Energy generation monitoring

Cloud-Based, Custom Branded, Solar Power Generation Monitoring Solutions Capability Panaton has developed, on behalf of our clients, large- scale, cloud-based, PV monitoring solutions. We have deep expertise in implementing both embedded data collection, monitoring and control applications that run on-premises, as well as the cloud-based centralized data collection and analysis systems. Big-data scalability In the first year of operation one of our customers’ sys- tems collected, processed and analyzed over 4Billion individual data records. Effectiveness As part of the turn-around effort at a Texas-based PV startup, in 6 months we re-engineered, replaced form the ground-up and deployed a system that the initial development effort failed to deliver in over two years. We did this at a quarter of the total cost and without interrupting the operation of the partially deployed legacy systems.



Transcript of Energy generation monitoring

Page 1: Energy generation monitoring

Cloud-Based,Custom Branded,

Solar Power GenerationMonitoring Solutions

CapabilityPanaton has developed, on behalf of our clients, large-scale, cloud-based, PV monitoring solutions. We have deep expertise in implementing both embedded data collection, monitoring and control applications that run on-premises, as well as the cloud-based centralized data collection and analysis systems.

Big-data scalabilityIn the first year of operation one of our customers’ sys-tems collected, processed and analyzed over 4Billion individual data records.

EffectivenessAs part of the turn-around effort at a Texas-based PV

startup, in 6 months we re-engineered, replaced form

the ground-up and deployed a system that the initial

development effort failed to deliver in over two years.

We did this at a quarter of the total cost and without

interrupting the operation of the partially deployed

legacy systems.

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Industry expertise Our deep knowledge of the PV Industry and its world-

wide infrastructure drives system designs that take

into account and accommodate the needs of the

entire supply chain of panel manufacturers, distributors,

installers, central and micro-inverter equipment makers,

project financing organizations and PV system owners –

from large industrial and utility grade systems to indi-

vidual ACPV home site owners.

Global reachWe have helped our customers deploy systems in North

America, Taiwan, Australia, Europe and China. Our sys-

tems are built from the ground up to support opera-

tions in an international, multi-time zone and multi-cur-

rency environment

Mobile enablementOur fully integrated implementations provide both

site owner and installer phone and tablet applications.

These mobile tools decrease time on site, truck rolls

and help optimize service scheduling. The end results

are happier customers and more profitable sites.

Our service offeringWe provide our software system development, deployment and operations services to companies

that would like to offer custom, branded energy generation monitoring solutions to their custom-

ers and their channels. Our cloud-based deployment easily allows a manufacturer to drill down to

individual sites from a world-wide map, an installer to get unified alerts and performance figures for

all of their sites and clients and for a finance group to track asset performance in real time.

Dejan Nenovtel. 415-999-4450

[email protected]