EMP Approved by IFC

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  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Environmental Management Plan

    Document No: :

    Revision No:

    Last Revised:

    Approved or !se:"eneral #anager$

    Arican #ining Services

    Registered %op& No':

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    Table of Contents


    %#& SCOPE N' P(!POSE####################################################################################)

    1.1 Objectives of the EMP..............................................................................................................................4

    1.2 Environmental Policy Statement........................................................................................................... ..41.2.1 African Mining Services....................................................................................................................4

    *#& EN+,!ONMENTL MNGEMENT PLNN,NG##############################################-

    2.1 EMP Checklist...........................................................................................................................................5

    2.2 Environmental Compliance Criteria.......................................................................................................5

    2. Environmental !spects an" #mpacts.......................................................................................................$

    2.4 Environmental Objectives an" %ar&ets...................................................................................................'

    2.5 Contin(o(s #mprovement !ction Plan................................................................................................ ....'

    $#& EN+,!ONMENTL MNGEMENT . S(/ PLNS##########################################0

    .1 )eneral.......................................................................................................................................................*

    .2 Mana&ement S(b+Plan Proce"(res Matri,..........................................................................................1-

    )#& CONT!OLS######################################################################################################%%

    4.1 Monitorin&.............................................................................................................................................. .11

    4.2 Process Control........................................................................................................................................12

    4. Environmental #nci"ent eports an" Complaints e&ister.................................................... .......12

    EN+,!ONMENTL ,NC,'ENTS################################################################################%*

    ,NC,'ENT !EPO!TS N' COMPL,NTS !EG,STE!###########################################%*

    4.4 Monthly eportin&.................................................................................................................................1

    4.5 !("its............................................................................................................................................ .......... .1

    -#& CONT,NGENC,ES N' EME!GENC" !ESPONSE######################################%-

    1#& EN+,!ONMENTL T!,N,NG########################################################################%1

    $.1 Site #n"(ction...........................................................................................................................................1$

    $.2 %rainin& an" !/areness Sessions............................................................................................. ......... ....1$

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age . o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan


    22en3i4 % Arican #ining Services %ontracting +nvironmental (olic&Statement

    22en3i4 * %ontact List22en3i4 $ Responsibilit& or t1e +nvironmental #anagement22en3i4 ) Ris Register22en3i4 - 3b)ectives and *argets22en3i4 1 +nvironmental #anagement Sub4plans22en3i4 5 5aste Stream Flo6 %1art

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age 2 o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan


    bbreviations an3cron6ms7


    A#S Arican #ining Services

    +#3 *1e +nvironmental #anagement 3icer o 7enr& 5aler +ltin Land'75+ 7enr& 5aler +ltin (t& Ltd


    %lient 51ere t1e manual reers to t1e 8client9 t1is s1all be taen to mean'

    %ompan& Arican #ining Services

    %ontinual mprovement (rocess o en1ancing t1e environmental management s&stem to ac1ieveimprovements in overall environmental perormance in line 6it1 t1eorganisation;s environmental polic&'

    +nvironment Surroundings in 61ic1 t1e %ompan& operates$ including air$ 6ater$ land$

    natural resources$ lora$ auna$ 1umans$ and t1eir interrelation+nvironmental Aspect +lement o activities$ products or services t1at can interact 6it1 t1e

    environment' An eample is t1e potential or accidental spillage caused b&t1e 1andling o a 1a=ardous c1emical'

    +nvironmental mpact An& c1ange to t1e environment$ 61et1er adverse or beneicial$ 61oll& orpartiall& resulting rom t1e %ompan&;s activities$ products or services' Aneample is t1e contamination o soil or 6ater caused b& a c1emicalspillage'

    +nvironmental#anagement S&stem+#S?

    *1e part o t1e overall management s&stem t1at includes organisationalstructure$ planning activities$ responsibilities$ practices$ procedures$processes and resources or developing$ implementing$ ac1ieving$revie6ing and maintaining t1e environmental polic&'

    +nvironmental#anagement S&stemAudit

    S&stematic and documented veriication process to ob)ectivel& obtain andevaluate evidence to determine 61et1er t1e %ompan&;s environmentalmanagement s&stem conorms to t1e environmental management s&stemaudit criteria set b& t1e %ompan&$ and communication o t1e results o t1isprocess to management'


    3verall environmental goal$ arising rom t1e environmental polic&$ t1at t1e%ompan& sets itsel to ac1ieve$ and 61ic1 is quantiied 61ere practicable'


    #easurable results o t1e environmental management s&stem$ related tot1e %ompan&;s control o its environmental aspects$ based on itsenvironmental polic&$ ob)ectives and targets'

    +nvironmental (olic& Statement b& t1e %ompan& o its intentions and principles in relation to itsoverall environmental perormance 61ic1 provides a rame6or or action

    and or setting o its environmental ob)ectives and targets'+nvironmental *arget Detailed perormance requirement quantiied 61ere practicable?$

    applicable to t1e %ompan& or parts t1ereo$ t1at arises rom t1eenvironmental ob)ectives and t1at needs to be set and met in order toac1ieve t1ose ob)ectives'

    nterested (art& ndividual or group concerned 6it1 or aected b& t1e environmentalperormance o t1e %ompan&'

    (revention o (ollution !se o processes$ practices$ materials or products t1at avoid$ reduce orcontrol pollution$ 61ic1 ma& include rec&cling$ treatment$ processc1anges$ control mec1anisms$ eicient use o resources and materialsubstitution'

    Supplier@Subcontractors 51ere t1e manual reers to subcontractors or suppliers t1is s1all be taen

    to mean an& supplier o goods or services to Arican #ining Services '

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    *#& Environmental Management Planning

    *#% EMP C8ec9list

    As part o t1e development o t1is +#($ t1ere are a number o elements t1at need to beimplemented b& t1e (ro)ect #anager beore t1e +#( can be ormalised Reer (rocess

    +#S4(R4-,?' *1ese elements are discussed in detail in t1is +#( 61ilst a summar& listis provided belo6' *1e (ro)ect #anager is required to tic o t1ese items in t1ec1eclist Reer Form +#S4F#4-C? 61en t1e& 1ave been completed'

