Emerging interface between political process and education



Emerging interface between political process and education

Transcript of Emerging interface between political process and education


  • Content of the Unit..Action plans and programme implementation and essentiality of political support, Political will and effort, Macro level requirements, Research and financial support: research and feedback for policy analysis and planning, Grant-in-aid and developmental grants for implementing educational policy, Role of planning commission, Education as key area of public policy-relevance, essentiality, Right to education, National and state education policies and their formulation-political decision making process, Constitutional provisions and educational policies

  • After the completion of this Unit, You all will..Describe about action plans and programme implementation Justify the essentiality of political support, Write down the meaning of political will and effort, Identify the macro level requirements, Explain about research and financial supportHighlight the importance of research and feedback for policy analysis and planning, Analyze the significance of grant-in-aid and developmental grants for implementing educational policy, Depict role of planning commission, Education as key area of public policy-relevance and essentiality, Write a note on right to education, Enlist national and state education policies and describe about their formulation-political decision making process, Examine the significance of constitutional provisions and educational policies

  • Action Plan and programme implementation (Action plan as tool for Policy Implementation) and essentiality of Political Support

  • What is Action plan????....A sequence ofstepsthat must be taken, oractivitiesthat must be performed well, for astrategytosucceed. An actionplanhas threemajor elements:(1) Specifictasks: what will be done and by whom.(2)Time horizon: when will it be done. (3)Resource allocation: what specificfundsare available for specific activities. Also called actionprogram.

  • Action Plan- EFA

    EFA Action Plan is commitment of Government to implement EFA frameworkdeveloped with support of UNESCO.prepared using participatory approach from November 2001 to May 2003approved by PM in July 2003praised by international community and national institutions

  • GOALS OF EFAGoal 1: Expand early childhood care and educationGoal 2: Provide free and compulsory primary education for allGoal 3: Promote learning and life skills for young people and adultsGoal 4: Increase adult literacy by 50 per centGoal 5: Achieve gender parity by 2005, gender equality by 2015Goal 6: Improve the quality of education

  • EFA Action Plan

    Situation AnalysisGoalsObjectivesTargetsAction Programs & componentsAccessQualityManagement


  • Policy Analysis for the National ReportUtilizing evidence-based policy makingUse of data and statistics to analyze impact of national policyFocus on analysis of disparities between social groups and geographic areasFocus on gaps in implementation of national policy at the sub-national levelFocus on equitable access to quality education

  • GATHERING INFORMATIONon indicators, policies & plans from surveys, research documents, reportsANALYSISof root causes & their linkagesPOLICY DECISIONon areas of Education ReformEvidence-based Policy MakingEFA National Report

  • Policy Cycle

  • 1. Formulation of PolicyTargets & GoalsBudgeting & FinanceImplementation AgenciesBeneficiaries

  • 2. Institutionalization( i.e. how to implement it through various institutions)National Constitution(thru const.)Legislation & Laws(legal directions for institutions )Budgeting & Financing (centre/state)Agency Implementation

  • 3. Implementation Budgetary Allocationcash/ provision of materialMode of Delivery-formal/Non-formalCurriculum & MaterialTeacher Training- as required

  • 4. ImpactPromotion of Gender & Social EqualityEqual Learning OpportunitiesResults/Outcomes

  • 5. Monitoring, Evaluation &AssessmentMonitoring of ImplementationEvaluation of Strategy (outcome/ performance of policy)Assessment of Outcomes(how outcomes can be improved)

  • Political will and effort

  • POLITICAL WILL Political will can be thought of as support from political leaders. Enough support from political leaders is needed--- --- to bring about policy change. ---to sustain the change

    In fact for the implementation of any educational policy, political will and effort is required

  • Elements of political will

    Political want- desire to perform political task (peoples representative and want to serve society)

    Political can- efficiency of political task (capacity)

    Political must.- necessary existing points to be in political task (necessary for existence of pol. Parties)

  • Need of political willTo make policy on various issues-Initiative on the part of political parties to understand underlying problems and issues in the societyTo make laws according to the requirements on the subjects that are included in different listsImplementation of programmes and policiesIntroduce legal and regulatory reform to facilitate participatory governance,( rules for system to work; decentralization ) Create platforms and mechanisms for participatory governance, (machinery)Allocate adequate resources

  • Macro Level requirements

  • Planning

  • PlanningPlanning implies chalking out a direction for future actions to achieve pre-determined objectives through the optimum use of available resources.Planning exercise can be attempted at different levels

