Emeraude Classic Cruises featured on Asia Spa Magazine

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  • 8/6/2019 Emeraude Classic Cruises featured on Asia Spa Magazine



    134 AsiaSpa 2009 2009 AsiaS


    134 AsiaSpa 2009 2009 AsiaS

    Stunning glass-smooth seascapes in Halong Bay, mist-strewnmountains up high in Sapa, acres o intensely green paddy eldsthroughout, and o course the explosively modernising yet in many

    ways still determinedly traditional city o Hanoi, North Vietnam is

    a hugely diverse destination and deserves more than the ew nights

    generally allotted by travellers trying to take in the whole country.

    AsiaSpa takes the time to uncover plenty o spas to help balance

    with peace and pampering as you explore.

    hanoiLie in Hanoi is ast and urious. Days start at sunrise with locals

    springing to lie to exercise along the banks o the numerous lakes,

    markets begin trading at ungodly hours, and by 5.30am the street

    cas are serving breakast are. Motorbikes already choke the narrowstreets, swerving and weaving to a tune only they understand.

    Pavements arent or pedestrians in this town the low seating o

    street restaurants, lines o motorbikes and all sorts o paraphernalia

    take up this valuable space, leaving tourists to gingerly dodge trac

    in the road. The sound track is an unrelenting cacophony o claxons,

    revving engines, shouts rom salesmen. This city is simultaneously

    intensely alive, unbelievably colourul and huge amounts o un.

    writer Catharine Nicol

    Despite its little sister status compared with cosmopolitan Ho

    Chi Minh City, in the last ve years the city has become more and

    more sophisticated. New hotels have joined residences like Fraser

    Suites and Hanoi Towers, high-end restaurants have mushroomed

    and the number o luxury cars patiently negotiating the storms o

    two-wheeled trac has increased exponentially. Hanoians are

    natural entrepreneurs, and the results can be seen, heard and elt

    throughout the city as it hurtles its way into the modern day.

    The citys charming reluctance to let go o its cultural traditions may

    partly explain the lack o high-end spas in town or at least until relatively

    recently. A host o mid-ranked spas have long been a boon or locals,

    expats and tourists desperately craving some peace, quiet, resh air, and

    pampering. While the spa industry is carving out its own increasingly

    sophisticated niche in town, the caveat is that it is still an industry in its

    inancy. English levels vary widely, as do service levels and design and

    ambiance. But armed with this knowledge, savvy travellers can still enjoy,with a degree o patience, a number o hours in the spa or a raction o

    the price back home. International products give credibility and reassur-

    ance, Vietnamese herbs and therapies give ascinating glimpses o culture,

    while technique can be as good or better than youd expect. So book

    in to experience the legendary Asian touch and recharge between your

    trips to visit Ho Chi Minhs Mausoleum, Hoan Kiem Lake, pagodas and

    temples, bars and restaurants and o course the antastic shops.

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    136 AsiaSpa 2009 2009 AsiaS

    shiatsu but innitely more gentle. The Qi Vietnamese massage h

    also eased up on the traditionally hard technique or spa purpos

    As everywhere in this country oot massage is ubiquitous, and he

    the luxury treatment includes massage, scrub and paran treatme

    Special is the Indian Head treatment and the anti-stress acial

    acials start with a skin analysis and consultation. But with pric

    as reasonable as these, take advantage o the two couples sui

    with Jacuzzi and steam/shower.


    Bellissima salon & spa

    Just opening as you read this, the new fagship Bellissima Spa h

    taken over eight foors o a beautiul building in the Old Quart

    Well known in Hanoi, the chain is proessional and stylish, and pu

    in guests particularly or their Bellissima Signature Body Therapy a

    the Lava Stone Treatment. Facials include the moisturising, puriyin

    multi-vitamin and collagen acials, great or reversing the eects

    Hanois dry, dusty atmosphere. For men the Gentlemans Package

    two hours o acial and deep tissue body therapy hits the spot.

    Bellissima Spas can be ound in various locations in and arou

    Hanoi: aboard the Emeraude (www.emeraude-cruises.com), t

    Hilton Hanoi Opera Hotel (www.hilton.com/hanoi-opera), t

    Meli Hanoi Hotel (www.solmelia.com/hanoi ), the Sheraton Han

    Hotel (www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton).

    anam QT spa

    With a great location on the

    west side o Hoan Kiem Lake,

    Anam QT is bustlingly busy,

    over 10 years o locals and expat

    regulars booking in or beauty

    maintenance. Numerous foors

    o reception, body work, beauty

    work, hairdressing, mani-pedi

    and anything else you care to

    request all take place discretely

    behind closed doors. Facials are results-driven, targeting diering

    skin types as well as oering anti-aging, natural and brightening

    options. Scrubs, slimming and detoxiying are all popular, and

    they oer aromatherapy, Thai, shiatsu, hot stone and our-hand

    massage as well as the popular QT Signature Holistic Massage with

    aromatherapy. But keep climbing, as the surprise at this spa is its

    rootop juice and snack bar. Stretch out, sip on a kumquat crush,

    and request a oot massage in this delightully airy space.


