-speed pumped storage generation

Electric power storage▽☆□NaS battery

Energy-conservinghousing/building▽☆Passive housing/building

High efficiency air-conditioning▽☆Ground source heat pump ▽☆Utilization of snow ice cooling


Power system control▽★Utilization of distributed


▽★New advanced power supply system

Heat storage▽☆Latent heat storage▽☆Sensible heat storage

Heat transport▽☆Latent heat transport▽☆Sensible heat transport▽☆Heat transport by


Utilization of unused heat source▽☆Utilizing cryogenic energy

of snow and ice▽☆Utilizing thermal energy

of river water▽☆Utilization of exhaust

heat in urban

Electric power conversion ofunused micro-scale energy▽☆Thermoelectric conversion▽☆Piezoelectric conversion

Hydrogen utilization▽☆Hydrogen combustion turbine

Fuel cells▽☆◇PAFC▼☆◆MCFC▼★◆SOFC

High-efficiency co-generation▼☆◇Fuel cell co-generation

High-efficiency co-generation▽◇Gas/petroleum engine co-generation▼◇GT co-generation

▽◇High-efficiency industrial furnace/boiler

▼◇Co-production▼◇Integration and collaboration between industries

Coal fired power generation▽◇IGHAT▼◇A-PFBC▼◆A-USC▼◆IGCC▼◆IGFC▼◆A-IGCC/IGFC

High-efficiency natural gas power generation▼◇High-temperature GT▽◇AHAT▼◇FC/GT hybrid power


Utilization of LP gas▽◇High-efficiency LPG

burning appliance

▼◇Advanced integrationin complex

Petroleum refining▽◇Fuel-saving high-durability lube oil

High efficiency internalcombustion engine▼●◇Gasoline engine▼●◆Diesel engine

Clean energy vehicles▽○◇ Natural-gas vehicles▼●◆Hybrid vehicles

▽●◇Energy-conserving trains

▽○◇High performanceships

▽○◇High efficiency marine transport system

▽○◇High performanceaircrafts

Advanced traffic system▼◇ITS▽◇Modal shift in passenger transport▼◇Modal shift in freight transport

Hydrogen production○◇Hydrogen production from

coal with CO2 recoveryCoal Utilization○◆Coal to liquid (CTL)

Utilization of LP gas○◇Utilization of LPG/DME mixed fuel

Utilization of new alternative fuels●◇Utilization of GTL and other new

alternative fuels along with petroleum

Petroleum refining○◇Advanced technology for producing

desulfurized liquid fuels

Hydrogen production○★◇Hydrogen production

by gasificationProduction of biofuel○☆◇Dimethyl ether (DME)○★◇Production of BTL by gasification of biomass

Utilization of new alternative fuels●☆◇Advanced technology for

utilizing biomass and otherunconventional petroleumproducts

Production of biofuels●★Alcohol fermentation●★Conversion of cellulosic

materials into ethanol●★Biodiesel fuel (BDF)○☆Methane fermentation ○☆Hydrogen fermentation

Utilization of biomass and waste energy○★Biomass resource supply

Hydrogen production○☆Solid polymer water

electrolysis○☆High temperature

steam electrolysis●☆Alkaline water

electrolysis○★Hydrogen production

using photocatalysts

Hydrogen storage○☆Inorganic materials for hydrogen storage ○☆Alloy materials for hydrogen storage○☆Carbonaceous materials for hydrogen storage ○☆Organic materials for hydrogen storage ○☆Hydrogen storage container

Transportation and supply of hydrogen○☆Transportation and supply of compressed hydrogen ○☆Transportation and supply of liquid hydrogen○☆Hydrogen pipelines●☆Safety technology for hydrogen gas refueling stations

Power system control☆□Power system protection

Production of biofuels☆◇Producing biomass fuels with addition of coal

Electric power storage▽●☆Nickel-hydrogen battery▼●★Lithium-ion battery▼○☆Capacitor

PV power generation★Suppressing influence of

photovoltaic systems to gridWind power generation★Suppressing influence of wind power systems to grid

Electric power storage▽☆SMES▽☆Superconducting flywheel▽☆Redox flow battery

Coal Utilization☆◆Multipurpose uses of coal gasification

Coal fired power generation★◇Biomass/coal hybrid power generation

Electric power storage□Sea water pumped-

storage power generation □Underground pumped-

storage power generation □Compressed air energy

storage (CAES)

Energy management▼☆□◇Optimization of energy demand

and load leveling

Clean energy vehicles▼●☆◆Plug-in hybrid vehicles▼●☆◇Electric vehicles▼●★◇Fuel cell vehicles▽○☆◇Hydrogen engine vehicles

Fuel cells▼●★◇PEFC▽○☆◇DMFC

High-efficiency power transmission/transformation▼☆■◇Large capacity power transmission

Advanced technology for using petroleum○◇Hydrogen production from petroleum

and hydrogen transportation○◇New alternative fuels for vehicles ○◇Improving vehicle efficiency and

promoting exhaust gas cleanup○◇Offroad engines with low environmental load

The colored symbols specified in front of the technologies indicate the policy objectives to which these technologies would contribute:▽ Improvement of overall energy efficiency○ Diversification of transport fuels☆ Promotion of new energy development and introduction□ Utilization of nuclear energy and secured safety as premises◇ Stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuelsTechnologies that make great contributions to policy objectives are accompanied by pasted symbols (▼●★■◆) for the relevant policy objectives and specified with underlined red letters.


IV. How to Read Technology Map, Technology Roadmap and Deployment Scenario

Technology Map

We have extracted 235 technologies that are expected to be come into practical use by around 2030 within a broad energy area and to contribute to the five policy objectives. These technologies are broken down by policy objective. They have also been classified by energy flow -- primary, secondary and final energy consumption -- by energy category -- electricity, heat, fuel, etc. -- and by demand sector -- industry, residential/commercial and transport -- for illustration.

Fossil fuels







Natural energiesElectricity


Secondary energy

Primary energy

Final demand sectorElectricity



Flow of energy

Supply sector

Transformation sector

Energy transformation










Natural gas

Unconventionalfossil fuels

Fossil fuels







Natural energiesElectricity


Secondary energy

Primary energy

Final demand sectorElectricity



Flow of energy

Supply sector

Transformation sector

Energy transformation










Natural gas

Unconventionalfossil fuels


Technology RoadmapRegarding technologies that contribute to each policy objective, we

specified elemental technologies and the problems in their development, improvements in required functions and technology development phases as milestones on a time line. (We consulted sector-by-sector promotion strategies and roadmaps for other areas to describe the technology specifications.)

Deployment Scenario

The background at home and abroad, energy policy developments, major technology development projects and relevant measures, and common relevant measures for the achievement of each policy objective are put in order for each policy objective.

Energy technologies

Individual technologies

R&D phase Demonstration test phase Introduction phase Diffusion phase

Performance and cost goals

Major element technologies and technical issues

Colors in each roadmap represent the relevant technology categories:Green for energy-saving technologies, blue for new energy technologies, orange for electricity and gas technologies, red for nuclear technologiesand purple for fuel technologies.

Technologies for systems, processes and products to serve market and social needs

Technologies as classified for evaluating contributions to policy objectives

Element technologies are mostlyestablished or problems are solved through R&D work. However, the timing for this phase as well as the introduction phase may change depending on future technology advancement and non-technology factors.

Technologies are realized for the production of products for themarket. It is presumed that conventional measures will be used to support their introduction. Economic features, technological feasibility indicators and other data are comprehensively taken into consideration. In this phase, the first large facility for the conversion or industrial sector may be introduced. Technologies for the residential/commercial and transport sectors may achieve market competitiveness in this phase.


V. Technology Map, Technology Roadmap and Deployment Scenario for Each Policy Objective

(1) Improvement of overall energy efficiency

Since the 1970s, Japan has tackled energy conservation efforts through full cooperation between the government and the private sector and made substantial achievements through industry structure reforms, introduction of new manufacturing technologies and improvement of efficiency for consumer products. In order to match previous achievements in the coming 30 years (improve energy consumption per GDP by some 30% by 2030) as set in the New National Energy Strategy, all sectors should develop and introduce technologies contributing to an overall improvement in energy efficiency.

In order to achieve the energy conservation goals under the New National Energy Strategy, the government should promote not onlytechnology development but also such relevant measures as creation of energy conservation standards for frontrunner systems, subsidization of introduction of energy-saving equipment and appliances,, and evaluation of energy-saving investment projects.

We consulted the Energy Conservation Technology Strategy 2007, which was to be introduced in April 2007, to divide energy-saving technologies for development into the following five groups and to create the technology map, the technology roadmap and the deployment scenario.

► "Super combustion system technologies" to substantially increaseefficiency of manufacturing processes by eliminating fuel or using fuel more efficiently.

► "Technologies for energy utilization beyond space-time restrictions" to utilize surplus energy beyond time or space restrictions to eliminate energy supply/demand mismatches.

► "Energy conserving information living space creation technologies" to reduce energy consumption by combining efficient equipment and information technologies in response to an increase in energy consumption emerging from living style changes in the residential sector.

► "Technologies that established the advanced transport society" to improve efficiency of transport equipment and achieve advanced utilization of transport means through modal shifts to reduce energy consumption in the transport sector.

► "Future energy conserving device technologies" to reduce energy consumption by improving semiconductors and other devices used across a wide range of areas.

Electricity storage and other technologies for stable electricity supply, technologies for reducing power transmission losses, and those for harmonization between grid and non-grid electricity have been included into the "technologies for energy utilization beyond space-time restrictions."


Figure 1.1 Technology Map (Diagram) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency



Natural gas

Unconventionalfossil fuels

High efficiency lighting▽High efficiency fluorescent lamp▼High efficiency LED lighting▼Organic EL lighting▽Next-generation lighting

Hydrogen utilization▽☆Hydrogen

combustion turbine Heat transport ▽☆Latent heat transport▽☆Sensible heat transport▽☆Heat transport by


Coal fired power generation▽◇IGHAT▼◇A-PFBC▼◆A-USC▼◆IGCC▼◆IGFC▼◆A-IGCC, A-IGFC

High-efficiency naturalgas power generation▼◇High-temperature

gas turbine▽◇AHAT▼◇FC/GT hybrid power


Utilization of LP gas▽◇High-efficiency LPG

burning appliance

Petroleum refining▽◇Fuel-saving high-durability lube oil

High-efficiency generator▽Superconducting generator

▼◇Advanced integrationin complex

Electric power storage▽□Variable-speed pumped

storage generation▽☆SMES▽☆Superconducting Flywheel▽☆□NaS battery▽☆Redox flow battery▽●☆Nickel-hydrogen battery▼●★Lithium-ion battery▼○☆Capacitor

Heat storage▽☆Latent heat storage▽☆Sensible heat storage

▽★New advanced powersupply systemHigh-efficiency power

transmission/transformation▼■Large capacity power

transmission▼Energy conservation



Energy management▼HEMS▼BEMS▼☆Local energy management▼☆□◇Optimization of energy

demand and load leveling

Power system control▽★Utilization of distributed


High efficiency kitchenequipment▽High efficiency gas burner

cooking equipments▽High efficiency induction

heating (IH) cooker

High performance devices▽Si devices▼SiC devices▽Nitride devices (GaN, AlN)▽Diamond devices▽CNT transistor

Utilization of unused heat source▽☆Utilizing cryogenic energy of snow and ice▽☆Utilizing thermal energy of river water▽☆Utilization of exhaust heat in urban

Energy-conserving industrial processes▼◆Next-generation coke production methods▼◆Iron and steel process▽◇New reductive melting iron making

processes▼◆Petroleum refining process▼◇Petrochemical process▽◇Cement process▽◇Paper manufacturing▽◇Nonferrous metals process▼◇Process of chemical raw materials▽◇Glass production process▽◇Processing and assembling▽◇Ceramic manufacturing process

High-efficiency co-generation▽◇Gas/petroleum engine co-generation▼◇Gas turbine co-generation▼☆◇Fuel cell co-generation

Clean energy vehicles▽○◇Natural-gas vehicles▼●◆Hybrid vehicles High efficiency internal

combustion engine▼●◇Gasoline engine▼●◆Diesel engine

Electric power conversion of unused micro-scale energy▽☆Thermoelectric conversion▽☆Piezoelectric conversion

▼◇Integration and collaboration between industries


▽◇High-efficiencyindustrial furnace/boiler

Advanced traffic system▼◇Intelligent transport systems (ITS)▽◇Modal shift in passenger transport▼◇Modal shift in freight transport

▽●◇Energy-conserving trains

▽○◇High performance ships▽○◇High efficiency marine

transport system

▽○◇High performance aircrafts

High efficiency air-conditioning▽High efficiency absorption chiller-heater▼High efficiency heat pump▼Ultra-high performance heat pump▽☆Ground source heat pump▽☆Utilization of snow ice cooling

Energy-conservingelectric home appliances▽Energy-conserving

refrigerators▽Reduction of standby

power consumption

Energy-conserving display▽Low power consumption PDP▽Low power consumption LCD▽LED display▽Organic EL display

Energy-conserving housing/building▼Advanced insulation housing/building▼Advanced airtight housing/building▽☆Passive housing/building

High performance powerelectronics▼High efficiency inverter

Energy-conserving network communication▽High-capacity high-speed network

/ optical network communication

High efficiency water heater▼High efficiency heat pump water heater▽High efficiency water heater▽Latent heat recovery water heater

Clean energy vehicles▼●☆◆Plug-in hybrid vehicles▼●☆◇Electric vehicles

Clean energy vehicles▼●★◇Fuel cell vehicles▽○☆◇Hydrogen engine vehicles

▽High efficiency air-heater

Energy-conserving industrial process▽LSI production process

Energy conserving informationliving space creation technologies

Technologies for energy utilizationbeyond space-time restrictions

Technologies that established the advanced transport society

Future energy conserving device technologies

Super combustion system technologies

▼Energy-conserving information equipments

Fuel cells▽☆◇PAFC▼☆◆MCFC▼★◆SOFC


High performance devices▽Energy-conserving LSI systems

Fuel cells▽○☆◇DMFC


Natural energies

Fossil fuels










Natural gas

Unconventionalfossil fuels

High efficiency lighting▽High efficiency fluorescent lamp▼High efficiency LED lighting▼Organic EL lighting▽Next-generation lighting

Hydrogen utilization▽☆Hydrogen

combustion turbine Heat transport ▽☆Latent heat transport▽☆Sensible heat transport▽☆Heat transport by


Coal fired power generation▽◇IGHAT▼◇A-PFBC▼◆A-USC▼◆IGCC▼◆IGFC▼◆A-IGCC, A-IGFC

High-efficiency naturalgas power generation▼◇High-temperature

gas turbine▽◇AHAT▼◇FC/GT hybrid power


Utilization of LP gas▽◇High-efficiency LPG

burning appliance

Petroleum refining▽◇Fuel-saving high-durability lube oil

High-efficiency generator▽Superconducting generator

▼◇Advanced integrationin complex

Electric power storage▽□Variable-speed pumped

storage generation▽☆SMES▽☆Superconducting Flywheel▽☆□NaS battery▽☆Redox flow battery▽●☆Nickel-hydrogen battery▼●★Lithium-ion battery▼○☆Capacitor

Heat storage▽☆Latent heat storage▽☆Sensible heat storage

▽★New advanced powersupply systemHigh-efficiency power

transmission/transformation▼■Large capacity power

transmission▼Energy conservation



Energy management▼HEMS▼BEMS▼☆Local energy management▼☆□◇Optimization of energy

demand and load leveling

Power system control▽★Utilization of distributed


High efficiency kitchenequipment▽High efficiency gas burner

cooking equipments▽High efficiency induction

heating (IH) cooker

High performance devices▽Si devices▼SiC devices▽Nitride devices (GaN, AlN)▽Diamond devices▽CNT transistor

Utilization of unused heat source▽☆Utilizing cryogenic energy of snow and ice▽☆Utilizing thermal energy of river water▽☆Utilization of exhaust heat in urban

Energy-conserving industrial processes▼◆Next-generation coke production methods▼◆Iron and steel process▽◇New reductive melting iron making

processes▼◆Petroleum refining process▼◇Petrochemical process▽◇Cement process▽◇Paper manufacturing▽◇Nonferrous metals process▼◇Process of chemical raw materials▽◇Glass production process▽◇Processing and assembling▽◇Ceramic manufacturing process

High-efficiency co-generation▽◇Gas/petroleum engine co-generation▼◇Gas turbine co-generation▼☆◇Fuel cell co-generation

Clean energy vehicles▽○◇Natural-gas vehicles▼●◆Hybrid vehicles High efficiency internal

combustion engine▼●◇Gasoline engine▼●◆Diesel engine

Electric power conversion of unused micro-scale energy▽☆Thermoelectric conversion▽☆Piezoelectric conversion

▼◇Integration and collaboration between industries


▽◇High-efficiencyindustrial furnace/boiler

Advanced traffic system▼◇Intelligent transport systems (ITS)▽◇Modal shift in passenger transport▼◇Modal shift in freight transport

▽●◇Energy-conserving trains

▽○◇High performance ships▽○◇High efficiency marine

transport system

▽○◇High performance aircrafts

High efficiency air-conditioning▽High efficiency absorption chiller-heater▼High efficiency heat pump▼Ultra-high performance heat pump▽☆Ground source heat pump▽☆Utilization of snow ice cooling

Energy-conservingelectric home appliances▽Energy-conserving

refrigerators▽Reduction of standby

power consumption

Energy-conserving display▽Low power consumption PDP▽Low power consumption LCD▽LED display▽Organic EL display

Energy-conserving housing/building▼Advanced insulation housing/building▼Advanced airtight housing/building▽☆Passive housing/building

High performance powerelectronics▼High efficiency inverter

Energy-conserving network communication▽High-capacity high-speed network

/ optical network communication

High efficiency water heater▼High efficiency heat pump water heater▽High efficiency water heater▽Latent heat recovery water heater

Clean energy vehicles▼●☆◆Plug-in hybrid vehicles▼●☆◇Electric vehicles

Clean energy vehicles▼●★◇Fuel cell vehicles▽○☆◇Hydrogen engine vehicles

▽High efficiency air-heater

Energy-conserving industrial process▽LSI production process

Energy conserving informationliving space creation technologies

Technologies for energy utilizationbeyond space-time restrictions

Technologies that established the advanced transport society

Future energy conserving device technologies

Super combustion system technologies

▼Energy-conserving information equipments

Fuel cells▽☆◇PAFC▼☆◆MCFC▼★◆SOFC


High performance devices▽Energy-conserving LSI systems

Fuel cells▽○☆◇DMFC


Natural energies

Fossil fuels








The colored symbols specified in front of the technologies indicate the policy objectives to which these technologies would contribute:▽ Improvement of overall energy efficiency○ Diversification of transport fuels☆ Promotion of new energy development and introduction□ Utilization of nuclear energy and secured safety as premises◇ Stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuelsTechnologies that make great contributions to policy objectives are accompanied by pasted symbols (▼●★■◆) for the relevant policy objectives.Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.


Table 1.1-1 Technology Map (List) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (1/9)*Technologies have been divided into representative groups, based on the "Energy Conservation Technology Strategy 2007" (April 2007).

Low-temperature process technology, Combination heating process technology, Precursor application technology, Solvent optimization for chemical processes, Complete returnable ceramic

Ceramic manufacturing process


Power regeneration system, Improvement of cutting performance (coolant processing equipment, etc.), Advanced machining system, Nonferrous metal processing technology, Miniaturization of regeneration system and its application for other fields

Processing and assembling


Process optimization technology (low temperature/low pressure/high selectivity, reduction of processes, utilization of microwave), Catalyst technology, Gas separation technology, Energy recovery, Recycle of materials, Biotechnology, Bio-refinery, Co-production with iron and steel process, Utilization of molecular oxygen, Advanced utilization of SC3

Process of chemical raw materials


Energy saving technology on glass melting (utilization of plasma heating technology), Energy saving technology on forming/slow cooling of glass

Glass production process


Processing technology, High-efficiency smelting, Metal recycling technology, Alloy production technology (high functional titanium alloy process), Adiabatic casting system, Materials/composite materials technology (hydrogen storage materials, etc.), Production technology for thermoelectric device, Production technology for ultra-pure metals

Nonferrous metals process


Gasoline desulfurization with low hydrogen-consumption, Technology for high-efficiency plate heat exchanger, Advanced utilization of energy in complex and low-grade heat recovery system in complex

Petroleum refining process


New reductive melting iron making process (ITmk3), Coal-based direct reduction processes (FASTMET), Hot briquette iron (HBI) production process for electric furnace, Adiabatic casting system, Production of virgin iron for dilution of electric furnace (DRIC), Technology for separation/recovery of rare metals, Technologies for high clean/high functional special steels, Co-production with chemical process

New reductive melting iron making processes


Direct iron ore smelting reduction process (DIOS), Reduction of dust emissions under pulverized coal injection operation, Casting technology with electromagnetic force, Dust regeneration technology in electric furnace, New sintering process, Next-generation metal rolling technology (brittle special steel, etc.), Innovative electromagnetic steel plate technology, Pre-carbonized gasification melting furnace, Detoxification technology for circulation elements by improving surface quality of cast slab, Production technology for ultrafine-grained hot-rolled steel plate, Valuable metals collection technology in rotary hearth furnace, High heat-resisting / corrosion-resisting steel materials, Adiabatic casting system, Hot/cold rolling integrated system, Resource/energy generation blast furnace, Utilization of low quality materials (iron ore), Co-production with chemical process, Energy co-production (iron/gas)

Iron and steel process1102

Next-generation coke oven (SCOPE 21), Introduction of highly-reactive agglomerates, Coal-iron ore adhesive/binding technique, Ferro coke production technique, Multi-purpose furnace, Waste/biomass blowing technology, Application to utility by-product hydrogen (COG) / hydrogen energy system, Degraded materials (coal) application technology

Next-generation coke production methods

Energy-conserving industrial processes


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy

efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs





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Table 1.1-2 Technology Map (List) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (2/9)

Air-blown coal gasification technology, Technology using multiple grades of coal, High-efficiency oxygen production technology, Oxygen-blown coal gasification technology, Dry gas-cleaning technology, Gas turbine technology using moisture

Integrated gasification humid air turbine (IGHAT)

Coal fired power generation


Development of pressurized fluidized-bed furnace (gasification furnace, desulfurizer, and oxidizer), Expansion of grades of coal, High-temperature dry desulfurization, Improvement of dust removal performance, Mixing firing with biomass

Advanced pressurized fluidized-bed combustion (A-PFBC)


Development of new alloy for boiler/turbine, Development of high-temperature valve, High-temperature welding technology

Advanced ultra supercritical power generation (A-USC)


High-efficiency natural gas power generation

High-efficiency generator


Integration and collaboration between industries

Advanced integration technology in complex

Hydrogen utilization

High-temperature gas turbine, Stack module technology for high pressure, Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell, Hybrid system technology, Improvement of durability

Fuel cell/gas turbine hybrid power generation


Development of high humid equipment (compressor, regenerator, and combustor)

Advanced humid air turbine (AHAT)


Superheat-resistant materials, High-efficiency oxygen production technology, Hydrogen combustion technology, Vapor condenser, Cooling technology for steam turbine blades

Hydrogen combustion turbine


Highly heat-resistant materials, Highly corrosion-resistant materials, Ultra-high purity metal materials, Technology for increasing temperature of combustion gas, Advances combined cycle (ACC), Ceramic turbine

High-temperature gas turbine


Superconducting technology, Larger capacity, Demonstration of generator for wind power generation, Demonstration of generator for power generation

Superconducting generator


Utilization technology for by-product materials, Technology using cold potential recovery from LNG, Technology for integrated utilization of hydrogen, Advanced technology using unused distillates, Multi-processing technology for recycle of unused materials, High-efficiency gasification technology using simultaneous production of energy/chemical material

Advanced integration in complex


Energy utilization in industrial petroleum complex, Development of advanced function and integration technologies for petroleum refining, Heat pinch technology and cascade utilization, Material pinch technology, Integration and collaboration between industries with material regeneration, IEMS (industrial energy management systems), ILEN (industrial local energy network)

Integration and collaboration between industries


Gasification technology (partial oxidization process), Diversification of raw materials, High efficiency, Cost reduction, Next-generation gasification technology, Co-production with iron and steel/chemical process


High-efficiency combustion technology, Regenerative combustion technology, New combustion technology under oxygen atmosphere, Heat transfer technology, Next-generation high-efficiency boiler, High-efficiency industrial furnace

High-efficiency industrial furnace/boiler

High-efficiency industrial furnace/boiler


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy

efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs





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Table 1.1-3 Technology Map (List) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (3/9)

High-efficiency power transmission / transformation

Forecasting supply of photovoltaic/wind power generation, Load leveling technology in demand side, Cooperation control technology for grid/distributed energy system, Energy demand optimization/assessment technology

Optimization of energy demand and load leveling


UHVC (Ultra high voltage AC power transmission), Boosting of transmission voltage, Reduction of transmission/distribution loss, Self-commutated large-capacity converter, High-efficacy large-capacity converter, Superconductive transformer, Superconductive transmission, Long-distance large-capacity power transmission, Large-capacity DC transmission technology

Large capacity power transmission


Low-loss pole transformer, Amorphous transformer, Superconductive transformer

Energy conservation transformer


Energy management

High-efficiency co-generation

LEN (local energy network), TEMS (town energy management system), CEMS (cluster energy management system), Energy storage technology, HEMS-BEMS cooperation control technology, New energy networking

Local energy management


High-efficiency and energy conservation BEMS, Integrated and flexible BEMS, Super energy conservation next-generation BEMS, Network cooperation control, Supply/demand forecasting/prediction technology, Energy storage technology, Optimal control/design technology

BEMS (Building Energy Management System)


Improvement of generation efficiency/overall efficiency, Cost reduction, Mass-production technology, Life extension, Fuel cell technology, PAFC, MCFC, SOFC, PEFC

Fuel cell co-generation1203

Network cooperation control, Supply/demand forecasting/prediction technology, Energy storage technology, Optimal control/design technology

HEMS (Home Energy Management System)


Variable heat power ratio gas turbine, Regenerative cycle gas turbine, Micro gas turbine, Ceramic turbine, Manufacturing technology for turbine blade, Technology for fuel-lean premixed combustion, Exhaust heat utilization technology

Gas turbine co-generation


Improved efficiency by combustion of ultralean fuel, High power and downsizing by high compression ratio, Improved NOx emissions by EGR, etc., Mirror cycle engine, Micro gas/petroleum engine (HCCI type), Stirling engine, Ceramic engine

Gas/petroleum engine co-generation


High-temperature gas turbine technology, Low-temperature high-efficiency coal gasification technology, Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell

Next-generation high-efficiency integrated coal gasification power generation (A-IGCC, A-IGFC)


Oxygen-blown coal gasification technology, Technology using various grades of coal, High-efficiency oxygen production technology, Dry gas-cleaning technology, Fine gas-cleaning technology, High-temperature gas turbine technology, Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell

Integrated coal gasification fuel cell combined cycle power generation (IGFC)


Air-blown coal gasification technology, Technology using multiple grades of coal, High-efficiency oxygen production technology, Dry gas-cleaning technology, High-temperature gas turbine technology

Integrated coal gasification combined cycle power generation (IGCC)

Coal fired power generation (Cont.)


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy

efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs





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Table 1.1-4 Technology Map (List) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (4/9)

New advanced power supply

Fuel cells


Ultra-low methanol cross-over membrane, Low swelling membrane, High activity catalyst, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)


Supply and demand control technology, Technologies for quality control of electric power and control of grid-connected operation, Electric power storage technology, Heat storage/transport technology, Electric power/heat optimization technology


Autonomous supply/demand control, Customized power quality services, Electric power storage technology in hub sites, Technology of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) / automatic reactive power regulator (AQR) for distributed generation, Technology for cooperative control with power storage systems, Technology for forecasting of regional output in distributed generation, Electric power storage technology in demand side, Cooperation between distributed generation and grid

New advanced power supply system


Electric power conversion of unused micro-scale energy

Understanding of degradation mechanism, Technology available for high temperature / low humidity, Reduction of platinum content, Poisoning resistant catalyst, Moisture control inside electrolyte membrane, Non-platinum catalysts, Mass production technology for MEA and separators, etc.

Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC)


Understanding of degradation mechanism, Improvement of durability, Diversification of fuels, Cost reduction (higher power, novel materials, mass production technology), Next-generation hybrid system (available for high pressure operation), Optimization of peripheral equipment, Power generation combined gas turbine

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)


Electrode catalyst technology, Cell stack technology, Higher current density, System control technology, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability, Enhancing applications

Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC)


Electrode catalyst technology, Cell stack technology, Higher current density, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability, Downsizing, Power generation combined gas turbine

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC)


Improvement of piezoelectric conversion rate, High-efficiency piezoelectric converter (Pb-free), Microfabrication process, Cost reduction

Piezoelectric conversion


Improvement of thermoelectric conversion rate, High-efficiency thermoelectric converter, Microfabrication process, Cost reduction

Thermoelectric conversion


Heat pump technology, Heat storage technology, Development of urban facilities for effective utilization

Utilization of exhaust heat in urban areas


Technology utilizing heat pump, Assessment technology for environmental problems

Utilizing thermal energy of river water


Direct heat exchange cold air circulation system, Heat exchange cold air circulation system with thaw water, High-efficiency heat exchange method, Reduction technology of medium transportation power, Lower heat loss in snow/ice cellar

Utilizing cryogenic energy of snow and ice

Utilization of unused heat source


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy

efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 1.1-5 Technology Map (List) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (5/9)

Phase change materials (PCM), Latent heat recovery materials, Air-condition utilization technology, Improvement of operating temperature/heat storage density, Validation of seasonal utilization, Lower loss, Improvement of efficiency, Cost reduction

Latent heat storageHeat storage3561

Lower loss, Built-in technology, Pressure control heat storage, Vacuum insulation material, Self-control heat storage, Improvement of efficiency, Cost reduction

Sensible heat storage3562

Vacuum insulation material, High exergy batch transport, Packaging, Improvement of durability, Cost reduction

Heat transport by absorption/adsorption


Heat-resistant/high insulation performance technology, Vacuum insulation material, Vacuum insulation heat transport, Cost reduction

Sensible heat transport3552

Higher energy density, Improvement of cycle performance, Improvement of safety, Cost reduction

Lithium-ion battery3544

Electric double layer capacitor, Improvement of energy density, Nano-carbon electrode materials, Cost reduction, Redox capacitor, Hybrid capacitor


Low-temperature latent heat transport technology, Medium-temperature batch-type heat transport, High-temperature batch-type heat transport, Improvement of operating temperature / heat storage density, Vacuum insulation material, Cost reduction

Latent heat transportHeat transport3551

Higher power density, Higher capacity, Improvement of self-discharge properties, Life extension

Nickel-hydrogen battery


High-performance electrolyte, Improvement of efficiency, Downsizing, Cost reduction

Redox flow battery3542

Large solid electrolyte manufacturing technology, Ceramic/metal junction technology, Safety design technology, Cost reduction by mass production

NaS battery3541

Reduction of bearing loss, Larger capacity, Cost reduction, Higher reliability, Larger capacity using parallel operation control

Superconducting flywheel


Superconductive coil materials, Higher-efficiency of refrigeration system, AC/DC converter system

Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)


High-performance pump turbine, Higher head / larger capacity, High-performance inverter, Technology for reduction of bearing loss

Variable-speed pumped storage generation

Electric power storage


High-reliability islanding detection/prevention technology, High-reliability islanding detection technology, Individual optimal operation, Technology for predicting distributed generation output, Advanced islanding detection technology, Active network control, Advanced accident handling technology, Technology for transfer of uninterrupted autonomous operation, Self-sustained operation control technology, Inverters using high-performance element, Cooperation with energy management

Utilization of distributed generation

Power system control


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy

efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 1.1-6 Technology Map (List) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (6/9)

High efficiency water heater

High efficiency air-heating

High efficiency air-conditioning

High efficiency combustion technology, Low NOx technology, Gas sensor technology

High efficiency gas burner cooking equipments

High efficiency kitchen equipment


High efficiency (low loss of inverter and heating coil), Induction heaters available for all types of pans

High efficiency induction heating (IH) cooker


High efficiency combustion technology, Low NOx technology, Gas sensor technology, Heat pump utilization technology, High efficiency radiant heat utilization technology

High efficiency air-heater


Latent heat recovery water heater, Latent heat storage materials, Heat exchanger for latent heat recovery, Cost reduction

Latent heat recovery water heater


Direct heat exchange cool air circulation system, Melted water heat exchange cool water circulation system, High efficiency heat exchange method, Pump power reduction technology, Lower heat loss of snow cellar

Utilization of snow ice cooling


Heat pump water heater with Natural refrigerant (CO2), High efficiency and downsizing, Heat pump for cold district, Cost reduction, Construction simplification, High efficiency compressor, High efficiency heat exchanger, Expansion work recovery technology, Instantaneous heat pump water heater

High efficiency heat pump water heater


High efficiency gas engine water heater, High efficiency exhaust heat recovery, Multi-functional technology such as power generation

High efficiency water heater


Ground source heat pump, Cost reduction and high efficiency of ground heat source exchanger, Low-cost drilling technology

Ground source heat pump


Exhaust heat recovery heat pump (HP), High-performance compression HP, General double bundle HP, Water medium refrigerator, Well water circulating HP, Expansion work recovery system, Chemical HP, Hydrate refrigerator, Tri-bundle HP, Self-heating chemical HP, Water-medium HP

Ultra-high performance heat pump


Improvement of rated COP, Pump power reduction technology, Improvement of part load efficiency, Multi-functional technology such as power generation, hot water supply, etc., Air-conditioning with separation of latent heat load and sensible heat load (HP desiccant)

High efficiency heat pump


Triple-effect absorption chiller-heater, Triple-effect chiller-heater using exhaust heat, Corrosion-resistant technology, High efficiency and downsizing, Exhaust heat utilization technology

High efficiency absorption chiller-heater


Technology for simulation of heat/air flow/light, Natural ventilation, Utilization of natural light, Heat storage, Design/assessment technology

Passive housing/building


Heat exchange ventilation system, Technology of indoor air environment, Volatile organic compound (VOC) adsorption construction materials, Building materials with humidity self control

Advanced airtight housing/building


Low heat conductivity insulators, Window glass with low coefficient of heat transmission, Light control glass, Solar shading, Insulation construction method, External insulation

Advanced insulation housing/building

Energy-conserving housing/ building


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy

efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs













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Table 1.1-7 Technology Map (List) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (7/9)

Bimodal commodity distribution system, Dual mode truck, General-purpose standardized distribution system (advanced application of IC tag), Intelligent distribution system

Modal shift in freight transport


Energy-conserving display

Energy-conserving electric home appliances

Energy-conserving information equipments

Energy-conserving network communication

Traffic information and communication system, Navigation system, Driving safety support system, Traffic demand management (TDM), Traffic management optimization

Intelligent transport systems (ITS)

Advanced traffic system


New transport system, Light rail transit (LRT), Guidewaybuses, Community EV buses, Dual mode vehicles (DMV)

Modal shift in passenger transport


Raw material production technology for communication cables, Technology for power-conserving routers/switches, Network architecture

High-capacity high-speed network/optical network communication


Power-conservation source moduleReduction of standby power consumption


Improvement of light emission efficiency, Life extension, Larger display, Flexible display

Organic EL display1364

High efficiency devices, High efficiency storage and memory, Virtual machine (VM) technology, Embedded software technology, Application chip technology, Network/optical network technology, Integration of HEMS and BEMS

Energy-conserving information equipments


Vacuum heat insulation, Heat pump refrigerator, Optimal control for cooperation of BEMS/HEMS

Energy-conserving refrigerators


High efficiency devices, Light emission materials, Element technology, Thin film technology, Larger display, Cost reduction

LED display1363

High efficiency white light source, Higher definition, Larger display, Low consumption power, High light transmission efficiency LCD panel, Technology for low-loss optical materials, Cost reduction

Low power consumption LCD


High efficiency plasma discharge method, High efficiency luminescence materials, Improvement of light emission efficiency, Low power consumption panel, Cost reduction

Low power consumption PDP


High efficiency white light source with high color rendering properties, Micro cavity, Cluster light emission, Light storage technology, Phosphorescence materials, Optical transmission technology

Next-generation lighting


High luminance white EL, High luminous efficiency, Life extension, Larger area

Organic EL lighting1353

High efficiency LED elements, Luminescence materials for white LED (high efficiency near UV excitation luminescence materials), Cooperation of light sensor and human detection sensor, Cost reduction

High efficiency LED lighting


Technology for reducing heat loss, High efficiency luminescence materials, High efficiency mercury-free fluorescent lamp

High efficiency fluorescent lamp

High efficiency lighting


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy

efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs













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Table 1.1-8 Technology Map (List) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (8/9)

High efficiency marine transport system

Clean energy vehicles

High performance ships

Energy-conserving trains

High performance aircrafts

Fuel-saving lube oil production technology, Lube oil production technology from GTL, etc.