  • Macro level planning may concern itself with targets and priorities at federal/ governmental level -macro plans are developed atthe level which is just above the sub-national level i.e. state and national level

    Micro Level planning may modify its targets and priorities in view of the local/ social, economic and cultural conditions. -In micro level planning, educational plans are prepared at the sub-national level, such as, institution, village, block and district level

  • Macro level requirements in educational planningKeeping in view the planning requirements, information is needed in certain areas; also focuses on limitations and gaps in the existing information system.Data gaps are grouped under different headings,--- such as, demographic and literacy, education, InstitutionsEnrolmentteachingpersonnel /Teaching staff Building and areaEquipmentNon-teaching Staff ( administrative and supervisory staff)Examination resultsFinancial statistics( Income and expenditure)Miscellaneous Information

  • Demography and Literacy Data A detailed list of items on which information is required for educational planning includes---

    .Number of districts/tehsils/administrative and educational blocks;Population by age and sex, school-specific age (6-10, 11-13 & 6-13 years), regions, castes and economic levels, sex ratio, density of population, mortality (death) andfertility (birth) rates;Distribution of habitations according to provision of primary, middle and secondary schoolingfacilities, walking distance and populationslabs; habitationswithout schooling facilities;Number of villages/towns in different population slabsandNumber of literates and illiterates by age and sex separately for rural and urban areas and scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population.

  • Education(a)InstitutionsInformation is collected on the following- capacity and utilization of existing institutions; number, intake and location of teachers training institutions; institution/teacher ratio institution/pupil ratio hostel facilities with intake capacity and actual enrolment; number of single teacher primary schools; number of schools without blackboards;and number of schools with/without building, type of buildings and vocational and technical institutions.

  • (b)Enrolment

    Both aggregate and grade-wise enrolment together By age i.e. age-grade matrix, sex (boys/girls), grades (I to XII), subjectsarea (rural/urban) institution-wise (primary, middle etc.); average daily attendance; enrolment of SC and ST population; admission data (entry rate) and data on various courses; out-of-school children in different age-groups, repeaters and drop-outs by age, scholarships granted and number of beneficiaries under different schemes.

  • (c)Teaching StaffTeachers by age and sex, rural/urban, grades of paysubjects, qualificationsand experience, trained and untrained and stage for which employed, attrition rate, Operation Blackboard information on teachers posts sanctioned, appointed and transferred, teachers-training institutions, persons trained and type of training.

  • (d)Building and AreaType, ownership and year of construction, present status; number and size of rooms with nature of their utilization and seating capacity; vacant area available for new or additional construction; intake capacity; availability of drinking water, toilet and electricity facilities, playground facilities andOperation Blackboard information on number of classrooms/buildings sanctioned and constructed.

  • (e)Equipment

    Physical facilities in school library and their utilization (number of books, average number of readers etc.), laboratory equipment, furniture, sports material, audio-visual aids, additional requirements, andeducational kits and their utilization, supply and adequacy.

  • (f)Non-teaching Staff ( administrative and supervisory staff)Number and working of inspection and supervisory staff,

    pay scales of non-teaching staff

    sex and school-wise supervisions or inspections per month/year, ( male/female ratio)

    persons involved in data collection according to qualifications and training at different levels.

  • (g)Examination Results

    Examination results of all classes,Results of National Talent Search Examination, Policy of no detention.

  • (h)Income and ExpenditureSchool-wise, scheme-wise, recurring and non-recurring capitalincome and expenditureCost on education, tuition fee, laboratory fee and other fees etc.

  • (i)Miscellaneous Information

    In addition, miscellaneous information on the following items is also required which in most of the cases either not available or very limited information is available:Parent Teacher/Mother Parent OrganisationStudent Union/OrganisationStudent Health ServicesSports FacilitiesDistrict Institute of Education and TrainingState Institute of Educational Management and TrainingNavodaya VidhyalayasTotal Literacy CampaignsDistance EducationTeaching Material and Text BooksVillage Education CommitteesNumber of Working Days in an Academic YearMid-day Meal Scheme andOn-going Programme/Projects.

