Empower & Evolve Magazine

Empower & EVOLVE Edition #1 EMPOWERING BELIEFS TO LIVE BY TODAY Is your life what you imagined it would be? How you can stand with confidence and stand out from the crowd. YOUR BUSINESS FRIEND OR FOE? SOCIAL MEDIA BENEFITS Dealing with Setbacks (Hint: It’s NOT What You’re Thinking...) BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Alisa J. Green alisajgreen.com 862-955-2610

Transcript of Empower & Evolve Magazine

Page 1: Empower & Evolve Magazine

Empower & EVOLVE

Edition #1


Is your life what you imagined it would be?

How you can stand with confidence and stand out from the crowd.




Dealing with Setbacks

(Hint: It’s NOT What You’re Thinking...)


Alisa J. Green alisajgreen.com 862-955-2610

Page 2: Empower & Evolve Magazine



1. Your experiences are shaped by your thinking.

Even obstacles have a value when you can see

it. You can develop convictions that will help

you to feel happier and achieve more,

regardless of the situation.

• Consider these empowering beliefs that you

can start using today to transform your life

through the power of positive thinking.

2. I understand my potential. You can achieve

amazing results when you put your mind to it.

Feel excited about reaching your true potential.

3. I count my blessings. List each thing that you

have to be grateful for. Remember to include

the smaller items, like warm socks or tart

cranberries. Expressing your appreciation

reminds you of how rich you are.

4. I learn from mistakes. You can make setbacks

work for you by focusing on the lessons that

they contain. Flubbing one job interview can

teach you how to ace the next one.

5. I find meaning in adversity. Tough times can be

the most rewarding phase of your life. Know

that you can emerge from any challenge with

greater wisdom and courage. Look back at the

obstacles you've already overcome, and

reassure yourself that you can handle what's



1. I take responsibility. You are in charge of your

life. Hold yourself accountable for the

outcomes you create. Celebrate the fact that

you have the power to determine your own


2. I apply effort. Figure out your definition of

success so you know what is worth working for.

Give yourself credit when you're making

progress rather than comparing yourself to


3. I leverage my strengths. You have your own

individual strengths that you can draw on.

Figure out what you're good at and what you

want to do. Let that knowledge guide your


SUCCESS TIP OF THE DAYPaint Tracks Towards Your Desired Destination Without goals, you will get lost in the jungle of life. Although you may reach your destination, the means of reaching it might not be within the standard of your morals. Reach your goals guilt free and swiftly. Remember that everyone has goals of their own, be sure to openly communicate them with others.

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An upbeat attitude increases your happiness and productivity. Question your old assumptions so you can replace them with a new sense of certainty about yourself and your future. Adopt empowering beliefs that build up your confidence and prepare you for greater success. Start today. You'll be glad you did!

Page 3: Empower & Evolve Magazine


This may seem like a weird way to boost confidence

at first glance, but trust me, it works like a charm.

We tend to lose our confidence in ourselves and our

abilities when a task, problem, job, or situation

overwhelms us. We can’t grasp it all and the endless

list of things that need to be done seems like too

much to tackle. So don’t.


Take Baby Steps

Keep working away, taking little baby steps at a time

until everything is done and you’ve reached your

goal. Your confidence will naturally grow with each

task you complete and each step you take.

Take A Look At How Far You’ve Come

Take a close look at how much you’ve accomplished

in life already. Looking back at what you’ve done will

boost your confidence. If that sounds familiar, it’s

intentional. One of the reasons why the last strategy

worked so well is because it also makes you look

back. Frankly, there’s just no better way to boost

your confidence.

Keep Looking

So when you’re looking at something smaller, or

something that can’t easily be broken up into baby

steps, spend a little time reflecting on all the

amazing things you’ve done. Dig out some pictures,

look at your photos, or curl up with your journal,

read through it and revisit all your past

accomplishments. With that boost of confidence

you’ll be ready for whatever life brings.


Confidence takes work, if you continue to belief in

your own power, your confidence will fly through the

roof. Accept yourself, accept all of your

imperfections. Let go of the need to be perfect,

confidence is the stepping stone to your success.

I believe in the power of confidence, I also believe

that you should know yourself.

Keep an ongoing lists of all of your strengths and

capabilities. List all of your qualities and embrace

them. Wake up in the morning with all of the good

inside of you and and be sure to keep yourself

motivated by keeping your word to yourself by

honoring your list of things to do.

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Some factors in bolstering self-confidence may be

beyond your control, but there are some very tangible

things that you can do as well. Using these tips will

help you reach your full potential as a successful and

confident person. Having more confidence allows

you stop stand out from the crowd!


✓ Dress confidently.

✓ Be grateful

✓ Exercise regularly

✓ Don't be afraid to speak up.

✓ Take a chance and try something new.

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Page 5: Empower & Evolve Magazine

Empowerment Tools for Today’s Woman

Mistakes That Can Cause Disaster in Your New Business

Starting and running your own business can be very lucrative and fulfilling. It's also very challenging. Most small businesses fail. It's necessary to avoid the common pitfalls of small business ownership if you want to experience success.

