End of Men and Hindu View of Kaliyuga

Page 1 of 10 The End of Men and Hindu View of Kaliyuga Dear All: Don't know if you have heard this: The End of Men, not the end of the world but the end of men, is happening. That is the new mantra. Why? Hear what Hanna Rosin has to say. Come on guys, seriously, don't tell me what Rosin says is true! This brief description of Kaliyuga (which follows later below) was prompted by a recent article in Slate Magazine entitled, “The last days of the American Male” based on an interview with Hanna Rosin, the author of the book entitled End of Men and a recent controversial cover story in The Atlantic (see below). May be now we will learn to believe in our scriptures some more. One of the Puranas states the Lord Hari is present in Kaliyuga (though unseen) for the first 10,000 years after which He will appear only at the end of the 432,000 years of Kaliyuga. In the interim, there will be only a few places left where the Holy names of the Lord will be chanted. It is like the game of musical chairs. You can choose to be with that small crowd, like the winner of the musical chairs game is standing with that last chair. The Last Days of the American Male http://www.slate.com/id/2303759/ An interview with journalist Hanna Rosin: Why she'll argue that "men are finished" at the Sept. 20 Slate/Intelligence Squared U.S. debate. By Elizabeth Weingarten Posted Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011, at 2:14 PM ET Read more about the Sept. 20 Intelligence Squared U.S. debate on whether "men are finished," buy tickets, and see who else is debating.


Hanna Rosin's recent End of Men discussion is squared here with the Hindu view of what is known as Kaliyuga, one of the four ages, a cycle of 1000 such four ages being known as one day (one kalpa) in the life of Brahma. The progressive moral degradation in Kaliyuga is briefly described here, including the dominance of women, lower castes, degradation of government, corruption, usurping of wealth by rulers through taxation, rampant unemployment, slavery of the poor by the rich. Read more.

Transcript of End of Men and Hindu View of Kaliyuga

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The End of Men and Hindu View of Kaliyuga

Dear All:

Don't know if you have heard this: The End of Men, not the end of the world but

the end of men, is happening. That is the new mantra. Why? Hear what Hanna

Rosin has to say. Come on guys, seriously, don't tell me what Rosin says is true!

This brief description of Kaliyuga (which follows later below) was prompted by a

recent article in Slate Magazine entitled, “The last days of the American Male”

based on an interview with Hanna Rosin, the author of the book entitled End of

Men and a recent controversial cover story in The Atlantic (see below). May be

now we will learn to believe in our scriptures some more.

One of the Puranas states the Lord Hari is present in Kaliyuga (though unseen) for

the first 10,000 years after which He will appear only at the end of the 432,000

years of Kaliyuga. In the interim, there will be only a few places left where the

Holy names of the Lord will be chanted. It is like the game of musical chairs. You

can choose to be with that small crowd, like the winner of the musical chairs game

is standing with that last chair.

The Last Days of the American Male


An interview with journalist Hanna Rosin:

Why she'll argue that "men are finished" at

the Sept. 20 Slate/Intelligence Squared U.S.


By Elizabeth Weingarten Posted Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011, at 2:14 PM ET

Read more about the Sept. 20 Intelligence Squared U.S. debate on whether "men

are finished," buy tickets, and see who else is debating.

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Hanna Rosin

Hanna Rosin's 2010 Atlantic cover story, "The End of Men," was one of the most

talked-about magazine articles in recent years. "Man has been the dominant sex

since, well, the dawn of mankind," wrote Rosin, an award-winning journalist for

Slate and the Atlantic. "But for the first time in human history, that is changing—

and with shocking speed."

Now compare the above with the following predictions from our Hindu Puranas

and scriptures.

Marriage ceases to exist as a holy union - men and women simply live

together on the basis of bodily attraction and verbal agreement, and only for

sexual pleasure.

Women wander from one man to another.

In Kali-yuga, young women freely abandon their virginity.

Women, children, and cows - always protected in an enlightened society -

are abused and killed during the iron age.

Thieves are numerous and rapes are frequent.

Everyone uses vulgar language.

