Energy Model Template v1.1

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Transcript of Energy Model Template v1.1

  • 8/9/2019 Energy Model Template v1.1


    Pearl Building Rating System

    Energy Model Template

    Input Cells that may be changed by design teams

    Energy Model Summary Other Documentation Required:

    Baseline Building Annual Energy Consumption !"h #$#


    %roposed Building Annual Energy Consumption !"h #$#


    Annual Rene&able Energy 'eneration !"h #$#

    Percentage of Energy from Renewables (RE-6) !"

    Total Percentage Reduction (RE-#) !"

    RE-R#$ Minimum Energy Performance

    Pre-re%uisite &c'ieed *o

    RE-#$ +mproed Energy Performance

    ,redit Points &warded

    RE-6$ Renewable Energy

    ,redit Points &warded Report a Template Bug$

    ersion #!#

    (his template has been de)eloped to enable design teams to summarise model details and o)erall energy per*ormance in order to demonstrate compliance &ith the

    mandatory pro)isions o* RE+R, and optional requirements o* RE+, and RE+- in the %earl Building Rating System$ As outlined in the %earl Building Rating System energyper*ormance analysis is based upon the %er*ormance Rating Methodology outlined in AS.RAE /#$,+0##1 Appendi2 '$ (his template must be populated by the EnergyModelling Specialist and )eri*ied by the Design (eam ME% Engineer3s4

    Compliance summaries *or AS.RAE /#$,+0##1 *rom the Dynamic SimulationModelling 3DSM4 so*t&are used$I* the so*t&are is not capable o* producing these summaries pro)ide e2ampleinput and output summaries *or the baseline and proposed buildings$(he input summaries must include the *ollo&ing: + the most common .5AC systems and their properties + the most common lighting systems and their po&er densities and controls

    + occupancy and usage patterns + en)elope element properties + rene&able energy systems and their properties 3i* present4(he output summaries must include the *ollo&ing: + total building energy consumption + energy consumption according to end use(he DSM so*t&are6s standard input and output reports should be used i* theseare not a)ailable pro)ide screen shots instead$

    Baseline Building Annual Energy Consumption "h7m 0

    %roposed Building Annual Energy Consumption "h7m0


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/9/2019 Energy Model Template v1.1


    Pearl Building Rating SystemEnergy Model Template

    Baseline )s$ %roposed

    %ea! Demand !" %ea! Demand !" %ea! Demand !" %ea! Demand !"

    Space Cooling #$#

    .eat Re9ection #$#

    Space .eating #$#

    %umps #$#

    ans + Interior #$#

    ans + Car par! #$#

    Interior ;ighting #$#

    E2terior ;ighting #$#

    Ser)ice "ater .eating #$#

    Receptacle7%rocess Equipment #$#

    Data Centre Equipment #$#

    Ele)ators and Escalators #$#

    B&SE.+*E T/T&. !

    Rene&able Energy

    PER,E*T&1E +MPR/EME*T +* PR/P/SE2 /ER B&SE.+*E !"

    (his summary pro)ides a comparison o* the relati)e per*ormance o* the %roposed Building compared to the Baseline *or the di**erent energy end use types$ Comparison *or compliance purposes is madBuilding per*ormance inclusi)e o* contributions *rom Rene&ables and E2ceptional Methods$

    Baseline #oRotation Baseline /#oRotation Baseline ,





    #$$,$,B o*AS.RAE /#$,+0##1 Appendi2 '

    %ro)ide a brie* description o* the

    main system type3s4

    Summarise equipment capacitye$g$ O)ersiJed by 0@

    Summarise equipment capacitye$g$ O)ersiJed by ,@

    *ote$"here di**erent set points are used in*ormation should be pro)ided *or all Jones