    Qi salon & spa

    Sister spa to the Qi spas in HCM City, Hanois version is a veritable

    warren o treatment rooms and suites with dark wood, subtle lighting

    and local art, wet areas, a hairdresser and oot massage beds. The

    male area leads to the let o reception, emale to the right, and this

    is one spa where the guys get more acilities in the wet area than

    the girls. Shiseido products rom Japan eature throughout, and topo the menu is the Qi massage, a treatment infuenced by Japanese

    this page: Spa ingredients rom Bellissima Salon & Spa; the rootop area at Anam QT

    photographed by Catharine Nicol. opposite page: The soothing greys o Exquis one o the coutreatment rooms;a nd spa treatment at Le Spa du Metropole. opening page: Taking in the

    o one o Halong Bays oating villages rom Emeraude Cruises.






    HoChiMinh City





    central hanoisofiTel meTropole Hanoi

    The grande dame o the city, the 1901- built coloni al haven

    o luxurious hush, where ceiling ans stir the air, antiques

    add to the ambiance and service is fawless, the Sotel

    Metropole is the place to stay. The Metropole Wing o

    rooms combines space and old world romance, at its best

    in the Somerset Maugham Suite, while its modern nemesis

    the neo-classical Opera Wing serves up whites and silvery

    greys enlivened with a splash o royal purple, bath oil menus

    standing ready by claw-oot tubs overlooking shuttered

    windows down to the central pool below. A ew laps beore

    breakast at the alresco Bamboo Bar is the tropical way to

    start the day, Spices Garden introduces a legion o local

    dishes or lunch, Le Beaulieu is the epitome o French ne

    dining and Angelina rounds o the night in style.

    Just opened is Hanois most theatrically designed spa.

    At Le Spa du Metropole, just above the pool, rich textiles

    show o dierent hues in each treatment room, rom

    the exuberant tradition and reds o Hao Dao (meaning

    cherry blossom), to the cool modern greys o Exquis and

    gentle pale turquoise and beige o the couples Tonkin

    Suite complete with bath and mosaic. Throughout the

    spa youll be treated to ragrances and oils blended by

    Laurent Severac, an expert in distilling rom local plants.

    Treatments, listed under Entres, Plats and Desserts show-

    case Ytsara and Clarins products and wont begin beore acup o tea chamomile with relaxing honey to set the

    mood. Traditional Vietnamese health secrets like the Dieu

    Cham acial technique and Vietnamese herb poultice let

    you sample a little o the culture, or try the eclectic Fu-

    sion Massage, but make time to take a steam beorehand,

    or come back to reality with a oot massage aterwards,

    prolonging the luxurious experience.




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    west lakesanTal spa

    The West Lake area is ast growing into a village o upscale restaurants,

    bars and shops and its here youll nd Hanois leading day spa, a

    study in sleek lines and dark woods, pale marble and white stone,

    ivory abrics and local embroidery. Santal Spa has eight treatment

    rooms and suites, a oot massage and pedicure area and relaxation

    inside, while outside a small posse o lounge beds bask in the central

    courtyard and on the roo alresco Thai massage beds and a balconytake advantage o the unique view o open elds o green morning

    glory in ront o a temple. Its a prooundly beautiul and balancing

    space, and thats beore youve even started your treatment.

    Sothys rom France provide luxurious acials or try a treatment

    using the more medical Dr Spiller rom Germany, like the hydro

    marine mask or intense hydration. The Rejuvenation package o

    oot polish, warm stone massage and Sothys acial is a divine two-

    and-a-hal hours, or go or a more gentle version o Vietnamese

    massage with the Santal Massage, which is a our-hand delight using

    oils specially made or Santal with herbs rom Sapa.


    The relatively new InterContinental West Lake is a stunning property,

    with overwater pavilions o rooms giving a very dierent perspectiveto staying in Hanoi. At present there is no spa but as the perectresort getaway or town-weary Hanoians, we hope this will bereaddressed soon!

    diplomatic areaHanoi Daewoo HoTel

    This Korean managed hotel is all about water. Perched on the side

    Thu Le Lake on the edge o the Diplomatic Enclave, its gardens boast t

    longest lap pool in town a staggering 80m giving a great workout

    thing in the morning, or a beautiul s pot or evening events. Rooms a

    spacious and ree wi-, a great breakast buet and Japanese, Chine

    and international dining makes it an ideal business hotel.