    EMP Element

    +dit +nvironmental %ompliance %riteria

    !ndertae +nvironmental Ris Assessment

    Develop +nvironmental 3b)ectives and *argets

    Develop +nvironmental #anagement Sub4(lans

    Develop Site Speciic +nvironmental nduction

    denti& +nvironmental #onitoring Requirements

    %onduct 5aste Stream Anal&sis

    Develop +nvironmental %ontact List or (ro)ect

    %omplete Sc1edule or (lanned nspections

    Aut1orise and ssue +#(

    *#* Environmental Com2liance Criteria

    *1e ma)or environmental compliance criteria or t1is pro)ect include Legislation$contractual Agreements and Standards'


    Acts$ Regulations and (olicies t1at aect 6ors associated 6it1 t1is pro)ect include:

    Gui3elines an3 Stan3ar3s

    "uidelines and standards t1at aect 6ors associated 6it1 t1is pro)ect include:

    ASNBS S3 ./--.:.CC0 +nvironmental #anagement S&stems Speciication

    6it1 "uidance or use'

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age G o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    ASNBS S3 ./--/:.CC0 +nvironmental #anagement S&stems "eneral

    "uidelines on (rinciples$ S&stems and Supporting *ec1niques'

    ASNBS S3 ./-.-:.CC0 "uidelines or +nvironmental Auditing "eneral


    ASNBS S3 ./-..:.CC0 "uidelines or +nvironmental Auditing Auditing

    (rocedures Auditing o +nvironmental #anagement S&stems'

    ASNBS S3 ./-.2:.CC0 "uidelines or +nvironmental Auditing ualiication

    criteria or environmental auditors'

    7H 2-:2--- +nvironmental Ris #anagement (rinciples and (rocess

    AS .-GG Acoustics Description and #easurement o +nvironmental Noise

    AS .2.0 %lassiication$ 7a=ard dentiication and normation S&stems or

    Dangerous "oods

    AS .2GC Acoustics$ Sound Level #eters'

    AS .C/- *1e Storage and 7andling o Flammable and %ombustible Liquids'

    AS 2.,I'2 !se o +plosives

    AS 2/0 "uide to Noise %ontrol on %onstruction$ #aintenance and Demolition'

    AS 20GC "uide to t1e !se o Sound #easuring +quipment'

    AS G,- #et1ods or Sampling and Anal&sis o Ambient Air'

    Australian %ode or t1e *ransport o Dangerous "oods

    +nvironmental "uidelines or Noise rom Hlasting 4 Do+'

    "uidelines or t1e Assessment o %ontaminated Land 4 Land %1em !nit .CC.

    National Strateg& or ecologicall& Sustainable Development

    National 5ater ualit& "uidelines or Aquatic +cos&stems

    Soil +rosion and Sediment %ontrol 4 +ngineering "uidelines or ueensland

    %onstruction Sites + Aust$ .CC0?

    Ot8er Constraints an3 Parameters

    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic&


    *#$ Environmental s2ects an3 ,m2acts

    A signiicant ob)ective o t1e +nvironmental #anagement (lan is to reduce t1eenvironmental impact b& recognising t1e potentiall& signiicant environmentalaspects o t1e ensuring t1at operational procedures and contingenc&plans are developed$ implemented and regularl& revie6ed' A listing o environmentalaspects and potential environmental impacts 1as been assessed or t1is pro)ect b&a ris assessment reer (rocess +#S4(R4--? and are detailed in 22en3i4 )#

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age 0 o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    *1e signiicant environmental aspects o t1e operation are:

    Dust emissions

    Noise and vibration control

    7&drocarbon spillage;s

    5ater @ Silt +missions

    Storage o materials

    !naut1orised access to (ro1ibited or 7eritage Areas

    (rotection o eisting lora

    Disposal o 6aste

    Disposal o contaminants

    Social Disruption

    +nvironmental #anagement Sub4(lans or eac1 o t1e activities listed above areincluded in 22en3i4 1'

    *#) Environmental Objectives an3 Targets

    *1e +#( proposes various strategies to manage t1e environmental riss associated6it1 t1e pro)ect$ t1ese strategies are provided in Section $#& #anagement Sub4(lans and in t1e Ris Register 22en3i4 )?'

    *1e ob)ectives and targets mae irm commitments or eac1 o t1e variousstrategies outlined in t1e +#( and put or6ard t1e perormance criteria and

    met1ods o measurements t1at are required to meet t1ese ob)ectives and targetsReer (rocess +#S4(R4-2?'

    3b)ectives and targets identiied or t1e pro)ect are included in 22en3i4 -'

    *#- Continuous ,m2rovement ction Plan

    A %ontinuous mprovement Action (lan %A(? 6ill be developed rom recommendations$ regulator& requirements t1e results o an& site inspection @ auditindings to consolidate eac1 o t1e sub4plans and en1ance environmentalperormance and management s&stems or t1e operation Reer (rocess +#S4(R4

    -C?'*1e %A( 6ill provide:

    prioritised sc1edule o implementation o all recommendations$ strategies$

    procedures etc as developed rom t1e above processes

    necessar& resources

    nomination o responsibilities

    *1e (ro)ect #anagerA#S? is responsible or t1e management o t1e %A(' *1is6ill require liaison 6it1 all A#S Supervisors and t1e to ensure nominatedtass are being addressed and eected in accordance 6it1 t1e plan'

    An& item 61ic1 1as been entered onto t1e %A( 6ill remain an action item until it1as been addressed to t1e satisaction o t1e (ro)ect #anager A#S?'

