Empowering Solidarity - Responsible Leadership ...€¦ · Empowering Solidarity - Responsible...

Empowering Solidarity - Responsible Leadership - Sustainable Development Joyful missionary greetings from Bogota, Colombia! This is our Emmaus Road Foundation and Emmaus Road Ministries minis- try update for July/August 2016. In this update we celebrate the ongoing mission relationship we share with First Lutheran Church (Sioux Falls, SD) and share with you the ministry transition for Prs. Natanael and Barbara. First Lutheran Mission Trip to Colombia: From July 15-25, 2016 Emmaus Road Foundation and the Lutheran Church of Colom- bia were delighted to welcome Marnie Dahle Backer, Jeff Backer, Sadie Klemme, Jennifer Hoff and Jean Hoff of First Lutheran Church to our country, Lutheran congre- gations, servant ministries and our homes. People to people relationships always provide fresh opportunities for mutual learning and real cele- bration of everything God accomplishes through our mutual participation in God's mission. For First Lutheran Church these relationships span many years and are grounded in truly personalized relation- ships built by Pastors Natanael and Barbara during their combined 25 years of service to the congre- gation. The cross always stands central in our mission relationships! Group from First Lutheran Church at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia - IELCO.

Transcript of Empowering Solidarity - Responsible Leadership ...€¦ · Empowering Solidarity - Responsible...

Empowering Solidarity - Responsible Leadership - Sustainable Development

Joyful missionary greetings from Bogota, Colombia! This is our Emmaus Road Foundation and Emmaus Road Ministries minis-try update for July/August 2016. In this update we celebrate the ongoing mission relationship we share with First Lutheran Church (Sioux Falls, SD) and share with you the ministry transition for Prs. Natanael and Barbara.

First Lutheran Mission Trip to Colombia: From July 15-25, 2016 Emmaus Road Foundation and the Lutheran Church of Colom-bia were delighted to welcome Marnie Dahle Backer, Je� Backer, Sadie Klemme, Jennifer Ho� and Jean Ho� of First Lutheran Church to our country, Lutheran congre-gations, servant ministries and our homes.

People to people relationships always provide fresh opportunities for mutual learning and real cele-bration of everything God accomplishes through our mutual participation in God's mission. For First Lutheran Church these relationships span many years and are grounded in truly personalized relation-ships built by Pastors Natanael and Barbara during their combined 25 years of service to the congre-gation.

The cross always stands central in our mission relationships! Group from First Lutheran Church at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia - IELCO.

Integral to our time in Colombia, we worshipped at San Lucas Lutheran Church in Ciudad Kennedy and in New Life Lutheran Church in Northern Bogota. We thank Je� for preaching these two Sundays. We also had the unique opportunity to be welcomed in homes of Lutheran families, enjoy their amazing hospitality and be deeply moved by the personal stories of their faithfulness and joy for the Gospel. Obviously, delicious food was always present!

From the O�ce of the Lutheran World Federation in Colombia First Lutheran Group learned the current socio-political context and the signi�cant opportunities and challenges posed by the imminent signing of a "Peace Agreement" between the Colombian Government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish. We are delighted to announce that as of August 23rd, a Peace Agreement has been accomplished!

Given the fact that Colombia represents the longest unresolved con�ict and worst humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemis-phere as well as the country with the highest internally displaced population in the world - about 6.9 million Colombians internally displaced from their homes - this historical Peace Agreement is joyfully and hopefully welcomed.

Thanks God indeed! We now pray that the 60-year long and dark night of violence experienced by our country may give place to the dawning of a new day for the su�e-ring yet hopeful people of Colombia

Other learning opportunities included visiting an elementary school in the socially challenged area of Soacha in Southern Bogota, one block away from where the Good Samaritan Center for ministry among the elderly also exists. Quite an eye-opening and transforming experience to visit both places and to interact with both children and elders. With this school we shared school supplies brought to Bogota by the First Lutheran Church group. Thanks First Lutheran!

With the elders of the Good Samaritan Center First Lutheran Church shared the gift of needed groceries to take home such as rice, oil, vegetables, beans, sugar and canned foods which the elders so gratefully received. Among these joyful and hospitable elders we participated in a meaningful devotional, learned about their daily ministry, shared a meal with them and danced together. Yes! We danced together at the rhythm of God's joyful mercy. Complementing these learning opportunities, we also were deeply moved by our visit to the True Vine Ministry with people with cognitive and hearing disabilities. There too we prayed and danced together.

Staying at Casa Emmaus at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia First Lutheran group interacted with IELCO's sta�, the Emmaus Road Foundation sta�, participated in a meaningful devotional, produced a half-hour radio program and learned �rst-hand about the di�erent ministries through which the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia holistically proclaims and lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Toward the end of the trip we visited a ministry among teenagers in the poor area of Caracoli where the Lutheran Church is empowering young girls to resist the many temptations present in such a place, particularly for these young women. Finally we traveled outside Bogota to Guatavita, the Legendary Lagoon of El Dorado story. It was indeed such a wonderful ecological and sense-awakening visit. Amazingly, God smiled on us with a vivid and beau-tiful rainbow!

The personal re�ections of the group participants - which now we share - show the promising transfor-mations, revelations and epiphanies encountered during these brief yet fruitful days in Colombia. Sadie goes �rst.

"There are many di�erences between the Church in Colombia versus the US. One of the biggest di�erences I see is the involvement of the youth. The youth lead worship and are leaders in the church. I would love to see this become more evident in the US. Also I enjoyed the mission projects of the church. We saw this in Caracoli and Soacha. The church is deeply involved in the community serving others.

Always at home! Whether enjoying the amazing hospitality of Olga and her family or worshipping at San Lucas Lutheran Church in Ciudad Kennedy, Bogota.

Marnie, Je� and Jennifer listen attentively to the presentation made by the Sta� of the Lutheran World Federation O�ce.

Oh goodness, this trip taught me so much about myself. Colombia taught me the importance of relationships. They are a priority. Often times in the US it is easy to get lost in a job or material things, but in Colombia what matters most is the connection and gift of company to others. Regarding Gods mission, this trip opened my eyes. I see di�erences in the enjoyment and passion of the church of Colombia while in the US church becomes a task only lasting for an hour. Coming back to the US, I feel God wants me to spread the experience of Colombia so that others may feel inspired to go and that we as a church continue to support Colombia".

"As the body of Christ, we as the church are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of creation. The relationship that has been built between First Lutheran and IELCO is an important part of our mission outreach. First Lutheran congregation has engaged the call to support what until December 2015 was Leadership & Development LIZWAN and it is now a full 501C-3 USA mission organization, Emmaus

Road Ministries. In Colombia The Emmaus Road Foundation is the sister organization of Emmaus Road Ministries.

Over the years, First Lutheran's Evangelism, Mission, and Outreach Board has continued to support IELCO ministries as well as Pastor Natanael Lizarazo as our congregation missio-nary to Colombia. First Lutheran was instrumental to fund and develop Casa Emmaus, the house of hospitality located in the IELCO o�ce building, providing secure and comfortable accommodations while visiting in Colombia. However, the most in�uential and e�ective part of our relationship has been to send groups of First Lutheran Church members to Colombia to see the hand of God at work in a beautiful place, �lled with beautiful people, but a country gripped by the e�ects of war and con�ict. It is in coming to this country that allows us to engage the mission of IELCO, a small part of the body of Christ with big ways it reaches people in Colombia. We have also developed strong friendships, and it is always a bles-sing to spend time with them. I thank God for getting to experience this �rst-hand, encouraging faith, allowing us to tell the story of this amazing place and people. We continue to pray that peace would come to this land and for its people. Thanks be to God".

"I keep coming back because of the beautiful people. They have such a deep faith, are very hospitable, have passion for their work and love their country. I also enjoy building the relationships with the people of Colombia and IELCO".