    The tness and health area include numerous pools or soa

    ing the city dust away, a barbershop and a branch o Hanoi S

    presided over by the lovely Ms Le. An army o treatment rooms w

    have opened by the time you read this, and there are also num

    ous ood massage loungers. Dont be ooled by the homey desi

    as the treatments are beautiully perormed, with acials by Thal

    slimming treatments and shiatsu particular strengths. The acial

    dehydrated skin leaves your complexion eeling as i it has be

    completely smoothed, nourished and renewed.


    JusT massage

    Just Massage is in the middle o the diplomatic district, which mea

    you could be experiencing one o the best massages in Hanoi ne

    to a VIP. Just Massage received help rom a local and an Americ

    NGO to train up visually challenged locals to employ as masseu

    and masseuses, oering them a career as well as their guests

    socially responsible pampering experience. Rooms are simple, twfoor mattresses in each surrounded by white billowing curta

    to ensure privacy. And oils can be chosen prior to treatment, w

    local oils created by Sapa Essentials. Armed with medical massa

    certicates, therapists here target overworked muscles, showi

    they really know their anatomy and physiology. Choose betwe

    aromatherapy, shiatsu, Swedish and pregnancy massage and kno

    youll be supporting a wonderul cause as well as beneting ro

    a great massage. www.justmassage.org.vn

    Zen spa

    Tucked away in the West Lake area bordering the Red River is Zen

    Spa. It takes a bit o ndi ng but its worth the search to metaphorically

    leave the city ar behind as you s tep into the tiny village o a spa.

    Its all wooden buildings, lush greenery, ponds and water eatures

    outside, with the most rustic, rural spa experience you could imagine

    waiting or you inside. The relaxation room eatures lounge beds

    with cushions where youll be served a cup o tea, Jasmine or your

    skin or Vietnamese to help you detox, with sugared lotus seeds to

    help you relax great beore your treatment.

    The menu is heavily infuenced by Vietnamese wellness tradi-

    tions, knowledge that was passed down to owner Huong rom her

    grandmother and mother. It is now her turn to showcase therapies

    like the Zen Fresh Herbal Foot Treatment where your eet soak in a

    ragrant bowl thick with foating herbs, which soten and scent the

    skin. Poultices similar to those youd nd in Thai spas are stued

    with local herbs and applied to aching muscles, and Vietnamese

    mud stars in the Body Mud Wrap where lotus and banana leaves

    cover the body. The hot stone massage uses imperial jade rom

    mountains in the country or creating the best energy possible. Its

    a ascinating experience, so authentic youll want to try everything

    on the menu. www.zenspa.com.vn


    sofiTel plaZa

    The Soitel Plaza is the sleek modern counterpart to the

    Metropoles historic charm. Great views over Truc Bach Lake,

    West Lake and the Red River give a welcome impression o

    space outside, while inside the contemporary Vietnamese

    design and modern art pieces create a stylish atmosphere.

    Rooms are sleek and accessed by surprisingly hip corridors

    each with a hint o signature ragrance. Dont miss the SummitLounge and its outdoor terrace, a great place any time o the

    day, but particularly mesmerising at night as the traic draws

    white and red lines along the main arteri es ar below. The pools

    retractable roo is a boon in summers heat and winters cool,

    and the small massage area oers a wide selection o relaxation

    inducing treatments like hot stone massages and herbal poultice

    treatments and even Dead Sea mud masks. A oot massage

    throne is great or rejuvenating ater a day o walking around

    the Old Quarter and there are also acials and mani-pedis.


    this page: The simple yet soothing rooms at Just Massage;a ower petal b ath flls at Zen Spa; a

    couple enjoy an alresco oot massage in the courtyard at Santal Spa. opposite page: Sink into a

    warm stone spa treatment at Santal Spa.

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    140 AsiaSpa 2009 2009 AsiaS

    The place to stay is the Victoria Sapa Resort & Spa. Ater

    journey like this you need comort and cosiness, and this hote

    the epitome o both. On cool days wood res glow and the wa

    ragrance o wood smoke greets you at the door. Rooms surrou

    a garden courtyard and are a rustic combination o local artiac

    and technology. Youll arrive in time or breakast, a grand a

    o western and Vietnamese specialities, and dont miss dinner

    the restaurant, where an English che serves up ne dining dish

    to perection.