    *1e %A( 6ill be a d&namic process and ma& be revie6ed and updated duringmeetings bet6een and A#S'

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age I o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    3t1er triggers or t1e revie6 and update o t1e %A( are:

    normal @ A#S management meetings

    mont1l& environmental compliance audits

    annual environmental s&stem @ compliance audits

    *1e %A( 6ill be regularl& updated and re4issued in accordance 6it1 an&amendments' Similarl& an& revisions to t1e %A( eecting c1anges to t1e +#( 6illrequire amendments and re4issue o speciic sections? o t1e +#('

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age , o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    $#& Environmental Management . Sub Plans

    $#% General

    dentiied environmental management issues are addressed in t1e +#( b& 6a& odetailed procedures' *1e +#( contains a series o individual +nvironmental

    #anagement sub4plans as set out belo6'

    Air ualit& #anagement

    Noise and Eibration #anagement

    5aste and Litter #anagement

    Surace 5ater and Drainage #anagement

    7&drocarbon and 7a=ardous Substances #anagement

    Flora and Fauna #anagement

    %ultural 7eritage #anagement

    Social Disruption #anagement

    Re1abilitation #anagement

    %ontaminated Soils #anagement

    Acid Sulp1ate Soils #anagement (lan

    Soil Remediation #anagement (lan

    +ac1 sub4plan is comprised o a number o elements$ eac1 6it1 an overallassociated management polic&$ mec1anisms or polic& implementation$ proposedmonitoring programmes and potential corrective actions' (rocess +#S4(R4.. to+#S4(R422 provide t1e mec1anism or t1e development o t1e environmentalmanagement sub4plans'

    *1e sub4plans or t1is pro)ect are included in 22en3i4 1'

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age C o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    $#* Management Sub.Plan Proce3ures Matri4

    *1e table set out belo6 is a quic reerence tool t1at demonstrates 61ic1 environmentalmanagement procedures are associated 6it1 t1e environmental #anagement Sub4(lans ort1e ' '

    Environmental Management Proce3ures

    Management Sub.Plans
















    +#S4(R4-- Ris Assessment

    +#S4(R4-. Legal and ot1er requirements

    +#S4(R4-2 +nvironmental 3b)ectives and *argets

    +#S4(R4- +nvironmental nduction and *raining

    +#S4(R4-/ %orporate Reporting

    +#S4(R4-G Site Hased Reporting

    +#S4(R4-0 +nvironmental ncident Reporting

    +#S4(R4-I +nvironmental *ender

    +#S4(R4-, +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    +#S4(R4-C %ontinuous mprovement Action (lan

    +#S4(R4.- +nvironmental #onitoring

    +#S4(R4.. Development o 5aste #anagement (lan

    +#S4(R4.2Development o 7a=ardous Substancesand Dangerous "oods #anagement (lan

    +#S4(R4.Development o Storm6ater @ +rosion andSediment %ontrol #anagement (lan

    +#S4(R4./Development o Flora and Fauna#anagement (lan

    +#S4(R4.GDevelopment o %ultural 7eritage

    #anagement (lan

    +#S4(R4.0 Land Disturbance

    +#S4(R4.IDevelopment o Air ualit& #anagement(lan

    +#S4(R4.,Development o Noise and Eibration#anagement (lan

    +#S4(R4.CDevelopment o Re1abilitation#anagement (lan

    +#S4(R42-Development o %ontaminated Soils#anagement (lan

    +#S4(R42.Development o Acid Sulp1ate Soils#anagement (lan

    +#S4(R422Development o Soil Remediation#anagement (lan

    +#S4(R42 Site +nvironmental nspections +#S4(R42/ %orporate +nvironmental Auditing

    +#S4(R42G +#S Revie6

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age .- o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    )#& Controls

    %ontrol o t1e s&stems and processes to be utilised in t1e environmental management o apro)ect is addressed t1roug1 a number o mec1anisms including monitoring$ audits$ processc1eclists and reporting'

    Ad1erence to t1e control mec1anisms o t1e A#S +#($ and t1e entire #anagement S&stemis essential or t1e successul operation o our business'

    )#% Monitoring

    #onitoring o t1e environmental aspects identiied in t1e +nvironmental #anagementStrategies provides an indicator o t1e success o our strategies' As a result$ t1roug1monitoring our perormance 6e veri& our ad1erence to t1e imposed constraints andidenti& elements 61ere improvement is necessar&' Summaries o t1e monitoring programsor t1e are presented belo6' '


    Monitoring 'ail6




  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan


    Monitoring 'ail6




  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    )#) Mont8l6 !e2orting

    *1e mont1l& report consolidates our e& perormance indicators or t1e pro)ect sites anddocuments e& areas o our environmental program ie' training @ induction$ environmentalincidents$ environmental auditing$ 6aste management? 61ic1 A#S report as part o annualpublic annual environmental report' *1e report allo6s consistenc& in site based reportingand t1e data generated rom t1e eercise assists man& o A#S;s clients 6it1 preparation ot1eir annual environmental reports'

    *1e process and procedure +#S4(R4-G? or Site Hased Reporting can be ound in t1e(rocedures #anual'

    )#- u3its

    +nvironmental Audits are conducted to ensure t1at activities are undertaen in a mannerconsistent 6it1 t1e pro)ect planning$ contract and legislative requirements and are

    conducted in accordance 6it1 process +#S4(R42/'

    *1ree levels o environmental auditing are to be utilised' *1e& are:

    Dail& inspections b& area supervisor'+nvironmental internal inspection b& (ro)ect #anager A#S? or nominee'Annual eternal audit b& +nvironmental #anagement 3icer A#S? or as ot1er6iserequired'

    Dail& nspections

    t is t1e responsibilit& o all A#S emplo&ees and subcontractors to ensure t1at t1eir 6or

    areas are tid& and t1at activities are undertaen in a manner consistent 6it1 t1e contractand legislative requirements'

    normal environmental inspection c1ecs o t1eir 6or area 6ill be undertaen dail& b&emplo&ees and area supervisors' *1e ollo6ing observations are entered onto t1esupervisor;s and@or engineer;s dail& s1it report @ diar&'

    +nvironmental ncidentsDust and 6ater usage or dust suppression5aste and litter controlsSite drainage and erosion controls

    For items requiring attention$ t1e appropriate +nvironmental processes s1all be applied'

    *1e +nvironmental ncident Report process report 6ill be ollo6ed or an& environmentalincident and a cop& o t1is report 6ill be maintained on t1e +nvironmental ncident Register'

    nternal +nvironmental nspections

    Site management A#S? 6ill$ at nominated intervals$ conduct a ormalised internalenvironmental compliance inspection' Non4compliances 6ill be recorded on t1e %A(register and 6ill remain an active item until resolved'

