Emma's bracelets Anna's bracelets 10 - Wallingford ... to chec youk r answer. Emma has 10 red...

Name: Date: Find the missing numbers. Use the bar models to help you. Subtract to check your answer. Emma has 10 red bracelets. Anna has 5 blue bracelets. How many bracelets do they hove in all? Emma's bracelets Anna's bracelets 10 ^ bar model They have + bracelets in ol Check: 82 Chapter H Lesson 1

Transcript of Emma's bracelets Anna's bracelets 10 - Wallingford ... to chec youk r answer. Emma has 10 red...

Name: Date:

Find the missing numbers.

Use the bar models to help you. Subtract to check your answer.

Emma has 10 red bracelets.

Anna has 5 blue bracelets.

How many bracelets do they hove in all?

Emma's bracelets Anna's bracelets


^ bar model

They have


bracelets in ol


8 2 Chapter H Lesson 1

Name: Date:

3. Ling has 15 coins.

Noroh has 2 coins.

How many coins do they hove in all?

Ling's coins Noroh's coins



They hove coins in all.


4. Dora has 40 cherries.

Ava has 60 cherries.

How many cherries do they hove in all?

40 60

They hove


cherries in ol

Reteach 2A 8 3

Name: Date:

Find the missing numbers.

Use the bor models to help you.

Add to check your answer.

Justin has 9 tomatoes.

He eats 2 tomatoes.

How many tomatoes are left?

eaten left

tomatoes are left.

r Check:

7 + 2 =


84" Chapter 4 Lesson 1

Name: Date:

5. There are 10 birds on a branch.

3 birds fly away.

How many birds ore left?

fly away left


r Check:

+ = J

birds ore left.

6. A library has 450 books.

315 of the books ore English books.

The rest of the books are Spanish books.

How many Spanish books ore in the library?

315 ?


( check:

+ = J

Spanish books ore in the library.

Reteach 2A 8 5

Name: Date:


UfQSM bor models to help you.

Shov^ how to check your answer.

7. Jasper folds 107 paper cranes.

His sister folds 44 paper cranes.

How many paper cranes do they fold in all?

They fold paper cranes in all.

8. Aiden has 145 trading cards.

He buys another 35 trading cords.

How many trading cords does Aiden hove now?

Aiden has trading cords now.

86 . Chapter 4 Lesson 1 . . . .

Name: Date:

Worksheet 2 Adding On and Taking Away Sets

Solve. Use the bor models to help you.

Corinne hos 12 apples.

She buys another 3 apples.

How many apples does Corinne have now?

12 apples

3 apples '.......-..} I I I •

r v "



Corinne has apples now.


You con use

bar models

to show

joining sets

to add.

Reteach 2A

Name: Date:

1. There are 5 books on the bookshelf.

Mrs. Swift puts another 6 books on the bookshelf.

How many books ore on the bookshelf now?

6 books

5 books

T Check:

books are on the bookshelf now.

2. A florist has 180 red roses.

He buys another 60 red roses.

How many red roses does he hove now?



1 '


He has red roses now.

8 8 Chapter 4 Lesson 2

Name: Date:


Use the bor models to help you.

A clown has 15 balloons.

He gives away 5 balloons.

How many balloons does he have now?

5 balloons

? T

15 balloons




He has balloons now.



You can use

bar models

to show


away sets

to subtract.

Reteach 2A 89

Name: Date:

3. Peter has 13 baseball cards.

He gives 4 baseball cards to Jomol.

How many baseball cords does Peter hove now?

4 baseball cards

? i

. . .

13 baseball cards

? T

13 Check:


Peter has baseball cords now.

4. A school cupboard has 125 markers.

The teacher takes out 45 markers.

How many markers are left in the cupboard?



125 Check:


markers are left in the cupboard.

9 0 Chapter H Lesson 2

Name: Date:

Worksheet 3 Comparing Two Sets Solve. Use the bor models to help you.

Subtract to check your answer.

Lily has 5 stickers in her notebook.

Kenley has 7 more stickers than Lily.

How many stickers does Kenley hove in her notebook?

5 stickers 7 stickers






Kenley has stickers.


_ —

You can use

bar models

to compare

to add.

Reteach 2A 91

Name: Date:

1. Bill has $6.

Jerome has $6 more than Bill.

How much money does Jerome hove?