Fuel-saving high-durability lube oil

Petroleum refining


Weight reduction by using carbon composite materials, etc., High-efficiency of jet engine, More energy conservation, Further improvement of environmental, economic, and safety properties

High performance aircrafts


Cooperation of land transport, Hub port networkingHigh efficiency marine transport system


More efficient hydrogen engine, Hydrogen loading technology, Hydrogen production technology, Cost reduction, Hydrogen supply system

Hydrogen engine vehicles


Weight reduction, Hybrid trains, Electric transformer on train, Utilization of regenerated energy

Energy-conserving trains


Highly reliable intelligent ships, Motorization, Weight reduction, Exhaust heat recovery in engine, Optimization of ship shape, Fuel cells

High performance ships


Improvement of motor efficiency, Improvement of durability of fuel cell stacks, High density hydrogen storage technology, Hydrogen production technology, Cost reduction, Hydrogen supply system

Fuel cell vehicles2115

Vehicle weight reduction, Improvement of motor efficiency, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction), Power supply system

Electric vehicles2114

Vehicle weight reduction, Improvement of motor efficiency, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction), Optimum running control technology, Power supply system

Plug-in hybrid vehicles2113

Regeneration system, Improvement of engine efficiency, Vehicle weight reduction, Surface control of low friction materials, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)

Hybrid vehicles2112

Greater cruising distance, Natural-gas sorption materials, Reduction of weight of fuel tank, Expansion of gas supply infrastructures

Natural-gas vehicles2111

High-efficiency low-emission combustion technology, Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels, Surface control of low friction materials, Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI)

Diesel engine2102

Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels, Surface control of low friction materials, Cylinder cutoff control for improving part-load efficiency, Powertraintechnology, High compression ratio, Lean burn combustion

Gasoline engineHigh efficiency internal combustion engine


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy

efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 1.1-9 Technology Map (List) for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (9/9)

High performance power electronics

High performance devices

Ultra-low loss SiC switching elements, Advanced technology of inverter design, Inverter technology

High efficiency inverter1511

Fine processing technology, Application chip technology, System LSI (SoC, System on a Chip), Self-luminous on-chip display technology, Dynamic control LSI technology, Technology for organic EL emission element utilizing external light, Dependable LSI technology

Energy-conserving LSI systems


CNT (carbon nano tube) growth control technology, CNT electric property control technology, Device structure design, Development of production process

CNT transistor1505

Larger wafer diameter, Epitaxial growth technology, Technologies for device fabrication/process

Diamond devices1504

Heteroepitaxial growth technology of GaN, Schottky barrier diode (SBD), Hetero-junction field effect transistor (HFET)

Nitride devices (GaN, AlN)


Production process technology (extension for wafer diameter, reduction of wafer dislocation density), Improvement of mobility of injection channel, Improvement of reliability of oxide film, Normally-off type MOSFET

SiC devices1502

Production process technology (extension for wafer diameter, fine processing technology, superjunction, thin wafer), Improvement of element structure, Novel element structure, High current density, High temperature operation, Soft-switching technology, Matrix converter technology

Si devices1501

SiC/GaN substrate technology (high quality/large diameter/cost reduction), Advanced LSI design, Extreme UV exposure system, Device process technology such as ink jet method, Mass production of SiC/GaN elements (rectifier, switching element), Diamond power devices

LSI production processEnergy-conserving industrial process


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the "improvement of overall energy

efficiency" are specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs










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Figure 1.2-1 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (1/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology1101 Energy-conserving Improvement of energy conservation 21% 23%1101 industrial Improvement of productivity 3 times larger than the previous process1101 processes Cost reduction of coke production -18% -20%1101 Replace current coke oven1101 Next-generation coke 1101 production methods Next-generation coke oven (SCOPE 21)1101 Coal-iron ore adhesive/binding technique, Ferro coke production technique1101 Introduction of highly-reactive agglomerates Waste/biomass blowing technology1101 Multi-purpose furnace Degraded materials application technology1101 Application to utility by-product hydrogen (COG)/hydrogen energy system1102 Co-production with chemical process1102 Energy-conserving Next-generation metal rolling technology (brittle special steel, etc.) Energy co-production (iron/gas)1102 industrial processes Innovative electromagnetic steel plate technology Resource/energy generation blast furnace1102 Direct iron ore smelting reduction process (DIOS) Utilization of low quality materials (iron ore)1102 Iron and steel process1102 Casting technology with electromagnetic force High heat-resisting/corrosion-resisting steel materials1102 New sintering process Detoxification technology for circulation elements by improving surface quality of cast slab1102 Dust regeneration technology in electric furnace Production technology for ultrafine-grained hot-rolled steel plate,1102 Pre-carbonized gasification melting furnace Valuable metals collection technology in rotary hearth furnace1102 Reduction of dust emissions under pulverized coal injection operation Adiabatic casting system Hot/cold rolling integrated system11031103 Energy-conserving1103 industrial processes Coal-based direct reduction processes (FASTMET) Production of virgin iron for1103 New reductive melting iron making process (ITmk3) dilution of electric furnace (DRIC)1103 New reductive melting1103 iron making Adiabatic casting system1103 processes Technology for separation/collection1103 Hot briquette iron (HBI) production process for electric furnace of rare metals1103 Technologies for high clean/high1103 Co-production with chemical process functional special steels11041104 Energy-conserving1104 industrial processes Gasoline desulfurization with low hydrogen-consumption (Hydrogen consumption rate: 60%)1104 Technology for high-efficiency plate heat exchanger (CO2 reduction: 20,000 t/year ・ exchanger)1104 Petroleum refining1104 process Advanced utilization of energy in complex and low-grade heat recovery system in complex110411041104110411051105 Energy-conserving1105 industrial processes High-efficiency production for 1105 Heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC) process raw materials of gasoline/petrochemicals1105 Petrochemistry1105 process Simple plastic manufacturing (SPM) with energy-saving Co-production Sustainable carbon cycle chemistry (SC3)1105 Gas phase polypropylene production technology (development of catalyst)1105 Low energy decomposition technology (development of catalytic cracking process of naphtha, membrane separation)1105 Production technology for chemical materials from waste paper, Production technology for oil-alternative molding materials from biomass1105 Chemical process technology by using supercritical fluid11061106 Energy-conserving1106 industrial processes11061106 Cement process1106 Technology to materialize wastes1106 Electric power saving mill1106 High-efficiency dryer1106 Co-production through gasification of wastes110611071107 Energy-conserving1107 industrial processes11071107 Paper manufacturing1107 High-efficiency of black liquor boiler1107 Energy saving of pulping process Gene-recombination technology of plants1107 Improvement of efficiency of causticizing process Gasification technology for black liquor/biomass1107 Improvement of papermaking process Biomass IGCC Biomass IGFC1107 Co-production to utilize biomass11081108 Energy-conserving1108 industrial processes Materials / composite materials technology1108 Processing technology High-efficiency smelting (hydrogen storage materials, etc.)1108 Nonferrous metals1108 process Metal recycling technology Production technology for 1108 Alloy production technology thermoelectric conversion materials1108 (high functional titanium alloy process) Production technology for1108 Adiabatic casting system ultra-pure metals11081109 Aiming at two-third reduction of 1109 Energy-conserving the energy consumption in 1109 industrial processes Process optimization technology chemical industry in 20051109 (low temperature/low pressure/high selectivity, reduction of processes, utilization of microwave)1109 Process of chemical1109 raw materials Catalyst technology Biotechnology Bio-refinery1109 Gas separation technology Utilization of molecular oxygen1109 Energy recovery Co-production with iron and steel process1109 Recycle of materials Advanced utilization of SC3110911101110 Energy-conserving1110 industrial processes Large-scale application1110 Small-scale application Middle-scale application1110 Glass production1110 process Energy saving technology on glass melting (utilization of plasma heating technology)1110 Energy saving technology on forming/slow cooling of glass111011101110

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-2 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (2/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology11111111 Energy-conserving1111 industrial processes1111 Power regeneration system (Energy conservation rate: 25%)1111 Processing and1111 assembling Improvement of cutting performance Nonferrous metal processing technology1111 (coolant processing equipment, etc.)1111 Advanced machining system1111 Miniaturization of regeneration system and its application for other fields11111112 Aiming to halve reduction of 1112 Energy-conserving energy used in ceramic 1112 industrial processes production in 200511121112 Ceramic manufacturing1112 process Low-temperature process technology,1112 Combination heating process technology Precursor application technology1112 Solvent optimization for chemical processes1112 Complete returnable ceramic11121121 Boiler efficiency: improved by about 17%1121 High-efficiency industrial Energy efficiency in industrial furnace: improved by about 10 to 30%1121 furnace/boiler Next-generation high-efficiency boiler1121 High-efficiency industrial furnace1121 High-efficiency 1121 industrial furnace High-efficiency combustion technology1121 / boiler Regenerative combustion technology1121 New combustion technology under oxygen atmosphere1121 Heat transfer technology112111311131 Co-production11311131 Next-generation gasification technology1131 Co-production1131 Gasification technology (partial oxidization process)1131 Diversification of raw materials1131 High efficiency Co-production with iron and steel/chemical process1131 Cost reduction113111411141 Integration and collaboration 1141 between industries11411141 Integration and 1141 collaboration Development of advanced function and integration technologies for petroleum refining1141 between industries Energy utilization in industrial petroleum complex Heat pinch technology and cascade utilization1141 Material pinch technology1141 IEMS (industrial energy management systems) Integration and collaboration between1141 ILEN (industrial local energy network) industries with material regeneration11511151 Advanced integration1151 technology in complex11511151 Advanced integration1151 in complex Technology for integrated utilization of hydrogen High-efficiency gasification technology using simultaneous 1151 Utilization technology for by-product materials production of next-generation energy/chemical material1151 Advanced technology using unused distillates1151 Technology using cold potential recovery from LNG Multi-processing technology for recycle of unused materials115111611161 High-efficiency generator1161 Demonstration of generator for power generation1161 Demonstration of generator for wind power generation1161 Superconducting 1161 generator Superconducting technology1161 Larger capacity11611161116133413341 Hydrogen utilization33413341 Application of 1700 degree class GT3341 Hydrogen combustion 3341 turbine High-efficiency oxygen production technology Hydrogen combustion technology3341 Superheat-resistant materials Vapor condenser3341 Cooling technology for steam turbine blades3341334155115511 High-efficiency natural gas Gross efficiency:5511 power generation 53% HHV (1500 degree class GT) 56% HHV (1700 degree class GT)55115511 High-temperature 5511 gas turbine Advanced combined cycle (ACC)5511 Highly heat-resistant materials Ceramic turbine5511 Highly corrosion-resistant materials5511 Ultra-high purity metal materials5511 Technology for increasing temperature of combustion gas55125512 High-efficiency natural gas5512 power generation5512 1500 degree class 1700 degree class5512 Advanced humid air5512 turbine (AHAT) Development of high humid equipment (compressor, regenerator, and combustor)5512551255125512

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-3 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (3/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology55135513 High-efficiency natural gas5513 power generation55135513 Fuel cell/gas turbine 5513 hybrid power High-temperature gas turbine5513 generation Stack module technology for high pressure5513 Hybrid system technology5513 Improvement of durability5513 Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell55325532 LP gas utilization553255325532 High-efficiency LPG5532 burning appliance Turbo-jet combustion and heat transfer technologies of burner5532 Development of high-efficiency appliance5532 Exhaust gas processing technology5532553256115611 Coal fired power generation Net efficiency: 49% ( AHAT ) 49% ( IGHAT)5611 Oxygen-blown coal gasification technology5611 Air-blown coal gasification technology5611 Integrated gasification 5611 humid air turbine Gas turbine technology using moisture5611 (IGHAT) Technology using multiple grades of coal5611 High-efficiency oxygen production technology5611 Dry gas-cleaning technology561156125612 Coal fired power generation5612 Development of pressurized fluidized-bed furnace 5612 (gasification furnace, desulfurizer, and oxidizer)5612 Advanced Pressurized5612 Fluidized-bed Expansion of grades of coal5612 Combustion High-temperature dry desulfurization5612 (A-PFBC) Improvement of dust removal performance5612 Mixing firing with biomass561256135613 Coal fired power generation56135613 700 degree class 800 degree class5613 Advanced ultra 5613 supercritical power Development of new alloy of boiler/turbine5613 generation Development of high-temperature valve5613 (A-USC) High-temperature welding technology5613561356155615 Coal fired power generation Net efficiency: 40.5%HHV (250 MW demonstration plant)5615 46%HHV (1500 degree class GT, wet gas refining process) 50%HHV (1700 degree class GT, dry gas refining process)5615 48%HHV (1500 degree class GT, dry gas refining process)5615 Integrated coal 5615 gasification Air-blown coal gasification technology5615 combined cycle Technology using multiple grades of coal High-temperature gas turbine technology5615 power generation High-efficiency oxygen production technology (1700 degree class)5615 (IGCC) Dry gas-cleaning technology561556165616 Coal fired power generation Commercial plant (600 MW class/55% HHV)5616 Plant scale/net efficiency: Demonstration plant (1000 t/degree class)5616 Technology using various grades of coal Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell5616 Integrated coal5616 gasification fuel cell Oxygen-blown coal gasification technology5616 combined cycle Dry gas-cleaning technology5616 power generation Fine gas-cleaning technology5616 (IGFC) High-temperature gas turbine technology5616 High-efficiency oxygen production technology56175617 Coal fired power generation Net efficiency 57%HHV ( A-IGCC )5617 65%HHV ( A-IGFC)56175617 Next-generation high-5617 efficiency integrated Low-temperature high-efficiency coal gasification technology5617 coal gasification Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell5617 power generation High-temperature gas turbine technology5617 (A-IGCC, A-IGFC)561712011201 High-efficiency co-generation120112011201 Gas/petroleum engine 1201 co-generation Mirror cycle engine Micro gas/petroleum engine (HCCI type)1201 Stirling engine1201 Improved efficiency by combustion of ultralean fuel Ceramic engine1201 High power and downsizing by high compression ratio1201 Improved NOx emissions by EGR, etc.12021202 High-efficiency co-generation120212021202 Gas turbine1202 co-generation Variable heat power ratio gas turbine, Regenerative cycle gas turbine, Micro gas turbine1202 Ceramic turbine1202 Manufacturing technology for turbine blade1202 Technology for fuel-lean premixed combustion1202 Exhaust heat utilization technology

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-4 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (4/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology12031203 High-efficiency co-generation120312031203 Fuel cell co-generation1203 Improvement of generation efficiency/overall efficiency1203 Cost reduction, Mass-production technology1203 Life extension1203 Fuel cell technology PEFC SOFC1203 PAFC MCFC12111211 Energy management121112111211 HEMS1211 (Home Energy1211 Management Network cooperation control Optimal control/design technology1211 System) Supply/demand forecasting/prediction technology1211 Energy storage technology121112121212 Energy management Super energy conservation next-generation BEMS1212 Integrated and flexible BEMS1212 High-efficiency and energy conservation BEMS1212 BEMS1212 (Building Energy 1212 Management Network cooperation control Optimal control/design technology1212 System) Supply/demand forecasting/prediction technology1212 Energy storage technology121212131213 Energy management CEMS (cluster energy management system)1213 TEMS (town energy management system)1213 LEN (local energy network)1213 Local energy1213 management1213 HEMS-BEMS cooperation control technology1213 New energy networking1213 Energy storage technology121312141214 Energy management121412141214 Optimization of energy 1214 demand and load Energy demand optimization/assessment technology1214 leveling Forecasting supply of photovoltaic/wind power generation1214 Load leveling technology in demand side1214 Cooperation control technology for grid/distributed energy system121412211221 High-efficiency power 1221 transmission/transformation Long-distance large-capacity1221 UHVC (Ultra high voltage AC power transmission, 1,000 kV) power transmission1221 Large capacity power1221 transmission Boosting of transmission voltage Self-commutated large-capacity converter1221 Reduction of transmission/distribution loss High-efficacy large-capacity converter1221 Superconductive transformer Large-capacity DC1221 Superconductive transmission transmission technology122112221222 High-efficiency power 1222 transmission/transformation12221222 Energy conservation 1222 transformer Low-loss pole transformer1222 Amorphous transformer1222 Superconductive transformer1222122232513251 Utilization of unused 3251 heat source32513251 Utilizing of cryogenic3251 energy of snow Direct heat exchange cold air circulation system3251 and ice Heat exchange cold air circulation system with thaw water3251 High-efficiency heat exchange method3251 Reduction technology of medium transportation power3251 Lower heat loss in snow/ice cellar32523252 Utilization of unused 3252 heat source32523252 Utilizing thermal energy3252 of river water Technology for utilizing heat pump3252 Assessment technology for environmental problems32523252325232533253 Utilization of unused 3253 heat source32533253 Utilization of exhaust3253 heat in urban Heat pump technology3253 Heat storage technology3253 Development of urban facilities for effective utilization32533253

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-5 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (5/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology32613261 Electric power exchange3261 of unused micro energy32613261 Thermoelectric 3261 conversion Improvement of thermoelectric conversion rate3261 High-efficiency thermoelectric converter3261 Microfabrication process3261 Cost reduction326132623262 Electric power exchange3262 of unused micro energy32623262 Piezoelectric 3262 conversion Improvement of piezoelectric conversion rate3262 High-efficiency thermoelectric converter (Pb-free)3262 Microfabrication process3262 Cost reduction326233013301 Fuel cells System price:3301 600,000 – 1,000,000 JPY/kW 300,000 – 600,000 JPY/kW 200,000 – 300,000 JPY/kW33013301 Phosphoric Acid3301 Fuel Cell (PAFC) Electrode catalyst technology3301 Cost reduction Cell stack technology3301 Improvement of durability Higher current density3301 Enhancing applications System control technology330133023302 Fuel cells System price:3302 300,000 – 800,000 JPY/kW 200,000 – 300,000 JPY/kW33023302 Molten Carbonate3302 Fuel Cell (MCFC) Electrode catalyst technology Power generation combined gas turbine3302 Cell stack technology3302 Cost reduction Higher current density3302 Improvement of durability3302 Downsizing3303 Power generation efficiency (HHV), durability, system price (JPY/kW, power unit, * assumed price including storage tank for household use)3303 Fuel cells Small capacity (less than several kW, co-generation) 40%, 40,000 hr, 1,000,000 >40%, 90,000 hr, <250,000 (for household use, 300,000 – 400,000*)3303 Middle capacity (tens of kW to hundreds of kW, co-generation) 42%, 40,000 hr, 1,000,000 >45%, 90,000 hr, < 200,0003303 Hybrid (distributed power source, for commercial use) 60%, 40,000 hr, several 100,000s 60%, 90,000 hr, <100,0003303 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 3303 (SOFC) Understanding of degradation mechanism Diffusion of small-capacity system3303 Optimization of peripheral equipment Diffusion of middle-capacity system3303 Improvement of durability (40,000 hours→ 90,000 hours) , Diversification of fuels Diffusion of hybrid system3303 Cost reduction (higher power, novel materials, mass production technology) Power generation combined gas turbine3303 Next-generation hybrid system (available for high pressure operation)3304 Power generation efficiency (HHV), durability, system price (Stationary type, 1 kW)3304 Fuel cells 32%, 40,000 hours, JPY 1,200,000 36%, 90,000 hours, JPY 400,0003304 Improvement of durability (40,000 hours→ 90,000 hours, variation of fuel)3304 Understanding of degradation mechanism Automobile PEFC3304 Polymer Electrolyte3304 Fuel Cell (PEFC) Technology available for high temperature / low humidity3304 Reduction of platinum content3304 Non-platinum catalysts3304 Poisoning resistant catalyst Mass production technology for MEA and separators, etc.3304 Moisture control inside electrode membrane33053305 Fuel cells Energy density 500 Wh/L 1000 Wh/L 1000 Wh/L3305 Output density 100 mW/cm2 200 mW/cm2 200 mW/cm2<3305 Durability 5,000 hours< 10,000 hours 10,000 hours<3305 Direct Methanol3305 Fuel Cell (DMFC) For PC and cell phone Ultra-low methanol cross-over membrane3305 Cost reduction Low swollen membrane3305 Improvement of durability High activity catalyst3305330535013501 Microgrid35013501 Utilization of photovoltaic/wind /biomass energy3501 Microgrid3501 Supply and demand control technology3501 Electric power / heat optimization technology3501 Technologies for quality control of electric power and control of grid-connected operation3501 Electric power storage technology3501 Heat storage/transport technology35113511 New advanced power supply3511 Electric power storage technology in hub sites3511 Autonomous supply/demand control Electric power storage technology in demand side3511 New advanced power3511 supply system Customized power quality services Cooperation with power and energy grid3511 Technology for cooperative control with power storage systems3511 Technology of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) / automatic reactive power regulator (AQR) for distributed generation3511 Technology for forecasting of regional output in distributed generation351135253525 Power system control3525 High-reliability islanding detection technology Handling of advanced accidents3525 Islanding detection technology Individual optimal operation Cooperation with energy management3525 Utilization of 3525 distributed Technology for predicting distributed generation output3525 generation Technology for transfer of uninterrupted autonomous operation3525 Advanced islanding detection technology3525 Autonomous operation control technology3525 Active network control Inverters using high-performance element

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-6 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (6/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology35313531 Electric power storage353135313531 Variable-speed pumped3531 storage generation High-performance pump turbine High-performance inverter3531 Higher head / larger capacity Technology for reduction of bearing loss35313531353135353535 Electric power storage35353535 Cost reduction (For system stabilization: 50,000 JPY/kW or less, for load change compensation: 140,000 JPY/kW or less)3535 Superconducting3535 magnetic energy SMES for load change compensation / frequency regulation (several ten kW to tens of kW)3535 storage (SMES) SMES for system stabilization3535 Superconductive coil materials (high magnetic field of oxide coils above metallic coil (Bi, Y))3535 Higher-efficiency of refrigeration system (Average time between failure: 5000 hours→ 20,000 hours and over)3535 AC/DC transfer system35363536 Electric power storage35363536 1 MW-, 50 kWh-class demonstration 1 MW-, 50 kWh-class3536 Superconducting 3536 flywheel Reduction of bearing loss Larger capacity Larger capacity using parallel operation control (MWh class)3536 (0.5 W/kg or less) Cost reduction3536 Higher reliability3536353635413541 Electric power storage3541 For improvement of power quality3541 For load change compensation3541 NaS battery3541 Large solid electrolyte manufacturing technology3541 Ceramic/metal junction technology3541 Safety design technology3541 Cost reduction by mass production354135423542 Electric power storage3542 For improvement of power quality3542 For load change compensation3542 Redox flow battery3542 High-performance electrolyte3542 Improvement of efficiency3542 Downsizing3542 Cost reduction354235433543 Electric power storage35433543 For hybrid vehicles For load change compensation3543 Nickel-hydrogen3543 battery Higher power density3543 Higher capacity3543 Improvement of self-discharge properties3543 Life extension354335443544 Electric power storage3544 For hybrid vehicles3544 For mobile devices For load change compensation3544 Lithium-ion battery3544 Higher energy density3544 Improvement of cycle performance3544 Improvement of safety3544 Cost reduction35443545 Energy density 4 Wh/kg ( module ) 20 Wh/kg ( device )3545 Electric power storage Output density 1.5 kW/kg ( module ) 10 kW/kg ( device )3545 For civilian3545 For maintenance of power quality For transport3545 Capacitor3545 Electric double layer capacitor Cost reduction3545 Improvement of energy density Redox capacitor3545 Nano-carbon electrode materials Hybrid capacitor3545354535513551 Heat transport355135513551 Latent heat transport3551 Low-temperature latent heat transport technology Medium-temperature batch-type heat transport3551 Highly temperature/density High-temperature batch-type heat transport3551 Cost reduction Vacuum insulation material3551355135523552 Heat transport355235523552 Sensible heat transport3552 Heat-resistant/high insulation performance technology Vacuum insulation heat transport3552 Cost reduction Vacuum insulation material355235523552

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-7 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (7/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology35533553 Heat transport355335533553 Heat transport by3553 absorption Vacuum insulation material High exergy batch transport3553 / adsorption Packaging3553 Improvement of durability3553 Cost reduction355335613561 Heat storage356135613561 Latent heat storage3561 Phase change materials (PCM) Validation of seasonal utilization3561 Latent heat recovery materials Lower loss Improvement of efficiency3561 Air-condition utilization technology Cost reduction3561 Higher density/temperature356135623562 Heat storage356235623562 Sensible heat storage3562 Lower loss Improvement of efficiency3562 Built-in technology Cost reduction3562 Pressure control heat storage Vacuum insulation material3562 Self-control heat storage356213011301 Energy-conserving Heat loss coefficient1301 housing/building 2.7 W/m2 K ( IV area ) 1.6 W/m2 K (Europe and U.S. level)1301 Development, expansion and diffusion of housing performance indication system1301 Advanced insulation 1301 housing/building Low heat conductivity insulators1301 Window glass with low coefficient of heat transmission1301 Solar shading Light control glass1301 Insulation construction method, External insulation130113021302 Energy-conserving Equivalent opening area (value C)1302 housing/building 2 – 5 cm2/m213021302 Advanced airtight1302 housing/building Technology of indoor air environment1302 Volatile organic compound (VOC) adsorption construction materials1302 Heat exchange ventilation system Building materials with humidity self control1302130213031303 Energy-conserving Air-conditioning energy1303 housing/building 40 kWh/m2 year 15 kWh/m2 year 10 kWh/m2 year13031303 Passive1303 housing/building Natural ventilation1303 Utilization of natural light1303 Heat storage1303 Technology for simulation of heat/air flow / light1303 Design/assessment technology13111311 High efficiency air-conditioning Air-conditioned COP (HHV)1311 Double effect 1.2→ 1.613111311 High efficiency 1311 absorption Triple-effect absorption chiller-heater1311 chiller-heater Triple-effect chiller-heater using exhaust heat1311 Corrosion-resistant technology1311 High efficiency and downsizing1311 Exhaust heat utilization technology13121312 High efficiency air-conditioning Period COP1312 4 - 6 7 813121312 High efficiency1312 heat pump Air-conditioning with separation of latent heat and sensible heat (HP desiccant)1312 Improvement of rated COP, Improvement of part load efficiency1312 Pump power reduction technology1312 Multi-functional technology such as power generation, hot water supply, etc.131213131313 High efficiency air-conditioning Rated COP Water-cooling: 6, air-cooling: 5 Water-cooling: 8, air-cooling: 61313 Period COP: 10 and over13131313 Ultra-high performance1313 heat pump High-performance compression HP Hydrate refrigerator Water-medium HP1313 General double bundle HP Tri-bundle HP1313 Exhaust heat recovery HP Water medium refrigerator, Well water circulating HP Self-heating chemical HP1313 Expansion work recovery system1313 Chemical HP13141314 High efficiency air-conditioning131413141314 Ground source1314 heat pump Ground source heat pump1314 Cost reduction and high efficiency of ground heat source exchanger1314 Low-cost drilling technology13141314

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-8 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (8/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology13151315 High efficiency air-conditioning131513151315 Utilization of snow ice1315 cooling Direct heat exchange cool air circulation system1315 Melted water heat exchange cool water circulation system1315 High efficiency heat exchange method1315 Pump power reduction technology1315 Lower heat loss of snow cellar13211321 High efficiency water heater COP1321 3.2 5.01321 Diffusion target 5,200,000 heaters1321 High efficiency heat1321 pump water heater Heat pump water heater with Natural refrigerant (CO2)1321 High efficiency and downsizing Instantaneous heat pump water heater1321 Heat pump for cold district1321 Cost reduction High efficiency compressor, high efficiency heat exchanger, expansion work recovery technology1321 Construction simplification13221322 High efficiency water heater132213221322 High efficiency1322 water heater High efficiency gas engine water heater13221322 High efficiency exhaust heat recovery1322 Multi-function such as power generation132213231323 High efficiency water heater132313231323 Latent heat recovery1323 water heater Latent heat recovery water heater1323 Latent heat storage materials1323 Heat exchanger for latent heat recovery1323 Cost reduction132313311331 High efficiency air-heating133113311331 High efficiency1331 air-heater Heat pump utilization technology1331 High efficiency radiant heat utilization technology1331 High efficiency combustion technology1331 Low NOx technology1331 Gas sensor technology13411341 High efficiency1341 kitchen equipment13411341 High efficiency gas1341 burner cooking1341 equipments High efficiency combustion technology1341 Low NOx technology1341 Gas sensor technology134113421342 High efficiency1342 kitchen equipment13421342 High efficiency1342 induction heating1342 (IH) cooker High efficiency (low loss of inverter and heating coil)1342 Induction heaters available for all type pan1342134213511351 High efficiency lighting Light emission efficiency1351 80 - 100 lm/W >150 lm/W13511351 High efficiency1351 fluorescent lamp High efficiency luminescence materials1351 High efficiency mercury-free fluorescent lamp1351 Technology for reducing heat loss1351135113521352 High efficiency lighting Light emission efficiency1352 50 lm/W 100 lm/W >150 lm/W13521352 High efficiency1352 LED lighting High efficiency LED elements1352 Luminescence materials for white LED (high efficiency near UV excitation luminescence materials)1352 Cooperation of light sensor and human detection sensor1352 Cost reduction135213531353 High efficiency lighting1353 Light emission efficiency 30 lm/W >100 lm/W13531353 Organic EL lighting1353 High luminance white EL1353 High luminous efficiency1353 Life extension1353 Larger area1353