    +nvironmental nspections are incorporated in to t1e site;s Active Sae (lanned nspections'

    *1e inspections are denoted b& a lea s&mbol' *1e requenc& o inspections are identiiedbelo6'

    Planne3 ,ns2ections

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age . o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    Element =re;uenc6 of ,ns2ection

    Hatc1ing or Hlending (lants Hul %ombustible Liquid Storage

    De46atering (onds or 5ater *reatment (onds

    +mergenc& (reparedness +plosives and Hlasting 7aul Roads and #inor Roads

    7a=ardous Substance %ontrol Landill 3perations

    La&do6n Area #aintenance

    3perations nspections

    Re1abilitation and Landscape Areas Revegetation

    R3#@%rus1ing@Screening (lant Sediment and +rosion %ontrol nspection

    Speciic (rocedures *opsoil and 3verburden Stocpiles

    Ee1icle 5as1do6n Facilities 5or Areas and Huildings


    Site management 6ill also reer to t1e pro)ects Saet& #anagement (lan to ensure t1ere isconsistenc& in t1e requenc& o inspection'

    E4ternal Environmental u3its

    An eternal environmental management s&stems and compliance audit ma& be undertaenduring t1e course o t1e pro)ect' *1e audit 6ill involve due diligence and p1&sical conditionaspects' A#S eternal environmental auditors or t1e (ro)ect 6ill be accredited t1roug1t1e Register o %ertiied Auditors R%A? 4 ualit& Societ& o Australasia SA?'

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age ./ o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Arican #ining Services :

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan

    1#& Environmental Training

    *raining or environmental management occurs or all Arican #ining Services +mplo&ees'*1e degree o training is dependent upon t1e role t1at 6ill be ulilled to matc1 t1eresponsibilit& level associated 6it1 a position' *1e education o Arican #ining Services

    sta occurs t1roug1 t1ree primar& mediums'

    "eneral Arican #ining Services organised training(ro)ect level and pro)ect speciic organised trainingnormal peer training and mentoring

    *1e primar& site based mec1anisms are outlined belo6 and consist o site inductions andtraining and a6areness sessions'

    1#% Site ,n3uction

    All Arican #ining Services emplo&ees and subcontractors are required to attend a siteinduction prior to commencing duties at t1e (ro)ect' +nvironmental #anagement isincluded as part o t1e induction process' "eneral ssues covered in t1e environmentalcomponent o t1e induction are:

    A#S +nvironmental (olic& StatementA#S Husiness S&stems (lanA#S (ro)ect +#(A#S and individual responsibilities"eneral Site ssuesReporting (rocedures 4 incidents

    *1e induction process is undertaen b& t1e (ro)ect #anagerA#S? or a nominee and ne6emplo&ees @ contractors are required to acno6ledge t1eir attendance at t1e induction andacceptance o t1eir environmental responsibilities b& 6a& o signing a register oattendance' Duties cannot commence until t1is process is eecuted'

    1#* Training an3 areness Sessions

    n addition to t1e general site induction$ urt1er environmental training ma& be required orspeciic tass carried out b& t1e 6ororce'

    *1e training @ a6areness 6ill be a combination o ormal group sessions and inormal small

    group 4 sessions ie' toolbo meetings?'

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./ (age .0 o .0

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    App 1 African Mining Services Environmental Policy

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    22en3i4 * . Contact List

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan


    ?EN!" :L@E! ELT,N LN'


    "eneral #anager *revor Lambert (1one: 0. , ,22 /C/C

    Fa: 0. , ,22 G.+nvironmental #anagement3icer

    David Hlaland (1one: 0. I 0I 2222Fa: 0. I 0I II

    +nvironmental #anagementAssistant

    Rebecca Smit1 (1one: 0. I 0I 2222Fa: 0. I 0I II

    =!,CN M,N,NG SE!+,CES


    "eneral #anager

    3perations #anager

    (ro)ect #anager

    Site +nvironmentalRepresentative



    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    22en3i4 $ . !es2onsibilit6 for t8e Environmental Management

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan












    Set t1e %ompan& environmental management ob)ectives and issues t1e%ompan& (olic& on +nvironmental #anagement

    Aut1orise t1e issue o all +nvironmental #anagement S&stemDocumentation'

    Develop$ operate and maintain t1e +nvironmental #anagement (lantemplate

    +nsure due diligence is eercised b& establis1ing s&stems to ensurecompliance 6it1 t1e +#(

    Develop and issue t1e Site Speciic +#( and control relevant documentc1anges'

    (lan and implement t1e environmental audit program or t1e pro)ect'

    +nsure t1at all subcontractors and consultants compl& ull& 6it1 t1is +#('

    #onitor non4conormance;s until corrective actions 1ave been implemented'

    denti& and record an& +nvironmental #anagement problems

    nitiate$ recommend or provide solutions t1roug1 designated c1annels andveri& t1e implementation o solutions

    Delegate responsibilities$ in 6riting$ as deined in t1e +nvironmental#anagement (lan to a nominated person 61o is suitabl& qualiied toassume t1e responsibilit&'

    (rovide advice and assistance to t1e (ro)ect #anager A#S? orimplementation and internal auditing o t1e +#('

    Document control and maintaining documents and data in accordance 6it1appropriate procedures rom t1e +nvironmental #anagement (lan'

    +nsure emergenc& environmental response procedures are in place and allsta 1ave adequate training in t1ese procedures

    +nsure all sta and subcontractors undergo a "eneral nduction t1atincorporates environmental management'

    +nsure emergenc& environmental response procedures are in place and allsta 1ave adequate training in t1ese procedures

    +nsure all sta and subcontractors undergo a "eneral nduction t1atincorporates environmental management'

    (rovide advice o Air ualit& #anagement and Noise and Eibration#anagement sub4plans to (ro)ect #anager'

    (rovide advice on Surace 5ater and Drainage management sub4plan to(ro)ect #anager and eep an up4to4date log o complaints and incidents'%onduct natural drainage s&stem inspections'