"I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet so many disciples of Jesus in Colombia that serve the people and the people of Colombia �lled with so much hope and joy even while facing so many troubles in their lives". Jean Ho�, �rst time parti-cipant.

Finally, like in the wedding at Cana in Galilee, we save the best wine for last. We are truly thankful to our beloved friend Marnie for her ongoing joy in organizing these mission trips. Here she shares with us all the ongoing reason she keeps returning to Colombia, this trip being her sixth time among us in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia!

"Seeing God's church alive and well in Colombia is the main reasons we continue to bring missionary groups! The passion and love Colom-bian people of all ages, particularly the youth, have for the church is inspiring and awesome".

Judging from these �rst-hand experiences, it is quite evident that these people to people mission relationships do have amazing trans-forming power to mutually engage our faith, our lives and to empower us for joyful participation in God's mission. Thus our ongoing commitment to facilitate such encounters and to be open to the ever-new guidance of the Holy Spirit! Praise God from whom all blessings �ow! Indeed! Thanks be to God!

Important Ministry Transition for Pastors Natanael Lizara-zo and Barbara Wangness: We take this opportunity to announce the ministry transition for Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin Texas. Pastor Natanael will be serving on a half-time capacity begin-ning September 1, 2016. This moves provides Pastors Natanael & Barbara the precious opportunity to live in the same city

with their daughter Alicia and to be closer to Colom-bia where Pastor Natanael also serves on a half-time capacity as missionary with The Emmaus Road Foundation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Speaking about transitions, we thank God for the joyful celebration First Lutheran organized on August 14th as a tangible way to send o� Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Austin with heart-felt prayers and blessings. We are equally thankful for the gathering of colorful and valuable new clothing supplies for children and elders here in Colombia. Your kindness and mission generosity is highly valued and appreciated.

Finally, in celebration of the recently announced Peace Agree-ment between the Colombian Government and the Rebel Group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia most commonly known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish, we share these two photos from the leading Newspaper of Bogota, El Tiempo.

In our humble way, as The Emmaus Road Foundation, Emmaus Road Ministries and Evangelical

Lutheran Church of Colombia, we will continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in word and deed - as the solid foundation for reconciliation, for lasting peace and abundant life for all! We need your prayers and solidarity!

Important change of address: E�ective September 1, 2016 the new address for Emmaus Road Ministries is this: 1703 Deer�eld Drive, Austin, TX 78741. The phone will remain the same as 605-261-7450 and the new

E-mail will be [email protected]. Feel free to communicate with us at any time.

We invite your ongoing prayers for:

* A positive response of the people of Colombia via their vote for the �nal approval of the Historical Peace Agreement. This historical vote will take place October 2, 2016.

* Fresh new hope and action commitment for the Lutheran Church of Colombia and its holistic ministries to serve the new Colombian context as agents of reconciliation. This new situation opens amazing opportunities as well as challenges for all Christian churches.

* Ongoing mission generosity to support the missionary work of Pastor Natanael Lizarazo. Particularly at this historical time such missionary work is critically and vitally important to the mission work and witness of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Feel free to communicate with us either here in Colombia or in the United States. In Colombia we can be reached via email at [email protected] and via cellular phone at 312-531-9583. In the United States we can be reached via E-mail at [email protected] and via phone at 605-261-7450. Feel free to share our mission story with friends, families and congregations.

In Christ’s love,

Stella Lizarazo Executive Director Emmaus Road Foundation – Colombia

Integral to our time in Colombia, we worshipped at San Lucas Lutheran Church in Ciudad Kennedy and in New Life Lutheran Church in Northern Bogota. We thank Je� for preaching these two Sundays. We also had the unique opportunity to be welcomed in homes of Lutheran families, enjoy their amazing hospitality and be deeply moved by the personal stories of their faithfulness and joy for the Gospel. Obviously, delicious food was always present!

From the O�ce of the Lutheran World Federation in Colombia First Lutheran Group learned the current socio-political context and the signi�cant opportunities and challenges posed by the imminent signing of a "Peace Agreement" between the Colombian Government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish. We are delighted to announce that as of August 23rd, a Peace Agreement has been accomplished!

Given the fact that Colombia represents the longest unresolved con�ict and worst humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemis-phere as well as the country with the highest internally displaced population in the world - about 6.9 million Colombians internally displaced from their homes - this historical Peace Agreement is joyfully and hopefully welcomed.

Thanks God indeed! We now pray that the 60-year long and dark night of violence experienced by our country may give place to the dawning of a new day for the su�e-ring yet hopeful people of Colombia

Other learning opportunities included visiting an elementary school in the socially challenged area of Soacha in Southern Bogota, one block away from where the Good Samaritan Center for ministry among the elderly also exists. Quite an eye-opening and transforming experience to visit both places and to interact with both children and elders. With this school we shared school supplies brought to Bogota by the First Lutheran Church group. Thanks First Lutheran!

With the elders of the Good Samaritan Center First Lutheran Church shared the gift of needed groceries to take home such as rice, oil, vegetables, beans, sugar and canned foods which the elders so gratefully received. Among these joyful and hospitable elders we participated in a meaningful devotional, learned about their daily ministry, shared a meal with them and danced together. Yes! We danced together at the rhythm of God's joyful mercy. Complementing these learning opportunities, we also were deeply moved by our visit to the True Vine Ministry with people with cognitive and hearing disabilities. There too we prayed and danced together.

Staying at Casa Emmaus at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia First Lutheran group interacted with IELCO's sta�, the Emmaus Road Foundation sta�, participated in a meaningful devotional, produced a half-hour radio program and learned �rst-hand about the di�erent ministries through which the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia holistically proclaims and lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Toward the end of the trip we visited a ministry among teenagers in the poor area of Caracoli where the Lutheran Church is empowering young girls to resist the many temptations present in such a place, particularly for these young women. Finally we traveled outside Bogota to Guatavita, the Legendary Lagoon of El Dorado story. It was indeed such a wonderful ecological and sense-awakening visit. Amazingly, God smiled on us with a vivid and beau-tiful rainbow!

The personal re�ections of the group participants - which now we share - show the promising transfor-mations, revelations and epiphanies encountered during these brief yet fruitful days in Colombia. Sadie goes �rst.

"There are many di�erences between the Church in Colombia versus the US. One of the biggest di�erences I see is the involvement of the youth. The youth lead worship and are leaders in the church. I would love to see this become more evident in the US. Also I enjoyed the mission projects of the church. We saw this in Caracoli and Soacha. The church is deeply involved in the community serving others.

The encounter with people who face extreme economic poverty yet have such rich spiritual life �lled with unexpected joy, heart-felt gratitude and abiding faith is a life-transforming experience and gift! Photos are from the visit to the school and Good Samaritan Center!

Oh goodness, this trip taught me so much about myself. Colombia taught me the importance of relationships. They are a priority. Often times in the US it is easy to get lost in a job or material things, but in Colombia what matters most is the connection and gift of company to others. Regarding Gods mission, this trip opened my eyes. I see di�erences in the enjoyment and passion of the church of Colombia while in the US church becomes a task only lasting for an hour. Coming back to the US, I feel God wants me to spread the experience of Colombia so that others may feel inspired to go and that we as a church continue to support Colombia".

"As the body of Christ, we as the church are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of creation. The relationship that has been built between First Lutheran and IELCO is an important part of our mission outreach. First Lutheran congregation has engaged the call to support what until December 2015 was Leadership & Development LIZWAN and it is now a full 501C-3 USA mission organization, Emmaus

Road Ministries. In Colombia The Emmaus Road Foundation is the sister organization of Emmaus Road Ministries.