$6 $6



Jerome has

2. Samuel has 372 cows on his farm.

He has 148 more sheep than cows on his farm.

How many sheep does Samuel hove?







Samuel has 9 2 Chapter 4 Lesson 3


Name: Date:


Use the bar models to help you.

Add to check your answer.

15 girls are in the swimming pool.

10 fewer boys are in the swimming pool.

How many boys ore in the swimming pool?

15 girls



10 fewer boys




You con use

bor models

to compare

to subtroct.


boys are in the swimming pool.

r Check:

5 + JO = I S J

Reteach 2A 9 3

Name: Date:

3. Ling has 13 bracelets.

Gabi has 5 less bracelets than Ling.

How many bracelets does Gobi hove?

13 bracelets



5 less bracelets


Gabi r Check:

+ = J

Gobi has bracelets.

H. A grocer has 380 strawberries.

She has 50 fewer peaches than strawberries.

How many peaches does she hove?





r Check:


She has peaches.

9H- Chapter 4 Lesson 3

Worksheet 4 Real-World Problems: Two-Step Problems

Solve. Use the bar models to help you.

Ron has 8 apples and 4 pears.

He gives Ally some apples. Now he has 5 apples and pears left.

o. How many apples and pears did Ron hove at first?

b. How many apples did Ron give to Ally?

4 O.



Ron hod


Yoy con use

bar modeSs

to solve




and pears at first.


? T

Ron gave Ally I apples.

Reteach 2A 9

Name: Date:

1. Mrs. Holley has 123 cookbooks and 277 reading books.

Mr. Pearce gives her another 40 reading books.

o. How many books did Mrs. Holley hove at first?

b. How many books does Mrs. Holley hove now?

O. 123 277 < « , ^ ,


Mrs. Holley had


books at first.


9 6


Mrs. Holley has

Chapter 4 Lesson 4

books now.

Name: Date:

Solve. Use the bar models to help you.

A science class has 8 girls.

There are 5 nnore boys than girls.

o. How nnany boys are in the class?

b. How many children ore in the class?






There ore

There ore the class.


— 1 r

boys in the class.

1 children in

Reteach 2A 9 7

Name: Date:

2. Mr. Jackson drives 195 nniles.

Mr. Garcia drives 65 nniles fewer tfion Mr. Jackson.

a . How many miles does Mr. Garcia drive?

b. How many miles do they drive in all? 195

Mr. Jackson

Mr. Garcia


a. =

Mr. Garcia drives miles.

b. + =

They drive miles in all.

3. Jesse has 160 magnets.

Benny has 40 magnets more than Jesse.

a. How many magnets does Benny have?

b. How many magnets do they have in oil? 160 40

; • X ^ , Jesse I 1 ! U

Benny I IJ

a. + =

Benny has magnets.

b. + =

They hove magnets in oil.

9 8 Chapter 4 Lesson 4

Name: Date:

Myltiplication and Division

Worksheet 1 How to Multiply Find the missing numbers.


A ladybug has legs.


3 ladybugs have legs.

4 threes = + + +

4 groups of =

There are strawberries in all.

Reteach 2A 9 9

Find the missing numbers.


group There are 3 groups.

There are 3 ducks in each group.

; Use repeated addition to find the number of ducks.

Myltipiy to find the number of ducks.

3 X 3 ^ 9 myltiplication sentence

There are 1 ducks in all.

; k I s read as times. \ t means to multiply, : or to put oil the equal groups together.

1 0 0 Chapter 5 Lesson 1

Name: Date:


There are 2 groups.

There ore sheep in each group.

Use repeated addition to find the nunnber of sheep.

Multiply to find the nunnber of sheep.

2 x

There ore sheep in all.

Reteach 2A 101

Name: Date:

^ ^ ^ ^

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

There are groups.

There are ants in each group.

Use repeated addition to find the number of ants.

+ + + -

Multiply to find the number of ants.

4 X =

There ore ants in all.

102 Chapter 5 Lesson 1

Name: Date:

Tell o multiplication story.

There are 3 bowls of eggs.

Each bowl has M_ eggs.


There are 2 plates of cherries.

i Each plate has cherries. o

I 2 x

I There are cherries.

Reteach 2A 103

Name: Date


There are 3 tanks of fish.

Each tank has fish.

3 x =

There ore fish.