  • Education as a key area of Public Policy-Relevance and Essentiality

  • Introduction

    Indian State through itsPublic policies aims to bring change in society. Public policy aims to address issues of public concern at large. Public policy is the most effective mechanism to bring change at all levels in thesociety

  • What is public policy?A Public Policy is a goal oriented course of action adopted and implemented by the government bodies and officials in pursuit of certain objectives or goals of public interest.Basically, Public Policies are:Goal orientedDecision making processGovernments collective actionAddresses public concernsInteraction of peoples demands with power structures

  • Public PolicyPublic policy includes any policies that are concerned with the public, at the federal, state, or local government level. is basically a law or rule that is enforcedbyanylevel ofgovernment,whethercentral,state orlocal. Varioustiersofgovernment also formulate a variety of schemes and programs. Public policy includes: schemes, programs, policies, rules, regulations, laws, as well asjudicial policy-decisions.Private business decisions, decisions by charitable organizations, interest groups and other social groups or individuals are not in themselves public policies.Public policy can be generally defined as a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action, and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated ( put into effect officially)by a governmental entity or its representatives.

  • Who makes policy?Publicpolicy is made by different tiers ofgovernment. Institutions that play a crucial role in policy makingare: Legislature, Executive and CabinetPrime Minister and Prime Ministers Office, NDC and Planning Commission,IAS, IPSand IFS officers,Judiciary.All the abovementionedinstitutions has a unique role to play inthe formulation of policyIn any society, governmental entities enact laws, make policies, and allocate resources. This is true at all levels. It implies that the primary agent of public policy is a government initiatives sanctioned by government .Issuesaddressed bypublic policy inIndiaPoverty , Education, Health, Infrastructure, Energy, Rights, Gender, etc. are issues, based on these issues thereare certaintypes ofpublic policyframework are made.

  • Relevance and Essentiality of Public policy in Education ( connected/ appropriate)For the sake of public interest and for social welfare and growth. Thus the study of Public Policy, also called Planned view of development, For Development of countrySmooth run of societyFuture economic well-being, national security, and social cohesion are dependent on public policyFor the survival of democracy, it is essential to have growth enhancing policies, with equity given due recognition.For addressing moral hazard (danger), ( value crises)For recognition of the importance of social capital(assets)The scientific analysis of public policy helps in understanding the causes and consequences of the policy thereby facilitating practical solutions to social problems.A Policy which is formulated and is implemented in a participative, transparent, open and accountable manner is an effective public policy serving public interest.

  • Policy Formulation in Education

  • Policy------1. Private 2. Public --- Foreign policyDomestic/nationalSocial Education Employment Social SecurityHealth (Public health, health care) National Education BoardThe National Education Board (NEB) has a primary role in policy formulation in education. It is chaired by the Secretary of Education and has the responsibility, as defined by theEducation Act, 1995 to advise and make recommendations to the Minister on such matters relating to education as he refers to it, and on such other matters relating to education as seem proper.Part of MHRD (erstwhile Ministry of Education)

    Policy formulation- Hierarchy

  • The Ministry of Education is the main centre for decision-making and the formulation of educational policies. Moreover, the majority of the educational establishments are controlled by this Ministry.Role of the Ministry of Educationformulates educational policies according to the political orientation (direction/course) of the countrys administration. These policies generate draft-laws (decrees) that are submitted to Parliament for debate, after which - with occasional amendments - they become laws. responsible for implementation and puts into action through decrees, directives, and circulars at regional and local levels.follows-up the implementation of these laws and intervenes if necessary, to adjust or correct their implementation.decides on almost all the issues that concern teaching, personnel administration, expenditure, school operation, etc.responsible for drafting and managing the annual education budgets.


  • In policy formulation various agencies participate directly or indirectly. The role of the governmental agencies is direct while the role of the non-governmental agencies indirect. Some of the agencies which take part in policy formulation are legislature ( law making bodies), cabinet, state governments, civil servants, judiciary, boards and commissions, mass media, political parties, pressure groups and public. It is essential to examine the role of these agencies in the formulation of an educational policy in India.

    Bodies and Agencies

  • In the democratic form of government, it is the constitutional task of the Cabinet to decide the policies which are to be placed before the legislature for its sanction. Members of the Cabinet are the immediate and proximate (nearby)policy makers". Within the Cabinet it is said that, the power of the Prime Minister in recent times has increased. Prime Minister exerts strong influence over policy decisions if he has the majority support of members of the union legislature. Same is the case with the Chief Minister at the State level. The Cabinet and the Cabinet Committees play only an advisory and deliberative role while the real decisions are taken by the Prime Minister himself.

    ( heads of various dept which advises Govt.)