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-9 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (9/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology13541354 High efficiency lighting1354 High efficiency white light source1354 with high color rendering properties1354 Next-generation1354 lighting Micro cavity1354 Cluster light emission1354 Light storage technology, Phosphorescence materials1354 Optical transmission technology135413611361 Energy-conserving display Light emission efficiency1361 1.5 lm/W (40", in white display) 10 lm/W13611361 Low power 1361 consumption PDP High efficiency plasma discharge method Low power consumption panel1361 High efficiency luminescence materials1361 Improvement of light emission efficiency1361 Cost reduction136113621362 Energy-conserving display Light emission efficiency1362 2 lm/W (in white display) 10 lm/W ( 60" )13621362 Low power1362 consumption LCD High efficiency white light source1362 Higher definition High light transmission efficiency LCD panel1362 Larger display Technology for low-loss optical materials1362 Low consumption power1362 Cost reduction13631363 Energy-conserving display136313631363 LED display1363 High efficiency devices1363 Light emission materials1363 Element technology Larger display1363 Thin film technology Cost reduction136313641364 Energy-conserving display Light emission efficiency 50 lm/W 70 lm/W1364 Life at 1000 cd/m2 10,000 hours 50,000 hours 100,000 hours1364 For mobile information terminals1364 Organic EL display1364 Larger display1364 Improvement of light emission efficiency Flexible display1364 Life extension1364136413711371 Energy-conserving Optical disk capacity 100 - 200 GB/ - 200 Mbps 500 GB - 1 TB/ - 1 Gbps1371 information equipments Communication speed 1 - 100 GB/s 5 - 500 GB/s13711371 Energy-conserving1371 information High efficiency devices1371 equipments High efficiency storage and memory1371 Application chip technology1371 Virtual machine (VM) technology, Embedded software technology1371 Network/optical network technology Integration of HEMS and BEMS1381 Thermal conductivity1381 Energy-conserving 0.0025 W/m K 0.001 W/m K 0.001 W/m K 0.0005 W/m K1381 electric home appliances Power consumption 450 kWh/year 400 kW/year13811381 Energy-conserving1381 refrigerators Vacuum heat insulation Heat pump refrigerator1381 Optimal control for cooperation of BEMS/HEMS13811381138113821382 Energy-conserving Standby power consumption1382 electric home appliances 1 W 100 mW or less 50 mW or less13821382 Reduction of standby1382 power consumption Power-conservation source module138213821382138215211521 Energy-conserving1521 network communication15211521 High-capacity 1521 high-speed Raw material production technology for communication cables1521 network/optical Technology for power-conserving routers/switches1521 network Network architecture1521 communication152114011401 Advanced traffic system140114011401 Intelligent transport1401 systems (ITS) Traffic information and communication system1401 Traffic demand management (TDM)1401 Navigation system Traffic management optimization1401 Driving safety support system1401

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-10 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (10/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology14021402 Advanced traffic system140214021402 Modal shift in1402 passenger transport New transport system1402 Light rail transit (LRT)1402 Guideway buses1402 Community EV buses1402 Dual mode vehicles (DMV)14031403 Advanced traffic system140314031403 Modal shift in1403 freight transport Bimodal commodity distribution system (road → train, ships)1403 Dual mode truck1403 General-purpose standardized distribution system (advanced application of IC tag)1403 Intelligent distribution system140321012101 High efficiency internal2101 combustion engine21012101 Gasoline engine2101 Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels2101 Surface control of low friction materials2101 Cylinder cutoff control for improving part-load efficiency2101 Powertrain technology High compression ratio2101 Lean burn combustion21022102 High efficiency internal2102 combustion engine21022102 Diesel engine2102 High-efficiency low-emission combustion technology2102 Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels2102 Surface control of low friction materials2102 Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI)210221112111 Clean energy vehicles211121112111 Natural-gas vehicles2111 Greater cruising distance2111 Natural-gas sorption materials2111 Reduction of weight of fuel tank2111 Expansion of gas supply infrastructures211121122112 Clean energy vehicles211221122112 Hybrid vehicles2112 Regeneration system Vehicle weight reduction2112 Improvement of engine efficiency2112 High performance rechargeable battery2112 (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)2112 Surface control of low friction materials21132113 Clean energy vehicles Energy density of battery 1.5 times2113 Running distance on a full charge 40 km21132113 Plug-in hybrid vehicles2113 Vehicle weight reduction2113 Improvement of motor efficiency2113 High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)2113 Optimum running control technology2113 Power supply system2114 Traveling distance About 500 km2114 Clean energy vehicles Energy density About 7 times larger than at present2114 Cost About 1/40 lower than at present21142114 Electric vehicles2114 Vehicle weight reduction Improvement of motor efficiency2114 High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)21142114 Power supply system21142115 Traveling distance 400 km 800 km2115 Clean energy vehicles Durability 3,000 hours (5 years), 20,000 start/stops 5,000 hours (10 years), 60,000 start/stops2115 Vehicle cost (ICV ratio) 3 – 5 times 1.2 times2115 Stack cost 5,000 JPY/kW 4,000 JPY/kW Cost reduction (non-platinum electrocatalysts, mass production)2115 Fuel cell vehicles2115 Improvement of motor efficiency (high-temperature operation, high catalytic activity, 2115 Hydrogen production technology new electrocatalysts, etc.)2115 Improvement of durability of fuel cell stacks2115 Hydrogen supply system (improvement of electrolyte membrane, etc.)2115 High density hydrogen storage technology21162116 Clean energy vehicles211621162116 Hydrogen engine2116 vehicles More efficient hydrogen engine2116 Hydrogen loading technology2116 Hydrogen production technology2116 Cost reduction2116 Hydrogen supply system

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-11 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (11/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology22012201 Energy-conserving trains220122012201 Energy-conserving2201 trains Weight reduction Hybrid trains2201 Electric transformer on train2201 Utilization of regenerated energy2201220123012301 High performance ships230123012301 High performance2301 ships Highly reliable intelligent ships2301 Motorization Fuel cells2301 Weight reduction Optimization of ship shape2301 Exhaust heat recovery in engine230123022302 High efficiency marine2302 transport system23022302 High efficiency marine2302 transport system Cooperation of land transport2302 Hub port networking23022302230224012401 High performance aircrafts240124012401 High performance2401 aircrafts Weight reduction by using carbon composite materials, etc.2401 High-efficiency of jet engine More energy conservation2401 Further improvement of environmental, economic, and safety properties2401240153025302 Petroleum refining530253025302 Fuel-saving high-5302 durability lube oil Fuel-saving lube oil production technology5302 Lube oil production technology from GTL, etc.53025302530211131113 Energy-conserving1113 industrial processes Advanced LSI design (Improvement of energy conservation)1113 SiC/GaN substrate technology (high quality/large diameter/cost reduction)1113 LSI production process1113 Diamond power devices1113 Extreme UV exposure system1113 Device process technology such as ink jet method1113 Mass production of SiC/GaN elements (rectifier)1113 Mass production of SiC/GaN elements (switching element)1501 Wafer diameter (power device)1501 High performance devices 6" 8" 300 mm1501 Microfabrication (power device)1501 0.25 µm 0.13 µm 90 nm 45 nm1501 Si devices1501 Production process technology (extension for wafer diameter, fine processing technology, superjunction, thin wafer)1501 Improvement of element structure Novel element structure1501 High current density, High temperature operation1501 Soft-switching technology, Matrix converter technology15011502 Wafer diameter1502 High performance devices 3" 4" 6"1502 Wafer dislocation density1502 10 4 cm -2 10 3 cm -2 10 2 cm -2 50 cm -2 10 cm -2

1502 SiC devices1502 Production process technology (extension for wafer diameter, reduction of wafer dislocation density)1502 Improvement of mobility of injection channel, Improvement of reliability of oxide film1502 Normally-off type MOSFET1502150215031503 High performance devices150315031503 Nitride devices 1503 (GaN, AlN) Schottky barrier diode (SBD)1503 Heteroepitaxial growth technology of GaN Hetero-junction field effect transistor (HFET)15031503150315041504 High performance devices150415041504 Diamond devices1504 Larger wafer diameter1504 Epitaxial growth technology1504 Technologies for device fabrication/process15041504

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.2-12 Technology Roadmap for for Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency (12/12) No. Energy technology

Individual technology15051505 High performance devices150515051505 CNT transistor1505 CNT (carbon nano tube) growth control technology1505 CNT electric property control technology1505 Device structure design1505 Development of production process15051506 Power consumption 4.2 mW/million transistors1506 High performance devices 12.4 mW/million transistors 0.42 mW/million transistors15061506 System LSI (SoC, System on a Chip)1506 Energy-conserving1506 LSI systems Fine processing technology Dependable LSI technology1506 Application chip technology1506 Self-luminous on-chip display technology1506 Dynamic control LSI technology1506 Technology for organic EL emission element utilizing external light15111511 High performance1511 power electronics15111511 High efficiency inverter1511 Ultra-low loss SiC switching elements1511 Advanced technology of inverter design1511 Inverter technology15111511

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 1.3 Deployment Scenario for "Improvement of Overall Energy Efficiency"

"Improvement of energy conversion efficiency" in the energy conversion sector, "improvement of manufacturing process efficiency" in the industry sector and "energy conservation" in the residential/commercial and transport sectors will be implemented to improve Japan's energy consumption efficiency by at least 30% by FY 2030.

"Improvement of energy conversion efficiency" in the energy conversion sector, "improvement of manufacturing process efficiency" in the industry sector and "energy conservation" in the residential/commercial and transport sectors will be implemented to improve Japan's energy consumption efficiency by at least 30% by FY 2030.

2030-2005 20252010 2015 2020

Future framework (post-Kyoto framework)

Energy-conserving information living space creation technologiesTechnologies to suppress the increase of demand in advanced informatization, lifestyle changes, aging society, etc.

and to realize comfortable and efficient information living space




at h







ent o

f ove



gy e



(Rolling)New National Energy Strategy



or te






t pro


s an

d re


nt m



Super combustion system technologiesTechnologies for innovative manufacturing without combustion, reaction-controlled combustion, material regenerating combustion, etc.

Technologies for energy utilization beyond space-time restrictionsEnergy storage and transportation technologies to resolve energy supply/demand mismatches beyond space and time restrictions

Introduction of sector-by-sector benchmarks to improve specific energy consumption








Technologies that established the advanced transport society Technologies for energy conservation through more efficient transport systems and advanced (ex. modal shifts)

Future energy-conserving device technologiesTechnologies for energy conservation through high performance semiconductor chips

and other advanced devices used across wide-ranging areas

Subsidization of businesses to create initial demand (subsidized introduction of highly efficient systems)

Global development of energy conservation evaluation systems

Development and utilization of energy-conserving investment project evaluation systems

Cooperation between shippers and transporters

Efforts to lead people to grow more conscious of conserving energy

1st commitmentperiod of the Kyoto

Improving energy efficiency to reduceprimary energy consumption by 20% by 2020

Reducing per-GDP finalenergy consumption indexby around 30% by FY 2030

Improvement of international competitiveness through international standardization and normalization

Improving power generation efficiency at coal thermal power plants

Energy-conserving industrial processes

Development of heat- and corrosion-resistant materials

Heat storage and transportation

Promotion of energy management

Fuel cells

Electricity storageEnergy-conserving investment project evaluation,

energy reform tax measures, and low-interest loans

 Housing performance indication system

Loans, tax and other incentives fordeployment of energy-conserving houses

Highly efficient air conditioners / water heaters

Energy-conserving home appliances (lighting equipment, displays, etc.)

Promotion of energy management (HEMS/BEMS/local area)

    Hybrid vehiclesPlug-in hybrid vehicles

    Electric vehicles    Fuel cell vehicles

Hydrogen supply infrastructure

Standardization of future devices

Energy-conserving LSI

Electricity supplyinfrastructure

Energy conservation businessessuch as ESCO and ESP

Co-production of materials/energy

Utilization of energies and materials between industries

Reducing electricity transmission losses / increasing transmission capacity

Deployment of highly efficient HP

Deployment of highly efficient CGS

Development and deployment of IT-based energy control systems

Improvement of fuel economy (reducing weight of vehicle body, more efficient engine)

Deployment of advanced transport systems and promotion of modal shifts

Improving performance of power devices (IT device, home appliances, distributed power sources, industrial machinery, high power equipments)

Shift of automobile taxes to green taxes,reduction of automobile acquisition tax, etc.

Effective operation of Top Runnertechnology and labeling systems

Advanced insulation and energyconservation for houses/buildings


(2) Diversification of transport fuels

The transport sector depends almost wholly on petroleum and is the most fragile in Japan's energy supply/demand structure. Prompt measures for future reform of the energy supply/demand structure are indispensable.

In order to achieve the goal in the New National Energy Strategy(reducing the transport sector's petroleum dependence to around 80% toward 2030), the government and private sector should share medium to long-term prospects and directions and promote technology development and relevant measures.

Regional demonstration projects are going on for the introduction of biomass fuels. But the fuel supply infrastructure is still inadequate and it is difficult to use the fuel. In order to solve these problems, we should promote demonstration tests for the introduction of biomass fuels, create a supply infrastructure and develop low-cost ethanol manufacturing and other relevant technologies.

GTL (gas to liquid) originating from natural gas can be used for diesel engines and has attracted attention as an environmentally friendly fuel containing no sulfur. Manufacturing technologies should be promptly established for GTL, BTL (biomass to liquid), CTL (coal to liquid) and other synthetic liquid fuels.

Regarding fuel cell vehicles, technologies should be established to lengthen cruising ranges, lower costs for fuel cells and improve their durability. Hydrogen manufacturing and supply infrastructure should be developed along with relevant safety measures.

Regarding electric vehicles, while technologies for hybrid vehicles which are rapidly diffusing should be improved further, the battery performance should be improved for the development of plug-in hybrid vehicles being followed by electric vehicles.





Natural gas

Unconventionalfossil fuels

Natural energies

Fossil fuels

Electric power storage▽●☆Nickel-hydrogen battery▼●★Lithium-ion battery▼○☆Capacitor

▽●◇Energy-conserving trains

▽○◇High performance ships

▽○◇High performance aircrafts

High efficiency internalcombustion engine▼●◇Gasoline engine▼●◆Diesel engine

Clean energy vehicles▼●★◇Fuel cell vehicles▽○☆◇Hydrogen engine vehicles

▽○◇High efficiency marinetransport system

Hydrogen storage○☆Inorganic materials for hydrogen storage○☆Alloy materials for hydrogen storage○☆Carbonaceous materials for hydrogen storage○☆Organic materials for hydrogen storage○☆Hydrogen storage container

Hydrogen production○◇Hydrogen production from

coal with CO2 recovery

Utilization of biomass and waste energy○★Biomass resource supply

Fuel cells▼●★◇PEFC▽○☆◇DMFC

Production of biofuels○☆Hydrogen fermentation

Transportation and supply of hydrogen○☆Transportation and supply of compressed hydrogen○☆Transportation and supply of liquid hydrogen○☆Hydrogen pipelines●☆Safety technology for hydrogen gas refueling stations

Coal Utilization○◆Coal to liquid (CTL)

Natural gas utilization●◆Gas to liquid (GTL)○◇Synthesizing LP gas from natural gas, etc.

Utilization of LP gas○◇Utilization of LPG/DME mixed fuel

Utilization of new alternative fuels●☆◇Advanced technology for utilizing

biomass and other unconventionalpetroleum products

○◇Utilization of GTL and other newalternative fuels along with petroleum

Utilization of heavy crude oil○◇Production of high-octane gasoline from low-quality oil○◆Production of synthesized diesel fuel form asphalt (ATL)

Petroleum refining○◇Advanced technology for

producing desulfurized liquid fuels

Advanced technology for using petroleum○◇Hydrogen production from petroleum

and hydrogen transportation





Production of biofuels●★Alcohol fermentation●★Conversion of cellulosic materials into ethanol●★Biodiesel fuel (BDF)○☆◇Dimethyl ether (DME)○★◇Production of BTL by gasification of biomass○☆Methane fermentation

Hydrogen production○★◇Hydrogen production by gasification Hydrogen production

○☆Solid polymer water electrolysis○☆High temperature steam electrolysis●☆Alkaline water electrolysis

Hydrogen production○★Hydrogen production

using photocatalysts

Clean energy vehicles▼●☆◆Plug-in hybrid vehicles▼●☆◇Electric vehicles

Clean energy vehicles▽○◇Natural-gas vehicles▼●◆Hybrid vehicles

Advanced technology for using petroleum○◇New alternative fuels for vehicles○◇Improving vehicle efficiency

and promoting exhaust gas cleanup○◇Offroad engines with low environmental load

Utilization of heavy crude oil○◇Production of hydrogen from

petroleum pitch and cokes

Natural gas utilization○◇Next generation technology for

producing hydrogen from natural gas

Coal Utilization○☆◇Hydrothermal cracking of coal

Nuclear energy

Figure 2.1 Technology Map (Diagram) for Diversification of Transport Fuels

The colored symbols specified in front of the technologies indicate the policy objectives to which these technologies would contribute:▽ Improvement of overall energy efficiency○ Diversification of transport fuels☆ Promotion of new energy development and introduction□ Utilization of nuclear energy and secured safety as premises◇ Stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuelsTechnologies that make great contributions to policy objectives are accompanied by pasted symbols (▼●★■◆) for the relevant policy objectives.Technologies that make great contributions to the "diversification of transport fuels" are specified with underlined red letters.


Table 2.1-1 Technology Map (List) for Diversification of Transport Fuels (1/5)

Utilization of biomass and waste energy

Technology for efficient collection of timbers cut and left in forest land, Improving efficiency in tree cutting, transportation processes and cost reduction by methods such as line-thinning, Technologies for producing fuel crops (i.e. gene manipulation, eco-friendly fertilizers, and conservation of water resources)

Biomass resource supply


Anaerobic hydrogen fermentation technology, Two-stage fermentation technology (hydrogen and methane), Technology for hydrogen photoproduction by photosynthetic bacteria, Searching for and development of hydrogen producing microorganisms (high-temperature-tolerant), Highly-efficient photobioreactors, Acceleration of high-density hydrogen fermentation microorganisms, Efficiency improvement / cost reduction

Hydrogen fermentation3208

Improvement in fermentation efficiency, Solubilizationtechnology, Improvement of fermentation micro-organism, Process optimization, Co-combustion of methane fermentation gas with city gas, Utilization of methane fermentation gas for power and heat generation in sewage plants, Combined system of methane fermentation with direct combustion, Facility cost reduction

Methane fermentation3206

BTL production technology, Biomass/wastes gasification technology, FT synthesis technology, Improvement in BTL production efficiency, Efficient waste collection systems, Cost reduction

Production of BTL by gasification of biomass


Indirect synthesis process of DME, Direct synthesis process of DME, DME vehicles, Utilization technologies for DME fuel cells, etc., Technologies for storing and supplying DME

Dimethyl ether (DME)3204

Self-consumption of BDF, Production of BDF by continuous esterification process, Improvement of BDF quality / production cost reduction, Efficient utilization of glycerin andother byproducts, Hydrocracking method, Low-cost resource crops, Self-sufficient production and consumption of BDF in local community

Biodiesel fuel (BDF)3203

Efficiency improvement in glycosylation process, Efficiency improvement in C5 sugars-to-ethanol conversion and fermentation, Efficient utilization of lignin and other byproducts, Efficient improvement in collection and conveyance operations / cost reduction, Improvement of energy recovery efficiency, Promotion of energy conservation in distillation and dehydration processes, Liquid waste treatment technology, Utilization of unused forest resources, Technology for large-scale ethanol production, Production cost reduction, Development of glycolyticenzymes, Technology of bioprocess by using super yeast, etc.

Conversion of cellulosic materials into ethanol


Improvement in ethanol conversion efficiency of C5 sugars, Low-cost resource crops, Safety confirmation of ethyl tert-butylether (ETBE), Improvement of infrastructures

Alcohol fermentationProduction of biofuels


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"diversification of transport fuels" are specified with underlined red


Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs








Table 2.1-2 Technology Map (List) for Diversification of Transport Fuels (2/5)

Cost reduction, Improvement of total efficiency, High current density, Pressurization of generated hydrogen

Alkaline water electrolysis


Visible light-responsive photocatalysts, Preparation method of photocatalyst with low lattice defect, Formation of hydrogen generation sites with low activation energy, Basic study on reactors

Hydrogen production using photocatalysts


Application of lower-cost separators, Improvement of MEA production process, Downsizing of equipment by increasing current density, Low oxygen overvoltage catalyst, Reduction of noble metal contents, More cost reduction, Durability improvement

Solid polymer water electrolysis


Sealing technology, Interconnection technology, High current density technology, Increase of operating pressure

High temperature steam electrolysis


Hydrogen production

Clean energy vehicles

Coal utilization

Partial oxidation reforming, Steam reforming, Autothermalreforming, Coal gasification, Biomass gasification, Gas cleanup, CO2 recovery technology, Hydrogen separation membrane technology

Hydrogen production by gasification


Technology for hydrogen production from coal with CO2 absorption (HyPr-RING), Technology for recycling absorbent materials, CO2 recovery technology

Hydrogen production from coal with CO2 recovery


Ultra-low methanol cross-over membrane, Low swelling membrane, High activity catalyst, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)


Fuel cells Understanding of degradation mechanism, Technology available for high temperature / low humidity, Reduction of platinum content, Poisoning resistant catalyst, Moisture control inside electrolyte membrane, Non-platinum catalysts, Mass production technology for MEA and separators, etc.

Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC)


More efficient hydrogen engine, Hydrogen loading technology, Hydrogen production technology, Cost reduction, Hydrogen supply system

Hydrogen engine vehicles


Improvement of motor efficiency, Improvement of durability of fuel cell stacks, High density hydrogen storage technology, Hydrogen production technology, Cost reduction, Hydrogen supply system

Fuel cell vehicles2115

Technology applying to a wide range of coal, Establishment of high performance and high reliability, Co-production technology

Hydrothermal cracking of coal


Upgrading technology for coal-liquefied oil, Gasification technology, FT synthesis technology, Application of brown coal liquefaction technology, Training for engineers and operators, Design and construction of commercial plants

Coal to liquid (CTL)5633

Technology for synthesizing LP gas from natural gas, coal, CO2, etc., Development of synthetic catalysts with long durability, Catalyst regeneration technology

Synthesizing LP gas from natural gas, etc.


Steam reforming + PSA, Hydrogen-transmissive membrane reactors, CO2 separation membranes, Hydrogen production with CO2 separation

Next generation technology for producing hydrogen from natural gas


Synthetic gas production technology, FT synthesis technology, Hydrocracking technology, Scale-up engineering, Operation technique

Gas to liquid (GTL)Natural gas utilization


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"diversification of transport fuels" are specified with underlined red


Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs






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Table 2.1-3 Technology Map (List) for Diversification of Transport Fuels (3/5)

Hydrogen storage

Advanced technology for using petroleum

Technology for storing, transporting, and supplying hydrogen, Off-site hydrogen production technology by way of reforming kerosene, etc., Membrane separation technology, Onboard reforming technology for vehicle fuels, Development of autothermal reforming systems for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), Adsorption desulfurization technology for kerosene, Development for reforming catalysts of kerosene

Hydrogen production from petroleum and hydrogen transportation


Compressed hydrogen containers, Liquid hydrogen containers, High-strength materials, Hybrid storage (high-pressure hydrogen storage containers), Durability improvement, Weight- and space-saving, Improvement in thermal insulation efficiency

Hydrogen storage container


High-performance catalysts for releasing hydrogen, Technology for transporting hydrogen to refueling stations, Hydrogen storage technology using organic hydride

Organic materials for hydrogen storage


Establishment and application of principles for designing or synthesizing materials that allow a large quantity of hydrogen to be stored (e.g. new shapes, chemical modification, element substitution, composite making)

Carbonaceous materials for hydrogen storage


Technology for improving the rate of storing and releasing hydrogen, Elucidation of degradation mechanism and durability improvement, Searching for new materials, Reduction of hydrogen release temperature

Alloy materials for hydrogen storage


Alanate, Amide/imide, Borohydride, Composite materials, Searching for promising materials and optimization of composition, Establishment of handling technology, Reduction of storage and release temperatures, Acceleration of reaction and durability improvement, Suppressing release of by-products

Inorganic materials for hydrogen storage


Safety instrumented systems for refueling stations, Responses to high-speed filling (communication, precooling), Boil-off gas reduction, Cost reduction, Improvement in overall efficiency of refueling stations, Efficiency improvement in security operations, Preventive maintenance systems

Safety technology for hydrogen gas refueling stations


Study on materials for carbon steel pipes and welded sections, Setting of construction conditions, Establishment of leak detection technology, Maintenance method for sliding/movable sections, Sealing materials, Setting of technical standards for pipelines, Piping configuration for supplying hydrogen, Metering technology of hydrogen

Hydrogen pipelines3323

Technology for support structures of inner tanks, Improvement in thermal insulation method for tanks, Technology for developing highly efficient liquefaction systems, Magnetic refrigeration technology, Improvement in insulation efficiency of liquid containers, Technologies for developing liquid hydrogen dispensers and flowmeters, Durability improvement, Cost reduction

Transportation and supply of liquid hydrogen


Technology for producing high-strength metal, Weight saving, Technology for developing high-pressure hydrogen compressors, Improvement in compression efficiency, Optimization of pressure and capacity, Technology for developing high-pressure hydrogen dispensers, High-speed filling technology, Durability improvement, Cost reduction

Transportation and supply of compressed hydrogen

Transportation and supply of hydrogen


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"diversification of transport fuels" are specified with underlined red


Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs





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Table 2.1-4 Technology Map (List) for Diversification of Transport Fuels (4/5)

Cooperation of land transport, Hub port networkingHigh efficiency marine transport system

High efficiency marine transport system


Weight reduction by using carbon composite materials, etc., High-efficiency of jet engine, More energy conservation, Further improvement of environmental, economic, and safety properties

High performance aircrafts

High performance aircrafts


Highly reliable intelligent ships, Motorization, Weight reduction, Exhaust heat recovery in engine, Optimization of ship shape, Fuel cells

High performance ships

High performance ships


High efficiency internal combustion engine

Clean energy vehicles

Electric power storage

Energy-conserving trains

Weight reduction, Hybrid trains, Electric transformer on train, Utilization of regenerated energy

Energy-conserving trains


Regeneration system, Improvement of engine efficiency, Vehicle weight reduction, Surface control of low friction materials, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)

Hybrid vehicles2112

Greater cruising distance, Natural-gas sorption materials, Reduction of weight of fuel tank, Expansion of gas supply infrastructures

Natural-gas vehicles2111

High-efficiency low-emission combustion technology, Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels, Surface control of low friction materials, Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI)

Diesel engine2102

Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels, Surface control of low friction materials, Cylinder cutoff control for improving part-load efficiency, Powertraintechnology, High compression ratio, Lean burn combustion

Gasoline engine2101

Electric double layer capacitor, Improvement of energy density, Nano-carbon electrode materials, Cost reduction, Redox capacitor, Hybrid capacitor


Higher energy density, Improvement of cycle performance, Improvement of safety, Cost reduction

Lithium-ion battery3544

Higher power density, Higher capacity, Improvement of self-discharge properties, Life extension

Nickel-hydrogen battery


Vehicle weight reduction, Improvement of motor efficiency, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction), Power supply system

Electric vehicles2114

Vehicle weight reduction, Improvement of motor efficiency, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction), Optimum running control technology, Power supply system

Plug-in hybrid vehiclesClean energy vehicles


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"diversification of transport fuels" are specified with underlined red


Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs






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Table 2.1-5 Technology Map (List) for Diversification of Transport Fuels (5/5)

Advanced technology for using petroleum

Petroleum refining

Utilization of new alternative fuels

Utilization of LP gas

Improvement of equipment durability against blended fuels, Technology for DME/LPG direct-injection diesel engines

Utilization of LPG/DME mixed fuel


Technologies for blending petroleum with GTL, Technologies for blending petroleum with coal-derived liquids, Technologies for using other clean liquid fuels

Utilization of GTL and other new alternative fuels along with petroleum


Technology for using petroleum along with biomass fuels, Technologies for refining biomass fuels (e.g. refining by membrane separation of ethanol)

Advanced technology for utilizing biomass and other unconventional petroleum products


Technology for developing engines with low-cetane fuels, Application technologies of ultra low-cetane fuels, Development of low-cetane fuels for stationary and general purpose diesel engines

Offroad engines with low environmental load


Technology for fuels used for recent models of diesel vehicles, Technologies for improving vehicle fuel efficiency, Technology for improving antiknock properties, Technology for fuels compatible with next-generation vehicle engines such as HCCI, High-accuracy atmospheric simulation technology for environmental assessment of exhaust gas, etc.