104- Chapter 5 Lesson 1

Worksheet 2 Sharing Equally Circle equal groups. Then fill in the blank.

Share 12 nnuffins equally among 4 children.

Each child gets muffins.


Shore 16 pears equally among 4- baskets.

) Each basket has pears.

Put 6 tomatoes into groups of 2.

There nrp groups of 2 tomatoes.


Put 20 peaches into groups of 4.

There are groups of 4 peaches.

106 Chapters Lesson 2

Name: Date:

Find the missing numbers.

Francis has 18 erasers.

He gives an equal number of erasers to each of his 3 sisters.

How many erasers does each sister get?

m m

18 v 3 =

m m


5 3 • 3 Q m m

division sentence

Each sister gets erasers.

4- is reod as divided by, and stands for division.

5. Mrs. Perry has 15 marbles.

She gives on equal number of marbles to each of her 5 children.

How many marbles does each child get?

15 v 5 =

Each child gets marbles. Reteach 2A 107

Name: Date:


^ %mmp\% ————

Brandi has 4 flowers.

She wonts to give 2 flowers to eoch of her friends.

How mony friends get flowers from her?

First, she gives 2 flowers to Pierre.

4 - 2 = 2

She has 2 flowers left.

Then, she gives 2 flowers to Jordan.

2 - 2 = 0

She has 0 flowers left.

Use repeated subtroctlon to find the number of friends.

4'- 2 - 2 = 0

Divide to find the number of friends. ;

4 - r 2 = I ^ friends get flowers from her.

108 Chapter 5 Lesson 2

Name: Date:

6. Mandy has 4- toy cars.

She wants to give 2 toy cars to each of her friends.

How many friends get toy cars from her?

First she gives 2 toy cars to Jacl<.

4 - 2 = 2

She has 2 toy cars left.

Then, she gives 2 toy cars to Sean.

2 - 2 = 0

^ She has 0 toy cars left.

I Use repeated subtraction to find the number of friends. a. cn

f 4 - 2 - 2 =

I Divide to find the number of friends. c OJ

Q friends get toy cars from her.

Reteach 2A 109

Name: Date:

7. Samuel has 12 crayons. He wonts to give 4 crayons to each of his cousins.

How many cousins get crayons from him?

= 0

cousins get crayons from him.

110 Chapter 5 Lesson 2

Name: Date:

Worksheet 3 Reol-World Problems: Multiplication and Division


Fredrick has 2 pencil cases.

There are 5 pencils in each pencil case.

How many pencils does Fredrick have?


There ore 3 spiders on a leaf.

There ore 8 legs on each spider.

How many legs ore there in all?

X =

There ore legs in all.

Reteach 2A 111

Name: Date


The teacher has 8 balloons.

He divides them equally among 4 children.

How many balloons does each child get?

3 ^ ^ = 2 ^ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ a — "I — •

Each child gets ± balloons.

Mario has 20 apricots.

She puts 5 apricots in each gloss jar.

How many glass jars ore there?

There ore gloss jars.

112 Chapter 5 Lesson 3

6 Multiplication Tables of 2, 5, and 10

Worksheet 1 Multiplying 2: Skip-counting Find the missing numbers in the number pattern.

1. 2, 4, 6

I add to get the next number.

Find the missing numbers.

2. >v w >v w

>yA Afk AyA w w w >v

2 fours is groups of

Use skip-counting to find the missing numbers.

Each child has 2 hands.

0 ^^^^^=3 2 < ^ " ^ 4 > 8

2, 4, 6 G

4 x 2

There ore hands in oil.

Reteach 2A 113

Name: Date:

6. There are 6 children.

Each child holds 2 balloons.

How many balloons do they hold in all?

They hold balloons in all.

7. Isabelle uses 2 pieces of bread to moke o sandwich.

She mokes 10 sandwiches.

How many pieces of bread does Isabelle use?

Isabelle uses pieces of bread.

Reteach 2A 115

Name: Date:

Worksheet 2 Multiplying 2: Using Dot Paper

Use dot paper to solve.

Each squirrel has 2 acorns. How many acorns do the 2 squirrels have in all?

dot paper

1 2

1 o o 2 o o

x 2 =

The 2 squirrels hove M acorns in all.

Reteach 2A 117


Sharon buys 2 pencils for each of her 8 cousins.

How nnany pencils does Sharon buy in all?