Over the years, First Lutheran's Evangelism, Mission, and Outreach Board has continued to support IELCO ministries as well as Pastor Natanael Lizarazo as our congregation missio-nary to Colombia. First Lutheran was instrumental to fund and develop Casa Emmaus, the house of hospitality located in the IELCO o�ce building, providing secure and comfortable accommodations while visiting in Colombia. However, the most in�uential and e�ective part of our relationship has been to send groups of First Lutheran Church members to Colombia to see the hand of God at work in a beautiful place, �lled with beautiful people, but a country gripped by the e�ects of war and con�ict. It is in coming to this country that allows us to engage the mission of IELCO, a small part of the body of Christ with big ways it reaches people in Colombia. We have also developed strong friendships, and it is always a bles-sing to spend time with them. I thank God for getting to experience this �rst-hand, encouraging faith, allowing us to tell the story of this amazing place and people. We continue to pray that peace would come to this land and for its people. Thanks be to God".

"I keep coming back because of the beautiful people. They have such a deep faith, are very hospitable, have passion for their work and love their country. I also enjoy building the relationships with the people of Colombia and IELCO".

"I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet so many disciples of Jesus in Colombia that serve the people and the people of Colombia �lled with so much hope and joy even while facing so many troubles in their lives". Jean Ho�, �rst time parti-cipant.

Finally, like in the wedding at Cana in Galilee, we save the best wine for last. We are truly thankful to our beloved friend Marnie for her ongoing joy in organizing these mission trips. Here she shares with us all the ongoing reason she keeps returning to Colombia, this trip being her sixth time among us in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia!

"Seeing God's church alive and well in Colombia is the main reasons we continue to bring missionary groups! The passion and love Colom-bian people of all ages, particularly the youth, have for the church is inspiring and awesome".

Judging from these �rst-hand experiences, it is quite evident that these people to people mission relationships do have amazing trans-forming power to mutually engage our faith, our lives and to empower us for joyful participation in God's mission. Thus our ongoing commitment to facilitate such encounters and to be open to the ever-new guidance of the Holy Spirit! Praise God from whom all blessings �ow! Indeed! Thanks be to God!

Important Ministry Transition for Pastors Natanael Lizara-zo and Barbara Wangness: We take this opportunity to announce the ministry transition for Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin Texas. Pastor Natanael will be serving on a half-time capacity begin-ning September 1, 2016. This moves provides Pastors Natanael & Barbara the precious opportunity to live in the same city

with their daughter Alicia and to be closer to Colom-bia where Pastor Natanael also serves on a half-time capacity as missionary with The Emmaus Road Foundation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Speaking about transitions, we thank God for the joyful celebration First Lutheran organized on August 14th as a tangible way to send o� Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Austin with heart-felt prayers and blessings. We are equally thankful for the gathering of colorful and valuable new clothing supplies for children and elders here in Colombia. Your kindness and mission generosity is highly valued and appreciated.

Finally, in celebration of the recently announced Peace Agree-ment between the Colombian Government and the Rebel Group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia most commonly known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish, we share these two photos from the leading Newspaper of Bogota, El Tiempo.

In our humble way, as The Emmaus Road Foundation, Emmaus Road Ministries and Evangelical

Lutheran Church of Colombia, we will continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in word and deed - as the solid foundation for reconciliation, for lasting peace and abundant life for all! We need your prayers and solidarity!

Important change of address: E�ective September 1, 2016 the new address for Emmaus Road Ministries is this: 1703 Deer�eld Drive, Austin, TX 78741. The phone will remain the same as 605-261-7450 and the new

E-mail will be [email protected]. Feel free to communicate with us at any time.

We invite your ongoing prayers for:

* A positive response of the people of Colombia via their vote for the �nal approval of the Historical Peace Agreement. This historical vote will take place October 2, 2016.

* Fresh new hope and action commitment for the Lutheran Church of Colombia and its holistic ministries to serve the new Colombian context as agents of reconciliation. This new situation opens amazing opportunities as well as challenges for all Christian churches.

* Ongoing mission generosity to support the missionary work of Pastor Natanael Lizarazo. Particularly at this historical time such missionary work is critically and vitally important to the mission work and witness of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Feel free to communicate with us either here in Colombia or in the United States. In Colombia we can be reached via email at [email protected] and via cellular phone at 312-531-9583. In the United States we can be reached via E-mail at [email protected] and via phone at 605-261-7450. Feel free to share our mission story with friends, families and congregations.

In Christ’s love,

Stella Lizarazo Executive Director Emmaus Road Foundation – Colombia

Integral to our time in Colombia, we worshipped at San Lucas Lutheran Church in Ciudad Kennedy and in New Life Lutheran Church in Northern Bogota. We thank Je� for preaching these two Sundays. We also had the unique opportunity to be welcomed in homes of Lutheran families, enjoy their amazing hospitality and be deeply moved by the personal stories of their faithfulness and joy for the Gospel. Obviously, delicious food was always present!

From the O�ce of the Lutheran World Federation in Colombia First Lutheran Group learned the current socio-political context and the signi�cant opportunities and challenges posed by the imminent signing of a "Peace Agreement" between the Colombian Government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish. We are delighted to announce that as of August 23rd, a Peace Agreement has been accomplished!

Given the fact that Colombia represents the longest unresolved con�ict and worst humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemis-phere as well as the country with the highest internally displaced population in the world - about 6.9 million Colombians internally displaced from their homes - this historical Peace Agreement is joyfully and hopefully welcomed.

Thanks God indeed! We now pray that the 60-year long and dark night of violence experienced by our country may give place to the dawning of a new day for the su�e-ring yet hopeful people of Colombia

Other learning opportunities included visiting an elementary school in the socially challenged area of Soacha in Southern Bogota, one block away from where the Good Samaritan Center for ministry among the elderly also exists. Quite an eye-opening and transforming experience to visit both places and to interact with both children and elders. With this school we shared school supplies brought to Bogota by the First Lutheran Church group. Thanks First Lutheran!

With the elders of the Good Samaritan Center First Lutheran Church shared the gift of needed groceries to take home such as rice, oil, vegetables, beans, sugar and canned foods which the elders so gratefully received. Among these joyful and hospitable elders we participated in a meaningful devotional, learned about their daily ministry, shared a meal with them and danced together. Yes! We danced together at the rhythm of God's joyful mercy. Complementing these learning opportunities, we also were deeply moved by our visit to the True Vine Ministry with people with cognitive and hearing disabilities. There too we prayed and danced together.

Staying at Casa Emmaus at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia First Lutheran group interacted with IELCO's sta�, the Emmaus Road Foundation sta�, participated in a meaningful devotional, produced a half-hour radio program and learned �rst-hand about the di�erent ministries through which the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia holistically proclaims and lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Toward the end of the trip we visited a ministry among teenagers in the poor area of Caracoli where the Lutheran Church is empowering young girls to resist the many temptations present in such a place, particularly for these young women. Finally we traveled outside Bogota to Guatavita, the Legendary Lagoon of El Dorado story. It was indeed such a wonderful ecological and sense-awakening visit. Amazingly, God smiled on us with a vivid and beau-tiful rainbow!

The personal re�ections of the group participants - which now we share - show the promising transfor-mations, revelations and epiphanies encountered during these brief yet fruitful days in Colombia. Sadie goes �rst.

"There are many di�erences between the Church in Colombia versus the US. One of the biggest di�erences I see is the involvement of the youth. The youth lead worship and are leaders in the church. I would love to see this become more evident in the US. Also I enjoyed the mission projects of the church. We saw this in Caracoli and Soacha. The church is deeply involved in the community serving others.

Oh goodness, this trip taught me so much about myself. Colombia taught me the importance of relationships. They are a priority. Often times in the US it is easy to get lost in a job or material things, but in Colombia what matters most is the connection and gift of company to others. Regarding Gods mission, this trip opened my eyes. I see di�erences in the enjoyment and passion of the church of Colombia while in the US church becomes a task only lasting for an hour. Coming back to the US, I feel God wants me to spread the experience of Colombia so that others may feel inspired to go and that we as a church continue to support Colombia".

"As the body of Christ, we as the church are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of creation. The relationship that has been built between First Lutheran and IELCO is an important part of our mission outreach. First Lutheran congregation has engaged the call to support what until December 2015 was Leadership & Development LIZWAN and it is now a full 501C-3 USA mission organization, Emmaus

Road Ministries. In Colombia The Emmaus Road Foundation is the sister organization of Emmaus Road Ministries.