Most small businesses face considerable financial challenges at first. Ensure that you're not making avoidable errors. Educate yourself before taking the plunge.

1.Small business owners can avoid many of the mistakes that lead to disaster: Failing to listen to customers. Find out why customers buy your product or service and why they don't. Customer feedback is imperative.

* Too many small business owners are so in love with a particular idea that they refuse to change to accommodate the market. Your customers are your best source of information. Conduct surveys or ask informal questions. Be flexible and change your approach when the feedback dictates it.

2. Weak leadership. It isn't necessary to be Attila the Hun, but small businesses require strong leadership. The typical employee in a small business often isn't considered qualified by larger firms. You'll frequently be faced with employees with limitations. Your leadership is necessary to drive and inspire them.

3. Undercapitalization. When you barely have enough money to keep your business afloat, any small mishap can disastrous. You're also forced to do anything you can in the short-term to pay your bills. That's a poor way to run and grow a business. Ensure you have the funds you need to get your idea off the ground.

4. Not understanding the importance of marketing. New business owners are often convinced that their idea is so amazing that marketing is secondary. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most businesses need to spend around 15% of their annual revenue on marketing to survive. This amount can drop as the business gains traction.* Small businesses need a marketing budget. When planning your business, ensure you have the funds necessary to let the world know that you exist.

Running a small business requires a wide range of skills. With so many hats to wear, mistakes are common. It's not necessary to be perfect, but the biggest mistakes can be avoided. Making a critical mistake can spell the end for your company. Learn about the critical errors business owners make and make plans to avoid them and remember business is your friend!

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Page 6: Empower & Evolve Magazine

Social media sites have become an integral part of

your marketing strategy online.

You can capture new leads and build a core

community of loyal customers, all by leveraging

Facebook, Twitter, Periscope and LinkedIn.

1. Connect on Facebook. The audience is huge but

so is the competition for attention. Create a

Facebook Page for your business and

proactively build your fan base. Invest the time

and resources needed to keep them engaged.

★ With careful cultivation, you can also keep in

touch with influential bloggers and press,

network with key partners, and stay

connected with your best customers.

★ While you’re at it, promote your special

events and buy some inexpensive, yet

effective Facebook ads.

★ Keep an eye on how e-commerce options

evolve on Facebook.

2.Share information on Twitter. Twitter is ideal for

getting information out to a large audience, but

it’s important to be careful in how you interact

with your followers.

★ While you can post links to your site or

special offers, you’ll also want to provide

relevant information, tips, or commentary to

balance the promotional messages.

★ Search Twitter for people in your local area

and follow other users you admire.

3. Make new business connections on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is all business. You can expand your

professional network, ask other users to

recommend your services, and enhance your

company’s visibility.

★ Use the group discussion and question

features to consult with colleagues in your


Each of these social media sites has different

strengths. Use them in combination to market your

business effectively.

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Page 7: Empower & Evolve Magazine

TRACKING YOUR MARKETING The first step in determining whether your

marketing is making you money is to track its

results. This means finding out where paying

customers are finding you. It may sound difficult,

but there are ways to do it.

Tracking your customers. It’s actually pretty easy if

you're doing business online. You can add tracking

codes to your URLs to signify where each customer

came from. Or you can create separate pages for

each of your campaigns. Then you can simply view

your web stats and see which customers came

from where.

In the offline world, finding out how your customers

found you can be a little trickier. You can always

ask if you see them in person, but if you have other

people serving customers for you, they may neglect

to do so. You can also ask how customers found

out about your business on mail order forms, but

they may or may not answer. Still, it's important to

make the effort. If you ask every customer, you

should get enough answers for it to be useful.

Crunching the numbers.Once you have determined

how much you've made from a campaign and how

many customers you have versus how many

prospects, you can start analyzing your data.

For more information on tracking your marketing


Setbacks are a fact of life. If you're not planning for

them, then you're not thinking realistically about where

you're going. A sure way to handle any setback, is to to

accept that they happen, as well as to let them happen.

While this might seem to be ridiculous or even

dangerous advice, the fact remains that setbacks are

how we learn, or at least how we should be learning. As

odd as it may seem, when you allow setbacks to occur,

you prevent future setbacks by learning to avoid them.

Think about the last time you learned any new skill.

Better yet, think about learning how to ride a bike, or

ski or skate. The first time you attempted any of these

things you were awful at it. In fact, you were probably

awful at any of them for quite some time. You were

also very likely afraid, not only before and during your

initial attempt, but also before and during each

subsequent attempt, again for quite some time. You

probably fell down, a lot. You also probably hurt

yourself, perhaps seriously. If you think back on it

honestly, learning any or all of these new skills was, in

the beginning, a series of setbacks.

If you bring that same mindset to any adversity you

currently face, you will continue your record of

success. Every experience, new or familiar, comes with

the potential for error. When you see that the mistakes

you make are actually signposts on the road to

success, you become unstoppable.

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