Rosin says they've (men have) failed to adapt to a modern, postindustrial

economy that demands a more traditionally—and stereotypically—feminine

skill set (read: communication skills, social intelligence, empathy, consensus-

building, and flexibility). Statistics show they're rapidly falling behind their

female counterparts at school, work, and home. For every two men who receive

a college degree, three women will. Of the 15 fastest-growing professions

during the next decade, women dominate all but two. Meanwhile, men are even

languishing in movies and on television: They're portrayed as deadbeats and

morons alongside their sardonic and successful female co-stars.

Read more here (some nuggets pasted below):

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……….the reason that women are doing better than men is because the

children are with them, and so they have to make ends meet. So they hustle

in order to make ends meet, but their lives are really, really hard, and it's

terrible for the children. And the fact that about one-fifth of American men

are not working—we're almost at Great Depression levels—that's really

terrible. And it doesn't seem to be getting any better. So, no, this isn't like,

"yay, we won! yay, we triumphed!" It's actually really bad.

Men were hit so unbelievably hard by this recession, but I think this is

historically true in all recessions: You almost always get a bounce-back that

favors the manufacturing industry initially. So it's not that surprising. It

doesn't mean that overall men are doing better. The overall message of the

last 25 to 30 years of the economy is the manufacturing era is coming to

an end, and men need to retool themselves, get a different education than

the one they've been getting, and they're not doing it.

They're (women are) this class of people who are trying to get somewhere in

a real hurry, and the men just seem to be sitting around in no hurry. One

of the young guys I interviewed put it to me: "I just feel like my team is

losing." They feel like women have clocked them, and it came as a surprise

to this young generation of men, so I don't know that they can't catch up.

They might.

Speaking abt herself Hanna Rosin says : My family was super working class.

But there was a kind of natural female dominance. My mother definitely

wears the pants in my family, and I come from generations where the men

disappeared, got sick, died, or for whatever reason, the women wore the

pants. My great-grandmother ran away from her husband, my grandmother's

husband died very young, and my mother rules the roost in my house. But

she would never say she was a feminist, ever. She's fairly conservative. I

grew up with the natural sense that female dominance was possible, but not

that it's some kind of political message. Female dominance wasn't an

ideal, but just a natural occurrence by virtue of my mother's personality and

the circumstances of all of the women ahead of her.

Very sincerely

V. Laxmanan

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Brief Description of Kaliyuga

The Srimad Bhagavatam states that Brahma, who was the first embodied soul

created by Bhagavan, was then entrusted with the task of populating the Universe.

He struggled to fulfill this daunting task. He really struggled. He tried many

different ideas and failed. After each failed attempt he realized his limitations and

turned to Bhagavan, prayed, and did tapas and Bhagavan came to his rescue to

move the plan for creation forward.

Finally, with the grace of Bhagavan, Brahma created the first human couple - a

male and a female - named, respectively, as Swayambhu and Shataroopaa. And so

began the battle of the sexes.

One day in the life of Brahma (called one Kalpa) is made up of 1000 cycles of four

yugas (which together last for 4.32 billion human years, with an equal time period

for the night of Brahma), a total period of 8.64 billion years for one single kalpa, or

day and night time combined. Now we are in the FIRST DAY of the 51st year of

Brahma’s life. It is now the 28th Kaliyuga (in the reign of the 7th Manu) of this

present day of Brahma, known as the Shwetavaraha Kalpa (a name just like we

have names like Sunday, there are 14 Manus in one kalpa). Our present Kaliyuga

began around 3102 BC and so about 5113 years of the total of 432,000 years of the

present Kaliyuga have passed.

For those who do NOT believe in all this Brahama and yuga thingies, we are into

the 21st century but the above article (see link below) already talks about being the

dominant gender in society for more than about 40,000 years. So, it is

acknowledged (by prominent Westerners whom we all look up to for endorsement

of our beliefs) that men have existed for longer than 21 centuries and certainly

longer than even our own Kaliyuga recokning of 5100+ years.