1 2

I o o 2 o o 3 o o

o o 5 o o 6 o o 7 o o 8 o o

X = :

Sharon buys pencils in all.

Reteach 2A

Name: Date:

Use facts you know to find the missing numbers.

9 x 2 = ?

Start with 10 groups of 2.

10 X 2 = 20

1 2 1 2

1 o o 1 o o 2 o o 2 o o 3 o o 3 o o H o o o o 5 o o 5 o o 6 o o 6 o o 7 o o 7 o o 8 o o 8 o o 9 o o 9 o o

10 o o

9 groups of 2 is the some as subtracting 1 group of 2 fronn 10 groups of 2.

9 x 2 = 10 groups of 2

= 2 0 - 2

group of 2

Reteach 2A 121

Name: Date:

Use dot paper to find the missing numbers.

6 x 2 =

1 2

1 O O 2 O O 3 o o

o o 5 o o 6 o o

2 x 6 =

1 2 3 4 5 6

O O O O O O o o o o o o

6 x 2 = 2 x 6 These are related multiplication facts.

6. 8 x 2 = 2 x 8 =

1 2

1 O O 2 o o 3 o o 4 o o 5 o o 6 o o 7 o o 8 o o

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Reteach 2A 123

Name: Date:

Worksheet 3 Multlplyirig 5: Skip-counting Find the missing numbers in the number pattern.

1. 5,10,15,

I add to get the next number.

Find the missing numbers.


2 fives is groups of

Use skip-counting to find the missing numbers.

1 finger stands for 5.

Reteach 2A 125

Name: Date:

Worksheet H Multiplying 5: Using Dot Paper

Use dot paper to find tlie missing numbers.

Paula has 5 strings. There are 5 beads on each string. How many beads does Paulo have in all?

1 2 3 H 5

O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Paula has ± ^ beads in all

1. Jasmine has •+ boxes.

Each box has 5 erasers. How many erasers does Jasmine hove in all?

1 2 3 H 5


Jasmine has erasers in oil.

Reteach 2A 127

Name: Date:

2 x 5 = 10

3 x 5 = 15

4 X 5 = 20

5 X 5 = 25

6 X 5 = 30

7 X 5 = 35

8 x 5 = 40

9 x 5 = 45

10 X 5 = 50

Use dot paper to find the missing numbers.


1 2 3 H 5

O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o

3 x 5 = 5 x 3 These are related multiplication facts.

15 X

1 2 3


1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0

0 0 0 5 0 0 0

Reteach 2A 129

Worksheet 5 Multiplying 10: Skip-counting and Using Dot Paper

Find the missing numbers in the number pattern.

1. 10, 20, 30,.

I add to get the next number.

Find the missing numbers.

3 tens is groups of

Use skip-counting to find the missing numbers.

1 finger stands for 10.

Reteach 2A 131

Name: Date:

1x10 = 10

2 X 10 = 20

3 X 10 = 30

4 X 10 = 40

5 X 10 = 50

6 X 10 = 60

7 X 10 = 70

8 X 10 = 80

9 X 10 = 90

10 X 10 = 100

Use dot paper to find the missing numbers.

X 5(f

1 2 3 H 5 6 7 8 9 10

O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

5 X 10 = 10 X 5 These are related multiplication facts.


1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10

1 2 3 H 5

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Reteach 2A 133

Worksheet 6 Divide Using Related Multiplication Facts

Find the missing numbers. Use related multiplication facts to help you divide.

Divide 15 sticl<ers into 5 equal groups.

How many stickers are in each group?

15 v 5 = ?

5 X 3 = 15 S o J 5 V 5 = 3

stickers are in each group.

1. Divide 18 strawberries into 2 equal groups.

How many strawberries are in each group?

18 v 2 = ?

There are. strawberries in each group.

Reteach 2A

Name: Date:

Use related multiplication facts to find the missing numbers.



9 x 2 = 18 y 9 =

^ 9 = ^ 9 =

2 x 5 = 10 y 9 =

^ 9 =

8 x 5 = 40 x 8 =

- = ^ 8 =

6 x 1 0 = 60 y 6 =

^ 1 0 = ^ A =

9 X 10 = 90 y 9 =

- r l O = ^ 9 =

Reteach 2A 137

Name: Date:

••^^ Metric Measurement of Length

Worksheet 1 Meosuririg in Meters Find tlie missing numbers.