Improving vehicle efficiency and promoting exhaust gas cleanup


Technology for blending new alternative fuels such as biofuels and GTL with conventional fuels such as gasoline and diesel oil, Technology for vehicles applying to conventional/alternative blended fuels

New alternative fuels of vehicle


Advanced desulfurization technology for petroleum liquid fuels, Development of desulfurization catalysts for ultra clean fuel, Development of advanced deep desulfurizationprocesses

Advanced technology for producing desulfurized liquid fuels


Technology for gasification of heavy oil, FT synthesis technology, Hydrocracking technology

Production of synthesized diesel fuel form asphalt (ATL)


Technology for using pitch as coking additives, Development of hydrogen production process, Development of catalysts for hydrogen production

Production of hydrogen from petroleum pitch and cokes


Technology for effective utilization of lower naphtha, Development of isomerization catalysts of naphtha, Development of catalysts for high-octane gasoline production (e.g. FCC catalyst)

Production of high-octane gasoline from low-quality oil

Utilization of heavy crude oil


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"diversification of transport fuels" are specified with underlined red


Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs














Figure 2.2-1 Technology Roadmap for Diversification of Transport Fuels (1/6) No. Energy technology

Individual technology32013201 Production of biofuels32013201 Introduction of ETBE (210,000 kl)3201 Alcohol fermentation3201 (Sugar, starch) Improvement in ethanol conversion efficiency of C5 sugars3201 Low-cost resource crops3201 Safety confirmation of ethyl tert-butylether (ETBE)3201 Improvement of infrastructures320132023202 Production of biofuels Efficiency improvement in the glycosylation process Technology for large-scale ethanol production3202 Improvement of energy recovery efficiency3202 Effective utilization of lignin and other byproducts Production cost reduction3202 Conversion of3202 cellulosic materials Efficiency improvement in the C5 sugars-to-ethanol conversion and fermentation3202 into ethanol Development of glycolytic enzymes3202 (Wood, rice Efficient improvement in collection Promotion of energy conservation in distillation and dehydration processes3202 straws, etc.) and conveyance operations Liquid waste treatment technology Technology of bioprocess by using super yeast, etc.3202 / cost reduction Utilization of unused forest resources32033203 Production of biofuels32033203 Self-consumption of BDF Self-sufficient production and consumption of BDF in local community3203 Biodiesel fuel (BDF)3203 Production of BDF by continuous esterification process3203 Improvement of BDF quality / production cost reduction3203 Efficient utilization of glycerin and other byproducts3203 Hydrocracking method3203 Low-cost resource crops32043204 Production of biofuels320432043204 Dimethyl ether (DME)3204 Indirect methods for synthesizing DME3204 Direct methods for synthesizing DME3204 DME vehicles3204 Utilization technologies for DME fuel cells, etc.3204 Technologies for storing and supplying DME32053205 Production of biofuels320532053205 Production of BTL3205 by gasification of BTL production technology3205 biomass Biomass/wastes gasification technology Cost reduction3205 FT synthesis technology Improvement in BTL production efficiency3205 Efficient waste collection systems320532063206 Production of biofuels3206 Introduction by large-scale facilities and plants Introduction by medium and small facilities and plants3206 Improvement in fermentation efficiency3206 Methane fermentation3206 Wet biomass such Solubilization technology3206 as sewage sludge, Improvement of fermentation micro-organism3206 livestock manure, Process optimization Combined system of methane fermentation with direct combustion3206 and food wastes Utilization of methane fermentation gas for power and heat generation in sewage plants3206 Co-combustion of methane fermentation gas with city gas Facility cost reduction3208 Technology for hydrogen photoproduction3208 Production of biofuels by photosynthetic bacteria3208 Highly-efficient photobioreactors3208 Anaerobic hydrogen fermentation technology3208 Hydrogen fermentation3208 Two-stage fermentation technology3208 (hydrogen and methane) Searching for and development of hydrogen 3208 production strains (high-temperature-tolerant)3208 Efficiency improvement Acceleration of high-density hydrogen 3208 / cost reduction fermentation microorganisms32153215 Utilization of biomass3215 and waste energy32153215 Biomass resource3215 supply Technology for efficient collection of timbers cut and left in forest land3215 Improving efficiency in tree cutting, transportation processes and cost reduction by methods such as line-thinning3215 Technologies for producing fuel crops3215 (i.e. gene manipulation, eco-friendly fertilizers, and conservation of water resources)321555215521 Natural gas utilization5521 Verification tests at pilot plants5521 7 bbl/d 500 bbl/d5521 Gas to liquids (GTL)5521 Production of GTL5521 Synthetic gas production technology (stable operations for cumulative time of 6,600 hours)5521 FT synthesis technology (stable and efficient production of cobalt-based catalysts)5521 Hydrocracking technology5521 Scale-up engineering, Operation technique55235523 Natural gas utilization552355235523 Next generation5523 technology for Steam reforming + PSA Hydrogen-transmissive membrane reactors Hydrogen production with CO2 separation5523 producing hydrogen CO2 separation membranes5523 from natural gas55235523

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 2.2-2 Technology Roadmap for Diversification of Transport Fuels (2/6) No. Energy technology

Individual technology55245524 Natural gas utilization552455245524 Synthesizing LP gas5524 from natural gas, Technology for synthesizing LP gas from natural gas, coal, CO2, etc.5524 etc. Development of synthetic catalysts with long durability5524 Catalyst regeneration technology552455245633 Operation scale (Japan) 3,000 t/d 6,000 t/d5633 Coal utilization Operation scale (China) 3,000 t/d 6,000 t/d5633 Test equipment with a productivity Provision of training programs with a view to5633 of 1t/d (PSU) (Indonesia) promoting the use of the technology in Asia5633 Coal to liquids (CTL)5633 Upgrading technology for coal-liquefied oil5633 Gasification technology Application of brown coal liquefaction technology5633 FT synthesis technology Training for engineers and operators5633 Design and construction of commercial plants563356345634 Coal utilization56345634 Pilot tests Verification tests5634 Hydrothermal 5634 cracking of coal Technology applying to a wide range of coal5634 Establishment of high performance and high reliability5634 Co-production technology563456342115 Traveling distance 400 km 800 km2115 Clean energy vehicles Durability 3,000 hours (5 years), 20,000 start/stops 5,000 hours (10 years), 60,000 start/stops2115 Vehicle cost (ICV ratio) 3 – 5 times 1.2 times2115 Stack cost 5,000 JPY/kW 4,000 JPY/kW Cost reduction (non-platinum electrocatalysts, mass production)2115 Fuel cell vehicles2115 Improvement of motor efficiency (high-temperature operation, high catalytic activity, 2115 Hydrogen production technology new electrocatalysts, etc.)2115 Improvement of durability of fuel cell stacks2115 Hydrogen supply system (improvement of electrolyte membrane, etc.)2115 High density hydrogen storage technology21162116 Clean energy vehicles211621162116 Hydrogen engine2116 vehicles More efficient hydrogen engine2116 Hydrogen loading technology2116 Hydrogen production technology2116 Cost reduction2116 Hydrogen supply system3304 Power generation efficiency (HHV), durability, system price (Stationary type, 1 kW)3304 Fuel cells 32%, 40,000 hours, JPY 1,200,000 36%, 90,000 hours, JPY 400,0003304 Improvement of durability (40,000 hours→ 90,000 hours, variation of fuel)3304 Understanding of degradation mechanism Automobile PEFC3304 Polymer Electrolyte3304 Fuel Cell (PEFC) Technology available for high temperature / low humidity3304 Reduction of platinum content3304 Non-platinum catalysts3304 Poisoning resistant catalyst Mass production technology for MEA and separators, etc.3304 Moisture control inside electrode membrane33053305 Fuel cells Energy density 500 Wh/L 1000 Wh/L 1000 Wh/L3305 Output density 100 mW/cm2 200 mW/cm2 200 mW/cm2<3305 Durability 5,000 hours< 10,000 hours 10,000 hours<3305 Direct Methanol3305 Fuel Cell (DMFC) For PC and cell phone Ultra-low methanol cross-over membrane3305 Cost reduction Low swollen membrane3305 Improvement of durability High activity catalyst330533053311 Hydrogen price (throughout the entire processes of hydrogen production)3311 Hydrogen production 150 JPY/Nm3 80 JPY/Nm3 40 JPY/Nm333113311 Pilot plants with productivity of 5 t/d3311 Hydrogen production3311 from coal with Technology for producing hydrogen from coal with CO2 absorption (HyPr-RING)3311 CO2 recovery Technology for recycling absorbent materials3311 CO2 recovery technology3311331133123312 Hydrogen production331233123312 Hydrogen production3312 by gasification Partial oxidation reforming Coal gasification Hydrogen separation membrane technology3312 Steam reforming Biomass gasification3312 Autothermal reforming Gas cleanup3312 CO2 recovery technology331233133313 Hydrogen production331333133313 Solid polymer water3313 electrolysis Application of lower-cost separators More cost reduction3313 Improvement in the MEA production process Durability improvement3313 Downsizing of equipment by increasing current density3313 Low oxygen overvoltage catalyst3313 Reduction of noble metal contents

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 2.2-3 Technology Roadmap for Diversification of Transport Fuels (3/6) No. Energy technology

Individual technology33143314 Hydrogen production331433143314 High temperature3314 steam electrolysis Sealing technology3314 Interconnection technology3314 High current density technology3314 Increase of operating pressure331433153315 Hydrogen production331533153315 Alkaline water3315 electrolysis Cost reduction3315 Improvement in total efficiency3315 High current density3315 Pressurization of generated hydrogen331533163316 Hydrogen production331633163316 Hydrogen production3316 using Visible light-responsive photocatalysts3316 photocatalysts Preparation method of photocatalyst with low lattice defect3316 Formation of hydrogen generation sites of catalyst with low activation energy3316 Basic study on reactors33163321 Transport cost 10 JPY/Nm3 7 JPY/Nm33321 Transportation and supply High-speed filling technology3321 of hydrogen Technology for developing high-pressure hydrogen dispensers3321 Weight saving Durability improvement3321 Transportation and3321 supply of Technology for producing high-strength metal3321 compressed Technology for developing high-pressure hydrogen compressors3321 hydrogen Improvement in compression efficiency3321 Optimization of pressure and capacity3321 Cost reduction3322 Transport cost 3 JPY/Nm33322 Transportation and supply Technology for the support structures of inner tanks3322 of hydrogen Improvement in thermal insulation method for tanks3322 Technologies for developing liquid hydrogen dispensers and flowmeters3322 Transportation and 3322 supply of liquid Technology for developing highly efficient liquefaction systems3322 hydrogen Magnetic refrigeration technology3322 Improvement in the insulation efficiency of liquid containers3322 Durability improvement3322 Cost reduction33233323 Transportation and supply3323 of hydrogen Setting of technical standards for pipelines3323 Shipping of industrial hydrogen Short-distance shipping (surrounding areas, house)3323 Hydrogen pipelines3323 Study on materials for carbon steel pipes and welded sections3323 Setting of construction conditions Piping configuration for supplying hydrogen3323 Establishment of leak detection technology3323 Maintenance method for sliding/movable sections, Sealing materials3323 Metering technology of hydrogen33243324 Transportation and supply3324 of hydrogen Review of criteria and standards3324 Investigation of safety and development of examples of criteria3324 Safety technology for3324 hydrogen gas Safety instrumented systems for refueling stations3324 refueling stations Responses to high-speed filling Cost reduction3324 (communication, precooling) Improvement in the combined efficiency of refueling stations3324 Boil-off reduction Efficiency improvement in security operations3324 Preventive maintenance systems33313331 Hydrogen storage333133313331 Inorganic materials3331 for hydrogen Alanate Searching for promising materials and optimization of composition3331 storage Amide/imide Establishment of handling technology3331 Borohydride Reduction of storage and release temperatures3331 Composite materials Acceleration of reaction and durability improvement3331 Suppressing release of side reaction products33323332 Hydrogen storage333233323332 Alloy materials3332 for hydrogen Technology for improving speed of storing and releasing hydrogen3332 storage Elucidation of the deterioration mechanism and durability improvement3332 Searching for new materials3332 Reduction of hydrogen release temperature333233333333 Hydrogen storage333333333333 Carbon materials3333 for hydrogen Establishment and application of principles for designing or synthesizing materials3333 storage that allow a large quantity of hydrogen to be stored3333 (e.g. new shapes, chemical modification, element substitution, composite making)33333333

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 2.2-4 Technology Roadmap for Diversification of Transport Fuels (4/6) No. Energy technology

Individual technology33343334 Hydrogen storage333433343334 Organic materials3334 for hydrogen High-performance catalysts for releasing hydrogen3334 storage Technology for transporting hydrogen to refueling stations3334 Hydrogen storage technology using organic hydride333433343335 In-vehicle hydrogen storages3335 Hydrogen storage 3 kg 5 kg 7 kg3335 Compressed hydrogen containers3335 Liquid hydrogen containers3335 Hydrogen storage3335 container Hybrid storage (high-pressure hydrogen storage containers)3335 High-strength materials3335 Durability improvement3335 Weight- and space-saving3335 Improvement in thermal insulation efficiency53115311 Advanced technology5311 for using petroleum Technology for storing, transporting, and supplying hydrogen5311 Off-site hydrogen production technology by way of reforming kerosene, etc.5311 Hydrogen production5311 from petroleum Adsorption desulfurization technology for kerosene5311 and hydrogen Membrane separation technology Development for reforming catalysts of kerosene5311 transportation Onboard reforming technology for vehicle fuels5311 Technology for developing autothermal reforming systems for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC)531121132113 Clean energy vehicles Energy density of battery 1.5 times2113 Running distance on a full charge 40 km21132113 Plug-in hybrid vehicles2113 Vehicle weight reduction2113 Improvement of motor efficiency2113 High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)2113 Optimum running control technology2113 Power supply system2114 Traveling distance About 500 km2114 Clean energy vehicles Energy density About 7 times larger than at present2114 Cost About 1/40 lower than at present21142114 Electric vehicles2114 Vehicle weight reduction Improvement of motor efficiency2114 High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)21142114 Power supply system211435433543 Electric power storage35433543 For hybrid vehicles For load change compensation3543 Nickel-hydrogen3543 battery Higher power density3543 Higher capacity3543 Improvement of self-discharge properties3543 Life extension354335443544 Electric power storage3544 For hybrid vehicles3544 For mobile devices For load change compensation3544 Lithium-ion battery3544 Higher energy density3544 Improvement of cycle performance3544 Improvement of safety3544 Cost reduction35443545 Energy density 4 Wh/kg ( module ) 20 Wh/kg ( device )3545 Electric power storage Output density 1.5 kW/kg ( module ) 10 kW/kg ( device )3545 For civilian3545 For maintenance of power quality For transport3545 Capacitor3545 Electric double layer capacitor Cost reduction3545 Improvement of energy density Redox capacitor3545 Nano-carbon electrode materials Hybrid capacitor3545354521012101 High efficiency internal2101 combustion engine21012101 Gasoline engine2101 Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels2101 Surface control of low friction materials2101 Cylinder cutoff control for improving part-load efficiency2101 Powertrain technology High compression ratio2101 Lean burn combustion21022102 High efficiency internal2102 combustion engine21022102 Diesel engine2102 High-efficiency low-emission combustion technology2102 Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels2102 Surface control of low friction materials2102 Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI)2102

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 2.2-5 Technology Roadmap for Diversification of Transport Fuels (5/6) No. Energy technology

Individual technology21112111 Clean energy vehicles211121112111 Natural-gas vehicles2111 Greater cruising distance2111 Natural-gas sorption materials2111 Reduction of weight of fuel tank2111 Expansion of gas supply infrastructures211121122112 Clean energy vehicles211221122112 Hybrid vehicles2112 Regeneration system Vehicle weight reduction2112 Improvement of engine efficiency2112 High performance rechargeable battery2112 (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)2112 Surface control of low friction materials22012201 Energy-conserving trains220122012201 Energy-conserving2201 trains Weight reduction Hybrid trains2201 Electric transformer on train2201 Utilization of regenerated energy2201220123012301 High performance ships230123012301 High performance2301 ships Highly reliable intelligent ships2301 Motorization Fuel cells2301 Weight reduction Optimization of ship shape2301 Exhaust heat recovery in engine230123022302 High efficiency marine2302 transport system23022302 High efficiency marine2302 transport system Cooperation of land transport2302 Hub port networking23022302230224012401 High performance aircrafts240124012401 High performance2401 aircrafts Weight reduction by using carbon composite materials, etc.2401 High-efficiency of jet engine More energy conservation2401 Further improvement of environmental, economic, and safety properties2401240152025202 Utilization of heavy crude oil520252025202 Production of5202 high-octane Technology for effective utilization of lower naphtha5202 gasoline from low- Development of isomerization catalysts of naphtha5202 quality oil Development of catalysts for high-octane gasoline production (e.g. FCC catalyst)5202520252035203 Utilization of heavy crude oil520352035203 Production of5203 hydrogen from pitch Technology for using pitch cokes as caking additives Development of hydrogen production process5203 cokes consisting of Development of catalysts for hydrogen production5203 petroleum residue5203520352045204 Utilization of heavy crude oil520452045204 Production of5204 synthesis diesel Technology for gasification of heavy oil5204 fuel form asphalt FT synthesis technology5204 (ATL) Hydrocracking technology5204520453015301 Petroleum refining530153015301 Advanced technology5301 for producing Advanced desulfurization technology for petroleum liquid fuels5301 desulfurized Development of desulfurization catalysts for ultra clean fuel5301 liquid fuels Development of advanced deep desulfurization processes53015301

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 2.2-6 Technology Roadmap for Diversification of Transport Fuels (6/6) No. Energy technology

Individual technology53125312 Advanced technology5312 for using petroleum53125312 New alternative5312 fuels for vehicles Technology for blending new types of fuels such as biofuels and GTL 5312 with conventional types of fuels such as gasoline and diesel oil5312 Technology for vehicles applying to conventional/alternative blended fuels5312531253135313 Advanced technology5313 for using petroleum5313 Technology for fuels used for recent models of diesel vehicles5313 Improving vehicle 5313 efficiency and Technologies for improving vehicle fuel efficiency5313 promoting exhaust Technology for improving antiknock properties5313 gas cleanup Technology for fuels compatible with next-generation vehicle engines such as HCCI5313 High-accuracy atmospheric simulation technology 5313 for environmental assessment of exhaust gas, etc.53145314 Advanced technology5314 for using petroleum53145314 Offroad engines with5314 low environmental Technology for developing engines with low-cetane fuels5314 load Application technologies of ultra low-cetane fuels5314 Development of low-cetane fuels for stationary and general purpose diesel engines5314531453215321 Utilization of5321 new alternative fuels53215321 Advanced technology5321 for utilizing biomass Technology for using petroleum along with biomass fuels5321 and other Technologies for the refining treatment of biomass fuels5321 unconventional (e.g. the membrane separation of ethanol solution)5321 petroleum products532153225322 Utilization of5322 new alternative fuels53225322 Utilization of GTL5322 and other new Technologies for blending petroleum with GTL5322 alternative fuels Technologies for blending petroleum with coal-derived liquids5322 along with Technologies for using other clean liquid fuels5322 petroleum532255315531 LP gas utilization55315531 Mixed combustion/proof tests5531 Utilization of LPG/DME5531 mixed fuel Improvement of equipment durability against blended fuels5531 Technology for DME/LPG direct-injection diesel engines553155315531

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 2.3 Deployment Scenario for "Diversification of Transport Fuels"

The transport sector's oil dependence should be reduced from almost 100% at present to 80% by 2030 through the deployment of biofuels, GTL, BTL, CTL and other new alternative fuels, and electric/fuel cell vehicles.

The transport sector's oil dependence should be reduced from almost 100% at present to 80% by 2030 through the deployment of biofuels, GTL, BTL, CTL and other new alternative fuels, and electric/fuel cell vehicles.

2030-2005 20252010 2015 2020











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Other common technologies

Fuel cell vehicle and hydrogen technologies





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(Rolling)New National Energy Strategy


Synthetic liquid fuels including GTL

Development of biofuel provision infrastructure

Asian new energy cooperation

Electric vehicles

Positive introduction of new vehicles for public use

International standardization to improve international competitiveness

Development of fuelspecification standards

Electricity supply infrastructure development

Promotion of diesel shift

Development and revision of fuel efficiency standards

Reviewing ceilings on oxygenatedcompound content

Biofuel introduction target (FY 2010)500,000 kL (crude oil equivalent)

Reducing per-GDP finalenergy consumption indexby some 30% by FY 2030

Renewable Energy RoadmapRenewable Energies in the 21st Century

Boosting the share of biofuelsto 14% by 2020

Deployment of plug-in hybrid vehicles Massive deployment of fuel cell vehicles

Supplying 35 billion gallons in biofuel in 2017(The State of the Union Address for 2007)

Cost reduction for production of corn cellulose ethanol

BDF/DME production

Ethanol/ETBE productionIntroduction of E3 vehicles

Synthetic liquid fuel production

Introduction of foreign ethanol/BDF

      CTL (coal) production

                   Deployment of fuel cell vehicles

Hydrogen production (water electrolysis, gasification, etc.)

Hydrogen storage and transportationHydrogen supply infrastructure

development and safety measures

Deployment of electric vehicles

Improvement of performances for batteries

Ni-H battery

Shift of automobile taxes to green taxes,reduction of automobile acquisition tax, etc.

Lithium-ion battery

Effective operation of Top Runner program and labeling systems

Cooperation between shippers and transporters

Mixed fuels of new alternative fuels and gasoline/diesel oil

BTL (biomass) production




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Advanced Energy Initiative

GTL (natural gas) production

Direct DME synthesis

Reducing weight of hydrogen fuel tanks

Reduction of cell and auto body weight, improvement of motor and power conversion efficiency

Improvement of fuel economy (reducing weight of vehicle body, more efficient engine)

Improvement of performance for fuel cells

Plug-in hybrid vehicles

Deployment of advanced transport systems and promotion of modal shifts


(3) Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction

Japan has made some achievements in the utilization of photovoltaic, wind and other renewable energy sources. For example, Japan has become the top level for photovoltaic electricity generation. New energy sources are renewable and environmentally friendly with fewer carbon dioxide emissions. But their share of primary energy supply is still small due mainly to their lower energy conversion and degree of capacity utilization than other energy sources and electricity grid connection problems.

Development of technologies to solve these problems and measures for promotion of new energy introduction should be implemented to contribute to achieving the goal in the New National Energy Strategy (reducing oil dependence to less than 40% by 2030).

Japan has been a frontrunner in production and introduction of photovoltaic cells, but there are challenges for further diffusion of photovoltaic cells, including improvement of economic and energy conversion efficiency and stable supply of raw materials. Solutions to these challenges include reduction of silicon through thin film solar cells and improvement of generation efficiency through multi-junction cells. As for non-silicon cells such as copper indium selenium (CIS) and dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells, technologies should be developed to increase their efficiency and durability.

Wind power generation has been introduced and diffused quickly. Larger and cheaper facilities should be developed to promote further diffusion of onshore wind power generation.

In order to promote the introduction of photovoltaic and wind power generation, that is volatile depending on weather conditions, development of technologies for maintenance of electricity quality and stabilization of grids should be combined with the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Law for expansion of markets, development of relevant industries and assistance to venture businesses.

Regarding biomass and wastes, technologies should be developed for the production of ethanol, biodiesel fuel and other automobile fuels, and for biomass and waste gasification power generation. Regional powergeneration and consumption systems should be established to meet regional characteristics.

Japan has been one of the world's frontrunners in fuel cell development and should concentrate on early commercialization of fuel cells. As for fuel cell vehicles, technologies should be developed to lengthen cruising ranges, lower costs for fuel cells and improve their durability. Regarding stationary fuel cells, technologies should be developed to improve efficiency and durability. Technologies should also be developed for the safe and efficient production, transportation and storage of hydrogen as fuel. In line with such technology development, efforts should be made to expand the relevant industries and support demonstration tests and introduction.







Natural gas

Unconventional fossil fuels




Natural energies

Fossil fuels

Utilization of solar thermal energy☆Solar thermal power generation☆Hot-water supply by using solar thermal energy☆Air-conditioning by using solar thermal energy



Photovoltaic power generation★Crystalline silicon solar cell★Thin-film silicon solar cell★Compound-crystalline solar cell★Thin-film CIS-based solar cell★Dye-sensitized solar cell

Wind power generation★Onshore wind power generation★Offshore wind power generation★Micro wind power generation

Photovoltaic power generation★Suppressing influence of

photovoltaic systems to grid

Wind power generation★Suppressing influence of

wind power systems to grid

Geothermal power generation☆Geothermal binary power generation☆Hot dry rock power generation☆Micro geothermal power generation

Utilization of ocean energy☆Wave power generation☆Tidal and current power generation☆Ocean thermal energy conversion

Heat transport ▽☆Latent heat transport▽☆Sensible heat transport▽☆Heat transport by absorption/adsorption

Heat storage▽☆Latent heat storage▽☆Sensible heat storage

Electric power storage▽☆SMES▽☆Superconducting Flywheel▽☆□NaS battery▽☆Redox flow battery▽●☆Nickel-hydrogen battery▼●★Lithium-ion battery▼○☆Capacitor

Power system control☆Power control☆Frequency control☆Load flow control ★Power system stabilization▽★Utilization of distributed

generation★Wide area monitoring

and control☆□Power system protection ☆Restoration

▽★New electric power supply system

Hydraulic power☆Small and medium hydraulic

power generation

Utilization of unused heat source▽☆Utilizing cryogenic energy of snow and ice▽☆Utilizing thermal energy of river water▽☆Utilization of exhaust heat in urban

Production of biofuels●★Alcohol fermentation●★Conversion of cellulosic

materials into ethanol●★Biodiesel fuel (BDF)○☆◇Dimethyl ether (DME)○★◇Production of BTL by

gasification of biomass○☆Methane fermentation☆◇Producing biomass fuels

with addition of coal

Utilization of biomass and waste energy☆Refuse derived fuel (RDF),

refuse paper and plastic fuel (RPF)☆Sewage sludge carbonization☆Direct combustion of biomass and wastes★Biomass/waste gasification power generation

Electric power conversion of unused micro-scale energy▽☆Thermoelectric conversion▽☆Piezoelectric conversion

Hydrogen production○★◇Hydrogen production

by gasification

Hydrogen production○☆Solid polymer water electrolysis○☆High temperature steam electrolysis●☆Alkaline water electrolysis○★Hydrogen production using


Hydrogen storage○☆Inorganic materials for hydrogen storage○☆Alloy materials for hydrogen storage○☆Carbonaceous materials for hydrogen storage○☆Organic materials for hydrogen storage○☆Hydrogen storage container

Transportation and supply of hydrogen○☆Transportation and supply

of compressed hydrogen○☆Transportation and supply

of liquid hydrogen○☆Hydrogen pipelines●☆Safety technology for hydrogen

gas refueling stations


Hydrogen utilization▽☆Hydrogen combustion turbine

Coal fired power generation★◇Biomass/coal hybrid

power generation

Coal Utilization○☆◇Hydrothermal cracking of coal☆◆Multipurpose uses of coal gasification

Utilization of new alternative fuels●☆◇Advanced technology for utilizing biomass

and other unconventional petroleum products

High efficiency air-conditioning▽☆Ground source heat pump▽☆Utilization of snow ice cooling

High-efficiency co-generation▼☆◇Fuel cell co-generation

Energy management▼☆Local energy management▼☆□◇Optimization of energy

demand and load leveling


Clean energy vehicles▼●☆◆Plug-in hybrid vehicles▼●☆◇Electric vehicles▼●★◇Fuel cell vehicles▽○☆◇Hydrogen engine vehicles

Fuel cells▽☆◇PAFC▼☆◆MCFC▼★◆SOFC▼●★◇PEFC▽○☆◇DMFC

Energy-conserving housing/building▽☆Passive housing/building




Production of biofuel○☆Hydrogen fermentation

Production of biofuels☆Development of solid biofuels



Utilization of biomass and waste energy○★Biomass resource supply


High-efficiency powertransmission/transformation▼☆■◇Large capacity power


Figure 3.1 Technology Map (Diagram) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction

The colored symbols specified in front of the technologies indicate the policy objectives to which these technologies would contribute:▽ Improvement of overall energy efficiency○ Diversification of transport fuels☆ Promotion of new energy development and introduction□ Utilization of nuclear energy and secured safety as premises◇ Stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuelsTechnologies that make great contributions to policy objectives are accompanied by pasted symbols (▼●★■◆) for the relevant policy objectives.Technologies that make great contributions to the "promotion of new energy development and introduction" are specified with underlined red letters.


Table 3.1-1 Technology Map (List) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (1/9)

Implantation-type, Floating-type, Sailing-type, Technology for prediction of wind power output, Technology for stabilizing power output, Grid-connection control technology, Energy conversion and power storage technologies

Offshore wind power generation


Technology for designing wind turbine blades (efficiency improvement, more silent), Construction technology, Cost reduction

Micro wind power generation


Technology for prediction of wind power output, Technology for stabilizing power output, Grid-connection control technology

Suppressing influence of wind power systems to grid


Utilization of solar thermal energy

Wind power generation

Development of composite materials, Control system technology, Technology for prediction of wind power output, Technology of output stabilizing, Grid-connection control technology, High-performance low-wind speed windmills

Onshore wind power generation


Solar thermal energy collection system, Thermal storage technology, Construction technology, Integration with building materials, Initial cost reduction

Air-conditioning by using solar thermal energy


Solar thermal energy collection system, Hybridization with photovoltaic generation, Construction technology, Integration with building materials, Initial cost reduction

Hot-water supply by using solar thermal energy


Efficiency improvement in thermal energy collection, Heliostat technology, Thermal storage and heat exchanging system, Hybrid power generation systems of solar thermal energy and biomass, Co-generation systems of thermal energy and electricity

Solar thermal power generation


Technologies for prediction of power generation, Multi-functional inverters, Power storage technology, Systems for improving independency

Suppressing influence of photovoltaic systems to grid


New dye materials and high-efficiency cell structure, Technologies for module process, Larger cell, More efficient cell, High-efficiency solid-dye-sensitized solar cell

Dye-sensitized solar cell


New wide-gap materials of CIS-compound, Interface control technology, Technologies for producing CIS cells, Larger-area and high-productivity cell process, Structure of larger-area and high-productivity cell (multi-junction type)

Thin-film CIS-based solar cell


New materials of III, IV, and V groups, Cell process technology using low-cost substrate, Structure of multi-junction cell with ultra-high-efficiency, Solar concentrating system

Compound-crystalline solar cell


New wide-gap materials, Interface control technology, Development of cell structure for high-productivity, High-efficiency/productivity cell process, Technologies for high-efficiency multi-junction cell structure

Thin-film silicon solar cell


Slicing technology of thin films, Technologies for producing high-quality ingot, Development of new materials, New structural technology, Long-life modules, Higher efficiency using ultra-thin film

Crystalline silicon solar cell

Photovoltaic power generation


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"promotion of new energy development and introduction" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs











Table 3.1-2 Technology Map (List) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (2/9)

Development of method for making pellets, chips, and briquettes, Improvement of burners, Development of automated stove and boiler systems, Technology for drying and pulverization, Automatic operation of production processes, Mass production, Cost reduction

Development of solid biofuels


Anaerobic hydrogen fermentation technology, Two-stage fermentation technology (hydrogen and methane), Technology for hydrogen photoproduction by photosynthetic bacteria, Searching for and development of hydrogen producing microorganisms (high-temperature-tolerant), Highly-efficient photobioreactors, Acceleration of high-density hydrogen fermentation microorganisms, Efficiency improvement / cost reduction

Hydrogen fermentation3208

Technology for producing coal-mixed biomass briquette fuel, Technologies for drying and pulverization of mixed fuels, Technology for co-combustion of pulverized coal with wood/wood-char, Large scale of pelletization

Producing biomass fuels with addition of coal


Improvement in fermentation efficiency, Solubilizationtechnology, Improvement of fermentation micro-organism, Process optimization, Co-combustion of methane fermentation gas with city gas, Utilization of methane fermentation gas for power and heat generation in sewage plants, Combined system of methane fermentation with direct combustion, Facility cost reduction

Methane fermentation3206

BTL production technology, Biomass/wastes gasification technology, FT synthesis technology, Improvement in BTL production efficiency, Efficient waste collection systems, Cost reduction

Production of BTL by gasification of biomass


Indirect synthesis process of DME, Direct synthesis process of DME, DME vehicles, Utilization technologies for DME fuel cells, etc., Technologies for storing and supplying DME

Dimethyl ether (DME)3204

Self-consumption of BDF, Production of BDF by continuous esterification process, Improvement of BDF quality / production cost reduction, Efficient utilization of glycerin andother byproducts, Hydrocracking method, Low-cost resource crops, Self-sufficient production and consumption of BDF in local community

Biodiesel fuel (BDF)3203

Efficiency improvement in glycosylation process, Efficiency improvement in C5 sugars-to-ethanol conversion and fermentation, Efficient utilization of lignin and other byproducts, Efficient improvement in collection and conveyance operations / cost reduction, Improvement of energy recovery efficiency, Promotion of energy conservation in distillation and dehydration processes, Liquid waste treatment technology, Utilization of unused forest resources, Technology for large-scale ethanol production, Production cost reduction, Development of glycolyticenzymes, Technology of bioprocess by using super yeast, etc.

Conversion of cellulosic materials into ethanol


Improvement in ethanol conversion efficiency of C5 sugars, Low-cost resource crops, Safety confirmation of ethyl tert-butylether (ETBE), Improvement of infrastructures

Alcohol fermentationProduction of biofuels


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"promotion of new energy development and introduction" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs















Table 3.1-3 Technology Map (List) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (3/9)

New dam structures/new construction methods, Water turbine technology, Construction cost reduction, Technology for energy-conservation in maintenance activities

Small and medium hydraulic power generation

Hydraulic power3241

Technology for investigating locations and resource quantity, Efficiency improvement in power generation, Corrosion-resistant materials, Battery technology

Tidal and current power generation


Improvement of thermal engine cycle efficiency, System scale-up, Facility cost reduction, Multipurpose uses (e.g. aquaculture)

Ocean thermal energy conversion


Utilization of ocean energy

Geothermal power generation

Technology for investigating locations and resource quantity, Efficiency improvement in power generation, Corrosion-resistant materials, Battery technology

Wave power generation


Technology for exploring and evaluating geothermal resources, Low-cost excavation technology, Technology for preventing scale and corrosion, Environmental impact assessment technology

Micro geothermal power generation


Technology for exploring geothermal power in deep underground, Technology for high-precision evaluation of geothermal reservoirs, Technology for excavating wells

Hot dry rock power generation


Technology for exploring and evaluating geothermal resources, Low-cost excavation technology, Technology for monitoring and managing thermal reservoirs, Technology for preventing scale and corrosion, Environmental impact assessment technology

Geothermal binary power generation


Technology for efficient collection of timbers cut and left in forest land, Improving efficiency in tree cutting, transportation processes and cost reduction by methods such as line-thinning, Technologies for producing fuel crops (i.e. gene manipulation, eco-friendly fertilizers, and conservation of water resources)

Biomass resource supply


Gasification and reforming, Efficiency improvement in high water content biomass gasification, Thermochemicalregenerative gasification, Development of engines using low calorie gas, Technologies for dust collection and tar treatment, Application to fuel cell power plants, Utilization ofbiomass and wastes as raw materials of cement production process

Biomass/waste gasification power generation


Development of method for making chips and pellets, Drying technology, Highly efficient burner and boiler systems, Automatic operation technology, Facility cost reduction

Direct combustion of biomass and wastes


System for sludge carbonization as fuel, Technology for removing harmful substances, Technology for using carbonized sludge fuel along with fossil fuel

Sewage sludge carbonization


Technologies for collection and pre- and post-treatment, Compression packaging technology, Technology for using RDF and RPF along with fossil fuel* Fossil material-derived wastes (e.g. waste plastics) are not classified into "new energy". However, for convenience, RDF and FPR are classified into the technologies that contribute to "the promotion of development and introduction of new energy."