The Srimad Bhagavatam also states that, with the progress of Kaliyuga, there will

be a domination of women in society (Canto 12). Also, in Kaliyuga, the shudra

class will become dominant and will rule the world and there will be a progressive

decline in the power held by the other three varnas. This is described in the 12th

Canto, chapters 2 and 3, see http://www.prabhupadanugas.eu/?p=11934

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The advent of Kali, during the reign of King Parikshit, immediately after Krishna

left this earth (following the Mahabharata war), is described in Canto 1, chapters

16 and 17. Also, in chapter 3, Canto 12, starting with verse 24, the sage

Shukacarya (who narrated the Srimad Bhagavatam to King Parikshit, over seven

days, while the latter was preparing himself to die, by fasting, on the banks of the

holy Ganga), provides a nice introductory description which also includes a

statement about how women are transformed in this yuga of progressive moral

degradation. The sage says,

Yadaa maayaanrutam tandraa nidraa himsaa vishaadanam l Shoko moho bhayam dainyam sa kalistaamasah smrutahaa ll 12.3.30ll Yasmaat kshudradrusho martyaah kshudrabhaagyaah mahashanaahaa l Kaamino vittaheenaash ca swairiNyash ca striyOsateehi ll

The first sloka above describes the dominant characteristics of the people who live

in Kaliyuga. Yadaaa (when) these dominate tadaa (then) it is to be known

(smrutahaa) as Kali – the darkness (taamasah) of Kali.

What are the characters or traits? Maya (magic, jugglery, or essentially cheating),

anrutam (lying, speaking untruth), tandraa (laziness), nidraa (too much sleepiness),

vishaadanam (too much lamenting about trivial matters, remember what Krishna

says about Arjuna vishada, in the very first sloka of His discourse), shoko (too

much sorrow), moho (too much delusion), bhayam (too much fear, because of lack

of values and faith in God, as opposed to abhayam in verse 1, chapter 16 of Gita),

dainyam (beggary, pitiful behavior, lack of dignified conduct, due to lack of

conviction, values).

The next verse ends with the description of women in Kaliyuga. When people

(murtyaah, mortals) develop narrow-mindedness, a short-term vision, a bankrupt

vision (good examples are current US President, its Congress, and the political

fringes of both US parties, or is there a third party, T-party, too?), when they suffer

from misfortunes, when they eat too much (the explosion of obesity all over the

world, especially in the US, is already predicted!) then it is Kaliyuga. Kshudra

means of low class, poor quality, petty, impoverished, etc. People are lust-filled

and act to fulfill them (kaamino), there is abject poverty and utter lack of wealth

(vittam), women act cruelly and wantonly (swairiNyah) and turn immoral (asatee).

That is Kaliyuga.

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The links given below also discuss succinctly, the moral degradation as Kaliyuga



based on Linga Purana and Srimad Bhagavatam (SB)



Nice summary of Canto 12 of SB. Also, see link below.


The following is strictly copy and paste from the first of the above links.

1. Marriage ceases to exist as a holy union - men and women simply live

together on the basis of bodily attraction and verbal agreement, and only for

sexual pleasure.

2. Women wander from one man to another. Men no longer look after their

parents in their old age, and fail to provide for their own children. One's

beauty is thought to depend on one's hairstyle. Filling the belly is said to be

the only purpose in life. Cows are killed once their milk production drops.

Atheism flourishes. Religious observances are performed solely for the sake

of reputation.

3. The Linga Purana (ch. 40) describes the human race in Kali-yuga as a vain

and stupid people "spurred on by the lowest instincts." They prefer false

ideas and do not hesitate to persecute sages. They are tormented by bodily


4. Severe droughts and plagues are everywhere. Slovenliness, illness, hunger

and fear spread. Nations are continually at war with one another. The

number of princes and farmers decline. Heroes are assassinated. The

working classes want to claim regal power and enjoy royal wealth.

5. Kings become thieves. They take to seizing property, rather than protecting

the citizenry. The new leaders emerge from the laborer class and begin to

persecute religious people, saints, teachers, intellectuals, and philosophers.

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6. Civilization lacks any kind of divine guidance. The sacred books are no

longer revered. False doctrines and misleading religions spread across the

globe. Children are killed in the wombs of their mothers. Women who have

relations with several men are numerous. Predatory animals are more

violent. The number of cows diminishes.

7. The Linga Purana says that in Kali-yuga, young women freely abandon their

virginity. Women, children, and cows - always protected in an enlightened

society - are abused and killed during the iron age. Thieves are numerous

and rapes are frequent. There are many beggars, and widespread

unemployment. Merchants operate corrupt businesses. Diseases, rates, and

foul substances plague the populace. Water is lacking, fruits are scarce.