1 rej=^3 i ) stands for 1 unit.



The tape dispenser is about units long.

The mirror is about units long.

Reteach 2A 139

Name: Date:

Look at the drawings. Then fill In the blanks with more or less.

The height of the toble is than ] meter.

Reteach 2A 141

Name: Date:

Worksheet 2

Write True or False.

Comparing Lengths in Meters

AAelanie Helen

Shannon is taller than AAelanie

1. AAelanie is the tallest.

2. Helen is shorter than Shannon.

3. Helen is the shortest.

Reteach 2A 143

Name: Date:

Worksheet 3 Measuring in Centimeters Look at the drawings. Then answer the questions.

( i

1 ' 1 0 1

' 1 2

1 3

1 1 5

1 6

1 ' 7 i

' 1 5 9

1 ' ' 1 1 12

1 13

1 It

1 15 cm

The length of the eraser is ^ centimeters

A centimeter Is a unit of length, cm stands for centimeter. Read 1 cm as one centimeter. A centimeter is used to measure shorter lengths.


1 ' 1 0 1

' 1 2

1 3

1 1 5

1 6

1 ' 7 i

' 1 3 9

1 10

1 11

1 12

1 13

1 1 15 cm

The length of the stapler is centimeters.

Reteach 2A 145

Name: Date:

Use your centimeter ruler to draw.

A line that is 3 centimeters long

5. A line that is 7 centimeters long

6. A line that is 11 centimeters long

Reteach 2A 147

Find the missing numbers.

1 ' 1 0 1

' 1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 ' 7 i

' 1 3 9

' 1 ' 10 1

' 1 1 12

1 13

1 14

1 15 cm

The fork is not above the zero mark of the ruler. How can I find its length?

You can subtract to find the length of the fork. 13-1 = 12

The length of the fork is centinneters.



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 1 ' U J 1 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 >

cm \

The crayon is centinneters long.

Reteach 2A 149

Name: Date:

Worksheet 4 Comparing Lengths in Centimeters

Find the missing numbers.



1 ' 1 0 1

' 1 2

1 3

1 1 5

1 6

1 ' 7 i

' 1 3 9

1 1 11

1 12

1 13

1 W

1 15 cm

The toothbrush is II centinneters long.

centinneters long. The poper clip is ^

jhe toothbpmh \s longer than the _ K 2 f l l ^


1 ' 1 0 1

' 1 2

1 3

1 1 5

1 6

1 ' 7 i

' 1 3 9

' 1 10

1 n

1 12

1 13

1 1 15 cm


The watch is.

The stomp is


centimeters long.

_ centimeters long.

is shorter than the

Reteach 2A 151

Name: Date:

Worksheet 5 Reol»World Problems: Metric Length

Solve. Use the bar models to help you.

Nicole runs 550 meters.

Mine runs 425 meters.

a. How many meters do they run in all?

550 m 425 m A „ *

? m

550 + 425 =

-ru ^

They run i meters In all.

b. How many meters farther than AAina does Nicole run?

550 m



H25m ? m

5 5 0 - 4 2 5 =

Nicole runs _ meters farther than AAina.

Reteach 2A 153

Name: Date:

The length of Liz's box is 30 centimeters.

The length of Jada's box is 12 centimeters

less than the length of Liz's box.

a. What is the length of Jada's box?

30 cm

Liz's box

Jada's box


1 1

r > , '

The length of Jada's box Is centimeters.

b. What is the total length of both their boxes?

30 cm cm

? c m

The total length of both their boxes is


Name: Date:


Worksheet 1 Measuring in Kilograms Find the mass of each object.

1 • represents 1 unit.


o r

The mass of the apple is about units.



o I I I I ll

The moss of the tomato is about units.

Retecich 2A

Name: Date:

The mass of the pumpkin Is less than ( 3 / 4 ) kilograms.

Reteach 2A 159

Find tlie mass of each object in l<ilograms.


\ . ' —


1 U

The mass of the plant is kilogram.

L i 1kg 1kg 1

1 ——— ( J

r 1

The moss of the bag of potatoes is kilograms.

Reteach 2A

Worksheet 2 Comporirig Mosses in Kilogroms

Look at the picture. Write heavier or lighter.

1. The mouse is than the cot.

2. The cot is than the mouse.

Write True or False.