Over the years, First Lutheran's Evangelism, Mission, and Outreach Board has continued to support IELCO ministries as well as Pastor Natanael Lizarazo as our congregation missio-nary to Colombia. First Lutheran was instrumental to fund and develop Casa Emmaus, the house of hospitality located in the IELCO o�ce building, providing secure and comfortable accommodations while visiting in Colombia. However, the most in�uential and e�ective part of our relationship has been to send groups of First Lutheran Church members to Colombia to see the hand of God at work in a beautiful place, �lled with beautiful people, but a country gripped by the e�ects of war and con�ict. It is in coming to this country that allows us to engage the mission of IELCO, a small part of the body of Christ with big ways it reaches people in Colombia. We have also developed strong friendships, and it is always a bles-sing to spend time with them. I thank God for getting to experience this �rst-hand, encouraging faith, allowing us to tell the story of this amazing place and people. We continue to pray that peace would come to this land and for its people. Thanks be to God".

"I keep coming back because of the beautiful people. They have such a deep faith, are very hospitable, have passion for their work and love their country. I also enjoy building the relationships with the people of Colombia and IELCO".

"I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet so many disciples of Jesus in Colombia that serve the people and the people of Colombia �lled with so much hope and joy even while facing so many troubles in their lives". Jean Ho�, �rst time parti-cipant.

Finally, like in the wedding at Cana in Galilee, we save the best wine for last. We are truly thankful to our beloved friend Marnie for her ongoing joy in organizing these mission trips. Here she shares with us all the ongoing reason she keeps returning to Colombia, this trip being her sixth time among us in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia!

"Seeing God's church alive and well in Colombia is the main reasons we continue to bring missionary groups! The passion and love Colom-bian people of all ages, particularly the youth, have for the church is inspiring and awesome".

Judging from these �rst-hand experiences, it is quite evident that these people to people mission relationships do have amazing trans-forming power to mutually engage our faith, our lives and to empower us for joyful participation in God's mission. Thus our ongoing commitment to facilitate such encounters and to be open to the ever-new guidance of the Holy Spirit! Praise God from whom all blessings �ow! Indeed! Thanks be to God!

Casa Emmaus is the welcoming and comfortable place where joyful and mission-driven conversations and re�ections always take place. Thanks First Lutheran for making it possible!

Important Ministry Transition for Pastors Natanael Lizara-zo and Barbara Wangness: We take this opportunity to announce the ministry transition for Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin Texas. Pastor Natanael will be serving on a half-time capacity begin-ning September 1, 2016. This moves provides Pastors Natanael & Barbara the precious opportunity to live in the same city

with their daughter Alicia and to be closer to Colom-bia where Pastor Natanael also serves on a half-time capacity as missionary with The Emmaus Road Foundation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Speaking about transitions, we thank God for the joyful celebration First Lutheran organized on August 14th as a tangible way to send o� Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Austin with heart-felt prayers and blessings. We are equally thankful for the gathering of colorful and valuable new clothing supplies for children and elders here in Colombia. Your kindness and mission generosity is highly valued and appreciated.

Finally, in celebration of the recently announced Peace Agree-ment between the Colombian Government and the Rebel Group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia most commonly known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish, we share these two photos from the leading Newspaper of Bogota, El Tiempo.

In our humble way, as The Emmaus Road Foundation, Emmaus Road Ministries and Evangelical

Lutheran Church of Colombia, we will continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in word and deed - as the solid foundation for reconciliation, for lasting peace and abundant life for all! We need your prayers and solidarity!

Important change of address: E�ective September 1, 2016 the new address for Emmaus Road Ministries is this: 1703 Deer�eld Drive, Austin, TX 78741. The phone will remain the same as 605-261-7450 and the new

E-mail will be [email protected]. Feel free to communicate with us at any time.

We invite your ongoing prayers for:

* A positive response of the people of Colombia via their vote for the �nal approval of the Historical Peace Agreement. This historical vote will take place October 2, 2016.

* Fresh new hope and action commitment for the Lutheran Church of Colombia and its holistic ministries to serve the new Colombian context as agents of reconciliation. This new situation opens amazing opportunities as well as challenges for all Christian churches.

* Ongoing mission generosity to support the missionary work of Pastor Natanael Lizarazo. Particularly at this historical time such missionary work is critically and vitally important to the mission work and witness of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Feel free to communicate with us either here in Colombia or in the United States. In Colombia we can be reached via email at [email protected] and via cellular phone at 312-531-9583. In the United States we can be reached via E-mail at [email protected] and via phone at 605-261-7450. Feel free to share our mission story with friends, families and congregations.

In Christ’s love,

Stella Lizarazo Executive Director Emmaus Road Foundation – Colombia

Integral to our time in Colombia, we worshipped at San Lucas Lutheran Church in Ciudad Kennedy and in New Life Lutheran Church in Northern Bogota. We thank Je� for preaching these two Sundays. We also had the unique opportunity to be welcomed in homes of Lutheran families, enjoy their amazing hospitality and be deeply moved by the personal stories of their faithfulness and joy for the Gospel. Obviously, delicious food was always present!

From the O�ce of the Lutheran World Federation in Colombia First Lutheran Group learned the current socio-political context and the signi�cant opportunities and challenges posed by the imminent signing of a "Peace Agreement" between the Colombian Government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish. We are delighted to announce that as of August 23rd, a Peace Agreement has been accomplished!

Given the fact that Colombia represents the longest unresolved con�ict and worst humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemis-phere as well as the country with the highest internally displaced population in the world - about 6.9 million Colombians internally displaced from their homes - this historical Peace Agreement is joyfully and hopefully welcomed.

Thanks God indeed! We now pray that the 60-year long and dark night of violence experienced by our country may give place to the dawning of a new day for the su�e-ring yet hopeful people of Colombia

Other learning opportunities included visiting an elementary school in the socially challenged area of Soacha in Southern Bogota, one block away from where the Good Samaritan Center for ministry among the elderly also exists. Quite an eye-opening and transforming experience to visit both places and to interact with both children and elders. With this school we shared school supplies brought to Bogota by the First Lutheran Church group. Thanks First Lutheran!

With the elders of the Good Samaritan Center First Lutheran Church shared the gift of needed groceries to take home such as rice, oil, vegetables, beans, sugar and canned foods which the elders so gratefully received. Among these joyful and hospitable elders we participated in a meaningful devotional, learned about their daily ministry, shared a meal with them and danced together. Yes! We danced together at the rhythm of God's joyful mercy. Complementing these learning opportunities, we also were deeply moved by our visit to the True Vine Ministry with people with cognitive and hearing disabilities. There too we prayed and danced together.

Staying at Casa Emmaus at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia First Lutheran group interacted with IELCO's sta�, the Emmaus Road Foundation sta�, participated in a meaningful devotional, produced a half-hour radio program and learned �rst-hand about the di�erent ministries through which the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia holistically proclaims and lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Toward the end of the trip we visited a ministry among teenagers in the poor area of Caracoli where the Lutheran Church is empowering young girls to resist the many temptations present in such a place, particularly for these young women. Finally we traveled outside Bogota to Guatavita, the Legendary Lagoon of El Dorado story. It was indeed such a wonderful ecological and sense-awakening visit. Amazingly, God smiled on us with a vivid and beau-tiful rainbow!

The personal re�ections of the group participants - which now we share - show the promising transfor-mations, revelations and epiphanies encountered during these brief yet fruitful days in Colombia. Sadie goes �rst.

"There are many di�erences between the Church in Colombia versus the US. One of the biggest di�erences I see is the involvement of the youth. The youth lead worship and are leaders in the church. I would love to see this become more evident in the US. Also I enjoyed the mission projects of the church. We saw this in Caracoli and Soacha. The church is deeply involved in the community serving others.