Refuse derived fuel (RDF), refuse paper and plastic fuel (RPF)

Utilization of biomass and waste energy


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"promotion of new energy development and introduction" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs













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Table 3.1-4 Technology Map (List) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (4/9)

Understanding of degradation mechanism, Technology available for high temperature / low humidity, Reduction of platinum content, Poisoning resistant catalyst, Moisture control inside electrolyte membrane, Non-platinum catalysts, Mass production technology for MEA and separators, etc.

Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC)


Ultra-low methanol cross-over membrane, Low swelling membrane, High activity catalyst, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)


Fuel cells

Clean energy vehicles

Coal fired power generation

Electric power conversion of unused micro-scale energy

Understanding of degradation mechanism, Improvement of durability, Diversification of fuels, Cost reduction (higher power, novel materials, mass production technology), Next-generation hybrid system (available for high pressure operation), Optimization of peripheral equipment, Power generation combined gas turbine

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)


Electrode catalyst technology, Cell stack technology, Higher current density, System control technology, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability, Enhancing applications

Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC)


Electrode catalyst technology, Cell stack technology, Higher current density, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability, Downsizing, Power generation combined gas turbine

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC)


Utilization of new alternative fuels

More efficient hydrogen engine, Hydrogen loading technology, Hydrogen production technology, Cost reduction, Hydrogen supply system

Hydrogen engine vehicles


Improvement of motor efficiency, Improvement of durability of fuel cell stacks, High density hydrogen storage technology, Hydrogen production technology, Cost reduction, Hydrogen supply system

Fuel cell vehicles2115

Technology for co-combustion of coal and biomass, Technology for producing coal/biomass briquettes, Coal grinding technology, Technology for converting sewage sludge into slurry form

Biomass/coal hybrid power generation


Technology for using petroleum along with biomass fuels, Technologies for refining biomass fuels (e.g. refining by membrane separation of ethanol)

Advanced technology for utilizing biomass and other unconventional petroleum products


Improvement of piezoelectric conversion rate, High-efficiency piezoelectric converter (Pb-free), Microfabrication process, Cost reduction

Piezoelectric conversion


Improvement of thermoelectric conversion rate, High-efficiency thermoelectric converter, Microfabrication process, Cost reduction

Thermoelectric conversion


Heat pump technology, Heat storage technology, Development of urban facilities for effective utilization

Utilization of exhaust heat in urban areas


Technology utilizing heat pump, Assessment technology for environmental problems

Utilizing thermal energy of river water


Direct heat exchange cold air circulation system, Heat exchange cold air circulation system with thaw water, High-efficiency heat exchange method, Reduction technology of medium transportation power, Lower heat loss in snow/ice cellar

Utilizing cryogenic energy of snow and ice

Utilization of unused heat source


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"promotion of new energy development and introduction" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs













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Table 3.1-5 Technology Map (List) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (5/9)

Hydrogen storage

Alanate, Amide/imide, Borohydride, Composite materials, Searching for promising materials and optimization of composition, Establishment of handling technology, Reduction of storage and release temperatures, Acceleration of reaction and durability improvement, Suppressing release of by-products

Inorganic materials for hydrogen storage


Technology for improving the rate of storing and releasing hydrogen, Elucidation of degradation mechanism and durability improvement, Searching for new materials, Reduction of hydrogen release temperature

Alloy materials for hydrogen storage


Transportation and supply of hydrogen

Safety instrumented systems for refueling stations, Responses to high-speed filling (communication, precooling), Boil-off gas reduction, Cost reduction, Improvement in overall efficiency of refueling stations, Efficiency improvement in security operations, Preventive maintenance systems

Safety technology for hydrogen gas refueling stations


Study on materials for carbon steel pipes and welded sections, Setting of construction conditions, Establishment of leak detection technology, Maintenance method for sliding/movable sections, Sealing materials, Setting of technical standards for pipelines, Piping configuration for supplying hydrogen, Metering technology of hydrogen

Hydrogen pipelines3323

Technology for support structures of inner tanks, Improvement in thermal insulation method for tanks, Technology for developing highly efficient liquefaction systems, Magnetic refrigeration technology, Improvement in insulation efficiency of liquid containers, Technologies for developing liquid hydrogen dispensers and flowmeters, Durability improvement, Cost reduction

Transportation and supply of liquid hydrogen


Technology for producing high-strength metal, Weight saving, Technology for developing high-pressure hydrogen compressors, Improvement in compression efficiency, Optimization of pressure and capacity, Technology for developing high-pressure hydrogen dispensers, High-speed filling technology, Durability improvement, Cost reduction

Transportation and supply of compressed hydrogen


Visible light-responsive photocatalysts, Preparation method of photocatalyst with low lattice defect, Formation of hydrogen generation sites with low activation energy, Basic study on reactors

Hydrogen production using photocatalysts


Cost reduction, Improvement of total efficiency, High current density, Pressurization of generated hydrogen

Alkaline water electrolysis


Sealing technology, Interconnection technology, High current density technology, Increase of operating pressure

High temperature steam electrolysis


Application of lower-cost separators, Improvement of MEA production process, Downsizing of equipment by increasing current density, Low oxygen overvoltage catalyst, Reduction of noble metal contents, More cost reduction, Durability improvement

Solid polymer water electrolysis


Partial oxidation reforming, Steam reforming, Autothermalreforming, Coal gasification, Biomass gasification, Gas cleanup, CO2 recovery technology, Hydrogen separation membrane technology

Hydrogen production by gasification

Hydrogen production


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"promotion of new energy development and introduction" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs




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Table 3.1-6 Technology Map (List) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (6/9)

Clean energy vehicles

High efficiency air-conditioning

High-efficiency co-generation

Coal utilization

Energy-conserving housing/ building

Hydrogen utilization

Vehicle weight reduction, Improvement of motor efficiency, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction), Power supply system

Electric vehicles2114

Direct heat exchange cool air circulation system, Melted water heat exchange cool water circulation system, High efficiency heat exchange method, Pump power reduction technology, Lower heat loss of snow cellar

Utilization of snow ice cooling


Vehicle weight reduction, Improvement of motor efficiency, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction), Optimum running control technology, Power supply system

Plug-in hybrid vehicles2113

Ground source heat pump, Cost reduction and high efficiency of ground heat source exchanger, Low-cost drilling technology

Ground source heat pump


Technology for simulation of heat/air flow/light, Natural ventilation, Utilization of natural light, Heat storage, Design/assessment technology

Passive housing/building


Improvement of generation efficiency/overall efficiency, Cost reduction, Mass-production technology, Life extension, Fuel cell technology, PAFC, MCFC, SOFC, PEFC

Fuel cell co-generation1203

Technology applying to a wide range of coal, Technology for co-processing of coal and biomass, etc., Gas cleaning technology, Co-production by coal gasification, Substitute natural gas (SNG) production, CO2 separation and recovery

Multipurpose uses of coal gasification


Technology applying to a wide range of coal, Establishment of high performance and high reliability, Co-production technology

Hydrothermal cracking of coal


Superheat-resistant materials, High-efficiency oxygen production technology, Hydrogen combustion technology, Vapor condenser, Cooling technology for steam turbine blades

Hydrogen combustion turbine


Compressed hydrogen containers, Liquid hydrogen containers, High-strength materials, Hybrid storage (high-pressure hydrogen storage containers), Durability improvement, Weight- and space-saving, Improvement in thermal insulation efficiency

Hydrogen storage container


High-performance catalysts for releasing hydrogen, Technology for transporting hydrogen to refueling stations, Hydrogen storage technology using organic hydride

Organic materials for hydrogen storage


Establishment and application of principles for designing or synthesizing materials that allow a large quantity of hydrogen to be stored (e.g. new shapes, chemical modification, element substitution, composite making)

Carbonaceous materials for hydrogen storage

Hydrogen storage (Cont.)


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"promotion of new energy development and introduction" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs




el c







d te








e ut




Table 3.1-7 Technology Map (List) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (7/9)

Power system control

High-efficiency power transmission / transformation

New advanced power supply


Static var compensators (SVC), Static synchronous compensators (STATCOM), Unified power flow controllers (UPFC), Loop control in demand area, Back-to-back (BTB) / loop power flow controllers (LPC) and loop balance controllers (LBC), SiC equipment, Medium-scale superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)

Load flow control3523

Hub frequency control, Automatic frequency control (AFC), Governor free, Technology for load flow control in grid-connections, Improvement in load frequency control (LFC) function of system power supply, Hub load leveling, Hub electric power storage equipment, Distributed autonomous load leveling, Equipment for storing electric power at receiving end, Technology for integrated control of distributed supply and demand, Decentralized cooperation of LFC and economical load dispatching control (EDC), Networking of distributed devices

Frequency control3522

Hub voltage regulators, Generator excitation control, Phase modifying equipment (condensers, reactors), Transformer tap changers, FACTS devices, Decentralized autonomous-type reactive power control, Reverse power flow-type voltage regulators (e.g. SVR), Reactive power control for distributed-type power storage devices, Decentralized cooperation of voltage control, Networking of distributed devices

Power control3521

Autonomous supply/demand control, Customized power quality services, Electric power storage technology in hub sites, Technology of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) / automatic reactive power regulator (AQR) for distributed generation, Technology for cooperative control with power storage systems, Technology for forecasting of regional output in distributed generation, Electric power storage technology in demand side, Cooperation between distributed generation and grid

New advanced power supply system


Supply and demand control technology, Technologies for quality control of electric power and control of grid-connected operation, Electric power storage technology, Heat storage/transport technology, Electric power/heat optimization technology


UHVC (Ultra high voltage AC power transmission), Boosting of transmission voltage, Reduction of transmission/distribution loss, Self-commutated large-capacity converter, High-efficacy large-capacity converter, Superconductive transformer, Superconductive transmission, Long-distance large-capacity power transmission, Large-capacity DC transmission technology

Large capacity power transmission


Forecasting supply of photovoltaic/wind power generation, Load leveling technology in demand side, Cooperation control technology for grid/distributed energy system, Energy demand optimization/assessment technology

Optimization of energy demand and load leveling


LEN (local energy network), TEMS (town energy management system), CEMS (cluster energy management system), Energy storage technology, HEMS-BEMS cooperation control technology, New energy networking

Local energy management

Energy management


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"promotion of new energy development and introduction" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs











Table 3.1-8 Technology Map (List) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (8/9)

Electric power storage

Electric double layer capacitor, Improvement of energy density, Nano-carbon electrode materials, Cost reduction, Redox capacitor, Hybrid capacitor


Higher power density, Higher capacity, Improvement of self-discharge properties, Life extension

Nickel-hydrogen battery


Higher energy density, Improvement of cycle performance, Improvement of safety, Cost reduction

Lithium-ion battery3544

High-performance electrolyte, Improvement of efficiency, Downsizing, Cost reduction

Redox flow battery3542

Large solid electrolyte manufacturing technology, Ceramic/metal junction technology, Safety design technology, Cost reduction by mass production

NaS battery3541

Reduction of bearing loss, Larger capacity, Cost reduction, Higher reliability, Larger capacity using parallel operation control

Superconducting flywheel


Superconductive coil materials, Higher-efficiency of refrigeration system, AC/DC converter system

Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)


Autonomous restoration using distributed power sources, Advanced technology for distributed power sources and suspending power transfer, Energy management coordination, Advanced technology for automatic restoration, Semiconductor circuit-breakers


System protection relay, Equipment protective relay, High-speed and high-capacity breakers, High-speed removal/recovery of accidents, Adaptive relay, Protection technology for system reliability, LC resonance-type current limiting devices, SF6 substitutes, Recovery coordination, Superconducting current limiting devices, Semiconductor circuit-breakers

Power system protection


Advanced monitoring and control of electric systems, Sensor switches, Low-cost communication systems for control, Development of advanced informational infrastructures, Standardization of protocols, Network security, Highly-functional metering, Next-generation wide area monitoring and control, Advanced supply-and-demand control, Wide area monitoring systems (WAMS)

Wide area monitoring and control


High-reliability islanding detection/prevention technology, High-reliability islanding detection technology, Individual optimal operation, Technology for predicting distributed generation output, Advanced islanding detection technology, Active network control, Advanced accident handling technology, Technology for transfer of uninterrupted autonomous operation, Self-sustained operation control technology, Inverters using high-performance element, Cooperation with energy management

Utilization of distributed generation


Power system stabilization control, Static var compensators (SVC), etc., High-speed and high-capacity breakers, Power system stabilization technology (e.g. system stabilizing controllers for state estimation, etc.), Advanced technology for control of distributed power sources, Technology for highly accurate fault-point detection, Decentralized cooperation control of stabilization, Advanced technology of network switching

Power system stabilization

Power system control (Cont.)


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"promotion of new energy development and introduction" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs













Table 3.1-9 Technology Map (List) for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (9/9)

Heat storage

Lower loss, Built-in technology, Pressure control heat storage, Vacuum insulation material, Self-control heat storage, Improvement of efficiency, Cost reduction

Sensible heat storage3562

Phase change materials (PCM), Latent heat recovery materials, Air-condition utilization technology, Improvement of operating temperature/heat storage density, Validation of seasonal utilization, Lower loss, Improvement of efficiency, Cost reduction

Latent heat storage3561

Vacuum insulation material, High exergy batch transport, Packaging, Improvement of durability, Cost reduction

Heat transport by absorption/adsorption


Heat-resistant/high insulation performance technology, Vacuum insulation material, Vacuum insulation heat transport, Cost reduction

Sensible heat transport3552

Low-temperature latent heat transport technology, Medium-temperature batch-type heat transport, High-temperature batch-type heat transport, Improvement of operating temperature / heat storage density, Vacuum insulation material, Cost reduction

Latent heat transportHeat transport3551

Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"promotion of new energy development and introduction" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs













Figure 3.2-1 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (1/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

3101 Power generation cost (PV) 23 JPY/kWh 14 JPY/kWh 7 JPY/kWh3101 Photovoltaic power Module production cost 100 JPY/W 75 JPY/W 50 JPY/W3101 generation Module conversion efficiency3101 13 - 14.8% 16% 19% 22%3101 Crystalline silicon3101 solar cell Slicing technology Ultrathin substrates (100 µm)3101 of thin films Ultrathin substrates (50 µm)3101 Technologies for producing high-quality ingot Higher efficiency using ultra-thin film3101 Development of new materials3101 New structural technology Long-life modules31023102 Photovoltaic power3102 generation Module conversion efficiency3102 10% 12% 14% 18%3102 Thin-film silicon3102 solar cell New wide-gap materials High-efficiency/productivity cell process3102 Interface control technology Technologies for high-efficiency multi-junction cell structure3102 Development of cell structure for high-productivity3102310231033103 Photovoltaic power3103 generation Module conversion efficiency (collection of light)3103 28% 35% 40%3103 Compound-crystalline3103 solar cell New materials of III, IV, and V groups3103 (III-V group compounds) Structure of multi-junction cell with ultra-high-efficiency3103 Cell process technology using low-cost substrate3103 Solar concentrating system310331043104 Photovoltaic power3104 generation Module conversion efficiency3104 10 - 12% 13% 18% 22%3104 Thin-film CIS-based3104 solar cell New wide-gap materials of CIS-compound3104 Interface control technology3104 Technologies for producing CIS cells Structure of larger-area and high-3104 Larger-area and high-productivity cell process productivity cell (multi-junction type)310431053105 Photovoltaic power3105 generation Module conversion efficiency3105 6% 10% 15%3105 Dye-sensitized 3105 solar cell Larger cell More efficient cell High-efficiency solid-dye-sensitized solar cell3105 New dye materials and high-efficiency cell structure3105 Technologies for module process3105310531063106 Photovoltaic power3106 generation31063106 Suppressing influence3106 of photovoltaic Technologies for prediction of power generation3106 systems to grid Multi-functional inverters3106 Power storage technology3106 Systems for improving independency310631113111 Utilization of solar3111 thermal energy31113111 Solar thermal power3111 generation Hybrid power generation systems of solar thermal energy and biomass3111 Efficiency improvement in thermal energy collection Co-generation systems of thermal energy and electricity3111 Heliostat technology3111 Thermal storage and heat exchanging system311131123112 Utilization of solar3112 thermal energy31123112 Hot-water supply by 3112 using solar Solar thermal energy collection system3112 thermal energy Hybridization with photovoltaic generation3112 Construction technology3112 Integration with building materials3112 Initial cost reduction31133113 Utilization of solar3113 thermal energy31133113 Air-conditioning by3113 using solar Solar thermal energy collection system3113 thermal energy Thermal storage technology3113 Construction technology3113 Integration with building materials3113 Initial cost reduction31213121 Wind power generation312131213121 Onshore wind power3121 generation High-performance low-wind speed windmills3121 Development of composite materials3121 Control system technology Technology for prediction of wind power output3121 Technology of output stabilizing3121 Grid-connection control technology

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Figure 3.2-2 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (2/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

31223122 Wind power generation312231223122 Offshore wind power3122 generation Implantation-type Sailing-type3122 Floating-type3122 Technology for prediction of wind power output Energy conversion and3122 Technology for stabilizing power output power storage technologies3122 Grid-connection control technology31233123 Wind power generation312331233123 Micro wind power3123 generation Technology for designing blades of wind turbine (efficiency improvement, more silent)3123 Construction technology3123 Cost reduction3123312331243124 Wind power generation312431243124 Suppressing influence3124 of wind power Technology for prediction of wind power output3124 systems to grid Technology for stabilizing power output3124 Grid-connection control technology3124312432013201 Production of biofuels32013201 Introduction of ETBE (210,000 kl)3201 Alcohol fermentation3201 (Sugar, starch) Improvement in ethanol conversion efficiency of C5 sugars3201 Low-cost resource crops3201 Safety confirmation of ethyl tert-butylether (ETBE)3201 Improvement of infrastructures320132023202 Production of biofuels Efficiency improvement in the glycosylation process Technology for large-scale ethanol production3202 Improvement of energy recovery efficiency3202 Effective utilization of lignin and other byproducts Production cost reduction3202 Conversion of3202 cellulosic materials Efficiency improvement in the C5 sugars-to-ethanol conversion and fermentation3202 into ethanol Development of glycolytic enzymes3202 (Wood, rice Efficient improvement in collection Promotion of energy conservation in distillation and dehydration processes3202 straws, etc.) and conveyance operations Liquid waste treatment technology Technology of bioprocess by using super yeast, etc.3202 / cost reduction Utilization of unused forest resources32033203 Production of biofuels32033203 Self-consumption of BDF Self-sufficient production and consumption of BDF in local community3203 Biodiesel fuel (BDF)3203 Production of BDF by continuous esterification process3203 Improvement of BDF quality / production cost reduction3203 Efficient utilization of glycerin and other byproducts3203 Hydrocracking method3203 Low-cost resource crops32043204 Production of biofuels320432043204 Dimethyl ether (DME)3204 Indirect methods for synthesizing DME3204 Direct methods for synthesizing DME3204 DME vehicles3204 Utilization technologies for DME fuel cells, etc.3204 Technologies for storing and supplying DME32053205 Production of biofuels320532053205 Production of BTL3205 by gasification of BTL production technology3205 biomass Biomass/wastes gasification technology Cost reduction3205 FT synthesis technology Improvement in BTL production efficiency3205 Efficient waste collection systems320532063206 Production of biofuels3206 Introduction by large-scale facilities and plants Introduction by medium and small facilities and plants3206 Improvement in fermentation efficiency3206 Methane fermentation3206 Wet biomass such Solubilization technology3206 as sewage sludge, Improvement of fermentation micro-organism3206 livestock manure, Process optimization Combined system of methane fermentation with direct combustion3206 and food wastes Utilization of methane fermentation gas for power and heat generation in sewage plants3206 Co-combustion of methane fermentation gas with city gas Facility cost reduction32073207 Production of biofuels320732073207 Producing biomass 3207 fuels with addition Technology for producing coal-mixed biomass briquette fuel3207 of coal Technologies for drying and pulverization of mixed fuels3207 Technology for co-combustion of pulverized coal with wood/wood-char3207 Large scale of pelletization3207

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Figure 3.2-3 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (3/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

3208 Technology for hydrogen photoproduction3208 Production of biofuels by photosynthetic bacteria3208 Highly-efficient photobioreactors3208 Anaerobic hydrogen fermentation technology3208 Hydrogen fermentation3208 Two-stage fermentation technology3208 (hydrogen and methane) Searching for and development of hydrogen 3208 production strains (high-temperature-tolerant)3208 Efficiency improvement Acceleration of high-density hydrogen 3208 / cost reduction fermentation microorganisms32093209 Production of biofuels3209 Promoting use of biomass fuel in public facilities and other establishments3209 Development of method for making pellets, chips, and briquettes3209 Development of3209 solid biofuels Improvement of burners3209 Development of automated stove and boiler systems3209 Technology for drying and pulverization3209 Automatic operation of production processes3209 Mass production, Cost reduction32113211 Utilization of biomass3211 and waste energy32113211 Refuse derived 3211 fuel (RDF), Technologies for collection and pre- and post-treatment3211 refuse paper and Compression packaging technology3211 plastic fuel (RPF) Technology for using RDF and RPF along with fossil fuel3211321132123212 Utilization of biomass3212 and waste energy32123212 Sewage sludge3212 carbonization System for sludge carbonization as fuel3212 Technology for removing harmful substances3212 Technology for using carbonized sludge fuel along with fossil fuel3212321232133213 Utilization of biomass3213 and waste energy3213 Large-scale cogeneration systems Small and medium-scale cogeneration systems3213 Direct combustion 3213 of biomass and Development of method for making chips and pellets3213 wastes Drying technology3213 Highly efficient burner and boiler systems3213 Automatic operation technology Facility cost reduction321332143214 Utilization of biomass3214 and waste energy3214 Commercial-scale validation3214 Biomass/waste3214 gasification power Gasification and reforming, Efficiency improvement in high water content biomass gasification3214 generation Thermochemical regenerative gasification Application to fuel cell power plants3214 Development of engines using low calorie gas3214 Utilization of biomass and wastes as raw materials of cement production process3214 Technologies for dust collection and tar treatment32153215 Utilization of biomass3215 and waste energy32153215 Biomass resource3215 supply Technology for efficient collection of timbers cut and left in forest land3215 Improving efficiency in tree cutting, transportation processes and cost reduction by methods such as line-thinning3215 Technologies for producing fuel crops3215 (i.e. gene manipulation, eco-friendly fertilizers, and conservation of water resources)321532213221 Geothermal power generation322132213221 Geothermal binary3221 power generation Technology for exploring and evaluating geothermal resources3221 Low-cost excavation technology3221 Technology for monitoring and managing thermal reservoirs3221 Technology for preventing scale and corrosion3221 Environmental impact assessment technology32223222 Geothermal power generation322232223222 Hot dry rock3222 power generation Technology for exploring geothermal3222 power in deep underground3222 Technology for the high-precision3222 evaluation of geothermal reservoirs3222 Technology for excavating wells32233223 Geothermal power generation322332233223 Micro geothermal3223 power generation Technology for exploring and3223 evaluating geothermal resources3223 Low-cost excavation technology3223 Technology for preventing scale and corrosion3223 Environmental impact assessment technology

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Figure 3.2-4 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (4/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

32313231 Utilization of ocean energy323132313231 Wave power generation3231 Technology for investigating locations and resource quantity3231 Efficiency improvement in power generation3231 Corrosion-resistant materials3231 Battery technology323132323232 Utilization of ocean energy323232323232 Tidal and current3232 power generation Technology for investigating locations and resource quantity3232 Efficiency improvement in power generation3232 Corrosion-resistant materials3232 Battery technology323232333233 Utilization of ocean energy323332333233 Ocean thermal3233 energy conversion Improvement of thermal engine cycle efficiency3233 System scale-up3233 Facility cost reduction3233 Multipurpose uses (e.g. aquaculture)323332413241 Hydraulic power324132413241 Small and medium3241 hydraulic power New dam structures/new construction methods3241 generation Water turbine technology3241 Construction cost reduction3241 Technology for energy-conservation in maintenance activities324132513251 Utilization of unused 3251 heat source32513251 Utilizing of cryogenic3251 energy of snow Direct heat exchange cold air circulation system3251 and ice Heat exchange cold air circulation system with thaw water3251 High-efficiency heat exchange method3251 Reduction technology of medium transportation power3251 Lower heat loss in snow/ice cellar32523252 Utilization of unused 3252 heat source32523252 Utilizing thermal energy3252 of river water Technology for utilizing heat pump3252 Assessment technology for environmental problems32523252325232533253 Utilization of unused 3253 heat source32533253 Utilization of exhaust3253 heat in urban Heat pump technology3253 Heat storage technology3253 Development of urban facilities for effective utilization3253325332613261 Electric power exchange3261 of unused micro energy32613261 Thermoelectric 3261 conversion Improvement of thermoelectric conversion rate3261 High-efficiency thermoelectric converter3261 Microfabrication process3261 Cost reduction326132623262 Electric power exchange3262 of unused micro energy32623262 Piezoelectric 3262 conversion Improvement of piezoelectric conversion rate3262 High-efficiency thermoelectric converter (Pb-free)3262 Microfabrication process3262 Cost reduction326253215321 Utilization of5321 new alternative fuels53215321 Advanced technology5321 for utilizing biomass Technology for using petroleum along with biomass fuels5321 and other Technologies for the refining treatment of biomass fuels5321 unconventional (e.g. the membrane separation of ethanol solution)5321 petroleum products5321

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 3.2-5 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (5/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

56145614 Coal fired power generation561456145614 Biomass/coal hybrid5614 power generation Technology for co-combustion of coal and biomass5614 Technology for producing coal/biomass briquettes5614 Coal grinding technology5614 Technology for converting sewage sludge into slurry form56142115 Traveling distance 400 km 800 km2115 Clean energy vehicles Durability 3,000 hours (5 years), 20,000 start/stops 5,000 hours (10 years), 60,000 start/stops2115 Vehicle cost (ICV ratio) 3 – 5 times 1.2 times2115 Stack cost 5,000 JPY/kW 4,000 JPY/kW Cost reduction (non-platinum electrocatalysts, mass production)2115 Fuel cell vehicles2115 Improvement of motor efficiency (high-temperature operation, high catalytic activity, 2115 Hydrogen production technology new electrocatalysts, etc.)2115 Improvement of durability of fuel cell stacks2115 Hydrogen supply system (improvement of electrolyte membrane, etc.)2115 High density hydrogen storage technology21162116 Clean energy vehicles211621162116 Hydrogen engine2116 vehicles More efficient hydrogen engine2116 Hydrogen loading technology2116 Hydrogen production technology2116 Cost reduction2116 Hydrogen supply system33013301 Fuel cells System price:3301 600,000 – 1,000,000 JPY/kW 300,000 – 600,000 JPY/kW 200,000 – 300,000 JPY/kW33013301 Phosphoric Acid3301 Fuel Cell (PAFC) Electrode catalyst technology3301 Cost reduction Cell stack technology3301 Improvement of durability Higher current density3301 Enhancing applications System control technology330133023302 Fuel cells System price:3302 300,000 – 800,000 JPY/kW 200,000 – 300,000 JPY/kW33023302 Molten Carbonate3302 Fuel Cell (MCFC) Electrode catalyst technology Power generation combined gas turbine3302 Cell stack technology3302 Cost reduction Higher current density3302 Improvement of durability3302 Downsizing3303 Power generation efficiency (HHV), durability, system price (JPY/kW, power unit, * assumed price including storage tank for household use)3303 Fuel cells Small capacity (less than several kW, co-generation) 40%, 40,000 hr, 1,000,000 >40%, 90,000 hr, <250,000 (for household use, 300,000 – 400,000*)3303 Middle capacity (tens of kW to hundreds of kW, co-generation) 42%, 40,000 hr, 1,000,000 >45%, 90,000 hr, < 200,0003303 Hybrid (distributed power source, for commercial use) 60%, 40,000 hr, several 100,000s 60%, 90,000 hr, <100,0003303 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 3303 (SOFC) Understanding of degradation mechanism Diffusion of small-capacity system3303 Optimization of peripheral equipment Diffusion of middle-capacity system3303 Improvement of durability (40,000 hours→ 90,000 hours) , Diversification of fuels Diffusion of hybrid system3303 Cost reduction (higher power, novel materials, mass production technology) Power generation combined gas turbine3303 Next-generation hybrid system (available for high pressure operation)3304 Power generation efficiency (HHV), durability, system price (Stationary type, 1 kW)3304 Fuel cells 32%, 40,000 hours, JPY 1,200,000 36%, 90,000 hours, JPY 400,0003304 Improvement of durability (40,000 hours→ 90,000 hours, variation of fuel)3304 Understanding of degradation mechanism Automobile PEFC3304 Polymer Electrolyte3304 Fuel Cell (PEFC) Technology available for high temperature / low humidity3304 Reduction of platinum content3304 Non-platinum catalysts3304 Poisoning resistant catalyst Mass production technology for MEA and separators, etc.3304 Moisture control inside electrode membrane33053305 Fuel cells Energy density 500 Wh/L 1000 Wh/L 1000 Wh/L3305 Output density 100 mW/cm2 200 mW/cm2 200 mW/cm2<3305 Durability 5,000 hours< 10,000 hours 10,000 hours<3305 Direct Methanol3305 Fuel Cell (DMFC) For PC and cell phone Ultra-low methanol cross-over membrane3305 Cost reduction Low swollen membrane3305 Improvement of durability High activity catalyst3305330533123312 Hydrogen production331233123312 Hydrogen production3312 by gasification Partial oxidation reforming Coal gasification Hydrogen separation membrane technology3312 Steam reforming Biomass gasification3312 Autothermal reforming Gas cleanup3312 CO2 recovery technology331233133313 Hydrogen production331333133313 Solid polymer water3313 electrolysis Application of lower-cost separators More cost reduction3313 Improvement in the MEA production process Durability improvement3313 Downsizing of equipment by increasing current density3313 Low oxygen overvoltage catalyst3313 Reduction of noble metal contents

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Figure 3.2-6 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (6/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

33143314 Hydrogen production331433143314 High temperature3314 steam electrolysis Sealing technology3314 Interconnection technology3314 High current density technology3314 Increase of operating pressure331433153315 Hydrogen production331533153315 Alkaline water3315 electrolysis Cost reduction3315 Improvement in total efficiency3315 High current density3315 Pressurization of generated hydrogen331533163316 Hydrogen production331633163316 Hydrogen production3316 using Visible light-responsive photocatalysts3316 photocatalysts Preparation method of photocatalyst with low lattice defect3316 Formation of hydrogen generation sites of catalyst with low activation energy3316 Basic study on reactors33163321 Transport cost 10 JPY/Nm3 7 JPY/Nm33321 Transportation and supply High-speed filling technology3321 of hydrogen Technology for developing high-pressure hydrogen dispensers3321 Weight saving Durability improvement3321 Transportation and3321 supply of Technology for producing high-strength metal3321 compressed Technology for developing high-pressure hydrogen compressors3321 hydrogen Improvement in compression efficiency3321 Optimization of pressure and capacity3321 Cost reduction3322 Transport cost 3 JPY/Nm33322 Transportation and supply Technology for the support structures of inner tanks3322 of hydrogen Improvement in thermal insulation method for tanks3322 Technologies for developing liquid hydrogen dispensers and flowmeters3322 Transportation and 3322 supply of liquid Technology for developing highly efficient liquefaction systems3322 hydrogen Magnetic refrigeration technology3322 Improvement in the insulation efficiency of liquid containers3322 Durability improvement3322 Cost reduction33233323 Transportation and supply3323 of hydrogen Setting of technical standards for pipelines3323 Shipping of industrial hydrogen Short-distance shipping (surrounding areas, house)3323 Hydrogen pipelines3323 Study on materials for carbon steel pipes and welded sections3323 Setting of construction conditions Piping configuration for supplying hydrogen3323 Establishment of leak detection technology3323 Maintenance method for sliding/movable sections, Sealing materials3323 Metering technology of hydrogen33243324 Transportation and supply3324 of hydrogen Review of criteria and standards3324 Investigation of safety and development of examples of criteria3324 Safety technology for3324 hydrogen gas Safety instrumented systems for refueling stations3324 refueling stations Responses to high-speed filling Cost reduction3324 (communication, precooling) Improvement in the combined efficiency of refueling stations3324 Boil-off reduction Efficiency improvement in security operations3324 Preventive maintenance systems33313331 Hydrogen storage333133313331 Inorganic materials3331 for hydrogen Alanate Searching for promising materials and optimization of composition3331 storage Amide/imide Establishment of handling technology3331 Borohydride Reduction of storage and release temperatures3331 Composite materials Acceleration of reaction and durability improvement3331 Suppressing release of side reaction products33323332 Hydrogen storage333233323332 Alloy materials3332 for hydrogen Technology for improving speed of storing and releasing hydrogen3332 storage Elucidation of the deterioration mechanism and durability improvement3332 Searching for new materials3332 Reduction of hydrogen release temperature333233333333 Hydrogen storage333333333333 Carbon materials3333 for hydrogen Establishment and application of principles for designing or synthesizing materials3333 storage that allow a large quantity of hydrogen to be stored3333 (e.g. new shapes, chemical modification, element substitution, composite making)33333333

