EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization...


Transcript of EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization...

Page 1: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.


Page 2: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European

exploration and colonization on various

world regions.

Page 3: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION Why did European nations

build colonial empires in Africa, Asia, the

Americas, and Australia?

Page 4: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

The countries of Portugal, Spain,

England, and France led the exploration and

colonization movement and built individual empires across the

Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia.

Page 5: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.


Page 6: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

Portugal led the way in exploration. This small country on the western edge of Europe was a land of experienced

sailors who had traveled the seas in search of trade for centuries.

Page 7: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

Portuguese monarchs like Prince Henry the Navigator understood

their country’s dependence on the sea and eagerly financed exploration ventures.

Page 8: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

First, the Portuguese explored the west coast of Africa and established trade in

gold and slaves.

Page 9: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

In 1497, Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama sailed around the Cape of

Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa and continued to India. He and his crew were the 1st Europeans to

reach India by sea.

Page 10: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

Next the Portuguese established settlements in Brazil in South America. Brazil provided gold and

sugar to Portugal.

Page 11: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

By the 1600s, Portugal had established trading posts in important coastal areas

of Africa and Asia. Portugal was more

interested in trade than in taking over a land and its


Page 12: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.


Page 13: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

____ 1. Portugal’s rulers had no interest in exploration or in using the seas for trade.

____2. Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama and his crew were the first Europeans to reach India by sea.

____3. Brazil was colonized by Spain.

____4. Portugal was more interested in conquering a land and its people than in trade.





Page 14: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.


Page 15: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

Spain’s exploration and colonization was led by the voyage of Italian Christopher Columbus in 1492.

Page 16: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

Columbus reached the Caribbean Islands in

an effort to reach Asia by a new route.

Page 17: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

In 1519, Spain financed the voyage of Portuguese

explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who headed south and west,

rounding the tip of South America and finally reaching the Philippine Islands after 18

months at sea.

Page 18: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.
Page 19: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

Magellan died there, but his crew returned home after sailing around the entire world and proving

that the earth was round!

Page 20: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

Spanish explorers soon conquered the powerful Inca and Aztec empires in what is now Peru and


Page 21: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

They established colonies and began building and Spanish empire, which eventually became the largest and strongest of

the colonial empires.

Page 22: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

The Spanish made a lot of money from the gold and silver they found in the

Americas and used much of it finance military wars and buy Asian spices, silk

and cloth.

Page 23: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

Spreading the Catholic religion was an

important part of Spanish colonization.

Page 24: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

In the late 1400s and early 1500s, Spain also established a few small settlements along the North African coast to

protect their trade interests and claimed a group of islands in the western Pacific where

natives had killed Ferdinand Magellan in


Page 25: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

Spain named those islands the

Philippines for Spain’s King Philip


Page 26: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.


Page 27: EMPIRE BUILDING. SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.

____ 1. Christopher Columbus stumbled upon the Caribbean Islands when he was trying to find a new route to Asia.

____2. The journey of Magellan and his crew proved that the earth was round.

____3. The Philippine Islands were named for a Spanish queen.

____4. Spain’s colonial empire included what is now Mexico, Peru, and the Philippine Islands.

____5. Spain established a large settlement in southern Africa to protect its trade interests.