    (rovide advice on 7a=ardous Substance #anagement Sub4plan and7&drocarbon #anagement sub4plan$ eep an up4to4date log o complaintsand incidents and maintain an inspection and maintenance program orstorage acilit ies'

    (rovide advice on 5aste and (ollution #anagement sub4plan and maintainan inspection program'

    (rovide advice o Flora and Fauna #anagement sub4plan to t1e (ro)ect#anager and provide assistance in t1e da& to da& plan management'

    %onduct mont1l& environmental reporting to 75+ Hrisbane 3ice'

    %onduct investigations on environmental incidents and document on All

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    ncident Reporting Form'#aintain environmental action plan and ensure t1at all items are actioned inaccordance 6it1 timing and responsibilit&'

    +nsure t1at all tass are undertaen in a manner consistent 6it1 t1e+nvironmental #anagement (lan$ legislation and regulations'

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    22en3i4 ) A Environmental !is9 !egister

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    (ro)ect No: (ro)ect :

    Date o Ris Anal&sis: Revie6ed b&: Date:

    s2ect ,m2act!is9

    ssessment Control Measuresssociate32roce3ure

    Step . Step 2 Step

    ir Bualit6

    Hlasting o material

    Drilling o material


    3perating #ac1iner&

    (lant and lig1t ve1icles on 1aul roads

    (lant and lig1t ve1icles moving on@osite

    Hurning o vegetation

    %learing o vegetation

    Road s6eeping

    3perating crus1ing plantir Bualit6 cont3D

    3perating ore processing plant

    "eneral eart16ors

    7aulage o material

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Project !is9 ssessment


    s2ect ,m2act!is9

    ssessment Control Measuresssociate32roce3ure

    Step . Step 2 Step

    Surface an3 Groun3ater Bualit6

    %ulvert 6ors

    nstallation o drainage


    Hridge 6ors

    +cavations in (otential Acid Sulp1ateSoils

    Disc1arge into 6ater6a&s

    Surface an3 Groun3ater Bualit6 Cont3D

    3peration o ve1icle 6as1do6n

    Lan3 'isturbance an3 !evegetation

    (repared H&: Date: Document Number: Rev:Approved H&: Date: Date mplemented:+lectronic File (at1:

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Project !is9 ssessment


    s2ect ,m2act!is9

    ssessment Control Measuresssociate32roce3ure

    Step . Step 2 Step

    3perating #ac1iner&

    (lant and lig1t ve1icles on 1aul roads

    (lant and lig1t ve1icles moving on@osite

    Hurning o vegetation

    %learing o vegetation

    "eneral eart16ors

    *opsoil Stocpiling

    Landscaping @ revegetation

    Lan3 'isturbance an3 !evegetation Cont3D

    +cavation at a contaminated site

    Ore C8aracterisation an3 Placement

    (repared H&: Date: Document Number: Rev:Approved H&: Date: Date mplemented:+lectronic File (at1:

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Project !is9 ssessment


    s2ect ,m2act!is9

    ssessment Control Measuresssociate32roce3ure

    Step . Step 2 Step

    (lacement o 6aste material

    :aste an3 Pollution Management

    %ollection o general reuse

    Disposal o general reuse

    Disposal o oil ilters @ oil& rags

    (lacement o 6aste in la&do6n area

    :aste an3 Pollution Management

    Disposal o t&res

    Removal o concrete slurr&

    Disposal o batteries

    Disposal o Scrap Steel

    (repared H&: Date: Document Number: Rev:Approved H&: Date: Date mplemented:+lectronic File (at1:

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Project !is9 ssessment


    s2ect ,m2act!is9

    ssessment Control Measuresssociate32roce3ure

    Step . Step 2 Step

    ci3 Sul28ate Soils

    %ulvert ecavation

    5aste roc dumping

    *reating Acid Sulp1ate Soils

    Removing Acid Sulp1ate Soils o site

    Contaminate3 Soils

    +cavation near 6ater6a&s

    Removing 6aste o site

    (repared H&: Date: Document Number: Rev:Approved H&: Date: Date mplemented:+lectronic File (at1:

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Project !is9 ssessment


    s2ect ,m2act!is9

    ssessment Control Measuresssociate32roce3ure

    Step . Step 2 Step

    Soil !eme3iation

    Removal o underground tan

    Removing material o site

    3peration o Hug Farm

    =lora an3 =auna

    3perating #ac1iner&

    (lant and lig1t ve1icles moving on@osite

    %learing o vegetation

    (repared H&: Date: Document Number: Rev:Approved H&: Date: Date mplemented:+lectronic File (at1:

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Project !is9 ssessment


    s2ect ,m2act!is9

    ssessment Control Measuresssociate32roce3ure

    Step . Step 2 Step

    Cultural ?eritage

    %learing o vegetation

    "eneral +art16ors

    Communit6 ,m2act





    (repared H&: Date: Document Number: Rev:Approved H&: Date: Date mplemented:+lectronic File (at1:

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Project !is9 ssessment


    s2ect ,m2act!is9

    ssessment Control Measuresssociate32roce3ure

    Step . Step 2 Step

    !se o rollers

    (repared H&: Date: Document Number: Rev:Approved H&: Date: Date mplemented:+lectronic File (at1:

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    Management Categor6 Objectives nnual Targets !es2onsibilit6!esources!e;uire3

    Measure3 b6

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    22en3i4 1 . Environmental Management Sub.2lans

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    ,! B(L,T" MNGEMENT


    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,

    +nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided romt1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e process anal&sis

    include: 7aulage truc loads 61ic1 eit t1e site 6ill be covered Access points and roads 6ill be located as ar as possible rom residences' 5ater trucs 6ill be used on 1aul roads 7aul roads are constantl& maintained b& graders and do=ers Soil stabilisation c1emicals are used on 1auls roads Dust generating activities 6ill be minimised or avoided during dr& and 6ind&

    conditions' Soils 6ill be stocpiled onl& 61en necessar& and or s1ort duration;s' *opsoil or ill material stocpiled in ecess o our 6ees 6ill be temporaril&

    stabilised b& grasses' Stocpiles 6ill be ept to minimal 1eig1ts and 6atered do6n 61ere necessar&'