Oh goodness, this trip taught me so much about myself. Colombia taught me the importance of relationships. They are a priority. Often times in the US it is easy to get lost in a job or material things, but in Colombia what matters most is the connection and gift of company to others. Regarding Gods mission, this trip opened my eyes. I see di�erences in the enjoyment and passion of the church of Colombia while in the US church becomes a task only lasting for an hour. Coming back to the US, I feel God wants me to spread the experience of Colombia so that others may feel inspired to go and that we as a church continue to support Colombia".

"As the body of Christ, we as the church are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of creation. The relationship that has been built between First Lutheran and IELCO is an important part of our mission outreach. First Lutheran congregation has engaged the call to support what until December 2015 was Leadership & Development LIZWAN and it is now a full 501C-3 USA mission organization, Emmaus

Road Ministries. In Colombia The Emmaus Road Foundation is the sister organization of Emmaus Road Ministries.

Over the years, First Lutheran's Evangelism, Mission, and Outreach Board has continued to support IELCO ministries as well as Pastor Natanael Lizarazo as our congregation missio-nary to Colombia. First Lutheran was instrumental to fund and develop Casa Emmaus, the house of hospitality located in the IELCO o�ce building, providing secure and comfortable accommodations while visiting in Colombia. However, the most in�uential and e�ective part of our relationship has been to send groups of First Lutheran Church members to Colombia to see the hand of God at work in a beautiful place, �lled with beautiful people, but a country gripped by the e�ects of war and con�ict. It is in coming to this country that allows us to engage the mission of IELCO, a small part of the body of Christ with big ways it reaches people in Colombia. We have also developed strong friendships, and it is always a bles-sing to spend time with them. I thank God for getting to experience this �rst-hand, encouraging faith, allowing us to tell the story of this amazing place and people. We continue to pray that peace would come to this land and for its people. Thanks be to God".

"I keep coming back because of the beautiful people. They have such a deep faith, are very hospitable, have passion for their work and love their country. I also enjoy building the relationships with the people of Colombia and IELCO".

"I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet so many disciples of Jesus in Colombia that serve the people and the people of Colombia �lled with so much hope and joy even while facing so many troubles in their lives". Jean Ho�, �rst time parti-cipant.

Finally, like in the wedding at Cana in Galilee, we save the best wine for last. We are truly thankful to our beloved friend Marnie for her ongoing joy in organizing these mission trips. Here she shares with us all the ongoing reason she keeps returning to Colombia, this trip being her sixth time among us in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia!

"Seeing God's church alive and well in Colombia is the main reasons we continue to bring missionary groups! The passion and love Colom-bian people of all ages, particularly the youth, have for the church is inspiring and awesome".

Judging from these �rst-hand experiences, it is quite evident that these people to people mission relationships do have amazing trans-forming power to mutually engage our faith, our lives and to empower us for joyful participation in God's mission. Thus our ongoing commitment to facilitate such encounters and to be open to the ever-new guidance of the Holy Spirit! Praise God from whom all blessings �ow! Indeed! Thanks be to God!

(Sadie Klemme, First time participant).

(Je� Backer, fourth time participant).

(Jeni�er Ho�, third time participant).

Important Ministry Transition for Pastors Natanael Lizara-zo and Barbara Wangness: We take this opportunity to announce the ministry transition for Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin Texas. Pastor Natanael will be serving on a half-time capacity begin-ning September 1, 2016. This moves provides Pastors Natanael & Barbara the precious opportunity to live in the same city

with their daughter Alicia and to be closer to Colom-bia where Pastor Natanael also serves on a half-time capacity as missionary with The Emmaus Road Foundation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Speaking about transitions, we thank God for the joyful celebration First Lutheran organized on August 14th as a tangible way to send o� Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Austin with heart-felt prayers and blessings. We are equally thankful for the gathering of colorful and valuable new clothing supplies for children and elders here in Colombia. Your kindness and mission generosity is highly valued and appreciated.

Finally, in celebration of the recently announced Peace Agree-ment between the Colombian Government and the Rebel Group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia most commonly known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish, we share these two photos from the leading Newspaper of Bogota, El Tiempo.

In our humble way, as The Emmaus Road Foundation, Emmaus Road Ministries and Evangelical

Lutheran Church of Colombia, we will continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in word and deed - as the solid foundation for reconciliation, for lasting peace and abundant life for all! We need your prayers and solidarity!

Important change of address: E�ective September 1, 2016 the new address for Emmaus Road Ministries is this: 1703 Deer�eld Drive, Austin, TX 78741. The phone will remain the same as 605-261-7450 and the new

E-mail will be [email protected]. Feel free to communicate with us at any time.

We invite your ongoing prayers for:

* A positive response of the people of Colombia via their vote for the �nal approval of the Historical Peace Agreement. This historical vote will take place October 2, 2016.

* Fresh new hope and action commitment for the Lutheran Church of Colombia and its holistic ministries to serve the new Colombian context as agents of reconciliation. This new situation opens amazing opportunities as well as challenges for all Christian churches.

* Ongoing mission generosity to support the missionary work of Pastor Natanael Lizarazo. Particularly at this historical time such missionary work is critically and vitally important to the mission work and witness of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Feel free to communicate with us either here in Colombia or in the United States. In Colombia we can be reached via email at [email protected] and via cellular phone at 312-531-9583. In the United States we can be reached via E-mail at [email protected] and via phone at 605-261-7450. Feel free to share our mission story with friends, families and congregations.

In Christ’s love,

Stella Lizarazo Executive Director Emmaus Road Foundation – Colombia

Integral to our time in Colombia, we worshipped at San Lucas Lutheran Church in Ciudad Kennedy and in New Life Lutheran Church in Northern Bogota. We thank Je� for preaching these two Sundays. We also had the unique opportunity to be welcomed in homes of Lutheran families, enjoy their amazing hospitality and be deeply moved by the personal stories of their faithfulness and joy for the Gospel. Obviously, delicious food was always present!

From the O�ce of the Lutheran World Federation in Colombia First Lutheran Group learned the current socio-political context and the signi�cant opportunities and challenges posed by the imminent signing of a "Peace Agreement" between the Colombian Government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish. We are delighted to announce that as of August 23rd, a Peace Agreement has been accomplished!

Given the fact that Colombia represents the longest unresolved con�ict and worst humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemis-phere as well as the country with the highest internally displaced population in the world - about 6.9 million Colombians internally displaced from their homes - this historical Peace Agreement is joyfully and hopefully welcomed.

Thanks God indeed! We now pray that the 60-year long and dark night of violence experienced by our country may give place to the dawning of a new day for the su�e-ring yet hopeful people of Colombia

Other learning opportunities included visiting an elementary school in the socially challenged area of Soacha in Southern Bogota, one block away from where the Good Samaritan Center for ministry among the elderly also exists. Quite an eye-opening and transforming experience to visit both places and to interact with both children and elders. With this school we shared school supplies brought to Bogota by the First Lutheran Church group. Thanks First Lutheran!

With the elders of the Good Samaritan Center First Lutheran Church shared the gift of needed groceries to take home such as rice, oil, vegetables, beans, sugar and canned foods which the elders so gratefully received. Among these joyful and hospitable elders we participated in a meaningful devotional, learned about their daily ministry, shared a meal with them and danced together. Yes! We danced together at the rhythm of God's joyful mercy. Complementing these learning opportunities, we also were deeply moved by our visit to the True Vine Ministry with people with cognitive and hearing disabilities. There too we prayed and danced together.

Staying at Casa Emmaus at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia First Lutheran group interacted with IELCO's sta�, the Emmaus Road Foundation sta�, participated in a meaningful devotional, produced a half-hour radio program and learned �rst-hand about the di�erent ministries through which the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia holistically proclaims and lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Toward the end of the trip we visited a ministry among teenagers in the poor area of Caracoli where the Lutheran Church is empowering young girls to resist the many temptations present in such a place, particularly for these young women. Finally we traveled outside Bogota to Guatavita, the Legendary Lagoon of El Dorado story. It was indeed such a wonderful ecological and sense-awakening visit. Amazingly, God smiled on us with a vivid and beau-tiful rainbow!