  • In a democratic form of government, the role of the legislature as the prime policy making is significant. It role is in legitimizing the policies and decisions of government, rather than as an independent policy making unit.Legislature

  • The Union Government and the State Governments participate in policy making. The State Governments formulate policies and make laws on items mentioned in the state and concurrent lists. At the state level, the state legislature and council of ministers under the leadership of the Chief Minister and other advisory bodies participate in the formulation of policiesState Government

  • Various boards and commissions attached to different ministries like the Railway Board, the University Grants Commission(UGC), and the Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) assists the respective ministries or the cabinet as a whole in policy formulation when public policy is not in its final stage.BureaucracyPublic servants at the top management level assist the ministers in policy makingThe bureaucracy, in the developing countries, plays a dominant role in policy makingAdministrators, both specialists as well as general, are part and parcel of various policy making bodies like Planning Commission and other expert bodies

    Boards and Commissions

  • The Judiciary is also regarded as an important agency in the policy making process.In the United States and India, constitution entitle the Supreme Courts to exercise judicial review. When going out of law, judiciary keeps a checkMass Media Mass media is an important means of communication between the citizen and the government, and so helps in shaping their reactions to each other's decisions. It communicates information to the citizens about the decision of the government.Political Parties Political parties are an important part of the machinery for policy-making. The party system is itself a source of policy making in many democracies.( debate and discussion) Judiciary

  • Decision making

  • Steps involved in policy making----Agenda setting-related to issueDecision makingImplementationDecision making is one of steps of policy makingTarter and Hoys (2010) says decision making is a rational, deliberative, purposeful action, beginning with the development of a decision strategy and moving through implementation and appraisal of resultDecision Making does not operate in a vacuum rather it is the sum total of three issues in one, all of which are interdependent Decision making process Decision maker Decision making environment

    Decision making

  • In a typical democratic setting, decision making process begins with formulation of issues, which comes about from the social environment referred to as INPUT from the demands of the sub-environment [socio-cultural, economic, religious, educational, psychological, individual, etc.] Decision Making entails the methods followed in arriving at a choice out of several alternatives. In a democracy, decision making is all encompassing, because all the arms of government take decision in one form or the other.The legislative decisions are implemented at three levels:Federal level [Federal Executive Council] (centre)State level [ State Executive Council]Local level [Local Government Council]When it comes to implementation, the council ( bodies and agencies) decides the most appropriate and best course of action and this in it self is an aspect of decision making.The Judiciary interprets the laws in settlements of disputes/crisis. This in itself is also the act of decision making as the judges will sit down and pass judgments based on the issues available to them


  • Decision making process does not operate by itself. It is always actualized by individuals and groups. On individual basis, [Decision maker] on collective basis [decision makers].Decision Making EnvironmentEvery decision is made within a decision environment, which is defined as the collection of information, alternatives, values, and preferences available at the time of the decision.An ideal decision environment would include all possible information, all of it accurate, and every possible alternative. the decision environment continue to expand. Evaluation is one of components of decision making because it is concerned about results of action already formulated and implemented which forms a basis of complete circle of the decision making process Leads to refined or reformed or reformulated decision which were earlier taken based on the outcome resulting from evaluation.

    Decision maker

  • Define the problem.(a) problem recognition(b) situation analysis(c) problem definition(d) priority determinationValue and Goal Clarification (a) consideration of values and goals(b) clarify normative foundation(c) describe desired results(d) develop criteria and indicatorsDevelop potential alternatives. Option Generation ( different options available)(a) focus on goals(b) develop alternatives(c) think broadly and outside of established norms

    The decision-making process involves the following steps:

  • Analyze the alternatives.Select the best alternative.(a) use tools to evaluate alternatives(b) understand potential impacts (c) consider, debate alternatives(d) compromise, make tradeoffs, bargain(f) decide/recommend (g) close the loopImplement the decision.(a) understand success factors (b) assess capacity-(resources )(c) assign responsibility (d) choose instruments-(agencies) (e) align sequence (f) transfer- central-state-localEstablish a control and evaluation system.(a) monitor/obtain feedback(b) compare actual and desired results(c) learn(d) modify as necessary

    The decision-making process involves the following steps:

  • Process of policy making with the help of education example

  • Stage one Ruling party conference gives vision, goals and directionStage two Executive (Ministry) draws policy on an issueStage three - Finalizing a policyThe policy is finalized by the relevant Department and Ministry after it has been debated and the Department and Ministry look at the issues and options and draw up a final policy which is published as a White Paper.The White Paper is a statement of intent( aim/goal) and a detailed policy plan which often forms the basis of legislation. It is debated and adopted by Parliament and approved by Cabinet.Stage four - Passing a law/BillStage five - Subordinate legislation and implementing the law and policySTAGES OF MAKING POLICIES AND LAWS (AN EXAMPLE OF COMPULSORY EDUCATION)


  • Types of PoliciesPolicies are two types----Policies made at national level are known as National policies; e.g. SSA; RMSAPolicies made at State level are known as State policies; e.g. Nali-Kali; Lok Jumbish Councils and bodies at local level taking into account needs of local population and based upon guidelines issued by the state and central government frame appropriate policies

  • National PoliciesSarva ShikshaAbhiyan(SSA) is Government of India's leading programme for achievement of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE). SSA is being implemented in partnership with State GovernmentsRMSA: This scheme was launched in March, 2009 with the objective to enhance access to secondary education and to improve its quality. With Central and State Governments share 75 and 25 %State PoliciesNali KaliStarted in 1995 with Unicef assistance when a group of 15 teachers and administrators from HD Kote (Mysore District) visited the rural schools run by Rishi Valley education Trust.Teachers made an analysis of the ills of the education system that hinder children (mostly first generation learners) from fully accessing and participating in the school system and achieving pre-determined levels of learning.Lok Jumbish: The literal meaning of Lok Jumbish is 'people's movement' which signifies both the spirit and mode of universalization of elementary educationLaunchedin 1992 to universalize elementary education of satisfactory quality in Rajasthan.

  • Role of Planning Commission

  • About Planning Commission.The Planning Commission was set up by a Resolution of the Government of India in March 1950.Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Chairman of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission was charged with the responsibility of making assessment of all resources of the country, augmenting (increase) deficient resources, formulating plans for the most effective and balanced utilization of resources and determining priorities. The Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Planning Commission, works under the overall guidance of the National Development Council which comprises of -the Deputy Chairman and the full time Members of the Commission, as a composite body, provide advice and guidance to the subject Divisions for the formulation of Five Year Plans, Annual Plans, State Plans, Monitoring Plan Programmes, Projects and Schemes.

  • Scope- Education DivisionPlanning Commission has many divisions health, agriculture, education, infrastructure, power and energy, etc.The scope of work of the Education Division covers: Different stages of education such as Pre-primary, formal and non-formal Education, Secondary, Senior Secondary, University and Technical Education; Special areas such as that of Girls' education, Education for the children of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes; Adult Education and Education in the backward areas.The major Education programmes relate to achieving the aim of Universalisation of Elementary Education through Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Adult Education, Vocationalisation of Education, Teacher Education, etc.

  • Grant-in-Aid System'Grant-In-Aid' A transfer of money from the federal government to a state government, local government or individual person for the purposes of funding a specific project or program. The federal government gets this money from income tax revenues.TypesCategorical grantsBlock grants General revenue sharing

  • Categorical grantsCategorical grants can be used only for a specifically aided program and usually are limited to narrowly defined activities; legislation generally details the programs parameters and specifies the types of funded activities. There are four types of categorical grants: project categorical grants, formula-project categorical grants, formula categorical grants, and open-end reimbursement categorical grants.

  • Block grantsBlock grants are a form of grant-in-aid that the federal government uses to provide state and local governments a specified amount of funding to assist them in addressing broad purposes, such as community development, social services, public health, or law enforcement.Although legislation generally details the programs parameters, state and local governments are typically provided greater flexibility in the use of the funds and are required to meet fewer administrative conditions than under categorical grants

  • General Revenue SharingGeneral revenue sharing provides state and local governments funds that are distributed by formula, accompanied with few restrictions on the purposes for which the funding may be spent, and have the least administrative conditions of any federal grant type. The general revenue sharing program is no longer operational.

  • Process of getting developmental grantsfor implementing educational policyIn the case of development grants, UGC analyses past performance of central universities, their lines of development and needs. UGC also estimates the availability of resources based on allocation made in the past. Then UGC formulates its proposals for the plan period, which includes plan programmes of universities and presents them to government. These proposals are then finalized after detailed discussions between UGC and government.Then they go before the Planning Commission for final allocation. After indicating the provisional allocation of funds of each of the central university, UGC calls for detailed proposals. The plans are scrutinized by expert committees at the head quarters after holding discussions with universities.

