En el mundo de los ciegos power point 2013 ingles

the blind, the one-eyed man is King!" means, that looks bad or does not look good; It will rule a world of submissive slaves, who do not understand the importance and the need for freedom and free will, to be able to exist without being exploited or spin, who prefers a bad name than to a good to come, or it has no value to recognize in others, talents that are worth their weight in gold, or those of truth favors you...


means, that looks bad or does not look good; It will rule a world of submissive slaves, who do not understand the importance and the need for freedom and free will, to be able to exist without being exploited or spin, who prefers a bad name than to a good to come, or it has no value to recognize in others, talents that are worth their weight in gold, or those of truth favors you...

Transcript of En el mundo de los ciegos power point 2013 ingles

Page 1: En el mundo de los ciegos power point 2013 ingles

"In the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is King!"

means, that looks bad or does not look good; It will rule a world of submissive slaves, who do not understand the importance and the need for freedom and free will, to be able to exist without being exploited or spin, who prefers a bad name than to a good to come, or it has no value to recognize in others, talents that are worth their weight in gold, or those of truth favors you...

Page 2: En el mundo de los ciegos power point 2013 ingles

• As well as the poet KALIL GIBRAN, "Malaya the people who fired their Manager and their tyrant with tambourines and flutes, and welcomes their new manager with tambourines and flutes!..."The slave is born when you accept their slavery, also means, when morale is so low that no thanks, genuine talent; you lose the best chance, that it was his, but failed it to take advantage of; Therefore it is their worst behavior...“

..."Don't thank", "ingratitude is their worst defect", is that most hurts you; and that a: "to me that I care"; it becomes the worst sentence and all, where pay just for sinners, on account of being a negligible minority; those who prefer the justice that impunity, prosperity than poverty, independence that slavery...

Page 3: En el mundo de los ciegos power point 2013 ingles

And when ' "from the family!", is not respected and is not valued, the optimal leadership; It is not equally promotes and does not request...Only hope that: "Us from falling out of the

sky!", as we say: "No baby! "I prefer a bad acquaintance, it is a good to come!" and that is the reason of being and living, "Man's

mediocre!", who lives" By living" and not" to live!"…

When they are not valued and are not respected, the interests common to all; all lose our values!... such as: the purchasing power of money and work, the optimal minimum wage. We become the optimal hotbed for tyranny, because: "the work

without purchasing power is slavery!" and "the slave is not more than the servile object of tyrants!"...

Page 4: En el mundo de los ciegos power point 2013 ingles

I suggest "Excellence" to see those that support, so that we spend in our lives, to select and promote those who we want to

us to rule; Since that, inevitably, if we decided to or not; that will be the target we have set for this life; for our brethren, for

our children and for all children to come, all future generations...

Page 5: En el mundo de los ciegos power point 2013 ingles

I propose: http://www.slideshare.net/tumonka/la-reforma-constitucional-ingles



Reading 'The Identity Bank (DNA)' here: http://EzineArticles.com/5082428

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