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Figure 3.2-7 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (7/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

33343334 Hydrogen storage333433343334 Organic materials3334 for hydrogen High-performance catalysts for releasing hydrogen3334 storage Technology for transporting hydrogen to refueling stations3334 Hydrogen storage technology using organic hydride333433343335 In-vehicle hydrogen storages3335 Hydrogen storage 3 kg 5 kg 7 kg3335 Compressed hydrogen containers3335 Liquid hydrogen containers3335 Hydrogen storage3335 container Hybrid storage (high-pressure hydrogen storage containers)3335 High-strength materials3335 Durability improvement3335 Weight- and space-saving3335 Improvement in thermal insulation efficiency33413341 Hydrogen utilization33413341 Application of 1700 degree class GT3341 Hydrogen combustion 3341 turbine High-efficiency oxygen production technology Hydrogen combustion technology3341 Superheat-resistant materials Vapor condenser3341 Cooling technology for steam turbine blades3341334156345634 Coal utilization56345634 Pilot tests Verification tests5634 Hydrothermal 5634 cracking of coal Technology applying to a wide range of coal5634 Establishment of high performance and high reliability5634 Co-production technology5634563456355635 Coal utilization563556355635 Multipurpose use5635 of gasified coal Technology applying to a wide range of coal5635 Technology for co-processing of coal and biomass, etc.5635 Gas cleaning technology Co-production by coal gasification5635 Substitute natural gas (SNG) production5635 CO2 separation and recovery12031203 High-efficiency co-generation120312031203 Fuel cell co-generation1203 Improvement of generation efficiency/overall efficiency1203 Cost reduction, Mass-production technology1203 Life extension1203 Fuel cell technology PEFC SOFC1203 PAFC MCFC13031303 Energy-conserving Air-conditioning energy1303 housing/building 40 kWh/m2 year 15 kWh/m2 year 10 kWh/m2 year13031303 Passive1303 housing/building Natural ventilation1303 Utilization of natural light1303 Heat storage1303 Technology for simulation of heat/air flow / light1303 Design/assessment technology13141314 High efficiency air-conditioning131413141314 Ground source1314 heat pump Ground source heat pump1314 Cost reduction and high efficiency of ground heat source exchanger1314 Low-cost drilling technology1314131413151315 High efficiency air-conditioning131513151315 Utilization of snow ice1315 cooling Direct heat exchange cool air circulation system1315 Melted water heat exchange cool water circulation system1315 High efficiency heat exchange method1315 Pump power reduction technology1315 Lower heat loss of snow cellar21132113 Clean energy vehicles Energy density of battery 1.5 times2113 Running distance on a full charge 40 km21132113 Plug-in hybrid vehicles2113 Vehicle weight reduction2113 Improvement of motor efficiency2113 High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)2113 Optimum running control technology2113 Power supply system

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Figure 3.2-8 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (8/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

2114 Traveling distance About 500 km2114 Clean energy vehicles Energy density About 7 times larger than at present2114 Cost About 1/40 lower than at present21142114 Electric vehicles2114 Vehicle weight reduction Improvement of motor efficiency2114 High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)21142114 Power supply system211412131213 Energy management CEMS (cluster energy management system)1213 TEMS (town energy management system)1213 LEN (local energy network)1213 Local energy1213 management1213 HEMS-BEMS cooperation control technology1213 New energy networking1213 Energy storage technology121312141214 Energy management121412141214 Optimization of energy 1214 demand and load Energy demand optimization/assessment technology1214 leveling Forecasting supply of photovoltaic/wind power generation1214 Load leveling technology in demand side1214 Cooperation control technology for grid/distributed energy system121412211221 High-efficiency power 1221 transmission/transformation Long-distance large-capacity1221 UHVC (Ultra high voltage AC power transmission, 1,000 kV) power transmission1221 Large capacity power1221 transmission Boosting of transmission voltage Self-commutated large-capacity converter1221 Reduction of transmission/distribution loss High-efficacy large-capacity converter1221 Superconductive transformer Large-capacity DC1221 Superconductive transmission transmission technology122135013501 Microgrid35013501 Utilization of photovoltaic/wind /biomass energy3501 Microgrid3501 Supply and demand control technology3501 Electric power / heat optimization technology3501 Technologies for quality control of electric power and control of grid-connected operation3501 Electric power storage technology3501 Heat storage/transport technology35113511 New advanced power supply3511 Electric power storage technology in hub sites3511 Autonomous supply/demand control Electric power storage technology in demand side3511 New advanced power3511 supply system Customized power quality services Cooperation with power and energy grid3511 Technology for cooperative control with power storage systems3511 Technology of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) / automatic reactive power regulator (AQR) for distributed generation3511 Technology for forecasting of regional output in distributed generation35113521 Decentralized cooperation 3521 Power system control of voltage control3521 Reactive power control for distributed-type power storage devices3521 Hub voltage regulators Decentralized autonomous-type reactive power control3521 Power control3521 Generator excitation control Networking of distributed devices3521 Phase modifying equipment (condensers, reactors)3521 Transformer tap changers, 3521 Reverse power flow-type voltage regulators (e.g. SVR)3521 Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices3522 Decentralized cooperation of LFC and3522 Power system control economical load dispatching control3522 Distributed autonomous load leveling (EDC)3522 Hub Frequency control Improvement in load frequency control (LFC) function of system power supply3522 Frequency control3522 Equipment for storing electric power at receiving end3522 Automatic frequency control (AFC) Hub load leveling Technology for integrated control 3522 Governor free of distributed supply and demand3522 Technology for load flow control in grid interconnections Hub electric power storage equipment Networking of distributed devices352235233523 Power system control352335233523 Load flow control3523 Static var compensators (SVC) Unified power flow controllers (UPFC) SiC equipment3523 Static synchronous compensators (STATCOM) Loop control in demand area Medium-scale superconducting 3523 Back-to-back (BTB) magnetic energy storage (SMES)3523 / loop power flow controllers (LPC) 3523 and loop balance controllers (LBC)35243524 Power system control352435243524 Power system3524 stabilization Power system stabilization control Advanced technology for control of distributed power sources Decentralized cooperation 3524 Static var compensators (SVC), etc. High-speed and high-capacity breakers control of stabilization3524 Power system stabilization technology Technology for highly accurate fault-point detection3524 (e.g. system stabilizing controllers (SCC) for state estimation, etc.) Advanced technology3524 of network switching

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 3.2-9 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (9/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

35253525 Power system control3525 High-reliability islanding detection technology Handling of advanced accidents3525 Islanding detection technology Individual optimal operation Cooperation with energy management3525 Utilization of 3525 distributed Technology for predicting distributed generation output3525 generation Technology for transfer of uninterrupted autonomous operation3525 Advanced islanding detection technology3525 Autonomous operation control technology3525 Active network control Inverters using high-performance element35263526 Power system control3526 Development of advanced informational infrastructures3526 Advanced monitoring and control of electric systems Next-generation wide area monitoring and control3526 Wide area monitoring3526 and control Standardization of protocols3526 Sensor switches Network security Advanced supply-and-demand control3526 Low-cost communication systems for control Wide area monitoring systems (WAMS)3526 Highly-functional metering352635273527 Power system control352735273527 Power system 3527 protection System protection relay High-speed and high-capacity breakers LC resonance-type current limiting devices3527 Equipment protective relay High-speed removal/recovery of accidents Recovery coordination3527 SF6 substitutes3527 Adaptive relay Protection technology for system reliability Semiconductor circuit-breakers3527 Superconducting current limiting devices35283528 Power system control352835283528 Restoration3528 Autonomous restoration using distributed power sources Energy management coordination3528 Advanced technology for distributed power sources Advanced technology3528 and suspending power transfer for automatic restoration3528 Semiconductor circuit-breakers352835353535 Electric power storage35353535 Cost reduction (For system stabilization: 50,000 JPY/kW or less, for load change compensation: 140,000 JPY/kW or less)3535 Superconducting3535 magnetic energy SMES for load change compensation / frequency regulation (several ten kW to tens of kW)3535 storage (SMES) SMES for system stabilization3535 Superconductive coil materials (high magnetic field of oxide coils above metallic coil (Bi, Y))3535 Higher-efficiency of refrigeration system (Average time between failure: 5000 hours→ 20,000 hours and over)3535 AC/DC transfer system35363536 Electric power storage35363536 1 MW-, 50 kWh-class demonstration 1 MW-, 50 kWh-class3536 Superconducting 3536 flywheel Reduction of bearing loss Larger capacity Larger capacity using parallel operation control (MWh class)3536 (0.5 W/kg or less) Cost reduction3536 Higher reliability3536353635413541 Electric power storage3541 For improvement of power quality3541 For load change compensation3541 NaS battery3541 Large solid electrolyte manufacturing technology3541 Ceramic/metal junction technology3541 Safety design technology3541 Cost reduction by mass production354135423542 Electric power storage3542 For improvement of power quality3542 For load change compensation3542 Redox flow battery3542 High-performance electrolyte3542 Improvement of efficiency3542 Downsizing3542 Cost reduction354235433543 Electric power storage35433543 For hybrid vehicles For load change compensation3543 Nickel-hydrogen3543 battery Higher power density3543 Higher capacity3543 Improvement of self-discharge properties3543 Life extension354335443544 Electric power storage3544 For hybrid vehicles3544 For mobile devices For load change compensation3544 Lithium-ion battery3544 Higher energy density3544 Improvement of cycle performance3544 Improvement of safety3544 Cost reduction3544

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 3.2-10 Technology Roadmap for Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction (10/10)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

3545 Energy density 4 Wh/kg ( module ) 20 Wh/kg ( device )3545 Electric power storage Output density 1.5 kW/kg ( module ) 10 kW/kg ( device )3545 For civilian3545 For maintenance of power quality For transport3545 Capacitor3545 Electric double layer capacitor Cost reduction3545 Improvement of energy density Redox capacitor3545 Nano-carbon electrode materials Hybrid capacitor3545354535513551 Heat transport355135513551 Latent heat transport3551 Low-temperature latent heat transport technology Medium-temperature batch-type heat transport3551 Highly temperature/density High-temperature batch-type heat transport3551 Cost reduction Vacuum insulation material3551355135523552 Heat transport355235523552 Sensible heat transport3552 Heat-resistant/high insulation performance technology Vacuum insulation heat transport3552 Cost reduction Vacuum insulation material35523552355235533553 Heat transport355335533553 Heat transport by3553 absorption Vacuum insulation material High exergy batch transport3553 / adsorption Packaging3553 Improvement of durability3553 Cost reduction355335613561 Heat storage356135613561 Latent heat storage3561 Phase change materials (PCM) Validation of seasonal utilization3561 Latent heat recovery materials Lower loss Improvement of efficiency3561 Air-condition utilization technology Cost reduction3561 Higher density/temperature356135623562 Heat storage356235623562 Sensible heat storage3562 Lower loss Improvement of efficiency3562 Built-in technology Cost reduction3562 Pressure control heat storage Vacuum insulation material3562 Self-control heat storage3562

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 3.3 Deployment Scenario for "Promotion of New Energy Development and Introduction"

Introduction of photovoltaic, wind, biomass and other renewable energy sources, and innovative energy utilization should be promoted to contribute to reducing Japan's oil dependency to less than 40% by 2030.

Introduction of photovoltaic, wind, biomass and other renewable energy sources, and innovative energy utilization should be promoted to contribute to reducing Japan's oil dependency to less than 40% by 2030.

2030-2005 20252010 2015 2020











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Electricity grid control and storage

(Rolling)New National Energy Strategy

Solar / wind

Biomass, waste, geothermal and other renewable energies

Expansion of assistance to new energy venture businesses

Fuel cells

Other innovative energy utilization

Subsidization of businesses to create initial demand

Creation of new energy industry structure

Market expansion throughthe RPS Law, etc.

Market expansion throughthe RPS Law, etc.

Positive introduction bypublic organization

Positive introduction for public use

Making PV generation as cost-competitive as thermal power

generation by 2030

AN ENERGY POLICY FOR EUROPE Increasing share of renewablesto 20% by 2020

Advanced Energy Initiative Cost-competitive PV by 2015

Improving PV energy conversion and cost reduction

           Diffusion of silicon PV cellsDeployment of compound PV and other new-concept cells

Improving wind generation efficiency and enlarging wind generation facilities

            Diffusion of onshore wind generationDeployment of offshore wind generationDeveloping businesses of self-sufficient

production and consumption of energy

Stabilizing electricity grids and maintaining their quality

Performance improving and deployment of electricity storage

Production of biofuels for transport (ethanol, ETBE, BDF, DME, BTL)

Utilization of other renewable energies

Utilization of biomass and waste energy (gasification power generation, etc.)

Fuel cell efficiency improvement and cost reduction

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC)

Deployment of fuel cell vehicles

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)Gas turbine/fuel cell combined cycle power generation

Hybrid, plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles

Utilization of heat pumps

Utilization of unconventional fossil fuels

Production of synthetic liquid fuels for transport

Revitalization of diverse technologicalinnovations in venture companies

Technologies for suppressing influence of distributed generation to grid,new advanced power supply system and utilization of distributed power systems

Review of electricity/gas industry systems



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Cooperation betweendistributed generation and grid

Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC)

Deployment of fuel cell cogeneration for residential/commercial and industry(PEFC, PAFC, MCFC, SOFC)

Deployment of natural gas cogeneration

Oil residue gasification, coal gasification and clean coal technologies (IGCC, IGFC, etc.)


(4) Utilization of Nuclear Energy and Secured Safety as Premises

Nuclear power generation features a stable electricity supply and is a clean energy source that does not emit carbon dioxide in operation. Promotion of nuclear power generation and related nuclear fuel cycle premised on secured safety is a core measure of the Japanese energy policy to achieve both energy security and resolution of the global environment problem.

Promotion of nuclear power generation including related nuclear fuel cycle is making global progress as the United States is calling for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership to expand use of nuclear power with proliferation-resistant fuel recycling, and as European countries are seeking to credit nuclear generation for contributing to global warming prevention and energy security.

In order to achieve the goal (usage ratio of nuclear power is 30 to 40% or more of Japan's total electricity generation even after 2030) under the New National Energy Strategy, based on the present situation, many technological developments such as early commercialization of the fast reactor cycle, development of next-generation light-water reactor to replace existing light-water reactors around 2030, establishment of the nuclear fuel cycle for light-water reactors, and measures for disposal of radioactive wastes are necessary. At the same time, it needs to promote the development of investment climates for construction of nuclear reactors, to improve relevant human resources and to support international activities of nuclear industries.




























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Table 4.1-1 Technology Map (List) for Utilization of Nuclear Energy and Secured Safety as Premises (1/2)

Geological disposal technologies for high-level radioactive wastes (e.g. technologies for investigating and evaluating geo-environment, repository design, technologies for safety assessment), Geological disposal technologies for TRU (transuranic) wastes (e.g. technology for transforming wastes into disposable form, repository design, technologies for safety assessment)

Geological disposal4203

Technologies for disposal of power-reactor wastes and TRU (transuranic) wastes at depth deep enough for general underground use

Disposal at intermediate depth enough for general underground use


Research and development of fast reactor cycle technologies, Studies on transition scenario from light water reactor cycle to fast reactor cycle, Basic tests for decontamination process, Development of frameworks for reprocessing engineering

High-decontamination process prior to conversion of reprocessed uranium

Smooth shift from light water reactor cycle to fast reactor cycle


Research and development of fast reactor cycle technologies, Conceptual studies, Development of plant technologies in relation to demonstration reactor and core elmentaltechnologies

Fast reactorFast reactor cycle


Research and development of fast reactor cycle technologies, Conceptual studies, Development of element technologies for fuel cycle (reprocessing, fuel fabrication)

Fuel cycle4132

Fundamental research based on the progress of collaboration under GIF or GNEP

Supercritical-water-cooled reactor, medium and small reactors

Other innovative reactors


Technologies for disposal of low-level radioactive wastes in shallow land pits, Technologies for disposal of low-level radioactive wastes in shallow land trenches, Technologies for disposal of uranium wastes and TRU (transuranic) wastes in shallow land

Shallow land disposalDisposal of radioactive wastes


Light water reactor fuel cycle

Small-scale uranium tests, Full-scale uranium tests, Small-scale MOX tests, Full-scale MOX tests

MOX fuel fabrication4112

Development of centrifuge, Centrifuge cascade tests, Cascade test facility / operation tests

Centrifugal uranium enrichment


Feasibility study, Conceptual design / development of element technologies

Next-generation light water reactor


Dismantlement technologies, Decontamination technologies, Waste treatment technologies


Development and design of light water reactor to utilize full MOX fuel core, Technologies related to utilize full MOX fuel core, Uprating, Technologies for maintenance and repair

Advanced utilization of light water reactor

Light water reactor


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"utilization of nuclear energy and secured safety as premises" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs





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Table 4.1-2 Technology Map (List) for Utilization of Nuclear Energy and Secured Safety as Premises (2/2)

Power system control

High-efficiency power transmission / transformation

Technology for identifying underground structures, Technology for construction of large underground facilities, Improvement in performance of pumps, Environmental impact assessment

Underground pumped-storage power generation


Technology for identifying underground structures, Compressed air storage technology, Reduction in construction costs for compressed air storage tanks, Combination of CAES with gas turbine power generation, Urban-type CAES

Compressed air energy storage (CAES)


Large solid electrolyte manufacturing technology, Ceramic/metal junction technology, Safety design technology, Cost reduction by mass production

NaS battery3541

Electric power storage

Larger effective head / larger capacity, High-corrosion resistant materials

Sea water pumped-storage power generation


High-performance pump turbine, Higher head / larger capacity, High-performance inverter, Technology for reduction of bearing loss

Variable-speed pumped storage generation


System protection relay, Equipment protective relay, High-speed and high-capacity breakers, High-speed removal/recovery of accidents, Adaptive relay, Protection technology for system reliability, LC resonance-type current limiting devices, SF6 substitutes, Recovery coordination, Superconducting current limiting devices, Semiconductor circuit-breakers

Power system protection


UHVC (Ultra high voltage AC power transmission), Boosting of transmission voltage, Reduction of transmission/distribution loss, Self-commutated large-capacity converter, High-efficacy large-capacity converter, Superconductive transformer, Superconductive transmission, Long-distance large-capacity power transmission, Large-capacity DC transmission technology

Large capacity power transmission


Forecasting supply of photovoltaic/wind power generation, Load leveling technology in demand side, Cooperation control technology for grid/distributed energy system, Energy demand optimization/assessment technology

Optimization of energy demand and load leveling

Energy management


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"utilization of nuclear energy and secured safety as premises" are

specified with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs









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Figure 4.2-1 Technology Roadmap for Utilization of Nuclear Energy and Secured Safety as Premises (1/2)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

41014101 Light water reactor41014101 Commencement of operation of OHMA4101 Advanced utilization of4101 light water reactor Development and design of light water reactor to utilize full MOX fuel core4101 Technologies related to utilize full MOX fuel core4101 Uprating4101 Technologies for maintenance and repair410141024102 Light water reactor Decommissioning of FUGEN Completion of decommissioning of FUGEN4102 Completion of commercial operations of TSURUGA I Decommissioning of light-water reactor power4102 Decommissioning of TOKAI Completion of decommissioning of TOKAI plants become full-scale4102 Decommissioning4102 Dismantlement technologies4102 Decontamination technologies4102 Waste treatment technologies410241024103 Needs to replace existing 4103 Light water reactor light water reactor power plants4103 Commercial operation of the first unit 4103 Basic design/safety review/construction of next-generation light water reactors4103 Next-generation4103 light water reactor Feasibility study4103 Conceptual design / development of element technologies41034103410341114111 Light water reactor fuel cycle41114111 Introduction of advanced centrifuge to commercial plants4111 Centrifugal uranium4111 enrichment Development of centrifuge4111 Centrifuge cascade tests4111 Cascade test facility / operation tests4111411141124112 Light water reactor fuel cycle41124112 Commencement of application in commercial plants4112 MOX fuel fabrication4112 Small-scale uranium tests4112 Full-scale uranium tests4112 Small-scale MOX tests4112 Full-scale MOX tests411241214121 Smooth shift from light water reactor4121 cycle to fast reactor cycle Study on second commercial reprocessing plant and development of necessary technologies41214121 High-decontamination 4121 process prior to Research and development of fast reactor cycle technologies4121 conversion of Studies on transition scenario from light water reactor cycle to fast reactor cycle4121 reprocessed Basic tests for decontamination process4121 uranium Development of frameworks for reprocessing engineering41214131 Recommencement of operations of MONJU (Development of commercial4131 Fast reactor cycle Decision on application of innovative technologies Construction of demonstration reactors reactors before 2050)4131 Completion of conceptual designing of demonstration reactor4131 R&D plan that indicates path to the commercialization of new technologies4131 Fast reactor4131 Research and development of fast reactor cycle technologies4131 Conceptual studies4131 Development of plant technologies in relation to demonstration reactor and core element technologies4131413141324132 Fast reactor cycle Decision on application of innovative technologies Construction of demonstration facility4132 Completion of conceptual designing of demonstration facility4132 R&D plan that indicates path to the commercialization of new technologies4132 Fuel cycle4132 Research and development of fast reactor cycle technologies4132 Conceptual studies4132 Development of element technologies for fuel cycle (reprocessing, fuel fabrication)4132413241444144 Other innovative reactors414441444144 Supercritical-water-4144 cooled reactor,4144 medium and small Fundamental research based on the progress of collaboration under GIF or GNEP4144 reactors4144414442014201 Disposal of radioactive wastes420142014201 Shallow land disposal4201 Technologies for disposal of low-level radioactive wastes in shallow land pits4201 (The Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited is implementing the disposal of wastes of power reactors)4201 Technologies for disposal of low-level radioactive wastes in shallow land trenches4201 (The Japan Atomic Energy Agency has implemented the activities in dismantling of the Japan Power Demonstration Reactor)4201 Technologies for disposal of uranium wastes and TRU (transuranic) wastes in shallow land

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 4.2-2 Technology Roadmap for Utilization of Nuclear Energy and Secured Safety as Premises (2/2)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

42024202 Disposal of radioactive wastes4202 Safety review4202 Detailed investigation Construction of repository4202 Disposal at 4202 intermediate depth Technologies for disposal of power-reactor wastes and TRU (transuranic) wastes at depth deep enough for general underground use4202 enough for general 4202 underground use4202420242034203 Disposal of radioactive wastes4203 Preliminary investigation Commencement4203 Literature survey Detailed investigation Construction of repository of disposal4203 Geological disposal4203 Geological disposal technologies for high-level radioactive wastes4203 (e.g. technologies for investigating and evaluating geo-environment, repository design, technologies for safety assessment)4203 Geological disposal technologies for TRU (transuranic) wastes4203 (e.g. technology for transforming wastes into disposable form, repository design, technologies for safety assessment)420312141214 Energy management121412141214 Optimization of energy 1214 demand and load Energy demand optimization/assessment technology1214 leveling Forecasting supply of photovoltaic/wind power generation1214 Load leveling technology in demand side1214 Cooperation control technology for grid/distributed energy system121412211221 High-efficiency power 1221 transmission/transformation Long-distance large-capacity1221 UHVC (Ultra high voltage AC power transmission, 1,000 kV) power transmission1221 Large capacity power1221 transmission Boosting of transmission voltage Self-commutated large-capacity converter1221 Reduction of transmission/distribution loss High-efficacy large-capacity converter1221 Superconductive transformer Large-capacity DC1221 Superconductive transmission transmission technology122135273527 Power system control352735273527 Power system 3527 protection System protection relay High-speed and high-capacity breakers LC resonance-type current limiting devices3527 Equipment protective relay High-speed removal/recovery of accidents Recovery coordination3527 SF6 substitutes3527 Adaptive relay Protection technology for system reliability Semiconductor circuit-breakers3527 Superconducting current limiting devices35313531 Electric power storage353135313531 Variable-speed pumped3531 storage generation High-performance pump turbine High-performance inverter3531 Higher head / larger capacity Technology for reduction of bearing loss35313531353135323532 Electric power storage353235323532 Sea water3532 pumped-storage Larger effective head / larger capacity3532 power generation High-corrosion resistant materials35323532353235333533 Electric power storage3533 Technology for identifying 3533 underground structures3533 Underground3533 pumped-storage Technology for construction of 3533 power generation underground large facilities3533 Improvement in performance of pumps3533 Environmental impact assessment353335343534 Electric power storage353435343534 Compressed air energy3534 storage (CAES) Urban-type CAES3534 Technology for identifying underground structures3534 Compressed air storage technology3534 Reduction in construction costs for compressed air storage tanks3534 Combination of CAES with gas turbine power generation35413541 Electric power storage3541 For improvement of power quality3541 For load change compensation3541 NaS battery3541 Large solid electrolyte manufacturing technology3541 Ceramic/metal junction technology3541 Safety design technology3541 Cost reduction by mass production3541

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 4.3 Deployment Scenario for "Utilization of Nuclear Energy and Secured Safety as Premises"

In order to achieve the goal of having the ratio of nuclear generation for 30 - 40% or more of the total electricity generation even after 2030, we must develop technologies for early commercialization of the fast reactor cycle, the next-generation light-water reactor to replace existing light-water reactors, the nuclear fuel cycle for light-water reactors, and measures for disposal of radioactive waste,etc.

In order to achieve the goal of having the ratio of nuclear generation for 30 - 40% or more of the total electricity generation even after 2030, we must develop technologies for early commercialization of the fast reactor cycle, the next-generation light-water reactor to replace existing light-water reactors, the nuclear fuel cycle for light-water reactors, and measures for disposal of radioactive waste,etc.

2030-2005 2010 2015 2020 2025











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Fast breeder reactor (FBR) cycle




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Light-water reactors and related nuclear fuel cycle

Support international activities of nuclear industries

Disposal of radioactive waste

Electricity grid technologies for promotion of nuclear power utilization

Improve human resources for the future

Steady promotionof radioactivewastes measures

Construct nuclear power plants under condition of electricity industry deregulation

Develop security strategies for uranium resources

Enhance mutual confidence between national and local governments

Promotion ofwide-areamanagement

Earlycommercializationof fast reactor

New National Energy Strategy

NP 2010


GNEP +50 GWe (by 2020)

Gen III+ reactor Gen IV reactor commercializationAdvanced Recycling ReactorNuclear Fuel Recycling Center

Advanced utilization of light-water reactors

Introduction ofadvanced centrifuges

Decommissioning of existing light-water reactors

Development of technologies for smooth shift from the light-water reactor cycle to the fast breeder reactor cycle

Operation ofdemonstration reactor

Relevant demonstrationfacilities of fuel cycle

Shallow land disposal of low-level radioactive wastes

Disposal of low-level radioactive wastes at depth deepenough for general underground use

Electricity grid control and massive electricity transmission

Pumped-storage generation for electricity storage

Promotion of load-leveling through demand side

Operation of full MOX core light water reactor

MONJU modification, performance tests, operation

Hot engineering tests

Research and Development for FBR cycle

Basic design, safety review, construction, etc.Conceptual design andelemental technology


     Preliminary investigation Detailed investigation Construction of repository

Development of geological disposal


Operation of MOX fuel fabrication plantDemotests

Promotion oflight-waterreactors andrelated nuclearfuel cycle forunder securedsafety

Introduction of next-generationlight-water reactors

Construction of MOXfuel fabrication plant

System design/ development

Development of centrifuge


<Demonstration reactor> Basic design, safetyreview, detailed design, construction, tests

Commercial-ization of FBRbefore 2050

Literature survey

Geological disposal ofhigh-level radioactiveand TRU wastes

Participate in creation of international frameworks to expand nuclear power generation and non-proliferation of nuclear arms


(5) Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels

Japan depends on import from abroad for almost all fossil fuel resources, so securing stable supply of fossil fuel is directly related to national security. Seeking to secure stable oil and natural gas supplies, the government should support overseas energy resources development by Japanese companies.

Western oil majors have a great deal of experience in energy resources development, while new energy-consuming countries like China and India have been aggressively hunting such resources across the world. In order to gain bargaining advantages against resources-rich countries under such circumstances, Japan must promote the development of cutting-edge technologies contributing to acquisition of access to overseas energy resources.

Technologies should be developed to reduce the environmental load from fossil fuels and to utilize them more efficiently. In acknowledgement of this, we developed a technology strategy map for resources and fuels in March 2007 which is reflected it in this Energy Technology Strategy.

Japan should give priority to developing technologies for efficient oil utilization including advanced integration of petrochemical complexes for efficient production of petroleum products, for refining unconventional oil resources, for natural gas utilization including GTL (gas to liquid) production contributing to development of new natural gas fields and wider utilization of new fuels, for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), for production of methane hydrate, for exploration, development and production of oil and natural gas resources, for efficient gasification of coal which has superior stability of supply, and for upgrading of coal for new usages. At the same time, Japan should enhance relations with resources-rich countries and promote the consideration and demonstration of infrastructure for the supply of new fuels.





Natural gas

Unconventional fossil fuels

Natural energies

Fossil fuels



High-efficiencyco-generation▽◇Gas/petroleum engine

co-generation▼◇GT co-generation▼☆◇FC co-generation

Energy management▼☆□◇Optimization of energy demand

and load leveling

High efficiency internalcombustion engine▼●◇Gasoline engine▼●◆Diesel engine

Clean energy vehicles▽○◇Natural-gas vehicles▼●◆Hybrid vehicles

Clean energy vehicles▼●★◇Fuel cell vehicles▽○☆◇Hydrogen engine vehicles


Clean energy vehicles▼●☆◆Plug-in hybrid vehicles▼●☆◇Electric vehicles

▽●◇Energy-conserving trains

▽○◇High performance ships▽○◇High efficiency marine transport system

Advanced traffic system▼◇Intelligent transport systems (ITS)▽◇Modal shift in passenger transport▼◇Modal shift in freight transport

▽○◇High performance aircrafts

Energy-conserving industrial processes▼◆Next-generation coke

production methods▼◆Iron and steel process▽◇New reductive melting iron

making processes▼◆Petroleum refining process▼◇Petrochemical process▽◇Cement process▽◇Paper manufacturing▽◇Nonferrous metals process▼◇Process of chemical raw materials▽◇Glass production process▽◇Processing and assembling▽◇Ceramic manufacturing process

▽◇High-efficiency industrialfurnace/boiler


▼◇Integration and collaborationbetween industries

Fuel cells▽☆◇PAFC▼☆◆MCFC▼★◆SOFC

Fuel cells▼★◆SOFC▼●★◇PEFC▽○☆◇DMFC

Fuel cells▼●★◇PEFC

Production of biofuels○☆◇Dimethyl ether (DME)○★◇Production of BTL by

gasification of biomass

Production of biofuels☆◇Producing biomass fuels with addition of coal

Hydrogen production○◇Hydrogen production from coal with CO2 recovery○★◇Hydrogen production by gasification

Coal mining◆Advanced technology for mining and cleaning of coal◇Underground coal gasification

Coal fired power generation▽◇IGHAT▼◇A-PFBC▼◆A-USC▼◆IGCC▼◆IGFC▼◆A-IGCC


Coal-fired power generation★◇Biomass/coal hybrid power generation


Coal fired power generation◇Reduction of trace substances emission

Coal Utilization◇Combustion of low-grade coal◇Next-generation technology

for pulverizing coal○◆Coal to liquid (CTL)◇Advanced utilization of coal ash◆Coal de-ashing technology◆Low-rank coal upgrading◇Hot coke oven gas reforming

without catalyst◇Effective use of coke oven gas◇Efficient coal conversion

Development of fossil resources ◆Exploration of oil and gas reservoirs◆Drilling and developing oil and natural gas◇Drilling and developing fossil resources in frontiers◆EOR/EGR◆Eco-friendly oil and gas development

Development of unconventional fossil resources◆ECBM recovery◆Production and reforming of

oil sand and other heavy oils◆Improved development, production

and recovery of unconventional gas◆Development of methane hydrate

(MH) resource

Gas supply◇Gas transportation◇Gas storage


High-efficiency natural gas power generation▼◇High-temperature GT▽◇AHAT▼◇FC/GT hybrid

power generation

Natural gas utilization◇Producing, transporting and utilizing NGH●◆GTL○◇Synthesizing LP gas

from natural gas, etc.