  • CONTENTS OF THE PROPOSAL. The proposal for grant-in-aid should be submitted giving in detail the following :(i) The statement of the problem which the project seeks to tackle.(ii) The objectives of the project.(iii)The geographical area that will be covered.(iv) The client group that is Sought to be served.(v) The services that will be delivered, both institutional and non-institutional and the charges, if any, that will be realized from the beneficiary.(vi) The physical targets that the project seeks to achieve.(vii) The expertise/experience that the organization has in planning and implementation such programmes services.(viii) The cost estimates (separately item wise) for recurring and non-recurring items for each year.(ix) The anticipated Output of the Project (project quantitatively specifies their feasibility).

  • Kind of Grants AvailableThere are two kinds of grants for universities, institutions deemed to be universities and colleges, they are:Development (Plan) GrantsMaintenance (Non-Plan) GrantsCentral universities and colleges affiliated to them and institutions deemed to be university receive both the plan and non-plan grants. However, the state universities and their affiliated colleges receive only plan grants.

  • Relationship between Constitutional Provisions and Educational Polices

  • A constitution is the foundational law in most countries, including the United States. The term constitutional provision specifies that a rule or law comes from the constitution itself and not from common law.Purpose The purpose of a constitutional provision is to establish the most basic vital rights, restrictions and organizations in society. Constitutional provisions establish broad notions of what is legal and what is illegal in a country, and Establish the structure of government Constitutional provisions/constitution

  • CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS OF EDUCATIONArt. 21A. : TheRightof Children to Free and Compulsory Edu. act The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of 6-14 years in such manner as the State may, by law, determine. (EIGHTY-SIXTH AMENDMENT ACT, 2002) (Article 21 A came into effect from April, 2010)Art. 45. Provision for free & compulsory education for children (1) The State shall endeavour to provide, within a period of ten years from the commencement of this Constitution, for free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of fourteen years. (2) The State shall endeavour to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years. (EIGHTY-SIXTH AMENDMENT ACT, 2002)Art. 51A who is a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education to his child or, as the case may be, ward between the age of six and fourteen years. (EIGHTY-SIXTH AMENDMENT ACT, 2002)

  • Education of weaker sectionsThe State shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people Art. 46. Promotion of educational and economic interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections.Art. 15. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.Article 15 and 29: Article 15 states, Nothing in this Article or in clause (2) of Article 29 shall prevent the state from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward class of citizens or for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.Article 15 (3) reads, Nothing in this Article shall prevent the State from making any special provision for women and children. Provision has been made for separate institutions for girls.

    Article 15(1) states that the state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of sex.

  • Education of MinoritiesArt. 29. Protection of interests of minorities.(1) Any section of the citizens residing in the territory of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same.(2) No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the State or receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them.Art. 30. Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions.(1) All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.(2) The State shall not, in granting aid to educational institutions, discriminate against any educational institution on the ground that it is under the management of a minority, whether based on religion or language

  • Instruction in Mother TongueArt. 350A. Facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at primary stage.It shall be the endeavour of every State and of every local authority within the State to provide adequate facilities for instruction in the mother-tongue at the primary stage of education to children belonging to linguistic minority groups; Article 351:It is to promote the development of Hindi language and states that it shall be the duty of the Central Government to promote the spread of Hindi language in the entire country.

  • An education policy outlines what a government ministry hopes to achieve and the methods and principles it will use to achieve them.It states the goals of the ministry An education policy document is not a law but it will often identify new laws needed to achieve its goalsEducational policy is application or practical part but rest with the constitution making is theory. Education policy focus on interests of personality, but the constitutional principles look on to the welfare of society. Constitutional provisions are constitution itself but education policies are the deliberate strategies of the constitution

    Relation constitutional provisions (theory) and education policy (practice)

  • Research and Feedback for Policy Analysis and PlanningResearch helps to find the solution for existing problemsCollects necessary information and feedback about policy implementationAnalyzes the information and feedback Helps to work for the planning of new policy

  • Research and Feedback for Policy Analysis and PlanningPolicy research has a direct application to current issues in educational policy or practicePolicy research is distinct from other forms of educational research in terms of purpose rather than in choice of subject or method.The end product of policy research is decisions or recommendations for actionPolicy research operates within the context of existing policy, it is limited in its generalizabilityPolicy research modifies the existing situation by identifying or anticipating problems. It may challenge established policy by demonstrating its impracticability and may even develop or explore alternative policies.