The personal re�ections of the group participants - which now we share - show the promising transfor-mations, revelations and epiphanies encountered during these brief yet fruitful days in Colombia. Sadie goes �rst.

"There are many di�erences between the Church in Colombia versus the US. One of the biggest di�erences I see is the involvement of the youth. The youth lead worship and are leaders in the church. I would love to see this become more evident in the US. Also I enjoyed the mission projects of the church. We saw this in Caracoli and Soacha. The church is deeply involved in the community serving others.

Oh goodness, this trip taught me so much about myself. Colombia taught me the importance of relationships. They are a priority. Often times in the US it is easy to get lost in a job or material things, but in Colombia what matters most is the connection and gift of company to others. Regarding Gods mission, this trip opened my eyes. I see di�erences in the enjoyment and passion of the church of Colombia while in the US church becomes a task only lasting for an hour. Coming back to the US, I feel God wants me to spread the experience of Colombia so that others may feel inspired to go and that we as a church continue to support Colombia".

"As the body of Christ, we as the church are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of creation. The relationship that has been built between First Lutheran and IELCO is an important part of our mission outreach. First Lutheran congregation has engaged the call to support what until December 2015 was Leadership & Development LIZWAN and it is now a full 501C-3 USA mission organization, Emmaus

Road Ministries. In Colombia The Emmaus Road Foundation is the sister organization of Emmaus Road Ministries.

Over the years, First Lutheran's Evangelism, Mission, and Outreach Board has continued to support IELCO ministries as well as Pastor Natanael Lizarazo as our congregation missio-nary to Colombia. First Lutheran was instrumental to fund and develop Casa Emmaus, the house of hospitality located in the IELCO o�ce building, providing secure and comfortable accommodations while visiting in Colombia. However, the most in�uential and e�ective part of our relationship has been to send groups of First Lutheran Church members to Colombia to see the hand of God at work in a beautiful place, �lled with beautiful people, but a country gripped by the e�ects of war and con�ict. It is in coming to this country that allows us to engage the mission of IELCO, a small part of the body of Christ with big ways it reaches people in Colombia. We have also developed strong friendships, and it is always a bles-sing to spend time with them. I thank God for getting to experience this �rst-hand, encouraging faith, allowing us to tell the story of this amazing place and people. We continue to pray that peace would come to this land and for its people. Thanks be to God".

"I keep coming back because of the beautiful people. They have such a deep faith, are very hospitable, have passion for their work and love their country. I also enjoy building the relationships with the people of Colombia and IELCO".

"I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet so many disciples of Jesus in Colombia that serve the people and the people of Colombia �lled with so much hope and joy even while facing so many troubles in their lives". Jean Ho�, �rst time parti-cipant.

Finally, like in the wedding at Cana in Galilee, we save the best wine for last. We are truly thankful to our beloved friend Marnie for her ongoing joy in organizing these mission trips. Here she shares with us all the ongoing reason she keeps returning to Colombia, this trip being her sixth time among us in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia!

"Seeing God's church alive and well in Colombia is the main reasons we continue to bring missionary groups! The passion and love Colom-bian people of all ages, particularly the youth, have for the church is inspiring and awesome".

Judging from these �rst-hand experiences, it is quite evident that these people to people mission relationships do have amazing trans-forming power to mutually engage our faith, our lives and to empower us for joyful participation in God's mission. Thus our ongoing commitment to facilitate such encounters and to be open to the ever-new guidance of the Holy Spirit! Praise God from whom all blessings �ow! Indeed! Thanks be to God!

(Mother and daughter are seen here in this photo).

(Marnie Dahle Backer).

Important Ministry Transition for Pastors Natanael Lizara-zo and Barbara Wangness: We take this opportunity to announce the ministry transition for Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin Texas. Pastor Natanael will be serving on a half-time capacity begin-ning September 1, 2016. This moves provides Pastors Natanael & Barbara the precious opportunity to live in the same city

with their daughter Alicia and to be closer to Colom-bia where Pastor Natanael also serves on a half-time capacity as missionary with The Emmaus Road Foundation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Speaking about transitions, we thank God for the joyful celebration First Lutheran organized on August 14th as a tangible way to send o� Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Austin with heart-felt prayers and blessings. We are equally thankful for the gathering of colorful and valuable new clothing supplies for children and elders here in Colombia. Your kindness and mission generosity is highly valued and appreciated.

Finally, in celebration of the recently announced Peace Agree-ment between the Colombian Government and the Rebel Group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia most commonly known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish, we share these two photos from the leading Newspaper of Bogota, El Tiempo.

In our humble way, as The Emmaus Road Foundation, Emmaus Road Ministries and Evangelical

Lutheran Church of Colombia, we will continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in word and deed - as the solid foundation for reconciliation, for lasting peace and abundant life for all! We need your prayers and solidarity!

Important change of address: E�ective September 1, 2016 the new address for Emmaus Road Ministries is this: 1703 Deer�eld Drive, Austin, TX 78741. The phone will remain the same as 605-261-7450 and the new

E-mail will be [email protected]. Feel free to communicate with us at any time.

We invite your ongoing prayers for:

* A positive response of the people of Colombia via their vote for the �nal approval of the Historical Peace Agreement. This historical vote will take place October 2, 2016.

* Fresh new hope and action commitment for the Lutheran Church of Colombia and its holistic ministries to serve the new Colombian context as agents of reconciliation. This new situation opens amazing opportunities as well as challenges for all Christian churches.

* Ongoing mission generosity to support the missionary work of Pastor Natanael Lizarazo. Particularly at this historical time such missionary work is critically and vitally important to the mission work and witness of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Feel free to communicate with us either here in Colombia or in the United States. In Colombia we can be reached via email at [email protected] and via cellular phone at 312-531-9583. In the United States we can be reached via E-mail at [email protected] and via phone at 605-261-7450. Feel free to share our mission story with friends, families and congregations.

In Christ’s love,

Stella Lizarazo Executive Director Emmaus Road Foundation – Colombia

Integral to our time in Colombia, we worshipped at San Lucas Lutheran Church in Ciudad Kennedy and in New Life Lutheran Church in Northern Bogota. We thank Je� for preaching these two Sundays. We also had the unique opportunity to be welcomed in homes of Lutheran families, enjoy their amazing hospitality and be deeply moved by the personal stories of their faithfulness and joy for the Gospel. Obviously, delicious food was always present!

From the O�ce of the Lutheran World Federation in Colombia First Lutheran Group learned the current socio-political context and the signi�cant opportunities and challenges posed by the imminent signing of a "Peace Agreement" between the Colombian Government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish. We are delighted to announce that as of August 23rd, a Peace Agreement has been accomplished!

Given the fact that Colombia represents the longest unresolved con�ict and worst humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemis-phere as well as the country with the highest internally displaced population in the world - about 6.9 million Colombians internally displaced from their homes - this historical Peace Agreement is joyfully and hopefully welcomed.

Thanks God indeed! We now pray that the 60-year long and dark night of violence experienced by our country may give place to the dawning of a new day for the su�e-ring yet hopeful people of Colombia

Other learning opportunities included visiting an elementary school in the socially challenged area of Soacha in Southern Bogota, one block away from where the Good Samaritan Center for ministry among the elderly also exists. Quite an eye-opening and transforming experience to visit both places and to interact with both children and elders. With this school we shared school supplies brought to Bogota by the First Lutheran Church group. Thanks First Lutheran!

With the elders of the Good Samaritan Center First Lutheran Church shared the gift of needed groceries to take home such as rice, oil, vegetables, beans, sugar and canned foods which the elders so gratefully received. Among these joyful and hospitable elders we participated in a meaningful devotional, learned about their daily ministry, shared a meal with them and danced together. Yes! We danced together at the rhythm of God's joyful mercy. Complementing these learning opportunities, we also were deeply moved by our visit to the True Vine Ministry with people with cognitive and hearing disabilities. There too we prayed and danced together.