    The Victoria Spa, a little walk urther up the hill and alongs

    the indoor pool, is a beautiully designed space o relaxation are

    treatment rooms and suites, with hot soaks and therapeutic massag

    the perect antidote to days spent hiking through villages. Suiinclude Jacuzzi baths and spa beds or two, ideal when choosing th

    Intimate Indulgence, which includes a fower bath, an aromathera

    massage, acial and oot refexology. Single treatment rooms a

    just as tempting, some deliciously dark, others with ambient lig

    diusing through windows, and most popular are the hot sto

    massages that really warm and treat at the same time. Thai massa

    is also in great demand, while the lemongrass body scrub is six

    minutes o pure bliss. www.victoriahotels-asia.com


    this page:The junks and peaks o Halong Bay at sunset;enjoying a oot treatment on deck, photographed

    by Catharine Nicol;and early morning Tai Chi is the way to start the day,both on Emeraude.opposite

    page:Travel and dine in style on the Victoria Express Train;at Victoria Sapa Resort & Spa ease

    trekking muscles with a rose petal bath and massage in their airy treatment rooms;trek through villages

    and rice terraces around Sapa, all photographed by Catharine Nicol.

    halong bayFrom Hanoi its a three-hour drive out to Halong Bay, but the road

    takes you through the heart o rice paddy country, small towns

    primary and secondary schools pouring out students in their smart

    school uniorms as they cycle home or lunch. The resort town o

    wall-to-wall hotels overlooking Halong Bay is bizarrely quiet when

    compared with Hanoi. There isnt much o a scene here because

    tourists spend their overnights on board one o the numerous junks

    and ships that sail rom the shores.

    Halong Bay itsel, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a millpond-fat

    expanse o water broken by limestone islands and the occasional foat-

    ing village. The blues, greens and greys o the landscape are innitely

    soothing. For a liveaboard rookie, this isnt your usual Asian diving and

    snorkeling, anchoring o pristine beaches. The Halong Bay experience

    is more o a combination o culture, exploration and blissul quiet.

    The Emeraude, a paddle steamer owned by the French Roqueamily in a previous lie, is one o the most luxurious here. Her 38

    cabins are all designed in dark wood book the Emeraude Suite

    or maximum space or the Paul Roque Suite or your own private

    verandah and decks evoke the eel o colonial days gone by.

    Boarding at noon or a welcome drink on deck ollowed by lunch,

    the rst port o call is a foating village. As rattan armchairs take the strain

    youll hear the sound o children playing giving a ascinating glimpse

    sapaTravelling by train always evokes the atmosphere o days gone by,

    and the Victoria Express Train to Lao Cai is a true Agatha Christie-

    style experience (minus the murder and Hercule Poirot). Luxury

    two or our-man cabins and a delightul dining car are designed in

    dark woods, with western or Vietnamese dinner tasting menus ready

    to serve the minute you board, and white duvets, pillows and Sapa

    textile amenity bags ready or bedtime. With an evening departure,

    the chitty-ty-chito the rails is the soundtrack, the lights o the city

    changing to dark rural landscape outside the window, as the dining

    car comes to lie. Steaming bowls o pho compete with plates o

    pasta, all washed down with excellent wines. Tucking yoursel up or a

    night being rocked to sleep by the trains steady motion eels blis sully

    adventurous, until the early morning wake-up call a ew minutes priorto arrival at Lao Cai announced with a cup o coee or tea.

    The journey to Sapa by road is an hours worth o switchbacks

    steadily climbing into the mountains. Tiny hamlets cling onto the sides

    o the hills above the rice terraces ollowing their contours in seductive

    curves. The temperature steadily drops, and mists rise rom valley foors

    up towards the blue-grey o the mountains on the horizon ading into

    the distance. Finally the burgeoning mountain town o Sapa appears,

    set around a lake and with panoramic vistas at every turn.

    o lie on the water. Next disembark to wander through the series o

    Sung Sot Caves, each bigger and more dramatic than the last.

    Back on board theres time or reading, snoozing, swimming o the

    back o the boat, kayaking, a cooking demonstration and o course dinner

    ater the sunset. The ood on Emeraude is one o the highlights with a mix

    o Vietnamese and western, and a strong continental infuence.

    Spa at the Emeraude oers an onboard version o Bellissima

    Spa, housed in a two-bed cabin or acials, one with aloe vera or

    sun soothing, and massages including Shiatsu, Thai and deep tissue,

    as well as wraps and packages, by therapists who must have one

    o the most enviable spa locations in the country. On deck a oot

    massage is a great way to get some pampering without missing the

    stunning scenery foating past.

    The next morning, dawn sees a surprising amount o guests on

    board, and tai chi ollows a gentle way to start the day. Then itsbreakast and sadly, a quick return to the mainland. The only criticism

    heard as guests leave is that the trip just isnt long enough.