    Par-same level/ balance**Way of doing something in an organization*Aggregate-total/ combined

    Analysis of disaggregated indicators*Assessment is the term used to look at how the level of quality of a performance or outcome could be improved in the future;it includes strengths that should be sustained as well as high priority areas for improvement. The assessment process is not concerned with the level of quality; only with how to improve the level of quality.Assessment provides feedback on performance; Strengths, Areas for improvement, and Insights

    Evaluation determines the level of quality of a performance or outcome and enables decision-making based on the level of quality demonstrated.

    Evaluation -An overall judgment of student learning based on continuous assessment (and sometimes exams). Evaluation usually comes at the end of a semester, term, or a year.

    *Will-determination/force*Governance- control/ power*Studentteacherratioorstudent-facultyratiois the number ofstudentswho attend a school or university divided by the number of teachers in theinstitution. Forexample, astudentteacherratioof 10:1indicatesthat there are 10studentsfor every one teacher.

    *Grade pay is a new term in 6th pay commission. basic pay is the minimum remuneration given to the employee.It changes from time to time,various perks such as da ,tpt hra.are calculated from basic pay.on the other hand grade pay is given in a hierarchical order.Grade pay remains fixed until the next promotion,basic pay changes with time(annually).*DIET is the most significant educational intervention in the country, while the NCERT came up in the 1960s and the State Councils of Education Research and Training came up in 1970s, the need for a third tier of training and resource support structure, right at the district level was genuinely felt in order to improve the quality of basic education. As result DIETs were set up in almost all the districts of all the states in the country.The sole purpose of DIET is to conduct different kinds of trainings programmes to improve the quality of basic education and create a desirable environment within the district in regard to enroll more and more children of school going age and pave the way for retention of th ose who are admitted in the school and to ensure the high literacy percentage of male and female as whole.The Total Literacy Campaigns (TLC)model is now accepted as the dominant strategy for eradication of adult illiteracy in India. These campaigns are area-specific, time-bound, volunteer-based, cost-effective and outcome-oriented. The thrust is on attainment of functional literacy through prescribed norms of literacy and numeracy. The learner is the focal point in the entire process and measurement of learning outcome is continuous, informal, participative and non-threatening.Village/school level committees have been constituted under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in all States/UTs. The nomenclature of the committees varies from State to State: they are known as Village Education Committee (VEC), School Development and Management Committee (SDMC) School Monitoring Committee (SMC)/ Vidyalaya Shiksha Samiti (VSS), Vidyalaya Kalyan Samiti (VKS), Jan Bhagidari and Vikas Samiti (JBVS), etc. in different States. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE), Act, 2009 has been operationalised with effect from 1st April 2010. The RTE Act, 2009 provides for the constitution of School Management Committees (SMC) consisting of elected representatives of the local authority, parents or guardians of children admitted in schools and teachers. The Act also provides that at least three-fourth of members of SMCs shall be parents or guardians with proportionate representation to parents and guardians of children belonging to disadvantaged groups and weaker sections, and that fifty per cent of the members of SMCs shall be women. Under the RTE Act, 2009 the SMCs have been assigned the function of monitoring the working of the school, preparing and recommending the school development plan and monitoring the utilization of the grants received from the appropriate Government or local authority or any other source. 200 working days (Pr.)4 220 working days *Concern-worry*Tier-rows/levels/layers*TheUnion Council of Ministersexercisesexecutive authorityin theRepublic of India.[1]It consists of seniorministers, called "Cabinet Ministers", and junior ministers, called "Ministers of State". It is led by thePrime Minister. A smaller executive body, called theUnion Cabinetis the supreme decision-making body in India.[2]Only the Prime Minister and ministers of the rank of "Cabinet Minister" are members of the Cabinet. The most senior civil servant in India, called theCabinet Secretary, leads theCabinet Secretariat, and provides administrative assistance to the Council of Ministers.[3]Ministers of State are tasked with assisting Cabinet Ministers in their work.[4]***IN MOST OF THE STATES, LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AS PER STATES LEGISLATIVE STATUTES ARE IN EXISTENCE AT CITY, TOWN, BLOCK AND VILLAGE LEVEL






    *Provision -terms/conditions/pre requisite*Promotion of hindi literature, scientific terminology/ key boards in tyrewriters*