3. The cot is heavier than the hen

4. The cot is lighter than the hen

5. The cot is as heavy as the hen

6. The cot has the same weight as the hen Reteach 2A

Name: Date:

Worksheet 3 Meosuririg io Groms Find the mass of each object in grams.



The mass of the shoe is grams.

ig ig

ig ig ig

ig ig Ig Ig

ig ig ig Ig

ig ig ig

Ig ig ig

The gram is a unit of mass, g stands for gram. Read 1 g OS one gram. A gram is used to measure the mass of lighter objects.



ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig

-f L _ _ — U

The mass of the clocl< is grams.

Reteach 2A 165

Reteach 2A 167

Name: Date:

Worksheet ̂ Comparing Masses In Grams Look at the pictures. Then answer the questions.

1. The mass of the melon is grams.

2. The mass of the pear is grams.

3. The is the lightest.

4. The is the heaviest.

5. The total mass of the fruits is grams.

Reteach 2A 169

Name: Date:

Worksheet 5 Reol-World Problems: Moss Solve. Use the bar models to help you.

Joseph and his suitcase weigh 94 kilograms in all.

Joseph weighs 67 kilograms.

What is the mass of the suitcase?

?kg 67 kg

94 kg

94 - 67 = 21-

The suitcase weighs kilograms.

A grocer has 45 kilograms of onions.

He sells 16 kilograms of onions.

How many kilograms of onions does he have left?


16 kg


45 kg

He has kilograms of onions left.

Reteach 2A 171

Name: Date:

Solve. Draw bar models to help you.

3. A restaurant bought 140 kilogranns of meat.

The chef cooked 45 kilograms of meat in the afternoon.

How many kilograms of meat were left?

kilograms of meat were left.

4. The mass of a box of potatoes is 950 grams.

The mass of the potatoes is 700 grams.

What is the mass of the box?

The mass of the box is grams.

Volume Worksheet 1 Getting to Know Volume Fill In the blanks.

Bottle A, B, C and D are the same size.

! S 2 )


The amount of water is called the volume of water.

Bottle contains as much water as Bottle B.

The volume of water in Bottle

volume of water in Bottle D.

The volume of water in Bottle

volume of water in Bottle B.

is more than the

is less than the

Bottle ^ has the greatest amount of water.

Bottle C has the least amount of water.

Reteach 2A 175

Name: Date:

Find tfie missing letters or numbers.

Jonas fills glasses of the same size with all the water from Container A,

Container B, and Container C.



Container ^ contains the least amount of water.

H. Container

5. Container A contains

Container B.

6. Container C contains

Container A.

contains more water than Container C.

more glasses of water than

fewer glasses of water than

7. Order Containers A, B, and C. Begin with the container that has the greatest amount of water.

greatest Reteach 2A 177

N a m e : Date:

Worksheet 2 Meosuring In Liters Circle the container that holds more than 1 liter of water.

The liter is a unit of volume. L stands for liter. Read IL as 1 liter. A liter is used to measure greater volume.


Reteach 2A 179

Find tlie volume of water in each container.

Volume of water = liters


Volume of water = liters

Look at the pictures.

Then fill in the blanks.

6. Container A contains


liters of water.

7. Container B contains

8. Container A contains

Container B.

9. Container B contains

Container A.

liter of water.

more liters of water than

fewer liters of water than

Reteach 2A

Name: Date:

Worksheet 3 Real-World Problems: Volume

Solve. Use the bar models to help you.

A bucket contains 15 liters of water.

Jocky uses 9 liters to water the plants.

How much water is left in the bucket?


?L t

15 L

1 5 - 9 =

liters of water are left in the bucket.

1. Jennifer mixes apple juice and carrot juice in a jug.

The jug contains 7 liters of apple juice.

It also contains 3 liters of carrot juice.

How much juice is in the jug in all?

7L 3L


The volume of juice in the jug is liters. Reteach 2A 183

Name: Date:


Dravi^ bar models to help you.

3. Sophia collects 14 liters of rainwater in July.

She collects 8 liters of rainwater in August.

How much rainwater does she collect in all?

She collects liters of rainwater in all.

4. A water tank contains 30 liters of water.

Mrs. Renata uses 8 liters of water for drinking.

How much water is left in the tank?

liters of water are left in the tank.

Reteach 2A 185