Emotional wellness training


Transcript of Emotional wellness training

Page 2: Emotional wellness training

The underlying cause of all of problems is always the

same...you become caught in a wrong minded attitude in a dis-

empowering emotional state directed by imbalanced thinking

to then choose poor strategies. This is the inception of many

problems. Yet the need to be right is so strong you will often

deny how you are responding is wrong and dig the ditch you

are already in to be deeper. When you are in a state of fear,

anger, and grief or pain every thought, word or action will be

embedded with these feelings to extend and multiply it! You

get even more of what you really didn’t want!

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This is why learning how to de-escalate

and re-ground yourself is such an

important part of the 7 Keys. When you

are in a disempowered state you act out,

make unreasonable decisions and create

the disorder you experience. This is why

the 7 Keys practice of always pausing to

take a slow deep breath while embodying

an empowered state in so vital. When you

are constricting your breath or in a

disempowered posture the ego takes over.

The ego always seeks to be right blaming

someone something else for your difficulty.

Now having chosen your ego to guide you, you seek an external solution for

your internal problem. You will refuse to look within and you’re your wrong

minded thinking which created the difficulty in the first place. This helps

perpetuate the distress and disorder causing a natural state of confusion and

poor focus. You become trapped in your web of ignorance and causes yourself

and those around you great misery and drama.

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A fundamental strategy used in

The 7 Keys is the correction of

fear and wrong mindedness;

this is your responsibility.

When you are fearful you have

chosen wrongly. You set

yourself up to demand your

expectations be met, your

desires satisfied and wishes

realized. You no longer abide in

the present in a state of

acceptance. You forget to abide

in the present moment looking

for the good and using alchemy

to turn the lead you perceive

into gold. You begin to attack

the fearful shadows that swirl

around you to build mental and

emotional defenses to keep your

enemies out.