    *1e etent o clearing 6ill be agreed$ surve&ed and pegged prior to removal' *1e total cleared area at an& one time$ 6ill be ept to a minimum and eposed

    areas 6ill be revegetated as soon as possible' %leared and grubbed material 6ill be stocpiled a6a& rom drainage lines to be

    later re4spread on disturbed areas' 5ater spra& s&stem used in crus1ing process and on ore stocpiles Dust suppression s&stem installed on drilling rig' (lant$ ve1icles and equipment regularl& maintained

    Corrective ctions


    An& la6ul directive rom t1e administering aut1orit& ma& trigger a revie6 o dust

    control procedures'

    All complaints and incidents 6ill be responded to immediatel& and reporting @

    notiication to all parties 6it1in /, 1ours'


    *1e source o an& nuisance dust 6ill be identiied and$ 61ere practicable$ dust

    control practices 6ill be modiied$ to reduce or eliminate t1e ris o uture events'

    *1e timing$ met1od and requenc& o 6atering ma& be modiied in response to

    ecessive nuisance dust'

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    NO,SE N' +,/!T,ON MNGEMENT/ac9groun3

    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,+nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided rom

    t1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e pro)ect ris anal&sisinclude:

    A#S 6ill ad1ere to regulator& 1ours o normal operation unless ot1er6isenegotiated 6it1 regulator& aut1orities'

    Road traic barriers s1all be built in t1e irst stages o construction' Fied plant and equipment s1all be located as ar as practicable rom noise

    sensitive areas' Access points and roads 6ill be located as ar as possible rom residences' 51ere soil compaction is required close to buildings$ consideration 6ill be given to

    use o a lig1t roller' Noise suppression s&stem installed in drilling rig 7aul roads are constantl& maintained b& graders and do=ers (lant$ ve1icles and equipment regularl& maintained #ulers installed on all plant and lig1t ve1icles

    Corrective ctionsGeneral

    An& la6ul directive rom t1e administering aut1orit& ma& trigger a revie6 o noise

    control procedures'

    All complaints and incidents 6ill be responded to immediatel& and reporting @

    notiication to all parties 6it1in /, 1ours


    *1e source o an& nuisance noise or vibration 6ill be identiied and$ i possible$

    6or practices 6ill be modiied or re4sc1eduled$ to reduce or eliminate t1e ris outure events'

    Additional training ma& be required 61ere a non4conormance to a 6or practice

    1as caused or potentiall& caused an incident'


    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic& #anual'


    +#S4(%4. Eibration #onitoring

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    +#S4(%4./ Noise #onitoring+#S4(%40 +nvironmental nspections+#S4(%4- Noise #anagement+#S4(%4. Hlasting

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    :STE N' POLL(T,ON MNGEMENT/ac9groun3

    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,+nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided rom

    t1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e pro)ect ris anal&sisinclude: All 6astes 6ill be collected and stored at a designated 6aste disposal area'

    Soil contaminated b& 1&drocarbons 6ill be collected or disposal o4site in anapproved disposal area' All 6or sites 6ill be regularl& monitored or litter accumulation' "eneral reuse bins are located t1roug1out t1e site Rec&cling bins are available Scrap steel and timber is separated or rec&cling 3il& rags are separated and taen o4site 6it1 1&drocarbon contaminated material *&res are stored neatl& near 6ors1op until taen a6a& b& a %ontractor and

    rec&cled 3ld batteries are separated rom t1e 6aste stream and stored neatl& on a rac$

    removed b& a licenced %ontractor and rec&cled' 5aste oil removed b& %ontractor or rec&cling

    3il ilters are separated rom 6aste stream$ stored in a designated bin and taena6a& b& licenced %ontractor or rec&cling

    Corrective ctionsGeneral

    A revie6 o 6aste @ litter management procedures ma& be triggered b& an& la6uldirective rom t1e administering aut1orit&'

    All complaints and incidents 6ill be responded to immediatel& and reported to allparties 6it1in /, 1ours'


    *1e source o an& pollution 6ill be identiied and$ 61ere necessar&$ controlpractices 6ill be modiied$ to reduce or eliminate t1e ris o uture events'

    Additional training ma& be required 61ere a non4conormance to a 6or practice1as caused or potentiall& caused an incident'


    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic& #anual'


    +#S4(%40 +nvironmental nspections

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    +#S4(%4.I 5aste #anagement+#S4(%4., #anagement o Dangerous "oods and 7a=ardous Substances

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    +#S4(%42- Storm6ater #anagement and +rosion %ontrol+#S4(%422 5or in 5ater6a&s+#S4(%42 De6atering o 5orsites+#S4(%42/ Soil +cavation and +art1moving+#S4(%42, #anagement o Stocpiles+#S4(%4 %ontaminated Soils

    +#S4(%4/ Acid Sulp1ate Soils

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    LN' ',ST(!/NCE N' !E+EGETT,ON MNGMENT/ac9groun3

    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,+nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided rom

    t1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e pro)ect ris anal&sisinclude: Soils 6ill be stocpiled onl& 61en necessar& and or s1ort duration;s'

    Stocpiles 6ill be ept to minimal 1eig1ts and 6atered do6n 61ere necessar&' *1e etent o clearing 6ill be agreed$ surve&ed and pegged prior to removal' %leared and grubbed material 6ill be stocpiled a6a& rom drainage lines to be

    later re4spread on disturbed areas' An& necessar& approvals 6ill be obtained or removal o native vegetation' Signiicant tree communities or individuals to be retained in site 6ors$ 6ill be

    clearl& identiied t1roug1 appropriate tagging *opsoil or ill material stocpiled in ecess o our 6ees 6ill be temporaril&

    stabilised b& grasses' *1e total cleared area at an& one time$ 6ill be ept to a minimum and eposed

    areas 6ill be revegetated as soon as possible' Seed and mulc1 materials used in t1e pro)ect 6ill be ree rom declared plants'

    +rosion and sediment controls$ 6ill be installed on t1e do6nstream side oconstruction 6ors prior to t1e commencement o 6ors'