Staying at Casa Emmaus at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia First Lutheran group interacted with IELCO's sta�, the Emmaus Road Foundation sta�, participated in a meaningful devotional, produced a half-hour radio program and learned �rst-hand about the di�erent ministries through which the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia holistically proclaims and lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Toward the end of the trip we visited a ministry among teenagers in the poor area of Caracoli where the Lutheran Church is empowering young girls to resist the many temptations present in such a place, particularly for these young women. Finally we traveled outside Bogota to Guatavita, the Legendary Lagoon of El Dorado story. It was indeed such a wonderful ecological and sense-awakening visit. Amazingly, God smiled on us with a vivid and beau-tiful rainbow!

The personal re�ections of the group participants - which now we share - show the promising transfor-mations, revelations and epiphanies encountered during these brief yet fruitful days in Colombia. Sadie goes �rst.

"There are many di�erences between the Church in Colombia versus the US. One of the biggest di�erences I see is the involvement of the youth. The youth lead worship and are leaders in the church. I would love to see this become more evident in the US. Also I enjoyed the mission projects of the church. We saw this in Caracoli and Soacha. The church is deeply involved in the community serving others.

Oh goodness, this trip taught me so much about myself. Colombia taught me the importance of relationships. They are a priority. Often times in the US it is easy to get lost in a job or material things, but in Colombia what matters most is the connection and gift of company to others. Regarding Gods mission, this trip opened my eyes. I see di�erences in the enjoyment and passion of the church of Colombia while in the US church becomes a task only lasting for an hour. Coming back to the US, I feel God wants me to spread the experience of Colombia so that others may feel inspired to go and that we as a church continue to support Colombia".

"As the body of Christ, we as the church are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of creation. The relationship that has been built between First Lutheran and IELCO is an important part of our mission outreach. First Lutheran congregation has engaged the call to support what until December 2015 was Leadership & Development LIZWAN and it is now a full 501C-3 USA mission organization, Emmaus

Road Ministries. In Colombia The Emmaus Road Foundation is the sister organization of Emmaus Road Ministries.

Over the years, First Lutheran's Evangelism, Mission, and Outreach Board has continued to support IELCO ministries as well as Pastor Natanael Lizarazo as our congregation missio-nary to Colombia. First Lutheran was instrumental to fund and develop Casa Emmaus, the house of hospitality located in the IELCO o�ce building, providing secure and comfortable accommodations while visiting in Colombia. However, the most in�uential and e�ective part of our relationship has been to send groups of First Lutheran Church members to Colombia to see the hand of God at work in a beautiful place, �lled with beautiful people, but a country gripped by the e�ects of war and con�ict. It is in coming to this country that allows us to engage the mission of IELCO, a small part of the body of Christ with big ways it reaches people in Colombia. We have also developed strong friendships, and it is always a bles-sing to spend time with them. I thank God for getting to experience this �rst-hand, encouraging faith, allowing us to tell the story of this amazing place and people. We continue to pray that peace would come to this land and for its people. Thanks be to God".

"I keep coming back because of the beautiful people. They have such a deep faith, are very hospitable, have passion for their work and love their country. I also enjoy building the relationships with the people of Colombia and IELCO".

"I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet so many disciples of Jesus in Colombia that serve the people and the people of Colombia �lled with so much hope and joy even while facing so many troubles in their lives". Jean Ho�, �rst time parti-cipant.

Finally, like in the wedding at Cana in Galilee, we save the best wine for last. We are truly thankful to our beloved friend Marnie for her ongoing joy in organizing these mission trips. Here she shares with us all the ongoing reason she keeps returning to Colombia, this trip being her sixth time among us in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia!

"Seeing God's church alive and well in Colombia is the main reasons we continue to bring missionary groups! The passion and love Colom-bian people of all ages, particularly the youth, have for the church is inspiring and awesome".

Judging from these �rst-hand experiences, it is quite evident that these people to people mission relationships do have amazing trans-forming power to mutually engage our faith, our lives and to empower us for joyful participation in God's mission. Thus our ongoing commitment to facilitate such encounters and to be open to the ever-new guidance of the Holy Spirit! Praise God from whom all blessings �ow! Indeed! Thanks be to God!

Important Ministry Transition for Pastors Natanael Lizara-zo and Barbara Wangness: We take this opportunity to announce the ministry transition for Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin Texas. Pastor Natanael will be serving on a half-time capacity begin-ning September 1, 2016. This moves provides Pastors Natanael & Barbara the precious opportunity to live in the same city

with their daughter Alicia and to be closer to Colom-bia where Pastor Natanael also serves on a half-time capacity as missionary with The Emmaus Road Foundation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Speaking about transitions, we thank God for the joyful celebration First Lutheran organized on August 14th as a tangible way to send o� Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Austin with heart-felt prayers and blessings. We are equally thankful for the gathering of colorful and valuable new clothing supplies for children and elders here in Colombia. Your kindness and mission generosity is highly valued and appreciated.

Finally, in celebration of the recently announced Peace Agree-ment between the Colombian Government and the Rebel Group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia most commonly known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish, we share these two photos from the leading Newspaper of Bogota, El Tiempo.

In our humble way, as The Emmaus Road Foundation, Emmaus Road Ministries and Evangelical

Lutheran Church of Colombia, we will continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in word and deed - as the solid foundation for reconciliation, for lasting peace and abundant life for all! We need your prayers and solidarity!

In real and highly symbolic actions, delegations of the Colombian government and members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia FARC shake hands and plant a tree! May this tree take deep roots in the fertile Colombian soil and grow to its full potential!

Important change of address: E�ective September 1, 2016 the new address for Emmaus Road Ministries is this: 1703 Deer�eld Drive, Austin, TX 78741. The phone will remain the same as 605-261-7450 and the new

E-mail will be [email protected]. Feel free to communicate with us at any time.

We invite your ongoing prayers for:

* A positive response of the people of Colombia via their vote for the �nal approval of the Historical Peace Agreement. This historical vote will take place October 2, 2016.

* Fresh new hope and action commitment for the Lutheran Church of Colombia and its holistic ministries to serve the new Colombian context as agents of reconciliation. This new situation opens amazing opportunities as well as challenges for all Christian churches.

* Ongoing mission generosity to support the missionary work of Pastor Natanael Lizarazo. Particularly at this historical time such missionary work is critically and vitally important to the mission work and witness of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Feel free to communicate with us either here in Colombia or in the United States. In Colombia we can be reached via email at [email protected] and via cellular phone at 312-531-9583. In the United States we can be reached via E-mail at [email protected] and via phone at 605-261-7450. Feel free to share our mission story with friends, families and congregations.

In Christ’s love,

Stella Lizarazo Executive Director Emmaus Road Foundation – Colombia

Farewell celebration at First Lutheran Church! Sending o� Pastors Natanael and Barbara with blessings and heart-felt prayers! Thank you First Lutheran Church!

Integral to our time in Colombia, we worshipped at San Lucas Lutheran Church in Ciudad Kennedy and in New Life Lutheran Church in Northern Bogota. We thank Je� for preaching these two Sundays. We also had the unique opportunity to be welcomed in homes of Lutheran families, enjoy their amazing hospitality and be deeply moved by the personal stories of their faithfulness and joy for the Gospel. Obviously, delicious food was always present!

From the O�ce of the Lutheran World Federation in Colombia First Lutheran Group learned the current socio-political context and the signi�cant opportunities and challenges posed by the imminent signing of a "Peace Agreement" between the Colombian Government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish. We are delighted to announce that as of August 23rd, a Peace Agreement has been accomplished!

Given the fact that Colombia represents the longest unresolved con�ict and worst humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemis-phere as well as the country with the highest internally displaced population in the world - about 6.9 million Colombians internally displaced from their homes - this historical Peace Agreement is joyfully and hopefully welcomed.