Technologies for using natural gas○◇Next generation technology for producing hydrogen from natural gas

Utilization of LP gas○◇Utilization of LPG/DME

mixed fuel▽◇High-efficiency LPG

burning appliance

Upgrading ultra-heavy oiland utilizing upgraded oil◆Upgrading oil extracted from oil sands◆Thermal cracking of bitumen from oil sands

by using supercritical water, etc.◆Utilizing bitumen from oil sands

Utilization of new alternative fuels○◇Utilization of GTL and other new

alternative fuels along with petroleum

Utilization of new alternative fuels●☆◇Advanced technology for utilizing biomass

and other unconventional petroleum products

Utilization of heavy crude oil○◇Production of hydrogen from

petroleum pitch and cokes

Utilization of heavy crude oil○◇Production of high-octane gasoline

from low-quality oil○◆Production of synthesized diesel fuel

form asphalt (ATL)◆High severity fluid catalytic cracking

and other advanced technologiesfor heavy oil processing

▼◇Advanced integrationin complex

Petroleum refining○◇Advanced technology for producing

desulfurized liquid fuels▽◇Fuel-saving high-durability lube oil◇Zero-emission petroleum refinery process

Advanced technology for using petroleum○◇New alternative fuels for vehicles○◇Improving vehicle efficiency

and promoting exhaust gas cleanup○◇Offroad engines with low environmental load

Advanced technology for using petroleum○◇Hydrogen production from petroleum and hydrogen transportation

CO2 capture◆Pre-combustion CO2 capture◇Oxy-fuel combustion CO2 capture

CO2storage◆Geological storage of CO2◆Ocean storage of CO2

CO2 capture◆Post-combustion CO2 capture





Fuel cells▽○☆◇DMFC

Coal utilization○☆◇Hydrothermal cracking of coal☆◆Multipurpose uses of coal gasification

High-efficiency powertransmission/ transformation▼☆■◇Large capacity

power transmission

Figure 5.1 Technology Map (Diagram) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels

The colored symbols specified in front of the technologies indicate the policy objectives to which these technologies would contribute:▽ Improvement of overall energy efficiency○ Diversification of transport fuels☆ Promotion of new energy development and introduction□ Utilization of nuclear energy and secured safety as premises◇ Stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuelsTechnologies that make great contributions to policy objectives are accompanied by pasted symbols (▼●★■◆) for the relevant policy objectives.Technologies that make great contributions to the "stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified with underlined red letters.


Table 5.1-1 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(1/10)

Utilization technology for by-product materials, Technology using cold potential recovery from LNG, Technology for integrated utilization of hydrogen, Advanced technology using unused distillates, Multi-processing technology for recycle of unused materials, High-efficiency gasification technology using simultaneous production of energy/chemical material

Advanced integration in complex

Advanced integration technology in complex


Integration and collaboration between industries

Energy-conserving industrial processes

Utilization of new alternative fuels

Gasoline desulfurization with low hydrogen-consumption, Technology for high-efficiency plate heat exchanger, Advanced utilization of energy in complex and low-grade heat recovery system in complex

Petroleum refining process


Simple plastic manufacturing (SPM) with energy-saving, Gas phase polypropylene production technology (development of catalyst), Low energy cracking technology (development of catalytic cracking process of naphtha, membrane separation), Production technology for chemical materials from waste paper, Production technology for oil-alternative molding materials from biomass, Chemical process technology by using supercritical fluid, Heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC) process, High-efficiency production for raw materials of gasoline/petrochemicals, Co-production, Sustainable carbon cycle chemistry (SC3)

Petrochemical process1105

Energy utilization in industrial petroleum complex, Development of advanced function and integration technologies for petroleum refining, Heat pinch technology and cascade utilization, Material pinch technology, Integration and collaboration between industries with material regeneration, IEMS (industrial energy management systems), ILEN (industrial local energy network)

Integration and collaboration between industries


Technologies for blending petroleum with GTL, Technologies for blending petroleum with coal-derived liquids, Technologies for using other clean liquid fuels

Utilization of GTL and other new alternative fuels along with petroleum


Resource assessment, Development of production techniques, Development of environmental impact assessment techniques, Technologies for exploration and analysis, Technology for resource assessment, Advanced technology for MH production, Environmental impact assessment

Development of methane hydrate (MH) resource


Improved recovery of coalbed methane (CBM), Improved production of tight gas and shale gas, Production of deep natural gas, Low-cost production of natural gas with high concentration of CO2

Improved development, production and recovery of unconventional gas


Onsite reforming technology of bitumen, Enhanced recovery of oil sand and other heavy oils, Enhanced bitumen recovery from oil sand layers, In-situ reforming of bitumen, Advanced/complex development technology of oil shales

Production and reforming of oil sand and other heavy oils


Methane recovery with CO2 injection, CO2 monitoring technology

Enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) recovery

Development of unconventional fossil fuel resources


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 5.1-2 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(2/10)

Technology for storing, transporting, and supplying hydrogen, Off-site hydrogen production technology by way of reforming kerosene, etc., Membrane separation technology, Onboard reforming technology for vehicle fuels, Development of autothermal reforming systems for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), Adsorption desulfurization technology for kerosene, Development for reforming catalysts of kerosene

Hydrogen production from petroleum and hydrogen transportation

Advanced technology for using petroleum


High efficiency internal combustion engine

Technology for gasification of heavy oil, FT synthesis technology, Hydrocracking technology

Production of synthesized diesel fuel form asphalt (ATL)


Utilization of heavy crude oil

Clean energy vehicles

Development of high severity fluid catalytic cracking (HS-FCC) process, Development of isomerization catalysts for cracked gas, Development of direct desulfurization catalysts for heavy oil, Development of cracking catalysts of residual oil, Development of hydrocracking catalyst of light cycle oil

High severity fluid catalytic cracking and other advanced technologies for heavy oil processing


Technology for effective utilization of lower naphtha, Development of isomerization catalysts of naphtha, Development of catalysts for high-octane gasoline production (e.g. FCC catalyst)

Production of high-octane gasoline from low-quality oil


Technology for using pitch as coking additives, Development of hydrogen production process, Development of catalysts for hydrogen production

Production of hydrogen from petroleum pitch and cokes


Regeneration system, Improvement of engine efficiency, Vehicle weight reduction, Surface control of low friction materials, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)

Hybrid vehicles2112

High-efficiency low-emission combustion technology, Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels, Surface control of low friction materials, Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI)

Diesel engine2102

Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels, Surface control of low friction materials, Cylinder cutoff control for improving part-load efficiency, Powertraintechnology, High compression ratio, Lean burn combustion

Gasoline engine2101

Improvement of generation efficiency/overall efficiency, Cost reduction, Mass-production technology, Life extension, Fuel cell technology, PAFC, MCFC, SOFC, PEFC

Fuel cell co-generation1203

Improved efficiency by combustion of ultralean fuel, High power and downsizing by high compression ratio, Improved NOx emissions by EGR, etc., Mirror cycle engine, Micro gas/petroleum engine (HCCI type), Stirling engine, Ceramic engine

Gas/petroleum engine co-generation

High-efficiency co-generation


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 5.1-3 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(3/10)

Development of fossil resources (Common technologies for conventional and unconventional resources)

Utilization of new alternative fuels

Advanced technology for using petroleum

Technology for developing oil and gas fields in frontier areas (e.g. offshore deepwater, arctic, ice-bound seas)

Drilling and developing fossil resources in frontiers


Advanced drilling and production technologies (e.g. laser drilling), Advanced production facilities / innovative pipeline technology, Technology for developing marginal gas fields with small recoverable reserves

Drilling and developing oil and natural gas


Technology for developing engines with low-cetane fuels, Application technologies of ultra low-cetane fuels, Development of low-cetane fuels for stationary and general purpose diesel engines

Offroad engines with low environmental load


Technology for using petroleum along with biomass fuels, Technologies for refining biomass fuels (e.g. refining by membrane separation of ethanol)

Advanced technology for utilizing biomass and other unconventional petroleum products


Exploration technologies and petroleum reserves estimation methods (petroleum system analysis, reserves estimation, advanced seismic prospecting technologies, etc.), Reservoir evaluation/characterization technologies (reservoir characterization including fractured reservoir analysis, technology for direct hydrocarbon detection, etc.), Dynamic modeling

Exploration of oil and gas reservoirs


Technology for fuels used for recent models of diesel vehicles, Technologies for improving vehicle fuel efficiency, Technology for improving antiknock properties, Technology for fuels compatible with next-generation vehicle engines such as HCCI, High-accuracy atmospheric simulation technology for environmental assessment of exhaust gas, etc.

Improving vehicle efficiency and promoting exhaust gas cleanup


Technology for blending new alternative fuels such as biofuels and GTL with conventional fuels such as gasoline and diesel oil, Technology for vehicles applying to conventional/alternative blended fuels

New alternative fuels of vehicle


Technology for reducing waste catalysts, Technology for utilizing surplus sulfur from desulfurization processes, Technology for decontaminating heavy oil-contaminated soil, Technology for decontaminating gasoline-contaminated soil, Technology for producing eco-friendly gasoline-based materials with low-waste emission

Zero-emission petroleum refinery process


Fuel-saving lube oil production technology, Lube oil production technology from GTL, etc.

Fuel-saving high-durability lube oil


Advanced desulfurization technology for petroleum liquid fuels, Development of desulfurization catalysts for ultra clean fuel, Development of advanced deep desulfurizationprocesses

Advanced technology for producing desulfurized liquid fuels

Petroleum refining


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 5.1-4 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(4/10)

High-efficiency natural gas power generation

Clean energy vehicles

Upgrading ultra-heavy oil and utilizing upgraded oil

Gas supply

High-temperature gas turbine, Stack module technology for high pressure, Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell, Hybrid system technology, Improvement of durability

Fuel cell/gas turbine hybrid power generation


Development of high humid equipment (compressor, regenerator, and combustor)

Advanced humid air turbine (AHAT)


Highly heat-resistant materials, Highly corrosion-resistant materials, Ultra-high purity metal materials, Technology for increasing temperature of combustion gas, Advances combined cycle (ACC), Ceramic turbine

High-temperature gas turbine


Greater cruising distance, Natural-gas sorption materials, Reduction of weight of fuel tank, Expansion of gas supply infrastructures

Natural-gas vehicles2111

Construction technology for gas pipelines, Pipeline monitoring, Gas sensing technology, Seismometers/remote monitoring, Technology for inspecting facilities, Highly efficient transportation technology, Intelligent pipeline materials, Natural gas hydrate (NGH) transportation

Gas transportation5501

Gas sensing technology, Seismometers/remote monitoring, Technology for inspecting facilities, Airtight structure designing, High-performance plugs, Reduction in construction costs, High-pressure storage of natural gas, Bedrock storage

Gas storage5502

Development of catalysts for upgrading synthetic crude oil, Technology for optimization of thermal cracking (cokers), Development of reforming catalysts, Technology for conversion to petrochemical feedstock

Utilizing bitumen from oil sands


Demetallation technology using supercritical water, Technology for cracking heavy oil by using supercritical water, Technology for cracking heavy oil by using subcriticalwater

Thermal cracking of bitumen from oil sands by using supercritical water, etc.


Hydrocracking technology, Fluid catalytic cracking technology, Development of hydrocracking catalysts

Upgrading oil extracted from oil sands


Technology for CO2 sequestration into depleted oil reservoirs and in-situ microbial conversion to methane, Hydrogen sulfide removal technology using subterranean microorganism, Downhole water separation technologies including non-treated water injection into formations, Technology for re-injecting drilled cuttings into formations, CO2 recovery from depleted gas fields

Eco-friendly oil and gas development


CO2 flooding, Gas injection, Thermal oil recovery, Chemical EOR/EGR, Advanced water flooding, Microbial EOR/EGR, Technology for reducing interfacial tension, Well stimulation techniques including fracturing, Reservoir monitoring technolog

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) / enhanced gas recovery (EGR)

Development of fossil resources (Common technologies for conventional and unconventional resources)(Cont.)


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 5.1-5 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(5/10)

Production of biofuels

Utilization of LP gas

Energy-conserving industrial processes

Technology for producing coal-mixed biomass briquette fuel, Technologies for drying and pulverization of mixed fuels, Technology for co-combustion of pulverized coal with wood/wood-char, Large scale of pelletization

Producing biomass fuels with addition of coal


New reductive melting iron making process (ITmk3), Coal-based direct reduction processes (FASTMET), Hot briquette iron (HBI) production process for electric furnace, Adiabatic casting system, Production of virgin iron for dilution of electric furnace (DRIC), Technology for separation/recovery of rare metals, Technologies for high clean/high functional special steels, Co-production with chemical process

New reductive melting iron making processes


Turbo-jet combustion and heat transfer technologies of burner, Development of high-efficiency appliance, Exhaust gas processing technology

High-efficiency LPG burning appliance


Next-generation coke oven (SCOPE 21), Introduction of highly-reactive agglomerates, Coal-iron ore adhesive/binding technique, Ferro coke production technique, Multi-purpose furnace, Waste/biomass blowing technology, Application to utility by-product hydrogen (COG) / hydrogen energy system, Degraded materials (coal) application technology

Next-generation coke production methods


Direct iron ore smelting reduction process (DIOS), Reduction of dust emissions under pulverized coal injection operation, Casting technology with electromagnetic force, Dust regeneration technology in electric furnace, New sintering process, Next-generation metal rolling technology (brittle special steel, etc.), Innovative electromagnetic steel plate technology, Pre-carbonized gasification melting furnace, Detoxification technology for circulation elements by improving surface quality of cast slab, Production technology for ultrafine-grained hot-rolled steel plate, Valuable metals collection technology in rotary hearth furnace, High heat-resisting / corrosion-resisting steel materials, Adiabatic casting system, Hot/cold rolling integrated system, Resource/energy generation blast furnace, Utilization of low quality materials (iron ore), Co-production with chemical process, Energy co-production (iron/gas)

Iron and steel process1102

Improvement of equipment durability against blended fuels, Technology for DME/LPG direct-injection diesel engines

Utilization of LPG/DME mixed fuel


Technology for synthesizing LP gas from natural gas, coal, CO2, etc., Development of synthetic catalysts with long durability, Catalyst regeneration technology

Synthesizing LP gas from natural gas, etc.


Steam reforming + PSA, Hydrogen-transmissive membrane reactors, CO2 separation membranes, Hydrogen production with CO2 separation

Next generation technology for producing hydrogen from natural gas


Cryogenic NGH production technology, NGH container transportation technology, Technology for NGH regasification/ technology for utilizing NGH, Advanced NGH production technology, Advanced NGH sea transportation technology

Producing, transporting and utilizing natural gas hydrate (NGH)


Synthetic gas production technology, FT synthesis technology, Hydrocracking technology, Scale-up engineering, Operation technique

Gas to liquid (GTL)Natural gas utilization


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 5.1-6 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(6/10)

Coal mining

Coal fired power generation

Behavior understanding of trace substances, Technology for measuring trace substances, Technology for trapping trace substances

Reduction of trace substances emission


High-temperature gas turbine technology, Low-temperature high-efficiency coal gasification technology, Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell

Next-generation high-efficiency integrated coal gasification power generation (A-IGCC, A-IGFC)


Oxygen-blown coal gasification technology, Technology using various grades of coal, High-efficiency oxygen production technology, Dry gas-cleaning technology, Fine gas-cleaning technology, High-temperature gas turbine technology, Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell

Integrated coal gasification fuel cell combined cycle power generation (IGFC)


Air-blown coal gasification technology, Technology using multiple grades of coal, High-efficiency oxygen production technology, Dry gas-cleaning technology, High-temperature gas turbine technology

Integrated coal gasification combined cycle power generation (IGCC)


Development of pressurized fluidized-bed furnace (gasification furnace, desulfurizer, and oxidizer), Expansion of grades of coal, High-temperature dry desulfurization, Improvement of dust removal performance, Mixing firing with biomass

Advanced pressurized fluidized-bed combustion (A-PFBC)


Development of new alloy for boiler/turbine, Development of high-temperature valve, High-temperature welding technology

Advanced ultra supercritical power generation (A-USC)


Technology for co-combustion of coal and biomass, Technology for producing coal/biomass briquettes, Coal grinding technology, Technology for converting sewage sludge into slurry form

Biomass/coal hybrid power generation


Air-blown coal gasification technology, Technology using multiple grades of coal, High-efficiency oxygen production technology, Oxygen-blown coal gasification technology, Dry gas-cleaning technology, Gas turbine technology using moisture

Integrated gasification humid air turbine (IGHAT)


Underground coal gasification technology, Monitoring technology / environmental impact assessment

Underground coal gasification


Advanced technology for the comprehensive evaluation of coal resources, Advanced technology for coal preparation, Advanced technology for coal mining, Underground coal gasification technology

Advanced technology for mining and cleaning of coal


Partial oxidation reforming, Steam reforming, Autothermalreforming, Coal gasification, Biomass gasification, Gas cleanup, CO2 recovery technology, Hydrogen separation membrane technology

Hydrogen production by gasification


Technology for hydrogen production from coal with CO2 absorption (HyPr-RING), Technology for recycling absorbent materials, CO2 recovery technology

Hydrogen production from coal with CO2 recovery

Hydrogen production


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 5.1-7 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(7/10)

High-efficiency of black liquor recovery boiler, Energy saving of pulping process, Improvement of efficiency of causticizingprocess, Improvement of papermaking process, Gene-recombination technology of plants, Gasification technology for black liquor/biomass, Biomass IGCC, Biomass IGFC, Co-production to utilize biomass

Paper manufacturing1107

Energy-conserving industrial processes

Technology to materialize wastes, Electric power saving mill, High-efficiency dryer, Co-production through gasification of wastes

Cement process1106

Technology for radical chain reaction, Catalysts acting at low temperature / catalysts acting by electron excitation, Coal gasification technology using plasma

Efficient coal conversion


Low-pressure methanation technology, Methane to benzene (MTB) technology, CO2 separation and recovery technology

Effective use of coke oven gas


Actual gas test, System performance test, Technology for producing syngas from coke oven gas (COG) without catalysts, Hydrogen production technology

Hot coke oven gas reforming without catalyst


Cement production technology, Fiber production technologyAdvanced utilization of coal ash


Technology for utilizing coke, Application tests for caking additive, Hyper-coal production technology, Application to gas turbines

Coal de-ashingtechnology


Technology for the dewatering of brown coal, etc., Technology for the reforming of brown coal using oil (upgraded brown oil, UBC), Technology for converting brown coal into liquid form, Technology for production of coal-water slurry, Combustion tests, Economic evaluation of a total system

Low-rank coal upgrading


Technology applying to a wide range of coal, Technology for co-processing of coal and biomass, etc., Gas cleaning technology, Co-production by coal gasification, Substitute natural gas (SNG) production, CO2 separation and recovery

Multipurpose uses of coal gasification


Technology applying to a wide range of coal, Establishment of high performance and high reliability, Co-production technology

Hydrothermal cracking of coal


Upgrading technology for coal-liquefied oil, Gasification technology, FT synthesis technology, Application of brown coal liquefaction technology, Training for engineers and operators, Design and construction of commercial plants

Coal to liquid (CTL)5633

Technology for pulverizing mixtures of coal and biomass, Technology to reduce grinding power, Development of ultrafine grinding technology

Next-generation technology for pulverizing coal


Technologies for combustion of coal with a lower fuel ratio (co-grinding, co-combustion, measures for preventing slugging), Technologies for combustion of coal with a higher fuel ratio (burner development, ultrafine grinding technology)

Combustion of low-grade coal

Coal utilization5631

Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs







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Table 5.1-8 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(8/10)

Energy management

High-efficiency co-generation

High-efficiency industrial furnace/boiler

High-efficiency power transmission / transformation


UHVC (Ultra high voltage AC power transmission), Boosting of transmission voltage, Reduction of transmission/distribution loss, Self-commutated large-capacity converter, High-efficacy large-capacity converter, Superconductive transformer, Superconductive transmission, Long-distance large-capacity power transmission, Large-capacity DC transmission technology

Large capacity power transmission


Forecasting supply of photovoltaic/wind power generation, Load leveling technology in demand side, Cooperation control technology for grid/distributed energy system, Energy demand optimization/assessment technology

Optimization of energy demand and load leveling


High-efficiency combustion technology, Regenerative combustion technology, New combustion technology under oxygen atmosphere, Heat transfer technology, Next-generation high-efficiency boiler, High-efficiency industrial furnace

High-efficiency industrial furnace/boiler


Gasification technology (partial oxidization process), Diversification of raw materials, High efficiency, Cost reduction, Next-generation gasification technology, Co-production with iron and steel/chemical process


Variable heat power ratio gas turbine, Regenerative cycle gas turbine, Micro gas turbine, Ceramic turbine, Manufacturing technology for turbine blade, Technology for fuel-lean premixed combustion, Exhaust heat utilization technology

Gas turbine co-generation


Low-temperature process technology, Combination heating process technology, Precursor application technology, Solvent optimization for chemical processes, Complete returnable ceramic

Ceramic manufacturing process


Power regeneration system, Improvement of cutting performance (coolant processing equipment, etc.), Advanced machining system, Nonferrous metal processing technology, Miniaturization of regeneration system and its application for other fields

Processing and assembling


Energy saving technology on glass melting (utilization of plasma heating technology), Energy saving technology on forming/slow cooling of glass

Glass production process


Process optimization technology (low temperature/low pressure/high selectivity, reduction of processes, utilization of microwave), Catalyst technology, Gas separation technology, Energy recovery, Recycle of materials, Biotechnology, Bio-refinery, Co-production with iron and steel process, Utilization of molecular oxygen, Advanced utilization of SC3

Process of chemical raw materials


Processing technology, High-efficiency smelting, Metal recycling technology, Alloy production technology (high functional titanium alloy process), Adiabatic casting system, Materials/composite materials technology (hydrogen storage materials, etc.), Production technology for thermoelectric device, Production technology for ultra-pure metals

Nonferrous metals process

Energy-conserving industrial processes(Cont.)


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs














Table 5.1-9 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(9/10)

Weight reduction by using carbon composite materials, etc., High-efficiency of jet engine, More energy conservation, Further improvement of environmental, economic, and safety properties

High performance aircrafts

High performance aircrafts


Indirect synthesis process of DME, Direct synthesis process of DME, DME vehicles, Utilization technologies for DME fuel cells, etc., Technologies for storing and supplying DME

Dimethyl ether (DME)Production of biofuels


BTL production technology, Biomass/wastes gasification technology, FT synthesis technology, Improvement in BTL production efficiency, Efficient waste collection systems, Cost reduction

Production of BTL by gasification of biomass


Clean energy vehicles

High performance ships

Energy-conserving trains

High efficiency marine transport system

Cooperation of land transport, Hub port networkingHigh efficiency marine transport system


Highly reliable intelligent ships, Motorization, Weight reduction, Exhaust heat recovery in engine, Optimization of ship shape, Fuel cells

High performance ships


Improvement of motor efficiency, Improvement of durability of fuel cell stacks, High density hydrogen storage technology, Hydrogen production technology, Cost reduction, Hydrogen supply system

Fuel cell vehicles2115

More efficient hydrogen engine, Hydrogen loading technology, Hydrogen production technology, Cost reduction, Hydrogen supply system

Hydrogen engine vehicles


Weight reduction, Hybrid trains, Electric transformer on train, Utilization of regenerated energy

Energy-conserving trains


Vehicle weight reduction, Improvement of motor efficiency, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction), Power supply system

Electric vehicles2114

Vehicle weight reduction, Improvement of motor efficiency, High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction), Optimum running control technology, Power supply system

Plug-in hybrid vehicles2113

Bimodal commodity distribution system, Dual mode truck, General-purpose standardized distribution system (advanced application of IC tag), Intelligent distribution system

Modal shift in freight transport


New transport system, Light rail transit (LRT), Guidewaybuses, Community EV buses, Dual mode vehicles (DMV)

Modal shift in passenger transport


Traffic information and communication system, Navigation system, Driving safety support system, Traffic demand management (TDM), Traffic management optimization

Intelligent transport systems (ITS)

Advanced traffic system


Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs














Table 5.1-10 Technology Map (List) for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(10/10)

CO2 capture

CO2 storage

Matching simulation and experiments for CO2 diffusion, Matching biological impact model and experiments, Scientific understanding of CO2 diffusion and biological impact of CO2 in ocean, Techniques for environmental impact/safety assessment, Dissolution and dilution (fixed-type, movable-type), Sequestration and storage of CO2 in seabed

Ocean storage of CO25722

Technology for monitoring and prediction of underground CO2 behavior, Survey of CO2 volume stored in reservoirs and expansion of utilization of CO2, Cost reduction for geological storage systems, Techniques for environmental impact/safety assessment, Aquifer storage, Storage in coalbed seams, Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) / enhanced gas recovery (EGR), Storage in depleted oil and gas reservoirs

Geological storage of CO2


Separation of CO2 from gasified/reformed gas, Chemical absorption, Physical absorption, Membrane separation

Pre-combustion CO2 capture


Chemical absorption, Physical absorption/adsorption, Membrane separation, Efficient utilization of exhaust heat

Post-combustion CO2 capture


Technology for membrane separation of oxygen, High efficient production of oxygen, CO2 capture technology

Oxy-fuel combustion CO2 capture


Ultra-low methanol cross-over membrane, Low swelling membrane, High activity catalyst, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)


Understanding of degradation mechanism, Technology available for high temperature / low humidity, Reduction of platinum content, Poisoning resistant catalyst, Moisture control inside electrolyte membrane, Non-platinum catalysts, Mass production technology for MEA and separators, etc.

Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC)


Understanding of degradation mechanism, Improvement of durability, Diversification of fuels, Cost reduction (higher power, novel materials, mass production technology), Next-generation hybrid system (available for high pressure operation), Optimization of peripheral equipment, Power generation combined gas turbine

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)


Electrode catalyst technology, Cell stack technology, Higher current density, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability, Downsizing, Power generation combined gas turbine

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC)


Electrode catalyst technology, Cell stack technology, Higher current density, System control technology, Cost reduction, Improvement of durability, Enhancing applications

Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC)

Fuel cells3301

Major element technologies and technical issues

Enabling technology and technical issues to realize the "energy technology"

Individual technologyTechnologies as classified for

evaluating contributions to policy objectives for the "energy

technology". Technologies that make great contributions to the

"stable supply and efficient clean use of fossil fuels" are specified

with underlined red letters.

Energy technologyTechnologies for

system processes and products to realize similar

market and social needs














Figure 5.2-1 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(1/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

51015101 Development of unconventional5101 fossil fuel resources51015101 Enhanced coalbed5101 methane (ECBM) Methane recovery with CO2 injection5101 recovery CO2 monitoring technology51015101510151025102 Development of unconventional5102 fossil fuel resources51025102 Production and 5102 reforming of oil Onsite reforming technology of bitumen Advanced/complex development 5102 sand and other Enhanced bitumen recovery from oil sand layers technology of oil shales5102 heavy oils Enhanced recovery of oil sand and other heavy oils In-situ reforming of bitumen5102510251035103 Development of unconventional5103 fossil fuel resources51035103 Improved development,5103 production and Improved recovery of coalbed methane (CBM)5103 recovery of Improved production of tight gas and shale gas5103 unconventional gas Production of deep natural gas5103 Low-cost production of natural gas with high concentration of CO2510351045104 Development of unconventional5104 fossil fuel resources Offshore production test5104 Onshore production test5104 Development of5104 methane hydrate Resource assessment Technologies for exploration and analysis5104 (MH) resource Development of production techniques Technology for resource assessment5104 Development of environmental impact assessment techniques Advanced technology for MH production5104 Environmental impact assessment510453225322 Utilization of5322 new alternative fuels53225322 Utilization of GTL5322 and other new Technologies for blending petroleum with GTL5322 alternative fuels Technologies for blending petroleum with coal-derived liquids5322 along with Technologies for using other clean liquid fuels5322 petroleum532211041104 Energy-conserving1104 industrial processes Gasoline desulfurization with low hydrogen-consumption (Hydrogen consumption rate: 60%)1104 Technology for high-efficiency plate heat exchanger (CO2 reduction: 20,000 t/year ・ exchanger)1104 Petroleum refining1104 process Advanced utilization of energy in complex and low-grade heat recovery system in complex110411041104110411051105 Energy-conserving1105 industrial processes High-efficiency production for 1105 Heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC) process raw materials of gasoline/petrochemicals1105 Petrochemistry1105 process Simple plastic manufacturing (SPM) with energy-saving Co-production Sustainable carbon cycle chemistry (SC3)1105 Gas phase polypropylene production technology (development of catalyst)1105 Low energy decomposition technology (development of catalytic cracking process of naphtha, membrane separation)1105 Production technology for chemical materials from waste paper, Production technology for oil-alternative molding materials from biomass1105 Chemical process technology by using supercritical fluid11411141 Integration and collaboration 1141 between industries11411141 Integration and 1141 collaboration Development of advanced function and integration technologies for petroleum refining1141 between industries Energy utilization in industrial petroleum complex Heat pinch technology and cascade utilization1141 Material pinch technology1141 IEMS (industrial energy management systems) Integration and collaboration between1141 ILEN (industrial local energy network) industries with material regeneration11511151 Advanced integration1151 technology in complex11511151 Advanced integration1151 in complex Technology for integrated utilization of hydrogen High-efficiency gasification technology using simultaneous 1151 Utilization technology for by-product materials production of next-generation energy/chemical material1151 Advanced technology using unused distillates1151 Technology using cold potential recovery from LNG Multi-processing technology for recycle of unused materials115112011201 High-efficiency co-generation120112011201 Gas/petroleum engine 1201 co-generation Mirror cycle engine Micro gas/petroleum engine (HCCI type)1201 Stirling engine1201 Improved efficiency by combustion of ultralean fuel Ceramic engine1201 High power and downsizing by high compression ratio1201 Improved NOx emissions by EGR, etc.

