Energy in mountain areas Marie Guitton Project manager, Euromontana Brussels, 21 September 2011.

Energy in mountain areas Marie Guitton Project manager, Euromontana Brussels, 21 September 2011
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Transcript of Energy in mountain areas Marie Guitton Project manager, Euromontana Brussels, 21 September 2011.

Energy in mountain areas

Marie GuittonProject manager, Euromontana

Brussels, 21 September 2011

What is Euromontana?European multisectoral association for cooperation and development of mountain areas (since 1996)

Around 70 members from 15 countries

Our vision: – Mountains are territories with a

future and opportunities for Europe

– We must build on our strengths to overcome our weaknesses

Our position on energy in mountain areas

Developed in 2009-2010 through a collaborative process involving our members

→ 9 recommandations to improve energy savings and the development of renewable energies in mountain areas

Where do we start from?

Mountain areas have specific needs and constraints

– Harsh climate → high energy consumption for heating

– Physical constraints (slopes, climate), dispersion of population → difficulties and costs to build and maintain energy network

©Laurent Baratier

© OT L.Galoppe

Mountains have assets: Great potential of renewable energy

Where do we start from?



Biomass (wood)

© Heikki Valve

© Luis Miguel Bugallo Sanchez


Geothermal energy

Saw dust plant for district heatingVatra Dornei, RO

- Collection of saw dusts from regional saw mills

(40000t).- Production of 18 MWt: 2x6MWt with saw dust

boilers + 6MWt with fuel boiler

- Heating of 83 residential buildings of the city

Actions and ambitions of mountain areas: some exemples

Reducing energy consumption in Trento, ITFocus on energy saving between 2000 and 2008:–Research on the use of local traditional materials–Development of relationships between businesses and research institutes–Construction of new buildings class B (consumption < 60 Kwh/m²), i.e. energy savings by 80% in comparison with previous standards

Actions and ambitions of mountain areas: some exemples

Actions and ambitions of mountain areas: some exemples

Fairly compensating mountain areas for the use of their ressources – the Norwegian exampleLocal municipalities are entitled to:

• Concession power: electricity at production costs• Concession fees• Business development fund

The concession fees are:• parts of the local value added• compensation for damages and disadvantages, a kind of

local “environmental fee/tax”

Legislation adapted to pay respect to the local communities right to take part in the revenue from their own natural resources

Actions and ambitions of mountain areas: some exemples

Ambitions to develop further renewable energy sourcesNatural Parc of Vercors (80 municipalities, about 35.000 inhabitants, area of 186,000 ha). Today’s consumption: about 1 TWh, 45% provided by renewable energy.

Latest developed objective: increasing renewable energy share to 55% in 2020 and 100% in 2050, by mainly developing wood-fuel energy


Mountains can make a contribution, and are willing to do so

Support needed at different levels:-Training and information-Certification: environmental certifications must include energy certification-Research and development of new technologies: local grids, energy storage

See Euromontana position

Thank you for your attention!

For more information :

[email protected]