    .o& is the heat generatedFe$g$ Electric Resistance

    "hat is the heating *uel sourceFe$g$ Electricity

    .o& is the cooling generatedFe$g$ 0 &ater cooled scre& chillers

    "hat is the cooling *uel sourceFe$g$ Chilled "ater

    re*er to AS.RAE /#$,+0##1 (able-$

  • 8/9/2019 Energy Model Template v1.1


    Pearl Building Rating System

    Energy Model Template

    Ser)ice .ot "ater System O)er)ie& Ser)ice .ot "ater System %umping

    System (ype e$g$ boiler umber o* %umps

    uel %lease select %ump .ead m

    Baseline (hermal E**iciency re*er to AS.RAE /#$,+0##1 (able 1$< lo& Rate l7s

    %roposed (hermal E**iciency Control

    Input Rating !" Mechanical e**iciency

    (an! Capacity litres %ump po&er !"

    Supply (emperature

    Demand l7person7day

    Standby ;oss 7hr

    (an! Insulation R+)alue m0$K7"Note:An$ reduction in hot water usage or energ$ consumption should bedetailed explicitl$ b$ supporting calculation in the 'xceptional Methodsection

    *ote$I* the de)elopment is mi2ed+use and di**erent hot &ater systems arerequired *or di**erent parts o* the building enter all system types and theircorresponding use$

  • 8/9/2019 Energy Model Template v1.1


    Pearl Building Rating System

    Energy Model Template

    Rene&able Energy

    (echnology (ype Description

    %lease select

    %lease select

    %lease select

    %lease select

    %lease select

    %lease select

    T/T&. !

    Annual Energy O**set byRene&able (echnology !"h

    *ote$I* separate so*t&are has been used to calculate the energy generated by rene&able sources supporting documents must be pro)idedsummarising the calculations$

  • 8/9/2019 Energy Model Template v1.1


    Pearl Building Rating System

    Energy Model Template

    E2ceptional Calculation Method

    E2ceptional Calculation Method Details End Hse Annual Energy Sa)ing !"h

    %lease select

    %lease select

    %lease select

    T/T&. #$##

    *ote$ or each e2ceptional calculation method pro)ide a narrati)e describing the calculation method and theoretical or empirical in*ormation supporting the accuracy o* the method$

  • 8/9/2019 Energy Model Template v1.1


    Pearl Building Rating SystemEnergy Model Template

    Air Side Systems



    Air System Description

    .eat Reco)ery (ype

    Sensible E**ecti)eness

    ;atent E**ecti)eness



    Air System Description

    .eat Reco)ery (ype

    Sensible E**ecti)eness

    ;atent E**ecti)eness

    Air Side Systems



    Air System Description

    .eat Reco)ery (ype

    Sensible E**ecti)eness

    ;atent E**ecti)eness



    Air System Description

    .eat Reco)ery (ype

    Sensible E**ecti)eness

    ;atent E**ecti)eness

    *ote$resh Air pro)ision should be detailed on a per A.H basis as rele)ant$ (his section is *or pro9ects &ith more than - A.Hs$ (o return to the main .5AC section please *ollo& the lin!or additional inputs please duplicate this sheet as necessary$


    Description o* system brea!do&ne$g$ Region = A.H

    Area Co)ered m0

    Minimum Design resh Air lo&


    Minimum Design Air lo& 3*resh= recirculated4 m>7hr

    Supply an %o&er !"= lo& Control

    Return an %o&er !"= lo& Control

    Area Co)ered m0

    Minimum Design resh Air lo&m>7hr

    Minimum Design Air lo& 3*resh= recirculated4 m>7hr

    Supply an %o&er !"= lo& Control

    Return an %o&er !"= lo& Control

    Description o* system brea!do&ne$g$ Region = A.H

    Area Co)ered m0

    Minimum Design resh Air lo&m>7hr

    Minimum Design Air lo& 3*resh= recirculated4 m>7hr

    Supply an %o&er !"= lo& Control

    Return an %o&er !"= lo& Control

    Area Co)ered m0

    Minimum Design resh Air lo&m>7hr

    Minimum Design Air lo& 3*resh= recirculated4 m>7hr

    Supply an %o&er !"= lo& Control

    Return an %o&er !"= lo& Control