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Figure 5.2-2 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(2/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

12031203 High-efficiency co-generation120312031203 Fuel cell co-generation1203 Improvement of generation efficiency/overall efficiency1203 Cost reduction, Mass-production technology1203 Life extension1203 Fuel cell technology PEFC SOFC1203 PAFC MCFC21012101 High efficiency internal2101 combustion engine21012101 Gasoline engine2101 Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels2101 Surface control of low friction materials2101 Cylinder cutoff control for improving part-load efficiency2101 Powertrain technology High compression ratio2101 Lean burn combustion21022102 High efficiency internal2102 combustion engine21022102 Diesel engine2102 High-efficiency low-emission combustion technology2102 Technology for engine using alternate fuels and mixed fuels2102 Surface control of low friction materials2102 Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI)210221122112 Clean energy vehicles211221122112 Hybrid vehicles2112 Regeneration system Vehicle weight reduction2112 Improvement of engine efficiency2112 High performance rechargeable battery2112 (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)2112 Surface control of low friction materials52015201 Utilization of heavy crude oil520152015201 High severity fluid 5201 catalytic cracking Development of high severity fluid catalytic cracking (HS-FCC) process5201 and other advanced Development of isomerization catalysts for cracked gas5201 technologies for Development of desulfurization catalysts for heavy oil5201 disposal of heavy oil Development of cracking catalysts of residual oil5201 Development of hydrocracking catalyst of heavy gas oil52025202 Utilization of heavy crude oil520252025202 Production of5202 high-octane Technology for effective utilization of lower naphtha5202 gasoline from low- Development of isomerization catalysts of naphtha5202 quality oil Development of catalysts for high-octane gasoline production (e.g. FCC catalyst)5202520252035203 Utilization of heavy crude oil520352035203 Production of5203 hydrogen from pitch Technology for using pitch cokes as caking additives Development of hydrogen production process5203 cokes consisting of Development of catalysts for hydrogen production5203 petroleum residue5203520352045204 Utilization of heavy crude oil520452045204 Production of5204 synthesis diesel Technology for gasification of heavy oil5204 fuel form asphalt FT synthesis technology5204 (ATL) Hydrocracking technology5204520453115311 Advanced technology5311 for using petroleum Technology for storing, transporting, and supplying hydrogen5311 Off-site hydrogen production technology by way of reforming kerosene, etc.5311 Hydrogen production5311 from petroleum Adsorption desulfurization technology for kerosene5311 and hydrogen Membrane separation technology Development for reforming catalysts of kerosene5311 transportation Onboard reforming technology for vehicle fuels5311 Technology for developing autothermal reforming systems for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC)531153015301 Petroleum refining530153015301 Advanced technology5301 for producing Advanced desulfurization technology for petroleum liquid fuels5301 desulfurized Development of desulfurization catalysts for ultra clean fuel5301 liquid fuels Development of advanced deep desulfurization processes53015301

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Figure 5.2-3 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(3/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

53025302 Petroleum refining530253025302 Fuel-saving high-5302 durability lube oil Fuel-saving lube oil production technology5302 Lube oil production technology from GTL, etc.53025302530253035303 Petroleum refining530353035303 Zero-emission5303 petroleum refinery Technology for reducing waste catalysts5303 process Technology for utilizing surplus sulfur from desulfurization processes5303 Technology for decontaminating heavy oil-contaminated soil5303 Technology for decontaminating gasoline-contaminated soil5303 Technology for producing eco-friendly gasoline-based materials with low-waste emission53125312 Advanced technology5312 for using petroleum53125312 New alternative5312 fuels for vehicles Technology for blending new types of fuels such as biofuels and GTL 5312 with conventional types of fuels such as gasoline and diesel oil5312 Technology for vehicles applying to conventional/alternative blended fuels5312531253135313 Advanced technology5313 for using petroleum5313 Technology for fuels used for recent models of diesel vehicles5313 Improving vehicle 5313 efficiency and Technologies for improving vehicle fuel efficiency5313 promoting exhaust Technology for improving antiknock properties5313 gas cleanup Technology for fuels compatible with next-generation vehicle engines such as HCCI5313 High-accuracy atmospheric simulation technology 5313 for environmental assessment of exhaust gas, etc.53145314 Advanced technology5314 for using petroleum53145314 Offroad engines with5314 low environmental Technology for developing engines with low-cetane fuels5314 load Application technologies of ultra low-cetane fuels5314 Development of low-cetane fuels for stationary and general purpose diesel engines5314531453215321 Utilization of5321 new alternative fuels53215321 Advanced technology5321 for utilizing biomass Technology for using petroleum along with biomass fuels5321 and other Technologies for the refining treatment of biomass fuels5321 unconventional (e.g. the membrane separation of ethanol solution)5321 petroleum products532154015401 Development of fossil resources5401 (Common technologies for 5401 conventional and unconventional resources)5401 Exploration of oil5401 and gas reservoirs Exploration technologies and petroleum reserves estimation methods5401 (petroleum system analysis, reserves estimation) (advanced seismic prospecting technologies, etc.)5401 Reservoir evaluation/characterization technologies5401 (reservoir characterization including fractured reservoir analysis) (technology for direct hydrocarbon detection, etc.)5401 Dynamic modeling54025402 Development of fossil resources5402 (Common technologies for 5402 conventional and unconventional resources)5402 Drilling and developing5402 oil and natural gas Advanced technologies for drilling and production (e.g. laser drilling)5402 Advanced production facilities (e.g. digital fields, corrosion monitoring technology) / innovative pipeline technologies54025402 Technology for developing marginal gas fields with small recoverable reserves540254035403 Development of fossil resources5403 (Common technologies for 5403 conventional and unconventional resources)5403 Drilling and developing5403 fossil resources Technology for developing oil and gas fields in frontier areas5403 in frontiers (e.g. offshore deepwater) (e.g. arctic, ice-bound seas)54035403540354045404 Development of fossil resources5404 (Common technologies for 5404 conventional and unconventional resources)5404 Enhanced oil recovery5404 (EOR) / enhanced CO2 flooding, Gas injection5404 gas recovery (EGR) Thermal recovery Advanced water flooding5404 Well stimulation techniques including fracturing Chemical EOR/EGR5404 Technology for reducing interfacial tension Microbial EOR/EGR5404 Reservoir monitoring technology

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Figure 5.2-4 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(4/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

54065406 Development of fossil resources Hydrogen sulfide removal technology 5406 (Common technologies for using subterranean microorganism5406 conventional and unconventional resources) Technology for CO2 sequestration into depleted oil reservoirs and in-situ microbial conversion to methane5406 Eco-friendly oil and gas5406 development Downhole water separation technologies including non-treated water injection into formations5406 Technology for re-injecting drilled cuttings into formations5406 CO2 recovery from depleted gas fields5406540654115411 Upgrading ultra-heavy oil 5411 and utilizing upgraded oil Development of catalysts and processing technologies5411 that allow at least 35% of dill bits and at least 50% of sin bits to be blended5411 Upgrading oil extracted5411 from oil sands Hydrocracking technology5411 Fluid catalytic cracking technology5411 Development of hydrocracking catalysts5411541154125412 Upgrading ultra-heavy oil 5412 and utilizing upgraded oil Establishment of the processing technologies5412 that allow at least 90% of oil-sand bitumen to be decomposed5412 Thermal cracking of 5412 bitumen from oil Demetallation technology using supercritical water5412 sands by using Technology for cracking heavy oil by using supercritical water5412 supercritical water, Technology for cracking heavy oil by using subcritical water5412 etc.541254215421 Upgrading ultra-heavy oil 5421 and utilizing upgraded oil Establishment of technologies for producing gasoline and kerosene5421 containing no more than 10 ppm of sulfur5421 Utilizing bitumen 5421 from oil sands Development of catalysts for upgrading synthetic crude oil5421 Technology for optimization of thermal cracking (cokers)5421 Development of reforming catalysts5421 Technology for conversion to petrochemical feedstock542121112111 Clean energy vehicles211121112111 Natural-gas vehicles2111 Greater cruising distance2111 Natural-gas sorption materials2111 Reduction of weight of fuel tank2111 Expansion of gas supply infrastructures211155015501 Gas supply550155015501 Gas transportation5501 technology Construction technology for gas pipelines Highly efficient transportation technology5501 Pipeline monitoring Intelligent pipeline materials5501 Gas sensing technology Natural gas hydrate (NGH) transportation5501 Seismometers/remote monitoring5501 Technology for inspecting facilities55025502 Gas supply550255025502 Gas storage technology5502 Gas sensing technology Airtight structure designing5502 Seismometers/remote monitoring High-performance plugs5502 Technology for inspecting facilities Reduction in construction costs5502 High-pressure storage of natural gas5502 Bedrock storage55115511 High-efficiency natural gas Gross efficiency:5511 power generation 53% HHV (1500 degree class GT) 56% HHV (1700 degree class GT)55115511 High-temperature 5511 gas turbine Advanced combined cycle (ACC)5511 Highly heat-resistant materials Ceramic turbine5511 Highly corrosion-resistant materials5511 Ultra-high purity metal materials5511 Technology for increasing temperature of combustion gas55125512 High-efficiency natural gas5512 power generation5512 1500 degree class 1700 degree class5512 Advanced humid air5512 turbine (AHAT) Development of high humid equipment (compressor, regenerator, and combustor)551255125512551255135513 High-efficiency natural gas5513 power generation55135513 Fuel cell/gas turbine 5513 hybrid power High-temperature gas turbine5513 generation Stack module technology for high pressure5513 Hybrid system technology5513 Improvement of durability5513 Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell

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Figure 5.2-5 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(5/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

55215521 Natural gas utilization5521 Verification tests at pilot plants5521 7 bbl/d 500 bbl/d5521 Gas to liquids (GTL)5521 Production of GTL5521 Synthetic gas production technology (stable operations for cumulative time of 6,600 hours)5521 FT synthesis technology (stable and efficient production of cobalt-based catalysts)5521 Hydrocracking technology5521 Scale-up engineering, Operation technique55225522 Natural gas utilization55225522 Establishment of a system for producing hydrated natural gas of 500 t/d5522 Producing,5522 transporting and Cryogenic NGH production technology5522 utilizing natural Advanced NGH production technology5522 gas hydrate (NGH) NGH container transportation technology5522 Advanced NGH sea transportation technology5522 Technology for NGH regasification / technology for utilizing NGH55235523 Natural gas utilization552355235523 Next generation5523 technology for Steam reforming + PSA Hydrogen-transmissive membrane reactors Hydrogen production with CO2 separation5523 producing hydrogen CO2 separation membranes5523 from natural gas5523552355245524 Natural gas utilization552455245524 Synthesizing LP gas5524 from natural gas, Technology for synthesizing LP gas from natural gas, coal, CO2, etc.5524 etc. Development of synthetic catalysts with long durability5524 Catalyst regeneration technology5524552455315531 LP gas utilization55315531 Mixed combustion/proof tests5531 Utilization of LPG/DME5531 mixed fuel Improvement of equipment durability against blended fuels5531 Technology for DME/LPG direct-injection diesel engines55315531553155325532 LP gas utilization553255325532 High-efficiency LPG5532 burning appliance Turbo-jet combustion and heat transfer technologies of burner5532 Development of high-efficiency appliance5532 Exhaust gas processing technology553255321101 Energy-conserving Improvement of energy conservation 21% 23%1101 industrial Improvement of productivity 3 times larger than the previous process1101 processes Cost reduction of coke production -18% -20%1101 Replace current coke oven1101 Next-generation coke 1101 production methods Next-generation coke oven (SCOPE 21)1101 Coal-iron ore adhesive/binding technique, Ferro coke production technique1101 Introduction of highly-reactive agglomerates Waste/biomass blowing technology1101 Multi-purpose furnace Degraded materials application technology1101 Application to utility by-product hydrogen (COG)/hydrogen energy system1102 Co-production with chemical process1102 Energy-conserving Next-generation metal rolling technology (brittle special steel, etc.) Energy co-production (iron/gas)1102 industrial processes Innovative electromagnetic steel plate technology Resource/energy generation blast furnace1102 Direct iron ore smelting reduction process (DIOS) Utilization of low quality materials (iron ore)1102 Iron and steel process1102 Casting technology with electromagnetic force High heat-resisting/corrosion-resisting steel materials1102 New sintering process Detoxification technology for circulation elements by improving surface quality of cast slab1102 Dust regeneration technology in electric furnace Production technology for ultrafine-grained hot-rolled steel plate,1102 Pre-carbonized gasification melting furnace Valuable metals collection technology in rotary hearth furnace1102 Reduction of dust emissions under pulverized coal injection operation Adiabatic casting system Hot/cold rolling integrated system11031103 Energy-conserving1103 industrial processes Coal-based direct reduction processes (FASTMET) Production of virgin iron for1103 New reductive melting iron making process (ITmk3) dilution of electric furnace (DRIC)1103 New reductive melting1103 iron making Adiabatic casting system1103 processes Technology for separation/collection1103 Hot briquette iron (HBI) production process for electric furnace of rare metals1103 Technologies for high clean/high1103 Co-production with chemical process functional special steels32073207 Production of biofuels320732073207 Producing biomass 3207 fuels with addition Technology for producing coal-mixed biomass briquette fuel3207 of coal Technologies for drying and pulverization of mixed fuels3207 Technology for co-combustion of pulverized coal with wood/wood-char3207 Large scale of pelletization3207

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Figure 5.2-6 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(6/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

3311 Hydrogen price (throughout the entire processes of hydrogen production)3311 Hydrogen production 150 JPY/Nm3 80 JPY/Nm3 40 JPY/Nm333113311 Pilot plants with productivity of 5 t/d3311 Hydrogen production3311 from coal with Technology for producing hydrogen from coal with CO2 absorption (HyPr-RING)3311 CO2 recovery Technology for recycling absorbent materials3311 CO2 recovery technology3311331133123312 Hydrogen production331233123312 Hydrogen production3312 by gasification Partial oxidation reforming Coal gasification Hydrogen separation membrane technology3312 Steam reforming Biomass gasification3312 Autothermal reforming Gas cleanup3312 CO2 recovery technology331256015601 Coal mining560156015601 Advanced technology5601 for mining and Advanced technology for the comprehensive evaluation of coal resources5601 cleaning of coal Advanced technology for coal preparation Advanced technology for coal preparation5601 (e.g. technology for co-production of coal and gas,5601 technology for developing coal under difficult conditions)5601 Underground coal gasification technology56025602 Coal mining560256025602 Underground coal5602 gasification Underground coal gasification technology5602 Monitoring technology / environmental impact assessment56025602560256115611 Coal fired power generation Net efficiency: 49% ( AHAT ) 49% ( IGHAT)5611 Oxygen-blown coal gasification technology5611 Air-blown coal gasification technology5611 Integrated gasification 5611 humid air turbine Gas turbine technology using moisture5611 (IGHAT) Technology using multiple grades of coal5611 High-efficiency oxygen production technology5611 Dry gas-cleaning technology561156125612 Coal fired power generation5612 Development of pressurized fluidized-bed furnace 5612 (gasification furnace, desulfurizer, and oxidizer)5612 Advanced Pressurized5612 Fluidized-bed Expansion of grades of coal5612 Combustion High-temperature dry desulfurization5612 (A-PFBC) Improvement of dust removal performance5612 Mixing firing with biomass561256135613 Coal fired power generation56135613 700 degree class 800 degree class5613 Advanced ultra 5613 supercritical power Development of new alloy of boiler/turbine5613 generation Development of high-temperature valve5613 (A-USC) High-temperature welding technology5613561356145614 Coal fired power generation561456145614 Biomass/coal hybrid5614 power generation Technology for co-combustion of coal and biomass5614 Technology for producing coal/biomass briquettes5614 Coal grinding technology5614 Technology for converting sewage sludge into slurry form561456155615 Coal fired power generation Net efficiency: 40.5%HHV (250 MW demonstration plant)5615 46%HHV (1500 degree class GT, wet gas refining process) 50%HHV (1700 degree class GT, dry gas refining process)5615 48%HHV (1500 degree class GT, dry gas refining process)5615 Integrated coal 5615 gasification Air-blown coal gasification technology5615 combined cycle Technology using multiple grades of coal High-temperature gas turbine technology5615 power generation High-efficiency oxygen production technology (1700 degree class)5615 (IGCC) Dry gas-cleaning technology561556165616 Coal fired power generation Commercial plant (600 MW class/55% HHV)5616 Plant scale/net efficiency: Demonstration plant (1000 t/degree class)5616 Technology using various grades of coal Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell5616 Integrated coal5616 gasification fuel cell Oxygen-blown coal gasification technology5616 combined cycle Dry gas-cleaning technology5616 power generation Fine gas-cleaning technology5616 (IGFC) High-temperature gas turbine technology5616 High-efficiency oxygen production technology

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Figure 5.2-7 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(7/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

56175617 Coal fired power generation Net efficiency 57%HHV ( A-IGCC )5617 65%HHV ( A-IGFC)56175617 Next-generation high-5617 efficiency integrated Low-temperature high-efficiency coal gasification technology5617 coal gasification Large-capacity high-temperature fuel cell5617 power generation High-temperature gas turbine technology5617 (A-IGCC, A-IGFC)561756205620 Coal fired power generation562056205620 Reduction of trace 5620 substances Behavior understanding of trace substances5620 emission Technology for measuring trace substances5620 Technology for trapping trace substances5620562056315631 Coal utilization563156315631 Combustion of low-5631 grade coal Technologies for combustion of coal with a lower fuel ratio5631 (co-grinding, co-combustion, measures for preventing slugging)5631 Technologies for combustion of coal with a higher fuel ratio5631 (burner development, ultrafine grinding technology)563156325632 Coal utilization563256325632 Next-generation5632 technology for Technology for pulverizing mixtures of coal and biomass5632 pulverizing coal Technology to reduce grinding power5632 Development of ultrafine grinding technology563256325633 Operation scale (Japan) 3,000 t/d 6,000 t/d5633 Coal utilization Operation scale (China) 3,000 t/d 6,000 t/d5633 Test equipment with a productivity Provision of training programs with a view to5633 of 1t/d (PSU) (Indonesia) promoting the use of the technology in Asia5633 Coal to liquids (CTL)5633 Upgrading technology for coal-liquefied oil5633 Gasification technology Application of brown coal liquefaction technology5633 FT synthesis technology Training for engineers and operators5633 Design and construction of commercial plants563356345634 Coal utilization56345634 Pilot tests Verification tests5634 Hydrothermal 5634 cracking of coal Technology applying to a wide range of coal5634 Establishment of high performance and high reliability5634 Co-production technology5634563456355635 Coal utilization563556355635 Multipurpose use5635 of gasified coal Technology applying to a wide range of coal5635 Technology for co-processing of coal and biomass, etc.5635 Gas cleaning technology Co-production by coal gasification5635 Substitute natural gas (SNG) production5635 CO2 separation and recovery56365636 Coal utilization563656365636 Advanced utilization 5636 of coal ash Cement production technology5636 Fiber production technology5636563656365637 Bench test Pilot test5637 Coal utilization Establishment of production technology5637 Study on production technology5637 Technology for utilizing coke5637 Coal de-ashing 5637 technology Application tests for caking additive5637 Application to gas turbine (GT)5637 GT utilization technology HyperCoal production technology5637 GT application tests (normal pressure) Verification test on GT application5637 GT application tests (pressurized)56385638 Coal utilization Verification test5638 Pilot test Reforming costs of no more than 7 USD/t5638 Technology for the dewatering of brown coal, etc.5638 Low-rank coal 5638 upgrading Technology for the reforming of brown coal using oil (upgraded brown oil, UBC)5638 Technology for converting brown coal into liquid form5638 Technology for production of coal-water slurry5638 Combustion tests5638 Economic evaluation of a total system

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Figure 5.2-8 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(8/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

56395639 Coal utilization System performance test5639 Pilot test Demonstration test5639 Actual gas test5639 Hot coke oven gas 5639 reforming without Technology for producing syngas from coke oven gas (COG) without catalysts5639 catalyst Hydrogen production technology56395639563956405640 Coal utilization5640 Pilot test5640 Bench test Demonstration test5640 Effective use of5640 coke oven gas Low-pressure methanation technology5640 (COG) Methane to benzene (MTB) technology5640 CO2 separation and recovery technology5640564056415641 Coal utilization5641 Basic test5641 Preliminary study Bench test Pilot test5641 Efficient coal 5641 conversion Technology for radical chain reaction Coal gasification technology using plasma5641 Catalysts acting at low temperature / catalysts acting by electron excitation56415641564111061106 Energy-conserving1106 industrial processes11061106 Cement process1106 Technology to materialize wastes1106 Electric power saving mill1106 High-efficiency dryer1106 Co-production through gasification of wastes110611071107 Energy-conserving1107 industrial processes11071107 Paper manufacturing1107 High-efficiency of black liquor boiler1107 Energy saving of pulping process Gene-recombination technology of plants1107 Improvement of efficiency of causticizing process Gasification technology for black liquor/biomass1107 Improvement of papermaking process Biomass IGCC Biomass IGFC1107 Co-production to utilize biomass11081108 Energy-conserving1108 industrial processes Materials / composite materials technology1108 Processing technology High-efficiency smelting (hydrogen storage materials, etc.)1108 Nonferrous metals1108 process Metal recycling technology Production technology for 1108 Alloy production technology thermoelectric conversion materials1108 (high functional titanium alloy process) Production technology for1108 Adiabatic casting system ultra-pure metals11081109 Aiming at two-third reduction of 1109 Energy-conserving the energy consumption in 1109 industrial processes Process optimization technology chemical industry in 20051109 (low temperature/low pressure/high selectivity, reduction of processes, utilization of microwave)1109 Process of chemical1109 raw materials Catalyst technology Biotechnology Bio-refinery1109 Gas separation technology Utilization of molecular oxygen1109 Energy recovery Co-production with iron and steel process1109 Recycle of materials Advanced utilization of SC3110911101110 Energy-conserving1110 industrial processes Large-scale application1110 Small-scale application Middle-scale application1110 Glass production1110 process Energy saving technology on glass melting (utilization of plasma heating technology)1110 Energy saving technology on forming/slow cooling of glass11101110111011111111 Energy-conserving1111 industrial processes1111 Power regeneration system (Energy conservation rate: 25%)1111 Processing and1111 assembling Improvement of cutting performance Nonferrous metal processing technology1111 (coolant processing equipment, etc.)1111 Advanced machining system1111 Miniaturization of regeneration system and its application for other fields11111112 Aiming to halve reduction of 1112 Energy-conserving energy used in ceramic 1112 industrial processes production in 200511121112 Ceramic manufacturing1112 process Low-temperature process technology,1112 Combination heating process technology Precursor application technology1112 Solvent optimization for chemical processes1112 Complete returnable ceramic1112

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Figure 5.2-9 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(9/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

1121 Boiler efficiency: improved by about 17%1121 High-efficiency industrial Energy efficiency in industrial furnace: improved by about 10 to 30%1121 furnace/boiler Next-generation high-efficiency boiler1121 High-efficiency industrial furnace1121 High-efficiency 1121 industrial furnace High-efficiency combustion technology1121 / boiler Regenerative combustion technology1121 New combustion technology under oxygen atmosphere1121 Heat transfer technology112111311131 Co-production11311131 Next-generation gasification technology1131 Co-production1131 Gasification technology (partial oxidization process)1131 Diversification of raw materials1131 High efficiency Co-production with iron and steel/chemical process1131 Cost reduction113112021202 High-efficiency co-generation120212021202 Gas turbine1202 co-generation Variable heat power ratio gas turbine, Regenerative cycle gas turbine, Micro gas turbine1202 Ceramic turbine1202 Manufacturing technology for turbine blade1202 Technology for fuel-lean premixed combustion1202 Exhaust heat utilization technology12141214 Energy management121412141214 Optimization of energy 1214 demand and load Energy demand optimization/assessment technology1214 leveling Forecasting supply of photovoltaic/wind power generation1214 Load leveling technology in demand side1214 Cooperation control technology for grid/distributed energy system121412211221 High-efficiency power 1221 transmission/transformation Long-distance large-capacity1221 UHVC (Ultra high voltage AC power transmission, 1,000 kV) power transmission1221 Large capacity power1221 transmission Boosting of transmission voltage Self-commutated large-capacity converter1221 Reduction of transmission/distribution loss High-efficacy large-capacity converter1221 Superconductive transformer Large-capacity DC1221 Superconductive transmission transmission technology122114011401 Advanced traffic system140114011401 Intelligent transport1401 systems (ITS) Traffic information and communication system1401 Traffic demand management (TDM)1401 Navigation system Traffic management optimization1401 Driving safety support system140114021402 Advanced traffic system140214021402 Modal shift in1402 passenger transport New transport system1402 Light rail transit (LRT)1402 Guideway buses1402 Community EV buses1402 Dual mode vehicles (DMV)14031403 Advanced traffic system140314031403 Modal shift in1403 freight transport Bimodal commodity distribution system (road → train, ships)1403 Dual mode truck1403 General-purpose standardized distribution system (advanced application of IC tag)1403 Intelligent distribution system140321132113 Clean energy vehicles Energy density of battery 1.5 times2113 Running distance on a full charge 40 km21132113 Plug-in hybrid vehicles2113 Vehicle weight reduction2113 Improvement of motor efficiency2113 High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)2113 Optimum running control technology2113 Power supply system2114 Traveling distance About 500 km2114 Clean energy vehicles Energy density About 7 times larger than at present2114 Cost About 1/40 lower than at present21142114 Electric vehicles2114 Vehicle weight reduction Improvement of motor efficiency2114 High performance rechargeable battery (high energy density, life expansion, cost reduction)21142114 Power supply system2114

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Figure 5.2-10 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(10/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

2115 Traveling distance 400 km 800 km2115 Clean energy vehicles Durability 3,000 hours (5 years), 20,000 start/stops 5,000 hours (10 years), 60,000 start/stops2115 Vehicle cost (ICV ratio) 3 – 5 times 1.2 times2115 Stack cost 5,000 JPY/kW 4,000 JPY/kW Cost reduction (non-platinum electrocatalysts, mass production)2115 Fuel cell vehicles2115 Improvement of motor efficiency (high-temperature operation, high catalytic activity, 2115 Hydrogen production technology new electrocatalysts, etc.)2115 Improvement of durability of fuel cell stacks2115 Hydrogen supply system (improvement of electrolyte membrane, etc.)2115 High density hydrogen storage technology21162116 Clean energy vehicles211621162116 Hydrogen engine2116 vehicles More efficient hydrogen engine2116 Hydrogen loading technology2116 Hydrogen production technology2116 Cost reduction2116 Hydrogen supply system22012201 Energy-conserving trains220122012201 Energy-conserving2201 trains Weight reduction Hybrid trains2201 Electric transformer on train2201 Utilization of regenerated energy2201220123012301 High performance ships230123012301 High performance2301 ships Highly reliable intelligent ships2301 Motorization Fuel cells2301 Weight reduction Optimization of ship shape2301 Exhaust heat recovery in engine230123022302 High efficiency marine2302 transport system23022302 High efficiency marine2302 transport system Cooperation of land transport2302 Hub port networking23022302230224012401 High performance aircrafts240124012401 High performance2401 aircrafts Weight reduction by using carbon composite materials, etc.2401 High-efficiency of jet engine More energy conservation2401 Further improvement of environmental, economic, and safety properties2401240132043204 Production of biofuels320432043204 Dimethyl ether (DME)3204 Indirect methods for synthesizing DME3204 Direct methods for synthesizing DME3204 DME vehicles3204 Utilization technologies for DME fuel cells, etc.3204 Technologies for storing and supplying DME32053205 Production of biofuels320532053205 Production of BTL3205 by gasification of BTL production technology3205 biomass Biomass/wastes gasification technology Cost reduction3205 FT synthesis technology Improvement in BTL production efficiency3205 Efficient waste collection systems320533013301 Fuel cells System price:3301 600,000 – 1,000,000 JPY/kW 300,000 – 600,000 JPY/kW 200,000 – 300,000 JPY/kW33013301 Phosphoric Acid3301 Fuel Cell (PAFC) Electrode catalyst technology3301 Cost reduction Cell stack technology3301 Improvement of durability Higher current density3301 Enhancing applications System control technology330133023302 Fuel cells System price:3302 300,000 – 800,000 JPY/kW 200,000 – 300,000 JPY/kW33023302 Molten Carbonate3302 Fuel Cell (MCFC) Electrode catalyst technology Power generation combined gas turbine3302 Cell stack technology3302 Cost reduction Higher current density3302 Improvement of durability3302 Downsizing

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Figure 5.2-11 Technology Roadmap for Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels(11/11)

No. Energy technologyIndividual technology

3303 Power generation efficiency (HHV), durability, system price (JPY/kW, power unit, * assumed price including storage tank for household use)3303 Fuel cells Small capacity (less than several kW, co-generation) 40%, 40,000 hr, 1,000,000 >40%, 90,000 hr, <250,000 (for household use, 300,000 – 400,000*)3303 Middle capacity (tens of kW to hundreds of kW, co-generation) 42%, 40,000 hr, 1,000,000 >45%, 90,000 hr, < 200,0003303 Hybrid (distributed power source, for commercial use) 60%, 40,000 hr, several 100,000s 60%, 90,000 hr, <100,0003303 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 3303 (SOFC) Understanding of degradation mechanism Diffusion of small-capacity system3303 Optimization of peripheral equipment Diffusion of middle-capacity system3303 Improvement of durability (40,000 hours→ 90,000 hours) , Diversification of fuels Diffusion of hybrid system3303 Cost reduction (higher power, novel materials, mass production technology) Power generation combined gas turbine3303 Next-generation hybrid system (available for high pressure operation)3304 Power generation efficiency (HHV), durability, system price (Stationary type, 1 kW)3304 Fuel cells 32%, 40,000 hours, JPY 1,200,000 36%, 90,000 hours, JPY 400,0003304 Improvement of durability (40,000 hours→ 90,000 hours, variation of fuel)3304 Understanding of degradation mechanism Automobile PEFC3304 Polymer Electrolyte3304 Fuel Cell (PEFC) Technology available for high temperature / low humidity3304 Reduction of platinum content3304 Non-platinum catalysts3304 Poisoning resistant catalyst Mass production technology for MEA and separators, etc.3304 Moisture control inside electrode membrane33053305 Fuel cells Energy density 500 Wh/L 1000 Wh/L 1000 Wh/L3305 Output density 100 mW/cm2 200 mW/cm2 200 mW/cm2<3305 Durability 5,000 hours< 10,000 hours 10,000 hours<3305 Direct Methanol3305 Fuel Cell (DMFC) For PC and cell phone Ultra-low methanol cross-over membrane3305 Cost reduction Low swollen membrane3305 Improvement of durability High activity catalyst3305330557115711 CO2 capture571157115711 Pre-combustion5711 CO2 capture Separation of CO2 from gasified/reformed gas5711 Chemical absorption Membrane separation5711 Physical absorption5711571157125712 CO2 capture571257125712 Post-combustion5712 CO2 capture5712 Chemical absorption Membrane separation5712 Physical absorption/adsorption5712 Efficient utilization of exhaust heat571257135713 CO2 capture57135713 Demonstration test with IGCC5713 Oxy-fuel combustion5713 CO2 capture Technology for membrane separation of oxygen5713 High efficient production of oxygen57135713 CO2 capture technology571357215721 CO2 storage Aquifer storage Domestic potential5721 Storage in coalbed seams (storage in aquifers)5721 Storage in depleted oil and gas reservoirs Up to 15 million ton – CO25721 Geological storage5721 of CO2 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) / enhanced gas recovery (EGR)5721 Technology for monitoring and prediction of underground CO2 behavior5721 Survey of CO2 volume stored in reservoirs and expansion of utilization of CO25721 Cost reduction for geological storage systems5721 Techniques for environmental impact/safety assessment57225722 CO2 storage572257225722 Ocean storage5722 of CO2 Scientific understanding of CO2 diffusion and biological impact of CO2 in ocean5722 Matching simulation and experiments for CO2 diffusion5722 Matching biological impact model and experiments Dissolution and dilution (fixed-type, movable-type)5722 Techniques for environmental impact/safety assessment5722 Sequestration and storage of CO2 in seabed

2030 -2010 2015 2020 2025


Figure 5.3 Deployment Scenario for "Stable Supply and Efficient Clean Use of Fossil Fuels"

In order to secure a stable supply of fossil fuels, including oil and natural gas, Japan should promote the development of advanced technologies contributing to its acquisition of access to overseas resources, and development and deployment of technologies for efficient and clean utilization of fossil fuels to reduce their environmental load.

In order to secure a stable supply of fossil fuels, including oil and natural gas, Japan should promote the development of advanced technologies contributing to its acquisition of access to overseas resources, and development and deployment of technologies for efficient and clean utilization of fossil fuels to reduce their environmental load.

2030-2005 20252010 2015 2020











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(Rolling)New National Energy Strategy

Positive promotion of cooperation with Asian countries in energy and environmental fields

Enhancement of comprehensive relationship with resource-rich countries(R&D collaboration, expansion of persnal exchanges, enhancement of economic cooperation, etc.)

Enhancement of support for oiland natural gas development companies


Diversification ofsupply sources

Ensuring safety of CCS andpromotion of social acceptance

Subsidies and tax incentivesfor creation of initial demand

Attainment of international and social agreements

Development of supply infrastructure,and promotion of cooperation of

supply facilities and third party access

Development of resourceacquisition guidelines

Enhancement of oil/gas reserveand other contingency measures

Development of near-zero-emission fossil fuelpower stations by 2030

Promotion of the European Strategic Technology Plan(Clean energy technology development)

Clean coal development


Enhanced oil/gas recovery (EOR, EGR)

Advanced technology for mining and cleaning of coal

Creation of international frameworksfor frontier area development

Efficient development of pipelines and other infrastructure

    IGCC     A-USC


Multipurpose uses of coal gasification

Advanced upgrading of ultra-heavy oil

Enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) recovery

Deployment of CCS

Post-combustion CO2 capture

Geological storage of CO2 Ocean storage of CO2

Co-utilization of fossil fuels and biomas

Pre-combustion CO2 captureCO2 capture and storage (CCS)


Advanced EnergyInitiative


Improvement of technologies for development of fossil fuel resources, enhanced recovery and production

Development and production of unconventional oil/gas resourcesTechnologies for exploration, developmentand production of oil, natural gas and coal

Underground coal gasification

Introduction of underground natural gas storage and NGH transportation system

Efficient utilization ofoil and natural gas

Efficient utilization in industrial processes(oil-refining process, advanced integrationof petrochemical complexes, etc.)

Efficient utilization in transport sector(natural gas vehicles,hybrid vehicles, etc.)

Advanced refining of heavy crude oil

Deployment of high-efficiency natural gas power generation

Utilization of GTL in transport sector Production of synthesis dieselfuel form asphalt (ATL), etc.

Advanced refining and effective utilization of oil sands and other unconventional oil

Development of methanehydrate (MH) resource

and commercial production

Improving efficiency ofcoal fired power generation

Technologies for utilization of oil sandand other unconventional fossil fuel resources

Clean coal technologies

Effective utilization in industrial processes(Next-generation coke production, etc.)

Low-rank coal Upgrading and utilization of low-rank coal

Utilization of CTL in transport sector

Other and common technologiesEfficient production and utilization of hydrogen from fossil fuels

Co-production ofmaterials and energy

Development of fuelspecification standards

Efficient utilization in res/com andindustrial sectors (high-efficientcogeneration, high-efficientindustrial furnaces, burners, etc.)