Thanks God indeed! We now pray that the 60-year long and dark night of violence experienced by our country may give place to the dawning of a new day for the su�e-ring yet hopeful people of Colombia

Other learning opportunities included visiting an elementary school in the socially challenged area of Soacha in Southern Bogota, one block away from where the Good Samaritan Center for ministry among the elderly also exists. Quite an eye-opening and transforming experience to visit both places and to interact with both children and elders. With this school we shared school supplies brought to Bogota by the First Lutheran Church group. Thanks First Lutheran!

With the elders of the Good Samaritan Center First Lutheran Church shared the gift of needed groceries to take home such as rice, oil, vegetables, beans, sugar and canned foods which the elders so gratefully received. Among these joyful and hospitable elders we participated in a meaningful devotional, learned about their daily ministry, shared a meal with them and danced together. Yes! We danced together at the rhythm of God's joyful mercy. Complementing these learning opportunities, we also were deeply moved by our visit to the True Vine Ministry with people with cognitive and hearing disabilities. There too we prayed and danced together.

Staying at Casa Emmaus at the Headquarters of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia First Lutheran group interacted with IELCO's sta�, the Emmaus Road Foundation sta�, participated in a meaningful devotional, produced a half-hour radio program and learned �rst-hand about the di�erent ministries through which the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia holistically proclaims and lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Toward the end of the trip we visited a ministry among teenagers in the poor area of Caracoli where the Lutheran Church is empowering young girls to resist the many temptations present in such a place, particularly for these young women. Finally we traveled outside Bogota to Guatavita, the Legendary Lagoon of El Dorado story. It was indeed such a wonderful ecological and sense-awakening visit. Amazingly, God smiled on us with a vivid and beau-tiful rainbow!

The personal re�ections of the group participants - which now we share - show the promising transfor-mations, revelations and epiphanies encountered during these brief yet fruitful days in Colombia. Sadie goes �rst.

"There are many di�erences between the Church in Colombia versus the US. One of the biggest di�erences I see is the involvement of the youth. The youth lead worship and are leaders in the church. I would love to see this become more evident in the US. Also I enjoyed the mission projects of the church. We saw this in Caracoli and Soacha. The church is deeply involved in the community serving others.

Oh goodness, this trip taught me so much about myself. Colombia taught me the importance of relationships. They are a priority. Often times in the US it is easy to get lost in a job or material things, but in Colombia what matters most is the connection and gift of company to others. Regarding Gods mission, this trip opened my eyes. I see di�erences in the enjoyment and passion of the church of Colombia while in the US church becomes a task only lasting for an hour. Coming back to the US, I feel God wants me to spread the experience of Colombia so that others may feel inspired to go and that we as a church continue to support Colombia".

"As the body of Christ, we as the church are called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of creation. The relationship that has been built between First Lutheran and IELCO is an important part of our mission outreach. First Lutheran congregation has engaged the call to support what until December 2015 was Leadership & Development LIZWAN and it is now a full 501C-3 USA mission organization, Emmaus

Road Ministries. In Colombia The Emmaus Road Foundation is the sister organization of Emmaus Road Ministries.

Over the years, First Lutheran's Evangelism, Mission, and Outreach Board has continued to support IELCO ministries as well as Pastor Natanael Lizarazo as our congregation missio-nary to Colombia. First Lutheran was instrumental to fund and develop Casa Emmaus, the house of hospitality located in the IELCO o�ce building, providing secure and comfortable accommodations while visiting in Colombia. However, the most in�uential and e�ective part of our relationship has been to send groups of First Lutheran Church members to Colombia to see the hand of God at work in a beautiful place, �lled with beautiful people, but a country gripped by the e�ects of war and con�ict. It is in coming to this country that allows us to engage the mission of IELCO, a small part of the body of Christ with big ways it reaches people in Colombia. We have also developed strong friendships, and it is always a bles-sing to spend time with them. I thank God for getting to experience this �rst-hand, encouraging faith, allowing us to tell the story of this amazing place and people. We continue to pray that peace would come to this land and for its people. Thanks be to God".

"I keep coming back because of the beautiful people. They have such a deep faith, are very hospitable, have passion for their work and love their country. I also enjoy building the relationships with the people of Colombia and IELCO".

"I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet so many disciples of Jesus in Colombia that serve the people and the people of Colombia �lled with so much hope and joy even while facing so many troubles in their lives". Jean Ho�, �rst time parti-cipant.

Finally, like in the wedding at Cana in Galilee, we save the best wine for last. We are truly thankful to our beloved friend Marnie for her ongoing joy in organizing these mission trips. Here she shares with us all the ongoing reason she keeps returning to Colombia, this trip being her sixth time among us in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia!

"Seeing God's church alive and well in Colombia is the main reasons we continue to bring missionary groups! The passion and love Colom-bian people of all ages, particularly the youth, have for the church is inspiring and awesome".

Judging from these �rst-hand experiences, it is quite evident that these people to people mission relationships do have amazing trans-forming power to mutually engage our faith, our lives and to empower us for joyful participation in God's mission. Thus our ongoing commitment to facilitate such encounters and to be open to the ever-new guidance of the Holy Spirit! Praise God from whom all blessings �ow! Indeed! Thanks be to God!

Important Ministry Transition for Pastors Natanael Lizara-zo and Barbara Wangness: We take this opportunity to announce the ministry transition for Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Austin Texas. Pastor Natanael will be serving on a half-time capacity begin-ning September 1, 2016. This moves provides Pastors Natanael & Barbara the precious opportunity to live in the same city

with their daughter Alicia and to be closer to Colom-bia where Pastor Natanael also serves on a half-time capacity as missionary with The Emmaus Road Foundation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Speaking about transitions, we thank God for the joyful celebration First Lutheran organized on August 14th as a tangible way to send o� Pastors Natanael and Barbara to Austin with heart-felt prayers and blessings. We are equally thankful for the gathering of colorful and valuable new clothing supplies for children and elders here in Colombia. Your kindness and mission generosity is highly valued and appreciated.

Finally, in celebration of the recently announced Peace Agree-ment between the Colombian Government and the Rebel Group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia most commonly known as FARC by their acronym in Spanish, we share these two photos from the leading Newspaper of Bogota, El Tiempo.

In our humble way, as The Emmaus Road Foundation, Emmaus Road Ministries and Evangelical

Lutheran Church of Colombia, we will continue proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ - in word and deed - as the solid foundation for reconciliation, for lasting peace and abundant life for all! We need your prayers and solidarity!

Both the Emmaus Road Foundation (Colombia) as well as Emmaus Road Ministries (United States) are legally established as 501C-3 nonpro�t organizations. All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law!

Important change of address: E�ective September 1, 2016 the new address for Emmaus Road Ministries is this: 1703 Deer�eld Drive, Austin, TX 78741. The phone will remain the same as 605-261-7450 and the new

E-mail will be [email protected]. Feel free to communicate with us at any time.

We invite your ongoing prayers for:

* A positive response of the people of Colombia via their vote for the �nal approval of the Historical Peace Agreement. This historical vote will take place October 2, 2016.

* Fresh new hope and action commitment for the Lutheran Church of Colombia and its holistic ministries to serve the new Colombian context as agents of reconciliation. This new situation opens amazing opportunities as well as challenges for all Christian churches.

* Ongoing mission generosity to support the missionary work of Pastor Natanael Lizarazo. Particularly at this historical time such missionary work is critically and vitally important to the mission work and witness of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia.

Feel free to communicate with us either here in Colombia or in the United States. In Colombia we can be reached via email at [email protected] and via cellular phone at 312-531-9583. In the United States we can be reached via E-mail at [email protected] and via phone at 605-261-7450. Feel free to share our mission story with friends, families and congregations.

In Christ’s love,

Stella Lizarazo Executive Director Emmaus Road Foundation – Colombia