    *emporar& erosion and sediment control devices s1all be designed to ensure ornon4erosive c1annel or s1eet lo6'

    All on4site drainage 6ill be constructed to ensure t1at run4o rom all unsealedareas 6ill be directed to sediment control structures prior to entering t1e localdrainage s&stem'

    +rosion potential o runo on disturbed areas 6ill be reduced t1roug1 t1e use oc1ec dams or cut o drains'

    Appropriate sediment control tec1niques 6ill be incorporated into t1e construction6ors'

    All ill material to be imported and used on site or pro)ect 6ors 6ill be ree o

    contamination' All operators involved in eart16ors 6ill be instructed on t1e recognition o acid

    sulp1ate soils'

    Corrective ctionsGeneral

    A revie6 o land disturbance@ revegetation management procedures ma& betriggered b& an& la6ul directive rom t1e administering aut1orit&'

    All complaints and incidents 6ill be responded to immediatel& and reported to allparties 6it1in /, 1ours'


    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    *1e source o sedimentation 6ill be identiied and$ 61ere necessar&$ control practices6ill be modiied$ to reduce or eliminate t1e ris o uture events'Additional training ma& be required 61ere a non4conormance to a 6or practice 1ascaused or potentiall& caused an incident'


    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic& #anual'


    +#S4(%40 +nvironmental nspections+#S4(%42. Removal o Eegetation+#S4(%42/ Soil +cavation and +art1moving+#S4(%42G Resource %onservation+#S4(%42, #anagement o Stocpiles+#S4(%42 Site Decommissioning and Re1abilitation

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    ?F!'O(S S(/STNCES N' 'NGE!O(S GOO'S MNGEMENT/ac9groun3

    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,+nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided rom

    t1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e pro)ect ris anal&sisinclude:

    %1emicals stored in a c1emicals cabinet Adequate absorption materials 6ill be readil& available to collect and recover an&

    1&drocarbon spillage;s' Fuelling o all ve1icles and equipment 6ill be carried out 6it1 an operator or driver

    in attendance at all times' Soil contaminated b& 1&drocarbons 6ill be collected or disposal o4site in an

    approved disposal area' (lant$ ve1icles and equipment regularl& maintained ntercept pit and oil @ 6ater separator included in 6as1do6n acilit& Sumps are regularl& inspected and cleaned out 3il ilters are separated rom 6aste stream$ stored in a designated bin and taen

    a6a& b& licenced %ontractor or rec&cling

    3il& rags are separated and taen o4site 6it1 1&drocarbon contaminated material 5as1do6n pads are cleaned out as required and silt is dumped in pit' Ne6 batteries are stored in a galvanised s1ed 6it1 concrete slab and are 6ell

    ventilated 7&drocarbons stored in accordance 6it1 AS.C/-$ in a concrete bunded area

    Corrective ctionsGeneral

    A revie6 o pollution control measures @ an& la6ul directive rom t1e administeringaut1orit& or ma& trigger procedures'

    All complaints and incidents 6ill be responded to immediatel& and reported @notiication to all parties 6it1in /, 1ours


    *1e source o an& pollution 6ill be identiied and control practices 6ill be modiied$to reduce or eliminate t1e ris o uture events'

    Additional training ma& be required 61ere a non4conormance to a 6or practice1as caused or potentiall& caused an incident


    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic& #anual'

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    C,' S(LP?TE SO,LS MNGMENT/ac9groun3

    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,+nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided rom

    t1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e pro)ect ris anal&sisinclude: +rosion and sediment controls$ 6ill be installed on t1e do6nstream side o

    construction 6ors prior to t1e commencement o 6ors' All operators involved in eart16ors in t1e 6ill be instructed on t1e recognition o

    acid sulp1ate soils' Field testing 6ill be undertaen in t1e ollo6ing circumstances: +cavation eceeds -'Gm belo6 natural suraces +posed matter gives visual indication o Actual Acid Sulp1ate Soils AASS? Non4essential ecavations t1at ma& lead to t1e oidation o acid sulp1ate soils 6ill

    be avoided in areas o (otential Acid Sulp1ate Soils (ASS? and AASS' Neutralisation o soil immediate application o lime' *1is met1od 6ill onl& be

    considered 61ere 61en t1ere is a lo6 p&rite content$ t1e material 1as a 1ig1natural buering capacit& and onl& a limited period o acid generation is predicted'

    Disposal o (ASS @ ASS bac into an anaerobic environment belo6 t1e 6ater table

    6it1in 2/ 1ours o ecavation' nvolves t1e over4ecavation o an area to allo6 ordisposal in a constructed impoundment' *1is met1od 6ill onl& be considered61ere ot1er alternatives are impracticable'

    Corrective ctionsGeneral

    A revie6 o Acid Sulp1ate Soil management procedures ma& be triggered b& an&la6ul directive rom t1e administering aut1orit&'

    All complaints and incidents 6ill be responded to immediatel& and reported to allparties 6it1in /, 1ours'


    *1e source o leac1ate 6ill be identiied and$ 61ere necessar&$ control practices6ill be modiied$ to reduce or eliminate t1e ris o uture events'

    Additional training ma& be required 61ere a non4conormance to a 6or practice1as caused or potentiall& caused an incident'


    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic& #anual'Procedures:

    +#S4(%4.G Soil *esting

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    +#S4(%40 +nvironmental nspections+#S4(%42- Storm6ater #anagement and +rosion %ontrol+#S4(%42/ Soil +cavation and +art1moving+#S4(%4/ Acid Sulp1ate Soils

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    CONTM,NTE' SO,L N' SO,L !EME',T,ON MNGMENT/ac9groun3

    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,+nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided rom

    t1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e pro)ect ris anal&sisinclude:

    +rosion and sediment controls$ 6ill be installed on t1e do6nstream side oconstruction 6ors prior to t1e commencement o 6ors'

    Detailed sediment and erosion controls or t1e area s1all be provided' No contaminants 61ic1 constitute 1a=ardous substances 6ill be allo6ed to leave

    t1e construction site$ ecept in a controlled operation to relocate suc1 material toan approved secure location in accordance 6it1 protocols acceptable to t1e+nvironmental (rotection Agenc&'