Everyone uses vulgar language.

8. The men of Kaliyuga seek only money. Only the richest have power. People

without money are their slaves. The leaders of the state no longer protect the

people, but plunder the citizenry through excessive taxation. Farmers

abandon living close to nature. They become unskilled laborers in congested

cities. Many dress in rags, or are unemployed, and sleep on the streets.

Through the fault of the government, infant mortality rates are high. False

gods are worshiped in false ashrams, in which pilgrimages, penances,

charities and austerities are all concocted.

9. People in this age eat their food without washing beforehand. Monks break

their vows of celibacy. Cows are kept alive only for their milk. Water is

scarce. Many people watch the skies, praying for rain. No rain comes. The

fields become barren. Suffering from famine and poverty, many attempt to

migrate to countries where food is more readily available. People are

without joy and pleasure. Many commit suicide. Men of small intelligence

are influenced by atheistic doctrines. Family, clan and caste are all

meaningless. Men are without virtues, purity or decency. (Visnu Purana 6.1).

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Updates on this debate

Dear All:

Here's the counterpoint on the End of Men.


Oh, Come On, Men Aren't Finished

Women are joining men as partners in

running the world, not replacing them.

By Christina Hoff Sommers

Posted Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011, at 2:17 PM ET

Men are not finished because neither men nor women will permit that to happen.

After all these years, it turns out women need men much more than a fish needs

a bicycle. (As a man I am thrilled and extremely comforted by these words of

wisdom, more than a fish needs a bicycle! WOW!!!)

Why are we even having a debate about man's demise? Because we're living in a

society that's enamored with the "WAW", or "Women are Wonderful"

phenomenon. WAW, a kind of reverse female chauvinism, is everywhere.

The idea that men are finished is absurd. But it is true that minimally

educated men are in serious trouble. Girls do better than boys in school.

They get better grades, score higher on reading and writing tests, and are far

more likely to go to college. The reasons for girls' educational success are

complicated and likely reflect innate differences to some degree:

Is the technology industry finished? Is engineering finished? Is the military

finished? I haven't even mentioned that men hold the lion's share of

dangerous, dirty, and necessary jobs that few women seem to want. Men

tend to be the truck drivers, builders, oil-rig workers, roofers, loggers, coal

miners, taxi drivers, and window washers. Are those jobs passé?

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Women are joining men as partners in running the world, but they are not

replacing men and never will. Yes, women are flourishing in unprecedented

and gratifying ways. But men have hardly vanished from the center.

After almost 40 years of gender neutral pronouns, it is still men who are

more likely than women to run for political office, start businesses, file for

patents, tell jokes, write editorials, conduct orchestras, and blow things up.

Males succeed and fail more spectacularly than females: More males are

Nobel laureates and CEOs. But more males are also in maximum security

prisons. Males commit most acts of wanton violence, but it takes other men

to stop them.

Very sincerely

V. Laxmanan

Sep 16, 2011



Apparently, Men Are Finished

The fairer sex won big at Tuesday's

Slate/Intelligence Squared U.S. debate.

By Elizabeth Weingarten

Posted Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011, at 5:44 PM ET

In the middle of Tuesday night's Slate/Intelligence Squared U.S. debate, ABC

News chief legal analyst Dan Abrams presented this damning piece of evidence:

"Between 1995 and 2008, 82 percent of lightning strikes were on men," Even God,

Abrams told the packed house at NYU's Skirball Center, has decided that men are


Abrams teamed with journalist Hanna Rosin of Slate and the Atlantic to argue for

the proposition, "Men Are Finished." They squared off against American

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Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers and Men's Health Editor in

Chief Dave Zinczenko, who opposed the motion. ABC News Nightline

Correspondent John Donvan moderated.

The debate—lively, a little bit mean, and extremely funny—ended with a big

victory for Rosin and Abrams. Before the debate started, 20 percent of the

audience voted for the motion, 54 against, and 26 were undecided. By the end of

the debate—in a result that Intelligence Squared deemed the biggest swing in its

history—the numbers had more than reversed, with 66 percent voting for the

motion, 29 against it, and 5 percent undecided.