    A contaminated site specialist 6ill be present on4site during all ma)or eart1movingactivities at t1e contaminated area to minimise ris o environmental 1arm$ andensure t1at occupational 1ealt1 and saet& measures are appropriate to t1e levelo contamination'

    Corrective ctionsGeneral

    A revie6 o contaminated soil management procedures ma& be triggered b& an&la6ul directive rom t1e administering aut1orit&'

    All complaints and incidents 6ill be responded to immediatel& and reported to allparties 6it1in /, 1ours'


    *1e source o leac1ate 6ill be identiied and$ 61ere necessar&$ control practices

    6ill be modiied$ to reduce or eliminate t1e ris o uture events' Additional training ma& be required 61ere a non4conormance to a 6or practice

    1as caused or potentiall& caused an incident'


    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic& #anual'


    +#S4(%4.G Soil *esting+#S4(%4.I %ontaminated Soil *esting

    +#S4(%40 +nvironmental nspections+#S4(%42- Storm6ater #anagement and +rosion %ontrol

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    +#S4(%42/ Soil +cavation and +art1moving+#S4(%4 %ontaminated Soils+#S4(%4G Soil Remediation

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    =LO! N' =(N MNGMENT/ac9groun3

    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,+nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided rom

    t1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e pro)ect ris anal&sisinclude:

    *1e etent o clearing 6ill be agreed$ surve&ed and pegged prior to removal' An& necessar& approvals 6ill be obtained or removal o native vegetation' Signiicant tree communities or individuals to be retained in site 6ors$ 6ill be

    clearl& identiied t1roug1 appropriate tagging *1e total cleared area at an& one time$ 6ill be ept to a minimum and eposed

    areas 6ill be revegetated as soon as possible' A ve1icle 6as1do6n pad 6ill be establis1ed$ 61ere deemed necessar&$ to avoid

    t1e introduction o noious 6eeds species rom mac1iner& or ot1er ve1icles' Seed and mulc1 materials used in t1e pro)ect 6ill be ree rom declared plants' All proposed disturbance areas 6ill be inspected to ascertain t1e potential

    presence o auna'

    Corrective ctions

    Additional training ma& be required 61ere a non4conormance to a 6or practice1as caused or potentiall& caused an incident'


    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic& #anual'


    +#S4(%4., +nvironmental nspections and #onitoring

    +#S4(%42. Removal o Eegetation+#S4(%42G Resource %onservation+#S4(%420 (rotection o Native Fauna+#S4(%42 Site Decommissioning and Re1abilitation

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    C(LT(!L ?E!,TGE MNGEMENT/ac9groun3

    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,+nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided rom

    t1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e pro)ect ris anal&sisinclude:

    S1ould eart16ors uncover an& ot1er material t1at ma& be o or earl& +uropeanorigin 6or in t1at area s1all cease and t1e incident reported to t1e (ro)ect #anager'*1e area 6ill be clearl& deined and isolated rom ot1er 6or areas'

    An indigenous person 6it1 traditional land interests or arc1aeologist 6ill monitort1e initial clearing'

    Corrective ctions

    Additional training ma& be required 61ere a non4conormance to a 6or practice 1ascaused or potentiall& caused an incident'


    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic& #anual'


    (#.0 +nvironmental nspections(#.2/ Soil +cavation and +art1moving(#.2I %ultural 7eritage #anagement

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    COMM(N,T" ,MPCT MNGEMENT/ac9groun3

    An environmental ris assessment s1all be undertaen o t1e site in accordance 6it1(rocedures +#S4(%4-- +nvironmental Ris Assessment and +#S4(%4-,+nvironmental #anagement (lan' *1e bacground inormation 6ill be provided rom

    t1is ris assessment'


    Relevant legislation and standards to t1is pro)ect include:


    #anagement tass$ speciicall& required as identiied in t1e pro)ect ris anal&sisinclude:

    Corrective ctions

    Additional training ma& be required 61ere a non4conormance to a 6or practice 1ascaused or potentiall& caused an incident


    Arican #ining Services 2---? +nvironmental #anagement S&stem (olic& #anual'Procedures:

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    African Mining Services Pty Ltd Environmental Management Plan

    Appendi I 4 5aste Stream Flo6 %1art

    Document Number: : (rint Date: , December$ 2-./

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    :aste Stream nal6sis


    M,N,NG :O!@S?OP 'M,N,ST!T,ON

    Food %ontainersYes No

    *&resYes No

    %ontainersYes No

    Aluminium %ansYes No

    // "allon DrumsYes No

    (aperYes No

    Scrap SteelYes No

    HatteriesYes No

    Food %ontainersYes No

    FoodscrapsYes No

    3il FiltersYes No

    Stationer&Yes No

    Scrap *imberYes No

    "rease %artridgesYes No

    %ardboardYes No

    (aperYes No

    +lectrical %ablesYes No

    *oner %artridgesYes No

    %oncrete Yes No 5aste oil Yes No Foodscraps Yes No(roduct

    containers Yes No#ec1anical (arts

    Yes NoAluminium %ans

    Yes No

    (acagingYes No

    Scrap (aperYes No Yes No

    (alletsYes No

    Food %ontainersYes No Yes No

    Spra& cansYes No

    Stationer&Yes No Yes No

    (aint tinsYes No

    FoodscrapsYes No Yes No

    Stationer&Yes No

    Aluminium %ansYes No Yes No

    3ils@greaseYes No

    Silt rom6as1do6n Yes No Yes No

    Silt Yes No Scrap steel Yes No Yes No#ec1anical (arts

    Yes NoScrap (lastics

    Yes No Yes No(E% (ipelines

    Yes No%onve&or Helt

    Yes No Yes NoSteel (ipelines

    Yes No Yes No Yes NoHatteries

    Yes No Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No Yes No

    Reuse Rec&cle Dispose

    3 Site


    3n Site

  • 8/10/2019 EMP Approved by IFC


    :aste Stream nal6sis

    Note: All 6astes tae o site require receipts to evidence c1ange o custod&'